ht lOctilp ;Morning post PTTTSIBURGB, PA. TUESDAY MORNINCP FEBRUARY 19, 1844 PITTSBURGH BOATID OF TRADE. COMMITTIA TOR FEBHUAIIT. Eichbaunt—T. J. Bigham—John W. Blair The proceedings of this. Committee of Arrangements appointed for the Van Buren SupAer, came tO.l late for insertion in this morning's paper. LIBXL SO/T.—The Jury io the case of RIDDLI vs Coto, have give. verdict of $4OO for the plaiotiff. This sok' grew out of an angry newspaper controversy which took place between the parties in 1842. Some time size. Mr. Canto, recovered $l5O damages from the Editor of the Advocate, for publishing some arti des under the signature of "Native American" in dc. fence of Mr. RIDDLI, Tai .S$T2llllll UNIVERSITY lACTIFRI Oli Tuesdiy avening,l2lth inst.. will be delivered at 7/ o'clock, by T. J. Blewsia, Esq - . • SUBJRCT.—The nature, origin, and extent of the Pennsylvania coal formation—its relation to our man ifacturas-,-our commerce—our internal improvements —our resources, and our state debt. Moors New Wl:ants—Coax has received "The Ladye Annabel" by an unknown Author-- 7114 work abounds with Demons, Caverns, Parricides, 'ratricides, Goblins, Ghosts, Chimeras and Horrors fevety description, and is well calculated to make ids "particular hair to stand on end." 'Cissarica, the Charib Bade,' is a tale by that pop tar author, H. W. Herbert. "Arabella Stuart."—Who that is acquainted with neigh history has not heard of the unfortunate "Ara- Ala :Stuart." If there be any such, a sufficient in ;cement for purchasing this work will be fuund,when is known that JAMES is the Author. Miss Leslie's "French Cookery" he has also for le. Not being acquainted with culinary efforts, we muld recommend the purchase of the work as the 2st mode of testing its merits. OREGON EXCITER/RT.—The Independence (\iis •Rri) Expositor, of the 13th ult. says, we understand ak Maj. Adams, thatcommunicatiosis relative to em anting to Oregon Territory are continually arriving moil from all parts of the Union. Judging from 3 letters received, and the deep interest manifested the authors of them, there will be a very large and termined band of.emigrants wending their way next ring to the salubrious shores of the Pacific. 11:77he Hoy. Wm R King, of Alabaman, is the lest Senator in the U S Senate, having taken his scat that body in 1819. The Hon Dixon H Lewis is al the oldest member in the House of Representatives, ring held his seat there since 1829. It is a little rinns that Alabama, one of the younger members of 3 Contiderancy, should thus have, in each branch of •ogres+, men:lb:re whose term of service has exten d beyond those of any Represontatixe or Senator .m any other State. The young Demwrats of Allegheny city fi hind to tha nomintia of the Democratic party are particu ly requested to meet at the house of Capt. Cooper, 7 o'clock P M, February 13th, instant, for the pur se of forming an association to be called the Ker ma A94ociatinra, of Allegheny city. w. Kerr Kid]le, Daniel W 13 ,5.., .urge Spangler, William Walker, tmes J Mason, Columlnis C,iletnan A II Cooper. Feb'y 10, 1843 To the Public. [HE false and infamous intim:at:ol3 intend 01 to be Cast upon' me, by a card that ap ; n:tred in the orning Post of the 3th inst.. reiptircii a , taternent .en me to explain the motives of the persons etikr,:igi\l this persecution. The charg e that 1 will not pity the prices for wild: falso, and known to be so by those who make it. It evident to every body in and out of the trade, that e value of labor depends, to n great extent, on the a neer in which it it performed, and the quality of the nutria! worked upon. Good workmen on good cloth 'serve and receive corresponding wages; but where feriur workmen are employed on cheap cloths, that rsttl little or no profit, it is unreasonable and absurd expect employers to pay exorbitant prices for mak g cheap articles on which they realize a very trifling •ofit. The poor men employed oa this kind of work, e the special objects of these persons, Wh), aided by ould-be rive! establishments, are attempting to injure e business of the "Three Big Doors." If they 'uld get work at other shops for the men they are now ying to coax or coerce out of my employ, their con- Jet might not appear !to censurable; but this they can )t or will not do. They care not if their victims should arve—all they care for is to embarrass me in getting . y goods manufactured, after that they are regardless the wrong they inflict on the poor people they force to their measures. As to the wages, I can fearlessly assert that the pri nt paid by me are bet ter and more advantageous to to operatives than those of any other similar establish. tentin the city. Instead of forcing those who work rme to receive orders on which they must suffer ru loos shaves, I pay for all labor in cash., and the ad tntages of such payments are too well known to orkmen to require explanation: Those who work ,r me have no complaints to make; they know that 1 ;re them employment on better terms than they can at at any other shop, and they would willingly con nue, but for the efforts of squads of idle persons who Blow them on the streets and make them return the 'ork from which they expected to realise the means of upport for themselves and families. If the persons who are engaged in this disreputable anspiracy think that they can injure me in my busi ess by the course they are pursuing they are very much tistaken. Large as my stock of goods is, I can have all manufactured by good workmen who are too in ependent to become the tools of envious dealers in old clothes," who are• unable to compete with the Three Big Doors;' and to preserve theirindependence el think it is better for thorn to work for those who an give them good wages and prompt pay, in cash, tan to juin the idle few who are trying to Force poor ion out of employment with the hope that by so doing injure an establishment that has given more ~ c to journeymen, and at better prices, than 11 the slop shops that are now trying to annoy it. In closing this turd, it may be proper to inform my Aends and the public at large, that every article in the lathing line is on hand and can he made to order at the - hottest notice and in the most fashionable style at he "Three Big Doors." The greet variety and ea elleace of my stock of cloths will enable me to please .11 tastes The public are respectfully invited to call .nd examine Wthemselves. • JOHN NITLOSKEY, Three Big Doors, Liberty street. CB THE JOURNEYMEN TAILORS OF THE UNITED STATES. H AVING observed, in some of the newspapers of city,this an advertisement, for 200 Journeymen failors,in this city, where they would get constant em ployment. and rece.ire cash in payment. The Society have thought it proper (having the welfareof the trade at heart) to expese this base move ment, by stating through the public journals that the Journeymen of this city, aro at present on a strike against an attempt being made by this and other indi viduals to reduce their wages; and all Journeymen are hereby cautioned against coming to this city with the expectation af ge Wag employment from this x.ovza as itaantor; who has thus thrpwn out such an inducement thout to come to Ibis plum, as he has expressed his termination nor to P sr the Bill. D. WFARTS, President. FRANCIS A. Cz.nve. Secretary. - 668-is ( A:tram c.gp2.) THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GE VTLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC AND WORKINGMAN To call and examine for themselves at THE THREE BIG EVERS, No. 151. Liberty street, AND THEY — MUST BE SATISFIED. [OBSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT. j 26 JO'CLOSKEY. 95 sale 4S. N. O. SUGA J R. G jur zee . ili& i) a o n 4 l for 7027. Dissolution. -- THE partnership, under the firm of Shoble & Mitchell. is this day dissolved. D. B. SAIEBLIE stfill continue the Steam Boat Agency and Commission fiusiness,and is alone authorized to collect and settle tlos (Wks of said firm. RZPORTED lIY 1 John 1). Davis, D. aSh Ade, General Steamboat Agent and. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Osnunission Merchant, I Corner of Wood and 5a sts., Pittsburgh, and Water Street, near Wood Street. 1 TS ready to receive merchandise of every description from 100 1 on coribignrn sal ee, nt, for public or private g experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire saLsfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MG/truss and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fanny articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured article,,, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at early gas light. [mg 12-y 4 ►YET 6 INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL Belmont, Poe, Wheeling, far All boats marked thus [•] are provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of steam Boilers. FOrt SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers TT b . wou i l n d the m be in vi d •e t l h l a f t o t r her eti i s tra cti v ri elingecomr s un entirelycommunity to upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general.introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient wanting, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal; and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will yeu run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid these dis asters All boats marked thus P lin the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, arc supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OP LYONS, AGNES, LEXING TON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, MUSKINGUM VAL' Y CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON. MUNGO PARK, CICERO. MESSENGER, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE, CASPIAN, NA RAG ANSET T. CLIPPER, NIAGARA. COLUMBUS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, . COLUMBL4NA. 01110 MAIL, CORSAIR. OHIO. DUQUESNE, ORLEANS. DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PEN.ELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA. EDWIN [TICK V IN. QUEEN oft. , SOUTH. El. DO:',' IDO, ROWENA. E I'ELLVT:. R A RITAN. E XP.RESS MAIL. SARAH ANN, FORMOSA. 8A RA TOGA. PORT PITT. Si VA NNA. GALENA, ST. CHARLES, GEN' L BROOK. S7'. LOUIS, GALLANT, TALLEY RAND, IDA, TOBACCO PLAN 7'. INDIAN QUEEN. VICTRESS, ILLINOIS, V.41.7_,E Y . F4R GE, J. H. BILLS, VIOLA. JEIVESS, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS, " WING AND WING, mar 22 IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY! FRESH ARRIVAL AT THE THREE BIG DOORS! T "proprietor of this well known and highly fa rored establishment takes great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large that ho has Just t eceired the most MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS That has ever been purchased in the eastern markets. It is impossible fur him to describe the QUANTITY, QUALITY and VARIETY of his stock but he in vites all wG wish to purchase clothing of any descrip tion to call at his establishment. as it is the only place in the west where ALL TASTES MAY BE SUIT ED, at the most reasonable prices. His assortment of Winter, Spring, and Summer Goods CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which can be manufactured into clothing to or der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and lash . . ionably designed as at any other establishment IN THE UNITED STATES., IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT. ARE LOWER THAN Ail e eLarift ER HOUSE IN THE t",Z27, And at no place west of the mountains can purchaser& find such a variety of goods from which to select is at the THREE BIG DOORS In addition to hint unrivalled stock of clothing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, etc, &c. The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is 'QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS,' And in following out this system he feels con fidentthat his customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. IVOULD INVITE D. B. SHEBLE. Pittsb'ebi Feb I. 1844. Water at. near Wood ARRIVED ril 0 the Houorable the Judges of the Court of Gon- JL oral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, iu and and for the county of Allegheny: The petition of Henry Cassidny, of the Ist ward of the city of Pittsburgh; respectfully dhe wet h— i That - your petitioner bath provided himself tuferiatt•far the—arieritninixiation of travellers and 0 heefiiitite ri...,M6 house in the city aforesaid, and ,pra.tionebotnors will be pleased to grant him a licutst . iteritaspiffilbli c house of entertainment. And jet* MWllo, 7 lis itairly henna ; will pray. - HENRY CASSIDA Y. p We, the subscribers, citizens of Pittsburgh, do certi -1 fy that the above petitioner is of good repute for ho nesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room lad conveniences for the accommodation of tra velers and others. James Crawford, Wm J Ankrim, John Thompson, Henry Earle, 13 McGinn. Webb Closey, flO-31(lazw TO GLAZIERS ANDGLASS CUTTERS. Q. HEMS Patent Diamonds, set with key, constantly k.. 7 in store and for sale at the Drug store of fel) 9. JON. KIDD, Corner of 4th and Wood sts. B EAR dresscd and Just reeelv ed and for sale by A.. BEELEN os—tf 85 BridgeS va ff te A s ß al E e S by A"egheny JOi iD. S D t r e c i t pri sop 1 / Corner of Wood and Fifth stroeu. Z OAR BUTTER.—A lot of that celebrated choice family butter, put up in full bound kegs Apply 4 A. BELTEN. BUFFALO TONG UES.—Received by Little Ben 10 boxes Buffalo Tongues, in fine order, direct from the mountains. A. BEELEN. nB-tt A anted. FARM, within 12 W miles of the city, containing 1, about 100 acres, moderately improved, and for which $lOOO will be paid. Apply at the Real Estate Agency of d3O BLAKELY & MITCHEL. A-7-1• SICILY LOT of prim FRESHSICILY LEMONS just received and for sate. by REINHART & STRONG, 140 Liberty st. FRUIT TREES, SHRUI3BERY, &c.—Persons desirous of procuring fruit, ornamental and shade trees, and shrubbery, from Philadelphia, are respect fully requested to leave their orders with the subscri ber as soon as possible. F L SNOWDEN, Jan 25 No 184 Liberty, head of Wood It. Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale. I UST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick, OP which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low fur cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 No. GO Water et. 2fi BALES CUBA LEAF TOBACCO, this dny I_, received, and Car sale by FUR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rats Steam Engines, 0N E is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot stroke, will be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long. 30 inches in diumetet. These engines are made of the best ma tennis and in the most substantial manner, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at the warehouse of the subscriber at any time j24—tf H. DEVINE, U. States Line. A RARE CHANCE FOR RETAIL GROCERS! T HE subscriber will sell th” balance of the stock of Groceries, and also the fixtures of a retail Grocery Store at a low rate; to any person who wishes to °twice in the business this is a favorable upportuni ty. In the stock is embraced a lot of superior Rio Cof fee, which is lower thun it can he tam-hese:l eastward. J R. :MURPHY, Ette'r, jan 12—tf Liberty, foot of sth street. B EAR SKINS, well dressed and full haired, a suitable article fur travellers' trunks. .fir„fur sale by A. BEELEN nB-tf . - ---- sfi t. BOXES FIRE CRACKERS, ju. receive) and 1,5 for sale by C. YEAGER, d25-3t____ 108 Market wt. near Liberty. SALT. -300 Ilbls No I Salt, for sale by jll3. ___ JAMES MAY. ._____________ 300 ,L 08,5.; 8,',." ci, F r l r T , l'Al iaa B tl i S GREEN, ue, in atom and for , ale at the Dreg Store of JON. KIDD, Der. 28, Corner 4th and Wood sot P.P. W 'alder,B oot and Shoe Maker ___ JIATHO r,si.l,-,1 on 2(.1 of, between IVood and 1 V Smithfield. for many years. has removed back from Allegheny to the house lately eceopi edbY eihiriC, J. V.)ltz, ou W...iod 3 troet. let %. een 2.1 oll•o •tre , t•.l'irts'elr g h. K ~ .ps all kinds of shoes tod'inots. :VI I .411.,` 11•1 4111,44 of the be4t Tiality, all of which he s% ill sell at low pri.-en to his oid customers, and al oth• rs‘vho to ty favor hint with a call jan tO—lm CROP OF 1843 T flE subscribe: has just rect-ived his annual supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part of the fauwiug kinds—ull of the last year's crop, and warranted getesinc: Asparagus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Peas, Beans, Kate, Pepper, Leek. PuMpkin, Broccoli, Lettuce, Radish, Boreeole. Wutsr Mellott. Rhubarb, Cabbage, Musk '• Saleafy. Carrot, Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okra, Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &c, &c, &c. Together with a variety of pot and sweet herbs and flower seeds. reOrders for seeds, shrubs, trees &c, from gar. defiers and others will be received and promptly at tended to. F L SNOWDEN, jan ‘,.)5 No 184 Liberty, }mad of Wo al II Wm Met edith, James Gray, 4th street, S Keller. James B Sawyer, John Caldwell, Andrew Holton. 111 UF FA LO ROBES by single robe or bale, for sale P by A. BEELEN. ! 05-1 f ANTED—An active lad, 15 or 16 year' of age. by, (tan 25) F L SNOWDEN. J. G. & A. GORDON, 12 Water itreet EXCELLENT OFFICES TO LET. A N excellent office fur one or more lawyers, may be had by immediate application to EGOLY & Fos- TER, Real Estate Agents, next door to Post Office.— One or more roomy—possession given on April Ist. jnn 24. To Lot. rel AVERY on o v n en_ t e r n o t nt tyr n t) ae s r to F r :, • r f r a , :,a,mt7et:twel .house,. A two Story brick dwelling home on ferry street. A small frame house, on Front, below- Ferry et. A very convenient brick dw.lliog, with tumble and carriage house, situate on Penn street, in the Fill h ward, formerly occupied by Dr Gladden. Al.3o—Twn dwelling house* in A 11e5thno ! , City. j 23. Apply to JAMES M A Y. To Lot. MkA COMFORTABLE. %.,,I) frlisbed, new brick dwelling bou4e, pleasantly situated on Cuul 'Atte. It will be touted on reummablo terms Inquire of JOHN M'C LOSK. EY, Jan 19-Lf Three Big Doors, Libot ty 'inlet. iztTWO STORY brick house, suitable for a 1 - 1.. dwelling and Grocery, situate on the cornet of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given itntnedi ately. Enquire of oil Por Rent, rays THE three story brick building, Nu. 65, !it m Third street, at present occupied by Win., ten acres or ground on Prospect Hill,near the city, on which is a Dwelling House, Stable, Orchard, &c. Possession given Lit April next. Apply to JOHN D. DAVIS, corner of Wood & Fifth ats. To Let. A NEW 4 story Brick Ware Hollsl3 bemoan Wood 1 - 1. and Smithfield rtreets. Possession given imme diately. ALSO. A TWO story frame House on lit between Wood and Smithfield streets, adjoining the ware house of Messrs Robertson & Repperts. Possession given on the Ist day of April next. For terms apply to BIRMINGHAM, & CO., No. 60 Water street. Fresh F t :amity Flour. T HE subscribers deep constantly on hand, at the Old Pittsburgh Flour Steam Mill, cornzr of Re doubt alley and %Slater streets, Freak, Family Flour, a superior article. Also, bran and chopped stuffs of all kinds, which they will sell in quantities to suit purcha sers. 0. 0. EVANS & CO: jan 11—I m BUFFALO ROBES ..—Received by Cicero, fresh and full supply of all sizes of Robes. Apply to nB-tf A. BEELEN. TO OWNERS OF TOWN LOTS In East Liverpool, Ohio. T HE undersigned will attend to the payment of Taxes, and to the redemption of Lots sold for taxes in the above place. Persons desirous that I should attend to the above for them, will forward to me the numbers of their Lots, and sufficient funds to pay the state, county and corporation tax, annually in advance. JOHN S. BLAKELY, d 2.1; East Liverpool, UST RECEIVED traitor sale on consignment, 7 hbda bacon, 7 hhds sugar, Can be seen tube store ofJ aceb Painter&Cn. ang 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. 0 HEAP AND PROFITABLE PROPERTY.— k../ Fur sale, in the itaadsome village of FlorenCe, Washington county, 25 !miles from Pittsburgh, en the Steubenville turapike, about acres °fiend, on which is erected a good frame house, in which the owner lives, and anothernew frame house partly finished, a stable, a large and excellent gardrn, with good fruit— peaches, plums, apple trees, &c. A good well at the door, and on the laud is a choice coal pit, open and constant sale for all the coal that two bands can This property will be sold very cheap for all or part cash and part credit. For terms please apply at Har ris's Agency and Intelligence Office, No 9, sth st. jan 31 For al. A T the Real Estate A S genc e y of BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn street (sth ward) and Smithfield, near sth street. Also, a house and lot on 7th street, near the new Court House. Also, a farm in Ross township, containtng 114 acres. Also, 2 acres ofland, adjoining the town of Hano ver, Ohio. Also, a farm in Columbiana county, Ohio, contain ing 144 acres. Also, a lot of ground en sth street, 30 feet front by 130 feet deep. Also, a lot of ground in the Reserve Tract, opposite Pittsburgh, 90 feet front by 280 deep, on which is erected a neat Cottage House, a variety of shrubbery, fruit trees, grape vines, ,gfc, have been lately planted on the lot. Also, six acres of land, adjoining the town of East Liverpool, on which is erected a rope walk, &e... Also, a house and lot on Prospect street, beautifully situated (would be exchanged fur a farm within 20 mile, of the city). Apply to d3O BLAKELY & MITCHEL. FOR T HE ONE HALF p SA LE. art or the ree story Brick House and Lot situate in th Market street, at present occupied by Thomas Campbell, and Co., as a Dry Goods store. The title to . this proper ty is unquestionable, and will be sold reasonable.— jan 4 Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHELL. Building Lots in Birmingham. 13 LOTS, d rs,,iuitab ! e th f . or!) ,ao u . iltli t n g iemtm:twealliV walk of th site steam ferry boal landing, will ss. td at prices to suit the times. The terms of paymer. will be made easy, either for cash or such harteras can ha made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, .jr. --- For Salo. 2 FIFTY ACRE LOTS ) situate in Ross township, Allegheny county, within 4 of the city of Alleglieey, part cleared land and part woodland, and under good fence. It would be divided into small lots, if wished. Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, j 26 Real Estate Agents. Neilse for Sale. Tl E nd su . b i i t e u r Z r in nw N e i r i g „e fo r. r ,rie 6 the Pit t TTuovme'rnn ship, about one mile from the city. The HIPLINE 1 a large two story frame, well calcula ted fur a Tavern Stand, and provided with all the ne cessary accommodations for such apurpcse. He will also sell with the house the unexpired lease of the lot, bring six year from the Ist of April next. Persons wishing to purchase can do ao on advantageous terms. Enquire of the subscriber near the Premises. fB-Iwd WM. JENKINS. To Let TH REF: story brick house, sit tia tr. 011 W. 1 lie strect, near the Ne%% Cunit I louse.— lliero is a lar , e roJrn. Sh.:lVed for a grocery store r:,.• c0.,-i.,. 1 ~,,• .0.117111 and a zarrvi It 1 - 1 . :1(01 ;nit , 1 ...1 / t•• . 11tElt• 19-Gt (1(1;:k 4.0 : I N. --- - Ta fern Stand For n2Clf. 4 I I.:EN acres of Lind on th-41114 MI, 4 mile, G .I/1 Pitt—= borgti, for row, together svi!li .the tram", tArnmt,. con si,ting of a 111 "C! house Collt iitimg ten ro wetter at the door, stabling. shetlA, formerly occu pied u tavern; th.•re is on the land (which is under excellent fenee)a large bank barn, with stabling for 12 horses • an orchard of bearing apple ttees, gardn. &c, &e. More land for pasture could be bad if required. April) at the Real Estrin, Agency of BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Smithfield and Perm streets. • TO LET. NEW YORK AND BOSTON 8. naribm, IRESPECTFULLY informs his friends and shipper■ generally, that he has changed the name of his Transportation Line, flout the UnitedStaxes Portable Boat Line. to the American Portable Boat Line. This line is composed of twenty-five new Four Sec tion Portable Boats, one of which will depart daily, from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation are too well known ukabippers generally to require comment: suffice it to oak, that the detention, loss, separation and I damage to Goods, invariably attending three tran shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, are by the Portable Boats most effectually- removed. To give undoubted security to owners and shippers,. all goods and produce shipped by this line will be in sured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Met chandise shipped by this line in any of the east ern cities, and consigned to H Devine, will be forward ed immediately on arrival at Pittsburgh to any part of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to-him, pay steamboat freight and charges, and forward the same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no com missions for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any communications or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. DEVINE, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh BUZBY & BROTHER, 365 Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE & SON, Commr.roc street %Yliarf, Baltimore. IS A FA lINESTOCE & CO, Inn Front strePt. New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No 3. Chatham stroct, BoAL.n. -10 • • C. A. racANULTY'S UNITE() STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the ttansportation of ferchrindize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. T HE success this line has met with, since it was first established on the "IndividuaLEnterprise" system, has induced the proprietors 10 increase the number of Boats during the winter to twenty-five,.ene of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal timore every day (except Sundays) during the season. and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat System over every other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any com ment. Shippers can rely onhaving their roduce, merchan dise, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for receiv ing or advancing charges,. &c Ail communications to the following Agents will he promptly attended to: CHARLES A. McANULTY. At the Depot, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st, Baltimore. THOMAS BORBIDGE, jan 31-ly 272, Market street, Philadelphia. 184 3. .."' - '=".- - 7- --'s 7 --- STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding a n d Commission Merchants, 111.,A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Cora pany composed of the Merchants' , Line, Erie Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie.& Ensworth, No. 9, Counties Slip, N. Y R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, S 1 Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. Deaver and Warren Packet • zizza THE canal packet ERIE, .1 M. Shaw,master, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. (-:').fcri ;Trlrity. -7 r 1843. F ARE RE DUCE D.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGES AND RAIL Roan CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train ofcare to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging =done night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia sg. Baltimore 9: Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door bnlew the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. JAMES MAY The Great Cesitral Reid° Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company . . ; 1,7.z- rt . k-Evr • 1. NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WA3HINOTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. T HIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M. via Washington p a . and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela. House. L. W. STOCKTON, feb 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. Regular Packets, lbt Cinchlaati. The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every _Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. in. The,Cutter,Collins , Master, leaves eve 4 Thursday 10 o'clock a. m. The Montgomery, Bennett. Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. tn. The Express. Parkinson, Master, leaves eserySest. day et 10 o'clock e. m. .*• JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO.. may 20 lit Aeolis. SPECIE STANDARD. - , I Aforcitants mid Maoistfachere reSForsp ......16-1;, ABUIIIICAN PORTAL BOAT Unrik r Exchange Bankdorip For the traaapartation of !Carreacy - II MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE ' I Brko County Scrip .75 BE.TWIEN EXCrIANGE—AT SIGHT . . PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS- Cht Philadelphia . ' ' ' " 4,..'.....4 BURGH AND BALTIMORE, Nilo , York . . ... 4 Bwrion- - , --- • •-••4 Badiaare , •... ' .., „i CLEVELAND, OH/0 esonsisnwxmmimmw SOISIOTI* DAU.T ST I A. ICRAN3I4 SLZOSILANGIII 111100110/14 coax ER OP WOOD £3D 14111121 Gold.. Ssicer I' ENNSYLVANIA. --PITTSB URGR. .Bank of Pittsburgh Pfa Merchants and Manufacturers' bank. . . . Exchange Do. Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPFHA. Bank of North America Do Northern Liberties . Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania • par par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank . Kensington hank. Manufacturers and Mechanics'... par pat Mechanics' Moyamensing Par • • Philadelphia bank Par Schuylkill par • Southwark ..... ".. . .. par ............. ; .... par_ Western '-Per Bank of Penn Township 'Girard bank. 10 U. S bank and branches COUNTRY BA NKS. Bank of Germantown " Chester county Par " Delaware county . . . per Montgomery county Par ~N orthumberland par . Farmers' bunk of Bucks county.. ...... ....par Easton bank ...... • • ar Doylestown bank . ... ... ... . .. . . •.... pat Franklin bank of Washi "ton gt Bank of Chanthersbargh . ....... - " And iletocon " Gettysburgh ........ 14 " Lewistown.. ..... 2 " &gape ehanna county— • 40 , Berk., county bank . ..... ....... ._7 5 Columbia Bankand Bridge Company.... 4 14 Carlisle bank . •11 Erie bank . 2 Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster 4 " Bank of Reading • HarriSburg bank Men esdale ".... Lancaster ".. Lancaster co. " Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pottsville. ...... 44, Monongahela bank of Brownsville - • I New Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 - Northampton bank no said Towanda bank Wyoming bank West Branch bank York Lank-- ...... ....... .1i OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Claim:rule Clinton bank - " Cot of Colun--bus.—....- - • Columbiana bank of New ..... 1* Circleville (Lawrence, eashier) " ( Warren, cashier) no sale Cincinncti banks _ 1 ChillicolKe bank.... Commercial bank of Lake Erie 147 Dayton bank Franklin bank of Columbus.... ...... —l4 Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Stenbentille—li Farmers' bank of Canton • 35 Geanga Granville .. 62' Hamilton Lancaster - S. Marietta Massillon . - . Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati :Vaunt Pleasant -.( ... 14 Norwalk- • Putnam Sandusky Scioto Urbana..._.__ ..... . ...... .....5B , IVooster - 1 Xenia ...... 11 Zanesville • • Bank of - • • 14 Cleveland.... IN State bank and brandle DIANA s State Scrip . ... KENTUCKY 4411 banks ILLINOIS State bank Bank of Illinois, Shatoneetoten ....... . 30 VIRGINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia. .. • Bank of Virginia. Exchange bank of Virginia Farmers' bank of Virginia.... ... 1 North-lVestern bank of Virginia.. .. . • . • . 1 Merchants' and lifeckankt bilik of Virginias Branchea . • .. .1 Baltimore City ban MARYLAND ks— All other solvent • .... 1 . 1 NORTH CAROLINA All solvent baiiki— ..... . . ....... 2 SOUTH CAROLINA All solvent banks GEORGIA. •- 2 Allsoluent banks.. .—. .. 21 ALABAMA: A:Wile banks— Country banks.. LOUISIANA. -- New Orleans bank* (g00d).. .. . TENNESSE. • All banks DOOR AND . 30D PRINTING OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD PORT ST$ The proprietors of the Moßmucto POST and MK CURT AND MANore.cmteak respectfully inform de friends and the patrons of those papers, that they 1.. a large and well chosen assortment of e11t4111311.1113 711C `lw r3 IE ND113 : 2 10:Rf - 14:; 4 - - caw) attal cemma eteamana, Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTI fivs Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. gall.gCS. Bills of Luring, Circulari s Pa.3".tlets, Bill Reads, - Cards, ::- --. U 1 kin Itnnioills 131u2k Checks , natl . ' lys of Zia A Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boot ' 11* -1:•4 I propriate cads ' -^ :' ' - - e a . i Printed on the shortest notice sad Mare - L4 M burns. (it : . : a 1,1 Il We respectfully ask the pattorne of the public in general in this branch am, fa. -- V .luly 31, 1843. funtuPsst. TH. ' ; 044 To Printer*. W E hare received, mid Kf Il berreftistAnrep" e etantly on trsnd, a fnq sepplYoMrideing ft* in large and small kegs, Whirl) we will Bic L e soli, cheaper than it bas heretofore been sold intfikeiry, Orders from Lbw country secompeniri 11,14r*sticeph 4 . 44521) ,sill be promptly are re,. PITILLIPS Maths, irettil4: Oillee of the Postendftiggheefter. SPECIE'. ... lb .... ...... 18 - 1 t