. - 4-. , the blouttitirdied in his veins, his limbs hung vit. loss, nut 0 muscle would du its office.; he warm -• We to every sound but one, the slow ineasuted • , viirl,—click—uf the machinery, whinh wunld u the sharp (word-blade second by second and line b tisk -through his shrinking neck. Anon he partially revived, and tried to silleht a! Inrm to those below. It was in vain, the timb fo that had gone by, the pressure upon his throat was too great to allow him to alai& V0k a 1,(4 9 6 4 1,44 4 ,44.94 . iIiOWNWN I / 4 1410 ftCollll.4ll4g ol *. -- - - - - - At VitlitlfkliAnoiheir h4lldWtOlfotkalleci friMi a; e li e not) 'lure of the dial I; Jesked like that Uf- 6 - 01-.... , .. e tlit, - ttltir uitts that of, the: i ssireloger.. ~.., ' - Sialliclankticui f ittidy,fugtered tlnt,„btki+,„- • •Ht4p-b lA-WilIA-Pardfn--iparel'' --.4Dim,.4giCsteklarsweisterdegia -- '.. , ... - v- - Clio - '" the_gripghrokg,, ~/4110 itiftw4l ll o,_, 6 4, 41 ). 34. 46 ' 4 2, 44 ,. " la k e ke spcm know. epllt.te i wu 6011.1 A. ..• -,..150i5 re ....-„, pttre ..;v:. , ipift - . - eiia beat tl, will with zhis limbs. 1.-.: , -;••• --', 1 ' - 'Tiltsivm tpade frvolavfwiril re 'be :ftelmen ll tn•milef-are tostrot4ei. • - ' - " I he baron's centring; Amtustrsawfully convulsed; his -eye( appeared starting from their , 04441g1.44.9 Aobrka W - airprOtrhaeti,:tutd Vat:ld t ,"•mai Atien. gamled Mt() his %bat: C. lick,Hclicl‘r-chck.--,•,want the. tnoolutitisor ttrthe 4 .4 l t'ltin;iwa 4 44 1 814 ;savoring ,_ twits. anti • ri,4ltialy ucd surely penetrated the : Mammas, or 4llqbarob'Sdreadful,der4, _, , :'.. _ ~,, . .„ f ' 44 i,ll hatirs take thaiF,' crinrse k ,-du thou takethine, Fliidthe iitsi 3 Ok*r.,. ~ , : , : :: 1 • a &kink ,ainl," teofic quattulbionasheek the baron's fears el his:, limbs golierlicl, , and.otteiy : m uscle worked . rtittie imeiisity of fili,agotty.., , - ../liere was one lonia' t hrotit ‘ ,, °pc guriliag ,_toupti- 7 ,-.4 . could not Ile celled a air--4ow, butewful tsklwar7 and thehnren beard no f ...l 3 o . ,.l l E:kidlCattNie who meek .tlat stars!' said- the at etiwr heads mitit,is, ready - , and thy timeis almost out !' hawho , Wits tuldrestetl. t4y.oetvata mcw e jug into blaad ! shot ay-tlni the‘spunk. .' aii,:fhWift,lth ha de rstatni him up". is repeated the man at arms; 'and. perttfuro,,preparo !'• .. • • I Yin ut her, e bar Gla , Aoak tth lownfr.ini the ciiquelt!' itey yy,tirti far . too - distaat ft-oat-the main personage (Mini afory - to aliSci*e the trasetly which wasanatead iP„re!Peol to him, kuL they euuld ere hit- features &IV) u clnuage.: , . • tgliquaighethf ono -of the ga rem. • . ecrtainly it is o thing to laugh at. 'said the Abhor.. roil. 'Ha ,ha! so young and so comely, and sasoon , 4 1 -4kage;fruhi hit! fmm the Ik; 91'a Lair maiden to a hard.block, a-sharp alto, a ß ek a col 4 tarolte,c. . - trutal asp t• ere the fiy.F.tatid,!rs, thct shrunk from the, wretch that...spoke, t%ith. a grim laugh at be nh ! , iTrjr,t;a dietitricts of .icis.teeecicepreparie,!;, -end' he grasped nu - L{010; with one hand, and poised the , tioAnd t nt witq ihr elhGr.. • ~`.9ltristiac! .ICtolatiaal dia 'roue %lied poor lictiolph;. . • ; ' llj aXit wat ty, iiteltiouli. the e.a glittered aloft,. the crowd' 60 4' 2 1 ) untioputicatr tr - the up . ear, 7 4...i,,,G k at1e: A 1y aetruloger brake , th rough the cric l ' 4 4 , ; . . . '. • 'Oaf!' /to sincitted , ion voice of thunder‘—`boalii, of ;hem 3crc. dad rants!. c hold sal 1 t braAlstnan-- 'lF,4p.htittna .oniered rria to strike,tlr/iCSfit he - !alai his lil.attheairiaoser's4eet Lo, it 4a.d.nati.!' said tice,artrokiger. hack 1 ileum like a tennis tail came around bloody mass:`. ihatinling from the spot where it fell, it rolled to the Icut-uf-ilio kneeling. ruisonert - ,-ena tai knew IL vitti hinted,. l and iliaturted. leotnree that it was . - he ha ri;n 4 ; head. •, , • ~,,..I.lare 4 the tukan data spokostoc said the • . • . ; ruiraele, shouted the bye.t..lrnicrs. ud e olpit spiting to Via tsar :id tare the bandage it ow i' Hail to litakiph Woifsttria - ~ rig hind /orti •of Schsitg ir r ge.cipsr:QFrr exclaimed the-tietroidg•r;Arad bending on ona..tpea the crewel reeporaied. . • Rudotpli , ,Wolfstein.rigittlatiorsi al Sehtvag4 geriperger, - . ; • !tie igygtalive, l etmyet 1 ime ridlsed Chris tine, but stingithrottgtr theerowd;and efasping Radoinli . iu her arms. p..z • E 14,tr}stt3rloger stmtcbea lris ~ arins aloft, and said B ,losllll- 1 4...r - • -,tlrhwrantrfstifiliell the fitl - VIN3 of oar stars!' then titqsji l / 4 1 awtsy hastnlirfrotn the castle into the forost , ' and nofirmot isnewwhither hiy went, and none-of those' who,satadeirnrgo. ever lam aqui ' • • • i'.. -,, ShaM we p‘Aue our thlu furtlt'r 1 At'suredly nut C i lia whut-sex fa ney the rest; recprirarh 'Tall ;and lie ho '-, natbaliar domutteth not that he should be told aught faclher. , .. , . ' . . : . . . . , I,ATE.Ii.,rIIO:I EUROPE. ..,* e padkPisblpSt. Nialudas,Capkaili Pe)li arrived dir ...-*;"N Th ew dikhu Thtirsday, g from wv,re, riorhenee ilia sailed iiii the 18ili: evening, ' li - I:he.dateiaCch London are to the 15th—two days .... - --kthrin our forineradvicet.. r . , . tiß4i4.NlSt—ln the Rouse of Commons, on the 14th, ~, . p,. M l l3.Cochran called for the dip lumaLic ducumehts - .retathi tb . 'dio Faith-6 of 3recco. Sir kobeit Peel re. t,.. plied that he' was. willing to produce a cart of these R ddeirriitintt, 'bat that there were others of them which r his . '"i6util tipt at pres:Mit make ltuown. ' t 'lliindon . , :March 151—Our fellow-subjects will tldtititteair learn with much pidasure, that His Majesty thfre.,,utedr vi: g ussia,jiltends-to visit Great Britain. Socliat report pee„pilt in Our higher circles. ' Ifafkporsops are red to believo that the visit of i thil'rfitiperrie of Rhtsia has for it; object not only to compliment queen Victoria, but tostitempta reconniij- L tiop wi t h Fittnee; such persensthink that the visit-of 1 .„. this' P.rripei-or ,ltlicholis will'be at the same tima,as Whitt orate Krug of the French, but those conjectures : apPie4 . lb Its entirely tinfoundod. . - Mr. J. H. Livingston, attached to the , Legation of ' , -,thaTtilted Stales at Madrid, lias arrived at Paris with L..deaplitches. , ... , t-, ' - ',.`letiii• from .Itoilie, Fob. , 27, is tli-Ci Augsburg : teratit'ttefeit,vs:- , "Several Journals have. annomiceli it'rehaiqgo,niutifda govrtn,tit intended sending M. cis,t - aciiiii to Madrid ci Apostu4o ,Nisncio. There L i 6 7 t.lith Whatever id this st ateinent, as this Holy- See r- 4 .w.k of renew, i•:.i relatiuti ahall'lpeve resumed a regular position there." 1 ,_ ," -Betio-• • , • •._iqgt.o tatters revel vrd frOm Saint Pmersourg o i i ,Ailtii . 234" . uft.., !lit; imperil-Nicholas has issued an :•44i . encouraging the Jews hi Aive theft/ ivea up to "aigiicultn're, Mid reeeinmend fog the landowner. to-i -•rinpkiiiii.36,6, ia ijirage. Every Istnetite farnier is 4 4;61SikestttipirrApeithe conscriptioulor ten years, and 4?-10011 11 ; years froth all tlx ou the land which he may = owt:end.cultivate himself, with the ussistanct3 of men °' of ttl f own religion. Esery r eason who shall take. IdnisO ti 4errice, two hundred .Jews, is to be invested iiwiifill'ereditary aobiiity and all the privileges attach ' ` 41:igi-el" R. a. oa his deli hod. ch arge d • &Hit. L. * Bor n tritiid, to present turbo city of Ih..yis ch serni**py ortheCatapai• - ' us, vf Italy, w;it;en by the ` , an -L:4 - 63r at the Ishiud o; St. Helena., Naprac 4 on had hwd copies o( thesecienauirs made, ono of which he la4te Gesierill Bertrand. ' i - 2A.4..,—Tlte'..{.ladiiil Jouralls of the.ith. contain nosits, unleis we may Con4clei us .auch-a statement .by the caatelleuici f th4.lt.,tlis 'Spanish Gmeentwent lfdato send an expenditure of 4:l,oo44tsers,pader I I toCointatted of . Gullet-al ]Tito,, ; a ga i ns t } the; Emperor f MOrilc:o, in order to avenge, the-murder 4a.S.tpian-, t o ggailt, which ii said to have }teen perpmrated.hy-teis, , . ... :0144;..51,tec.goofreSsfer se ted i i i ll e e ; s o e l f .c t . i r us ha B , t i li t r ig etate?llat ed e st . da o r.. , if 4%11 ,keitta-Plst4 .'" is any shays previottsiy uiliets A 4S . je ., , c. an 0; ,K. : l,,itropt tv . asm . cto arrest lam, whieftl - waa „prep. vented by e.rtii - db, ),I'l4 . 04 pro - I.Pall.tlifri. . I.ktlerslateei, it,,iit...`iidded;l,4tawgll4.tur,tlN ar e q,,,, -0 r . thfi pimicuir . :': f : . 4 .9:ll 4 te.d i tlee atitheritikeowthatoccasion. .4 ~, • 24 P ' , r fru . TINIIBD STORM ON - LAKE' nitt . 41 1 0 Boston Post sa)i Frons'iletittr . clate•d Chica-, lasitssit4thletirt — t'ahtts It ale Of siitatlitiri the , E., witk tain,lmil and a now,hatf tirecalled I'o't 4. llW ifsiveittl* ISTRlPdatei.'"•TrifFegie;'ilif "iteatil at *Jot - mods ino4h , iiiiuo4o6,•* : :..165.4 41 ‘6.- ._ 11 $ 1 0401gIV it •-,•":; , .A. ' . leo litiPs•?t - sitniftligki •• ~,,, , • - 4 '• * i r - akitlei-Wilifiidinf.ltilitifi • ‘. le_ . ii vacs &.Vis i•ertllt4'tisikiilfrlCVS*o; Mid i eel ''sea sect l'hirirete — rivier4attis high " ss, y:, el)e Mai -FOR - G9 ' 08 ° arsartartat.:Arsamtzers--TwoOrt (IL - -Siritarctirs "-or -01/41.11. CLAY.—Many of the extracts which we have gilvetilrora Mr CL AtY'S speechoa and letters have start ' - iltiorao; It r t r t "t - 7 ) *Prlffl""3 .l rN4 - whisiltii- - _firtetitiiatitiaf3rcefiit'la triitralAvnis) We'hiiiii - tirotimliyAreirsiar bf Ilee‘tellS -that ite ta, tiewtt,: a slave4older and ‘a, duel( 9pr 4:"ted , t° UM, WA :414 ap. ilium/al and profane man. • His old-friends find iv impossible -to def#nd inac ceissforly tignynst 4be many-sins - tat were laid to bid clmxiel4 jh@ OiXittle;, paid now -instead Of J uatifyin g or aildgini m , thalami* commenced denying some of she - roost heinous- of his offefices Thefollowlq,is Seraimeta that 'lvap Uttered by Mr tbky dating the discussion of rbe Missouri qukaticia, and it will indicate what kind of feeling lie .entertaitia t RY IB eathunou wii} not allow unto have black slaves . _Quoit let. us haveopen , for w S CA qIC - 01;A:.1:T; tft .- VritEAVOOD, AND 'MACK puR SHOES. A N D 34. V E., OUR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS WORICINI, THE KITCHEN." Thishas been going the rounds nilentlp , and if the . eixtna had held their tongues, it' reight •betve been for gotten in the tunny new developments that are being , mat"N' .. delly, respecting the cour4 of their candidate. anulduutdo. The War Clu4uf this city* taken up the tintrlt';, siniTtfts very ahusititSilr-, alunderotts fuNeliond: editurssys 114 has. seprchdd Niles' Register of Feb 1319:mid he finds.no ,Inentiqn 'matte of the slander.— Jibe is very anxious to ascertain the troth, me would trfer him the , Nnt..intelligtlncer or July 1, 1E126, where he yvill tied the Colloo' it% in a ,sperch deli% ored by Mr. R./CH of Vermont: . "Whim this Alltteet wag Ilnslec eonsiaerption at.the lam o sessniai The raindrial;Fe *ealtiii ( Cby) reaaatfird raritico. efFt;or: • -4- •IC gentlemen st-i4l not allow us to heit4-15fria stares,44o47otat *Bits OM* for WE ticrr nu, LUZ. Fißlit.WBoo Ali 8LAC1C,,9113;10,E11, 11-41 , LE. Vl\ ES AND. DALIG H T ETELt WOgirt.NlTtg . this aaii.j:.fy ilia War Gin . that -tato paesgrlpit ( 1 . quoted is not isslavuler of the "loon Coco but a !igeauftie eitiari room frorrt: Mr Clay? 'lf it '0•Al not, here . 'a:Other iteht'nf "es - .:lyrobiirralug testimony, coyied e.1)4 11 t/Catioda,l !ntelligencer of . .NLaroh 20, 1819. It ii;anitttrtiat fratn a speec h of John W. 'fft:,lor, on gentiarnati.fmmataitucky . (hircClay ) 'admired the liberality crisis Seutitataits. He is cos:, eraed by up vulgar prejudice,"; yet with what abhor rence did he speak of the perforinnam b t v our wives and da?! !riders or thasti „(lice. hich he was Isicasedlo pa/Lao - rile-I What corfparison dial :he ,trraire between - the..b4ck Alves' of Kentnekyami The 'white slaves' of ctier forth; and hoe spike the balance (ups µLate 0.1 - qer y r: can fall fihMi that lffirrortHibte-rentlemitn, what ideas do !hzoup at itstroseare entertained of laboting men by dia jority of slavektolden nf,' - This-Mr lAT Lott was sabsequently eleotSdSpenker. by titecoalitkrit of the Clnyand - Adams rotes; 'and of course the truth of his testimony will not be questioned. by Mr Clay's friends. . chargeis thus fully established, and it shows to the workingmen ef the country what opinion Henry Clay entertains of those Who make their - living by Inm ost labor. Here. Li Mr Clay's deliberthel) expressed opinion, that those who perform honest iabor,and that the -Wires and daughters ofwhite el aliens who perform the labiir of their own household, are no better than . the black slaves of Kentucky. Such, are the sentiments of the .luttit,,that the, eader t s of thfi bank party are now trying to persuade the workingmen of the United States to place at the head of the government. RIVIM Istetteve.stears.—A bill has been before the Committee or tho Whole in the Huai* of llepre sentativcs, making an appropriation for the crection of a Marine Hospital at, Pittsburgh, It-was in opposing this measure some pear* since that 11.rotatt CLAY ut tered the slander that the Ohio river at Pittsburgh was ‘.‘ frozen up half the year and dried up th_ other kalf.7 From a table in Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, fur nished from the Treasury Department, it appears that. that the amount cf specie import.d into the United States in the year 1843, was $23,7414633- Of this amount, 411,254,470 were in grild,land $6,032,075 in silver. This is greater by about $6,000 000 than the imports of any year since iti•2l. The amount ex ported in 1843 was $3.118,309. This table shows a gratifying-increase of the precious metals in the coun try, which- it tend still further to give stability to our currency. This is the manner in which the impera tive laws, of trade will regulate the currency when it is . nut interfered with a by .!rational Bank. A niteiefi og of the friend, of President Tyler, in favor of annex ution, was to have been held in Philadelphia on lust evening.quotaon is every day becoming more iitte - icstinit. Dad wll first did not deem it iv•irthy of :cnnsikieration now regard it *3tb• muck interest. CONGR£SI,.—On Tuesday iaskthe House refusedto ordet , the apprntitttion bill fo, %Western - ft i;rent.,' to' be etigrolisci: . 11 truiebf 82 to 102 ! A reconsideration wls moved by 11r Dunqn . . • • . which motion was, 9tt Friday, carried—year. 129 tt) nays .10, . • the questiun then again recurring cm the engross• mcnt of the bill, Mr Duncan moved tn timeml by stri ,kingour r thetipliroi)rlatidn for the Iliinois river. Tiwaipsert mined to re-commit the Lill with ee7tBia rsteetions. Otrthislhetion a long debate arose, relative to the ddeirfrir...etintrntki improvements, ea. fc,jr„, adareases a leuur to Lion. Wfti,Leii - .Nu.avis through -the •Age, in which he ftaliesistiturg-grattnii against the aturtation of Texas: u•citild_he uiiconstitutional: thinks we /?:ILLlVlL'iMitlyilssl.llalib ' elierci it would have an injuri.thibletitidg oh tbialfekiff; don't like that a portion of the postage be pays ahould do - tierekat, atid 'filially is oppasedloTpTif*ifili f lte is inTavbr 9f Lib%-ty, Sciegyf oqa i 44; eitg 46514Kmmt sptu.:fme.nts ot.lXliiiitttitoes blips& fon it iirillhave Oil tiffr Twition anat. iliscumahanyirie are arabltile say. InTSSI • 11tVige. teettu teMus°46.l refused' tacontr4utp._ littlmjutleLltharail skies-the (6)417? tt~ Ten irbeTemyttiost that ter?" 1 1 4 4.4a , frop44l4 , in a Gams of eteohjabers, A. great regulator is Oztak bpi the soul ler institutions prai. fer 1414444pcitb,F44446c*j0etuttinrs.ta taking - tart is thG liuyal?umry,of thic. C lay .Clubi Ude itotiiie'ttioty stet be sttry erosible to the whit leaders, but were ' certain that ft will be approved `by the it4i batty of Sa B•na.—Mr Hardin, ofliy,in a recent speech- , in Congress, speaking of seine the Banking iitstitutionS in thiskountry; says ono of these eaS t iiei34:7:ealred" 'the . 'Sand stone bank---and theygave noticel that they would ssiti metely redeem their fives in sebetesoned, (langhtet) their teas invindsumes.,(morelaughter) their twen -skip iii Millstones, (inereased langhter) and for all 'a bovethat, thly . gave a .general order on•the quarry-7 (roarscie lisaghwr).. . . _ri :*p The were_ expo'fica from Boston, (luring she week ending otittiol3ik ii*tailLllslllcities of oomes tic goodsi -Of tbese, 680 were- eticppecl.to`Afiti -32':5 t4b'llit loalos, I'B io the West L,dice, and 8 to pibiWtar, , . Asottutt rot; RIX& .15 OC lAT t. —The Cincinnati Comineicial isys:--We learn that the CincinnatiPba- Jantt,.'recently,organized'in this city, intend going into practical operation n few Weeks. A beautiful site on the Ohio river, about 35 miles above the city, has been selected by theofficors entrusted with flint du ty. arid it is .expected that the purchase will soon be nude. NVe Understand also that the Association have opened an office on 3d st, two doors west of Vt shut, tock, and sect, can ptible does this de niagagiti4 mins, %viten he t rmn hi e high I . o.nce in the tmeilate, and roams abo'ut the COWL ry, retailinir_alansler th,• tiring and the dead —Andrew Ack.con. ifribtter's opinion of Mr. Clay. "lienry Clue ha> tou many heresies abuut him ever to giOu my suppur64'—Driniei Webster. Jebroom' • • opixioa of Mr Clay, "Henry Clitty„" suid Mr Jefferson, "is merely a splendid maw, without any valuable knowledge from exparictice or study. or determined political ptinef pier ~lataitiod to political science, either practical or.illouretir4::-nnleirtiratni• Ilan iron's opinion of.ifr. Cloy' wilidc,tey duty; Orin if Air Clay is to be ben.,111.- tea by it, from whotu,i , nnve oncparienuidonlvungen erouslrhrtnent, in reptilal for yearoof devoted ae . orwsoo.': : — rison . ' - licrdtdp,ll.'s Opinion of Mr. Ckiy. "It? ta.lent , ,d,init.aurrnpt.. He:stinks and shines, and shines. endiatialcs, Ilk n- a ruttolt rn ackeiv4 by. moan 14ht."-- Jrnlis Readolph. T:;kt rt fi oci Etlitor The.porisistibiz:Cembridge,,Cupt Barstuw, which left ,I.Avelpoul Mt the 17th uh.-arrired at tin* port tllis morning., Site laringa nothing later irons the cotangent. There. ludo .commercial news. - .lie decided - change in cotton. l'ro‘iaio ns arc firm hndlool:ing up. Bunnell* in• the manefactgring- , dirricts, ,np the :Ntdiwsr tigrindarre, - tout tfierithfzittht of specie i n the.vatat;o44. Bank of England unpr , 29e- . dented. The chancellor nf the Excherpier will effhir his purposeef reducing the interest on the Thve39ll-..,„ a-Half per cent: Stocks -to Three-andAsfiturafiniic modiazely. and to 'Mee after 1854,, t u t y The immediate staving to she La .47 ers..i3 83,000,000 per arum 000:000; - , A demonstration toward 4' fi ; a- Og: r.iiinnSugari bas - heen deflate : of Corn .... mons by 73 winijority: Ayes 134 ; , The affairs of India v4Beir atiAirtliet+OrttgieCt. The ackowledged British ions in da6fiattle;ol . l3i4iilior (144 8611 wounded, inelud* n general, sitne l jorand threeraptaras,) in a cOntest with nearly cep-forces (-14,300 wellappointed British; ar,ainst- ikoefo Alah rnons) is certainly orninons. Punjatib is in a ferment and Scinde is evidontly not subdued. The King of Prussin has the measles. There is a report of a marriage of the King of Hano ver to the Dowager t3nind Dutchess Alexandria of Mechienbetg. The report of a marriage on foot between Count Tea fan' of Naples and the young Queen of. Spain gains ground. Thu Queen Dowager Christina is supposed. tobe the nutlior of it. The latter has regained her pc pular ity nrith the Spanish. Aletter from Steckholm, of the lei nst., bays: "The cold contiues here. At forty miles north of Stockholm we have had during the last three weeks a cold of 40 degrees. At Stockholm itselfit has been at from 17 to '207 The sea, between onretaist and Aland, is entirely oxen over, anti the ice' is so strong, that a few days since the moil coach to Russia, drawn by fotrr horses, traveled for 10 miles over it—namely, from Ekero to Griflciham The Nlaahehn Journal states, front Vienna, that the prize (250,0001') of the atate lottery for . 1239, which whi,h was thmwn on the Ost inst. 1 : 111.s been gained by the lion-te, otAtothttchild.-.-N. Y. Tribune. TEXAS foilouing letter. hei boon nut by the mentt/ere elo Texan Congress to Col. Benton, to bo used by /dm: " WAsnaNaioN, Tema, Jnn 2, 1844 ' To Vie members of Congress in the United Sti:qes.who are•frsenfily to Texess.—Tbe undersign ed, members of the Gingress of the Republic of Texas, !lava learned with- great concern • and regret, that a most errouequi i mprosiion has obtained, and prevails . gencrufly nmong th, tuumbetra of Congress and people of the United Suites,- in ,regard. to the feelings and opi rii,lls 01 the peopil of thulteptibtir., Upon the sub ject of the political annexation of Texas to the United States. ' A nd•tinforAanding that this impression, if not contradicted, may positibly intUe much influence in modifying, or preventing altogether i . any action of your present gcngrufs on thissobject, the undersigned deem it not i'mpropertoassure you, vis they hereby do, and authorise you to make the declaration, that at least ninetOrtlits of their constutionts, and, as they be lieve, oftheentinetictople of Texas, would most 'cheer fully be willing that our government should embrace tiny overtures froiri the government of the Vnited, Stistekihprist4-fta-theiltobjeet,theintilftical adnotratfori ef , Texastia a footing in all respects equal with the other States of the Ilnioa•P This loner is signed by every member of both hone, excepting one, flild may be dependeg,opon as tuitheii7' "Circumstances alter canes`." 'Of tills there can be no doubt. Mastam3 whitti ooka remarkably 'well. c P lol 'am , t'llcnvs tcdidadrotage. uu_n naueltable cloth A CARD.—The Journeymen Oak Coopers of this city struck for higher yrages on the 22d inst , etiid a majorti of j.lossnsof prices; af ififitentltally„Emilenittoolf Mit ! those* . Loltre O'd . to thei bill are shout to sendlc.other Aides -4411401ae, ira dirlrefotetisklbern Mit to be'dedeivial /to...ifMl:4s the donire r itsetioe vieesk - iiimailedrifea; apirf THF. JOFRNEYME...."4: ~_. ~ r•' ~y~ 4 the meeting w ~Icontemplation , . ore Riebaud, to ikt, ~.. Plantation, el, ,'b e 't,.. - 4 4- .Is, and the tit& shots were exchanged be the . On the first round, Corn. RAaud's ho would nt. We .; in_ hest:teithtit L ebsAidreeei4dd , vei , fi i . 1 4 Il.c tl SK4, tali A StPganoill , fll l l l .4lVP 'I 44 "/“MiP * * 66 1 .449 *i nan4 17 141 4 1 4 - Ititikr44 oo .4l.kia 4 44.* a gerous_one, icuot contitlereiLmordal,rtrl confident IthiPeFilraFEWheittliihtlfflibt heMtritzeilMr- 21 7Verrk - : 7 *;AOliii; - • . tit -t-- I • IWQRTAn SIPZI M PI C t i4j i:_ g ' TiVg.° ll,6 V but-Melte r ttiig- week ' it. casn'9l c tipite , a" T:fronii to judgment ors', of er tOiv) bgfore the Otte's...Clio; at Washington,_whir.it mity it'oc-he unimporteuktclAyerelleintOitera: 141peared from 'Cest nu l D Y' "Y * th, vemtLiabtrergi etas .2o, aue Tagitei,o e a pair of pantaloons and ierit them hente,'Ordetin,g the bey not to deliver the pantaloont unless they Were paid for.--• The gentleum bect,erofeniied.anft rolkie/4-/to take them, whereupon Masora taus & Tacker sued the party 'Were a Magistrate; who gave them a johrnent for the value of the pantaloons. From this judgment the ge_ntleman appealed; And the Court decided. that, inasmuch aethe gentleman had before dealt with tho appalees 017 terms of credit s it was, their duty to have notified him btfOre they made the pantaloons that they had changed their terms to cash, and on that pound, QS we are inforihed, the Court revere`ed the judgment of the megigtrate —Ball. Clipper. HORRIBLE AND DISTRESSING CALAMITY; A Correspondent ofthe'Dorer, N 11 Gazette furnish-. tlie_fellewingpselancholy perticulars: ~••abotss.2ll: creek, on sL recent morning the dwelling .boate otJer emieliShaw. Eq., in Moultenhorough, was discover ed to. be an fire. The chamber in the easterly corner of the hotisimweivirappeitietlentes,iii WhiefrsTept one Wm Low,formerly Wm Horn, was sceidentally diire tint night. and who retired between ten . and elevinV clock with a light and smoking his pipe, whirli he curried in his pocket., „. A clistressiniseMiit - brtfrd . frhrri - hiii chamber a woke the wife of an ainteir SO of Esq., Shair," who sprung from her bed,inn to that chamber thee virspii?d in Ratites'and called to;Lovr, and then a eachideisPing room in th 6 htsuse, endOssozeitds.her.,itolccililA o ttoth in their night clothes, ilia escaped hallo tiw .street.—. The priMsions, furniture; and,cluthi . ng ault Were with trifling exceptions destroyed. Tile wholerlifs itosia Maud Asti Wotheisesfinil The contebts of the East Atualtenborough were likewise destroyed. • • Low, was found with his head and one foot bwriaci off BM much ofhis flesh consumed, inthecollar, direct ly under him 4116 char ihe of tho lommend hold A young merchant of Pougiikeopsie. named E. L. DIAL 26,years of e r , shot hitriselftit n hotel in New York on Monday. Ile hid bought ilicep.or four, thou sand dollars worth of aids, ,t,.4.1 take.lo,sliataise; went to his roorti;iiori vials MI erw ed , IttitioTtitin;l r tin his bed. a large pistol, diiithargud at his side. with Which the unhappy man hail deAtroyed himieif,JattvioU applied the muzzle to his si le, inimedittt•ly above the hip; the hall pl- , :zing upward.* through the hotly, eom ing out at the left breast, and loifging about two feet above the hed ther wall, doubtless canting ihstsitst death. No report of the pistol 'wait heard, arid nn cause con be assign( a or, to the motive that prompted him to thi4 dreadful deed of self-ties Auction. - 4144ULTIOF. !`irtlAT'? EXCIIANGE. ft wou:tl scruk.u*if:'4l4„,c,e' 4,l42.,krtfidtainnS;dii,t4,fes"c,i, s' are to k,eifirr t teinent nauie world Aim, rPrminution. °tie lie- morning' ttentiy 'putters 'of yesterday ettittaioed on account of the duel which re iLictpd surrteolt3t un.„tiiv 4: oruiu,A, af Also. Srhcat.— aer cousin,, Mr. Wm. J„iiskiton, a broker. culled on. the editor, an/ demanded the author of thit account,. The 'name of Mr. E. D. Whitney. brother-inslaw to Mr. &Amu, wus forthcamingwAiol shortly after the two rn I. in the rotunda of-the Exeim go. • Are you the atitherofzimt article,' maid Mr. J. f) ; Jackson then Str,.. Whitney a,severe the tatter Ro , Tall over the still., and out et the 01,eU Window nzainstwilidt"te;as standing, on to the portico of the Es:change. Ilk: lit ter recovered hinu‘ell,.attankethMr. J., and some pu gills n ensued itt cvj IC synct!lctialr te!..eslestaNiained Finally all the Fotatatants were Sqrerated,llr.lV/sits n~niinlc burr, Mr. welit dislocated, Ind several faces exhibiting trlees of having been disc-Jur: The N. V. "frihuats says it has been placed in pos. sessiou of the fact* on the other side or the .question, as fur its the righteousness of Mr. Schott'S 'suspicions go, but as we think itindetioatoto drag holies ticurbe. lure the public: wo imagino that siinnee, at this stage of the affair, is U.. Times. - ATTENTION! DUQUESNE GREYS A -special meeting- of the,Corpg - will be h - Ord Oh Wednesday evening, the' 24th inst., at 7i o'clock. By eider, • . CH A S. •GIEN::SI,Jr, Punctual attendance is retrested. • New 'Shad. nl3 BLS NEW SHAD, illAt reneived and for 11/ sate by HAILMA.N e JENNINGS & CO. New Herrings. BBLS ne,r .fiarrinsca, !fast receiver) andlor If!, sale by ILVLDIANrIENIIIM=S & CO. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL, AND Imitation of Wood and Marble Painting. HA VINCi commenced the above business, at No - GO, Water street, I respectfully solicit a portion . of public patronage. From long experience, my de voted attention will be given to the above busi ne,s, and I fondly hope to giv6 general satisfaction to all who may favor me wish their patronage a`23-3m W J AIcDOVIIELL. Ilicioins rel. Sala. 9 TONS Juniata Blooms for sale. • H DEVINE & CO., a 23 American Line , GREAT NOVELTY AND EX,TRAORDLNA.RY wiNDow Lam . .ARRIV nrriiBtirer enstoniers . ,. At Cook's Literary Depot, 85, Fourth street. ill 500 dozen 8-10;134100a4::ifit10-14 Winduvv LADY'S BOOK for May, cooteining.tbe following Sash, amt Glass teetrit. •;Also,lfitiltrtned'Britdo, Lou beautiful embellishments: The' Rebuke, May isville Litne,Atkiodea Bawler, .Tribr;Churns, BookeUt, Day _Morning, Medley, Fasiti4M-P4ftte s thilsettes at-the Hoes, and Handles, Hatchets, Brushes. Coffee Mills, Theatre—two engravings, Intl liftisicr contents ol i g i. Matches, 100 greatimMiettuntifiterprifiler Buttons, nal. • . - • t, r. c rairtassartinentuf Gensatu !Fable atutTearSposins, Ladies Magazine'fortittag, eaesiining 4 embellish- a variety of Hardware, &c.. for sale low .ter-Cash or menu—Theresa, the - Faehjaps, a splendidArood cbt, S'-kkct i lniq:/finly s eA L APlt c lin g ; . ' and the Robin:-.edited by T.. 5„ A.rthur.. • _ - . Young Kate? or,tho.Rascae, a tale of the great Ka- ap 1,0 and Com. 14 erchant,..Nts., at. navhu. 2 vela to 1,./larpers'edition. - Kirk woodtor, the Blue: Hen's Chickens. a romance. kl.u.ral Life in New England, a tkimosula romance, by the author of Factory Life. State Trials; or, the Queen vs Daniel CleCett• hell and others. _ _ ' Illustrated She kspearei No 4: this i the most , beautifn edition of Shaltspeare ever printed, and only 124 cenial per No Breetasen'" Quarterly Review, fur April. Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, for April, edited by J H Agnew. HascvelT's Tv ruia4grhani Packet Book. Bands of Gold, sifted ft . :on - I'lBe flood" of fugitive, liter ;milk.; No 1, containing Judith, or tlie Opera Bali, I* EigeneScribc; the Beggar or the rout •Dea A ris; the Pie Nic Party, aadshe Wife by Washington, :Jr wing: • • _ • • „ An opett Bible, thejeople'a safe gutii4mainst,filiee prophetiand (angles", . The Laddof flonse, of !eaves from the, every batik bran A tneriettri IVerriatt l Ay ATrs Naz:yEllextart; M'Catiough's Gaietier No N'EW.4rA, Ftn" S - Tribune, .Dollar Weekly, aaili-end' Weekly Herald, Daily. foe prAsa, Spirit of the Times. aT3- =MI IM=M SHOT•FITAISF:LV, PIM anat afte • fee incited. seed fire, 4: 4'4 lAGIN I US. sf.c.•PPearPaoe. -7 , - r r.egovAt u° l3l - 414 1.: , - •• 7.' --• Nids•Mr • • tuOnlij. • - Sarrl4 Irt appearance 1M rs Pow,' _ ::111 0 4.6gRa 3 f*i t i, - 7, 6i'Pai qt,,Adqfql— cen i t t' Ti t 2'5 ; Galteri2s.- inr The managenient has the pleasure, , or onnounc leg Attu Mr BUILTON- r the-Cotnedian, /nos been- en.. ge4el fin. it iirnitartidifiber aphighti. , Due tiBbu will be given of his. first apintaranee: _ EPA nurrtb.4 of Season Tickets for sae; at the Elex QtrzcP , 2t - • PASSAGES AND REMITTANCES TO AND FROM GJZEAT BRITAIN. , 'I3O4:RSONS ft.' their ' ' friends to ovine from any' part of Great 41h1 Britaiir; are. rs:speatfally informed that the Sosolibgr.invialt Vitae! tfrepared to. brake such engagements He its.prepared to remit moseys. to Europe by drafts, ,witinb are amide payable it any point through . n t the Unitedgingdom,nispreseatitiOn: Having been fur the last 12 years engaged is thebUs iness, he feels confident that his atrangeopeapt on both sides the Atfinitie 'nEFaineVeihiil-glee•trati'sfaction. • • THE 811 EP-S comprising the aftditO Ifne, are aft of the first claim, and are commanded by careful and skilful masters; leav iNL.L.keilP.949lMll4.ti wstklitirizttZthetrikilson. For further particidna pp.p/y,i if ttyJfkiterito - JOHN HERDMAN,,,. No. c•l.Soctitt sttrot. New:lark, " - KILKVAT4WIK;I at Messrs. Daliell iferniues, Wuter,or f et. ; ...; apr , - • . . .. • Pi ttakinrgiu- (1014041:1•e*Ieuilletartre - dtelbititel &r44:11 re ceived from;. (len Riley. pf 200 of hisolegant and cheap Gold plated tempt:lyre medals—fur Nale at Avholudale and retail--Also,-quite variety of the American- temperance mit Artietimait. trac fik ziP131144 . 4 4.4441 1 141V 0 P e.OlO - ; f it p rices. • 15.4.A,c HAR.41 4 54 : . rip 17 ,T. T.Aw , EAPI;NYi. c't4, l 4' , ,vlYr r'uwish th`plirehaieii tract and ridinining li•Orri . so to 100 rtcres, be'rucated within 4 rtillSti dr the Court Houi;e, contigiutii to _Ohe itr* the hsdlag roo' l 4 or-.olollPitifthlir43/.4.llCOOKAPSnaltiugelold of which the title is ittiiisP.ota.PO..:. l'onsoris huxies tweb property iApiguse ot,sur re queited to communicate proPaiia/a ;‘) • - • - TT:IO%IAS BAK 4W,g1.1. or . . 619.t1m --T Ai HOWF. - 4, 4. • - et I , md t The. Third 'Sessional Duquesne College. WILL commence•on TUESDAY, April 23(1. Ar V V tit, end of the se . Basicia a f2uarmeneement will !le bell; at which the degree of A B will he conferred.. tii rt- f• 13.9uR,T. JIB VICE , Pri n i . Flietweed OIL , • • in 133 LS of - finc tin!riity, ilißerecelied and for sale k-P by frAtEgilft OE H AN , • ta 9 . 24, laiood. - • ' • - •s t ree t • QNST‘NTLY on hand, Fishing-Tackle) of-e ery V--,(,-....L 4n Or w t.4 l 6fl4%ikfiltrfmil-A6Voti W5•44:11.14,,: 12(1, Yo o d orce,t• Strabanville leans; CASES supet II Ile Steubenville .leeute. just Terceriv -4,. ed from the mneufactuters, and for wale of the etc Cash Store,-Ekie:32; - Fifth Omar, •t! • , LOGAti_iik Co. . FREStISPRINE+ GOODIS. CHEAP PLA_CEL PQR_CASH,; S101;•(›F:HA-7G.tWr .csOMIS. No. 103, Afar/cat • 4.9;re0,1„, alest.r.;LSOco-3., rRE subscriber restitz, tfullyjskierms his customers anif the public gexteralfy, that he has just retests eil from the,e,usl. n tstßl is-19,stre . T.AjvillgmAikrge, good rind cheap an assortment oevarietv goods .93 . Ista "her establishment in the city. Aleretants andotheisywho 'wish to purchase cheap, will please call at No.' 108, and they will not birdisetpppitivgb. I .l,btiotipwing com prises part of the stoc.ll, Jost rcceiv.ed -200 doz. coat and 6 cord spool cotton, 200 " firabamis 12 00 " assorted, : Titledittbdahtilds,_ 200 " " patentlhroads,- 200 F,.Hess hoolia 4ncieyes,, - • . 150 parks American pins, 100 ' German " ; 175 thotisani;iumdles • ' 180 th‘sorted• ist,/,44i0.1:i i iNat- :Pi • 350 doz. again-4.4 fine voty combs, 200 " reading ." 580 assorted cotton cords, 225 gross shoe laces, 50 H corot -- • 150 dos. cotton night caps, 9.00 " ,assorted hosie!y„,_ 150 •"- `gloseinia'rnitts, 25 gnus assorted fans, 300 do. palm leaf hats. 115 pieces Ashburton laoe, 160, . dgjogik, - _ , -• sbb gross pearl buttons. 75 '• gilt " 80 " figured horn buttons, 120 " lasting and japanned do 50 " fine English drt..ssing combs, 160 " .. - assartedamertadins. - : With a general assortment of Variety Goods A uor on to montion, which will bo sold wbolpsale or retail, cheap for cash apr 13 JOIVI : PAttit 4 ER,. pr the late firnpfA-_+. J--Parker.) Wholesale CiTio: Olisibt# , fiivigroduce, PIT litAl 4 lorAt e -Tala'S , No- -5, Comittitc.taz. zflotv,; C."-7 mar 20-tf Li be rty- street,' Pittsburgh: Pa /TIEN bblg. Spirita - Incplitafe,quslit received Eind for axles' 1 kig 'drug state JQN.-KIDDi i al3 • - .ccrrieroUrborld Wel* streets: • . ft 1313L5. PRIME N 0 MOLASSKS,'recTiI HOTEL & - voApoix,* t,) by le wit:oboists Zephyr an&tEdwin Hick , FRANKLIN HOUSE. - man,. (nr.sale by V & M MITC HELT KEE, T P EI E subscriber erisilleitiftilryl itaiirrns his friends 89-.1 1 u tr.9t, ' StrNbi• apiltimporiC, dlittlbalgt( cifiennall ilmifirld Hell t lie WINES AND BR ANDY.-.- Boarding House , in Third Atte4r, kaltt doors from .1.5 cases old L s fn , ieinn wine, i rc janr. t . Wood, wham trevelers.itatlogstwa will be "COMM- do ck ) i mported '132 0 . ated oii the most reasonable terms. The house isl 6 dd p j.ira Vftioe, (..miver4 spacious, HMI /HP - been 4tedTp,-at tilu'idf 3 P bl° ex n . iipporied—in - - tense, Bud ererj arrangiftent is made that will n i x t PurtsTh*trtabrisfi tug Meer saikaguil-16-bikifilt4s fica-.-r,:oeitors4ek. • - told lodgers. A shares:lf pablimparreasu_ge is respect- ; _ 1 . 1 " ,d, I fully solicited... - • ' , zw f ierAtm l iweri l w 00ta,441,106644 9,4 - if CRIIISTIAN,SCLWE'itt 7- t Del ' 4.11dirLe".43"1017 the dnzen of single bottle, - at the drug, store of J. KIDD, I__J for sale hr (323 ) JAMES. M A Y. etl corner of tkit is at Wood streets, VIIIGINIITS. Mr A A ADDAMS, Picking Tackle. C YEAGER JOHN SCOTT & CO., Grows and, Cloinagisisi NW* chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty used, /3' Pirtsborgb. IRON CITY NOTEL F 4l FIFTH STREET, 1.11 1 *.lpfilioftigTfldWvilderras his friends en& ibr jce..Hal that Islas tally Wwell km)" sod %Abed istkolofigaly m atted in alLits iiiipartnienug and it is nowftpisgas lityfellif~tfiddigletaiity- epicures, and all fund of good eatiog. l 4lll find this - 'larder boituteutisly supplied with eattis Priefleertittlas the mar ket con lOW. be the m aka Priiie of the proprieteir iw lieeplifeenting - dePiirtnient - iren 14*. and in intromnierasietedati - the •-nistroette mosif To the lovers of good liquors; site, In •co n 446 W flattery to himself, offer trs good and Iththinisiceptfiethaveir - AL- 4 1: itintwontiliort.of droogiitliquent will adlittikept‘ in.igore,fex ibe itecomnrstinoki.Cti*e:: If eu vor hint with a enil. .t His facilitiee for accegusualatieig tbaSseveliag licgenera V ikitS4 ~...Itileety• The Stable ill gify aft 4 Ettiiacious, lathe best be aiaietcr the horses of these put t ing up at his boith. --J.,...) .alktf •. • • 3 .• • New Wholesale Eh? 'Goods Sterei , ';' - '• • No 133, Wood Ptrect. 'kr EGOLF, Agent, it Mee opening an entiti freils: 01... stock of Foreigti and Ddmestic Dry GUlttaf; fir the store room rocontly occupied by D. Fitzsimmons, Esq., one door above Hc4ltii f.:o's sboe warehouse. These goods hitiT beet purchased in tbo east for.casb, and will be- soid small samara-on eastern prices.. for either cash or approved paper, Merchams visit ing oar city will findlt to their advantage to call and examine the ittoclt btfore making' their pumhatterii., g—CPAIIAL •xlvi L lt 900"*Sed'Neld.".... BOTTLE CORKS. • just itifle kir Nn. 184 1 1 :ibe . rt,..ySN°lloPkNor;d. BicalliPP• 257 0 k- 13 ji -g° l23 Bes , just received awl side by 14AILMAN, JF:NNII46g '& CO., m 3 . . Sugar. ' • - . 5 0 imps., N. 0.-SI.TGAR=--a pe,-nri2 rtirte; 15 da vely fair; 10 ,11.1118,44 . 4agar inarnall loaves, suitn. '.ble for retailing; fur rale, by U. 44 G.. %V, ; j‘larcb.ls. • • No. 142 Liberty *weer. llncon, n prirne:Rniclei,(FT sale by Ds.Ci 1V Ll. D, m 1,5 No 148; LiEhiriy Notieo. A LL person+ knowing themselves indebted to - ibki , , csutte Silicones !Forsyth, late Of 'the city of Al- Ilegheny. declaimed, araitereisy notified to make iimire •diste payments's the stilmhriber, and ail persons hay ing clanns,twaluat said eatartvare requosted to present them for settlement. AN.DREW BARCLAY, -42.0-3ul,tiw 7 Adniinistrutor. . Emma Hotel, - Treat end of the old Allegheny Bridge titioljmyl3ENY . . AV""'titkft thilocctisinn tii recant hi; sincero thanks to his'anintrimuctio-td4 and the public generally., for the vfr i k Wan al ,petronnge heretnfoir be stowed-on . F.rrimet flotef, itlld h' pledges him4lf Ittoinottling, titian 1e Qtpitted on.ltis part to tnerit.acrte-- tintianecor their favors: The convenience anti - Intent, the gifil l tion, and .the whole as rangemcnts. of tint. hduse fgt. the accetintintintion of gueAts are not,inferiw., In aniAiiiiilor :c . tatthii*htneni in or ant i of the city..4ii table tiiways be piovidetl witlu Lda bast thttotarkets. , can 3 friFcl, and r . i•eptting #pare4 to ensorty,stxt coetkrt urthOf.e: hole favnr tbeErurnet II utel Wiskr . . n2G-tf.3 r - Berxetv prima Mateo Orittigt4: T) 2•4141.3 liordi;aux • • 8 • PereNntin • " s' : 4 behikehifit•ahOticif boxthi Castilesairitrf • 2 ycleikiii i*S6t •:':" •" : 10 ' bbhp , Nii!l Receisetkinilfurrstateily xr ° -820 • ; .' t . • ''lcto ta. Fifth Q' e: BBLS and 4 bbis -Nos 2 and' Ofisclizeif LP 3 'drums codfish; for sale by • 26 K a.. E O G O S No 6, twist Ta m me i r i o i f t 7 i Mrr c -- o. ' ;:f1 aliriliAGSifie Coffee fcK sole by . M. 13. itHEY AcCO. 298 . DS. Piima N. O. Su tar For pale by' • • M. B. REMY &CO 36 0 BBLS: O. Moluies foemt. by M. B. RI/ EX &CO In N Al sift and AO e'04944 foi b tth 4 RHEY 4140. i PRIME ' 0 SUGAR, • • '7s' bbla tour SOS ' • • 5 tierces basil ; ,• , Received. staaraboata4 ' taut 'tittle Ramis.., sale by IV & a3-dlm.tvr3t Ne. 160, Liberty street., FOR SALE: LOW. 4 ' BUILDING•Iot,te felt Pont, on et stee e I#l ttto Episcopal Church. inquire' of 52213 St C 0...: t!l PIGS ead for rol e byui M. 4k.C13. I 0 BAGS-Pepper for sa l‘ le . RH ' cy &t 0 . RAB CIDER.—JuIx received rer atenuori . moat, 12W'. No 1, Crab Cider, and tor 'ixle low by ' BIRWLINGHAM. & TAYLOR, 44 a 1311LS F.D LADeII'ALAtK, _ Just received:sod fur sale at the wholesale swot recoilrug store of J. KIDD. all : corner a4clt and Wood mreets. Na 93, •W. 04.0 SIBYL - Ts Spy trashirins. t•Taird. Doer itietow Diamond stapy. • . . • -.. Ur-AVMS teeefvtid fr o nt o -New York' tlitt SPring -kJ-lashing) hit- Hita,j byre. now on band, and wilt conOnowto tnailufactore,'ereryivarietyofthe most lashionabta flats; ett-the lowest jwireot. Terabits warning taparehnso neat. cheap. fashions- We Hats, wholesalo or retail, are respectfully invited ta call. - S. MCK)RE. a ItHP:Y BFC-0.-."; No 60, Water 'tree: