'a* IDaikinorning Poet. =yrt''i~~ '~~' SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1544 2,lltuseawit Usatistir.—Wa hope the democrats is thisiity willteuwallor drat the meetings in the wards for.the choice of delegates to ties csunty Con. -meths are tebe held this evening. his important thee deem should be a govaratatterilance so that there maybe afidLespressias of the preferences of the peo ple. When the primery meetings are well attended we bore always found that it created a more deter -sainedieliconftdentspiritin the party throughout the comemaid does much to secure the success of our emmlithisse. It is almost as important to attend the adepts mestinp as to wood the polls on the elec t/oar*. and we therefore hops that the democrats will torn out am, to-night. blitsowat Russ.—The Jeffersenian Republican lays, "the Hamanle, Capt Miller. arrived yesterday. Thariver is sow in good navigable order--sloe weather beautiful. The clays for the last week, have been at tended with almost uninterrupted sunshine; the nights octal, with feast however, barely sufficient to freese the mud in the streets." Osmo Itivmsr-The Osage Yeoman, of the 15th ult sayut-•-"TbeOngs River has fallen considerably since ear last, but is still in good boating order.. The swam nor Warsaw, on her downward trip from this place, when about fifteen miles below this place, "took a leer" on her plot, run against the bank, and split her 'bow. She had on board a fall cargo of wheat, which, through thee:cordons of her active crew, was not much nlautaged,' , 6411 TeRVILIT COIN.-The Baltimore Sun cautions the agehot a numberuf counterfeit coin which loWtrecently made. their appearance in that city.— They are a perfect fie-simile of the new emission of Valor dollars and ten cent pieces, and can only be siesectell by the *Mod. It will require a bright look oat to detect them. Tatum no ASIA* ea.s.—We find. the following items date masher of the Van Boma (Ark) Laelligencer. They indicate an advance of morale and aainerease of wealthand industry, among the people of that state. The only vacant house in Van Buren is the county jafl. It steals with the doors flying ism, without the peat apprehension of any one breaking into it. This tells much, not only for the business but the morals of the place. We are pleased to see fine Washington county flour shipped on most every boat that goes down the river. Ts o years ago, flour, bacon, and even vegetables, were shipped to this place. Times have changed, we now raise a superfluity of these articles, and they are now becoming articles of export. A lead mine, yielding 80 per cent, has been discov ered 18 miles from Van Burro. nr The Easton Gazette, of 'Saturday last, bripp intelligence of the death of the Hun J L Kerr, late Senator from Maryland, whose time of service expi red on the 4th of March lan. He died at his late res idence in Easton, (Md.,) on the 21st inst., in the 65th year of his age. • HOW SINCERE The "Yazoo City Whig" reeds the following chap ter to the citizens there on gamblers : "There areitow some dozen gamblers in town, and are nightly enesged in dial e; fors and playing at other games, thus enticing our young men from the paths of morality, and implanting in them a desire for the gaming table : and not only the young men of our town are nightly visitants at these dens of robbery and degradation, but even men of families are enticed there ' by the glittering of gold. Since 1836. or '37. up to about two weeks since, oar town has been entirely free from these professional characters, and how they got a foothold in our place at this time, is well known to many of the citizens of this place. We now call upon the proper officers to enforce the lawi of the State against those gambling scampi, and thus purge our tows of the greatest curse to society." This is all tight. But the queer thing aboutit is. at- I 'the heed of ftti columns, this "whig" and denouncer of temblers,has the name of HENRY CLAY "for Pre sident. Marvellously consistent are some of these koon papers. They will exhaust the vocabulary of epithets in ezecriting the murders or duellisu, and theinfemal rules of the 'code of honor," yet at the same time strain evte7 nerve to elevate one of the most confirmed and bloody duelists of the country to its highest offices and honors! They preach against the wickedness of gaming and the crimes of gamb lers, and yet in the same breath will laud to the hea vens by their praise this Henry Clay, who has been one of the most successful garners of this century--almost the "Father of the American System." as practised on the "Faro Bank," "Roulet Table," and especially the "Brag" and "Poker" games.—and who at this day. meugre all the certificates of partisan clergyme n and - the eulogies of unscrupulous friends, is so wedded to the practice. that he instinctively pursues wheoever interest lures him —Cis. Enquirer. THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GENTLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC 1 MONTEVIDEO. AND WORKINGMAN A private letter dated Montevideo, Dec. 10, 1843, To call and examine for themselves at received in Baltimore, states that nothing new had k TUE TUBBS BIG D'OORS, transpired, but that the city must shortly and inevitap No. 151, Liberty street, WY fall , without the interferer" of same ferni g n P ew- 1 AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. er, as the pamniary resources of the Government, are IgrOBSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE consumed and all public property available has been PAVEMENT.Aa diaosed of. In such a state of things the sooner the ll city yields, the better will it be for the inindritanlo.— ! j 26 JOHNM'C LOSK EY, N Y Driblt/. ' -- - ji .... and Bennet Pressing, I R BY WILLIAM SCHOLEY, Dumont, ALI:ZY, Between Wood and Satitkfle/d Sta. HAVING just returned from the eastern cities and purchased the most improved PRESSING MACHINES, is prepared to press gentlemen's hats and braid, straw, gimp or Leghorn bonnets on the most OVERSEER OF THE POOR. . reasonable terms, in the neatest manner and at the The subscriber respectfully offers himself to his fel- shortest notice. The subscriberbelieves that his long -low citizens as a candidate for the above office at the experience in the business is a Sufficient guarantee that •weating election, and pledges bfinself,ifelected, toper.all work entrusted to hint will be properly performed. ii . 'limn the &lira °ldle above officeas well as lies in his' ea hereto Bats or bonnets cleaned, altered, trimmed or color- Power. T. KENNEY. es fore. WM. SCHOLEY. fl7-3m• UNIVERSALIST PREACHING. Row. Mr. PIRIIT will preiCh in the Universalist Church. corner of St. Clair and Liberty streets, to morrow,(Sunday) at past 10 o'clock, A. M. A lacure will be delivered in the eveningf.om John s, 46. 'OVERSEER OF THE POOR. We *re authorized te anoessee JAMES MICEN NA as a eaadidaoe:for the office of °veneer of the Poor at the approaching election. - March. 1.-4s,' OVERSEER OF VIE Pp()R. The undersigned eters himself at a caodidaus for 4Netseer of the Poor, at tbb ensuing election, to be lbehron the 15th of March next, and if elected, flatters :himself from his experience in the duties of the office .to be able to give general satisfaction to his fellow citizens. ALEX. PARK. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. THE sulsoriber, formerly agent of the Pittsburgh Mantifecemiag Association, having been ap rimed by a tomboy of the Manufacturersand Mechan ics of the city of Pittsburgh and its vicinity as their a gent for the sale of their various manufactures, will be constantly supplied with a general assortment those articles at the lowest wholesale prices. OVERSEER OF POOL The of aof Western Merchants and dealers in Tip HE subscriber offers himself so his fellow-citisens, held Assevicos Allatiefachtres is respectfully invited to 1- " a candidate f o r °"rseeratbe Poer , t ' ll 1.41..-... tiliS establishment. Orden addressed to the salmi:6- os the fifteenth of March, and pledges himself to the ' her will be promptly attended to. faithful discharge of the duties of said office. GEO. COCHRAN. f26-te * _ PATRICK QUINN. .. febi9 No 26 Wood 'meet. aON HAND,—Axes, Augers, Hoes, Mattocks and Shovels. Sickles, Sc , ~ Trace and Loi Chains, Spina* Whorl Irons.e and tin? Tools. - Mathias Carda,Window Giaaaand= were. Wbka aid Red Limb Patallson's Locks and Large Praia Saierm% &a. &c ,OVERSEER OF THE POOR.—Tbe subscriber N-1 mpectfully offers himself to 10-citizens as candidate fur the above Gene a teelection to be Areld on 'Friday the 15th March neat. feb2sl I. J. ASHBRIDOL o re` 1 nEIHOS, Prime N'O Sugars J L AJ 50 begs fanci Rio caffein 25 bozos ISt ft raising 20 bbLs N O Molasoon; N 01,2 and 3. biodurrel. bbls and Willis; Cossomicat woos SW: Is sumo sad fo! pole, by J 1) WILLIAMS, 14143 r• INTIM swot NSW4I2IIIIVIL OP GOODS!! SUPEILFINE DOUBLE MILLED hs, Cididmeres, Tweeds,, Vestinirs, flassinetts, &a. P. DELANY, MERCHANT TAILOR , xo. 49, IJIZATT 'WREST. TWO DOORS ABOVE VIRGIN. ALLEY. THE subecransrhasjust returned from the Eastern cities, where he has it:chased the most =gni fteent assortment of CHOICE AND FASHIONABLE GOODS Ever offered is au City!- which he is now receiving, and to which he invites tht attention of his customers and the public generally who wish to supply themselves with GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, AT CHEAP PRICES. The very liberal patronage which his friends and the public have heretofore been pleasedto bestow on his establishment, has induced him topurchase A GREATER VARIETY of all kinds of gtods in his line, and of a superior qual ity to any thing which has heretofore been offere d .— The following is a list of a part of this assortment which he offers to the public, all of which he guarantees are in the mostlashionable Eastern styles, and of the best quality, suitable for the season. SUPERFINE BLACK, BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN AND FANCY COLORED EN GUSH, FRENCH & AMERICAN OLOTTIS, FOR DRESS AND FROCK COATS He particularly refers to a lot of beautiful French cloths and cassimeres, new style, which he is confi dent cannot fail to please. They are of a most ex cellent quality. SUPER. SATIN AND VELVET VESTINGS, Rick and exquisite patterns, in the latest styles. ALSO, LONDON PLAIDS, A large variety of patterns. MERSEILLES CACHMERE, beautiful patterns, and common vesting. of every de , icription TWEED CLOTHS. French and English Fancy styles—suitable for every description of SACK COATS • Also, all kinds of goods which can be found at any establishment in'the city, which be offers fer sale,made or unmade, as cheap as any dealer in the city. The undersigned offers the shove extensive and va ried assortment of seasonable goods for sale at a small advance on their original cost,and keeps them constant ly on baud, ready to make for his customers. His pri ces are to suit the times. Idis goods are all made by Pittsburgh workmen, and are warranted to be of SUPERIOR QUALITY rThe public are invited to call and examine for themselves. P. DELANY. (21 tf No 49 Liberty st. 2 doors from Virgin alley. IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY! FRESH ARRIVAL AT THE THREE BIG DOORS! FP HE proprietor of this well known and highly fa vored establishment takes great pleasure in in arming his friends and the public at large that he has ust received the most MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. That has ever been Prehased in the eastern markets. It is impossible for him to describe the QUANTITY. QUALITY and VARIETY of his stock but he in •itesall who wish to purchase clothing of any clevcrip- - tion to call at his establishment, as it is the only place in the west where ALL TASTES MAY BE SUIT ED, at the most reasonable prices. His assortment of Winter, Spring, and Summer Goods CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which can be manufactured into clothing to or der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and fash ionably jiesigned as at any other establishment IN THE UNITED STATES IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And at no place west of the mountains can purchasers find such a variety of goods from which to select as at the THREE BIG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c, &c. The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is 'QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS,' And in following out this system he feels con ' fidentthat his customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. es WOULD INVITIC B.'. RECORDING REGULATOR, - .OnP" - Office in Ithrtseros's Bo mottles, Pena street a ew doors above Hand street. j23—tf TXTHOLESL AND RETAIL GROCER, For- V V warding and Commmission Merchant, and rilealerintry Produce and Pittsburgh Manufac tures,No 48 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. igti ALT.-300Mb No 1 Sall. for stk j 2, MA* . MAY -. *SPOUTED WE , Doha D. Davis, D. B. Stebk, Starstbeet Agra mad Coiseeissisa AUCTIONEER ANDCOMMISSION Memkest, &IMO of Want oitel Mats., Picesburitt, ITS reedy sicreosive marcissodiseof every deeerlptias W m"' Stteet, near Wood. •JL oa easisigutoeut, for pith& or private sele, end front lost experience in the above business, Batters hbuself &w tie will be able to give emirs satisfaction to all who nosy favor him with their pearstage. Regular isles ca MONDAVI USEI TUIISEDATS, of Dry Goods aid fiessey ankles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghmsaufactured articles,new and setwedhand furniture, /cr.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every erreniovatearlygas light. wag 12-y TIVIC TIM SIX MUSS WATEI 111 TH ARRIVED. - Importer, Stickle, New Orleans *Michigan,Poies, Beaver Warren,McKee, do *Jas R oss, Lucas, Cincinnati Belfast, Ebbert, Wheeling 'Moxabala, Parkinson, Mon City Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville DEPARTED. 'Clipper, Crooks, Cincinnati Oella, Bowman; BrownsvlUe Mingo Chief, Devinney, Wheeling *Michigan, Buie', Beaver Warren, McKPe, do Zephyr, Stout, Cincinnati Muskingum Valley, Bowen, Zanesville rirAuboats marked thus 1') are provided with Evan's Safety Guard to prevent the Explosion of steam Boilers. FOR SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam' Boilers IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their alntost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give -it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid these dis asters. All boats marked thus [' ] in the List of Arrivals and Depattures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF LYONS, AGNES, . LEXINGTON. ALIQUIPPA, LITTLE BEN, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, MUSKINGUM V AL' Y, CADDO. MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUNG 0 PARK, CICERO, MONONGAHELA, CANTON, MESSENGER, CUTTER., MONTGOMERY, 1 CECELIA, NORTH BEND. , CASPIAN, NEPTUNE, 1 CLIPPER, .NARAGANSETT, COLUMBUS, NATION'L, CLEVELAND, NIAGARA, COLUMBIANA, OSPREY, CORSAIR. ORPHAN BOY, DUQUESNE, OHIO MAIL, DUKE of ORLEANS, OHIO, ECLIPSE, ORLEANS, EMMA, OLIVE BRANCH, EDWIN HICKMAN, PENELOPE, EL DORADO, PANAMA, EVELINE, QUEEN ofthe SOUTH, EXPRESS MAIL, ROWENA, FOREST. RARITAN, FORMOSA, SARAH ANN, FORT PITT, SARATOGA. GALENA, SAVANNA. GEN'L BROOK, ST. CHARLES, GALLANT, 87'. LOUIS, HIBERNIA, TALLEYRAND, IDA, TOBACCO PLANT, INDIAN Q UEEN, , VIC TRESS, ILLINOIS, ' VALLEY FORGE, J. H. BILLS, VIOLA, JEWESS, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING, WAPELLA, LITTLE ROCK. mar 22 Slagurreetypo 1111thiature Portraits, At the corner of Market and sth its. THE subscribers would m.ist respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vi- cinity, that they have opened rooms at the above men tioned place, over the store of Messrs Lloyd and Co., and are now prepared to take Miniatures b) this beau tiful art, in a style heretofore unsurpassed. By the combination of a quick and powerful appamtus,and an entirely new mode of operating, they are enabled to produce pictures of a surprising accuracy and beauty, combining entire durability of impression. clear and distinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, tho' not least, the color of the face and dress. The color ing of Photographic Pictures, forms a new era in the art, as it enables us to combine with accuracy of nature the advantages of art. The undersigned do not wish, nor is it their intention to deceive the public by promi see, which they cannot fulfil, for they depend solely on the character of their pictures for patronage. Citizens and strangers, one and all, are invited to call and ex • amine specimens. N B.—Complete sets of the improved patent op paratus furnished on the most reasonable terms.— Plates, Cases, Frames. Chemicals, and every thing connected with the business. at the lowest M i sJEMERSON & C ces. d2-6m REMOVAL. JANNIS HOWARD & 00. Tff AVE removed their WALL PAPER W ARE- Ia HOUSE to NO. 83, WOOD STREET, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Where they have•on hand a large and splended as sortment of WALL PAPill. And BORDMILII, suitable for papering 'aeons, Chambers, W sus, ar c ,. Also, alieneral assortment of Writing, Letter, Print ing, Wrapping and Tea paper, Bonnet Beards, &e. Which they will sell low for Cash, or in exchange oil fur Rags, Tanners Scraps. &c. feb 22, 1844 Wl's have received, and wi ll hereafter keel, coo smutty on band, a full supply of Printing Ink in large and small kegs, which we will be able to seli ckersper than it has heretofore been mid in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by *it* ca (to ALI. CASU) will be P IL gottrtig S attended to. & SM ITH, oat 1 0-tf Office of the Post arid Mimi:facto • IlimmU. A CHOICE selecti G o arden n of from the "Fredonia Gordan" (N. Y. on eonsigoomot nod fermis at RETNIIART & STRONG. To IPriatars. 140 Liberty ac. ~. ~ OF PATENT MEDICINES—AT AUCTION, AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth streets, on Monday next, March 4th. at 10 o'clock, A. M., will be sold without reserve ' by order of E. Trovillo, Earl , High Sheriff of Alleghe• ay Coonty, for Cash par funds: A lot of valuable Patent Medicines, among which are 01dridge's Balsam of Columbia, Hays' Liniment. &e. At the same rims. a lot of Dry Goods, and 2 Fire proof Safes. At 2 o'elock, P. M., Futaiture. ALSO, 5 half chests Young Hyson Teat S Caddy boxes Gun Powder Tea; f2B - J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer DRY GOODS AT AUCTION. WILL be sold, without reserve, at Davis' Com- V VV mercial Auction Rootlet comer of Wood and sth streets" on Monday next, Ma;ah 4th, in the forenoon, immediately after the Sheriff' a sale of Medicine, a large and general assortment of Dry Goods. J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE AT AUCTION. VVL be sold.without reserve, at Davis' Com'cial ILry Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth smelts, on Monday next. March 4th at 2 o'clock, P. M., the Furniture of a family leaving the city, among which Breakfast and Dining Tables Ingrain and Bag Cat peting Highand French post Bedsteads Bureaus and M actresses 1 Child's Crib 1 Brass Clock, 1 Bird Cage, 1 Piano Forte, togeth er with it general assortment of kitchen utensils. At thesame time, 10 boxes Lemons m 2 J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. CIiOPOOP 1843. WS 77/ cj,lt3\l°-1/ *z. THE subscribe: has just receivedbis annual .apply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part of the following kinds—all of the last year's crop, and warranted genuine Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Peas, Beans, Kale, Pepper, Leek. Pumpkin, . Broccoli, Lettuce, Radish. Borecole, Water Mellon, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Musk " Salsafy. Carrot, Nasturtium, Cauliflower. Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okra, Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion, ITurnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn, Nlustard, (white and brown) &c, &c. &c. Together with a variety of pot and sweet herbs and flower seeds. igrOrders for seeds, shrubs, trees &c, from gar deners and others will be receiNed and promptly at tended to. F L SNOWDEN, 2 . N . 11 i Li', .riv. h 1t I of Wool _ DANCING AND WALTZING ACADEMY. THE first session of Madame Blaique's Academy will commence on SATURDAY, this day,Jan 13th, at Concert Hall, at 9 A. M. The days of tuition will be Monday, from 3 to 5 P M; Thursday from 3 to 5 P M; and Saturdoy from 9 to le A M and from 3 to 5P M, of each week. It is desirable that those intending to enter pupils should do so at the opening of the session. Notice to all whom it may Catlealth ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Oliver Ormsby Evans, deceased, as well as those knowing themselves indebted to the same, will please present their accounts for settlement to C Evans, No 10 Water street, who is duly authorized to settle the said Estate. SARAH L. EVANS, feb 15 Adminisdatrix. FLANNELS AND BLANKETS.— 1 cam super brown flannels, 12 pair large domestic blankets. Just received on consignment; fur sale by (16 GEO. COCHRAN No 26, Wood st IEIL&ILDIAN, JENNU(GS & CO, • 43, Wood street. HAVE in store and are receiving 425 bags Rio Coffee, part strong and green, 50 pkgs Y H and G P Teas, 25 boxes Russell & Robinson's s's Tobacco, 10 " Burton's s's " 10 " Thompson's " 5 " Robinson's 16's ". 10 " 12's " 5 " superior pound lamp .• 100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisins, 20 " No 1 and 2 Mustard, 50 " No 1 chocolate, 25 " ground pepper, 5 " cocoa, 5 " rice flour, 2000 lbs loaf sugar. 10 kegs ground ginger, 5 " " allspice, 2000 lbs Oak Tanned sole leather, 1000 yards tow linen, 5 bales hops; All of of which th e y Mier, with a general assortment of groceries, dye stuffs, a nd Pittsburgh manufactured goods, on liberal terms. 75A BUSHELS Dried Peaches; Ur 50 do eloverseed; 502bbls russet aed pippin apples; 75 dos corn brooms; 10 hbds prime N. 0. Sugar; WILLIE, Received and for sale by J D f2l No 28; th st. PLACES WANTED—Few a number of Book keepers,Salesmen Ware house men, School tracers, Mecanics, and ;bent 100 coack men, carters, and laborers, for town or country; 'and abou t boys for Farmers stores, dwelling houses and Hotels, and for trades. II? Places wanted for several wet and dry nurses, chambermaids and small girls. Also, for colored men, women, boys and girls, for cooks, waiters and all work. 1 Hotels, Steam and Canal Boats, Boarding Houma, 1 private Families, &c. furnished with all triads of hands at the shortest notice, and for moderate charges. Please apply at HARRIS' General Ageney & la telligeece Office, No. 9, Fifth street. f 23 A GOOD FARM FOR RENT. FOR RENT, and possession given on the first of April, or before, is good Farm, about 23 miles bob low 'Pittsburgh. on the Ohio River and Beaver road passing througit it, and about one and a half miles this 'idea Freedom. It has 220 acres in it, and from 90 to 100 sores cleared and under cultivation. An excel. lent stone Rouse on it with, three priors and good kitchen on the first floor, and four well finished roams opstaill, and finished to the garret. A Stable and Bans, &a an it. Iris in sigittofsba Sown Bastin* ga t* ant* Ohio, and will be-rented for a Slit rine to *load Tenant for oas t two. or door yaws. fordwr - partkokro *ow apply st HARRIS' Agescroad Ma, 114. nth street, Mir& Mf ll4 W_ A _ _ laililiellildi k t /01488118sts -.: . . ..-- r..^"..". In pursuance 3 of aa Order of the Orphans' L. S. Court of Allegheny County, wlll be earn- G.A.. ed to public 'sleet the New Court Bole, is the city of Irtitikten#,en the first Monday, the 4th • A • . s . ... mil* day of Minch Dekt, at 10 o'clock A. M. The fo ll ow- 11113111111CAPI POIMAIIIIII IMOILT ingilescrled real estate., late the property of Birebel 'Fbr Ike tiatisiniwtsfitus of Sutton, of Pitt TeinishiP, Ai: • t • MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCT A certain part of Lot munimiti:ten , marked in the isreptisit =if ;of the Cat lots of tte'clty . of PiusUrrgh. PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHLA, M ITTS • • it a post on the line of iiiid Ler, by list side of the onongebela river, it the twin.. Of about BURGH AND SALTIMORB, two hundred and seventrsis feet, from the maser of AN' - D Lot No: 9. thence up said riverorking said River Tang • ' • said line Twentrfourfeet,thenea by a lide Nettittitiest NEW YORK. AND BOSTON. degrees, East about. two hundred and tire4feet, psi- R. . . li . Divnint, sing through the centre of a white Oak, and to the foot RBSPECTAHILY Wenn s his fr iends via shipper& of the rocks. thence by aline North 81' degrees, West generally, that he has &urged the name of iris twentrfourfeet to a pole., there" South three degrees,. TriutsPoitation Ll*, Ttotu the United Sat" 110114 " West abouttwo hundred and twentyfeet totheplaoeof Boat Line. to the AMericart Portable Boat Line. kgianing; being part of out Lot No 111, which was This line is toidpoteld of tennitYro neer Four !We sold by the Sheriff of Allegheny County, to Marian tion Portable Boats, one of whirl *lll depart ilaitp, - Pride, by Deed dared 20th Sept.. 1823, and acknowl- from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and BaltiMere, edged the 17lltday of November 1823, and Recorded ; The ea petheity an d a dv antage , n ot kl i a Ni t : t ame, in the recorder's Office, book E, 2 page 472,and by said . Boat over every other mod* of transporuniter are too Marian Pride, leased on perpetual lease to James well kricrini to chipper generally to require comnten Chambers, by Deed in Book G2d pages 496, 497. and suffice , it to say, that the detention, lose, separation anti 498; reserving to the said Marian Pride, an annual damage te. Goods, invariably attending three trari rent of 6 dollars, payable, $3 on)the first days of shipments between Plitsburgh and Philadelphia, are April, and Octobe r, in each and every year, and by iby the Portatie Boats most effectually removed. the said Chambers afterwards sold and transfetred to To give undoubted security to owners and.shipperiy James Tucker subject to the aforesaid rent by Deed all goodsend Produce shipped by this line will be in= Recorded in Book X, 2 vol 47, Met 260 arm, and on loured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without the back of Mamma Deed, assigned and transferred any additional charge to the ownem subject to the aforesaid annual rent, to Samuel Slur Mervbendise shipped by tlds line in any of the east= ton deceased, by assignment dated the 20th Novem- ern cities. and consigned to II Devine, will be forward - - bar, 1834, and on which said Lot or piece of ground, ed immediately on arrival at Pittsburgh to any part of there is 'erected a two story Brick Dwelling House, the west, free of commissions. withfinished basement. Terms cash parrnoney H. Denim will receive produce consigned to kith WILLIAM BRYANT, pay steamboat freight aid charm and forward tb• Executor of Samuel Sutton, dee'd. same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no corni. THOS FARLEY. missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Avg Clerk of the Orphans Court. communications or goiteis directed to the care of the undersigned Agents aline protaptly atteintad,o% H. DEVINE, Canal Basin, Liberty shreet,Pittsbutibi BUZBY.ir. BROTHER, 365 Market street, below t• eath, Phitledelgthint GIESE as BON Commeroestreet Wharf. 8 1 / 1 " B A FA HNESTOCK Sr, CO, . Ill° Irma street. New Yuan RICE 3r. WILLIAMS. No 3, Chatham street, Bar* feb.l3tirts FOR SALE. THE ONE HALF part of the three story Brick House and Lot situate in Market street, at present occupied by Thomas Campbell, and Co., as a Dry Goods store• The title to'this proper ty is , unquestionable, and will be sold reasonable.— 'an 4 A ~1 to BLAKELY & MITCHELL. Building Lots in Birmingham. 13_ LOTS, s nimbi'. fur building most eligibly sit uated, and within two d nes' walk of the steam ferry beat lending , , al , p r i est to so il the times. The terms of pa) me... will be made easy, either for cash or such barter as can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, IPittsbniglt. jun. 1. JAS.. PATTERSON, Jr. A FARM, &c, for sale cheap.—A farm of 80 seas 111.. 25 cleared, with a good cottage brickhouse, good well of water at the door and phi* of wood tie ceikon it. This farm lies on the Steubenville turnpike, 9 nales from Pittsburgh, and near to Montour's Church, and wilt be sold low and possession given let of April next. IllerSevreral other farms for sale. Please ap ply at HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence OlSro, f 26 No 9, sth street. EXCELLENT OFFICES TO LET. AN excellent o ffi ce for one or more lawyers, may belied by immediate application to Eoot, & Fos- Tea, Real Estate Agents, next door to Post Office.. One or more rooms—possession given on April Ist. jan 24. Per Rent MTHREE story houses en Robinson street, Allegheny city; two ditto on Isabella street; and one four story warehouse is Commercial Row. Pittsburgh. Inquire of GEORGE W JACKSON, 4th street, near Liberty. fl6-im• FARM roa RENT. m.AGOOD Farm, *beet 23 miles below Pitta burgh, on the Ohio River, 14 mile on this side of Freedom, containing 220 acres, 90 or 100 of which are cleared and under cultivation. Themas an excellent stone house on it, with three Parlours and a Kitchen below, and four rooms above, sod finished to the Garret. Also, a Stable, Barn. Etc. It will be rented for one, two or three years to a good tenant. Apply to JAMES MAY, Water street, f 29 or to M. CONWAY, oath* adjoining farm. • To Lot A VERY convenient two story Dante keel tit. ling booms, on Front, near Ferry street, A two story brick duelling house on Ferry street. A smell frame house, on Front, below Ferry st. A very convenient brick dwelling, with stable and carriage house, situate on Penn street, in the Fifth ward, formerly Occepled by Dr Gladden. A tso—T wo dwelling boufs in Allegheny City. j 23. Apply to • JAMES MAY. A COMFORTABLE, well finisimul, new 111._ bridt dwelling house, pkeuiantly situated on Lane. It will be rented On reasonable terms Inquire of jan 19.4 f AIIV°. STORY brick house, .hirable for a dwelling and Grocery, situate on the corner of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given harped! lately. Enquire of ell. JAMES MAY. • t. THE three story brick building,. Ne. 65, Third street, at present occupied by Wm. Seeley. At.so, ten ammo( ground on PrespectHill,near the city, on which is a Dwelling House, Stable, Orchard, &c. Possession given lit April next. Applyto JOHN D. DAVIS, corner of Wood & Fifth its. To Lot. ANEW 4 story Brick Ware House between Wood and Smithfield btreets. Possession given imme diately, A TWO story frame House on Ist. boteretto Wood and Smithfield streets. adjoining the went house of Messrs Robertson & Reppens. Possession given en the Ist day of April next. For .terms apply to BIRMINGHAM, & CO., No. SO Water street. Beaver aad, Waxrea Packet, gaisMITHE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,mester. will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays Thursdays and Sat= ardays; connecting with the Sta ge Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight orpassage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. • BEAR SKINS, &elute& and undressed, just resell' ed ad for sale b 1 A. BEELEN. 05-4 BPALO B ALO ROBES by single robe or beleEE LEß. forsale bY A. 7 OAR BUTTER.— A lot of the* celobtaita choice fondly batter, pat op in hall bawd hop Apply AV. BEELER, to o8•tF 10 BBLS. NO. 1 CASTOR OIL, isstore and for sale at the drug store of JON. KIDD, feb 14 No 60, coraer of 4th and Wood atm. TioOl3lIK NITRIC ACID, for Medical and Chemical parpeses e jummoelyed and for_mle at Drug Sows Sows et . JONA- KIDD. lib 22. No. 60, Cernolith & Woodsts. UFFALO TONGUES.--Itecaired by Lieks leo 1..) 10 bauslhado Tonga* is sas anist,Ainet from the rommtarm al-tf 12 EAR a 10:1248, di ii' is& fit lisetted. saitaik aptiti, for mitellate eft* iftt., fat ale by $l4 To Lot. JOHN M'CLOSKEY, Three Big Doors, Liberty street. 1.0 A.L3lf. A. GLEN 'ft Oft 3001E1 C. A. Mc&NULTY'S UNITED STATES POIITAULE BOAT LIKE For the tt ensportation of b' erchandite us andfrom PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL4 . PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. HE success this line has met witla, since it wii 1 first established on the "Individt atEnterprise ° system, has induced tite proprietors to increase the number of Boats during the winner to tweety-tive, one of Which wilt leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Balt timers every day (except Sundays) during theiteason; , and make the trip throughin six days. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boit System over every othermodeqf transportatiets (when canals intersect with rail roads) are tiro yrell linter to shippers by this route generally to require any cum; meet. Shippers can rely onitivingtboir prate*. metchdes dise, or goals of day kind that may be amsignid to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with tlispatch and at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additiorad charge made for me w: ing or advanCing charges, &c a ,, All communications to the fallowing. Agates Will be promptly attended ttc CHARLES AZilicANtLTit; At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh: ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. sear Pratt st,Baltiemon THOMAS BOR BIRGE, , jan3l-ly 272, Market stieetabiladelphie. 1 :-.. STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., porsranunir and Closandislan cLzrzu&sn, maw. AGENTS for the Merchants ' Transportation Cobb , piny composed of the Merchants' Lints, Eris Canal; Wnskington, Line. Hunter, Pahner &Ca's Line of Steamboats and vessels on the hikes. Cleves land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal: - Proprina tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. amis ye Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Comities Slip, N. IC B. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston: Hunter, .Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John 11. Allen, t Clevelana. Charles M. Cliddinv;, • J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843--Iy. MM.IIMINMAI 1843. _ - LI ARE REDUCED.—U. S. Kat Litt or Warm* sat RAIL ROAD CAMS, then Pima:n=o4 via Bed= ford, Clnurgetrefrarg, Harrisburg and tancistorr, ya, Philadelphia, connecting with tits Main train of cars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miss staging and one night wits Also, the direct line to Balihnotts. Fate to Philadelphia 00. tratimore4. Leaves daily at 8 o'clSek A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel 'wool it MENDELI4 GRAHAM; WAUGH &Co., Cab 23, 18434-Iy. Proprietors. MIMS/ MUM Israirlits to Pbthliesiplds and Baltimara MERCHANTS & MANUFACTURERS' PIE • FOR transporting Goods, idtmAitectise, P &e., between Pittsburgh., Pititsuletphi= Baltimore. , Geods will be received and forwarded 1;7 this line on as accommodating terms and as shots time as by any other responsible Line. All goods fore: ' ' tiedded from Philadelphia by this Line will be insured.o.w The Proptietets and agents will gists their whole at& tention and endeavor to render- satisfaction to all Abe may favor them with their custom. We invite ship. pen, merchants, manufaastrera and others to give es a call before shipping else*hers. Merthandisecoaeiga. ad to the age u will be received. freight and chars paid, and forwarded without adslitionacbarge for Wes warding or stontglit: SAMUEL W DAT, rawris&re& H. I. PATTERSON, /LOUTS: geoutel MKier, C4aal - Basle. near Pah trutsl4. Sawa W De , lst awed Wharf" below Kara ist, iladelphia. Wu* Craws, Baltimora. Er L Aim) ratanwes, Jclinieteirx• I ¢ N Brio% gew Yea. Wei B Re W'S& & CC. Boom mita Tta Janes McCully, Irvin& Marts ; R Robinion & J W Rerbridge&en, IlastazAter, C CI John Grier. - March &Carotberii Pis. &mast • Samuel Monk Akilliunk. 25 -N. O. StglA tit ili k e A.. utt% • fthkorgi: