.kirrraeußanoPea: SATiIaDAY MORNING, FEBRIIART JO, 1844 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. - • 11011111TTSX, FOR. IFIDROART. Riebbetna—r. J. Bigbano—Jobe W. Blair • Wit WlLitigl....-WU See our representative sugges t:Baia some of the papera ae e euirehle persoufia• See relay of the Nary. la'Let it be recoltected that the renegadeßlTES 141141111Cte se en argument why Clay should receive the ruppert of Dee South, that his opinions an the subject iTariff coincide batter with... Southern sentiments ttan t theme it Mr Van Buren l i eut.—The Augusta Age says: Mr Rives has been sotiag agaiait the tiermocratic party, for more than six year!• In 1840, he was one of the loudest and most reckless of the federal orators. And yet his letter is seised upon ass "new" and unexpected" demonstra tion against -Mr Van Buren! Mr Webster's forth. coolies bitter will probably be bailed in the same way. The federal party are growing rich as some misers do: by, turning over their old coppers and counting them anew every morning. lirraatanx To LADI re.—T be Sunday Times says that a alfstrinstaial Intelligence Office's about to be **arta in Now York, for the purpose of proclirirg wives and husbands for the unmarried of built sexes. Think of tbat, ladies! Only think of jetting et nice bus tard, warranted in his tarsals and reputation, for about cents. Mos Use or Masztaatem.—The town of Bangor, We., is in a great state t f excitement because a man's leg was amputated when he was in a mesmeric state, she patient exhibited during the agonizing operation, noodle slightest trace ofsulfering, Dr Deere magnet!. set) die psalms. and Dr Hosea Rich perfomied the operation. The thing has converted hundreds to ze belief in the reality of the meernetic phenomena. • TIER N Y TRIBUSIC-;—.111 "Protection" Journal-- boasts fertile revenue collected at New York in Janu ary frier the payment of duties, and code:lrises the Tar i as tbe cause of it. Has it forgottoe that all the re. embarrassments of this country arose from ,sock exasesive imf0.4.1 Walt till the end of the year and secibeer the balance of trade minds, or the Tribune casyfind itself crowing over the cbicf cause of another tuitional insolvency. Err , /tell Or TEC HIGH Tsairr.—ln Now York, a man nained Michael McLaughlin was taken into cus tody oft ¨ay night, charged with aiding and abet ting iii the larding or contraband goals LLINOIS CANAL.—Thcg Ottawa Free Trader of the Lea. says. "Ilk Ryan brings highly encouraging accounts re lative to the canal, rendering it nearly certain that the work will be vegetated in a very few months. He will immediately ,proceed to Roston, end from there to Europe, fog the parpose of finally adjusting he negotia tions in regard to the canal, and to expedite business. He will catty oft with hire the report of Gov. Davis as also full maps of the northern portion of the State, showing the situation of the canal, the lands, water power, ertabHngthe • *Kind-holders at a glance to see the nature atoi extent of the security effercd fur the roan. WOMAN Perhaps a more just or beant:ful compliment was norer paid to woman than the following from Judge Story:— " To the honor. to the eternal hoem' of the sea, be it said, that in the path of date ; no sacrifice is with them too high or ton time. Nothing is with them impossible but to shrink from what love, honor, and inmaumee require. Tbe Voice of piratteretind of pow er may have passed by unheeded, but the voice of af fliction never. The chamber of the sick, the pillow of the dying, the vigils of the dead, the altars never missed the sympathies of woman. Timid though she be, and so delicate that the winds of heaven may not too roughly visit her, on such occasions she looses all tense ofdanger, anclessumes a preternatural courage which - knows not and fears not consequences. Then sbe displays the undaunted spirit which neither courts Mica les not evades them--that resignation which neither murmurs ner regrets--and that patience in suffering which seems victorious over death itself. "TIN young Deinuerats ofAllegheny city ft inn& ly to to nominee of the Democratic. party dre particu. laxly requested to meet at the honse of Capt. Cooper, at 7 o'clock P M, February 13th, instant, for the rut , pose of forming an association to be called the .Key• atone Association, of Allegheny city. Jos. Kerr Riddle, Daniel W BOIS, Onnegn Spangle/ , William Walker, James J Mason, Columbus Coleman J A fi Cooper. Feb'y 10, 1843 UNIVERSALIST PREACHING. arßay. Mr Ps MIT will preach in tha Universalist Church, corner of St Clair and Liberty srreet, to-mor tow, ati past 10 o'clock. A Lecture will be delivered in the evening. Subject: PPP:1,1111w. PIUS= GOODS, - DIRECT FROM THE EAST.. 3 KEGS Son Raisins, 2 " Tamarinds, 1500 lbs. Ekstrom asses*, 8 causes Citron, 3 bags ' Eng. Walnut., 4 " Almonds, 4 cults Zane Currants, 2 eases Rock Candy, 30 Drams S Figs, 60 Bates Bunch Raisins, 20 44 44 2 dos. bottles Preserved Pina.sipples, 2 " Extrectof Lemon, " ROW Water, w • 2 " • ItrjultrePaste, Nib:utile Rehm/qua Paste. an excellent article for wraiths And colds; just received end for sale by R KINH A R 7 &STRONG, VIC 140, Liberty sr. DANCING AND WALTZJN( ACADEMY. MHZ Brat tweaks of Madame' 1311dg-tie's Academy win eatamenee an SATUN I DAY, thigthY, Jan at.Cootert. Hall. at IP A. U. Tile &rat tuition will Monday , from 3to S P T)nunday front i to S P M.; and Sward°, from 9 to A NI sad hew 3 to 5? M. of welt week. Jt h desirable tbat ibuss Mending fa sattllNOupets Amid do.l/0 at dm opening of the realign: B tAftsraffs, dressed ant vadrikaseot ) resets ed sad fo st ss,* by 4- El E /11 - 4115-1 f OD 411144 4.Desimsoy Bars Ouse% et .v 5 Oe) inasiale. by JOHN D. 4111 VIS, lop 11 Corner 4Wooiiiuminfiltsatrui. r7oAlt BUTTER,..-d kt ofniinsei&ftpi Ace.. family batter, pill up lu full boom' -444#1", A. -SEElrea to taw BUFFALO TONGUES.--Itereriesi bit /1404aaff 10 boxes Buffalo Tesigum, y , ow e t. frost ilia atieentairic LAE •• . • ' 0114 _ B uk z ,4l.o ROTIES tetaloglei i s talifi t 44.44 l l nate 05-tf • 2HMIS. N. G. SUGAR, *at remixed, miter 0 sale Q. & cionpoN. 47 , (Aurora copy) Ott - of 5 NM 5 iscellll WATZk to TIM COAX . lino ARRIVED. Mingo Chief, Devenny, Wheeling. DEPARTED. !dingo Chief, Devenny, Wheeling. North Queen, McClain. Cincinnati larAll boats marked thus () are provided with Evana'Sufety Gourd, toprevent the Explosion of steam Hodere. FOR SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guardsfor preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be as the expense ofprocuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a . general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the I preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a correspondingdegree of liberality, = your preference show that you appreciate their id endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid theme asters. AU boats marked thus [ ' ] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided via the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF LYONS, AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, M.4RQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, MUSKINGUM VAL' Y, CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUNGO PARK, CICERO. MESSENGER. ..., CANTON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE, CASPIAN, NARAGANSETT, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBUS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, OHIO MAIL, CORSAIR. ' OHIO,' DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH. EL DORADO, RO IVENA, EVELINE, RARITAN, EXPRESS MAIL. SARAH ANN, FORMOSA, SARATOGA. FORT PITT, SAVANNA. GALENA, ST. CHARLES, OEN'L BROOK, ST. LOUIS, GALLANT, TALLEYRAND, IDA, - TOBACCO PLANT, INDIAN QUEEN. VIC TRESS, ILLrNOI,s, VALLEY FORGE, J. H. BILLS, VIOLA. JEWESS, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING, mar 22 IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY! FRFjSiI ARRIVAL AT THE THREE BIG DOORS! THE propriletcit cf this well known and highly fa gored vsniblishrilent takes great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large thet he has ust tecelved the most • MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Ttrit hisetFer been purchased in the eastern markers. It is impossible for him to describe the QUANTITY, QUALITY - and VARIETY of his stock but be in vites all whit' wish to purchase clothing of any descrip tion to call at his establishment, as it is the only place in the west vihcre ALL TASTES MAY BE SUIT ED, at the most reasonable prices. His assortment of Winter, Spring, and Summer Goods CANNOT RN BQII.ALLED. All of w hich can be manufactured into clothing to or der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and fash ionably designed as at any other establishment IN THE UNITED STATES: IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And at no place west of the mountains can purchasers find such a vatiety of goods from which td select as at the THREE BIG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c, &c. The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is 'QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS,' And in follovring out this system he feels con fidenttbathia customers end himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. . • Rs WOULD IFIVITZ THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES i," " SIGNAL 47ENTLEMAN, THE MER- CHANT, FARMER, .biLECHANIC WORKINGMAN T. PI and examine for the msehreva t =ir Emirs via WOO IN, IA • rri ft „.. t aVo, 141. Liberty street,' 1 2) THEY MUST RE SATISFIED. air .ERVE METAL PLATE IN THE EAVZMZNT- d gE3 JOHAT beCLOSKEY IME , To Pareaorsaip Cstitirator, for February,' has just been ro. Amos desireas of subscritiog tothis alltatilt.paper cart& appniog at Cook's Litara pi Derv, s3ll , attect. sore agency for Pitulairgli, OLArtlag a tl a . DGlASS CUTTERS, S HEMS Patent • ands; set with key, caonantly ip sterelindrqrsikle at tin 3 Drug store of feb ?.. - 4 JON. KIDD, %comet of dt6 and Wood as, Akibur John D. Div* AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCIPT, Corner of Woodard &hats., Pittsburgh, Ts ready to receive merchandize of every description -IL on consignment, for public or vets`sale, and from long experience in the above ' Ratters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their pistninnge. Regular sales on MONDA TS aid Tntusana TS, Of Dry Goods sad fancy articles, at 10 O'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,new and"second hand furniture, dr.c.,,ar.2 o'clock, P. M. ' Sales every evening,atearlygns light. aug 12—y BOOKS, WRAPPING AND WRITING PAPER, A At Auction. T Davit' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth streets, this evening, Saturday February 10th, at 7 o'clock. will be sold without re serve, on account of whom it may concern, a lot of straw and rag Wrapping paper, various sites. Also, 39 Reams No I. fine Ruled linen Writing pnper; an assortment of Books, among Which is the Comprehen sive Commentary, 2 vol. Baptist edition, maps and plates. Immediately aftPr: I Second hand Patent Lever Watch, Johnston. I New do do do Robinson's. 2 Eight day Brass Clock, Chronometer patent. 1 do o lio do Gothic: 110 J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. LARGE SALE OF WHIPS --AT AUCTION. AT Davis' Commercial Auction Room., corner of . Wood and sth streets, this evening, Feb. 10th, Saturday, at 71 o'clock, will be sold without reserve, a large invoice of Whips, received from the manutie ttirer,*among which are: Carriage, Sulkie, Coach, Sleigh, trotting Sulkin riding Switches, &c. with seve ral others. They are all made of the best materials, by one of the most extensive and best manufacturers in the United States fIU JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Wanted. A FARM, within 12 miles of the city, contsining about 100 acres, moderately improved, and for which $lOOO will be paid. A pply at the Real Estate Agency of d3O BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Fresh Lemons. ALOT of prime FRESH SICILY LEMONS, just received and for sole, by REINHART & STRONG, j 24 140 Liberty st. FRUIT TREES, SHRUBBERY, drx.—Persons desirous of procuring fruit, ornamental and shade trees, and shrubbery, from Philadelphia, are respect fully requested to leave their orders with the subscri ber as soon as possible. F L SNOWDEN, jan 25 No 184 Liberty, head of Wood st. WANTED—An nctive lud, 15 or 16 rears of age, by ( jan F L SNOW DEN. JUST received, 5000 Freeman', best Fire Brick, which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 No. 80 Vater e. O BALES CUBA LEAF TOBACCO, this day 21,J received, and for sale by FOR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Steam Engines. O\E is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot stink., will be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 7i. inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long. 30 inches in dininete,. These engines are mule of the best ma terials and in the most substantial manner, and will be 401,1 on accommndming terms. They con be seen at the warehouse of the subscriber at any tune .124—tf IL DEVINF..II. State•L;nr. A RARE CH %NCI: FOR RETAIL GROCERS! T HE: A t)hsriitrr will sell the balance of the stock of Groceries, and also the fixtures of a retail Grocery Store nt a low rate; to any person who wishes to cottage in the ini,,iness this is a fav6rable oprxwtimi ty. In the stock is embraced a lot of superior Rio Cof fee, which is lower than it can be purchased eastward. J R. MURPHY, Exe'r, Liberty, foot of sth street. jnn 12—ti E'lt SKINS, well dressed and fedi haired, a suitable article fur travellers' trunks, &e., fur A. BEELEN BOXES FIRECRACKERS, just received and for sale by C. YEAGER, d2s—__3t __ 108 Market at. near ILT.-300 Bbls NOl Salt, for gala by S j 23 . JAMES MAY 30A LBS. BRIGHT PARIS GREEN, il 101" No. I Prtmian Blue, in store and for sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, Dec. 28, Corner 9th and Wood its. P. Walder,l3 oot and Shoe Maker JWLIO resided on 2cl st, between Wood and Smithfield, for many years. has removed back from Allegheny to the house lately cccupi ed hyChsrles L Voltz, on Wood street, between 2d and L.t. strects,Pittsburgh. Keeps all kinds of shoes andlioots, and shoo findings of the best quality, all of which ho will sell at low prices to his old customers, and all others who mayfavor him with a call jan 20-1 m Aqueduct. T HAT for the purpose et a temporary fepeir that will Secure the Aqueduct for the busbies, of the earning season, the Committee are authorized and re quired, immediately after the passage of this ordinance, ui invite proposals fpr this purpose,giving not less than tea days notice, and so soon as they receive the appro val ,of the Board of Canal Commissioners, put the same under contract! providing however, that the Contract ors shall enter into Bonds with good and sufficient se curity to the amount of ten thousand dollars, to keep up the structure so as to accommodate the business until the 30th day of November, 1394. In conformity with the above ordinance, sealed pro posals will be received until Monday, the .12th inat. fur sustaining and keeping in narignlile boating eitle‘, the Aqueduct, at this city, fromthe first ling of RpriFtill the 30th day of NoVember next. Prortasuls may be left at my store, in Liberty street, endorsed, "proposals fur. repairing,Aquoduct-' ROBERT GALWAY, f2-t1:1 Chairman of Aqueduct Committee. (Gazette copy) _ WS N s <\C i s E I G i tt•7 I fr HE, subscriber has just received his,annuid supply _L of Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part of the folloviing kinds—all of the last year's crap, and warranted genuine: i Agparagus, Egg Plant, Parinip, 1 Beets, Endive, Peas, Beans, nide, Pepper, Leek. . i-- •if4-••Pumpkin. Broccoli, ' Lettuce, ' .Radish, oreeole, Wateridellothubarb, . 'Cabbage , Musk “ Salsafy, Carrot, Nasturtium, Cauliflower, Spinseh, Squai(ho a. Celery, Okra, - ' Tcniattoes. Curled Cress, Onion, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &c, &c, &e. • Together with a var iety of pot and.swees herbs end dower seeds. OPOrders for reeds, shrubs, trees &c, front gar deners and others will be received end proinpidy at tended to. 7 L SNOWMEN, jan 24 No 184 Llt•erv,.htiod of Wood ' Freeman's Fire Brick for /tale. J. U. & A. GORDON, 12 Water btreet &it cYp OP Is34i, CHEAP AND rao TA LE pßakEirry... Foe sale, is the hid&0131;80 Viiiilge , of Pigl4ee 4 Washington county, 25 Miles from Pittshitrgh, on the Stembenville turnpike, abOut I acres nfland, on which is erected a good fraaneihouse, in which the owner lives, and another new Mune horse partly finished, a studs, a large and excellent gard In, with good fruit— peaches, Plums, apple 'utes, &c. A good well at the door, and on the laud is a choice coal pit, open and constant sole for all ate coal that two hands can dig. This property will be sold Tory cheap fur all or part cash and part credit. For terms pleLte apply at Har ris's Agency and Intelligence Office, No 9, sth st. jan 31 For, Sale. AT the Real Estate Agency of BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn street (sth ward) and Smithfiajd, near sth street. Also7a house and lot on 7th street, hear the new Court House. Also, a farm in Ross township, containing 114 acres. Alpo, 2 acres °eland, adjoining the,town of Hano ver, Ohio. Also, a farm in Columbiana county, Ohio, contain ng 144 acres. Also, a lot of ground en sth sweet, 30 feet front by 130 feet deep. Also, a lot of ground in:the Repecre Tract, opposite Pittsburgh, 110 feet front by 280 deep, on which is erected a neat Cottage Howe, a variety of shrubbery, fruit trees, grape vines, 44, hare been lately planted on the lot. Also, six acres of Land, adjoining the town of East Liverpool, on which is erected a rope walk, &e. Also, a house and lot on Prospect street, beautifully situated (would be exchatged for a furor within 20 miles of the city)• Apply te d3O BLAKELY & MITCHEL. FOR SALE. T HE ONE HALF part of the three story Brick House and Lot situate in Market street, at present occupied by Thomas Campbell, and Co., as a Dry Goods ston3. The title tiithis proper ty is unquestionable, and will be sold reasonablc— jan 4 Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHELL. Building Lots hi Birmingham. 13 LOTS, suitable for building most eligibly sit. uated, and within two 4. i rtes' walk of the steam ferry boat landing, Wilb3 id at prices to suit the times. The terms of paymer..., will be made easy, either for cash or such barteias can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in . Birmingham, or Mr. P. Pliterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PAT•TERSON, *r. 2FIFTY ACRE LOTS, situate in Ross township, Allegheny county, within 4 miles of the city of Allegheny, part cleared land and part woodland, and under good fence. It would be divided into small lots, if wished. Apply to BLAKELY& MITCHEL, j 26 Real Estate Agents. Bons, for Salo. TsHmEndsusbistcuriatbeerinofmerisnefunirvisanele fil,liettT4riovwernn Town ship, about one mile from the city. The House is a large two story frame, well calcula ted fur a Tavern Stand, and provided with all the ne cessary accommodations fur such apurpcse. Hewill also sell with the house the unexpired lease of the lot, being sit years from the Ist Of April next. Persons wishing to purchase can do so on advantageous terms. Enquire of the subscriber near the premises. 18 —1 wd JENKLNS. Vit A lieT li„R, 'ryno e. t bn t brick e , lt \ i . o c u v :c situate ,turt cm W bmseyr "l hero is a large store room, shelved and fluted for a grocery store. The rlotollirkg con.ilos of Live rooms and a garret. It will be rented Imo,. to +t tenant. fi.6t PATRICK. Tavern Stani iFor Ron•. m4; 4 ...;::fdromn"Pii„h:Stl burgh, for rent, together with the horror. rnentti, eon sitting of o I:,rge tioute coattiuitig ten ru• mt. ••xceltent water at the door, stabling, sheds, formerly occu• pied as a tavern: there is un the laud (which is under excellent fence)a large bank barn, with stabling for 12 horses. an orchard of bearing apple trees, garden, &c, &c. More land for pasture could be bad if required. Apply at the Real Estate Agency of BLAICELY & MITCHEL, J 2.; Smithfield and Penn streets. EXCELLENT OFFICES TO LET. AN excellent of fi ce fur ones or more lawyers, may be had by immediate application to Ettour & Fos vett, Real Eitate Ar„enu, next door to Post Office.— One or more rooms--possession given on April Ist. Jan 24. To Let. Pi A iEEßYingu.eco9vn F ro nt, n ivr n o ir Ferry y err fra y S ur dwe o A two story brick de ening Ennis° on Ferry street. A small frame house, on Front, below Ferry st. A very convenient brick dvrelling, with stable and carriage house, situate on Penn street, in the Fifth ward, formerly occupied by Dr Gladden. ALSO—Two dwelling buu,es in Allegheny City. j 23. Appty, to .IAMFS MAY. To Lot. ~I Fol i t p L}...fi: 7e , new M . A ~i dweling hw.e ,g . , nslunted on Coal Lane. It will be rontod on reasuiniblo term, Inquire ni JOHN AFC LOSK. jan 19—tf three Big Doors, Liberty street. TO LOT. laA TWO STORY brick house, suitable for a .Cl. dwelling dnd Grocery, sittuste on the corner of Fi fth and Union streets. Possession given immedi ately., Enquire of 011 For Rent. MrrTHE three story brtk building. No. 65 I_ Third street, at present occupied by Wm. „Seeley ALso, ten acres of ground on ProspectHill,near the city, on which is a Dwelling Howe, Sttitde, Orchard, Ate. Possession given !et April next: Apply to JOHN D$ DAVIS , corner of Wood tt Fifth etc To Lat. A. NEW 4 story trick Ware House betty eon Wood and Smithfield streets. Poseession given inime diately. A LSO'. A TWO story frame Houso cm Ist , between Wood and Smithfield streets, adjoining the ware house of Messrs Robertson & Repperts. Possession given on the Ist day or April nest. For terms aplily to BIRMINGHAM, &CO., No. 60 Water street. Pre& Family Flour. rrH E subscribers deep constantly on hand, at the 1 Old Pittsburgh Flou'rStearn Mill, cornar of Re doubt alley and Water streets, Freili Family Flour, a superior article. Also, bran and chopped stuffs of all kinds, which they will sell in quantities 111 shit purcha sers-. 0. 0. EVANS & CO. jan ll—lm • IIFFALO ROBES.. —Received by Cicero, a Fresh LP and full supply of all sizes of Robes. Apply to A. BEELEN. TO OWNERS OF TOWN LOTS /a East Liverpool, Ohio. THE undersigned' will attend to the payment of Taxes, and to the redemption of Lots sold for taxes in the above place. Persons desirous that I should attend to the above for them, will forwa r d to ' me the numbers of their Lou, and sufficient funds to pay eils state, county and corporation tax, annually in advance. JOHN S. BLAXELY, d2l. ' East Liver UST RECEIVED andfor sate ft consignment, 7 bhda bacon, 7 hisis sugar. - Cut be aces auto storkefJaceb reinter& Co. lug 29 S. K. MOORHEAD & CO. For Salo. To Let. JAMES MAY .B=OA PoarerszA BOAT Zig*. For the transportation of MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE nrawszx PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS BURGH AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AN D BOSTON. ri.Dimom • RESPECTRILLY.infinns his friends and shippins generally, that he has changed the name of his Transportation Line, from the UnitedStines Au:aisle Boat Line. to the American Portableßoat Line, This line is composed of titenty-five new !roue Sec tion Portable Boats, one of which will depart thily, from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and &Warns? The superiority and advainageit of the Boit over every other mode of transpiwtation are too well known to Tippers generally to reeptithoomment; suffice it to say, that thedetention, loss, seperatina said damage to Goods, invariably attending three tran shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, ere by the Portable Boats most effecusllyminewied. To give undoubted security to sweets and all godhead produce shied . .__bv this flue - will lie la slued it a respeasible &Rea input any additional charpstiters_ Ma chandise shipperhyrthlVOn e is inyerthe east. ern cities. and con to 11. - Detkne, will htforward ed iturnediatelyot eitivad — eiollikesburgh to any part of the west, freoefccuist H. Devine will receive predooe consigned to him, pay steamboat freight and diarges; and forward the same to any of the easterricities, and charge no com missinus for storage, advancing or forwarding. Any comrnunithtions or goods direoted to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. H Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. BUZBY & BROTHER, 363 Market street, Wiwi Tenth, Philitaeliihis. GIESE & SON, Commerce street Wharf. Baltimore- B A FA fiNESTOCK & CO, 100 Front street, New York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No :I, Chntb.sin street, Boston. C. A. ThicANULTT'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the ti *emporia don of J errhandire to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE,. PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTJN. THE success this line has met with; since it wits first established on the "Individual Enterprise" system, has induced the prrprietets to increase the number of Boats during the winter to twenty-five, ens which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal timore every day (except Snedays) during the season. and make the trip through in six days. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat System over every other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shipped by this route generally to require any com ment. Shippers can rely on having their [reduce, merchan dire, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and at the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for receiv ing or advancing charges, &r... Ail communications to the following Agents will be promptly attended to: CHARLES A. NIcANULTY. At the Depot, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh- ROSE & MERRILL, 33, Smith's Wharf. near Prntt st, Baltimore. THOMAS BORBIDGE, jan3l-ly 272, Market t street, Philadelphia. allsacm 1843. STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., 'awarding and iflataatission Ilbschants, CLILVELAND, OHIO. A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshington, Lino. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes.. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. RZIPIR TO Wilkie & Ensworth„No. 9, Coenthis Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. • Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co.. BulIsh;, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Clershuirf. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. 'ap 1 .18d3 -Iy. Beaver aad Warrea Packet THE canal packet ERIE, J.-M. Shaw,master. will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named portc-leavee Beaver on Mondays, Wednesderys, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Tharsdnys Md ?Int urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Flathead direct, For freight or passage apply on boara, dr to BIRMINGHAM & ca , PituiliMih, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. F • . ARE REDUCED 843 —U. S. Mixt. Luiz or Sraoss AND Rain. Roan Cals. from Pittsburgh, viaßed ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg ,ml4l ,Liumaster, to Philadelphia, commcting with the Malawi& Of emit' N. Y. &c: 014130 miles staging and one night out. Ahio, the direct line to Baltimore. • Fere to Philadelphia Baltintore - Leaves daily at tr O'clock A. 14 9. Office : • td door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL; GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., fah 23, 1843-iy, Proprietors. The Griat Central Route Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Raii Road Company. .•32 NEW LINE OF U. - S. MAIL COACHES FOR WAZIDINOTON CITY, BALTIMOD.X, PIIILA1:1111.PHLA AND Nsw Yoga. T HIS line is in fun operation and leaves Pittsbutgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington P a and national road to Ctuntieriand; connecting ham with this rat rood CIF to all the abOve places i Trav eler's till find this a speedy and comfortable route,i t biing a separate and diititia, Pistsbnigh and Ctrm berhind line, facilities will be alibrdad have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished' at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one rest at their option. For tickets, epply- ate office at the Monongahela House. 2 L. W. STOCKTON, feb Pre:ideal:4'N. It. Stage Co. • Itisitsbx Packets, km Chu:lame jar. maitra The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock. a. 1:11. T heCutter,Coßas,Staster,leaven everyThursdiyat 10 o'ciock a. m. crePdentgompr.", Reernett.Master,laaves every Saa. st 10 O'clocit Expess, Parkinson, Master, leaven tverykSan 410' at 10 o 'clock a. tn. som Rutimthit*.co, maySIO • - -Aft Virf 1302210,1:0DlflTft• - AL tee, Excuazgan astessii, COINER OF WOOD ♦/D THIRD lITS SPECIE STANDARD.. itirikciletsandMantrfactscrere S c r i p... „..-:. : . .ptir t,.' Exchange DitttkSerip ............. .:..!.:... If 4 • Currexcy It ..., „ Berki (..ovay Scrip ' r. "; R.R.CPIANGE—AT Itairt. - or Pisiloitelpkiia . Now ,York . 1 • 4 94,64 ;!1: • - • • "• •- •I - Itatiiinore G4;41. PrellAt Savor PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH. • • Bank -of Pitesikerih " . ...Akihatspair Merchants sad Aranufecturers' bank. .._ ,EarekSnsie . . '•. par Do. iirollidaftbtire , PHILADELPHIA. Baek of North Ansarlia Do Northern Liberrses . ' ~„- p ar Do Pennsylvania ....par Commercial tank of Peniuyivaitia .par Farmers' and Mechanic," bank .... Ken:it:eon boa* Par . Mannfaeturersansi ifeekanies' • ' par Mechanics Atoyamessiug Philadelphia bank ow Schuylkill . .... "...... Smahicark .... par:: Misters,— . " ... . . - Bank. of Penn ' Tatra:skip Girard , 10 V. S. bash and briagdies .q 8 cOUNTRI/ BA NK.S• '"Bask of dirmantowss. .. . . M... ..... ......,.par -!„, " Chester comely ... 7. . . 'Mr " Delaware county. ' .... ..... ...par " Monlyt4iery boilitsl...:. .. ..- .. ....per I A: " Northumberkend... .. ....•. .. • 4 . .....•pei . Etirmere bank of Bucks conesty...:. .....'.!.,..gutt . ,-; Easton bank .... sow _i•J' . Paykstostat bank k i lIF , .Franktin bank of Washington . IA 1 Bank of Chambersburgh.... -;-, -; -.- .. , ~ . .4 " AfiddlctOwsi ..... ..... ...,........ " , Getty/W.lk ......•........... _ •.. ' r. 51 " Lewistown .. .. ..4:.... . 2 ,11 ' " Susguehasnaeounly..W... . 01 : 4 , Berksconnti bank.. ........ ...•.,... _ ....75 • .1t Columbia Dankand Bridge ty Myna" . •-" 14 • Carlisle bank •.. 3 .;.,.. Erie &e, .,. v . ...... :. ..: Farmers and Proierk bai* . ' ' ' .: ' - " t a nk of Laneasyr '... ' '' ' , Bask of itecciing ... Harrisburg bank .. .. . ... ..., Henesidle "1— '" ' - Lancaster " Lancaster co. "... .... Lebanon ", , Miners' bank of Pottsv il le.— .... .... —. Monongahela bank of Brososevalie .., New Hope and Delaware Bridge compan . . , Northampton bank '. Towanda bank • 4 .... t e a Woming bank .. .... -, .. . st itratich bah 1........ ...... —.- York bank OHIO. Belmont baftk Se. Clairsville.... .... Clinton bank Of Columbus.— . Columbiana bank of New Lisbon.... .. . Circleville (Lawrence, ea5,kier)........ " Warren, caskier)l.,..: Cincinnati banks Chillicothe bank......:...,......... Commereial bank of Lahr Erie..... . • Dayton bank........ - .. ;4!. Franklin bank of Columbus Farmers' and Meckanics' bank of St - etiews - 114 . Farmers' bank of Canton Geanga ... Granville • ' Hamilton Lancaster... • • . 4 ;;116. • Marietta ..• Massillon_ ,• • - Mechanics' and Traders'. akeiairetti" — Afonal.r/easant...—.. 11• • Norwalk Pv.lnasn Sandusky ' • ...... Scioto • IMUCE=I9 XeUroosteban . ... ....... ... Wa r .. ... . ... . ... . .1 nia Zanesvill e ' • Sank of Cleedand.. ' -- ,---40 ata ZDIANAL ;Siesta bash and r . State Scrip ' .....18 I'ENTUCICY • • ILLINOIS. I AM b ¢tats bent Bank of 1114,1eis, Shaioni4soicx"... : g V .50 Rank of - t V al l ey et f TRG W INIA: 4sriitia '., Bank of Virginia - ._............_ , 1 Exchange bank of Virginia .. . ... : - .-r Farmers' bankof Virgsnia....... ...... . .. " North-Western bank. of Virginia .. :.. :. :,:. .... I Merchants' and Meekeneies' bank of Virgti#4....l Branchei.:: :, ....... — — .1 - . • ,_. . MARYLAND. iaidnsere 'city kasha . . ....... ... : . .. .. ....ilk,* Xi other maga anki•......... • . .... •.. ..13 • WAIT!' CAROLINA. Allsolvent loan k e ..........., .... ... . —2 CAROLINA.SOUTCAROLINA. All seismal banks— .. .: • ....... ....... 2 GEORGIA. - . ''' AllsOlvint ALABAMA. 344511 e 6.= LOUISIANA. N e Or hew basks, TENNESSEE. • All & k 5.......... ......2,~ ;mos INOOftICE, w. comma or wool:. a rare ars. The propriv ar . of the Mon:vino POST azd MR CURT AND M ANl 7 PACTDltterespectfully inform their, friends and the patrons of those papers, that theihaTs a large and well chorea assortment of • . . 411111310.71141 1111C"Ilir_11P,311M. am aualkelistizaam atiati3tartaaa Necessary toe Job Printing Office and tbsit they axe ~. prepared' Co execute LETtER PRESS PRINTI N G , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. iteM. .r II • Bills of Lading, Circulars, Psa %tiers, Bill Heads, Cards, Handoiths, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. fg it Mobs of litauks. Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap 0 .4.,..: 1 ~. propriate Cuts j10.4*6 shortest notice lima mast niaserable VVenurP"cilully ask- thipinsanage of our Eden& e• 4 the public in general in tli beancli dE busiaet• , July 31, /843. PHILLIPS Sr SbMl> 71 , Ire Printers. . beret eitabod and %VI bereefaelinep,on stantlffil4Aaa, prof NW/4r ing, fa 'amend imaM Tee Arbv ab3a.. to see 4ni t r ic ar r - s tben it bra inantofinessot . , licad in dip eit! rpm do N 610111110.2ded bor 4 .• ea. T, ALL casts) will be pIXAMEy ep* weeded na. . b 19.1111.1 ht & SUM. ;.1. ens 10-if Otriet of the r, , ... SPECIE