IMZ=E2 .41titkrva-4UMai. I Tkeiresit widow ful tame. Bet l &Erni to orio it Akrougir-- Oh no--t trareivso etriia , 4. • • • 41, -...- v --- N kilt AXIMII: .833511a,U1310N• Facsonse time en association has been forming in kids city igtee.. - sbe: ensnare: and .on the principles of ~Charles Fourier. Yesterday morning about one hum -sired or niq ippe l drati and liftyperaons, ia4 this city on Abe Yucatan(dr thaPlara4 lately, purchased: abbot 38 in.,,ilas by rites abdre_this city, in Clermont. county, Init're tlis3.lttteed going into basineisi itnreteaklll... iildetwi some of ii. persons on iltelttastan a • - with aie titfpoil‘ of-vvetang their tents,,and ereeting huilitinj'to live . lp•;prepatatory to raising ecopi this setititiblinipi:;3oo leis* of the land being cleared, so "nisitt:*ithi'l ireable - ,they..will.`taise sufficient to a 'lto e t no 4 m- ofieraces•lbece this *inter. The yr Vats VtlanittislattakW4PhOut 940 acres, the par -psi _hiving been liii4te at Idiom 1120,000, and the Apq.#)fluoplif 48,000 hai been macte. It is stated by fr/M l4 WAlielT examined the premises : that the wood' ii ? whole , tract, pert of which lies • un i the'river and . Vint on gentle hilts. 111 e. soil and -location of ibis new settle*Ont... are desirable to pro "lneA ml and non nrei tiesrioneetntsing directly in front. *Oats in ihe tear, *fording beautiful pastures, and gropes, springs of pure water, and quarries of valuable -atones. .11y a judicious arrangement of their laws and -cistomac'inculcating good moral's, fostering education, religion . . and temperance, they mutt succeed to more • hippiness and probably affluence.—Cin. Coin. 'VENTILATING STEAMBOATS. A litmte:nant of the British navy has invented a methodek Ventilating steamboats. A cylinder.with two salves ateachendt through one, openint inwards, fresh airis admitted into a vacuum, which is by the next action of the piston, forced through the other valve at the same end, opening outwards into tubes, and by -theae'couveyed tcrevery cabin upon each deck, while •the hot or fool air isat the same time drawn off from 'these cabins into a vacuum above the piston. One two feet in diameter would force in about six hundred gallons of fresh (arawilLeff the same quantity of im pure air) every mien .Large steamboats might have two cylinders. 'The fresh air would be couvcyed in a regular stream, and not he itttt , emitting its effect. CortPRE t t incite.—There seems to be a new -airecti o cto the trade of our sister city. According to the Ad*tiser, thdarticle of cotreg.can,et did present moment be purchased lower in that city than in New 'Orleans. Ai an evidence of this fact, it is stated that two wholesale merchants ef Cincinnati have been pur chasing there quite freely cf both Havana and Rio voiree;within the last few dayii, alleging that there is a .aufficieut margin between the prices there and in this city to warrant these transactions. The import -trade in this article between Mobile and Havana is becoming quite large, while the receipts of Rio are increasing every season. These importations are di •reci, and on this account the article can be furnished as low as ut any ,port in the Union.—Pic. Flaxseed Oil. 16 b b y ras of fine qul2 z) w (i. r . eze ( l 3 % tr ed H a tt ad AN for gale G 2b, ‘Vorni street .. ,QI.7PERFINE FLOUR.-225 bbls S F Flour, just 1.. J received and for sale by 3 - liflittatiDGE & m - Waterbmween Wood and Smithfield its. To Printers. ATEltare received, and will hereafter keep col. v straitly on hand, a fall supply of Printing Ink in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sel! cheaper than it has heretofore been sold in this city. 'Orders from the country accompanied by .he rash --(ts •t.t..essEzz) will be promptly attended to. PHILLIPS & SMITH. oct 10—tfOffire of the 'Past nrel Mantifactii.. r. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL, •SD Imitation Of Wood and Marble Painting. T_T A irING commenced the above bwoness, at No 60, Water street. I respectfully solicit n portion .of public patronage. From long experience, my de voted attention will be given to the alrove bet3i I/Ce , 3 , anti fondly hope to %ire general satisfaction to all who inatfiiior tne with their patronage ta2041 W .1 McDOWELL. SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. Iluoy & Co., No 123, Wood Slrtet. 14: new.. receiving afresh stock of Spring Dry Guilds, which they have lately purchased in the entirely Jr cash, and they flamer themselves :kistetlalyhiin now offer such inducements es will make t the interest of all purchasers to give them a call, as they are determined to sell goods cheaper than any -otliet lions, west of the mountains. RI 7.. George •.Armor, Merchant Tailor, AS ionloved to the room on Fourth street, neat -Li • door to the Methodist Bookstore. lately occu pied by Wm. E. Austin, Esq.. u here he ill be hap py to - servo his friemia and customers and the public gyaexally,, with all work in his line, which he will witimint to ba well made and in the latest and most faVlrdiaire 400 BUSHELS dried Peaches (I.lulves) 6}Bids. Bacon, Flaws, (superior) for S. M'KEE, & CO 110 Second street. *Ate by r' 1 2,5 Iw-* . POINDEXTER & CO., ‘VHOLESALE GROCERS, Vottimistion and Forwarding Merchants, No 41, Water st., Pittsburgh. e 446 cnrner o`;sth and Wood at-reet.s. . • Now Herrings. DLS no.v Herrings, just received and for .11," sale by HAI LiVIAN, JENNINGS dr, CO. Removal. 4.Esisibeci.'iber has removed from his former old stand to the building adjoininc the Venn In. surance Office, on Market street. where he is now re •eciyingattd opening a large and well selected stock -of.SPILING and SUMMER GOODS in his line, in eluding cloths, cassimcres and vestings of the most fashionable styles, and where he intends to continue the TAILORING business on a liberal and extensive scale. His old customers are requested to give him a call and examine his stock. JDHN RIPPEY. al3-3m Hemp. fBALES Kentucky Demi., just received and for sale by [ni4l POIN DEXTER & CO. Steubenville Jeans. L 7 CASES supei tine Steubenville Jeans. just receir 4/ ed from tho manufactui era, and for sale at the new Cush Store, No 32, Fifth sweet. a tg J K LOGAN & CO. 'Wm. O'Hara Robinson, U. S. Attorney, HAS removed his office to Fourth, near Wood street, lately occupied by C. Darragh, Esq. April 8, 1844. _IIIOTICE.-1 have. placced my docket and proles sional business in the hands of Wen O'Hara Robinson Esq. - ,`Whe will catenate the same duriug my absence :March 23 • C. DARRAGH. a9-lindavr N 29 8 HUD& prime N. 0. Sugar for sale by M.-B. RIIEY &CO .418 . 2 0 litE, & BROTUBB., N 0.92, MARKET STREET, Between the Diamond sad fkilk streets, "ILTAVE now open JO entire fresb stock of Fanoy and .11.I.StafigotitY GOODS, purchased reewlakyittriem suid Philadelphia. with considerablis aks, jkoile, Me for *asp 'rim loseilipat *llOl they a r e Urientkinsek Is sell at a.very, autatOpitses (tor Cash) on eastern Eiri: ~~: :; ~. radii Alain?Ot. or NEW GOODS!! SUPERFINE DOUBLE'MILLE.I) Cloths, Casstmeeros, Taira*ls, Vass, Oassinetts, P. DELANY', MERCHANT TAILOR I XIV. 49, Ltsittrr STREZT, TWO DOORS ABOVE VIRGIN ALLEY. THE enbieriberhas just retemeti from the Eaetern cities, where he has purchailea the most maga fiettit aisortment of CHOICE AND FASHIONABLE GOODS Ever. ofered in this City/ which he is now receiving, and to whi•-?_, tie inches tht attention of his customers and the public generally who wish to supply themselves with GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, AT CHEAP PRICES. The, very liheral patronage which his friends and the publichavelMietofure been pleased to bestow on his establiskimaiit, has induced him to purchase A GREATER VARIETY - - _ of all kinds of gc ode in his line, and of a superior qual ity to any thing which has heretofore been offered.— The following is a list of a port of this assortment which he arm to the public, all of which he guarantees are in'tho mostfashionable Eastern-styles, and of the best quality, suitable fdr the season. SUPERFINE BLACK, BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN AND FANCY COLORED EN GLISII, FREisien &AMERICAN . CLOTHS, FOR DRESS AND FROCK COATS. He particularly refers to a lot of bountiful French cloths and cassimeres, new style, which he is confi dent cannot fail to please. They are of a most ex cellent quality. SUPER. SATIN AND VELVET V ESTINGS, Rich and Exquisite patterns, in the latest styles. ALSO, LONDON PLAIDS, A large variety of patterns. MERSEILLES CACHNIERE. E=!tO=l scripuon TWEED CLOTHS. French and English Fancy styles—suitable for evory description of SACK COATS Also, nll kinds of goods which can be found at any establishment in the city, which he offers for sale,made or unmade, as cheap as any dealer in the city. The undersigned offers the above extensive and va ried assortment of seasonable goods for sale at a small advance on their original cost,and keeps them constant ly on band, ready to make for his customers. His pri • ces 'trete suit the times. His goods are all made by Pittsburgh workmen, and are warranted to be of SUPERIOR QUALITY r4PThe public are invited to call and exapine for themselves. Y. 11F.LANY. tf No 49 Liberty st. 2 doors from Virgin alley. WONDERFUL! BUT TRUE The Proprietor of the "THREE BIG DOORS" , rs not in the habit of boasting, but helms no hesitation in saying that the QUALITY AND QUANTITY Of hi 4 pr:sent stock of. READY MADE CLOTHING Fa:exceeds any thing ever seen in the West ern country, and no person can realize its EXCELLENCE OR EXTENT, Unless they call at his establishment. HA HAS NOW A STOCK OF SEASONABLE GARMENTS, Amounting to upwards of $50,000. Whicii l he will sell nt UNPRECEDENTED' LOW PRICES. And he will warrant the WORKMANSHIP and FASHION to be of the most superior kind. It would require too much time and space to enumerate all the attractions of his trin. ' nificent estaillishment, hut suf flee it to say, that his stock comprises every ARTICLE OF A G ENTL EM A N'S DRESS Which he pledges himself to sell lower than they can be purchased any where else in the city. CAIITION. Purchasers aro cautioned to on their guard against the tricks of little rival establishments that try to palm themselves on the unwary as the THREE BIG DOORS. The publi: aredesired to note the METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT, In front of the "old et iginal," as that is a mark for tho genuine Three Big Doors that cannot be! counter feited. JOHN NI'CLOSNEY, 4-tf No 151, Liberty street. DANCING AND WALTZING ACADEMY. THE first session of Madame Blnitiue's Academy will commence on SATURDAA , this day,Jan 13th, at Concert Hall. at 9 A. M. The days of tuition will be Monday, from 3 to 5 P NI; Thursday from 3to 5 P and Saturtioy from 9to 19. A - NI and from 3 to 5 P M, of each week. It is desirable that those intending to enter pupils shoulddo so at the opening of the session. The Lippincott Mills for Sale. p/liE subscriber proposes to sell one-third, one• „I_ half, two thirds, or the whole of this property, situated in the Fifth %Vaal of the city of Pittsburgh,to any person who may wish to obtain nu interest in the same, or who desires to purchase the entire property. i This property consists of main Rolling Mill, oc cupying a piece of gr iund extending 100 feet on Etll7l. street, by 150 feet on Walnut street to the river. The Machinery comprises one line of bar, and one stand of smooth rolls, with an engine and all necessary fix -1 tures in complete repair. It law three bloom furna ces, and one plate furnace complete—alto, four pod riling furnaces nearly finished. The Nail and Shovel factories are erected on u piece of ground opposite, and extending 150 feet on Etna street by 100 feet on Walnut street. The machinery comprises one engine and 14 nail machines, with 2 plate furnaces. Also, one line of small rolls with n suitable furnace. Also. 1 turning lathe, 1 tilt hammer and shovel press, with till the tools and fixtures necessary to operate the machinery, I mast of which is new. This property will he sold on liberal terms, and pre sents a fair opportunity_ for a safe and profitable in vestment. For further particulars inquite of the sub scriber, at hislVarehouse, No. 23, Wood street, near First. re'The best .Tnniata Nails of all sizes constantly of bale, at N 023, Wood street. near First. ml5-tf JAMES ANDERSON. NEW HAT & OAP STORE! eIL SPRING FASHIONS! WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL. No old Stock on hand to offer to the public, and no reduction of wages, but "LIVE AND LED LIVE." PHEssibscriber would respectfully inform his ac- I quaintances and the public that he has commenced the Hut and Cap Manufacturing business in till its 'ca tions branches, at No. 102 WOOD ••STREET, Sd door .from S. Fahnestock &Co.'s Anctinn Rooms, where ho btu; now on hand and will continue to man ufacture all descriptions of HATS and CAPS. From his long experience in the business, he feels confident that in the neatness and durability of his wink, he can safely compare with any establishment East of West ot.tho Mountains. Persons wishing to purchase will please give him a call: ts he is daterittined to sell any article in his lino at a coal profit. for 'gash. G. W.CILASSriOW. ~Aiw. Bea ara-goTHE causal packet ERIE. J. M. SissllctlftlesOrmitilVun as regular tri weekly packet..betweezt th ebovonsunedports. leaves; ; Beaver on .Mondays, Wiciassidays,, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tueidays Thursdays and Sat unity% conintetingwit4tise Susie Lines to Clevelsini direet 4 For freight'or pas sitge *poly on board, of tsb BIRMINGHAM4z , CO.; Pittsburgh, ' J. S. DICKEY; Deliver, Daguerreotype Drisiatexe Portraits, At. the comer of Market and sth eta. THE subserthies would most respectfully inform the Ladies and Gemlernen of Pittsburgh and vi cinity, that they have opened rooms at the abovemen- tioned place, over the store of Messrs .Lloyd and Co., and are now prepared to take Miniatures by demi:mem tiful art, in a style heretofore unsurpassed. 13y the cornblestion of a gable and Po — WerfdPappliftl.frsaind an entirely new mode of operating, they are enabled to produce pictures of a surprising accuracy and - beauty. combining entire durability of impression, clear and distinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, tbss' not least, the cedar of the (Wand dee**. The color ing of Photographic Pictures, forms e.siew era in . the an, as it enables us to combine with accuracy of nature the advantages of art. Thoundersigned do not wish, nor is it their intention to deceive the public by promi ses, which they cannot fulfil, for they depend solely on the character of their pictures for patronage. Citizens and strangers, one and all, aro invited to call and ex amine specimens. N B.—Complete Sets of the improved patent ap paratus furnished on the most reasonable terms.— Plates, Cases, Frames, Chemicals. and ever! thing connected with the business. at the lowest cash pri- J M EMERSON & CO. ces. d2-6m DPE MOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to in- IL form the public, that he has removed from his nld stand, to the corner of Fan and St. Clair sts., op posite the Exchange Hotel, where be has fittal up a large PIANO FLIRTY WARE ROOM, and now offers the most splendid assortment of Ptsxos ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and modeled, and construoted.tbroughout of the very materials, w hich, for durability and quality of tine, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. Its he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ar rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in strument, ho respectfully requests those intending to purchase to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell LOW- Ex, for cash, than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets, Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep 10. Land Surveying and Civil. Engineering. THE undersigned intending to pursue permanently the business of Surveyingand Civil Engineering, offers his services to the public. Having had a very extensive practice with Mr Z %V Remington in this vicinity, he feels warranted in sav ing that his experience and practical knowledge will be advantageous to those who may employ him. Per sons interested in real estate will find at his office plans of the City. City District, "Reserve Tract, opposite Pittsburgh," "Manor of Pittsburgh," Birmingham. Lawrenceville. and lots and farms extending several miles a r ound Pittsburgh. R E McGO %V IN. Office, Penn street, a few doors above Hand, Pittsburgh. ftcritncriCr.3: Richard Biddle. Esq.. P ulvany, Wilson 11VCandless, Esq.. James S. Craft. Esq., John Anderson. William Arthur,' R. S. Cnieut. [Or Those of my friends and the public, who may wish to have recourse to any of my papers, draughts or plans. will hereafter find them in the office of R E Mc- GOW IN, whom I respectfully recommed as one in whose professicual abilities and izuezrity they may de pend. Z W REMINGTON. mft-titsvls 200 °r°- No 1 Bottle Corks; 6 Bbls Sp Turpentine: 2 " Copal Varnish: 1 Cask Olive Oil; 3 Bble Von Red; 2 " Lampblack; 1 " Cream Tartar; 1 " Flor Sulphur; 1 Case Roll Sulphur, 1 " Liquorice Ball; 1 " Gum Shellac; 1 " " Copal; 75 lbs Gum Camphor; 10 " " Opium; Together with a general assortment of Drugs. Medi cines. Dye Stuffs, &c., just received and for sale by F. L SNOWDEN. op 2. No 184 Liberty, head of Wood st. IH AVE placed my docket and professional busi nese in the hands of WM. O'HARA ROBIN SON, Esq., who will nttend to the some during my ab senre. C. DARRAGH. m`_'3-tc PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES TH E sulutcriber, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh Alanufacturing Association, having been ap pointed by a number of the Matnifacturersand Mechan ics of the city of Pittsburgh and its vicinity as their a gent for the sale of their various manufactures. will be constantly supplied with a general assortment of those articles at the lowest wholesale prices. The attention of Western Merchants and dealers in American Manufactures is respectfully invited to ti;ii establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri ber will be promptly attended to. GEO. COCIIRAN. No 26 Wood street. IlAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, :Mattocks, Spades, and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trace and Log Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Coopers' and Carpen ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Window Glass and Glass e are, White and Red Lead. Notice to all whom it may concern. A LL persons having claims against the Estate ut Ll_ Oliver Ormsby Evans, deceased, as well ttsthose knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please present their accounts forsettlement to C. Evans, No 10 NVater street, who is duly authorized to settle the said Esta to Ceb 1 5 MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' TRANS- PORTA TION LINE. THE subscriber has taken outa policy in the officio of the Penn Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh. to cover ull goods shipped by this line from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia or Baltimore. By this means all Goods shipped by him will be fully protected without any additional charge to the shipper. ml 4 SAM'L M KIER, Agent. PHILADELPHIA TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUN DRY. Prices greatly reduced. JOHNSON, successor of Johnson & Smith, . in announcing to his friends and to Printers generally, that be has purchased the intrrest of his late panzer in the foundry, desires to inform them that he has recently made large additions to his assort ment of Book, Job and Ornamental Letter,land he will continue to add every description of Type which the improvements in the art may suggest, and the wants of the trade may require. His assortment comprises a greater variety than any other Foundry in the United States, and he has reduced his prices 20 per cent lower than heretofore. Printing Presses, Chnses,Cases. Printing Ink,- and very article used in a Printing Office, constantly on nand. Estimates will be furnished, in detail, for Book, Newspaper and 4nb offices, on stnting the style and quantity of work to be done, and Specimen Books will be forwarded to persons desirous of making out orders. Stereotyping of every description rrompdy atten ded to as usual. m2B-3m. 11!11111111 Hon. Harmer Denny, Chns. S. Bradford, Esq U Metcalf, Esq. NOTICE Notice. SARAH L. EVANS. A dministramx Insured. T dciitrz..t - by tug via. Dr _L4 liarlicit's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr, Wm. Richards ' of Pittsburgh, Pa„ was entirely cured of the `lllxivedisiresing diseay. His symptoms were pain and weight it, the left Side, lois of appetite, vomiting, acid ertictutiens, a distension of the stomach, sick Istuulache, furred tongue ' 'countenance changed to a citron color, difficulty of breathing, dis turbed iesriattended with a cough, great debßity, with other symptoms indicating great derangement of the functions of the liver. - Mr Richards had the advice of several physicians. but received ow relief, until u , sing Dr Harlich's madicine,whielitertniaatedis effec t ling a perfecteure. Principal Abe, 19 North Medi sweet; Philedel. phia. For sale by Samuel Frew, cemeief Libetty and Wood sts. rep 10 CROP 01P 1843. • VS:, C k tl / 4 q . WS j 70.") THE subscribet has just received his al/nue' supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part of the following kinds—all of the last year's strop, and warranted genuine: , : Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, . . Beets, Endive, Tags, Beans, Kale, Pepper, Leek. . Pumpkin, Broccoli, Lettuce, Radish, Borecole, Water Mellon, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Musk .' Salsafy Carrot,. Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okra, Tomatoes. Curled Cress, Onion, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &e, &c, &c. Together with a variety of .pot and sweet herbs and flower seeds. 'Orders for seeds, shrubs, trees &c, from gar and others will be received and promptly at to. F L SNOWDEN, No 184 Liberty, bead of Wood. (inners tended ja.n2J DEsINING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS PITTSBURGH, Oct 42, 1892 J Penning: On Friday, the 30th of last month, a bout 9 o'clock at night, the Planing, Grooving, and Sash :qanufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth & Co., with a large quantity of dressed and undresseillumber, WU3 all consumed by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was in the most exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot. lam pleased to in form you it was opened at the close of the fire, and all books, papers, &c., saved;—tlits is the best recommen dation I can give of the utility of your safes. 021-tf THOMAS SCOTT. LYND & BICKLEY, NEW AII6tION - ROOMS, Nos. 61. and 63, Wood. between Titifd‘not Fourth St** "El j. W. LYND, hiving formica s copaittheiship I . with C S Biology, and t*k ...out an Auction tort: mission of the fist ii4is they atilt' ntitii ready to continue business atthe above well known and eaten give v..arenxuns, under the &in of _ • -LYME) & BICKLEY. • - One of the partners being most of darillide.' in the eastern cities , securing large and regulUcoaingalments of s.•asonablendize, they are enabliidlil have ills, ay. on hanii the fullest and best esoktittlkitisfoek of Dry fhx4si Haeclwa re, Fancy Attest . &c., t Le found at - any placeia Ole citY• , Regular Arthur of Dry Goods, &c ,Mcindays and Thursday., at 10 o'cluck. A M; auti oci of,new and second hail Furniture, Groceries. &c,al2 o'clock P Jl of the same day. Sales from the shelves every evening at early gas light, and goods sold by private sale at all times, Sales of real and personal estate, private stock, &c, will he made on the most reasonable terms. Liberal cash ad vances made on all consignments. nl7 McKENNA'S AUCTION MART; CORNER OF WOOD & SECOND STS. THE undersigned very respectfully tenders his ser vices to the public, and to Importers, Merchants and Manufacturers,-ss a general AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. He has taken nut a license and entered into the securi ties required by law, for the transaction of PUBLIC SALES of all FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Goons AND FABRICS. An experience of a series of veers in commercial life has furnished the undersigned with some knowl edge of business, nearly twenty years of which have been devoted actively to the auction business, which may be advantageous to those who confide to him the sales of property. To the IMPORTER every facility will bo offered in im posing of Dry Goods. Groceries and Hardware: and to the Home Manufacturer, the most prompt at tention will be paid in tae sale of American products. Sales of real and personal estate in town and coun try, shall command the best services of the undersign ,ed. Arrangements will be made whereby liberal ad vances mill be made on consignments, and sales in every instance closed without delay. Business will be commenced and consignments received on the first day of April, when the regular day: of sale shall be announced. McKENN A, m2B- l m The Old Auctioneer. (City Dailies copy lm) (Philadelphia U. S. Gazette and New York Courier and Enquirer copy cue month and charge this office.) THE 'PAINTER'S SOLILOQUY My Brush I think I will extend To every ono in trade, They'll look upon me ns their friend, Btcatise 1 offer Besides 111 give them sinnething new And that I'm sureis fair; Tell them to paint a handsome Mud If they want 'selltheir ware. Then let the Printer have the news, Ht/1 spread it anon, Hear what he says respecting Shoes Caih'sjust Leon getting on. He has every size and color too, The Price. I soon will tell; lie sure it would astonish you, To see how Cost they sell. For thirty-seven cents they go, And by the thousand too; They always sell so very At the store that's painted blue Ca i s fancy shoes a re very neat— fle make's them to the measure, And w ben his work is on your feet You'll t calico muchp/easure. The Store's on Fifth and Market corner, North-Western, I maintain, It once was kept. I y Jimmy Verner, But now by H CAIN. al9-31n Emmet Rotel, West end of the ad Allegheny Bridge HUGH SWEENY WOULD take this occasion to return his sincere thanks to his numerous frie-nds and the public genernlly, for the very liberal patronage heretofore be stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himself that nothing shall be omitted on his part to merit aeon. ti n uance of their favors. The convenience and beauty of the situation, and the whole arrangements of the house for the accommodation or guests are not inferior to any similar establiihmeot in or out of the oily. His table will always be provided with the best thitnarkets can afford. and no pains will be spared to ensarelhe comfort of those who may favor the Emmet Hotel with their patronne. tf = = DERSONS„Itt*OrA safM'.' of ilf+l4looi. ng articles I J. _ can rely upon gettamgthem of the beat quality, by wholesale or remit, at thesauri, or the subetriberst Superior Boston altiipirrOlatiest - Fine hone; dew do do; Genuine Ftench*bite wine vinegar; SuPeritat rasplietitglar; Underwood's itaperbaeßostOnmus - lat . 1; Fren'nb, Kentucky eita London ' dq: underwoaseboim pkiiteg.preirr•. 4 4% , Genuine ItaFon mace aronj and venaMett; Crushed . ind'pldvin . tilled lirfirrigiri - . Superior old goverandlol , 44l l K 4 4 4 kc Superior old Mocha coffee; Very fins green and black teas; The various 'kin& of spices, ground and ungrouadt Fresh rice flour, sago and tapioca; Superiot sperm and star candles; Papersisoll, soft shell, and hitter almonds; Cream nuts, filberts, ground nuts, &ra; Prunes, figs, reillies. tarrierinffir &e; Currants, c itraNlemonatilisorioei_&c: Rock candy, rice. cocoa . chocolate, &c; . Goshen cheese, (cut or whole); No 1 salmon, mackerel. shad, herring, &c. `REINHART & STRONG, 0 140, Liberty sit es. La! what makes jour teeth so unusually whist'? Quoth Josh's dulciniatohim t'other night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, 1' re lsought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Tis the best now i¢ use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast all others away But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, at tke lustre of mine. Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine. Having tried Dr. ”Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wish," and became acquainted with the ingredients of its com position, [ cheerfully say, I consider it ones& the safest, as it is ono of the most pleasant tooth washes now in use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth W ash," that it is one of the best dentrifices in use. Being in a liquid form team bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Cemponnd Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Onmin proserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues. we take pleasurein recommending it to the public, believ ing it •n he the best article of the kind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. IL PEEBLES, CHAS. B. SCULLY. C. DARRAGH. ;SW. M'CANDLESS, .11 M MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. H. L RING WALT. L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggists, and at Taule's Medical Agency, Fourth st. sep Gun manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens • of Pittsburgh and the public in general, that he has returned to the city, and commenced business on sth street, between Wood and Market streets, and op posite the Exchange Bank, where he will nisuufsc tut e Rifles, Smoothbores and Shot-guns of every des cription from the commonest to the finestqnality. Al so, Pistols, Pocket-belts and Horseman's guns, of all kinds. Guns and Pistols made to order and on the shortest notice. All kinds of gun repairing done on reasonable terms. The subscriber hopes by strict at tention to business to receive a portion of the public patron Age. Farmers and sportsmen are requested to call and examine for themselves. A. S. JOY. 46m—a 12 NEW CASH Dry Goods and Variety Store! J. K. Logan 4- George Cowed, HAVE opened a new cash Dry Goods and variety Store in Filth street. between the Exchange Bank and Wood street, under the firm of J. K. Logan & Co. Their stock of Goods are entirely fresh and having been all purchased for CASH, principally at auctiou,by George Connel, (who has had long experience in the business, and resides in Philadelphia to make purcha ses and pick up bargains.) they will, therefore be ena ded to offet great inducements to those wishing to per :hese : as they are determined to sell at the lowest possible advance onenstern cost for CASH. They have now on band a large and well selected sock of seasonable Goods. among which are Blue, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Cadet, mixed Broadcloths; Cassimeres and Sattinets; Gam broons : Linen and- Cotton Drillings; Cottonade; ilestings, fancy mints: 3-4. 4-4 and 5-4( Bleached and Brown :slashes; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari ner's Shirting; "Tilley. Tatham & Walker's." and "[lope -& Nelson's" Patent Thread; Spool Cotton; Sewing Silk; Silk and Cotton lidlif's; 30 hour, and 8 day Brass Clocks, warru,ted; &c., &c. They will be constantly receiving additions to tht-ir stock purcha sed at the eastern auction, and would invite the atten tion of denlers and otlwis to an examination of their good, before rurchn,ing elsewhere. Pittsburgh, April 1. 1844. jJohn Coffoy, FASHION ABLE BOOT AND SHOE® MAKER. NTO 56. Third street, between Wood and Market, third door from the Post Office, would moat res. pectfully inform Ids friends and the public generally 1 hat he is prepared to make Boots ;md Shoes in the la teAt and most approved style, as he has furnished him self with the best of French and Philadelphia materi als, aid has in his employ the most experieneed work men. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patro naze N. 13.—Re1'airi ng;dono with neatness and despatch np 10=3m. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. THE subscriber has opened an establishment at No 66, Wood street, n few doors from the cor ner of 4th, where ho keepsconstantly for sale all kinds of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastern Prices. He has on hnnd a largo assortment of Glasses in both gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the nt- i ent i on o f cligtnmeTf. believing that the quality of hiA articles and his prices cannot fail to giro satisfaction. Pictures framed to order, in neat style, in either gilt er mahrignny frames. Canal boat and other reflectors manufactured * to or derrm the shortest notice. Old frames repaired and regilt, so as to look as well as new, on the shortest no tice. '3 T MORGAN, Agent. mar 23-tf . _ - Frfturiaufis Piro Brick for Sale. JIIST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick. which Will hereafter be kept constantly on_band end sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 ro. GO Watarst. •.aim.:.-:_~+.....~..~~ .~~& ~ :~.t ~., 14 11. ,foirpeitcs:TlL•retrips 111.1ank. wm. vioNewrAKER, ts. ' 14 ligpicetywa - - Y informs thilnibits !baths 1 .1.11) his resS reed 81S ready_ Iliddir_eardlr ware. ante to the bending recently occlipled iitilit .11...61; Barred. diraistiy Oppedie bill leg 'dish* there be is slims" reposed to attswirproseptly ; . t° ill 7 ordtri lii LM this. acid by striet attend*, - liken the•dinetwor the hirdessit Willa Ulleenhallir 118 14 °'"Olotil Merl' plibiteeentilleseco Ile wilt ha relieved at ALL soots to preside Itearams, Mart. C garr lid every -requisite ea the woo Mina) Watt ' Celli fres 01 coootyy will be proinpuy attended hi. ills residence ts le %lissome Whiles with his win house, when those who cued hie marshes may Red hies slimy floe. nericazihrec - sr.,. tams. law. Send SLACII.IB- a. /TIDOS RISIDLat its. ROSSIT daIICII.D. D. $OOOl PATTON. _. •RT.AlAddirilh-W111444•1114 w S. IeCLORS. - diV.JOSIIIII Wadi, ISAAC ISAMU/, SST. JAAISSIII DAVIS. 10 Ray. a. s. Initirr. WARRANTEtf Wllll,O Evalls's Camomile Pills. Cimuncimea.--Leiter 4 frean Umt 1100..4 Wit lIVIGIR 1111,61111 IVan I:°lllq.Vs.EoSt Tepneseee.ltessberuc Cowes. . • W•ssruteTea, July sd, IMS. ,Slr--Slnee have:beets in Weeny I haveiniednenteic your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite hamar Sted‘aelkil faction, and believe it to be a moat trainable niesedy. Oise of my zonnlituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Onmehell aaliltty Tennessee. wroic to me to seod. Winsome. width 1 did a oci . he has employed it very successfully in his prer.tlee and says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johrtson.yont drat at t his place, thinks you would _.probably like as agent*: Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Cardest,” a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrate/I' medicine. yob eeMthissiotiltfrn ite M wißtittles. act for 'Oa. Yell can send the medicine by watersother care of Robert tug * Suns, Keozvllle county, Tenney see, or,by lend to Graham 4 Houston, Tazwell, Bait Tennessee_ I haye no doubt but if you had agents Ins several cotintles In East Tennesiee, a treat deal of medi cine would be sold. lam going to take some of It bonne, for my own use. and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would Ilk• an agent at Montville, Sullivan County. Ram Tonnes...Pe; I etc get I some of the merchantato set for von as I live near there. 'Faure thettect A BR A H A.M III'eLELL A N. of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. R SELLERS, Arent, , No. 40, Wood street , below Second. FA BSI FOR SA LE.—The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lying in Ross Township 4} mlies frorn the Chy of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres oflend of which 60 are cleared and under fence, I,t m Ift to 20 acres of meadow, 2 seed Orchards of Apples, slqew Peach sad I " Cherry trees—the Improvements see a fratukhosse containtne 10 rooms wellfurnished, calculated fora Ta. vern os private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,stona basement, and stabling, sheds t rid other out housessult able fora tenement!-2 gOod - Gardens surrounded with currant bashes. and a well of excellent water, with • pomp in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh I and Aliezheny market, there is no place now offered for sale with moreinducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for nether part leularsa pnl y to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street corner oi V lrgin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N B If not sold before the Ist of October next, It wilt be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit purchasers. sep 10 Having been afflicted for nearly two years, With a hard swelling on the cap ofmy knee,-:which produced much pain, and used various applications recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's 1 i nament external remedy. Witness my hand, JAMES TAYLOR. Ohio , tp., Allegheny co. Pa. inn. 10.1840. Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or linament; sold at the store.. of GEORGE H. LEE. Pittsburgh, price 50 cents per bottle. . feb 8. Look at This. rr II attention of those who have been somewh. , .1 sceptical in reference to the numerous certif. cams published in favor of Dr. Swa , .ne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being unknown in this Section of the State. is respectfully di rected to the following certificate. the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough for several years, sod is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Agent, have used Dr. Sv..ayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severe:y afflicted for ahou t four months, and I hate no hesitation in saying that it is the must effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It compooesal I uneasiness and agrees well with my diet,—an d maintains a regular and good appetite. I can sincefely recommend it to all otben , 4:milady afilicred. J. MINNICK. Borough of March q, I 04 O. Chambershurgh For sale by WILLIAM THORN. No. 53 Marketstneet., cop 23) BARON VON IlifießEl.Eß BERBPILLS "st These Pills are composed of herbs, which exert specific action upon the heart, give impulse or etreti_gth to the arterinl system: the blood is quickened and e qualized in its circulation through all the vessels, whe ther of the skin, the parts situated internally, of theox tremities; and as all the- secretions of the body are drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase of every secretion, and n quickened action of the ab serbent and exhalent. or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is correct ed, all obstructions are removed, the blood is petrified, and the body resumes a healthful state. For sale wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS. Agent, sep 10 20 IVoorl street. below Second. FIRST SUPPLY OF THE SEASON! ALGEO i, MeGUIRI: A RE now opening one of the richest and most A tensive storks of G , N,al that they have ever been able co offer to the public, every piece of w hich has been bought and selected carefully. Our cloths ate of the choicest make, imported—black, blue and olive French, from medium to the finest qualities; Naval blue, black, invisible, ride nod olive greens, of En gli4i and American; Do..•skin and Seeded French Cain si teems. very elastic; Cooper's make of English. Plain and Fancy ch.. The variety of Vesting', comprising all the neve xl patterns, is endless. Our trim:44a are also of the first tina:ities. Although we do not profess to sell lower than the lowest, yet wo again pleclpourselyes to make work that will compare with that, of any other establishment east or west. ALGEO & MeGUIRE, 251, Liberty street. Spring Fashions. No. 93, WOOD STRTIET. 7Aird Door below Diamond Alley. HAVING received from New York, the Spring Fashion For Hats, I have now on hand, and will continue to manufacture, every variety of the most fashionable Hats, at the lowest prices. I'ersons wanting to purchase neat. cheap, faohiona ble Hats, wholesale or retail, are respectfully invited to call. S. MOORE. m 2 IA ew I in New Wholesale Dry Goods Mere, No 133, Wood Street. MEGOLF, Agent, is now opening an entire fresh . stock of Foreign and Domestic Pry Goals, in the store room Jecently occupied by D Fitxsinmustis s litsq.; one door above H Chid s & Co's Shoe Warehouse. These goods have lx*iiPtirehased in the east for cash. sad will be sold at a small advance on eastern pribes, for either cask or approved paper. Merchants visit• ing our city will find it to their advantage to call Rod examine the 'toc before making their purchasers. Facts.