(I.loDaily ;Month% poet 144t3:111;t:fLia THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1844 A commuuicction from R H Kum. Esq. will gym to•morroa Flag WORK3.--We would call attention to theta vertisement of Messrs White and Co. who intendygiv leg an exhibition of Fire Works on tomorrow evening, at Broadhurst's Mansion Home. It will be seen that t he display will fully equal, if not surpass, any exhiLi tiun of the kind ever presented in Pittsburgh; and as we are acqnsinted with the arrangements that have been made, we may safely. say that it will prove a brilliant and successful exhibition. Due care . has been taken to provide fm• the comfort of the ladies, and the conve nience of risiters generally. TREATRE.—To-night, a sterling Comedy. the Sol dier's Daughter, is performed.. The houses during Mrs Dtake's engagement have nut been us glled as her acting merited; fur really nothing could be better than her personatiou of Mrs Huller, Bianca and Lady Ran d ilph. She is well sustained by Ayling, Nl'Cutcheon, and Anderson, and by Mrs Ayling. We hope, there fore, that those who were so clamorous that she should po4crm, will come forward and attest how highly they appreciate her acting, as well as remunerate the man agement for theespense incurred to gratify their wishes. A .Mtsr.sitic.—The Post states that the Hibernia run into •he Wing and Wing and tore her side off.— It was the Bronette,and not the Hibernia. We hope the-Post will make the corruction.—Age TEA. - 44 CHESTS Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Al Toas; Jnst reremel and fur sale by TO the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the rence, in and for the County of Allegheny, The petition of John McCrea, 9th Ward, city of Pittsburgh, county aforesaid, humbly shcweth that your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for the 'Accommodation of strangers and travelers, at his dwel ling house, in the township and county aforesaid. and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a ,license to keep a public house of enstn tainment. And 3 our petitioner, as iu duty bound will prey. We the subscribers, citizens of said Ward, do cer tify that the above petitionm is of good repute for hon esty and temperance, and is well provided with house toom and other conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangets and travelers, and that• said tavern is necessary. Samuel Lindsey, Ilugh Garvey, Samuel Burnside, John McKee, James 13 luck :Fainu,l King FRUITS, NUTS, ETC 100 BOXES Prime Lemons; 25 do do Oranies; 2 casks French Currants; 25 boxes No 1 and 2 Soap; 10 " 'Lubec' Scalcrl 'k it i n g; PP bushels 'reins Pecans; 15 packages Fresh Green and Black Tea -8 boil bbl 4 No I Shad: Received and for sale to* Lr thc DiAt rict four/ of Alb Oozy County, of Apr il 7'erm, .1.1141. No 214. .11.ttnes Bell. rourdian of !Ire ini n. children of retet Taggea, ex'r liogis Tag- K err. liet:'d with notice to dcwiAces and Terre TUllailtA of Hugh Tug gem deceased. And now to wit. Nlny 4, 1844, on motion of T Met ku, Esq.. the Court appoint Francis R Shunk, E.gt oaitot . to audit and distribute the proceeds of sale in this case when paid into Ccutt. From the Record GEO. R. RIDDLE, Proth'y. The Auditor in the above case gives notice, that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office an Fourth street, in Pittsburgh, on Tuesday, the 4th of June nest. at 3 o'clock, M, at which time and place those interested are requested to attend. FRS. R. SHUNK, Auditor. m 0-tm2s 40" MINIATURE PAINTING. T. 11. STEVENSON, MINIATURE PAINTER, AND Professor of Drawing, respectfully annonn ees to the citizens of Pittsburgh, that he has taken rooms at the Monongahela. House, where he will be ready to execute Miniatures in a superior style. T. H. S. will also give lessons in the various branches of water color drawing—having studied in the princi pal academies of Paris and London, feels competent to war rant satisfaction to those who may need his ser vices. No charge made unless satisfaction is given. Specimens of pr inting may be seen at his room. mlO-dl*. STEADIER INDIAN QUEEN, FOR SALE. rip H E light dranzht Steamer. Indian Queen, as she 1 now lies nt the Wharf, will be sold low fur Cash, or good, approved 'paper. For terms, &c. apply to m 8 JAMES MAY. ITD SAND. 1 , B B LS. wpit es. Sn i nd b , y qui table for Glass SACKS Corn jot received and for sale kl by . JAMES MAY. 1 -1 AXSEED 01 L.—A few barrels on band and fel F.ale. by GEORGE COCHRAN', mti B No 26, Wood street. (1 LD RYE WHISKEY —A few barrels on hand N..-/ and fur sale by GEORGE: COCHRAN, [LIN No 26, Wood snort. DRIED PEACH ES.-2 boxes and 9 sacks dried peaches, received per ten mer Orpheus, for sale GEORGE COCHRAN, No 26, Wwni street. LARD. BBLS. Lard. For F:XCTIANGE BANK. Pittsburgh, Nlay 7, 184.1. r_L tiE 13.tar,1 of Directors of this Bunk have this day det Jared n dividend of three percent., out of the profits rif the In‘t Fix 'eoliths, payable to stock holders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 17th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank, Phila. M HOWE, msB Int Cashier. MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS BANK, } Pittsburgh, May 7, 1844. r HE Board or Directors have this day declared a J- dividend of three per cent. on the capital stock of this bank. out of the profits of the last six months. payable to the stockholdera on and after the 17th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Commercial Bank of Penosylvaoia, Pbiladclpbia rNB-tOt M. TIERNAN. Pre 't BANK OF PITTSBURGH, May 7, 1844. /VILE President and directors of this Bank hitvethi6 tiny declared a dividend of three per cent on the cap i ta l st ock, t - Jr. the last six mouths, payable to Stock tinlds.rs al- their kgal typresenta th er, 2 . n, or after the o seventeenth inst. JOHN SNYDER, vntit---ri I wiLw3t Cashier. thw - ghad. BBLS NEW SHAD, just received and fur sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. D. & G. W. LLOYD JOHN IticCREA James Matthews John Matthews, John Turbett, Matthew Young, Dennis Leonard, William Craig, m9-3tda w J. D. WI L. LI ANIS, Nu 28 Fifth atrcct JAMES MAI JAMLS MAI ~Lnu~scgtcatø. TIKEAT,BII. MISS CL AREA Don. MK NrCurca nos . FIFTU NIGHT OF MRS A. DRAKE THURSDAY EVENING, 11EAV 17, 1444, Will be performed the Comedy, of the SOLDIER'S DA.IIGHTER. Governor Ileartall, Mr. Ayling, Mr Kialfort, McCutcheon, Widow Cheerly. Mrs. Drake, SuAan, Mn. Ayling. During the Piece, the original Epilogue will be apok-n by Mrs Drake. To -rettelude with the Drama of the RENT DAY. Silver Jack, Martin Heywood, Rachel Heywood, Mrs Drake, Polly B riggg, re Prices of Admission—Lower Tier, 50 cents; Upper Tier, 374 cents; Pit 25: Gallery 25. A number of Season Tickets Cur sale, inquire at the Box Office. Bux Office open from 11 A M til 2 P M. Blooms for Sale. 3 TONS Juniata Mounts for sale. H DEVINE & CO., a 23 American Line FOR SALE LOW. A BUILDING 10t,20 feet font, on6th street, op rl posite the EpiecopalChurch. Incinire of ti 22 HUEY & CO. In the District Cooti for the County of Allegheny, .of April Term, 1344, No 23. Geu R IVbite and others, " vs. Vend. Espana*, No 25. Benjamin Darlington. And now to wit. April3oth, 1844; on motion of Mr McCandless, the Court appoint Francis R Stunk, Au ditor, to distribute the proceeds of sale in the above case. From the Record. GEO R RIDDLE, Pruth'y. Notice is hereby given that the Auditor iti the above Case will attend to the dutiesof his appointment at his office on 4th street, Pittsburgh, on Wednesday. the 29th of May. instant, at 3 o'clock P M, where those interested are requested to attend. my 4-1.18 FRA'S R SHUNK, Auditor.* PARTNEESRIP. TIIE Undersigned have this day entered Mtn part nership, for the purpose of doing a Transports jinn. Forwarding, and Commission business under the style and firm of 11 Devine & Co. H. DEVI NE. niar23 E.GH urEsi DES. INSURANCE STOCK. 1 O SHARES of Navigation 111111 Fir.' Insurance AI stock for sale by HUEY & CO. Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office with 11 H Van Amringe, E.q., in the Dtarnond, sonth-west ~i de of the old cuurt house, Pittsburgh. J' DDEIE-1 cask tnadd.•t, lust received 0:: cuu .sign nein and for salt• lase. JENNINGS: S: co_ 43, \Y,,, Hi Tomato Catsup. to DoZ. 1.3.,,t..n Torn 11 I (,i1...1p. 311.4 r , ceiv.,l and ) t;ir by it EINli ART &ST lit /NG, ml I 11U Liberty .t. Cheese. A PRIME lot W Cltve:q . . just roceivod Hod A for:talc by BIRMINGHAM & TALLER. in 3 Ntt 54. WAler stro-t. S) MILS S SALTS 3ust roceived and for sale by BIRMINGHAM & TAY LER, in 3 No 54, IVater oxect. 49 BBLS GROUND PI, \STER. JUit received from Bidiimore,on eiimitenment, SAM'L M Canal Basin, near 7th street and for ~ale by 1122 WHITE & BROTHER, NO 92, MARKET STREET, Between the Diamond and Fifth streets, HAV E now open an entire fresh stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, purchased recently in New York and Philadelphia with considerable care, suita tile for the spring season; which they are determined to sell at a very small advance (for Cash) on eastern pri ces. a2s—lm. New Arrival of Queousware & China. THE subscriber would respectfully invite the at motion of the pubiic to Hs present stock of White Glazed Ware, a superiisrarticle. together with a select asaortment of White French China,comprising all the necessary pieces to constitute complete sets of Dining and Tea ware. Also u general stork of NI tides suitable for the sup ply of country merchants, to which their attention is invited, at his old stand, corner of Frnnt and Wood Wm. M. Crosson, No 45, Market sheet, 3d door from Third street, IS now receiving and opening nn extensive new F (lc I: of Fancy nod Staple Oty wgich will be sold fur cash at the lowest prices 3 CASKS Ground African Bird Pepper for sale by • M B RHEY &CU.. m 3 No 39. ‘Va‘er street. New Goods. TIIE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public generally that he has just returned from din east, and is now receiving a large and well selected stock Of FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FAN CY AND VARIETY GOODS, Embracing all the articles in the fancy and eatiety d e partment, which he will dispose of for cash. The public are respeci frill) invited tocail and examine the stuck, at Nu 86, Market street. in 3 6t ZEBULON KINSEY. NOLO° —2 CPI , I(MS indigo just received and for I galaloa 1 - IAI LM AN, JENNINGS & CO, mv7 43. Wood stret.t D. ied Peaches. 47") B BLS Di ied l'eaches , , .19 I—/ 3 sacks fill do, j u.treceived and fln . PoINDFATER & Co., No 4I , 1V atnt. reet Shakspcarc Gardens. 1. E undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsburgh that she has opened the Shakspeare Gardens. in the village of East Liberty, for the accom modation of visiters during the summer season, The beauties of the situation, and the perfect manner in which every arrangement is made about this establish ment that wilt contribute to the pleasure of visiters, are well known to the publicized the proprietor assures all who may visit her house thianothing shall be omit ted on her part to make the Shakspenre Gardens at least equal to any similar establishment in the couu try. m l—tf 'Chronicle and Aze copy 1w and cbai ge Post Archer's Patent Solar Lard Lamps. JUST received, a further supply of the above cede brated Lamps, with handsome cut and ground shades. and glasses all complete, which will be offered at a small advance on manufacturing prices at T A HILLIER'S Looking Glass and Furnishing Warehouse, 104, Wood street. near sth. COTTON Y A RN.—Economy cotton yarn for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN. Irr.s n 26, Word Atreet • RIPORTILLO ET D. B. Skate, Stenasti . oat Agent and Commission .Sots LICSSZE. .STAOII MANAGER Mr M'Cutcheon, U. S. MAIL STEAMER LITTLE BEN, CAI'T THACKER. Por Cincinnati. Mrs Ayling Regular Wednesday Morning Paekeg. The splendid passenger steam boat LITTLE DEN, Capt. Thacker,will run as a regular packet between this place and Cincinnati, leaving Pittsburgh every Wed nesday morning, at 10 o'clock, and Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board of to No 4, Wo•xl street. mar26-3m The Little Ben is provided with Evans' safety guard to prevent explosion of boilers: m26-3m. ma. THE steamer CLEVELAND having been rebuilt, will commence her regu lar trips to and ftom Beuver, on Mon day, the lath instant.. leaving Pittsburgh every morn ing at 9 o'clock, and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Sun days excepted). For freight or passage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, marlB No 60,. Water street. FOR CINCINNATI '' Steamer CUTTER.COLLINs, Master, ill depart for the above and interme diate ports, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A M, positively. The Cutter has been thoroughly re paired, and furnished with entire new boilers, and can be recommended to the shipping and travelling com munity as a safe and expeditious boat. For freights or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, No 60, Water street. The Cutter is provided with the Safety Guard, to prevent explosion. m 25 SANDS, .‘rfocli and Clock Maker, end (hider in Watches. Clocks, Breast Pins. Fin cer Rings, Chains, Keys, Spoons, Combs. 4-c. Jewelry of all descriptions repnired and made tour der• pROPOSA LS will be received until the 30th of May for the delivery of stone into lines of dams at the several improvements projected on the Ohio Ricer, bet ween Pittsburgh and Louisville. Bids to be in quantities of from 5,000 to 20.000 tons. Satis factory testimonials will be required before assigning contracts. HENRY lIIGIIY ELIZA Me DONALD port of pittsburgt). Merciant, Water Sheet, near Wood 64 PIET WL7III Si TAX CHMISIS.L • ARRIVED. Oregon, Smith, Portsmouth, Muskingum Valley, Brown. Zanesville Brunette, Irwin, Cincinnati, 'Belfast, Ebbert, Wheeling, R Clayton, Gaskill, Brownsville, Moxahala, Parkinson, Mo city, Cleveland. Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan, Bois, do DEPARTED. Little Ben. Martin, Cincinnati, Utica, Peppard, Louisville, Oella, Bowman, Brownsville, Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, Michigan, Bois, do. DAILY BEAVER PACKET EtIIVIOVAL No 7. Fifth at, eel, ne.cl door to 211arket OHIO RIVER IMPROVEMENTS By order of Captain Sanders. Superintendent ‘VNI H WARNER, Ist Lt. Top'l Eng's Assistant OFFICE ORM RIVER IMPROVICIEENTS , , Pittsburgh. April 30th, 1844. Ilailr'To be published until the 30th of May in the Pittsburgh Chronicle. Age, Gazette, American and Aurora; Steubenville Union and Herald; Wheeling Argus and Times; Marietta paper; Columbus States man and 0 S Republican; Gazette, Chronicle and Atlas, Cincinnati; Journal and Standard, Louisville; send bill with first paper and charge this office. my 1-1 m CRAB CIDER.—Just received per steamer Bel mont., 12 bbls. No 1, Crab Cider, and for sale BIR:411NOHANI & TAYLOR, No 60. Water If trect. 1!EE;M:IEEI:I:1 KNOX Sc DUNCAN, Wholc.salc and Retail Grocers, Rectifying Distillers, And Deolers in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Lignot s, `2:28, Liberty street, opt °site 7th, Pittsburgh. AF. now receiving a general assortment of Foreign Lignors and Groceries from the east, which, as well as their rectified whiskey, domestic liquors, and all other articles in their line, they are determined to de ll as 1.,w and give as good an article as any other house in the t in. upl3-1m FRESH SPRING GOODS. CHEAP PLACE FOR CASH SIGN oF THE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, near Liberey. subscriber respectfully idiot-ins his customers _L 011,1 the public generally, that he has just remitt ed from the east, and is 11uw receiving as large, good and cheap an assortment of variety goods as any other establishment in the city. Merchants and others who wish to purchase cheap, will please call at No. 108, and they will not be disappointed. The fullowing com prises part of the stuck just received. 200 doz. coat and 6 curd spool cotton, 200 " Graham's 6 " 1200 " assorted, 200 Ilia. " 's 61100 threads. 200 " " patent threads, 200 gross hooks and eyes, 150 packs American pins, 100 German " 175 thousand needles, • 180 assorted stay bindings, 350 doz. assorti.d fine ivory combs, • 200 " redding 560 •' assorted cotton cords, 223 gross shoe laces, 50 " corset " 150 doz. cotton night caps, 200 " assorted hosiety, 150 " gloves and mitt., 25 gross assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats, 115 pieces Ashburtonlace, 160 •` edgings 500 gross pearl buttons, 75 " gilt " 80 " figured Inwn buttons, 120 " lasting and japanned do 50 " fine English dressing combs, 160 " assorted suspenders, NVith a general assortment of Variety Goods to owner ous to mention, which e, ill lie sold wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. C. YEAGET. , err 11 At McKerout's Asetioa Mart, corner of Wood and Artyotod streets. WILL o r be ' rsday, the 16th inst, at 10 o'clock, , an extensive assortment of sea sonable Dry Wing in pan. of prints, brown andbleachedtittahns. cotton shawls, hdkfa, supr cot ton drilling. siziitarter tweed castwamere, Irish linen, n few pieces of very superior 37 inch ark wright shirt ing*, with a great variety of fancy articles, ribbands, silk, du. Ste. And at 2 o'clock PM, a few baskets of Champaign wine, (anchor brand) 'a superior article, also, at thp same time, new and second hand furniture, a few dozen corn brooms, etc. P. MeKENNA, ml 5 Auctioneer. Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots sad Shoes, AT AUCTION.‘, AT Davis' Commercial Auction Romp, corner of Wood and sth its. to-morrow, (Thursday,) May 16th, at 10 o'clock, A M, will be sold the balance of a retail stock, viz: Mous d'lains and chintzes. lace. and edgings, calicoes and muslin., broad cloths and cassimeres, fancy and dress hdkfr and shawls; boots and shoes; a lot of hardware and cutlery. At 2 o'clock P M, 5 baskets champaign wine, a variety of furniture, etc. J. D. DAVIS. m 15 Auctioneer. STEAM ENGINES, AND FANCY ARTICLES, A T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of A Wood and sth sta. On Saturday evening next, May 18th, at half past 8 o'clock, will be sold without rseerve for the benefit of a church in the city, the fol lowing articles remaining unsold from a late fair, viz: 1 miniature steam engine with boiler and every thing in complete order, handsomely finished; the gift of a young mechanic of this city. 2 fancy toy bedsteads and trimmings; 4 ottomans; 1 fancy trunk; a lot of slip pers. At the same time, 1 turning lathe; I patent lever watch; 1 ladies' gold watch; a number of second hand watches; 1 brass clock; 1 mantel looking glass. nils J. D. DAVIS, Auc'er. LARGEST AND RICHEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS Offered at Auction for many years. 1.O -be sold at the new Auction Rooms, No 61 and 63, Waod Street, ea Thurs lay, Friday, and Sat urday, the 16th, 17th, and 18th inst., at 9,} o'clock, A. M. and 3 o'clock, P. NI., of each day. The entire stock °fa Dry Goods store. under assign ment, and all of which mot[ be sold, to the highest bidder. The greater part of these goods are of the very first texture, and a large variety of articles embraced in all. The following is a slight enumeration: Silk, worsted, woollen and cotton hose and & hose, kid, silk,thread, and cotton gloves, buck mitts, shirt breasts, and collars, merino, broths, M. D. Leine, cashmere, schneil, worsted, blanket, embossed, tippet embroidered, silk, and cotton shawls, fancy dress lihdl‘fs.. cotton and linen cambrick hirkfs., needle wort veils, French worked collars, worsted and cot ton figured,,plain and figured dress silk, assorted col ors, plain and figured satin, silk velvet, fancy lawns, .bellies and tn. d. laines, ginghams, chintz. dress and furniture prints, baraize, singe and flnrence; Marseilles satin. worsted and fancy vesting.; white linen drilling; thread, worsted, and cotton laces and edgings, linen damask, cotton diaper, bishop lawn, linen cambricks. jac.onets, mull muslin, cambric do.. grecianette and bobinette, plain and figured, crape, assorted colors, bonnet silk, grodonnp, artificial., waist, bonnet, and cap ribunds, scheneil and scheneil cord, bonnets, bom bazine, table cloths, french and english merino, broad , cloths, satinets, cassimeres, holland, checks, ticking, summer cloth, camblet, ratinet, toweling, sheeting., napkins, gatobroon, Irish linens, cashmalet, colored cambric, stay litees. silk and cotton, bobbins, tape, strap, coat. and vest buttons, wadding, cotton yarn, cotton cord, drawers, shirts, tippets, garters, flannels, Iblankets. skirts, musquito netts, foundation, table coy ere, comforts, satin arid bombazine stocks, Ste. , &c. Also, counter scales, milliards, weights, snuff, tohsc co, soap, 1 full sett buggy harness brass mounted, &c. The ahr.ve goods now open for examination. Terms of sale, cas , currency. LYND & BICKLEY, Auctioneers. FRESH ARRIVAL FOR I'RIVATE SALE. 11AS been received at the new Auction Rooms, No. 61 and 63 Wood st, and will be sold by private sale. 4 and 6 quarter rututon flannel matting, .cheneil and bruArels he rugs, ingrain and venitian carpets. su perfine blue black broadcloths; fine linen cambric,&c. 14e...ere all choice goods and will be sold low. I LAND & SICKLEY. Auc'ers. BOOTS AN D SHOES FOR PRIVATE SALE AT THE NEW AUCTION ROOMS. FOR private sale at the new Auction Rooms,. No. 61 and 63 Wood at. ladies kid ties, and gaiters; gentlemen's shoes; fine brogans; fine calf and morocco boots, fine palm leaf hats; brass 30 hour and 8 day clocks, LYNn & BICKLEY. m 11 Auctioneers. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, IS ready to receive merchandize of every description on consignment, for public er private sale, and from 'long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THORSD•YS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articlos,new sad second hand furniture, Szc.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug r 12—y T. J. DUNCAS LARGE AND FRESH S fOCK OF INGRAIN AND VENITIAN CARPETS. r-Lum F. regular assortment of the above articles, at the new Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wood titreet, has been greed); increased by fresh arrivals, so that the greatest variety ofpattersis and qualities can be found at the present time, of any other place in the city. The colors and patterns are all of the choicest and most fashionable descriptions; and the carpets will be sold at pi ivate sale. for LES 4 THAN ANY WHKRIC ELSK in the city. - Also, an assortment of Brussels, Tufted and &he neil Hearth Rugs. LYND & BICKLEY. m 25 Auctioneers . DR. W. KLIIR DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Corns, of Wood street and Virgin alley, Na 144, FRESH Medicines, selected and rut up with core, can be had at all times, at moderate prices. r,. 'Physician' proscription, carefully compound ed. may 2-ly HHDS SUGAR, 1.1 1 90 bbl 4 Rosin, receivrd per steamer importer, and fit sale by M B RHEY & CO. m 3 No 39, Water street. f hp pv VERY LOW FOR CASII. THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of different patterns, wars:silted to be of superior woilsmanship, and of the best materials; the tone not to be exceeded byaothathecountry. BLUME, Cerner of Penn C:air streets, opposite the Exchange. T HAVE in atom a largo assertment of CURLED I HAIR and HUSK MATTRASSES, made ont of superior material and for sale low. Call at the Store and Bedding Warehouse, No 4, Wood street. WM. NOBLE, Upholsterer. Feather Renovator for cleaning Feather Beds m9-1w E. S. neastines,Clounty Surveyor and City Emslater, HAS removed his office to the rooms occupied by John J Mitchel, Esq. on Smithfield. near Fifth ino2 auction Solo. Auction Ilbb% AT AUCTION.. For tke benefit of a MU, ch ASSIGNEE' SALE ErEEO John D. Davis, JuLl. HURLER KERR & MOHLER, MATTRASSEs. REMOVAL for Oak an Jut. 1, • AT the Real,Estste:dtese.--Snsititiadd . relar 41 street, and'Penn strent;s4l Wan!. - The three store toilet honie - oti marl) , occupied by Time Cainipbedl & Co. • Two double frame houses, cpposite Faber's Facto ty, Elm street, ou a,leaee, herbs 11 years unexpired; they will be sold a grmt 'bargain, u the owner teas out of town and wishes to dispose artisan. '- • A house and lot; welrimptoved, near Voegtly's mill, on the south side of the canal. • • A brick house and.sis lots of ground in Birmingham A lot of ground on Etna street, adjoining Pennodit & Mitchell's Foundry. A farm in Lower St Clair Township, containing 150 acres, would be- exchanged for a larger quantity of land within. 100, mile of Pittsburgh. A farm containing 300 acres. within 15 miles of Pittsburgh. A farm in Elk township, Clarion county. Two large lots of ground on the north side of the canal (in Painter & Lorenz's plan) fur lease fur a term of years. Also, to let, the lumber yard on Liberty street, ud joining the office of J 1Y Lightner, Esq. Also, 40 feet of ground to lease on Liberty street, opposite Brunt's lead works. Ale, the lot of ground, 100 feet square, and the old lead factory, on Etna street, will be leased for a term of years. Also, two neat tore rooms. on Penn street, sth ward. BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Public Sale. Y virtue of an authority given in the las will and testament of William Iluntert deceased, late of the borough of Washington, Pa., the undersigned executor of the estate, will offer at public sale, on the premises, that valuable lot of ground in the city of Pittsburgh, situate on the corner of. Smithfield and Second streets. near the Monongahela House,con mining 80 feet on Smithfield street and 60 feet on Se cond street, more or less, on which is erected a two story brick dwelling house, a frame dwelling house and other buildings. The ground may be divided in to four lots, 20 by 60 feet each, and will be sold sepa rate or together, to suit purchasers. The sale will take place on Wednesday, the 15th day of May next, at 2 o'clock P. M., and the terms, which will beeasy, made km .wn by R. OFFICER. mar 12-ts [Pennsylvanian publish in weekly paper till sale, and charge this office.] Adjourned Sale Of the Real Estate of Hugh, McMaster, dcc'd THE Bak of the above property is adjourned till the Fifteenth of May next, at 10 o'clock. at which time one lot 30 feet on sth street by 120 deep, and three lots fronting on Diamond Alley adjoining Mr Mathew Stewart's property each, lot 20 feet on said Alley and extending back the same breadth to within 120 feet of Fifth street. One lot on Smithfield street and one on Stiawberry alley will be sold on the premises to the highest and best bidder. The property is very deshaibly situated, and will be positively sold, if any thing like a fair price is offered. THOMAS HAMILTON, G. ADAMS, a26-ts Executors. Building Lots in Birmingham. 13 LOTS, suitabie for building must eligibly sit uated. and within two nes' walk of the steainferry boat landing, will id at prices to suit the times. The terms orpiyme... will be made easy, either for cash or such bartered can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. June 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. FOR SALE A FARM of 300 acres woll improved, neat blestown. Also. one containing 185 acres, well improved and suitable for a grazing farm,in Greene county. Also, one in Elk township, Clarion county, contain ing 224 acres, with good improvements. Also, a house and lot near Voegtly's mill, Alleihe ny city. Also, a good brick house and out houses with six lots of ground in Birmingham. A pply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, a3O Real Estate Agents. A BOARDING HOUSE FOR RENT AND FUR NITURE FOR SALE. AWELL established Boarding House, large and roomy and in the centre of the city fur rent and in immediate possession. and a part of the beds and furniture for sale. As the family wish to quit boarding on account of the lady's health and it is well established with a number of boarders now in it, that will pmbably_temain if rented,to a respectable Gamily, is now offered cm good terms. Please inquire at Harris' Agency and Intelligence Office, No 9. Fifth street. a3O To Lot. aIkTHE STORE formerly occupied by Me r 8 Darlington & Peebles, in Market street.— Possession can be given immediately. Apply to af26— Im. GEO. R. WHITE. & CO. To Lease. LOTS Nos. 25, 26, 27, 34, 85, 85, 86. 87, 110, 124, 125 and 126 Irvin's Plot—Scott's Fields. Any person wishing to lease can kern further particu lars by applying to A. CULBERTSON. of the firm of Poindexter & Co., Pittsburgh. or to Mr. 25-tf. itrISION CITY HOTEL,- FIFTH STREET, Next door to the Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh. Pa. Jacob Boston, Proprietor, RESPErETFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken this well known establishment. and has had it thoroeghly re paired in all its departments; and it is now fitted up in a style inferior to none in the city. Lpicaros, and all fond of good eating will find his larder bounteously supplied with all the necessaries and luxuries the mar ket can afford. It will he the aim and pride of the proprietor to keep his eating department well stored. and in a manner suited to the taste of the most fasti dious. To the lovers of good liquors, too, he can without flattery to himself, offer as good and well furnished a BAR as is kept in the western country. The choicest wines and best of stronger liquors will always be kept in atom, for the accommodation of those who may fa vor him with a call. His facilities for accommodating the traveling pub lic generally, will he found equal to any in the city. The Stable is airy and capacious, and the best attention will be given to the hordes of those putting up at his house. elB-ti In the Orphan's Coort of Allegheny COkllly, of March Term, 1894, N 0.9.7. IN the matter of the guardianship account of John M - Masters, Sen. guardian of the minor children of Thomas Chalfant, late of Plum township, dec'd. And now to wit, March 30th 1844, exooptions to thu confirmation of the above account filed, and on motion the said account is referred for examination and adjustment to Francis R. Shook, Esq., who is hereby appointed auditor for that purpose From the Record. THOMAS FA RLEY. Clerk. Notice is hereby given that the Auditor appointed in the above case will attend to the duties of his appoint. mein at his office in Fourth st., Pittsburgh, on Mon day 13th of May,1844 at3o'cloek P. M. where those interested are requested to attend. apr 19-3 w" V. It SHUNK. 99 KEGS Beatty's anti Dtt pont's Powder, for Ale by M B RHEY &CO. m 3 No 39 Water street. MAPLE SUGAR. 2 BBLS. Maple Sugar, for mile by REINFIART & STRONG. m 7 140 Libertyattego. 1 0 BAGS 'Popper for sale b 13. Butt 2.. — r — TRAW BINDER'S BOARDS An _,i p EST Er'S Axes an 4 GlreitcocHfasS*l4ll24: si of Scrim licratds constantlyon hand 'and for sale Lm4l POINDEXTER & CO. u 4 tea ! 96, Wood 'uirctt. ASIUMPAPI iKarressal BOAT UNII4 Fur tots transportation of -4"..- - MERCHANDIZE AND . PRODUCE eirweta . PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITYS BURGH. AND BALTIMORE,. ' OD• NEW VORK AND ,BOS TON. H' DEVINE, E G WHITESIDES. Proprietors; BUZBY & BROTHER, . . 10111ESPECTMLLYinform theirfritmas indahtifters dltgenerally, thatabey have changed the minneof Obeli Transportation Line, hem the United Stem r.ocastaf Boa: Line. to the American Portableßoat Uutt.. This line is composed of twenty-51*mi, tion Portable Boats, One of which wilt' tiefmrt deb. from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimork. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation are too well known to shippers generally to requirecemmentt suffice it to say, that the tretention, loss, separation snit damage to Goods, invariably attending. Three trip. shiptm3nts between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, are by the Portable Boats mosestifteturdiy removed. To give undoubted secadawittowners agd shipped. all goods and produce ship oy' this liae will be I!i sured in a responsible office Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Met chandise shipped by this Hue is toy of the wilt; ern cities. and consigned to H Devine&Co, will be for warded immediately on arrival at Pittsbufgh to any . part of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to him, pay steamboat freight and charges, end forward the; same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no com missions for storage, advancing or Itawarding. Any communications or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. H. DEVINE & CO., Canal Beta, Liberty street,Pittsburgh. BUZBY & BROTHER, 36a Market street, he/ow Tenth, Philadelphia: GIESE & SON, Commerce Armes Wharf. Baltimore. B A FAHNESTOCK & CO, 100 Front street, New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3, Chathamstreet. Boston. abilaa C. A. YAGANULTY'S • UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the ttansportation of 3'erehandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE,— PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this line has met with, vine it was first established on the "Individual Enterprise' system, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Roam during the winter to twenty-five, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal timore every day (illicept Sundays) during the season, and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat System overevery other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any com meet. Shippers can rely on having their, reduce, merchant dire, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge madtrfor reeeiv ing or advancing charges, &c All communications to the following Agents will be promptly attended tut CHARLES A. SIcANULTY. At the Depot, Canal Rosie. Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRI4L, .53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st. Baltigtorr. W & J T TA PSCOTT, No 43, Pick Slip. New York. THOMAS BORBIDGE, 27:2, Market street, Philadelphia. jan3l* ••••_'...3nt: AZIL "IRON CITY LINE" OF CANAL BOATS. :. CONNECTING with steamer Cleveland, at Bea ver, will be in operation on the 25th instant, to Cleveland daily. The above line L. composed of 8 good Canal Rotas. commanded Ly experienced mete, and a ill depart ev ery motr.ing to and from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, at 9 o'clock. Proprietors of the above line are Nlessrs. HUBBY & HUGHES, Cleveland. 0. " STANDART, INGRAHAPII & CO., Cleveland, 0. Freight of all kinds will be carried as low as by any other good and responsible line. For . freight or pas sage apply to BIRMINGHANI & TAYLOR, marlB No 80, Water street. S. BLOOD, Allegheny City Freightis to Philadelphia and Baltimore. MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' LINE Ti OR transporting Goode. Merchandise, Produce, &c., between Pittsburgh, Pkilatklpkia and Bitltiaore. Goods will be received and forwarded by this line on as accommodating terms and as abort date as by any other responsible Line. All good* follow. , ded from Philadelphia by this Line will be insured.— Tbe Proptietors and agents will give their whole es tentionand endeavor to render satisfaction to all wise may favor them with their custom. We baits ship pers, merchants, manufacturers and ethers to give as a call before shipping elsewhere. Merchandise malign ed to the agents will be received. freight and there* paid. and ferwardei without additional charge for fur warding or storage. Samuel II Kier, Canal Basin, near7tb st. Samuel TV Day, lst and 2d Wharf, below Raced. belavre, Philadelphia. Isaac Cruse, Baltimnie. L Patterson, Hollidaysburgh. Jesse Patterson, JohnotONll. 14. N Briggs, New• York. Win B Reynolds & Co., Boston. lEFF.R To: James McCully, Irvin & Martin, Ft Robinson & Co. .1 AV Barbridgc & Co, Henry Coulter, C G Hussey, John Grier, Church &Csruther! , , George Breed, F Sellers, Samuel - 1 lieNigin, Louis Samn.s; Wilson, /linilisoni co 13, '44 _ Reeder Padget', fbr Chusimigok: The Swiftstrre, Robinson, IVlasten Imes - every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter,Collim, Mester, leaves everrthatiday 10 o'clock a. m. The Maatgott eiy, Bennett, Master, leaves ere/ §at urdny at 10 o'clockk a. m. The Express, Parkkuton, Idtaitr. ierrops evettßixta day at lOo'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM 440., max 20 `~•~.j:. 1844 SAMUEL AY DAY, 2,, H PATTERSON, 5 Artsburgh,