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Woop..AND.. i pipTH sTRARTE, PITTSIIIYiKII - 1; - FXNN'A, AT FfiFit - DOL - LARB - PETe - ,..i4AN - "tat -- PAr4,I3L.E IN AD - 'ANCE , ._. •I . .. -... .• .. . •-.. . . .. ~• ___,--- -- rifting ..-,..-',.- .. V 0 14 " 1 ' a;.:., NO - :1.1 7 / 3 ...,::..' . - .- ..' -...... .. , • •-- PITTSBU Gil . .. R - - _, . . ~ • FRIDAY • - APIIIL•S , 1814 • -- 5.. ; ... . ..- 3 11 • - . . . • • . . - -. . .., - -.-- PRICE . - - TWCt CENTS . . ___... ....,.._:......,.-_-___________-•........ . .' ' . •• '- .. - t ''''.. - 't - , .J,., 1 1 : _-_. All -..,.0 •..,,. L' .-- , - - --tIOUV,D BY - ---• : - •--* ;., a w o odi o 4mori m g" - • • „aid' cknumenopap Law" LICIEVII2 WWI. • 4oan-W-Tillm. ' • • • . . --- ' - - -- #ITTABIAtiII ' - - . -T. tholitentismou sir.poitiapt ini k - ,;...• . . -. '.t . `.` , . • !,,, ', '" • icsuitait,rinw m .....„., ..,.. ~ Office esmoveielishieeffill's Offices, en Grum 'Meat, L. &J. Li„ ; wlcK, . - 4111r0ollittur 903ffilltabeilica Stitlig4ll7. - 1. - . THE .aukeeraser most rime:any- - ,et bt Malin Morning Post .-;--. N. lir'e ► • r od a . ... • nearly opposisedie tiewCourt. House, nisstrecnnitto J. mmenced ottith tree T the Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in PrOene 4 l Cr tellgit", l o l ltOriad, Pelitieel ant Miicalbemons ... _ ii!fonyte the gantlenem eoF of tiris t , cityand thet, epßposix‘eand ----- -, - - and FLA Prests - - D. Mahan, .Esq., tilt Boot. .• stip 18 116 Wood Street, 4-dieniSabove Fißbat, . will be open evilly day, -Sabha& is -b; 1' 'l' E R ... Tititea....4'nekellars a . year, payable in *dew& MO Tel*, .Aittorney at law, "LT 14 .- . Pittsburgh, ~.,. ~..:. %see &Vies rwe Caere-for sale at the counter of cluttffie ed,- film°. 91c1c'el , oarner ' A. IL ok 414 st. c 9 lair li.. stree M" i t a and tki:et Ex: Mayors S43EYldtil ' ra = t7' ' t-latbu litrfin il L :llll s 7l46 ol - foreman in some of the .. tse Office, and by News Beys. North East minter of .Smithfield and Fourth streets, JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, c h in o a li cyor poictiud iitti w i d win h i , L i m must faiddianiddei beet !Imps in the &stern cities;'end or ~ .. .... Pittsburgk. sep 10- 9 J oe GEs i emt ; having fentishitd *ismer with the best' French and Itr ' Booksellers, Printers noll Paper Ilkdaws, by Lin n .R. J. WALKER ..---•:;- The Wetaitly Illerenry sane itaindknarer. BVCANDLES,S & M'CLURE, No. 37, Marketstreet. seplo sap 10. .. American calfskin*, he his attention tai hod- .14. la 6 palibleked at the same office, on a double medium Atherneys and Covenantors' at Lan, JOHNSON & DUVAL, PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. near to merit's dere of .is pattgmage. To *am -gentlemen who have • y patemised libll lie returns • • 0 i larssissirrs, ..-, .„... sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin- offiaa in the D i am a cmi. bash of do a d Q um li mn, . .... ; iv* °aides, SLI CENT'S. lkookbinders *std `V a por Balers, . ileritnrit - anA Asks , eol Chwellaireli, kis sincere thanka and can With confidence appeal statsvnit TO TILE sep 10 • Pittsburgh. .. Continue lousiness at -the Mead late of M'Oendless It - AtEttsteraPrizes. -' ' ' kor the . geminate of Ms work and knowledge Obis ANNEXATION OF TEXAS, ......-.. -----' - TllidirigniaMbyll. - *reacts IL Shank, AnoortioYat Law, Johnson. Every description of work in their lineneatr. rinHEsabsclibenuouneactm!" . keel' constant. basins.- . '•• P. KERRIGAN. - Fourth street, above Wood, list a prompt l y e . mea . . . , may 8... 7 .1. ly °Ahead Comb, C- and. Ehptio Syringe (war. may 11 , - . . ~.... ~.. ..., /a reply to the call of the People of Carrot CmiiiM -;:•.- I' '.7.1t SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR Ldefft sep 10-ly Pittsburgh, Pa. - . and gine ty, Kesesuky, to communicate Ms eines on thog : - -z - • -: I ;l.4l3=st:um, .$0 50 One. month, - • 115 .00 - • H . , T owasB.YOIIING Festrore L. Yerso. Dash Frames, Brail and plated Hub Bands,StuMp ` Lo or t i i f. ' 9 acjica4 o 4 --11 4 8. , 4 subject. • Tre :do., 075 Two do., 600 . Thomas liastollion, Attoniey at. Law , Thos. B . Toting & Co. Scants, 'Went - Leather; - Silver and Brass Lamps, . • .-•.-;,, Terve de., ' 100 Thread°, .7 00 Fifth, between_ Wood and Smithfieldsta, * - subscriber having .....•.. (so week, 150 Four do., . 800 ger , 10- Y Pittsburgh, Pa. chan Furni ge tum aney Wan : itr i g t ' w i r a r dag a. ta li p i r tmiumi d "rem iu rit i alla tura, RlE Hinges, if r,c, 7l4 , etc. M . 141131114e JO ircRI NES , de pmr CiOL lTlllindl EMAN " ,, nd .of the late Thouta b : sight ßafferty mit ,deesesed,has th°4llll" .- ,- „,... o • da.,• •3 00 Six da., .10 00 AL L.Darbaravir, Attorney at - Law,- butrieeetat th e old stand of Mr. R., - . -. i. ' . J.., - 4OO Oa. year, 15 00 • will find Lc to their advantage to give use call, beingful sep 1 ° Sr. St . C l ittrst-, neer the Allegheny Bridge, Tenders his,profesetmalserviees to the pablic. Moe' ly sitisfied that we can Piessess IP cluslitY and Mee. Um. ilares. . and is prepared to executeall descriptions of Wink in ',-' YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. - 11e010.~ Ott sth st.,.aboveWood, Pittsb sap 10 ..-,-.... - CHANGEABLE AT PLEASURE. • Nyder &Ilbschanes. Attorney L aw, R. C. TOWNSEND & CO., . _L and keep always on hand an assortment of Fire Proof Safes. The price, in consequent* Of the nast c eeps mmstantlyatthand a large /Isom:neat cif shoe Winn of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He solicits thepatronage of the ' public and of thecraft. - ........,!..,,_. One quare. • . Two Squares. Officensmovedfrern therDiamond to "Aherne?, ItoTsr,” Wire Workers an& Win Inalmthetwers, swaths. $lO 00 Six months, $ 23 00 shady sideof44 between Market and Wood ets, serials and labor being mash levrer, is reduced about - WM. ADAIR. -7.- .1' ,- ;- - , •• No. 23, Market sueet, bercen 2d end &I **en*, thirty percent . They are-kept for sale-at my *bop, to s v -16L7 - .14. Tess, 25 01? One year, 35 0 0 sep 11) Pittsburgh. sep 10-y Sixth street, above Smithfieki, next. to the church on ra Spring Fashion. ... • ..• IMPl.mpv advertisements in proportion. . N. Nuakataatar, A t a arna i r at L aw sidliTHE subscriber has now on hand, and OIL IarCARDS of tom. lines Six Demists a year. Pintiato's Cartooned Blacking, Hes removed hisoffice to Beams' Law Building ' s, 4th MANUFACTURED andsold wholesale and retail, the corner of 6th street-as also with Atwood, Jones &Co., and Dakell & Fleming. In regard to the qual- w in. conti nue t o manufacture, (at his old stand* No 73 . . • Public - - lt ., abase- SatitWlekl, Pittsburgh , ern 10 .151. sena rraarr, one tfoor baker Smithfield. ity of my safes I leavethose persona who have put. IVood street) the latest style of HATS and CAPS, -•"- laSse. - chased and will purchase my safes to• attest the usitp. w hi c h for beauty and d ura b il i ty ‘aaitin . be gum me d CUP Post Ojice, Third between Market_ and Weed Gestirralt. La Attorney at Law Oct 21-Iy. sty of them. I desire no newsit,per puffs on my safee p T a ken tro k nn ful e tohistrimas heste msd wai the , pabl imm ic for so to li m beral erit Aa ~.. lIHREE4 . -•••ft. M. )diddle , Postmaster. Office in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pit:ugh:ugh. Jame* Patters* jr., - justice and troth warrant me et informing the public citstoni House, Water, 9th door from Wood st.,Pe• aePtl7-7 Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa.,manufacturer of that slimy safes which have been in buildings burn cuct i numci , o f t h e i r favors. erson's buildings-William B. Mowry, Collector; Reade Washbagten, A at Law — locks, hingesami belts; tobacco,fullr, mil and timber down for several years smell cm/mowed have pre- WILLIAM DOUGLASS, Woad street. . . • ~,... • City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second Office in Bakevrell's building, Grant street, Pittent:gh. s crews; housen screws for rolling raffia, &c. imp . 10-y served ell-the papers, books, &c., which they contain- mig...3nr . next door to Me _corner of 4th. ..-; • treets-James A. Bertram, Treasurer. I I have a containing* number of certificates —_ ___. nov 5 6 . 1842 County Treasury, Third street, nextdoer to the - .Bonnet Pressing,.- Orliird Presbytetigh Church-S. R. Johnston, Tremors. John. 8, - Blitchen, Attorney at Law, Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley, and the agentes. JOHN DENNI.NG. A BY..IVILLIA M. SCHOLEY, . . CHfice corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. S etch side. imp 10 N. B. A few pairof steel Springs for sale, made by -- •:,.. Mayor's Offiee, Fourth, between Marketand Wood lair Collections mule. All business entrusted to his Webb Mosey's Boot and Shoe Hannit.stol7, treets--Alexander Hay, Mayor. , care will be promptly attended to. 0 en Wood mut Smithfield St:. JOTIIII &COLOITIIIII, and will bescdd low. Also, escrow - ~ nissim° AttrT , P eep wilower to punch holes in half inch iron. •,‘.• Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near 'Market st. feb 16-y No. 83,91 k st., east door to tke a S. Bank. sep 20-• T_TAVING just returned from theca stern cities and BANKS. _ ______ __ . Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest • .1...1. purchased the most improved . , PRESSING -•-• ~.." B. Boon, Attorney at Law , anner , and by the neatest French patterns. sep 10 MACHINES, is prepared to press gentlemen'she ta Plas"rght between Market and Wood streets un Office on Fifth street, between Smithfield and Wood, in ' and braid, straw, in - sap-12r Leghorn bonnets on the moat .--;.- 'hird and Fourth streets. Birmingham & Taylor, . . next door to Thos. Hamilton, Esqr. reasonable Lemma, in the neatest manner and at the Merekents' and -Vane/answers' and Farmers' De- • AGENTS FOR . _ shortest notice. The subscriber!elieves that his long ant Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between ' )9. STEAMER CLEVELAND AND "IRON CITY rood and Market streets. Win.-' Exchange, I • experience in the lei - sines' is a sufficientguarantee that • --' B. Austin Attorney at Law, LINE," 1 . all work entrusted to him will be properly performed. Exchange, Fifth,st.• near Wood. , Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street,bpposite B ark'', TO CLEVELAND. O. [marlB 1 1 . ''' Hats or bonnets cleaned, altered, trimmed or color- HOTELS. Building. . ad as heretofore. - WM. SCHOLEY. Monongahela House, Water street, near the - E 7 VF•Wittlite E. AVNTIN, Esq., will give his Eaten. A- G. Rate Its irr. SIDNEY STRONG. . . fl7-3m l , - •••• N I ridge. • • Lion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him REINUART & STRONG, ---,-mb;7. - - .. 7• 4 . -'' . - , . .... EzrkanTe Hotel, corner ofPenn and St. Clair. to the patronage of my friends. (Successors to Lloyd & Co.) _ • .iciiiNi Irt ti L A or. Aferchants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. sep 10-y WALTER FORWARD. Who.esale and Retail Grocers and Commission :•• r ' `-! 1 ''. , • -, 1 ',, i i I. I. i , •,,,. . American Hotel. cornerofThirdand Smithfield, Daniel " _ Corry, Attorney at Law, Merchants, ''' ~, . i .ti.f - e.:i.ii .' . lhated Stales, corner of Penn et- and Canal. • Office on. Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield No. 140, Liberty's., * few doors above St. Clair, i't: . Spread Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh. ap 8 Miller's Manion House, Liberty St., opposite - [ Where families and others can at all times be . . . ' - • . : -•-, i'ayne. ROBERT PORT dR - ..... ... .... JOHN B. PEREINE. furnished with good Goods at moderate prices. Eva oct 26 . 4•:',.. ~.. Broadhairst's Mansion House, Penn St., opposite Porter & Perkins, Attorneys at Law ' DAVID LLOYD. - -------- • a . W. LLOYD . anal. Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, Peach Trees. --•••• • - ..- .------- -- --.----- sep 10 Pittsburgh. D. &G. W. Lloyd, gok THE subsea:ter has j est received from the Nur- .---,.. • THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION =sei7 of Landreth and Fulton near Philadelphia. Judson & Flanegin, Attorneys at Law, HEA LTIL Smithfiekl,near 7th striset. Cellertions m ade on mod- *en slot of the choicest variety of pearl trees, to which he entre terms. Pensions for widows of old soldiers under FORWARDING MERCHANTS, would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN. thelato act of Congress obtained. Papersand draw. AND DIALER! IN reoence a enrseramt suite may 8. No Liberty st. bead of Wood. ings for the patent trifler prepared. mar 17-y VF•CTURE.II. ..,,.„ Henry S. Illagraw, Attorney at Law, It?" / Liheral advances in rash or goods made on M 0 FOR ~,. ...„. Has removed his office to hie residence, on Fourth st., cimsignments of produce, &c., at No. 142. Liberty it t engled Colds!! 0 onsunnotion - two doors above Smith fi eld. sop 18 street. ml 5 THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. • Z. D. Oreigh, Attorney at Law, Removal • .. .„.. Office corner Smithfield and Third streets, Pittsburgh. .. . my 9.5-y FRANCIS SELLERS Wm. O'llars Robinson,Attorney atLaw, ...• . Hai removed his office to the Exchange, St. Clair street. f 16.'44 GirAn individual only wishes to know the right way to pursue it: and there are none, were it surely made known -how /Art might be prolonged and 'Health recovered, who would not doubt the plan.— Evidence is required that the right way is discovered Thislis what those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about. For who is so foolish as not tt enjoy all ,the health that his body is capable-oft Who is there that would not live when his experience can so much benefit himself and familyt It is a melancholy , fact that a very large proportion of the most useful members of society die between the ages of thirty and :forty. How many widows and helplePlf orphans have . teen.the-consequence of mnndkind not having in their awn power the amens of restoring health when lest. Now ali these dangers and difficulties can be preven ted and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting nature in the outset, with a good Jose of Brandreth's rills. This is a fact. well understood to be so by thou sands of our citizens. This medicine, if taken so as to purge freely, will surely cure any curable disease.- --There is no form or kind of sickness that it does not exert a curative influence upon. Thus, by their pow er in. resisting putrefaction, they cute measles, small pox, worms and all contagenos fevers. There is note medicine in the world so able to purify the mass of blood, and restore it to a healthy oeudition, as the Brandreth Pills. The Btaadreth Pills ere purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant of a month old may use them, if medicine is required. net only with safety but with o certainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is capa ble of tmparting. Females may use them in all the crit cal .periods of their lives. The Brtuulreth Pills will insure their health, and produce regularity in all the functions of life. The same may be said of Brandrea's external remedy, as an uuteard application to all external Pains or swellings, or sores, it greatly assists the cure, When used where the skin is very tender or broken, it @honld be mixed with one or two pints of water. A sure test of gestuisse Brawl, eth Pals.—Exam ine the box of Pills. Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must be within the year, which es ery authorised agent must possess; if the three labels on the box agree with the three labels en the cer tificate, the Pills. are true—.if not, they are false. Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York. Jane 16 IMPORTANT FACTS r%R. LEIDY'S Sarsaparilla Blood Pills are applies; ble in all cases, whether for Purgatives or Pa Hitt-alien, They possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and arc additionally efficacious, containing Sarsaparilla in their composition, which is not c0n...1i n-. ed in any other pills in exjstence. They are also dif ferent from ether pills in cornpcsition, being purely vegetable, and can be employed at all times, without any danger, and requiring no restraint from occupation or usual course of living. Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, vet it is not saying -SIP =mho( them, from the innomerablecurtss perform ed by them in every variety and form of disease (cer tificates of many of which have been published from persons of all denominations, physicians, clergymen, and others) that they seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persons using them for whatever sick ness or disease, may rest assured that they will befound more efficacious than any other pills in existence. From the known reputation of Dr. Leidy's Blood Pill, it is necessary to remind the public where they Jean at all times procure the genuine, as itis attempted so impose other pills, called the 'Blood Pills' upon the public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. par ticular and ask for Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood - Pills aid see that the name of N B. Leidy is contained on two sides of each box, (the boxes being of paper, and phlon, squaresbape, surrounded by a yellow and black label. PRICE -25 cents n Box. Prnintred only. and .00 wholesale and retail, at Dr. Leidy s Health Emporium, 191 North Second street. below Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. A. PAN A STOCK 4. CO., corner of 'Wood and Sixth street*, Arms fur Pittsburgh. jy 12—Iy De. Good's oelebnpea regyikp TIii:SE rills ;re strongly recommended to the notice of INties se a safe and efficient remedy in r•ng those complaints peculiar to Maim:, from giant efemecise,orgeneraldeinlityof the system ; Thew nintinsa 091108110144 and cOmsteract all filysterical az Nerirousalfectiocs. These pslle have gained timeline lion so d• of the mom eminent Physicians in t h e Ef • • States, and many Mothers. Pm sus Whoieseie and Retail, by R. E. S ELLPRS, Agent, — sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street. below Second Goo. S. Belden, Attorney at Lair, Office on Fourth street., between Wood and Smithfield Cocereyaticing and other instruments of wri• ting legally and promptly executed. mnr 21 tf John L MitchcU , Attorney at Law, Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and will also prepare legal instruments of writing with correct ness and despatch. Smithfield street (near sth street) Pittsburgh. mB, '44 S. iikTrinir t Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, betwe Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10.tf De. S. D. Mimes, O -in Second street, next door to Mulvany & Co.'s Glass Warehouse. sep 10—y Apr. A, W. Patterson, OtEce.Smithfield street, third door from the corner of sixth street. sep 10 Ward dr.. Bunt, Dentists, Liberty sweet, a few doors below St. Clair, 9)6,1813 Doctor Daniel McNeal, ()trios on Filth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10-y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., co TTO N TARN WARBUOUSE, Ns. 43, Wood Street, Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns mar 17—v WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS JOHN S. DILWORTH • WiDionto & Dilworth, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mer chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactmd Ar. tides, No. 29. Wood street. sap 10—y NEW GOODS,—PISTON & MACKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers is English, Punch and. Domestic Dry Goods No. 81, Market street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y BIRMINGHAM & CO., Commission sad Pogwarding Elbrawn* No. 60, Water -street, Pittsburgh, Pa M"TERMS.—Receiving and shipping, Scents per 1001 bs. Commission on purchases and sales, 24 per cent trtar 22—y Brownsville Sweinta Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sep 10-7 HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO.,'' Wito/sinla Grocers, Commindoll sad Prey ohms lienbants, And dealers in Pitt4ssurgk Mansfactswes• mar 17 No, 43, Wood street. Pittsburg t. liggirkFtlrate,_'s For proceedings in attacratttent under the ligelsv , Gas sale at thisatificta alanhyar Zona, /UAW NA Iflresse Has removed to Fourth street, opposiPea' tis the Mayor's of fice, where hewill be happy to wait upon pernseneset or transient customers. He solicits a slue of priblie pa tronage- - sep 10. Pia 111101/OWIII4 . RECORDING'EGTJLA TOR, tz•V'Ofrtee jn Relettrwree's B IZI I Lll4ll4li t Pare street a few doors Admire Handimeet. Yft 1 1111111qpip w 1 01.6446/ & Abla MAUL GROCER, Fee , word iskivalit Cernimpiasion Merchant, aid dealer inC(root &ma PlitabgrO Sfamorse tam, No 23 Fifth street, rutoburg*, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, And dealer in Produce Salt and Cordage, Has removed to No 17, Liberty street, opposite the bend of Smithfield street. f27-tf REMOVAL. JAMES 110WAIID 4t, 00 . ILTAYE removed their WALL PAPER WARE HOUSE to NO. ea, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street Where they have on band a large and splended as sortment of WALL P A PER and BORDIRS, suitable for papering Parlors, Chambers, %. ails, &c. Also, a general assortment of WI rang, Letter, Print ing, Wrapping and Tea paper. Bonnet Boards, &e. Which they will sell low for Cash. or in exchange for Rags, Tanners Scraps. anc. fel) 22. 1/144 REMOVA L• HOLDSHIP & BROWNE HAVE removed their Paper Store from Market street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the emperor 4th street, where they keep on hand their us ual assortment of W ALL PAPERS, for paperin r, par lors, entries, chambers, &c., and also PRINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. &c., all of which they offer fur sale on ac commodating terms. feb 14 1643—dtf NTCHOLAS D. COLEMAN LLOYD IL Cola'sAs Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forsoarding and Comuniosion Merchants, Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so licit consignments, John Cartwright, CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, corner of 6th and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always en hand an extensive assortment Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je 24. William 0. Wall, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CA N V ASS Isrutdies,varnish, &c., for artists, alway s on band. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fit a. med to order. Repairing clone at the shortestnotice. Particular attentionpaid to regilding and jobbing or everydescription. Persons fitting Stamboats or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y SAMUEL MORROW. Manullicturer of Tin v i a topper and Skeet Iron No. 17, Fifa areet,behoeopi. Wood aa hfar,Fet, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand, tbefollowingsnicles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridinmg, skillets,teakettles,pots, ovens, coffee mills, dim. Mar abous and others are invited to call and examine for benuches,es be is determined to sell cheap forcash or approved paper. marl—ti PORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port rail Paixter; Fourth st., 3d story Burka Bail ding. J. Osborne would solicit e fpere those wh o desire Portraits . Spcintens can be seen at his warns may 5. 0/13114P PLACA FOR 0411511. SIGN'OF THE GILT COMB. No. 108, Market Street, "war Lam rty. STII4 A r S AND NE' - EAR'STR.F.SENT.S. PRE eulnleriber respontfalty Worms his fdefxls I. and the public generally, dud he has on bend, and will receive in s few days, a . Wig" and splendid assortment of toys and fitucy artiales, suitable for the holidays, which will be sold whohissde and retail, at reduced prices. P!issons who wish to buy cheap will please aall st the sign of the gilt comb, Not Mk KW itet gar"; and 0117 will not bedisappoinceol. dee 16 C. YEAGER. Improved Magnesia Safes, MANUFACTURED DT CONSTABLE & BURKE, Fifth ' Street, between Wood and Snit/tile/a, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE subsc ri bers presenattbeir respects to their nu morons friends for their former liberal patron age, and would take this method of assuring them and .the public generally that all future favors will be duly appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of which sufficient testimony will be given to any inquirer. The principles of 'heir lucks and safes are not sur passed in the Thtion. The price also is considerably lessened, and will be found as low, if nut below any other responsible house in the Union. We would take this opportunity of thanking the va rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, whe have spoken so highly of us and our safes. The public ant respectfully invited to examine our articles before purchasing elsewhere, feeling assured the sup*.riority of our manufacture will be apparcatto all candid spectators. N. CONSTABLE & E. BURKE. N. B. Safes can be obtained of any size or shape, or of any principle of lock or construction, of the sub scribers, or of S Church, Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • n2o—tf Adam's Patent u litaughphy".Xlills HAVE now been be; fore the public three )ears, during which time . several thousand have been sold and in daily use.— We are confident of being `.• sustained in saying they are the best Coffee Mills in the United States, any way you 'ft: it.' Seven I _ modifications are made to snit the fancy of wives nny br the purses of husbands. la • —. .Suld by the grass or doz ••• A Tabun' en at the manufactory, Malleable Castings made to order. FAIRBANKS' PATENT PLATFORM SCALES. These genuine articles. of all sizes, and Most impro ved varieties, constantly on hand and fin sale at vet y reduced prices by the manufacturer. L. R. 'LIVINGSTON, mar 2--tf Front between Ross and Grant Its. CHARLES A. MOANULTY. Forwarding and Commission litorchant, Pirrsavitca, P 4., Agent for U. S Portable Boat Line, fertile transporta tion of Merchandise to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore Philadelphia, New York and Boston. j3l-ly ALLEN KILAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sightcheaks °nate Eastern cities, for sale. Dntfts, notes and bills, RIVERSNC LS Win, Dell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwell,.. James May, Alex. Bronaon&Co:' Johan Brown&Co. James M'Candleas. J. R. M'Donald. W. H. Pope, eq,Prea't Bank ' E. H. HEASTINGS, County illetzveyas and City Ragnlata OFFICE in the "Monongahela House," in the rooms occupied by this Prosecuting AuorneY, H. C. Moorhead & J. G. Reed, Esqs.--entrance on Smithfield street. feb. 13. FOR, SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Steam 2111611.1. OE is 20 hones power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot stroke, will be sold with or without Wier.. The other engine is 12 horse power, 7t incb cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 f .ong, 30 inches dianitstei. These engines are made of the bast ma terials and in the most substantial manner, and will kw sold on accommodating norms. They cn he seen at the warehouse of the subscriber at any time. - j24—tf H. DEVINE. U. StittesLi M. Esot.r. -- J 114.1101 PitsTKa- EGOLF 4 FOSTER, Wasters. Raid Nis tivio Agessy, Third at., nextdeor to the Post Oftee,Pistaburib. Pa for the-parehase and sale of Real Ea als i Xstt7aegotiating of Lama, awl Colloatioes, Thera &so attend to tips selling of : pig inetsa For tweets at a flounce : lemon, 1 1 0. 1 *oh will•nlese with firm 4 li‘ta atten tion. Terms raedosiem The best of teferemetigivoit on applicationittiMeteso* THIS pleasant and certain cure for coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of his so gnat that the proprietor has some difficulty in keeping a supply for the increasing demand. Medical agencies, groce ries, druggists. col Fee houses, and even bars on steam boats, keeps sopplyen hand. It is Galled for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this every one who bass cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by matte. Persons at a distance, by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by the single stick, 6i ...eau; five sticks for 25 cents; andet whales* by Wx. THORN, Druggist, 53, Market stivet.whele a general assortment of Elpigs ancibledici nes may always be found. 324. JOHN McFARLAND, 1.11 Upholsterer and Cabinet Iffaker,l agr 24 rt., between Wood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that ho is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, clears, t4sbles, bedsteads, stands, Bair and sprits , mattaassos, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol strarng work, which he will warrant equal to any made in the city, end on reasonable terms. sep 10 Iforatio P. Irem, Claidact Maw, Late of Llefirm of You*, ¢ ArCordy) MIAS, commenced the cosiness in all its branches at No 22, Wood. street, between First and Second strs„, where be will keep constantly on hand a good as sortment of well made FURNITURE; OUR hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Every attention willbepaid to furnishing COFFINS, Stc. A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 ISAAC CRSE, COMMISSION &TORWA WM U 3 MERCHANT No. 87, Snide, Wkarf, lIALTIXORL, er'l. C. will give his particular attention to Pro. duce, consignments of which are respectfully solicited. Goods reeeived, stored and forwarded to any pert of the country. Having a terse and commodious Ware house for storage, and other facilities for the prompt transaction of business, he confidently offers his servi ass to the community. References in Beitimere. &lours %V. Wilson & Son,Georgo.& Hays. Reynolds & Smith, Henry Rieman Qi Son. James Power & Son. Piusi•urgh, Pa References fa Philadelphia. Robert Creighton & Co., Samuel W. Day, Esq., References in Pittsburgh.. Bailey & Co; Robertson & Reppert; Daltell & Fleming; M. Leech &• Co; 3. W. Burbridge & Co, W. &R. M'Cutcheon. And the . mornhaula pnerallY. marl 6 Philadelphia. Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, Mo. y. ) Louisville. Pat= SNELL OYSTIMS, Received this der . ,!- ACONSTANT supply will he kept on hod fur the remainder of the season. Shires' best premium Prat'. Ale always on tap et the WESTERN EXCHANGE, m4-tf No. 9, Market, and NO. 74, Front at. REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING &o. &c. HE undersigned, having east:clued themselves 1 for the transaction of all busin' essreiative to Real Estate, will henceforth attend to the purchase and sale as wall as routinesf city slid coign) , preperty, enlist* ing rents &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had much ex perience, and being extensively known as an agouti* Real Estate,they hope to receive a hloeral shareofpuli tic patronage. For the accommodation of the public, there will be two offices, where *micas" will be receiv ed; at the Real Estate Agencyal Junes Plakely„ Penn st., sth Ward, and at the Lger office of John J. 8, W. side of Braithfiefdl at.. (near 5 - of 14 h. persons alibis(' to have i of wri' tingArlitY sod newly .excised, titles it‘eselsited. or desirous to Parahase or dispose of Reel Mess will apply. J. J. Mitchell will matinee to ettenit to the &sties of bisprofessinn, as beresefere, JAMBS BLAKELY, brgcliXl4:, tin 4--d&wilm. [conrinuse.]. The only remaining objection is the question of. slavery. And have vre a question which is to curtail the limits of the republio.-to threaten its existence—. to aim a deadly blow at all its great andvital interests —to court alliance with foreign and with hostile pow: era—to recall our commerce mid ixpel our manure*, ' toms. from bays and rivers that once were all one owne-to strike down the flag of the Union, as it ed. vanes towards our ancient boundary—t rem:mena ce a mighty territory, and invite to its occupancy the deadliest (in truth, the only) foes this government has ever encountered? Is anti-slavery to dealt this? And is it so to endanger New Orleans, and the valley an 4 commerce and outlet of the West, that we would held them, not by our own strength, but by the slender ten um or the will and the mercy of Great Behain7 If anti, slavery can effect all this, may god, in his infinite mer cy, save and. perpetuate this Union; for the efforts of man woild be feeble and impoten t . The avowed ob ject of this party is the imm ediate of' slavery. For this, they traverse sea and land; for this, they hold conventions in the capitol of England; and there they , brood over schemes of abolition, in association with 'British societies: there they juin in denunciations of their countrymen, until their hearts are filled with tree. son, and they return home, Americans in name. but Englishmen in feelings and principles. Let us all, then. feel and know, whether we live North or-South, that this party, if not vanquished, must - overthrow *0 government, and dissolve the Ucion. This party pro pose the immediate abolition of slavery throughout the Union. If this was practicable, let urtiook at the consequences. By the returns of the - hist 'Census, the products of the slaveholding Ststes, in 1840, amounted in value to $404,429,638. These pmoucts, then, of the South. must have alone enabled it to furnish a home market fur all the surplus manufactures of the North, as also a market for the products of its forests end fish. cries; and Living a mighty impulse to all its commerci. al and navigetiug interests. Now,neerly all these agri cultural products of the South which eccofishes ail the great purposes, is the result of slit s and, strike down these products try theim fdl'olitioil p3a k r. of slavery, end the markets of the South, forwent of d the means to purchase, will be lost to the people of the ' 4 North; and North and South wild be involved in one common ruin. Yes, in the harbors of the North (at '',.• Philadelphia, New York, and Boston) the vessels would rot at th,eir wharves for want of exchangeable products to carry; the building of ships would cease, and the grass would grow on many a street 1110%1/ enlivened by an active and progressive industry. In the interior, the rail roads and canals would lan guish fur want of. business; end thelacti. ries ton! manufacturing towns and cities, deeayieg turd des erted, would stand as blasted monuments of the fully of man. One universal bankruptcy would over, spread the country, together with all the deamulkea doe and crime which ever accompany each a maestro- ' phe; and the notices at every corner would point Del& to sales on execution, by the constable, the sheriff the marshal, and the auctioeeer; whilst the beggars would ask us in the streets, not for money, but for bread Datk as the picture may he, it could not ex, ceed the gloomy reality. Such would be the affects in the north; whilst in the smith, no human. heart can conceive, nor pen tiesarihe, the dreadful consequences. Let us look at another result to the north. The slim beinkemancipated, not by the south, but by the north, would fly there fur safety and protection; and three milliatts of free blacks would be thrown at once, as if by a etinvulsion of nature, upon the states of the north. They would come there to their friends of the north, who had given them freedom, to give them also habi tation, food,and clothing; and, not having it to give, many of them would perish from want and exposure; a hitst the wretched remainder *add be left tolivo as - theycould r by theft or citerity. They would still bee degraded MIA., free only in name, without the meaty of freedom. A few might earn a +moi l ed and preca rious subsistence, by competingwitb the whits labor ers of the north, and reducing thetbiesige&to dilloaresa paint in - the sliding stale of . stervatioa and miseq; whilst the pxtr house and the jail, the asylums of dm deaf and dumb, the blind, the idiot and insane ; would be filled to overflowing; if, indeed, any *glum,could be afforded to the millions of the negro Awe whew , wretchedoest and crime would drive to tieseajr en 4 madness. That these are rind realities, is proved by the Gent - sus of 1340. I annex in an appendix a table marked No 1, compiled by me entirely from the official return. of tho census of 1840. except as to prisons andpaw. pers, which ere obtained ftcm city and state returns, and the results are as follows: Isl. That the number of deaf and dumb, blind.idiats and insane, of the negrnes in the non-slaveholding states, is one out of every 96; in the sh.veholdinig states, is is one out of every 672, or seven to one i, - favor of the slaves in this respect, es compared with the free blacks. . . 2d. The number of whites. deaf and dumb, Flied, idiots and insane, in the non.slaveholding states, is 000 in every 561; being nearly six to one in the same stele*. against the blacks. 3d. The number of negrne s who ate deafer:ll dumb blind, idiots and iusaue, paupers, and in prison in ~,,- the non-slaveholditi,g states, is one out of every 5. and - - -.* in the slaveholding suttee, one out of every 154; or ' 5-- * twenty-two to one eguinst the free blacks, as compery ...., ed with the slaves. 4th. Taking the two extremes of north and south, in Maine, the number el negrues returned as deaf anti ..... ~_:,,- ..j dumb, blind, insane and idiots, by the census of 1 8444 , 1 - 0. -. is one out of every twelve, and in slaveholding Flo Wt. ''' rini by the same returns, is 01$13 of every 1105; 0011,.. k. ....:V;1 to one in favor of the slaves of Florid's, as CamtilleflK, *: ~ '1 with.the freo blacks of Maine, '''' --- . -'"' By the report of the secretory of state of Idessiseba.„ 3 .- - .7 -- setts (of the Ist November, 1893) to the legislate re, .. ' 1. there were then in the county jails, and houses of out+. rection in that State, 4,020 whites, and 364 newts; 4. and adding the previeus returns of the State prison, :I 255 whites and 32 blacks; making in IA 4,275 whites, and 396 free blacks; being one out of met) , f,,aaku il .. died and seventy of the white. and oue of erery twentyi one of the free black population; and by the tdgeitti, returns oldie census of 1 80, and their olvpll7 , .'fi -. A , '-'- returns to their own legislature, one ppt of eve ii v i r V# ~I titet ... teen of thu free blacks of Massachusetts wast ry itbitt deaf and dumb, blind, idiot, or insane, or in prisoner tints proving a degree of debasement end misery, ee the part of the colored race, in that truly great State. which is appalling. In the last oifteial report to the - ,; , " legislature of the warden of the posoitestiary of eastern „ , -!`.l Pennsylvania, he says: "The wixtlettesurber of persons ~ received from the opening of the institution, (October '., i ' . l 25,1829,) to January 1, 1943, is 1.622: of tbese„,l,oo4 were, white males, 533 colored males; 27 u bite females, and 58 colored females!" or one out of every 847 of the white, end one out of ererreistrfour of the negro population; and of the whieibitale convicts, one on: of every 18,298; and of des`tOineO .. convicts, * ,.. 1 : one out of every 349 owe pr; , .* dove. of guilt and debesslesa se t the - eolere4 ' . • • vir femaies, revolting lilt Plielseratleled;:- %Whets such ie the debiewmtent of the cohered feeiebi . . lhr exlsweliser , even that of "the whiti .ettelett in tier twist corrupt ' s'' ' chisel of Foram extending, too, throughireq. one-hisy :,.: