FOR GOVF:RNOIt, FRS, R SHUNK: Subject to the decision Of THE DzmocrtATic lOCATZ CONVENTIC;IS 4113 C 0412 Illontinci post. ruor4.3.noLiars, sinsoa. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 113 Mlit-BiI:ACXI,SIIIDGE ' S Puorastrios.—We publish this itufraing theracheme, brought forward by our able end ofarieut representative, temeet the inierest on the state debt and preserve the teputation of the common wealth. We shall have something to say on this mat in a day or two, and must content ourselves fur the present by remarking that it appears to be the only practicable plan that has yet been submitted; and as nano decisive measures must be resorted to, to 'retrieve our credit, we trust that the propositien will be sustain ed by the people,and that petitions will be immediate' ly forwarded, urging its p.tssago upon the Legislature. We are requested to statc, in reply to the com 'ments of the Aurora on Dr E. D. Gazzam's political preferences, that the editors of that paper have 'miss!). pretended lb* sentiments expressed by Dr G. at the •late Van Buten meeting,and misunderstood the motives which induced birrao attend the Democratic celebra tion of the Bth of January. Dr Gazzam has always been free in the exptession of his political principles, and if he had any choice nmotg the present candi dates for the democratic nomination for the Presiden cy he n•ould express his preference freely and atoice. Dr G. does not nor did not presume. to recommend any p.articule course to the BuchanariNen of Pennsylva titt',lMt spoke for himself only; and he now reiterates 'whit before Mr Buchanan's withdrawal he had fre qUently declared, that be will eltfierfully abide by the decision of the National Convention, and give to the nominee of the democratic party an earnest arid sincere support, having full confidence not only in the talents -and political integrity of the several candidates for the - democratic nomination, but abut) in the diacernment and patriotism of the Democratic party. COL. KUM, .07 ALA.BADIA.—Wf I have seen this gen tleman spoken of favorably in connection with the of fice of Vice President. We know of no democrat in .the country who would be likely to receive a warmer or tame harMoniousjsupport than Mr. Kure. In Ala bama, hers.universally esteemed by all parties for his manl3 - course asa politician; and his pure and upright 'condtict as a private citizen,has endeared him to all who know him, Mr. Kin& would be n very popular candi :date, and as he is so well qualified for the office, and so daserving in every oth.?r respect, we would be much gratified to.see him on the ticket, and wyuld feel doubly tannin of success. A HARD Case .—A strange scene was enacted be -bit; idgeParsons, Philadelphia, on Friday last. It appearasbat a young couple (whose names not given) lied bead married and living together three days, when the wife went home to see her parent,. As sho did Detnettin, the husband went after her, but was inform_ ed by harparents that she did not desire Logo with him, ntnithatite could not be pelbli tted to see her. Think ing that she was restrained by them, the hasband got out a writ of habeas corpus. The parents appeared telikt.their, daughter, and in answer to the question by thettitrit, whether she tx•as willing to go back and live 'kith her husband, sbe returned a decided negative, hut would assign no reason for her strange determination, nor for the sudden and unacmmtable dislike which she had evidently taken to him. The writ was dismissed, the court hiving no authority in the matter. A Naw ABOLITION Mu appears, by a letter In the Norfolk Herald of Wednesday last, that the Abel kids:mists of New York, hare bad capt. Powell, of the schooner Empire, arrested on account of returning to Virginia to deliver up two slaves, whom he found se creted on board afterlae had got to sea on his passage to No .V York. Mr Powell had been held to bail in the sum of $l,OOO, to answer to the Charge of false impris onment, of James D Lane, the steward, who secreted the negroe.s on board. Lane was arrested an his re turn to Norfolk, and after having been tried, was sin- Maned to serve out a term of years in the State Peni tentiary, for thefelony of decoying slaves fro - m the .Siese.. He ill still in prison. 13ANsc or Irtainaia..—At a meeting of the stock itoiders of this institution in the city of Richmond on the Bth inst., it was decided to mernorel it() the Legisla ture to authorize the withdrawal of its &ranches in Nor folk and Danville. The vote on the question of the ihinrfulit brtench was 7 in favor, .to 5 in the negative. Snow AND Cot.D.—The folks at the north are be ginning to complain, at last, of the cold._ At Thomas ton, Me.; forthree days previous to the 3lstult, there had been constant snow storms,and theanow laid three feet deep on a level. It was snowing. again at Bi•lfust 341115 t. The weather was also very cold at Boston, on. Tuesday morning, the mercury at sunrise being 7d itemiser°. The mildness of the season until now, kola heir: tbv subject of gt atulation in every quarter. .Votes or' TVitctflomr.-- , At the Democratic State nvention held at Ann Arbor, on the Bth ihst., for the rarposts of nominating delegates to the National Con vekstbM =detectors fur Pi esident and Vice President, the following resolution, amongst others, was "unani mously'=d enthusiastically adopted." .Pesolve , l, That entertaining these views of public fneasureA, wo - rnoit cordially co-operate with our sister stale of New York in preeentine to the nation her fa vorite son, MARTIN VAN BUREN. as the choice of the democracy of Michig,an fot the next Presidency; as Q citizen, pure in private life, whose whole public career as a statesman is identified with the principles we-profess, and who, in his elevated administration of the Government from 1837 to 1841, evinced talents of the,highest order, an integrity unapproachable by cor ruption, a wisdom that looked alone to the public good, a-firmness =awed by the rage of faction, and =equa nimity-undisturbed by the most reckless calumny that ever before assailed , a-faithful public servant. A FALSEHOOD SET AT REST.—The Philadelphia Argo. , ,: a, paper that has been started fora special pur poop, published the fallowing paragraph u few days siberf ,'We are happy to hear that the ran Enten'Execntive cltntnittee have received a letter from General Jack son, in commendation of Henty A. Muhlenberg, as our next candidate for Governor, which has been placed in the hands of one of thoeditors of the Pennsylvanian, and-will he published on Monday morning next." . Ilse editor orate .Pennsylvanian notices this story in tbifollowing positive rnanrer? • - find the above in the Democratic Argus of Sat cpdity,'and take occasion to say that no such letter as that referred to, has been placed ih OUT hands. We 'have alio sufficient authnritv for satiny, that no letter kind has bl e t reeeiveti frotriGen. Jackson." eIowTtrUNATIC AsyLux.--The fifth ennuis' report of thisichlrtors aniksuperintendent of this institution states, that. autiegthe existence of the Asylum five Jleeis:terse hssebeen admitted 473 patients. Of this. airliWit4B: were tastes; -fisrendes,74s; single, 224; .rldb.Vs, 39 wl4owertr,ll. The whole suissient ise'rarget