PUBLISHED DAILY. BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE. NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, FITTsBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN •ADVANiiv. VOL. H.. NO. 178. EDITED BY THOMAS PRELLIPS, N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets TOGRXI3.—Five dollars a pear, payaLle in tuivance. Single copies Two CENTS—for sale at the counter of .we Office, and by Boys. The Weelay Mercury and Disanfacturer .1 published at the same office, a double medium I legit, at TWQ DOLLARS a year. in advance. Sin g a copies, SIX CENTS. TEEMS OF PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50 One mouth, $5 00 Two do., 075 Two do., 6 00 Three do., 1 00 Threedu.. 7 00 One week, 150 1 Four do., 800 Two do., 300 Si . do.. 10 00 Three 0.,' 400 Ono year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CH•NGSA BLI AT ?LEASURE. 4 One Square. Two Square,. Six tititith!.. $l2 00 Six months, $23 00 ,One year, 25 00 One yoar, 35 00 L - 41..arger advertisements in proportion. r4PCARDS of four lines S/E DOLLARS 6 year. Public Offices, &c. " — City Post Office, Third between Market and W4.xid streets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. Custom House, Water, lth door from Wood it. ,re terson's buildings—William B. Mowry, Collector. City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second streets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. County Treasury, Third street, nest door to tile rhird Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston. Treasu rer. Mayor's Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Alexander Hay, Mayor. Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near Market st. BANKS. Pittsburg/1., betw•enn Market and Wood streets on Third and Fourth streets. Merchants' and ifa n nfarturers• and Farmers' De posit Bank, (forrnrly Saving Fund.) Fnurth, between Wood and Market streets. Exchange, Fifth .t. near Wood. HOTELS. Monongahela [louse, W ater street , n.•ar the B ridge. F..cehange Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair. .Vercisnats' Hoed, corner of Third and Wood. A nteriraitHotel.corner oft Lard and Smithfield. United States. corner of Penn et. and Canal. Spread Eagle, Liberty StIVOI, near seventh. Miner's Mans ion HI , it SC . Liberty St., opposite Wayne. Broatihurat'a Il¢nsina flonsr, Penn St.. opposite Canal. TIIE TREE WAY TO RECOVER H EA 1,111 Ly'An individual only wishes to know the right way to parnite it; end there or unne, w,•re it •dn-ely made known ho, (Ark tilißbt he prolonged and lealth recoverotl. ho would not d.lubt the plan.— Evidence in required that tho right 'way is discovered Thin in what those nutTering from sieknens want to be eathified about. For who in 5 , 1 foolish a• not t • enjoy all the health that hin body in capable 47 Who i: there tfret would not Ilse when his experience c a n so much benefit hi m+elf and family? It is a melancholy fact that a very lingo proportion of the most useful member , of 'moiety die logo:on!, the ages of thirty and forty. How many widow, and helplrnn orphans have been the connequenen or mandkind not fun ing in their own power the mean, of restoring health when lost. Now all there dange.rn and dilfietilties can he preven ted and the long and certain nickne“, and by assisting n iturc in the outnet, with a good dose of Brandreth'n Pills. This is a fact, well understood to be ao by thou s sands of our citizens. This medicine. if taken so n: to purge freely, will surely cure an!, enrabledispase.— There is no form or kind of sickness that it does not exert a curative influence upon. Thus, by their pow er in resisting putrefaction. they cure measles, small pox. worms and all contageous fevers. There is not a medicine in the world so able so purify the mass of blood, and restore it to a healthy condition, as the Brandreth The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetab"..e, and so innocent teat the infant of a month old may use them, if medicine is required. not only with safety but with a certainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is capa ble °lmparting. Females mny use them in all the crit: cal periods of their lives. The Brandreth Pills will insure their health, and produce regularity in all the functions of life. The same may be :aid of firandreth's external ressedf, as an outward application to all external pains or swellings, or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When used where the skin is verb• render or broken, it should be mixed with one or two pints of water. A sure test of genuine Brands eth Pals.—Exam inn the box of Pills. Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must be within the year, which esery authorised agent must possess: if the three labels on the box agree with the three labels on the cer tificate, the Pills are true—if not, they are false. Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York. jun. l 6 IMPORTANT FACTS DR. LEIDY'S Sarsaparilla Blood Pills are applical ble in all cases, whether for Purgatives or Pu ri . ficati9n, They possess all the boasted virtues of ,nther pills, and are additionally efficacious, oontaining Sarsaparilla in their composition. which is not cont.ain ed in any other pills in existence. They are also dif ,ferent from other pills in composition, being purely vegetable, and qtyn be employed at all times, without any danger, and requiring no restraint from occupation or usual course of living. -As Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, vet it is not saying ton much of them, from the innumerable en re s perform ed by them in every variety and form of disease (cer tificates of many of which have been published ti-om persons of all denominations, physicians, clergymen, and others) that they seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persons using them Cot whateCer sick ness or disease, may rest assured tha t they w ill be found more efficacious than any other pills in existence. From the known reputation of Dr. Leidy'; Blood Pill. it is necessary to remind the public where they can at all times procure the genuine, as 4113 attempted to impose other pills, called the 'Blood Pa t ' up on t h e public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. re="Be par ticular and ask for Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills and see that th e name of N. B. Leidy is contained on two sides of each box, (the boxes being of paper. and oblong , squareshape, surrounded by a yellow and black Label. PRICE-25 cents a Box. Prepared only. and sold wholesale and retail. at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second street, &plow Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. A. FANA STOCK .' CO., corner of Vood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. jy 12—Iy 'fr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills. EIESE Pills are strongly recommended to the 1 notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculierto theirsex, from want ofexercise, orgeneral debility of the system. They obviate . costiveness , and counteract all Hysterical and Nerrousaffections. These Pills have gained the sanc tion an d 'on of the most eminent Physicians in the U States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and Retail,by R. E.SELLERS, Agent, cep 10 No. '2O, Wood Street. below S.lcomi 13ittoblirgt) Morliing VERTISZNG 8. Woodsoitteraey sad Comas°liar at Law, Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street, ,nearly opposite the new Court House, next rooms to .1. D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. sep 10_ Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets Pittsburgh. sep 10—y M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in tho Diamond, back of the old Court lion.e sep 10 Pittsburgh'. krona, R. Shwa, Attorney at Law•, Fourth street, above Wood, sep 10—ly • • Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at. Law Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts.. sep 10—y Pittsburgh, Pa. A. I. Darboraw, Attorney at Law, Tenders his professional services to the public. Office sep 10 on sth st., above Wood. Pittsburgh. Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office removedfrorn the Diamond to "Auorney's Row,' shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood At s., rep 10 Pittsburgh N. Buckmastar, Attorney at Law, Has removed his office to Beares' Law Buildings, 4th st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10 George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, Office in Fourth street. near Smithfield, Pittsburgh sep 27—y Read° Washington, Attorney, at Law, Office in Bakewell'sbuilding,Grant street, Pittsburgh now 5, 1842 John 3. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Office corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Ir'Collections made. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. fvl; 16—v B. Rogan, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth street, between Smithfield and Wood next door to Thos. Hamilton, Eaqr Wm. E. Austin Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite B urk v's Building. EM P WILLIANI E. A usr ts, Esq.. will give his anon firm to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—v WALTER FORWARD. Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth Rtmet. between \Vood and Smithfield np 8 PittAinrgh. ROBERT P0RTt:R..............J0HS B. Pk:„„,,„ Porter & Perkins, Attorneys at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield street., sep 10 Pittshurch. Judson & Planegin, Attorneys at Law, Smithfield. near 7th street. CelltNuions mad: nmd crate term , . Pennlom. w id nu tot ' il , l soldier the late net 111 G rt rcd o l , taiutd. Parer. tMli Ira Mgt:fertile patent office prepared. mar I 7-y Henry S. Magraw, Attorney at Law, Mtg. removed hi.: elTh•e to Ilk ”.1 tit -1.. two .1,,0rs . 1 , II) J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law. OfficerornerSinitit'irld and Third err.•t<. fly Gco. S. Seidea, Attorney at Law, (Ace on Fottrth rt•••t • Imween Wood and Sq, it 1111,•'d .g . Conveynnvin.: and otlnnr it,truments ri ring legally and rrompti:, vxecut, d. mar tf John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Will nttend to collecting and spearing rinim+• and t.•i!' also prepare legal in-t,.iniont.‘ at. ruing with rm.; ect ness and despatch. Smithfield .treet (near 5,h Pittsburgh. ' 1.1 R. morrow, Alderman, (Mire north side of Fifth 9 Treet, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Pe p 10-tf Dr. S. R. Holmes, Office in Second street, next door to NI ulvarm & Co.'s Glass W arrhott .tet , 1 o—v Dr. A. W. Patterson. Office on Smithfield street, third door Ines corner of sixth street. "ep 10 Ward & Hunt, Dentists, Liberty ,tree[, a few door,: below St. Clair, ap fi, 1843 Doctor DanielllllcDleal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. der 10—v FIAILNIAN, JENNINGS & CO CO TTON YARN WAREROVSE, Nm. 43, IVood Street, Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns mar 17—v WILLIAM H. WiT.T.ums..... Williams & Dilworth, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mei chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactiird Ar tides, No. 29. Wood street. se p 10—y • NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & NIACK EY, IV7lolearale and Retail Dealers in English,' French and Domestic Dry Goods Nu. 81. Market street, Pimburgii. sep 10—y BIRMINGHAM & CO Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TF. Ft '4l . —Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per 1001bs. Commission on purchases and sales, 24 per cent mar 22—y Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nash Warehouse, No. 25, Wood 'it., Pittsburgh. ep 10—v HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. .nsr 17 No. 43, Wo.xl street. Pittsburi . Magistrate's Blanks, For proceedings in attachment under the late law, for sale at this office. 25 - Matthew Jones, Barber and flair Dresser, Has reraored to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of fice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pa tronage. se . 10. R. E. McGOWIN, RECORDING REGULATOR, 'Office in REYINGTON'S BUILDINGS, Penn street n few doors above Eland stmet. j23—tf J DMuni, NV HOL , E 4 S . ALE b ng and ( i 2 D RETAIL G on ‘ f i tOC II E R.. F vraomir dealer in Country Product. and Pittsburgh Manufac tures, No 28 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. 9 nr, BARRELS GROUND PLASTER, fur Am./ILYA-1 sale at Wall.loloo, H DEVINE &Co. renal PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1844. LuIVRL Wicx.. L. & J. D. WICK, Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st.. may 15 Pittsburgh, JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Booksellers, Printers and Paper makers, No. 37, Market street. sep 10_ Continue business at the stand late of M'Carulkiss Ct. Johnson. Every description of work in their line ne.a• ly and promptly exec uted. may B—y THOMAS B. YOLTNCi Thos. B. Young & Co. Furniture Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex change alley. Persons wishing to purchase furniture, will find it to their advantage to give us a call, being ful ly satisfied that we can please a If to quality and price. sep 10 • Wire Workers via Wire Manufacturers, No. 23, Market stt eet, between 2ct and 3d streets, sep 10.-y Pi&instates Unrivalled Blacking, MA NUF ACTURED and ;old wholesale. and retail, SIXTH !IRLE.T. one door below Smithfield. net 21—Iv. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa•. manufacturer of locks, hinges and baits; tobacco, fuller, mill and tincilxir ,crews; housen screws for rolling mills, &c. sup 10—y John llTCloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street end 'Virgin alley S etch side. sep 10 Webb Closey's Boot and Shoe Dianufhetory, No. 83, 4th rt., next door to fhe U. S. Bank. Ladiesprunefla, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest manner, and by the neatest French patterns. sep 10 Birmingham & Taylor, AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND ND •IRON CITY TO CT.F.VET.A ND. 0. [marlB A. G. REINHART. SIDNEY STRONG. RZINIL&RT & STRONG, (Successors to Llod & Co.) I tito.esale and Retail Grocers and Commits:en. Merchants, No. 140. Libertyst., a few doors above St. Clair, fp - Where families and others can at all times be furnished with good Goods at moderate p:-ices. P2B JOHN S. DII-WoRTH JOHNSON & DUVAL, Bookbinders and Paper Balers, R. C. TOWNSEND & CO., James Patterson, jr., tt) LLOYD D. & G. W. Lloyd, M 110 I.F.SALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND rOrni ARDING MERCHANTS, 11=:E.II:EM=:!=:n I=l ailvance4 in rash nr zorais mad,' on , a..itiim , •nt.l of ',palace, &A.., at Nu. 142, Liberty ml 5 Removal, FRANCIS SELLERS WHOLESALE AN I) RETAIL GROCER, And /1,-afee in Produce Salt and Cordage, Flat , rvrtiovr 1 to No 17, 'Abell) tdrent, oppo , tite the head of Smithfield .01-vet. (2.7-tf REMOv A I JAMES HOWARD & CO t TAVE reinoved their WALL PAPER WARE 11 MOUSE to NO. C 3, \VOOO STREET, between Diamond Riley and Fisirth street Where the% have nn hnnd a large and splended as sortment of li' Al t. P A NCR and Bounras, suitable for papering Parlors. Chamber+, 33 ails, &c. Also, a general assortment of Writing, Letter, Pr int ing.l3'rappiril and Tea paper. Bonnet I3oards, &c. Which they will sell low fur Cash. or in exchange for Rags. Tanners Scraps, &c. feb 1814 REMOVA HOLDSH IP & BROWNF "TA VE removed their Paper Store from Market 11 street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the cot ner of 4th street, where they keep on hand theh us ual assortment of WALL PAPERS. for imperil' z par lors. entries, chambers. &c., and also PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOA 1108. &c., all of which they offer for sale on ac commodating terms. feb 14 1843—dtf NICHOLAS D. COLEMAN...... LLOYD R. COLEMAN Coleman & Co., Cencrnl A ernts, Forwarding. and Commission fif erch.antr. Levee Street, Vir4o , burg. Miss. They rrsperrfully so licitconslgnmentc. n 22—tf John Cartwright, CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, corner of 6th and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa. N. lio—Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, je 24. William C. Wall, Plain and fancy Portrait and Picture Frame IV an refaci rer. No. 87, Fourth 5 treet, Pitt burgh, Pn CA IN V ASS brushes, varnish, &c. ; for artists. always on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fra med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to 'l-gilding and jobbing or every description. Persona fitting atamboats or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y SAMUEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware No. 17, Filth streel,between Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on htuld a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand, the following articles: shovels, pokers. tongs, gridirons, s k ill ets, te ake ttles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for hemselves, as he is determined to sell cheap forcash or approved paper. mar 7—tf PORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port rail Painter, Fourth et., 3d story Burk's Buil ding. J. Osborne would solicit a call from those who desire Portraits . Spcimens can be seen at his rooms may 5. CHEAP PLACE FOU CASH. SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, near liberty. CHRISTMAS AND NEW-YEAR'S PRESENTS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has on hand, and will receive in a few days, a large and splendid assortment of toys and fancy articles, suitable for the holidays, which will be sold wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Persons who wish to buy cheap will please call at the sign of the gilt comb, No. 108, Mux ket street. and, they will not be disappointed. dee 16 C. YEAGER. PITTSBURGH Circulating and Reference Library. OF religious, historical, political and miscellaneous works, will be open every day, Sabbath except ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in the Ex change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex change alley, where punctual attendance will be given by J. GEMMIL. sep 10. Jour D. WicK HE subset ibers manufacture and keep constant -111. ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. JON ES & COLEMAN. sep 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. FRANCIS L. YOUNG T RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have I and keep always on hand an assortment of Fire Proof Safes, The price, in consequence of the ma terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about thirty percent. They are kept for sole at my shop, in Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on the corner of 6th street—as also with Atwood, Jones & Co., and Dalzell & Fleming. In regard to the qual ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur chased and will purchase my safes to attest the util ity of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes; justice and truth warrant me in informing the public that all my safes which have been in buildings burnt down for several years since I commenced have pro served all the papers, hooks, &.r.. which they contain ed. I have a card containing a number of certificates of the same, which are in circulation and in my hands and the aeentes. JOHN DENNING. N. B. A few pair of steel Springs for sale, made by Jones & Coleman. and will be sold low. Also, ascrew press, with power to punch holes in half inch iron. sop 20—tf Improved Dffagnesia Safes. MANUFACTURED HY CONSTABLE S. BURKE:. Fifth Sirert,betweenlVood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Pa. rplIF: subscribers present their respects to their Utl -1 ment+ friends for their former liberal patron age, and would take this method ofassuring them and the public generally that all femme favors will be duly appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested. of which sufficient , estimony will be givo•n ro any inquirer. The principles of their locks and safes are nut so:- p a ss e d in the Union. The price also is e on-iderabl les , ened, and will be found HA low, if not below auc Other responsible house in the Union. 'Vii would take this opportunity of thanki:Tg the va rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, who have spoken so hi;.Thly of lig and our safe s . The public are respectfully invited in examine our articler. before purchasing elsewhere, feeling assured the superiority of our manufacture will be apparent to all candid spectators. N. CONSTABLE & E. BURKE. N. B. Safes can be obtained of any size or shape, or of any principle of lock or construction, of the sub scribers, en of S Church, Second street. Pittsburgh, I'a. n2o—tf I=MME Adam's Patent "Kaughphy".Mills HA EE now been bei fire the public three durinz which time 'moral thousand have been old and in daily use.— Ale are confident of being iustained in saying they re the best Coffee Mills the United States, any ray you •fix it.' Severs 1 modifications are made to lint the fancy of wives any he purses it husbands. Sold by the gross or doe n at the manufactory.- 4alleable Castings made to order. FAIRBANKS' PATENT PLATFORM SCALE:. These genuine articles. of all sizes, and most impro ed varieties. constantly un band and fm solo at vet y reduced prices by the manufacturer. Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Agent for U. S Portable Boat Line, far the tranaporta don of Merrhandize to and from Pitudiurgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sightcheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. R F. FE RENCK:4_ Woi. Bell & Cu., John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Wootiwell, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Brown &Cn. James M'Candless. J. R. M'Donald. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres't Bank E. H. HEASTINGS, County Surveyor and City Regulate OFFICE in the "Monongahela Reuse," in the rooms occupied by the Prosecuting Attorney, H. C. Moorhead & J. G. Reed. Esqs.—entrance on Smithfield street. fob. 13. Two New and First Rata Steam Engines. ONE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and foot sttoke, will be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 74. inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 .ong, 30 inches in diameter. These engines are made of the best ma terials and in the most substantial manner, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at the warehouse of the subscriber nt any time. j24—tf •. H. DEVINE.U. StatesLi e. M. TGOT.F Third at., next door to the Office, Pittsburgh, Pa KV Agency for the purchase and sale of Real Es ate, Stocks. negotiating of Loans. and Collections. They will also attencitc the Aching of pig metal for mmers at a distance. Letters, post paid, will meet with immediate atten tion. Terms moderate. The hPot of rferrnre; given un wrplinati.m at the office,. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages, At Eastern Prices. Iron Safes. L. ft. LIVINGSTON, mar 2—tf Front between Ross and Grant sts CHARLES A. McANIILTY, FOR SALE CHEAP j. HERON FOSTKR. EGOLF & FOSTER, Western Real Eal:atell%lWlrf _ To the Gentleman of Pittsbargh. E THE subscriber most respectfully .„,,,,..—.= ;nforms the gentlemen of this oity anall,•!" vicinity, that hehas commenced the BOOT and SHO making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi ness to merit a Share of public patronage. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business. P. KERRIGAN. may 11. William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty at. opposite the head of Smithfield. IThe subscriber having bought out the® stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceasecl,has commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice. He keeps constantly ou hand a large assortment of shoe findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. sep 10--y WM. ADAIR. Spring Fashion. THE subscriber has now on hand, and will continue to manufacture. (at his old stand, No 73 Wood street) the latest style of HATS and CAPS, which fur beauty and durability want be surpassed. Thankful to his friends and the public far so liberal a patronage heretofore bestowed, he hopes to merit a continuance of their favors. WILLIAM DOUGLASS, Wood - street, mD3-31n next door to the corner of 4th Bat and Bonnet Pressing, BY WILLIAM SCHOLEY, DIAMOND ALLET, NG Between Wood and Smithfield Sts. HAVI just returned from the eastern cities and purchased the most impcoved PRESSING MACHINES, is prepared to press gentlemen'shats and braid, straw, gimp or Leghorn bonnets on the most reasonable teams, in the neatest manner and at the shortest. notice. The subscriber believes that his long experience in the business is a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to film will be properly performed. Hats or bonnets cleaned, altered, trimmed or color ed as heretofore. WM. SC HOLEY. 117-3 m. asik TH E subscriber has just received from the Nur =sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of poach trees, to which he would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN. may 8. No Liberty st. head of Wood. FOR m iELCoughs! Colds!! Constuaption !! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. THIS pleasant and certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprietor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the increasing demand. Medical agencies, grbce ries, druggists. col Tee houses, and even bars on steam boats. keep a .uipplvon hand. It is called for every where, and will se ll in any place. The reason is this every one who base cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Perm ins at a distance, by remitting the money, past paid, to the subscriber, willbe attended to. For sale by the single st ick, Gi t..ents; five sticks for 25 cents; and at wholesale by WM. THORN, Druggist, 53, Market street, whom a general assortment of Drugs and:Medicines may always be found. ,j 24. Z 1 Upholsterer aad Cabinet Maker, ;Tr 2,1 at., between Wood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that ho is prepared to execute all orders fur sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts ofuphol storing work, which he will warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. scp 10 Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker, ( Late of the firm of Young ill Curdy) HAS commenced the cuisines, in all its branches at N 022, Wood street, between First and Second sirs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Every attention willhe paid to furnishing COFFINS, A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 87, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MTh. EFPI C. will give his particular attention to Pro duce, consignments of which are respectfully solicited. Goods received, stored and forwarded to any part of the country. Having a large and commodious Ware house fur storage, and other facilities for the prompt transaction of business, he confidently offers his servi ces to the community. References in Baltimore. Messrs \V. Wilson & Son,Geurge & Hays, Reynolds & Smith, Henry Rieman & Son James Power & Son. Pittalu,rglt. Pa References in Phi/ode/phi''. Rubel t Creighton & Co., Semite! W. Day, Esq., References in Pittsburgh. Bailey & Co; " Robertson & Repport; Dalzell & Fleming; M. Leech & Co; J. W. Burbridge & Co; W. & 11.111'0es:bean, And the merchants generally. marl 6 Philadelphia Cincinnati, 0. St. 140111 A, MO rowan SHELL OYSTERS, Received this day! A CONSTANT supply will be kept on hand for the rem under of the season. Shims' best premium Draft Ale always on tap at the W ESTF.RN EXCHANGE, m4-tf No. 9, Market. and No. 74, Front at. REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING THE undersigned, having associated themselves for the transaction of air business relative to Real Estate, will henceforth attend to the purchase and sale as well as renting of city and country property, collect ing rents &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had mach ex perience, and bent , " exten4vely known as an ageotof Real Estate, they hope to reo4ve a liberal share of pub lie patronage. For the accommodation of the public, there will be two offices, where business will be receiv ed; at the Real Estate Agency of James Blakely, Penn st., sth Ward, and at the Law office of John J. Mitch ell, S. W. side of Smithfield st.. (near sth) at either of which, persons wishing to have instruments of wri ting. legally sad neatly executed, tides investigated, or lesirous to purchase or dispose of Real Estate veil 1 ppiy. J. J. NI itchall wi I/continue to *toted to the duties of his profession. as heretefore, JAMES BLAKIStr, JOHN J. MITCHELL. . 4--cls wrap. Peach Trees. JOHN McFARLAND, ISAAC CRUSE, &v. &c pmvo - , , :ftv.V.p:,.otN; acbe aIIR inornina LETTER HON. R. J. WALKER, OP MISSISSZIPPI, ANNEXATION OF TEXAS, In reply to the call of the Pcople of Carrot Co* ty, Kentucky, to communieftte hie *op? on 44184. ettbject. [corrottrnan.] From the official treasury report of 1840, T give the table No 6, for the year commencing the Ist of Octoi her, 1838, and closing on the 30th of September, 1829; showing our commerce that year with,Texas, and all the otheenations of the world. This 'shows that ;hi total of our exports of domestic produce to 'Texas that year, was $1,379,065, and the total of all our ex•. ports to Texas that year. $1,687,082; thaethe importit the same year from Texas were 018,116, leaviag.en excess in our favor, of exports over imports, of $1,362; 966. Thus the extraordinag fact is exhibited, the in the very infancy of her existence, the balance Of trade in our favor with Texas, exceeded that or eaCh of all the foreign countries of the world—two era, etc: ccpted; and these two were colonies of an empire, our. trade to the whole of which presented a balance of several millions against us. Teas; then, that year; furnished a larger balance of exports over imports is favor than any other one of the erapires of (ht_ world. The totality of our exports that year to Texas , was greater than to either Russia. Prussia, Sweden and Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland; Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sicily, or Chini, St was greater also than to each of fifty-six of the siMy-sii enumerated countries of the world. It was greater also than the aggregate of all our exporti . 4511; Prussia. Denmark, Italy, Sweden and Norway, Por tugal, New Grenada. Australia, French Guinen,.Stiv ; dinia, Morocco and Barbary States, and Pura torn billed. By table No. 6, it appears that the exports . of OWN.., domestic products in 1839 to Texas was--Orthe &hat . ries $43,426; of the products'or the fen*. $1.157,414; of the products of agricufture $205,'861t end of Mar manufactures $929,071. Now, by tableNct,.6 of the treasury report, the total exports, the same year, of the products of the fisheries to all the . world, except Tex- . as, was $1,864,543; and conseqnentlY . the exports of • the products of the fisheries to Texas, that year, mounted to about 21 per cent. of thcise exPorts to-all the rest of the world. The exports of the productepf, the forest, that year to all, other countries, _except Texas, by the same table, was $5,607,695; consequent ly the export of those products, that year, to Trepui, a mounted to 3 per cent. of those exports to all the rest of the word. Ile exports of our agricultural products, (excluding cottan, rice, and tobacco,) that year, to all other countries, except Texas, (and including mo lasses,inticcura:ely placed in the table of manufactures,) was $11,156,051; and conserteently . the exports pf these products that year to Texas, amounted to more than 2 per cent. of the agricultural exports that year to all the rest of the "By the same table_ the export of nil our rnanufacture4 in . 1339 (exclusive of gold and silver coinl to all other countries, rixc.ept Texas, was $3,217 595. Now. the exports of our do- mestic manufactures, that year, to Texas being $92g.- 071, consequently Texas consumed of our domestic manufactures, in 1839, an amount largely exeeed• ing one-fourth, and nearly equat to one-third.ofaur domestic manufactures eXpoited abroad ander/new sued that year, byall thereat of the world. Such are the astounding results established by the official report of the Secretary of thetreasury, underthe date of.lune 25th.1840, and to be found in•vol. 8 Senate docrunempt for that year, No 577; Such was our trade with Tex as the year ending 3Qth September, 1839, before h - independence was recognized by any other power ex cept by this republic, and before sbehad entered into commercial treaty with any other power; and therefore stood to us in the relation, in mans respects, as regard* her trade, as a territory of the Union. Now, the treaty of amity and commercebetween Franca and Texas was signed at Paris, on the 25th of September, lB39; the treaty of amity and commerce between olland and Texas was signed at the Hague qn the kith of September , 184 0 ; the treaty of commerce between Great Britain and Texas was signed at London on the llth of November, 1840; all which have been long since ratified. Now, let us observe the effect of our trade with Texas, of her introduction into the family of nations, by the recognition or her lode:. pendence by other nations, and treaties of curemeree with them; thus placing her towards us in the attitude of a foreign state. The resolution ofii.tred by me in the Senate of the United States for the repognition pf the independence of Texas, Was . adopted on the 241 of M..rch, 1837; and with that year commence the tables of our exports to Texas as a new empire, inscribed cm the books of the treasury. These tables, in thetreasute reports of qur exports to Texas, exhibit the foltowing result: Utir export, ti., Texu in 1837 61,007,928 1838 1,246,886 " 1839 1,687,082 " " 1840 1,218,271 " " 1841 804,2,96 " " 1842 , 406,929 IS " 1843 190,604 If our exports to Texas bad augmented from 1843. as they had done from 1837 to 1839, and as they m have dune with her great increase of" busidese"aistl population, but for her being placed towardsus. 'Mate attitude of a foreign state, they would have erpcninted. in 1843, to $3,047,000, instead of $190,000. 3arJ4 has been the immense reduction in ourexports to Teas us, created by her recognition by other natioes, teed commercial treaties with them, since 1839. Bet great as were our exports to Texas in I 83 R , they rette by no means as large as if she had then been. pato of the Union; for she then had, and still has, in foots tariff un imports, varying on most articles from 10 to 15 per cent., which must have prohibited some of ouy expgrts there, and diminished otheri. Ourtarifrodett t did not embrace Texas, and secure to our manufaes tares almost a monopoly in her supply. Had all these causes combined, as they would have done, had Tees, been a state of the Union, our exports there of derma. tie articles must have reached, in 1843, $7.164,139, as 1 shall proceed Si, demonstrate: • The products of Louisiana, by the census of 1840, were $35.044.959, of which there wax, In sugar 104 cotton, $15,476 783; and of this there was. of *War. $4,797,908; of which sugar, if We deduct $476,783; as consumed in the state, being more than doubt" hip. proportionate consumption, it would leave $1,b,. : 000.000 of products reiveriand exported by Louisiana. in 1840, when her pocclatirm was 352,411; and Tea. as. producing now in the same proportion tole; Peals enr population of 200,000, would producasl9.,BBBlos land of exports for sale beyond her limits. $8,3047641 ' and deducting from this $1,258,585, the proportiestrai her prodects employed in the putchase of foreign priii ducts feu her use, would leave $7,164,139 of the pew due s of Texas used in the purchase of articles frau other states of the Union. But if reetnnexecl to the Union, in Lou year. thereafter, bow much would purchase rf the products of the other states of ion '1 If we allow Texas to ineresee in the twee alldh to the square mile es the state of Louisinna'aliewthe first census Auer's:wain the PUrallife tram 11116 list 38 4 the population; in ten year*: -416 A;01 4111 4 the 311400X1 square miles of Texas, would awed two miltions; sad the increase is many states his heremeteit more rapid. Buiestimmed at twee:4lll;A, leiterwouid then, ace cording to the shove priserwtion.lame tyymi.„, 390 p er ann um 4 the produeutitFother sPetes, whisde consumption woold he rapidly incre a sing every yew ~.s^sintsMoiia~ts!rn::~,~;.~'.a,'F~r-~ RELATIVE. TO THE