imar:bioiiirro. JUNE 22, 1844. that us bad prepared for this toorni 7 filll4* - 044 'be editor of the Gazette the "par prigeol iliarbielaba abased Mr Clay,bas beea crowd ! tall4laielaftr at sore haportaneo. It will appear ?timely Al4ll ea.—We understand that the steamer ,larisdippa midis et her. upward trip, broke:meet her raglans, a abort distance below Wheeling. No loss tof Ives, theeiwe Mali /Milk , • litarriitt ay. WWI cnesrau.--The POLK OSA DAL AI Club of Mosscheeser bad.* very large meeting. on fhorsdayormaint • Koch as wnhave seen of the unao. 111411014,antandasnt of lISII Democracy in the present tompalgeohe numbers and heartfelt energy of the .SioniCIMOV ponsting surprised us It was addressed e4ftitutwon, Mr akar, Wsrsos; R H Itstsildul. sad W H Sturm and dispersed with three riilli%Annics for Pout and DALLAS. A 01)pktos.—Last year the Clay Club declared that 'the cisijoalia' been engaged in misrepresenting the !iewtsof Henry Clay on the subject of ptoteetion The 0140Apii now the organ of the Club, but it has caves• Yet trottamsvi its misrepresentations of the whip candidate:. 'Hue the Club come over to the views of Mr 1011 Oland now agsvms with him that Clay did •fthrettleibalarifrf'' Tait Castst. Boaan.=-We publish this morning the opinion of the Supreme Court as delivered by . Judelthstow, respecting the constitutionality of the law seder which the present Board of Canal Commis sioners was elected. The opinion folly sustains the law. DRUGt . aII DROCsvaßs.--1 1 4r Haworth advertises et fine eseteleiseet Drugs, Groceries, &c, at hie store io Flodered street, Allegheny. He is an accommoda ting bossiness roan, and his articles are of first rate tam• lartA-papar-waa started at Nauvoo, a short time 01314 M1 asinatbe Expositor. We do not know the „ ri awe onminienew et s heet, but its course was cffen wive ttithe Prophet, and in order to put it down, he bad in Ordinitnee passed under which it was declared *a beaussimusos. and the City hi tribal of Nauvoo, at time bead et a posse, repaired to the office, took out the masteries. and bono. them on the street! At Editor Wanted.—The conductor oldie "Mon re+igt Lyninsry.'s paper published in a place in Afri ca, the name of is designated by the title, adver tises for an assistant editor who is required to be what is commonly termed a "Jack of all trades," for he hints at the requisit qualifications after the following fashion. Who speaks-first" to -become the college deshatif "If merfrends in the United States would but spare as out of theft thotamed of Methodist preachers, one, only me, enterprising. brisk, stirring, go ahead man, full of holy zeal, fervent charity, and yet a good com mon sense num who can tuns • hand at setting up a stick of 'matte? or staiking °Wafer, 'sheets; or, dis tributing a pie,' or writing a r ip of editors!, (in any time less than a day or two) and still, make sermons, preach away, do all the good possible in the pulpit, or out of it, in civilized circles. of among the heathen, understand business, good at accounts; and lastly, a man having a good knowledge of human nature, and willing to bare a thousand interruptions in the midst of the performance of his duties—why, we shall be truly thaakful for such a colleague." You ought to be, if fortunate enough to obtain such a treasure. NOTICE:—Tbe Rev. Dr. Rid.lie will preach in the rift2trreahretiari Church, to-morrow morning at half pints TO o'clock, and the Rev. Mr. Owen of Phila delphia, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. jinn 22 Reunions Novice—The Rev. Janie' Davis will preach on next Sabbath, at the usual hours for the con. gregations worshiping, in the Hall on the corner of Liberty andiSt Clair eta, over Messrs Braun Ss Reiter's Drug Steles The public are respectfully invited to attend. .tune 2I ALCOHOL. -10 Bls. Alcohol, in store, and for sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD. jun 8 POE SALM A NEAT YORK WAGON, but little worn. En quire of IL PATTERSON, ma 28 Diamond Alley. Shot. 31110EC14 Nos 1 audit Shot just received and for V sale by JAMES MAY. may 28 • FRESH SPRING GOOD& °MUM IPLACIII !Oil Cass. STCSOF THE GILT COMB, No. 1011, Market Street, wear Liberty. rli HE subscriber respect &Hy informs his . customers 1 and die public generally, that ho has just recur n al fromfoNe Oast, rad is now receiving as large. good and el:minivan ariserunent of variety goods SS any other M..° establishment irt the city. Merchants and oth ers h wish to parcbase Cheap: will please call at No. 108, and Airy Nil not be disappointed: - Thefulio wing coin. prises part of the stock just received. aaa den. coat and 6 cord spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " 1200 " assorted, eso lbs, Titley's shoe threads, SOO " " patent threads, • 200 gross hisoks art eyes. 150 pack. American pins. 180 . . 1 German " 175 thousand needles, . /SO assorted stay biodings. 350 doe. assortssi fine ivory combs. 200 reddiog 560 " assorted cotton cords, 225 gross shoe laces, • 50 " corset " 150 des. eotton night caps. 200 " assorted hosiery, 150 " gloves and mitts, 25 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats, 115 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings 500 gross pearl bottoms. 75 " gilt " 80 " figured horn buttons. 120 " lasting and japansed do 50 " fins English dressing eontbs, 160 " assorted suspenders. With a general assortment of Variety Goods to numer ous to mention, which ;will be sold wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. C. YEAGER. apr 18 Pit HEStoelc-holders of the Pittsburgh and Alleghe• ny Bridge Co., are hereby notified, that the An atol Election of Officers, to manage the business of the Company, for the ensuing year, will take place on Monday, the lst day ofinly next, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at their Rooms, north end of the Bridge. jone 7—tjl - JOHN TASSEY. Prest. 11311111101 ML. MESSRS. MOORHEAD 81 READ, ATTORMILTS AT LIM, AVE Teamed *fir office to Second street, three H 4001% from the corner of god and Grant m— olar the Secitea Hill Market: ml 7 Call! Coal!! ADAM *KEE stwar keeps coal for sale at the Moettaltaisela wharf, above the Bridge and at. do Boa* in Liberty at, eau to Matthew Sloan's Midtown, mach be will well Is cheap as it can sheyorebaised of any other dealer. je ft-tf. LMMII D. B. Bkeele, Bleal4aßt dell MS N4Mee. ifel•thitnit; Water Strad. neer Wood. 5 run waxsa Tits anima.. ARRIVED. Majestic, Bennett, Cincitniati, Manhattan, Ring, St. Louis, North. Queen, M'Clain, Cincinnati, Musk Valley':Bowin, Zanesville, Zanesville Packet, Seale*, do. Muasbela, Parkinson. Mo City Michigan, Roles, Beaver, Utica, Hemphill, Beaver. DEPARTED. • Clipper, Crooks, Cincinnati, National, Mason, St. Louis, Mayflower, Smithers, Louisville, Bridgewater, Campbell, Wheeling Della, Bowman, Brownsville, Utior, Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan, Boles, Beaver. TO THE PATRONS OF THE S B CLEVELAND THE owners of the Steamer Cleve land baying chartered the lightdraught reamer UTICA, HEMPHILL. Muster, will depart as usual, every morning, Sunday' except ed, for Beaver, at 9 o'clock, A M positively. For freight or passage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, No. 54 Water street. ittne 17 rer Nashville direct. THE Steam Ileac CICERO, PAT . TIAN*, Muter. will leave for the e and all intermediate port, on Saturday, the 22d inst.. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Fur freight or passage apply oe-board or to jel7 JAS MAY. Aient U. S. MAIL STEAMER LITTLE BEN, CAPT THACKER. • Por CiathuialL Re Re Oar Wedisesdny Morning Pesch!. • The splendid passenger steamboat LITTLE BEN, Capt. Thacker,will run ass regular packet between this place and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Wed nesday morning. at 10 n'cictek, and Cincinnati every Ssturdav, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on hoard oi to No 4. Wood street. mar 4 26-3m The Little Ben it provided with Evans' safety guard to prevent explosion of boilers. m26-3m. ... DAILY BEAVER PACKET. THE steamer CLEVELAND having been rebuilt, will commence her regu sir trips to and from Beaver, on Mom day, the 18th intent. leaving Pittsburgh every morn ing at 9 o'clock, and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Sun days excepted). For freight or passage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, No6o, Water street. isolsweitew FOR CINCINNATI Steamer CUTTER.Cow.ins, Master, ill depart for the above and interme diate ports, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A M, positively. The Cutter has been thoroughly re paired, and furnished with entire new boilers, and can be recommended to the shipping and travelling com munity as a safe and expeditious boat. For freights or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, No 60, Water street. The Cutter is provided with the Safety Guard, to prevent explosion. m 25 JOHN G. GAEBILICII, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 60 Market street, between 3d and 41k, Jlnforms the public that he has opened a Boot and Shoe establishment as above, and respect fully solicits a share of patronage. He has on hand a choice assortment of French and American calf-skins, and all other materials necessary in the ho tline= of the best qualities; and as the very best work men will be employed, be feels confident that be will be able to give entire satisfartion to all who may favor him with their custom. All work done to order at the shortest notice. junel-d3m A. Z. DRAKE. E. E. C. .groson DRA & strbsori, CIVIL ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, Draughtsmen and Conveyancers, OFFICE of Ned Buntline's Magazine, N. E. corner o(' Fourth and Smithfield streets, second story.— Plans, specifications, estimates and surveys, and sub-di- THE TRIUMPH OF PRINCIPLE; visions of land of every kind connected with their pro fession, together with all kinds of Conveyancing, made OR, TRUTH TEREUS FICTION. at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. As illustrated in the rise and brilliant progress of the Scientific Instrumems adjusted and calculations made famous "Three Big Doors," 151 Liberty street, of old field notes; surveys in the country attended to at Pittsburgh. the shortest notice. They confidently and respectfully I Courteous reader, believe me, these lines are not wrote, refer to the undersigned: As a pitiful puff, to sell pants or a coat; Pittsburgh—Wilson M'Candless, Esq. Dr E. D.II would not by any be thought to suppose, Gaztam. Judson & Flanegan, Esqs. Capt John San- That lengthy professions e'er brought cheaper cloths! den, U S. Engineers. l Suffice it to say, there is none to compete Washington City—lion William Wilkins, Sem- With the far famed M'CLositaT, in Liberty street; tary of War, Hon James Buchanan, U S Senate, Hon. He carries the sway and his name 's so well known,' John W Tibbetts. M C . Major Gen Winfield Scott, Thetthey crowd his 'Big Ettore from all parts of town, Commander-in-Chief U S Army, Corn. W BShubrick, They may talk of their cheapest, their finest and U S Navy. strongest. Cincinnati—. Judge C Wright, Col J C Vatighen, It's nut true—and all know that Mac's Clothing wears .1 13 Russell, Esq., James D Taylor, Esq., Dr James Lakey, Jacob Strader, Esq. Louisville—George I). Prentice, Esq., Col. A. R. Woolley, J B Marshall, Esq , James G. Drake, Esq., Garnett Duncan, Esq. Nem Or/cans—R. Chinn, Esq.. Cuthbert Bullitt, Esq., Major Gen. F.wd. P. Gaines, U S Army. St Lou is—Vespasian Ellis, Esq, Lewis Clarke, Esq. m 18-tf MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. June 6. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR—WHITE WHEAT 50 BBLS just received and for sale by W BURBRIDGE &Co. ,Jane 4 Water st between Wood and Smithfield. E.B Beastiugs,Cotinty Surveyor and City itisgulater, HAS nernovad his office to the rooms occupied by John J Mitchel. Esq, on Smithfield, near Fifth my 2 E STEP'S Ales sad Edge Tools, for sale by GEO COCHRAN, ail No 46, Wood street. a DOZ. SCYTHE SNEXTHS just. received and te),;;;, for sale by POINDEXTER & CO. may 31.. Skakspeare Gardens. HE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens T of Pittsburgh that she hu opened theShakapeare Gardens. in the village of Fast Liberty, for the accom modatiiin of visiters during the summer season, The beauties of the situation., and the perfect manner in which every arrangement is made about this establish ment that will contribute to the pleasure of visiters, are well known to the publicand the proprietor assures all who may, yisit her house that nothing shall be omit ted on her part to make the Shakapeare Gardens at least equal to any similar establishment in the couu , try. m4—tf ELIZA McDONtLD. Chronicle and Age copy 1 w and chat ge Post. J§T RECEIVED -500 Lbs. superfine Rose Pink. For saleat the Drug Store or June 8 • JON. callow 4th and Wood attfe:ta. Teas. 50 CHESTS sad half chests, fine Young fir Finn, Imperial and Gunpowder Teas, fur sale at Amin Philadelphia prices. Also, Black Teas of handsome quality. POI N DEXTER & CO. june l , teceive . ja tittßierti'M of Ori;:ititedrea'44lert twi paid for the best phut and tailpiece specilicatitia of an tquodett kith wood of Mtn Trask, eitharlibiL• plaided eisepporoxi,.to constructed coa the 'piers now standing in the Allegheny river opposite this city, provided the mum be handed to the Mayor of this City on or before tbe 20th of June instant. For funkier particulars ipply persid.or by ismer, post paid, to R. GALWAY, m 29 Chairman of Aqueduct Committee. REMOVAL _ MUMWIT Sitin t raL er:Mcie (casette copy. • Car New York Plebeian, BaltimoreArnerican,P l6l . Pennsylvanian, Boston Peat, Harrisburg Union,-and Cincinnati Encpirer, will copy lit, and charge this af fiew. 111 1 Lane's Warm Sipall4. Dr. a c:—l de assureyon I have been is the habit of using your Ameeican Worm Specific in my family for several years past. It bas always exceeded my expectations. A raw days ago I gave 2 tea-spoon fuss, to a boy of mine, and be passed upvratdv of 100 worms. PETER HESS. . • This valuable preparation sold at the Drug Store of 'june 8] JON. KIDD, turner of 4th and Wood. INSURANCE STOCK. . 10 SHARES s of Navigation and Fire Insurance stock for sale by • HUEY & CO. JUST received a few casks Chilicothe,T cured hams, and foe sale by, ' BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, No. 54 Water at. pi•nr. 240 BBLS S F Flour just received and for sale by J W BURBRIDGE &CO . Water street, between Wood and Smithfield sts. Goods. THE subscri N be e r w respectfully informs thelir citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that he has just returned from the east, and it bow receiving a large and welt selected stock of FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAN CY AND VARIETY GOODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and variety department, which be will dispose of for cash. The public are respectfull y invited tocall and examine the stock, at No 86, Market street. ZEBULON KINSEY. m 3 NEW DRUG STORE. KERR & IVIOH LER, No. 144, Corner of Wood street and Virg-ix Alley. UST received and for sale, a large assortment of J fresh Drugs, Medici nes,-Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, &c. which have been recently selected, and purchased with considerable care for Cash. The following com prise part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, Spit its Turpentine, Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish, Flog. Sulphur, White Lead, Castor Oil. Red " Gum Arabic, Litharge, Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, Ft Manna, Venitien Red, Eng. Gum Opium, Spanish Brown , Gum Aloes, Chipped LogwOod, Flor Camomile. "Cant wood, Saltpetre, Fustic, Jujube Paste. Nic Wood, Reed Liquorice, Brasilletto, • Liquorice Ball, Indigo, Magnesia. Nutgalls. Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs, - Aquafurtis, With a genet al assortment too numerous to mention, which will be sold fur Cash at a small advance on Eastern prices. rar Dr W Kane will give his attention to the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. m 8 Commercial Academy. T f S rit I F a l h V ar A g r would Ailegh nn en a ya o a tnc d i: ie t i o ni t t h e ye that iT he has opened, on Fourth street. neat the corner of Mar ket and 4th,a Commercial School in which are taught all the branches that constitute a mercantile educa tion. Howes of Alleaelemee.—Gentlemen attend when it suits titeit 'convenience. Female Writing Class, at 2 o'clock P M. june-4:-tf & Simpson, AtpwasYs at Law, Office at the building formerly oocupied by the Uni ted States bank, 4th street, between Market and Wood streets. m2l-3m CHARLES SHAL6ft. RDWILILD sistrson. longest ; They may talk of , first cost,' of 'half price' or a third, But to cope with !vl'Closkey, tis plainly absurd; His stock's so immense and his custom so great, That by forty per cent he can all others beat; M'Closkey well knows how far jealousy goes, But he challenges all to produce such cheap clothes, Men of country and town, learn this wondrous result, His rivals would dare all your judgments insult, I They fain would induce you to believe other stores. Sold as good and as cheap as the great "Three Big Doors." But M'Closkey will praise you for judgment and skill, For from him you have purchased nod will do so still, And well for yourselves were your real bargains made, For they stand far the cheapest of all in the trade, From the Judge of our Courts to the Lumberman's hut, You may see in a moment M'Closkey's fine cut; There are three great essentials on which M'Closkey prides, Durability, symmetry, and best clothes besides. Before he concludes, Mac rre'er can forget, The brilliant success which his "Big Doors" have met; He thanks each sincerely in this culling" age, For their kindness, their favor, and warm patronage; I Then visit his stock—it's examined by scores— And you surely will buy at the famous Big Doors; To his depot then hie—ho will proudly you greet,— ; Remember, M'CLOSIRET, in Liberty street. june 7-2 w CITY BOTEIIa r .C6 FIFTH STREET, Next door to tke Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa Jacob Boston, Proprietor; RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken this' well known establishment. and has had it thoroughly re paired in all its departments; and it is now fitted up in style inferior to none in the city. Epicaros, and all fond of good eating. will find his larder bounteously supplied with all the - necessaries and luxuries the mar ket can afford. It will be the aim and pride of the proprietor to keep his eating department well stored, and in a manner suited to the taste of the most fast - dims. To the lovers of,good . licputts,toe, he can without flattery to himself, 'offer as good and well furnished a BAR at is kept in.the western country. The choicest wines and best of strongerliquors will always be kept in store, for the accommodation of those who may-le: vor him with a call. His facilities for accommodating the traveling pub ' lie generally, will he found equal to any lathe atty. The Stable is airy and capacious, and the best attention will be giverrto the horses of those putting up at his house. *Aft* at. Water, D., Liberty gavot, near the earner of Vent* Atte June . $ • (II 4.:40 AUCTION:AMIE3a. -.BY LIPID 6.4IIICHLE - i WeardiecNos ;fp?: Stool 63, Woodtstried: OMONDAT';" June 246; via Iva 104 'fro* the ohclovo Akar - 1 0x 1 genag7 2l , - Itiooktilent of Fatima Winter Dr, GOO!, co olalaiotig at 10 o'clock, A. M. WOOLENS. Blue black, brawn and' invisibki green . broadcloths, il l perfinet 'blue - , Mai& nod totted *tissue. indigo Mee ea cadet mixed and Kentucky Jean*: Duffield and Mackinaw blankets; wallaa shawls; heavy pilot cloth, die. Worsteie. Plain .six varier English merino. of all Exam; changeable figured Alpacca karts three and six quer ter nvessiliee de lain eg dreis bAle. &c. Bias awl Sagas. " Plain bill dress silk; gen:a silk vesting; American sewing silk; satin stocks; silk bilkfr4 Asc. /Assiut road Cottons. Superfine Irish linen; patent &est% spool cotton prints, checks,gingharns, Irish linens; brown anislins,, bleached do.; cambric do.; table cloths; table diaper: Fastcy Articles. . . Linen shirt collars, gum suspenders, stay laces ,me rino gloves, nett drawers, S combs, etc. Also, at 2 o'clock P M. a large quantity of llowsekolit end KiteArn .Fornittero, Chairs, tables. bedsteads, bureau., dough chests, stands, cradles. &c. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP A RETAIL COUNTRY STOUR, AT AUCTION A T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of A Wood and sth streets, on Monday next,J tine 24th. at 10 o'clock, A. M., will be sold without reserve, by order of assignees the stock of a retail comm.) , Store, comprising some very fine goods, among which are Plain union drilling, black alpacca, striped gam bran, corded Marseilles vestings, super linen drilling, 4-4 chintzes, light styles; brown ensiles and calicoes, painted muslins and lawns, Irish linen, blue figured alpacca, satti r vesting, tabby velvet, patent thread. assorted numbers; 1 superfine Marseilles quilt, blue nankeen, mixed tweed, merinos. vesting, striped de lains, figured shirting calicoes. Ladies mohair caps, Ladies' white nett caps, willow baeneui. Men and Boys oilskin raps, pant stuff, Pittsburgh cord, D'Orsay cassimeres, linen crash, black wadding, linen oil cloth, webb braces, Clarke's spool cotton 200 yds., sewing silk, hosiery, Merino shawls and hdkfs., silk Bandan- ' na hdkfe., bed ticking, bed flannel; cambric, book, Swiss and mull miisling; thread, wrought laces and capes; Italian lustring cravats, silk and cotton umb brellas and parasols, Summer clothing, Palm leaf bats, checks and ginghams, superfine broad cloths, cassimeres and CaSSinelttS, Ladies' morocco and kidd shoes and slippers, Silver table and tea spoons, Men's boots and shoes; a lot of Hardware, &c., with many other articles. Terms Cash, current funds. June 20 Vitra Sale, Of Trir'thif Le ` e' Carpeiater's and Watekinak sr • Tools, Foiling Pieces, 4-c. AT AUCTION. AT 'Kenaa's Auction Mart, corner of 241 and Wood streets, will be sold on Tuesday the 25th inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M., one Turning Lathe, with a very excellent variety of Tools belonging thereto; there is also attached to the same ooe perpendicular. and one circular saw, all very superior and in first rate order. Also, a large lot of very superior Carpenter's and Watchmaker's tools. Also, at same time, one double ban elled Fowling Piece, stub and twist, patent tneeeti, &c. Terms at sale. P. 114'KENN A, june 20. Auctioneer. SHERIFF'S SALE, Of Shoes, Illerocco, Leather, Ste. de McKesno's Auction Matt, corner of 2d and Wood Streets. WILL be sold on M..mdev the 24th inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M., a lot of Shoes, among which are Ladies' fine Morocco Slippers and Shoes, fine Gaiter Boots, finished and unfinished; one Ttlink, &c. By order of E. Trorillo, Esq. Sherittof Allegheny County. P. M'ICENNA, juue 19. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES, AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner o Wood sued sth streets. to-morrow, Thursday June 20th, at 10 o'clock, A. M., will be solda general assortment of Dry Goods, of nearly every description. At 2 o'clock. P. M., Furniture and Groceries. On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, June 19, 20, 21st, and 22d. Variety and Fancy Goods, Watches, Jewelry and Dry Goods. J. D. DAVIS, june 19 Auctioneer. Hilliard Tattles. At Me Kenna' a Auction Mare corner of 2d 4. Wood. WO good second hand Billiard Tables, on hand T and for sale low by P. McK ENNA', m3O Auctioneer. SALE OF FINE CUTLERY. Al McKenna's Auction Mari, corner of 2d and Wood Streets, WILL be sold on Monday evening the 27th inst. at early gess light, a variety of very superior cutlery. just received dsrect from the intpor tars, con sisting in part of very fine pen and pocket knives on raids, scissors on cards, splendid Van Buren, Clay, and Muhlenbetg knives, superior pen and pocket knives, razors, &c. by the dozen. Sales continued every evening during the week, and every evening afterwards, (Sundays excepted,) until the whole is sold may 27 FRESH ARRIVAL FOR PRIVATE SALE. HAS been received at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood st, and will be sold by private tale. 4 and 6 quarter canton flannel matting. seheneil and brussels hearth rugs, ingrain and venitian carpets. su perfine blue black broadcloths; fine linen cambricoSte. These are all choice graxis and will be sold low. mll LY ND do BICKLEY,.Auc'ers. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR PRIVATE SALE AT THE NEW AUCTION ROOMS. F _ OR private sale at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood st. ladies kid ties, and gaiters; gentlemen's shoes;.fine brogans; fine calf and morocco boots, fine palm leaf hate; brass 30 hour and 8 day clocks, LYN D & BICKLEY. in 11 Auctioneers. LARGE, AND FRESH STOCK OF INGRAIN AND VENITIAN CARPETS. THE regular assortment of the above articles, at the new Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood street, has been greatly increased by fresh arrivals, so that the greatest variety ofpattems and qualities can be found at the present time, of any other place in the city. The colors and patterns are all of the choicest and most fashionable descriptions; and the carpets will be sold at pirate sale, for LESS THAN •NT WHCRI ILAL in the city. Also, an assortment of Brussels, Tufted and Sae , neil Hearth Rugs. LYND & BICKLEY. m 25 _ - Auctioneers. DRIED PEACHES. 56 BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, received and for sale by .1. W. BURI3RIDGE, & Co.. m2l] Waterstraot, between Wood and Smithfield. Dr. ms's Liver Pill. 1 hereby certify that "have been. afflicted for six years with a Liver COntagrit. tied ha4e aplklied to different Physicians. and all to little of nit effect, until tam& use cf Dr MiLande. tfltre-Pills. • latip! bones of theta I am now nearly ln r e e l health. SAMUEL DA IS. bfilktshutgit, near Plumb:ugh, May 211. 1844. For sale at the Drag Store of JON.. KIDD.g jene 8. !..„ artn .' . garimbildiaig ' , 10 . . : - ~ 1 - . 4 7 t . ' , r.'., int ;moat fakmay , A t . 0 ' stated.'eisd is tiro ' tafriates . ma ot :the sieenkffmdiss4kandifyhOlibasoMat pricoate, Mk . 11# times. The terizi* - 4424§ meat will be snide easy, essistOr fee cash or suelibeitelreis eisis beiisside available. Apply se. the subscHberillit Stratill6lllllo, or Mr. P. Potemlo4 No 4 , Fie4Odetri l balVgi sosi june 'l.-, 7 , •,' .. I. ,:' : - 3415.V.1k jr.. - . DEllsl3rAillt IMILIIIAL tDOIII4AITY. THE tradigned COdmilittrianerellbaled 'Baba Act irf,seShltly *used 'ffie - 30th 7 day Of April . , 1844, entitled "./Lrt Act toiirthriliz' 0 - the GoSditerr 'to in . corporats the Dellisite ` Canal Cirdapkril t " beret,. give notice, that in pursuince of the prorriskriiiiif the said act, they will Cured it tbeiiiiiivaoieratchimp• .. '..,, in the city of Philedelpliii,lni IdOIiDAY,, the sth day or August next, at 10 o'clita, A. 51. and there - mire memo the sale of the stock of the Delairitre Canal Company, on the following terms andcondidous, to wit: - Ist. The Delaware Division of the Pentisylvkitii Canal shall be divided bate twenty-five thousand shares; of one hundred dollars each. 2d. The shares shall be set up for sale singly, giv ing the purchaser the right of taking at his bid any number of shares from ogre to one thousand; Provi d e, That no share shall be sold for a loss sum than one hundred dollar*: and provided further, that noserofthe said Commissioners, either in tienr own names, or in the names of any other persons,shall become perches era of any of the stock at the sale authorized by the said Act of Assembly. 3d. Each purchaser. at the time of his parches - el, shall deposit with the Commissioners the premiums or advance above the par wake, of the shares by him purchased, or if the bid or bids de not amount to five dollars per share. above the par value of the share or shareikky him purchased, then and in such case the said purchasers shall pay five dollars on account and , in part of each share thus purchased, the said sums to be paid in mosey, (or in the certificates of loan of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the option of the purchaser.) 4th. Payment for the remainder of the , purchase money will be required to be made within thirty days from the purchase, underthe forfeiture fur delinquency of the amount paid to the Commissioners at the time of sale. sth. A transfer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia of cer4tficates of the lons of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to nn equal amount will be received by the State Treasurer in pament for the shares of stock purchased, and any meaty deposited with the Commissioners at the sale, will also be exchanged by the State Treasurer for a transfer of the said loans to ~ the Commonwealth, to an equal amount. 6th. Should the whole of the shares not be sold on the first day, the sales will be adjourned to the next and succeeding days, if necessary, for nineteen days in succession, and if, on the twentieth day, it shall ale ' pear that less than twenty-five thousand shares shaft have been sold. in that case the sales shall be declared void, and the deposit's made with the commissioners shall be returned to the purchasers respectively. . 7th. Every purchaser shall, at the time of his pur chase, subscribe in a book which will be presented to him by the commissioners, the following agreement: i ..We whose nameti ate he unto subseribed do prom' ise to transfer or cause to be transferred to the terns monwealth of Pennsylvania. ene hundred dollars, in the loans of said commonwealth, fur every share of stock set opposite to our respective names, in case twenty fire thousand shares shall be sold, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly o(this theemoniveritth; entitled an act to authorize the Governor to incorporate the Delaware canal company. Witness our hands, this day of Anno Domini, oolohousand eight hundred and forty four." Joseph R Evans, Franklin Vanzent, Benjamin Gerhard, Wm M White, Henry Horn William Elwell, Tlionsas:TdcCully, ' David 1) Wagner, John Wiegatad. John S Gihormr,- Jacob R. Olwine, William S Ross, Mahlon R Taylor, Payne Pi ttibone, George N Baker, Jonathan Slocurit, Gideon G. Westcott, William T Morrison; John Stillman, Benjamin Hill, Augustus Shultz, Stephen Balliot, John N Lane, Benjamin Mclntire, Samuel Sillyman, James. W Coulese.. . ~ .I. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer P S—The commissioners will wovene dt tbe.Hpited States Hotel, in ttecity of Philadelphia, on FRIDAY August 2d. 1844, at ten o'clock, A IN, fsr the purpoin of making the preliminary arrangements. may 2.5-dtal Float. 27r,88L5. S F FLOUR just received aid for el sale by J W BURBRIDGE di. CD., may 15 Water, between Wood and Smithfield st.s. Just Received, AGOOD assortment of Wiltow wagons, chairs. travelling baskets. ice. which will be sold low at ZEBULON KINSEY'S m2l Fancy store. No. 86, Market et. P. WRENN A, Auctioneer 1540 - ttlfillti) Ittr - - Printbig Ink. A FRESH supply of Pnnting Ink just received.— ..M.. For sale at the office of the Morning Post. myll BBLS S SALTS, just received sod for sale 1.1 by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, rn3 No 54, Water street Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, - Office with II H Van Amnnge, Esq., In the Diamond, smith-west side of the old court house, Pittsburgh. , . my 7 • • CIT RON. • 3Boxes CITRON for sale by roa 27 REIN H ART & STRONG, •140 Liberty street STARCH. 1500 LBS . Hommedeu's celebrated Starch, just received and for sale D. & G. W. LLOYD. JUST received 27 casks "Pecco" Madeira Wine, and for sale low to close consignment, a superior article, by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER. June 4 No 54 Waver st. ply Netal Ply Nets! w UST received from the rnanufactories, a large and 1111 splendid assortment of the above articles. of iU descriptions and colors, and will be sold lower thin eve' offered in. this market. R NoBB corner of Wood st. & Diamond Alley june 5-lm. American copy. Summer Stocks. ASUPPLY of elegant Summer Stocks, new and beautiful style, just received at the "Three Big Doors," 151 Liberty street. June 1. ENGLISH, AMERICAN, and FRENCH Car simeresi light and dark patterns; a fins assort ment of the above goods wiD be found at ALGEQA MiGUIRE, No. 2M, Liberty street. M . A DDER.—I cask madder, just *coked oa eon sign-nen' and for sale low. MAILMAN, JENNINGS is CO., 43. Wodd Arent. 4(1 BBLS GROUND PLASTER; J Justreseived from Baltimore, on consigniitnt, and for sale by SAM'L M KIER; 1121 Canal Begin. near 7th street. flow Mut& IOBBLS NEW SHAD. just reearea and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINDS & CO. Tweed Simmer Coatings, iftiiilngo, *c. A NEW, cod bogs supply of above goods eeived Algae & Nl'Gaire, at the feahlonshkr head quarters, winch will be Heide to alder, 10w,4n any style to left the Mee of the eeeteelNlMr eheap es can be botight in the tity- ArOy ALGEO & P.1 . 0111111E, t No. 231, Liberty strek. ! ii.` ii _iJ • saer.sims, P.i .; :(q.N., FO? ein 114idiktrtatiow of MERCHANDIZt Alb PROMICE arrwzait PITTSBURGH AND PHILADieIiA, Pan BURGH AND BALTI ASA Pi E ist tbRK AND BOSTON. THE i'ROPALETORII ViOSSACTFULLYinftemigisteledibljore!e tigiifterillz,thatthey have chamtiellite Mleettilett Tramportikdtib Line, lima the States reliable Bo4t. Line. toSitt Aterriellit rditiffffeßoatlhat. This lirie is ciiitifealegiklivality.ffee new Four See lioniPertible Bootie, oneCtif ifkrisk . will depart doll? . frorb Piitsbirgb. Philadelphia Ind Baltimore. The superiority and itivinuaget of the Portable Boat over every other mode oftrata are top well known to shippetermierally to requireetemmsett suffice it to say, that the thiantice, loss, stelmrstilis and damage to Goods, invariably stemdieg three men shipments between Pittsburgh sad Philadelphia, :are by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give umicated security to owner. and *hipper , . all goods and produce shipped by this line will be be 'Mid ie 4 responsible DMA in PMUidelphia, without an additional charge to die dispels. Merchandise shipped by lips say of the esst em cities. and consigned toll DOI AcCot will be fto warded immediately on arrival atPittsburgh to so, part of the west free of ittlinitilitibus. • H. Devine will reeehe'predilbeltottitigued to him pay steamboat freight add - chinos, Miff 'forward the same to any of MIS ettltittit cities, 'eh" com missions for storage, itavaticing or furwatd t og. key 1 communications or goOds ififtetea to the CM of the undersigned Agents wilthe tormsMtly attended to. DETMT. & CO Canal Basin, Liberty itieet,Pitbibtrrgb E G. WHITESILIES&CO., 300 Market street, belbw Teak Philadelphia. GLESE & •St/N o - CarrtaterteauselstNirlauf. Ballitaare. 13 A FA HNESTOCK dr, CO, 100 Fnatitstzaat: New tot*. RICE Os WkLLIAMdi No I, Chatliitaitii; Rama. C. A. a 11er,41111.11 Uid a rEntTielEB PORI'AdLE doAT LINE l i!ror the tt 'importation of Yew/twain totted front • PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL. PIHA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. rri HE success this litle 'has met with, since it wav first established rin'tlic"lndividualEnterptison sysierti, , hits.inanksstl`t i be r ivsPrieters to Increase• the *umber of Boats dunng the winter to twenty-five, one Of Which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bel timore every day (except Sundays) daring theseeson. and make the trip throughin six days. The superbaity and advantages oftbe Portable Boat System overevery other mode of transysentation (whet easels intersect with rail roads) ars too well known to shippers by this route geaerally to Inquire say coat ment. Shippers can rely onhavingibeiri reduce, Mayhem dise, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with, dispatch and at the very lowest rate of fret i bl. Aimed by other tines, without any cige made for reads ling or advancing chithweir,. All commtinitatiniis tb the folloning Agents will be promptly attended tu: CHARLES A. MeANULTY. At the DePot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 33, Smithre Wharf. neiir Pratt st. Baltimore. W & J T TAPSCOTT, No 43, Peek 94; New York. • Market BORBIDGE, 'an 31-ly 27'2; Market street, Philadelphia. NEIL latatga "IRON CITY LINE" OF CANAL BOATS. ON N ECTING with steamer Cleveland, at &a bet, will be in operation 011 dm Ueda intent, to Cleveland tinily, The above line is composed of S goodCasal Routs, • commanded boy experienced men, mid winder/qv ev ery morning to and from Pittabergla sad Cimikola,at 9 o clock. Proprietors of the above line are ‘' Messrs. HUBBY & HUGHES, Cleveland, ID. • " STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO-, Omitted, O. Freight of ell kinds will be carried biker as briny other good and responsible line. For freight er pas sage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, marlB No 61J, Waseestreee., Freights to did alibittliditau MERCHANTS - & MANUFACTURERS' LINE OR transporting Goods, Mettbandise, Produce. F &c., betweln. Pittsburgh, Phibitie/phis and • Baltimore. Goods will be tterdred sod forwarded by this line onus, thiinsand as about duo as by any other responkibler • All goofs Samar. ded from Philadelphia this ne will be insured.— . The Proptietors and.atents will give their whole at= tentionand endeavoiln ibtdier Satisfaction to all who may favor them with than. tallish. We invite ship. I pars, merchants, ininut!4tartits VaGthete t 0 ere ass call before shipping eliewheit. erchandise ed to the agents will be bebisitAi freight-and charms paid, and forwaided lidditional charge fbn far warding or storage. SAMUEL Vi DAY, 1 H L PATTERSON, PrPriet".l*. /GENTS: Sasswia h:ise,Canal NAN neat tut st. Pktab'g. Somas/ W Dar, Ist nod MI Wharf:J*low Race at ' Delaware, 'Philadelphia.. Isaac Crate; Baltimore. NL Patiersol,Hollidaysborgh. Jesse PoltreilA, t itilmstown. I N Britirs, Plea York. Was .0 Revitoids & Co., Boston ILT CR TPII, Janie'. R Robinton & Co, WPei:bridge & Co, Genii Cl:kilter, C ii litsitsy, John Giier, Morel; &Caratlters ; George Breed, F Sellers, Samuel J McNigbt; Louisville. Samuel IVilsoo, Ilfedison. le. feb 13; '44 The Swilleare, Tharaday at 1019elak. The coiler,Ceisat,MH 10 o'clock a.. in: TheMoat= ordayst 10 if The Expiriii, Pr day at 10Veleek may 20 STEAMER IP L. THE light drag* ;0.. - lies at ale 'PDC OPP.I.C"d 1844. Pittsburgh. fUa Obisiaasil.