===t= movarici , . - I M 4r, Ceageneti;ea Cialuelins Diserwlo4heresidweilliwasbsia, ter ti'Lie:Ostitaiteltsy4o,o:4 .tnet rlialee. ation'er'reses, repii . ..lootikt ;1304404igaw %Viktor It ii w winaliwetOgweristruMbesnal. elm !ni. j T e TAlAlialible#o3 l i l VO WCW, l 6", . crease and wierttii* wftiki ilawe power; the doh .' a war frith liistke: is- with& she would haverjeadow boootrlO*l,4s)*:Otettled boundais Vt.* aad as, and the preivettill 111$0Wwpiiea of her debts - larThe Stnatneti3tuneun broke her shaft on her upward pip, but arrived bore yam:many "au one lieel.". C7' We Week the N. Y,Stm Cdt an extra cork Ogkerkelis by the A.catlis. • Fates.-The . ladies of the sth \irate( rte • yteriati Chinch, are now ,holding a Fair a a store rood in Market , Meet, bet weien.Tbied and Fourth. They love prelis t ra4, variety of for Sabi, and all who a 'little loose abase will be switirit4 by paying a visit to their estabilabloess.- , lioas Bona —The Steatiter. Matliattah, yes terday awning, while coining. through the Trop, wank u keel bout loaded with sot ben relit of Boar, that Was in tow of the Belmont. Hine -Last eight about eleven o'clock, the ern • e Louie in the rear, of Win. Millet's store, career of Pees end Irwin suss*, caught fire, but was rule. guisbetl. before itaoututanicated to any of the adjoin i tidings. Tho damage was but trlfling. •Posruxeltuts.—Thcre are 10,396 in the IJ. Of which 'Sew York has 9.12., anti Penasylvaais 1010. UFliiw3in Lori - „e —Nlo,ih Carolina'2Bo2; Lquislaita 5, &c ..4.c. New York pcaluce 11,973,815 galls.; Noe& Carolitaa 1,051.979 galls. Massachisetts has 37:0 makes 5,17'7,919 gallons ilst,ttatteeting of the. Members date Pittsburgh Bar hekliahthe District Courtitertm, on Thursday, 25th insarkba. THomAS/ILWIN was called to the chair, anii•JtatEs S. Caarr, Esq., appointed Secretaty. On motion of WALT6II H. Lowe's, Esq., the 101- loteirig preamble and rest-lotions were unanimously a tleitt#4l: W gattas,it has pleased the Almighty Dispenser of huitiin events to call from bis temporal labors tohis eternal reward, our revered' brother, the Him. Illana:s BALOW IN, 1.. L. D., late en Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States —the Bench and the Bar of Allegheny. being, tisAoriibled in contempla tion of this solemn dispensation ti Providence , Resolved, That we have learned with t h e deepest affliction of the death of the Hon Hatt RI BALDW , for many years past nn .ikassiediate Justice of the Su preme Court of the United States. Resolved, That in his death, the Uni n has sustain .a ea a 10.. s which will be stsionsly felt in uneofits molt importiot departments. one tithe brightest ornamen teem- ts of the Judiciary haring been removed, and we,as berm of:the, Pittsburgh Bar, and citizen* of western l'entoilvectia, are specially called to - monm the lie portent of n friend and fellow citize n , whom we haVe longb.nown, loved and udge ahem we admired: for Itis.great abilities, his deep legal learning, and his courteous and firm judicial demeanor. Resotecd, That in testimony of our reapoct for his mentory we will wear the usualbaage of mourning fur Aldity.i.. Reef/hied. Tharthese proceedings b e reesented Dito the Honorable the Circuit Court tithe Western s triCt of Pennsylvania, ants tient sitting, with a request tit;tt the' same be tottered on the minutes of the mid Court,and that the offizers of this meeting cause the tame tobe publisteid. Resolved, That the pro, and Secretary of this s m eeting he requested to communicate the foregoing p r oceedings to thebereaved family of the decea Ures'tsed. THOMAS IRWIN . -dAucs S Cult . r, Sec'y. Public 1111setbilr. FRIENDS OF ANNEXATION ATTEND. 'lite citizens of the county of Allegheny friendly:to .the reannewation of Texas to the tidied Sta b tes, are respectfuliv requestedzo agona a meeting to e hold sat. the Witaltingtoo tiotel,corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, ON FRIDAY EVENING NEXT. the 26th 'instant. The meeting will toe organized at 74 o'clock. USA hoped that there will he a general unman:tee of the friends of this truly great national measure. 4-3 t A CARD.—The Journeymen flak Coopers 'o`[ this city struck for higher wages on the 22dinsr , aria,a mayorti of bosses have signed the bill of priCßE .!inKt-itis generally undeistinid that those who are op op posed to the bill are about te send tio other plas .iur hands, we therefore ask them not te be deCeivedby their call, as the c ompensation !we aSit i smstli enoUgb. ap23 • . .- TUE /131.111.NESMEN. . JIATILDA (JAR ENDON, SOLE LESSEE. - The Management hen the pleasure of announcing the engagement, ler u limited number of nights, with the distinguished Ttagedian, • • MIL A. A. AQDAZ♦IS. •-• First a ppearance of MT AndOTSOIT''"NIr MOCUTIgh eon and Miss Clarendon will appear. FRIDAY EVERING, APRIL 26th, 1843, V 11101111111 ,15 • 1r A A ADDAMS, . Anders?ti MarCi4cl);on , Ne 16414 ;, by Mr Beeve.—Scitig, by Mr rL Appium C • .Isilias, • Uoniatup, ~., VlVPrices of Ada:aloft/47-881es 50cents;,Fit 25; . Guilikg 25. W --- The management has the pleasure of announc ing—that Mr BURTON, the Comedian, has been en gag9d for a limited number of nights. Due notice will „Istgiven of his first appearance. any 1111d4. n BBLS NEW BHitii just received - and for • - 11 l sale by HAMMAR, ;ZNNINGS le CO. New .die. • BBLS ae v Setriists, jest reeeired aid for Bala by FIAILNIAN, JENNINGS & CO. A n BBLS 98,01/Dta P)ASTF.R, "4* -417 Justmeivediroinlialtiinoce, on consignment, isa4 for saleby MOW'. M ICIER; • -!!..V. Canal Beekokearlth street. Luke Leen% Avert, ett A ;li iAli received from the Fresh" ytersa* n Board o _oblicatisO, an additional supply of the new ..,,, ..or she Psdats and Hymns, in all their variety - of 44, and styles of Valiegs. " ' ' h L .., Also, on hand. 50 copies of theTH; ~_ .... .. . CONFESSION OF ?M lCogadter with a_ ; few copies Of most of the other pub .. :Wstin's' of the Board. including their tracts to Nu M's, . 1 .1 3 4N0 being, Or Stusgraves Exposition and Findings- • Lim of thn Divine Decrees. Also, the s erieAcmPapery. Also. onbaod. a few copies of the Presbyterian Al lisisnana f0r.1844--end it general Assortment of Selsool Honks, .Biastk Work and Stationary, by the dosses ;Ma rottikie,Books::,!.;, No 89, W ° ea stiv ta, b.. IT. Olomouc e a rr /.5-I srdaw IMICIRE=== - Mr.; TUE ATRI3. TA conchs& with Tha liaa. amid %Wrap • 11 .111t-s,CT 0. eirs A f elivaateapasteas. o •• Waterittrest. war . 4101114 1 V 100441 Zi nc u ma ij , Clipper, Cr 0 4 1 4, aa0 4 , Brint,e• P 10 : 1 1 1 L= 14 - / re ' 444, cilicha4,4 si Op, . • • lharmle*c_. *-1561.1tt 1 .-01---ii:/----------nTLE BEN, CANT. '.. • VIKKEIL ,' \ • , V0ir.C114440,01. Rs , Wasesaal Mgl:4*lr -PaC ke * The. yleadia-flastener Am* bottt : urns BEN, Capt. Tha 'bai cker,A l Owe assiCincianatii leaves rumba* , every Wad. nesday narrate& at 141 o'clock, and Clothunali , vox, Saturday. at 10 o'clock. For cosjight Or Pinar 3 apply on beard Otto No 4. Wood street. maegr l n The Little Ben i n isrovided with Brous' satetj Vara to proreet emplosof boilers. ra26-3to. _____------.-------------- DAILY BEAVER PACKET. THE steamer CLEVELAND having bora rebuilt,. will commence Isar MP trips to 'mid flown Beaver, on Mun dayytkellith instant. leaving Pittsburgh every mom. lug at 9 o'clock. and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Soo days,eleepted). Fur freight or passage apply to BIRMIN.GLIANI & TAYLOR, No6o, Water street. FOR CINCINNATI jairlitew. gtesimer dUTTV.R. Cot u ss , Master, ill depart row the above and Intensie- Ost,e Sets, isuBVERY SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock, A M, .porouvely. The Cutter has berm thoroughly re paired, and firrnished with entire new boilers, and can be recommended to the shipping and travelling cons remit, as a safe and expeditious boat. For freights' or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, No 60, Water street. The Cutter is provided with the Surety Guard, to prevent explosion, m 25 ISAAC CRUSE, No. 37, Smith's inserf, COMMISSION AND INMWA.ILDING lIALII9IOIII I i. WILL attend to the purchase of Groceries and other articles, and forward the same with des patoh as directed. Merchants and otbets wantiqg Fisb, by flu-warding their orders, accompanied with the money, may depend upon their orders being ailed at the very lowest price, and cans taken to &lett m• the best in the market mar 22-2 - , rattlitt Gies sins. FRESH FROM THE EASTERN CITIES! RCIN HA RT & STRONG. ARE now rece i v i ng their Spring supplies of GOOD TH INGS, and bei.ig determined that their Es tablishnien- shall net be surpassed by any other in this city,either in the variety orevellkince of its artioles.thoy have given particular attention tothe selection of their NEW sTocK, with a special desire of pleasing their customers, and meriting a continuance of that patron age hitherto so liberally bestowed norm them. In returning their grateful acknowledgements for past f• 0 ors, R & S %wadi take this occasiou t blic o , to re new the imitation to their friends and the pu call and examine their assortment, in which may be found the f.illo uing article*: 36 chest Fine Green and Black Teas, consisting of 11)son, Young tiviion, imperial, Gunpowder; Souchong, Powchong, Orange Pecco, and Rose Fla vored• 12 Boxes Loaf Sager, assorted qualities, 5 'lbis Crushed do, (a handsome article; 2 •' line Poherise di.. 5 " Boston Syrup, (genuine;) 2 " .11diadts.isle (abenutiful article;) 25 ":: Itielmtel So-1, 2,3: 6,"-Al*l llabiglo; 10'HaInAkliftit&SNYX IA t►'4•''ONtai&llituHciaarrca .- . li 4' - ' - t Vermicelli; .. 10 4 `'P r ime Rock Candy; 16 •• Picitlas, assorted; 6 " French Olives and Capers, 20 " DnuasSasyrnaFigs; 29. " Goshen Cbeesal NO ""RaSirif, 6 Ikons'...Nunes; 16 •. 41111RIPRIAIld Liintonsv 11 1 ' Citsli*Joratifoid fancy soaps; . 16 ", Seri V4iiidlic 44, 5, ;Wo e : , 1 "` o g vew 28 u - ..,bevrli tallairco,assotiak. ' lit Baskets . prime ____ ~,,, • , 6 Dos Ratpliarti_ inegar4U4sl4olg) 1 Coal' Ftersoli-jillite wiixt-Otinepr; . 3 " ZaatottlOrti"nts; - - 2 Uhlal . i* -6 Finur 0 . 1 64 b;) ft llbls'arpurid Gingeass bbls Alum; 1 a Ch3 l lol - : _ 7 i " Tin ti n e llE. 4 " Mime, 190 tants cassia; 10 Bags Pepper and Alspice: 3 " Canary &Caraway aced; 12 " African Ground Nuts; I 1 5 " Cocoa Nuts; 8 " ' Liverpool Ground Salt; 1 8 " Salina do do (for tablet use.) no .. Rio Coffee; 1 10 " Old Gov. Java coffee, prime; 3 " Mocha Coffee; ~,,,.. 2 liblsLoodon Hissatal,picans) ri6 Dot Fine French do is pots, aitb a great Ca bety of rich meet sad fish sauces, catsup, bprea sold rves, leaded limits, &o. &c. AU of which will e , ow for cash. REIN HART & STRONG, a 8..„ ±-----------" rtY st ibe ji• Jabs PIOT, FASHIONABLEBOGT ANDSHOYAIiiii NT 0.,56, Third suneti hoWlefn II othlr end Puurl'ot , IA . third door from the Vest Office, would moat res.: tha t he auto his -friewls and the public generally that he isprepated mango Boots end Shoes in the la test and mostapprovedittyle,ashe has furniabed him self with the best of French . and Philadelphia materi als, and has in his employ the most expetienoed work- Metl. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patro nage N. B.—Repairing.donewith neatness a and despatch. plO-3m. Cinallanidliatery. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Pittsleursh and the public in general, that he bas Tetanal to * city, and oommenced bush:kens on sth• street, batiweest.Wood and Market streets, and op posite the Es, Bank, where la will instadeir..- tnie Rifles —:: :.res and ShotiPitts Ot every *til ed ption ; f r om the commonest to the finest (polity.. Al i' so.Fistels..Pocket-belts and Borsetnan' i ii guns, of all kinds. • Guns and Pistols male to o,*r . an d on dm shortest notice. AU kinds rifiew repairing done on reasonable terms. The bopes by strict at tention to business to receive a portion of the public Paticnilge• - Vietnam awl sporrtlidillire ricrieliod' to 'talla i nd exaskn e for tbemsedves. .p. S. JOY. . d6m—npl2 • ___-....•••••1111111.91 a 2 bileßmdmua Almonds; r P-rian Onsnigas: 5 p ea Illms; 4 basketatfrosh Oliva Ott, 5 boxes , t..astila soap; do - Hldee Palm do; , 1 cage )1(140 Benin 10 bbls •he slid d J DNVILLIAMS , Recoircd and for ••••••-Y wt o , 28, yiftil street 1120 . - fl m i SPRING. GOODS. ) ''' .. • ,-,, , . SIGN OPTH:HGILT COMB. • ; Nol A OO , •Mark4.alreil, near Lidc l 4. rtularceitrie rerpecifully informs his customers ~ _PA4 1 441/04 0 , 000 ig• I , ly. that !r4LifisAst retPr l t• I.4eflateßlPAPPw,lierlivi% : 0 1 4Sev 4P s•Auor ' "lig:tri ~. 1611) t° P urcil* ' °' . - *itilo4ll•olgßiAt _tl 611404,114031414.. ... _ 101 .Tir4i4oo ° L x . ) . ll !l Prig" PITCI I .OO 4 I I 4I I k sifitfoc*.g ved i 440 49it% colt 14, 4:404 srok cottoN .- .' 200 " Q* l 6 l o's 0 ,- ."1 • 1200 " assorted, 400 is lbs, - --. Titley's shoe iltaiamtit, 200 is , patenttlirsids, • 200 gross bookseadayea, I.sopaCksAttarairean pins, ' 100 " f3emess , .." -175theasaad oriedbis: • - • 480 assorted 'my bindings, , 250 dos. assarsed Sue Wary wag's,- 200 a tedding • - " " • 560 " assorved canoe cords, 125 gross shoe laces, ~ 50 ii• corset 44 150 dos. cotton night traps, , -200 " asserted hosiery, 150 a gloves and mitts, . 25 -groMariertaiiSsos,_ 200 hoo. pelolleethats; 115 pieces Ashburton lace, 160 elglegis ~ - 500 gross pecttlktattlaa. '75 ti , et . _ „" • QO, " figured.kurrn linttens, 120 " lasting andjaPanytimi,do 50 " fiseßngtteb dressing ombs, 160 " • assorted simpanders ' ' 4 - With a genintassbrtment of Vanity cilsii# to punier ova to mention, labial will be geld wboWimig• or toad, -cheap for cash, apr 12 rjt_OLD Plated Temperance 'Medals, &a. rot' 15' Ur .ceived from Gen Riley of Prohentar—N. Y.—, 200 if bissgegeet sad cheap. G l o o rattak : . ' ate'"'_" medals--for sale at whaltreale ictall-r'Maßt Vitit * variety of the American temperaneead AaatsVan tract society publications for sale at New York city prices. ISAAC HARRIS. apr 17 ---------------""' - • • Itteadoenvilla Sans. C) CASES superfine Steubeavifie Jeans. just Noels ed from the manufacturers, and for sale at the ew Cash Store, No 32, Fifth snout. al 8 J K Le & CO. PASSAGES AND REMITTANCES TOAND FROM GREAT lIRITAIN. a. P ERSONS desirous of sending for their friends to came from any part of Great Britain, are respectfully informed that the. 14 t. Subscriber is ratan times prepared to make such engagements He is prepared to remit moneys to Europe by drabs, which are made payable at any point tbrouglarutthe Uniust Kingdom, on presentation. Having been for the last 12 years engaged in timber toms, he feels confident that his arrarkgemeats ea both sides the Atlantic are each as will give satistactio n. THE SHIPS comprising the above line, are all of the first clam, and are commanded by careful and skilful masters; leaving Liverpool once each week during the season. Fur further particulars apply, if by latter, to JOHN BERGMAN, No. 61 Socth street. New York. or to J. KIRKPATRICK , at Messrs. Mizell& Fleatioe s, Water street. Pittsburgh. pr 20 _ SIGN, ORNAMENTAL, . ASA Imitation of Wood aid Marble Pauline. A MG-commenced the above business, at • No H6O, Water street. I respectfully solicit a portion of public patronage. From long 'experience, my de voted attention will be giventu tbedabove boil news, and I fondly hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronag e • W .1 McDOWtLL. a23-3m linumat Betel, West end of the old Allegheny Bridge. HUGH SWEENY WOULD take this °erasion to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends ana the public g enerally, for the ver) liberal patronage heratoforebo f stowed on the Emmet Hotel, and he pledges himsel that nothing Shill be omitted on Ins pert tomartt aeon tinuanceof their favors. The convenieneeand bratty of the situation, and the whole arrangementcofihe `horse for the aceornmodation of guests are notinforior to any similar establishment in or out of the city. His table will always &provided with the best the m markets can afford, and no pains will be spared to enure the comfort of those w homey faimt the Etonset Hotel with their patronage. a2O- tf Flaxseed OIL BBLS of fine qu GEO R GE real and foi sale kJ by COCHRAN , 26, Wood street. SEASONABLE wry GOODS. No 113, - 1 7 ,04 Street, 1 TtE new receiving a fresirstock o f Spring Dry It Goods, whichtheyhave lately purchased in the east, entirely for er4k. and they flatter tberneelves hat they can now otter soch tnanbentents as will make t. the interest of all purchasers to gieothent a-call, as they no determined mean goo ds . cheaper than any other Itantte West of the mounta ins. al LARGE AND FRESH STOCK OF INGRAIN AND VENITIAN 'CARPETS. THE regular assortment of the above articles, at the new Auction 'Rooms, Nos. tiVeind OS, Wood street, b i as been greatly increinnd by fresherrivals,.so that the greatest variety ofpcittems and queli the tini can be found at the present time, of any other place in 141 k • • extort a 4mitiereline ell timieefiVnlisit rend most fashionable desciftptiemst end the carpets will be sold at private sale, for Ltas Tula, alit Ices in the city. Also, an assortment of Brussels, Tufted arid Soho. nail Helattajtup. ' LYND- & BICKLEY, Auctioneers. lIIST Received splendid assortment of ?WU 1.1 Printsomitable for the season by 1413 gt &CO, apt 10 STUNS 41110 11A.1110017 Aga .41 WHIT'd4ORE & WOLFF, Corner of Liberty' and St. Clair Ste., PtltOurgls• RE now receiving their sprier imiewtation of AHARDWARE, CUTLERY AND SAD-, DLERY; to which they r espectfully invite the arms tionof purchasers. Havingoomplesed *memento, through which they are now receiving *undies. DI RECT FWM THE MANUFACTORIES IN ENGLAND, they shollat all times be prepare' to sell at such prices al will make it the interest of flu' chimers to call. • Aiwa)* °whim& a full eel gemeral alutortistont of Kr. IM PLE BARRELS AND GUN TRMINGS, PLANES. COOPER& CARPENTERS AND SMITHS' TOOLS. Also. rem varilitl. of LOCKS and LATCHES Inc building pitfloo,i gether with *wiry variety of articles appertaini 6 ng 1O **business. • . al4l - . . . 6 3 drullosaudi a mackerel; 8 " 24 - I/ -Raw ,o,_cct• eraska 2402.0 3 1, Q. 15 . • As nwom „4 t g i s Om to Fourths u!1.4. 11 Oxon. logy caicapied b 7 C- Dumb. UK , a t it 11, 1844. placed deck 4 . 4 N •-••-/ have rat ett,, • - .s r itionalbosinew 430 kosids W E sq ., who wilkotectd o,o*ot= dm* trtY Moro 23 •. , C. pARWIL -a9-lnatisrr ti6YiicU~-°- ....... 7 ,_____ , . aiiiirme\ f 411111/t rriiEOkmestwS. weniudisisiodlior loft _A blo brisk Um* ou Liherty *re 4 40i 401 4 - socupiedby,.l W. Lightner, Esq. , ,_, • Also,* ipery*eas,tWo story brick house on Ltlletty, iige,a,aajoisaigtheViseley cbspilli(x)ntaining i.coptos, with *foss. ratio gardeti, rCuils grik.P"i&o. &c. . , r. Also a three stogy-Wo l k 41,11191hetuk 6th st.. *sir . , , ' „ GM s• As 1. " igulia' '• dt ili' iii eitikliAlmirfeat. : 1 'saints wi iitirMfigg witti 4)4 , ambit it will be 'so Winratilibiike."'?• •"- --:• '• . - ~ 1 . '.: ' : :. Mio,Viso.lespi tvetblotrtilWeiglttls.4l.ollKr-NROI ' sifieferthe esitte; tu ,fttligOgßuoitleport •C'Tivalrct NiAelitei4Oni.itilwiitObs-ist-aft sis-issipm lase,, the - .wood tot an lAboirtrartietioypirsite ItiAi. . - .cet - trudi l'aisoll. ,-, ' ..: - • .-•; ^. . -_•-• • •:'z' , • ~ AlwiN. • w il maloitedeuerdi t t otiawilitismestv,. AtitOtiallt sitg**lol4:4orostr of 1 Fa .astiqUMS ' Avis; iitb Wank 100rfiet forit;ftwiallue ,' A' • :Wt, stele Rest - *glum ONO. 'birif Butacx4.: nmEw, &W ag etreeors & od: Vesgrowl4 . sdt \ ' Fig s sibOve.:sevehd -Mel ' 'k, : . •AlletWgibliiio 44 " l4)o , o o ° ' - ' . . _ -*E.-it-milt& AAD )OSTO N - H DEVINS4, , F.l tiI,WHITSZU Proteictrav%, =VBLYinilimatheirfrimsdinuelab i rg et vtlistliontliornanorliPik tisansminMon 7 rgintniutirtatien. Line, Won't)* Unitedlikeasa Vegebk totbolkinerikiivi,Pongaeltimaile. • - • • Thin lid eentioind ifiniedty4fire new nut S'L:c ;Itirelogrtitalsoor, ewe of which will depart &ma; The Pittelfeer, 141Bedelphinand Battirome. . ,' The suplihkitt and advantages of the Port al& sat creer eve other of trinsportatioir.are too \ weitirmiiettliktififirinni iteneroily tJ6 require oomMente .. :, ~ . • 1141166 lialo. - _ AustiOs it to ley, thatthiunt inneieePsitationmad illi3l ItittlAid aa:authoele, given iir the lea dernollikin vooae, , invarinigy atteeding three- tau- will and testament of Will Hum" whicatehli between- Pittston* mid -Pkfiledelphile, - dirs 'WM 0fe11yb0w***11141114161114,11.,313. brthe Fiktableilleate most effeeinok rannnid.--, -.- \, • . imikedirmil friiiiireamathsrstata, malt ofter at poblio . . To,,geaoo4Tabted_w3c. 011?'laci"Lapaahrglie ..soiSealidos foieogliketseoligeounaiwobe lat gow:itepiroamoshit+ed hylltii-11;no will .ht.rl citr of hitOltelcm,ltarennor 01.6miallW oared in i inlidOble-afibi in4raiintleatt*::4lolout and Siondtvl die Telimosillnhela Honse,con. any additioid eoiirriottieoseiserc' Iv? seining So feet on Smithfield street and 60 feet Alit'SOk Met etauxliso shiptowriPhle Boa its any of there,strt coed /treat, -mare or en which is - erected is-vow ern eides,Msdeaten4natiliOrtvine drigliOviii*Enk story brick dwelling tense, a cre ling- Went - warded imeshlinbely on arrival At , ritOurlo l l , c!-afill and otheruildings. The groun m a ybedivided int parr et **west, free of- cennuarni9 l M 6 . ..... 1 _.- to Veer Ints 7 - 20 by 10 fent each, and will be sold-sepal IL Merino :will reuekini,prodisce,caihe 5934, rato.r tatither• 1 0 ilat Plaithaileirilh Tbellirinlaks 'pay steamboat freight ind oharges, end orward ,tkei place on Wednewin3i. the lfith-dertrillay nos, rt. it same to 4intof the oastemcitiesoma#Nicip micocw. n'elta P. M., antillit terair, whir% Willkosaalimade I- m i ss ion, f or forage, advalming_ or romarding. - - A va . R. OFFICE& jecimmuoiaktionsor goo ! !ii.. aism;o4 to ihe use the '' , latendarl fo. known Lliennsyhi434 publigt m rm#17.p41,7•410 sale. 'lll.ll4llllllolllia • "7--- • 7- 10 LOTS, Intable for building stmt. *Ur aldleds atha voithitutwo lutie "ea_ of the steotaferrg brostiereolisti-wilibri POOP. ti) Wit the thefts. - Them of popiliK•Neill be loaf, either Womb arse& lieratroatmolte made available. Apply to the ettkoaraisee librainfitehat hir- r • Petertoa, Aio. 4, ferryecreet AS lhetur* J PATTERSON, jr. juae I. ---------- . We &lei& - -- ... . LOTS Nos. 25, 26, , 34, 85.35, 86.834 11, 0, 27 , 124, 1.25-entl426-irvitOellet-41obtes VieWs. Any'peratm•itiabletterk i EA ieuesto _ by (inimptai lars applying te , A. CULB TSOrt. - lof the 6, m of reititlaium SG C0.,C., ittabatilli. or to , AUlatimbq C____ll./IL mar. 2541. r . Ii E Undersigned have dela day entered into part. Tworship, foe the purpose of doittg a ransports , Bras, Forwarding, and Couuniasloabustness mks' tbe style and firm of H Devine &Co. B. untr2S E.O WHITES IDES. 1114.14ativ 11011401117. A classical end ecosusserciai bawdier salsoolfir boys, On ate Beaver Road, 14 miles from Pittsburgh. R=V. ,104. TRATICLLt, PRINCIPAL. THE Summer Session Wlll commence oa WED. NESDAY, MAY 1. 1844. Teirturßoard log, Tuition. Washing. nod, Lights, &c, per session of five months. S6S----otte half payable Is savant:a.— Books and stationary furnished when required, at the ex pense of the pupil. Alt clothing to be distinctly marked. Pupils furni.htheie own towels. It is very desirable thattlll should. be present oaths first day of the session. Refer to Hon Charles Shaler, Dr Joseph P Uessans. lITFor further particulars inquire of the Principal, or of Mews JOHN IRWIN & SONS, No 11, Wa ter street, Pittsburgh. 63-1 m PINST -SUPPLY OF TIM - " ALGEOIcIiftG III RE ARE now opening one of the richest and' toast is tenslve stocks of Goods that they have ever been able to offer ,to the public, every piece of Which has been bought and selected carefully. Our cloths arecdive of the choicest make, imported—black, bluiend French, from mediumto the finest qualities; Naval blue, black, invisible', rifle god olive greenis,•of En glish and American; Doeskie and Seeded Fch ren cate. sixtieths, very okssiam Cooper's make lish of Eng, Plain and Fancy The,veriety of Feath4s , curfri•lig' oil tbessessiteeponerrso, is endless. Our uimmings are also of the Bra Although .wa do not profess to.4oll.lolPer shut the knfeallom we sygein fliedgeoursedwie tit make work dna paro with that of any other islahßehmerst. oast. or Wes"- ' ' 4%, Mt:GI/IRE, 251, I.ibertY 8176"" "VAI'L3.-,-4172kegs Juniata Nails, a ssorted sizes, unbend amd for sale by D& G W LLOYD. 011 6 , No 142, tibettyst. $5 13111A iind belt Barrels N,01,2 timid rat. Mockeril , Erillteoifiab: town not ('or tale by , .1011-44/4.4t2 • - (Of Oki Ligefirig of Y. 4. J. Porker.i" 4 *Avw birreattedig . PITTSBURGH MAW UFAC TURES • ._ No. 5. Cairlig"lAL ROW, Mir 2041 LOOM Streets ,rituarvith. ra • Cabs!Oaks!! • G ROSS No. 1 BOTTLE CORKS, just is eehredlel44 3 r.slie l l it L. SNOWDEN.. • • • • . NO -184 LientY,•** 4l of wood' ' 111).41 " / " .. -11.. ii Oil . St 9 11 1 , , vit al . micupt .: iti osi. r• • rel "— "R ittlerilier--Y ,--- informs Ids Mends secd 7 * bAti; Tiolit heLhal openi , a s Hotel tied iina ti;e'° t ' ' k few dean Thnn Boirdhii Hteise in Nrd l atraet. vim be Wdaei,owebri ittosttareeloottaAwiltie terms. The bone , 10 . - i d ipiik limbed' nize4 aii i :F= t l rZnr e Mee , " ari " leinent A &wr atisfiketiOn IA boarder' .B:the coinFottaa- * T-ie . - n e powwo w is marl delodgers: A Share rib 614.711414. - CHRUTTAH SCHMERTZ-. wi.iaartimotnNixAgio te,,,,dLsa,sivmaidAssuibut ::::::&z: .. . cot WI& Or • .02.14111*d-a abort wake httosoomoro, ,tp kJ 500 062*A-103142; 10-10,..5a-110.14 Vilmiuw Sash, sod Oloxi to stk. Alii6,l4,olalteil &Mei Lou. lavas Uths, wooden BOnis, ieoboXlirses, - Boohoo. 'll.lls, and lloodloir,olo6oo, d er; Carob .14111 s, I.oliichen, 100 ' ~Wind 'l36lpeest a viripty of *Mime, .; for We' 19* et eousitrtifteitose.tswook dolotoisis• • 1 ; • 1114171711."" -; - . ISAAC 110.1126 i Alior,„ . . _ . Ck , GAI Ws min( o ilte lAsszkrec a ouu tit' 1A 0 0 1 1 46 " Zifilkir *ea Tkoin Ilicic moo. fiit agile by W& I( IffresetlitO , s'34lataw3t. No 100, liibotty street. .. . WWI amlnciamt tltis. szors, Nbr am ti: . - , )41fiftik.411g47.3211°P9.?1 Eiv[Xl2l . . . ryrrsataGit i,i4o itili e wiiraut.l i p s _ litrualt AND tAvtracritt.; ' , -, , , -~., ~ t _i'~ ~- Mai - . . uodersiped 41pm-will boneonkWY t.. . _ .. A.. - rtaz *di.; cold .1*.00;111.• - ~ .._ • a Sot., - 366 Market 'street, below l'esiili; SO _ 1 COV,Ft. 84 SO .: i C o mber-est:l6e' t Wthe. Bel tOEK'we. B et F A HNESTOCI . /k. CO,' 100 Frorst4troet, Niliiirlitit. . BICE' Sr. 'WILLIAMS, " - 00 No S. ClwellWiletrbee,,fkatow: ! allga „ 1 3 :*.0 01 1 0k11*"1"1.- . • . .. • vinTED STATES reit* loovr For the u!stlyOgtoPlai t seretittnakit to end frost P1T333034314, 'BALTIMORE, PHILADEL. YIinA;_NEW YORK 'AND 80530 N. ...T „ 70=n t.... ti«tl ,,niagligite_ system', has'induced Ai to mortise the of Boats g,p•i) twenty-five, cne of which will leive.BprOurlii;Whidatatia and Bal timer* evewlay (if except Son&kyr)lin'ing the season. Mike Of threufiti and ld„ OW: 1 - • • at The soperwritYand advanhiles Mftl&ANd•Bo System ovetttvtil otheinstodevaft(wheal canals intersect with- talk roods) aratoo well known to shippers by &hired*, getwaillYPlTarb wa°9 com ment. , • Shippers can roll nahaviag+eismduoe, snerchan also, or Kris of tinYltina that fray' 'be consigned to the AgenuigethilLine, ..gitic,diApsfehAtnik ilat-lhetvery'lnyrekt. rate f t *sited by othelt ;Lines, without any a/Mt - nal c rge made recelii ing or advancing charges, Ste. • All c ommunicetionsto the following Agents will be promptly attended tt.c • CHARLES A. WANI)LTY. At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, S 3, Smith's Wharf: near'Pratt gr.:Baltimore. W & I 3 TATSCOTTd t No 43, Peck Slip. New York. ,T.40.34$ BORBIDGE, jan3l-ly 272, Matitlshrtreet, Philadelphia. 2M= 1844. , CANA.T.:BO:tTs. t" kitt;llila OON N XTING with iteatner • ,at Bea ver, will be in operation on the. 45111 instant, to Cleveland _daily. - • • The *welkin is composed of good pow. BM" , emu:Landed eartitniceil own, • itiltdepart ev ery mcociag to and ("94,..ab4rgit ana Cleveland, at 9 o'clock. Prop[ ethribi itre*** lino are Seises.' )WBBY l 1117811 ES, 411evelehtli d. " STANDKRT, -INGRATI;AiId & Cleveland, O. Freight of all kink will baicarried u low as by any other goods r espoiaibkollior. - for freight or pas age apply to 1;41.111141P4241Abi,da, T4.1,40R, s mos . N 0.66, Woter atre.ct. - .--7 ------ , sis A sia .. lefiMi rrilighti IA rialaigAttlipta,Othafra. 11.10,CH ANTS St IttkPICFACTUREifffrr LINE reit tranodroat GOA.. merobanahe, Proclaim', r &c., between.:Pitsiburgks rhatraelfhlio sod reallimavv. 'Golds wiltbekeeirabled&rirel4o by this line mitts tioairiAnt tewell lasi short time as by any wthe=stlelLish. All geoid foram [ god from Phil previa Line Wilittelesurea. — The Proprietors imairlither will give their *We at tentionandlyideaster try .ipwastf-awficiiittle all who may favor them with their casl.p . ai, - vs e vivito ship. ',gars. merchauts,nwlyrasonexikvaqtkers t9llve vs a \ cell beforevthiSiptuirlergifirth . Wwitittslie wale be receteat fieriAt sea ehar•es ,414paitlythand.,"=1, anilk!)! TIARA, =a, charge for Tor waribug or stome., - , littpdtrav W . SiAI " I p eor i t tors. H-L PAITS&W , 4,,. ,y , , Samuel M Kier;Canal Basis, wearith at. Pitithi gamma W Day, 'se and 2d Wiwi:takers Race at. Deleerre. PlibledPb l6 liana Cruse, Beldame. Ii b Paelersmaili, - Jesse PstSesiothi*Jabosumr.• ' I 4- N Briggs, NawYorks Wm 5 Repast& & Cs., Bosses. titrr.a ?a ' • lit i i i t s & MeCuill' N. Itobitiew & Co, ,l W liturblidga & Cs. Taill = h r; iota Wet.' • ~ ohutal & arethen, -- . G•=20,04, _ . - -id ,Olcsisio , iman&g. UirgieS;l4l - 1411 ,011er " 115 it , 1° .*.• tgAl44l'l.lF 4,4**404' asy 1 43 • 4912/ DISMONG 44.0 e s . ..yypi#+itE~k+'Y~~ IL* 1111010,4 4, Mler.iik - ger 111farity ek44451 .tillirOgrall:f.3:ol 11 . 4CI • Jewelry of all iteenchni_entrep tntr il l der. N 97, ate . _ f:r.X.4 - • • • - --' - iti 'fi g% l enha , m mi -s ,1 3aw.: 100 •„ li •44lleigmhii( a e ii r lsis,*ieN rikest il* s ,f p il4gl " et; • . . k, -s -,i f . l wirshositto: eork - s€4 o rie kw eesignipioadoriai: • "5111 ate ogitiiiebritiOtirviOnalriAwntiPiiirvlrleirati °""J -PAVEZUElikiiElto we. Likmi,rittlea..4 ars, ~....t 7 .-iii,sis.elrAL •-. , . .. :1:".. /THE n.tlditrilik Istergatenor -.to naurn - , •ins it t -1' grateltraintowiedgments tt' his nurnei ell- , frsends sail thelfdiffdArr gire taihr 0110,403,T0 pa• i ttuditiPicer tymil,petuo.natat suirlitettrnu.sk ,suiicialt \,. ceditinusgesrasilips wartestablabwale N. -44,•Titini.„ siswilr,.., I{seith sisin:.Woori sis daiintiOrt. p, 4 4,... 440106ballidOilie6:10:1441141.141/41404..; leßatt Witubluseorbaropie udilflims 4149 .110 , u4t1cr ., 1 aftidifriedafteraishr6dethas accMceo44lmAlic: istifieurtrin elLitsinturehrs,..nnd the rtersows 'fismigsgef ilLiadueraNdlaStiovot,' doloriilli# : er:iwidra almilivetitistaul with tkissolifsel#444oPllsn \adv. patent borniongs of rho day, Ow 6'olo ttl94N-; 1 1X11M1U4214.1311 alrolds will mousey steemmetudistscsotio - t dor l t bhc, u y. times pafoos *At trilLs.. , , % 2 ~, ' 'ilabectiber is determined Au *pale 0r444.p0i5m.. sior eupedurhi procuring the haat ecsterarresehaust -,- Ignilisktfasbians, and letvieg secured the setlMet eif. • Wen. althebest werirnea in the country ha. utOi ins-. *alibied to manufacture furniture of is superi 41,114.1 ruillubalon will find it. their in to coil bef or urtspur cawing elsewhere, as to trill keep courtnntly onhainj-. a goestat assortment of foraiturei eliairs,,matwelihrui. .. i•- '. . bfk.iriANEo.:jr. ~ ,i -INI 8. liteesassid cauttliameallonlidsed withts*liiiiir Stay, chairs. muit saints ferellsu ll ued - W hOlob and with despatch. :, : i., ' . 4 z ~..--• , . ;14 ..elfusinste. „,...?}.__ • Lai.....1.i.g&.‘,.* “ —r----- 3 - : , -- i Tir 4 7/ Vo l liA l ar gi Baur,” "igai c itval ;i 7 IT . .,44 •i 4. !M A p c a I on e 4 u t4nesciai evening - , 'MAY ' Ttit' I;) 2 wince at 8 o'clock, 't All 'her pupils Atilt 'pftiv;ie& the two vti4f , YIN& Prrrrii....at bar %. 1 # 71 ,. i c _it. iwi . Kik tr t. cww.bactuzz.N. or 4NkAir . ' 4 A? Wu , ToClar , j t , toed op in a style etti4tble tot b•-tF4Orcri....C.4,Vorf, '.eKtgiSi and Madasneil, bopertinsil.fn4 f r ieO • s'ss it ! , 1 15 reih! hinkniraat. 64 a Ear Ticiseu $3 eacls, foe the ball am& .rit :§;Cv peripponlists left tit the Exchange tiittni poi Wean-. h , cla House. • . . -- .421-tloi --- , ----4 . --L.•-•--"—. . '''5...11..t....._ N. O. MOO: 10 }IDS Priiti6l4..lol!l4..T.,istyeteileli v vend for solo Alt 4 AN: , 3 fils*TlV_Vst. cc. 4'4 w&J'ittoci:' - • HEW- ~ Gilt iliiii; ir. Dry 609114`8811413414141186eir. • . - J. X. Lagoa rfi' Giorgi Mad, '''' "'''• - Ml' AVE °pawed a!IOW Cililb. 4t7,0 30 4 ,4 'Una VVilrli lA, t Stone in Fifth avert, between the . Fotchettege • . > Banitia litreaii street, under the &nivel J. g.....L0g.au. ,;-• ' Their stock Of Goods ago ensile rittele - ibiwAin . been an pnciuniod for CASH, pn taut satatioaJrn . George Cannel, (who has had. hang F= IB itmee id ifli• betedesess, mid resided in Philadelphia e porcine- .es nredpiekur heirgains,) they will, therefore toe eon.. wed ta'silreslgteat Inducements to those wi.bing to 1 .1:1. 4 . Anise: es they are deterathed to soil at die lodes: 4. posiibleativaate'entastorn cost fur CASII. •. . t They have now on hand a largo and well selected , i smelt of reasonable Goods. nmunf which are Bit*, Blue Black; litriiible Green,'Brown; Siketand Catty. St mixed Broacickahst Cassitnettaand Ssuinets;.Gkam- ,4 lArC*Onlk4744ll4lialn.4l4.lllff"4krillikilitl(it• Vestings,,(ancy iw' s uiti ' 1: 4 4. 4 ' 4 " 1 , 11 "e l i .- d'irt s and Brown Muslim; riih Linen; Detal =king, art.' , 4 net's. Shirt ";. "Titley, Tutbn in & 0 ; 444 7... 48 ,..a li ',Hope iSc lielsvia' l'etedt Tilteenti-.5p04.1 1: 1 ' Sewing Bilk; Silk and Cotten liauri,i,3o , rat '.. 8 da.y Brates warrnmikdkAkc...,, o. •••• 4 . ill be reced ed eonsunilyngadititios;i4 tligkr, iiii4.p?!..4l:p. ~., sea at the castor° auction, unit' wiCirelhriiiiMlei a 4o - d on of dealers and others to an cr.ifitiit4ignl l 4, l l l,( ' ' , tr goods before purchasing elsen het e. ' Pittsburgh. April.", 1844. A FRESH supply' of "Theoagsenri. tautly 21 Fleur," just received iii t a , "C# DPAIIAIDOt -. sI7 Vieux beetieettlVoo.,:i. 441. cr RR tot4eisign ed'Commiseictestek itipW4tetitie.so see or el Logisbatore to paechsto tefisni-sete meet. suitable bei#llegil fopthe !edging OA& cdsist lance of thee rito'r -cif the yof Allegbeey; is 'pin to. men the object of, their appointment., hereby gi%n minothsttbey seeeleoproposali here rinse ,text for an . Ideptested Piro of-mtt iest then. 450 scree, amities mime Sheri 300ecrotoutd norferth erfrMn the city than itkoitee. Vropeeelemay.bilef at the Mayor's office, iti the eittof , Allegbetty ree bv fore the time spetified, stating the number of stars It cc at etstits, the totodtet of aces iteparceit, tbs. t.ttr.a,ton therarrn;the quality cif the tanit, piicr per 'acre, soil terms of payment, TgetS AARN T. Ec no extisAt.!' ' • '`TtiONIASIIERI.F. It, rm—srrentris, . • TnostAsv. - srEwAsT. JOWL .mottnist, WM TATE; 'L. 0. ittirtfatir rE VO9ll Oct IME=II B . A ON.-11080.1be. Beam.. illrittie A nkle. ,for -iptie h 7. —,. •.: '. n 460 W LLOga - , ails • ~, •• .• 1 4- No 14liti.Ldreet0 at itto RUNG FS Aritl Ut u llif"" * M / , tge , w0...5.,,.. •...,. 4.. .4., . inui , 4, , , -...4- , _.Pot , ,9t. \y,jt6p.. Tvirikomimsti, :2 44 _.oo;dliikairki - Aeorin,tbneladleMNsou"ru.•llo=invorp!,,' pilinktitAtiorwAindluEsq.. *dune bn.*4l iff4denov , bin Atigneleiltaitfaili~ 0 14 ...' .' ..„;:' gen.“ 411014140. IN* sin hi*.lineimikkin' : ' ' i l, warm* to, be well made end in the latest • r • , i fteiciOienes.. - --; . , • - ..1 -.-- eis- PitWow/A, MIME 1601111P11111. 4.1 iii.iiereimert frnibis bow okit stlV l 4 to thA ireitOsir isital4lo4.lkina 'trance Office,Vilthikes itstecorkere lie it sire re: -atikahticandtpianto witirgipand silleibra stack 4-912W161 itnialleitit GODES btliii - 9 10 4 &vibe. cm:wow OA 107 .0 1 10 .61-41 " 1 "" ble irtybp. visiskt. ! minds re elfin hS,IL goas i talia wull.•, tilbeohAiti o r Biteei4 rortoeMa.e4ft r.Vioerl t° .ger ;iegtof4nP 1 4k Ago*. vti) i R I=2l am.) lore , / ^l , l 't -.,.....i -.~