Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, April 17, 1844, Image 4

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The impeachtnene oflutiptrudt Nriebiketas, I
shalitleviinpedsotinsentoundisis *laYe I.ell for
she political morality of the IiedASII CWW hip. It
saw vibe brief, that theany Chtb•M New 'Orteeni
• egiployed a Mr. Gaienae te- secure e6rtaia4mtarahatt
tiois papers, and - caused twenty-four persons to go foe
• n ard and•illegally obtain from .. .inapt Moti their' sans;
, ralization theClisb paying the .'ranee of
tii . eaunsei This Mr. G. is now the wiuipmhbefute the
01cirtmnd he details the Cireniiiitances.: These
twee4prolir men were all perniiitedie-ime whig
-micittits hf a lily and Sepustidier last f but it tieing ascer-
"atoectilutt. they have changed =their politic 4, and are
• resolved to vote for the Dtenecracy, the very men who
• ••aabled them to .gettheir.oertiboarns of tiaturalization
ensiseir own purposes, are the first-to step _Carsrani.
wry ou t wins; the fraud,. canoe.** ..'imp.o l ,Vt of
•thp.,,Pu*, and ask that the victims. may, he ,tit e. to
*liretal voterit! sl This is
ell hie darcericy" . 'pa rty: Jul:=sp
On the evening of the tete eletidth in St. Louis;
ttsseArinsolimen<laurelled when one slapped the otter
in tire face. A thalles &Hewed: rise ithalleelted
paseyehose pleoo, ll letleY ciatadt
-Aisne; the next snorning. At the 's beeiti mewing the'
t4ieikeyssing party-was • set et hawk iivelklarthe wee. '
poems to be-used-on the aocasiosi..--Cist: Celt. •
Luke -Loon* -Agent,
IT - AS - just received - from the Presbyterian lhairdof
-Publication, an - additional -supply of the: new
etlieit -of the - Psalms and Hymns, - in all• their variety
-of aier. - and styies of bhalirgs: - -
- Also; on innid. - 50 copies - of the._ -
Tbiet' ber,sith-a few copier of most of-Me otherptrb
licertions-of the Borrn, iecludizg their tracts to No 35,
this No being 'Dr Mrisgraviori ga.Ptawkkrat and Viadies
tiorrartho Divine Decrees. Also,ibeirsies onPopery,
istio,. on hand, .a few copies of tire-Presbyterian -
eassez,..for 18.44v,-end. a pamtaLsasortmeattlf School
Rooky, Blank Work aruiStatimses7. i+lr the dozen
and retail, attire Bookstore,. No 89, Weed ettret, be
low..Dismand rals4srdirw
bbls; Wintei strained Sperm on,
20 r
a o liers t n eO p hie
Just received and . foi "sele by_ _ •
Water, betiseea Smidatteld,4,Wood,
Liberty sr.; Aid 4aeri,above
r Efts ifibeeriber:linving received the agency furibe
_L. ' of A Stein'a (of - Ptiilsaipitiii) celebrated
tiequaleta p ublic tha
-tinty; wilt 'alvraryit find it - this store, qv:teed...al assort
ment arSpaniati CSiote, Baten
got; Cankflai; earl half Spanish; Cliar oases, imeff
tiger' canes, told 'nll aorta "chewu4t Caber.
-a '•- • - ' • Agent:of A Siebi.
- .
_L 100 bblo Green. Apples,
..50 pockagtogneon afidl• Mock Toss,
. 1,1 bbla Maple Molasses, .
1 !:Iloator. Syrup,
1. . . .N. O. du,. . •
Rectired and for bale by J. D WILLIAMS.
al 0 No2B, Fifth street
-NEW - -CASH -• '
Dry Goods sad 'Variety Store!
J. IC: rogax 4. George Coosa,
AV E opened anew cash Dry Gondwana- variety
IJ. . Stop-in Fifth street, between the Exchange
Bait and Wood-street, undertbe firesof J. E. Logan
Their stock or Goods - are entirely- fresh and. having
been all purchased for CASH, principally ataueticm,by
George Connel, (who has bad - long experlenie in the
brOineas, and resides in Philadelphia 'to make rarebit
ses-and Pick-up InUgaills,;) they will, therefore be etta
hied to ofer great-inducements to those wishing to par
hiiiet as they are determined trt sell at the lowest
possibleadvance oneasterrn cost for CAS - M. -
They have-now on hand a large and well selected
-stock ;of v.roolonnble Goods. among -which are Blue,
Mist Black, Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Cadet,
milted -Broadcloths; Cessimeres - andlattinets ; Pain'
- Linen and Cotton Drillings; Cotton „fide'
.Veatings, fancy- -prints; 3-4, 4-4 and 5-4; "Blealdibt
and Brown Mullins; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; MlK
oeios "Titley, Tatham & Walker's,' and
"Hope & Nebon's" Patent Thread; Spool Ccittim;
Sewing Silk; Silk and Cotten lidkrs ; 30 boar, and
:8 day Brass Clocks, warranted; &c.,&c. They Will
be constantly- receiving additions to t heir stock purcha
sed at the eastern auction, and would invite the atten
tint' of dealers and others to an examination of their
goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Pittsburgh, April 1, 1344.
Ike Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County
in the Comonenitoetiltis ofPennsylania, at June
T'erat, 1844, No. 22.
k-"' the-matter of the application of the Mern
t . bers of the Presbyterian Church of Man
) 5 _chestet, for a Charter of Incorporation .
And now to wit, April 8,•18414, Charter of
Incorporation filed and the Court direct that notice be
intlytedin 0119 newspeparr printed in the county of Al
legheny at least three weeks, setting forth thatupplica
tion has been made for -said Charter of I noorpemtion,
and that the same- will be granted at the next term of
the-Court of Common Pleas of raid county, if no rea.
_eon be _shown to the contrary. From the Record.
al6-3w • Gla- R RIDDLE, Pro.
7'othe Ilonorable the Judg of the Court of Quar .
ter Sessions of the Peace of the County ' of AUe
glamy: -
'fhe petition of John nit,Runan, slethe second ward
in the city of Pittsburgh, in the countyaforeaaid, hum
bly sheweeh, That year petitioner bath provided him
4aalf with materials for . the accommodation of travelers
and ogre, at bis dwellingimuse in the eit) and ward
aforossaid, and prays that y!n_tr Inners may be pleased
to grant him a license to ittroio a public house of enter
itainment And your petitioner, as in duty bound,witl
We, the suhscrihers, ciiisens of the second ward of
the city of Pittsburgh, do certify that , the above peti
tioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance,
;Ana is well provided with houseroom and conveniences
• for the accommodation and
_hyieng of *trangers and
atnsvelet t and that' iiala•tiveirh is seeitatiri-y.
_ : Thalami Simmons, i
Robe's Arai, George Atthurr,
A Scott, - Johc.Roes,
P McKenna, Was Graham, jr,
heipitb Bowe, Jackson Duncan,
Jeansasi:onloo, • G Neatens,
Waft Witaort.
opeortment , of
- ^et pettetes;Awitt.tebtea to
bed =MAO/ Of the best'testerinlin
Ate tone not to be am *any to the country.
1 4141fIgif , •
ir '
"P9A - 7[C
Great IN A . Roc aios Works,
A T Cctole_s I f ilimey Dktime.,;llsiAdt i Et, another late
.13.. art-140 of 'New wed Pheaftpublicaiimm_ 2
Murtrated Sk l okepeare„ No S. BAitarl by tinfian
~' ..C.. Verplank: •' : - • • •
- - .lCitielierboeter for-April.
i j iili..ll6wlid ;:trjat r or ch tr ig m s Cut lb 2 l prra4 uet , it A r i ay i. in
. 5 sets I
- I ,
."Belwer, being No 4of the Moose° Standard Drawl.
. ' iNYSIFteoI•
tasys and'odber Poentaltyl4mSnothey;
• Hiesteej iiediel United States; No 13,
ug Jorge:, a late of St Domingo.
_ Medalist Woraftir-Apaii;£4lised by Rev. T. H.
. - ~ •
I; firooliAirsoak ii iirorml '. ep SNP Aril liCt:t .
'• eleniu ea ded . Poke& 11
of , W. . .410etwarth.
:',... - -freem, Home Detaidi.
jo Sbair
it ...;,
..6 stur g eg y ;Nat. Allkboriar. lihweinn, -- Heektd; -Diller
C 'Weekly, Tribute,. Spiii:ef . Time - C.:for this week re.
t., -Wired. • Sehatriphboilribilfed nail single Nos. for
• .. .. . , ;
. -sale es shore.
; .
I, - ,
.TO. 49, Liast.errJaritiisr,
TWO DOM ABM' VERGIS dig i gif. .4
THE subletn : lmr tiesjo*Crotormsd from the Eastern
cities, where be himpwchwilta moinnwi
ftoent assortment of . 1 , ,
Ewer frititiis , MWs:CAY!' '
which he is. notw oo9iiri4*.istld ar!
thk. ertotlMlAtitoicuotoroororma -4 1 4 1 1 thlio ' •'.
who'< j thmlistispi
The +ars Amyl patremtP which I}i& fries 14 4
the public have besettifotwbeee'pleased to bestow on
hicentelgishint,belinduced blotto Port:bows
of all kinds °fro& i.e hisibite, andor fisuperior gest.
ity to tny thin which bast tisretelonsbeestoffered . ..
The - following - is a list of a piirt of tbiiiismit wrolt
he offers AtutdM, q 1 l'lll4 , he Portorrm4 are
in the rnostteibioitable Uteri styles, and of the hest
quality, suitable 6030'50am:1i.
SMERFINE EVE, nvvisrin.r.
ate T.llllO
FOR Ditr,ss „lam FRS - ccAT,s•
Hapentaultutly infers to a, lot of , beeinifol•Foseith
cloths and eassimetes, now style, which-he it ow&
dent moot fall to please. They sea ,of a mama ait.
canon • - • -
Meoli and toy** posaersis, iks
441gose oyrtsr. .•
L i • LO4ll DAMP-LA IDS,
• A begs toriktief patterns.
beautiful yetteeet,' .zotionottNestings of every da
Trends sod Friglists %trey otyterliiitoble for every
description' of
Also. all Ada& of goodstrbieh out be found x r
eStahlishinendinthe - city:Nil:deb he offers for sale e
Pr tmrnadrotax.botp Jukin y deal e epiti ; abe city.
The 4.6l4.ll"filielhe
Tied assort uldt'iratailfrehle Groodi`thila e st y I
advance on disk hrtitiificiii,aft&liiiips diem • t
-ly on ha ad, ready timpaisa-fstr hittpassomm. zi -
ces are to suit the *totes. His pals all e 137
Pitt.toilistelikhiimirldititi .
re PThepublie are invited to Call and ".• ne for
thentseltow. . ' ' . P. DICILIN- :-
091 tf No 49 latociar it. 2 douptfrona Viisin
W 0 N Rrig_i,T.
Ilie , PrOpr oft
‘4 4 HREfir - BIG . 0 0 !z"
Is no t in the habit ot,63•:tiiii, bit he hesitation
in saying timts the
Of hia present stock of
Far exceeds any thing riser Sean in t e West
, ern 'country, and no meow
can realize its
' Dukes "bey c a ll et his entabfishment.
as' Has shy!?OCR or
itnounthicto opium& of
1 000 0 1
*hackle will sell at
And be will warrant the WORKMANSHIP and
FASHION: -,to be of the most superior kind.
It wo elttirectuoiltuch - titmice
:to etinetteleavritirrthe etirectliie-ef
hiejnattkifidedt eetablistunent, but .
mg Ewe to say, that .his
stock comprises every
'Which be fledges Melanie to sell lower than they
van be purchased any where else in the city.
Purchasers are crimsoned tab, en their guard against
the tricks of little riiral estabhishments that try to palm
thiemselvei on the unwary as the
The public are desired to note the
In front of the "old original," as that is a mark for
the genuine Three Big Doors that cannot be; counter.
a 44f - 151, :Liberty street.
. •
HE first session of Madame Blaique's Academy
1. will commence oe SATURDAY, this day,Jan
13th, at Concert Hall r et 9 A. M.
The days of tuition will be Mobley, from 3 to 6 P
tot; Thursday from 3 to 6 P M;and Saarrdoy from 9 to
12 A M and final 3to b P - M, of each week.
It is desirable that those intending to enter pupas
slulailido so lathe opening otthe session.
The Lippincott iii tbr eau.
r rll-IE subscriber proposes to sell ono-thitd, one
-1 half, two thirds, or the whole of this property,
situated in the Fifth Ward of the.city of Pittsburgh,to
any person who may wisk to obtain in interest in the
sarne, or who desires to purchase the entire property.
This property consists of the main Rolling Mill, oc
cupying a piece of ground attending 100 feet on Etna
street, by 150 feet On Walnntstreet to the river. The
Machinery compriies one line of bar, and one stand
of smooth rolls, with an engine and all necessary fix
tures in complete repair: has three bloom furna
ces, and one plate furnace comPletralso t , four pud
dling furnaces nearly finished',
The Nail and Shovel factories are erected en apiece
of ground opposite, and extending 158 feet on Etna
street by 100 feet on Walnut street.
The machinery comprises one engine and 14 pail
machines, with e plate fiirtmetes. 'Also, MO line of
small rolls with a suitable finnece. Also, 1 turnip.
lathe I tilt hammer and shovel press, with all Aloe
tools and fixtures necessary to operate sheanischirney;
mast of which is new.
This property will be sold on liberal terms; mid fie
scents a fair opportunity for a safe rani profitable in
vestment. For further particulars inquire of the sub'
scriber, at his Warehouse, No. 23, Wood street, ossi
i; !Ear The best Juniata Nails of all sizes oteteteatly
fai MAN lit No 23, Wood street, near First.
No md4,ll4onE, en hand to offer to
p.b* Ft: „..iiellirvolguctirmelli swim bur
rat anteinibei would 'respectfully informs his sc-
LL and the public *the has commenced
tbe Hat and Cap Manufacturing business in allito vs
rious branches. et ,No.' 102 WOOD StRZE;T, &t
door from S..rattnestork &Co.'s no Amos,
where he let now on hand end
L will centbutalweneam
ufacture dentriptiOns Of HATICamiCAPA. ~. Fromt
his lotsgestreht •
‘ lmeskrita feels confident
that in the mantes an‘dneaMtity of his weak, be can
sorely compare with anyeetablinitmeit `Fait or Wegf
of the Mottatains. Persons- wiebbily to' Tilirthese
Orme greti Met a ailt, as tie is determined to sell any
article in bis tine et s small pr fit for cash.
al•lrn G. W. GLASSGOW.
kat ERIE, 3: - 14-
Idle above tinnimi nr!lD s = lar 'all .
4a MendwpAteavagasys, veil A•kbris* - =
In '
leaves Warren on Tailmsfro, Thursdays' exrtSikt.'
R 'der . tbstreite LlneatirChmilied
direct ) ; • :Per er .pasige aloplyeti 'bead,. orbit
IRMINGH:AM & CO., Plttotoatit: -
- ' • - ,r, s. ,. bicicry, , luirret:
dtt, the corw qtACtivAo IRON go.
THE subscribers would mast resitectildly lalbent
the Ladies arid aindetnen of Pittsburgh and 4i-
Cinity, Alit *bey -bun apenterothak theabeisisit . -
tinned place, over the sane of liklanr.Lkrid nattere.,•
and are now prepared to take Miniatures by this beau
tiful det, in •stlie •bssetsfais ' 'the
Combination of a quick and powerful tippeut as
entirely new Made of .apteratugoltety , are freebie& to
predacepiconss of ea isarprismg uccuracy and beauty,
combining entire durability •of heaneenoti, clear and 1
distinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, the I
not least. the dolor cf - thilkneandoirels. The enlac
ing of Phetogniptfic Pictures, fist& sinew
art, u it enables us to combine with accuracy of nanny
the advantages"( ant, . The undersigned• do nee add:,
nor is it their intention to deoslee the Puhlis_ 47 s • ,r 1
enti-whichtheycannot fulfil, for they . dependsoon
the character of thoirOktiielthifintrounge. Citizens
and • treagers , one zed nil, we invited to atiV
amigo specinnisn. :
N 8.---Con,pids sees of the ignorant& prutnst , or
parates juraidunion the moat reasmsable teratsr
Plates, Cases, Fraines,..Chefticals, and awl eking
connected with nit imam's, at Input task rt.
Cu. ' J 14 'EMERSON at CO.
EMQVAL. -- thi 4 6 1 61 1 1 1P4 1 beis - Woe to
1. form the
, public; that he - be. removed tkoat his
old 4cana, t 6 thp i t4tter of /Nan sal* Clair st.., op
pot* the Ex .-st 'Hotel, where be *sifted up a
large 'Ptaso Teats Want. Root; aod two otters the
most Wallaid essortatent of Pt ytes eves. Miami at
this market.
His_planos erinsitt of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, troutifully finished sad
modeled, and constructed throughout of the very best
materials, which, for durability .2. a quality of tone, u
well as W94III4,MWMPOO PliPgriPr Weil ever
NM here. t., t -
As he humditifted his monsiactory, and made ar
raagements to supply the inconsitigoleanndfor this la
strumunt, be respectfully re . quests these intending to
puttdiaae to call and enemas his assortment before
purohasing elsewhere, as ho is deesszniemi swell Low,
so, for cash, than any other esteidishosent emit or welt
oldie monazites. - I. F. BLUME.
.Mlecr Fame ,St. Oak streets,
Opposite tte Etehatige -
Wiftbi..Pittiburgli, Pa.
sep 10.
Land Siirrityiagamtiftrillhaithatclimr.
'THE undansielned.inteadbigtopmvaspermanendif
.L diebtieitiessallkoveysogwaCiviksering,
°fere his sarviees to the public. ;• •
Having hada very extensive practice with Mr Z W
Ftemingbili m Altis vicinity, he feels •vsluiranted in say
ing tbat his experience sad practical. knowledge will
be advantageous to those who may „employ him. Per
sons interested in real estaterwilliied at his office plans
of the City. Citgy • District,. "Reserve Tram, opposite
Isi tt sbeigh," “Wanor. Pisrehingh," Birmingham,
Lawrenoevilkt. and kits and firm* extending several
miles around Pittsburgh. 11 E McGONV 11.
Moe, Penn street, a fewdoors above Hand,
Richard Biddle, Esq.,
W Rasa M'Candless,l:sq..
John Andesson,
R. S. Cosine,
rgr Those of my friends /maitre public, who may
wish to hare Permit* to any of nay papers, draughts or
plans, will hereafter find tbet in. the office of RE Ma
GOWIN, whom I respectfully recommed as one in
whose professional abilities and integrity they mar . &-
200 Gros s No 1 Bottle Corks;
6 Bbli Sp Torpeatiae;
2 " Copal Varnish;
1 Cask Olive Oil;
3 Bbls Veil Red;
2 " Lampblack;
1 " Cream Tartar;
I " Flor Sulphur;
1 Case Roll Sulphur;
1 " - Liquorice Ball;
1 " Gum Shellac;
1 " " Copal;
75- lb. Gum Camphor;
10 S . 411 I Om'
Together with a general saseriment of Dray, Med
does, Dye Sulk iiP., just kINNINed and for Sale by
ap 2.
T HAVE : tone
..7.- 41 W 6 „ . ... , }4cAmd0wa .
ness in sem(lol;iii - sislinros.f.A..
SON, Esq., iA I a 01410 lame llolomprii ab
" Dee . - I C. DiF.XMlitil.
rp HE sthicitibar, %rase* at <of the Pituiburgh
Me during Assoc' ion having bleu*p
poi atod by.a %timber °kW Mattafacinriuxamiltbuthati
ics of the city of Pittsburgbat4 iu..vicinity as their*.
gentlbr the sale of their varitiot manufactures, will
be constantly supplied with a acne& assortment of
those articles at the lowest wholesale prices.
The attention of Western Merchants and dealers is
Americas Manufactures is respectfully invited to
this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri
ber will be promptly attended tn.
No 26 Wood street.
I ON HAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks
Spades, and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Team and Lai
Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons; Coopers' and Carpen
ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Window Glass and Glass-
ware, White and Red Lead; Patterson's Locks and
Large Press Screws, &c. &c
Notice to all whom it may concern.
ALL persons having claims' against the Estate of
Oliver Ormsby Evans, deceased, as well as Ames
knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please
prestmt theii itcddisiti for sitideinent to C. Ealias, No
10 Water street, who is duly ,anthorised to settle the
said Estate. SARAH L. EVANS,
febls Administi atria.
THE subscriber has taken lonia policy in the office
' of the Penn Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh,,
to cover all goods shipped by this line from Pittsburgh
to Philadelphia or Elaltim4M. By this medns all
Goods stared by him will bh fully protected without
asy addittotser Aktrzt/leihipper.
m 1 4114 KIER, Agent.
Prices greatirreditced.
LJOHNSON,•sweesser of Johnson de Smith,
• inannottscheg to his feknads and to Printers
generally, that he be* purchised . the interest of his
(starkness in the foundry, desires to ithrne thennOmt.
he has neeesidy made' large • saditints to his assort
ment of Book, ibb and Prbiunentid Letter4and he
will continue to add every dosettniee of'Type' which
the improvements in dieted 'May suggest, aft,
wants of the trifle me require. His assortudent
comprises a greeter wirier, than any ether Famoirzin
the United Ettatee,ned he has reduced his prices 20
portent lower than beretofore.
hinting Presses;ttlawesqeasse, Prieemg said
rot article need the. Printing Wee, - constantly on
Estimates will be furnished,' in detail, for Book,
Newspaper and Job offices, 'on stating the style ausa
gam* of work to be dens, and Specimen Books
winks finwerded to patios* desirous of making not
Sebesetyping of every description promptly atten
ded to as usual. m2B -3m.
P Mn
Santee S. Craft, Esq.,
Han. • Harmer Denny,
Chas. S. Bradford, Esq
0. Metcalf, Esq.
Nov= 'kr is , . AWrs,
-- Theelße . e fit P,ll/AotrOylpiii =stabilised thrthe
weft. having sio
=4:=aijecteMakirt= Er ft
%Om •Dimmuld, Market turret, " my
for the isle of BBL/ and Liaimesw, Bei
agave will therefore uederscaud. that Di
lirsoareth arelL aft& a natelling agent through the/
costatriesee a year to collect moseys for oaks look
'and re-simply now. 'Wbeseid travoqer while stip.
plioderitk thorptrwer of Mu/rosy, duly proved' bake
'the Clerk of the obTelid edenty - of Nell-Tea; teatime`
witbell,beeesaary amipipers.
' Mr ;I loads my torrilling *met .Imo far. -Pow
4sylvania. . _ • E R BIRRETU, M D.-
-N B Remember Mr G$ Lee..to Kr of the nar`
ket, is now my Celli01011101141011111166:
New Yeilt,:lene Litb,4B43. _ . 1
• TIM*, 'fille t & Otisllittitalt,
WOK ofseitu'eariety' littir; the
..I.: and.Ue :Alai* bribe 'heit - frecrnistitseiftllOra
aikidos* thinany Other prepn for the semi Pur
pose in use.
tlimittaitkewi %Ikea eCrtificatec might be preen
'lQ and ofitO dimity fromSchtml
Piciprittem of Faetories, Patents; Ottirdiaiii,'Mld
Nurses, Coming of vessels had others, Were it thit for
the delicacy in having their wpm puhlished in mon-
Weiitico with Such dice afections.
By the use of Dr ." "iTetterQintment in coojtmc-.
don with-his market of *timpani or Blood fillis,be
will guaranteelocateitiy..diAttuteconintonto the skin,
however bad, or of .however long minding, or refund
the money. 'There Mehew emir very feiv instances but
can be cured bythe lYnttmett alone.
Price, 25 cents a box.
c& had lota wholeate and retail' at Dr
macre mit&Edivothith, Second at . Pbtta
deltaia. by'S'A FAVINESTOCK & Co. corner
of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh.
july 12
ABRAHAM 5. CLEMER,-residing at 66, Mott
street, New York, Was etnicnid with Dyspepsia
in its mostaggravated form. , The sytnront. werovi
olentheadache, greatdebility, fever c - 1
heikriburnA.Pnin in %he Oast and stAlwAil4 , e l -
eating,' impaiith 'wet*, 'whoa:ion of it ' 01 9
swim.* Armed Mug*, nausea, with ireipent trinbi.'
logs, dirsinees towards night and restleiumess. neat
ned continued upwards of a- twelvemonth, when, en
consulting Dr. ' Win. Evans; 100 Chatbaln street, and
submitting to his erste suoceislid and agreeable mode
id treatment, the patient was completely - restored to
beattisis *robot's space Of Met month, Wed grateful for
the incalculable benefit derived, gladly. mune forward
and volunteered the above statement • rogiale, whole
sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent.
sep 10-y No. 20, WoodstMet,below Second.
NO sooner does one bt Dr Leidy's,prens be-
come pepnbie, in 'etwasequence of its success and I
efficacy, than it is counterfeited andinthiteted.
To prevent imposition, Dt Ladyhit tl,o* proeured
moulded bottles for his eelehrata Tetter and Itch
Ointment, with the words 'Dr Leidy's Tetteiand Itch
Ointment,' blown in the glass besides containing his
written signature on a yellow' label
Dr Leidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment has proved
more efficacious than any other_ preparatiunfor 'fetter,
Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples 'or Vasteles, and disen
ses of the akin generally.
It has been employed it; schools, factories: and on
board vessels carrying passengers, where children, as
well as grown persons, contract diseases of the skin
from their contagious nature, with the most unexam
pled success; Certificates and recommsusdations have
been heretofore published from them,and nutneronsoth
.ers might be obtained for publication, but for the ob
jections most persons have, to having their names pub
lished in connection with such disagreeable and losth
some affections.
In no single instance has it ever been known to fail.
It halbeen used upon infants and by persons of all
ages. his perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its
composition, and may be used under all circumstances.
Price Twentrfivecents %bottle. Prepared and sold
at Dr Leidy', Health Emporium, (sign of the Golden
Eagle and Serpents,) and by 13 A FAHNESTOCK &
CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for
Pittsburgh. July 12
LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr
HaHich's compound Strengthening and Aperient
Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh. Pa„ was
entirely.mrred of the above distressing disease. His
symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of
appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the
stomach, sink headache, furred tongue, countenance
changed to a citron color, difficulty of breathing, dia..'
turbid rest, attended with &cough, great debility, with
other sympuvas Indicating great derangement of the
functions of the liver. Mr Richards had the advice
of several physicians, but received no relief, until u-
sing Dr Harlich's medicine, which terminated in effec
ting a perfect cure.
Principal office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadel
phia. For sale by/damsel Frew, corner of Liberty and
Wood str. sep 10
OilOP OP 1843.
....., t.,.,,.._
N t 4 - Ak‘ 0 S /
fr HE subscriber has just received his annual , apply
1. of Landreth's (iirden Seeds, consisting in part
of the following kinds—all of the last year's crop., and
warranted genuine:
.Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Beets, Endive, Peas,
Beans, Kale, ' Pepper.
Leek. Pumpkin, Broccoli,
Lettuce, Radish, Borecole,
Water Mellon, Rhubarb, Cabbage,
Musk " Salsafy. • Carrot,
Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach,
Squash, Celery, Okra,
Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber, . Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) Sec,
&c, &c.
Together with a variety of pot and sweet heibs and
flower seeds.
'Orders for seeds, shrubs, trees &c, from gar
deners and others will be received and promptly at
tended to. F L SNOWDEN,
jan 25 No 184 Liberty, held of. Wood.
PITTSPIIAGH, Oct. 22, 1842.
J Denning: On Friday, the 30th of last mantis, a
bout 9 o'clock at. night,,the Planing, Grooving, and
Sash Minufactory, /maid . by Gay, Dilworth & Co.,
with a large quantity of dressed and undressedlurnber,
was all consumed by fire. '
The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time
back was in the most exposed situation during
the fire, and was entirely sed hot. lam pleased to in
form you it was opened at the close of the fie, and all
books, papers, &c.,save&--thts is the best recommen
dation I can give of the utility of your safes.
THE subscriber bas opened so establishment at
No 60, Wood street, *few doors from thecor
tier of 4th, where be keeps constantly for sale akin&
of LOOKING GLASSES, at Eastern .Prices. .
• He has on band a large assortment of Glasses in bcth
gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the it
tenthm of customers. believing that the quality of his
articles and his prices cannot fail to give satisfaction.
Pictureifframed to order, in neat style, in caber giltor
mahogany frames.
Canal boat and other reflectors manufactunrel to M
ier cm the shortest notice. 04 frames re= and
regi/t, la as to look as !ell** KW, On th e no
tico. T MORGAN; 404.
- mar 234 , • ,
rriltilikOlrr./3 041 .0 4110 .
oPat TT:OOA SW Freeman'. lotiat.Fim Bei*
which will bercalter be kept constantly an load
and sold low for each, by lIIRWINGHAM. & CO.
may 27 ir:o. 60 Water at,
As Usti&
3 1 41'n . ithreATAT
• airlio. imitertamitie that ontoommanse'strith.
istooss of time with ,IStWi.luml:‘ l . l 's PILLS. Tbnl
2471misef e lY n 133101 ' 04 bnPutnio 9Ctir blood,
no cam cisicltnesi Can effect OM hantatfraire,
that these celebrated pills do not relieve as mach as
Medicine can db. ,Voitiatinaceaghs arrernore benefit
'tett/ the Bralsareth-fah, data by lozenges and can
dies. Veer oraM,rpolimpsi as ltallatirreli; bat worth
nothing as eradicators of diatom from the human
system. The prorsdrrib Mk; cure, they do not mere
ly relieva, they- met diseases, whether amnia or in
vent, infectious .tir mborviise,Jwilltiertibdfba cured
by the use of these all stdiese . iAlls. - •
Sara Stio; January
Dr. Benjamin Brethdreasz—honored Sir, owing
to you a debt of getttitedtkhatt' retreat fel, I am
induced to make I pehliti eeknew ' of the ben
efit my wife has derividAtim•yerr lavabselde "Me--
About three yea= this *lnter sill was•takew -with a
pain in her ankle, which soon became* verytiach in
flamed and swollen, so much so that webecanse alarm
ed, and sent for the Ablator. Dining his attendance
the pain and swelling-increairdtoan alarming degree,
and in three weekikenatairrit cesemeocement it be
came escaping sore. .She could get no rest at night '
the pain , was so great. Our first docuaramodelkbar
corsix months; and she received eoheal& whideser,
the pain,growing worse and the sons. lergerldrilie
while. He said if it was healed up it would be bar
death„buthe appeared to best aloes how-th proceed, .
and poor wifis,still continued ;to suffer the most tartible
tortures. Wo therefore sought *bar ikia in a Satani
cal anew, who said When he fast, sa,w it that he cquO
soon curothe sore, and giveber easels once, To our
surprise begave her no relief, and wsknoirledged that
it baffled all his JAI; - •
Thus we' Call idler taming-tried. Huff are whole
year the experience of 'two • celebrated Wow in
vain, in absolute despair. My pour wifilemeadtathit,
rapidly, failisg in the prase of her yews fives her con
tinued suffering. Undarthese cirosontentass we cow.
elud that we. wind& try -your Unirersal, Vegetable
Pills. deterrbineff[Weakly telt their ciwative effects.—
To my wife's graitt.comfort the first few doses afford
ed great relief tothe pain. Within one week, to tbe
_astonishment of
out arid'eiery one wlsoknew the
owes theiwelling and the inflammation beget*. tweet
so that the felt quite easy, and would deep carratekti.'
bly, and sir, shin , six 'weeks use she was able to gti,
through the boasts, and again attend to the manage
ment of her family, whith she bad net done for 14
months. to &little over two months from the time she
fiat oomineneed the use of your Invaluable pills,' her
ankle was quite sound, and her health better than It
had been in quite member of-years before. I send
you this statemetit after two years test of the cure, con
sidering it 'only tin'act of justice to you and the public
at large.
We are, with much gratitude,
Very respectfully.
P. 3, Bee Itoesniest Doetovpromaiiced - the met
cancerous, and finally said: no good could be done, en
less the whole of the flesh was cut off, and the bone
scraped. Thank akind Provhimice this amnia us r,e
sort to your pills, which saved us from all further row,
cry, and for which we hope to be thankful.
T. Az E. L.
larSold at 2.5 cents per bog. with directions.
Observe the new. labels, each having upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each boa of the gen.
uine has six sigmituree Rertjaminl3randreth and
three B. Brandreth'tipOn it.
The only place in Pittsburgh where the real Brand
reth Pills can be obtained, lithe Doctor's own office
in the Diamond behind the market hoioe. Mark, the
genuine Brandreth Pilhl can never be obtained in any
drug store.
The &Reliving are the only agents appointed by Dr.
13: Bnandreth, for the sale of his Vegetable Uuiversal
Pills, in Allegheny county:
PRINCIPAL Angsr—G H LEE, Pittsburgh.
John Glato—Allegheny.
Robert Duncan—Birmingham.
C F Diehl—Elizabethtown.
H Rowland—McKeesport.
Press/71 rwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnston—Noblestown.
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewaostown.
Asdell & Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentnm.
George Power—Fairview.
Da% id R Coon—Plum township.
Daniel Negley..—East Liberty.
Ed ward Thom p son—W ilk insburg h
Wm 0 Hunter—Allen's Mill. mar 23, 11343
La! what makes you! teeth so unusually whitia
Quoit' Josh's dalcinia tohim t'uther night,
To make yourn look so, with a grio,replied Josh,
'e bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth' Wash,
'Tis the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say.
And since they have tried this, cast all others away.
But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine,
Look again, my dear Sal, attke lustre of mine.
Then try this great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine.
Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash:
and become acquainted with the ingredients of its cm*
position, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the saft/ti,
as it.is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now 'in .
use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, tile.
I take pleasure in stating, having made use 'of
"Thorn's Tea Beny Tooth Wash," that it is one of the
best dentrifices in use. . Being in aliid form. it corn
blues neatness with convenience. While it cleanses
the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its
perfume yields a fragrance peculiarly desirable.
The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound .
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an
extremely pleasant dtmtrifioe, exercising a most salu
tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving
those indispensable members from premature decay,
preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying
the Breath. 1-laving thoroughly teste d its virtues, we
take pleasurein recommending it to the public, believ
ing it whet the best article ()file kind now in use.
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth
ecary and Chemist ? No. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh;
and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuule's
Medical Agency, Fourth it. sop
BARON vox mrrommEß indungurs
These Pills are composed of herbs, which exert a
specific action the heart, give finpulse or strength
to the'arterial tem: the blood is quickened and e.
qualirtid in its circulation through all the vessels, whe
ther of the skin, disports situated internally, or sheen.
manxities; and 111 all the secretions at the body am
drawn from the blood, there is a.coasequent inereaae
of every secretion, and a quickened action of the *b.
malient and exhale* or discharging vessels. Any
rtjorbid rt44ion'Which may have talons place is correct
ed, ill 44m:time are removed, the blood is purified
and the body resumes a healthful saga. For nails
wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 20 Wood street, below Second.
"‘'"u•le -
- Sorra 418.11divestras tit V. lani.
Wit. TRONtimo, ttramttsiars.,
t oun
. 111-1131 1 6C1I'VOLLY informs the pnlithr utet,isy
'at , kis remaved hut ready made poen ware.
to the building recently wept., Wits
' 11. 0- Berford. directly . opposlto -his old staid,
Where be Is always prepared , to attend promptly
t any orders in his Hire, and by strife atteatiOn
• 1 1011 is the *Salts of the busitniss of tur thrierealler
hi Beilatia wet% pniUceoarlieneer Be lOU be mom&
at sm. norms to provide Beanies. Biers. C "Inl oll 1 1 11411,
eeerY **Wu on the most liberal terms. Calls fro/10 HUI
arestry , wiliiwysenspUy attendee to. • ' " ' '
Btu •residembe is to the main *AWN With MO went
house, where tbose,who need his emulate way Mid Aim
entry time. esrunlncits:
W.w.ralln. suet. seas vessiii... S.
ir*WMFAWWLItt . , - , WIT. ILCUWW/1411 1 / 4 111.11.0.
}I7OW IC PATTON. CR. 1 1 .41011 a. WW.1.14111. I .
W. imeettrits, ' tee. Jogai Mi.
i smu r e mpiam • 'nee. seettiiii - weete. "
10 - arr.-a. it. imps. •
Caveat carried Bth Jane, • 1842—Pelel , Ininteil "RI
Benjamin Brandreth, 300 Jangiryw
'I he extracts...of ithltiLllntadtellearlUs-anit tomponed
atenbtalned by Akin new indolged Praten
or any a/Raw The. Active. prinelple fit• the
herbs he thus ?muted the Mine as It Is In lbe
The PuMle should im 'cautious of modiclis i+ orn.
Mended le advertisements stolen frotceis, fa wide!' he
COWTSSISTISIX Roomette steal my language, ollefely at.
tering the name. Time will show thess.wholerale de
!elvers in their true , light. •
. THE MEDICINE or pas rpoPLE
fry. BRANDRETH'S PILLS are the Peoples Medi,•
eine, proved by tbassamar who daily ntcommeall file*
to the afflicted. The lIRANDII27'IITILLB see Oate n
!Breyer/ MP more polfillar, their vivito/sate emending
their useiblerow. The Sigh of both AND= are dilly de-
Aving Benefit from them. No.cass of disease bit skgy
nhe used with advantege. B etches or bard temps of
the skin they speedily Cafe, so witk eeyilpit e, PO Whir
rent rheum, so with digestion, an whit eosighaaud aside.
so with costiveness, so with enure-. so with hot perrlied
lips sad ranker la the mouth. Let the allikilfe Sea this
medic:hie, sad they will lad they ?realm Meet her.
field at ?Seems per hos, svitrinteetioomi
Obaerve the new label.. wick Miley upon It ewe dig- a
natures of Dr. Brandretb.• Horace bou •of thegmluins •
bas six Aguaturea- , three aeldsmiia.firandreth matt than
B. ilraadreth upon It. • . , •
The OWLS ruck In Pit tebtfrith where the unit-at/litl*
relit Pills can lIIR OSTAINI.D. Is the Doctor's. wpm Mel.
Diamond bark of the Market Rotor. .Nark. the Hare,
trt.ertndrelh Mite tan iteveybeUtalned la alq bieve
Tim %Ravin are the ONLY AGENTS *minted
by Dr. B. Drandreth. (lir the ale of Isla liregilaldeEril.
venial rata In Allegheny 'Cottony.
G. IL Lee.rrincipal OMee , Diamoad Plthibitrth.
Mr. Min falsaw-alllepbeity.
Robert Dinwas--illnoingintst.
C. P. Dlabl—EildabalblowD•
A. Howland--McKeesport.
Prettily Itwia—Pleasant Hill.
Jolla 'lohnsan—Noklestown. ,
Chemotan 4 Egiaaldini—Htewartetowo:
Asdep Connell—Clinton.
Itibert Smith Parter--Tarentam.
Cleorvt Power-1 1 '31mile*.
Dank, R. Coon--Plum Toarnabip. '
Daniel Neitley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wllklnsbargh.
, Wm. O. Hunter—Alton's 1111t1s.
claw of indlv , duals is Very. numerous. They are thorn
who work In an unite/411y atmosphere. Printers, work
men in feather stores. stone cutters, bakery, white kiwi
manufaeturen, are all mart. or tees subject to disease he.
cotding to the strength of their eouslitution. Themely
method to prevent direass, Is the occasional use. of
medicine which slattern, from the circulator. all deice.
Howe humour, and expels them by the bowels. Tonle.
In any form are Injurious, as they only put of the ct .l
day to make It more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pills
will Insure health, because they tate alt Impure metier
nut of the blood; and the body Is not weakened inn
strengthened by their operation. for these valuable Pills
do not force, bat they assist nature, and are not opposed
but harmonise with her.
Sold at Dr. Brandreties Office, In the Diamond
Pittsburgh, Price 25 cents - per boa, with Olt directinn.
MARK—The only Mare in Pittsburgh whets th,
GENUINE Pub can be obtait ed, is the Doctor's own
Mice In the. Diamond. sett 10
Evans'/ Camomile Pills.
Cuttruncnyes.—Letter,front the !lon. /tb'h•s' Were.
lan,Sullieran County, East Tennepsee,lllentbeteCougteio
" " Wasonorrott, SW, 311-;,1M:-
Sir—Metal have been In this city: I have Need Moe of
yonr Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit - and. sate.
faction, and believe it to be a most trainable reMedy. , 000
of my constituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell cosily
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some, which I did
and he hiseinpktyed It very sneemifally in bismuth*
ard says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your • ages,. at
this place, thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. it so, I would relsommend.Dr. A Carle., as
a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he le willing to
act for you. You can send the medicine by water te the
care of Robed King 4 , Sons, Knoxville county, Tennes
see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Taawell, East
Tennessee. I have no doubt but if you had agents to
several counties In Bad Tennessee, a great deal of reed).
tine would be sold. lam going totake some of it home
for voyeur's sae. and that of my friends. and should like
to hear from you whether you would like an agent at
Blontville, Sullivan County, East Tennesree; I ran get
some of the merchant/to act for you es I live near there.
• :
Yours respect fatly,
A BRA SA II lIPCLELL A N , of Tennessee.
For sale Wholem le and Retail, by
R. E SELLERS, Anent,
Wood street , bet ow Second,.
WARM. FOR, SA L . E.—The undersigned offers for rete - -
'his farm, lying in Ross Towaship tulles from the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres errand of which
60 are cleared and under fence, irt ml 6 to 20 aercsof
meadow, 2 good Orchards of Appleci few Peach raid
Cherrytrces—the improvements are a iarge frame house
containing 10 rooms welifnrnished,talcolated (bra Ta.
Vera or private Dwelling. a frame Om 28 by 60,stone
bastomott, and stabling, sheds rad other out hotisessilit•
able Art a tenement;-2 good Gardens surrounded with
entrant bushes. and a well of excellent
pomp in at theAront door. In relation to the Plitsimr,gb
I and Allegibetrk , market, -Morelli - no plicrinerw - ofiltred
sato wkir moreinducamint to those wiehliges yearbook
near PiUmbergli. the terms will he made moderate. lbw
art her particularsapply to the proprietor at bib Clothing
Store, Liberty street earner Virgin Atte/-
N B Ifaot sold before the let of October seat, It will
be divided into 10 and 20 acre iota to suit purchaaers
Tiering been aillicted far nimbi fern years, With a
1. hard swelling on the cap of
. nriy knee, which
produced much pain, and used mum applicutiotw,
recommended by the faculty—mll in vain, eras carect
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brawireth‘s
liniment, or external remedy.
Witness my hand, JAMES TAYLOR.
Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jen. 10, 1040'. -
Dr. Brandredes etternal remedy trr sold
at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburg*, pricer
150 cents per bottle. , feb 8,
Look at This.
THE a tt ention of those who have been sonteribes
sceptical in reference to the tuuntrrous ceriiis
cams published in favor of Dr. Serape's - - ;
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account ofthe persons
unknown in this Section State , is resPeesfal*
meted to the Wowingate , the writer ef w hi c h.
has been axitieen of this borough for severalyears,m4
is knoWn as &gentleman of integrity and respotuddity.
To the. geit,Blr :J. KIRBY.
I have nacidDr. OwBYriee C 09 , 0 " 1 4 Syrup /*NM
Cherry fora Cough, with which Brave been eat -lyk,
a ffli c ted for about four months, and I hare no heeiteakes
in wlYiatdiet it 10 the Meet L affective medicine that I
have bentable reicecure. It otimall areawd a p aa .
and egress wall with my diet, --tag main' minas regular
and goo .21 w '• Ima siseesell ietterMell4 itto all
ofewmswbaslyoillicred. J. Mitramat, Bowes* of.
March 9,1810. 'Cisambersb....
For eale by WILLIAM THOI4 .
N 0.53 Maricrtorvet,
rev 23)