rrrivntrami, PA. `TRIMS AY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1844, P BURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMIITTILIC 704 IMBRUARY. William Elehbaum—t. J. Bigham—John W. Blair Tan Marisza.....-We are sorry se observe that the bindidi sent out by Dr bicCt.tsrecit, are likely to 'Caesarea:re iR feeling among the competitors, before they are disposed of in the manner intended by the do teoe. Wernaderslend that the resolutions adopted at a recent meeting of one of the companies,accusing Gen Dull of making the arran,gements to suit the views ot'aoolher do great injustice to that gentle mak. On , unasultatien with Col. Taovitto, be adopt ed With segulesions as would give all the companies 'thatiretii present at Camp Fayette, an opportunity of contesditig for the ptizes. Less time than he allowed wonldscarcely be sufficient to give the companies at a instance notice, and to let them have the necessary time to prepare for the trial. Gen Davis, we are as lured, held no consultation with any one interested, and had not the slightest bias in favor of any one of the competitors. He wanted to do justice to all, and he thought the course adoptedlhe most likely to satisfy every one. It is tube regretted that his motives were misconstrued, and that imputations should be made against him, which neither his character as a military man, or his conduct on this occasion will warrant,— We understand that Gen.:Dsv ts, feeling justly offend ed at the manner in which he has been misrepresent ed, has declined havitig any thing more to do in the matter. rlPVire receivedTestetclay evening a very curious looking pie,ce of iron, with the following question on the paper in which it waa enveloped: "AIN'T THIS A JIGGER?" We cannot say precisely whether it is or is not; but frum what we have heard and read of such instruments, wetelll say;that it looks like a Jigger—ttery like a Jigger; Frac is MAXINE:IT .—The dwelling of Mr 3 AMEN io Allegheny city, was partially deetroyed by fire on Tuesday night. The house being a brick one, the flames were breventeby the exertions of their active fireman, from communicating to the adjoining . The Washington Engine was the only one pres ent, and rendered efficient service. Had our compa eiesleard the alarm, they would have been "about" in the shortest order. Tam ALAMO? yesterday was false, but it did not originate in Allegheny. ADJOURNED MEETING-THE YOUNG DEM - . A.o adjourned meeting of the Democratic young men orthp city of Pittsburgh and vicinity, favorable to the formation, of a Democratic Association, will bi held 14. die Washington Hotel, on Saturday evening next, at o'clock. A Constitution will he submitted fur the action of the meeting. M. KAINE, JR. THOS. HAMILTON • W. W. DALLAS, Mr:HAM:M NOTICC.—The members of Lodge No. 45 are requested to attend a meeting of said Lodge, at their Hall corner of Smithfield and Third Streets. on Wednesday. 31stinst, at 61o'clock; by order of the Worshipful A. McCANI3ION. Jan 31 Sec'y. B. Itoeut, Attorney tit Law, Office on Fifth atEect, between Stnitbfiehl and Wood next: door to Thos. liantilttin, Exir. R. E: BIeGOWLM RECORDING REGULATOR, tVi*O.Tiee in.REMINGTON'S BULDLIGS, Penn ,tree a few doors above Hand street. j23—tf CHARLES A. McANULTY, j'erniarding and Commission Merchant, PITTSBURGH, PA., 40 , Agentfor U. S Portable Boat Line, foram transpdrta don of Merchandise to and from Pittsburgh, Saltiniore Philadelphia, New York and Boston. j3l-ly SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stock, at pri Qej vale sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, sap I I Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. 70AR BUTTER.—A lot of that elebrated choke 44 family butter, put up in full bound kegs, Apply A. EEELEN. to nB•tC BUFFAT..O TONGUES.—Received by Little Ben 10 boxes Buffalo Tongues, in fine order, direct from the mountains. A. BEELEN. nB-tf BEAR- SKINS, well dressed and full haired - , a suitable article for travellers' trunks, &e., for sale nfi- by A. BEELEN. tf 50 BOXES FIRE CRACKERS, just received and for sale by C. YEAGER, d25-3t • 108 Market st. near Libert . ---- E:VIP AN* MOLASSES.— H, 10 ton water rotted hemp, 6 blols sugar house molasses, Received on consignment and for sale by J G & A GORDON, 12 Water and 20 Fron intim SALT. -300 Bbla No 1 Salt, for sale by j 9.3. JAMES MAY RARE CHANCE—SCHOOL FURNITURE FOR SALE.) ri SCHOOL DESKS. with moveable lids, seats , inkstands and screws and iron plates .4.) affiX them to the floor. 2 fine large benches; 11 110.-1 platform, for teacher's deal; 1 table with four good drawers; All in good preservation, and but little used, togeth er with clothes racks, ace, suitable for a large school. These will be sold cheap, if application be made im mediately, at the General Agency Office, next door to doe Post Office. EGOLF & FOSTER jan 23 . • DISSOLUTION. THE PARTNERSHIP . existing . between WARD & HUNT, Watiets, was dissolve/ by mutual :anemic on the I et of October last. Dr DAVID HUNT, DASTI3T, will occupythe game 3ffice he has had duringths Partnership.—Office hours ions 9 A BI till 3 ft M. Dr IL will always have on hand a large assortment sup:slier is iniperent Porcelain TEZIIi, (including )ana Teeth,)for Iris own practice, from which Den- Ism can be sappligd, at a very low rate,and began al. supply them with every thing else in the line of the sqsfession. , jag 24-434w3m. P ROPOSALS will be rewired at the office of the new Water Works untitFrkleY, the 9th of Feb. vary nes,►, for supptying the works with Baal for owe pair, to commence on the first of April seat. jan 30.t9f ROBERT MOORE. IPreek nualgy MUT fliraubscribetv deep eonetantl . y tut band, at the Old Pittsbnrelt float Steam Mill, eornar of Re• loubt alkry and Water streets, PresdPwa i ly Roar, a upetior article. Also, bran and eltoPped stars of all .inds,..which they will 'ell inglantition to writ penile ere. O. 0. •E VANS & CO. jaa 11—Im Awning foot OCRACY B. HOGAN, G. L. DRANE. Committee _ . ,p . 4•0:- .. . - 0 . .:..... - pi#o.;mik ARRIVED. 'Michigan, Boies. Bearer. DEPARTED. *Michigan, Boles, Beaver 112rA1l boats marked thus ["] are provided with Evans'Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of steam Boilers. FOR NEW ORLEANS. makThe new and substantial ampansboat WAPELLO, N. .1. EATON, Master, will leave for the above and intermediate landings, on the opening of navigation. For freight and passage apply on board, or to j3l FOR SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers. IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction (g ' an 'invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer-' tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already-been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their acconimodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid these dis. asters All boats marked thus ['' ] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with ;the Safety Guard ALPS, LADY OF LYONS, AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND,- MINSTREL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, MUSKINGUM V AL' Y. CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUNGO PARK, CICERO, MESSENGER, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE, CASPIAN, NARAGANSETT, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBUS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, OHIO MAIL, CORSAIR. OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS. DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH, EL DORADO, ROWENA, EVELINE, RARITAN, EXPRESS MAIL, SARAH ANN, FORMOSA, - SARATOGA. FORT PITT, SAVANNA. GALENA, ST. CHARLES, GEN'L BROOK, ST. LOUIS, GALLANT, TALLEYRAND. IDA, TOBACCO PLANT, INDIAN QUEEN, - VIC TRESS, ILLINOIS, VALLEY FORGE, J. H. BILLS, VIOLA, JEWESS, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING, mar 23 IMPORTAN T TO EVERYBODY! FRESH ARRIVAL AT THE THREE BIG _DOORS! THE proprietor of this well known and highly fa vorea establishment takes great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large that he has just teceived the most MAGNI.FICENT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS That has ever been purchased in the eastern markets. It isimpossible for him to describe the QUANTITY, QUALITY and VARIETY or his stock but he in vites all who wish to purchase clothing of any de,crip don to call at his establishment, as it is the only place in the west where ALL TASTES MAY BE SUIT ED, at the moat reasonable prices. His assortment of Winter, Spring, and Summer Goods CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of wbich can be manufactured into clothing to or der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and fash; ionably designed as at any other establishment IN THE UNITED STATES IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And at no place west of the mountains can purchasers find such a variety of goods from which to select as at the THREE BIG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stock of clething, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &e, &c, The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is , qurcx SALES AND4'.II(ALL PROFITS,' A n d i n 1:1) ng: out this system ho feels con dent t h at ;; customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY - i3EN'EFITED. HE NVotl.o INVITE THE MAN OF FASHION, THE ,PNOFES SIONAL GENTLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC AND WORKINGMAN To call and examine for themselves at, TUE TRUER BIG D'OOR No. 151. Liberty street, Al4ll THEY MUST ItE SATISFIED. GrOATER YE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT., a JOHN M'CLOSKEY DEAR SUNS, dressed and undressed, just recess ed and &rude by A. ELEN. 05-tf BUFF LO attfulls ß up O p a lv 0f...4-11sizesi7f1 l ' lrC s i . ce" App ar l z y to 08-11 • r A. BEELEI John. D. Dam* - IAUCIIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, , Corner of Wood and stkata., Pittsburgk, TS ready to receive merchandizOof err, description culemidgmnerft, or public of private sale, and from long experience in the above busiona, Ratters himself that be will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor hint with theirpetronege. Regular sales on MotsoarS end THORAIDA Ts, of Dry goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock; A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and secondhand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,Otearly gas light. . an 12—y AUCTION SALES OF DRY GOODS, 4 ! . . E.0 • AT Davis' Commerefel Auction Rooms, earner of Wood ani sth sts., this day, THURSDAY. Feb 1, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. will be sold Without re serve, a general assortment of DRY GOODS, for cash, currency, among which ale Calicoes, Muslin., Broad cloths, Cussimeres and Castanet's, Fustian., Shawls and Handkfs, Hosiery, Canton and Woolen Flannels, blue drillings. Merinoes. Moue de Laines, 32 pieces Steubenville Jeans, 20 doz Caps, &c. At 2.1'. M.— Screens, Bedsteads, Chnirs, Tables and Kitchen Fur niture. Also,B caddy boxes Imperial Tea. febl J. D. DAVIS, Auc'r. JAMES MAY Wanted. A FARM, within Ic.l. miles of the city, containing about 100 acres, moderately improved, and for which $lOOO will be paid. Apply at the Real Estate Agency of d3O BTAKELY & MITCHEL. Fresh Lemons. A LOT of prime FRESH SICILY LEMONS, just received and for sole, by F RUIT TREES, SHRUBBERY, &c.—Persons-I: desirous of procuring fruit, ornamental and shade trees, and shrubbery, from Philadelphia, are respect fully requested to leave their orders with the subscri ber as soon as possihle. F L SNOWDEN. jan 25 No 184 Liberty, head of Wood at. WANTED -.-An active lad, 15 or 16 vearAnf age, by (jan 25) L SNOW DEN. W E have received, and will hereafter keep con stnntly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large andamall kegs, which we will be able to sell cheaper than it has heretofore been sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by he cast Os Lit. CASES) will be .promptly attended to. PHILLIPS-& SMITH, oct 10—tf Office of the o e and Manufacuner Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale. JUST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick, which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 No. 60 Water at. TO OW NERS OF TOWN LOTS In East Liverpool, Ohio. Fr HE undersigned will attend to the payment of I_ Taxes, and to the redemption of Lots sold for taxes in the above pince. Persons desirous thnt I should attend to the above for them, will forward to me the numbers of their. Lots, and sufficient funds to pay the state, county and corporation tax, annually in advance. 'JOHN S. BLAKELY, d 9.1. a East Liverpool. FASHIONABLE NAT AND CAP DILANMPACTORY, 4725. No. 13, Fifth street, between Market and Wood, and corner of Sizik and Grant sts T & H.IVALKIfr feel grateful to the s l .1.-• public for the li rul patronage bestow ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are now manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very su perior article in Beaver, Russia, Ncutria, and every other description of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth, sealett and Cur caps; all of which will be sold at the ee ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture is done by machinery, but by,..the best workmen by hand, they can recommend with confidence their Flat., as be ing superior' and more durable than those generally of feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers c a n be supplied upon equally as low terms us in the Ea,' ern Markets. 1. &H. WALKER. 023-3 m. Wm.PEAcocm. M. BLISS. PEACOCK & BLISS, GRE T WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Cutting Establishment, 83fITHFIEL D STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TF:MPER•StgE HALL. -• • W HERE all I,inds or cut, plain and pressed glass V of all desc riptions, ran be purchmsed at very, rea sonable prices, together with &great variety of splendid cut cla..4s, window lights for steamboats, pt irate houses and churches. Also, window glass, a superior arti de, wholesale and retail. Persona wanting any of the above articles, will do well to call and examine for themselves, before purcha sing elsewhere. eN. B. Watch and Time piece Glasses always on hand. 023-3 m. 2OBALES CUBA LEAF TOBACCO, this day received, and for sale by T HAVE this day taken into partnership in the Foun dry business, my son, WILLIAM J. ANDettsgx; the business to be conducted under the firm of Jain An derson and San- All persons having claims against me, will please present them for settlement, either to my son or myself. JOHN ANDERSON. Smithfield Foundry, Water street, Pittsburgh. Jan'y Ist, 1844 5 FOR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Steam Engines. O NE is 20 horse poYier, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot stroke, will be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 2t feet long. 30 iticheo in diameter. These engines are made of the best mu tennis and in the most substantial manner, and will be sold ou accommodating terms. They can be seen at the warehouse of the subscriber nt nny time j24—tf H. DEVINF:, U. States Line. A RARE CHANCE FOR RETAIL GROCERS! r HE aubsctiber will sell the haktpce of the stock -L of Groceries, end also the fixtures of a retail Grocery Store at a low rate; to any person who wishes to engage in the business this is a favorable opportuni ty. In the stock is embraced slot of superior Rio Cof fee, which is lower than it can be purchased eastward. .1. R. MURPHY, Exe'r, Liberty, foot of sth street. inn 12—tf DANCING AND WALTZING ACADEMY. T HE first session of Alnderno Blnique's Academy will commence on SATURDAY, this day,Jan 13th, at Concert Hall, at 9 A. M. The days of tuition will be: Monday, from 3 to 5 P M; Thursday from 3 to 5 P iiil; and Saturdoy from 9 to 12 A M and from 3 to 5 P.M, of each week. It is desirablo that those intending to enter pupils should do so nt the opening lit the session. Regular Packets, far eisselanati. The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The,Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Montgomery, Bennett. Master, leaves every Sat urdny at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun• dam at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN IHRMINGI4IIf & may 20 Agents. TUST RECEIVED and for sale on consignment, el 7 bbds bacon, kW+ sugar. Cius be seen al the 'turn ofJaeob 'Peinterdr. Co.- sue 19 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. Auction Salto: REINHART & STRONG, 140 Liberty sr To Printers. J. G. & A. GORDON, 12 Water street NOTICE. ___..~...:.5.~..:v..:..~ . I. ...i~illii~n t lot Salt anb NCO. fitt. CHEAP AND PROFITABWZROPERTY.-- Fur sale, in the handsome vW.ge OF Florence. Washington co tyr 4S miles franartuburgh, on the, Steubenvilleilpike.4beut acres ot . huid, on which' is erected a go od frame hoube, in which the owner lives, and another nsjyr, frame house part), finished, a stable. a large, and eicellent "shim, with . good fruit— peaches, plums, apple trees, &c. 'A goofi well at the door, and on the land is a choice .coal pit, open and constant sale for, all the coal that two hands can dig. This property will be sold very cheap for all or part cash and part credit. For terms please apply at Har: ris's Agency and Intelligence Office, No 9; sth at.' jan 31 ' ' -For Sala. AT the Real Estate Agency of BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn street (sth wand) and . Smithfield, near sth street. Also. a house and lot on 7th street, near the new Court House. Also, a farm in Ross township, contaimag 119 acres. Also, 2 acres of land, adjoining the town of Hallo w, Ohio. "Also, a farm in Columbiana county, Ohio, contain ing 144 acres. Also, a lot of ground on sth street, 30 feet front,by 130 feet deep. Also, a lot of ground in the Reserve Tract,, pposite Pittsburgh, 90 feet front by 280 deep, on which is erected a neat Cottage House, a variety of shrubbery, fruit trees, grape Vi 13133, cc, have been lately planted on the lat. Also, six acres of land, adjoining the town of East Liverpool, on which is erected a rope walk, &c. Also, a honso and lot on Prospect street, beautifully situated (would be exchanged for a farm within 20 miles of the city): Apply t• d3O BLAKELY & MITCHEL. FOR SALE. T HE ONE HALF part of the three story Brick Hl/11S0 and Lot situate in Market street, at present occupied by Thomas Campbell, and Co., as a Dry Goods store. The title to"this proper ty is unquestionable, and will be sold reasonable.— jan 4 Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHELL. Building' Lots in Birmingham. 13 LOTS, suitable for building most eligibly sit uated, and within two 4. rtes' walk . of the steam ferry boat landing, id at prices to suit the times. The terms of peptic.... will be made easy, either for cash or such barteras can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. 2FIFTY ACRE LOTS, situate in Ross township, Allegheny county, within 4 miles of the city of Allegheny, part cleared lend and part woodland, and under good fence. It would be divided into small lots, if wished. Apply t BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Real Estate Agents. To Let. ANEW 4 story' Brick Ware h ouse beta een Wood and Smithfield .streets. Possession given imme diately. -- - . A TWO story frame House on Ist between Wood ami Smithfield streets, adjoining the ware bnuse of Messrs Robertson & Ropperts. Possession given on the Ist day of April next. For terms, apply to BIRMINGHAM, & CO., ills 31 No. GO Water street. Tavern Stand Per Rent. Nl,F°L;RraTnrdEinNßoanc:l7B4 l omf illeranfamonnPitathe- 4 16 burgh, for rent, together with the improvements, con sisting of a large house containing ten rui:ms, excellent water at the door, stabling. shed+, &c, formerly occu pied as a tavern; there is on the land (which is miller excellent foure)a 1 tree bank barn, with slabiing for 12 horses. an orchard Of bearing apple trees, gordeit„ &c, &c. More land for pasture could be had if rerplired. Apply at the Real Estate Azenry of I.ILAKELY Sr: MITCHEL, Smithfield and Penn garrets: EXCELLENT OFFICES TO LET. - A N excellent office fir one or more lawyers, m'ty .1 - 1. be End by immediate application to Emits & Fos- TER, Renl Estate Age n ts, next door to Post One or more rooms---possession given on April jnn 24. To Let. ?Ral A VERY convenien t two story , franio dvrel ra o n Front, near Ferry street. A te.o story brickdwellinz house on Ferry street. A moult frame house, on Front, below Ferry it. A very convenient brick dw-lling, .with,shible and carriage house, situate on Penn Street, in the Fifth ward, formerly occupied by Dr Gladden. • A CAU—Two dwelling houses in Allegheny City: j 23. Apply to JAMES MAY. To Let EIA COMFORTABLE. , well finished, new CIL brick dwelling hous;.! : pleasantly situated on Coil Lano. It will be rented on reasonable terms Inquire of JOHN M'CLOSKEY, jun 19-tf Three Big Doors, Libor ty c.reet. TO LET. zi A TWO STORY brick house, suitable fur a dwelling and Grocery, situate on the cornep of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given iinmedi ately. Enquire of 011 For Rent. rirl HE three, story brick Dwelling House and Office, adjoining the Bank of Pittsburgh,on uurth street, at present occupied by Alderman Wat- A Ldo, the three story brick building, No. 65, Third street, at present occupied by Wm Seeley. Atso, ten acres of ground On Prospect Hill,near the city, on which is a Dwelling House, Stable, Orchard, &c. Possession given Ist April next. Apply to JOHN D. DAVIS, corner of Wood, Fifth sts. To Lot. ►p H E Mansion Houseof the Fleecedide farm, with I. about an acre of ground, late the resideNte of Andrew Murphy, deceased. This would be a delight ful retreat for the citizen, or a desirable place of resi dence for the family of any one whose pursuits culled him abroad frequently; and who wished a pleasant home and cheap rent for his family. There are all the netessary outbuildings, such as ice house, coal and smoke house. &c, &c. Also, a well of good water at the door; and privilege of keeping a horse and cows at the charge of the.farm tenant. Possession will be given immediately and rent not charged until Ist April next. Apply to Jas. R. Murphy, Liberty street, corner Ce cil's alley, or to S. F: Von Bonhorst, No 73, Front at, between Market and Ferry streets. Jun 24—d1 wkwlm GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE EAST. 3KEGS Sun Raioirts, 2 " Tamarinds, MO lb' Goshen Choiaa., • 6 cases Citron, 3 bags Eng. Walnuts, 4 " Almonds, 4 casks Zante Currants, 2 cases Rock Candy, 30 Drums S Fig. , 60 Boxes Bunch ROisins, 420 i 0 It sa 2 dos. bouts Preserved Pine Apples, 2 " Extract of Liernon, 1 " Rose Water, 2 " JujukePaste, Peotontle BolsOniicp.! POE% in • 3 1001100; grade for coughs end colds, just os.oieed ins Ibr site by itE4III4III , T4STRONG, T 44*w ••••• B UF b F v ALO ROBES by single robeor belv.fersale rrIHE sobseribere balm made arrangement. to - 0.5-tf A. BEELEN. -I. ward et.„-.1 1 doriturthe winter 101 , 6 1t",,,,7b, t" , ,,,7b, rnile4pipilis and New Yor*... 4, , —,...„,„,......._ •Cr-' ' p I efFANTILTY, 1.,.."4, jnst received, snelloc • .ki I I 7 0, ft A. mytro. Carrel *sin, Libertyanos.lbubwEb. MAS giB2IIX% Age"' 272, MtAet smirk Sillsaldpbia. SHMS. N. O. sale by 4P. • For Sale. JAMES MAY trans . pert*n fines. k " ' ' - - r- ~ _ . . . ~_ , . allpida AIRERICAN PORTABLE BOAT LINE, FOr tht transportation of MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE BITWIEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, PITTS/ BURGH AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON IL DEMI% • RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and shippers generally, that lie has changed the same of his Transportation Line, (torn the United States Portable Boat Line. to the American Portable Boat Line. This line is comp9sed of twenty-frie'new Four See tion Portable Boats, one of which will depart 4aily, frrim Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. The superiority and advantages or the Portable Boat over every other mode of transportation are ton' well known to shippers generally to require comment; suffice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation and damage to Goods, invariably attending thine shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, are by the Portable Boats most effectually removed. To give undoubted security to owners and shippers, all goods and produce shipped by this line will be in sured in a responsible office in Philadelphia, without any additional charge to the owners. Merchandise shipped by this line in any of the east ern cities. and consigned to H Devine, will be forward. ed immediately on arrival at Pittsburgh to any peg of the west, free of commissions. H. Devine will receive produce consigned to him, pay steamboat freight and charges, and forward the same to any of the eastern cities, and charge ; ao COM mis4inns for storage, advancing or forwarding. Ariy communication* or goods directed to the care of the undersigned Agents will be promptly attended tri. H DEVINE, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. BUZBY & BROTHER, 365 Market street, below Tenth, Philadelphia. GIESE & SUN, Commerce street Wharf, Baltimore. 13 A FAHNESTOCK & CO, 1110 Front street, New• York. RICE & WILLIAMS, No :1. Chatham street, Boston. 0. A. EIicANULTY'S UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the transportation of Yerchandize to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. THE success this line has met with, since it was -IL first established on tho "Individual Enterprise" system, has induced the proprietors to increase the number of Boats during the winter to twenty-five, one of which will leave Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Bal timore every day (except Sundays) during the season. and make the trip through in sirdnys. The superiority and advantages of due Portable Boat System overevery other mode of transportation (when canals intersect with rail roads) are too well known to shippers by this route generally to require any com ment. Shippers can rely cm having their produce, merchan dise, or goods of any kind that may be consigned to the Agents of this Line, forwarded with dispatch and nt the very lowest rate of freight charged by other Lines, without any additional charge made for receiv ing or advancing charges, &c All communications to the following Agents will be promptly attended to: CHARLES A. McANULTY, At the Depot, Canal Resits, Pittsburgh. ROSE & MERRILL, 53, Smith's Wharf. near Pratt st, Baltimore. • THOMAS BORBIDGE, jan 31- ly 272, Market street, Philadelphia. nag= 1 84 3. ifEitSMA STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding and noyOmiation Merchants, CLEVELAND, OHIO. i t GENTS for the Merchants'transportation Cola pally composed of the Merchants' Line. Erie Canal; Wnshingtun, Line. Hunter, , Pakner & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. Y. R.. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. • Hunter, Painter & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & DOW, Hon. John.M. Allen,. Cleveland. Charles M. Gitldipgs, J. S. Dickey, Beaver, • . L'irmiagharciSt. Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. Beaver awl Warren Pacinkt; THE canal packet ERIE, J: M. Shaw,masule, will run as reguldr tri weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays acd Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to.Cleveltmd direct, For freight or passage apply on board; or to BIRMINGHAM & CO:; Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY; Beaver. ..... 74 ,. ,, _ r.......,...-.4-t. 7,-,44.-nir • ,j or ''', *a , ZZ.747,7„.:: . , ..r........r...-....... -.....,,,,..%-. • .- - - 1843. p ARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL Lutz or SrAcras IND RAIL ROAD CARA. from Pittsburgh, via Bectt ford, Chdmbersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, o Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train °feat* to N. Y. &c. Only 158 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. i Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock. A. M. • la Office 2d d r _below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MEL ELL, GRAHAM, 'WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 43-Iy. ' Proprietor's. The Greed Central Route Via National Road and Baltimore and OAM Rail Road Company. • - xi- - - - NEW LINE OF It: S. AWL 'COACHES FOR. WASHINGTON CITY, IjAiTIHORK, PH/LAHRLPHIA AND Nsw YORK. • - MHIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh 1 daily at 6 o'clock A. M. via. Win Pa. and national road to Cumberiand, connecsing here with the rail road Co's to all the above plums: Tray ehsrs will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland linejitcilities will be affoided which have not been heretofo'. E -4 hed at Banklfiatts anb J . 7 - 00:14 9 TED.'i4lit 114' amisiank scanWtane*iiimisai CO 81f;8 or WOOD *ND !raw . SPECIE;STANDAR.D. Merchaxis aniManiefcikturrts"Serip" Exchirnge Bank/S/11p. tierren.ey 'Burks County'Scrip • 1 4IGLITI • - .•- •' o*Phi,adiaphiib .York • I , I BOstia. .... ....... Baltimore • G01d... . . pre* Silver YENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH. • . Bank of Pittsburek . Kr Mire4ant4 and Manufacturers' bank .. .par Exchange ' Di. Hollidaysburgh " PHILADELPHIA. - • • Pi" A• Bank of Nortk America ' • • Do Nortkern Liberties, Par Do Pennsylvania -........,. .....iisi Commercial. Batik of Pennsitrania... -A. ' fai• Partners' and Met•Unice. bank Pot Kensington bank ' ' mt . ' Manufacturers and Mechanics' - . ' per — f — Mechanics' 4 •••"."-Par, Moyamensing ' A • it? Philadelphia bank '' ' ... ' . par Schuylkill .... ." ..... .' "• • - Par Sotakrark .....".... . '..:: par, Western.:. , '• " •'' Bank of Pena .7'ornuhip .... dirard bank I It IL S. bank and branches 34 COUNTRY BA, /*MS. - • ,,... Bank of Germantown I ;4: —4 Chester county , " "Ur " ttf ontgsmery county—. .... " Northumberland .......... •' • . pbr Fanners' bank of Bucks comely ' Easton hank Doykstcratm bank- ...... . . per Franklin balitkr Washington Bank .f . . ..2 " Middktown .......... ...... .2 • Gettyeblorfk ........ " Lewistown .. - • - . .... " • Ensquehannaeontsty.. . -~-..••.75s 4 . DerksiOunty bank... .. .75 Columbici'NOStkanct Bridge Company Carlisle bank ' ' " . Erie bank Fanners and Drovers' bank " flank of Lancaster ' ' ' " Bank of Reading " • • Harrisburg bank • Hrnesdale " Lancaster " -14 /.uneasier co. "•.. ... Lebanon " • • • • - • 1 1 Miners' bank of Patsoille Monongahela bank of Brownsville New Hope and Delaware Bridge company:— Northampton bank no eati Towanda bank 8! . Wyoming kaiak • gi Welt Branch bank— .. 10 York hank OHIO. Belmont bank of St.. Clairsville - • 1 Clinton bank of Co/tar.bus I Columbiana bank of Neto.Lisbon.:.. . . • 1 Cirrtevil2e .( Lawrence; cashier)..: ... • • (Warren, ..ccukiev) • no -sal/ Cinciancti banks 4 .. ... Chillicothe 'bank ... .. . . 11 ; Commercial bank of Lake Eric... Franklin bank of 'Colsminui '.. :ifj . Farmers' and Mecrensics' bank of Stimbeismilk. Farmers' bank of Canton— - •...•.. • •• •:•.• Geatega - *:• .1 Granville Hamilton • Lancaster 1S• Marietta 15 Afgsti•44g Mechanics' and Traders', • Cincinnati... .... MoretPleasant Norwalk 1 Putnam .... Sandusky Scioto • Urbana . ...... Wooster • 4 Xenia • • • '• Zanesville' • • • •:-. Bank of Cleveland.... .. ........ • INDIANA. • State batik and branchesn e '• - - Ns ..... .... t • State Scrip • , " 4, ~.: :20 KEiauck,y*. All bank/. ILLINOIS. State bank Baik of 1 *swig, Skarneetaire • .• —..50 VIRGINIA. Bank of elf Willey of Virginia. I Bank of Virginia 1 Exchange bank of Virginia..... .1 Farmers' bank of Virginia— ... • .....1 North- Western bask of Virginia.. I kerekante and Meekankelank of Virginia.... I . • MARYLAND. , . BaUiraore Oily,64ikat.. . .... .• .. ....pas All other solvent baigke:. ... • .... NORTH CAROLINA All- solvent banks ....... . . ........2 .#9IITH CAROLINA. All sanest bads • . ....... • . OLNNIGIA. 1.• 1•• OS 104 M •• *• 4•• AUBaM" 14111 h. ALABAMA. • - .10 banks (vett) . TENNESSEE. .411 . ea e• •. ye , 1.. se .....3 HOOP AND JOS PRINTING OFFIdE, X. W. COB.NIII or wain) a FIFTH yrs. The proprietors of the Moantso rosy and Mu& CURT •FID MASIITACTIIitIt respectfully inform their f iends and the patrons of those papers, that they hare large and well chosen assortment of T r ilinllP•3llEC. azt ekalbrit OtiVara aztatiaataame Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 Bax.m, ' Bills of Lading, armless, paz.„ l lo 3 , Bill Heads, Cards, Hendon's, Blank Cheeks, Hat Tips. flit Ittubs of 13Iauks, Stage, Steenabmit and Comet Bost Bills, sit ill tele propriese elite, Printed on the shortest nodes and most reassemble terms. Werespectfullyask thertronego ccourfriends and the public in general in slits branch of oar business. July 31 ? 1843. , , PUlLLirstcsiaTir, • Card. AS is customary with the proprietor of the 'Nugent Exchange at this mason of tha.vl- be •• • • male thanks tc fora generous share of sb" : 7; . iavits• all his friends in ri aah.,...abirr on amount cut that may be dal* to Prows' 'Welton Exchange, Jeer aPECIE ' ``-`