;.'"aR - 14 !) ",. - "t A. €1.":411:A: =EINE euttaistivp `'DAILY, Byt'p tut tps i c. SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH. PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS t PER ANNUM, .PAYLBLE , 'AvVI - 141 • 11....N0: 11S. EDITED BY TROXL&S PIEULLIPS, lot: W. terser of Woi4 &it'd AA Streets dollars a year, payable in advance. Slagle copies Two C B rs-- , for sale at the coaster of - thwallEise,lsad by Neits Boys. • irioriWeekily Mercury and Manudscturer `l,' shod at the :lame office, on a double medium !dike - , at-TWO, DOLLARS a year, in ;airman°. Sin ' te efitrios; SIX CENT.I. TWAINIS OP ptft SQUARE OF TW . Me insertion, $0 SO a rY l 9 de., 0 75 2 00 Otm: meek. 1 50 TMO d 0.,, 3 00 bikes do, .4 00 " YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. %y CS.ANGXABLIC AT PLEAsIIRS. -OAS-Sparc. Two Squares. toguasi, t- 00 Six months, $23 00 ObeVicr , t 5 00 Ono yea!, 35 00 ' Or suivergixeinotus in !proportion. nr,CARPS of four Imes Stx DoLLABs s year. .• • . Public•OfileAss,&t. ieitjo.Pett Offiso, Third.betweenMarket and Wood streets—R. M. Riddle. Postmaster. gitstosollosie,Wstar, 4th docir from Wood st.,Pe torsan'sbuildingi--Willion B. Mowry, Collector. Oity-Vreasstry, Wood, between First and Second stroeto--James A. Bartram, Treasurer, 61,sway, Traisory, Third street, next door to the Thildfrosbytorian dintrch—S. it: Johnston, Trews wee • - - Mays4 4 .lOffee, Foarth, b.4tweenMarket and Wood treoiiii.-:Alsouaider Nay, Mayor. Marchi+tt'a Eichange, Fourth sear Mariset st. BANKS. Pittebirgh., between Niarkei and Wood streets on Third and Fourth s t reets. . . Xerekaists'and.ttannfaeturers' and Pa risers' De paiit randy, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fctutia.between Kited tuaMarkat streets. 144.aage,. Fifth st. near Wood. - NOVELS. MossossiaAde House,' Water street, hear the rata.' Bxellnensiv hotel, gorner °Mean and St. Clair. Mere Untie Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. Aniteitais Motel, cornefofThird and Smithfield . ISPOS States, tomer of Penn st. and Canal Sfseeekt Zagf, Liberty ittreot, -near seVitith. Mier': Mansion Haase, Liberty St., opposite Wsiyars. StrrisVsnrses Mansion House, Penn St., opposite CtinaL • Important to Owners of Saw Mills. Q. II rDti:ft'i unrivalled Self Setters, for saw mills, vetich have been so fully tested indifferent parts ,f thedinited States, as well es in the cities of Pitts,- burgh sad Allegheny, can be seen in oporation at a number of mills inthis neighborhood, viz:at Mr. Wick ersham.* mills, on Penn street; at Bowman & Cham bers's milts, near the uppor Allegheny bridge, rind at -Merrison's mills, on Ilare's Island. and others.— Tbe *have named machine can be obtained at W. W. Ivellace's Shap,\ on Liberty street, near Smithfield. where it is firtinzup. zvad where the machine will be kapt constantly ori\lc..--hi3. Apply to B. F. Snyder. or mny (vans' Chamomile Pills. ABRAILA:II J. CLEMER, eesiding;tit E 6, Mott street, New York, was a'llicted trilh Dyspepsia ' In its ra33taggrarated form. The symptoms were vi- olantheadache, great debility, fever,e ()ow:vile ssr, coo 7h, beartbara, pain ie the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the st omach, farred tongue, nall3oB, N ail frequent vomit f tip, dizziness towards night and restlessness. These nad continued upwards of a twelvemonth, when. on consulting . Dr. Wm.' Evans, 100 Chatham atreet, and , oubraitting tolds,ever,successful and agreeable male hf treatment, the patient was completely re.tored. to Isealthin the'short space of one month, and grateful for tho,incalculable 'belie& derived, gladly Came forward and volunteered the above statement. For sale, whole sate and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sap 10-7 No. 20, Wood street, below Second. look at This; rrIHE attention of those who have Loon somewh.' 1. sceptical in reference to the numerous certif., caws published in favor of Dr. Swayno's Compouna Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being unknown in this Section of the State, is respoOtfullv di- reate4so the following certificate, the writer of which ',as linen a ci izen of this borough for several years, and i known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Agent; Mr. J. harm. thartzsoa Dr. Swayne's Compound Syfup of Wild C fi?z• a Cough, with which I have been severely alllicwd for about four months, and I have no hesitation aying that, it is the most effective medicine that has . ehable to'procure. It composes all, uneasiness, a nt i s well with my diet,—and naiiintainsa regular an.igood a nit°. I can sincasely recommend it to all tchertssimile.44flliored. , J. 'Alfas - lot, Borough of Mat ch 9, 184 0.-, - Chambersburg - h. F . onale by W ILLIAM THORN, No. 53 Market street , ' 4 41) 23) New TorklAyer. -iuldrev- :taillT OWE HI M ES. ouldrespectliiily,btform his Meta. and the public in general, thathe. d: r -es Ladies dresses, Habits and Niantels of every description .black; and warrants them not to smut, and to look eTiltivinoW goads. He dyes fancy colors of all desenltions .1-41 k and carpetyarn. Also, eleaniandrestores the colors Of gentletrien clothing . , so as to resemble now goods. Mr. H. flatters himself that be can please the public, fillia has done an extensive business in New York for twenti years. All work done on moderate terms, at his estalstislitnent in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield - tear the Theatre. • CERTIFICATE. 4116 " This is to certify that °SEE MINTS has done stalk torus,. whioh ha& fully answered our exrec unions', and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy. Wm. Barnet, W. B. Boles . Sisurtleff, Wm. Porter, ...thsvid Hall. • H.H.Smisb, B. F. Nana, Henry Javens David poles A. Shockey,ir. - Joseph Fraich, jr., Joseph \rem, deorge' Barnes• REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING, T undersigned, having associated themselves for the transaction of all business relative to Real Eitate, Neil:Thenceforth attend to the purchase end sale as Well as renting of city and country property, collect ing rents, &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had much ex viience, and .being , ostensively known as an agent of I Estate, they hope fo .gbare of pu Ile patronage. for the accommodation'ofihe pub lic, there will be two offices, wherebusiness willbe tut- ceired; at the Real Estate Abney of Jellies Blakely, Penh st., Stir Ward, and at the Law office of John 3. mole% S. W. sideof Smithfield, (nest sth.) at either of isti*#ersons wishing to have Mari/mob of xr:l- Ong,'Wei surd neatly executed, titles Investigatect, desirous to putvhase or dispine of 'Mita Estiti;will apply.. J. J. Mitchell will continue to *Abend td ;the duties of his profession, on heretofore. N JAMES BLAKELY, . 'JOHN J. MITCHELL. de; 4-dartein. UTISING. AXE LINES OR LESS: One month, $5 00 Two du., 6 00 Three do., 7 00 Four do., 8 00 Six do., lO 00 One year, 15 00 &c. &C EL Woods, Attorney and Counsellor a aw, Office removed to Itakewell's•Otices, cM Grant street, nearly opposite the new Court liouse, neat rooms to J. D. Mahon, EN., first floor. sep 10 Hugh Toner, Attorney at. Law, North East eoniet of Smithfield and Fotirth streets, Rep 10—y ANDLESS & PCLURE, Attorneys and Consusanom at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of she old Court }louse, sep 10 'Pittsburgh: Francis IL Shualr;Attoraay at Law, Fourth strata., above Wood, sep 10—ly Pittsburgh, Pa Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law . Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., sep 10—y Pittsburgh, P. Wm. liotiinson, Atte/1161r at TralV a Office on the North side of the Diamond, between Mar ket and Union %Proem np stairs sep 10 A. L Duiboraw, Attorney at Law, Tenders his professional service,: to the piiblib. Office sep 10 on sth st., above Wood. Pittsb irgh. . -Ilystor & itaeltanan, Attorneys at Law, Office renidredfrom the Diamond to " Attorney' Row," shady side of 4th. between Market and Wood its., sop Id Pittsburgh. - N. IllialonsurtermAttortkey at Law, litw reineveclitisoffice taftenres' Lair Buildings, itli at., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10 George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, Office in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh sepc27-7 Evade Washington, Attorney at . Law, O&M in Ilakewell's building . , Grant street, Pittsburgh nov 5, 134'2 John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law, &Floe enraer of Smithfield and Filth streets, Pi ttsbnrgh ERP Collec Lion., made. All buiineis entrusted toll's rare will bd promptly otttmtled tn. feb 16-v "w. E. Austin Attorney at Law, Pittsburg-I, Pa. Office in Fourth sweet, opposite Burke 's Building. `` ri.T.lX . tt F. .1::;TTN, will give Ms alma den to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friciali. sep 10—y .WALTER FORWARD. Daniel reL OttrrY;AftarnaysiE kaw, Office *n Fifth street, bet*een Wood and Smithfield, ap 8 Pitt.hurgh. ROBE= PORT4:R cr Perkins, Attorneys at Lifer, Ofnal on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, sep 10 Sctdsori ff. Plaaiddizi, Aitoriiefis At Law, Smiiltflehl.near 7 th ,treet. llections madr on tv:r4l - tenni. for widow', of old soldier= ut:der thelate art of Con .1 - rt.44 übtiioed. .I'a::ers and ilraw i:Las.t..,r zby rear 17—y Henry S. Idar,raw,Att,racy at Law, lim k romnred hi? (Alice t hi roe.hh-rer., ,):1 Fourth ct tWO - , nr •• S sop 10 Ji D. Croigh, Attorney at Law; Office corner Smithfield and Third strect=t, PittAn:7.ol my` s—y L.litarper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ARIZ:SON CODS TY , 014 10 Will attend ruin] illy to the collyetion or soctuitF of claim , . oral all proco,siontit latsinessenrrustrd to his caro in tit.. eountie, of klarrison, Jotieraon, Belm mt, Guern sey, Tusanrawas, Holmes, CoAtocton, Carroll, Stark anti NV aync. ' REF ETTU Neicarf 4- Loomis, Dal.:ell .rte ping ' John Harper, D. T. Morgan, my 27, 1 13 1-3—tf Aldrioni, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth Ftrevt, between \Vood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep o—t f Magistrates Blanks, . For pro-cetliti in zitfachinent under the late law, for sale at this ufliee. .iy 23 Dr. S. IL Nolnfest, Office in S...ecnd street, next door to :Mulvany S Co.'s Glass Wnreitoli..r. Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office on Smithfield gtreet, third door from the corner of etrout Eep 10 ' Ward & Mint, Dentists, Liberty street, a law doors below St. Clair, ap 6, Pa . , " Doctor Daniel MeMeal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10—y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTTON YARN WAREHOUSE, Ns. 13, Wood Street, Agents forthe Aalo of the Eagle Cott . on Factory Yarns. mar 17—v WttLiam 11. WILLIAMS JOHN S. Dit..svon.nt WilliantsZt Dilworth, 13/I , lesale Grnccrs, Produce and C-ir.iris:ion 111 chant 4, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufartnred A ticle , , No. 9. 'Woad street. snp 10—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & MACKEY, - 11 , 7wlexale and Retail Dealerf in English, Trench and Domestic bryGoods No. El, Muket streq, rittE , burgh. rep 10—y J. G. & A. GORDON, Cointnission and l'orwasatk Ifferannts, Water street, Pittsburgh. ' eep 10-y BIRMINGHAM & CO.. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, N 0.60, Water street,Pittsburgh,Pa. r7°TEams.—Reeeiving and shipping, s . cents per 100 lbs. Commission on purchases and sales, 2i per cent mar22—y Vrausasville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer oflron and Naas Wnsehouse,'N u. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sep 10—y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grrocers; Meansimian and Pro. duce Nlcrchant,s, And ; d:.'alers in PigsL ur,gh Nanufsctures. mar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pittetwp .„.JDfiNSON & DUVAL, Bookbizaeri an Piper Rulers, Continue business at the stand lore of hl'Candless rG .Johinsott. Every description of work in their line name ly and promptly executed. may B—y Ditcgtot.ns D. Catalans LLOYD R. Courati. t , . Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding and Commission , • Merchants, • 1 Levee Stroet,Viaksbuil, Mw. Tirol resPeetlY sO• licit coasignments. a -tf 1 I ~~. PaTABURGH, THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 1,-1844. - . JOHN 13. Pzitxtss AIA r. ••• • JOHN D. Wtoz. L. & J. D: WICK, Wholesale Grocers & Dealers ill Produce 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st., may 15 • Pittsburgh, Pa. Lsaivisx. WICK Birmingham &Co., AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND AND CLEVELA:4I3 t. In; 11farrli 22 .. John B. Brant, WhoksalcGrocer, Deals?. in Grain, General For carding and Com- mission Merchant, liarrisburgh, Pa. WILL dispose of all goods ent for Commission Sales at the lowest commission rates. RKFT.RENCEC . Esher, Day&Getrish,D, Leech &Ce, galtiawra—W.Winn &co. W i llson I E.Elder Harrisburgh—Mieh'lßurke,H.Ante3,,J M. Hakim= july JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Market otect. yep 10 THOMAS B. Youso_. FRANCIS L. YOUNG. Thos. B. Young & Co. Furniture Ware Rooms, rcrrn'Or of Hand street and Ex change alley. Persons wishing to pitrch4se furniture, will find it to their advantage to g,ive tiaa call, being ful ly satisfied that we can please* to quality and price. see 10 R. C. TOWNSEND & CO., Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers, No. 4 23, Market su ect, br.tweon Ott and 3d streets, sop 10-y - Exchazige Motel, Corner of Penn and Saint Clair streets, by sep 10 McKIBBIN & SMITH - Pilkington's tlnrivalled Blacking, A i r A.NUFACTURED arulsold and retail, IT-I- SIXTH STREET, One Chia': below Smithfield. 0et9.1-I.v. James Pattersdn, jr., Birmingham, neat Pittsburgh, manufacturer of ock., Itimri and belts; tobacco, fuller, mill and timber screws: homen scrt-. 4 .s for rolling: &c.sep 10-1 John Till'eloakcy, Tailor and Clotbtdr, liberty streN, betwc,..3 - n Sixth street and Virgin alley, S ride. scp 10 Webb Closey's Boot and Shoe Manufactory, No. 83, 4th st., next door to Ike U. S. Bank. Ladies prunella, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest manner, and by the neatest Ftimeh patterns. sep 10 William Doherty, 41A T AND CAP MANUFACTURER, 14 areei; between Market and Sixth. aplo—Gm. John Cartwright, CUT 1,E.11 and Stivgival I n,trurnent Nlaarn , tnrar rennet nfdith and I.ii.crty stmet 4. PII t.altzrtl, Pa. 1. 1; *al ham! an e%na. , ive a-”tontment of n:, , 1 I ),It , tnei.t4, 1341,1, "f. I lair Drruqer . 4 and 'l7ll--r :cot S . Sa,ld!,•:*4 Teruls, it . Oalt and replas Larnber foi• Sale. A \V C., II .:0111; et of•:-..st.1,1. , d Oals and 1...0nh0r. \‘-10r!,;.1.1... I: Auire uI Ja /7ICS C. ins. :::tain I an. jv 21. Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills, P' HESE Yilk ar.. stror,g-iy recono-wended to the _L -notice of -safe et!ici•elt rerre—lc in wino, ity; those entriplaile , ..pectiharto their!.-x, f r om V, ' , III' oreit,reho., or qerterol dchilitr the 4y-tr , in. Thev nle ;-ve ,•u. and rninot-rn.'t nll 1 irster' N.•t-'vui affect ions. These Pills have gained the sanc tion and approbation nf thr nitse.,l ewinent Physicians in the Ut.ited States, and many :Mothers. For sal , Wholesale and Iletail,hy R. E.sELLERS,A2out, sep 10 No. 20, Wood Street, below Second Notice to Dr. Dranoireth's Agents. 9 - IHE office in Pittsburgh, whirliwas establishetifor JL. the purpose of constituting agmits in the west, having urcarryPsheii that noject, is now e lose,t, an d Mr. G. 11. LEE, in the Diamond, Marlmt. street, :tp point,d my attent for the sale of my Pills and Lini ment,. All Dr. Drandreth's tigents will, thertiore,un dorsmad that Dr. B. will end a travelling a4ent throu:.;ldhe c,lutry once a year to collect monies for , lile, made and re supply agents. The said travelb-r will be provided with power of attorney, dtdy proved is 'ore the Clefi, of the city and county of New York, together with ail the necessary vouchers and papers. Mr J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Pennsyl vania.. B. B DR ETH, M: D. N. B.—Re:r.enther. Mr: a. H.LF:E,in therear oldie Nlarket iz nc - :n y unly agent in Pittsburgh. Erving berm afflicted for nearly two -years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which prodw'ed much pain, and use'd various applications recommended by the faculty—all in !vain, was mired' completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's linament, or external rcthedy. • WitneFis try band, • JAMES TAYLOR. - - Ohio tp . illegheoy Co. Pa. Jim. 10.1840. Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or liniment; sold at the store of GEORGE li. LEE, Pittsburgh, price 50 rents re : !trifle. feb 3. Dr. Dechter's Pulmonary Preservative. FOR coughs, cold., intluenzas, c.atarrlis, whooping couzli, spitting of blood, pain iu the breast, all disease. of the b reastyind andarrst of.r.Trproach lug, consumptlon. IVarruntr.d free from mercury and other miner:B.3. B. A. FAfPNESTOCii. & CO., jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh. Wi C: Wall, Plain and Fancy Pori?'ait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth .tirrt, Pittsburgh, Pa CAN VASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, always on hand. Looking Cr i lassee,'&c., promptly fla. med to order. Repairing done at tl tr. shortest notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of every description. . . - ..xersons fitting • stamboats or houses will find ft to their e.47antage to call. sep 10-y SAMUEL MORROW, Manufactarei'f .7in_ k . Copper and Sheet r - on ware No. 17 , Fifthatrect,beheesa Wood and I'We 7.44 Keeps constantly on head a gocxf an6i>rtment of wares, end solicits a share ofpuulic patronage. Also, on hand, the folio wing articles: shovels, poke rs, t (Jags', grid i rims, s k ille ts,teakettle s, p ots, oven s, coffee mills, &x. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for hernselv,o's he is determined to sell c heap forcash or approved paper. mar 7 —tf PORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d ivory Burk's Buil ding. .T. Osborne would solicit a &arum those 3 1 . ho desire Portraits .Spcimcna can be seenspi r °orris may 5. 8. G. Ikeinh'art, JeccEssoß po LLOYD & CO.) itludeeate a•nd ltetail Grocer and Conimission .Ver • ' ' chant, • No. 140, Liberty at., a few doors above St. Clair, trWhere families and others can at ali times be shiai with good Goods at moderate prices. a3O ~,.~ Facts. ~._.a..~..~ .. Cheap for Ciah.-17 PRICE ion Cotton Factory. s rrinuc'En. Short Reel Yarn. No. 5 at 15 cts per 93 6 at 15 do 7 at 1.5 do 8 at 15 do 9 at 15 do 10 at 15 do 11 at 15 do ut 15 do 13 at 16 do 14 at 17 du 15 at 18 an Long Reel Yarn. 5130 cit al cents per dozen 600 at 7i do 700 at si do 800 at Si - do 9PO at 5 do 1000 at 5 du COndlesviclrntls cents per lb Cfm. Betting, 8 do d 0,., 12/ do Corpet Chain, 20 do Cotton Twine, 20 do 1¢ at 10 .4 17 at. 20 44 'acking Yarn . and Cover , let Yarn always ()ohm:a. ;Cotton Warps made to or dor. attended to, if left at J & C. • 's,ortherostOffice:address 11100RJ-IE2U) & CO. 18 at 21 do 19 at (21, do 20 at 21 do r o-Oriiers prompt? Pitinter's,Logan c 2 7 PITTSBURGH Circulating and Polemic. Library. religious,historicat, political and miscellaneous works, will, be open every day, Sabbath except ed, from 7 o'clock A. S.L, until 0 Y. Al, in the Ex change building, corner or St. Clair street and Ex change alley, where punctual attendance will be given by , .1. GEMMIL. scp Ih. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Aides for Carriages, At Eastern Prices. - - THE sub.ctibers m.annfacture and keep constant ly on band Couch, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass andplated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, pateoit Leaner;,Ml.Pea and .Bras - s Lamr.vs, Three fold SteN, Mallceblie iron, Door Handles and Hinges. &c., &c. JONFS & COLEMAN. sep 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. Iron Safes. T RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have 1 and keep always on hand an assurttnent of Fire Proof Safe:. The price , in conseferace of the ma terials and labor being Mach lower, is reduced about thirty percent. They are kept for sale at my shop, in 54th StTeCt, abate next to the church on the corner of 6th street---as illso with Atwood, Jones &Cd., and Daltell &. Flaming. In regard to the qual ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur , chased anti will purchase my safes to attest the util ity.of thern. I desire nu newspaper puffs on my safes; justice tied truth war-aut me in informing the public that all my safes which have boon in buildiug - s burnt down fur .several years Once I commenced hay.c pre served all the papers, honks, &e., which they contain ed. I have a card,containing a number of certificates of the same, which are in circulation andiron hands wad the agentes. JOAN N. B. A few pair of steal Springs - for sale, made by Joa &Coleman, and trill be rld low. Also. rt screw press, with power to punch holes in half i neh iron. scp• 20—tf irey:lvel Maaracsia MAN CIAC 71:BED BY . CONST A & IJUR iE.. niat .strect,bewern. Wood and ,?.) - tnithlielei, Pittsturgh, Pa. TIIE imbscribers pro-eat their respeet9 to their nu merouA friends fur t.lw?r former liber4l patron ar7e, end would take thl.s . rr.etbed of asserh4 them and the public Generally that all future favors' will be duly appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of which uifficient testimony will be given to any inquirer. The principles of thoir locks and safes are nut ant fr,srd in the Union. The price also is ( onSiderabl) lessened, and will be found as low, it not belqw any other responsible house in the t:•iiien. We would rake this tipporttopy of !li;trilii7s. , the Yu rio o 4 Editors of this 'city atmiel-oYhere, aho have spokno 90 highly t.f us and Our safc4. The public are re4rOofolly invited to examine our attick-tt before rorcla-ting cl4c w herr, feeling aasorea the sortior'ty of our namufamitrt will be apparentto all cantlid Tretator4. N. co7tsTA - nr.r.. c rhlltßE. N. B. S-ifoq rin lio )I,tainr,l of any size nr 41:ipe, or of any prineirle of kick or ronqtrtu Hr of S Socond sii co, Po t3burgh, .Pu. n2o—tf CROP OP 1843. TIIE subscribe! hag just received his annual supply of Landreth's.quirden Serds, consisting in,part ' of the fcl!or, ing kindarall of their...et year's crop, end warranted genuine: A-Taregus, Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Enke,d Peas, Beans, inle, Pepper, reek. Pumpkin, Broccoli, Lettuce, Radish, Emcee°le, Water Mellon, Rhubarb, .• Cabbage, M usk " SalSafy. Carrot, Nasturtium, ' Caidiflower, Spinach, Squash, Celery, Okra. Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley. Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &c, &c, &e. ~ . ~ Together with a 'variety trf pot and sweet herbs and flower seeds. Orders for seeds, shrubs, trees &c, from gar deners and others will be received and promptly at ' tended tot. ; _ ! F L SNOW DEN, jan 25 No 184 Liberty, head of Wood. ! ALLEN KRAMER . , Exchange Broker, -Va. 46, corner ofWoad and rardstrects, Pillabizrg fa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bunk notes, bought u.nd 'sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and billk, collected.. RKFERE:4CE: Win. Dal & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lamaze, J. Painter Sr Co., Joirseph Woodwell, James May, Ales. Brenson&Co. Jahn H psonnjt Ctp •- "Jtianisit ATCpedlfte. J. H. BPDenaLf.„` W. H. Pope, Esq.,pree't Bank rr AR.-53 Bbla Tit, for vac by 1 j 23 JAMES MAY Pittsburgh, Pa Philadelphia. Cincinnati, o:; St. - Linkia, MO. y. Lcatistftle. .~, t- t ~.. ~.~ To the titentlethen of Pittsburgt. .41 THE sebscnlser most respectfully •' ' informs the gentlemen of this city and vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's office: Having been thiamin in some of the most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and 'laving furnished himself with the bast French and tmerieao,culf skins, he hopes by his attention to bus :Jess to merit a share of public patronage. To those gentlemen who have kinifly patronised him he returns rds sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal tbr the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business. I'. KERRIGAN. may 11 William Adair, Boot and Shoe maker, Liberty at. opposite Ike head of Smithfield. IThe subscriber haring bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, der ,n-vd-,has commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R., and is Prepared to ex•cuto all descriptions of is , Ork,' in hislitte, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice. He keeps constantly cn hand a large nisstn twentof shoe findings of all descriptions, and of thei best quality. Ile solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. sep 10—y WM. ADAIR. .-.- „ • - David Claik; Aget.i ' JFASHION#LCILOOT MAKER., hits removed to No. 34 Market street, between Second and Third streeji k wheMksa could kse happy to seems' old easterners, an 11 ethers who feel disposed to pa trouiSe.him. He aseS nothing but first rate stuck, and employs the best of workmen; and as 'he gives his con . - stant person& attention tip hu.siness, s he trusts that he will (deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. . sep 10 , , . .. . . BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE, LOOK IN AT SCE/OVEN'S, C4rner of .IVood and Water sta,. 'IV(THER 0:21i5o . an assortment of ready made V clothing , cle cassimeres, sattnetts, Vestings, flannel shirts, drawers, cotton, A ngoln and ltimb's . *VS'!' hose and half loose, silk and gingham cravats, hdkfs, stc.cks, and in short, a little of everything adapted to alt tt.erof gehtlemen, all of which purchasers ail' Cir.(' made cr, and also - made to order in the latest and most improved style, mid at prices which, he flatters hiinself; will successfully compote with any establishment west of the mocntuins. • . Having made arrangements in Lila eastern cities, b' will be constantly receiving accessions to his alreti,ty well selected anti seasonable 'tacks. Give him a CLIII, then, i f you witl to furnish pturself with (-halm unities. 'good and yet Cheap. for Ca.s,h! llgmember the Oace----coiner of Woo and streets. Peach Trees. MI THE +ubscriberhns just received from the Nur eery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia: a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which h., would call the attention of the F. L. SNOWDEN. Librrty st. head of Wood. - - File ManufactQry. TTIE il.fr having r. !treod din tnanufaa- Piro of Cast Steel Fil, . from American' mat erials .-Nch tsi rely. mer , hants or other per-.0.qn0 Nranfinecan be ‘ttrvlied by him won a better asticic, than the foreign, .u: lat lower pricee Intending only the best quality of Fife Steel, rcianc . f3curre.3 by the Messrs. SHOENDEROFR'S, which is now brought to a. perfection equal to the best English article, nianufnetured. fur tho .zttile purpose, the subscriber has full cenfidence that he will he able, in quality of articles wild prices, to realize the best belies of o.A:filet:Ll , . of American industry.. GEORGE ROTHERY, jy Comer of O'Hain.& Liberty sts. PITEINITIIItE WAIVE; noovrs. ALEXIIMER At the old ~land of Young 4• Af'Cicrely, No. 43, S C 0714 xtreel. between TVootl and Market, RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late firm. and the public ~e nerativ. that he is prep a= red to fill all colors for Cabinet iVork, of any kind. with all poAsible de.-patch, and warranted to be equal to any in tlin city. Even , attention will be paid to furuiz.bing, COFFINS, &e. , when required. je 16-y Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker, • (Late of thc,l rtn of Young ,Ar HAS commenced the ensitres in all its; bin:whoa at No 22, Wei st.S,iet, between Fivst and Second stri., where he will /tee!, s - teinstr.trti v rn band a toed as sortment of r.e!t made till: 4 :l3'U RE, and hopes, by rit:on to Cosiness, t'. Merit a continuance of the patronatie of the public. eryattontion bc.Tn ia to furnishing COFFIN 3, &c. A Furniture. Car for hire. July II • JOItN 11IcFAR1.A741, Upholsterer and Cabinet Dialreit . TAini st.,lntu•con {rood and Market, Respectfully informs hiNfriends and the public that he is prepared to execute nil ors (hr Sofas, sideboards, chniri,ltables, bedsteads, stunai , i hair and spring- mattisses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol stcriog *troth', which he will warc.nta equal to any made in tic,. cis c, rind on mu:enable terms. sop 10, Mattliew Jones, Barber said Bair Dresser, Has remixed to FOurth itreet.,.orrp . o3ite the :,i.ayor's of fice, where he w•illbe br_rl),-t.t. , 7rut noon perimment or tnuisMnt customers. flo u ;litre .of pchlic pa t roni , ge. etep 10. NEW FASHIONABLE Rat and. Cap Alanifactory. Nu. 93 Wood street. 3 doors below Diamond Alley THE subsiber will keep constantly on hand every variety Of the most fashionable II aTs and CAtl, wholesale and retail, at reducedprire.. Persons wishing:to purchase will find itto their inte rest to give lhiivac till. S. NIOOII.E. Pittsburgh, aug. 2948.13. • (BINDING AND:11'101;1511.14q-ad Inns l3 - ground and polished, anvils I.ll67:elier kinds of grinding, done at the Ctpt Steel FileYnnulatiory, cur ncr of Liberty and o. tirtra street s. aug la ‘,„,,. • • oughs! Coldi2 Consumption LI . TIIORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. THIS pleasant and certain cure for couzbs end colds goes ahead of all the preparations now er ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that . the proprietor has sprne.difficulty in •Iteeping ti supply fur the increasing &mead - . 'Medical agtrociert, ries, druggists. coffee. hottses, and even bars:ca steam boats, keep a supplyonlautd. It is called for awry sell'inauy.eplace. The reason, isthis; "every oneVliabasa cough' c.r c 4,1 by eating a few sticks find tbetnsilies aured, as it fres" by arrxric. -Femora eta distance, by remitting the utipnew.,,poss Raid, to the, suPertrilwkr, will beattanderi so.- For 55.1033 , ;tin:single stick, 6 osnts•?fivair4clur for 2.5 cents; cad at wholesale by W*. Tsolt.Re Druggist, 53, Merkeraileqi bete& gebeialassoruncat of Drags undMlediciaestaayalwaya, be found. • ; •• OIJISVILLE LIME—IO9 BM% For sale by (j 23.) JAMES MAY. • .;. •.•• - •,• • ' •-•:?`"-••• MEE =MEI= : ,T,W9- cgiNTS. 1)t Matt Alornitt4 Post. 'OLDEN TIME. , , • It I:lnteresting to leak back upon New Enghtad tary, seine twocentories, and obscn-ve dtorigidiespoirei sion which weseitarcised by:the Fathers of the eelletaS4 over the employments,babits,lo.l morals of the •ple; • Many of their legaVenactrnents would d, ably be ttostand wankel. imposed on ace matentist surrounded;by more euspiciottjicireemstatmeeo.adthes. seating* better , knowledge, of the science of govertie, merit, and doubtless - therts wore in the early days of the< setidement, some admirers.of the largest liberty ofhtii . .,. roan action, Whit wersearlsingcbet strenousadvocaliii, of a 9t riot construction of such straight jacket, body mari tifyiog - tegulations.. put aptzniiiitits which in6uelw4- tbe law makers - dtlid't day "and generation are alieveS reproach: their legal - restrains:were designed te,, the common wants, end were , productive of "gtio order and virtue. .:I . orrtoserimens of the civil &chef Une o.c,the colttny : of Plymouth, (united to htlassachte , setts in 1691) are subjeined.. • - • . 1 4 1n 1620, the exportation of corn, beans, and posi t were prohibited' and the maple; mane a( stieehanicts_segr, lea 1636,-the Gc:Verner and Assistants were anther; . ized to puuisb the druuksrd at their,',.ewa. dieenes, Lion. . lii 1635, it *is enacted - that none should herniaf . hotwedreepera, tit .build' amires, ‘riihoutabe ee ofthe_duvernor and Astiistaum. . The same was efterwaids granted to seleetrepa. -oCtinTe, . 1 ;4 1111069, relectutee weilk.erittibwered - • tp . Ftellti, any One to live by himself. Think of that! ye ItsiebitZ lors.of the presses day. and -congratulate yourillted. your. anti-matrimonial privilege:l , • Intl 633, laborers' wew.were fixed at twelve Karr , per day with board, and argiunnii . Auce per dity..a?sil?... 10,1669, the, cenitettlela• were oared to look persons who slept in church,ead report theirlidoiail • to the General Court. 3he progress of P9PPlskr.4..* l , don in this respect; is astonishing, 0 s 1:6404, Chewers and smokers had to pay-a beavY ditty 415,,' their favorite indulgence. Rleai . 11 1 0!,: tobacco jetotheirefeire-vf ted: that it any one was found, or ffeesd i alculg tobacee' in the itrei . t.s", or, in any building. oifiegfoelshin folk: f a o dwelling hotise, he should be frned - WCPdartsti,-,'' and in de f ault ef pecuniary meansfor smis6.ingjosticsos✓ • he was to be pdt in the steelt:ev.,gtip liteimpbriittion limtie cianstim'pti3r , Prohiblu.d. In 1650, it was provided that everylseete, who used tobacco shoeldba fined five shillings. .W-00 was the supposed antagonistical influence oldie Use . or this weed epee the Faithful: eieraiset,of, shele*.dk4aF, judgernt,...sis left. only to carious coujecture.. ,' o lople it was enacted. then every person found smekiiteAlts She; streets on. the Lord's d,-ry, • going to pr. riseurobtrfriare, , meeting, within tie Miles ciCthe hogsit*dld.. •be finedtwelve pence. ' • '••••• litortc respect it must be ,admitted that the eaied smilers of New England sull'er.by a comearisop4tith their more patriotic deicettdUntS; We Mean iatitieft luepowe to hold 'public Office. in 163 1 20 k, look Tassed, that if:any line was elected to theztlftegittf.Vtair.' ; enter, and refused -to serve. he:simeitt 0.4! ptuviso was ir.serted. that no yersonaboALbe: tee serve two years in sticcossiom v:0, I;n, e rhe. ere d th.: hearts of those - Who 'veil • nesse s of such uc.za.leu al reho.itiviee jci servo the t iriblidi coal& they have ltickecl fttrO•r:el a corPle'or dente6e6c and, seen a high ripperiuting power receiving theme/di epe.l - leatiolic". - .F4SSAGES FROM . "13ANKTIIII7 .STORIES:! lirraiJog c Lore-Letter: Ceuater at pee.. -A, "John, after hu had f..tired cphir,clsamber, sat devtrw, and penned a few, but expressive lires which be tiffd berme simple language, tittertit mentor exaggeration, that he loved her, his roturn he should ( call upon her to lean,frarntiltil ; •' own lips whether or not she could love him in mitth,-, Never haat-so had he 'expressed, himielferi ipt& id eat% so feelingly, and so much to his ovtri -After he had written his letter ho read :it. over., (root again; delighted et the true expresslop clit 14*.. own feelings, ardwondering at his success' in a style ! of composition , which had then attempted for:die litse. rime. Those-who feel can write feelinlys; buteistfai 4 , terfeit feelings on paper, like4ounterfeit - ,latightegs.lit,. counterfeittears„affect nobody,. because leeinigs lie deeper than the eye or the car, and like can onlyaffeeti like; as the devil could not. tempt/3u Anthony, 4301 though he has tempteifso 111:10,* sham waintsbefgre fine, 'since his time; and the 'spigot ctatld find siheltlii *lth men but Letin'alr Bridorn, 'betause Lot tilem'ol' its inhabitants parteoieof f the angers nature." • A "Goon Minx," AS ‘THE WORLD GOLS. :7 ;••*O4: people look upon Mr. Eats a riserAlen; Paton.. as indeed he was; for he I 4 al%Vays paid hie dejtes,,tl great thing assuredly in a. Oommunity where a leglect, to .do so le looked upon as an odious °France; without any consideration of the debtor's Misfortunes ty; but then., it ;must bee. ibeiewibesed the ?nobody: would have irusised o Mr 13atei ; beycnd his. known abils.s4 ty to pay; he had robbed rieman, of his mOiey.wl vutiss usual thing in these days,then even geieiernents teas" independent states set exernplewordishOtiesty; he bad never cheated government out ofn penny, iildatitighltilt- 1 ,-' right ;to say that he hid never beetrantrwstedwith any ; of the nation's funds; he had run tivray With admatirstrii• wife, which waswgrenter merit in him; sincehe would' not have looked upon it as an unpardoneblepifpoce any body hod run away withllLs he had never accept. 7-, ed - ttMed of :e iniity endthen Proved 'iraiictions to those who plated him in power; a Arc 'virago. in him, ewe; he saw so many examplesal ouad him, and heard them I 'spoken of as pod jokes rather than us blaCk.CrilDell." • DEAD HONORS TO DEAD MENI.-=l.Whotilkiria4ifiED • lies every kady says: 'lsit possihike a*iiieigisitwese qnitc an impossible thing for antis*" Death to pap./ plc with ain of wealth; when a lawyer dies, all tha' courts adjourn with complitnentaryttpeechies, and jut tice sheathes her terrible left-hind sword and'pockets', her scales for a whole day; as though lavey_cri siere ifo exceedingly rare that the lostpf io be' wept as a public calamity -tad , vithini a hie-s..hant dies,.. all the ships is tho hatter heist their flags at half.: nanst, out of respect fo his qnsmory, as though the Ins sinen of merchaudiaitig was one pf such estrume hoa. or to humanity that the bare accidenrof beine•CiannaeL • tcd with it conferred such peculiar merit r.tion a aim,' that his /081 CailEti for a', pyiffiardeinoastratios. of grief. This last complimenisrstrpaid, to bdr Tuck and whilelb6re Was but; one pair of irlesibai me* tear at his funeral. 'there were hundred; isf yards of bunting, °fall pUssible colors and combinatio®s,druep ing from the half mast heads of innumerableaeaigohl crafts at the nilsaives, and in the river and bay,osk of respect to hie nstpcory." 3_ot ADVICR TOUCHING NIVTRIEIRS4S4AIIc "it if a matterpf great mortifteation to ate, my -tent, s tSet itt to important a trAactioa as mirriap, incompetent to give you any-aline., " But 1 Wto that adiiee Tel not he needed by tyoli analuNin 'OO.lOll so Nonbt he happy in each whet, yet thus blows tt '- that ao old gentletneu owl w tell r* adsesl w Pf your age,vthich 1 think yOu will def well, to bar lad; mind. hy don't you get Marikd, my boy rite Owed to surto me: "Because, Josh Mawr how to rhoove a wife, and I afraid; of getting: a - beV one," "Poo ! pool" Le would 419-: "pa1,..**10111 0 4 01 enough, if ber mother-don't live with you; but wife will not be good enough if the IiWW;E ~_'::" , ;~: .~'%'.~