: • which he loved. confidently said----"I am the man. I -throw myself on your honor. Pow are iriehlsers."- -: The chord was struck. One eiroaltanemas exclarria - -tido burst framthe honest hearts nr the fishermen -, /*Toitellwith_ mousey—away we go!" sad soon was ". thoprosetibed patriot hurried- by sturdy arms,. nerved -•e&A hearts' resolve, _beyond the reach of tyranny., , . .:- • ' What soul so "dead." what heart so callous. as not :-• leglow, with the finest emotions on the perusal or tit' touching anecdote. 0, curses, heavy in their inilio . 40115, rest on tbeinfartner! . As "the wolf is on the walk" now-a-days, we cannot -avoid reprinting the following .heart thrilling' passage i'• froom "Teeling's Irish Rebellion." Read it, despot's parasite sad base informer. It dries honor to the glo . •• nous old man, one of the I rave spirits of the north in -,. s mise worst of times: ?..< "Four men, private soldiers in .e northern regiment '.., •of ming*, were shot in the. camp of Blaris Moot, by .. ._ sentence, of a court-martial, for_subscribing to the test -•'. -uf Union. The , nereea of the sufferers were Daniel • Gitlin, Owen McKenna, William McKenna and Peter . ''. M'Carron ,This was the. first important blow which the national confederacy sustained. The government - - offered them a free pardon if they would inform en others that were concerned; but they refused, like men ~.,. - theChini their country at heart. When the tyrants of .. -- the deyttaw they could make na impression on thee; -' they tampered with the MeKennita'nuirer; an old man Atha bad travelled from the county Monaghan (50 : - rnaes) to be at the trial of his sons in the town of Bel ' fait. The reply or the old man was bald tudlparbetic: . "1-can bear to see my sons, " said he,. I'die; but -nu live traitors in the land of heir birth;" and, with a firm step and composed demeanor, he accompanied ';.. them to the fataffield or execution. "Were I McKee :, na," said Lord . talwerd Fitzgerald, "I would not bar. .., . aer the sterling virtues of his noble soul for all the tin selled licineurs the highest band could bestow:"" ~ Contrast gallant spirits like the fi shermen and old .. ..T McKenna with the judge-jury-gallows•and-all' rascal,' - .- Hepenstal, or with another military renegade, who ' .... --outraged hospitalities, went to dinner and to tea With' .., 'she fam il y whose Mn lie plotted, and fondled on his t-. knee the children 'of the father -- , whom he betrayed. litt Grid's vengeance cannot always sleep. Though the Ek.'t'wicked man may, irefere our eyes, flourish "like a kitty I". tree," yet who can conceive the feelings of the gasping . 'wretch with dimmed eyes, the world and its wealth .• which he worshipped. faded from his sight, trembling - - _ ~. on the verge of eternity, fearful of the retributiart of that impartial Judge, who ordains love of neighbor is ' one of that usable duties of the Christen! And. if .., victims out , "dell patriots were base, what can' ,Shink of the informers of our own time, whir are ~ ,,,rtisigtied against innocence inaction, as well tot virtue in 1: 1 4.3n ign-wagainst the leader and his followers who would take the object of their heart's aspiring, a nation's independence, at the sacrifice of even onelife! - What are we to think of them but that they are more cold blooded in guilt, more purely wicked end i . fiendish than even the wretches of accursed memory ....g,. w-the informer of '9B! PHILADELPHIA TYPE AND STEREOTYPE ...„ FOUNDRY. • ' Prices greatly redweed. • . JOHNSON, strocestror of Johnson & Smith , lali-L . in announcing to his friends and to Printers ~. -Family, that he has purchased the interest of his. partner in the foundry, desires to inform them thes. he has recently made large additions to his assort ment of Book, Job and Ornamental Letter,'and he will continue to add every description of Type which E 7 l the improvements in the art may suggest", and the wants of the trade may require. His assortment comprises a greater variety than any other F.sundry in the United States, and he has reduced his prices 20 ~,' - ' ...4wr cent lower than heretofore. ; . --f'. Printink Presses, Chases, Cases. Printing Ink, and , `k. very article used in a Printing Of fi ce, constantly on kr sand. ' rfi r ." - f . Estimates will be furnished, in detail, for took, El, Newspaper and Job offices, on stating the style and 1..: quantity of work to ,be done, and Specimen Books ''.. will be forwarded to persons desirous of making out -Orders. ..., Stereotyping of every description promptly atten `,dad to as usual. m2B-3m. . - - -'r • '; .. 4- 1-- , . ippeor 54T & CAP STORER 1111 L 3 4 40i1 - ~... '. SPRING FASHIONS! ~. • . Fi.---... - WDOLICSALA AND RETAIL. ' . . -No old iiltock on kraal to offer to .-. the public, mid no reduction of wages, bat ~., 1 .. "LIVE AND LET. LIVE." `,' TUE subscriber would respectfully inform his ac -quaintances and .liq public that he has commenced - the 'Hat and Cap Manufacturing businessiu all its va .... rious branches. at No. 102 WOOD STREET, 3d pdoor from S. Fahnestork & Co.'s Anction Rooms, where he has now on hand and will continue to mon k-denture all descriptions of HATS und CAPS. From hiit long exper;ence in the business, be feels confident . that in the neatness and durability of his wet k, he can safely compare with any establishment East or West . - 2. of the Mountains. Persons wishing to purchase will • please give him a call, as he is determined to sell any `,• article in his line at a s.nall profit for cash. -.--:. al-1m G. W. GLASSGOW. VERY LOW FOR CASH. ":.'. .. 4 , --• -L THE subscriber offers for sale e ..., -.. large and splendid, assortment of ... ,-: ANO FORTES of different patterns, warranted to :.!. - of superior wetkmanship, and Of the best materials; - - §:sebs tone not to be exceeded byfty in thocountry. F. BLUME, Center of Penn and St. Clair streets, --; mar 18 opposite the Exchange ._ . , Dent you want -rik . IfiIINDSOME . Coat and Pantaloons, or Vest. beam made and finer cloth than you can get at tlitibigbligierl eietithiishmentrrof the city? 'IF you do, ea at 010,:.Three Big Doors. We will warrant them *al, ir-not superior, to any that can be purchased -. sweet, of to mountains- sring the cash and wo will ~. put you into a firs:trate suit in a few minutes. If you I=r...having, your measure taken • • str.(l,, your clothes - according to your own notion you can hive' it ;gone, end wheult is done you will bh satisfied beyond li doubt. Dina mistake the place. • - JOHN. M'CLOSKEY, .. mar2T.tf Three Big DOOM NO 151, Liberty st. ISAAC CRUSE, No. 87, Smith's Hiked; ..-.,.: veOIIIIIIMIION AND FORWARDING tit -,• MERCHANT, BA LI 'MORN. attend to the purchase of Groceries and . W **el articles, end forward thesame with dee- C,I ale• directed:directed: Merclants and others we:Rine . by -forwarding their orders,- accompanied with* money, may depend ispob dolt orders being filled vary lowest price. and care taken to select the }his the market mar 22-2m' —......;___. HAVE *NA pay doskei Rai professional bail. ness iattitii,b l NalL O'HARA 'ROBIN .-XPON,lll4,mbelral atAwilvelb. some during my ab amp. . „.. ,- • "*. :-: -- •••• -, , - • -. C.• DARRAGIL -,:‘.‘ r 434 li-i -,-1 .:, - .: - - , : ,', . - ' 7 ) . ''''" -;7,!'.*- Etf-cie GO - ODS I . . sort o , timer toeisse Imam% '' lodge Ito that to use MERCIIANT , T4JLO•R NO. 49, LIDZ.RI7 ATRILET, Tv p DOORS ABOVE VIRGIN ALLEY: 9111 E subscriberhis just returned trom the Eastern cities, where . he haapyrchmedsthe most magni ficent assortmeat of United Hem, niter Dublin tap:, to ras 00 onense thrown er..nd .shrugs thst he .the land CHOICS AND FASHDOAPI.E. GOODS Ever .oferesUiss asiit 76460 which he is now receiving, and to whirl. .ns tosftes the attention'of hiscositnuers endtho public genetwlly . wish wish to supply theniselstis with GOOD, SURSTANTrAL AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, 'AT' CHEAP PRICES. The very Sberal *mango which his friends nod the(publicliaits herstqf:cite beim flimsott to bestow on his esuihlishinesu: has induced him topurchase - A GREA TER 'VARIETY of all kinds of geode is Mane, and - of a superior gni& ivy to any thing Which' has 'herettifore been Offered.— Tberftdlotaing is iltstofs 'part of this aisortinentilieb he afire to the public; all of which he pare:uses ire in the -mostfashionable Eastern ivies, and of the quality, roltableforitieseasen. SUPERFINE inAcit, .13Lft INVISIBLE GREEN - AND 'FANCY COLORED EN GLISH; FRENCH &AMERICAN et, 0 - 1 F 11.11 - 1 FOR DRESS AND FROCK.COATS. particularly refers ma lot of beautiful French clotbs and cassia:ems, new style, which he le cerifi dent cannot fail to please. Tbey are of a most es.- cellent quality. SUItER. SATIN AND VELVET VESTII4GS, Rkh. awl taquisite pattern's is the latest styles. AL.$O, LONDON PLAIDS. large variety of pattern'. MERSEILLES CACHMERFE, beautiful patteivis, and common vesting, of every de scription. - - • TWEED CLOTHS. French and English Fancy stylitable for every description of • Also, all 'lauds of goods which can be found at any establisledetitin the city, which he offers fer sale,tuade or unmade, as cheap airway dealer in the city. The tinderei&d offers the aboie intensive and va ried tontUrfrrMittof seasonable goods foi sale at a small advance on their Orip,buticost,imid keeps them-Constant ly on band, ready an make for his customers. His pri ces are to suit the timmt. His goods are all made by Pittsburgh workmen, and me Warranted to be of ..""Pllti public are invited to call and examine for P. DELANY. tf No 49 Liberty st. 4 :ltioors from Virgin alley. Notlea to, all whom it may cancans. ALL person, having claims against the Estate of Oliver Cfrnishy Evans, cleceased,.saa well as those knowing therrivelves indebted to thesame, will please present their accounts. for settlement. to C. Evans, No 10 Water street, whO is duly authorized to settle .the said Estate (.0315 DANCING -AND WALTZING ACADEMY. MIME first session of Mauna tlaique's Academy ..L. will commence.on SATURDAY, this day,Jan 13th,.at Concert Hall, at 9 A. M. The daysof tuhion will be Mmulay, From 3 to 5 P M; Tlunsday from 3 tos P and SaturdoY from 9to 12 A Mend fram - 3 to VP M, - of each week. Tt is desiralie that thoie intending to enter pupils shou'hi do 10 at the opening of tho session. MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' TRANS. PORTATION LINE. THE subscriber his taken outs policy bathe office . of the Penn Insurance Company, of l'ittsburgh. to cover all goods shipped by this line from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia-or Baltimore. By this means all Goods• shipped by him will be fully protected without any additional charge to Ike skipper. rol4 SA.M'L M ICIER, Agent. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. TE . I slut:scriber, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh - Manufacturing. -Association, having been ap poiMedby a tittnibestifthstitiamt*turersand Meehan the cityOf Pittsburgh andvicinity as their a gent for the sale of their various manufactures, will becce&tantly supplied with a general assortment of those articles at the lowest wholesale prices. The attention of Western Merchants and dealers in American Afansfactures is respectfully invited to this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri ber will be promptly attended to. GEO. COCHRAN. febl9 • No 26 Wood Street. ON HAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks, Spayand Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trace and Log Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons, Coopers' and Carpen ters' Tools, Machine eards,Window Glass and Glass ware, White and Red Lead; Patterson's Locks and Large Press Screws, &c. &c The Lippincott Mills for Sale. r \HE subscriber proposes to *ell one-third, one. L half, two thirds, - or the whole of thli property; sham:edit' the Eifth Ward of the - city of Pittsburgli.to any person who may wish to obtain an intero.st in the same, or who desires to purchase the entire plupt.ty. This property consists of the main Rolling Mill, oc; copying& piecenf gr sand extending 100 feet on Etna street, by 150 feet on Walnut street to the river. The Machinery cotnprises one line of bar, and one' stand of smooth rolls, with an engine and all necessary fix tomtit* complete repair. It has three bloorri furna ces, and one platelurnace complete—also, four pud dling fornaceanearly finished. The Nail and Shovel factories are erected on a piece of ground opposite, and extending 158 feet on Etna street by 100 feet on Walnut street. The machinery comprises one engine and 14 nail marlines, with 2 plate furnaces. Also, one line of small rolls with a suitable furnace. Also, 1 turning lathe, 1 tilt hammer and shovel press, with all the tools and fixtures necessary to operate the machinery, mast of which is new. This property will be sold on liberal terms, and pre. tents a fair opportunity for a safe and profitable in vestment. For further particulars ;lignite of the sub scriber, at his Warehouse, No. 23, Wood street, near First. 1 - Prlia best Juniata Nails of all sizes constantly lot sale, at No 23, Wood street, near First mls-tr JAMES ANDERSON. TLEIELNAPE & ZONIS, NO. 99, WOOD STREET, A RE now receiving large additions to their pros Bent stock of seasonable Dar Gories, and would 'respectfully suggest to dealers visiting our ciiy, and those resident here, the propriety of giving them ,acall before making their purchases. One of the Erns, an experienced purchaser for this market, will remain in the Eastern cities during the grreater pan of use yeer, to select goods expressly for this establishment. With this arrangement they hope to be able to offer at dt seasons (as far as practicable) a full assortment of cheap and desirable goods. Their purchases being madeexclusivelyfor Cash, and joined with aljetermi nation,u) sell at a . very reduceuipro&t, for Cask, par escuteti only, will, they flatter themselves, enable them to compete successfully with the jobbers in the East, and to furnisb - their Oteeonsers goods at such prices as cannot fail to give 3116141Ction. Thm ri g zse k is new huge and desirable, and they in vite purchasers to call and examine. • Thirsi Doerbelav Dassband Ailey. "LT AVING reeeieed from Neer York, the Sprint JL 1 Feihion'frW Irate, I have now on hand, and will continue to manufaeune, eer7 variety , piths most fashionablerats at the loeiest. ptiona l , Persons,waral4-quertefiane yea,4lllLful'i"2 Me Hate, wholisalir,er retail, eve eimpeemary ieTii S. MOOr: to colt m2l-dowlin SACK COATS SUPERIOR QUALITY SARA.I:I L. EVANS; On3ipisuatrix. Spebair Paisbiwas. 83, Weft/i) SIIIIXST. pacitetEßlA, J. AL tAiikviAlosow.*lltriniViireho* trt .oonkly Plichet the% obovro *road porta. team* Besontarowbfaasykyireilibtideo, sod Frielei s' ota hititeOren VirniliOlz on, Tay:., Theimlays 1121 d Ss& orclayr, connectiht wit * Some :Lines to 'Morelia direct, Forfiroight . or: potly on bowl, or to BIRIG AM& CO.; ?tits borgh, 3: S. DI CKEY, B.tser. - • Moisture- Portraits, dg tke comer of Market and ba& sta. mI B subeditors would mast respectfully inform .I. the Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vi cinity, that they -have have opened TOO= at' the aboverneti tiOned place, over the store of Mears Lloyd and Co., end are now prepared to take Miniatures by thii beau tiful art, in a style heretofore unsurpassed. By the oombination of wquick _and powerful apparitus,and an entirely new mode Of operating, they :am enabled to produce pictures. of a surprising , accuracy and - beauty, combining entire dmability of impiession, cleat:land , distinct expression, perfect delineation and last, tite not least, the color of the face and dress.. The color ing of Photographic Names, forms a new era in the. at,- as it enables us to combine with accuracy ofmiture • the advantages-of art: TbeutArsigned do not wish, nor is it their intention to demivelhe public by prami • see, whiehthey cannotfulfil, fee they depend solely on the their pieunes forparmage. Cirisens and strangers, one and all, are invited so- call and etc amine specimens. N- B.—Complete sets of the improved patent ap. parotid/anti:keit on the ■lost reasonable terms.— Mates, Oases, Frames, Chemicals, and event thing connected with, the bwsiness. at the , lowest- rack pri ce.. J M EMERSON & CO. d2-6m REMOVAL.---Tbe undersigned begs leave to in form the public, that he hits remov ed. from his old stand, to the, corner of Perm and St- Clair ats„ op poeite the Eachange 'Rotel, where he has fitted up • large PIALSO roars - Waite Rome, and now offers the most splendid assortment of PIANOS ever offered ie this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and modeled, and constructed throughput of the very beat materials, which, for durabilitgagilltiality tisne,..es well as touch, he warrants to superior to any over. seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made sr raagements to supply the increcuiing demand for this in strument, he respectfully requests tlpst. _intending to purchaseso to call and examine his assor tment before purchasing elsewhere, as be is determined tosell Low ry., for cash, than any other establiahnsent east or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end St. Clair streeu, Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Piusburgh, Pa sep 10. Neer York Dyer. OSEE HI NIES. would respectfully inform his frie n dis and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies' tresses, Habitsand Mantels of every description,black; and warrants thorn not tosmut, and to loolceqtml to new goods. Ho dyes fancy Colors ofall descriptionaof silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleansandrestores the colors of gentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods. Mr. H. flatten himselfthat he can please the public, as be has done an extensive business in New .Yprk for twenty years. All work done on moderate tetras,. at his establishmentin sth st.,betvreen Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre. CERTIFICATE. IW'This is to certiTy that OSEE HIM ES has done work for us, whieh has fully answered our expec Cations, and wo consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes, W. D. Boles 1. B. Shartleff, Wm. Porter, David Hall. H. H. Smith, 13. F. Mann, Henry J evens; David Boles, A. Shockey,jr.. Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap 20 Laud Surveying and Oivilainglaearing. T HE undersigned intending to pursue permanently the business of Survevingand Civil Engineering, offers his services to the public. Having had a very extensive practice with Mr Z W Remington in this vicinity, he feels warranted in say- ing that his experience and practical knowledge will be advantageous to those who may employ him. Per sons inte.resied in real estate will find at his office plans of the City, City District, "Reserve Tract, opposite Pittsburgh," "Manor of Pittsburgh," Birmingham, Lawrenceville. and lots and harms extending several miles around Pittsburgh. R E MicDOW IN. Office, Penn, street, a few doors above Hand, Pittsburgh- It E FICA Plncr.3: Richard Biddle. Esq., I P Nlulyany, Wilson M'Candless, Esq., James S. Craft, Esq., John Anderson, Hon. Harmer Denny, William Arthurs, Chnsi. S. Bradford, Esq R. S. Cassat, I 0 Metcalf, Esq. NOTICE IgrThose of my friends and the public, who may wish to have recontse to any of my papers, draughts or plans. will hereafter fmd them in the office of R E Mc- GOWIN, whom I respectfully recommed as one in whose professional abilities and integrity they may de pend. Z W REMINGTON. mB-ds‘w lv Dr. Destiter's Pulmonary Preservative. FOR coughs, colds, induenzas. catarrhs, whooping cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all diseases of the breastand lungs, andarrest of approach ing consumption. Warranted free from mercury and other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh Precakaa's Tire Brick for Sale. JUST received, 5000 Freeman's beet Fire Brick, which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 to. 60 Water st. L•elting Glasses. 91 HE subscriber respectfully informs western and other merchants. that he is now fully prepared with * large assortment of all the different kinds of Looking Glasses, for wholesaling , which he will offer at the lowest eastern prices. with 5 per cent. off for cash. Also, would invite the attention of house-keep ers and steam boat furnishers to his full and handsome stock of House Furnishing Hardware, consisting of table cutlery, English and Domestic Britannia ware,tea trays, spoons, silver plated candlesticks, snuffers and trays, fire irons in sets or single pairs, fenders, (maims' hooks, glass curtain pins, blind knobs,etc , with a va riety of other articles too numerous to mention, all of which he will offer at reduced prices for cash. THO'S A HILLIER, m3O-2w 109, Wood street, near 5111. N B.—A full assortment of Looking Glass Plates by the box or single light. Or Wanted, in the store, a lad 16 or 17 years of age. Apply as above. JONES, MURPHY & CO. No 48, WOOD STRUT, HAVE now on hand a complete and beautiful as sortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. which have been purchased at the lowest prices, and as they think they can be satisfied with a 4 small pro fits as any in the mum business, they are determined t o sell. goods at the lowest possible prices. Buyers would find that it would be neither a loss of time or money if they would - givetheir stock a careful examination before purchasing. tu3o4l*. sr lw 200Grross No 1 Bottle Corks; 6 Bblit Sp Turpentine; 2 " Copal Furnish; 1 Cask Olive Oil; 3 Bbls Ven Red; " Lampblack; , 1 " Crean* Tartar; • 1 ." FlorSolpbtul; 1 Cue Roll Sulphur; 1 " Liquorice Bait' 1 " . Gum Shellac; " " Copal; 7 lbs Gem Camphor; 10 " " Opium Tegedser with a general assortment of Drispoq Medi: clines. Dye Stuffs, 4kc., just received and for aale-Ny' F. L. SNOWDEN, ap 2. Nn 184 Liberty, hvad of Wrvxl st. C=M=E Andrew Pardy. MEIN • 7 ., I: • ' S AG'TS, t- -7 -Vkivillowittl'ittebmattrerbkineoeesseiskidindThithn purpose of censtimilugitteute toes& west, having Ile eaniplishiinhatoloaatite oew ekes& atak.Bitle H LEE in tllesPiAnnlik Merisit strer*,erlielutell agent for Ow el* . of PAN and Limmanut. De- Brentlesuit agents will :therefore uuderataraftUt ttraearerlt. will send a travelling writ 41wongli 1b am nia once a year to eolleit moneys tor sales made and re-supply agents. Tie said traveller eillho JAW' plied with the power of Assereey, dulyproeetl Wore the Clerk of the ouytuarkountv of New York, t r „ i pnba r with all•rtecesiaq vouchers and papers. Mr J,./ Yoe, is trivelling.went: now tn. reno sylvunia, 13 . BRANDREIII, b; N B Remember *GI lse, in rearaf despair kat, is now my °Mynas:din PitOergb. - • New York, June 14th, 1843. . • Dr. Leidy s TOW akltOrlgatistmit- - I T' OR th e cure of every variety of Toter itend elldisemes 'of the skin, has p roved it t mere efficacious than any other preparation for the same FM- . -pose in use: Urterds of five Itendritaxertiftemee 1401 lte Place red and published dint eilleaterom.s4heol Teactiers, 'Proprieties of Fantasies,. Parents, Guardians, g bild :Nurses, Copal= of vessels mid others, were it not Gar the delicacy in having de* murtes-9.o4sbed iumne ruction with such di Wei kletioa"... By the ell s of De • yt.,• Tette*. Ointment in conjuno. - thin with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills.ho. will,guariunce %Genre any disease common to the skin, however bad, or of however long standing s or refund, the money. There arebonever very few instances but can be cured by the Giatnentakone. Priem .2.5 cents a box. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail et Dr Leidy a Health Emporium, 191 N Second st. Phila delphia sod by B A FAHNESTOCK it Co. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. July 12 ',.r ~ • ~ ~. .~., ~ Y ABRAHMA J. CLEMER, residing - at 66, Mott street,_Nevi York, was afflicted With Dyspepsia in its mostaggravated form. 'The symptoins were olenthatulache, greatdehility, fever, coativestess,emigh, heartburn, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking et the stomach, furred tongue, meets, with frequent vomit ing*, dizziness towards nightand restlessness. Theca mid continued upwards_ef a, twelvemonth, when, en consulting Dr. Wm. Evans, 100 Chatham strent,ipid submitting to his ever sumessful and agreeable,Made of treatment, the patient was completely restoed to health in the short spaceof one month, and grateful for the incalculable benefit derived, gladly aline forward end volunteered the abevestatement. FOrsale,, whole sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS; Agent, cep 10-y No. 20, Wood street, below Second. As Maud; INTO sooner does one of Pr Leidy's preparations be -1.11 come popular, in consequence of its success and efficacy, then it is zounterfeited.and imitated, To prevent imposition, Dt Leidy has now procured moulded bottles for his celebrate d Tetter and Itch Ointment, with the, words 'Dr Leidy's Tetterand Itch Ointment,' blown in the glass, besides containing his written signature on a yellow label outside. Dr Leidy's letter and Itch Ointment has proved more efficacious than any other preparation for Tetter, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and disea ses of the skin generally. It has been employed in schools, factories, and on board vessels carrying passengers, where children, as well as grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their contagious notate, with the most unexam pled success; certificates and recommendations have been heretofore published from them,end numertnicoth , era might be obtained for publication, but for the ob jections most persons have, to having their names pub lished in connection with such disagreeable arstiloith [ some affections. In no single instance has it ever been known to fni It has been used upon infants and by persons of all ages. It is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its composition, and may be used under all circumstances. Price Twenty-five cents a bottle. Prepared and sold at Dr Leidy's Health Emporium, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) and by B A FAHNESI OCK & CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. july 12 LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr Harlich's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain and weight lathe left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a'distension of the stomach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, difficulty of breathing, dis turbed test, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great derangement of the functions of the liver. Mr Richards had the advice of several physicians. but received no relief. until u sing Dr Harlich's medicine, which terminated in effec ting a perfect cure. Principal office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadel phia. For sale by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood sts. sep 10 CROP Or 1843 v , 4 s ) Ds ,avoist THE subscriber has just received his annuat supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part. of the following kinds—all of thelast year's crop, and warranted genuine: Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, . Endive, Peas, Beans, Kale, Pepper, Leek. Pumpkin, Broccoli, Lettuce, Radish, Bored°le, Water Mellon, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Musk " Salsafy. Carrot, Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okra, Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &c, &c, &c. Together with a variety of pot and sweet herbs and flower seeds. r 4 'Orders for seeds, shrubs, trees &c, from gar deners and others will be received and promptly at tended to. F L SNOWDEN, jan2s No 184 Liberty, head of Wood. Oak aadroplar Lumbar for Sale AFEW thousand feet of seasoned Oak and Poplar Lumber, for sale by wholesale. Enquire of James C. Cumteins, - Esq. near the Fountain Inn. jy ql. DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. PITTSEVILOH, Dot. 22, 1842. J Denning , : On Friday, the 30th of last month, a bout 9 o'clock at night. the Planing, Grooving, and Sash Mtnufactory, owned. by Gay, Dilworth & Co., with a large quantity of dressed and untiressedlumber, was all consumed by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was in the most exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot. lam pleased to in form you it was opened at the close of the fire, and all books, papers, &c., saved;—thts is the best recommen dation I can give of the utility of pur safes. oQI-tf THOMAS SCOTT. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. LOOKING GLASSES AT EASTERN PRICES. THE subscriber has opened an establishment at No 66, Wood street, a few doors from the cor ner of 4th, where be keeps constantly for sale all kinds of LOOKING GLASSES, at . Eastern Prices. tie - has (mimed a large assortment of Glasses in both gilt and mahogany frames, to which he invites the at tention olfenstotosses. believing that the traiity of his arthiles end his prices cannot fail to give satisfaction. Pictures framed to order, in neat styia, to either gilt or nialiglin, frames. Canal boat and other reflectors manufactured toot.. deron the shortest notice. Old frames repelled an d regilr, so'las to look as well as wir i eq the t&P.'reso no tire. J T NIORGAN, Agent. MS/ 23-tf MEE I. - Witt*Los. th*yottcinumence with out hies of time w 44 ilaaknaars's - Tll4 mildly but surely rediovdidl'iiiiinirities of the blood, alit no eases efisieiciAtirciar ellaettt'iile-li rma from e. that these celebrated .pillaWle tot relieve as much as medicine ran do. Colds end mammy benefit ted-hy thwarutaike.=:thiliik i rk e iti San ,dies. Very see% ,as worth nothing se-eraflicoonA irsmaii4 system. The Brandeeili treltoftßitter ly relieva, thy diseases,. whether .c,hroftie or re cent, infectious or odiarvise ir erlatertidiily_ tist cured ,by the use of these ea/sufficient jig*: CURL' OF A CANOEI2OO;S7-8(04- six* Surp,,,lsearT2.k.; 4{43. Dr. Benjermin --BritertstriltArtvidernoted:.6% owing to you a debtor grtaittide - thatiosineyeamun 1,1 am induced to make a public eatnargmient of e ben efit my wife has derlied-frourrinr invaluable pills.— About three years ,this winter she was taken with a pain in her Ante; Which soon became very-Mach in -flamed and swollen, Ito mircitisttliatwebeeetei alarm ed, and sent for the" doctor.- During hit attendance .the pain and swelling billow:later* elarmieciegree, ana in three weeks frthAllirlitit ee meat it be came a rusnieg awe: She mot tetra night the pain was so great.-1 OW first dector aturoded her for asx month 4 and she received no benefit whatever, the train growing Worse and the-ecire lailgertall,the while. lie said if it .was headed up it would be her death, but he appeared tribe* elm how to proceed, and poor wife stilleontio*to seer the most terrible tortures. We therefete e e aght *thee aid le tsliotani cal doctor. who said when htsfivit cash shoot' e . truld soon - cure the sore, and Livelier. ease it-nsco, 11n.ctur surprise he gave her no relief 4nd aviteriwkokiltglat it bailed ell his Thus we fish after having xried during one yvEole yearehe experience of two' celebrated physicians in vein, in absolute despair. My pootwifie's constitation rapidly fatting ilLtboprime.of her years from her con tinued suffering. Under these circumstances we con cluded that we would try your Universal. Vegetable Pills, determined to.fairly test their eurative effects.— To my wife's great comfort the first fei doses afford ed IffVet relief to the Palm Within. 9etiveek;tfrille itsmaishmeet or untidy*, and every otivildloictutaltve case, the swelling sad Abe intrammatioutteru4tolteltire so that she felt. quite easy, and:wind& Bleep bly, and sir, efter six weeks use. she was able to . go through the house, and again attend to the Miner ment her family, which she *bad not done for 14 months. In alittle over, two months from the dine she first commenced the tuti of your invaluable pills, her ankle. was quite sound. And her health better then it had been in quite es number of years before. L rind you this statement after two years test of the Cute;ciiii skirting it only an act of justice to you and the public at large. We are, with much gratitude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY ANTI ELIZA LITTLE. P. S. The Botartical Doctor pro - trounced the sore cancerous, and finally said nu good could be done, un less the whole of the flesh was cut off, and the booe scraped. Thank a kind Providence this made us.re sort to your pills, which saved us from all further mis-. ery, and for which we hope to be thankful. -_ T. dr. E. lA. [Sold at 25 cents per box, - withriiirecticeme Observe the new labels, each having upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth„ So each box of the gen uine haviiir sig nista ret—three Benjamin B rancireth and three B. Brandreth upon it. The only place in Pittsburgh where the - teal Brand reth Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own'offica, in the Diamond behind the market house. Mark, the genuine Brandreth.Pills can never be obtained in any drug store. The fallowing are the only agents appointed by Dr. B. Baaralrefh, for the sale of his Vegetable Universal Pills, in Allegheny county: PRI tictrAt- AGLIST—G H LEE, Pittsburgh. John Glass—Allegheny.. Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C F Diehl—Elizahethtown. H Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Bill. John Johnston—Nobleatown. Chessman & Spaulding—Stewastatown. Asdell & Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarcntum. George Power—Fairview. David R Coon —.Plum township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Ed war d Thompson—Wilicinsburgh Wm 0 Hunter—Allen's Mill La! what makes your teeth so unusually whith? Quoth Josh's dulcinia tohim t'other night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh, l're bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Tls the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast all others away But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sul, at tke lustre of mine. Then, try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash. And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine Having tried Dr. "Thor n's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquainted with the ingredients of its com position, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now in use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. Pittsburgb, Sept. 15, 1842. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wasft," that it is one of the best dentrifices in use. Being in a liquid form it com bines neatness with convenience. Mile it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yields a fragrance peculiarly'desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS, Ns. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash.," and have found it to be an extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. 'Having thoroughly tested its virtues. we take pleasure in recommending to the public, believ ing, it to be the best article of the kind now in use. M. ROBERTSON, JAMES P. BLACK. R. H. PEEBLES, - CHAS. B. SCULLY. C. DARRAGH, WM. M' CANDLES'S, J. M - MOORHEAD, JAS. S. CRAFT. H. L RING WALT, L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN Alxxh ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggista t and at Tuttle's Medical Agency, Fourth st. sep BARON VON BUTCH/Mint HERBPILLS These Pills are composed of herb., which exert a specific action tspontbe heart. give impulse or strength to stie arterial systear. the blood is quickened and e qualized in its circulation through all the vessels, whe ther oftbe stria, the parts situated internally, or the ex tremities; .ead as all the secretions of the body are drawn froattbehlood,there is a consequent increase of every secretion; end a *debased action of the ab sorbent- end exhalent. or diseberging -vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is correct,. ed,' 1111 obstrections are removed,the biota is purified, end' the body resumes a beeltbfel etase--,,fer sale wholesale Gina retail by It E SELLERS. Agent. ad? le 2Q Wood meet, below Second. ~'~~• _ma y `.. wiL TROTU.I6O,_MI:MMARMItt ir 'VP 881 O ECTIFIVLIT inform, tie pabllo. lhon.lon JIMA , luta "atiairied !bread} -sa&aallia ware zurilsobtaldhig woody oecapial by lin . G. Ilkottard, directly appealla Ma all. Maud th. 4. Itrisclittaan large. prePats4 aLnll4llol.lllllo . to Sly &thus 110 blel,lna,kna4" kV *AA :a. *:toalt tieraetsllliot tbeittlikii . be hopes to %natant:Vie oprifillialeco As will Int atituatotritir to proilde liiiiinVillitit C ""1141. n a tooa nylinoonatioatheassalibetattimet-Cellabalatio 04 pfx rill be premongyaltiaahal la, - • .- ' - HUI ruldetier Is In Ibe nail intlljiiig :ajtit lila WSVC house. infleil Abovb at* anal laraireleat intrifitilhio Ono' ittnni.n, JUDOS PATTON, M. SAI . CLUISC ,nrait tannin. • - BR A.NDRETIII4 , PiLL-S 4 l, -SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT CF TED STATES: . TUB MI TUQD OF PREPARING Tile BRAND H 1 - VEGETA-BLS WILK/IL Caves& mote*, .9th 'Jae', 1842.-Paiant - gni*** ..to Ikojeols liesailretb. ifilb Jasuaryo 11143. . I be comma( w Web Brandteib's Pins at* toismodi areobbbipe4 by thls Itew. Dabbled proem* witbglit 'or away applicatkm of beat .Tbe active principle. -OR hbrOls bktbus recured the same as 11 la lo the Tie' Public Would be emulous of inedmiror meow weeded in advertisements -maim froa: me, /a Wild UM Cmpraserwamt toasitus steal my language, matt al. terktg the name. ; Time will show these isludesale da► miscue la their true light. - THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPI BRA NOR ETD'S PILLS are the People's Medi. eine, proved ay itmemnds who daily reementind them to the *Bitted. The BRA NURIITiI PILLS ate grows Ingest.'" day, more popular, their virtues are eitteodblit their eiselainemo., - The Sick of both seaman dally riving. Bement from sheal. .eta case of dowse hut Mier ca. be used will advantage. B Glebes or.hard Idgepeot the skin they, speedily cure, so wi:b erysipelas, no witty,. salt rhenti, so with digestion, an with coughs and colds, so with ciiittircoeso, so whit canto", south hjot parehed lips and canker in the mouth. Let the atllieretnse title medicine, and they will And they require no oilier. Sold at 25 cents per todz, with direelleas Obierie the new label.; each having upon lt two sig.; natures or Dr, Brandreth. Po etch box - of the genitive,: haesii signatures--three Benjamin Brandrettrand three B. Brandreth upon it. • • The oast ortiscs in Pittsburgh where the arts Steed- relit Pills osn as ONTAIIIRM is the Doctor's ourir - Ofieee Diamond bock of.the Market douse. Meta. lb. Sete. tits Brandreth Pitts can never be obtained in any Deew STOIC . The following are the ONLY AGENTH all routed by Dr. R. Erandreth, for the sale of his VegetabkViik . venal Pills In Allegheny County G. H. Lee -Principal Office, Diamond Pittatrotin.. • Mt. John Clain— A llezheny. Robert Duncan—Birmingham. Cr P. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—Meßeesport. Prevaly (twin—Pleasant Hilt. - John Johmion—Noblestowir. Chessman 4. Spaulding—Stcwartstown. Atrdell Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum. George Power—Fairview. David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. • Edward Thompson—Wilklnshargh. • . Wm. O. Hunter—Alton's INO THO -7 .E. WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO` PRODUCE OR AIME AV ATE DISEASE —TM* claim of individuals is very numerous . They are thou who work In an unhealthy atmoiphere. Printers, work men in feather stores, atone cutters, baker,, while lend manufacture's, arc all more or leca nut jet' to dirisiss ac. cording to the strength of their constitution. Thtt osty method to prevent disease, l the occasional use or medicine which &hairnets ficun the circulator, all &Haze. rioss himors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics. In any form are injurious, as they only put off the nn .l day to make II more fatal. The use of Brandreth'e Pills will insure health, because they take all impure - matter out of the blood; and the luu4 Is not weakened hut alst.ngthencd by their operat.on, for thew: valuable Pin/ do not force, but they assist nature. and are not opposed Inn harmonize with bcr. Fold at Dr. Byandreth's Office, In the Diamond Plltsbursh, Prier' 25 center per box, with fulldirection. MARK—The only place in Plii.burgli where - the GENUINE Pills can be obtali ed . ; Is the Doctor's own Office in the Diamond: — pep ID mar 23, 1843 WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. Evan's Camomile Csretnes'ers.—Leiter,from the lion. Ab'h'or Sl%lel lan,Sultivan County, East Tennessee, lilembetof COngresit Sir—Mine] have been In this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinifte benefit and sails. faction, and believe it to be 4 most valuable remedy. Ope of my °testi tuente, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county Tennessee. wrote to me to send hint some. which rdlel and he has employed it very successfully in his practice ' and says It is itivaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place, thinks you would probably like ass awn lit Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A.Cardenom a proper person to officiate for the flak of yoar celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he Is willing to_ actfor you. You can send the medicine by water totbe care of Robert King dr Suns, Knoxville vacuity, Tennes see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tamen, Rag Tennessee. I have no doubt but tryout had agents hp several counties in East Tennessee, a erect deal of niedi. tine would be sold. lam going to lake sotne of It home, for my Own use , and that of my friends , and should like to hear from you whether. you woold like an agent at Sulliven County East Tennessee; I eat get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near Mete. Yours respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLA PI, of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his !arm, lying in Rom Township 4S miles from the City of Plitsbnrgh, containing 114 acres Orland of which 60 are cleared and under fence, in m 1.5 le 20 acres of meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apples t few Peach end Cherry trees—the improvement, are a urge frame house containing !Promos welifornished,cateulated for a Tn. veto oc private Dwelling, a frame Barn 23 by 60.stene hasemont, and stabling, sheds t lid other out house:suit. able for a tenement!-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes. and a well of excellent water, with a pomp ia at tbe front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for sale with morelndncement to those wishing to purgitase near Pittsburgh, the term, will be made moderate, for nil her pa rt kale rsapply to the proprietor at htsClothisg Store, Liberty street eorner olVlrglo Alley. LA W k EN CE 1 11 1TC9ZLZ. N 11 If not sold before the Ist of October nest, It will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit purchasers imp 10 Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produced much pain, and used various applieatiotut recommended by the faculty—all in yaks, was eared completely by the lase of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's linament, or external remedy. Witness my hand, JAMES TAYLOR. Ohio tp.,Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10,1840. Dr. Bra ndreth's external remedy or linamen4 sold at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. THE attention of those who have been some] t sceptical in reference to the ithmerous certih cotes published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Comptmna Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being unknown in this Cession of the State, is reipectfolly at. rected to the following certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough fur several years, and is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To Ake Agext, Mr. J. KIRBY; .; I have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry fora Cough, with which I have been severely afflicual for about four months, and 'have nerhesitatirm in saying that it is the moat effective medicine that have been able to procure. It composesall ungulates and agrees well with imy de t i —and maintains. reran; and gond appetite. I cansinoeulysecouatead it at all others similarly *Eared. J. Mamma, Borough of March 9.1340 ; up 23) 41 .1 T• AM?, RVAL D. D. Sty. lona? D. web gamins; vitamin; RSV. JOSION tier. 2/.lllti Yl Dayss. IRV.. IL Pe 111111137. LINING VEGETABLE WASSINIOTON, July 34, ]B3& No. 20, Wood street, beleitt Pacts. Look at This. For pale ty, WILLIAM THORN, - Igo. 53 Marketstreot.