ftht-iTh)T*9 POOL MMINgiJAGH. rA. ,FRIPA, MORNING, MARCH 22, 1644. • Commix as Conszsrentorsos.—rThe 4On of Mink Convention appointed die following Committee 'of Conesponaetre for Allegheny ovular A uThomeePhillipa, (Pittsburgh p. 0.) $ V/ Black. P wirociea, do. R. 1.1 Ken, do., John Birmier 64,5, ao., Thomas Donnelly, - Alleghery eity, L A. Bauman, Elirnnogne , gn . Jasennoingkeno, M'Clialand, Chelan." A Piss broke out yeiserdey is the algae of 0. M. Has Tea, Esq. Oil Water meet, but wee estiogutthed bastes!" damage wee done. 'we would on public attention to the adver tisement if Mr Isalc Cause, Commission Merchant, lleltinuors. Mr C. was regard iu the Produce Wei" 1101114 this city for some years, lux, we can ocutimead him to ell who may require his services, as a pdtlo m►a worthy of the most implicit soatuience. i a;Pnle executor' of the tato Hun* hiclinstaas, offer tome very valuable property for tale. Ste saver flatulent. FROM EURUPI.--Tbe Steamer Westminster, aril ved at New York, on the 17th, but btottgitt nothingla ine than the Siddmw. STZAMBOAT COLLISION.—The steamer Clipper and Mail run into each other on Wednesday evening, about 7 o'clock, at Warren, four miles below Wells burgh. The Clipper struck the Mail near the boilers, broke her guards, cut her hull to a considerable extent and broke one of her engines, scalding an assistant en ginner by the name of Edwards—not dangeroutly, we believe The Clipper arrived in this city yesterday, w lib her *tern and guards cocsiderably.shattered Weundersumd that Capt Crooks, of the Clipper, wasnot on his boat being confined at home by indispo sition, and Capt Logan, of the Mail, wasin Cincinnati. FLAT BOAT St;2lllL-A flat boat laden with coal, ran against a new steam boat near the Monongahela Bridge yesterday. and sunk in a few minutes. We un derstand the owners of the coal boat iniend to bring suit against the owners of the steam boat fur the lose they have thus sustained. The river at St. Louis vent falling rapidly, on the 13th ult- There was about 17deet water in the ahart.: Dell to Cairo. INDIAN ITEMS A party ofCaddues arrived at Boggy; in the Choc taw nation, on the 22d ult. from the prairies. They brought In a ith them two colored boys, supposed to be runaways from Arkansas or Louisiana. The Cad does report the Prairie Indians to be amicably I lispo bed toward the whites as well as the civilized laden.. A detachment of United States troops, arrived at Van Buren on the 22J ult. having in charge Moses /liberty, a Cherokee, whit was taken immediately to Little Rook, where he will be tried for the murder of Mr Long, a citizen of the United States. The Rev Douglass Bern°, or Hus-ti-coduc-e-thee, thd Seminole preacher, is dispensing the light of the irospel to the settlers at Fort Gibson. The editor of the Van Buren Intelligencer thinks he has come upon ka interesting field for his useful labors. THE MARIA A Floating Palam —This splendid boat, the Inr- Feet ever built for the Western waters, left our Wharf esterdny for St Louis. She is the proudest menu rtr,ent that runs in honor of s:incinnati mechanics.— Tnerity is loud in praise of her vast accommodations, her boa:Ay of finish, and durability of construction.— We hope her career maybe long end Free of accidents, mllich the skill and china:ter of her officers Ore pro n.ise.—ein. Commercial. ENTERPRISING YANK.Er:i Pt young Boston mechanic., who says he was tired of earning $1,50 a Burin 11,)son, went to Cuba. and Linn engineer in ostler estate, where he gets $37 u pond'. "and found." In a letter to the Boston Times be says : ••fhave the management of eight negroes, lour of each sett, and in the next place I know nothing of the language when I began. The engine is an old one, half large enough fur the work it has to do. The boi ler is small and the water Lad. The wood is all hard endheavy, and it takes two negroes to"fire up." A Spaniard thinks that if he gets an Americas Engi neer, he can do any thing: and be wilt want him to ho a blacksmith, coppersmith, gunsmith, tinker, and clockmakrr. There scantily from five to eight white men on the estate and not a white woman. You may judge of the state of society. "I am about sixty miles from Matanzas, with which we communicate by railroad, and steamboat. The road runs through the estate. These are both Yan kee improvements. The boat is Yankee build, and is owned partly by the engineer, who is a Bost.on Loy named James Keens. The road is managed by Yan kee engineers, with Yankee engines, and was built, and fs partly owned by a Yankee. James Annble, another 'Roston boy, is the head mtchinist of the Cardenast Railroad. His salary is $2,300. We have to-day directly, and in such a shape a* to command cur belief that n treaty for the annexation of Texas, unfinished nt Mr lipsitur's death, between him . and the Texan Minister , has been hurried to a conclusiun by the Acting Secretary, Mr Nelson, and signed—and that tu-morrow, or Monday. it will go to the Senate, where noses have been counted—enough, it is said, to insure its ratification. ' We repeat, our authority is teliahle. If there be no mistake, then, w•e say. the ratification of the treaty IS the dissolution of the Union.—N Y American. MR CALROON.-A 4 NUthillg definite has been heard from Mr Calla:lnn relative to his acceptance pf the of fice ofSecretary of State Tho Charleston Mercury says that it is the general wish of Mr Calhoun's friends in that place, that ho should accept the State Depart ment. THE OLD GRANITE STATE ALL RIGHT ! The democrats Will have larger majorities in evety branch of the state government STssT.E's majority will iwobably come up to 2000. Here is an example for Connecticut, which we feel assured she will follow in a manner that wilt ! du honor to her sterling democ• racy. I'. S.-We received a slip from the office of the N. H. Patriot lastevening, giving returns from 101 towns ivhich confirms the abuve,and which states that Steele's majority will be much increased over Hublsard's of last ear.—Baston Post. MR. BENTON The Washington correspondent of the New York Evening Post, writing under date of March 10th,hatr the following in reference to Senator Benton: '';is , I stated &few days after the lamentislu event, kli:Benton's injuries are of a much more serious char acter than were at .first supposed. The effect of rho shtick upon his frame; inclined to corpulency as it is, were so severe as completely to destroy the regular action of the nerves. Physicians are still in anxious attendance upon him, and they suppose that nearly a month mast intervene before be can be ox:pected' to le visits the Senate chamber." GOOD NEWS AND Ft Et.ST A RRI YALS.-.- We may now expect to see our meets and wharves crowded with business; as D Leech & Co and Bing kalif & Brother yesterday had boats arrive, laden with macchandise from the eastern cities. Don't he alarmed 'cod 'Meeting folks; only' keep good wood and our etesimboate will call on you for fuel. 22-1 t FOR LAFAYETTE, WAVASIL R 1 ER. TlEseenrtcc' L ACt An n, :iiare fo!tieve intermediate tandiagi on Saturday beet, SU ism it 10 o'clock, AM. For freight or pas • sage_ board, or to JAMDi MAY. Cecelia is furnished whit Ivi i no - %r e v Guard, to prevent explosion of Boilers. , TEXAS Pprt... - -...0f:. ph. REIioITSD ST P. B. nebk,BiemanioaS Agee and Commission Mereka Water Street, neer Wood 9 rUT WTtt IS rill CIIANXIL ARRIVED. Della, Bowman,Brownsville, Swiftstire, Metcalf. Cin. Lodi, Tomilson, Parkesburgh, Daily Beaver Packet, Bridgewater, Campbell, Wheeling Clipper, Crooks, Cincinnati, Cievehmd, Hemphill, Beaver Michigan, Buies. do DEPARTED. Ildotahela, Parkinson. Mon City Richard Choon, Gnskill, Brownsville Belmont, Poe, Wheeling Sea Birrl, Ballard, New Orleans Valley Forge. Baird, Saint Lout., Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver Michigan, Bole., Beaver TRESS ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS!! SUPERFINE DOUBLE MILLED Cloths, Osssimores, Tweeds, Vesting•, Oassinetts, &c. &e. P. DELANY, MERCHANT TAILOR , No. 49, LIBERTY STREET, TWO DOORS ABOVE VIRGIN ALLEY THE subscriber has just returned from the Ea,itern cities, where he has purclnpeti the most magni ficent assortment of CHOICE AND FASHIONABLE GOODS Ever offered in this City! . . which he is now receiving, and to which he invites th, "mention of his customers and the public generally whn wish.to supply themselves with GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, AT CHEAP PRICES The very liberal patronage which hist friends and the public have heretofore been pleased to bestow on his establiohment. has induced him to purchase GREATER VARIETY of all kinds ()fp ods in his line, and of a superior qual ity to any thing which has heretofore been offered.-- The following is a list of a part of this assortment which be'crtfers to the public, all of which he guarantees are in 'lie most falhionable Eastern styles, and of the best quality,'suitable fur the season. SUPERFINE BLACK, BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN AND FANCY COLORED EN GUSH, FRENCH &AMERICAN CLOTHS, FOR DRESS AND FROCK COATS. Fle particularly refers to a lot of beautiful French cloths and cassimeres, new style, which he is confi dent cannot fail to please. They are of a most ex cellent quality. SUPER. SATIN AND VELVET VESTINGS, Rid} and exquisite patterns, in the latest styles. ALSCI, f.ONDON PLAIDS. A large variety of patterns. MERSEILLES cACHMERE. scription TWEED CLOTHS Frenrh and English Fancy styles--suitable for every description of SACK COATS. Also, all kinds of goods which can be found ut any establishment in the city, which he offers for sale.mude or unmade, as cheap as airy dealer in the city. The undersigned offers the above extensive and va ried assortment of seasonable goods for sale at uornall advance on their original cost,and keeps them constant ly on hand, ready to make fur his customers- His pri ces are to suit the times. His goods are all made by Pittsburgh workmen, and are warranted to be of SUPERIOR QUALITY 'The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. P. DELANY. f2l tf No 49 Liberty st. 2 doors from Virgin alley IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY! FRESH ARRIVAL AT THE THREE BIG DOORS! TuEproprietor of this well known and highly fa vored establishment takes great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large that he has just teceived the most MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS That has ever been purchased in the eastern markets. It is impossible for him to describe the QUANTITY, QUALITY and VARIETY of his stock but he in vites all who wish to purchase clothing of any de.crip tion at his establishment, as it is the only Flare in the west where ALL TASTES MAY BE SUIT ED, at the most reasonable prices. His assortment of Winter, Spring, and Sumnier Goods CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which can be manufactured into clothing to or der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and fash ionably designed as at any other establishment IN THE UNITED STATES IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And at no place west of the mountains can purchasers find such a variety of goods from which to select as at the THREE MG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, du, &c. The motto of the "Three Big Doers" is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFI TS,' And in following out this system he feels con fidentthat ids customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. HZ WOULD INVITE THE MAN O,F FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GENTLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC ANp WORKINGMAN To call and examine for themselves at TUB TURNS BIG DOORS, No. 151. Liberty street, AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. tgr OBSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT., 326 JQHN M'CLOSKEY. ACON,-11980 lbs. Bacon: n prime article, for anis by D'asTlW LLOYD, ml 5 No 142, Liberty st. 30 BXS HYDE'S SOAP. just received, Palm Soap to bar, futile Drug Store of JONA. KUHL Lin. 60, Coroior4 , th & Wood sts. Store of ml 5 ZOAR BUTTER.—A lot of that celebrated choice family butter, put up infull bounii keigs Apply to A. BEELEN. 50 i,HD . 5 .. . N. 0.. 0 Sta a lf—s prims .i artx: _ _ . ve ry 1 8 _ r 10 Bbls. Loaf Sags( faunal! kisses. suits Ws for mailing; foi'snie by D. Ss G: W. LLOYD. March Is. No. 142 Liberty street. MEM 'Auction Saks. John DMairis, • AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCB'T, Corner of Wood and Saab., fittabergk, TS ready to receive merciandize of every descripdou 1 on consignment, foe public sr private sale, and from long eigerie' mce in the above business, flatters himself that he will bitable to give entire satisfaction. w all who mayfavor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MOSDATII and. TaunsuArs, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghmanufacturecl articles,new and second baud furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearly gas light. aug 12-y Real Estate. Mos Lots of Ground and a Dwelling House at Auction. riN MONDAY, April filtk, at 3 o'clock In the after -14.../ noon., will be sold withoutreserve, on the premi ses, near the Fountain Inn, and opposite Laceyville,, five lots of ground situated as follows, vizt One lot of ground on Gum street, near the Fountain Inn, and corner of Coal Lnne.ndjoining the prope'rties of Messrs AVickersham and Gilmore, 20 feet front by 100 deep. on which is erected a two story frame dwel ling house but a short lime bulls and in good tenantable order. There is a good well of water at the front door; it is in a beautiful and healthy situation ar.d well adap ted for either a business or a private residence. . Also, nt the same time, edur lota of ground fronting on Coal lane, each 20 feet front by 100 deep, bounded by the property of Stephen Wiley on the cast, and Pat rick Ward on the west, and opposite Laceyville, com manding a good view of the surrounding country only about 15 minutes' walk from the new court house; it will positively be sold to the highest bidder, as the the owner has removed 'M the country. Terms will be moderate and made known on the day of sale. For further particulars enquire . at Davis' Commertinl Auc tion Rooms, cover of 4th and Wood streets. or of John Little, corner of Ttb and Liberty streets, or of Mr Patrick Ward, near the premises„ where all necessary information will be given. ti bThe title is indisputable. J. D. DAVIS, Lemon& PRIME Sicily Lemons in half box's, just received and fur sale by REINHART & STRONG. ml 2 140 Liberty street. Just Received, TWO HUNDRED lb* small liquorice ball, at th wholesale and retaildrug store of JON. KIDD, m 5 - corner 4th and Wood ma Olive Oil. AFEW baskets fine Olive Oil, just received and fur sale by REINHART & STRONG, m 2 140. Liberty street. Pitch and Oakum. %.3,138LS PITCH, 1., 10 bales Oakum, Just received and for sale by J W BURBRIDGE & CO., ml 3 Water street, between Wood and Smithfield . Flour. TWO HUNDRED BBLS S. F. FLOUR, Just rece i ved and For sale by J W BURBRIDGF. & CO., ml 3 Water street, between Wood iliul Smithfield N. 0. Sugar. 100 HHDS prime N 0 Sugar. just receive and fur sale bi HAILN.AN, JENNINGS & CO., rnS 43, Wood street. Coffee. 30drA BAGS Coffee, in store and for sale by ..), HAI LNIAN, JENNINGS & CO., m 8 43, Wood street. Raisins. 5 OBOXES M R Raisina, just received and for sale by H - AILMAN, JENNINGS & CO ar 8 43, Wood street. Syrup. 1 O H ALF bbl. Syrup, ex tra fine, for Nati!) use, ujust recemeil and for snle by HAILMAN, JENNIN3S & CO., ma 4J. 1V.,04 street. Goshen Cheese. VTE have received a further supply of Gobi-pen V Cheese. REINHART & STRUNG, m 2 140, Liberty street. For Sale. ONE new Yawl, 18 feet long, (built by Peter Stmie, of Shousetown) also. one Sioff, 22 feet long. built by the same. The workmanship and ma terials of both warranted, and will be sold low fur cash. Apply to DIELMINGHANI r CO., 127 No 60, Water street. raw t sacs. 9 BBLS N 0 Molasses, just received and A D /VILA for sale by FLAIL MAN, JENNINGS & CO., Garden Seeds. ACHOICE selection of seeds from the "Fredonia Gardens" (N. Y.) on consignment and for sale at REIN H ART & STRONG, 140 Liberty Ft BUTT F.R. b iC y EGS Fresh Butter, J. w received; tß 1 a and CO,ror sal marl 3 Water at. hal ween Wood &Sm'ld. ZANTE CURRANTS.-3 Casks fresh Zaate Cur runts, for sule by REIN HART & STRONG. ml.`l 140 Liberty street. TANT ED—A iipctive lid, 15 or 16 year* of age, y v by (fan 25) F L SNOWDEN. W,ANTED TO PLTRCHASE, for Consignees— From one to two tons of Rags for paper mak era. 100 lb woolen Ravi aod Carpet Chain, for carpet weavers: Beeswax, Tallow, tow Yarn, Bags and a variety of 'country produce. ISAAC HARRIS, AR t. & Corn. Merchant, No. 9, Sth NiiILS.--672 kegs Juniata Nails, assorted sizes, on hand and for sale by 1) &O W LLOYD, mIS No 141, Liberty st. BUFFALOTONGUES.—Received by Little Ben 10 boxes Buffalo Tongues, in fine order, direct from the mountains. A. BEELEN. nB-tf Q ALT.-300 13bIs No 1 Salt, for gale by j 23. JAMES MAY BEAR SKINS, well dressed and full haired, a suitable article; fee travelleis' trtinks. Su., fur sale by A. 13gEllEN. nB-tf Fine Teas. THE subscribers have just received a few boxes of Hyson and Young Hyson Teas, of superior trutli- REINHART &STRONG, 140 Liberty street. FRESH LOUISVILLE LIME JUST RECEIVED, a supply of Fresh Louisville Lime, direct from the kilns, and in lumps, for sale by the bbl or retail, in any quantity to suit all classes of my nuts sous customers. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Com. Merch't, m 2,9 No 9, sth street. PAPER HANGINGS JUST RECEIVED , a good supply airmen and a variety of assorted colors; of el:leap ... paper liaog jags, for sale by the piece or retail. ISAAC HARRIS, Ag't and Coop. trt2o No 9. 9th sireet. ORANGES AND LESIONS. 76 BOXES oranges: 63 do Lemons; SO do Pd It Raisins; Just seeelreti aid for sale, by mar IS D• & G. W. LLOYD. ,for at; an Co 01 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. W IL . n L besysoM at , the litr i Zy °l o ac f 2r:rirsiert, ed a - t =oak A M, at Wellsville, Ohio sundry houses and iota, viz Thetuulivided half of the MINN] Hotel; With Stabling on ate adjoining Lot, now in the occupancy of Mr Way. The bowels large and well calrulated fur a tavern, being now occupied as such. Also, one frame dwelling houseand lot,vrith a good convenient sited atom room attached, latelyoc cupied by Cyrus Black; one well finished frame dwell ing bouseand lot, with back buildings lately occupied by Lawson & Martin; one frame dwellinghotase, lately occupied by Mr Martin, likewise, the FOUNDRY PROPERTY formerly owned and occupied by A G Richardson. This is a large spacious building, well citicidated for the purpose it was intended for, and was carried onauccessfay by Richardson, Previous to his moving to Cincinnati, since whicltit luts nflt peed put in operation; bindle stack (a very superior gee) la still standing and in gond order, and with very little ex pense the foundry could be put in operation. This pro perty is certainly worthy the attention of any person with a small capital desirous of engaging in that kind of business. it being one of the best situations on the Ohio River for disposing of the manufactured articles, and it will be sold no doubt at a great sacrifice. There will be sold at the same time, half of an acre of coal land nearly joining the foundry property, be sides six unimproved lots, vit: Nos 2,4, 5,7, 10, and 13. All the foregoing property is in the town of Wells ville, Culumbiana county, Ohio. A credit of one, two and three years will be given and the terms be inure particularly made known on the day of sale, by M TIERNAN, an.i ALEX'R YOUNG, f24-d *wt. Trustees for A.G. Richardson. Gazette, Steubenville, and Ohio Patriot, New Lis bon, will each insert the above till sale, and send their accounistu . this paper, and a paper containing the ad vertisement to M Tiernan, Pittsburgh. The Chronicle and Advocate:or this city, wilt insert the above adver tisement once a week in their daily papers, viz: every Monday till thy of sale. Auctioneer tok - Q Y virtue of an authority given in the last L.. 1 will and testament of William Minter, deceuse4, late of the borough of Washington, Pa., the undersigned executorof the estate, will offer at public sale, on the premises, that valuable lot of ground in the city ot Pittsburgh, situate on the corner of Smithfield and Second streets. near the Monongahela Huuse,con taining 8q feet on Smithfield street and 60 feet on Se cond street, more- or less, on which is erected a two story brick dwelling house, a frame dwelling house and other buildiVigs. The ground may be divided in to four lots, 20 by 60 feet each, and will be sold sem rate or together, to suit purchasers. Thu sale will take place on Wed:lod ky. the 15th any of Msy next, at 2 o'clock P. M., and the terms, which will he cal, model known by • It. OF EWER. ' mnr 12-ts [Pennsylvanian publioti in weekly paper till sale, and charge this uffiee.] Building Lots in Birmingham. 13 LOTS, suitable for building must eligibly sit uated, and within two -' :tee walk of the 'lease ferry boat landing, will : ad at prices to suit the times. The terms of paynie. will be made easy, either for cash or such barteras can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. A SMALL Farm, containing 30 acres, with good A improygments; 20 Acres cleared and within 5 miles of Allegheny City; if not sold soon, it will be for rent. Apply to DLAK ELY & MITCHELL, m 2 qmithaela st. near sth. TWO large Rooms, 3d story, Gazzann's row, Mar ket street, suitable for printing establishments. Also, one large and well finished room. second Ito ry, some row, Rent moderate and possession given Immediately. Inquire of m 5 BLAKIELY & MITCHEL. ATHREE store brick &kilning house and store. situate on Diamond Alley, called' Our House." Poi session to he given on the Ist day of April neat— For particulars apply to nil6•td bI'CANDLESR & M'CLURE. For Resit tet A SMALL brick dwelling House, on Du quesne street. Terms, $BO per annum. Apply t* (m 4) JAMES MAY. figir T H R A f ie E gh st e o n ry y c h i o t u y ; se t s w o on d to o b i n o s n o n I street s sab ..trcet; and one four story wruchcuse in Commercial Row. Pittsburgh. Inquire of. GEORGE W JACKSON, fl6-Im' 4th street, near Liberty. F4l.lqa FOR RENT. rt GOOD k arm, about 23 miles below Pitta :fburgh, on the Ohio River, la mile on this site of Freedom, containing 220 acres, 90 or 100 of which aro cleared and under cultivation. There is an excellent stone house on it, with three Parlours and a Kitchen below, end four rooms above, and fished to the Garret. Also, a Stable, Barn. &c. It will be rented for one, two or three years to a good tenant. Apply to JAMES MAY, Water street, f 29 or to M. CONWAY. on the adjoining farm. 43, Wood street Te Let. NI, A v iin F ati c ,e on o v n en F ie r n o t rit tv n ,o e:r t. F ry er f r r ;s m trp e etel two story brick de oiling, house on Ferry street. A small frame house, on Front, below Ferry at. A very convenient brick dw.lling, with stable and carriage house,situate on Penn street t in the Fifth ward, formerly occupied by Dr Gladden. A tso—Two dwelling houses in Allegheny City. j 23. Apply to JAMES MAY. ti A COMFORTABLE, well finished, new brick dwelling bruise, pleasantly shunted on Loal LIMB. !lain he'rented an reasonable terms Inquire of JOHN M'CI:OSIEY, Jen Three Big Doors, Liberty street. atA TWO STORY brick house, suitable for a 11. dwelling and Grocery, situate on the cornet of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given immecli ately. Enquire of of 1 For Rent. vrt _L m HE . three story brick building, No. 65, Third street, at present occupied by Win. Seeley. Atsn, ten ncresof gmund on Prospecalill,nesr the city, on which is a Dwelling 13ensse, Stable, Qrchard, Su. Possession given lst April next. 'Applito JORN D. DAVIS, corner of Wooci& Fifth cu. JUST received, direct from New Orleans, a lot of prime Sugar and Molasses, and for sale by J. PARKER, (of the late film of J & J Parker, Nu S, Commercial ROM. Liberty at BUFFALO ROBES.- —Received by Cicero, a fresh and full supply of all sizes of Robes. Apply to nB-tf A. BEELEN. BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bolo,forsale by A. BEELEN. HAMS. -300 home sugar cured Hams, for family use, equal tour/ in the city, for sale by HENRY F. SCHWEPPE. No 184. /AIMISMSC 17gn tISHEL3 Dried 79acirias e/11 B 50 do &Noland; 5n bbls russet sad pipyde apples; 73 des care brooms; 14 Ws prime N.O.Ste*'. Received siellor Nile by J, D WLUA3II, fitl Re le, sth lc Public Sale. For Salo or Dent. Rooms to Rent. To Let. For Rent. To Let. TO LET. SUGAR AND MOLASSES ml3-1m mll-lm vilportqtiolt Lincs. anaditt *minnow' posT4nl l 4sewuutf.R, For tke transpottat(ort of MERCHANDIZE AND VI:LODI:CF. •ETWEIN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS BURGH AND BALTIMORE, AND NEW YORK AND BOSTON. FL DEVINE,. RESPECTFULLY informs hisfriends and shippers generally, that he has changed the name of his Transportation Line. from the United States Portable boat Lind. PR the American Portable Boat Line. This ling is sisliFislegi of trylmty-five new Four Sec tiun Putiribla Boats, me of which will depart daily, from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Aaltimore. The superiority and ad6nurgei of the flormble Boat over every other mode of transprirtation are too well known to shippers generally to require comment; suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation and damage to Goods, invariably attending three tran shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, are by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give undoubted security to owners and shippers,' all goods and produce shipped by this line will be in sured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Met chandise shipped by this line in any of the east ern cities. and consigned to H Devine, will be forward ed immediately on 'arrivirl at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commissions. • H. Devine will receive produce consigned to him, pay steamboat freight and charges, and forward the same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no com missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any communications or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. H. Dl. VINE, Canal Busin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. BUZBY & BROTHER, MD Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE & SON, Commerce street Wharf, Baltimore. B A FA HNESTOCK & CQ, 100 Front street, New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3. Chathamstreet, Boston. zrzza . • 0. A. INGANULTY'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the transportation of A' erchandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEir .HIA, ZIiEW YORK AND BOSTON. this line has met with, since it wgs Haired on the "Individual Enterprise' system induced the proprietors to increase the number of Rusts during the winter to twenty-five, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal timore every day (except Sundays) during the season. and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat System overevery other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any com ment. Shippers can rely on having their produce, merchan dize, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and • at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for receiv i ing or advancing charges, &c . Ail communications to the following Agents will be promptly attended tut CHARLES A. McANUTY, At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. RdSE & IMERRITA, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt at. StiltN4re. W & J T TAPSCOTT, No 43, Peck Slip, New York. THOMAS BORBIDGE, jan 31-ly 272, Market street, Philadelphia. - 1644. irt.- -- ALE P t eftßig n m ai m "IRON CITY LINE" OF CANAL BOATS. CONNECTING with steamer Cleveland, at Bea ver, will be in opera tion on the 25th instant, to Clevelan4 4aily. ''. The above lino is composed of 8 good Canal Runts, commanded by experienceden, and will depart ev ery morning to and from P u gh and Cleveland, at 9 o'clock . Proprietors of tve line are Messrs. HUBBY & HUGHES, Cleveland, 0. " STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Cleveland, 0. Freight of all kinds will be carried as low as by any other gond and responsible line. For freight or pas sage apply to BIRMINGHAM & TAYLOR, mar 18 No 60, Water street. ftWi‘Ql l ,t,giusu Freights to Philadelphia and Baltimore. MERCHANTS St MANUFACTURERS' LINE FOR transporting Goods. Merchandiue, Produce. &c., between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Goods will he received and forwarded by this line on as accommodating tertnsaod as short time as by any other revonsible Line. All goods forwar ded from Philadelphia by this Line will be insured.— The Proprietors and agents will give 'their whole at tention and endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. We invite ship pers, merchants, manufacturers andothers to give us a call before shipping elsewhere. Merchandise consign ed to the agents will be received, freight and charges paid, and forwarded without additional charge for for warding or storage. 40111.11 TS: ganntel M Kier, Canal Basin. near7th at. Plush's. Samuel W Day, lat and 2d Wharf, below Race rt. Delaware, Philadelphia. &doe Cruse, Baltimore. F/L Patterson, H ollidayabargh. Jesse Patterson, Johnstown. N Briggs, New York. Win B Reynolds & Co., BPStalt IZSZR Tot James Mcculli, Irvin & Mrkrtin, fc goipon & co, J W Barbridge &Co, Henry Coulter. C G Hussey, John Grier, Church & Carothers, George Breed, F Sellers Samuel J McNight, Lewis Samuel Wilson, Madisox, feb 15, '44 JAMES MAY Regular packet / 4 Or- ifincientati. The Swiftsore, Robinson, Master, lames every Thursday at 10. o'clock, a. m. • The Onier,Collias,Master, leases erteryThursday e.t 10 o'clok a.. m. The Montgomerry, Bennett, Master, lesseseqey nrdny et 10 o'clock a. m. * The Express, Parkinson, Master, Unsay every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BLELMINGHAM4k CO., Armes. ILANNELS AND. BIANILEIS ' '4 ' "' 1 aria mien bunco ittespede, ' 12 pair large domemede blaislow. Josereesteemi on exisiforasis b y .-. rt 6 GEO. COC 4 AN No 26, Nirctxt et SAMDEL NY DAY, 1 prepridors. ti L PATTERSON, 5 ISUatitrgh -ail. Jai. 1 *ON crt L ' PITTSBURGH. Ali CLEVELAND. • • MAW 1 84 411110 sTANDART, INGRAH NI CO Porwarding and aimunislin 114004atit CIATELAND, o. • A ci E !ITS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany tom -posed of the Merchants' Eria Coma; Wnshingion, Line. Hunter, rainier & Line of stearn boats and vessels on the lakes. Irna City Line, Pennsyhmnia and Ohio CanaL Ptoptie. tors ofthe iKerehenis, Line, Ohio peoaL • ittlf.Cß TO iVje & Enswortli, .No. 9, Coenties Slip, A. Y R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Clair, Doston: Hunter, Palmer & Co., Barak, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Clerrelan4. Charles M. Gidaings, J. S. Dickey, Bearer. Birmingham & Taylor, Pittsburgh ; apr 4, 1843-Iy. DAILY BEAVER PACKET . , THE steamer CLEVELAND kink* been rebuilt, will commence her retest; r trips to and from Beaver, on Mow day,the lath instant, leaving Pittsburgh every ing at 9 o''clock, and Beeves at 1 o'clock,P• M. (4!smc' days excepted). For freight or passage applyto - BIRMINGHAM TAYL . PB . ., - N 069, Wifec igteet monoVERY LOW FOR CASH. HE subscriber -offers for We a Tlaige and splendid assortment. of PIANO FORTES of different pettems vrimitiiaa to be of superior weilimanshl , & mi.( shi4iiiiiii oa s ; the tone not lobe byent tetlke. 11iiM k ce r n ! of Ism* amk St. Pleirstreeen.: oplienite the Enamor. Sprisig raiddloa. ATFIE, subscriber has now on hand, and- will continue to manufacture. (at bis old atand,No 74 Wood street) the latest style.of HATS and CAPS, which for beauty and durability Lannot be surpassed. Thankful to his friends and the public fur soliheiral a patronage heretofore bestowed, he hopes to merit craitiounoce ofthilr favors. WILLIAM DOUGLASS, Vircqd street. mlB-4m neat door to the corner of 44 TEAMS WANTED. A. NUMBER of teams will find constant employ meet to beefing stnne at Lock No 4, on the Mo- nongahela river, near Williamsport. Five dollars per day, will be allowed for goo!rsin. horse Learns, or a liberal price by the perch; the will continue until about the Ist of October nest: For further particulars inquire at the Monongiiheitt 18iiirft lotion Office, nearly opposite Post Moe, or tit %hi work. B MOORHEAD. m18.2w -. ISAAC CRUSE, pojkimisioiv& FORWARDING MERCHANT,, Nft. 87, Smith's Wharf, A4Tpliogs, fin , . • rpm C. will give his particular attention to I' duce. consignments of which are respectfull2i- - solicited. Goods received, stored and forwarded to any paet of the country. Having 3 large and commodious Ware house for storage, and other facilities for the prompt transaction of business, he confidently offers his servi= ces to the community. , . References frs ,paifirdorc. Messrs W. Wilson & Son , Pc°4° '4: tIiYIP.. I.- Repiolds & Smith, Henry Rieman 3. SAIL, .' .... . James Power & Son. •. References in Pilii.ark?phia. • -,. Robert Creighton & Co., Simnel W. briy, Esq., .. References ift Pit .burgh. , Bailey & Co; - Robertsion & Reppe‘ti Daizell & Fleming; M. Leech & Co; -. J. W. Butliiidge & Co; W. &R. AVCutcheon. -. . And the merchants generally. ' mailer F. 9110 V 0v_..1843. . N ci N V____ . 4 o . 0 0,‘ \ o lt 4 e - l b • s eli:t . teSELY / 1 ' -; - ' ' rIrIHE subscriber has just received his annual supply 1. or Landreth's Garden Seeds, =slating *pal , , of the following kinds—all of the lasryear's q.. 116kti warranted genuine: ' 4 I 44 "V"'"'IL • Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Peas, • ". Beans, Kale, VAPPers Leek. Pumpkin, Broccoli, Lettuce. Radish. Borecole, ' • Water Mellon, Rhubarb, Cabbage,. . Musk " SA/1114. Carrot, .,,, ._ . Nasturtium. Cauliflower. Spinach, ' . -- •-•••-: = Squash, Celery, Ohm.. Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion, .. .. Turnip, Cucumber, --% Parsley. ''•_ Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &es' ' mac. dtc. , 4 Together with a variety of pot and s weat l ar diaaad44- flower seeds. - . :x . - EVP'Orders for seeds, shrubs, trees. &c, from . -f: deners and others will be received nni promptly it.... ', tended to. F L KaGVIIDEDI.- ' i janii N )114 Li ,srtv.'h rt t of lifoxt- ...; 8008 AND JOB PRINT( NO OFFICE, H. W. COHEIR or WOOD & FIFTH STI The proprietors of the 1 1 ,1oRtttrm P 44!, and, Mica. CURT AIM MANUTACTURIR respectfully infirm} theist friends and the patrons of those papsti, that tips)? 4i v. a large and well chosen assort nest of s ors 1 711("IlliZari31113:7% attiilo &Eta GagMa aUt r a444.416, liecessag to a Job Printing Office, and that they are PK°Pared tc. Czecuß LETTER PRESS PRINTING,' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ba+rs Bills of Wing, Circulars. Paz - saints, BiU HViKIS Cardal ll Handois, Blank Che cks, Hatlips. . lilt kinbs of Nlauks. • :- Stage, Stedatilont and Canal Boat Bill, silk • • propriate cuts, Prhund on the shortest notice and most reasonable .We respectfully ask the patronage of our frnds ana l Y. the public in general in this branch of onflcusiness. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. To 'Painters. ' WE have-received, and will be:wafter' keep em -.L scantly on band, r. full supply of Pristirygs o , in large and small kegs, labielt we still be able to elseaper then it has beret4Pre been sold in this crop* '- Orders from the elotiatt* juxurnilumfra Sy 414 ea t (tie •LL CAS E/I)..viill . he promor i nwa r d 10 , PHIL p 8 & SMITH. oct (1.4 f Once of the %nand Maw S,CORGRINGS AND POTASH.—- 30 casks Scorrhingo, ' 4 " 'Potash, lust reolifted anti for **le blt._ 4 J. IN. BBRBRIDGE . & cO.. , ml 4 Woolf swet, irtgrooo We'd mosilmiiih6ol- GitocTowsi h, ,t.„, in band and: far ad'', re.: nitnel assortment. Famil Greceries, fifth* heatgtialtty. DeatfitritY. eitoeted *jib 11)ehetyist ramie, r*lhWonq: . bie as they can bet beed in ilierditY.:Wherratee *at veinier strained Sperm and Lamp Oii ;ad - . •- • • kw; a ebalee assortwalet -4 pans : ' 111811 and Gin. Champagne! Braady of 1830, 10 • aid RyaWbisleey, eta. - ' - rnll-Ira HENRY F. OCHWEPPE.