-ig—itstavranz.l.l :4 5 1.ita1l 1, ri ri! vasiegal ••••'• • . iu mailsrrsi*t k ft)-. . _ oz-riLt DAI.GY; 1,"!!" - T'd . - BMW' • **l'''':l4,llloolaS iiittutetrS t; y •;;Sie3V. corner of Wood anti Aftk Streeir. -Tussler—Five idiom s rem, larrOrie in advance; Singlettorieelhlrileibile At counter of tim Mice, aid by N.wa asp. tiW` mat a' sin!, PrAt-SQUiditt 4, lownvE LINES ok •0dirti40.615.• $ 0 0,44, 11 4 1 , • $ 5 00 Two 4r.',•ii/os , 444 Arieo 600 Tinee4e., moo., • 7 00 One week, • • - 3 66, 'Fait fling'. 800 r • 3 11 1 ;• Siz As, 10:60 - 4 00 One pet, Ira) I€34ftiY ADVERTISF.MENTiIt. " cliaisitei;at .1, • ; et r e - Zoo Bquares. :* 41.6 00 Six min**, • $ 23 00 One year, 35 00 ficiTrirrstheitianswas propoedon.. iirri.-731a)0° - iviii ytar. A r•v •e , •, • : - wylkisplOnsa tre;Tl:drabitirsietin *skit and`Wdod Biddle, Postmaster. tvesainintigeflon, Water, 4th door front Nirosefit.,Pe• nisinetVbalkibigna-Willitun B. AltowrY,PoltectOr. utfitrlPPettga II ; Weed, bet-groan - First and Soccind miiiito°4lnstin A. Barttern, Treniuret. • - , • lesaally Treasory,- Third' sweet, neat doOr ,tO the rhird Presbyterian ft; Johnston, Treasti. roe. Mayor's Cliflet, Fourth, bertsrmi Staritet and Wood streett-• riskestander Hay, Mayor. • - Ale rekiires Itiellange,'Peisrth near Market. it. ...t r iOnAt - . . NU/burgh, between Minitiss-andWaoststreets on Third and FourtWitreets.• . • " Aferekaatiand.ifaanfartarers' and Asressra' De posit Bank, (formerly Saving fund,) Fourth, between Wood and Markotstressts. • Ezekaufe. Fifth et. near NNioosi. HOTELS: Monongahela Mouse, Water street, near the ridge. Exchanse Hotel, corner ',Menu and St. Clair. Merekaits' Hold, corner of Third and Wend. American Motei,corderofThirdandSmislified. United States, corner of Pena it. and 'Canal Spread. Eagle. Liberty street, near. sevimtlk. Miller's Mansion House, Lilserty SC, opposite Wayne. Broaalturst's Mansion Mouse, Penn St., opposite Canal. IMPORTANT FACTS R. LETIFFSm Saapstrilla Blood Pills are applica D ble in all cases, wheiher rdr Purgatives of Pes riffintion, ' They possess all the boasted virtues of otherpitis, and are additionally effieacions, containing Sarsaparilla in their composition, which is not contain ed in any other pills in existence. They are also Oil tempt from other pills in comp :shim. being purely vagetalle, and clin be employed mall times, without. jay daagec. and requiring no restraint &Com occupation sr usual course of living. Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, yet itistmt saying ton much of from the innumerable caresperfurm eil by them in every variety and form of disease (cer tificates of many of which bactimen published from persons of all denominations, physicians, clergymen, and otistaltAbeit. they seem to be almost universal , in their effect; and persons using them tot whatever sick ness or disease, may rest amused that they will be found more efficacious than any other pi& inexistence. From the known replication of Dr. Leidy'is Blood Pill, it is atmeseary to remind tha public 'where they can at all times procure the genuine, as iris attempted to impose other pills, called the 'Blood Pills' upon the emblic ma the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. arße par ticularandask for Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills and see that the name of N B. Leidy is contained on two sides of each boa, (the betas being of piper, arid oblong; squatesbape, sucrounded by a yellow and and iabeL PRICE -25 cents a Box. Prepared only. and sold wholesale and retail, at )r. ibiaW.sUlealtit Emporium, 01 North Second wise, below Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. A. FAglik FA TOOK 4. CO., corner of .Voed and Sixth streets, Agents tot Pittsburgh. jy 111 r. -s Osleksted Female Pills. I rr, am strongly remmoneaded to the 1 iee lade s a a safe and efficient. remedy in Mier*. those complaints peculiarto theirseit, from wettt'idimercise,orgenereldebility of the system. They olivine, costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nerronseffections. Them Pills have geined-the sanc tion endtrobation of the most eminent Physicians in the Th . States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and ReuliPaiLi Rc Stigi.LEFtS,Ageot, sap .10 20. Wood Street. ' below Sicond PASSAGES ANDEEMITTANCES TO AND mewl oxt*A-r luitrAm. putscms desirous of sending for their Mandato setae front wry part. of Great /f.l trials, are respectfully infonnod that the • Subseaber is stall timespripared to make onehleortelltwass He b prepared so retairmeneys sa) * t Smops bY 'Jo ai t the rdl t s I tio;ted Kingdom, on ch are msde pig b le " tit?. pents lissieghera fee she last 12 years engaged in thebas his,fsels confidant that his atrattipmeeliets on both sides the :Atlantic are web as will nicer satishidtiott. THE SHIPS comprising the above tbokosro 41 of die first disk and two.cornotandid by careful sod ARM lintgelig Gering Liverpool mice each week during the For EFlldipartiCuiars apply, if by letter, to __ • • JOHN HERDM AN, • No. 61 sglcgl:l4llf*Ofew York. or to J. KIRKPATRICK, at Messrs. Dalsell& Fleming's, Water street spy 16 . ' " PittslMrgh 1/114.-Ar. OARD 'NW 3101111 S. FRANKLIN HORS& sahiceiher vesper:aridly informs his fr iends wad also public, that he has opened a Hotel and Boaadiat House in Third street, a few doors from Weed, where travelers - sod others will be leinanno• datedArthbiatieresisoliablet ternia." The house is spachs* and has been fitted op at eonsldetablo /ex peseeotaiLeviiii tisettuireemt is made that , wills en suns - thet. and render satisfaction to boarders Ind Ind A share of public patronessaa aospeat fully, •• . . • ittAr CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ . IS AA C C RUSE. , No. 27 ~Setith's Whorl; • 01111ausinoN AND POiltistAalt,inwo • **minima; TETIILL weed to the patents et 03ma6ries and astieles. Ind fermata *diem withike- Aliitetesi. Mordants atid (*Mit tietothy hi' their *dews, secorepeiti4. ebiiiklaskti hey &coed epee their order! Wog Mid iptoiwyelikeritse ra ewe taken to soilect the 1 . 111.611 . 1 .11!!‘: I TO *!,- ... 2.1 r SW: O. MOBsise for sale by S 1 M. B. BRET &CO , ili ~...., '. • . r''''; 14°' l ......: "-','Be°.A6.'''''''l?rr*V''.lalirli ' ....'--or4ka'r::..._ „._ 1: :,,t A , ' . .1 1,,,....,:it1ir..34. i 4.... . : , 3tv,:.:...: ' .:,.- - ---- i- - --- - - lor t ,_ . • 'Mil/ • 4 1 - . i , , 4 '. a i t "-- . -r. ', , ) • . -.--:- , . . . : 1 '. 4 I . al O P - ' i, ' ' '' 1 ” T!iI( fc I.::::_: V 1; Viii :1 i -._k .1',..-: i -. i :.„. ~..;;,) . :! . 7.'111'71 Lt. ;a L -4 4 0'.:11,.... 1 1 s , ,-'qi 1 ' 4 : ' ,.: 1 '.• ' i ! I t .—..... —. . C-. „. ..L • . < ik, , t , • ...,,... .4 ' t .. • ; . . . a c i ' ,-•- , H-: 3i (7:.ara':. ' ..;; - :a:: r:': ' :.0. - .'..:. - '.' ..a•:.: - .:: -----......--..—...------7_--- ---.---...--..-- . . .... . . , - . .. ' ''..----' ' THE .itVA - "I)IPrEE.T:Ctitt EH :CIF ...WOOD. 'A.ND: - FIPT. ft,:iST. RIECIITS, .. 4 TILTTEIBITIWAI,.I9II I I#'4, 4T. tivg rociv o mul., ma. mogul §MITS,i.A. . . .i..--.. ~., ___ ,_ U. Woods,Mteraei aka Cfflukilsaar at Law, Offise remsovedmiltekbeiffi's Offices, isallesiss same, casrly.Cniscilithe ~lewC rt. House, esocrioceim . .l. D. Mahon, I* lifisetticti. : , gap le WCA141)1.1088 & ti'CLUSL Attorneys sail Oiliaamallors at Law, Office in the Eddins:6o:4h of the old Coort l Houle, !Oster Vi i, Attorneys Id Law , t Office removedfeom the Diamond to "Attorney's flow, shady side of 4th, berm= Mirka area Wood tcp 10 , , Pittabv• liran4ll4Mlll46i Atteiro4l atidavit &ma itteft4 bive 0% "P -.7' • , Pittabunik, - Modlten, Attorney att Law' Fifth, between Wotid and P. Smift i fwid ots., se? 10-y Pttsburgh, N. liackanritor, - Attorney at Law, Has r ernoveditisolaaetoßeares' Law Buildings, 4th sc., above Vii* Pittsbuzgh. sap 10 B. Malta, AiMornay at Law, Office on Fifiiistreet,.between Smithfield and Wood, nest door to Thos. Hamilton, Eiqr. -1114 Aiwa", Atter:lei at Law Piusburgh Pe,. M e einPwrthstreet,oppeeinsß;ke's Building. ; WiteWRE. 4101137 N, Esq., will give bee wee ticm to mystigniebea basin's, and I senuarreetel bisn to the rgraiMP:of mi-Cdende. Sep 10-7 WALTER FORw &RD. Daniel mg. Carry, Attorney at ;Ain Office on FiNi street: between Wood and Stnid:field ap 8 Attsburgb. ROBICRT Proxfor. Porton?* rorldne e Attorneys at tome, Office on. the corm of Fourth and Smithfield streets sep 10 Pittsburgh. B.lll4ol4,illttirrasy at Law, - Has re moveslhis erne tohis residence, On Fourth st. two doors above Smithfield. cep 10 Cleo. S. Seldom, Attorney at Law , Office on Fourth Owet;beetween Wood and Sedthfield OrConveyancing and other inatrurnetqa of wri ting legally and promptly executed mar 21-tf Joint 3.llllitaboll, Attorney at Law, Will attend to outlasting end securing claims, sad will also prepare legal instruments of writing with correct ness and despatch. Smithfield street (near Sib street) Pittsburgh. mit. '44 B.llionimr, Alderinai, Office north side of Fifth street, 10 between Wood aid Smithfield,. Pittsburgh. sep-tf Dr. ff. L Flolmss, Office in Second woe, 'mitt door to Mutram , & Co.'s Glass Warehouse. ser 10-y G t. ROBINSON . X. Waning. Robinson & Attorneys at Law, Office on Fourth, between Wood and Market sts. CVPC on re , unclog and other Mgr laments of writing legally and promptly executed. alO-tf Dr. George Watt, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN 4. SURGEON r'Offioe, Smithfield st. near the come: of Sixth 06-Iy. Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office on Smithfield street, third door from the career of sixth street._ - sep 10 William 4. Ward, Dentist, Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair, 6,1843 Doctei Daniel inclifieal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dee 10—y lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 00 TTON YARN WARE 80171111; Ns. 43, Wood Street, Agentsfor thc sale of the Eaglo Cotton Factory Yarns. mar 17 —y Wit.Lisst H. WILLIAMS JOHN S. DILWORTH Williams &Dilworth, Wholesale Grocers, Platten and Commission Met chants, and Dealers hs Pittsburgh Manufacturd ticles, No. 29, Wood street. sop 10—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & MACKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rrencll and Domestic IDryCkoode No; Si, Market street,rittsburgh ser 10—y BIRMINGHAM di CO.. Con*SNOW' ,74 2 14 114 ing igerehantli, Na. 60; Virat.er 'aireet,Pinsbitrgh, Pa. LATP•Traita....—lleoeiving and shipping, 5 cents per 100 lbs. Commission' n purchases and Bales, 24 per cent inar2l2-1 Bronnutrine resists Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sap 10-7 11AILIA.A.N, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Cirri, COMMISOINI axed Pro de d dealers in `Plitsibu'rek ifinsitfaetures. atar 17 No. 43, Wood oteeet. Pittsburi ►• •411100011 bas For proceedirw irkigat6mFnt. usideFOterLboo liprifor sill as this sews.l., • . j`2s allirtlthelr Simi* limber EA Bair IPresaar, Has removed to Fourth street, onmita the bleytertof.• rice, where be will be beipyte wa&eit pertuanail or transient elastomers. Hs solicited - imeat lo ?abalone- ! sap . R-1 1 4 1 1 44 0WP ,14 ,REC9RoING REGULATOR, M - OfFice in RunsGton's BIIILDINGS, re:tastes few doors above Iliad treet jtl3--4 VETHOLESALE ANDIETeIII. , GROCER, For. V T ward*. Rod CimesOLOß°bionchOPt , lijed deolerioeounu7 Proloce • sod riusioorgh Man tures,No 28 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. MIRY & Wholesale!, DM „OWL- rusts, No 1!3, Wood Stied, Thud dour abase Fifth, West side, Pitisbartb. a 1 . CHARLES A. McANULTY, Pazinzathg salt Ckasuaindos lerrebs, Ageot for U. S Portable Boat Lioe,larthe transporta. tion ofkletabanifizetaandErerarittaliurgt., Baltimore, Pbibrielphia,,'New York and Boston. j3l-11 JOHN itillifiZit, P* PIT . .. tagr nAEPlifil • - No." iComincio , mow • ariO4 - ' Liiney Wan, littsbure, rek, ~ PIT ISlEttitGlii FRI itrpts.u.gau, PA., AY,,MAY 3, Mt s. ins 6111 "*Ar a ` a "Mill* • 41 THE klitre• Wet respectfully, informs t hegintlinin of this city andeorm!!„ vicirdty. that be be innoneneed the BOOT and HOE making businessii Fear* striero elifesbn the Mayor's office. Heriug-fee! foreman in swim sidle ) 320 " fashionable hens shops in the Eastern cities; sad having furnished Iffinself wKii the beat French :led kni Zl e s American calf skits, he by his viretion - to burl nee' to merit a abans'or penance. To th ose condemn who hive • patiouised him be morn his sincere clanks, and lan t with confidence awed for the goodness of his Work and knowledge of his business. ' ' • P. KERRIGAN. ' grey 11. illindam Mar; Seat' and Sims *dux, Liberty at. tike sd of El'atigkiliAL.• la substaber heigiter -bought out theidillai stock of the letel i tioinhs Rafferty, deoteiladAlks commeneed beeieinsat tho okl steed oflir.-11., and is prepared tii tower all. descriptions of troth ha its line, an.thebeet aipihn the shottest sank.. He heeposeereentiV ' %hada 'large assottnsnit of shoe fiedaligoef allifoseriptit and of the best qdehty. Ile is tbepetrasege at dse peblie and ofthatilaft._ ___ ' , sop 10-y , :. , ~ - WK.- /PAM •- rli .. , Sittiliefltasides. IlliL imams watieto lbar laid now on band; sad will continuo WAilailafature; (at his old ausad,Ziord .Wood street) tlet bruit, HA TS and CAPS, best l ot 'which fir 44104 led d be surruee_d. Thankful to his frills& abet lie fet' so rbet& a Patronage heretofore. ' ,be bropes4o -smirk a continuance of their from. 1 NT 1.14 ,Id.hf 130U,Glid.SS, Wood street, nrlB-3m - nest door to the corner of 4th: . flirt and limuiet PINNW& Ai 1 BY WILLIAM scaoxix, , DIAIII k ONII 11.LLIBIrt 1 Between Wood ami S • sfietti' Rh. . .i. 1 , HAVING just returned frem the eastern cities Met purchased the most irnpreidal VICIMING MACHINES, is prepared arms gentlemen'shats and braid, straw, gimp or Leant ballasts on the most reasonable tams, in the neatest 'Maier WA at the shortest. make; `The subiteritairbeitt tdsiong atrperitetos in the bestaass-ii isuireleatgaannweattiwa all warh.twinmead to hinrarilthe properly piorformeti• limo orbotteeta cleaned, akerad, trimwedoreolor ed aslteretafor 'W . M. scuor,rr. ?sash Trees. Ai THE subscriber Into just received frcnn the Nur: =very of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelioltiu a lot of the choicest varier: of peach trees, to which ha work) call the attention of the Toddle. F. L. SNOWDEN. No . Liberty K. head of Wood. a. C Ar. .... , _ ldenenrlMPth R 1 . T ok 'S PULMONARY CANDY. Tug pleasant and ortaia cure for, coughs. "il; coldt goes ahead of all the'preparatione now or moor offend bi the public. The user of its so great di►t! the peopriesor bum some difficulty is keephsc a 'supply , forvlie increasing demaad. Medical agencies, groce-. lies, druggista.coEce , beams. oedema bars on steam.; boats,keop is imply** band. :. 1e is Idled. for engem whemp. and will s4L ia spy place. - The mum& is this every one who bassi csmgla or cold by Mang area sticks; find themsoftes earedotilt were, by magic. Persono A 51kolosiclgi bltoiflitslogshernowsy, pose pad. radial FWSi, ,t,wlll/Maitandertux. . Foe washy dm idaglo' ler fillosaisi_fieasicho_foriboengsiagalaS wholesale ' . Tim%Danistv .5.3.. Masisetatrost, whereat' generalassortment!Okay andldedicloile NM lawn% be found. ' • j 24. , , , .. • ARLAND, It 21pisidiseaRRIPt - lime Oddest 'Edmore& c M 241 gif.fisfegeers was caul ot,' lifarl i . Respectfully informs hlifideada and be public this he is pr epared to ewute 11i Orders for' saes, sideboar ds, bureaus,chain, 111014; 1 iedstiallael Magia& hai r . va spring intaglios% ciiis4l 3l 4# l l. o ; o4 akillis :Of alba' meting wcrk, witio'l* ltwillimorrant,p l eitiiny Made is the city. *ltiogireslol4leietrats., • . grip 10 Lat. !Mi ff' 44bi l t r i n *ri Eat. o o 11 HAS Cantratticed the badness is all ks breathes- s at N 022, 'Wood skeet, between That and Samna strs., where he wtillidep constantly on band a good as sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the paEronage of the public. Every attend& winbcpaid to furnishing - COFFINS, Ste. A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 ISAAC ,cairsra _ COMMISSION & FORWARDINGVEICIRIST , No. 87, Botiger Maori, ' DALTIMORE, MI. C. will giveldiferticuler attention to Pro. duce, consignments of Which iiieipectfglytmlicited. Good. re'eeived stimid and forierded to 'atitlistrt of the country." Hiving a Large' and Cotheenitoes Ware ' house for storage, and other facilities for ,the pt' transaction of in# ll ol l 4 cotleditedir tiers' it Servi ces to the conitimaty, Refitoneet is itsitiosore. Messrs W. Wilson ac, Bon,Georgo & Heys, llloyooMtdsßinith,' Beery Rheims & Soe. James ?ewer &Sea. -` Reortwee• Robert Cmighttet Ilateise Vey, l ' Reg, ' • lifemiceit its Bailey & Co; Robrtimo & Reitper4 Oaken 1114111 1 )81 1 4 "ett arCef J. W. Buthridge & W. &R. OrCutelesee. A E A the merchaats generally. . 'REAL ESTATE AGENCY, _CONVEYANCDI4 , ••firsr. fiel.. -. . ~ • `: • ' HE underesgbea, inrshig issoehned GOMM? or the thussarskin of all hhiblearrelatim to I will benoeforth atteml:Mtbelturebiteestnd i es Weil as renting of city and comstryptoPetty; eolteet lei rents &e. fite. The senior member of the firm havinglradrom* penenoe, and being estensir.ly itntrim is -an Aftt 4. Veil Estate, thtri_hopa to meabre a liberal share of p 4 Se Patronage. For the accommodation office pall; fiime will be two offices, whereimainess will fie-rweetr ed; at the Real Estate Agency of James Ithikely,reen bib Ward, and at the Law offioerorlahrol. Mitch ell, S. W. side of Smithfield et.. (item lit%) et rid. - of which, persons whither tolleasm instratneirm of ‘ 1 sing, legally aad neatly somsnefi, nitheriumatigsted. Animas to purehmee or dose of Real 'Unto apyoly. J. J. Mitchell wriA t to attend' &BM of his profession, MI " : t ,' • - JA ' NEU, JOHN J. MITCHELL. , . dee 4--dowfms. OJ HN 1000101.1. 4117011011115, 'Cr' • 41111111 4 8 - • 4e 7 11• 4 4 . . tirmeitat i 4 o, a r.e.; E.tie , he Matig Montt irrstiAity irk , The New York Tribune makes t from the second number of the "1 Willie lbsylOrd Clerk,' now publ Here is an anecdote of a veteran . —.. t rpottiltept, ~ of Philadelphia, who was reaterkatd•Pwilsesonotist* Hasa or his trumpet sad elterstionoo aids MoseeloOlft ), 'is worthy of the "CharcosiSketebee himadf; - " Honest INUIT Ciale.CaLCl—A t ia removed flee" among the quiet, and numbered thaw who base 1., jumped from the shoal of time into kingdom mai. i t was a clew:cub good-imartedshivi4 del he did not curve *Ong, „ h aws spread light and beat whe Me , 14a'-act by A person, however , forif ever ' AMB who , ad him splerripatevriary froth - gam court of Tqlek, Jimmy was that individual. Weil, as I have saMW . ... had a most vociferous born , aadtraremitting wer e " blasts which be protruded thieugh the sense upon tha ;general ear. At last, some eviklisporal chimes, having no tufts far mosici went to his honor the Mark, - I I and lodged grievous complaints against the Medi!. guisbed bornist, (I use a musical term,) settler tetilli" . that be disturbed the public bosons with his ring instrument. After such an accusation , he brought before the great municipal funetioicary, 1 terwAvad a stern sad atrial reprimand. • Jimmy • the rebuke as if Setae had act only allowed hi m hie owliliolor, but also his morose. His reply le as .. gent litconchreire: " tOO% here, your honor,' . : be, .61 hs'est ao disposition, by tramming, to ' of them 'eirspeapie es bas.complaiaed of me. "ow in my line can bear upwards of oorstiderabits is At. Way of epithets, without &engin; eelnr, 0 , rube Wilk ',- cal l But I do say, that I axes them as charges toe IPA -.: areithig too touch noise la the world, why they hail got up such as aatimulry sea' my bowl And 4 should like to know,if my little tin slide treat* ' them so now, low ry will feel wiles they coat ill i . 1 beer the big trumpet, that is to be blows at the dip -, of jedasetost; calling them, just as likely as not, to , g pa.1144. ji mighty sight blacker than the . owe I lent% r i frond" The Mayer was noaplussed;- avid the man went twanging acids Ways. The officer could alit --: More wand his logic than his opponent could lds howl 10" Would to Heaven'!" says OLLAPOD, writing the night before Christmas, "would to' Heaves I were - a inillionaire,aJoan li.goa harm, fottconualow Wei ' 4 - , —sealer tells us why: "There should not be a rosy fear In the Unica shag should dot be the brighter for my beirefectkrus; would distribute presents to every urchin sad miss i ' . met- end that ho li est of all plasters% bestoolosot. , shouldnestle warmly in my bosom. Gon bless the -,.. children! unsullied by the guileful contacts of the world; heels is their feelings, simple in their desires, frown* in their loves, they are the *tableau of bleseedr'es,* , peace. Truly, of such is the kingdom of Liersvesu tiosil - -'I sweetly did the characteristic meekness door Sit.. warn appwr when be said, 'Suffer little children to `; sons unto we!' Would that twere a boy *gaol.. •7' Would that Ihul my few yews es live over again! -, would enjoy the present, as it rolled cm to the _ would revel in the light of sparkling eyes, smile of tips, that the grave has closed and steeled aver! I would si. g,sorishout, sad fly my . , kite, rug :. glide down the snowy bill *am, Hide craft, ashler 1 of yore. I would enjoy the il . prnagoral used coca disc i • that phylum season, as William I f aclutday, Eaprina, ' okiservesin the play,'when the beliny breezes bt 4 1 a; the primurees peeps Om, and the little birds gins fur to mane and I would make it a paint to so eneenes. I would do this without being is 4_ "ph s e ef•ce, torn for I bold insincerity to be the~ most detestable of all vices for which men *0 tilt bung." _ . . This scene, in a crowded Western hotel, it laid lit - Buffalo, in the busy serum: "It was the Eden of a weasel, the place where 1 big. The apartment was earned The Pagate, try a= uus fellowgraveler; and Ilea amply uses lb. ; animals who laminated wane therein., I opposite a speculator is Michigan Irradeinesk "eV (ermined never to be caught napping, be Amt. kit eyes Open. The effect was' may Mg 'Witt,' sherbets of the mean, streaming thrones -tbsi wadlenr,, ./ saw t r6l °314141 4 4441001.4141 Of INVEItin aid -WIMP; glaring upon me. Sometimes it seemed as 1( . 0 Olgt mortal lien bad depeVindltout them: Yet stat i U glued into mine., I ever. with sinoteitiihat ies Ups never closed the . liiieolong night. wound aive- , yet dead. I dioughtor Coleriage's Beal A untient Mariner'? r 1,7 "km erpbares curse might drop to h.A A. Spirit frees en bighs . , . But oh! awe torribislban that.. . Is therefore. 40 . lk dellid Ulliell , era . Seven days. iewerinigists. I saw that curet, And yeri timid not - die.' . • _ . If oar readers desire-any more "good titings,a side the following from this No. ofollapestiet must seek them in the work itesif fr om we have selected only a few passages, ;Ad - the.. ass. tinily at random: , "Eamedingly amused at thesis and =awn of led* c id e d % li fer, a sentimentalist withal, and a. toper, :.. who had come nut of bit way from Baffeloto lee die ". hills. •Landitirdt said 'he to the Boldface of the Otti .-,. taloa, 'awl Poi Ilentletnee. whet Weed es this porch. . 1 witnessing this pitiless rain, yea see- before lola . 4 who has a tempest of stormy& is-heatin' upon his continually. Mast I was ',dab twenty diamond lars, and t &iv the saddling profession. Circassian' ess a lters awing sow I wish for to solicit eiterlijoe. Some of yea wean berternient, and I do bellow I ,erns not destined is rank myself among thous etlet travel froaiDan to Beersheba, end say wren alt le ; N rat: o, I stotnio brag; but lam intelligent my years. and oin t el l edaeathm has been comideen hers mod W a Ruins. Marshall's Life of Wash. , ingtow, and rope • Essay on Man, and most of acetonic( the day, as contained in the small neworee pars. But the way rat situated at proem. le olg 4400 The fact is, illy heareis'ineke, and l'et 1 Ishaindizing about tioigkibe with *sombre brow, lid I a buposn laden with woe. Who will help :ly, gentlemen—who will ease my (griefs, 1 1 10 . 1 . -