~.:. ;,,, -~: . .~~..~ ~! t 11 3.0;0 : #4.zr. - :_4.3 :•7 07 There are.in -Massachuvutto, 179 . ithitstiouses. Mitring tite you 13113, the smother of perscets relieved ftr streitorted in the year was 45.655; of these 31737 -were: trots fereign'parts; 3494 of the foreigners were • from . F.oiltiOtl eta Ireland. The averegercoctof pan , pens was, cents 4 , week. Nturtber insane prin. Pen! .110.61!16181prtFrrtedv:i73; number of idiots re 7 tiered oritupperte4 435. Proportion ofpeopers, prob ably marlesolapinsempesence in themselves or others . 7,669 or nearly one half, whom - it costs the public $150,90e a year to support. larThe D.. 5, ship Delaware, arrived at IslorfuLk, -has on bostlathe statuary executed in Italy for therm lielhisiorsentof. the Ca4Aug; and Among-the passengers on 'IOW of her-were ottind D. Porter; and - two Lerige - Peraico, the - sculptor, who ..-retur'atiolhe 17niu I States in Company with the stut -u •14c-'4t,ea by h i m. -AMCIAL ELSCTION for member of Congress supply, the vacancy occasioned by Abe death_oftho lion 111011R,T.FitIcK., will be held'in the 13th Congression al District of this State, on Tuesday.,..i.psit-5. 1,3 proprietors of the Pltilvtqfp 'cle, have been.oornioted , of a libel on Jamal hio -son; the Democratic cauulidate for Sheriff, at dip lost October election Rosati) —The dwelling of John. Hahne., in Louis ville, was entered by soare einknovin • villain on Tues day evening" robbed Of 1 41000 in money, and a box 41E-valuable jewelry. ArrtlAT.—OnThorrulay of last week, two young men of Naihville, Temi , had alight, with fire arms 0:to wastigilly wounded, the other slightly. Nashville is becoming soruewhat.uutrious for such disgraceful rows. .. • . • STEAWIWAT SOS K.—The steamer Borksville Was -sunk in the Cumberland river on Thursday night of qast week, n f'w miles below Clarksville. Her load cousisted of cotton and tobacco. LARGE GUNS. The Philadelphia Ledger says that cannrin of enor - snout. size have lung beep known in Lurope. At the siege a-CotiAanttlinple'by the Turks, undertMahom ct 11. in 14G3, cannons were used "*hich required two diundretlpoundsTor a charge, end th - reW a halt weigh ing eight hundred pounds. Some of 'these enormous , engines still exist in the fortifications ht the Darr' .tnel les, end were need against the fleet of Admiral Duck watth, when he forced that passage in 1810. One of Anise large 1111114 tut ftom If block of marble, and •weighing seven bemired and forty pounds. struck the .admiral c s first rye line of battle ship between decks, -andinade terrible havoc. The nccount of this engage mert says that the sailors were ,a,ghast with terror on witnessing the destructive purer of these balls ; predicament 63; no meani ustrtl'for English sailors. - Theieforii such heavy cannon ca-r tae used, and they prate what is proved in nil cases with smaller cannon, :that size is the measure of power. PITTSBURGH /MANUFACTURES fFHE subscribes., formerly agent of the Pittsburgh frianuraeturing Association, basing been. rip. pointed by a number oldie Manisfacturersand Meehan. .icsrof the city of Pittsburgh and its. vicinity as their a .gent for the sale of their various manufactures. will be constnntly supplied with a general' assortment of .those- articles at the lowest wholesale prices. The attention of Western Merchants nod dealers in American Manufactures is respectfully invited to this establishment. Orders addressed to the subscri bes wiltbe prompdy attended to. G P.O..COCH RAN. febl9 _ . - No 2fi Wood street. ON HAND,—As.cs, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks, Sp s, and Shovels, Sickles, Scythes, Trace. and Loo 4Chains, Spinning Wheel Innis. (2.oopers' and Carpen -', tens' Tools, Machina Cards, \V iodow Glass and Ghia,- ware, White and Red Lead; Pattersou's Locks and Large, Press Screws, &c. &c• SaguerreotyPe Miniature Portraits, At the corner Alarket and sth sts. THE subscribers would tn. - ist respectfully inform the Ladies and fly:nit:men of Pittsburgh and vi cinity, that they have opened rooms at the above men tioned place, over the store of Messrs Lloyd and Co., and are now prepared to take Miniatures b) this beau tiful art, in a style heretofore unsurpassed. By the combination of a quick and powerful apparatns,and an entirely nett mode of operating, they are enabled to produce pictures of a surprisinr, accuracy and beauty,' esrphining entire durability of implession, clear and shafinct - expression, perfect delineation, and last, thu' not lenity. the color of the face and dress. The color ing.of Photographic Pictures, forms a new era in the arty as it enables us to combine with accuracy of nature the advantages of art. The - undersigned do not wish, noei3.it.their intentiou to deceive the public by protni ses e mtbich they cannot fulfil, for they depend solely on she character of their pictures for patronage. Citizens owl stranger, one and all, are invited to call 'and ex omit* specimens. N .8. .Complete .sets of the improved patent op Yaro4-41 furnished. on the most. reasonable terms.- - Pastes.. Cases, Frames. Chemicals: and everr thing conneeted.noith the lousiness. at the Tamest rash pri- J 111 EMERSON & CO. d2-6m - • .TO FEMALES. THERE iA a large cies; of Females in this city who from their coothrued, sitting, to which their .ocoupations oblige them. are affected with costiveness which give rise to palpitation at the heart on the least th—hole • R. U. g2(02.61"N medtrtATba. REteNGTores But LD I nos, Penn street a few doors above ifiad street; j 23-0. PENNTtiG'S _ FIRE !ROOF clittrts; .rirrospaGg.Oct. 0. 1842. _ = . ugginsingt: -4311 Friday, the 30th of kat mootk,a -9 o'clock at nigbAthe.Phining, Omotring, and Msoufactory, o wned bi4:ls3+, Dilwoith & Co., "-mitiiNiattgo goad* of ittesoadmod iimirestaid I maier, teriddkVeniamet}tryfiret... - = It - e , ' , Safe whit% hotted gra "-soma time jot* le tho 4 lSOst ittpo9o9' iittsigfott doting; MIIIa mid teti redivot. 1' am pittiaell to in - *" koma spenbratiho'clette oftbe We. end ill #4kgek.aitillians is the beet ecorn men d milkifee of tioiotility of valli safes. /-f TiIONIAS SCOTT. . . I IlltifilLllosl. ve 405 3 Cr liow..i .• ~, tit is that you comasence with tot* Joss of . , I' . . .sTin.t/lur , ! ,f,144.1.44: Th . I mildly bu , ,-- „:„,,,....z......, ~.. ~ . -..., ~- - • r -. '. ..' ' • and tie case:- , k • ;1_7;7 . 7 . ,'(1.' ''.., that these eel' ' ,44 " ,' " ~•":la'iiik. -is iitticl as mod inisistermado, ,coldit nod esmess ate MPCI-htme.fit, - ted 'ErY - tlitri Briiiidieth idlli; thrift bylozetigesi atnitint-' dies. Very well, perhana, nit Paliatives, but worth nothing as ertiditators of 'diseases from _'tits human i system. The Brandreth Pills curs,. they do not mere 1, ly reliev.r, they• cure diseases, whether chronic or re cent, iiifeleons or ether Wise, will certainly be cured by', the use of these till sufficient pills. ' • CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. SIN () - sum, dnauary 21, 1843. Dr. Benjamin Brandredittifgltered Sir, owing tO you aright of gratitude that motley cannot ray. I am induced to make a public acknowledgment of the ben efit my wife has derived from your invaluable pills.— About threelears-this, winter she was taken with a pain -In her ankle, which soon became very much in darned and.strollen, so Much so that we became alarm ed, and sent for the doctor. During his attendance the pain -and swelling increasedtoan alarming degree, anti in three weeks from its first cemmencement it be came a running sore. She could get no rest ut night the pain WILS,SO great. Our tirsr doc.tor attended het for six months; anti she received nu benefit whatever, the pain growing worse and the sore larger all the while. Ile raid if it was healed up it would be her death, hat ho appeared to be at aloes how to preceell, rind poor wilestill continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. 'We therefore sought other aid in a Botani cal doctor, who said when he lhst saw it.thnt he could soon cure the sore, and give her ease at once. Tu our surprise he gave her no relief, and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill. Thus we soft after having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly failing in the prime of her years from her con tinued suffering. Under these circumstances weron- clad id that we would try your Universal Vegetable Pills. determined to fairly test their curative effects.— To my wife's great cond . ., • the first few doses tiff'ord ed great relief to the pain. Within one week, to the astonishment of ourselves and ever,. one whok new the case. the swelling and the inflammation begarto cease so that she felt quite easy, and would sleep comforta bly, and sir, after six weeks use she was able to go through the hones, and again auend to the manage ment of her family, which she had not done for 14 months. In a little over two months from the time she first cummeuced the use of your invaluable pills, het ankle was quite sound. and her health better than it had been in quite a number of years hefure. I send you this istatement.after two years test of the cure, con sidering it only an aet of justice to-you and the public Al. large. We are, with much gratitude, Very respectfully. - - TfirYTHIC - AND FILM.% LITTI.E. P. S. The Btitaiiicaf Doctor pronounced the sore cancerow, and finally said no good conld be done, un less the whole of the flesh was cut off, and the bone scraped. Thank a kind Providence this made us ro sort to yonr - pills; which saved us from all funher mis• erv, and for which we rope to be thankful. T. & E. L. sda at '23 cents p.er,box. with directions. Observe the new labels, tea) haviag upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the gen nine has six signatures—ibree Benjamin Brandreth and three B. llrandreth upon it. The only place in Pittsburgh where the real Brand reth Pills can be obiained, is the Doctor's own office, in the Diamond behind the market house. Mark, the genuine Brandretli Pills can never be obtained in any drug sum?. The following•are the only agents appointed by. Dr B. Dnandreth, for the sale of his Vegetable Duiversn Pills, in Allegheny county: rtLINCIPAL AGIi.NT-G II LEE, Pittsburgh. John Glass—; , Alleglieny. Robert: Duncan—blirmingliam. • C F Diehl—Elizabethtown. • II Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly .1 rwin--P leasant Hill. John J tihnitnn—Noblestown. Chess:Tian & Spaulding—Stewai tstown. Asdall & Ctinncll —Clinton. - Ra:iert Smith Porter—Tarentum. George Power—Fuirciew. Da,id R Coon—Plum township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. EawanlTtionnisen—Milkin - intirgh. Win 4+lnntnr--Alten's Mill. mar e,3; 1843. THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. 1,117 An individual only wishes to know the right way to pursue it: and there are none, WiTe it surely made known how DIM might be prolonged and Health recovered, who would not doubt the plan.- -Evidence is required that the right way is discovered This is what those suffering from sickness want to be s atisfied about. For who is so foolish as not t 3 enjoy all the health that his body is capable of? Who is 'there t': at would not live when his experience can so much benefit himself and family? It is a melancholy fact that a very large. proportion of the most useful members of society die between the ages of thirty and forty. How many widows and belpinss orphans have been the consequence of intindkind not having in their own power the means of restoring health when lost. Now all those (tang - era and difficulties can he preven ted and the long and certain sickness, and by aXsisting nature in the outset, with a good slo-e of Bramireth's Pills. This if a fact, well understood-to be so by , thou sands of our , citizen* This medicine, if taken so to parge-freety,'will iturely careen, nimble dierase.-..... There is no form or kind of sielthess that it does not exert ocurative ihflueace upon. Thus', by their pea= et in resisting putrefaction, they cure measles, small. pox, worms and all contageous. fevers. There is not a. medicine in the world so able to purify the mass of blood, and. restore it to a healthy condition, as the Brandreth Pills. The Brandreth Pills nre purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant of a month old may use them, - , ne is required. nut only with safety but with a of tecoiving all the benefit medicine is rape larti rig. Females may use them in nil the crit ids of their lives. The Brundreth Tills will seir health, and produce regularity in all the s of life. same may be said of Brandreat's external ittiout -, ,''aril application to all external pains fags, enetts, it greatly assists the cure. iced where the skin is veiy tender or, hroken, I be mixed with one or two pints of water. re last of genuine Brand. cila box of Pills. Then look at the certificate of whose engraved date must be within the year, ,ery authorised.agent mustposaess; if the three the box agree w ith the three labels on the Get the Pills arcane—Knot, they are false.' ipul 0ffme,.2.4.1 Broadway, New York. l ' e R. BRANDRETWS AVIS, office in Pi hioh Was established for the Ise of coastittztingt agoth west, halving Po lished that object, is now ,c and Mr G H in the Diamond, Market street. • my fur the sale of Pills and, I.iniments. ~ treth agents will therefore -understand that kcal will send a travelling agent through the once a year to collect moneys fur sales made .1-supply agents. The said traveller will be sup. ...-a with the power of Attrirney, duly prMied before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all necessary vouchers and papers. , . Mr J J Yoe, is my travelling agent now t! n. Penh:- Sylvania. B DUNI:METH. M D. N B Remember Mr Gld Leo, in rem of the mar ket, is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. • New York, June 14th, 1843. REMOVAL. JAMES HOWARD & CO. ID - AVE removed thcrir WALL PAPER WARE IlatlSßoo NO. e 3, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Where they have on band a large And splendsvi as sortment of WALL Psfea and Boeings, suitable for papering Parlors, Chambers; Walls; &g. ' Also, a general assortment of Writing, LetteriPrint ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Boards, Ste- Which they will sell low for Cash. or in exchange for Rags, Tanners Sclera, &r.-. feb , 2 . 1844 =111111.152 MEI M. Naoir . J 111.110/ 4 FOSTER.. I .KGOLF Ais FOSTER, • - WIWI:A Heal lidats Agexicy,.. Third at., hatttsloos to the I ofsce,rittewegb, Pa GrAgency for thelourchase and sale of Real - ES ate, Stocks; negotiating of Loans, and Collections. They will also attend te e the selling of pig metal for iiteners at tt distance. • Leuors, poet paid, will meet with immediate etten tinn. Terms moderate. The best of 'I eferences given nt application at the office. • Segni*: Packets, for Cincinnati. i • The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, 'leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter,Collins,Master, leaves every Tharsday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock n. m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, lenvrs every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO., Agents. The Great Central Bate Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company , -rATcrat _772 NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WASHINGTON Calf, BALLTIMoRN rHILADELPH IA AND NEW YORK. M HIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh 1 daily at. 6 o'clock . A.. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, come-rung here with the rail road Co's to all the above placeic. Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Con‘ berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest natiee. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela House. - L. W. 'fiTOCKTON, fob 3.--dt f. President of N. R. Stage Co. Deaver and Warren Packet inagNITILE canal packet ERIK, .1. M. Shaw,mnst et.. will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays'. morn ing, loaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland lima, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. As Usual. T 0 sooner does one of Dr Leidy's preparations he come popular, in consequence of its snecess and efficacy. than it is counterfeited and imitated. To prevent imposition, Di Leidy has now procured moulded bottles for his celebrntr il Tetter nail Itch Ointment, with the words 'Dr Leirly's Tetter and Itch Ointment,' blown in the glass, besides containing his written sig nature on a yellow label outside. Dr Lcidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment has proved more efficacions than any other preparation for Tet ter. Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or l'ustules, and disea ses of the skin generally. It has been employed in schools, factories, and on horiitrd vessels carrying passengers. where children, as well as grown persona, contract diseases of the skin from their contagious nature, with the most unexam pled success: certificates and recommendations have been heretofore published from them,and IlilMerVII4011)* etc might be obtained for publiostion, but for the ob jections most persons have, to having their names pub lisher' in connection with such disagreeable and lotob someaffections. In no single instanceluas it ever been known to fail. It has been used upon infants mid by persons of all ages. It is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its C.olTlllo4ltintl, Lind may be used msder rill circumstances. IPrice T wenty-fi v e cents a li. ot le. Pt epared awl sold at Dr Lvidv's health Empirriton, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) and by II A FA II N ESIOCK. & CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. Daly 12 REMOVAL.—The inalorsigned begs leave to in it., form the public, that he has removed from his 1 1,1,1 stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Cali 54., op posite the Exchange Hotel, where he has ti tea' op o large PIANO Foe Tr. WARE Roust, and n ow offers the I most splendid ussortmert of PIA:. os ever olreted in this market. His pianos consist of dqferent patterns, of superior Rose W ooil and Mahq gany. beautifully fi iished and modeled, and constructed thr,inglimit of the very best materials, which, fir durability and quality of tone, as well as touch, he wummts -to be superior to any ever seen here. ' As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made ars raugementA to supply the increasing demand for Ibis ire strument, he respectfully requests those intending to lamellas , ' to call and examine his LLS.3oltment before purchasing elsewhere, RS he is determined to sell LOW ER., fur cash, than any other establishment east or west of the muuntuins. F. 1111111 E, Corner of Penn end St. Clair streets, Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep 10. Dr. Leidy's Tatter & Itch Ointment. FOR the cure of every variety of Triter, the itch, and all diseases of the skin, has proved itself more efficacious than any other preparation for the same pur pose in use. Upwards of five hundred certificates might be procu red and published of its efficacy from School Teachers, Proprietors of Factories, Parents, Guardian*, Child Nurses. Captains of vessels and others, were it not for the delicacy in having their names published in con nection witirstich disagreeable ad . rctions. By the use of Dr Leidy's YettorOint mem in conjunc tion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Mood Piffir,6e will guarantee tocure any disease common to the skin, however bad, or of however long standing, or refund the money. 'r here arc boa ever very few instances but can be cured by the Oint neat alone. Price, 21 cents a box. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Leidy 's Ilealth'Emporium, 19110 Second st. and by B A FAIINESTOCK & Co. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. july 12 RUIT TREES, SHRUBBERY, &c.—Porsons desimus of procuring fruit, ormonental and shado trees, and shrubbery, from Philadelphia, are respect fully requested to leave their orders with the subscri ber as soon as possible. F L SNOWDEN, jan 25 No 134 Liberty, hoof of Wood st. CiNciStiAtt,, February 11, 1340. DR SWAYNE—Drar Sir: Permit me to take the liberty of writing to you at this time to express ny approbation and to recommend to the attention of cads of families and others your invaluable medicine —tho Compound Syrup of Prunus Vireiniattn, or wild cherry bark. In my travels of Into I have seen in a great many instances the wonderful effects of your medicines in relieving children of very obstinatecom • :ints,such asr,oaghing,wheezing choking of phlegm, " attacks. &c, &c.should not hare written this lettc , •ever, at prestritt. although I have felt it my duty to ad - dlny testimony to it for some timeihad it not been for al-k+-lostance where the;medicine above alluded to was instry...serriski n restori.:g to per fect hddilt en "only child," whose Cress- was almost hopeless, in a family of my . acquaintance. • -- •-•.t...thank Heaven," said the clouting motile!, "my child is sated from the jaws of deatif; - .l:adder feared the relentless ravager. But my childds-sife, is safe!" Beyond all doubt, Dr Swayne's Compoued_ of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in ; this or any other country I ant certain I have witnessed more than one hundred caries whernit ha's boon attended with complete success. I qmealog it myself in an obits& nate attack of Bronchitielii - trilat it proved effectual in an exceedingly short time, s eNlrlty of die case. 1 - ean recommend it in 'the fulfesCatia deuce of its superior virtues; I would advise that nti family sbouVlbe without it: it itevery pleasant trnif of tenbenellehd—worth triable and often "ten times its pricej .11litipuldittAte assured there is no quackery &tumid. R. :JACKSON, D D for mertypastor ditto Ist Presbyterian Church, N Y Sold wholesale and retail by WM. THORN, flO No 53 Market st, sole agent for Pittsburgh. DR. EY A.NS! 130iffii11110 WM, This infallible rented, (to popipererk hundreds when though, PorttaccrverY• hunr,ccerruhiions., As soon es the Synrp is rubbed on the. gums, the.chila Will recov er. This preparation is so innocent, so so pleasant, that no child will refine to let its gums hi rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of (bur maushs, tho' there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle ofthe Syrup should be used to open the pores: Pit , renttabould never be without the syrup in the narserY where there ire young children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gams, the Syrup immediate ly gives ease, by opening the pores, and healing the gums, thereby prevening convulsions, fevers, dir.c.— For sale wholesale and retail by • ItsE SEXLESS, Agent. sep 10 No 20, Wood stmt, below Second. TTVER COMPLAINT cared by - the use of Dr -LA Harlich'e compound Strengthening and A.peiima Pills. Mr, Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ was entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain avid weight in the leftside, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of tbe stomach, sick headache, furred warn, countenance. changed to a citron color, dithoulty of breathing, dis turbed teat, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great derangement - of the functions of the liver. Mr Richards had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until u sing Dr Hurlich's medicine, which termivated in effec ting a perfect cure. Principal office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadel phia. For sale by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood sta. sep 10 La! what makes your teeth so unusually which? Qooth Josh's dulcinin tuhim t'other night, To make yourn look so, with a grin, replied Josh ie bought you a bottle of Thorn's Tooth Wash, 'Ti4lltie best now in use, so the gentlefolks soy, And since they have tried this, cast all others away. But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear Sal, at tke histre of mine. Then try thihreat tooth wash, The T cube rry tooth wash. And see irtiliS t6oth wash of Thorn's is not fine. Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and become acquainted with the ingredients of its corn position, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest as it is one of the most pleasant tooth washes now it use. DAVID HUNT, Dentist. Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 1342. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the hest dem.ritices in use. Being in a liquid form. it com bines neatness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and remuvrs the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yields a flagrance peculiarly desirable. J. I'. TIBBETTS, a.. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Be; ry Tomb \Vasil," and have found it to he an extronmly pleasant dentrifice, exercising a most sale tnry influence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indispensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. !laving thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in recurnmending it to the public, believ ing it o be the hest article ofthe kind m,w in use. M. .11 0/7 E R ,`.7 N , JAMES P. BLACK. I?. H. PEEPLES, e 11.45. B. SCULL Y. C. DARRAGH, M'CANDLESS, J. M MOORHEAD. JAS. S. CRAFT. H. L rum; IVALT, L. S. JOHNS. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, A poth ecary and Chemi4t, No. 53 Market - Street. Pittsburgh; and by all the principal Druggist", and at Tuttle's Medical Agency, Fuu•th at. sep lIIRMINGHAM LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. subscriber having opened a shop No. 62 IL Second street, between Market and Wood sta., Pittsburgh, inconnection with the Factory in Birming ham. relwetfully informs his friends nod the public, that he will be happy to be favored with their orders for any articles in his Door Locks and Fastners, of various descritnions, on hand and made to order. Tobacco, Mill, and Timber Screws. Large Screws for Iron Works, and Screws for Pres ses. mode as mat• be required Carpenters and Builders are requested to call before contracting for jubs, and examine his articles and prices. Lochs repaired and jobbing generally done in Abe best manner, and on the lowest terns. may 2—lint JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. ---- A BOON TO T HE HILMANRACE. "Discover what will destroy life and you are a great man—discover what will prolong lik;, and the world o ill call you impostor." "There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us with which certain herbs have affinity, and over which they have power." DR BRA N DRETH'S External Remedy, or -.1 Liniment, which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts rain or soreness: thus, sprains, stiff sinews, white swellings, rheumatic, pains or stiffness, stiffness of the joints, tumors, unnatural hardness, stiff neck, sore throat, croup, contractions of the muscles. soefu bats enlargements, tender feet, and every description of injury affecting the exterior of the human frame, to he cured or greatly relieved by this never to be sufficient iv extolled remedy. C earr. tr tesTr..—The following letter from Mnjor General Sandford, as to the Extern si Remedy, speaks volumes .... _ Deer Sir: Will you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best, of the kind I have ever seen. It has cureclentirely Ivry son's knee, about which I was so uneasy, and i have found it productive of immediate telief bOVCI rd ca-- ses of external i *jury in my family,. A. few evenings since, my youngest child was seized with a violent at tack of croup, which was entirely removed in twenty minutes, by rubbing he chestand throat freely with the External Remedy. I think you ought to manufacturt this Liniment for general use, instead'of confining the use of it, as you have heretofore done, to pat titular ac quaintances. Yours truly, C N SA NDFORD• Dr B Brandreth, 241 Broadway, New York. 'For sale at 2.41 Broadway, New York, and at the store of G II Lee, Diamond, Pittsburgh. Price, 30 cents,for bottle with directions. ' slO h. the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny coon ty• In the mntter of the assign- No. 311, December men/of M'clorg, Wade & Co. 5 Tcr r n,lB43. And now'to wit. March 4, 1843; at the in ... stance pf . 0. Metcalf, Esq., who apron for 'die assrm, the Court appaintSlu.ncis R Shank, George Layng and Hll Van •Amringe, Esqs. Auditors, to audit the , account and. distribute the p;oceeds. Frbili the Reeerd, • GEO R RIDDLE, Ptoth'y. Notice is hereby given thatilmAtiditots'.4rinte4 .imthe.abovec.ase wiil attend , forthe piiejpow or their appointment, at the o ffi ce of Franc:ls alliank, in 4th street, in the city of Pittsbeig!i; . fin &aurae], the `2311 day of March, instant, at 3 o clock, P Itl. R GEO. W. LAYNG, H. H. VAN AMRINGE. ni7•l a vvlkv TO the Ileums le theiu get of the Court of general Quarter Bessioos of the Peace, in and for the c ounty i of Allegheny: - t Ttss petition of .1 aeob Drake, of Robilleme township, ' respectfully sheweth— That your petitioner bath provided himself with his ectxtmnr4atiop of travelers and oth rs,ate his dwallieg house the township afor esaid, end.praye that your ll!cmOre' will be pleased 4 . o grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. JACOB DRAICE. 'e, the subscribers, citiierts trf Rabinsorttovntship , do certify that Jacob Drake. the above petitioner, is of good repute for honesty and temparanee, and is well provided with house room and conveniericel for die IfAt com mode ti on of traveller others, and that . said tavern is necessary, - • M' Michael, Wm Ewing, Hugh Cowan, John C Moriow, Matthew Logan, William Adams, ml 3-30 To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessione of the Peace in,lnd _for the county of Allegheny: The petition of Nicholas Good, of Ross •tewa ship, ie the county aforesaid, respectfully sheWesh T That your petitioner bath provided himself with ma terials for the accommodation of travellers and others . , at his dwelling henries in the town:At - aforesa Vii'n prays that your honors will be pleased to grant a license to keep a pablia house of eatettuinment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, wilt pray. .NICHOLAS GOOD. We, the subscriberii, citizens of Ross township, do certify that Nichultu% Good, the above petitioner, is of good repute fur honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the ac commodation of travelers and others, and that said tav ern is necessary. John Plankerton, Robert Hare, David Reel, John Rudenbaugh, Wm Rodenbnugh, Wm K Graham, ml3-3t DR. LEIDY'S Sarsaparilla Blood Pills are epithet- ' ble in all cases, whether for Purgiaires-or Psi eificatien, They - pcissess nil the boasted virtues" of other pills, and are additionally efficacious, oontaining 1 Sarsaparilla in their composition , which is nut contain ---- !ed in any other pills in existence. They are, also dif- TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General . ferrnt from other pills in corepcsition, being purely Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county ! regelable, and can be employed at all times, withrut. of Allegheny; . , any danger, and requiring no restraint from occupation The petition of Peter Ivory, of Ross Township, !or usual course of living. - et respectfully sheweth— ! Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his • h i That your petitioner bath provided himself w ith 1 Blood Pills woeld cure all diseases, yet his ant saying materials for the accommodation of travellers and oth- !too much of them, from the innumerable cures perform ers. athisdwelling house in the township aforesairLand ! ed by them in every variety and form of disease (cee prays that your honors will be pleased to gmnthim a li- ' 1 titicates of many of which have been published froth cense to kcvp a publichouse of eutertniument. And your ; persons of all denominations, physicians, clergymen; petitioner, as in duty bound,w ill pray. ! end others) that they seem to be nlmost universal in , PETER IVORY. their effect; and persons using them for whatever sick - . ness or disease, may rest assured that they vrill befeund We, the subscribers, citizens of Boss Town- , more efficacious than any other pills in existence. ship, do certify - that the above petitioner is of ; From the known reputation of Dr. Leidy's 13lood good repute for - honesty and temperance, and is well ! Pill, it is necessary to remind the public where they provided with house room and conveniences for the ac- . can at all times procure the genuine, as his attempted Bern is of travellers and others, and that said ta- ; publicse other pills, called the •Blcexl Pills' upon the tern is necessary. on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. r;jrße pee- Robert flare, John Davis, I ticular and risk for Dr. Leidy's Sarseparille Blond Pills.. .1 ohn Plankerton. Alex'r Neely, I and see that the name of N B. Leidy is contained ou, David Merl, Robert Morrow, !taro sides of each box, (the boxes being of paper,. mut John Rorienhough, John Cheney, ' oblcusgi squnroshapo, surrounded by a yellow and blank W Rodenhangli, James McAleer, label.. Wit Graham, . Win Nelson, PRICE-23 cents a Box. • • . Jos McKnight, John McKnight. ; Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, at Dr. . Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second street, ml 3-3,. ! below Vine, Philadelphia, and by ii. A. PANA TO the Honorable the Judges o f the C our t of General S TOCK .i. CO., corner of ,Vouil and Sixth streets, Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county . Agents for Pittsburgh. jy 19.—1 y . -- NEW YORK, Feh. 9, 1842 Charles Lorain, James Crooks, Wm Tidtrall, Arehd Liggett, John S Phillips, Isaac A Ewing. John Davis, Alex': Neeley, John Cheny, John McKiiii James McAleer, Robert Morrow. of Allegheny: The petition of Jacob Shopeney, of Indiana town ship, respectfully slieweth— That your petitioner bath provided himself with ma terials for the accommodation of travellers and others, at his dwelling house, in the township aforesaid, and prays that your honors may be pleased to grunt him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner. as in duty bound. will jolly. JACOB SHOPENEY. We, tl:c subscribers, citizens of Indiana township, do certify that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well pro% idea with convetienees for the accommodation of 'travelers and others. and that said tavern is necessary. Win Cruwfuld, J Weleßaud, King, A Campbell, J ArConoughy, Benedict Fisher, .; Adam ?idler, • Fruit Weber, Bernard King, Benedict I Isaac Thompson, Henry- Siebert. ml3-3t TO the I loom able die d adios of the. Court of General Quarter Sessions of the l'eace in and fur the county of A lief.,7lten!.: The petition ofJulin C. Smith, of the 4th ward, Alit gheny. respectfully sheweth— That your petitioner bath provided himself with ma terialr. for the accommodation of travelers and others, at hi's dwelling houso in the ward aforesaid, and prays that. your honors may be pleased to grant him a. license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner,,as in duty bound.will pray. JOHN C. slrurii. We, the st ib s cribe rs, citizens or tho 4th ova t d, Alleghe ny, do certify that the above petitioner is of pica repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with conveniences for thn accommodatims of travelers and others, and theit said takt itsiiiigtheirtry.. Anton Mufti'', L Miller, Louis Ottman, A Hays, John Known, J N Strub.a. - M. Kreig, J Lehman, M Limon, jr, • Dederick Bollje, F Suropf, Victor Scriba. in 1 2-30 ___----------_ TO the Honorable the J udges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the I'eace in and for the county of Allegheny: - The petitiott of Sarahßackhouse, of Ohio township, respectfullmheweth — That your petitioner bath provided herself with ma terials for the accommodation of - travelers and others, at her dwelling house, townshipaforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant here license to keep a public house of entertainment, And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. SARAH BACKHOUSE. We, the subsc~e,eitlserrs of Ohio township,decet• tify that the obese petitioner is of good repute for ho nesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and coinvert;eacee for the Accommodation of Era ., tellers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. nkr James McLaughlin, Geo Parsons, xve James Callan, • James Duff, John MeLnughlin, Francis Duff; Samuel Merriman, Isaac Rhoads, Wilson Moore, . Thomas Hamilton, McLellan Hood, David Hood. ml2-3t" -e . • • W'ATITEI2I-4bout 959,000-4 n sumt of from $5OO, $lOOO to 45000 or 97,000; and from one to two, three, four and five yearse . -ett Mortgages on the vety best :44 . most seoore property, and the interest will be puomually paid - °fiery six or twelve months. A fair , prerninntwill be given for the, loan and 6 re qeflfinPfelit.. Persons who) money to loam may ippqn , ith Confidence ' s lit I-I IS' cy oat Intelligence bffieo;No. 9 Fifth ftreet. 1, mar 11. VATANTED SOON.—Plamb in town and country, 1- 1 / 4 40r on - the rivers or canals,to snit, about( "', 11 cillerlewsolestram. ask book keepers, 15 w ombs mem 511 bays iteeicems and tuinod traileso and for alba ,50 mechanise ; of. • Rinds, laboring men, farailiSteachutee, hoodoo, &c. Also, fin alkint.lo-maht rut lamas school' teachers. Alsci places wanted fee a number of coloretkraca , wcaran. and boys.- Ceptainsof sawn, keel, fluor canal 61;c420310144 eoott with all kinds of hands. All Wads of agencies attended to promptly mocl for .Inodentts charges. rleasePepply at HARRIS' Agency and In telligence office, Nog, Stk *smiler • il*l DIP-EAR SKlNS,dressed and untbrepsed, just rem" , ed and fnrsale by A. BEELtrif.. 05-tf sat Tbsee-Pi cptaposed of herthr, specific action upon* , lttentSginn jinnlen etweettli - • to the arterial system: the blood a qualassed. mail a- qualizedlit herein:illation throe& all the yetiolsoalh: theruft3tatdtin, the parts situated iutsmally,ot theca- . tremities; and •as all the secretions of.shie ate, t draws from the blood, them it a cot:magma inehetee of eery secretion, and a quickened action iirtbii ab sorbeny and exhalent. or disclaiming resikeli. morbid action which may bare taken place is torretes. ed, all obittroctiOtfralli removed, the blood is periled, , and the body resumes a healthful state. For s a le wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS, AM*, sep 10 20 Wood street. below &maid. Landratleseardentleedx_ _ A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds laws] , hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug *tore' if— L, SIWWDEII 4 184, Liberty at., head of Weail Adam's Patent "HangbplehilltUie "TA l',E now been be, _Li fore the, public theist - - years, 'luring which AIX; zerolval thousnadiurre beet t _ • sold and in daily vie, - are confident of , being s sustained intoryitpgAlnpy are the best Calico lOW ' in the teited S!litek tie way you 'fix it.iSirsesia - • • mo4ifientioneans made Oh. suit the fancy At( wive. anti A - the purses of husiminds. N Y* ; Sold by dogrel, or dine n Tonne' en at the manufactory•—• - „ - Malleable Castinis ma*? to order. I FAIRBANKS' PATENT PLATFORM SCALE:. These genuine articles, of all sizes, nnd most int Prov , cod varieties, constantly on hand and f'r sale at vest • reduced prices by the manufacturer. L. R. LIVINGSTON. mar 2—tf Front between ;Ross and Grant sic. IMPORTANT FACTS Uegnlar adorning 'Packet for Seaver. , 4o .►fin fast running and well known L Steamer - CLEVELAND; • SHARP Sammutt,. INaarr, will depart daily front Pll4. burgh at 9 o'ctork, A. ht„ and Craver at I o'clock P.M. Poi frvight er pa.sage, y on tamrd, or to EtIIIMINGII & CO. No 60 'Water A..cet. N. 11.—The rev. lar canal par Let to Clevelano Ohl.; Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and IllteAdltnn n,. the Ohio Canal,eonneet:ol with steanivt Cleveland at Ittea ver,will he iu operation initnedlat sly on onenitia v ituttion. mar !6 IiIVARRANTED GENUINE,,,,—Dr, William. Evans's Camomile. Pills, Ctrruncstas.—Letter,from the fine. A h 'm frefeti lan,Sullivan County, East Tennessee, Stembernteoneresi Wssmnovore, July $ll, ififfft Sir—Shire! have been In this city I have nsedSensie of your Dyspeptic armilelne with infinite benetla and maim faction, and believe it to he a most valuable name*. -One. • of ray tonstiluents,Dt. A. Carden, of Campbell amity %. Tennessee, wrote to me to send hiat same. which I did. .• and he hasemployed it very successfully on his practice areirgyalb is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson. Your adealsal this place, thinks you would probably like, an agent In Tennessee. If so, L would recommend Dr. A Carden, pd .., a proper person to officiate for the sale of your, celebrated medicine. should you commission him be . is arifilnd tro 1 act for yon. You can send the medicine by Water to (lin care of Robert Erne St Sons, Knoxville county, - 'Turtles- see, or by land to Graham ot Flonston, TasWell, East Ten nrssee, I have no doubt hut if you had :lentil In . several eon ittffirin East Tdniteftee, a treactlvarof tried i_ rine would be sold. I not sotrtg tolake some-of It home for my own use. anntiont of my friends, akd should like t o beer front you whether yon would like an agent at Btuatvlllr. SulWynto County. East Tennessee; I can get,„ some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there:NlP Yours respectfully. - •A RR ATI A tit IPOLELLAN, ofTsnnesset. For sale Wltsica le and Retail, by R. Et STIRLERS,Atent, No. 20, Wood street , below fletahrd. • VIA it al FOB SALE.—Tise undersigaelf ores for sate I. his farm, lying in Rose Towas,ltip , 4l uttieefront the City of Pittsburgh.; mint aining..ll4 agree sitln4of 60 are cleared and under fence, to in 15 to' tO .acren of meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apples _view Peach and Cherry trees—the ireprogeinents are a writs frame bones containing 10 rooms welifurnished, talcalated.ror a Ta• tram tx• private Dwelling, a frame Darn It' b L y 00,incrina basement, and stabling, sheds tnd other vitt' hotailiararlt; able fOr a tenement; -2 good Gardens surrociudinl:eerith currant bushes. and n well of aseellenvorsUac,ilifffit a pump In at the front door. In relation to the tklitolignli.: and Allegheny mating, there is no place now otheeelcillo. , sale With moreladUcement to those wishing to.geweimion, near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made egodeinite,; nigher pa rticularsapply to the proprietor at Me Cletatelir Store, Liberty street corner of Virgin A Hey,' LAWS CB.IIITOBILS. N B 1 r not sold before the let of October neat, h e di v id e d Into 30 and 20 acre lots tomtit purchasers. eep 10 . • • Heady blade Coffin liirarehoulii. 24ter a. trout tag 0.8. 54311 L, TROVILLO, lINDERTARKI4. , ' ft WPICIVULLY informs the public tlistkir has retorted MIS ready made coebe ware. „douse to the building reientiy uricipiciPhy•Mr R. 6: Berard, directly Opposite his old dbdrldt" where bets always prepared to attend prksiplir to any orders in his line, and by Midst ausalloitt UP ell thadelailsof Ike hostess. orals piedesinikee be hopes to merit public confide stet U. will be prepqed; at ALL noon to. provide retiree , . Biers. C "loges sod every requisite au ihe most liberal terms. etas hest (be country will be pecoopity Wielded to. Ells residence Is la the mime bending" with his warn boast, where those who seed his Services may lied btu* many time. sirssesscss: , ' . • w.w. utwii. • KM'. 30110 SKACI.O:II4 JODISS IMMIX. KRT. ROIOIT lattlr. 0. 0. ArDelt PATTON, Kill. -11•11/Vil. WILLIAMS, VV. 11411VC0041, ear. SOMME Oita. 11A40 041111.111. ' KILT. JAK11011: DA.IIIO. 1 ' 10 arr. ' s:P. llMlrts • • • "PILES cured by the Lee of Dr. Haw Deb's (10lamina I. Pot rengthenisg alai German Aperient Piths Dr. Harticb-;-Dear 1d1e..-43hottly after I . rootiliteCibe Agency from you for the:solo • 44' raw, nuallititle. I. formed anatediiiiillibeewlik al MA1 4 ,..t . ibis Vlea.ll-hol: was Iteverel , *MON willi th e rirdig F•r ei go irk... yearethisrhidy Was subject to frequent Fain 1 ittailtsM and ber phy considered, ber ease se eolltilnalted• 4 00 that he eery plelseilbadinedietsofor her, Thronelt nay - 101 . mineneed, ueled YeetrtilsriliC itaw perfeall. . Yonne. itc... JANIS Z. al. . itilf, ' Oetdle 3, ed 1840. . ChaOO II OMAIM , Pik 1121.00kriand General Depot. No. 1%6101 Eiglrtii Direst. Pilladelphia. And be. Samuel Prot, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. • sep 10