/t appears our announceme nt of the death of JOHN BIRD Was premature. manly Major Beckham, the gentle- Weder' of the Penitentiary, inform s us that bu st /Sardis heal th not only living but is in the enjoyment of ro. , and his general conduct is higidy exem plary ANTED.—Places for a numbe r of Clerks. _!— Sales men, Warehouse men, Gardeners, La borers. e Ilfillrite and several Carpenters, several Boys ' apt trades. f_l7' Wunted--several sums of money to borruw \Vented, severei good Cooks for Hotels, and respectable privute Families. Enquire nt HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence Oilier, No 9 1 Fifth street. iohn Coffey, FASHIONJBLE BOOT AND SHOEsegliaa MAKER. MO 5.6, Third street, between Wood and Market 111 third doer from the Post Office would most res. pectfully inform Iris friends and the public generally that he is prepared to make Boots and Shoes in the la test and most approved style, as he has furnished him self with the hest a French and Philadelphia materb his, and has in his employ the most experienced work ' men. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patro naee. N. B.—Repairing done with neatness and despatch. apl 0-3 m. A- flro cm -.------ i ---- ---.-----_______ ril AKLS this method of calling veglfiaja _l. the attention of his friends and the Public genet-illy, to hi t --•" -3 sPtenum assortment of 'BOWS and SHOES, at his new store, No /12. 11/ For .7. Louis and Ellinoistßier. ri k „ fhe new and fast running steamer BELLE AIR, - N. B. BARCLAY, Master, Market street. two doors from Liberty, w hure he 1733 Will de an for the above and all intermediate landings 41/0 hand an as.ortm ent of Ladies', Gentlemen's nod l o nturPdhay, the 13th instant. at 10 u'elock.pusitivel:. t.hildrett' Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by any house F Sa frei e t or pk r ssage app ,y u . n b :srd r to in the city. A. his goods are all selected tor the retail a/1 BIRMINGHAM & Fill LER, ‘Vaterst. market. his work a ill be of the hest quality. !le _________—_-____________-_----_- ----- 1 I would also remind his oil I. • 1 I L ' r " "" t 'tt "e st il l coati. I Wm. O'Hara Robinson, U. 8. attorney , noes the mattufactur e uf hoot, and itlice s to order,— iAs ~, ,„red his Wile, to Fourth. near "OA --- -------- Those wishin, g to purchase hadlautet gi , , e hire a cell I Al' , tr .. et i„tely ,-„.„ 1 „,., 1 b y e. O tt , rugh, 'Esq. WINDOW SASII, GLASS, LIM. dr.e-----"'. before buying elswhele. (AN hand. or procured at short notic e for customers, r.F.Lonk out for th e sip, ~r the (.4„1„.,,t,nh,,8n0t N4llrfillta..:l:l.B-4-I.liave itinred ot% docke t and prof;•1- V 500 &nen 8- 10.9-12, 10 12. mid 10-14 Window find Shoe Emporium. Std., and Glass to suit. Also, Nails and Brads, Lou "--- loos) In ine 4in thy him is ~t. Wm O'Hara liobin,o n , . -___________ _ i,', who" ',, • ' ' . jA Vile Lifib•, wooden Bowls, Tubs, Gin ens, Buckets, ---.---.--..----.--- I 41. i . - Family Groceries. , Hose, and Handles. Hatchets, Brushes. Coffee Mills, NI trnh •23 C I/AFC/LAG/1. ! VRESII FROM THE E.t.s.rEfo; CITIES! Nlatches, 1 00 - wros s of Moles pender Buttons, tot I rods W REINHART & STR,,NG. --- annssurt , assert moot of Ciertuan ive `r u b le and Tea Spoons, A RE now reeeiving tte•ir Sprieg buipplie t , or GOOD I - r N the Court of Gorman - 1i Pleas, of Alleghtmy cmtn- 1 a variety of Hardware, &A... for sale low for Cush or _.‘""l THINGS, and bei•tp; ,letertnined that thei r c... ' 1 Tv, in t h e Qik,,,,,nonwealth of P ennsylvania, at approv,4le,fitntry produce, to snit rut stomeni. tablishmen• shall tr, t he surpassed by 'my "her 1/1 this f 01.:j/IIIT .I .•rrti. 1340, N 0126. ISA AC HARRIS, Ag't. , r and Com. Merchant N 0.9, Fifth sr. rity,eitlier in the vari..ty IIi•VX,CeIII.IICe Id its art icies.tne y 1 I VIIO HA . 11l the "latter a) And now to wit, March : ap 1 n trove CI VE.II particular utten t io n Loth() ~, 1,,,i,,,u iii _______---_ their , ••••••••••••• the volomarya s - •k 30. 1849 on motion of C . ---------------_--- -- ---- Only otto haling---Now Ready. NEW STUCK, with a special desire ofpleasing their i L. S. signment 1.1•J/1.21 (Ii LOOMi•, Ellg. the Cour, i NIAV N ovel by Mary Hewitt, Love and Money customers, and m.triti in a c ontinuatte e of that patron- I Hurt ion. j appoint Franci s It Sittink A air hitherto 90 liberally bestowed upon them. II) Ritchie and C S Eyster, E•ers, A ieliters, to audit I an every day *Tale. This is a most excellent ln returning thei • -, r grn(Pful "' know ledeements for the aceoun t of the assignees filed in tlii, case. , work, and will be found top ossess unusual interest to past favors, R & s woitli rake this ocnusio n to re- 1 From rho Record 'all beers of fiction of a high character. new the invitation to their friends and the public, to 1 GEORGE R RIDDLE, Pro. 1 For sale at COOK'S Petiodical Depot. npr 9 call and examine their assortment, in which may be The anditmv in the above case will mee t for the tor- P ; !MOTEL & BOARDING. ROGAN. haand the following articles: pose tlipeffunninvk—.-....4' duty redder the above it FRANKLIN HOUSE. 36 chest Fine Green and Black Tens, consistinguti meet, at thetas + of French R Shenk, Esq„ ii, .ith 1 Hysnn. Young Hyson, I roperi Gunpowder; 'Street, Pittsbur g h, on Tuesday, the 30th April, ins[„ i THE subscriber respectfullr informs his friends Boucher chop Powchong, Orange Pere°, and ;at 3 o'clock PM, at which time and place those in- I A., end the public, that he has opened a Hotel and Rose Flavored. f terested are hereby notified m attend. I Boarding House in Third street, a few doers from 12 Boxes Loaf Sugar, assorted qualities, • FRANCIS R SHENK, Wood, where traveler' and others will be accommo -5 Bbls Crushed du. (a handsome article; 1) RITCHIE:, dated cin the must reasonable terms. The henna is 2 " Fine PUlvatise do. I a5-3w C S EYSTER. spacious, and has heon fitted up at considerable ex -5 " Boston Syrup, (genuine:) 1 ------- T---------- pence, and every arrangement is made that will en. 2 " Philada. do (a beautiful article;) CUL sure the comfort and render satisfaction to boarders 25 " Mackerel No I, 2,3: RERT, and ludgent. A share of public patronage is respect -6 " Halifax Salmon; and A ll ey. fully solicited, • 10 Half bbls Afackerel; a 44 York, the Sr 15 Boxes Scaled Herring: von hand. 6 " Italian Maccaroni; iety of the t S• . " Vermicelli: 10 • " Prime Rock Candy; .an. fashi 16 " Pickles, assorted; fully ins a " French Olives.and Capers; lOC RI 20 " Drums Smyrna Figs; 22 " Goshen Cheese; - 50 " Resins, 6 Boxes Prunes: •16 " Oranges and Lemons; 11 " Castile, Toilet and fancy soaps: 15 " Sperm Candles, 4s,Ss and 6s. 28 " Chewing Tobacco, assorted; 10 Baskets Olive Oil, prime; 6 LlRg ~,.: ,pberry Vinegar (in Bottles;) J s , •ach White Wine--Vineger; 3 .'" Currants; 2 sot Rice--,Flour (fiesh;) 2 Bids Grottnd Ciinger,s bb l ' Alum; 1 " Cloves " Mace, 4 " Nutmegs; 4 - 100 ma 10 Bags Pepper and Alspice: ts cassia; 3 " Canary & Caraway seed; 12 " African Ground Nine; 5 " Cocoa Nuts; 8 " Liverpool Ground Saltl 1 8 " Salina do do (fee table use..) 00 " mi, Cotter: 10 " Old Gov. Java coffee, prime; 3 " Mocha Coffee; 2 BbleLondon Mustard, (in cans;) ri6 Dot Fine French do in pots, with a great e s , of rich meat and fish sauces, catsup, pres ryes, /ended fruits, &c. dte. All of which will be sold ow for cash. RF.INHART & STRONG, a 8. 140 Liberty st. Briford ra. , THE enrolled Mllltill residing within the bounds of tLe fiat Brigade of the Fifteenth Division :Putinsylviutia Militia will meet for training and in spection as follows: 1 The 28th regiment, by Col. Espy. Ist Batalion—on Monday, May, 13th. i2d do. Tuesday 14th. I 3cl do. Allegheny c.ainty V olunteers, by John S. Hamilton, W ednesday, 15th May I, 61st Regiment, by Col. William Douglass. I Ist Batalion —Thursday, May, /6th. or Cav- I alry told Forks Infantry, will parade with she Ist Bit- Wiwi. , ga Batalion-- : on Friday, May 17th. 7th do. Aillegheny co. Volunteer s , by Major Coon, on Saturday. Ma y , 18ds. 106th Regiment, by Col • D. M. Curry. Ist Batalion—on Monday., May, 20th. od do . ~ Tuesday, May, Ilst• sth do Allegheny co. Volunteers, on Tuesday, May ISAAC CRUSE. I2lst. Pittsburgh Legion, Co;. Trovillo, on Wednesday , No. 87, Smeith's Wharf, May, 22d. CollelnoslON AND FORWARDING 1 Jackson Independent Blues and Duquesne Greys, . 111 ERIFIANT, endame day. ast.sutoac. I d Batalion—Allegbeny co. Volunteers, by Major WILL attend to the purchase of Groceriiss and , John Anderegg, on Thursday. May, 23d. other articles, and forward the same with des- J 147th R egiment, by Col. Thomas Hamilton, on patch as dinscted. Mercha nts and mi,,e wanting , Friday, May, 24tb.—Birmingliam Guards, will parad e Fish, by forwarding their orders accompanied with ; with the 117th Regiment. the motley. may depend upon their orders beiog filled B7th R egiment, by Col. John Watt, on Saturday, skthe very lowest price, toad care taken LO geleet the May2sll. At such places as rise Of6cers of said Reg ber in the market. mar 22-2 m" I iments or Batalions may direct. I Brigade Inspector's O ffi ce, April 6th, 1844. Da Me LANE'S LIVER PlLL.—Addiionl tea . THOMAS M'EO%VN. among ° fib° effieecY et these valuable Pills. Brigade Inspector Ist B. 15th D. P. M.III rrrsaunoit, Saturday, April 14844. a 8 I rUST Received a splendid as of Fancy eft Prints, suitable for the season by HUEY &CO. aprlo Mr..). Irtop : Sir: Will you please to let me have six boxes of Dr MeLane's Liver Pills. I have been 'Aimed for in :ears with the Liverse ontplaint. severe pain in my side. loss of appetite and genera' dehilitY• by . _tried the bb's Pill. which is generally preectibed by pnyinekas, obtaieingonly temporary relief. Since ow lag MoLane's Liver Pills. I am nearly restonxi to per feethosafth and expect after using a few boxes more to be oonspititely urod. Te taperaneerille. Ap W. CO(JFIRAN ril 6.1844. Sok! at the dreg store of Y.:XTDD, ail corne r of 4.... imri Womimmy. trig tlail9.lllorni 4 -post FRIDAY rip. Sea feunka per, T NG 1112 Vats. --A very solenurterentoey took place yesterday at St ne o . Paul's Cathedtal. A young d the daughter of of our weakbieat and axe: re. L. apeetable, aerohanta entered the Order of the Sisters of Mer c y, by taking the white veil; and another lady, took the black veil a native of Ireland, Laving completed her probation, . By the way. 14r. Post, you havn't published Joari Truta's letter of instruetion about Texas, yet. Was it Written by the Captain himself, or by son Boast' or bY WU- guts. or theveritable Jona Jonas—chi—Gas. re of thft/ten whip told you to make that th Wh i ch who eacon ft It is very fare inns and may amuse are not interested, but is entirely too severe upon us; we can't stand it. ANOTRtit LULU. Age, for an article Ho WO understand that the Hot R. C. Galan intends prosecuting the editor of yesterday, commentin the rticle wholt appeared in that paper of g upon his private and judicial conduct. Yesterday - a gra fi t d a the co—urt House rot the tavern d not get klice eepers A /argil number of those who id nse were brought befor e the Court and fined, to various amounts ranging from twenty to forty dollars. RhING,• APRIL /2, 1844 iAm.... FOR CINCINNATI .c SST`..- Steamer CUTTER. COLL/S s, Master, -...---- will depart for the above and interme diate ports, on EVERY. SUNDAY at 10 o'clock, A M, Poniilively. The Cutter has bern thoroughly re paired, and furnished, with entire new boilers, and can be recommended to the shipping, and travelling corn , a wait! , as a safe and eXpeditious boat. For freights or passage apply on board, or to DIRAIINGHANI & TAYLOR, No 60, Water street. prevent ex The Cutter is provided with the Safety Guard, to plosion. Spring Fashios . No. 93, WOOD STREET, 1 . 1 .7 I Tdird Door below Diamond Alley. i TTAVING reteeived tom New York, the Sprine a..a. Fashion for Hats, I have now on hand. and will continue to manActure every variety of the most fashionable Hats, at the lowest prices. ) Persons wanting to purchase neat. cheap. rishinna ' tile Hats, wholesale or retail, are respectfully invited to call. S. MOORE. i ' i m2l-tianslm ...___ .._.__.______ __-- -- - Teeth! Teeth!! /, TAR. E, ME/tit/TT, beaus% haring returned to 1J the city, fur the purpose olattending labia proles mon, will perform all eutal oporations with skill and ease to his patients. 4.) j ein the MonougalseLa house, , 1 next door to the Ladies rance, on Smithfie l d st. a6 --J w _ . A A BBLS ust received ASSORTED ANABLA.CR, and fo sale w at the holesale and retail drugstore of r J. KI DD . . .11 corneref 4th aespyood streets. 1 413 DOZ. Fresh Lemuel Syrup by the doses, or 4P botde, at drug store of J. KIDD, a 11 corner of 4th and Wood anveta _ Porrif :Porrilli at tioat Agent and Contatieriens "Heretical, Water Street, near , 'Wood. D. B. $4 a 44e, Metzni ARRIVED. OeUs, Dolman, Brownsville, Daily Beaver Packet*, Clipper. Crooks, Cincinnati, Southerner, Tims, New Dredges Zanesville Packet l e , Zaries r rf Muskingum Valley, Bowen Zanesville Litt', Pike, Hines, New dieatts. DEP A RTElik Vermillion, Arnold, New gleans, Brunette, Irwin, Cincinnati, R Clayton, Gaskell, Brownsville, Moxaheda, Parkinson, Mon. City„ Daily Beaver Packets, /deiniont, Poe, Wheeling. ?or Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis. The new and splendid Passenger Steamer, NEW ENGLAND, &del B. PAWL', Muster, will leave for the above and intermediate ports on Tuesday, 16th inst. at la o'clook. For freight or passage apply on board, The New England is proyido.l with Evans' Safety Guard. n 9-1 w* U• S. MAIL STEAMER LITTLE BEN, CAPT. THACKER. For Cincinnati. Regular Wednesday Morning Parke!. The splendid passenger steam boat LITTLE BEN - , Capt. Thacker,will place and eine/nowtrun. ate regular packet between this bnittsburg every Wed. k nesday morning, at 10 o'cloc g k, P and Cinctrinati Saturday, at 10 o'clock. For freigla ar passage apply on board o.i to N.) 4, Wood street. suar2-3m The Little Ben is provided with Evans' safet to prevent explosion of boilers, y guard m26-3m. ---- DAILY BEAVER PACKET. ant a i t THE steamer CLEVELAND having been rebuilt, will commence her regu ar trips to and from Beaver, on Mom: day., the lath instant. leaving Pittsburgh every morn ing at 9 o'clock, and Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. M. (Sun days excepted). Fur freight or passage apply tu B IRMINGHA M & TAYLOR, marl Et No6o, Water street. _____ LARGE AND FRESH STOCK OF INGRAIN THEAND VENITIAN CARPETS. regular assortment of the above articles, at the new Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 and 63, Wand stree, has been greatly increased by fresh arrivals, so that the thatg variety ofpattern s and qualities can be found at present time, of any other place in the city. The colors and patterns are all of the choicest and most fashionable descriptions; and the sold at private sale, for tuss THAN carpets will be any witinst neil H st se in the city. Also, an assortment of Brussels, Tufted and Scbe. earth Rug s , m 25 C. S. EICKLEY. Auctioneer ( Piano Porte at Auctiaia. O Monday afternoon 15th inst. at. 2 o'clock will be &old at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, cm, nor of Wood and Fifth ots. One very superior toned Piano Forte, with French Grand Action, Rose wood case, and rasa() by the Boston Manufacturing any. J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. EIGHT TRUNKS AND CHESTS OF THEAT. ATRICAL DRESSES' AT AUCTION. Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, on Monday next, April 150 a. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold, witbuu, reserve, to pav freight and otherchsrges, eight trunks and chests of Theatrical Dresses. alt J D DAVIS, Auctioneer, ROCERlE S. — Constan t ly of hand and for sale, 1...71 - a general assortme nt of Family Groceries, of the best quality, selected with the utmost care, as reason ble us they can be had in the city, wholesale or retail. Best winters trained Sperm and I„nnip Oil, and sperm candles; a rhOice assortment of pure wines. brandy. Holland Gin, Champagne Brandy of 1830, 10 year old Rye Whiskey, etc. mll-1m ilinaic For the Ladies. PARTS IST AND2D OF ATH L E MUSICA ALBUM COLL ECT ro N of concerted pieces for Soprano Rut g ers voices, by I:. v es, J a., Teacher of Music at the ' Female 11l citutonsnste. Price 25 cents. Each number w iist of 24 pages of choice mu sic for the voice and pia no f orte, ruch as no where else can he found, for four times the prices. Ladies will send to COOK .5 Periodical Depot 83 fourth street, and purehpse It copy err 11l THENew dreival of Queensware Ohizus. subscriber would respectfully invite the at. teution of the pubiic to htspresent stock of White Glazed Ware, rt superiorarticle, together with a select assortment "rlYbite French China,comprising all the necessary piece s to constitute complete sets of all and Tea ware. Also. a general stock of articles suitable for the sup ply of d coun at htis ry merchants, to which their attentionjis inite old au acts. stand, corne r of Front and Weod a I ly HENRY RIGBY. !150 BOXES PRIME LEMONS, 100 bbls Green Apples, 50 packages green and Slack Teas, la bbla Maple Molasses, 1 " Boston Syrup, f I " N. 0. do, Received and or sale by J D WILLIAMS, al 0 No 28, Fifth street. NEW CASII Dry Goods and Varie J ty Store: J. K. L,regan ,:c. George Conned, H AVE opened n new rash Dry Good e and variety Store in Fifth street, between the Exchange Bank and Wood street, under the firm of J. K. Logan & Co. Their stock of Goods are entirely fresh and having been all purchased for CASH, principallyat Ewell JJJj ,by George Connel, (who has had long experienc e in the bled business, and resides in Philadelphi a to make p sea and pick up bargains,) they will, therefore be ena urcha- t chase : o offer great indacement a to those wishing as they are determined to sell at the lowest possible advance oneastern cost for CASH They have now on hand a large and well seleoted stock of seasonable Goods, among which are Blue, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Brown, Steel and Cadet, mixed Broadcloths; Cassimeres and Sattinets; Gam= broons Linen and Cotton Drillings; Cottonade; Vestings, fancy prints; 34, 4-4 and 5-4; Bleached and Brown Muslim; Irish Linen; Bed Ticking; Mari ner's Shirting; "Titley, Tatham & Walker's " and "Hope & Nelson's" Patent Thread; Spool ductal)/ Sewing Silk; Silk and Cotton Hdkf's; 30 hour, anti 8 day Brass Clocks, warranted: &c., iSr..c. They will be constantly receiving additions to their stock purcha secl at the eastern auction, and would invite the attar). lion of drelers and others to an e xamination of their goods before purchasingelsewhere. Pittsburgh, April 1, /844. -Credits AND TOBACCO. 44 fpLiberty et., dive doors above eafield- HE subecriber, having received the !Agency for the 1 sale of A Stein's (of Philadelphi) cekbrated Havana Cigars, respectfully acquaints the public that they will always find at this store a splendid assort ment of Spanish Cigars, as Uses. Regalia% Berea gos, Cassell*, and half Spanish, Cigar cases, snuff bases, New tunes, rind all sorts of chewing tobacco. P STROMBERG, Agent of A Stein. 2 turtion D. ba I Ad= ld% AUCTIONEER AND COMM/SS/ON MERCH'T Corner Woodand Sams., Pitishirgh. I s ready to receive merchandise_ of every descriptio A. on consignment, to" public er private sale, from long eicperierice.hi the above business, flute himself that lur will be able to give entire satisfacti to all who may &vet bins with theirpatrenage. Regular sides on MornaYS and TatrasnAr a of Dry Goods and f!ncy articles, tlO o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittslonjilmarnifactun,d articles,now ana seemainai ttr•-• at 2 o'eksek, Sales every erening,atearlygas Xl4'7 v rs at Auction. WILL be sold at the New Auction Roosts, Na.. 61 and 63, Wood street, on Friday afternoon, 13th ins at 2 o'clock, 10,000 feet Finely cured Ma hogany Veneers. They will be divided into small lots, to suit Cabinet Makers, and arranged for exami nation on :be moruing of the day of sale, on the first floor of the Auction Rooms. These veneers have been consigned direct, from die East, and vrill be cold to the highest bidder wihont re serve. April 9 C. S, BICKLEY, Auctioneer. HENRY F. SCHIVEP CHRISTIAN SCHMF:RTZ, - ...aaelphiaand altimore the seperiority and advantage s of the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation are too well known to shippers esnerally to requirecomment: Public sul" suffice it to say, that the detentiondoss, separation and Sit ipp Y viitue of an authority given in the /as damage to Goods, invariably attending three Iran -LP will and testament of William Masten shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelhia, are deceased, late of the borough of %Vaahington, Pa., the by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. undersigned executor of the estate, will offer at public To give undoubted security to owner* and shippers, sale, on the premises, that valuable lot of ground 01 the 1 all goods and produce shipped lar , this line will be ia. city of Pittsburgh, situate on the corne r of Smithfi e ld I slued" ponsible office in biladephia, vritbout and Second streets. near the the House,con- !any t ail charge to the °Wools tabling 80 feet on Smithfield street and 60 feet on Se. i Met ehandise shipped by this /ine ki any of the east and street, more S r less, on which is erected a two ' ern cities. and cons/gruel, tci li Devine &Co, will he for story brick dwelling house, a frame dwelling house warded i mmediately on arrival at /Pittsburgh in any and other buildings. The ground may be divided in- part of the west, free of commisatona. to four lots, go. by 6Q feet each, and will be ,old sepia- H. Devine will receive produce consigned to. kint„ rate or together, ta suit purchasers. The sale will take , pay steamboat freight and charges, and forward' shy place on ‘Vednesday. the 15th day of May next, at 2 same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no COM.. o'clock P. M., and the terms , which will be easy, mad e i mission s for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any kin .wn by R. OFFICER. co mmunicetion s or goods directed to the care of the i mar 12-ts undersigued Agents will be__promptly attended to. (Pennsylvanian pnbli.li in weekly paper till sale, H. DEVINE & Co., and charg e this office.] Canal Ruin, /Aiberty street, Pittsburgh. BUZBY & BROTHER, 36u Market street, below Tenth, Phitadelphia. GIESE & SON, Commerce street Wharf. Baltimore. B A FA HNESTOCK & CO, 100 Front street. New Ynrk. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3. Chathamstreet, Dorton. BuTS ilding Lola in Birmin g h am dutia 13 LO, ble for building mod eligibly sit- 1 uated, and within two. .4.4 -nes' walk of the I eteerni ferryboat ding, will't.!, tid at prices to suit , the times. The te an rms of payme,.. will be made eas, either for cash or such barterer can be made availabley. Apply to the subscriber s in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Paterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsbu rg h. _lane 1. JAS. PATTERSON... 4% SEASONABLE DRY GOOBS,...___ Riley & Co., No 123, lVood 'Street, A RE new reretvinz a fresh stuck of Sprint Dry Goods, a high they have lately purchased in the east, entirely for rash. and they flatter themselves hat they can now tufer such Illikeellliet l t A MI will make t the titterer t of all purchaser s to sive them a rail, as they are determined to sell goods cheaper than any . I I other house west of the mountains. al To Lease, LOTS Noe. 25, 26 27, 34, 85, 85, 86. 87, 110, 124, 125 nod 126 Irvin's Plut---Seutt's lars Any peraon wialtiug tulcaseean learn fur th er Particu by upplyin g to A. CUL BERTSON. Qr the film of Poindext er & Co., l'ittthurgh, or to S. BLOOD, Allegheny City. I mar. 25-dr. Pa pH E Undersigned have this day entered into part 1. nership, for the purpose of doing a Transporta tion. and fe ar Forw of ng, and Commission business under the mar 28 stylerm H Devine & Cu. H. DEVINE. } .G WHITESIDES. 1 wicklyse A classical and com erci , llboardi n g schoolfor boys, On the Beaver Road, 14 miles from Pittsburgh. RSV. JO*. S. TP•YALLI, PRINCIPAL. THE Summer Session will commence on WED_ NESDAY, MAY 1, 1844. Term—Rord inz, Tuition, Washing, Fuel, Lights, &c, per session of five months. $65 ---one half payable in advance Books and stationary furnished when required, at the expense of the pupil. All clothing to be distinctly marked. Pupils furnish their own towels. It is very desirable that all should bepreseat nn the first day of the session. Refer to Hon Charles Shaler, Dr Joseph P Gazxam. o:3rFor further particulars inquire of the P‘VIN ter street , rin cipa l , or of Messrs JOHN 111 & SONS, No 11. Wix a3-1m ALG ic" -- 41 "..-. 3 , N a s go & McGUIRE ARE now opening one of the richest and most ex. tensive stock s of Goods that they have ever been able to offer to the public, every piece of which has been boughtand selected carefully. Our cloths are of the choicest make, imported—black, blue and olive French, from medium to the finest qualities; Naval blue, black, invisible, rifle and olive greens, of En- ' glish and American; Doeskin and Seeded French (lain simeres, very drastic! Cooper's make of English, Plain and Fancy do. The variety of V estings comprising all lite newest patterns, is endless. Our trimmings are also of the first qualities. Although we do not profess to sell lower than the lowest, yet we again pledgo ourselves to make work that will compare with that of any other establishment eater west. e2-tf ALGEO & McGUIRE, 251, Liberty street. InnECEPlltifit'S AIIICITION WANT, THECORNER OT WOOD & SECOND STS. undersigned very respectfully tenders hie ger, vicies to the public, and to Importers, Merchants and M anufacturer s , as a general AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. lie has taken out a license and entered into the securi- FABRICS. ties required by law, for the trap saction of PusLic SALES of all FORZ/O N AND DOMESTIC GOODS AND An experience of a series of years in ccnamereird life has furnished the undersigned with some knowl edge of business nearly twnty years of which have beeq devoted actively to o the auction business, w hich may be a d v antageous to those who confide to him the sales of property. TO the IMPORTER every facility will be offered in dis posing of Dry Ciaode. Groceries and Hardware. end IO the Howe Mannoracturer, the most prompt at tention will be paid in the sale of Aceericexprodsiets. Sales e s t reel and personal estate in town and coun try shall command the best services of the undersign ed. Arrangements will be made whereby /iberal ad vent-se mill be wade on comeirtnestie, and sales in every instance closed without delay. Be/OP* will be co and consignments received o th e first day of April, when the regular days of sale shall be announced. P McKENNA, in.2B- I ra The Old Auctiimeer. (City Dailies copy 1m) (Philadelphi a U. S. Gazette and New York Courier a aari___.....____...Lisd Enquirer copy one month and charge this office.) W. J DAsV/TT., formettof the Iran CityCleth lite Dorrassag, where . I:: ° lll w heleWstsat tAe hi s ( 1 • 1112$ 4 former customers, and wee them to the best of his ability. a3-rf CZ:21111 ,for et 0f.a..• . .. ray Stoat T"Lethb7iecitu"' well t i i is g "I st: a t: l 7 occupied by J W Lightner, Esol. Also, a very neat two story brick house on Liberty street, adjoining the Wesley Chapel, only six rooms„ with a first rate garden, fruit, grapey, &c, , tro. Also, a three story brick dwelling house on n his eer home can Grant, contain vi ing skit comfortable roo ms,. As t he di&d was to rent in tbnie b e meats without interfering with one amine it will be so let if two Aiso„ two lfte and beautiful kite situate on the west side:of the canal , is Afiegtieny city, part of Warner, Painter thLnrenesplan, will be sold on an improving lease s no t's Also, La id the Fvaacto cant lnts en pberty street, opposite Bru ry, Also, Also, e lot a vacant Jot cornet of Penn and Adams st. of ground, cornet of Factory and Etna streets, sth Ward, 100 feet front, running to low water mark. MITCH pIy Ap at the Real Estate- Offices of BLAKELY & ward. EL, Smithfield street, and Penn street, sth For sale as above. several well improved Farms in Allegheny and adjoining counties. al2 MMftinmw atki=l abgENI 0. A, 0441APIT/LTY'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the tr ansportation of 3 'erebandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE PHILADEL THEPHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. success this line has met with. wince ft was first established on the "Individuai Enterprise system, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Boats during the winter to twenty-five, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphi a and Bal timore even- day (except Sundays) during the season. and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantage s of the Portable Beat System overevery other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any corn ment. di Shipes can rely on having theirproduce, merchan or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded wish dispatch and at the very &west rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any addition*/ charge made for meek,- ing or advancing charges, &c. All co mmunication s to the following Agents will be promptly attended to: CHARLES A. McANULTY, At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st, Baltimore. IV & J T TAPSCOTT, jai/ 31-ly No 43, Peck Slip, New York. THOMAS BORBIDGE -________ 272, Mark et street, Philadelphia. -_-.--.1-Z7.,.._ .. . aeliaall ai CITY L" alis C"IRON L INE " OF CANAL BQA TS, ONNECTIND with steamer Cleveland, at Bea ver, will be in operaticm on the 25th instant, to Cleveland daily. The above line is composed of 8 good Cana/ Roats, commanded by experienced men, and will depart es , - ery motriqg to and frora rittsburgb and Cleve/awl, at 9 o'clock. Proprietor s of thrahove line ere Messrs. HUBBY- & HUGHES, ()Lovelan, O. " STA NDARY, INGRAHAM & CO-, Cleveland, O. Freight of all kinds will be carriml as low as by any other good and responsible line. For freight or pas sage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, nuu-I8 No 60, Water street. ....,, Freights to Phils4olph4 spAdPhati,tors. M ERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' LINX 1,-ICIR. transporting Goods. Merchandise, Produce, &c., between Goods. M erchandise, Nilade/Ain end Battirsore Goods will he received and forwarded by this line on as accommodating terms and as short time as by any other responsible Line. All goods forwar ded from Philadelphi a by this Line will be insured The Proprietors and agents will give their whole at tentionand endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. We invite strip pers, merchants, manufacturers and others to give us a call before shipping elsewhere. Me to the agents will be received. freight and charges paid, and forwarded without additional charge fur for vrarding or storage. SAMUEL W DAY, H L P ATTERSON • Proprietors, AGENTS; Samoa MlCier, Canal Basin, near 7th st. Pittsb'g ISansue/ W Day, lit and 2d Wharf, below Race st. Delaware &sae Cruse, Baltimo re , P t!i l icielPhia- If L Patterson,Hollidayaburgi Jesse Patterson, Johnstown. I 4. N Briggs, New York. B Reynold* & Co., Boston iirint To: James McCully, Irvin & Martin, R Robinson & Co, J W Barbridge &Co, Henry Coulter, C G Hussey, John Carothers, F& Carothers, George Breed, F Sellev J s Samuel McNight, Louisville Samuel Wilson, Madison, lq. Feb 13, '44 marvuaTh lbw .4:113 a gr a it e The S wiftistre, flbinson,*Mastor, kieee Thum *at 0 o'cl, a. . The,utter,lCotliasock m eTerl 314,:er, lessee freri7Thund4Tigl 1 0 (Nock a, r a „ ?be Montgornem Beett, &fluter, leavesirreryilat uniay at 10 o'clock ann , The day Express, Parkinson, Master, kaese evegam. ae 10 o'clock a. su. JOHN BIRMINGHAM *CO„ itipmet. rbSTEP'S Axes stet Edge Took, firma * by -Ude' GEO COONTRAII, No 26. Woad will. =-~_ ii=!!! Jan PORT - ARLII after ulna, For Ms transportatio n of ME RCHANDIZE A lirD PR DUCE JlTTsin aftwass BURG fiteli vat EILLADELPRIA. PITTS H AND iMITIIKORE, ass es NEW YORE AND. B Torc H DEVISE, E G WHITESIDES, IProprieters, BDZBY & BROTHER, JllO ESPECTFULLY inform theirfriend e and shippers ' , generally, that they have changed the name °Altair Tnstaportation Line, (roan the United States Portb/e Boat Line. to the American Portable Boat Liao- This line is composed of twenty-five new Four Sec tion Pittsburgh, one of which will_ depart daily, from Philadelphir Th. 2844. Pia s b„, th •S'ilver ............. . .......... . . ...:..... PENNSYLVANII.--PITTABEHOH. „par Bank of PittthargA . . ..•-..-- ... . ... par EMere-haat* asui dlasalfactarers' mama ... ... . „poi nacts'," ................. ... " ...... ....par De. Hollidaynhergh ........ - . .• • : ....par PH ILADELPHIA. Bank of Nora America .......... Do Northers Liberties..... . .. . .. . .....par .. .... .par Do Jecasswmaliits - . • "...... ....luny Conunercial Beak tit..... ... . -par KeliFarmer' caul Mac bosh. ..... .......44111 lifigtolg bask. . i ..... ,„ .... ...... .pm. MAfintitfaCtairerg 411411 Mechanics' ............ Afechanic5:.............." ........ .... ...: par 0yame55ai5g_......................... par SPhiladelphia bask ......................... par Southekuyikin ..... " .................. . . , ... „pea Westewark .... ." .............. ..„ . „ ....par r*. ...... " ............ .... " ...... .. por Gißank of l'ens rownship ...... „ ... . ..... ....par rard bank. .... . ....... .......... ..... la U. 8 ba,ak avid br-crathett TRY .. . . . —S. .. .........30 COUNTRY BANK Baxo of l'iterniew,„o„ ...... . • • . ..... ...•.pet county. ..... ........ ...... paw " Delaware comity ...... ... .. ..... -pas " Afonigoeseil touletf.... —.• .. ..... -par " Northumberhoed.—. —.....• .. .... -pow EFarmer.' bunk of likeks comely .... .... ... . • .far aeloa bawl .. -.. .. ... . ...... .... ........pe. Doyleaown bank . ... . .. ..... .." -" . . • • . par PrisOilisi 'bank of War). • 100, ................ I Bank of Ohanthersbor Middt ght........... ......• • .1 0 Getty:burgh .........._ -.......... I " Leloistosolit..... —. • . ..... -... .....I " Sasfaeluaraa county .- - - ~... ........... .2.5 4 :county r3ank . . ..................... ...73. CColumbia Bankansi Bridge Company... ...... I Eriartisk bank ............. -- ..... ..... ..... .1 e bank ....... ~... ........ ~.... -- -..... 1 Farmers ansi Provers' bank„,„. -,......1 '' Bank of .I.,,aneaeter ........ ~. ~.....1 Harri" Bank of Reading. .-.... ...... .„..... j ffenesburg bank ........... - ---- ........... 1 sciak "........ ...... Laneastr ............. - .... —.. ...... .. .. .. .. 1 1 LebLancaster co. " ............ .. .• . .• . ..... 1 anon " ..... ..... ................. .1 Afinerelsaa.k of Pottsvill .... .... ........... .1 Monanionikga bank si Brownsville ...... .....,...1 NortkNew Hops anat Detettotare Bridge e0ntpany....,...2 Tomanampton bamE.... ............ ....no sale Wyomida bask ........... °. ...... .. -- • .... 85 ng bank ............. ........... .... • ... 1 York Wes t Beanek bank.— ..... ...... .. ....—. •.7 lnsnk . ... .. - ........... ..-......• -I, ORIEL Belmont bank of SC CZ/Tirana*. - • - -,---.!-*--....-- 4 : Ciincan bank of Columbus— .. • ..•...'..e..5... Columbiana bank of New Lisbon.— -.4 .. ..,...:.: ... - Circieville (Lawrence, cashier) .... a , ..... .... _. ( Warren, ea/ajar) .... —.,:t..m0 sale- . 3, Cioseintsati bank*. ....... ... ... ... • ......... i 1 I Ckillieotha. bank-. ...... . ................... . • ' C ommercial bank of Lake Erie, . ... ...... ..... 3 •,1 Franklin bank of auk -..... .... • . l' '. -; .Farnsers'arnal Mechanics' bank of Sieneen;„4- e.. " . - GeauFarmers' back of Canton_ .......... . • ..... .30 . Gra/w ga .......................... .. . ....... I : ale .................. . ........ -......•• se- Hamilton ........................... ......10 i i Marie Lancaster ................................. 10 i Afasstta ............. ....... ....... • ..• • ......4. - iamt...„.... .. •. • ....—. ,-,... „ ... . 4• -1 Afeckmciat;orad Trader,: Cilvainr- Alamsl.Plr -- - . matti,....... -. • .2 teaoant ...... -...-,.. -... • ..". •,---..- ./ PutnaNorwalk ............ __,.........„..., ...... ... Sandum ........... .—...•..... ..... „..,. 4 sky .................. ..........,.. ~...1 Scioto ............ .... .- .. ...... ~.,.“1 Urbana ................. .. —........ Xenia Wooster ..... ..._....... .... _. • ..... l i ........ Zanes.. . ......... _.—... —.. ...... ..• --...... ... i vle .—.- —......-.... .... ..... i Bangf Cievet,;n4 ....... b State..... • - - .... Ef(DIANA. &ink' anti rzniclea....-... ....... ..... ..... . I - State Scrip. .......... . —...... ...... .... . 12 KENTUCKY AR bank*. State bank ...... Bank of Minas, wneetoten ...... .. .. ~. -5* --': V IRGINIA. '0 Bank of the Valley of Virginia ....... .. ...... .11 i Bank of Virginia. _. .... ...... ~..... ....." .. • '' 'i Exchange bank of iirionia. ..... —__....- Parateebank of Viiginh 2-- •—" -- `.... • 1 Nora. Western bank of nrginia.... ......... Merchants' and Afeekaniete bank of Virginia. Baltimore City hanks MAITYLAND. . • .. .. ... ... -.per 4111 other etilvent banks— .......... ...: .. _ .1. . 1 All solvent banks NO RTH CAROLINA. -.——-.• . .. ...... —.-. ' 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. —V 411 rolv Allsoivent banks.. .GE0RG1A...... ALABAMA: • • • •• -• • • 2. Mobile banks. ..... New Orleatuo boats (va)._ R. TENNESSEE. * —"" All bonlcs . BOON. .. .. ....... . *BID --- PRINTING O TTICE": 7• W. cosysit 07 WOOD S 71771. The proprietors of the Moaxine Pb,,. analllsit cony AND MAIII7IIPACTULLE respectfully inform the* -; friend s and the patrons these meta, that thaY hall -. a large lad wel/ chosen essortineet of . • wllreclo.lll3ll nivr t* virjup.3EiClgo a Cl 2. Vilna litatioUttne 1 klia Nocewity SO 4 .14 Printing Osee, sad that th Braßartal to mom ey air s I . , LETTER PRESS PRINTING OF EVERY DESCREitiON. . 144.11 Bilis of Lading, Ciresoc". '-' Pica ,alets, I Bill He Ceads, Hinicioills, Blank Checks, iliac Tim. all Itinbs et Slinks, . Stage, Steasedioat mut Caj /kW 414466 **kap • s="fe "tend 1 rei.......a._ 1 Prints& op else Noce .... nest .„, terms. 1 Vir e n'sfamis 2ll Yaah Iha '. . siaithies4.l4 4 tho peke* in general in thie *four eticresee; , 1 July 31, 1343. PRILUPS & SP&ITIL, . !•llaghn s, 141:Ebrarec.itdami &71 •4 1.1 .pl uivr i a4 .*"1""I ' i in Issogit:47lellakeimic i tich we wit; lo maw to Mr ? chopper than it hes beretogirokien WI Itt dsiteity. (tom Orders fon% the _country eettegoppied k" ° A l atrit!& t` •LL cAstS) 1 1 , 111 he insissghi to. : „ IL .& nark ~,e 1 o—tf 011fice OA. Mist and hi Sank NAtit 484 most it c oso,wqo ♦im " as, SPECIE STANDARD. I Mirralsaag e _ . *At Maaisfleetarsro' Scrip. 4 AtisrAcage RentStirjr4 44 . . .. .44444 4., &as aele‘triger4P ....... • ESCLIANCIE-.AT, SIQUIa. as PAikidelAids. ~, . • , ........... Nor York..:. .. ..... -. i itoeva. ....................... .... pi iiii. .Baltirsior ' s...... : ............ ,„.,. r e , t, SPECIE, • .r.••....... ----- . 1LL1N015..... .. ..... ' ---- • ..