The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer published at the saute office, on a double medium shviet, et TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. a rairillS OP ADITZIRTISING. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two do., 075 Two do., 600 Three do., 100 Threedo., 700 One week, 150 I Four do., 8 00 Two do., 300 Six do., 10 00 Three do., 4 00 YEARLY One year, 15 00 ADVER TISEMENTS. CHANGE/ BLX AT PLEASURE. Owe Square. TfluaLib, Two Squares. Six $lB 00 Six months, One year, 25 00 Ono $23 00 year, 35 00 Larger a dvertisement s in proportion. 1 CARDS of four lines SIX DOLLARS a year. Public °laces, ike. City Post Office, Third between Market and Wood streets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. Custom House, Water, 4th door from IVoed sL,Pe terson's buildings--William 13. Mowry, Conectos. City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second streets--Jam es A. Bartram, Treasure. County Treasury, Court House, next door to the Recorder's Ofßee--Joh n C Daritt, Treasurer. Mayor's Offlee, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Alexander Hay, Mayor. • • Mere/sail's EZ.Change, Fourth near Market at. Overseers of tke Poor, E F Pratt, 4th street, above Snsithtleld; I J Ashbridge, Varner's Temper ance House, corner of Front and Murk-et streets. BANKS. Pittsburgh, betwe e stree n ts. Market and Wood streets on Third and Fourth Arercharsts'andMan ufacturers' and Farmers' De posit Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between Wood and Market streets. Exclave, Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS. Monongahela House, Water street, near the Bridge. Exchange Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair. Merchants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. Un Anseriean Hotel,cornerofThirdand Smithfield. ited States, corner of Penn st. and Canal. Spread Eagle, Liberty street, near Seventh. Miller's Mansion Haase, Liberty St., opposite Wayne. Broadlturst's Mansion House, Penn St., opposite Canal. IMPORTANT FACTS. D R. LEIDY'S Sarsaparilla Blood Pills are applica ble in all cases, whethe r for Purgative s Of Pu ratios, They possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and are additionally efficacious, oontaining Sarsaparilla in their composition, which is not core air ed in any other pills in existence. They are also dif ferent from other pills in compcsition, being purely revert/de, and can be employed at all times, without any danger, and requiring no restraint from occupation ur usual course of living. Notarithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, yet it is not saying too much of them, from the innumerabl e cams perform ed by them in every variety and form of disease (cer tificates of many of which have been published from persons of all denominations, physicians, clergymen, and others) that they seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persons using them for whatever sick ness or disease, may rest assured that they will be found more efficaciou s than any other pills in exstce. From the known reputation of Dr. L eid y, y' Blood Pill, it is necessary to remind tha public where they can at all times procure the genuine, as it is attempttui to impose other pills, called the 'Blood Pills' upon the public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. r4P Be par denier. and ask for Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills and seethat the name of N. B. Leidy is contained on two sides of each box, (the boxes being of paper, and 0h10n.., squareshape, surrounded by a yellow and black label' s PRICE -25 cents a Box. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second so-o f % below Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. A. FANA STOCK 4. CO., corner of , Vood and Sixth stroetA, Agents for Pittsburgh. jy 12—ly ______ ___ THEDr. Good's Celebrated Pernale Pills. SE Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy-in removing those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from want ofexercise,orgeneraldebilityof the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sa t nc. tion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the United States, and many Mothers. For sale VVholesale and Retail, by R. E.SELLERS,Agent, sop 10 No. 20, Wood Street. below Second PASSAGES AND REMITTANCES TO AND PROM GREAT BRITAIN. erD ERSONS desirous of sending for their t' _L friends to come from nn y part of Great i/Alk Britain, arc mspectfully informed that the Subscriber is at all times prepared to make such engagements He is prepared to remit moneys to Europe by drrtfis, which are made payable at any point through.fut the United Kingdom, on presentat len. Having been for the last 12 years engaged in thebus iness, he feels confident that his arrangement s on both sides the Atlantic are such as will give satisfaction. THE SHIPS and are comprising the above line, are all of the first class, commanded by careful and skilful masters; leaving Liverpool once each week during the season. For further particulars apply, if by latter, to JOHN HERDMAN, ' No. 61 South street. New York. or to J. KIRKPATRICK, at Messrs. Dalzell & Fleming's, Water street. apr 20 Pittsburgh. a i d r ,imik BOARDING /10IISE. FRANKLIN HOUSE. THE subscriber respectfully inform s his friends and the public, that he has opened a Hotel and Boarding House in Third street, a fe dacrs wood, d where travelers and others will w be acco from mino. ated on the most reasonable terms, The house is pacious, and has been fitted up at coniderablo parse, sod sod every arrangement is made s that will en sure the comfort and render satisfaction to boarders and lodgers. A share of public patronage is respe ct fully solicited. a4-tf CHRISTIAN SCHAIERTZ Steubenille Jns. 2 CAW'S supettine Ste v übenville ea Jeans, just receiv ed from the manufacturers, and for sale at the new Cash Store, No 32, Fifth !Neat. alB HASWm.' &Vara Roldrison, V. 8. Attorney, removed his office to Fourth, near Wood street, lately occupied by C. Damsel, E8(1- April 8, 1844. NOTICE. -1 have placed my docket and profes sional business in the hands el Wm O'Hara Robinson, Es q „ who will attend to the sarne during my absence. March 23 a9-ly C. DARRAGH. poBLisHED DAILY, By pfuLLlps & &mill, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER Op WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSsuRGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DoLLAR,s PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN AD's'ANCE, _ EDITED BY ituas Hei ' , mumps & Spwry- N. W. tom F er of Wood and Fifth Streets. urs.—ive dollars a year, payable in advance. Single copies Two CIINTS-fur sale at the counter of tile Office, RAll by News Boys. J K LOGAN & CO E!!!! v, . ~, ~, - ..,', ..-- ~,,...„.:„. :,..;..-: ..'„, ~, ',- ~ , :-t, ' .17, '-,- - , , --:' • 4 --. .:•:,, , -.:z . -"' ~...-"?. --.-., ,_.l: . ! I t - .' . . . . , ,!' . , . • 4 :•.;!•-, - . • - . - • • . - . Itt A4l • . . .' ‘ , • -AI . -.'"••. . -4 . - ..1 • , .:.; . '( • ,g „,........, ~.„Ull(41-1, PENN'A, A.T FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABL. _______________ __________ ___._._.___.______.._._________________________._______ _________ .... PITTSBURGH, FR.IDAY JUNE 14 1844 Y' 9 . PRICE 'l' WO s-, ~.„.., .. _______ --„,...._____— --______ ___________________ ...,. U. WoodgrAttorney and Conine/ler at Law,/ J OHNSTON & STOCKTON, I Office removed to Bak and Offices, on Grant street, 1300 r girleaztatzwzrnnuitie.rPZ-4i 4 1 11--;- 1 --- , ------- , , - 111-41 &,-..” orli, '----------111-1----4111914.. RgEra:tuebsefilitariari-bcek-Plinowlgesd . - nearly opposite the new Court House, next rooms to J. D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. , d the public in general for their litsvai pa- Fro* the Bt. Loa • ' - ' -NT., past, and would earnestly solicit II •NeW establishment, No 84, Third UPPER CALIFORNIA. This is said 'to be dm most fertile ..e 11 wood and Market sts.. k a „d.joinin.. Mr nunswi CMPV.n. It produces 'spontaneously oat s !. • ~ to menufac. flax, lo great abundance and of an excellent .., t. tuts giecnherally covered iv” ith a marl of elstaertflne k , and cattle are very-4,dd. The -^ed thmanup: of ... in many parts of the country are found sor 6 flew ,""2'' bright. The clover generally g rows about two c ''-; -, feet high, and resembles mm red and ""- . .r.".' ..r. The flax is of an excellent quality. The '.:*,: ‘ black, deep vegetable loam; that of ' :' -.4 is usually alight brown /two .-. ' -,bl genera//y grayet::: . California je ',, l irougle, ' imtslikki..,, Officßyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, e removed from the Diamond to "Attorney' s Row, shady side of 4th, between Market and WonA tep 10 Pittsburgh. iitickatas attorney Has removed his oat Lacp~ ffice to Beares' Law Buildings, 4th st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10 Oific , on r_zi • Rogan, Attorney at Law, Ftc h street, between Smithfield and Wood, next door to Thos. Hamilton, EJgr. j - Pittsburgh Wm. E. Austin , J! racy at Law, Pa. Building. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's riVit.t.last E. Ansi - Hs, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my if-lends. play WALTER FORWARD. Office o Daniel ifth st Curry, littorn--- t - L cy a Law, ap 8 W n F M. reet, between Wood and Smithfield Pittsburgh. 11011ERT PORT,R-. ..... JOHN B. PERNiNS Porter & Perkins Attorneys at Law, Office on the corne r of Fourth and Smithfield streets, sep 10 Pittsburgh. Ifenry S. Slagraw, Attorney at Law, Has removed his office to his residence, on Fourth At., ‘wo doors above Smithfield. sep 10 Geo. 8. Selden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smith Sold 1-Convevanring and other instrument s of wri Ling legally an d promptly executed mar` John, Attorneir Will attend to collecting and securing clnims, and wt also prepare legal instrument s of writing with correc near and despatch. Smithfield street (near sth street Pittsburgh. m 8 '44 ____________ , R. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between IVood and Smithfield. Pittsburgh. sepll3—tf Dr. S. R. Holmes, Office in Second street, next door to Mtdvany & Co.'s Glass Warehouse. seplo—y G . L• ItOMPISON. M. M'BMIDE. Robinson 44. cßridc, Eiftorneys at Law, reOffice on Fourth. in•tweeti Wood and Market sts. Conve, an. ingand (Aber inr , tru men ts of writing (Tally arid promptiyuxveut..d. __ al 0-tf _____ Dr. George Watt, PRACTISING Pll YSICIAN 4- SURGEON Office , sr. near the corner of u —1 y A. Dr. ld W. st Pa n,tterso Ollice on Smithfie third door from sixth street. the corner o se WilliamA. Ward, Dentist, ripL, iberty street, a few duJr.i below St. Clair 61813 Doctor Daniel McNeal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10—y ILLILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., OOTTJN TARN WA/2E80173E1, A'. 43, Wood Street, Agents for the sale s of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns. mar 17—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & MACKEY, 11.7iolesale and Retail Dealers in English, French and Domestic Dry Goods No. 81, Market street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y BIRMINGHAM & Co.. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, r"TNo. 60, Witter street, Pittsburgh, Pa. rasts.—Receiving and shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Commissiou on purchases and sales, 24 per cent mar22-y 13 r o urn v illc JuniatalrozTlT7orks, Edward Ifughes, Manufacture r of /ran and Nails IVarehouse, No. 25, Wtxxl st., Pittsburgh. cep 10-y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And dealer s in l'iltsburgh Ilfanufactures. mar 17 NO. 43, Wood street. Pittsburi, For proceedin Magistrate's Blanks, Ss in sttachment under the late law, for sale at this °nice. jy 25 --------. Matthew Jones, Barber and Bair Dresser, Ha, mr,,,,,,,,i to Ftnirth street, opposite the Mayor's of- fice, where be will be happy to wait upon permanent or tra.nsient customers. Ile solicits a share of public pa- 1 tronagc. --- - -- - R. E. !YUGO WIN . , RECORDING REGULATOR, .r . c_hfice in 11.101INGTON'S BUILD/NGS, PentlStree a few drams above Hand street. j23—tf "VVJ D. Williams, HOL F:S AL E AND RETAIL GROCER, For warding and Commmission Merchant, and dealer in Country Produc e and Pittsburgh Manufac tures, N o 28 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. dz CO., Wholesale Dry Goods Illerchaats, No 123, Wood Street. Thiid dour above Fifth, %Vest side, Pittsburgh al CHARLES A. AIcANULTY, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, PITTSUURGII, PA., Agent for U. S Portable Bat ine, forth(' transporta. ion of Merrhandiz e to and f rond'Pt t4burgl., Baltimore. 'biladelptiia. New York and Boston. JoRN PARKER, (qf the lat of' 1• 4. J. Parker.) Wholesale Gro ce r Dealer in Produce, and PITTSB UR GH At..4..tiCIFAC TURES , To 5, COYMERCIAL Rotii, mar 20-tt" Liberty street, Pittsburgh, P. Pilkington'e Unrivalled Slaking ANUFACTVRED end sold wholes a c le and , S retail, IXTH smear, one d oor, below Smithfield. get M'CANDLESS & 11FCLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, Pittsburgh. Francis R. Shuak, .Attorey at Law, Fourth street, above Wood, sep I o—ly —___________ Pittsburgh, Pa. Thom as Fia.milton, d Attorney at Law scp 10--y Fifth, between Wood an Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. R. C. TOWNSF. Wire Workers and Wire Illi No. 23, Market street, between 2dand 3(1 s szinfactitrers, reets, sep 10—y Birmin James Patterson, jr, gham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacture r of locks, hingesand belts; to 6 bacco, fuller, mill and timber housen screw s for rolling mills , &c. se p 10—y Libohn ltrCloskey, Taikor and Clothier, J rty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley, S otth side. sep 10 Webb Closey's Boot and Shoe inanntketory, M. 83, 4th st., next door to the U. S. Bank. Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest manner, and by the neatest French patterns. sep 10 _ Birmingham & Taylor, STEAMER CLEVELAND ANDFOR "IRON CITY LINE," TO CLEVELAND, O. A' G. REINHART. SIDNEY STRONG, 17.390111.611 T Be. STRONG, (Successor s to Lloyd &Co.) Who-esale and Retail Grocers and Commission No. Merchants, 190, Liberty st., a few doors above St. Clair, I:llVhhedere families and others can at all times be I furnis with good Goods at moderate prices. 11'8 i DAVID LLOYD G.G. W. LLOTD. W D. & W. Lloyd, lIOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND PORIV R DING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS /N PRODUCE & PITTSBURGH MAN. U - R , " i Liberal advances in cash or goods made on consignnmats of produce, &c., at Nu, 142, Liberty street. ml 5 RI MO VA 1. JAMES 110 WARD & CO. TT AVE ',moved their IVA LI, PAPER WARE HOI:SE to Nu. C 3, %WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Where the% have on hand a large an,l gplend as- ;oriole:a of 'AI r. P IPi,:R and BoaDF: Its, sed suitable for nii.eria,t Padors, Chamber.,, 11 alts, (tic. .1140, a ;..7..t:i•r.d a:s , rintent of Writing, Letter, Print ig, Wraprin. ; ur:d 'lea paper, Bonnet floard,l, & c . Which they will sell low for Cash. or in ex c h ange 1r Hag:, Tanners Setup, 5........ fob 22. 1899 --- - R ENO VA L. lIOLDSHIP & BROWNE I I A .t 1 , 7:.. t. r t t , t mo e Nu their v e . i . r (x istreet, Paperfrom S toonrce door from n Market the eotnerof 4th street, where they keep on hand their us ual assortmen t of WALL PAPERS, for paperim T par lors, entries, chambers, &c., and also PRINTING, %WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. &c., all of which they over for sale on ac- conitnodatin g terms. --feh 14 1843--thf NICHOLA S D. COLEMAN...... LLOYD R. COLEMAN Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, .eveeStreet, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so 'consignment s . n 22—tf C UTL John Cartwright, -------- ER arid Surgical Instrument Manufacture' corne r of 6th and Libertystreots, Pittsburg, l'a. N. B. — Always on hand an extensive assortment Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Saddle Harter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Teols,___Trusses, William C. Wall, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame i l fanufacturc r , No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'IN VA SS bruslies,varnish, &c., for artists, alway s on hand. Looking Glasses, &r.. promptly fla med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to regildingand jobbing 01 every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to heir advantage to call. sep 10-y SA NICEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware No. 17 , Fifth street, between Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a g-ood assortmen t of wares, and solicits a share orptiblic patronage. Also, on hand, the followingarticles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons, skillets, teakettles,pots, ovens, coffee mills, &e. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for hemselves,a s he is determined to sell cheapforcasb or approved paper. marl—tf DORTIi AI T PAINTING. J. OSBORNE Port rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil ding. J. Osborne would solicit a call from those who desire Portraits . Spcimens can ho seen at his rooms may 5. Dont yon want A HANDSOME Coat and Pantaloons, or Vest, better made and finer cloth than you can get at the high priced establishmer ts of the city? If you do, call at the Three Big Doors. We will warrant them equal, if not superior, to any that can be purchased west of the mountains. Bring the cash and we will put you into a first rate suit in a few minutes. If you prefer having your measure taken and your clothes made according to your own notion you can have it done, and when it is done you will be satisfied beyond a doubt. Don't mistake the place. JOHN WC LOSKEY, Three Big Doors, No 151, Liberty st. DA. W. KERR aionLER. & KF:RR MOHLER DRUGGISTS AND .• A POTIIECA APOT HECARIES, Corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, No. 144, FRESH Medicines, selected and put up with care, can be had at all times, at moderate rePhysicians' prescriptions carefully compound ed. may 2-ly ANotice to all whom it may concern. LL persons having claims against the Estate of Ohver Ormsby Erans, deceased, as well as those knowing thentF.elves indebted to the same, will please present their accounts forsettlement to C Evans No 10 Water street, who is duly authorizrd to settle the said Estate. febls SA RAH L. EVANS, Adminisantrit. -410a4,,, k M Asedlen, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Market street. sep 10 JOHNSON & DUVAL, Bookbinders and Paper Rulers, Continue busines s at the stand late of ACCandless Johnson. Every description of work in their line neza, ly and promptly executed. may B—y THOMA S IL You so ............ FRANCIS L. YOUN'O, Thos. 8. Y Furnitu re W oung dr. Co. chan are Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex ge alley. Persons wishing to purchase furniture, will find it to their advantage to give us a call, being ful ; ly satisfied that we can please as to quality , and price. Rep 1 0 —_____________ C I FACTURES 1 Removal—lron Safe*. I RESPECTFULLY inform my friends that I have removed my F'/RE PROOF IRON SAFE FACTORY to Third street, opposite the Post Of fice, and avail myself of this opportunity to tender my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage which they have favored me with for several years, and soli cit a continuance of their favors . I pledge myself my Safes shall be made without any deception. All my Safes which have been in buildings burnt down have saved all their contents. re They are kept for sale at my shop, and at At- wood, Jones & Co's, Dalzell St Flemings, and at D T . w organ's. EN NB. 25 bids good New Orl JOIIN D eans Sug ar for G. sube. - al3-tf [marlB Aniprovod Magnesia Safes. MANUFACTURED BY C ONSTABLE & BURKE, Afth Street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE subscribers present their respects to their nu mertms friend s for their former libt.ral patron age, and would take this method ofassurit.,,er them and ,the public generally that all fature favors will be duly appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of which sufficient testimony will be given to any inquirer. The principles of their locks and s are not sur passed in the Union, safe The price also is considerably lessened, and will be found aslow, if not below any other responsible house in the Union. We would take this opportunity of thanking the va rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, who have spoken so highly of us and our safes. The public are respectfully invited to examine our articles before purchasing elsewhere, feeling assured the superiority of our manufacture will be apparent to all candid spectators. NB. Safes canN. CONSTABLE & E. BURKE. . be obtained of any size or shape, or of any principle of lock 9r construction, of the sub act fibers, or of S. Church, Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. n2o—t£ I NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Monongahela Clothing Store. FRANCIS COOLEY and ROBERT LAIRD 1 YAitoßs, having associated themselves to for the purpose of carrying on extensively their busi ness, and fitted up a store on Water street, between Smithfield and Wood streets, near the Monongahela House, respectfully solicit thelpatimiag e of their friend s and the public. Having just opened a large assort ment of seasonable goods, and material s , and the necessary arrangements, they are made prepared to fill all orders, with which they may be favored, with e and on the most reasonable terms, dspatch, may 17-if REYNOLDS & WILMARTIL Forwarding and Commission Merchants, AND D A:ALEIIA lv LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH NfANUFACTURES, role THE ALLECH" - • _lEl' Y RIVER TRADE, Corner of Penn and Irwin streets, O. HEYNor.ns, PI TTSBURGH. L. Witme.arn. a5-IV K. LOG IN JAMES K. LOGAN & CO., Fifth Street, between the Exchange Bank and T,Vood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOCKS, 4-c. a LLEN KRAMER, E.rch corner of ;Voodoo,' Thi Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solve rs and sold. Sight clieuk s on the E Drafts, notes and bills, collected. II I . :FERE:4'C E $. IVin. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorene, J. Painter & Co., Joseph IVoodwell, James May, A lex. Bronson e Co. John 11Browm.V-Co. i James M'Candless. Cincinnati, U. J. R.M'Donald. W. H. Pope, Es , Pres St. Louis, Mo. q.'t Bank Icy. Louisville. FOR SALE CHEAP, ONTwo New and First Rate Steam Engi. E is 20 horse Power, 10 inch cylinder, and ne 4 foot stroke, will be sold with or without boilers. The oilier engine is 12 horse power, 7~ inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 re.. - ..cing, 30 inches in diameter. These engines are made of the best ma terials and in the most substantial manner, and will be old on accommodating, terms. They can be seen at he warehouse ofthe subscribe r at any time 12.4—tf H. DEVINE. U. States T.: . iJOHN McFARLAND, Vpholsterer and Cabinet Winkel 2d at., between Wood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and spring rnattrasses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 PA RTNEUSEILP. 'THE Undersigned have this day entered into part .l.. nership , for the purpose of doing a Transporta ion. Forwardin g and Commissi business under the , yle and firm of II Devine. & C oo. H. DE VINE:. mar 28 E. G I'M IT ESI DES. JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commlssiou may. chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, nl9-ly Pittsburgh. Card, W J DA VITT, formerly of the Iron City Cloth W . ing Store. is now engaged at the THREE Bto Dooas, where he will be happy to see his friend s a nct former customers, and serve them to the best of his ability, a3-t f , PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Azles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. T H iyEosnutisancrdibecro ac nznfa a c i : nzti d c k s ee p p rin c g o s n istwanart ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver Mad Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Saver Iron, Door Handles iuul Hinges, &c., &e. se JONES & COLEMA plO St. Clair st., near th N. e Allegheny Bridge. GEO.cosx EL AUCTION L, Philad'u GOODS. ange Broker, Ain. 96, ireistreets, Pittsburg t Bank notes, bought astern cities, for sale. Pittsbu rg h , pa Philadelphi a ricarsovil; THE subscriber begs leave to return hisii grateful acknowledgments to his numerous friend s and the public in general for their litsval pa tronage for years past, and would earnestly solicit a continuance at his new establishment, No 84, Third street, (south side) between wood and Market its., and 9th door from Wood street, adjoining Mr t en's Glass Warehouse, where, in addition to the manufac ture of cabinet furniture, he has co mmenced the Up holstering business in all its branches, and the menu facture of Wiridsor Chairs of every description, togeth er with a new invention of beristed s far superior to any of the patent humbugs of the day, the facility their constnrction affords will strongly recommend them to the public, as they are a perfect bug trap. The subscribe r is determined to spare neither pains nor expens e in procuring the latest eastern French and English fashions, and having secured the eervices of some of the best workme n in the country he will be Fnabled to manufacture furniture of a superior style. Purchasers will find it their interest to call before put chasing elsewhere, as he will keep constantly on hand a general as of furniture, chairs, mattresses, &c. M. KANE, jr. NB. Steam and canal boats furnished with l stery, chairs, and cabinet furniture, at reduced uphoprices and with despatch. al6-tf Peach Trees. abk THE subscriber has just received from the Nur. .="wry df Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety ofpuach trees, to which he would call theattention of the public. No F. L. SNOWDEN. Liberty st. head of Wood. William Adair, Boot and Shoe Brak Liberty st. opposite the head of Smith d e! , fiel The subscriber having bought out theme late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has commenced business at the old stand of Mr. It., and is prepared to execute all description s of work in his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe finding s of all description s , and of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. sop .10—y WM. ADAIR. i :e 7 THORN'S PU onghs! Colds!! Co nramption . LMONARY CANDY. THIS pleasant and certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparation s now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprietor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the increasing demand. Medical agencies, groce. ries, dr , ggists. coffee houses, and even bars on steam boats, keep a supplyon hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this everyone who basil cough or cold byeating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons at a distance. bv remitting the money, poet paid, to the subscriber, will attended to. For sale by the single stick. C,} cents; five sticks for 25 cents; at wholesale by W3I. Moan, Druggist, 53, Market street, where a general assortment of Drugs a ndNledicines may always be found. j 2 ,1. Eforatio P. To -- , Cabis et er, -ii-( Late of the _firm of Young 4. Ar Curdy) AS commenced the easines s in all its branches at 4_ 1. N 022, Wood street, between First and Second strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict attentio n to business, to merit a continuance of the patrona ge of the public. Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS, . A Furniture Car for hire. July II __________, ISAAC C RUSE, comussioN& FORWARDING MERCHANT No. 87, Smith', Wharf, BALTIMORE, BID. James C. will give his particular attention to Pro- Goods of which are respectfully solicited. Goods received stored and forwarded to - any part of the country. I : ravin g a large and commodious Ware house. for storage and other facilitie s for the prompt transaction of busines s he confidently offers hie servi ces to the community. References in Baltimore. Messrs W. Wilson & Son,Geor ge & Hays, Reynolds & Smith, Henry Riema n & Son. J Power & Son. Reference s in Philadelphia. Robert Creighton & Co., Samuel W. Day, Esq., References in Pittsburgh. Bailey & Co; Robertson & Reppert; Dulzell & Fleming: M. Leech & Co; J. W. Burbridge & Co; W. &R. WCutcheon. And the merchants generally. marl 6 REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING &c. &c. rp TIE undersigned, having associated themselves -1 for the transaction of all business relativeto Real Estate, will henceforth attend to the purchase and sale Is well as renting of city and couutry , property, eollect ing rents &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had much ex perience, and being extensively known as an agent of Real Estate, they hope to receive a liberal share of pub lie patronage. For the a ccommodation of the public, there will be two offices, where business will be receiv ed; at the Real Estate Agencyof Jatnes.Thakely, Penn et., sth Ward, and at the Law officeofioh n J. Mitch ell, S. W. side of Smithfield st., (near sth) at either of which, persons wishing to have instruments of wri ting, legally and neatly executed, titles investigated, or desirous to purchase or dispose of Real Estate will apply. J. J. Mitchell will continue to attend to the duties of his profession, as heretefore, JAMES BLAKELY, JOHN J. MITCHELL. dec 4—(4„.Gm -BEAD BARD WitiThi --- . - --- 4 - 0 - WFIITMORE & WOLFF, Cornerof Liberty and St. Clair Sta., Pittsburgh A RE now receiving their spring importation o HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD DLER Y, to which they respectfully invite the meter._ purchasers. Havingcompleted arrangements, through which they are now receiving supplies DI RECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND. they shall nt all times be prepared to sell at such prices as will make it the interest of pur chasers to call. Always on hand, a full and general assortment ()TRI FLE BARRELS AND GUN TRIMMLVGS, PLANES, COOPERS C ARPENTERS AND LOCKS SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a great variety of and LATCHES for building purpowt, to gether with every variety of articles appertainin g to thehosiness. al6-tf TNew Arrival of Queensware 4 China. HE subscribe r would respectfully invite the at (Potion of the pubiic to illA present stock of White Glazed 14are, a superiorarricle, together with is. select assortme nt of IVhite French China,cousprising all the necessary pieces to constitute complete sets ofDining and Tea we re. Also. a general stock of articles suitable for thesup ply of country merchants, to which their attentionis invited, at his old sreets. stand, corner of Front and Wood ally HENRY HIGHT,. PRICE. TWO CENTS. the IPaiip Morning ..1)ost. Frost UPPER he Bt. Louie Oswego. , ' ,_ , C ALIFORNIAL. This is said 'to be the most fertile spot of Math known great . It produc flax, es 'spontaeousl oats, chime in abundance and sortn excellent quallty. It is generally covered With a efelaaelyfine Sins; of which horsey and cattle • are veryliefd. 'The oat, in many parts of the country are found 5 or b 6 fieet itt height. The clover generally grow. about two oe three feet high, and resembles our common red and - white clover. The flux is of an excellent qtallty. 71a soil is generally a black, deep vegetable learn; that of ' the hills and mountains is usually a light brown !Daps, or vegitable earth. The sub-soil is generally graved and sand, ot The clay. ho principal grain grown yet in California la wheath, which is raised in groat abundance throughway* untry. The crop ranges between 30 and 60 beak*: tie to the acre, or to a bushel of peen As .133 fold ' has been produced; the spontaneous growth ofthe neat year being 61 bushelsto the acre! The wheat raised nCalifornia is of a very different kind from the,Atnet-, ican; one stalks or heads. It is of an excellent quells ty and makes very superior flour. Ladino cern, beam, "...? peas, tobacco and all kind of vegetables are Leeway with great success in all parts of the country. is no part of the world, perhaps, more favorable to to the growth of rice, cotton and Cane than California. 4 Apples, peas . , peaches, figs, almonds, olives , dates, ota... ?. anges, lemons, citrons, promegranates end grapoe, .i.":',5 may all be produced in great abundance In fact, all .- ' the tropical fruits are, or maybe , produced in chisel& , mate. In sodaarts of the conetry timber is very abets, ; dant, ly on the coast, where oak, ash, arbutus', arbervit t e and several species of cedar and pine aro '...: found. In the interior the timber is principally con-- ?, fined to the streams; but there are many sections of '• . the streams which are well timbered. Both on the coast and in the interior is found the meet admirable ~,:._ timber fur ship-be/Idiot!. ./. ?. It has been remarked by some ebullient is a great • Befi t of timberin this country, but this assertion ? , later travellers deny. Taking the whole country to. - :, Bother, there is an abundance of timber for all useful ' - purporres • pal ticularly when the mildness of the ch. , ' --• mate is considered, fuel never being recommi &wear. ~?-', poses of comfort. The climate is a perpettalspringp.-L, neither the heat of the summe r or the coldness of win- ter, is experienced. The country is sufficiently well--.:, watered, and its commercial advantages cannot be -r. surpassed. The Bay of St Francisco, fur extent of , anchorag e and extent of harbor, is unpatalleled. Be- aides this, there are of bays affording very com- - modious and safe anchorage, those for instances Of ... ontery, St Diego, and Bodego. At each of these s r• - • towns have been commenced. Monterey is the mac ?' of Government. k The popuiatio n of upper California is about seems A ,, , or eight thousand, about two thirds of wham arena- z., Live Indians; the other portion is composed of the mon- ...4 grel species of humanity called Afezicars, being a 1 : mixture of Indian. Negro and Spaniard, there Wog ,' however, a few foreigners, principally Americana-- ' The government, of course , is Mexican. .A.ll' foreign- ' ors can obtain lands by bee:uming citizen The num. her of fo - eigne rs at present, is said to be about firs; hundred. These particula rs we have gleaned from a letter in the Era, written by a gentleman what has recently returned from rho cuuntry of which it tteats. RUSSIAN CRULTY TOWARDS THE POLES. Accordin g to various accounts, the policy of Ramis toward s the unfortunate Pules, has been cruel in the extreme. It is affirmed in the New Monthly Maga. tine, that under all circumstances, after the subjnot. clue of Poland, "a generous disposition might have.; contented itself a ith ton g trea her acconling to the .„ • stern laws of conquest, not Nicholas has done, au- cording to the sanguinary coda which established au. '', charity arrogate s to itself the right of applying to re- .-...''! hellion. For this was scatcely a rebellion crushed, 1., but a For recomptered. Regular armies fought .--,..5-; regular armies, acoording to all the usages of in tional warfare; prisoners of war were made and corn- ,'..' munications opened between the chicfsof the contend.. . ing armies. The Emperor himself received the dela ; ;. gates of his adversaries. When, however,he prevail' the strongest in the -struggle, and the War w as OW, '-, those prisoners who had fought as brave men in the field, who, not submitting to a master, had-surrentite.. ed on the faith of an exchange, and, counting 'on • 11 11., 7 ~.: ciprocity of treatmeot, were against their vows and :: wishes, made to serve their enemy, and drafted into "'".• the co ndemned corps, where they wens required to take the oath of allegianc e to the Empenn. Their entall•-, is these particulars would, of itself, have beau.- .little preferable to that of British convicts; but theirj...., persecuto r was not content with the misery of a hope...,: -1: less as perpetual exile -- thus inflicted - ont'' .:: them; they were left the option between taking aa oadaci against their conscienc e which would render thew,' participators in their own degradation, or the most :. fearful corpora/ sufferings. On refusing to take the -ri oath, they were condemned to receive a number or T.,.7: lashes, which alone would have been a fearful punish. '' meet for any offence; but still persisting as they dkj r , i one victim after another, each as resolute after as be- fore his mart yrdorn—asdatermined in his refusal when/ he had seen his comrade expire under the lash, ILli ' when first called out—wa s it not an unheard-of bow. .. barity to renew th is torture at any fresh lefusal, till. death placed them beyond the pow cf human cruel- ty?" .cis stated further, that after the termination ofther Polish war, several hundred prisoners in the town GU Cronstadt, "employed in workin g at thefortifna,_ . were required, and almost unanimously refused, to y tke i the oath. They were then made successively 'to rUilk -' 4 tbegauntlet,' but still hi almost every instance they per. sisted in their refusal, with a resolution worthy of ed.', mirstion in any cause. Time after time they woo, I thus carried out from the hospital, still unwavering, in their heroism, to undergo the same infliction, life or all sensation had departed from the manAd mass of flesh, which 14113 consigned to the burial cans or to linge r for weeks in a hospital,till relieved by tardy kindness of death, and in some few cases to re cover cover in several months, crippled and maimed to drag- on a miserable chained to felons and asses". sins. The commissio n of these barbarities, pereetra.. .1 ted in view of all the inhabitant s of Cronstadt, lasted' d many weeks,,, MP r. ichard Nugent, late editor of the Flaleen ..:, Nova Scotia, has been incarcerated four months is' t; Halifax jail, and is likely to remain eight months lng.. ' er, for the crime cf poverty! He was lately ca st In il ~: libel •nit with some of bis political opponents, a4dl ' fined in the sum of 4200—in default of whic be wan to suffer imprisonment one year. Mr. N. I s wholly ~ destitute of the means of paying the fine. and is liltss•" -: Iv to remain in prison if the amount I/I DOC paid.--...... • Kingston (Can. ) Chronicle. • ----- ----...-- np" An invalid sent fora physician, the late Dr. Wheelman, and after -detaining him for seme titbit with a description of his pains, aches, etc., he thus , slimmed upow, Duct , , , , ye,, have humbugg4 me long enough with your good-for-nothinA, pi ... s 'lls nod ••, worthless syrups; they don't touch the real dittieetry. -.. I wish you would strike the cause of my aliments. ic.:'' it is in your power to reach it." "It shall be done," "., said the Doctor, at the same time lifting his essne,,and -. demolishing a decanter of Gin that stood epos sideboard! •-• . _ larThe new Cannella of New York. (Nativesj- have made wa r tal the apple-women; vvlMlntve fit. : around the Park. and made a anhaiateneeby ,nal/Ni.:" cakes, pea-tmtv, &c. to the children. lA. pri ipti4 of the poor women convicted in, rlin fact that thai t c were (risk! Oli! land of Liberty! ---11.11. rinta*. l'i:'