ehetilkate . inerning fost.l ltmustmcnto. ri i f li kfiVitC k lif Pi" WEDNESDAY MORNTNc , MAY 22;t8141 ijzsiro (IN 1110111 - PIVPSIWItri or t stocrtATia Incrivain iItELINGHINSEN'S TAKEN PISEN! At .the bpedialf3let . tion held in the Fifth ward yester atts'eo';Stinernbr..4Sriec! ;Onsticil,,)VlLLlte bAT,. the airesocratic candidate, wan elected over the most ppolar,man the coons could briiig into the field, by a majority ef rIF,TY-THREE VOTES! This is a glo rious presage of what the democrats will de when bro't fairly Into aetimf. ' In the city of Pittsburgh. the'higs have been organising for months; they have seized on every thing that would add to their prospects; they have lied and crowed; and yet they have been beaten, shame fully beaten, on the very first trial. , ,This result maybe considered the forerunner of store brilliant ones; the honest citizens of Pittsburgh control be cajoled, humbugged or sung into the supportief a party that has not the slightest regard fur the real in terests of the people, or the support of a man who has shown himself to he the enny of the measures on which the prosperity of our city mainly depends. I/ has been the lot of the sth ward to fire. the first gun into the rotten hull of Claytstn, and it has given the enemy a Paixhan broadside. The workingmen of that ward have performed their duty nobly. —Some rascal' ecreted himself in the A uc tiuu Store of Messrs Lynd and Bickley. during the sale on Mendayeveniug, and after the Clerk had retired to bed', 'Carried off a quitttity of broadcloths. Tcrtbe very attentive and obliging Clerk of the Little Ben we are indebted for late Cincinnati papers. DELEosits.—A number of Delegates to the Demo cratic National Convention, have passed through our city the put two days. (Yesterday was as cold as a day in March.— There was a'nipping and an eager - air,' and overcoats were-much more desirable than the most elegant suit of'itady made summer clothing' that could be tamed outfrom the 'Three Big Doors.' Concsitr.—Don't forget the Concert of Mons. ARTOT a nd Madame DLMORKAU CUCTI, at Concert Hall, this evening. It will be such an entertainment its is seldom offered to the lovers of music in Pitts burgh. _ . - THZATRIt-- - 111iss Clarendon's Benefit on Monday night was just what it should have been—a bumper. Althottgh the weather was inclement, the house was crowded from Pit to Gallery, and the performances wereexcellont. Addams was himself again, and be: •er perform. I better. To-night, Mr MeCte.cheon, an excellent Actor, takes his Benefit. The thtillini ;Drama of "Grandfather Whitehead,' which has had such a run at the southern Theatres; and the comedy of the Poor Gentleman, will be performed, which with the inimitable dancing date Buckley family, must insure a good house. MILITARY NOTICE The Commissioned Office's of the Volunteer Com panies of tht city, Allegheny, Birmingham, &c., ore requested to meet at the office of Copt A Hay, on 4th street, on Wednesday evening. Nifty 22,.1. at 71 o'clock. Cupt JNO S COS(4i AVE, may 12 Chairmen. QUA meeting of the Democratic Committee of Correspondence, for Allegheny county, will he held at the' house cf Henry Cassiday. on•Saturday.tbe 25th instant,. at 10 o'clock, A. 1 3.1 Rosiness of general importance will be laid before the committee; punc tual attendace is requested. J. 13. GUTHRIE, Chairman. May' 18; 1814. Notice. MBE partnership heretofore existing betweea the a- subscriber and Joseph Bowman, in the Saw Mill business, under the firm of Chambers and Bowman, is this day dissolved The subscriber will not be respon sible for any contracts or obligations entered into from this date, by his late partner. utl6lB-6t) JOHN CHAMBERS. No Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing between the • 1 subscriber and John Chambers, is not dissolved, as stated by the said Chambers, by advertisement put, fished in the Chronicle of the 16th of May. mlB-6t JOSEPH BOWMAN. T F.A. 42HESTS Young Fly/on, Imperial and Black feasiOnatremvoi andiur sale by • D. & G. W. LLOYD. RISA CE STOCK. 10 H "4"S or Nev *Mien bed Fire Inaurrinc "I"eig foroa.l9 by II EY & CO G) BBLSS sittUTS,Just Tredve(' and for sole by . 13/RMINGHANI & TAYLER, m 3 No 59, Water street. ILEMOVAL. D AVID SANDS, •1 etch and Clock Meker, and dialer in IVatehes. Clocks, Li reaat Pius,Fin ger Rings, Chains, Keys, Spoons, Combs, 4-e. Jewelry of all descriptioos repaired and made to or der, No 7, Fifth strect,next door to Market al2-ly I M I REOVAL. T HF ;r s a u te l zi ri a b r e k r no be wfed s l g e ni ev e e nts to to re h t i n s mbi numerous friends and the public in gbnertil for their liboral pa tronage for years past. and would earnestly solicit a continuance at his new establishment, No 84. Third street. (south side) between Wood and Market acs., and 4th door from ‘Vood street, adjoining Mr Ihmsen's Glass Warehouse, where, in addition to the manufac ture of cabinet furniture, he has commenced the Up hnlikterin bllAillt . A3 in all its branches, nod the manu facture of Windsor Chairs of every description, trgeth er with a new invention - of bedsits:ls fat snperibr to 14ny of the patent humbugs of the day, the facility their construction affords will strongly recommend them to t h e public., as they are a perfect bug trap. The subscriber is determined to spare neither pains nor expense in proctfring the latest eastern French and English fashions, and having secured the services of some of•the best workmen in the country he will be enablert•to inenufactare furniture of a superior style. Purchasers wilrfuld it their interest to call before pur. chuingelsewhere, as he will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of furniture, chairs, mattresses, M. KANE. jr. N B. Steam and canal beats furnished with uphob Xery, chairs, - and cabinet furniture, at reduced prices AA with despatch. alB-tf . ' • THEATRE. MR. IfFeUTCHEON'S BENEFIT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 22, 1844, Will be performed the Drama of Grandfether Whitehead. Grandfather Whitehead, Mr. M'Cutcheon Mr. Drayton, Mr. Anderson. Louisa, Mrs Jordan, Susan, Mrs. Ayling. Third night ortho PENNSYLVANIA MINSTRELS. Who will appear in their celebrated Songs and Dances To conclude with the sterling comedy of the POOR GENTLEMAN. Lieutenunt NVurthington Dr 011apod, Lucretia McTab, Emily ‘Vortliingion, 'Prices of Admission—Lower Tier, 50 cents; Upper Tier, 37A cents; Pit 25: Gallery 25. [A number of Season Tickets fur sale, inquire at the Box Office. Box Office open from 11 A M til 2 1' M. View and Important Discovery, N the art of Gilding, Silveting and I'latanizing on I Copper, Brass, Getman Silver, Iron. Steel, Britan nia, &c., and without a Galvanic Batter), or Mercury, superior to any other method in use at this present day. The subscriber flatters himself from his long experi ence in Europe and the Eastern States, to be able to give satisfactory instructions to those who may wish to learn this new and improved art, together with in structions upon refining and analyzing all precious metal application to be made at the Fulton 'House, Nu 13, Liberty street, Pittsburgh; a steady employ ment preferred. . D. V. FALLON. N. B.—The Fever and Ague, and Gravel, passing the skill of all Doctors, effectually cured in one clay or no pay. mlB-1% NEW ESTABLISH NIENT. Manangshels Clothing Store. FRANCIS COOLEY and ROBERT LAIRD, TAILORS, having associated themselves togvsther fur the purpose of currying on extensively their and fitted up a store on Water street, between Smithfield and Wood street., near the Monongahela House, respectfully solicit theipatrounge of their friends and the public. Having just opened a larg e assort ment of seasonable goods, and materials, atiti s nsad« the necessary arrengements, they are prepared to fill all orders, ss ith which they may be favored, with despatch, and on the most reasonable terms. may 17-tf A. C. DRAY DRAKE & JUDSON, CIVIL EriGENEERs. ARCHITECTS, Draughtsmen and Conveyancers, FF ICE of Ned Buntline's Magazine, N. E. corner N,„l of Fourth nod Smithfield streets, second storv.— Plans, specifications, estimates and surveys, and visions of land of every kind connected with their pro fes,don, together with all kinds of COll Veyll wing, made nt thestawtest noties and on the most reasonable terms. Scientific lnstrumen•sndjusted and calculations made of old field notes; survess in the country attended to nt the shortest They confidently and respectfulll refer tc, the under4igned: Pittsburg4-IVilmm Nl'Croxiless, E..q. Dr E. D. Gasznm. Jsni•um & Flanegan, Esqs. Capt John San der*. U S. Engineers. Washington Ctty—Han Willi toe Wilkins, Sera- tary of War, Hon Jnenra Buchnnat. U S Senate, Hon. John W Tehhatts. M C Nlajor Gen Winfield Scott, Commander-in-Chief U S Army, Cum. B Shuhrick., U S Navy- Ct nein-anti—Judge .1 C Wright, Col .1 C Vaughat., J B Russell, Esq., James D Taylor, E.q., Dr James Lakcy. Jacob Solider, Esq. Louisville—George D. Prentice. F.sq , Col. A. R. w,, a ll e y, J B Marshall, Esq , James G. Drake, Esq., Garnett Duncan, Esq. New Orleans—R. Chinn. Esq.. Cuthbert Bullitt, Esq , .Major ('en. F:srd. I'. S Army. St Louts—Vesliaseun Ellis, Evq, Lewis Clarke. Esq. In the Centel of Contsnon Pleas of Alletykrny Coun ty. in the eoarmonscralih of Pennsylvania, al Alarcit Term A. D. 1840, Nu 98. No 98 March, Voluntary Asitigument ys of Robert P Steel 1840. f And now to wit, May 4, 1344, the • ac count of 1 has Mellon, Esti, tosig nee of R I' Steel, having been oxiti'dted and filed the Court or , der and 'direct the Prothonotary to give public Notice thereof by threw• publications in daily Post and Chroni cle, two daily Newsparrs of the City of Pittsburgh, and that said account will be allowed by the Court on ho first !standay of June next, unless cause be shown the contrary. By the Court. From the Record, GEORGE: R RIDDLE, Pro. ml 7 3w Select School for Young Ladies. AT RS. JULIA M. BOW M N. lute I'll/it-1H of the 1 Butler I. erniile Academy. lot. opened it Select School for young La he i. in Culdwell'• How, Third be low Ferry .iced. Having, had come year. experience as a Teacher. an d twilit: permitted tefr to h.-r late pati mi., M I s . hope' to give sati-faction to those parents who may entimt their children to he r c a r e. Mrs. 13's. pupils will be taught the several branches of a good Engledi Education, and they will receive in structions is such of the follow ing brancheo BR the pa rents may viz: M Drawing, and the French and SpaniAh Languages. Fit further information, enquire at the School Room between the hours of 9 and I'2 A. M. and .2 tint 4 P. M. or at Mr,..11.1`1 , :i' Boarding H.AlSt%Libcrty,hctween Third and Fourth streets. To . Icon John Bt;din, I I Ma John 6111110 re, B ut l er , NV Smith Wilson :SVC:kindless, • Samuel Snowden, F Myer s , and Pittsburgh. E.vdD Gaz.z.ein J ml 4 tf - DUQUESNE! PLACE, Corner of Liberty and Sixth Streets. G VV. BRADLEY, Tailor. 111113 opened a shop at the above place, where ho will be pleased to attend to his customei 3, and the the most fash ionable side of workmanship and with despatch. ml 4 dlw. OLD RYE WHISKEY —A few barrels nn hand and for sale by GEORGE - COCHRAN, MN 8 No 26, Wood street. FRESH RICE FLOUR. AConstant supply always on hand and fc,r sale low by REI?HART & STRONG, Rl I'l 140 Liberty st. For Sale Low, A SPAN OF HATCH HORSES and covered rl. Wagon. Enquire at MILLER'S Mai stos Holm, Liberty street. may 18-if REMOVAL. MESSRS. MOORHEAD & READ, •TTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their office to Second street, three doors from the corner td 2nd and Grant gs— nett r the Scotch Hill Market rn 17 WHITE SANE). BBLS. superior Nsibite Sand, suitable for Glass Manufacturers. For sale by ma JAMES MAY. 26g,„ LBS. AMERICAN' VERMILION, just CI , received and for sate at N the DrugK IDD, Store of JOA. • matls 'corner of Fourth and Wood sts. Mr Ayling, McCutcheon, Mrs Jordan, Mrs A) ling, 1:=1 .~~ povi of Wokknisl). RI.PORTIp BY . D. B. &liable, Steamboat Ages, ami, Comaniecion Merchant, Water Street, near Wood 9 FEET WATER IN THE CHANNEL ARRIVED Cleveland, Hemphill, Ewer. Michigan, Bois, do Oella, Bowman, Brownville, Bridgewater, Campbell, Wheeling , Little Ben, Martin, Cin, DEPARTED. Hibernia, Kienefelter, Cin. Darrisburgh, Smith, Louisville. Allegheny, Dean,St 'Louis. Redolph„ Vandegrif, Bridgewater, Campbell, Wheeling. Moxahala, I'arkenson: Mon.. City. New Era, Smothers, New Orleans, Zanesville, Dave), Zanesville, R. Clayton, Gaskill, Brownsville, Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan, Bois, do. U. S. MAIL STEAMER LITTLE BEN, GAI'T THACKER. For Cincinnati. Regular Wednesday Morning , Packe. pi • The splendid passenger steam boat LITTLE BEN, Capt. Thacker,will • - - run as a regular packet between this place and Cincinnati, leasing Pittsburgh every Wed nesday morning, at 10 o'clock, and Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board al II) No 4, Wood street. mar2ti-3m The Little Ben is provided vw ith Bums ' s afety guard to prevent explosion of boilers. m26-3m. DAILY BEAVER PACKET ano.- TI E steamer CLEVELAND having been rebuilt, will commence her regu lar to and floin Beaver, on Mon day, the 18th inAunt. leaving, Pittsburgh every mom inr, at 9 o'clock, and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Sun days excepted). For (might or passage apply to • BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, marlB No6o, Water street. FOR CINCLNNATI m alSteamer CUTTER., Master, ill depart for the above and interme diate ports, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A M, positively. The Cutter has been tiwroughly re paired, and furnished with entire new boilers, and can be I ecommended to the shipping and travelling com munity as a safe and expeditious boat. For heights or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR. No 60, Water street. The Cutter is provided with the Safety Guard, to prevent explosion. m 25 New Arrival of QUOESISIVSTO & China. THE suii•eziliez would respectfully invite the at mill ion of the public , . to he stixit of Wirite Glazed War.% a article. tegetlier with a select a•sieton•tit NV lute Etench (liinn.coniprising all the nera.g.aary pieces to constitute complete sets ofDinink; and TCO. ware. Also. a general iitock of articles suitable for the sup- To,. of country tnerclrantia to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Front end IVootil REMoVA E. U. Reastings,County Surveyor and City Regulator, HAS remmed hi.. utivide the rooms oceuried by Jahn J Mitchel, I. oh Smithfield, near Filth street m;,2 Blooms fit. Sale. TONS Juniata Blom. H DEVINE n 23 American Sine 120 111 S N 0 Suc*r. 127 1111* N 0 Moln*.e.„ 20 I.llk beaf Sugar, in stun. stud f.,r *air by, J & A ,Ull ml7-1w• 13 W Iter an t i Front PEAC H ES.--60 bipatvels ()nett Peatebe4„ for ale by • I) &G W LLOYI), m 11 No 14?. Liberty street. sr _ 1113 LS. THOMPSON'S EXTRA FAMILY LOUR juAt r.•ceived and for wale by .1 W BURBRIDGE & ml 5 Water between Wend and Smithfield sts. FOR SALE LOV% A BUILDING 10t,20 Punt, on 6th orrrt, op posite the Eri,copul Church. Inquire of 1122 & CO. 300LBs. CHROME YELLOW. No 1; just received and for sale at the Drog Store of JONA. KIDD. corner of Fourth and Wood its. BACON. 32,000 b LBS. Bacon, in Store, for solo null y D. & 0. %V. LLOYD. - - ORANG ES.— A few 60[043114i. reff`IVPCI by REINHART & STRONG, 140. Liberty street STEAMER INDIAN QUEEN, FOR SALE. lt4ht (taught Stenmev. Indian Qtlof4l, es she now nt the NV bart - , %Nill be s..ld kw for C.nol. Or good, approved paper. For a I Rv. a pply to m 3 .1 AM ES MAY. _ NL.S.—!I; hegi hest .1 Imiata to“lotted Si acs, & LLOYD, \ I l LLL Ltb,tystreet. AI 1)1)F.R.-1 em.l, tnadd , r, jur.t received on can _L stgu new lIUI ~ , t del, i sv. lIAILNI.IN. JENNINGS & CO., 4:3, 11.,0d street. 11111D6 T o mato Catsup. OZ. Peedon . I..rnat. , ( ';tt,e,r, Inarereivra end for sale by REIN 11 A RT sic. sTnoNG, nd 1 110 Liberty st. Chccse. A PRIME lot 01W It (Alves.. just received and tl for sale by BIRNIINC111:01 & TAYLER. m 3 No 51. Water atrePt. 40 BBLS GROUND PLASTER, J Just received from Baltimore, on consignment, and for sale by SA M'L M KIER, u 2.2 Canal Basin, near 7th street. Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Mc, with H II Van Amringe, Esq., in the Diamond, south-west side of the old court house, Pittsburgh. - - Olive Oil. rs, BASKETS fine Olive Oil, just received nod for 1 sale by REIN HART & STRONG, ml I 140 Liberty Sr. Pig Lead. 10TONS PIG LEAD just received and for sale by J. W. BURBRIDGE. & Co.. Water street, between Wood and Smithfield sts. LARD. 3 BBLS. Lard. For sale by JAMES MAY Printing Ink. A FREsii Rupp!) , of Printing Ihlt just received.— 1 - 1- For bale ut the office el the Morning Post. SALERATUS. 120® LBS. Saleratus in Boxes, for sale by mll D. & G. W. LLOYD. TOBACCO. -30 boxes Cavendish Tobacco, for sale by D &GW LLOYD, :1711 No 142, Liberty st. ,~,.: ` . • At McKenna's:Wettest. Mare, corner qf 2d and iftleets; V)ITTLI.. be sold-On Thursday the 23 lust, at 10 V V o'clock A M a variety of dry - soodsThennets &c. among which ate a few pairs heavtistatkets, dark grey cassinets, faniy plaid and black cassimeres, so parlor kwrigbt shillings, a sairtll lot of ribbatnis, I li. ficial ilowits; trinw - and bormeta, dm. Also at 2 ..scleck,P M the balance of a lot of sugar cured barns, a few dozen corn brooms, new and second hand furniture, also a few dozen , bridles, a very • ser viceable article, and a few bbla prime Vinegar. may 22 P. M'KENNA, Auctioneer. CLARET AND CHAMPAGNE WINE. A T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooins, corner of /A-Wood end sth streets, to-morrow, Thursday, May 23d, at 2 o'clock, PM. for cash, cut-rent funds, 15 boxes of Claret Wine, a superior article, 12 baskets of Champagne do., and a general assortment of House hold and Kitchen furniture. J D DAVIS, may 22 Auctioneer. Balance of Executor's Sale of Dry Goods, Boots, Skocs, Auciion, A T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms. corner of A Wood and sth streets, on Thursday. May -23 d, at 10 u'clock, M., will lie sold the following Goods remaining from the Executor's sale, t i i A lot of French Laces and Edgings, a few remnants, Superfineßroadcloth, Flag Hdks. Silk, Patent Tlitead, Brown Muslins, Chintzes, Calicoes,Rattinets,Merinoes Green Flannel, Boots and Shoes. Together with a lot of Hardware and Cutlery. Bills of lading Five been received of a large invoice of Fancy and Staple Goods; should they arrive in lime they will be sold with the above lot without re serve. 80 ling.; of Dried Peachea, 20 doz. Corn Broome, a lot of Cordage, 1 Mead Fountain. A variety of Houmehold and Kitchen Furniture. Aigo, every evening this week, at gag light, variety Dry Goods, - Watches anti Jewelry. J. D. DAVIS, ma 21 Auctioneer. FRESH. ARRIVAL FOR PRIVATE SALE. HAS' been received at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood st, and will be sold by private sale. 4 and 6 quarter canton flannel matting, scheneil and brussels hearth rugs, ingrain and venitian carpets. su perfine blue black broadclotbs; fine linen mimbric,&c. These are all choice troods and will be sold low. mll LY'ND & 3ICKLEY, Auc'ers. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR PRIVATE SALE AT THE NEW AUCTION ROOMS. - - OK private 16163 at the new Auction Rooms, No. F 61 and 63 Wood st. ladies kid ties, and gaiters; gentlemen's shoes; fine brogans; fine calf and morocco boots, fine palm leaf haw brasa 30 hour and 8 day clocks. LYND & B[CKLEY. m 11 Auctioneers. AUCTIONEER AN U COMMISSION MERC H'T, Corner of Wood and 3asts., Pittsburgh, IS ready to receive merchandize of every description en consignment, fur public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patrona e e. Regular sales on MON D•T s a.nd THURCDATs, of Dry Oeoilk and fancy articles, at I U o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburglimanufactured articles,new and secondhand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales evory Pveni ng, at early gn, , licht. aue 12—v HENRY FHGBY LARGE AND FRESH srocK OF INGRAIN AND vEsuriAN CARPETS. rp HE regular assortment of the above articles, at thenew Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood street, has been greatly increased by fresh arrivals, so that the Greatest variety ofpatterns and qualities can be found at the present time, of any other place in the city. The colors and patterns ate all of the choicest and most fashionable description•; and the carpets will be sold at pli%ute sale, tot LK$5 THAS ANY wuaa& ELSIE in the city. Alto. no assortment of llrus•els, Tufted and Sate ineit Health Rugs LYND & IIICKLEY, ne.:s Auctioneers. WBITE & IMOTTIER, Ml 94, MARK ET STREET, firtncern tfie Diamond and Fifth streets, HAYE 110 , ',pen un ire fresh stock of Fancy and St-rt.le DRY GOODS. purchased recently in New York and l'n;ht,lelphia with considerable care, suita We for the •fi,) io L : season; vatic+ they are determined to sell at a very small advance (for Casb) on eastern pri ces. a25-Im. New Shad. 10 BBLS NEW SilAD.icvt received and for salebi HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. . • UITS, NUTS, ETC. 1011100_XES Prime Lemons; 1.1 2.) do do Oranges; 2 casks French CUT ratite; 25 boxes No 1 and 2 Snap; 10 " 'Lubec' Sealed Herring; 10 bushels Texas Pecans; 15 packages Fresh Green and Black Teas; 8 half bbls No I Shad; Received and fur sale by J. D. WILLIAMS, inlo No 23 Fifth street faits. AUCTION SALES. AT 2 O'CLOCK. P. M John D. Davis, NEW DRUG STORE. KERR & Ntoll LER, No. 144, Corner of Wood sircel and Virgin Alley. J US . F n‘crived and for sale, a lot ZU assortment of c,f' , ll Drags, Aledichies, Oils, Paint 3, Dyt,St.Uff. &C.: Which il I‘, been recently e.vieewd, unit purchased will] consid ...MI.: carp or Ca.ll. Ine following com prise part of the Muds jli.t. reer 1,1•0: Gurrl Camphor, Spit its Turpentine,' Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish, nor. Sulphur, White Lead. Castor Oil, Bed .• Gum Arabic, Litharr, Epsom Solis, Flaxseed Oil, Fl Manna, Venitiatt Red, Eng. iGum Opium; Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, Chipped Lngwood, Flor Camomile, Ciunwood, Saltpetre, Fustic, .Inj , ,ln , Paste. Nic Wood, Berd Liquorice, Brasilletto, Liquorice Bull, Indigo, Magnesia, Nutgalls. I'nw'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs, Aipmfortis, IVith a general assortment too numerous to mention, which will he sold fur Cash at a small advance on Eastern pricer. . rar Dr WILLI-tit Keitft will give his attention to the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. ma OHIO RIVER IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSALS will be received until the 30th of May for the delivery of stone into lines of dams at the several improvements projected on the Ohio River, between Pittsburgh and Louisville. Bids to be in quantities of from 5,000 to 20.000 tons. Satis factory testimonials will be required before assigning contracts. By order of Captain Sanders, Superintendent. M H WA RNER, Ist Lt. Top'l Eng's Assistant. OFFICE OHIO RIVER iMPROVEMENTs , Pittsburgh. April3oth, 1844. rrTo be published until the 30th of May in the Pittsburgh, chronicle, Age, Gazette, American and Aurora; Sbnabenville Union and Herald; Wheeling- Argus and Times; Marietta paper; Columbus States man and 0 S Republicarr, Gazette, Chronicle and Ades, Cincinnati; Journal and Standard, Losisirilks; send bill with first paper and charge this office. my 1-1 m • SACKS Corn-:, just. received and for sale by JAMES MAY. 60 - 11 BALES HEMP, per steamer Little Ben, for sale by .(ml5) M. B. RHEY, &CO. for - 45 . 4k-ffitlfsilUtraZtL RXtHAN act ACRES of ,firstrato Land, well 1 0 y OILY V timbered.wichGhornsit, Hickory, ALSO, 20,000 acres coverall withPifas titober, In Venango County. _ _ ALSO, . 26 Xtfeti, well suited Cot' gerdoning, oppoOto the Allegheny Arsenal. Apply to ' may 20. BLAKELY & MITCHEL. To Rent.. AN elegepwly finished three etory Brick house, with a*Ga..len attached, iu an airy and central part of the city. ALSO, A small and comfort/shit Zriek house-, WI Fourth street. Apply to may 20 BLA.KELt 4 MlTcHtt To Lot. FOUR Rooms and Cellar, in the three eter),Brick house of B NieGinn, corner of Fourth and Sitidt field sts.—Rent moderate. For Sale—A Brick house, nod ,ix lots, in Birming ham. Also—a variety of other property. Apply to ml 6 BL.A.KELY & MITCHEL. ruilding Lots in Uirminghaza. 1.63L0T5, Suitable for buildingmost eligibly sit • hated. and -within two .ttes' walk of the steam fe: ry boat lan id at prices to suit the times. The term.; orpaymel... +ill he made easy, either for cash or such hatteras ;tan he made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmintliam, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry st; ret, june 1. JAS. P ‘TTERSON, ir. To L. t. rirTHE STORE formerly occupied by Messrs Darlinzton & Peebles, in Market street.--- l'oiiession can be given immediately. Apply to GEO. R. WHITE & CO. irrIRON CITY 120TEL,-CO FIFTH STREET, Next door to the Exchange Bank, Piltabit.rgh. Pa. Jacob Dooton, Proprietor, RESPECTFULLYinforms his friends and the public generally that he has taken this well known establishment. and has had it thoroughly re paired in nil its departments; and it is now fitted up in a style inferiarto nor.e in the city. Xpicares, and all fond of good eating will find his larder bounteously supplied with all the necessnries and luxuries the mar ket can afford. It will be the aim and pride of the proprietor to keep his eating department well stored, and in a manner suited to the taste of the most fasti dious. To the lovers of good liquors, too, he can without flattery to himself, offer as good and well furnished a BAR as is kept in the western country. The choicest wines and best of stronger liquors will always be kept in store, for the accommodation of those who may fa vor him with a call. Hi* facilities for accommodating the traveling pub lic generally, will he found equal to any in"the The Stable is airy and capacious, and the best attention will be given to the horses of those putting up at his house. 1118-tf Q KEGS Beatty's and DI/ pones Powder, fur .iale 9 by M B RH EY &CO. m 3 No 39 Water street. MAPLE SUGAR. 9 BBLS. Maple Sugar. for sale by REINHART & STRONG. m 7 240 Liberty street 10 BAGS Pepper for sale by M.D. RII EY & CO STRAW BINDER'S BOARDS.—Artassort's) . ent of Straw Boatels constantly on hand and for sale FRESH SPRING GOODS. CUEIAP PLACE POE CASE. SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, near Liberty. rr HE subscriber respectfully informs his customers I- and the public generally, that ho has juit retutn ad from the east, and is now receiving as large, good and cheap an assortment of variety goods as any other establishment in the city. Merchants and others who wish to purchase cheap. will please call at No. 108, and they will not be disappointed. Thefollowing com prises part of the stuck lust received. 200 doz. coat and 6 coal spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " 1200 " assorted, 200 lbs. " Titley's shoe threads, 200 " " patent threads, 200 gross hooks and eyes, 150 packs American pins, 100 " German " 175 thousand needles, 180 assorted stay bindings, 350 doz. assnrtrd fine ivory combs, 200 " redding 560 •' assorted cotton cords, 225 gross shoe laces, 50 corset " 150 doz. cotton night caps, 200 " assorted hosiery, 150 " gloves and mitts, 25 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats, 115 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings 500 gross pearl buttons. 75 '• gilt ' " 80 " figured horn buttons, 130 " nd japanned do 50 " fine English dressing combs, 160 " assorted suspenders, IVith a general assortment of Variety Goods to numer ous to mention, which will be sold wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. C. YEAGER. apr 13 3 CASKS Giound African Bird Pepper for sale by M B RH EY & Co., m 3 No 39. Water street. New Goods. E sobscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that he has just returned from the east, and is now receiving a large and well selected stock of FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAN CY AND VARIETY GOODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and variety department, which he will dispose of for cash. The public ore respectfully invited mead and examine the stock, at No 86, Market street. m 3 ZEBULON KINSEY. DIGO —2 ceroons indigo just received and for I ' gale Inv, by LIAILNI AN, JENNINGS & CO, my 7 43, Wood street Di it'd Poaches. U BBLS Dried Peaches, 3kJ 3 sacks do do, just received and for sale by POINDEXTER & CO., my 2 No 41, Watar street. Shakspeare Gardens. THE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakspeare Gardens. in the village of East Liberty, for the accom modation of visiters during the summer season, The beauties of the situation, and the perfect manner in which every arrangement is made about this establish ment that will contribute to the pleasure of visitors, are well known to the public and the proprietor assures all who may visit her hones that nothing shall be omit ted on her part to make the Sirakspeare Gardens at least equal to any similar establishment in the coun try. m4—tf ELIZA McDONALD. g'Chronicleand Age copy 1w and charge Post,- 2 7 5 BBLS. S F FLOUR .juAt received and for sale by J W BURBRI DGE• & C 0.,• may 15 Water, between Wood and Smithfield gas, COTTON YARN.—Eenuotny 4otton yamfor by GEORGE COCHRAN. myB 26; Woes street. POINDEXTER & CO :.. -. atuo~-~~;~uu~,. AUNSICIAN POIKTABLEI. DOM saw& Foy: at, traftoportation of • ERCH AN nizE AND PRODUCE . stv:vitzli _ PITTSI3URGIt. AND PHIL I ADBLPHiIt. BURGH AND BALTIMOREL... • Alm N NEW YORK AD BOST H DEVINE, • -,..... ' rx , 4"i'... "••'.- .1 ECI WHITEST •' .- , - Prot:44o* ' .. -3 & It • BUZBY & lIROT Tl ESPECTFULLY info's:lath rftiend:onds= • -.' .A. generally, that they have ehangs# the pone Transporbetien Line, from the Unimatiamite,rorgabb , i. ..1. BoattAtro:ba the Antedean Portable Mw., Lim. . . ',. 'Airline is composed of twenty-five neskFour See ' .) tion Portable Boats, one of whirls will dePagt deagt- ,'• ...1 from Pittsburgh, Ptdipielphie and B .` Tho superiority and advi • the- PoikablS Bow over every, ether mods of don are AO,' iii,, well ki tato shippers generally to retpzireemorwitili , 3 . 1 tuff" it -.ilsat thedetoadon, loss, seperatiruiliwit, damage to invariably -attending-three 'IMP. • .:/ shipments bens , . i tto b or gh and. Philadelphia, are by the Portable Do terffectually removed: i i, To give undoubted •to owners end sh ippers, - ,T.l' all and produce shipinni bhis line will be in sured . .i.l in a responsible o ffi ce is Pbiladelphia, wit' boa ',4: ! any additional charge to the owner's." • Merchaudise shipped by this line in any ortherist , „.' - e - .. 11 1 ern cities. and consigned to H Devise & Co, will Ine fdr. - it warded immediately on arrival at Pittsburgh to Pry ' 4. part of the west, free of commissions. -, ~.. ..4• H. Devine will receive produce consigned to Lip, .-':t .;.... pay . steamboat freight and charges, _and forward 11i0•7.... same to any of the eastern cities, an=o 110110110.1 ., j missions for storage, advancing or ,f at. Any •.= communications or goods directed tolthe care of dr ''''.. ursdersigned Ageuts will be promptly attended to. - .... H. DEVINE A. CO., , !, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pirtstungb. - 4 BUZBY & BROTHER, - - 't 360 Market inreet, btow Tenth, Philadelphia. .' GIESE & SON, ~ Commerce street Wharf, Baltimore. BA FA HNESTOCK & 00,,. • . • 100 Front street, Newt TOR. RICE & WILLIAMS, .'' No 3, Chathantstreet. Boston. C. A. 2111cANULTY'S lINITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the transportation of N'erchatxßte to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL- PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON THE success this line has met with, since it wee first established on the "Intlivideal Enterprise" - system, has induced the proprietors to ineriase the number of floats during the winter to twentrifire, one of which will lease Pittsburgh, Philadelphiaesii . A:Bet ti mere every day (except Sundays) during the 7 , and make the trip throusliiu six days. The superiority and advantages oftbe Portable Matilk- System over every other mode of transportation ennuis intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any corn meat. Shippers can rely on haying their r. roduce, merchant, dine, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to "1 the Agentsofthis Line, forwarded with dispatch and - at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for meek. ing or advancing charges, &c. . • . • All communications to the following " Agents still be promptly attended to: CHARLES A. McANULTY, At the Depot, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st. Baltimore. • W & J .T TAPSCOTY. No 43, Peck Slip, New York. T HOMAS - BORB/DGE„- Jan 31-ly 272, Market street, Tilaijadeiptda, 184 4 . arilagE4 "titON CITY LINE" OF CANAL `BOATS.. . - CONNECTING with steamer Cleveland, at Bea*: ver, will be in operation on the 25th Initant, - to Cleveland daily. The above line is composed of 8 good Canal Roats, - , ; , , A commanded by experienced men, and will depact i sa.. — :! cry morning to and from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, at •CN 9 o'clock. Proprietors of the above line are Messrs. HUBBY '& HUGHES, Cleveland, 0. " STA NDART, •INGRAHAM & Cleveland, 0. Freight of all kinds will be carried as low as by any 1:',3 other good and responsible line. For freight 01..paa; sage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, roarl.B • No 60, Water street. Alßt. Freights to Philadelphia aadlialtisasto. •. NIERCITANTS & MANUFACTURERS' LINE - .7. FOR transporting Goods, Merchandise, Produce,: &c., between Pittthurgli, Polii/adelpkto sad, Baltimore. Goods will he received end forwarded by .: i L :e" this line on as accommodating terms and as Awn thew ns by any other responsible Line. All goods forwer-A-: ded from Philadelphia by this Line will be inured. The Proprietors and agents will give their whole at.. tention and endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. We invite ship. pers, merchants, manufacturers andothers to give two call before shipping:l'l4l.w here. Merchandise consign. , ed to the agents wit! be received. freight and charges- - paid, arid forwarded without additional eburgefor (of warding or storage. SAMUEL W DAY, H L PATTERSON, S Proprietors. ser:Nrs: Samuel IV Kier, Ctmnl Basin, neartth st. rittsb'g. Samuel W Day, tst ander! Wharf, belciw Recast. Delaware, Philadelphia Isaac Cruse, Baltimore. Ii L Patterson, H ollidaysburgh. Jesse Patterson, Johnstown. .1 4 N Briggs, New York. Wm B Reynolds & Co., Boston. LIM ER TO: James McCully, Irvin & Martin; R Robinson & Co, J W Barbridge &Co, Henry Coulter, C G Hussey, John Grier, Church & Carothers, George Breed, F Sellers, Samuel .1 McNight, 1.01641 Samuel Wilson, Madison, feb , 15. '44 Heyday Packets; fir Ciactaaati. jait s The Swiftsare ItohiMsi: 'Milker; 10110.0 " 111 14 V, `Thursday at 10 o'Clock,l. m: The Cutter,Collins,Ma l sa zr,leavas evarylitaragq4_ 10 &dock e. m. The 111 Bennets,Mastex,leareseSifiSifF ; rainy at 10 o ' 'cloek a. m. • The Expresa, Parkinson, Muter, /fovea &ay at 10 o'clock a. tn. . JOHN 1111t51:171G 'motto -• , t* Axes and Eaeiti=z , $4 aloud Pit&thurek.