Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, February 29, 1844, Image 4

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%Dia Ali •
ICIDSLIII.GRO, Germany. 7tin. awfa spec-
Aide hasghis de3t4e.ten presented. such we linftpilv,
sn Jere :411kessi lea namely — We" wit*,
%ha-.41114#100 woman m
tor the, urder
of her Wahl— The; wasebed emrderees w.ts
kbulive . of Welbelin 'SEAL ha Inconsiderable ha.effet in
tilooltAldieb waive° temples distant from Heidelberg,
sod was the wife of a peasant. A elm-gym:ate attend
ed to offer berths skralations of religion_ in her left
tryiniants. calpra exhibited no este:tot-diem y erne
ti.et, but surveyed the apparatus ukleath with perfect
etelsfaslire. filer countsmanoe.presente4 l. .nollibeg
the ashy paleness of fear. She 1111cemled the staff
with a finis:step, and took her seat in a thair which
was placed in the centre int. A tr,op tlregaons
was drsvnttp round the platform A short prayer was
read by the clergymen, after which, part of her attire
as tertuseed from her neck,and it cap was drawp user
er face, IN temaiuderofthe melancholy spectacle
was autudently thematic. There were two execution•
eri. the principal minker of justice and an nigistaat.
The latter twisted the 'sufferer's hair, and held it up
at sit atlfencth. , When this was dote, the plincipal
beadsman advent* with t broad two-banded sword.
A Bilotti:thrill ran ihro ugh the aysentbk.a
'44 understood that the fatal moment had arrived
:The dreadful weapon Was raided by the execetiuner,
and a single blow severed the head from the bo ly. A
"grestake ofbloud instantancon dy followed The head
'wee thetibekl up to the rate of the cr., wd, white the
body sank dusgag,h s trap door, and the dismal scene
DESSIISED Form —The Brooklyn Advertiser gives"
'the folio Wing account, of an attack of sickness in that
city, caused by eating a diseased Turkey:
'A tingly living in High street, in this city, were ,
' 4 Artaloan sack together on Sunday evening. and suffer'.
ea for several hours with spasms in the stononeh,
ating,eth. They had air"d oa that flay upon turkey.
-endbod partaken freely of snow di..11, of wi l led' c i r i,d
-peaches formed the chief ingredients. and to this tal
ler tholamily attributed their sudden attack of sick
oom. On Monday though conch better none of the fam
ily were able to partnie of dinner, bat on Tuesday they
were saffinimitly r: covered to do justice to 4111 , sta:1-
Tint meal; and they freely pertouk of the cold turkey.
attacked In the evening they were again Hess
usulspasmi, hut in a mots aggravated form than net
the previous occasion. Medical aid V:113 coil. d iu.
sued tater a night of sufferiugroltef tuns strordvd. An
, chiefly lady en a visit at present with the parties, was
for some hours considered in imminent dArifsPr. The
peaches were acquitted, and tha turkey, vizor a long
asd thOrottgh examination, pronounced guilty. 0..
'cutting °pea the bird, it was found in he comp: Aely
disc sod: tha Int was green, and hitter to the testa.
sad Shebat*, of the breast were covered with b:acl:
spots. There is no doubt but that the turkey had yitis
er been poisoned eels t I dial from disease. 6
. :The laws of iife and mcrtality between the sexes 11/ 4'
very remarkable. They are stated thus: Ist. In the
present coaditiun of tho white population of the llni
ted Status. the hu,nber of females horn per annum
it about 12,000 lest than the males. This deter
mines of itself thit polygamy is not a natural condi
tion of m to, aed that th;.• laws of our religi.in and
tore are the same.—that oneortan shall be the InisLand
of Atte woman. 21 At 20 years of age tilt females
exceed . the make. This proles that between the
blab and 20, the to trtality am -ill the tor has been
much greater than that a rnans the girls. 3d. Fro:n
20 to 40 the men again ex cevithe women. which s'iow
that this is the period of the createst tnnrtatiry among
women. 4th. From 40 to 70 the ditf -rence rapidly
diminishes—the females, na in the early part of life.
gaining. on the males. 'rid , shows that this is the
period ol f irtratest danger and epo mre to men, the least
to thearomen. lth. From 70 onward the women out
number the iflen. This shows conclusively thnt.
latively ',waking, is tomparison with men the heal
linen period of female life is at the close of it. Abate
lately ; however, no period to either sex is an healthy
as that of youth—the blooming, period of boylaral mitt
girlhood. These tioductimis of statistical tables cur
reopOnd wiih every day observation of human life.—
Wontenare exposed to peculiar hatanis in the mid
dle IX life; but in the lung run, fir the largest purt of
exposure, danger and risk, in t•v1liZoll nations, fall on
men inilmactive period of life.
CISCINNATI. February 15, 1811.
4 ..
DR SWAYNE—Dear Sir: Permit me to take the
- liberty of writing to ynu at this time to expresg
'my approbation and to recommend to the attention
heads of families and others sari i e v a :a m bio me di e in t ,
--Abe Compotted Syrup of Prunus Vitginiatia, or wild
c h err ybarh. In m y !ravels of late I hive seen in a
great runny instances the \youd.-rfut Cfrect,. of y o u r
medicines to relieving children of very obstinate com
plaints, such as coughing.% heezing. choking of phlegm,
asthmatic attacks, &c, Ste. I sheuld not have .critter,
this letter, however. at present, although I have felt
it my duty to add my testimony to it for some time. had
it net been fur a late iustenca where the medicine
above alluded to was instrnmentul in restori g to per
fect health an "only child," whose cams was ulincet
hopeless, in a family of my nevaintance. "I thank
Heaven," said the dulting mothet. "my child is saved
from the . jaws of death. 0 how 1 feared the re:etekss
ravager. But my child is safe, is safe:"
Beyond all doubt, Dr Swayne's Compound Sy up
of Wild Cherry i 3 the rn t voluablc medicine it. this or !
-aerather country Lam certain I have witnessed more
than one hundred cases a here it has been attended wi; h
complete success. I am using it myself in an obsti•
nate attacl«tf Bronchitis, in which it proved eiTeCtUal
Senn exceedingly short thee, considering the severity
of the case. I can recommend it in the fullest confi
dence of its superior virtues; I would advise that in,
fatribs should be without it; it is very pleasant and er
ten benefieial —worth double and often ten times its
price. The public are assured thzre i. 3 no (pricker y
tittout it. B. JACKSON, I) D
formerly pastor of the 1 , 1 Prest yterinn Church. N Y
Sold wholesale and retail by WM. THORN,
file No 51 Market st. sole agent for Pittsburgh.
THERE is a large class of Felonies in this city
who (rim their continued sitting. to %shirt, their
• ozcuputions oblige thein. are erected with costiveness
tadeligive rise to palpitation at the heart on the least
'exertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole
bead, intolerance of light and sound, an inability
feting the intention to any mental operations ; tomb-
Tit; of the bowels. sometimes a sense of A ura:alien,
csPeciaßY after mealso heti any exertion is used, 13 go
ieg quickly o i l stairs; temper fickle; these are symp
toms which )iehl at once to a few does of the Bran-
Arab Pills. The oceisiimal use of this medicine
woulasaxe adeal of trouble and years of suffering.—
One, or two, or even three of the Brandroth Pills just
before dinner. are often Ennui highly beneficial; mu
ny 1530 them very advanufzeously in this way ; t hey
assist and aid digestion. r‘.-stor the bowels to then
proper condition. enlivens the spirits. imparts cleat
ness to th.• complexion. purify the blood, and promote
a geueral feeling of health soil happiness.
Saida' Dr. Brandreth's Office, L. the Diamond,
Pittsburgh—Price 25 cents per box, with full directi-
IMIXRE—Thn only place i.t Pittsburgh, where the
sugnuitie Pill can be ulttaincd, is the Doctor's own Of
ftee, Diamond. ,Seit, 10.
Beaver a*& Warren Packet.
THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw,mastrr. will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays. Thumlay and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Limp to Cleveland
direct. Fur frei :ht or passage apply un board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & C0., - Pittaburgh,
J S. DICKEY, Beaver.
nctive Intl, 1 . 5 or 16 . 1yeart. age
(rtn 251 I. I. SNOW lIEN.
BUFFALO.TOXCUES.—Iteceived by Little lien
10 boles Buffalo longuep, in fine order, direft
from ibe rommtaire. At. BEELEN.
1284 f
Phlaingskra Itobbaselhaottoraey at, Law,
Has romuml hit office to the Eitel:mom St. Cimir
wort. f16.'44
'DEAR .SKlNS,drooted and undreerixt, just peen'
ed and for salt , ti i s BEELEN.
s 'TO IWirAZLID.9.;
qt..., ;,„,,a 4 ,...ii. It ~...• th .,,„„q„,,,,,n:1ice with.
rat_ uSs of time with Baal rmirry'S Pitts.. They
Mildly but Surely remeere all impurities of the blond,
and no evisa ..f . siokneis can etfect the h unto' nun' e,
that these celebrated pills du not relieve us much its
Medici:ie. rondo. Colds and coughs are more benefit
rod Ity the Brandreth pills, than by lozenges nod can
dies. Very well, perhaps, its v iliative,t, but worth
nothine, as eradicators of dio.ensea from the human
system. The-Brandt - cat Pills cure. they do not nue il
ly relier.t, they 'cure diseases, whether chronic or re
cent, infectitius or otherwise, will certainly he cored
by the use of those all 'sufficient pills.
SING Suto, January 21, 1843.
Pr. Benjamin Brandreat:-- ['unwed Sir, owing
to you a debt of gratitude that money cannot 1 ay, I not
induced to nutke u public acknowledgment of the ben
efit my wife has derived from your invaluable pills.—
About throe years this winter she was taken with u
pain in her ankle, Whiat soon became very much in
flamed and swollen. so much so that we became nlarm
ed, and sent for the doctor. During hi, attendance
the pain and .sweitiog i .creased to an alarmi. g degree,
ana in three weiks from its first cemrnencement it be- _
tame it rustalog sore. She could get nu rest ut night The Great Central Karat,
the pain was so great Our first doctor attended het
Via Salioneti Road and Baltimore and Ohio Ra i n
for six months; awl she received no benefit, whatever, Road Company.
the pain growing worse and the sore larger all the I
while. Ile said if it was healed up it would be her I , t -, .t''`' ..`' e" - 1 - ~ ' '., , .i.
death, but he appeared to he at a lost how to press ed, I „1.--V:rei,s-,t:',if.. ik.,„ T r : - ''
and poor wile tuill continued to suffer the most terrible I- • anss . -,.... ak
tortures. We theiefore sought ether aid in a Botani- 1 NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR
cal doctor. who said when he Cost saw it that he could j WAStttNr.lON CITT, ITALTIHOILZ, ."ttitanntruts
soon cute the sore, and give her ease at once. To curl AND NEW; YUBA:.
surprise he gave her no reisof, and acknowledged that , rp HIS line is in full operation arid leaves Pittsiourgb
it bullied nil his. skill.,
i. • •/- daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washing - ten Pa.
Thus we rest after having tried dieing one ""ch and national roil to Cumberland, conncetiog, here
year the experiyiete of two celebrated lll , Yoi.i , "•' it' ' with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Tray
vain, in nbsolute despair. :Nly poor wife's coost.tut 'um ', elers will find this tt speedy and coinf.iredde route,
rapidly foiling its the prone of her years from her cwe i t , being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
,irmwd sufferin g . Under brae eie`,.ttnn"'tee' we e"" - i belland line, faciiities will be offirded which have .ore
CAA 141 that we would try your universsl V eietable I
been lito•cteforc enjoyed. I•lxtra Counties furni.died at
Pill?. determiactl to fairly test their curative etleets .1,„ sirn test notice With the privilege of goiag through
To my wife's A r‘no comfort the fort cow cities afi.,r.l. direct or taking one nights re , : at t`.teir ot oi,m,
ed great relief to the. pain. Within one %%eel:, to tin: 1 For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
astonishment of I:tinsel...ea and every one wind:new the i I 1,,,,„. L. W. STOCK'fON,
case. the swelling owl the iaflammution bagatito ci-nse 1 ./,4, 3 _,F,E, President ()FN. R. Stan - e Ce.
o, that she felt quite easy. and would sleep c rofortat- ,
tile, and sir, after six weelis use she was able to go I 1 r..„ l'k GROSS Dr M'Line's Anwrienn Worm
through the hoese, and agoin attend to the maarige. -11-t/ V Specific in stoie, one ore le most sill To ;sog
mem of her family, which she leid not done fur 14 i medinbieS ia expelling worms from the system—tlet ex -
mouths. In a little over two maettis fr no the 6:me s l t e ; pericnce of ten years by lamilreds of rrson.; who have
first cumineuced lite use of your in.aluable pitls, hei ! the De's Worm Specific. establishes this fact; the It'Ati
ankle Was (pate Sound. and her health better than it i molly ..fptil , lle men .rho e have us al it in tiii'prnelice.
had bee.. in quite a number of years before. I s end .is a Ideional c.iclence of it.: eine:lcy. A toll f n op,,; o f
youthis statement of:cc two years test of the cure, con- 1 tire gemline Werm S rei-iiie n'..says no lined at the
sidering it only an nzt of justice to you and the puhlic ' 1,Vb":0,411c :red Retail Drug state of JUG. A. K i DD.
at large. I Feb 22. No 63, C:orn. 4th S: Wood it..
e a, with much eratitude, —
W re— ---_
Very respectfully.
TIMOTHY AND F.LIZA LI ['ILE , , On hood. 411 asoor.tnent 01 boom .f.il pi:.3.: and
' ',lac sa tie ribbon- bodges. a iii. a ~00d.e,oe ;p o ol 1.1
P. S. The Bat aoical Doctor pronounced the sore !
We:him:ton nod t or( eagles nn /11C1 1 , tit r'i. Ladino.
cancerous, nod finally said au good could be done, an-
nod .
t , , ~, „- , ~..
..:.inns, .., ,
leis the whole of the flesh was cot sof, and the boo,- g''''' a nt"•'• " d "Ine' I I2 "' I
will be aceiontoodated by the ilia...he' single.
',k us
scruped. Thank a kind VA) , nee this made us ,
sort to your pills. which saved us from all further mis i Anent ISAAC IlAraus,
.-ent and Commission Mans-halt .Ne 9, O:list.
cry, and for which we ripe to be thankful. 1 2f• ti'
T. S.: E. L.
L'V''Solcl at 3; cents f or box, with directions. i EU/ISA/X., .111 E LATE MR. Rt./UAL:I) . s s•roi•F:
Observe the new Initcls, micit having upon it twit , or
signatures of Dr Braratreth. So each tom of the gen. OLD WHISKEY, &c.
nine has six signatures--three Ben . ,:t rein 13randri•th unil •
i r 'll fi e sab..-1 then, agreeably to Int. Will ,I: Nlr Rou
three B. Brandreth open. it.
The only place. in Pittsborgli a nere the real Brand- i t , I ' 1 " d • , and 1 1 . ',.''' he et " the E's•ee"l''"• eit "41'1'
Veen /1118 1114/ t/./' of Anvil neat lit prit tei e.:11.•
trill Pills can be obtained, is the D t:tor's. owl flier '''' l ` ' f irst W- •
%be eutit 0 Stock of Lninot's and in, ,b: L.(:, log
,t.i t in
is the Diamond behind the market house. Mod:, the
iteci a., .1 tic the ~A :e a ,d, ~,a t ,1,,,,, j - j „ l l j ,, r ~,,,,, „13,t
genuine Brandreth Pills :ma ilea er be obta , iled in any , , ' t ., • • • • in
i,; ,
' 1 :e.1.::11;,,../,1:1: /1,../(:)l,2:liirt•Ni.\/...11/11.:::..rtg,i:.:11 r
drug store.
Ilia following are the naly agents appniated by Dr. 12, , I „,, ~,,
~ ,11 I. .0,.. 1 , ,. 11 a (•. .. I ..' ..
B. ii,iondresh, ter the sale of his Vegetaltle Lloivcrsal . ' l ' ''''' ':' '' ' ' ''' ' ' '''''' '''•' ' • ' ' "'" '-•
, 120 gallonn French heady: Pei(. Rota, Mti-ere,
Pills, in Allegheny tomtit.:
Poll:vett. AGANT—G II LEE, Pittsburgh. Champ ti,,tne, a:el .in i -11/1 , ,0i..1•Wi ...4, Lit ori :ei,e.ll.
Clori to together will! su ,illy article 5 winch Ile kej I
John Glasi—Al:egheny. . ' for . sile, (eacert the Di y (loid., o :6,1, ale n u ~,i,l a
Ruben Duncan—Birmingham.
C F Dichl—Elizabethlow n. 1 .4or:ion Lei the 7th e.u.x. at ilai son. :-.., : - i. txo do ii
ii Rosviand—McKeesport. 1 uhner. ) None el:lie V. ni dos.. is h. - Co., :.:: . C/ year ,
lola, ;lad la'n!ll ~ f it i-noito te enty to :air.. ..e.rs .13.
Proasly Ir...hi—Pleasant Hill.
I r . ,, F : ,, . an epee , n 0. 1 ..• to cortioeua 3,-. , 1.. roil:oho
John johliston—Noblestown. . 1 Oda. St Lrti.., and 01,er places lit 0 doto nce (.. In
Chessman & Si•attliling—Siewaitstown.
: arc o ,Otine fora i 4 7 , ir rat-) to get son' •of this cel•
Aida & Conoell—Clintini• 4
1 ./I , g R/4,1 11H/04e /1 ; --a , !,:11/!. , 0.11 trl.o. /: .•4., r,,•lm ~c,n,
Rfljert Smith Pm ter—Tarentum.
I —tie. sll ' .l . 11f 1.4 - ., 1, ,, ,,11 ,. .1 horrcl,. , t 0 , ; ,I i•,• r ,,,,,,,ai
George Power—Fairview. I until the 2.9 th of l, biular neat.
Do.id I. Coon—Plum township.
Daniel Neglr•y— ghost Liberty. I Tee h oist for t',. old .41 11 ai,',:.y. to s‘l par raltr ,
Edward Thompson—Wilk insburgh. fer 'lto othei elli i'cr gall ia. Tenn-, f /Ail par /Money
Wm 0 lionter-111ett's Mill. I'‘IICIJAEL Met La .Y
1 As Usual.
lIEALTH. NTO sooner a acs one of 1./r Li tdy's provocations lir-
MIA a individual only wishes en know the light ; ..t.. 1 1 c one 1 o eibtr, in ce nser:pm:oat et its sofccess and
way to pursue it; and there ale unite, w re it surely I fFleney. tha i it is .touaterfeited and imita.e.l.
made known how ;AFL ilii4la I,c, prolonged and i To prevent inin;iitii - iiinn, Di Leif:. Los Il , W Procured
Health recovered. who would tot doubt the plan.— ;mounded bunks for his t el. brat , d 'le . : , r ao.l No
Evidence is required that tin' right way is discovered l Ointment, with the words •Dr In Ms 's T..t;t rat tl Pei
Thin i 3 what those suffering from sickness want to lie I Oiotme:it .. blow.l in the clit, , i, heshles comai iing h i
anti :tried about. For who is SO foolish as Mr. I 1 eeiON • written .. , .i zaitfort , on a vehliiw label 0n , ,,i1e.
all the health that. his burly is cnpalde ofl \Vito is I Dr L , alt.'s• Teller and Itch Ott.tinecit hit. rumen
there tlut would not list. when his experience can so ' more retie teioas thin anv othei propitro ion ler 'lt too
much benefit hi-rittalf and fn.riily? I: is a mieltinc.tibi% I hell. 110; litol IV,..tery l'i , rylC3 er Po ttales, and di,,.
i•act that a very large proportion of the ni tst user ,l ; sea ii; dr Sill gettettrills.
members of society die between the ages of thirty aindl It has been empliiye I iii adiiiiik, I battritts. and on
forty. How many widows and holt...km , orphans It tie 1 1-3 ird t0....c1ia carrying pi-oieig.r4, t% lie le s
cm dtert, a
been the consequence of m indkind not haying in no !
m ! we!: as gr twit pttrstets, co Aa
tct ~..nt, ~ ni t h e ski,
own power the Ratans of rest's' itig health when lost. I from th tit rontn;inti; Pa-Jiro, with the mow one \ Ain
sow all these &lagers atul clufietitties cut he proven- ['lei •'tek%`=-: t'Vf I i....elste , :1;:11 reC i , 11 , 0 , lob I , I. nr, linty,
fed and the long and certain e•it'kOr“, and I, V il -Si , li.T, ! Lea,, betemf. ott I st:blade 1 fl..en thernitnol iitirtien..o .,, I.
nature In the outset, with a good disc of Brandnitii., ; or. mitsitt be olnuate 1 I tr publit•ai i t,, but ft t.- the td.-
Pills. This is a fact, well understood to be no I,> (boll j.. 1 Cer.. mist I qm ., .ns in tit.,l. hit mg theft names putt
sands of our citizens. This merlin ire, if taken so as ,In -II 'd to t•onttectill.i V 1 ail , WI, di, Lie,. I.: ~,d Ili 'Ot
to puree freely, u ill surely cure at.) Cllliai!i• disease.— I sotnettlhoa tm;.
There is DO I'M IT of kind of sickness Ilia it does not 1 In no single hi-T.:arch:is it eve: bee.i known to fall.
exftrt a curative infl wove upon. "I hes. by then pow •1 It his been a-0.1 upon i.ifitats and by per.inglj 14 . rat.er in resisting putref iction, they rare• t
mea,les. •ortli a,. , ,e.t. It i.t pi il * ie . . I . ! ....tie, eitiAttitot i.o 110'1.-11n . ill its
pox. worms and all rontageous fey( rs. There Is not a '1,112 , n-it; in, and no . tv be it-ied water nii: cin com-io iir,•-i
medicine in the wo,-1,1 sa able to purify Silo mass of l Inci , r Wet'', s•rin e rents a bottle. l't ep.tred mid :old
blood, and restore it to a healthy estilliflun, us the , at Dr Leidy ' . Health Emporiann. (sign of Ow Goldoni
13randretli Pile.. I Eagle arid Serpent;,) and by B A FA I I N ES*I OCE &
The Branlreth Pins are pitrely voitrtalili% an 1 sot i CO. corner of %Vona and Sixth streets, Agents Inn
i innocent that the infant of a month eld may tise them, i Pittsleirgh. .ittly 12
lif ineiteine is required. n o t only with soh tv but with a i ,
I certainty of litettiving all the honed[ inecliei„ft i caTtri- RI..MOV A L —Pie undersigned bog; leave to ii
Mc of - imparting. Fenriles may use 611111 in all the ct it -1 form tho po'itic, that he has i ern
et! froni L-
I cal periods of their lives. The 13randreill Villa l, i 1 I I tint stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair ,t... op
insure their health, and, produen iegularitv in all tie ;f ` 1> !he Exchanee 110101. where he leis ft tel tip it
ifunctions of life. mo
I 1..,.. g .. P f At , : o Vont - F. \\ ARK Rtilli.l, :Ina Til,V 4, 1 1'016 din'
The same may be said of
.B ,.,, u .b. re ht s t ,..,. /: „.. ia l o s f ticialtd assail teteet of Pia tots e\ CT dinlt dit
ma' k''t.
1 remedy, as an out vat d application to all external p,l inn, , t ''
or swellings, or sores, it entatiy assists the cuie. Ili' '''''''' c",'''.i'l of ircr ` mt• P ". ' " r''''• o f `"i' eri ` n
tWhen used where the skin is yery tender or bralsem !R '-'' "."I'd :tad Alt'hot:at , t IW`O , 'IC - 1: 1 \ ti .i ,, ...ml a;:d
lit should be mixed with one or two pitits or water. I modeled, niol coustroetcil flit tii;liiiiit rat tit. , ~,-,y heist
A sure test of genuine Brandi eh Pit.'s.—Exam• t mat'"ltl ! '• "1.1- '!n, f-' Ila'. 0 "IllY 'lad l'itti'ty of I tie, as
inc the box of Pills. Then
at the certhicate of :wel a, "HI , lit' "'drill-Lt.' I." Inc "1'11 .. ." . t" It'll.' met
agency, whose eivt - ava . d date. inlit be within i 11... lIII.C. '''
I n ''''•
A.: Inc Its: ea it grd 104 minnif tctory. hind made ar
which every' authorised agent most possess: if the three ;
bilads on the IRA agree with the three lairds on the cert. ra t gem,: is to sit ,tply the inereio.in.g dt•lMlnli ci I !hi • in
tirieate, the Pills are true—if not, they are false. :• tt tinitekt, ho rospectfally requests thew. inn reliag to
put-cit.- to rit.l :old extinti io Join , . 11-SOl TOWN( 6'l'ol e
Principal office., 241 Broadway, New York.
(p,;t..tian-tli.i:iguitt,l,-ieltere, as he is determined ruse" how.
f june 16
The office in 1'4,6-burgh which wus eAtabli-hod fin tine
Purpose lif entistitniling agents fur the wins!, hating at- A 11. roi• 1..i..‘,1, :lino any othnr establishment east or us est
Corner of Penn end St. Clair -,trrets,
Otro.dle liiii ExulLinge 110. cl, Pittsluir,..,h Yu.
, eomplished that object, is now closed. and Mr G H I sep 10.
1 EM Dr
Ein the Diamond Market street, appointed my - --- ----
L ----
. Leidy's Tetter & Itch Ointment.
t, tagent for the sate of Pills and Liniments. All Dr. .
O'f the care.Of of - every variety of . .rettrr, the Itch.
1 Brandreth agents will theta-fine unierstand that Dr F •
nod all diseases of the skin, has rt . Ned itself m 're
I Btandreth will send a travelling agent through the
effic ICIOUA than any other preparation for t b. tame fillr
-1 country once u year to collect matters far sales made
t and re-supply ag ents. The sold traveler ...ill lie snip- Po se i n ' a '
I plied with tl 7 a , p ower of Attorney. duds proved before sit
tdi of five hundred eel tificates might be price
;the Clerk atilt.. city and county of New York , tsigether red and P" l ' li ' hea "fit , ein"ttel.' Cruatt Set , '" Tetteh'' ,4,
! with all necessary vouchers and papers. , Propriett WA Of Fnctoi ies, Parents. Goat aians, Child
Mr J J Yoe, is my ttaveliing azent now for Penn- ' :qualms of vessels and others, %yen , it not for
Nurses, C
Isylennia. ts BHA NpH ETH , NI D. . the delicacy ia having their nanins puldisited in eon
; N B Remember Mr GII Lee, in rear of the mat- nection with stall disagreeable affertions.
l i km, is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. : By the One of Dr 'Leidy's 'f cater Ointment in rrljune..
I New York, June 14th, 1843. . ti-in with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills,he
I will guarantee tocereutsy disease common to the skin,
i RE.IIOY% L- however bail, or of however long standing, or refund
HOLDSHIP & BROWNE the money. There um how ever very few instances but
I_IA YE removed their Paper Store from M iriset eau he cured by the Oint neut alone.
street to No. 64 Wood street, one dour from the Price, 25 runts ti hex.
cornerof 4th street, where they keep ..n hand their us- Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr
tial assortment of WALL PAVERS. for imperil): pars Leidy s Health Empniium. 191 N Seentiti st. Phi la-!
don. entries, chambers, &c., and ids° PRINTING, delphia. and by B A FAIINESTOCK & Co. corner
WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPERS. BONNET af\Votal and Sixth streets., Agents for I'ittsburgh.
BOARDS. &c., all of which they offer for solo on itos il'lltt 12
etstnenodatini,..terms. fch I . llC l3 " — dlf .
_ls }ma TREES, SHRUBBERY, &c.—Porsr. •
Pine Teas. desirous of pm:tiring fruit, ornamental and shade
ri• HE s.uhrscrifsere„heye just mee lved a f e w boxes of trees, and shrubbery, from Philadelphia, a re respect
-IL 1 / l ifun %And if" ,, IZ H "on Ttlatlta superior trait - fully requested to leave their orders with ' the so h s eri.
REINHART &STRONG. jher as soon as possilile. F L SNOWDEN,
11!1 Liberty street ban 2.5 No 134 Liberty, head of Wood st.
• -a- Forratt.
.• I:Ca.)l.lt . & FOS/
Wettern,Real 'Estate Agency,
Third gt., MIXT door to the l'est Office, l'ittsiturch
('Agency fur the purchase nod sole of Itcei Er
ate, Stocks, negotiating of toans, mod Collections.
The; will also attend to ttia felling .of pig metal Fm
•Arnerli at ft distance.
Letter 3, pest paid, will meet with htirile3into alter).
den. Terms moderate. The best of referetes given
on application at the office.
Rcgnlar Packets, for Cincinnati.
; -0 7 ; 7161.• Fit
nio Swiftstire, Robinson, Master. lea vea every
'rhumbly at 10 o'clock, a. in.
TheCuttcr,Colli.ei,Nlaster, lcaius e Very ThUnaily et
10 o'clock a. m.
The Montgomery, Bennett, l‘last et, leaves every Sat
urilay at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Expross, Parkias.m, Mieiter, letl.reS every Sun
cloy at 10 o'clock it. in.
inav :trends
mar 423 , 1643
~ :.. _.~
. WM;
This infitidble rentrdy. teas preserval hontinedsschen
thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon os
the Syrup is rubbed on the gums. the ehild%ill reicov;
cr. This prepu rut ion 114 MO innocent, so efFunicieits,nuti
so ' , least:tat. that no Child kill refuse to let its gums be
rubbed with it. When ininnts arc of the age offonr
mont hs, tho' there is no rippeurance of teeth. one bottle
of the Syrtis shnnld be used to open the pores. Pa•
rents stiou4l :lever be Without the ',pup in the nursers
whore there um young children,forit n child wakes in
the night with pail) its the gum+, the Syrup immediate
ly Oyes case, by opening the pores, and healing. the
fi urns, thereby preven ing convulAiuns, fevers, &c.—
Fur sale wholesale and retnil by
sep 10 No '2O, IVood street, below Second.
T IVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr
lI Ilarlich's compound Stren2thening end Ape' ient
Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ was I
entirely cured of the ;lb o:o clifures,iog lll l
ayn pt ms were pain end the kit 6w, heed of
appetite, vomiting, acid eructativs, a distension of the
stomach, sack headache, furred tongue, countenance
changed to a citron color, difficulty of hreat hiog,
turbed te-1 ontended with a cough, great dttLility, with
other symptoms indicating groat derangennua of the
functions of the liver. Mr Ritthaid4 had the advice
of several physician:lo)ot received no roli, f. until u
sing Dl' medicine,tyhich terminated in effec
t Ling a perfect curt , .
Principal roftko, 19 North Eighth str.!et, Pidladel
phirk.,. For sale bySamuel Frew, cornei.uf Liberty and
W cod wr. sep 10
La! tt hat makes ;()111 tr`Ctil a unusually wbith?
Quoth Josh's daleil,ia to him i'vtlier Hight,
Tu make courn look sop wit h a grim terli.ll Josh
io bought you n bottle of Thorn'. Tooth W nib,
'Tirt the best now in f4'.l the g,Nalcialks Flay,
Aad since they have tried this, cast all oihc•rd nuy.
But to prove it the best to make the teeth shine;
Look agniii. try dear Sal, at the lie..tue of thine.
Then try this gee tt ith•th endh.
The Tra!,••rry tooth wash.
And 'We it. of The m ', is tot f in e.
I lay big tried Dr. "Thor l.'s Tea Berry 'tooth ‘Cash."
and ber•i•lie i!h the ingredient,. of itA corn
fMci:i,,r). I clwerit.",y -ay. I 0,, -Icier it One of t he safest.
na it i 4 oar of the must want tooth wa,hed new hi
use. D.NVID D....t.tict.
Sept. 15, 1:"."e1 - 1
1 1..1,e p:i•ashre in diath,g, h.r.ing nintle use 01
••T1:. , r1.'4 Tott list ry Tooth \V :;.b. ' ihnt it is rine of th,
1•I Ginn tt corn
eitt. conveni.•nre. \\ hue it cl , ..tose
; he ,•en71.• 1 , r , ronved cirlar him the teeth, it
Ii itutne yie:dd a fogritnee r ecn l eirly
J..l'. TIIIIWITS. is.. D.
Tho linen iided 'll uti'. Compount
re t Bet ry Tooth Wail,." at-t 1 have found it to bd• it
•\ :refor•ly pleasant .letetif;e,•, e xerciAing tt most snlit
m, i.thonce over the Teeth ,std Gtrme prearr.
imii•pet:sahle member• ft fee rretmottre d
:r•rev,•otir.g . the :teciarml•tti , m of Tarter, and rertif jag
!he 13 ,,, tth• !lasing tivrtaa2h!y tested It, 6,1,1.4. we
o vleaiarc re•reetnhlet“dingrt to thepub.ir.li lies
'ez he the two folic:, oft hind now in nee.
J..1.11ES P. 8L.4 CI:.
.1. 11 ...1001:11EAD, JAS. S. CR 4FT.
If. 1. P.l U IVALT, L. S. JOHNS.
l'repered arvi Kold ‘V ILLI AM THGRN,
~ c ary a nd Chemist, tie. Nl:trtict 4t reel. Pitt Orire.ll;
hy :01 the priecip.,l Drag•liit•, and at Tuttle'-
M,,l;ctil Ititt-th ftt. Aep
II E. intvin.; or - -ned n sh•T Nn.
I, Sek , llld str e et, hct‘le,ll anti 414.,
172 rannocConi %vitt, Th.• Fa:tory in fitrrni 3:-
t o-p.•rtially and the pohlic
h.tr , y t,, I n with th-ir o her
a,v :".tu•le% C. 14 lino.
L ; awl Fn-tnt•r., of vnri.nw ckscri:ttions.
,111 hi:A and mad , . to order.
1%6-w c.:, Min. and Timher
Lure S, A vws for Ir..a 1V,,C,,5, and S-rewi for Pre--
inad.• a+ may he rwritrcd
CIII ider• i,rereque6tt , l tn ,amlbe7ort
(,+l,trak 1.1101 ArtlCled 411 d
rice ;
repaired and jobidag zeoerally done in
jet to;trlnvr, and on Ow lnn cSt firma.
n1.1%' 2-6 , n JAS. CATTERSO:‹. Jr.
" ni.cover what will de.troy life awl you arc n groat
man—di.cover what will prolong life, and tl c world
‘N ill call vni impoootr."
••There :ire facultie., bodily and intelleettinl, within
114 With %lhich certain htTbs have affinity, and over
whit h they havo power."
TAR lS BRNSIIRF.TH'S External Remedy, or
which, by its extraordinary power.,
;tit-It-till:4 pain or sorrtne.s: thus. sprains. stiff sinews,
white swelling., rheumatic pain: or stiffness, stiffly:ls
of the honor., unnatural hardness, stiff neck.
-oto 'lit oat, croup, cont ill...limb: of the muscle.. scroftt
i-its enlar.:emeitts, tender feet, and every description
l injury tiffectitil: the exterior of the human frittw, to
la , vii 'd or ;real ly relieved hy this never to be sufficient
ly extiilled I.:rnetly.
CEUTIFICATy..—The following letter from Major
Sind of d, to LIR! Extern I Remedy, upeaku
u! unt s
De ir you oblige me with another bottle
of yo.ir exce,lent Liniment! It is c..rtainly the begt
of the Ii d I have ever seers. ]thus curedentirrly toy
d.out wit id] 1 Will , sa rite usy. and I have
und it productive of immediate telief in sever Ui ca. ,
SeS of external i in my family A few e\euinigs
since, my Velinge,t Child was seized with n violent at
t of rum , . which Wit 3 entirely remove,l in twenty
minutes, by robbing her chestand throat freely with the
External Remedy. I think you ought to manufacture
this Liniment fur general use, instead of confining the
rte of it, as you have heretofore dune, to pattieulur
romintances. Yours truly,
Dr B Branareth, NI Broadway, New York.
F . ,7'For sale at '24 I Broadway, New York, and at
the store of fl II Lee, Dilmond, Pittsburgh.
50 cetas , forhottlewith directions. sIO
Now & Cheap Stock Establishment,
IWOU LD most respectfully announce to the citizene
of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have
commenced the inmi afoot ure of STOCKS, ofevery va
riety, f,rm aad description, and would solicitmerchants
and others to call and examine fur themselves, as I am
dJtermined to sell on the must accommodating term,
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a .hare of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m.
- I - UST RECEIVED, 50 oz Gorman - Nren3otet also,
' Fres.h Canary Seeds,White Squills, Dross Black,
China Vermillion, Orange Shellac: with ageueral stuck
; of genuine times in store and fur sale on reasonable
term.; at the. IVhelesaie and Retail Drug Store ot
F.U. JONA. 10.. DD.
No. 60. Corn 4th & Wuod st•
TO 'ha r lionorable the Judgelibe Court ocOenCrili I
, Qaurser Sksiforkt of the Peafe n and for tho-konnO
' ut'Aiteilieny:
Thu petitiod of John Truitt' of last Deer town-I
obip,teepeolfelly 4 altecredr-- -- -_! . • , -
1 bat your pct i donor }lath provided it imself with ma
teriti. fur the neeatrunodation of travelers and other:,
at hi. dwelling hou4 in diC toGnap aforesaid, and
pray that ytourhandr4 may be pleaied to grant him R.
lie s mor• to keep' a public hoover Of entertainntimit.. - . And
ytiar petitioner, u$ in duty bound ill pray.
11 e, tho e utWcribers,citizonsof East Peer tiivensblp,
do certify that the above petitioner is or good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
conveniences for the accommodation of travelers and
others, and t lint said tavern is rieCeSnry•
John o‘,erly. Samuel Kennedy,
James Fryer, Thomas Neel,
James Dickey, Semite! L Morrow,
Robert Hole, H pickey ,
John M Stuart, Joseph Adams,
John Cox, Robert Bayles.
TO the Honorable the Jtalzes of the court of General
Q r trrer Sessions of the Pence in and for the county
of Allegheny:
The petit ion of Hugh Daly, of the M.vard of Pius• •
burgh, respectfully siwweth
That your petitioner bath praided himself with ma
terials for th. accommodation of travellers and others,
at his damthog ionise in the ward aforesaid, and
prays that %tor imoors may be pler sod to grant him a
license to keep u public house of entertainment, and
your petitioner, na in duty hound, will pray.
We , the subscrlhers, citizens of the 2d ward of Pitts
burgh. do certify that the above petitioner is of good
repute for honesty and temperance, anti is well provi
ded with CIPSICCIIienCes , for the aceunutiodation e,l tra
velers anti others„ and that said tavern i. neccuary.
M•illiott Jtetgel P. Walter Fortune,
Thomas Simmons, Hem). S Nlagraw,
L Can:l2km, Rudy Patteronc,
Itolan t 11 Patterson, 30110 Ross,
Wm Graham. ..Ir, AAil Childs.,
1 TIIIIIIIIIA MC K-Iwit, John BirnAngliam.
1 1'29 3c (Age coli)
TO the llonorable the Jules of the Court of General
Qtetrier Sc;:ions of the Peace in and fur the county
.1 A lleelten3:
The petition of Michael Ollanlon,44f the let ward
of A tlegheny, respectfully shetweth—
hat your petitioner bath provided himaelt with ma
terials fur the accommodation of travelers and (Ahem,
nt 1,6 darling hon4te in the ward rtforeenid, and
pray 4 that vour honors arty he pleura to grant him
license to beep n ruh!le butte of entertainment. And
your petuioner, as in duty hound, will pray.
We, the subs:66.la. citizens of Owls' ward. Alle
gheny, do certify that the above petitioner is of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and iA wellplo
vided with conveni.mees for the hccommutlation atm.
velers and others. arl t hat said tto ern is necessary.
II II .WC, chum!. John Corm-lit/5,
John NI Sat.rdert, jr, William Dicksoa,
David Hartz, W C fiern,
Samuel Watt G,•n CheAncy,
Ruh, rt Nl . Chesney, 11 E Rehm,
.h.htt JUL, .I\l'Caffry.
123 3t*
Nr.w Toni, Feh. 9, 1312
TO the rinn,trnltle. the itulzeg of the Ceti! r of Gear
rrl Qt-trtor SePtionot of the Peace, in and for the
county of A netheny: ,
The petitiot of Frattrii G Schirck,otTitt township,r. ,
ortfully shewerit—
. ottt petitioner bath pro. itled him:4ell with
teriol.: for the ure•trutoodati'On r , f truveilorpotol other.
tt his (Welling house in the town , hip nforee.aid, arM
prays thot your hunting will he pleased to Brent him a
license to ket.p tt pnh'ic house of entettairtmeitt. Anti
you' petitioner, as in Cu will rra - .
We. t h e snbscrih:tra citizens of Pitt township, do
certify that thy• above petitioner is of coo , ' repine for
ho t: y an.l temporance, and is well provided wilt
h mw to , on and convenionres for "the accommodation
of vas-idlers and others. ami that a-til tavern is neces-
lulu, Mills, Thorns Daft,
Henry Stirnrio, J ncob Tomer,
I Knrgkamp, J ames S CrnP.
Jaen!, 13vorly. John A ikrn.
William Aiker, James NI cG inn is,
Thtente• Factual, J ames Wilkinson
TO the Ilonnrabla tilvJu.lgos of t Ito Court of General
• Qc Ir tet Se:A1011S Of the Pence, in and fur the connty
of Alloghon:,:
The petite'' of Nathan NPGrew„ of Elizabeth Town
ship, tP*pemfully sheweth--
That r ntr petitioner hath„ pro , . idea himself with
material. , for the accommodntitni of travelers and oth
ers, nt his dwrlling house in the township urittesuid.
Intl pray.' that your honors will be pleased to grant
him a :irtert to keep a public house of entertainment.
And your petitioner, lAN ' l.l ality bOtll.l, will only.
We. thr v,.ili,ir.rit.ero, citizens of Eizahath 10%1:n
-416p, (la citify that rite above pcf;th.rit ri4 rt proud
tempi' f,,r it:meaty and tompi.t.ance, a:ld ill xv eil pro.
vatted with Emote room anti conveniences for the uc
17,.rammlation of trastdkatt stud tdlieri.
Sanita.l N\ ~!lior, John 811114,
Ilertry We-thay, William Won t ls,
ittie , ,th Seatlt. John Mace.
.lames M Wilton, Jain Weaver,
.l sates Vault irk, sr, Philip Howell,
Tit , 111:11 Warren, Thumps Revnoltiet,
Eli , ha Peara, Lowellen liowell.
1 f27-3t
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General
Quarter Se done of the Peace in and for the county
of Allettlken:
The petition of V. A. Schnchlelter. of the Ist ward,
Pittsburgh. respectfully sheweth—
That your petitioner !lath provided hirm.elf with rna
lerinlA for the ,tecommad stion of ttavelers and others,
at his dwelling house in the ward nfore,.nitt, and',
prays that your tumors will be pleased to grant him a
license to l:eep is public house of entertainment. And
put petitioner. as in duty bound, will pray.
We, the sub icribers . citizens of At ward. Pittsburgh.
do certify that the above petitioner i 4 of gondrepate for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
hniew room and conveniencies for the accommodation
of travelers and uthers
John Glenn,
Wm SherhY ,
James Wil-on,
Win .1 .\nkrim.
James Craii ,td,
Frederick. Ruch,
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and fur the county
of Allegheny:
The petition of Hoary Gray, of - Pitt township,
reimectfully sheiveth—
That yourpetitioner bath provided himself Wi it ma
terials for the accommodation of travelers nod others.
a. his dwelling house in the township aforesaid, and
prays that your honors may be pleased to grant him a
license to keep a public house of entertainment. And
I your peti;ioner, as in duty bound, will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens of Pitt township, do
certify that the above petitioner i s of genii repute fur
honesty and temperance. and is well provided with
conveniences for the accommodation cf travelers and
William Warren,
Thorns. Newal,
X Burkhart.
Robert Shaw,
James Traylor,
IVm. Senn,
B UFFALO ROBES by single cobcnr balcjos
A lurvi.
-: -7.77 r • gor gi , zit u rativi
t V s , r 7 - - - heti; • — IQ -4 7 47
~. I e a r PI VI -I OX rt li
s~ictiiiitilltwthe; Teriffilitinithiffgett
la 1110:011eriel itysteddthe'ltlood-Is Releitt7.ed and e
cpallsed in its cirextlitiost througb Rl* NeiiisFr,W,
tber atillii skiu. *ilia , * afoal:Abut Ouill,y,o+ tlit:cit
tremicifr, and Its ail this f ocretions or thelosii are
drawn from the blc;oc1,111(1ra is a c-' 3 "9 ll ? nt lncrmms
of eve r seereiinh, end a quicketed 'triton uf-thc sib
stirbent and exhalent. or discharging vesie . i. Any' _
morbid vietion'ivhieli May liife ta#oll rittuitcr#ol . loes• •
ocl, all ohm ntsaions are removed, the blond is purifie',
and the body resumes a heal hfnl state. For saki
wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS. Agent, .
sep 10 20•Wond strel.t. hdow &timid:
LandretlesGraraen Seeds.
A falisupply of Landreth's Garden Sodas" alwayS
band and for sale, at his agency, the Draw, storo of .
F. L. s:•;;OWDEN,
181, Liberty st:, head of Viralclf
Adam's Patent "Eaughphy” Mills.
.4 Vi now been' to..
fore the public them ;
eats, during, which time ,
several th0u....a.ul havo heels ,
sold, and in daily
We are confident of being
sustnitied in sa:ting; lbw/
are tint beat c.., mai l
in the United States, tirt;,
wits you fix it.' Several .
are - tnediktme
euit the fancy of wive una
thtv pnraes of husbands.
Sari by the gros.4 or des..--
en of the Inanufactery.-- ,
itbk, Casting* :mad;
to order. . • -
These genuine articles. of all siz..e, and mutt
ved varieties, constantly on {toed and (et sale at vett?
reduced prices by the manufacturer.
mar 2—tf Front bet•sern 11 , 1.3 nail Grant 1. 4 ti•
DR. LET DY'S Sarsaparilla 13!trA nor applirt
ble in all cases, whether fur Purfalicesk or .114 7.
rification, 'They possess all tire Lousterl ‘irtries of
other r ill, and are ailditiotrilly ellir.n lona, ormininidg .
Sarsaparilla in their composition, which is cote;tin ,
rd irray other Ohs in existence. They arc ulna did
ferent from other pills in crunitcsitiun, being purtly—
vegetable, and ran ha employed at all times, with. tit
any danger. and requiring no restraint from occupation
or usual coarse of living.
Noterithstandin , Dr. Lcldy never pretetl..d.lris .
Blood 01114 would cure all diseases, yet it is n o t saY,tas
ton macho(' them. from the innumerable eursesperfortn
ed by them in every variety and form of clisenSe (cer
tificates of mum. of which have been pobli4'ned fret
persons of all Aenomit.ntions• physicians, clergymen.
and uther.4) that- they seem to be taninst intivtoma
their effect; and persons using them for whatever sick.
near or disease, may rest assured that they will be faun&
more efficacinua than any other pil:s in r‘xntener...,
From the known reputation of Di.. Leitly'6
it i 4 necessary to remind the public where they
can at alt times procure the genuine, us iti nuempir tl
to impose other pills. called the •Blood Pills' upon
public on the reritualon of Dr. Leidy's. Er Be 1 , 111•,
titular and LA for Dr. Lr.idv's Sarsaparilla blood and see that the ourne‘if N . B. Leidy is contained on
two sides of each box. (the boxes being of paper,
oblong, aquatcshane, surround.l by a yell= and back
PRICE-25 cents n Box.
Prop:ln-A only. and so:d wholesale and retail, at Dr-
Leirlv's Health Emporium, 191 North Second street,
Vine, by B. A. .7 7 A A-
S TOCE 4. CO , corner of .Vend and Sixth street , ,
Agents for Pittsburgh. jy 12—Iyf
Regular Iffcrning Packet forileaver ,
Ifast (unpins.: and wei‘ krona!)
11. Fara laer
Ma.;. r, tlevan Anil. 171 , 11 1 rill
laugh at 9 k, A. 1 1 .1„ anal Veaverat I oh lock
Fat frrig,lll rr paar.qt. ai.ply 411 1A1:. td, I h
411 U: 1 AV:.ter at ret •
N. IL —TIT.' rev; tar cauttt rut.. I to CtrsOat o 0.4
no 4 11.•otIvIt and 5 1 at's-ifirtlt t. • '“-
t ,ttio canat,cuitticer.s.tt %vitt. oiraltlf r ( - It cc!za'4 as,..
v roa 111 he in orrallo i tttt medial; t) tvenit.t. of
slattult. mar -t
Cvntit's ettlittunlle
ClerttnetAlite.—Leticr,front the lion.
Count) Trt, wetter. embeinf Cuirifict•
WASIIINGTOII, luny 13:18.
Mr—Since! have been in shit rtly I lvtire n•cd nett
your Ilyfo.i.tie wrrirh,P wilt. intinite heio•Gt rath ,
fact too, avid bt these It iu Le a most valuable remedy,
Of In) :o..slWattnly, Or A. C., rJen, of Calupbell cont. ,
wrntc ttl ton to tend hint Volpe. whir II
and he lin. einplol,ed it ve,ry tueces:fully In his p Mr' ••
at d rayn It it Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, yell, eQeol
this place, thmkt you would probably like an tarot in
Tennevsea. If 90,1 would recommend Or. A Carden,
a proper percits t t,Nllelnln tor the tale of your celcbraled
rherlicine. Should you contniiption hint he Is wttllnt
net for yon. You can vend he medicine hy water to i Ik4
care of Cohen Kin! k Auna.Kl6xvltte county. Toone.—
see. or by land to Gralutm,ltou , onn, Tozwril, 1:11 , t
Te..i.ennett. I tin dOlll4. I.Ut 11),(.11 had a::ntt .n
aeveral eutiolle• in Earl Tennessee, n meat deal of mrc-
rim, would h.. sold. I nal ening IQ take mote le
for ley own u.e. and that lir my friends. and
t„ ;.rar frmn lea whether yon lik• an atent
Sullivan County. rA-I Ten. r,ct e; I rad ~ .•- • 1
come of the merehmitt to act for you nn I live nu:. r 'herr. .
Y Onto respoct ruby ,
ABRAHAM 51'.7LEL1.V.1, Tenocaart•
For tra'e Wholcet e and Retail. by
R. I SELLERS, Merit.
Na. 20, Wood Et feet . below toecoin,
A Beelnn,
ft GS , P.
itIMPA Cavanagh,
John Buhonp,
Augno' Woellmer,
John Kirchher•
W m
Thomas Morrison,
Conrniti Mover,
Balthoser .May,
B Moiray,
Win. Donaldson.
L .., It:11 FOR ;SA I. E.—The undersigeied offers inr - - ate
11 Itls far m, lying In BOYS TOW riship 41 MOP! , lIGIN the
City of Pittsl.llo. eontalame 114:terra ofla wl or wit.,
60 ale etcared and under fence. t . 15 , i
meadow, 2 !cod nrcleards of Apples few Peach aro
Cherry t rces—l he Improvements are n ',tree frame
rolitsliong 10 rooms well furnished, calm:fated for a 'I
verit eb. private. ['welling. re frame Barn r2s by gomp,„
basement, and stablinr, sheds e lid (It leer out houres emit
aisle for a tenentetilt-2 good Gardens s.urrnuoded will,
currant hushes and a well of excellent water. with
pump In at the front door. In relation to the rittsburzl,
and Allei,;heny market, there is no place new offered c
sate with moreltidneement to three o,ispe n g l e , piecc h ar ,
near Puttsleurelt, the irons will he made iliodernre. feet
net her pa rt icularsapply to the prone ictor at his Clotleinli,
Store, Ltherty street earner n Vimin l!;vy.
F.NCE ‘11":
N B If not I5)14 before the Int of Orinticr It{ XI. It wire
he dtvitle4 into 10 and 20 amp lots to suit purchasers
rep TO
Ready Wale Coffin ‘Waretionse,dit
Fourth St , 2 tars from the U S. Bane.
111 ErIPECT'FIJIJI.Y informs . the public
CIL rratty made engin write.
noose to the huildlnit recently ..,ertipitd by it:r
It. G. Berford. directly oripe.ite '
where be is always orepared to protopy.
to any orders in his line. and by Ftrict au rite::
to all the details of the business of an iTni!ertaler
he hopes to merit public confidence. He will he prepare?:
It 'aut. nocas to preside Hearses. fliers. C %gee an..
every requisite. on the most liberal tetras. Calls froth 1 4 ~
country will lw promptly attended to.
His residence ts'in the same building with his wart:
rouse. where those who need hut services m•iy find hl
al any time. R tttttt CR*
W. R. lect,Oßß,
ISAAf waists,
PILES eared II the t se of Or. Ilartirh's Comport ,
Plirestailtenung and Gt.rman Appellant Pilla
Sir—Shortly mans I received the.
Attsttry flow von for the sal• of your wedicine.
cu. an neqltaint ante wi, h a lady of this place, won
was at:vainly :Minted with tint. Piles. Pot eleitt or le ,
wears this lady was sultitet to freoin•nt patniat attatiler •
and her phyoteian tonshPled her ease act tattopiicale ,
that he vet y seldom weer rib& medicine for her. Vitrousle;
toy et.rsintsinn. aht enoimenend ask's vont Pala. rind etaw
pnrfeehtc cured. Yours, se. JAMES R.IOIIBY
Ortober 3. 1840. eltarrierathol,
IrrOdiceond General Depoi. No. 19. North ft.), it
Stwei.Fidtadelphh. And by 'El.irrosei Frew. route , ot
tamarty and Wood strrats, Plfuhargb. •- seir 10
.10115 131.2. ^ :5.D. D.
Salt. ROZZIIT Celt .0. IA
11.1.7. sigma. WILT lAN.;
1tr7..101111 , 11 Xtittt. '
ltlo7..l•Mts Da.Vll,
Rev. I. P. Swirl'.