41 "1 : 14turomPo*PlvisaiimaR* rartil4as, • Aithe *dr 4 - Morkig.i - lidse l 4 Taikhatrilaber would mnstrespectfolly infitrm the les and Gentlemen of Pipsbuil i n Etna • minity L that they have opened roomy at theabove men place, over the store of Messrs Lloyd &eo, aniline n: w" prepared to take Miniitutetbylbithean lifulirt, in a st3'le heretofore unsurpassed. By the combination of a quick and - powerful apparatus; and ah entirely new mode 4sfaperating, they are enabled to proillsce*turefs of a surprising accuracy atui•heauty, 'combining entire durability. of impression, clear and zlistinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, the' mot Oast, Zhe.color or the face and dress. The color* ingot - Photographic Pictures, forms a now ern in the vitt, as it enables us to combine witliaccumcy of nature 'the alrimitages of art.- The undersigned do not wish, mar Wit their intenticnt to deceive the public by prpini - see, which they cannot fulfil, fey they depend solely on the elmeacteref their pictures for patranage. Citizens -"alltramgrFaAal sad all, are invited to call - and ex 1 4 1,1 K— c laps pleie sets of tkeicsproved patent ap paratne furnished on eke,moil reasonable terms.--- Phsies, Cases, Praises, Cheatiaals, and every thing -tossiecitici with, tie barsiness. at tke lowest cask pri- GCS. .1 M EMERSON & CO. d2-6m . • M. BotoLr .3. HERDS FlikiTIRR. EGOLF & FOSTER, .Western Seal' listate Agency, 'TWA es.; next door to the post Office, Pittsburgh, Pa Urtigency for the purchase and sale of Real Es- Stocks; negotiating of Loans, and Collections. They will islso attend to the selling of pig metal for owners - at a distance-. • - Letters, post paid, will meet with immediate atten tion; Terms moderate. The best of tererenoes given oa sipplicatbmat the office. d 2 CHEAP PLACE FOR CASH. - SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 11.118, Market Street, near Liberty. CIRISTIVIAS . A.ND NEW-YEAR'S PRESENTS ' , IIHE s:tibsCribor respectfully informs his friends and - the public generally, that he has on hand, receive in a - few - days, a - large and splendid_ assortment:Of Nips aria fancy articles, suitable for the holidays, which will be sold wholesale and . retail, at reddmi prices. Pirions who wish to buy cheap will please cal Tat the sign of the gilt comb, No. 108, Mar ket street, and" they will not be disappointed. decl6 - • C. YEAGER. -JOHN LE FEVER'S Nen*Alb Cheap Stock Zetablishinent, ' NO - 61, DIAMOND ALLEY RE - rwrew WOOD AND MARKET STREW 1 IWOULD most respectfully ann ounce to the e.i tizenA of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, ofevery va riety, form-and description, and would solic it me rchan ts andrehers to call- and examine for themselves, as I tun determined to sell on the most accommodating term* -for each, end hope, by strict attention to business, to merit &thereof public, patronage. aug. U*U.m&N,4IIENZONOS & CO, 43, Wood streell , - HAVE"in-store and are recehing 425 bags Rio Coffee, part strong and green, 50 pkga Y H and G P Teas, 25 boxes • Russell & Robinson's S's Tobacco, •IU Burton's s's " 10 " Thompaon's B's " 5 " Robinson's 16's . 10 " 12'. " 5. " superior pound lump .100 " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisins, 20 " No 1 and 2 Mustard, 50. " No 1 chocolate, .25. ground pepper, 5 ". cocoa, • 5 " rice Hour, 20D0 lbs 1.4£ sugar. 7 • 10 kegs ground ginger, ...5 " allspice, 2000 lbs. Oak sole leather, 1000 yards tow linen, 5 bales hops; All 4ff:of which_ they offer, with a general assortment of loweris.s, dye stuffs, and Pittsburgh manufactured .raids, on lihe,tl . terms. d 25 Landreth's Garden Seeds. A hill eopply of Landreth'a Garden Seeds always on 'hand and• for sale, at his agency, the Drag store et - F. L. SNOWDEN, 184, Liberty st., head of Wood RIEMOV AL.—Tile undersigned begs leave to inform the public , t hat he il3B removed from his old stand, - to Hte . coiner of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the Es ehimellOtel, where be lids lilted up a large PILIIO FORTE Wino Rota', and now offers for sale the most splendid assorttnent or PIANOS ever offered in this market. HIS pianos consist of. different patterns, of superior Rome Wood and.MatioPnl. beautifully finished sod ma -del-est nod consti uel.ed throughout of the very beet ma. *slats, which, for durahllity.and quality of tone, as well — On touch, be warrants to be superior to any ever seen here: As lie basen:arged his manufactory, and made arrange. epeeists supply . the Increasing demand for this instru ment, he respectfully requests those Intending to pur. abase to call and :amine bis assortment hefore Touche. eing,elsewhere, as lie Is determined to sell- LOWIR, for eash,thin any . other establishment east or west of the surnintalus. F. BLUME, Corner of Tenn and St. Clair streets, sun tO Opposite the exchan g e Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa. To make yoana look so, with a grin, replied lost). '1 ve brought you& bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash. the beit now to use, so the gentlefolks say, _ Aad since they have tried this, east sit others away. '01%14 toprovelt the best; toinaketheteeilt shine. . toy dear Fal.ot the lustre of mine. WbottOry tbisgreat tooth wash. 'Ms Totterzy tooth wash. liee if IhieTwith Wish of Thorn's testa fuse. fJi iing tiled' Dr.t•Thora's nut Berril . °ot h Wash, and become ictysatated with the lagrediests of its compo eitionotebeerfially. say t i consider it one of the safest, as it Is one efAlte west tdegiant Tooth Washes now in use. Piiishdflih Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT., Dentist. I tate Measure in ;tiling, basing made use of- , Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash„ .. .. iketit. is el le of the best den wilices in use. Behtg In a 114411 farm. It comb:nes neat sees with convenience. While It Weaning the esamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfhme yeids a fragrant* peeattarty desirable. J.. P.. TtBAETTB. M.D. • The naderstgaad have used "Thorn's Compound Tea limey Tooth Wash;"and . have found 11 to be an extreme. tdy phismurt diestWrim..metelsing a most sstutavy macs oreftlieTaeth ,and Qumm preserving those Indis• laestbetTftaterprentature decay. preventing the sesamstletton of Tatter, ind aartfrfag the Breath. Hay. tag thommettrterted Its virtues, we take , pleasure in re. 1 arsaiatesdr4 it to the pubic, betittaing It to bathe best ar oda aftbe kM *ow In ale. ;01 1 1 01 kr; - • J4I,IIESPJACC, strirr. - • • . Cll4B a SCULLY, • . ArCILIED.LX“, 4 , • • • SAPS VW/PT. may•*r4:T'- ; a. JOHNS. ,Imsgsmedmitdailid INILLI3BIIIIOIIIO , A pollrees. t ry sag Chasthit, No. fiS IMMO stmatA MAN rgh; amid at og iggssdps Wag, has% sad Taglbelallsdiest Ages. go, Vest* tam& by g e ady . coffin Warehouse i• ..r.r•liogr.s-eka _ wm. • ' - ' ) .". - TFA''-'1U(.11111W.r. dtMgFk le - alteimovetatimaii sltit#e• itmle, to the building recently occupied by Mr. iqqkinife where be Is *twat, weaned to Muse . promptly to any orders in Moline, sad- by -strict. attention to all 'the detallaoT the bail tiesi or an Undertaker, be hopes to merit publicconfidenCet 4e will be prepared At zzratbeas' to provide firsaturiz, Biers, C ince and every requisite on the mast liberal terms: Cans from the century will be preirriptly attended to. His residence Is In the same building with his ware house, where theme who need his ruralises may And him 'tasty time. zratuitUciti: or.w. arr. NMI, 111.33X.D D. Jonas minium, rum. DOIDIRT DR1133, D. D. 311011 S PATTON, MEIN ILiVIL WILLIAM*, I w. 2.5/eczema, nay. J 01131.8 teas. 13.1.4C11•11.11.111, isv. SANTA NI DAVID. sdp 10 KIM. 3. p. swat. MIMES eared by the tee of Dr. tierileh's Compound Strengthening and Otranto Aperient Pills DrAljirtielt--Denr Sir—Shortly after I received the A:Obey Dorn you for the sate of your medicine. 1. formed an 'tartlet/dance wi,h a lady of this place, who was severe," atliieted with the Piles. For eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribedrnediclne for her. Through my persuasion. she commenced using vonr Ptlis, and was perfectly cured. Tours; tc. JAMRS E.KIRBY October 4. 1840. ehambersbug, Pe. _Krollice and General . Depot, No. 19. fitorth Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And hy Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep to, AS USUAL. WO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be. come popular, in coneequence of its sweet., and ef ficacy, than It Is counterfeited or imitated. To preyent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured moulded bottles for_ his cetebrated Tether and Itch Olio. meld, with the words rDt Leidy's Teller end Deb Dint. meet; blown In the glass, besides cost:sluing his written signature en a yellow label outside. Dr Leidy's Teter' and trek Ointment. has proved more Efficacious than any other preparation for Tetter, Dry and Watery Plinples or Pustules, and diseases of Inc skin generally. It has been employed in schools, factor, is, and on board vessels carrying .passengera, where children, as well as grown persuinkleontract diseases of the skin from their contagion& flat tie, with the most unexampled succesv; certificates and recommendation, have been heretofore published from them, and numerous others might be ob tained for puldlcatlon, bud for t he objections most persons have, to having their nacelle published In connection with such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instance has It ever been known to fall. It has been used upon infants and by persons of all ages. It Is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its eomnposkion.and may be used under all clreamstances., Price Tvventy.iire cents a bottle. Prepared and sold at Dr Leldly's Dealt') Emporium. (sign of the Golden Ea• ghe sad Aerpents,land by B. A. A lINEbTOCK ¢ CO. over of Wood and Sixth streets. Agents for Pittsburg. Jul 13 PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU FACTORY. frifiEsubscriber would respectfully inform t he eh teens 1. of Pit' iurgh. Allegheny and their vicinities. that he has ciirmmeneed msntifacturing the article of Lard 0! and Candles. He Intends making but one quality, which will equal the best made In the Union and not surpassed by the best winter strained sperm oil either for machinery or burning. without lie offensive properties, and one third cheaper. TEE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO BURN IN ANT TEMPERATURE. The subeert. bee wishes to impress" distinctly on the palate mind that it Is not necessary to purchase any new fitngled lamps that UV daily PallardaPtUtrtheill as being nequisita to burn the Lad c I in. Persons wishing a pure andbrilliant light ran °dein it by calling at the old stand,3d street, nearly Its the I'M!' Oiliest. M. C EDEY. The attention of Wholesale dealers, Churches and ma. h nista rea?eoftslle N. B.—All the toir-Iti a ill e • the manufacturer :nu 2, 1343. If. Dr. Leidra Totter Ac Itch Ointment. FOB Ike mire of every variety of TETTER, the ITCH, and all disea‘es of the Skin, has proved itself more efficacious than any other preparation for the lime pur- pose in use. Upwards of five hundred cent iticalea might he procured and published of its efficacy from School Teachers, Pro. prietors of Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses, Captains of vessels and others, were it nut for the deli— cacy In havens their names published in connection with such disagreeable affections. Br the use of Dr Leidy's Teller Ointment In corjunc • Hon with his extract of Sarsaparilla or !Hood Pills, he will guarantee to cure any disease common to the skin, however had, or of however long standing, or refbnd the money. There are however very few instances but can be cared by the Ointment alone. Prigs 25 cent• a Bee. Prepared only andisold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel. Health Emporium, 191 N. Second Ft. Philadelphia. and by B. A. FAFIXESTOCK 4. co. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agent! for Pittsburg. July 12. rrIO FEMALES.—There is a large class of Females In this City whofrOM their continuedsitting, to which their ocivphtlanealliget hem,areaffee.ted with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation a: the heart on the least ex ertion, sense of heavinessexteading over the Whote ;:gad, Intolerance of light and sound .an Inability of tiring the attention to any mental operationr, rumbling In the bow• els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre tickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills, The °tea. sional use of this medicine would sate a deal of trouble and year; of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth rills Just before dinner, are *fen found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In this way; they sid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper eondition,enilven the spirits, impart clear. nets to thecomplesion, purify the blood, and promote a general, feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. B•audreth's Odic°. In the Diamond Pittsburgh—Price 25 cent.; per box, with full directions MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pillstan be obtainad,is the Doctor's own Or lice, Diamond. Sep, 10 FlllHEsubscriber hasjust received from Phitadelphiaand 1 New York. with& general and extensive assort ment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY. and every article in his line of business, which bete deter. mined to sell on tile most reasonable terms for cash.— Ile believes he can offer stronger inducements than any similar establiehment in thiscity to country Physicist' , and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves n itb Drug.; and Medicines. His articles have been selected with the ntmost care, and are warranted ofthc best qual ity and uniform strength. Orders will be filled with Sc. curaey and elegance. Tamil( • can be supplied with Fine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable variciy, and of the most exquisite perfumes: likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetics of every descriwion. The undersigned returns his thanks for the liberal sup, portheretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant disposition to please and accommodate—a care in pro curing and selling only what is ecceitent and genuine—a close supervision ofxbe sales and transaction of the moat) Mb meat—precaution and ecceracyin compound' med. eines—and by industry and persedemllce, to mart n in: reuse of public patronage may 2.5,, JAMBS HOWARD 4. CO„ .Massufacturses Payer, No. 18, wood Stews, Pietaburet, Pa.— Have always on hand an extensive assortment' of Salk Glazed and pain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and siltation Borders, of the latestotyle• and'handsome pattores, for papering halls,parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have ea hand at all times- Muting: Writing. Letter, Wrapping and Tel Tea Paper,Bon net sad Pullers' Boards—all of which they olfei finale ow disiikwiss accommodattag terse.; and to which they invllig She attentive of merchants and others. ALBO—Blank Books of ail Mode and the bestquality, dehool Nooks. etc. always on band end for see as above 119 lieges ad Taaitert'llerapte taken la exchange Contagiouir Disei*e l / 2 ithiqk Ciddhags - 0., • , Temeretwasteet. • Otr.Watet,isest•_l4 itilepted.l* this nature of the Ash or there will be litt,pramagatiosi ot the spetieis. The "II! MOO be adapted to the seed, or were win" ao crease. The cUmateinatit have those atittertio it width *lll unite and keep illveepldetnical or contagious poi sons, or thej will become eltingnished, as n lamp that I Is onstibpliedwitb oil. So it Is librettos with the ha-; man frame, it eitnaot'be materially affected by eel/Idol. calor contagion maladies, unless there be thnse matters Boating lit site elresslition which offer the appropriate soil. By l nrifying oar bodies with the BacArillltia PILL., which rave 'dinky with those Impurities upon which contagion feeds, we may '. lways feet secure, whatever disease may rage around us. True, we may have it, bat it will soon beover, our sickness will he the affair of a day or two, while those who have been too wise to one this sintri}e sad excellent remedy. either die, or have weeks perhaps months of sickness. Sudden eanages from very hot to chilly weather are unfavorable to health; and it Is • fact universally admit. ted, that beat and moisture are powerful agents In pro. diming disease. and that constant nay and eonstnnt WIT weather are both favorable to its generation; It doer not signify WHAT Weal!l it; it maybe tiger', II e e l , he tubes fever; it may be yellow fever, It may be dysentery; It ntav be rhenmallm; ft may bebronehitin.li may he rho,. le; it may lie constipation of the bowels; It may he htlli. . elation of the howdy; Ii may be Inflamatlon of the Mom ech; It may be a nary us affection; still It is disease. and a (itemise curable by the- Brandreth Pills, because they remove all Impurities from the body. all that can In any manner teed the further progress of the malady, no mat. ter how called; thus these pills are net only the most I proper medicine. but generally the only medicine that nr.ed or ought to be used. At the present time It Is every man's duty who wishes lo secure his health to use them; it is he duty of every one who knows anything of their keen h restoring powers,to make It known In his home. I Male cirele. For there are some alarming signs, which teller tyre approach of disease. The sudden changes of ; temperament are more to be feared and guarded against than any eontagloas malady, • The Innuanzt hat left many In such a state of weak I Less that there Is In them a great susceptibility to be af. fected by these changes of the atmosphere and cantmclons maladies; but by the timely use of Brandreth's Pitts, even now this susceptibility can beim a gtent measure :mov ed, and power given the system to resist these nimbi& poison*, aad the sudden chances In the weather with which It may be brought in contact during the next fifty days. Nature has formed the bowels of the evacuation or all unhealthy humors, and Vivian would bet use colonic)* sen•e, he would take care they performed this °thee faith fully, If the bowels are out or order; if too slow or too fast, a few doses of fiIANDRETH PILLII will bring them to order, Ask the man who was dying from eonstlre. led bowels what cored him; he tells you, Brandreth's Pills. Ask him who had dysentery for six month*, and' every remedy had failed; he will Win tell you the Bran. ' dre It Pills cured him In a week, do with other dieeates. Twelve Rrandreth Pills rubbed town in a pint of mo lasses, cured a little boy of an ulcer of the face, which was rapidly spreading to his eyes, and which a clos et" doctor. had tried to cure, lint could not; the poor parents would have given hilt' they were worth I tit have had it cured, hot every thing they tried did no good, until they gave it a teiseotinful of matelots every day. in half a pint of which they had rubbed down twelve Brandreth Pills; before the whole of the molasses was taken the ulcer was cured. And yet some foolish people call Brandreth'e Pine a quark medicine. It would be well if there were a few more such quack medicines.' Will all your pretended sarsaparilla Compounds cure I like the Brandreth Pills? Can they send you to persons CORIED, as Dr, Brandrella-ean7 Can they point out in you people who had been helpless for years f om Ep item lard St. Vitus' Dance who have been cured by their remedies? If they cannot, Dr. Brandreth ran Can they point out to you a person who for twenty years had never had a stool without having tired med icine, or mechanical means; and whom the Rrandreth pill, cured lu a month. and gave him as healthy evacuations as he had when he was a child. If they cannot, Dr. Brandreth can. The BR ANDRE PH PILLS not only do cure, all curea hle diseases, but It can be demonstrated, that by their I timely use, they must infalibly cure. In a very shrwl time, Dr Brandreth will tiring bear. the public a con rear:llion of the virtues °film Brandreth Pills, both In the thrill-of Pills. and in a fluid form, and that he will I explain the reason of the cures that MOM 014 . 0 3,3 03i1y be the trunk of using the BR AN GR k:TI.A N REMEDIED, whether they he internal or external. I have just re reeved the case of a medical gentleman who ie.,ides at Sherheook, Canada, who tor twenty years was sorely , lafflicted with disease, which come out in litotchee and; ...cabs all over his body. This gentleman so far forgot the p rjudices which too often curse his profession, as to apply personally to Dr. firtndreth, and his course proved &happy one; within six months he was entirely I cured of his miserable and tormenting ?Weasel by the use of the Brandreth Oil's. The use of the Brandreth Pills ran in no ease do inju ry. licrause they are made of thaw herbs and roots expe ri rimier hes folio proved always . .hanonlze with the ho' I man body body, The of purging with them eases ofricktiess. Is often the cau-c oh a long attack, oiler eiteingionly by mention of life. How Important I is that this course should be pursued; it will not only be the surest means of restoring, built it will In a treat meastm prevent the recurrence of , constitutional maladies—it will surely weaken the ma !lenity !lenity of the attacks and in lime strive robust health. As with all valuable medicines the Brandreth have been sitau.efully counterfeited, h t I have succeed. ed In having executed THREE LABELS, (and which are appended to each box) of such intrinsic workmanship Oslo hid defiance to all Deere imt atom Now, howev. er, a new evil present* itself My advertisements are taken verbatim, and used by all the medicine mon. ger, of the day. who merely take my name out and insert the name of their medicine In the place of Bran dreth's Pills scrupled In the advertisement thus stolen I from me. Time will prove how these speculative gen denim) sustain themselves. MT Sanctum may rest satisfied that I shall, so long as my life and energies are permitted me by an OVER RULING PROVIDENCE, attend personally to the preparation -of the Brandreth ruts, and the t those properties which have thus far renderel them so pope tar, will still be combined unlmpared. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. The Rrandreth Pill; are sold by one agent In every place of Importance throughout the world; each agent having a ceitificate °filmic, from Dr. Biand•eth, hay. lug fee-similes of labels on the Branddrelh Pill boxes en graved thereon. BRANDRET H'S PILLS are sold at 23 clit per box, with full directions at iltePatecirAt Ornct,24l Broad way, 274 flowery, 1891 Hodson street. The following ate duly appointed agents for the rale of the Brandreth. rill.in PITTIWIHROH—G. 11. LEE. Fftewartstown—Chersman 4' Spat:tiding. Clinton —Jos. Carmel!. Cranberry Tp.—R. H. McKee. Batter—. Lane, Campbell 4. Co. Prospect—O. A. Kirkpatrick. Porteraville—Peter Moser. Portersville John 011iver. Mt. Pleasant—H. 4' J. Llppenciitt. laeghlinstown-4. 4' 0. Moose. West tic wton—M. P. Smith, Youngstown—McAtte 4 co: nbv 18—w3t STRUMENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cut/trait/I Somers/ hisirunielii Maker, Third street, nearly oypeaite the Port Offich, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their In• stromenismadeby the sirbseriter of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand, also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fatly solicited. N. B. Allartleler warranted of 'bebop.' quality. sad obhlng done as usual. sep 10- DR. STARKWETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR. Caseof Liver Complaint of 25 years &landing. This may certify that for twenty five years 1 wasaf flicted 'with pain in my side, which was frequently to aeverens to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the care and treatment of various physicians without any permanent benefit, Hearing of the many rum effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr. Starkweathera was induced to give it a trial, and am happy to may that it has entirely removed. I knee felt wo sysiptsars of it for store tie* a year past. Newt intridse, Jto neBB 30, 1841. Amos WHITE. Theßegnant to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, Fourthetrcet. WILLIAM THORN Tire "'roof Iron Chests. J . Demo—On Friday. the 30th of last month, about 9 o'clock at night.the Phrning.Grooving and Sash Man ofamory.owned by Gay s Dilworth 4 Co. whit a large Quantity of dressed sad undressed lumber. was all coolie med by fire. The Iron Safe whith I bought of you some time back was to the men , unposed situation during titejire, and rraoreotteety red b0t..1 am pleased to inform yee it WWI opened at the closeof the dre.and all the hooks, papers, ite.savedp—thisis the tuts recommendation I can give of the utility of year saber. *et 24-4 THOMAS SCOTT. L U ttG ICA L INSTRUMENT'S! tiILIRGICA I Prrirsauten, Ocr. 22, 1842 a :, _~.^:ter ~ ._...... FAIR BAN RS'OATENT PLATFORM SCALES These genuine ankles, of all slum. and most improved varieties, constantly on band andlbr sale at very reduced prices by the maturacturer. L. R. LIVINGSTON, Oar 2. -tr 4out between Ross and Grant rte. REMOVAL. HOLOSHIP t BROWNE HAVE removed this taper Store from Markel street to No.ol, Wood s treet, one door 0001 the corner of 4th, where they keep ea hands their UMW as sortmela of WALL PAPERS, for papering pariors,'en triew,ehambees, 4c. and also PRINTING, WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. 4'e all of which they offer for sate on accommodating tangs fib 14, 1843.—dt f •ro IN VA...IDS. -LI rgrHow Important It Is that yen commence without loss of time with Eiltannertm'e PHA... They mildly hut surely remove all Impurities from the blood, and souse of sickness can affect the human frame, that these este. ',rated pills do not relieve ao much ar medicine cap do. Colds and coughs are more henetitied by the Brandreth Pills than by lozenges and canales. Very well, per haps.as paltatives, but worth nothing as eradicators or diseases from the human system. The Elawroarrn PILL. cure. they do not merely relit ye, they care diseases, whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these ell sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE, Sum Sumo, January 21,1843 Doctor Itax picnic Drandretk—Honored Sir:Owing to you a debt .of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am induced to make a Public acknowledgemlint of the benefit my wife hayderived from yonr Invaluable pills. About three sears this whiter she waittaken with a pain in tier ankle, which soon became very ,snuch Inflamed sad swollen, so mutts so that we betainealsrmed, and sent for the doctor During blaattendanee the pa-in and swell ing increased to an alarming degree,and In thece_weeks nom Its first commencing It became a running sore.— She could get no lest at night the pain was so great Our first. Doctor attended be: for six months, and she received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. He said if it was heal. ed up It would be her death, but he appeared to be at a loss bow 1.3 proceed, and my pour wife still continued to suffer the tuostterribletortures. We therefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first saw It that he could soon cure the sore. and give her ease at once, To our surprise he eve her no relief, ■nd acknowledged that It baffled all Wt. skill. Thus we felt eller baying tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly falling in the prithe of her years from her continued suffering. Coder these elrcumataneee we concluded that we would try your Universal Vegetlble Pills,determined to fairly test their curative effects. To my wife's great comfort the first few dotes afforded great relief of the pain, Within one week, to the astonishment of our• selves and every one who knew Grilse case. the swelling and the inflammation began to mate so that she fell quite easy. and would sleep comfortably, and, ■ir, after Ms weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and again attend to the management of her family which she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over two months from the time she first eoinmeneed the use of your invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite pound, and her health better than it had been in quite a number of years totfore. I send you this statement after •wo years lost of the cure, considering It only an act of Justice to yeu and the public aft large. We are, with much gra Rude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY k CLIZA A. LITTLE. P. P. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can cerous, and finally said no good could be done, unless the whole of the elesh l we. cut off, and the bone sera ped.-- Think a kind Providence, this made us re.ort to your pills, which saved ui from all further miter!, and for which we hope t be thankful. T. 4- 4. 1.. iry-Bold at 25 centirper hog, with directions. Observe the new labels, each having upon ft two sig natures of Dr. Bra'ndreth, do each boy of the genuine has ill signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three B. Brandreth upoh it. The only place In Plitsbarsh whore the real Bran dreth rills ran be obtained, Is the Doitor's own office, In the Diamond, behind the Market house. Mark, thegenuine Brandreth ritiscan never be obtained In any drug store. The following are the only azentsappointed by Dr. ft Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegetable Universal Pills In Allegheny county: PRMCIPAL Aosirr.G H LEE, Pittsbergh. Mr. John Giass—Allegheny, Robert Dunean—lilrminnhann, C. P. Dlehl l -Elianbethlow a. H. Rowlattel l -Prßeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. John Johnston—Ploblestown • Chessman t Spaulding -Stewartstown. Asdell or Cohnell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarenlum. George Power—Fairview. David R Coon- Plum township. Daniel Nesic.—Eart. Liberty, Edward Tlinmpson—Willcinsburgh. Win. 0. flonter—Allen's Mill. mar IS. 1843 NOTICE TO; DR. BRANDAETH'S AGENTS. The office gittsburgh which was established for the purpose of corritituting, agents In the west, having aceom palled that ohjeet, Is now closed, and Mr, G. H. LEE In the Diarnand, Market street, appointed my agent for the sale of Pills and Liniments 411 Dr. Brandeths agents will tnerfore,understand,that Dr,B. will send a travelling agent through the country once a year tocottect moneys for sales made and re-supply agents, The said traveller will he provided with a power of attorney, duly proved before the Clerk ,ol the city and county of New York, together with all necessary vouchers and papers, Mr. J, J. Yoe,ls my travoillw, gent now In Penneyl. vanla, B. BRANDETH, M. DI N. Et, Remember Mr.G• li, Lee, In rear of the Mar. ket is now my only agent in PltlibUr:b. New if ork ,Juste it, 1843. THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. 0:y• An individual only wishes to know the right way 4o pursue It; and there are none, were It 110R11•T made anown how Lyn migut be prolonged and Hlsahra covered, w: o would not adopts the plan. Evidence fs required that the right way Is discovered. Tiris le what those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about. For who Is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body to capable of? Who is there that would not live whenhis eptrience can so moth benefit himself and familyq 11 if a melancholy feet that a very large pro portion of the most useft I members of society die be. roeen (be ages of thirty mid forty. How many widows and helpless orphans haveteen the consequence of man. kind not havingin their own power the means of reator. log health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties ean be prevented and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na lure. in the outset, with a good doge Brandreth's Pill.. This is a fact, will understood to be so by thousands of our citizens This medicine, if taken so as to purge freely. wilt surely rureany curable Maras*. There Is no form or kind of siekneriethat It does not exert a cur calve influence soon. Thas.by their power in resisting putrefaction, they cure measles small pox, worms and all contaceonsfevers. There Is not a medicine In the world so able to purify the maessof blood and restore it to healthy condition, as the Brandreth Fills. The Brandreth Fills are purely reArtaide, and an in' nocent that the infant of a mot lit old may nor them it medicine is required, not only with natty but with a ter. tainty of receiving all the benefit medicine Ia cepa Me of imparting. Females may use them In nil the critical periods of thelillves. The Brandreth Mils will Insure their health, and produce regularity In a'l the functions of life. • The same stay he said of Bresirst F:tlerNli stflr.nian oetward application in all external pains, or swellings,or rotes, It wetly assists the cure. When used where the skis is very tender or broken. II should be mixed with one or two pints of wailer; sari Tutliff pseatu BretairstA Ping.—EXamine that box of Pills, Then look at the certiticate of agency, whose engraved date must i.e within the year, which every authorised agent meet posses"; If the three on the box eve* with the litres labels on t , eeerikkote, the Pills are trne—if not, they are false. Principal office, 241 Broadway. New York Jaw 16• 1111=1= 'llll - eadiehe f iteadadiet Dr. BRODIE'S ART/' DlllllleP77O PILLS. - A lk ILanw•ktiow II 10 timusands asa moat esicaordiost ry remedy for this sanction as svelte' the 'Wove rt ible feet of their curing DYSPEPSIA Will those Inefering only asthmatic:their friends if they have not IteowerNat-thespislisior afficts of-said Pills. audif f klity, tie not hear these more warmly praised (and deservedly too)-itaturany other, then let thetu.aot.letY them In, these few remarks, all rangy or: Imagination Is excluded, and nothing will be said. of their mugs at a ny r time bit what can he fairly 'navel Aispeetalikimitters of our community. Read the following certilicatg.giye t by , a resperl,able citizen of lingheny city,smisitsabeik by one oftitoudg. es of the Court of Common Pleas or Allvheny to. A ta.it o YYY MT!, 1811131011% 11143. VarS. 4. ',Vora ile*Ye pi*ln 3 mill dig• fa • tiote - ireAreril tittiluti+e' been sed alfiltse, We ere 'abed* esstainid •tkey an tie , hest liNa ID (Me -limbed IF way you 41 U.' atodilicaitonit are suit the fancy of rd the purees •,f the gross or dozen manufactory,--- Ca/minis made to Da. Bkonte. Deer Sir-1 hive for a .nuMber yearspast been af— flicted with a severe and almost constant afeadaibe.a riving from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. (hough 1 have taken - nearly every—kied- •Cliodk.ils. re cosnmended fur 11, cure, hams never derived any mate. `dal benefit until 1 used some of-your truly valuable Ao. ti Dyspeptic Mlle: Fikive stittakesquitoiwobotes and consider myself. parboil relieved from that distressing complaiiit. 1 lreve.se bemired*u to reeammerdlag your Pills Allollll4treifdar I Wive ever used. Team Respeetrelly, J. ,TURNER. I am siognoatted with Mr . Turns% t bars no hullo lion In towtifylng thitt rev:wider thestatenseeis T. roxllatißM Or. Brodls's TAM, as entitled u-the oat perfect oudssttreetbehttacei HUGH DAVIB. For sate. Wholesaia and IMO' al tbe Bradenton Pill Horabllshitent Pittsburgh Pa ;au by all onttiortoed a Sena throngtiont the Vision. Alle'y city Jan 9 1843 jan 13-Iy. WARRANTED GiIItNITINZ—Dr. WlMara Evans's Camomile Pills. CsartnesTss.—Letterfrom the lion. Ab'b'm **del. lan,Bulltvan County, East Tennessee,MemberofCongress , WAsmso?os, July 3d. 1832. Sir—Sinee I have been In this city I have used some of sour Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and WO faction, and believe it to bee moat valuable remedy. One of my zonstltuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tennessee, wrote tome to send him Sante. which 1 did. and he has mployed it very snecessthily in his practice, and says it is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at his place,s thinks you would probably like en agent in Tennessee• If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, es a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he Is willing to act for you. You can send the medicine by water loth. care of Robert Kin! Ale Sons. , Knoxville county. Terms ere, or by land to Graham . 4 Houston, Tassewell. East Tennessee. I have no doubt but if you had agents lo several counties In East Tennessee, a great deal of medi cine would he sold. lam going to take some of it home for my own use. and that of my friends. and should like to hear from you whether you would like an agent nt Montville. Sullivan County. East Tennessee: I can get some of t be merrhints to act for you as I Hee near thee. Ycurs respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN,of Tennessee. For sate W hoiesale and Retail, hy E SELLERS, Agent. rep 10 No. 20. Wood st reet.helow Second. DR. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— This !nthllible remedy has preseried hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. Acsoon as the Syrup Is rubbed on the 4111114, the child will recce. er. This preparation Faso innocent, so akar lout% and so pleasant, that nochtld will refuse to let Its gnostic rub• bed with it. When infautsare at the age of four months. filo' there is to appearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup should he used tolkpea the pores. Parents shoohl reser he without the syrup In the nursery wherethere are young children.for if • ehltd wakes In the night whit pals in the gums. the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the pores, nod healing timgunts;tharehy prevent ing Cnovu Mons, Fevers, lte. Far Sale WOolpeale and 14.'01 hy R. E.SELLERS. Agent, sep 10 No. 20. Wood street, below Second. LIVER CON PLA INT cared by the nee of Dr. Der compound &renal heniny and Aperiret Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Plitshordh,Pa.„ entirely coined of theabove dittressind disease Ills symptoms wale pile and were in Ihe left side. los. of appetite, vomitier.acFd eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred tongue, cenetenante chaused to a dire. cokor,dits - ofliresi bine. disturbed remi„attended with a cieleek, areal dehitity, with other symptoms indicating !veal de renement of tne functions of the liver. Mr. Richer& had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until itidnir. Dr. II arllch's Medicine, which termina. trd in effectinc a pe••feel core. Principal Office. 19 North Elthalt Street, Philadelphia For sale in Pittsburalt by Samuel Fresv, corner of Libre ly and Wood streets. ,ep 10 • BeRON VON HUTCHEL.I3I HERB PILLO.— These Pills are composed of herbs, which exert ■ specific action upon the heart, give Impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood Is quickened and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels, whet her or the skin, the parts situated internally,or the extremities; &ad as sti the secretions of the budy are drawn from the blood, there Is a consequent Increase of every secret lon. sad a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place Is corrected. all ohstrui.• dons are natured. the blond tapurified. and the body nannies a Wit slate. }Pori ale Wholesale and Re 'xl'hy R E SF" LLERS, Agent, sep 1 ) Wood st. below Reeoed. Pittsburgh. Lard Oil Muuttfactor. CONSTAXTLY on hand a superior article of Lard Oil, warranted to burn at any temperature. and equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without its offensive qualities, and one third cheaper.ruan. ulactnred by tbe subscriber at the old stand, Thin!. Its, nearly opposite the Post Office. M. C. EDEY. Jan 4 ,1843 THE subscriber baying opened a shop No 68, Second street. between Market and Wood eireets,Ptttsbargh, In connertit n with the Factory in Simmering+. respect. fully Int tents his friends and the public, that be will be happy to be fasorcd with their orders for any articles in his lino, Door Locks and Fasteners, 0 !various d scriptions. oc band and made to order. T01....te. Mill and Timber Screws. Large Berews,tbr iron Works,nad Screws for Frames, made as may be required, Carpenters and Builders ars requested to call beibre contracting for subs, and examine his unties and pries,. Locke repaired and Jobbing generally done In .be best manner.ami on the lowest terms. may 2-6 m JAS. PATTERSON, Jr• DR. LEIDY'S Sassairaitt.t.s. Scoop Picts, are 'poll- Cable In all cases, whether for Parratiess or Pneifl ratio*. They possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and are additionally efficacious. containing Satrap arilla in their composition., which Is not contained In any of her pills in ealstenee. Thby arealso different from otir er pills In composition, being peeslp vegetabla, and can be employed sit all times, without any danger, and re quirind no restraint Gam occupation or usual colorise of living. Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, yet It hi not saying tootatifil of f hem, from the innumerable cures performed by them In every vailetv and term of disease (certificates of many of which have been published from persons *fall denom• ),cations, physirians. clergymen, And others) that they seem to be Ostlers. universal In their effect; and persons using them for whatever sickness or disease, may Test assured they will be lagged more effimsehmethen an, ot h er pills In existence. From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood PM , . 'l,la deemed necessary to remind the pantie where they may at all times procure the genuine, es it is %stagnated to Impose other pills called 'Blood Pille upon the public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. Q] -Be partibular and ask for Dr Leldy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills. and see that the name of Dr N. B. Leidy Is cant Iced as two side: , of each box, (the %ores being of paper, and obterrg i siaaat. shape, surrounded by a yellow and black label. PRICE-25 cents. Box. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Udall; as er Leidy's Itsalth Emporium. 121 North Second street; be low Vine. Philadelphia, sad by N. A. FAII,NVETOCR CO corner of Wood aid Sixth 'trees, Agents for Tit IP burgh Jul! le:211!!E g C. • I m*- BIRMINGHAM , LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. IMPORTANT FACTS. - - - . .41117 1110 .---XIII ._. , ..,..-.-.,:44 - - Iligoosor . - - C LEV 2 ZAN.D. Bsomtimam.s..motar..Hl . &Pm flail) fillfeliiii, bn tem 940eiiiek..-A.. M. hod Poh . _ i ver!“ ,l ,eel.,Altit•al; Pot freight or pular', slifrOY as m rl49lr 441 -'- ' BIRMINGRAM *1 CO.cu . No Si Miler skeet, N. s.—The rev; tar carrot paeies to Clevolsitil Alit* olivine hod blearlilite Pr.; arhlllioisielisgtaisoilhi 0 thirir,effinheethrg wittroteamog Clorolasil of Am wittbila - olienalott tounedlately on open ier orloin Ig4tion, mor le 41. ARM FOR Si 3 / 4 1,41,..The eminrameadogers for oak I 'his hriti, tying In Bess Towaship 41 mike Simi* CI t +if Fittsliorgb, contalotag 114 aCtell *fiend of Whill .s t are cleared and cin d er f ence, d lit at 15 ID 20 semi 0$ meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple., s few Patel' all Cisesry trees...the Improvements area targe flue" )PPS cohlaiotrig 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Ta Vere at private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by What bavem.mt. and ft:Riling, sheds rnd other owl imiseasnali able the a teitruient!-2 good Gardena awn:waded wilt entrant bashes. and a well of excellent water, whit pomp in at the front door. In relation to the l'ittabargt and A ilegbray market, there is no place now oiNtel4l,l sate with sioreladnceracat to those wishing to Fireball near PM/berth, the terms will he Made midersteCol4 flintier partlealarsonply to the proprietor at ids Cloblilig Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin A11y... . LAWRENCE N. R. If not sold before the lei of °ark/4 -0021. 1 1 wlltbe divided Into 10 and Wien lots tosolt Pitch* nem Selb . irslernsml4 Dr. Swum—Dear Firs—Permit me to take thifilkeiti of wrfting to you at this time to expires my appillottleW and to recommend to the attentkin of heads of &man and others your s iiiiVisabte Inelitetetlite 'Composed Syrup of PranosVirgbilana, or Wild Cherry Mark. , my travel of isle I base seen In a great many issealmii the wooderfttleffeelsof your mediesne to relieving dren of very obstinate eirspisints, such as Colighing. Wheezing, Cboaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, Ike. -ite. I should not have written this fetter, boilreilel.lo presen. althoset I have kit it my duty to add soy Wail mony to it for some shoe. had it not been for a late ist, stance where the medicine above alluded to was east rte- mental In restoring to perfect hryuh an “ooly whose ease was almost hopeless. In a family , of my se qualutance. g•I thank Heaven." said the dealing motbl rro.my child Weaved from the 114,14 of death! 0 hew 1 feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is salkl" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Is the most valuable medicine is thisior lip other country. I am'certalit I taste wititessed.mors titan nne hundred cases where It has beeit atleated+ vektt plme snores,. 1 ant using It saysetf la an sibuthatteist. tack of Bresckitis,ta which It proved elfitstmelnha a. ex. ceedlngly minim time. considering the wonky of the cam I can remtnnend It to the *WM emstakema wfilitmegado, virtues; I would advise tkat no fatally should be Without It; It is very pleasant and always. beneficial.. T uromil double and often ten times its price. The public...ire as mired there it no quackery about it. It. JActroff.D. D. Formerly Pastor or itm First Fresh) ternte , Church, N. Y. Sold by WM. THORN. who'csale 4. robin:Moly steal for Pittsburgh. No. 53. !ta•krt *fleet. ' - ter ity- ABOON TO VIE HUMAN' it ACEI744s - cootr what mat destroy Lift; and you are t groat was Discover what will prolong. Life, and the Vette Iglo tall yen istp•stsr." "Thera are fatuities,liodilg aid intelleetuoL - Wiiithi ai . with which certain herbs Army allairy. sail ofiri , tokirrit the have power? • - •• Dr: B. Brandreth's External • Remedy, - or. Liniment which, by Its extraordinary, powers, alsrtraota- Eaka ,of gorenen; thus sprains. Stiff Binews.• Whit* BilteUtallON Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness. Ettilfams of the Joints, Tumors. llnnalorai Hardness. Rif Reek fore, Throat. Croup. Coatractlons of the muscles, RezOnitiae . larcemenis. Tender Peet, and every descriptiOn "of in jury alteeting the Exterior orate Boman Piarne,fs rtirrd or greally relieved by his- arcse-ts b e solidest extolled remedy. Citurtntaxs.--The following letter from. Celt. eras Bandford. as to the qualities of the Extensa, Reme dy, speaks volumes. Dear Vir—Witi you whlipe me with another hottle.sst your ezreilent Liniment? It isrerialnly the heal adf the tied I haveever seem. it has rum( ialittly my viol Itnee„aboot winch! waste asonsy.aad i have Anted It productive of imasediate relief le several ease., of tate-t -rial future in my fassilly. A fear Prettiest since, my youngest child wasseized with a violent nnacriforesip., which was entirety removed in'ttentry Istinstcis,hy bin: her chest and throat freity with rite..Eiternaf-Buiti edy. I think you ooyht• to martafachere this Linliairat for Teneral wise. Instead of coallalopilhe use tifit, as ye* have heretofore done, to year particular aequalotalicas. Yours truly, C.-W. SANDFORD. ; D. B. 8 aaaaa urn. 241 Broadway. IV. Y,. Crj"For salami 241 Broadway ;New York, Audi at hie ce In the Diamond, Plustargh. PRICE-50 r evats bottle with alreclions. iiple TO THOSE %Toss OCCUPATIOPtSTERD7 , 7O PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE. DISHAREI... r Iida shuts of individuals's very numerous. They arit who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printer. work men In feather gores, stone cutters, bakellhillbittielPl , manufacturers. are all more or loos Gulden to/10We sr comfiest(' theatres/Ith of their constitution. The mill method to prevent dlseare, is the occasional _use or. medicine which abstracts from the eAreulatiem alTd tat. rlons huma', aria expela Hirai by the bowels:: Timms In any form are Injurious, as they only -et off tier day to make It more fatal. The use of trnadMlilt' !NI" will insure health, because they take all toisttee Out of the blood; and the body Is not ' , Mt Ntrenytheeed by their operation; for them . do not force,hitt they assi s t nature, and are not omit but hoynoniati with her. . Sold'at Brandreth't Ogle*. to - the Dialitetad, Pltishorgn. Peke 45 cents per box, with fall 4fireetiwas. MARRY-The oily plate in Pissarro' where the GENUINE Pills eau be obtaised,ip Ike Deldoell, own Of Bee in the Diamond! imp 10 BRAN ETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS _PATENT' Or THE UNITED STATES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THrs Brt ANDRETHI AN VEGETABLE EX-. TRACTS Caveat entered 9th June, 1842—Patent granted to Benjamin B,awlreih,9oth January, 1843. The extracts or which Brandreth't Pas ate COM posed are obtained by this now patented Rroctia„ without boiling or any application of brio. Tins live principle of the herbs it thus scented the ' siss. as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE- The Public should be cautions of medicines ' commended in advertisments stolen tiom atit,. which the CONWITTIPLE Rocaxas steals my Nl page, merely altering, the name. Time willskew these wholesale deceivers in their true light, THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. ' BRANDRETH'S PILLS are the Patighttf Medicine, proved by thousands who daily imolai, mend them to the afflicted: The BRA NDRETI, I PILLS are growing every day more popalai k the virtues are extendit.g their usefulness— .11kilitkiat . both sexes are dai4 deriving benefit from then , No case of disease bat they can be used with idtritro tage. Blotches or Mud lumps of the skin they *geed... , ill rare, so with erysipelas, to with salt rheum, 111 C, with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, ws costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched Aga , and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted aim 1144 medicine, and they will , find thew require on ether; Sold -tt 25oents per box, With dliectiona. Observe the new libels treat distemeupoiPit , cke signatn res of Dr. Brandreth. So - each ben '_of' gtik genuine bases signato res.—those Bewitaiip angialat real and three B. Brandreth upon The ONLY PLACV. in Pittsburgh when the imtiW Brandreth Pills csaf at: 01ffstafla, is tint- Ihseteep own office. Diamond back 'of the Market He% Mark, the Genuses Brandrethinfiscarge.irer be' teir.ed in any Dane The following are the ON LYAGENTS modiets est by Dr. B Brandreth, for &alas of kis POP* , ble Universal Pine in Allegheny Comity.- H Lee—Principal Office, Dimmed, ' I Weber* Mr. John Giass—Allegheny. -44 Robert Donose---Birmingham. C. F. Diehl--Efizabethtowss. A. Rowlanti—MeHeatislft. Psdasly Irwht-..Pleaseat Hill. /oho Johnson—Nebleatiera. - Chemises sitSpaeldlitAlleararteloWtla Asdell ikCessuell—Clintoe. Robert Smith Ponsg—Tailiesii-77 George Power—Fairview, Devitt R. Coon—Flute Trwitildt4C,, "- Denial Negley—East Lamm: Edward Thompeon—Wilkinsisurgh, Wen. 0. tlontdsr—Altou'a Mills. ..~....: ~:ai~„ :.,,.~,r__,~....~. iMl3= 'l . l szw yaws, Feb. 9.1841