S69Naco r NAMININe, 14 A Y . 20, ; 1844 Tracarege,÷. u-night,. the fair Manageress, Mk*: Ccaktimeir, pkesstis . herself ford Wei& We stall not qpieatte the gallanteYof our pray pert to attend on shiesealingoso inttshsk 'rather ask u a just tri. bute'priiretval worth, nod as - rt testimonial - of the lip. preciatis:o4 bar nntiring'.and unwearied efforts to succeed, and to render the -Theatre wharit was in days Sr Ole:" That did tilt perfectly succeed in doin g this', his not lieen her fault; she was deceived and trifled wish by those on whose honor she:relied, and who iraittintly 'violated all the solemn promises and envagenassits they , had made. Nothing daunted by such disappointments, she has, with unremitting enevlD, persevered, until she has seamed as fine a Company as bag ever appeared on the Pittsburgh boards. Ayling, M'Cutcheon, Anderson, Jordan, Nelson and Reeves; Mrs Ayling and Mrs Jordan, not to mention many others of no little merit, are per whose superiors can be blind in :he stock company of but few Theatres in the union. Does not Miss Clarendon, then, deserve something at the hands of Pittsburgbers, for thus successfully struggling a gainst so many vexatious disappointments ! We think so; and that she will to-night receive the full reward of her exertions. A MISTAKt.—We stated in our paper of Friday morning. that a young man named Morton, had been killed by a horse tints he was riding falling upon him. Ibis was an (gran it was Dr MoRGAN, of Clintan, to whom the accident occurred. He is severely in ,jured, though we trust nut dangerously. LYDIA Nswonta.--Coronor Harts held an lnquen yesterday IM - dit unfortunate young woman, who died on Saturday evening, under circumstances which indu ced the belief with some, that it was by violence. Dr O'Brien, who intended her, testified that he treat ed her for inflammation of the brain, and gave it as his opinion that she died of that disease, and that it was produced by natural causes. She had often threat- Sired to take poison; but had it been taken or given and thrown up, there would have been traces; but none ap peared on post mortem examination. She stated that her paramour had knocked her down and kicked her from jealousy, but didn't say when. She was not pregnant, and no abortion had taken place. Dr John Rea was at examination. No signs of im pregnation; no external marks of violence; bowels and stomach in healthy condition. Could not say whether she had taken poison. Inflammation may be induced by poison or extreme violence. Dr Brooks was called in on Friday morning; she was then insensihle from an affection of the brain. Exam- i ined her with Drs Rea and O'Brien: no cause of death ascertained therefrom. She had said she had an abor tion two weeks before, but this could not be true. Dis sipated- persons are more subject to affections of the brain Own others. The woman with whom she boarded testified that on Friday week Lydia complained that her 'husband' had nut been to see her for some days; said she would kill herself, and showed a box of pills which she said would kill her. He catne back on Sunday and staid till next day; heard her ch.trge him with breaking a bottle of bar medicine; he said he had dune right. that she was going to take Laudanum. Slim said sin! would get more, and starved out; lei told me to watch her; when she returned [ searched her. but found rothing. She staid in her room till about 5 o'clock; she then appeared c ritzy. her hair. was hanging down, she staggered and ..-etned weak, She got a piece of bread and went to len. room again; in a guar ter of nn hour she w,rticrying. hallooing and cutting up. She said she W 35 pregnant, frogtwittly vomited alter meals, and ua Monday night was very sick. It was when angry ah,at her liusbaati not coming, that situ said lie had hut t her. The Jury returned a verdict that she died from in flammation ofilie brain, but were unable to agree a; to the cause that produced it: 9 attributing it to natural disease, and 3 to the violence ef hor pretended husband. DMITRCCTIVE Fins: --On Saturday night. at 12 If - clodt, a building on the ban't of the Allegheny River, in the Fifth Ward, owned by the Messrs Shoetibergers, and used as an Iron Store. of which it was then full, was entirely consumed by fire. It was' a building 150 by 30 feet,and worth between t3OOO and 4000. The oral loss will be about $OOOO. The Rolling Mill Wai I.sve.l by the good management and hard well: of the different fire companies; a part of it was at one time in full blaze, but it was fortunately checked. There ne ver was any fire in that part of the building, and for two days there was no fire in the immediate neighbor hood, which leaves no doubt but it was the work of an incendiary. DROW r tn.—A lad named GARstne, about 9 years of age, wai"drowned in the Monongahela River, on Saturday night. He lived in Cincinnati, and came up on the Steamer Link Rock, on a visit to his uncle re a;A:ng in Allegheny:, and in storming from the Littl e Fi,kfit to the Corsair, he fell in, and was drowned. Tnr. Rtt ER 18 ROW in an excelle r t. s.tige, fur die lar Best boats KTA meeting of the Democratic Committee of Correspondence, for Allegheny county, will be held at the house cf Henry Cassiday, on Satur day. the 25th instant, at 10 o'clock, A. SI Business of general importance will be laid before the committee; punc tual attendace is requested. J. B. GUTHRIE, Chairman. May 18, 1944. Peter U. Keogh, A TAILOR, who came passenger to Cincinnati on /I the Steamer %Vest Wind, and who is now _pro bably in Boston, is informed that the money whichiwos stolen from him has been found, and that the thieves have been arrested and are now in prison. fie is earnestly solicited to visit Cincinnati, identify the money and testify against them; otherwise they will escape punishment and the money have to be deliv ered back to them. may 18. ""' EV" Boston Post. Times and Pilot, T pl. , ase notice, For Salo Low, ASPAN OF D ' MATCHHORSES and covered Wagon. Entrike at MILLER'S MANSION HOUSE, Liberty street. may 18 -ti Important Records. FOR SALE, seven VOILIMOS of the Journal of the House of. Representatives, and of tho Senate of Pennsylvania, from 1790 to 1799. They are large volumes, well bound, and very useful and interesting to many, and spld separate or together. •-, ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Com Merchant, No 9, Stir 9 t . tnuv 1B FRUITS; NUTS, ETC 100 BOXES Prime Lemons; 25 do do Oranges; 2 •etaks French Currents; 25 bcriAPNo 1 and 2 Soap; • 10 " 'Lubec' Scaled Herring; 10 bushels Te*as Pecans: 15 packnOsFresh Green and Black Tees; G half bbh No 1 Shad; • Receifed and fur sale by • J. 11. 1 1 i1I.L1AMS, No 28 Fifth street 4S:char's Patent Solar Last Lamps. -'T CST received, a further supply of the VROVe reit: it.P brazed Limps, with handsome cut and ground shades, arca glasses all complete, which will be offered at *small advance on manufacturing prices at • T A HILLIER'S Looking Glass and Furnishing Warehouse. mC - ..v 104, NVoet street. near 1411:- ~'flY3t'st~tltfB TUNATRa. MIss'CLAIIIIIDOS. Ma M'CtnctisoN. MISS CLAREND:ON'S BENEFIT'. Oa 'which occasion Mr A A Addarrrs has kindly vol maimed, and will aT ,r as Hamlet. First night of the VIRGINIA. MINSTRELS MONDAY EVZNINO, MAY 20, 1P44, Will be performed Shakspeare's Tragedy of HAMLET. Hamlet, Opholia, After which Song, Mr Nelson, Dince—La Cuchuchn, Miss Clarendon, Song, Mr Reeve, To be followed by ;he VIRGINIA MINSTRELS. Who are engaged for a few nights only, and will make their first appearance in the following Songs and Dancer; The Ohio Boatman, Old Dan Tucker, and Lacy Long, with accompaniments upon the following instruments: Jaw Bone at d Tamborine by Mr Davis. Bone Castanet and Banjo, by Master Horner, who stands unrivaled. Violin, by J. Wilson To be followed by the nuts of NATURE do PRILOEQEMEY. OR, THE. YOUTH WHO SEVER SAW A WOMAN. Cohn, Miss Clarendon, Eliza, Mrs. Ayling. The whole to conclude with an origional ADDRESS Written expresidy for this occasion, by Miu Clarendon Wednesday Evening, Mr. M'Cutchoon's Benefit. IM'Prices of Admission—Lower Tier, 50 cents; Upper Tier, 374 cents; Pit 25; Gallery 25. Or A number of Season Tickets fur sale, inquire at the Box Office. Box Office open from 11 A M til 2 P M. Select School fbr Young Ladies. RS.JULIA M. BOW M AN, late Principal of the Butler Female Academy, has opened a Select School for young Ladies, in Caldwell's Row, Third be low Ferry street. Having had some years experience as a Teacher, and being permitted to refer to her late patrons, Mrs. B. hopes to give satisfaction to those parents who may entrust their children to her care. Mrs. 13 . 6. pupils will be taught the several branches of a good English Education, and they will receive in structions is snch of the following branches as the pa rents may desire, via: Music, Drawing, and the French and Spanish Languages. For further information, enquire at the School Room between the hours of 9 and 12 A. M. and 2 t.titi 4 P. M. or at Mrs. .Jones' Boarding HoLlse.Liberty.between Third and Fourth 'wens REFER To Hon John Brodin, Hon John toilmor,•, i• Butler, %V Smith E , q. lc ikon Samuel Snowden• Piu;burgh Mvorsi. and EA.(' U Gazzern Esq. IRON CITY LINE ~„‘,„„; The IronCitv canal packet.lndiana, . -- • - 1 ihtuts, Master, will depart for Cleveland, on Monday, the 22d, at 10 e'clerk. A M, in tow with steamer Cleveland. Fur freight or pas sage apply on board or to BIRMINGIIANI R. TAYLOR, inl3 No. 54 Water street. DUQUESNE PLACE, Co , ner of Liberty and Sixth Streets. G W. BRADLEY, TailOr, has opened a shop at the above place, where he will be pleneed to attend to hi,. covtomers, and the public.in the most fash ionable style of workmanship and with despatch. ml 4 dlw. BACON 32,000 b LBS Bacon, in Store, for sale toll D. & G. W. LLOYD. ORANGES.— A few boxes just received by REINHART & STRONG. 140. Liberty street. STEAMER INDIAN QUEEN, FOR SALE. THE light draught Steamer. Indian Queen, as she now lies at the Wharf, will be sold low fur Cash, or good, approved paper. For terms, &c. apply to m 8 JAMES MAY. NLS. -872 kegs best J uniata Nails, assorted si zes, for sale by D & G W LLOYD, m .11 No 142. Liberty street. 3 t nr)Flit.-1 cask madder, just received on con 1 , 1 bign -nen L and fur ,rule low. lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street. Tomato Catsup. (~ DOZ. Boston 'lomat.) Cntsup, Just received and U for sale by REIN II ART & STRONG, mll 140 Liberty at. Cheese. A PRIME lot of W Et Cheese just received and A fur stile by BIRMINGHAM & TAYLER, in 3 No 54, Water street. 4 , BBLS GROUND PLASTER, itmt received from Baltimore, on consignment, SAM'L M KIER, Canal Basin, near 7th street. _ Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office with H H Van Amringe, Esq., m the Diamond, south-west side of the old court house, Pittsburgh. iny7 and for Fale by a 22 PROCLAMATION. Y virtue of a precept under the hands oldie Hon. 11 Benj. Patton jr., President of the Court of Com mon Pleas, in and for the sth Judicial District of Penn sylvania, and Justice of the Court of Oyer and Termi net, and General Jail Delivery, in and for said District, and John M Snowden and William Porter, Esquires, Associate Judges of the same courts. in and for the said county of Allegheny, dated the 10th day of April,in the year of our Lord cue thousand eight hundred and forty four, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terininer, and General Jail Delivery, at the Court II ouse, in the city of Pittsburgh, on the Third Monday of.' one next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Public notice is herebyllven, to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables of the County of Alle gheny that they be then and there, in their proper per sons, with theit rolls, records, inquisitions, examina tions, and other remembrnncers, to do those things, which to their respective offices in their behalf apper tain to be done—and also those wl.:o will prosecute the prisoners that now are or may be in the jail of said coun ty of Allegheny, to be then and there to prosecute a gainst them as shalt be just. Given under my hand nt Pittsburgh, this the 17th M . May, in the year of our Lord ).8-1-1, and of the Com monwealth the 68th. ml 7 ELIJAH TRQVILLO, Sh'ff. EXCIVOrGE B.K.S Pittsburgh, May 7, 1844. THE Board of Directors of this Bank have this day der lared a dividend of three per cent., out of the profits of the last six rnoothA, payable to stock holders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 17th inst. "Eastern stockhalders will be paid at the Western Bank, Phila. 'l' M HOWE, mv3 10t azPowres sY D. B. Skeble,Stenesboat Agent and Commission Memisont, Water Street,,neas Wood. ....Sois Lascr. .STAma NiAmedkß. Mr A A ADDAMS, Miss Clarendon, U. S. MAIL STEAMER LITTLE BEN, CAPT Regular Wednesday Morning Packe'. The Splendid passenger steam boat LITTLE BEN, Capt. Thackerovill run as a regular packet between this place and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Wed nesday morning, at 10 o'clock, and Cincinnati every Saturday, st 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on boardps to No 4, Wond street. mar26-3m The Little Ben is provided with Evans' safety guard to prevent explosion of boilers. m26-3m. THE steamer CLEVELAND having been rebuilt, will commence her regu ar trips to and from Beaver, on Mon day, the 18th instant. leaving Pittsburgh every morn ing at 9 o'clock, and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Sun days excepted). Fur freight or passage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, marlB No6o, Water street. "WM• FOR CINCINNATI 177 .6 . Steamer CUTTER. COLLINS, Master, - . will depart for the above and interme diate ports, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A M, positively. The Cutter has been thoroughly re. paired, and furnished with entire new boilers, and can be recommended to the shipping and travelling com munity as a safe and expeditious boat. For freights or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, Nee 60, Water street. The Cutter is provided with the Safety Guard, to prevent explosion. m 25 ~..~_ port of iptufiburgi). 9 /LIU WAITRAS :THZ CHANNYL A' • t ' Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan,Bois, do Cotter, Aline; Cincinnati. Rodulet, Vandergrift, St Louis, Now hra, Smothers, New Orleans, Zanesville, Duval, Zanesville, H S Thibodeuni, Beebelor, Corsair, Morrison, Cincinhati, Orpheus, Dales, Louisville, Belfast, Ebbert, Wheeling , Aliquippa. Smith, Cincinnati, West Point. Grace, Cincinnati, Little Rock, Millard, Louisville * Olive Branch, --, St. Louis, Della, Bowman, Brownville, Columbiana, Smith, Cincinnati, DEPARTED. • Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan, Bois, do. North Queen, M'Clain, Cincinnati, Majestic, Buuette, Cincinnati, 'Mayflower, Hutchinson, Louisville, R. Clayton, Gaskill, Brownsville, Mesahale, Parkinson, Mon. City, Zanesville Packet, Scales, Zanesville, Bridgewater, Campbell, Wheeling, B e lf ast , Elk er t, Wheeling, Cutter, Collins, Cincinnati, Lancaster, Fisher, Louisville. TIIACKER. Por Cincinnati. DAILY BEAVER PACKET O 1110 RIVER INIPROV IDIROVOSA LS v, ill be received until the 30th of for the detiv , ry of ',tune into lines of dams at the re. 1mpr05..f114.11113 pro3ected 01. the Ono Ittver, lt,isst•t•n m•,cl Bid.‘ to be in 11 nntiti,•, foniu t.. •20.()00 tone. Stu iy v. 1.1 he refplireil beftee asr‘ignine, contr.-IA. 14) or 1 r 01 Capoun 11 M U ‘V ARN ER. 141 Lt. Top'i .AAsi,tunt. OFFICE OM. aiv i.ft Imrituv Kiat.NTA, Al.ri, 3Uti., 1844. L...7T0 br pai,ii-ned until the 30th of Muy in the rittAintrOt Aee Gazette, American and A tarot u; Jlrr,btnciile Chien mid Herald; Wheeling. Argus and Tim...-. Nlttriettu paper; Collin-tin,: States man and U S Iteptd.licam Gazette. Ciarol.icie and Cilicilitiali; Journal and Standard, Louisville; send 16;1 with fost paper and charge this office. my 1-lm In the District Court of Allegheny Term, 11141, .No 214. James Bell, guardian of the minor) children of Peter Reeside, James Taggert, ex'r of Hugh Tag- Levari Ferias. gem, deed with notice to devisees and Terre Tenants of Hugh Tag gert, deceased. And now to wit, May 4. 1844, on motion of T Mel lon, E.g., the Court appoint Francis R Shunk, Esq., Anditot , to audit and distribute the proceeds of sale, in this case when paid into Court. From the Record GEO. R. RIDDLE, Proth'y. The Auditor in the above case gives notice, that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office on Fourth street, in Pittsburgh, on Tuesday, the 4th of June next, at 3 o'clock, P M, at which time and place those interested are requested to attend. FRS. R. &HUNK, Auditor. m I 0-tmn NIERCRANTb •SI) MANUFACTURERS' BANK, 1 Pittsburgh, May 7, 1344. THE Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of three per cent. on the capital stock of this bank, out of the profits of the last six months. payable to the stockholders nn and after the 17th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Commercial Bank of Penlisyl‘ ania, Philadelphia. ra.3-10t M. TIERNAN, Pres't Olive Oil. ref BASKETS tine Olive Oil, just meek-ad and for 1 sale REINUAR.T & STRONG, ml 1 140 Liberty sr. Pig Lead. 0 T b u y NS I' I G .l I. l l v .:ll ß ) t ts t m. B r ß ec t e u i%j i l . arid c for sale Water street,between %Toed and Smithfield stA. 3 BBLS. Lard. For sale by Printing Ink. A FRESH supply of Printing Ink just received.— For sale at the office of the Morning Post. mvll SALERATUS. 1200 LBS. Salerntus in Boxes, for aule y b TOBACCO. -30 boxes CaYendiA Tobacco, for sale by D & G W LLOYD, myl I No In, Liberty at 11 BALES 11E:111', per steamer Little Ben, for sal" by (ml 5) M. B. RFIEY. &CO. TEA. 42 CHESTS Young Hyann. Imperial and Black Teae; jost receives and for Bale by _ _ INSURANCE STOCK. 1/1 SHARES of Navigation and Fire Imiurance ‘." stock for sale by HUEY & CO. 96 KLBS. AMERICAN VERMILION, just ILO/ received and for sale at the Drug Store of JONA. KiDD. corner of Fourth and Wood sts 450L85. GUM ALOES, just received and for sale at the Drug Store of JON A. KIDD, corner of Fourth and Wood sta. 211 BBLS S SALTS, just received and for sale ki by BULMINGHAM & TAYLER, m 3 Ns )4, Water street. DRY GOODS * AN D,FURN ITU RE AT AUCTION. AT Commercial Auetiori 11.00tria, corner of Woad twill& streets; this morning, Monde". May 20th, at 10 o'clock, A M, will be sold a laike variety. of Dry Goode. At 2 o'clock, P inay2o.' D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. At Mcitemea'; - 4yetion Mart; Corner of Second snsd Wood streets, WILL be aold,.on Monday. the 20th instant, at 2 V V o'clock, P s few bbls and half bbls of Shad of this spring's salting, in addition. to , other articles advertised. Sale inanuye. may 20 ; MciIENNA, Auct'r. At McKeasta's Awakes Mart, .corner of 2 d and Wood Streets, WILL be - sold, on Monday the 20th ins., at 10 o'clock, A. M., the balance of a Retail Stock of Dry Goods, consisting of Cord Satins and Silks, Bonnet Lawns, French Corsets, Ribbands, ate. &c.; also, at the same time, a few pieces of sisperior Art wrig'itt Skirtings, grey Cassioetts, Black and Fancy Cassimere. And st 2 o'clock. P. M., the remainder of a lot of very superior Surma CURED Hews, Corn Btooo2/1, Dried Peaches, Furniture, &c.; also, at the same time, 1 BALTIMORE ORIOLE, MANUFACTURED TO UN% also, a few baskets of Cl6ampaigne Wine, Anchor Brand. P. M'KENNA, may 17. Auctioneer. FRESH ARRIVAL FOR PRIVATE SALE. HAS been received at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood st;: and will be sold by privatesale. 4 and 6 quarter canton flannel matting, scheneil and brussels hearth rugs, ingrain and venitian carpets. su perfine blue black broadcloths; fine linen cambric,dr.c. These are all choice goods and will be sold low. m 1 1 LYND & 9ICKLEY, Auc'ers. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR PRIVATE SALE AT THE NEW AUCTION ROOMS. FOR private sale at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood at. ladies kid ties, and gaiters; gentlemen's shoes; fine brogan.; fine midland morocco boots, fine palm leaf hats; brass 80 hour and 8 day clocks, LYND & BICKLEY. in 11 Auctioneerp. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and Sat sts., Pittsburg h, TS ready to receive merchandize of every description onconsigntnent, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mosn•rsancl THORSD•TS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghmanufacturecl articles,new and secondhand furniture. &e.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearlygas light. amt. 12—y LARGE AND FRESH S POCK OF INGRAIN AND VENITIAN CARPETS. THE regular assortment of the above articles, at the new Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood street, has been greatly increased by fresh arrivals, so that the greatest variety ofpatterns and qualities can be found at the present time, of any other place in the city. The colors and patterns are all of the choicest and most fashionable descriptions; and the carpets will be sold at private pale, for LESS THE.; AST WHERE ELSE in the city. Also. on asdortment of Brussels, Tufted and Scbe neil Hearth Rugs. LYND & BICKLEY. WHITE & 131ZOTHEE, NO. 92, MARKET STREET, Between the Diamond and Fifth streets, Hll7 ElltlW open an entire fresh stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. purchased recentiyin New Yotk and Philadelphia with consideral.,:e care, Pinta lde for the spring season; which they are determined to sell at a very small advance (for Cash) on eastern pri ce:. a25-Im. County, of Apt 11 JAMES MAY D. & G. W. LLOYD D. & G. W. LLOYD /kutficin- etdts.;._ &WWI . Side if Shad. ATJC 110$ 9A.L.13:01. Saha D. Davis, New Shad. BIILS NEW SHAD, just received and for sole by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. FRESH RICE FLOUR. AConstant supply always on hand and for sale lois by REINHART & STRONG, ml 4 190 Liberty et. OLD RYE WHISKEY —A few barrels on hand and for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN, myB No 26, Wood street. MINIATURE PAINTING. T. H. STEVENSON, MINIATURE PAINTER, AND Professor of Drawlng, respectfully announ ces to the citizens of Pittsburgh, that be has taken rooms at the Monongahela House, when he will be ready to execute Miniatures in a superior style. T. H. S. will also give lessons in the various branches of water color drawing—having studied in the princi pal academies of Paris and London, feels competent to warrant satisfaction to those who may need his ler vicar. No charge made unless satisfaction is given. Specimens of painting may be seen at his room. mlO-dlw NEW DRUG STORE. KERR & MOHLER, No. 144, Corner of lVood street and Virgin Alley. JUST received and for sale, a huge assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dyo-Stuffs, &c. which have been recently selected, and purchased with considerable care for Cash. The following com prise part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, Spirits Turpentine, Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish, Flor. Sulphur, White Lead, Castor Oil. Red " Gam Arabic, Litbarge. Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, Ft Manna, Venitian Red, Eng. Gum Opium, Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, Chipped Logwood, Flor Camomile. Cam wood„ Saltpetre, Jujube Paste, Nic Wood, fterd Liquorice, Brasilletto, Liquorice gall, Indigo, Magnesia, Nougat's. Pow'd Ginger, Oil Vitriol, Nutmegs, Aquafortis, With a genet al assortment to numerous to Mentimi, which will be sold for Cada at a small advance on Eastern prices. rirPrWittuirrlCX. win give his attention to the compounding of PliMcian's prescriptions. ra3 ......15GW6F- f ar so rmi tir tv Alt FOR; - SAYE ORIMCSIANOL : - 1 01 000-til a" ed : I = tali ti LSO & well 20,000 acres emied with nne - timlsor, - in Vertanto County. ALSO. 26 Acres, well rutted fix gardening, opposite the Allegheny Arsenal. Apply to may2o. BLAKELY & MITCHEL. To Stoat. AN elegantly furnished three slaty Brielcluntsto with a Garden attac h ed, in an airy and centre part of the city. 'ALSO. - A small and comfortable Brick house, on Fourth street. Apply to may 20 FOUR Rooms and 'Cellar, in the three story Brick house of B McGinn, corner of Fourth and Smith field sts.—Rent moderate. For Sale--A Brick house, and six lots, in Birming ham. Also-4 variety of other property. Apply to ml 6 BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Building Lots in Hirudngham. 13 LOTS, mutable forbuilding most eligibly sit. uated, and within two 'telt' walk of the, eteassferry beat landing, id at prices to suit the times. The terms of payme,.. will be made easy, either for ciallor such barteras arm be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. To Let, tatTHE STORE formerly occupied by Messrs 'Darlington & Peebles, in Market street.— Possession can be given immediately. Apply to a26—lm. OEO. R. WHITE & CO. iIiCrIRON CITY BOTEL,JA Next door to the Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jacob Boston, Proprietor, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken thir'Well known establishment. and has had it thoroeghly re paired in all its departments; and it is now fitted up in a style inferior to none in the city. F f picares, and all fond of good eating will find his larder bounteously supplied with all the necessaries and !trawler the mar ket can afford. It will be the aim and pride of the proprietor to keep his eating department well stored, and in a manner sailed to the taste of the most fasti• dious. To the lovers of good liquors, too, he can without flattery to himself, offer as good and well furnished a BAR as is kept inflow western country. The choicest wines and best of stronger liquors will always be kept in store, for the accommodation of those who may fa vor him with a call. His facilities for accommodating the traveling pub• tic generally, will he found equal to any in the city. The Stable is airy and capacious, and the beat attention will be given to the horses of those putting up ar his house. 99 KEGS Beatty's and Dopont's Powder, for sale by M B RHEY &CO. m 3 No 39 Water street. MAPLE SUGAR. 2 BBLS• Maple Sugar, for sale by REINHART & STRONG. 140 Liberty street 1 0 BAGS Pepper for sale by M. B. RHEA' &CO Auctioneers ST RAW BINDER'S BOARDS.—An axenrunent of Straw Boards constantly on hnnd and for sale by [m4] POINDEXTER & CO. FRESH SPRING GOODS. CHEAP PLACE FOR CASH. SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, near Liberty. 9 1 HE subscriber respectfully informs his customers and the public geuendly, that he has just return ed from the east, and is now receiving as large, good and cheap an assortment of varier" goods as any other establishment in the city. Merchants and others who wish to purchase cheap, will please call at No. 108, and they will not be-disappointed. Thefullowing com prises part of the stock just received. 200 doz. coat and 6 cord spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " 1200 " assorted, 200 lbs. " Titley's shoe threads, 200 " " patent threads, 200 gross hooks and eyes, 150 packs American pins, 100 • German " 175 thousand neediest. 180 assorted stay bindings, 350 doz. assorted fine ivory combs, 200 " redding 560 assorted cotton cords, 225 gross shoe laces, 50 " corset " 150 des. cotton bight caps, 200 " assorted hosiery, 150 " gloves and mitts, 25 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats, 115 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 " edgings 500 gross pearl buttons. 75 '• gilt " 80 " figured horn buttons, 120 " lasting and japanned do 50 " fine English dressing combs, 160 " assorted suspenders, With a general assortment of Variety Goods to numer oils to mention, which will be sold wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. C. YEAGER. apr 18 3 CASKS Ground African Bird Pepper for sale by M B RIIEY & Co., Nov Goods. h. THE subscriber respectfully informs the* citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally the' he has just returned from the east, and is now receiving a large and well selected stock of FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAN CY AND VARIETY GOODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and variety department, which he will dispose of for cash. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the stock, at No 86, Market street. m 3 ZEBULON KINSEY. NDIGO --2 cemons indigo just received end for I sale lov. H AIL MAN, J ENNINGS & CO, ora 43, Wood street 3jni BBLS Dried Peaches, .L., 3 sacks do do, THE undersigned respectfully informs the eiriaeun of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakspeare Gardens. in the village of East Liberty, for the accom modation of visitors during the summer season, The beauties of the 'timelier., and the perfect manner in which every arrangement is made about this establish ment that wilt contribute to the pleasure of visitant, are well - known tothe publicand the proprietor assures all who may visit her house that nothing shall be-omit ted ou her part to make the Sbakspeats Gardena at least equal to any similar establishment in the couu tr y• m4—tE ELIZA McDONALD. rChronicleancl.Age copy 1w auriettarge Poet. vent and for' 27 5 %Y. 7 1 , Flour. °,111;g1= & CQ., may 15 WatgAke,twspn. I - COTTON ,Y ARN..-Ecnootsirtaidson *ado - ESTEr'S Ass, and Edge Took. formla bll V! by GEORGE GOCAMAN- _ • •• GE° C C I CHR4I.4 ' . - 's •8•• •• • - - :5a 26, Woed scat. 4.'l'•. •-• •• • •-‘ • No 2D, Was-4 wen. • - ' • MME 2 BLAKELY & MITCHEL To •Let. FIFTH STREET, No 39, Water ntreet Di Lod Poaches. just received and fur POINDEXTER & CO., No 41, Water greet Skskspearo Gardens. tiLvittmwdetimt mem=:;;l=2:l Astaziosztrowluotp,P.4.* - r . px l it kratsvortaftion p MEIICHANkI)IZE AND PR( sttvista. PITTSBURGH AND PHILADP.LI BUftGII AND BAT,TIM .A.SD NE W YORK AND BO II DEVINE, . L , . E G. WHITESIDE& P , BUZBY, dr.., Illt()TnEtt, _ IDESPECTFUiLthrfoim theirfrien& JLL generally, thatthey havechanged the Transportation Line,. from the United St ,Boat Line. to the American Portableße This line is composed of tweatrfivea tion Portable Boat*, one of which will from Pittsbugth,'Philadelphis and Bahl The superiority and adivantsg ea of Boat over every other mode of trattsperta well known_ to shippers generally to requisetemsairet suffice it to ssy i that thedeteatien, loss, sopa:Woe and damage to Goods, in.variddy attending three tan shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia; are by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give undoubtediecurity to owners and shippers. all godsend produce shipped by this line will be hr: sired in a responsible o ffi ce in Philadelphia, witlaiut any additional charge to the owners. Merchandise shipped by thil line in any of the east ern cities. andconsigned to H Devine &Co, will be for warded immedintelyon arrival at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to hint,. pay steamboat freight and charges, and forward the same to any of the eastern cities, and eh* no com missions for storage, advancing or forwarding: Any. communications or goods directed to the care,of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. H. DEVINE As CO., Canal Basin, Liberty street,Pittsburgh. BUZBY & BROTHER, 363 Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE et SON, Commerce atria Mart Baltimore., B A FA HNESTOCK & CO, .100 Front street, New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3. Chatham street. Boston. a I iEdEM EWEN! 0. A. INGANULTY'S . UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the trimportettiiin ofercliond jut to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this lino has met with, since it was first established on the "Individual Enterprise" system, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Routs during the winter to t westy-five, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia anirßal timore every day (except Sundays) during the-season. and make the trip through in six duys. ... ~, usi portationl The superiority and advantages of the Pro 't. Boat System over every other mode of trami canals intersect with rail roads) are Lou well - flown to shippers by this route generally to require any corn MOIL. Shippers can rely on havingthoir I, reduce, merchant dize, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with diApatch and at the very lo.vest rate of freight charged by tuber, Lines, without any additional charge made for recciv ing or advancing charges, &c. ' All communications to the following Agents willle i promptly attended tot 1 CHARLES A. ,MeANULTY. At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, . 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st, Baltimore. W & S T TA I'SCOTT, I No 43, Peck Slip, New Turk. - THOMAS BORBII)GF., jan3l-ly 272, Market street, Philadelphia. 1844. i~~• "'~ ZT~i`~ 'iT V~~ti i~~ "IRON CITY LINE" OF CANAL BOATS, CONNECTLNG with steamer Cleveland, at Bea ver, will be in operation on the 25th instant, to Cleveland daily. The above line is composed of 8 good Canal Rests, commanded by experienced men, and will depart ev ery molting to and from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, at 9 o'clock. Proprietors of the above line are. Messrs. HUBBY & HUGHES, Cleveland. 0. " STA NDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Cleveland, 0. Freight of all kinds will be carried 1111 low as by any other good and responsible line. For freight or pas sage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, marlB No 60, Water street. Freights to Philadelphia aminaltiasere. . MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' LINE F OR transporting Goods. Merchandise, Produce. &c., between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods will he received and forwarded by this line on as accommodating terms and as short time as by any other re.ponsible Line. All goods forwar ded from Philadelphia by this Line will be insured...-. The Proprietors and agents will give their whole at tention and endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. We invite ship pers, merchants, manufacturers andothers to give us a call before shipping. elsewhere. Me.rchandise consign ed to the agents will be received. freight and charges paid. and f orwarded without additional charge fur for warding or storage. SAMUEL W DAY, / H L PATTEItSON, Pr°P74l;*"' snuffs: Samuel 11/Kier, Canal Basin, neer7tb st. Samuel W 4ay, Ist and 2d Wharf, below Race at. * Delaware, Philadelphia . Isaac Cruse, Baltimore. L Patterson,Hollidaysburgh. Jesse Patterson, Johnstown. 1 4- IV Briggs, Neu , York. IV,* B Reynolds & Co., Boston 'MSR To: lames McCully, Irvin & Marlin, It Rabinson & Co. J ki.Barbridge S, Co, Iles ' Coulter, C G Hussey, John Grier, Church &Carothers, George Breed, F Serdtir;” Samuel J McNiglu, Louis , :Samuel Wilson, galleon, feb 15. '44 itegalar Packets, fbrlas43mutti .tea.-.~ The ,SwjAsure, Robinscro. Ungar, Isamu'irtery Tharttlay at.lo o'clock, a. m. 7heCatu ever7nunsar4 10 *ln& a. in. Betett,34aster,laaveselrOst ardby at I kir' a, /rt. OW 01.2 7 62211; Thatkpapa,rlFitittacat • W • day it IQ2t3cATc 1e» : ag diren4L. livw.44r PillaSrc~~b..