Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, March 22, 1844, Image 4

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    ‘ 3 7
13 I Ili " Pitel 11'`' I
jTHE subscriber inost s ,restmctfully
Warms the gentlemen) or this este , sad
. "kin' ity, that he has commencarthe "BOOT abd
Wz making business inogoth qreet, opposite the
„idler:es Ace. : Irving bA Ff o scene of the
most fashionable boot shops flu the Eastern cities; and
lerrbg furnished himself with' the tent French and
Assorimen calf skins, he *mesh; his attention to busi-
Too to merit a share of public instronago. To those
Ottlesson who have ki nd ly patronisedhim be retuThe
~his shakes tbot4te , -IMd.oan with confidgeo ammo
f ar t h e goody tas of his work andloweielge_ of his
111,0Som JlAsis, Soot sad Shoe Maker,
...k Liberty st. opposite 44 head of fpAith*4ls . t„ .
JlThe subscriber . having' bow oat thedill
stock of tholes Thomas Raffertf,decessed,bus
commenced business at the old stand ofbir. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of Rork. in
.his lion, bithebest manner, and on the ateeteermycine.
, imps constantly on heisios large essortmeni. orsboe
I.jiadinp at all ascaziptiaruhpia af the bent *veiny. He
. *kits distostrosnign of thapublic and of the craft.
sap 10-y .. WM. DAIR.
' 'David Mari,
to N 0.34 Market street, between Second and
.A Thin; streets, where he would be happy to see his
ilid.cosiotners. and all others who. feel,,disposeci to
. hlm. *uses nothinglsat first rate stoek, and
..emplovs the host of workintin; and as be. gives his con
itant person& munition to business, be trusts that be
_will deserve and receives fair share of patronage.
~ sop 10
V: Corner of Wood and Water sts,
Tx THERE as Choice an assortment of ready made
V v - clothing, cloths, cessimeres, satinetts, vesting.,
fliiitVel shirts, drowers. cotton, Angola ondlamb'i wool
*Me awl hat hose, stile and gingham: cravat., hdkfs,
Mock., and in short, a little of everything adapted to
INS life of gentlemen, all of which purchasers will find
made up, and alsamade to order in the latest and most
improved style, and at prices which, he flatters himself,
will successfully compete with any establishMent west
of the mountains.
Saving made arrangements in the eastern cities, he
lamslantlt receriviag accessions to his alretuty
well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call,
then, if you wish to furnish yourself with choice articles.
Mr Good and yet Clteap, for Cash! 44111
- Remember the place—carner of Woo and Water
• • ; • - ' e26-6m
Peach Trees.
THE subscriber has justreceived from the Nur.
=eery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia.
0.194 of . the choicest variety of poach trees, to which he
wouldcall the attention of the public.
No. Liberty st. bead of Wood.
a_aredlielelltAilsDlß 3103 ADY
Al vie 3 stand of Young 4. ZirCrirdy, No. 43, se
eonditreet, between Wood and Macket,
RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late
firm. and the public generally, that he is prepa
red-top all orders for Cabinet Work, of any kind,
Vth "I**,l* despatch, and warranted to be equal
say in the city.
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COE
dac , wben required. je 16—y
Meentio P. Yeimir,_ Cabinet Maker,
(Late qf die first of Yews! ¢ M' Canty)
MIAS commenced the onsiness in all its branches at
41 N 022, Wood street, between First and Second
sat 4 where he will keep constantly on band a good as
soFtinent of well made.FWINITURE, and hopes, by
strict attention to busineis, lc/ taitiii g contbraance of
the patronage of the public. •
*vnryattentionivillbepeid to furnishing COFFINS,
&as A Furniture Car for hire.
July 11
Ittripb.iiiteres. 101. cabinet IlLak"r,l,l
TUrd at., betweeli Wood and Market, - M
/4spectfully informs his friends and the public that he
iltprepasysito execute alltittiers for sofas, sideikstitte,
Irtresaa...chattsi, tables, bidateads, stands, hair. and
oriagantotrasses curtains, carpets; all sorts of upkibl
-111PliNiVerkr-wiek4l be wili_lvan'ent equal to any mad.
hide andonte
terms. asp 11). •
1/641theerJenes, Barber and Bair Dreamer,
Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of
fice, where he will be ha ppy to wait upon permanent or
transient cuitanwers. He solicits a share of public pa
, . , sep 10.
1 . ,
~.. Onto: ColdsL'Odassimp tura' /I!
nrtur*ii§ -
pleasant and certain cure for coughs and
. J. col
. 4paes ahead of all the preparations now at'
; ever tit, the public. The use of it is so great that
the proprietor his some difficulty in keeping a supply
for theinerees4.derrond. Medical agencies, grace
- rim druaista'sel . rate houses, and even bars on steam
-'_.*bate, and will sell in any place. The reason is this
emery one who has& cough,er cold by eating a few sticks
dud themselves cured, as ii were, by magic. Pero , '"
at a-distance, by remitting the ncong, past paid, to the
"subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by-the single'
'.7ptick. 6}tatots; five sticks for 25 centa;end at wholesale
WI. Tocsur, Druggist, 53, Market street, whets. a
general assertinestt of Drugs andhledicines may always
1 befound. . .i 2- -
,PUISVILLE LIME-100 Bbls Louisville Lira
- JUI 4w sale by (j 23. ) JklktE.S MAY. •
' . [(Swanson to Lloyd & Co.)
114oheasty pad Retail Grocers and Commission
• Merekants,
No. 149, Liberty se., a few doors above St. Clair,
=erfamilies and others can at all times be
with good Goods at-moderate prices. f2B•
Awe deaietsisseSoilsce. Salt and Cordage,
Has removed to No 17, Liberty 'treat, opposite the
head of Smithfield street. _ f27-tf
For proceedings in attachment under the f 1 to law,aer
sale at this office. ,W 23
- - JD Williams,
- wgrdiug arid COMIXII:DiellOrl Merchant, and
'BrioCsnisjoy Pioduce sad Pittsburgh Manufac-
Isms4l l lo UN.% irtroet, Pittsburgh.
D. & 0: W. Lloyd,
Asp DEALIIIS As ?applies a.rni.ssuaaa:susc.
iLiberal advances in cash or goods made on
• • of produce, &c., at No, 142, /AO' rrty
- 111/16 S. Se Sion, Atipesey at Law,
airfeluth rolliikriet,lmmwsee Wood and Smithfield.
' - -ow 214 •
Sindairsam & Tindal;
A njou irmikA,
Aogit .V.E'flpk4 WD . JI7KD IRON CITY
• • -' WEE; '
TO INVALIDS. - - - •
oF`How important it is thatyea coalmine* with.
out loss of time with Baaeriarcr" They
mildly but eurely remove all :impurities of the blood,
Mid no cans of sieknems can eill)ctathe human Enure,
that thesiffee do not relieve as much as
medicine an ..":41.701ris'Ancintietetel.etar 'mnriablenefit
tad by the, Brandreth pills, than by lozenges and can
diem' - PerbePai as paliatives, but worth
tuOing as eradicators of diseases from the human
system. The Braadretir Pills cura.they do not mere
! Y iv e vo; they cure diseases, whether chronic or re
vent, inFectipos or otherwise, will certainly be cured
by the use of these alLsefficienteills.
Sure srttos January 21, 1843.
Dr. Benjamin Brandreth:--Honored 'Sir, owing
to you Aliebt efgratitede.thatmoriayeamun ray, I rim
induced to items "public acknowledgment of the ben
eft my wife has derived from your invaluable pills.—
About three years this winter - she Wax taken with a
piths in her 4nkle, which soon became very much in
&awed and swollea.-so mediae that webecame alarm
ed, and sent for the doctor. During his attendance
the pain and swelling increased Loan alarming degree,
anci in three weeks from its first commencement it be
crime a-ruining sore. She could get no rest at night
the pain was se great. Our first doctor attended her
far six Months; and she received no benefit whatever,
the pairs-grawing worse and the sore larger all the
while; He said if it was healed up it would be her
ditath, but ho appeared to be at aloes how to proceed,
and poor wile still continued to suffer the most terrible
tenures. We therefore sought other aid in a Botani
cal doctor, who said when be first saw it that he could
soon care the sore, and give her ease at once. To our
surprise he gave her no relief, and acknowledged that
it baffled all his skill.
Thus we telt after having tried doring one whole
year the experience of twitnelabiated physicians in
vain, in absolute despair; ' My poor wife's constitution
nipidly failing hi the prune of her years front heecon
tined stlffdrin4' Undentlese circumstances we con-
Cud id that we would-try yore -Universal Vegetable
Pills. determined to fairly test their curative effects.—
To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afford-.
ed great relief to the pain. Within one week, to the
astonishment of ourselves and every one whok new the
eue.tbaswelling and the inflammation beganito cease
so that she felt quite easy, and would sleep comforta
bly, and sir, after six weeks use she was able to go
through the house, and again attend to the manage
ment of her family, which she had not done for 14
Menthe. In a little over two months from the time she
brit commenced the use of your invaluable pills,' her
ankle was quite sound. and her health better than it
had been in quite a number of years before. I send
you this statement after tWo peers test ofllie eure, con
sidering it only an act of Janice to you and the public
at large. • '
We are, with much gratitude,
Very respectfully,
P. S. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore
cancerous, and finally said no good could done, un
less the whole of the Seth was cut off, and the bone
scraped. Mitt& Ckind Providence this made us re
sort to your pills, which saved us from all further mis
ery, and for which we hope to be thankful.
T.djE. L.
['Sold at 25, cents per box. with directions.
Übierve the new labels, each .having upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the gen
ine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and
three B. Brandreth upon it.
The only place in .Pittsburgh where the real Brand
reth Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own office,
the Diamond behind the/market house. Mark, the
genuine 'Britiadieth PHIS On never be obtained in any
drug store.
The following are the only agents appointed by Dr.
It. Brandreth, fur the sale of his Vegetable Universal
Pills, in Allegheny county:
John Glass—AlleVeny.
Robert Duncan-.. ipningham.
C F Diehl—Elisabetbtown.
H Rowland—McKeesport.
Presaly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnston--Noblestown.
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewattstown.
Asdell &
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
George Power—Fsirview.
David RC00n,...1 5 2um township.
Daniel Negley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilk insburgh.
Wm 0 Hunter—Allen's Mill. mar 23, 1843
nr'An individual only wishes to know the right
way to pursue it; and. there ate none, were ft. surely
made known how Lux might he prolonged and
Health recovered; *veto would not doubt the plan.—
E vidence is required that tho right way is discovered
This is what those sUfFeriter from, sickness want to be
satisfied about. For who is so foolish as not to enjoy
I the health that his body is capable of? \Vho is
there that would not live when his tetperience can so
much benefit himself and family? It is a melancholy
fact that a very large proportion of the most useful
members of society die between the ages of thirty and
forty. How many widows and helpless orphans have
been the consequence of tnandkind not hiving in their
men power the means of restoring health when lost.
Now all these flange rs and cliffscu I ties can be preven
ted'aed the long find certain sickness, and by assisting
nntere in the outset, with a good dose of Brandreth's
P ills. This is afact,, well understood to be so by thou.
sands of our citizens. This medicine, if taken se. as
to purge freely, will surely cure any curiiilitlisseute:
There is ne form or kind of sickness that it does not
exert a curative influence upon. Thus, by their pow.
ex in resisting putrefaction, they cure measles, man
pox, worms and all contageous fevers. There is not a
medicine in the world so able to purify the mass of
blood, and restore it to a healthy condition, as the
Brandreth Pills.
The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and AO
innocent that the infant of a month old may use them,
if medicine is required. not only with safety but with a
certainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is raps
ofimparting. Females may use them in all the crit
.periods of their lives. The Brandreth Pills will
in tore .their health, and produce regularity in all the
functions of life.
The, same may be said of Brandret/i.'s external
remedy, asa.nect , ,ard application to all external pains
or swellings, - or.sores, it greatly assists the cure.
11 , hen used where the skin is very tender or broken,
it should be:mixed with one or two pints of water.
A tare test of genuine Brand, eth Pt/lg.—Exam
ios the box lA . Pills. Then look at the certificate of
agency, wlwse engraved An° must be within the year,
which eery mtherised again must possess; if the three
labels on the box agree with the three labels on the cat
tiftcate, the Pills are true—..knot, they are false.
Principal office, 241 Brotetway; "New York.
june 16
The office in Pittsburgh which wasest,tiblished for the
purpose of constituting agents for the west;!having ac
complished-that object, is now closed, and folfr G H
LEE in the Diamond Market street, appointed my
agent for the - sale of Pills and Liniments. All Dr.
Bitndreth agents will therefore understand that Dg
Brendreth will send a travelling agent'through the
ccuntry once a year to collect moneys for sales made
and re-supply agents. The said traveller will be sup
plied with the power of Attorney, duly proved before
the Clerk of the city timicounty of New York, together
vr th all necessary vouchers and papers.
Mr J J Yoe, is my travelling agent now for Penn
sylvania. B BR ANDRE:TH, M D.
N B Remember MrG H Leeriri teat 9f the mar
ket, is now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
New York, June 14th, 1843.
0. W. LLOYD.
j* Is 111-OWAIRD & 00.
11AVE removed their WALL PAPER WARE
between Diatrunid rifle! end Fourth street.
Where they bare on bandit large mid splencled as
sanntentoof WALL PAPER and Boaor.aa, suitable for
Aloe,•itensentilteserheent et Writing, Letter, Prie •
iniLWrillirw.enti Tea
. paper, Bcautet.lteerds,
Which they will'ietl low for Cerh, 'roe is exehinge
for Rags, Tamers Sere*, •Sne Feb 22, 1844
..5..__..,~ _._._::.tip __.W.
1 11:114ttur:::: autos ,Featza.
• , . WOLF 4!it FOSTER,
Wes trkdr a al S*te
ne atafist=ugh, Pa
rje Agency for the purchass and side of &eel Es
ate, Stocks, negotiating of Loans, MA ColleCtiont.
They will also attend to the selling of pig mete for
owners it a distance_.
Letters, post paid, wilt meet with immediate limn
don. Terms moderate. The best of teferenoes given
on a • lication at the office.
'Ph. Great Q eutral Rinds
Vis Natimat Road an d haVintore and Ohio Rail
Road Company.
- -
- -
AND Nrw Wait.
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
1. daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa.
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here
with the rail road Co's to all the above pieces: Trav
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pictseurgli and Cam
bet-land line, facilities will be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb 3--dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co.
Beaver and Warren Packet.
Tin canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw,master. will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting wititit4Stage Lines to Clevela nd direct, For fretight or passage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
As lisztaL
NO sooner does one of Dr Leidy's preparations be
come popular, in consequence of its success and
efficacy, than it is zounterfeited and imitated.
To prevent imposition, Di Leidy has now procured
moulded bottles for his celebrat, d Tetter and Itch
Ointment, with the words 'Dr Leidy's Tetterand Itch
Ointment,' blown in the glass, besides containing his
written signatuie on a yellow label outside.
De- . Leidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment has proved
rncke efficticiomi than any other preparation for Tetter,
Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and dins.
see of the skin generally.
It has been employed in schools, factories, and on
board vessels carrying passengers, where children, as
well as grown persons, contract diseases of the skin
from their contagious nature, with the most unexam
pled success; certificates and recommendations have
been heretofore published from them° nd numerous oth
ers might be obtained fur publication, but fnr . the ob
jections most persons have, to having their names pub
lished in connection with.such disagreeable and losth
some affections.
In no single instance has it ever been known to fail
It has been toed upon infants and by persons of all
ages. ~Itis perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its
composition, and may be used under all circumstances.
Price Twentv-fivecents a bottle. Prepared and snld
at Dr Leidy's Health Emporium, (sign of the Gulden
Eagle and Serpents,) and by B A FA HNESIOCK &
CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for
July 12
DEW:NAL—The undersigned begs leave to in
it.. form the public, that he has removed from his
old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair no., op
posite the Exchange Hotel, where he has fitted up a
large PIANO FORT& WARN ROOM, and now offers the
most splendid assortment of PIANOS ever °feted in
this market.
Hia pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Ruse Wood and Mahogany, beautifully fi iished and
modeled, and constructed throughout of the very best
materials, which. for durability and quality oft ale, as
well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever
seen here.
As he has enlarged his manufaetnry, and mule ar
rangements to supply the increasing demand for this in•
strumcnt, h 3 respectfully mpiests thine intending to
purchase to call and examine his assoitment before
purchasing ..Isewhere, as be is determined to sell Low
an, for cash, than any other establishment east or west
of the mountains. F. BLUME,
• Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets,
Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pep 10.
Dr. Leidy's Totter & Itch Ointment.
FOR the cure of every variety of Truer, the Itch,
and all diseases of the skin, has proved iteelf more
efficacious than any other preparation for the same pur
l:rage in lute.
Upwards of five hundred certificates saight by p:ocu
recl and ribfished °fits efficacy from School Teachers,
Proprietors of Factories, Parents, Guardians, Child
Nurses, Captains of vessels and others, were it not for
the delicacy in having their names published in con
nection with such disagreeable affections.
By the use of Dr Leidy's Tetter Ointment in conjunc
tion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, be
will guarantee tocure any disease common to the skin,
however bad, or of however long standing, or refund
the money. There are however very few instances but
can be erred by the Oint tient alone.
Price, 25 emits a box.
Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr
Leidy 's Zmrtotitnn, 191 N Second st.
ail& by B A FAH NESTOCK & Co. corner
orVinod and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh.
desirous of procuring fruit, ornamental and shade
trees, and shrubbery, from Philadelphia, are respect
fully requested to leave their orders with the subscri
ber as soon as possible. F L SNOWDEN,
jou 25 No 184 Liberty, head of Wood st.
CINCINNATI, February 15, 1840.
DR SWAYNE—Dear Sir: Permit me to take the
liberty of writing to you at this time to express
ny approbation and to recommend to the attention of
Beads of families and others your invaluable medicine
—the C"mpound•Syrup of Prunus Vireiniana, or wild
cherry bark. In my travels of late I have seen io a
great many instances the wonderful effects of your
medicines in relieving children of very obstinate com
plaints, such as coughing,wheezing choking of phlegm,
asthmatic attacks, &c, &c. l r should not have written
thin letter, however, at present, although I have felt
it my duty to add my testimony to it for some time, had
it not been fur a late instance where the medicine
above alluded to was instrumental in restori..g to per
fect health an "only child," whose case was almost
hopeless, in a family of my acquaintance. "I think
Heaven," said the cleating motile!, "my child is saved
from the jaws of tleath, 0 how I feared the relentless
ravager. But my child in safe, is safe!"
Beyond all doubt, Dr Swayne's Coippound Syrup
of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or
any other country lam certain I have witnessed more
than one hundred cases where it has been attended with
complete success. lam using it myself in an obsti
nate attack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual
in an exceedingly short time, considering the severity
of the case. I can recommend it in the fullest confi
dence of its superior virtues; I would advise that no
farrily should be without it; it is very pleasant and of
ten beneficial—worth double and often ten times its
price. The public are assured there is no quackery
about it. R. JACKSON, D D
formerly pastor of the Ist Presbyterian Church. N Y
Sold wholesale and retail by WM. THORN,
'lO No 53 Market st, sole agent for Pittsburgh:
FOR shoot 4p yeara I have been periodically alßict
ed tvith weakness, accompanied by pain in my
,iomach, head ache, pain in the eyes, d 4 zziness and
want of breath. .L have tried many plans to subdue
the complaints to fki purpose. During the moan* of
July and August. I used one bottle of Dr McLane's
Lung Syrup, and twohczes of his liver Pills. By us
ing these inedicitles I enjoy better health than I. have
done for many - Teat' Tliqatting - Syriip in be!ililikaiitri
with the liver Pills, are an eirtellentanti,bilious aperi
ont and well calculated to puri6 , the system: .
New Richmond. Jefferson county, Ohio.
Sold at the Dreg Store of JON. KIDD,
ml 6 corner 4th and Wood sty.
RlVlerrod . hOsSiredAWbeit
thougni Pg,44 recovel7g.irola cerivuisiotie. Ae loon as
thetSyrup is rubbed on lho l rotais. the child will Moy
er. This preparationis so innocent, so elfreaciotis,and-
IKP pleasant, that ao child will refuse to let negates be
rubbed with it.. When infinite are at the age of four
months, the' there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle
o f the Syrup should be used .to upen..the pores. Pa
rents should never be witholk tho "pup in the nursery
where there ere young children, feria Child wakes in
the night With pain in the gums, the Syrup immediate
ly giver ease, by opening the pores, gala healing t h e
gums, thereby preventing - +=sublime, fevers, /kc.—
For sale wholesale and retail by
sep 10 No2o, Wood street, below Second
LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr
Harlich's compound Strengthening and Aperient
Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards,
.of Pittsburgh, Pa„ was
entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His
symptoms were pain eta weight in the left side, loss of
appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the
stomach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance
changed to a citron color, difficulty of breathing, dis
turbed test, attended with a cough, great debility, with
other s)mptoms indicating great derangement of the
functions of the liver. Mr Richards had the advice
of several physicians, but received no relief,' until u
sing Dr Harlich's irnxlicine, which terminated in effec
ting a perfect cure.
Principal office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadel
phia. For sale by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and
Wood sts. sep 10
La! writ makes ;our teeth so unusually vrhith?
Quoth Josh's dulciniu whim nober night,
To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh,
'e !sought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash,
'Tim the hest now in use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have.trieci this, cast all others away
But to prove it the best to! mOlte. the teeth Shine,
Look again, my des r'Sal; at the lustre of mine.
Then try this great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash.
And see if this tooth wash of Thorn's is not fine
Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth . Wash."
and become acquainted with the ingredients of its com
position, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest,
as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now in
Use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1842
I take pleasure in stating, having made use of
..Thum's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the
beat tientrifices in use. Being in a liquid form It Com . -
bines neatness with cozvenietKe. Whit* it cleanses
the .enamel mid remoseit the tartar from the teeth, its
perfume yields it fragrance peculiarly desirable.
The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an
extremely pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most salu
tary influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving
those indispensable members from premature decay,
preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying
the Breath. Having thoroughly tested its virtues, we
take Measure It reconimesutingit i h pahlic.beLiev•
ing it .o be the best article of the kind now in use:
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apoth
ecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh;
and by all the principal Druggists, and at Tuttle's
Medical Agency, Fou•th st. sep
Iry HE subscriber having opened a shop No. 62
Second meet, between Market and Wood MA,
Pittsburgh., in connection with the. Factory io Birming
ham. respectfully informs his friends and the public,.
that he will be happy to be favored with. their orders
for any articles in his line.
Dour Locks and Fastners, of various descriptions,
on band and made to order.
Tobacco, Mill, and Timber Screws.
Large Screws for Iron Works, and Screws for Pres
ses, made as may be required
Carpenters and Builders are requested to call before
contracting for jobs, and examine his articles and
Locks repaired and jobbing generally done in the
best.manner, and on. the lowest terms.
r••Mtay?.•--6m ' JAS. PATTERSON, Jr.
"Discover what will destroy life and you are a great
man—discover whatwill prolong life, and the world
n ill call you impostor."
"There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within
us with which certain herbs have affinity, and over
Which they have power."
DR BRANDRETH'S External Remedy, or
Liniment, which, by its extraordinary powers,
abstracts pain or soreness: thus, sprains. stiff sinews,
white swelling., rheumatic pains or stiffness, stiffness
of the . oints, tumors, unnatural hardness, stiff neck,
sore throat, croup, contractions of themuscles. scrofu
lous enlargements, tender feet, and every description
of injury affecting-the exterior of the human frame, to
be cured or greatly relieved by thii never to be sufficient , •
ly extolled remedy.
C ERTL,. icAT E.—The following letter from Major
General Sandford, an to die Extern it Remedy, speaks
NEW )(ORR, Feb. 9, 1842.
Dear Sir: Will you oblige me with another bottle
of your exce,lent Liniment? It it certainly the best
of the kind I have ever seen. It has curedentirely my
son's knee, about whirl' I was so unensy,.and I have
found it productive of immediate relief in sever al ca
settof external i kjury in m.y fkmily. A few evenings
since, my youngest child was seized with a violent at
tack of croup, which was entirely removed in twenty
minutes, by rubbing her chestand throat freely with the
External Remedy. I think you ought to manufacture
this Liniment for general use, instead of confining the
use of it, as you have heretofore dune, to particular ac
quaintances. Yours truly,
C SANT:loan.
Dr B Brandreth, 241 Broadway, New York.
M"For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at
the store of G Diamond, „Pittsburgh. Price,
50 cents, furbottle with directions. 610
PETER 114' W ILL IA MS - returns thanks to the
pubic for the favors he has heretofore received
from them, and would inform the citizens of Pius
burgh that beit prepared to do their whitewashing in
the beet manner and on the most moderate terms; and
over carpets, if required.
HO lives in Miilteoberger's alley, back of the let
Methodist Church. ml4-tf
Insured. •
MBE subscriber bau!!krt . ir_.antsota_poliel inibe, o ffi ce
"N WOODEN WARE—Ott hand 100 wooden bowls,
1: - iirtLe — Pien itieuramseComposy.of Pittsburgh. vv- ne an aiarm clam, Barium and Tuba; 100
to cover all gotclashipPna by tap lino from 117ttaborgb t assorted axes, cskovels, spades and pick handles:
con Philadelphia or Baltimore. By s meansall t
leli — half Incskei and peck MOSJAUVI ; for sale in any quan•
chipped by him will he fuly protected without ' thy to suit ccuctounes. ISAAC HARRIS,
y additional charge to tote sespper. , ._ I
inl4 • - SAWL It BIER, Agent. i
rn 1.5 Aet & Coat. Merchant, No. o,sth st.
I Rama ' • igns owns*,
ROCeioeti. day!_
CONSTANT inWly tuur for
the rent tinder of the season. •
Shires' best premium Draft Ale always ea tip a lbs
m4-tf No. 9, Market. end No. 74, ?rant at.
• 41OLDSHIP & sitowNg
HAVE removed their Paper Store from Markel
street to Na.. 64 Wool street, one door from the
corner of 4th et?oet;v4here they keep on hand their us
ual assortment of WALE PAPERS: chr or
lon, entries, chambers, &c., and'alio FRUITING;
BOARDS. &c., all of which they offer for sale on as
terms. feb 14 1843--dtf
Land Surveying awl Civil Bagirboarfam
rp HE undersigned intending to pursue permanently
J.. the business of Surveyingand Civil Engineering,
offers his services to the public.
Having bade very extensive practice with Mr Z W
Remington in this vicinity, be feels warranted in say.
ing that his experience and practical knowledge will
be advantageous to those who may employ him. Per
sons interested in real estate will find at his office plans
of the City. City District, "Reserve Tract, opposite
Pittsbin gb," "Manor of Pittsburgh," Birmingham,
Lawrenceville. and lots and farms extending several
miles atound Pittsburgh. R E McCOW IN.
Office, Penn street, a few doors above Hand,
Richard Biddle, Esq., P. Alltdrany,
Wilson ftt'Candieso, Esq., Jimes S. Craft, Esq.,
John Anderson o Hun. !Alkmaar 'Denny,
William Arthur., Chas. S. Bradford, Esq
R. S. Cassat, 0. Metter, Esq.
aiP'Those of my friends and the public, who may
wish to have reconrse to any of my paperia, draughts or
plans, will hereafter find them in there of ILE Mc-
GOWIN, whom I respectfully recornmed as one in
whits. professional abilities and integrity they may de
ficits,. Z W REMINGtO N.
THE first session of Madame Blaique's Academy
will commence on SATURDAY, this day, Jan
13th, at Concert Hall, et 9 A. M.
The daysof tuition will be Monday, from 3 to 5 P
M; Thursday from 3 to 5 P M; and Saturdoy from 9 to
12 A M and from 3 to 5P M, of each week.
It is desirable that those intending to enter pupils
should do so at the opening of the session.
Notice to all whom it stayeascors.
A a personi having` claims Mast the Estate of
Oliver Ormsby Evans, deceased, as well as those
knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please
present their accounts for settlement to C Evans, No
10 Water street, who is duly authorized to settle the
stiid , Estate. SARAH L. EVANS,
feb 15 Ad miuisu atnx.
ILAILIELAN, 3100111:NGS 84 CQ.
43, Wood street.
HAVE in store and are receiving
425 bags Rio Coffee, part strong and green,
50 pkgs Y H and G P Teas,
25 boxes Russell & Robinson's s's Tobacco,
10 " Burton's s's "
10 " Thompson's S's "
5 " Robinson's 16's "'
10 " 12's "
5 ' 1 superior pound lump
100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisin.,
YO " No 1 and 2 Itittrstard,
50 " No 1 chocolate,
25 " ground pepper.
5 " cocoa,
5 " rice flour,
2000 lbs loaf sugar.
10 kegs ground ginger,
5 " " allspice,
2000 lbs Oak Tanned sole leather.
1000 yards tow linen,
5 bales hops;
All of of which they offer, with a general assortment
of groceries; dye stuffs, and Pittsburgh manufactured
goods, on liberal terms. d 25
THE suhscriber, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh
Manufacturing Association, having been ap
pointed by _ a number of the Manufacturersand Mechan
ics of the city of Pittsburgh and its vicinity as their a
gent for the sale of their various manufactures. will
be constantly supplied . With a general assortment of
those articles at the lowest wholesale prices.
The attention of Western Merchants and dealers in
American Manufactures is respectfully invited to.
this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri
ber will be promptly attended tn.
feb I 9 No 28 Wood street.
figir ON HAND S —Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks,
Spades, and Shovels, S i ckles, Scythes, Trace and Log
Chains, Spinning Wheel Irons. Coopers' and Carpen
ters' Tools, Machine Cards,Witalow Glass and Glass
ware, Whits and Red Lead; Patterson's Locks and
Lai ge Pre.. Screws, &c. &c
Darsorreotypo 111 1 ftiatura Portraits,
Al the corner of Market and al ifs.
THE subscribers would mast respectfully inform
the Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vi
cinity. that they have opened rooms at the abovemen
timed place, over the store of Messrs Lloyd and Co.,
cud are non prepared to take Miniatures by this beau
tiful hi a style heretofore unsurpalitsedy Axe
combination of a quick and powerful apparatns,arud'an
entirely new mode of operating, they are enabled to
produce pictures of a surprising accuracy and beauty,
combining entire durability of impression, clear and
distinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, tho'
not least, the color of the face and dress. The color
ing of Photographic Pictures, forms a new era in the
art, as it enables us to combine with accuracy of nature
the advantages of art. The undersigned do not wish,
nor is it their intention to deceive the public by proud
sea, which they cannot fulfil, for they depend, solely, on
the character of theirpictures for patronage. Citizen's
and strangers, one and all, are invited to call and ex
amine specimens.
N B.—Complete sets of the improved patent ap
paratua furnished on the most reasonable terms.—
Plates.. Cases, Frames. Chemicals, and evert thin;
connected with the bvsip.ess. at the lowest cabk pra.
ces. J M EMERSON '& CO. '
John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law,
Will attend to collecting and securing claims, and will
also prepare legal instruments of writing with correct
ness and despatch. Smithfield street (neer sth street)
Pittsburgh. m8,'44
TH ERE is a large class' of Females in this city
who from their continued sitting, to which their
occupations oblige them. are 'fleapit with costiveness
which give rise to palpitation at the heart on the least
exertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole
head, intolerance of light and sound, an inability of
fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumb
ling of the bowels. sometimes a sensed' suffocation,
especially after mealswhen any exertion is used, as go
ing quickly up stairs; temper fickle; these atet symp
toms which yield at Gone to a few doses of the Bruin
dreth Pills. The occasional use of this medicine
would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering.—
One, or two, or even three of the Brandroth Pills just
before dinner, are often found highly beneficial; ma
ny use them very advantageously in this way; they
assist and aid digestion, restore the bowels to their
proper condition, enlivens the spirits, imparts dear
ness to the complexion, purify theblood, arstiprototua
a general feeling of health in& happiness.
Sold at Dr. Brandreth's Office, it. the Diamond,
Pittsburgh--Price 23:eensis perbox, with full direed-'
• MARK—.The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
cgnuine Pill can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of
fice, Diamond. Sep. 10.
211,1103“0110/1in HMO Pala
Maio ?Ma art -4t beats; which easel
Iliieireiareatibind6ll 10" 4111 11 64-
to the arterial 'stew the - bleed is quie' kened and
=iitrhreiradatketthreagat all the vesse/soehe.
' d in
akin, therms simated internally,er these.
waking andseadi - 'the pecretiom alsrbody erg
drawn from the blood, them is woonsequent • incises.
of every *emetics, and a quickened action of the air
soiltent and exhalent. or diachargiaig.vessols. Any
morbid action which may have taken place is correct.
ed, ell abstentions are removed, the blood Is purified,.
and thei body resumes a healthful state. For male
wholesale and retail by ft E SELLERS, Agent ,
seP 10 20 Wood street. 'below Second.
lisadzeilesilszten Seeds.
A NS supply of Loadreab's Golden Seeds always 611
hand and for sale, at his agency, the_ Drpg i t ere- 0 /
MI, Liberty st., head of Wood
Adam's? Want "Sa.etwihr
110 Ir AVE now heesi be 1/. fore the pubTmihres
lean, during which 'dim
several thoseand have bean
sold rind in daily twe e ..
We are confident of behli
sustsioed in saying shay
are the best Coike Mliks
in the United States, eng
way yon &Vera'
• •
modifications are made in
suit the fancy of wives ami
the purses of husband".
Sold by the gross or den;
realm' , „ en at the manufactory . • Malleable Castings midi?
to order.
These genuine articles. of all sizes, end most jovial,.
ved varieties, conslintly on hand and for sale at yew
reduced prices by the manufacturer.
mar 2—tf Front between Ross and Grant sta.
Pyrrsimton, Oct. 22, 1842.
JDeriteisrg: On Friday, the 30th of last month, a
bout 9 o'clock at night. the Planing, Grooving; aga r
Seib Manufactory. owned by Gay, Dilworth & Co. .
with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber,
was all consumed by fire.
The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time,
back was in the most exposed situation during
the fire, and was entirely red but. lam pleased to in
form you it was opened at the dove of the fi-e, and alt
books, papers, &c., saved;—thts is the best income:ow
dation I can give of the utility of your safes.
DR. LEIDY'S Sarsaparilla Blood Pills are epplica
ble in all cases, whether for Purgatives or Pa
nitration, They possess all the boasted virtues of
other pills, and are additionally efficacious, containing
Sarsaparilla in their composition, which is flacon:airs
ed in any other pills in existence. They are also dif•
(event from other pills in composition, being tutrelt
regetaik, and can be employed at all times, withi us
any danger, and requiring no restraint from occupation
or usual course of living.
Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy nevOr ptetentied his
Blood Pills would cure all diseases, yet it is not saying
ton much of them, from the innumerable cures perform
ed by them in every variety and form of disease (car.'
tificates of many of which have been published &urn
persons of all dhnominations, physicians, clergymen.
and others) that they seem, to be almost universal its'
their effect; and persons using them for whatever
mess or disease, may rest assured that they will . befound
mare e ffi cacious than any other pills in rxistcnce.
knoWn reputation of Dr. Leidy's BlonA
Pill, it is necessary to remind she Public hertiTtley
can at all times procure the genuine, as it is attempted
to impose other pills, called the 'Blood PP upon the
public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. M' Be par
tinnier and tutk for Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Vinod Pills.
and see that the name of N B. Leidy is contained ou
two sides of each box, (tbe boxes bring of paper. amt .
along, squareshape, surround. J bye vellow and black
PRICE-25 tents a Box.
lirelpiire'd only. and sold wholesale and retail, at Dr .
Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second street,
below Vine, Philadelphia, and 11) B. el. FANA-
S TOcE a. co., corner of .Vood and Sixtb streets,
Agents for Pittsburgh. jg
Evans's Camomile Pills.
Verrincsses.—Letier,frons Ile Eon. Aielein Weirs.
lan, tllieae Con nty , East Tennessee, RI ember of Congress
WACILINOTOX. July 3d. 18.311.
Slr—Elince I Man been In Ibis city I bays tutted some Of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and nib
faction, and ltelieve It to be a.sneet valuable remedy. On
of my bonstituents,Dr.ut. Carden, of Campbell county
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which I did
and he has employed It very successfully in his Practice
and says it Is Invaluable. Mr. Johnsem,year astral at
this place, thinks you would probably like en agent le,
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a propef person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you comminion him he is willing to
act for yen. You can send the medicine by water to the,
care of Robert Kin: 4. SuncEnosvllle county, Tenses':
see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, Taawell, Rem
Tennessee. I haveno doubt bet ffyon bad agents let
anent UNltilies In Zest Tennessee, a great deal of IPIEIII.-
eine would be sold. I•m going to take.some of Irina*
for my own use, and that of my friends. and should Iltu
to hear from you whether yea would Ilk* an agent at
Rluntville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get
some of the merchants to act for you 011 I live near there.
Yours respectftstlit... "
For sale Whalen:et and Retail, by
R. E SELLERS, Arent.
;Pp 10 No. 20, Wood street. below Record.
FA Rai FOR SAL,ll.—The undersigned offers rbr UM?
his farm, lying In Ross Township 41 mllesfrom the'
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 aeresofland of which.
60 are cleared and under fence, l.t ot 16 to 20 acres of
meadow, 2 gcod °retinae of Apples a few Peath an*
Cherry trees—the Improvements are a ..irge frame home,
containing 10 rooms well furnialie.d. calculated fora Ta.
sera tai private Dwelling, • frame Rare rt by 60,mone
Basement, and stabling, sheds tad other out honsefatilt•
able for a tenement;-2 good Gardens surrounded with
currant bushes. and a well of excellent water, with a.
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered for!
sale with more I riducement to those wishing to miming/in
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for
urkiter particularsapplydo the proprietor at his Clothing
dtore, Liberty street emeter *erl(irgln Alley.
N B If not sold before the let of October next, it will
be divided Into 10 and 20 acre lots to salt purchasers•
Pep 10
Ready Made Gogh Wane . house.
Pd.. to It . Urergiriris tit. - ,p. 8. Bank.
. . •
IRItiIYECTPULLY Informs the public thane
has reloPced oils ready made coffin ware:
mouse to the building recently vcrupled by kir
a. G. Bernard, directly opposite his old mind.
where be is always prepared to attand promptly
to any ostlers in Mailer, and by strict attestlem
to all the details el' the basioess of an Dade rtaker
he Nine' to meri t public confidence. Rs will be prepared
at•L1,11011111 to provide Rearm, Diem C - fares snit'
esery rematsits on the most liberal terms. Calls frets the,:
country *tithe promptly attended te. ~
Me resident* is la the same imildhie with It. waro
house, where those wise need bts ',tykes may lied blot
at any time. aturnasibast ,
w. w. 'twills. ' *$V. SOILS IMACU.S.2.
100S5 lIIDDLS. US. MOSSIVI inect.D. D,
SU Oes TATTOO, $l7. saws& WITA4JASIS. .
IS. a. m'cLuita. say. JOSIIIII MEWL
10 • :• inv. a. P. swim.
1141L1113 eared by thetas of Dr. Harlieh's Costposed .
Atrestaing and -filasean Aperient Pills
Pr. Httail Dear dii;—ftherity after I retched tins
Agency Dons you far the sale et year essoliciee.
formed as aegnetnienee wish a lady of this pialle x , wbs
was severely aidtetcd with the Plies. Per efilit. or tee
years this lady was sitilleti to Congers WWI, sidoelis,
and her physicists CODdidered INS 1414601286114
that be very seldom preeerthedssitilcise for her. Through
soy persuasion. she crisatesced *dpst your PrilA4lol - A wa*
perfectly cored. Years, 4c. JAMBI 2.1131111 T
October 3. DNA. ' • Chasskerabord'a
tr3"Ciamissel General neppt. pin icilo r o sib th
Iltreet.flitedelpbla. An&b &rem& Frew, carrier of
Leettilt7lo Weed streets, l'lttelstrgh. imp 10
. "~"~':