Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, May 01, 1844, Image 3

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    Ari.4olll .
10061101 t so have wwertotio twowolutio,
ostott.o(ohoitikturodanoin lot opportunities «ml 4 uot
of whatever territory atight,ift dor arves*. beftitiestiod
oeddisS4 'odr Salmi er 'deiltdefende.
etaritlierdie fligefiTeltss tO the Itiinat hi l ieet
ethe r s iadsc s tpt pcnritiVtltei `tight to distbrotitas
else thCkii l'Aiii i iecfrAfttly to the peogitsee'alsich.
are eett s ,
, giiat r t• t to f slow AO!
motion Apt ptropean c,olontspireenist
as i e_ aimtrt.llereat matter—it pottier is ,
vorpectiii cepsettuences of which no ./Za.
ropetast ratios cao pariah!) , doceive either herself or
`!ittutrivAg ingels $00) 110 1 1 101 1 :4
tiara respecting the degree. ofecodirwhichwaybelltia
soltibleasNerstart4 bat tow gerreerunint • Olighti without
thimilokole , ttudwisif sumo jeilsosiigltance agefailitho
inflorgekt, and indeed foreign , in
front!al 'Rosner,.
,11PletitTkUlis;or With* or the tx#lot!f Jlt,ibeceosiiv
k6Ortuig duff pt lilvtiO.,.:lthetitnet
Midi"ottnies `iihem the erli t no t Arg o t tf fa_ to
a lino, h " s r' c " ‘4r
.or ,ft.Was*Utiffal Pot dory, o[ ' . Ibis ion; be i
117( 1 44ochtio 4 Al* ,defaiettsspplicable aa-ustliso
WAt**os;isdividusM. would. Itlibtott doubt. product
wiigmeausioustkimity Amongst os..is favor of the latter
latelNallieekllo4:lo everbeempastetiort ootgrartiptiew
titioufiturig aterriemeeffaluliu7. • " '
illserflig icon *plied,' iir ' tire fullest owl ' fmniCeit
alidaterVierilitidetbet t i atiti664.iirisictt .yete have - pro.
filritin b ettio,'l otlgli4 lahrechfor this lettekbtit be'-'
it a
' l •l4.ak4Bialeiguir #l4l tlttid ethers 040904
Awittototalion in
1 4i n st90 0 . Abe 4 44 P •
ag r i t li• lk I. the
ill y aitgt.wi4h'
pitiwij pa .fiert•lt: ' el•Poseiciirl, ngo a few
Occasions do sometimes restent,themeolves, in t he
sandebonoltt. - eipuitlitudhuvw Mhos oho decision of
great questions can -b•;adelleantio' ipmed 'by. those
wboearpoirektpinelitbq it Our, become to pass upon
dreadellmettejtaelilliodi a= thane, - those qu#ltions
m arttl'P et h as. !" e 1. 11, -'‘' d #.Y. d'P en4. " PPS"l i cii"
grump*. en'tl eq0610404,:if a Optil sna met ea . %
crPtataile; -, I. inkka Aut. Ibietts.to regard ; lb*** be.
ing; israll ittespeeKsi ease thattleecsiption. his
a motet affecting .ourionsixo.celotione..ia coopers to
whiaitievezy, ealiglatined notion writheei it • rule UP a
void, &ratio practicebies pablicannimointions of •its
proorredings and intentions ibeyoni , what irr.deemed
neoweary eitherto justify ittpaitteterise, or to make
°there Atilt& ut its detenninettan to resist aggres
sion, Whet* porittiat or peosPortive. Ai the ttetion
of the eatteutive upon all questidtis that ittli VV,ittee re
latiirtFwidiOther coontries', inenhe indite or less ,i-
No tor ea by tir , conduct towards us, 4 is, in general,
slinirabisitiot his future course should not be cram. ,
raised by ar surenoes gisen at a period whoa no safe
op nioo , ;amid bir formed of whet that conduct would
bea In respect Irma to motives of a domestic cheerio;
ter, it.couid_ votively be deemed cossinent with that
prudence and calm discretion which, in public as MAI
as private affitirs, is of suclable value, to Mod
ontoeives it:l4lroom in suspect to do particukar line of
smoitact we will hereafter adopt Oliva* of such mag-
Dipole, as the present... When the pet ignitor definitive
actiotbshali ken arrived, the cimaidetatiens new ta
ken intre view may have lust the weight they at present
possess in the estimation of the. public; and others, not
now regarded esti-any valor, may. la the WWI bate ,
arise to e ff ect materiak. it not to clonga,, , the whole
aspect of the *abject Thu present condition of the
relotimis between Itexiooroad Taw may soon be so
far changed tutu weaken; and perhaps to obviate en
tirely, the IjiIjeCLILIIIII against the immediate annexation
of tin, latter to the I.3eited-States c nitich I bate here
us-t f. nth, and to place the question oaifferent grounds,
Slitiuid rich a state Lathing& arise, and . I be found in
charge of the responsible duties of President. you may
b".' assort:; that I would meet the question, it then pre
sented intne, vrith a sincere Juice to promote the ro
w& which I.beliiivf4 best calculated to advance the
inirmaru•ut welfare of the whole country. In the dis
airsu of this, the common dots of all our public folic
tiOnartes. I„torirtild nos allow, ray-self to be influenced by
local or iectional feelings. 1 am not, 1 peed hardly
say to you, an entrust mania respect to my ilispwit ion
or utility name-crud' any feeling of that charucter in
the discharge of official duties. You, as well as all
ethers, inive therefot eat least s u ite grounds on which
toforin an opinion as to tfr, , probable fidelity with
wiich thew assurances would Le vbserved.
shell Ida, it few words on another aspect of the
qtiestion. Cod then disiniss the:ubject. V mice may
carry lice ponsisuroce in refusing " to acknowledge the
o f Texan, nod in destructive but fruit
less ettets to reconquer that State, so far as to pro
clutter 4,..mt0 q wisti pthp.r circumstances; a daTi-,
deif OceteitYiltrou th i . l•ArtuT at majurity of dm' people '
of dor-United States, that the permanent welf.ue, if
Dot einetute safety.of di, make it necessary that the
proposed annexation should beeffeeted, be the cense
tpieness whilst* , may. The question may be asked,
what, touler eruct etronnotances, would he the use
yonvemild entice of the executive power, if entrusted
to your hands? Would it be wicked to dollar; or to
• trry into effect - the ascertained wishes of our templet
My reply to cart h 4 supposition is, that I can coneeive
of no p•Mic'questlot, in respeetlo which it it more
eminentirrener dun tbe opinion* tmd wishes of the
people of the different - Stater:should be consulted, end
being witertalneff, moiled with greater respect than
those 'which relate either to the admission of * new
rner ' • -:•;'n of ad•
it ai
of this grail question,:wito itre imersirmg so confer their
ratfeegnemn bee whole set peepued togive sista mss'
rife:pledges= re„vardto theirrovsehe unsold, if electi
eci f pursue in flupect to the various aspects ia which"
thisaisatew -hereafterisepresented. Teal each 1 •
have only many— and 1 do sawith tbegreautst sinew,
itylvvtbat i have-sot the stightest. slisposition to qmo.
tiontheirsight sato regulate deer* condoet r and will be
sheltie to cotiplain of its exercise. If thole in any
.me vtliti they believe can be nareiefelyiearested with
tbeirinewees in this orally otherofthegmat /questions
peblierpolicy which are likely toaristrie thesmindn
istsatioeatbegovernment,•or whoseassurances es so
hie fetswormerse are more satisfactory to them. the,
willitvithoet doubt,be Weil.warn inted in giving him
the preference; end they maybe visored - that no ono
will mode Tahitelrfitily..siminiesta in a decision, made
from rock matireart,t thha tnyrelf. 1 have expressed "sr
willingness tit teharge, to best of my abilities the
respoesilvesAti Ater
therkeneeney of the Unitatiltates.be amid 'anti*
tosmairsetnee to the Seel the talm met steps
to46tida it by which taYsbilityta ribrobarg• It dgties
imPuNielly endemic, weary poetics ear eons
onsehmatry would bancerpnired; ani , east fi is sailero
erwislebe Wawa to saaaohodeover ths tratireaef
ray Meilife. by changes or emawalraents stfeobsioes
eriatijoar=ltolatV4"°l" .-g=401114:41-#4°IirriPie
ee of ilk fleg +anti:ski' Muss
pal promotion •• • -
i f
sir, very restiettfally.
otfren and lbsaiinisetvabt:
liaeir tr.
mildimr4of the Pittidstirer Weriteelutrid Societe'
0 1 1 . 610.111 0 dgeß9c*clalf 4t.• ltdiird to Trois, :tit
a wroatr isti tram ttsdeleetri Priebeired sttaksiklite•
artists esetedossrs is requested. t:
. . _
tabi.-Piligiirkint —. Pail." liiiiii• d'in -
Qapplaif ixii jarilians this ' -- ks the ea.
.T.c.• '
, ...-, „d . _ ~,
~ ,
el kr-www7:shiaBo 6 ma 1.,_..„ Aroma
tkine4 mus.,
for Ii , s for ,:,• •• • lon
are - itial . a, i
and ' t ' '...-- t, . coMcinee
every : ' X l6_ ad that to - : 1 :,;.-", : nit_ the
• ..: . •, , _ a- .
. t l ill i ll N le muM P . a u "
at a/n iet tVgorionii''isYnita:tiinN;Uisi7 in
a disc Elert-Iritnit writ" Amdait : wall
be struck with the differenen between the manly can,
dor that Pfkrr LIN every seiteinco pr Pilo hitter 4 Ansi
the time miming, vote attshing,',apicidatif the Amon
earnliiisam: lir:Van Barimmalteit`tko effort to pletumi
the pnolodites eif-allipmeiies",6ur mei* 'Ole gimmick s
baldly, and eve* a ahniieAspasiiiisauf hi's opinions.
Accititft:—The hoilei:ritta464 to . n mil wagon
took fright yesterday, in Wiley greet, anti TIM over the
precipices jest aboVe Dinghtint's Coma- Warehouse.
Omar thew Wes killed on the ipot;iind'an old Ger.
mitt vrortote, vshofVsei inialle to pt .out of the way,
btsd pne; uY , ifer Ings brolfep end Was otherwise injured.
Reinert oft or tostiait.-4Tbe Senate have pasted
Mr Merriek's Post.oolas tiliby a vote of 29 to
The foliktorieg Aso the totes: Notover 30 miles, 3 mai
mummy 100 mild., 5 eta; do 300 miles, 10 rte; over
300 Mites. 15'eents.
• •• • • • .
Member. 'of Congress to have latter flanks pr day
all the yotr toudd, to pallOvet the Union,oml to Sank
ell public doctiments.
Rove Lea Onatotte.—Mr WHITINZY, ► jentiem►a
whet has Albino-Imm+ celebrity by his lectures, is now
in this city, and proposes to give four lectures at Coo
cert Maim Po,ular Oratory. We will publisb bia
misesabesesist to-morrow.
rffe/Itnic — .Aa imeresting bill is presented for
•this evening Dal.oll 4. P is s , and 4he fares of Per
feetiOn.with tots of song & dances between the pie-
leirelnis inaction.
Nothing official from Gihner's district. It is, how
ever, asserted by the Richmond Whig that Mr Hoge*
(wing) is elected by a majority of from 3 to 400.
From NVise's district the vote is reported as very
elose,thqu;h the. reports seem to favor the absction of
Hill Carter, whig. We consider the result still doubt
The Detnorratie gain so far in the house of Deli--
gates four, andt he Whiggain five. making a net gain
of ono fur the 1 :Ater. Salt. Seri, of Monday.
Mons Fasup —Thu :Journal of Commerce of las t
evening informs as of another Wall street fraud. It
seems that McQ•teen Jz Meh"..ay, a house of some stand
in; in Detroit. have made law purchases of produce
in various western places, making payment by their
drafts at thirty days sight on R. Holland, NoB, Wail
strs.m. Thirty-,em at those drafts, each for a th ntsind
dollars, wer,, passed to a great house in Cleveland in
payment fur pork. (Lao or two negociations were
made with western banks. The produce purchased
*NUS not in ail cases taken away by the purchasers. OHIO RIVER IMPROVEMENTS.
hut receipts taken fur it a,l on deposit, promising to de- 1 p ROPOSALS will be received until the 30th of
liver the property to McKay and Mc(awes, or order. 11. May for the delivery of itnne into fines of dams
Several of dew- rect.*, were negotisted with corn- attbeverlii 7 r Z m ; ntso.tedonthe
o I
River, several improvements
Bids to
mission houses in New York,wim are in the habit of he in quantities of from 5,000 to 20.000 tons. Setts
malaug udxauces on such rec.eipts,by forwarding boo- factory testimonials will be required before assigning
sea, in the same manner as upon bills of lading. Hey. contracts.
I By order of Captain S3 w nel m ers. Sap's' rintendent
land was to accept the bills but not to Pay them.— H WARNER,
Thirt •
v. d o ll arse
five. thnusand of thm beCame due on
.. Ist Lt. Tnp'l Eng's Assistant.
Tuesday, and were protested for non payment, tun' Orsict Onto Rican Istrnovast as Ts, I
Hillard is not e.o b 3 frund. The whole amount of i Pittsburgh. April 30th, 1244 . S
drafts known CO exist is about 360100. The cash .grT° he published until the 30th of May in the
' Pittsburgh Chronicle, Age, Gazette. American and
advances u p on the receipts is s°rsleibing lest!; so that ! Aurora; Steruheaville Union and Herald; Wheeling
,auriosso,ooohris probably been milted by t h e opera- 1 Argus and Times; Marietta paper; Columbus States
don. Some of tha parties interested became alarmed man and 0 S Republican; Gazette. Chronicle and
several cloys ago, and McKay was followed to New Atlas, Cincinnati; Journal and Standard, Louisville;
York, where he had been, bat returned, and the last send bi i ii i with Seat P e P Ulrli ,! /la shaf r ikthia Ilaalk
letters from Bufralo say that he was there and would m y ' - ' m
I be immediately arrested.l
Is Tuts:opt, To. ps,Firisys,, A,, cow wwvice Lion mlll5 CL AREA Doll
was received from M. Delsbarre, recently, it) the Ma M'CUTCHILON
Fiia aah Asadaal of Saiaaaal ' a u a new wade afrea- 1 FOURTH NIGHT OF MR. A. A. ADDAMS
Bering equal and regular, teeth which cross or prise
upott each other. • Hitherto dentists hare been in the ! IVEDNES'DA Y E VE497NO, MAY Ist,
habit of employing ligaturei of guld, plating, silk &c. ! Dames its Prillkitaii.
M. Dehtbarre employs caotitchouc, which, "Welling pg .as. JO A A ADDAMS,
' McCutchroa,
witls the heat of the mouth, presses upon the With up- : c i d a ptb e , Miss Clarendon
on which it is -appiied, and causes them to asantne an i
uniform and regular vilterar ce.
LAWY IRE ra Cineinnart.—Tbe Atlas asyr+-,
"There are 13 - 2 iaiwyers now 'in practice in eincianitti 1-
i Charles Paragon,
•-••11(:). 4MC Q t he num Lie r, who has bad leisure to c.raift Kate O'Brien,
their aigiai,.,infe;mi uo."
I'Pricea of Admission—Lower Tier, SO cents;
. Nary ev
Conenexit.—The Cincinnati Times Upper Tier, 37g cents; Pit 25 : Gall 25.
seen a hill purporting to be, of the Pertness anti 141er-flittirA number of Season Tickets or sale, inquire
c h„„ t T e Book or' T enee „,„, et m m o6,, of t h e d e .. at the Box Office. Box Office openfrom 11 AM. till
noinittation of $2O. Vignette, a female figure inn re- 2r M " _
• Er'lleenamigetvient beg ihe pleastre of.anneunc_
alb:liai .Prraitierl , with 'nett arm upon the rase at . I log that Mr BUBION, the Comedian. has been en
pilier, ; Head of Washington on either side of same gaged for a limited number a nights. Dust notice will
with the figures 20 nweitber corner. Letter B—No, ibe given of his first appearance.
12310 . . ' Signedd Clots. Lafland, Cashier, S. Wheatley l
Pres;i4ent. Paper wlilto and thin, signatures and fil
ling up well executed; the engraving nos so well exe
cuted but calculated tooleceive, We tbialt there are
vto l eauine-notca.of this pieta.
Clotcosturr Tat? avast sums.--71te Missouri has
just made the brit trip Citrus NeW °earns to the Mcrotb
of ale Oilio,by 21 hours ever tFiticir, reaching 'Cairo in
'3 days 14.1,5ta follows:
,From New (Meths to Natchez, 22 h. 47 sit.
" " to Vittitsbyrei, S 2 h. 45 to.
51 b. 28 111.
Merppbis. d. 11 b. 7
" to Cairo, 34./4 b. 42 . at.
The Missouri carries 850 totts,.3o4l.bas 4. heel of 265
feet. - . .
alit*? FURS AT WILXIIIIO7OIII N. C.—The Phila. ,
`.lmxtete — r learns that a dreattfal conliagratio nwas m
e% C?s wbsn tip Souther') . Meg
wed shrimgh that lawn. The lose r;(•propersy wes
salaam $lOO,OOO, and the flames mill unsubduale— ,
Messrs. R W Brown, W Latimer, and Ha okr rm
Aro* werrareengthieldet'saerers.
i irp r Yol Ifni pleos or isforitiolloa ses end is
the Reo' , ; l ; Tsrk Tribstsa--
, , ,
'lscrtst,til i t..•77lrs.U. ll firillainforstati4o, frisk is
source Width*Stsissiet ghat Praia tag -ty•
• 4414040 - vei r7,6'
_oars to l!Arck
from St Lostiiiit 14464 1 10 10 ; .166 1444 01 4
its T e ai s aietisdirrseithst ieo is about to fa=
vitae Texas, sod this movement is inteltiod as (401/Ifl-
. - .
tirpnite -
:~ '..,.
y ~..
.. "" e " • ig . l4' 0;7,1;444
ihreigirep ' --
WIWI* lintesOkeit 'Womb' ‘''
-7 *key wart.* iv -vas , cla to 'rat.
CidersUs& Menirblll, Beaver,
Inkperiet: HriaNS, !knit Orleans, •
Little Bee, Martin, Clneiniestis.
Cleveland, Hemphill, angle:sad,
Boles, Beaver.
Illebnosw„ Ipt e,WhetU yt . .
North Ver4l thificast rirM.Kto.
Mnsle i lag.atterarlq. Znnisi.ill., •
' Ptekineois; thy,
Rickard eistlartn," Drowning's,. "
Keiteh Queen, Measles,' Poetised.
• •
Vint bon thy' 'tiara - Fatten
STERLI 0, 'W Metracts, Muter; ' •
arl4,44ipart for the and iiiiintertneithWandino
on lilitdaeiday,ilin latiltistatit,'ln to* with' imat,
Cleveland. The above paeher, !a wrong iLe iota in
the lioe4tait °Rini great indieementa peiplellgtfs
and *hipper& Fdr freight cot Passage apply on Irma
a3O 54,111Fater strut.
7 t
1 4 .as hg v iliwoa'
eftp4s -
• ' m Peke!.
m s, jar / --"fise.. 4 loeisblisesstigloy igcam boat
--: PrßricepWThektiter,will
mm , gegillotr, packerit‘tween this
place and tiacipnati, leavtilt Vitttburgh-everr Wed
nesday morning. as •10 o'clock, eMil Cinclotwiti'every
Saturday, at 10 o'clock. Yerfreight ot•P e rlY
on board cu to No 4, Wald street. mat 2
The Little Ben is provided with Evans' saStty gitatid:
to prevent explosion abetters. m26-3m.
THE steamer CLEVELAND haeing
been rebuilt, will commence her relit
ar trips to and ft om Bearer, on Mon
day, the 18th instant. leaving Pittsburgh every morn
ing at 9 o'clock, and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Sun
days excepted). 'or freight or passage apply to
No6o, Water street.
Slimmer CUTTER, CoLLIN s, Master,
ill depart for the above anchinterme
diate ports, on EVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A
M, positively. The Cotter his been thoroughly re.
paired, and furnished with entire now boilers, and can
be recommended to the shipping and travelling OM
muaity at a safe and expeditious boat. For freights
or passage apply on board, or to
No 60, Water street.
Tho Cutter is provided with the Safety Guard, to
prevent explosion. m2s
The light draught steamer IMPORT
ER, BatcaLlC. Master, will depart for the abase and
all intermediate landings on Thursday, the2d instate,
at 10 o'clock AM. For freight or pagiaZe apply 00
board or to'- BIRMINGHAM St TAYLER,
ml No 54, Water street.
silai hr The light dranght steamer JOHN
GO=LONG•will dorpait for the above
and intermediate ports on Thursday, the 241 inst., at
10 o'clock AM. k'or freight alone apply on board or
ml No 54, Water street. `
Ilonapipe, by Master Buckley.
To cosclude with the force of
Fm m—akidespOitilEttLY callisd South oknireli,
Sew islanders, bees ae•
rived in this city, to remain a few day, *sly for
exhibition, at Mr Fickeisen's Napoleon Hotel. in the
Inionotki, back of the old court house. Speaking of
these children, they are tho greatest Hiring corkwities
AM pr hne( ever witnessed; they have neither hamb - nor
feet, Ent lontalmrsresembrtag die lateral spreeidaktmie
of an eaglet they are brothers 10 and 12 years of age,
very lively and active, intellect good, and trotifint
it, their , looks or actions that could Annul even the
most fastiabrub-.4 0 7 neverfell to amass their Ashlers
jin time of exhibitiOn. It 'will readily appear diat
om:Meg can occur respectipz theirgr_mt siagelanty aE
a disuessingcbaracericeisel inrutisiOr at ends curios.
hire if.tbrmiteritc;-Theilhasta diem
sands Navy:rink maii Doesaa,bmkt mmio
aml by them pronseraced the Imams sight ausaagita.
ataa ',Mega The glelast Wallas parmagioa ia, be
distiastljwidentood. the other cannot. nag minas.
I (20",""11°Y on, r 40447. 29th *pa Dears apse
root 9 A /A till B.P _
ErAtinviseion.oety 121011MM_
Ladies are tequestediraidit*44!!" the
room may be very much trowthelia Au tirrranr
, s2O-tf
rOs blenday tient Sib
lisiene,:noteergeri Stit tam* a tea plalit
rannly Carrierositicit rosy to wee provides tia Alt
thy of sale at the Staithia of ErAturray, on
Penn meet.'Z D DAYS, Auctioneer.
TO41141104.':1- May Sd, at 10 O'ciaisleA
/CAW bitaohlia*-DasieVamomroo Aadholtasess,
wear eflAthAol Weld mew, is tarp mad glairsd
its***oo*.**lDinys Goias: angithisigia Ott, braid
glothsOnalthams,:osileta*a.s and * ilsopit.**;
Asir of famogegrokt : $ $ •
At 2 igolosk e i*i*Oest .111* osSoe:. l*nttzs
tos*ubt Lemaimpaly,dreiturbasesucl SO;
wish ..shosisliAosserelliAtlir *we Nit albs; stii
Wier saliciosumovinsia* bane* - • -
ml 1-- 0 . -DAVIS, Atistbk4Orr
Q 1011.0111010, illamathileddiae‘.
nit *A* hiewit "tart
'Ohba:mid sekbmit imeernktor dash, pie rush,
at Iherie.CamMereiatinsidoti roolos, terser ankh
and Wood for "he Vies& "atwhinah mtirancerm
5-haltabesta alilimpalurdet Talgi Of Irma VlNlY,whith'
have been slightly damaged in the unnipmeritherly .
Canal, ' ALSO, An inirokiparlfeentilysen nail
Teaa,{nat damaged) for se. of thu imprasari.
ConsistingafB Cisdigbedes Imperial Tea.
18.>:...' • Yining Hymn,
0 • "
2 Chests
in 1
T ABGEand attentive aide anew, *Wee nil !Ida
J 1.4 ustble Books, the himstlitsblicsrthlia, annelidan '
in rpleadidhindings; cestiwislag • Poetical, Histbrieg,'
Theological and Idisailtauemn works, reeehsect direct
from the publishers. They can be warranted petteet
in every reapers, sad the bist lot of Books offered at
Auction is this - city he several ram. To be add by
at Davit' Conneercial Aueloe Rooms, on
Tlau ay : Frhiey,andfoatuntay, evetdings, May 2d, 3d
and 4th, comment:hag at early gee Ng. - Catalogue
will be ready on Thursday morning, and the bores am
be examined each day. J D DAVIS,
a3O Auctioneer.
MBE regular eseertraent of theabirre ankles at
tbe-new. Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63 s Woad
waft, has been greatly increased by fre'sh arrivals, so
that the greate4 variety ofpatterits and qimlitios can
be found at the present time, of any uther phase le the
Tismookers.sed• - "its *is chat** and
most fashionable dvaeripno ii; sod die carpets will by
sold at titivate vide. as Lasi ?HAS Lilt intints
anis in the city.
Also, an assortment of Brusasio, Tufted and Selo
nail Hearth Rugs. LYND & BiCKLEY.
THE subscriberitas removed from his former old
stand to the beading adjoining the Peon
surname Office, on Market AMR. when be is new r&
ceiving and opening a large and well saluted stock
of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS in his Sisk in
cluding.cloths, cusirneres and vesting' of the most
fashionable styles, and where he intends to continue
the TAILORING business on • liberal and extensive
scale. His old customers an requested to give him a
call and =amiss his stock. JOHN RIPPEY.
a 13-3 m
T Pr•pesals.
HE tinder.lignetlCommissicancs. appointed by an
act of the Legislature to purchase a farm and
meet suitable buildings for the lodging and minus
lance of thee Poor of the city of Allegheny, in pular
tnce of the object of their appointment, heeeby give
otice that they will receive proposals =6l the Ist day
{June Btu for an /fisprosted Farm of not- WI that
150 acres, and 60t." More than 300 acres, and not Curtis
sr (ram the city than 10 miles. Proposals may be left
at the Mayor's office, in the city of Allegheny atm be
fore the time specified. stating the number of ogsA
contains, the number of acres improved, the sittaii•
of the Farm, the quality of the land„ the price per acre,
and terms of payment. THOMAS BA RN ET T,
a22-Iwd sortie' Commissioners.
W. Cr 11124/ Rso isiiilo44 H. Attensiy,
HAS yomaiiili hi. office co Fourth. near Wood
Won. Intel" oopnpied by C. Darragh, Esq.
April 8. 1144.
NOTICE.—I have placed my docket and profes-
Sional business in the baulk et Wm O'Hara Robinson..
Esq„ who will attend to lba same during my absent...,
March 23 C. DARRAGH.
n 94 asdaw
..Sots I..tsss;.
.STAss 114•ttacica.
Mr M'Cuuiltron,
Miss Clare*
DANID SANDS, Watch and Clock Maker; iod
dealer in Watches. Cloaks, Breast Pine,Pia
ger Rings, Ckaists, Keys, Spoons, Carobs, tft.
Jemadry of all descriptions repaired and made root , '
der. - • •
firi HE subscriber begs leave to return his
1 grateful tieknowledgmettu to his numerceit
friends sod the -public in general- for their liberal pa
tronagetbr years past, - tutti would earnestly Solidt a'
extatinuance at hie new establishment, No 84, Third"
street. (Booth ride)) between Weed and Market rats.,
and 4th door from Wood street, adjoining Mr Ihmsen's
Glass Wombat" where, in addition to the manufac
ture of cabinet furniture, be has commeored the Prt -,
holstiering baguets la all branches, and the =WU'
factu re of Windsor Chairs of everY description, tegoth
er with a new iaitettion of bedsteds fat superior Loony
,of the patent intmte of the day, the facility their
construction:trot& will gamey nteaurnend thoni to
the strew" , see.perfeet*lttrop . .
The rube:Abet is tleteredned to spare bobber pales
nor expense is proetning the latest esEcra ?mach and
English fashions; and hash' swami the satilees of
same, thebest *rockteer in the rod tin'y he -will be
rambled to manofectore furniture of treofiniar Style.
Purcbasters winged it their intiteest to dill before.par
clissingelseirhete, as he'SillikaP 000 lial*Patild
a getters' essorsesent of tainliere, abeirsorsattaties;
&c. MILAWB.jr.
N B. &ems and eased beets forsidiritii *pia
awry, (Mins. sat taidiewasenitems; at itthnted prices
and with despatch.
Sik bit 1111C411113Bilri
Wirdsosis 0rKni,,111444164411be1t
AMIE Wine enl7.agree idiraisige•
0 , 3411.101v3t No 180, Lib•rtystroeu
;PM . 3 1 1 1 1 -' :
''i ..-,•:P.•_1.,'.-,.i;;;;L7
U el
Ns?, Fifth street, next door to Market
I. 1 Pal Sikh _
xif at,4 astl,oo.lgoltre bk. do I"
ta1u5ui17 1 4 • 11 447"... 34%
, f hb boa 0 4 4 .-
eaderalgned earidataiWilieiiiiiii;44ll offer at public
sale, CM the prereisee i that •01140,b1sjot orgroun4 in the
city of Pittsburgh, finite stifle carper of Saudifteld
Ird:=Rele.fteer Musre9gitbele• iiusonorr.
tot Swithfiditiltreitiand
rend street, Woe 'Of I Cfl4 oa*thcb is era tad a two
story brick thrtdliag too". a fought, Nittelliell *me
and other building*. Tie ground nosy be divided hk:
10 *KW loti,2oby 60 iherenelli .eled me be "Oat
rawer together, to 'P&p:y(6llmm. •Thosaitrunli
plate on Wednesday. the 15th day of tag anstr, at , '2
o'clock P. 31.,•00d thotousaiiebiebtvillloreigy, wade
known byy it. .. OFFICRR.
`!" • 1
iwEstet* of magi Alishiettan &ea-
MN% ode of the abo+e - *army'ii adjaessed 0.0
J. the meow+ 0t.310 ,tho.t,; it 10 o'clock. at
which time Ewa tot 30 feet oreith Waist' by 120 deep,
and three lots livedpg on Dlawtaad' Alleyadjotft
Mi Mabee" Stewart . propotty each, lot TO fait qg
atiil AHey and etteeding back the Will breadth to,
within Mt feet of Fifth street.,
Onolot on Sreithdeld' street and,ole ntr staiiar
alley, will 4a *aid CIO tbst ,ptetabood the hiders ' lnd,
beg &dim The property ts yorY deahably : attted,
and will be"parlijaeryinli..ffiv i t. , * Wig twice
offered; 1110. - TIROZTON.
44: A 1 3,
.28 4 . .. raiketurs.
telt ' M illAr rulatokfer .'
JLt/ Anima. inft wittais two itietirelpt of ttis
steareferrybersarnedingorillhr? 6.1044dt:00w snit
shadows. The tame Ofpayrois.., willint snide' easy,
either for culler inch barteras insn be made available.
Apply .to the enbscriere Biitainghren, or Mr. P.
Poterion, No. 4;V:4.4 etreet,,,Pietshuigh.
June 1. ,Y/18.,PATTE*PON, Jr.
A FARM of 300 acres well improved, new
Also, one containing les acres, Well Improved and.
suitable for a grazing fartrhin Greene county.
Alen, one in Elk unraship, Chalon county. contain
ing 224 acres, with good importations.
Also,* house and ha near Vuegtly'e mist. ARV*.
Also, a. good brick/Ukase' tad out-houses with six
loos af ground in ilinnagbat- Apply to • -
s3O Hest Fame Agests.
A WELL established' 'knelling House,
lairsand roomy and in the centred the
citysur rent and in ininaidlase pointeskieh iutd a part
tithe beds and ferriltnre for sale. s theca ugly wish .
to 'quit boarddig adcennt of the y'sikiltlifandAt
is well establlshetf witbta bctrardnes how
r id
it, that will probably.B4l4lofterdiltil to a respectable
family, is now offered as good-tonne; Pima, inquire
at Harris' A gem, end Itirelligoata Office, NO9. Fifth
street. • :: • • -• •• r •• 4 ; WM,
THE lot of greundasi Liberty street. near O'Hara
stroet,about 100 feal square, formerly occupi
ed's, a lumber yard.
Also, a lot of irmtmd near the corner of 0' Ham and
Liberty strests,sofiletby 100.
Also, a welifintStedlAtasesaalyibriek koureadjoht.
•rigtht4bor.: .
Al* a &rot nary' brieli-dwellblg licank on. 04b sr.,
and a neat and comfortable frame do on 4tb
Apply to BLAULY & MqCnELL.
IMP fat
THE STORE formerly occopissi Messrs Darlington & Peebles, in Market street.—
Possession can Ist tea immeditiely: ly to
• • OEOi 11L:K411TRoS CO
OTS Nils. 23, 20;2731, - 83, 83, 66.87, 110,
124. 123 sod 126 Irvin's Plot—Scotee Fields.
Any person +elating to lease nen learn further !portico
lars by applying to A. CULBERTSON.
of the flint of Poiedetter & Co.. PAtabill'e •
tO S. Bt001);
Allegheny City.
mar. 2541
TH E Undersigned ham this day roared into part
nerehip, for the purpose of doing Tronetwime ,
lion, Forwarding, and Comisiseion buvinme ender the
•tyleatd firm of H Devine & Co. H. DEV,ME.
mar2B E. 0' If lIITEISIDICS.
NA (1.5.-672 keis "Janata Mails, ataorteo. 1 sizes,
on hand and for sale D $4O W aDTP. ,
inls " No 142; LifieTty sr. ,'
Ua by steamboats Zoplip 'Echikn Hick
man. &ramie by %Y. & M MITEXELTREE;
sarklmeoeSt. . . Na 100. AyiballiF !wpm.
Wow &retina- ertgestisuratir at osemi..
THE tatioir#4l ',Nitsla respectfully invite the
tendon of the 'rattle td tohis present stock of White
Glazed Wrora t raPcMjWiktleq:orthrri'l,4,
111166rii)ent or White irenel ' Ch3ua ' c4 " 7l.l4 lo7l
necessary pieces to constitute comptete Nets
and Tea: wire:
Also a general stock of artieles idiahleihr 'the sup
ply of country inerchanta, to which their attention It
invited', at his old stand, corner of. Front and %load
streets. HENRY' RIGBY.
T HE or tW 4 q EsNI A
TI Irish p1ifel•i••• iract sotchccmoinififl,.
rom 50 to 100 acres, w be fixate,* ',Mk 4 milli";
the Court } louse , dotiiiiods to Oaa tbaloadiai
roads or roreplkes, tiny cifcciOs i a ettirifsgos, Stid - of
which Iho title it lodllattatdt.
Persons basing such property to ;GRIN*. 'of mato
qtieitett to OCIIIIUM prOpplat• to
• TEtomoßAnwti,L-0,
T'74 Hata
4Thremisties T I M*
IL 1• • _ , ,
•I.L -11sitioa Wethitedtreolnint:7 l 7 6 o 6 l .•
,lainmsat• deb& ' Mr / c l ii p ni iiiii
thil = "ell a gill * N
i l i t he snonvitiP e' 441 - 11,9:1 ,
,L T billi SS
fittioWlillfillo lill = a ,.. frionag Titie
• .."' :
161.4114 W bereel .}...
iler fait' eil peens m. sod
the Van e l
larniimseuL.,,Z givaiivir ter 'litAilV iiafitg*
0941 m
PRE Allegheny Centiq ildutarllnstranceCompai
ay ate aew preptatisiand nerwl) to retaftwrapplice,
dons for Insurance, at the Areof the Coglipeur In
Eachenge Buildings, No. 111. The mound taid plea
of lestitanoe *wording so the plan ettaddth this Owe -
puny hasbeen organized, has been fully cestetl and Uni
versally successful in other partiurthe Statehr %%Rein
ert: States, Rodin Ncw York shirt:lido; the rates of
Insurance generally, not 'exceeding the 3to of one
per rent. perannum. •
Nora.-..Esels perms insuted - bettanes & ingather,
and will deposits his note for the pregthus with' {be
SecreFiry, epee which 5 per cent. in reepthed - at be
paid is cash
WILIVLARTft, • ?inside*. t
Jew B. Iteetwion, - Stit'sr -
Piusburgh, April 29. 1844.
Wm. Robinson, tr., Loyd. Reynolds,
John Ilamponni, , • Thos. H. Stewart,
James Wood, - G. E. Warner,
WM•44llPkirg.' 2 f z:z•
Site titanium., Howley.Chii44.
epr. SO _
I r sfjtVY •J'AMIM494II:•:'
L° " 4 "
sale try
Poo t 4 Motoportotion of
E 0 WHITESIDES. Pruptietors,
RESPFl7ll,triliftnna theiifriLmds eadvMpe
Cbantei tima n itafth
Tramjsorteden tine,ltorit the ContedStetes Portable
/ 3 "t Line. tO the American PortebleßoetLine.
This line is composed of twenti-frve DM Four Sec
tion Portable lkiats one of whi, wW drpiss daily,
from Pittsbnigii, Philadelphia and lieltimore.
The superiority and advantages of - tie Portable
Boat over every other Fxin_ of treosporuniton ere too
well known to shippers to to requirecommenti
• ste m it to say, that th e thin, loss, septretion and
-damage to Goods, - Invariably attending three wan.
shipments preen Pitubnigh and Philadelphia, are
by the Por Eloatamost effectually removed.
To give andotibtodsecirity to owner* end sbippors.
all goods end produce *flapped by this Wm will be
elated in a review - bin race in Philadelphia, without
any additional Aerie to die owners.
Met chartable shipped by,this line is any of the east
ern cities. and consigned to If Devine at trill bo for.
warded immedietely cm arrival et Pittebero to any
part of the west, two( commistions.
H. Devine will receive produce consigned to him,
PaY steamboat freight and .. chlrges. eed• forward th e
same to any o f the mutton ewes and civz gig ao com
missions fer stogie, adinticing. at forty . Any
communientionser polls directed to the care of the
undersigned Agents will beproinptiy attended to.
H. DEVINE &.Cll.,
Canal Basin, pke - riy strettifiergh.
utri.aV gr.IlM" - MR.
3117 Market strwee,\ below Tamla Pbilbde •Lpltie.
(MBE ilk SEM
Yharf Baltimore
Cotumetce street .
ZOO F7oaestram,,N4vr York.
No 1. Chatham streak Raison. ..
For the 6exworuitiort of 3: erchimia is. wind &oar,
. -:.
MHZ success this line has min with * since it war
first eendaded co thy "ledirideslßeterprise"
system,:has induced the proprietor* to increase the -
number of Beats durfng the winter to twearfive, aoe.
of which will leave /14 6 b 61 11h. ritikolelphia awl Bal .2
timore.every day (except Seedoye) during aboseaso 0.,
and make the trip through le set days. -
• The superiority and &deo:motes plebe Porroble.Roat
System overevery other modetpf transportation (whoa ..q
canals intersect vritli rail mule) aro too well known
to shippers by 'hien:Pato generally to ntquiresay eon s .
Shipper* can rely onhoringtheir produce. =Maw: , , I
disc, or gouda of any kind that way he consigned*
the Agents of tbiellinc, forwarded, whir dispatch an
at the very lowan nee of freight charged
Lines, without any aMidonal chow Made forreceir - 1
bog or advancing charges, La.. ~ !
Allcommunications to the followiet- Agents will he : ; t
pttnuptioaurodedug • ' —.4
At thit pipet. caltal-8114% einakergil.
.M.KAtittli. - . .
33, Sesitlie Wharf. dear Psutt.lll l Epailtrnrwe•
• .W 41...1 .T TAPSCOTT,-
No 43. ;Peek Slip, Bow Turk.
__, TIEKMAS WapireCtFe ',i
jan 31.1 y, VS. , Merkot snout, Philadelphia. ~..
CON,NtCTING steamer On-rise& et
see, *lithe' in (special:look the 23tb *natant. w
Ch"e l V4 611 i•• •
Thi above line is spears ;ea, of e ir ta
eornataisled bJ eitmienced teen, 14 Wig dersisi
en: iitoltP,Lio and:trinwrittshergissisj
9 o'cloa• TivivieSPlreof theelmnas
Messrs. - 41t; 1113t141E.5,, Clestehma..o.
FteigbitCall kisahliill be carri•Al *slow ao by mar
*bar tonditaa realarogoblo liar. For froltht_ or Mo
ose' apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAY/XIR,
' Bl4B ) : 5 No 6a)Wesestreet.
L'IoR tiatiVartipr ierOandiSe. re.cdolik
bersveen ividoslog* PAg . I
Neck %In he iseeiTi rwinnis by
dila Simonet Wernmedating terra end as short dove
**kr any,other responsible Line. Allgood. Carew- -
dad from Philadelphia by this Line will be insured....
The Proptietars snot agents will give their whole Ai&
tenth:mend etwietavoreo reader wished°.to all who .
may favor thinn,With . tbeit custom, We invite sisip t
pens, ear l manatacutiers !panther. tf sive IN 41 1
•eall beeaapinge ;l 4o l4 lme , Ximehandiksegosionv
ed to the agents veeeier4. freight snadagle•
paid; ind cativiikided„withimat additional idargeftw
warding 4:4' 01 1 1 , -. • , •
Vanning . N Kier, Canal assist, near7dun. Plepit!'g t .-
Sralitudt W ; ea ta WhaOr,
- ,
Now - Crum, Blittitnare.
if LiPagetivene t ,iikitti•isysbergh. •
Jesse Patterson, Jehaataven.
If 4- Deigfre, , New York.
Wm 8 Repaid. & Ce? tt rappos
iont.Rxot. §- • •
Jamas McCully.
R Robiat•ei*.Co,
J .04dinielja Cou ,
C alinsasy,
Jolla' Briar. •
Church & Carotbsra,
4k aers, ".
fertsnatJliaNttia, - Lodi
thunnal Wilsey affseison,
_The Sriftsans...- mss. ;•,`
pmadiky warlock:A.
everiThalwiar 4
11,P loll*
at. 1 ThoMmilfromerT, nett." So-
*1213r 0 o'clioak vp,,, •
' it*Pritik/r14114.4.****4 41;4
Airy atlaeseaseirok ut.
. 'lt-
Lt.L, PATTERSON, 4-"1",'
wipsow. Potaiti' Ogbiapiae.
Flo, *T. W-ncLeil,co'Q