Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, June 03, 1844, Image 3

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    - Ashaire-• - •
41Ainagh1011011001artalinillo lanwetm,- •
aights:tise :isinwt
Uptus)asmiltenist she held - • • •
::212.11baater, lasegstni thathirC; - •• • -
*Oak giant -Sober stalling. wojed-... •
:.•1171.n13AY0111m1" iist inonolsotherv -, - .
lllClArsongotes. '.tiLag ws‘
„ 411//118.0.4001t-Inalbanialsoi,.
Aittlf.rspirr **aril glow .
4114100 . 14 Atalinr man& lot sanisW; • •
~iir: soarothingi4o4llo4ceek upostbar.btow,.. -
. sattwifonder;.,dosper,
4 1,., 5 j 14 3 *Wm" ionsetrisional we •
Uti bioketiss,glysitto of the slooper.
.7113.1rtglilow.-Rnlenitaelt dearer&
;11 81Waglats-,bati &Mod heti
let udfaXlsilokallained to ••
ms • plumed-her
- - *Ow
{amen amity.
t ait. • • ' atantaipalo!..
„4, ,•• rattosisnal. swan scarcely titter ; - - •
rig ' t
00 0 9 ikasioneestlwejt. _
piss, mulling, holy ;
. • 004..100:1t9soaasfalts ..: •
lawoarrosirth is folly—
dliturg"Nsir 'thick 4.40.111Pi5, •
"ail* nisirma . of sunset streaming - -
A Nei glans on tows ;waled.
r.141.-Parb:6ollPg.,4il,twatlanisospe dreaming
.. . •
"1 ic.:44 - iii ,:‘ • iiMaaa;nl ' ' she lay,
:. ...
- :•• alim - • uncertain river,
ai r iadirstalay,
for evert.
l'rlig&7 it="'‘• '
I .... 770 ,
. gyOrrlSlVel'Art4cL
The years at qua. law lint,
When ; d kiiii:was tiniVtipear477 . ,
A lIR4 Abefil &ISM iiihrzi*,.
zt . 44 Tot4Ott-in hfc.nnouß4l , l4. . •
ktipp.onotlii,iti„ ock..
-13 RsF4tiesihd hillie: arni eiiheSAA l l ,l o3
I fekaliilMll 44 - anima . attkia-- ' • •
~,* ,iiiicaii Perolation'e cloud came o'er me,
. A4...Beigg lie.gmed a troubled tide,
!gecko is &Ammo airambeforsi me
_ _
A, - ; . z . etweiciptlar women, and, not ogergifted
..., .
„tr.. BaOgnibir. One Mdle. Lola !damsels
the ag a tarlaimiekratie,,try new trick skit marks
t...a if/
m VIP.. : 44 bee firm /eap on the owe, she stop.
~titafipt.of her toes. and by a moverneat of
o mpi.btyrioneekwo one of her garters, to the
, ... ,
11 imIP a 116**4 irewi theta glass.
taiisinMilier leap to the very edge of thlll-lar" .
z..: 4 1,4 1 * • ~ataith btir Amp*. the ribbon arlibAshe
''' /1114galatatbea ptel mocattaall bet most fascinating
• • - , t ~ 'iLtbet.xiblioa-to the spectators. bidle.
'I , • , Was content to send kisses to the public
t ' : frt a 54... .44,..1.kid1e. Elealer was bat a Spam.
' l '. ' inn. - Mlle. Wei Meows itilin nights a,
IU I SIr r, • ail,hatAmmilme. whip, triumphed over
' bailie cavalry sent to aireetieer.- - fkil .
ri'm r 1 : Ai..7!: 4 .1 ' . • ; -
- -- -
• , row sALE, L• W.
A Ilintitgq.kikaG Awn font, otieqatErt, op
}lnar: co.
orinuc 47.7141tOSIK`I.ELLOW. No 1, just
reCtssived arid for age et the DrueStore of
I.' 40NA. KIDD,
-for F- 2 ::-.16 and Wood sts.
",i342 i-:.
Si b American
t j:.k7.o-t
reAES.r—CoCkbaibels. .Dried Peaches. !be sale
Opy, . • DdoG IN LLOYD,
. No 142, Liberty sweet.
Ilt9lt.itlifkaorived, and sale ,
r.v . • vr,BlAlTitimai cO.,
Mit bet" eon ood and S Id
-taw:: _go vr !i'luilOt -14
..., -.. 0 .-.5.a.-..i.b-.------"-- - " -----
11:7 CI SIMI' II ABD 1,111112 - . Alt
• NT INTM.Olitg &I NVO'f..lfr,"
artier o My mitt St. Clair SU.; Psttsifxrs
A RE now receiving their spring importation ~..01,)
..014 . HAI?. .0 1 *.i. R E", CUTLER P VLAND SAP
DLIRRIFiioleh the j respectfully invite the'rittei;
-tionof purchaser': Hiving completed arritngerneutb
• Armagh which they are now 'receiviadopplies...A l-
ENGLAND, they shall at - till times too 'prepared
Mal at such prices as will nrliiit the interest of pur,
. -- •cbaaers to call.
Always on hand, a full and general assortment of RI:
,SMITHS' TOOLS. Also, a greet variety -tot
'' LOCESI LATCHES for building purposes tu
"-avers nri : ety of articles ettertaleh4 to
*lobos ' `'•""'" -
alti-f _
apt 8e7 4 4 4 L.t •
08 SALE . SALE, 'even vpinmet the of Am
X House of Repreoencatives. and of moo‘o of
-ITotosylvania, from 1799 to 1799. ',halm . I*o
• gobterma, wan bound, nig Vritti.nairol:
: 4 40 many, and will borie tog Oort
-t t• • ,77 IS•
~-._ ..-- - --_
c ki rl . 0 ittuakoime N. o•_•Switithreale I% .
-- ..e- , V • ' t ' Ilf;4 1 4 1 Wil &C •
:.,--,.., ita r " , -
' ' 20 .."•: - s - ,=•• •-- ' c-..-:•.zZx' -• :,----
• - , • --- "•• -
1 • ' =
~.,,r 4 MOO
.*- tromililitimielbr" . "' •••' • . , .., . ...
" • 4. W i6 BUREIDGIS; 84 , • ,
~, ,
twra' 9.- ard,fur`aale
- Water attii.po r ( " V t AUL
AMMg &IA ) ;441VPi116044114:416r
%it tiiii Vriii '.
1 411 ,Va
....ci:1_,..........W1"-,, riikiktA. KIDD,
' t 'illitier t Filar& and Woolksts.-1
' -I ~ 14. t i a of :vo 11 • . ,
' _.; - •
..i.. 1
~ ...,. - 1
3' ' •—• lliANDba* ..t.
-1 ' ' -..''!"-- f- `,-101•101etsaw
. ‘
~ . .
i. ' MOM, , , O rr . 4 .. t
ItE-W. - . -. . . _ ..:
ammi p. ,E, l 'Numa: rra :mil t- = H IE, 1.-IL i v-Z n h.ja ttaestv rvnir \
- -- - I. -
/ 92 / 4 - Mr;
" „ • ;----.1•• —..... 1., lenureli cured of tberabowidistawsing disease. His
• .:i ; ;.i:V 0,10::S t . I . 1..m.t ' ' '4ll4(''
friat 1"
,---, .14141!PERFIX1140111 B , , 11 411 - . , ,;. r. -. • =lct ty.
i g i n y o -- I
ta - r -- !slkprogaiWleri rki — l y s o !. , we i g ht„Low y e it i i m * .
.„ i ns a g ,
f t , ea r a n - , Y a t, - . - P- , • , - , ._i 1 appetite, flunking, acid eructations, a distension ot the
I °ritidY te i . jirTVI (}ll Tuelid a YAl T liariaa r anu 4 stomach,
sick headache, furred" tongue, countenance
ChliSsingt% Ali& 816• 14*.ye.6.04**4•wit4 4ipsyisel , * 4 t.o 03 4 ! : I „, nr a to a ildtitt color; Auwaity# et liieathing, dis
dliect, For fre" iOr risa. IV baud; 0,r,141.. testiationded with a ceugli, grow - i Wity, with
1111.._,r,,,°P„ei.,ii'tt11- . other apriritfiiiiViiidkiiiiintruLiciegOcreent of the
,functions of thativer. Mr - s had - diet-white
of several pbysiciansAcit4iiilifed no relief, until u
sing Dr Harlich's,wittielatetwskiliedin free
ting a p e rfect cure. • . , . 2„....., -- 1 .
nilad __.-
Principal officer liii," Ana,
• phis. For sale by Simnel Erriwourner pf ,Lalsorty and
Wood sts.
31kgOI Mgr T
NO. 49 'trite' . r remit's'
rri HE subseriber from the Eastern
Ar .• ,c4j*.kwhero-he• *PiORM° . tho•incotti
- -;, . _
__ _
Etter °fermi-Avail. City!
ladaitlt'bells .40txMateiskt3.tual,*(twhieb,he Wiwi
' the attention of his customers and the public! generally .
wholeigi.P/ ISt* tilablehtlatrith
; Tbe , f,,liloorri pairpnw :which ilio Meta ll sruit
6P.Puhlif-44TAA(AelaPrebeiml40804 to bestow OA
• his establishment, has induced bits to ort:halm
~• . • „• .- 4 .0 iaAT E R VARISTY . _
- ofall Itinds of biotin% sada ',superior qual
ity tg say tiling which Itnaitaretofore been offentd..—
Tha following is& listof a part oftbiaassortment which
• ',he offeraissibtpiddix;Vl.o shish begniusidees are
intim attestfashkonable Emma styles, end of Roiliest
cpsiitlity, sititahle for tbiseason.l 4 '
:- --.- • • CLOTS.,
• , .
... . ,
tlt ruc
L•, ularly infers to sti lot of beautiful _ French
.' eletbs. antlioissireseei new itTyle,• which he bt coy&
denat t inh a ot f;1 to 1 please: They are of a most ex.-
cellenM_pall SAty. . • •
Eit4raini tistinasiii ersit ,hi de . .
• . - . latest styles. '
A large variety of tterns.
beautiful patterns, and common vesting@ of every de
French and English Ftutcy style*--soitable for every
slesceiptioo of
Also. all kinds of goods which can be found at any
estahlis'brnent in the city, wbicb ha offers for sale,made
or unmade, as cheap. as say dealer in the city.
The undeisigrta offers the above extensive and va
ried iissoantem of seasonable goods for , sale at a small
advance Ms their original cost,and keeps them comitant
ly on hand, ready to make for his customers. His pri
ces Main suit the thhel.'His goods ire , all made by
Pitieburgb workraenoincl are warranted to be of
rAPPThe public ate invited to calianniaarnine for
themselves. P. DELANY..
tf No 49 Liberty at. 2 door* from Virgin alley.
The Proprietor of the
s not itt tits hisbit: cif bbastin , r, bat helms no hesitation
in saying t hat the
Of hit present stock of
Amounting to tipwvirds of
Which he will sell et
And he will viarrant the WORKMANSHIP and
FASHION to be of the must superior kind.
It would require too much time and space
to enumerate all the attractions of
his magnificentestablisbment„ but
suf fire it to say, that his
stock comprises every
Which he pledges himself to sell lower than they
can be purchased anywhere else Unite city.
• Purchasers are cautioned to be on their guard against
the tricks of little rival establishments that try to palm
themselves on the unwary as the
The public are desired to note the
In from of the "old original," as that is a mark for
the genuine Three Big Doors that cannot IA counter
feited. JOHN ivI'CLOSKEY,
e4-tf No 151, Liberty street.
'e - at.
' White
. de4teb
all tin;
- the aup
ttention ii
ma Wood
.upiod by
PAU Fifth
T" s ubscriber hsi . opened- an establishment , at
Wood. streets e few doors from the cor
ner toe4th, where he keeps canstontly for sale all kinds
of. WOKING GL A SSE:S, at. Eastern Prices.
He has on hand a large assortment of Glasses in both
giltr4 mahogany frames, m which be invites the at,
Lentten of cusunners, believing that the quality of his
articles and hi, prices cannot fail to give satisfaction. .
• Pictures framed warder, in neat style, in either gator
mahogany. frames. ,
Canalboat and other reile.ctors manufactured to or
der on-the shortest
. notice. Old frames repaited and
regilt, so as to look as well as w
00e the sortest no
I rice.. .1 T MRGAN, h Agent.
mar. 234
Far exceeds any thing ever seen in the West
ern country, and no person
can realize its
Unless they call at his establishment.
- - Removal.
THE s ubscriber bifitlinivt:d Troia his former old
stand to the building adjoining die Pena Iti.
suraimis Oficer, on Market street, where hiliaow re
oeivingand oiseiiing_a:largn an d well selected stock
of SPRING amid SUMMER GOODS in his line, in
cludingclothsizells,kaletts and yaatirtga .or the most
fashionable stylii: atia'wheie' he Lcin`iiiiai to continua
the TAILGAING business on . a libtral nod extensivip
iscale. His add costumers tire requested to give hint a
miliaria 1G141011617 his stock. JOHN RIPPEY.
al3 3m
rill HE Allegheny County Mutual Insornneo Cornps
.l ay are now prepared and Lead) to receive airplira
tians•for Inseams, at the office of tbe Carepany lu
Exchange BeiHinge, No. 12. The' ritethod end plah
of Inserance aexesding to the plan onwbleb this Com
pany hasbeen organized, hasbeen fully tested and wri
versallyanocreerifulin other-parts of the St ate,' n thetast-_
ern States, end ia. New York and Ohio the'retes 4
b, I mmo generalri•; - iioteding the i to .1 of one
Per real. per itnewn.
ivra.:.-7-teek tenon insured becomes a afiembere.
vx044,44!4,444.1, his' note far the preininen with the
Set.tt'll.z--91,51n...WhiaL•5__per.crent.. is required to be s
IN"i n .. wll- - - . • • .
, -- ,- .c ‘ L.AWILMARTII, President. -'
hair 11..8xmartualy Rimer".
w ,
m.-Ratqrge,,Tr,;. ` Lot 0. Reynolds,
John Siatersop,,,• • .. _Thos. 4 . Stewart,-
Inures Wind'
W1672141*•7-:71::-::5.'4:11&-figibe!°,, .
'Sylvania'. wow, ti. IL Manson, '..• i
John • •Harverfebilds.•
~. ` -
._______•_..,.....:.,-.:._.„._, 3 r.•
.. , .
lyttED MACIFIES..-- 0 2 boteCti49 10
ale • Na 26, Wood" stMet; "
AtAE3he osirserallshorket insalStkarr.•
IrE eNKl's• child respedt&Ry haste
Tet w isaaie t;:nik6ien of rittitiitio
cinhir thatthej have orMea rooms at thiebeilnneu
I are eev} itenigratt:.
tiro in sejle baritofdie - taiiiittO • - • -
comb - hastier' era 41116; la.nitifP l a • • Mr, to
entirely fava ,60ae ateinthivthey• ariCiaiddeff
groducepictures of kmaniishig. accuracy end WOW
comblaing entire. '436i:to - myof - iti slost . 'eltlirlrba
disthict salon,perFeid de O n. arid iiiif,lbar
not least, the earn ureic.
ing of Photographic Pictures, forma a new erre
art, 'kilt enables into "coiabble With ariearettaf na
the adyanAges of sq. iltelindetisigned
nor is it their intention to deceive the public by,promi
sea„ :which they cannot fulfil, for they depend. 86141
the character of their pictures fpißi4rPnage - Citizens
and strangers, one and all,. are invited to call and ex,
arsine specimens. A t
. N B.—Completi lad of the improved patent ap,
pavans fattitisha es the most 4-eaeoltable tits-riti—r
Plates: Cases,. Frames. Chensicas, and every go*
connected with She hi:sins:es. attic lowest retail. pm ces. - L 1[ HAMMON & 00
TOO EMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to int
-XL form the pubfics that ha' has townie& from his
old used, to the corner.of,Pena and St. Clair sts.,
Mesita the.Excbange floral, abet, halms fitted up a
large rtatio FORTI WARE ROOIO,.IIEICt got offers the
most splendid aNtortment of Pianos ever offered in
this market.
Hie pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and.lifilim9,-teisa6filly finished and
modeled, and eoasunctedil tbrou t ehoug of the veer best
materials, which, for durability , Emd quality of tone,apa
well as, touch, he vraarents to be superior to any error
seen here.
As he has 001111(4 ilk. an uhts end -mtuht.
raagements iV supply the incrnsf ing Oestand for this in
strument, be respectfully. grquelts %boob inteisdh% to
purchase to call and . .examine his assortment Tore
purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sellmilOr
I KR for cash, thin any other establishment eisCori#l#.
ortho mountains.. F. 8 / 444
Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets,.
Opposite the Eachange Hotel, Pittstatrr,ll, Pe r
sep 10.
Land Surveying aid Mill xap=o,' - ' 7— ..,
TRE undersigne 4 . int to -pursue pursue pertnanently
The bnAinesi or surv6yingnnd Civil Enobseering,
',tiers his servioes to the public.
Having had a 'very 'extensive practice with Mr Z \V
Remington in thisvicitiity, he feels warranted in say
that his EXPerieae, aria practical knowledge aid
bedvatungeons to those who may employ him. Par
sons interested in real est a te will fintisa bigeffloaphins•
of the City. City DLitt - jot, "Reserve Tract.. opparaelJ
Pittsburgh," "Manor of Pittsburgh," Birmingbanai
Law re.nceville. and lots and farms exuseditig several
miles around Pittsburgh. RE. iliteGOW IN.
Olhoe, Penn street, a few doors abovetts Heed.-
Piburgh .
Richard Biddle, Eng.', P Mutrany,
Wilson M'Candions, Esq., Jaime S. Craft, £.q.,
John Anderson, Hon. Harmer Denny,
William Althorn, Chan. S. Bradford, Esq
R. S. Canal, 1 O Metcalf, Esq.
[Those of my friends and the public, who may
wish to have recomsolo any n( my papers, draughts or
plans. will hereafter find there in the office of Rte MO- .
GOW IN, wheal respectfull rewarmed y as we in
whose professional abilities anti integrity they matt de
THE subscriber, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh
Mnaufactaring Association, having been ap
pointed by a number of the M a nancturersand Mechan
ics of the city of Pittsburgh and iu, vicinity as their n
gentfor the sale of their various manufactures. will
be constantly supplied with a general assortment of
those articles at the lowest wholesale prices.
The attention of Western Merchants and dealers in
American Manufactures Is respectfully 'invited to ,
this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri
ber will be promptly attended to.
febl9 No 243 Wood street.
ON HAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks,
Spales,and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trace and Log
Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Cs' lepers' and Carpen
ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Window Glass and Glasii
ware, White and Red Lead.
16 BI3LS of fine iissilit3tAtistteceived and for sale
26, Wood street.
To Printers.
WE have received, and will hereafter keep car
stantly oo bend, a full supply of Printinglnlt,
in large and small kegs, which we will be able to.rwif
cheaper than it has 'heretofore been sold in this city.
Orders from the country accompanied by .1441 cash
(Is ALL CASIS) will be prooPy attended to.
oct 10-tfthfice of the Post and Mannfactru r
Imitation of Wood and Marble Painting.
H A VlNO:Commenced the above business. at )\n
60, Water street. I respectfully solieh a petition ,
of public patronage. From long experience, my de
voted attention will be given to the above business, and
I fondly hope to give general satisfaction to all who
may favor me with their J
a23-3m W McDOWELL.
Ussoir as CO.,
No 123. Wood. Strut,
ARErkew receiving a fresh stock of Spring Dry
fAgols, which they have lately purchased in the
east, Stial'ely for cash, and they flatter themselves
hat they can now offer such inducements rnaka
t the interest of purchasers to give them a bill, is
they am deter to sell goods cheaper than any
other house west of the mountains. .
John (34141h7,
NT 0 56, Third street, between Wood and Market,
IA -third door from the Post Office, would most res,,
peotfully inform his Mends end the public getteraily
diorite isprePared tomake Boots and tgioesin thole.
test and most apptosed style, as he has furnisbed,hitri;
self with the best of freoch and Philadelphia materi
als, and has in.hisomPhrY the most experieaOsa work
meu. He hopes to receiver a , liberal share of patro-
N. 8.--Repsiri rig done with nednitss aid despatch
lielharf 1111011111"1 aranert
T_TAS rensovedeo,thish cn:Fhtirth iiireet; next
demo) tbe Mothotkiet 1304,460 r Noll it
pied by Wen. E. Atn;Seq.,"whe -eilr be :
to wive hie frienchi find ennitiniier,i
tai tb°
generally, with all work •In fie Win
wanant -te be well vihbi snit in the lit mu •
Eashionakt *yin.• " nl5-7
. . ,
POINDE4TE.IIC*' c o:+,?
- wormmtrt,‘Ofrott,M. . -
on;peasillwaili di r
ga24-4 : No 4,1 r 'Muer ot., rsaibunlit:
AWL r . - 9ocoor of-sth saitMoixistroali
r t:011"1014" t six twist tobacco,
just raceingeperetstanses N ational, awl for sale
THE subscriber haajutt iealVell _ ;ply
of Laudieth's Garden Seeds.consistinglin part
o f the following kinds—all of the year's crop, and
warranted gentiitie ' -
Asparagus, F4re ' nip,
lßeets, Endive. Pearl,
'Beans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek. Purripkier, Broccoli
Lettuce, -Raffish,
Water Mellon, Rhubarb, - .Cabbage,
Musk Sedaufy Carrot,
!Nasturtium, CauliAawer, Spinach,
Squash. Celely; Okra,
Tomatoes, Ctirled Cress, 0tA11,",.. -
Turnip, Cut Umber, —7lraiMy --
Corn, Mustard, (white tine,:hr;ifir&O,
B cc, atc• -.. •
.Together with a variety of pot meet herbs and .
firmer seeds.
c3 rOrdtres for seeds, shrubs, Ste, front gore
&Den itru others r at be - reoeived: and prourptil as.
tenled I*lree .
jes "204°P NolB4 Liberty . , bead •of Wood . .
P^'AtlC •
DENNINO'S VLlkt 1,40: 0 V Ajkott itEsTs.
.7 Deluder On Fridity.ibe 30th
bout 9 o'clock. it night. the flaning, Grooring,i sad
Sash M.iiiufactorygew bed by GAY,< Dilworth , & Co.,
with a lergespestatity of dramatis& undreunalumbilr ,
was all isousiosed by fire:
The Iron-sere which I bought of you some time
back was , in, the most exposed situation during
the fire, and was entirely redbot. I amides/admin.
forrtryim it was opera at the close ofthe aft, sedan
books , paper* , &c., www4"-"4" is &rhea'
dation I am gise.ortheatility direct mks.
021-tf 111031 AS• SCOTT.
NEW AliC •
. e
itax..ol. s 1 L 63, •
Wool, betimes Third astilgiiukk Streets.
Wa WIND, having formed a copartnership
• will-0;9 Bickley, and taken out en- Auction
corrmissitneof the first class they are now ready to
continue business at the above well known and eaten-
sive ware rooms, under the firm of,: S
One'of the pnrtners being most of the time iii the
eastern cities, securing large and regularconagnmenifft
of seasonable merchandise, they are enabled to have
always= hand the fullest and best assorted stock of
Fresh Dry Goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, &c. l tp
be found nt any piece in theeity.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, &c , on Mondays ilsi
Thursdays, tit 10 o'clock A M; nod of new and second
hand Furniture, Groceries, &c, nt2 o'clock P of the
same day. Soles from the shelves every evening at
early gas light, and goods sold by private sale at ail
Sales of real ;Sad personal estate, private stock, &c,
will be made on the most, reasonable terms.
Libena cash wisanoesinide on ail oonsignmenlls:
al7 . •
THE undersigned very respectfully tenders his ser
vices to thetriblic, andto Importers, Merchanas
and Manufacturers, as a general
Ho has taken oat a license lind entered line theeectiii
ties required by law, for the treatise**, er
Sar.cs of all Fonsioe AND DOMESTIC' OIR I 6 II -ABRI
An experience of a series of years in consmereial
life has furnished the undersigned with scree kneed I
edge of tipsiness, nearly twenty years of whiCh have
been devoted actively to the auction businesg,
which may be advantageous to those who confide to ,
him the sales of property.
To the Ise POKTISR trety y will be offered in eht
posing of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware:
and to the Hone Manufacturer, the most prompt at
motion will be paid in the sate of Anserieatiprodnets.
- Airs of real and personal estate in town and cows:
Wilted! command the best services of the underiiinrl
ed. Arrangements will be made whereby liberal ait
motets sail/ be made es conaigeweela, and 'ruslesi - ist
every instance closed without delay. Business wince
commenced and consignments ,received on the fie&
day of. April, when the regular days of sale , shall be
announced. P MeKENNA,
m2B- m The Old Auctieeeetr.
(City Dailies copy 1m)
(Philadelphia U. S. Gazette and New York'Courier
and Enquirer copy ono month and charge this office.)
My Brush I think I will extend
To everyone in trade,
They'll leek upoti me as their friend,
Because I offer aid. z:
Besides ni givethern something new,
And that. I'm Garai* fair; -
Twit them to paint a h a n dsome /due
If they went toselltheir ware.
Then let the PrixLer have the news,
. He'll spread it far anon,
Hear what het 56.y* respecting Shoe*
Cain's justbeea getting on.
He }ms every size and color too,
The Price T soon will tell:
I'm Deceit would astonish you,
To see holy fast they sell.
For (kir travel" cents they go,
And by' the ttontscord to%
They always sell so very tort,At the store that's' periatedidae
Cain's - fancy shoes me very neat—
He gyrate's there to the oreratura,
And Avlren his *lsrk lion your tier.
You'll manta dumb plea:are.
llipAorei on Fifth spabitqformws
kirth;Mtistera; manta - .
.., . • „,- ~
VW es& .of he •111, Atioksay Bridge.;
1111,01*,SWESP!if '• - ' -
TX TOULD take ti* 4:o4*asil;n... to re bull 1 41.0
VT' vihtillataillii i1tr,,,,,d..4.3„4,.....-.,
ii„.l' .y....,..,_ ~.. _,-.
...‘„,.....„. ~„..t.,,,.......,..-, . .
04,4%.,-.iiiiititod 1410 1 *, , P,1rt %quiet 40;4
thriiiejotAkil,kr;"-Titsi*..... - 441/ I Porla._ •
1 of the shovoilmiX4,"ple , •
~ - ._ - ,4r,tp l ki
11 4 A for The, .. „ , tlik# - ' ' . . '. 4 , '.
id 'OVUM& .6,fllll4llllti,llCtr. 14 # r- .. ;M.-.
talge*ONTlv.Vl IMPPVI d `OA *4 61 4 0* - . •
400:401,titioofanatipPilxA spared to wawa the
owl Wii`pse wboolm - favor the Emmettlevelari*
theirologe• isititir
- - -
iPEWADELI" gin!,
-, - - Prioattigniftit Wl.° AL. ' • 1
JOI-INSo*,asseesoKof Isbnson lkf4mith,l .
L . in annotricusrtit tlsn'tteasts and to Printers
generally, tkaf:ltefiiiichaired the intersect of his
late 'partner in die fkimdry; dekitesi to inform themtliat
tiofbasiff*Or4l*.o ll l4. o _bar eglaWis)as.bis asyQfv•
Mein of Book. Jots and Ornamental Leiter,!aWhich
nd he
will continue to add every descriptions( lOs
the hrkprevemehYL4l,Ebe art ttial t i l.f" l " 411 4.- -the
**di 'dike trade saul "nil:tube. WE assiortment
'cem •'~ a Kresge; variety ciao Any otker Foundry in
theloWed'Stee 'incliselinil.redtkekkis prices 20
per ceslialrer tki4beretufnre. ",
PrindegTnessess,Chises;Cisses. 'Printing Ink, and
iverYAMOlritg". if4oollo4l,l4Weffffeeb on
, a literil 4 nd i lub .'be ia - rfseucearZon:statiugh"l"rt '6:lis_tylikk)kenivanudil
',will be forwarded tglietp* ' sof making out
orders. . a zyst. s. 0...,
Stereatzeing of, every description, promptly amen
led to as usual , .
• m2114M.
Led What makes yciutteeth so anus ,',. w
Quoth Josh's dulthim t'uther night,
To make yearn 190 with a grin; replied Josh,
r re bought you a bottle of Thorn's :Toot h IYIO,
'Tis the heist now in use,„ to the . geditlgrqlks afle • -..
And since they have tried this, cast iill others. aiaj.
Bat ; to prove it tbetiestbi'inaltetheleeib sidefs-„is- ... e
took wire, milker Sal, at Ike lustre of Ift,f,
Then try , thisgreat tooth' Wititr„ ,„-: 'i.....z.,ric,
-. . The, Teabarty taro* leash.- '• - - —ls-I,' ,
And see if this tooth werdilsf Thiliterris notifies/ ^,..'t
H avi ng, tried Dr."T hot n's Tea Ppm ToothWeshol
and becomericrivain . erivrith thelngtoo—,-aus rif Its comp ,
position, I cheerfidly,sey„ I COMllair 4 ,mitia•tbil maims
as.it it ode of the , mintpleasant teeth waahea tow in
use. ' ' ' norD atn,.-rie.out..,
PlitsbUrgh, Sept. 15, 1842. , • • , I
f take pleasure in stating. having. made OW of
"Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash." that it is one of the
best dentrifices in ISM. . Being itt,a liquid form , intone
bines neatness with Convenience. While it cleanses
the enamel Rod removeethis hitter from the teeth, its
perfume yields a fragrance-pectiliarly desirable. - I
J. P. TIBBETTS, In. D. 1
Tbe undersigned have used “Thorn's Compound
Tea-Berry Tooth Wash." and have found it to he en
extremely pleasant denrrifice, exercising a most salu
tary influence over the Teeth nd Gums; preserving
those indispensable memhem from premature- damy, , ,
preventing the aCcumulation of Tartar, and pit rffyl4
the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we
takepleasere in recommending it te the public, believ
ing it to be-the hest artir...le oethelrfndhoW in use.
R. H. PEEBLES, ''i.. : 2 - ClifielS. B. SCULLY.
H. L RING- WALT, L. S. JOHNS. •- - 1
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Ape&
ecary and Chemist, No. 53 - Marketstreet, littsburglq ,
and by all the principal Druggists, and as Tatde's
Medical Agency,Fowthst.
21411 Italtatorl• - - -
MIRE subscrtber•respectfully inforrne the citisene
of Pittsburgh owttlio public in generai t that he
has returned tothe city, and commencedintsweAsotr
sth street, between Vitimsd and Market streets, and-op
posite the Exchange Dank, where he will intntifac
tuieSmootblactreS and Shot-guns of every des-,
cription from " the coniroonest to the finestqwdity.
Pistols, Pocket-I:chi-and Horseman's guns, of all
Linda. Guns and ristials made to order and son the
shortest notice. MI kiwis of gun repairing done on
reasonable terms. The subscriber hopes by strict-at
tention to business to receive a portion of the pnbliet
patronage. ,
Farmers and sportsmen are requested to call and
examine for themselves. , A. S. JOY.
NEW CASH • . r'.
Dry Geode an Vartety Stare ,
J. K. Logan - 4. George Convict,'
11 AVE opened a new cash Dry Gaels' set variety I
IX Store in Fifth steret, s ,betwaen. tbo E l se/tante!
Bank and Wood street; under the fi rm of J. r. Lope
& Co.
Their stock of Goods are entirely fresh and having
been' all purchased fort itiSH , prineipilly at auction,4
George Gonne', (wbo gas, had Wog experience( tt ,
b‘ensslanneimp,iaandv bargains,)reciriesinilowadeylupblain,theto nmrainkteepbecrcewieba
-14,1 to ram great inducements to those wishing to per
:lase; a t e they.are determined to sell at the lowest
iossibleadmnao oneartern elm for CASH. •
They Imre now on band a large and well seleated
stock of ,seasonable Goods, atooog which are Mane
Blue t.' ;evielde Green, Briech, , Steel alitlCssakr
mixed adclotbs; Cassiinenet and Sattinets; pew
broom ; / e inem and CoLtbsi-,Dritlinipal Cottonade;
Vmtings,.fitacy prints; 3-4, 4-4 aod 5-4; Bleached
and Brown Hushes; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; fideri''
ne 'e,-,4lArting; "Tribatbarn. dr. Walkees," and
sev j ltease
" .1k: Nelsmee'llaillat %bread; Spell • Cotton;
' 'fit; Silkand Goyim Hdkils- 30 Soar, ' and
8 arty . Clocks, vrarreitted I lcu. t azn- They will
, ictem. saintly' receiving adiditiosti to theirs:A& perchn.
sidiat the eastern auction, ad WOolainirito the amen
' tion of dealatimetgeltms to an exacta - tuition of their
goods before Iceadoliesedtewbent. , .
200 Gr
6 0 vbiii - si i :T ß 4 o mem ule c in o e
" ,ke ! , _ ,
2 entlarnrn l o4,
Cask 0110elYd; ,
3 BM. Ven Red;
2 " UniF l(ll
, 0 4 ,A t ip
1 " Cream4n *e ••• -
1 " ~FAIS4I I1 k;
fitiotetatiiliar; ('
uorice Ball;
- • -
75 ) 1 )4 - •
Tegetbeiwith a geaaral anonreat9fs
ap 2. 4 jiled l i . , •
th)erei -17 %Ilk: 11 00 , J rece4 " 4 l ,- .. t _ sNo * l - 4 -Icra bY
.ZI Or? , i a ” Vik et i l - -7 1 k a h r -71- , AtprOoll at.
, .
New •.. •
• • -' , ~ f 4 . .., -
I..r.a.iiAS 4 M.
42 i @ow opening an entire fresh
.- WA - . • " 7 Domestic Dry Goods, iiil
diii Otte Toni i - .. 1 . a c ca r iiici fi T talti.o.l.
p lla
nst.,tibeilcii ibcrie CU& a(Cii s Shoetiat
p Ooule.
Theo* alatal% beta viretiale* to Iloefeat i AO;
said -Alf behold at a sinilld
kw either eitsh ill fa 'or appeare eesiAsto '_-
big alit eti it t» ''Auk ithirOtae tii4lls
;'exan4# 6 Oielitodilexitruili.ool4oo"4.
_ ...._ _ ... ~
ff ....,„
* di id •. --
ii Pt- '
*IL- TR( ri r
RiIdriIOTYULLY isilisfest Os perils that ha
Him tinairted 'lO nai4Y. 'glad* illoaPidrard. ,
A* Ine isilid4oit . ireCosit, owedis6-1611.41r
, IL, a. Berfeed, directly opposite hie otil "A
*here he la siiiiays prepared to latest ptdilllMl*
to iisa , mime iis Ida idle, sod by ettienededdhat
_ to Ali thealstaitsotthe !Paillasses of as IThisidiOW,..,
ha hopes to man *o,onel:devices Be gall be prdlitrow
at atestrose us avadide exiles. item C ' llll4llll 411.
twisty tioetsite es Ass esoiaithenat WNW bait ilholiadiles
inaosiry stiitaieinisoistigAinesdedlia•. ~,1
Me residence iv is thee= building with his MOB ,
heats, where these who seed Ins smites sneygliiiithlisip
ash** *no. sisrsoascsie: . . .
sg.w...vitris. one. sears.,ssainz.p..... _. T
otoilairsiscs, saw. nosey' naties t io. ii.
airsinersrertih; '' - • say. eastricsnattaild;
Wwiaisticitlitk, , ' - • Wu. amiss". testa.
WAX siolgiiii , -.1 • • , IST , ; J gip IS DAlpl.
10 inv. n. r. 'inn..
WitAlLAilrrnH -GENUINE,^4*. ;. WHitiod
AL IF •, 8%104:4 R pis. -.
"riciViivenvas.te,ltellron the Il9ti. iiiNlit.., •,4 4 eif
lan,Sullivan CountyAlbsin lesubilleialie l i s t r,
1 Wiisistiaraif, Soly SC _1838,,
- ;llltaigaie I bin bete d is Ibis city Ihi Se unslaWOO or
Yaw Dopopwrstogne with intimate be...at aM mmOM
antiosty.and believe it to be a naost.valatih)e MHOS.* Oilf-,,
'ortaii ettibultsekti, tit.. A. dardeh, ofCa.onbeirtilialst '
Tennessee, wrote to me toned hintanno. ankh I die
and ha has employed it very ineeessfatty in blapnatter
winsaps it I. levatirable. • Mr. Jolvirsen: Tette *VW in
- tliett.aliain.Yen-irealli POMMY • fYis: all argil Nti
see. If so, I would recomniend Dr. A Cardead,
person to officiate for the sale Of your aclehiiiitW
t. Sholad yilWc.osnailailon him he ii wiltloSW
:wt. You can "end ihe Ineclleine by wateit Otto ,
And King 4 eunst,if Norville cousty. Yetiassio . i .
. ; dead to Grahams. 4 Houston, 'Farwell, ADA,
niee„ I have tick doubt but If los bad spabillt,
"Obeli., in Zan 'renitenee, a s reat cleat or dielitv
*ld be sold.' I angling-tante moan oUlt iiio&
'WA • egg. MI th at of Olt 110. 11214 Pb ° 1 1
w 14 . WAN,
'ro ,yoa whet!' wild M. as ameo al(
4, Sitifintatini ,- „Tennison: t elle Tlrif r
the ateschaatstasOF glossa I litre asatibeve.l
Yenta respee.tfully, .:,,
ABRAHAM IIIi''CLELL A fi, of Tummies .
Se Wholesale and Retail, by
SHILL= 0,, 4
e XO. 20iOdatreet belaw ieasal
,b 1 FOR 814.E....-Thitun!lerst6aeil offer/ OW ingie,
,is farms, lying In goes Township:4,l miles from the' •
JCP4l4lo.olltleifolliila&Pß-114 nesei,PrlppLeffalitsh
re.eleared and under fence, to.im 15 to WA ac ira 41 a
nktw, 2 good Oteinatets of kontes, a kW rata' lid
-esrouw-sla Spiprimentemis , tire a liffirfallilf 6411.11 1 1 )
/ME 1111,00/18 Wt. itrain.lllllolcatellialed SKIIMI/0!
ov rlvate,Dwelling, a frame Rare 28 by 00104
las‘af, del stabllig;shets end other out 'housesiu f fig z
foci'teaement!.-,2lgeod Genie= euvroandmi with,
ins bushes, and a, well of excellent widero.witit,dt ,
pmiip in at the front door. in relation to ihePtitsliiigis_ )
ant Mieglielr-itarket, there'll naplatemierifti
salaseklassoreindPcesiest • twibisse wishing tit mwebsow
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made randisratec fey,
archer partleularsagply to the praprjew at his CRAW*
Stors..f.lbectg ptutek corner oi Virgin Alley. .
N a irmit -field bt:fore t6e istot October., . will
be divided into .10 awe 10.ame WM tassit, . .
leille ' - _ . ... _
cam Pu •rly„,nretilillyrrtum
Syrup 01% 4,;WT7,01.41010" 0‘ use peiNbohig .
anhwien • gectri3Of the State, is ref
.4cti.a follMOng rerti4aie, the writer of yr
has been a ofthis borough for soreralrAFa, ,;
is known as n gentleman of:integrity a_Orospe,,
Toat Aged ,11 4 1 r: J .1(
I have twenr.%Wayue's Compound, 5in4154101.414
ClierrY for a Ctiugh,' with which I hive been arrepalt
afflicted for about four months, and I have noitaidiation
in saying that it is the most effective medicine.thit-1
have beeight, itAgetnrOnaffialiktess
and agreesweiivith sty diete , and Melanins* regular
and gond appetite. I can sinceiely mamma it to aIE
otberssimilarlyafflicred •• MIN WWI Boroug h
March 9,.1840 ., _ Charnietsbmgli ,
For sale by WILLIAM THORN.p
Liss.S3 Mirkossorisit. ,
• •1
*op 5:3)
. . •
BeinON VON 111J1TErgimgc : •
• . . .
Titers Pills are composed of berbi, which tstraltl
oPegific POPP Al-k9gabg, bOnTly-airre.irapulie ecerreitgin
to the arterial system; tbs.
_blood quickened: sea :tort
244*".1.14 its. circektiien thCquek 44l .th e cowls; 'NW ,
they oT the skia.'the parts situated internally..or times.)
tivarklcirs;-, end *cell do ionvetious of the iterly-iiit
drawOrtnothe blood, there is a comequeut increases
of every secretion, and a quickened action of the itinr'.
sorbeet apd ezbalent4ehatging vettiels.- .My
morbid action whipb e taken place is aortic&
ed, all Obstructions arer ed. the blood if puniiiet2„
sod the body resumes , a . heelthfut state. Eric alb
wholesale aailetrotby R E SELLERS, Ageo s t, •
sop 10 20 Wood street. below Second.
rmaT 'army or tinrls44-
A RE now opening one of the richest ami most as—
teosivee stocks of Goods dug thei.hive emir beets_
able co offer to the public, every piece uf which has
been bought fuel selected carefully. - Our cloths are of
the choicest make, imported—black, blue and olive_
French, from medium to the - finest qualities; Naval
blue, black, invisible, rifle and olive greinns, , ?Strio+ -
ntish vast Americar*Doeskin and Seeded French
sinuses, oergekattic; Cooper's make of English:l%kb
and Fancy do. The variety of lrestigs. coorprinlotgv
ell the newest patteiati is woollami ' , Cur trimming*
are also of the first volitive. Although we
proles to sell /ewer. than -the lowest, yet *OW
pessigp rigmelvea to make work thistwillinewipaire with
tharof any other egablishment castor vows.
.; ; 251, -liberty Siren.
---------7------ , ---------- -- - - -
p E.R4otisA *YR.* "(Mu ( the a filfSiOlr *tildes
.1 can rely upon getting them of the best giuslity„ by
elxileselherrettili aithestereref the subecribum
Superior Boston ay . ...** . iirmar7
Fine hcusty• • afar Mai i :lag ;.. . ,f. .?g : ;-...1: 1
Genuine French ei11i...-stings. '''''•
. .. , ~.1 .
Superior raikpberry vinepr; .
a r rs.
TtrivetiMinteety itrieLendos,'' '
Didatrocsra chaise pickles. 4;4E4 - 1 — --.
. Genuine Italian rnacastesS. ritrninicetk.'
:Crudelienteriemisoddbar *i.
Seguldellkoktisrreresnentista saf .I '/.. r Ti...; ji
SutteNatold Illocla soffit !
Very fine green and black teas;
The sarinualindseEspiees.froula usniugifile!aab
eleb rilleaMilk 1046411dititiptOiliti , : ' r t
Reperilareseeer modeler caulk* •. - • . 1
,r a p e r 4,44,o4,4beikasii bitter ehimedisl
-0001021.00. iwgrosai tarts, ste. • .
rnuollsAisixaAss. seinsiiollll! ilea
_ • •
Corromosi area. kasVit 14lill!r1t. &at • , .
Rock coedit Or" acme; choogies*, 411144,
Goshen sksiaa..(eat as * 64 0 ': ,
No I,lhilositiolllckelei Illsdrherrielt; &c.
.. • ..„ REINHART '& STROM,
140, Lilrmayirp.6.
11WiListasairhal hi Madame • Blaitine's Acodeir,
J • willitenesienosroie BANUNDAiIry-diiitalglim
iSthartNottergliall;m9 _ _
The 4)14 tuition *Mid We ay, ,ftcao W
..„ 4 3 P
blvranialtfrOlß ll .! 6 ' s. r la 4 • " u rn
. 12 A Mine - A*4 s-stAr id; of week.
• It.4.lllOthas those %WOWI/0/10/801 11 0
&ma do so lathe orning of the esssitilk al
t x,. H