Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 29, 1843, Image 4

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    jdor.r.... .
Payer, No. 18 , Wood Serer!, Ptttsburgik, Pa.—
alivaie on nand an extensive assortuto.t of Sal ir
-C1 ismd and Main PAPE!". 1 - I.IOinINGS, Velvet and
la:tattoo. Korderii, of the 'west siyte and handsome
' palter ~le, papering halls, parlors and chaml.ers.
TIK , y manufacture an,l !lave on hand at all times-
Frtaltaz. %Vriting,l,Mter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,flon
nil Pnlfrrs' [loaf ds—all of which I Itey oder for vale
01 111.1 most accommodating terms; 'and to kvhich they
tivite the attention of merchant and of hers
• A L.40-13ialik °fail kinds anti Ike hpst qtmlity,
rta)ki,riz. aiW.t . ,9 on 111:11 , 1 awl ior 9,11 e n.atrove
N. R. • f:a-v •IL Tar.:tereScraps' taken in exchange
E \L.— lie I
tire pu!)lie, thal he has reniovi:•l front his aid -i.tttli.
in 01 " enfrl r of P^un ,n.l St. Chir rig., 00;t1+ileile Ce
c•Ilo4r. li•rtcl,w here he hen filled 1,1 , 4 c I'llo4o l'n • r.•le
111•11 Y/ rt 00 tow ofrors for vile tire turrA. spicnint.:
• aisorleneo or grows ever offered .o 10- fearket.
Ilk niAno3 consist of rero,it patirrn of stiorrior
Zat'e Wnad and Mahozany. t,canliinlly finished and Inn
< 4.0.4,1 and con.trunted Iltrowthnot 1.1 the very lie , t run
whien,lOr duraioilty. and quality of (one, as well
totted, he Warrants IC be- , ittp nior to any eve: seen
Ac en!ar zed rna factcry, and hade rranze.
nieliti;r) supply tato increa , ing der,l and for til.3 instrn•
• anent, he reqoac.fully lopotos those In:ending to pur.
"base CO cal and, Vllll . lllPlll.la.t-nrtno-pt before porrha.
shiz, els - eh/here, as he is thgermlned to sett foo - tr., for
cash, than any-other establishment east or t:•est tt . .. the
r , otHatain , % r. 1;1,1.'1! r.,"
Ca-ner or Penn and r3A rtair
Excliarle Pa
rig t: lm- rf`o•ylVt! irolll I . lll.,l,lelptli;land
New /ark, wit,' a 2( lwral and an.art.
• :nent of DaUOS. 1", and
rv,!re 1 , 11, , 1e id hie line of hesines . novltich he ,s deter.
mined to sell on Inc mon,: reason tide t , ' , l inn for casli._
• Ile lielieras hr can .cfer struir:J.r I , :dacentent n tha ,i any
esin'oisiiment in this city to entint-y Physician ,
and Merclianlo, who wintt to .nprily , l 1,-1, , ,,1ve z ; with
* WIN: and Ilia art iron h ve I , r!eit selected
with the utnto.t rare, and are warrame,l on!, bent gnat.
Ity and nn for , o length. 0, d , rs w:Il with
enraey and ele.rar.ce. Paintii s can tic cu potted with Fine
and ran , y — Soll , of every row., vari -Iv, nail of
the most evqq.sde pet ro,or , s; li4ewisc with Perfumery •
nand curry dencriploo.
The tinder'', returns hiSilmn'. , for :I'm !Mora I .1; p. 7
•port heretofore exter,ded to Ilopc•A I,y a ronntant I
rII-nposition to picano and arcointeeidnle-4 rare in pro
• curio_ and only what is e,:oell-nt and
• close vii pervi , inri of thr sales anti transaction of the I..tati
I lishment.—preemition and accuracy hr romnlindi med.
eines—and liv Industry and perseverance, to flier
crease of public pal rons;e
'La I Whit ma a ywir , eerl) so wius:la!'y wllitc
1311:w i'whcr
Fa tn.k'v3e.i:Ulti a 7,, ,:,,
Ve brought 1 , ..w ~w hic• of Ttorn,' :Oil,
,v)t,,, tile
And since they trod this. I . osl :1;1 ”Ilwts
flit If, ils'OVLlt I lic! brot, 10 I.l.ine hi. teen',
-Look avolt, wy d o r - al, II OW 1.1 4 1, MC.
; l.= 1o:301103-W,
I , Tolii 1,%'301
And gee if this Te nt: c . "'!e,: is not fine.
Having h . ie2. Tea herry Poo:it IV - 1,11,`
arid bedimeaeituatnled with the in: e.t. , eis Co I'o co.npo•
cheerfully say, I consider of ki,i!
It 13 one Cr the most plea.a tit Toot It Wastes how to
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 IL% VID BUNT, Dem
I take pleasure in .tatiotz, harina stack: useof •9'horn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," tl i . t it is 01, of the IT,' deti
'Winces in use. Beln; in a tiqui I form, it comb nes neat
ness with convenience. Wore it
WA re:naves tire tartar from the teeth, it; pert - nine yeitla
-a fragrance peculiarly desira , oe. J . ri.Titil; Errs. 11 . D .
The undersigned have used oTitm.i's Compaund Tea
7 RerrY Tooth We-:11," and have found it to bean extrenic•
Ily pleasant devitler:ce, exercising a most salul.ary.
ence over tile Teeth and Gums; preoervlti; these indis•
pensable members (rein premature decay. preventing the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breaili. Haw.
log thoroug,!dy tested its virtues. we take plea,n rf in re.
tOtninendi•,g it to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar
tide of tbe kind now in use.
J -if .111u01111EAD
Prepared and sold l WILLI AM NI. A po!hrra•
To and Ch•—nivt, No. 53 Market street, Pitishurv.ll; and
RI all the principa Drug;ists', and Tuttle', SI rdicid A !zen
y, Fourth 4 sep
VO FEU 11,ES.—Theleiq :arc, rlasot l'emeles in
thisCily who front t;leir rout iiit.ds:ltint.„ to which :
their occesnitiansoh,igethein,ateril.; , cyd won costiveness '
which:lives rise to pa pita: ion at the by rl least ex
,ertion, sense of lteavine.,rz trodinc oerr 11.0 whole head,
inioleranre of light and sound .an ~f fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rtinin,ing in i he bow
els, sometimes a sense of so .for.,t , on , cs,wcialiy after
meats % ' I -% ann exerliun usp , d, ichiy up
- stairs; tempre tickle; I tir , ..e arc symptom , which yield al
once to a few tio:0:-..of the tirandrellt Pills The ocra.
Mona' u s e of this medicine would save a deal of I motile
and year: of .tlfferin2. One, or two, or Col, lliree of
the Brandrrth Pills just I•efore dinner, ore. forind
.highly beneficial; many use them very odvzmazeomly In
this wet,: they aid and assist digestion, rebore. I nr.poiv,lt'
to a proper roliddlon,rnlivf n bite spiiil,, import
IltniS to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and ham ines,
.Said at Pr. 13 - audrctli's ()Mee. in Orr Plamnad
2.sceniJ per box, with Cr:11 direction,
M 13. K" —"Ube only plac-.2 in l'it.sbcrgli, when. the
G 6:1171N r: Pins can he obtai it?. the Doctor's OVcn DI%
flee. Mainond. Fcp, JO
Dr. Leidy's Tetter Itch 01 fttnent.
F "core °revery vari et y of I'ETTEE, the ITCH,
:It or the St.to, proved h.elf more
effiracton , that) any other preparation fur the same ptir•
pose in use.
upwards of fine Lundred certificates might he pro. or, d
and oulOi-10..1 of its etilca , y from : 4 ,!1,0,11 Ted: hers, Pro
victor; of Poooties. Porruhr, GirLuhani, Child r , es,
ve,,plp; and others, were it nut for the c1 , .11-
taey in hav in: their names published in con tirctiutr
such diAagreeabh- a ciecttons,
By the use of Dr Leidv's Teller ()int went in COI Pin,.
thin with his exit act or sarsaparilla or Blood l'ith=, he
will guarantee to cure any clisea.e coati - nun to the skin,
howeiver had, or of however long s:a ',ding. or renind the
money. There are however very few instance, but can
bemired by the °intim-ill. alone.
Price 25 cents a Bee.
' Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel.
dy's Health Emporium, 191 N, second rt. Philadelphia,
and by B. A. FAH.VE.STOCK k Ca. corner of Wood
and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12.
PTO *sooner does nun of Dr. laid) , • preparatinhs he.
1.11 collie pot,in , . in raincerine nee ,if it , success and es
-1 fleaty, Dints it is mint( rietted or inhaled.
I To prevent imposition, Dr Le idy li;is iIOW procured
moulded bottles for nig celebrated Teller and licit Otni.
theist, ‘vith Om words iDr I.i sO'sTetive :nil Ili is (lint_
went; blown its the ;Ibis., liteAstes ordaining 1313 written
PITTSBURGH LARD Olf, MANU—; slgnatuse en n yellow Li*, outside.
FACTORY. 1 Dr Lehi. 's Teller and Itch Ointment. Las proved ntnre
' I fficarious than any nther preparation for Trtf. , , lull,
T"E P l) '.Criber W3l-1141reeleCliilly inform Ihe citizens i Dry and Watery pimples or Pustule., and diseases of
of Pit': iurgh. Allegheny and their virieities, that he i time skin aenerally,
has c.:rnmence.l manufacturing the crticie of Lard 01 It has livers employed In schools, (nom i ~ s. and nn I oars!
and Cannles. Ile intend , making but one quality, which I vessel; carrying paiisertgers, where childless. as well its
wit canal she best made in the Union and not surpassed f !I ron n persons:, contract diseaces of !Ise skin from tunic
by the best winter strained sperm oil either far machinery ' contagious nat tie. with the moil i i Iry za iii pit? il ,ui . cr 0 ;
in burning, without its offensive properties, and one I certificates and rerommendations have liven hit rto fore
third cheaper, TIIE ABOVE IS WAR R.INTED TO published from them, and nisms rotas- mhos might heob-
BURN IX .I.VY TEMPERATURE. The sultscri- ', I al l ied i n r publication. but for the nbjeii inns mnia persons
ber wishes to impress distinctly on the pit bile mind that I have, in having their names pittstiiiised In coisnerthin with
It is not necessary to purelin:e any new f;ingled lamps that ! such iIk:IL:MY:IMP and loathsome affect rifts
are daily palmed upon them as being requisite in burn the s I n n o ~: 41 ,-. , in si onee has it ever been known to fill.
lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light I ft has been used upon infants and by persons of all
can obtain it by calling. at Die old sland,3d street, nearly 1 apes. It is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in lie
opilcutite the Post Office; compositlon,and may he used under all circumstances.
M. C EDEY. , Price Twenty-five cents a bottle. Prepared and sold
The alien:lea of Wholesale dealers, Churches and ma. ' at Dr Leidy's Dealer Emporium. (sign :lithe Golden Ea
ehlnists eP9ecifill' y solicit( cl,, `pie and Serpents.) and by R. A. e , s lINE,TocK 4 -CO.
N. 9.—A1l the barrels ovtll bear the manufacturer. i over of Wofsil and.Stsils streets, %,;ents toe Pitfishur;.
~, Jen 2. 1343, if. pi . yl2
N ft NI l'f fl: I.E.—
lit, tart'', lying. in P.n. , . 4i
v 114 .1,1 cif . ‘i
fin rrc ii:r red a , tti ii44er (.•1 I in 1. 7 , iI ;11 • of
ini•ndo.v. It.r-1 I)yr . 7,r,!,
J.9.11F:S I' .I.lc g*,
WM .1P C XI) I. S
J 45 S C.' R.lF7'.
the Tralisportatiun Pj Merchandhe and Prudue
lITTSBL.'ROHBAL 71.1/0/2
ur Eni I; respect fully tufut m be public that they
6l• have completed their rartgententstor the above
The, lona tvi.thed for Ind ividit.ll rump:loton
in Tr:in-porta, ion on the %Vorlis, by which atone
It cr.ti he iretni frorto crihitist.s and r , tdtt rt'd
1 1
S 0 119 rates: ttr tt ‘vdtlt will now 11.. I' CAI II; Ilu
ale"( l'erin.ilvnitin bavin, Triick, ou h..r Ilit ti
lteite.. Indiv Mita— owitic.2 Pottr.hic ore
to hid for the yin; Trade and kuccri,f.ll , y to ruin.
orte'n'il II Cr/MiII:ITS.
Tuffs line !SCOWL:10:1 , 41 nl T wen! y Four Sc lion
Poo:1 , d, Hu- l i,, otr,,ed he C r.,!!!!!:.1t), v. he C0111111:11111
1 IVI II 111r),v1i or iiitttrAtious and
! exprricittecit Rom own.
v 11,-,1 , 1:17rr hc the Poria'de 11.3 '
over every other mode of T'an , porta , ioa, are lop hell
known to shippers :zeherallv. to rechire ropoheat; 11- ,
lice it thsay,ihai the let rut inn. totts,stpary 1011 and ditto
ape to Go0:13. in varrth!C ,eptinvz I !tree 7'rons biamrn rs
helteven Pin hnrgh and afehy the Puria‘he
Coat ihoit rentorcd.
Tile POrtaitl, (1,11 111,1 2re.ti advantry2e
Of beinz well nentiloted Anil coo! in •gi-nii-rrer; winch pre: ,
van ,, Floor from sottrin,;-, and Bacon and Tobarno I,on,
H. t) vine,a; hr doe r hphri•rn Ihr nw
of ).)r and Ihr• 110:011/P., who cart . I hetr, tid rriitlit,
intrrt, - -hid in prutroirr.i int ititrrest, , of he"( h. ,sill ”111:1.
no 1 11.0 011Sr1s 10 1 1' 0 10111 1 iC hr ,vi.l not 1 . ..1(1.110 , y I•rro•rir .
11e is now Lrrepare.t to recolve aol Prole. 1
1.0 P1111,111,01/111a. rolllimore. New York, and llnslnu w th.-
snortv , t tenure. and ptedee'i hinrc f to vorr 11110 no cr.',
hinai ion 1 - .1111'01:1er alAvny:=lal.tlreaft .11 farm k
nut tie Lis Line, and contract for freight on
the very low,:t t erin.
zivc. ondontned,eenrit y to owners and pprrt
or vOds open poii,v of I 4-ttrance has hr , •11r11,.. , ,•1
by Well all up , ' citamliz , :shipped iw iiri= Limc ww
loaned withcut any ad.litionAl ~xaensn in the ow lwr.
I! Dpvinr. will receive all produce rof 0 2 ,,pa to Him
al l'ilistutr±h. Iran 1,1.2111 and charv , In Steam Noat,
and forward the aame ‘ri , hout dela r to Vhfla,te , nhin,
11,,:thnore. New York, and noston without any clta,Ge
for advancing or comn,l.,sion.
II Dr:V; NC Azrof ,
'.Cuter st.,
.1110: 4 . IiOR I) .1: re ill.
127: %fail:Pi strect, Phoad,
morißE k • \
75 lowlif)'s lVharf. 111"im , ,P
ill: XEN 4- 111 WIER i), %.!.Ith.
!NO:, (,:.)
CCIA - r.n ‘voor,itr:t
l'n , 12,
27 Old ..511:, Sew
March 10 .1::42
Ready Wade Coffin Warehouse,
Fourth St 2 110 , , iron t4e Y S. ita-o:
1.11 E 4 rEi - 1 . 1'1'1..1.1; informs public tiro lie
L IL+ has rrnl •- mil rrailv made coffin wav e.
y fr t4 'loOse to (be Ter — Win; t,
=. l it. 0 • hoi
c. 17.1, is always n rrriari .iit rSt prg.no, , i!y
t, any wirers in his line, and strict . 1 , 1 nn
lu oil the 411 , ines. Olan
tr Iluptisiti Merit pl.o , li ,,, nhtlenCe, Ito will he prrparsti
ALI.IIOCon 13 prOlinie IleafFeg, flier,. ( sn d
every regill.ile on the rim , : Irtlera trims. I:311.1 . 113m the
COUntry will hr prnnirlly alteudr d to
Hls re.idence is in the same huildinz war,
ho-e nerd Ins seniors
aLany time. it Li EVAN , E•:
SAA• 11.1.11R1S
err ill
provri.•t is arr
r 0 ~ : tiaol.7. 10 raoin: far (or a 'l'n
%Tern o.: ro f;11
ba..,00,,:t, and 5. 1,1 ,o nit tii ti , gun
co. a G.. rd,w , .iirrnn , Jrd sr nh
ri.r , ;lll , 6.1-11eS and a writ 6: ex;-.:1 , ,valer, rc II It a
pump in aI the front floor. to r, .11i%m to
, and It•-.:11eny Ina Is on sihrc now "Vern
‘'n'e t 1 mill . Plodorezto . lll !n vil-1110,7 to pork
near lie lera , Ix 01 I e made Inc.! , ralr, int
furtliqr par I ; , 1141rs1 yto the oroto
S.tore, Idikeity s;rtot, corner nt Virzi. A ;le, .
N. 11. If not cold 1,1 ,Ire $l, I>l n( ( - )rhil.rt 1.1 N
will he 'twitted 1100 10 aild 20 acre lots 1,, quit par •ha
serw. pep 10
Regular Morning Packet Far Beaver.
r i Tomlin:: 1 itd %%._ 11 k I,UW . f
r7I IL
C E I,' L A -V D.
SnAr.t. ri-inr, will depart dilly from
01 9 o'r lock, A. M„ mid CoavTir at 1 o'r lot
For froi4lll or ripply on board, or In
13ilt WI NC; I \ 11 & CO.
No 60 IValer ,tr( et.
N. P.—Th , re2u r Calla! rarl.rl to Clevo•Ilu,
Crrwivillc and MCatiVWC Pa ; and !ht .
Ohio Carialiconorci.o7 with Fientorr
ver.will be iu ovration I I rdi L ly otczyp, r,f
pcurd hy the,. qf' of Conliwur.a
S:rotivitr , nrnz and Cr man Pil's
Dr. Ilartich— Deal Sir —Stiortly all, I rccritred thr
A;:enry flout you for the sale of your medicine.
folmedanargnalutanreWl Malady of this place, who
witsisevetely afractrei pn r , ro t nr
years this lady was , 111 , j , C1 10 ("rpm. nu 141'10111 attacks,
and her phy-iician 41 her ease so romplirated,
that he very seldom rsurtlit rt nrrilirine Thrituull
my persuasion. she coininerrril Usitia viol,' rills. rid was
prirfertly Cllfra. Yours, 4-e. JA ESIt.I IREy
Orinber :3. 1
rr -- Otrice and General Depot, tin 19. North
Street, Phitadelphirt. And by . . 4 3innel Frew, rorni, of
I..l;optly Dud '.Card strects Pittsburgh. sPp 10
y ye Ii; is
dylng rate. ?..
44 4 4
FISSURES, 4- , !,
o had al Tyr% i.es 71h411c - 11 Agcocy R 6 Fourth at,
ti! (111'aeitt in Pit(st,urgh.
Feb 22.
Matilson bud
I;IIT,T,Nrr. IFT:I.1
Mai '6 -if
Contagious It Isea-es, and Chit lige or
must admeed lu the nature of the fi-h
Of Ille,e be. to pr01....;:it fon of the species. Ti.e
soil must he aiia Wed to nerd, or theril wilt he no 1..
crease. The climate must have Ilion(' 11 ulnCl ' in it whirl]
will unite and keep nips, epidemical or contusion. pot.
4005, or they wiii 'heyoffie erliiipaic hid, riF 3 lamp that
is onsoophed with oil. t 3 -3, it in likewise atilt the 'm
inim frame, II cannot he materially affeeded h' cpidetir
in3lailies, tilitSs there by those mat leis
floating in tm• circulation which of f er the appropriale•
soil. fly I rirt)uin.4 . nor bodies with the HaANDRETtI
Pt t.ts, which n ace affinity with thOse. impurities upon
Which t 0n 1 32100 feed',, we may . Iwny, feel Secure,
whariwer eltscase may ra2e around us True, We nett
have it, hit it will soon lie - o.rer, Our viekness atilt hr
ho fly or Iwo, while those who lOve Leen
Inn wine to line thin simple and excel.ent remedy, tither
die, or have tvePlis perhaps ii•onllis
sodden chane l ei, from very hot to chilli weather age
unfavorable 10 Ite3 It I]; :101l it is t a fact unlver.ally admit
hat heal and moisture are powerful are. ills in pro.
diem', di4ear,e, and that concdmil DRY and cutest.. titwt.,'
tveat 'ter are fdror ,I,:c It, its geecialion; it duet. not
WHAT We 1 ' 1 II; it It he it rine, lw I•dfons
fewer; it alas 1/1 1 yellow fey'er, it may iii dy sohlary;
/113 V he rhenzwii m: it may lie M00[1111.14; it may chol•
ir; it may he C-itt:i itt3i ion oft he. !mum's; It may lee infi
real ion of tile hew:, 14, it nosy he hinarii.ition or the slum.
aril: It ugly lie a eel,/ 'er afrvrl-chilli it i. dine ISri, and
disease eurahle by the itrafolledii hecatise the) I
remove all numulluy 1,031 lige bode. all !hal call in any'
110 linPr leeil orf furl her preelres , of fne malady, ten mail.
ler 1 101 Y railed; Mi.: ii , et um,. file
mop •r medicine. lint vuterally 11}P o,J!y 11.0
111'1,41 or ou ;I,lth he tined. ne tole it is ',serif
.1111 duly wllO 10-r/eery his heal t h to use thew;
it is I he duly ill ' , very one who knows anyt hint: of their
ilea It h restoring 'owets,rn make it known lit his lining.-
hat , rir. lo t her hi - re:He snow tiltirll - 1 I,IZ 11 lieu
(ell of aPpron rh 'flue ,11‘11(131 rifflov•A or
1f! 3, l lPra MP'' , 31, 'lloft , in '‘,` feared rind etiarded SSaiuef
1.:13.1 311. In, 1 ,:ziotlß M I 1 tl'.
The I srdre Nir.. has dd ., many in -melt a .rite of wrt . tk
tics,: that I orr.. 13 in 1 hem a 2 re Ii -11,3111iivtliy In lie 0r
r.•,•,.•,1 0 0 Ih, . cilln2Nl or Ihe al oto-there 31111 fat,l 3 7. 1 011 ,
111:1 a l e .11 , • I erne of regandreil,', hills, eve.,
r a treat measure. le 1111./V•
ed. 3 /1 11 [lll l O, r the fr,'l"3
1 11,11118. a 3'l 01' 511.111e3 l':1341.:1, In 11,:• \v , -abler 11 11/i
it iclay he 1 1 1,i1 2 11l 13 (0 .hill tee'neeri 1 1 1 . 11 '
vq. Nature fiat Corm; d 1 he hott..•ls ill 1 or ;
all unl i e l iih, 111113 ri e..•^11 I /1 1/11 Cl/M.lll,
e. 11 1 wre.ld ,Lele e Ile. 1/..r . 1.W11 1 1 , 1 11 , 1 s Aire his t
lithe hawed: are di.)..10w Of I
1' 3 :1. 3 r.
dozs R 10
R O.R/otit vi I L. moll lit 1 I ,n,
10 /I,lrr the f11311 . .'11/) wits do in.: from /.00•1
T,•if 1/0 , 33.1. IV, 11 inured 11,11; he Celts yon.
who airy 'or Ott enamel,. and
eve n• remedy had tailed; Ile \VIII 4 1 01 i lh you the Bran- I
drelli Pitt. cured lion in a week, Su with oth e r ;
Twelve Itrandr. lie P,lta 'II' h.•ti low's a pt•tt of g”,,.
hoses, rote! a 'tittle Ito, Or all nicer ,21 li,l Eire, w
xas rt,old - y. .g. ,, •33inz to hl^ r yt-s, tin., whit It a doz.
{.ll t'or - or- I 1.: tr. 1311 rl MA;
Oiler plft1(114 WOW,' Hire 2'5111 t` , l! . 1 Ile.' Were weril,
It, It.ive 11 tcl it (31131',1, ' , tut .sr"' 111/ (Intl rh./1 n.. '
Zi t /oil, Unlit !net- .:dve it 3 te111...,/,1..1 ilf /Ipl' 1 1401 every
h T „„ t of .kh rh rlr. V 11,1 t 10, , , d Aows
r nr :1 , 10:e 4, 1 - TWO,:
'irendrnW'• Pl 2 qua• ti Inca]. i
Le. V.,41 if t I,ere r.• 3 1.7. v in t• •LI 11 ck
your yr , Te. , " ""
the 11..111L! tit r..,1
r,, :I,eyOli l lW i t 111
..0 of•on'e 1.n.1
d PI. Vi ,vc cured L.
? If ihov c Dr. - -
flint 091 10 1r 'Ol 3 to rfln
Irr;d tv,iilditit li V111;: . 11 4 1.4
forrhar ft. n , ;:,: ...h. , 111 It,
rut , l 1•1 rvnt,tll, I.lot Ns it I t by V.. , 11..11....,
rt... oe I. t .I *Olen lie was a tivy 01
The lIIVA PI i.!. 4 ore,
10 .• r I.• ii I.y
i. 1 ,1 1, I',• rlllll.l . r 01..-
C'' v , rt , irs , ..1 , 11..1'.0.1: ,
I ~• a 1111.1 I 31 111, ~ltd 11,11 11 , 11
tinre, flr
1013111 1111 ,• , 011 1 ( 1 , 11 0 t, 0,04 0•.1,- - .... , 1111,
01 0 .1
.! 1 .1 - O. I W. I . 1 (IEIII,II
(V! "11,, I"' 1 nlern r r r r 'l'. S . , 3 , 1%. tt
V. , 143, übu 101 .11i. 1 , ..:0 4 ',Jr.- %,
I: (11 , P.1-t• , jr;,• VW.
j.1.11r... W. 1,11 Ili. 11 r”ta.,
In 1,,1v pf . ,0,1.111% I !tr. !Ili,' 1 , . :1154 hi runt-,
pro,rd a happy r 11“: WIPIIII } 3 % 1,1,1 I p,.•!,,/
rr'd (.4 lit- ...t.• ra. h and , .1, h!
The 1. , I/1 11 , 0 l ' ; r.. 1• rn••• 4'll
ry .Ire Wade ol 1 , 4,e 11 , 4 -
, LIPO d a V..• i..e er ,•• .%I h tlt Itli
f k I• f< nlr r. Ifni •.•. o• „
li,c( I
I II,•
Ve-rt la• i , • , ❑o rr•~•.
IL 1,11 , ul. - H. ,A•Ak,-11,1.,•
• 11,, 1 . 1,I•11-1 LI, 1
r-Ith 7111 •It• .• - 111.- I
'•oe, , 111,1 11, e I. i I , e ••
r I to 11 tvio2 t—to trod I, i;!: I. ,ott.l t, It
arr . n 14,1 in -o:
1 ., • a lie. ',II • II ‘l'.. 1.14tVe111 , •41,,1 , Alt
of 1114. t!,1%. who m• rels 10, 111 V It “11.
ig.g rt the 111" lII,' 1.1.1 g' 11, Ari
11 41 iu 11, 11.11 - .." 3.1
'Pinar i• 11
MY rtUr.`4o.4 1,51 .nrt , ne,l !hat
It . :1 , 7; eri,:!,..1 lite io•11111i d ,)V1,11;
I;'t'l.iN; rr,nviur.x( i
preparaf inn ..f Iht.
ploperlio•: IvlOrli I,tve 50 it , ,pu
lar. well >ttll be Co.lll.ll.lralli.loc,teril
rrii, N, r).
1%) , Rrandf•th Pill. art , a 411 liiferry
p'l., or 11,por , Arler thro , l2 l, mo is"" , '";
, el!rfic.iir of ar. , from kiv
)tu4 of I lire's out 11..• ft, andtirfl I , oX.'s ill
ti I hrrron.
BR 1N:0 1 E111'S PILLS .ire , ml.l :11 pnr
writ COI airy:l...Rl rit liroad•
xv,V, '274 Ilowrty. 1;,9i liod•olo
The lori , wll2 A , Ov arpothie , l, Ylr lltr ta!!..
oflliv 11 heti, Pros
PIT r•nrnr:ii—G. IL r..
Ctauhv, v 'Pi. —R. 11. 110K , e.
1 * ".
Pro=peci—G. 1. Ri,l,pahirk.
Porlvntviile—Pr , vr
Porte, svffie John Oil Over.
MI. rie.,..1111 11. cS• J. Lippericni.
N. ‘v!,,n—Al P.
y,, ,, 2-loan—>lCAilr. rr.:
nnv 1;;—,
}." l!M ENT,"— 7'. . l lcenrthy, Cut irr Vur4ocal
I , ,struinent 7'hird street, hedrly orpcsite the
Post office, Pitteburl:4
c.'4lt;N r;o1.1)1 - ,•: sirEAR:4
rhysic;am , .. V:mli-ts and lb van have lbeir in.
aln Men , madeby the suhserMer or a slipermr qualtly
and at Ea<l Cr II priers.
Ta Patent Shears and t-Irltt . soro to ways on hand
an i!r.t . :Tatt Shears, a ~t 1 pet Inc article. Orders relief
fully ttalintled.
N. B. All tolicles warranied of iittollest qua'ity. and
obloiog door as u,ual y, p
sI'ARK ErtIER'S HE PA i'it'
Cal , of L'v'r Comp7a , nt of 2 years 4tanding...
l'hi: may evrtily 16.1 I . or 11Veilly five c •:,os 1 wa,ar•
lic - ted wish wiin iu roN f.cioroily co
severe as 10 rolirrly Inr:Ipa0181P to , rron, lubor. I tare
heel, !Inlet Ca:e :led I reNiment of varlets pi; \
Without aoy iwrionneot iteor(it, ilearint or the 01311)
cures eiriirtfirt by the Ileitatir. Elixir prepared by Dr.
St,irl,ivriallier, I leas intioye4llo2lVe it a Iticl, mi ;101
11 . :1.,•q• en , : that it Iccsrntnriv riminvr.il I hare felt
no cpaptuats aid for more than a year past.
jape:Pi:ill. 1841 ‘1(1,-;
tc he had at I'UTTLE'S Medical Agency
Fourth trcet.
Denning's Fire -reef Iron CheSts.
J. nenimNo--On Prida y. th,•3llt h of last month, a bout
9 o'cb.ek at nieht.i he Pia nin2 firooviii2 and sash )tan•
u factory, owned by Gay, Ddwurih 4- Co, with a larze
quanttty of dressed and and reised lumber, was all consu.
med by tire.
The Iron Safe Which I bought of you some time hack
was in the most exposed situation during the fire, and
was entirely red hot—l am pleased to Inform you it was
opened at the close of the fire, and all the books, papers,
,tc.saved;—this Is the hest recommendation I can give of
lie utility of your safes.
oct 24-1 TIItIMAP SCOTT.
Atli rotpli-J1
II . cr• 1
o 1 ,00 per-010.
Cr (MI 111,1111:0 0,, ytho•
1.,a , 1!1 1.1,1 3 , o I
o a f,lrroo. 1.1 I'vom I - 114,1' .11 .1 (I.or arq t 11 , •
rl'.llr 3,
.•! , 1 1:=•• V1,11!1
r.1 , .... , nr,!ri he 1 , 11 T:
, ,
~n ‘1,,•••1 'a n
I . M, t SI I.
ilj.",lllifl tl l iU C';`.o 11 0 •V.' r he 1.1,7,1,,rd in :Inv
6.tbtv.;rl 7 -P u t. ••!••:', by Or t
II 4 . 4,1 . , if i'litVPl.`2 , PIO
pr7rr0•e01.4.00cti,11.,,, Acc.)m
ui+hrd •I .:1 ti.).v clO-0,1. and llr . C. 11 I,IIE
1111 ht• 1‘..k01 1 , 1(1,11.u/se( ;i1,1.0.111ed mt. :Ile 101
111 , sale ,•11 - Pell. an 1 if; .11 hr.
Ilr It. ,vitl
:1.21'10 ihroo2lll , , rt 100 7 ., v our.. a vo,t; inf.)
tin 1,14 . lit kok allii Tice
tv 1,, po,villerl ,vllll 1 o.lwor 01 I. tor”ev. ,Lily proved
hrlote the tit 01 the hideo. , olv 01 N,w Yolk,
1.0.41 , 11wr wlllt pit nrr-4...tri. voo,lcor. nod pa pet's,
J, J. Voe, tea': now in Penn.yl
vanip, R. lIR \ND17:111. NI. 1)1
N. 8, ii , •nirol'Jer r. (3 • 11. in rear of the Mar
kto le now ituy . 4 11.
New l'ork.J.irip I j• :1, I::43,
Individi l ; ll o'4 wklies to kiina the i ixlit way
In ;nitrite Ii; and e clone, It rte it .‘r rut nride
k nuts Ito•v l.tf6 11111111 Le prolnlized and Ilici. , lll ri'•
rove', il. symild trot adupl I W !,lan. Ifl.vtdeuf r
renntrvil dt , rovered. what
9tilferll.7 1 . 1,1111 tva,,t t 0 lir slli-find ;omit.
For 1,111-11 3 , 101 In n+ol' :1 , 1 113 . 111'31111 III:.
Ludy is cripu , te II ho it Ille•:" 111:11 would OM tins
cr'.n ,0 rtt rich Lrurlil hivonal aid
13,0,1 11 IS 1 1111.1:11,11:11y 1:1 , / that n very large pr. , .
portion 01 the rand it-el , I ine.iiher, I,f -dr.il) (lie hr.
I w.•., a;:r9 of I y and fors v. How ni.itiy
31141 hrlpli n 1113,11311::: O.:Volt/3, 111, , i • Olt , / , (1111-111Ce Of man.
kind inn na 01.2 ill it• ;r Styli pn.ver 111,, !Man- of restitr
kir.: henu hen lost
Now all I lie 3, rtaliers and /11T...utiles rrth lie prevented
and I°ll2 and ceite,in sick in s:‘, ;tell
in 11/ `outset, 1011 k a 7.001 111/Sl l 111 . 3111ifel11 . •
1 11:I Iva fart, w. 11 urideistood in Inc go iliwt,atids tit
nitr ciiizr nit 'I leis medicine. If 1„&r o , in 101 , 2,
ercely. , ttrely tire a”v I lar;,lde I,rrt
ul, lams nr kind Cr , Ork it dor , not e • Xert riir•
11 , 17.111111e11C 1 . - 1. Upon. Thu , . liy their power V I tesislitrz
pa: refaeiinn, I liCe cure measles small pox, worms and
a'l rontrit , entiqfeept. 'There ii tint a medicine In the
world nx ;tile In iihrify the nrin , s nflilnol and rca ore it
to healthy entidilitw, AS the Rrandreili
TOP Itiandrelit ore purely ve?ctalde, and so in
nocent of a titti Ih Wit may
medicine i+ tint only with Surly Lot %%lilt cer_
tanity iirreceivin2 all l lie henelit inedielne is capabte of
impa Females may tise in all the critical
peritAx of their live , . ttrandri h I - ilk will insure
their and produce legularity in a l l the fu nctiuoi
ToP ~a nte any r said of PrOtitr-rt?t's RzterYal Rem
edy, :I, an 1:111M111 a ppiir:llioll in all external pains, nr
,i5e,41111.2-, It _really as-1.1.. Ow ell,. When
mud ,
iht , skin it very tender or broken. it should
he 'nixed tvit It toe or two pints of water,
sure Tretor Pit!s . ,—Etr.mine
box of Pills. Then look nt the eertilirute of agency,
whose engraved date must be within the year, which
every authorised agent must poswea; if the three labels
on the hog agree with the than labels on tie certificate,
the. Pills, arc true—if not, they are false,
Principal office, 231 I:roadway, Ncw York:
jun, lb.
Adam's' Patent "ILaughphy" Niiiis. i illcatia clic ! ki eatiwt lie t.
- ut-qvF. now leen inure Dr. BRODIE P
1.1. tile pill, ic II years do' A P - Ii: now known tothoiointids as a most iixtraiittlina
My.; which time several ry remedy for this affliction as well as the menu
thoitsini:s have teen sun] t rovertilde fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. W ill those
and In daily use, 'We are suffering 'only ask among their friends if they have not
~,a1,1,,,,T ~f being i ,,, 1i „,„ k ,Jow.n -of the pbsifi•se effects of said Pills. nod If they
in sairrruz they are the best do not hear Diem more warmly praised (and deservedly
Co'rce Milts in Inv Uni,eil j too) titan any other, then let them net tiny (tent. In
Mates, any ~,: tv ),,,,, 41x :,.. ;hese few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded,
Several mr ,,, lfiewir ,,, s are and nothln, will Ire said of their merits at any lime
marleio snit Iho fa ncy of hilt what Call 1c fairly proced Ity respectable memters of
and the
pur, „
~t. n•tr c‘nnttlitntly,
husbands Read the renaiiinit c.crlifrate Oren by a rr' , Per tat :r
s .. ti b, the gross r dozri, rill?, ii or 111,,clifiny ...II y, ;nu! 7illeOrd I,y ore oftn-In.'4
of the ~.n uc.icio. ,, _ __ es of the court cc' Cuoiniou Pleas el ‘iie2ii , iiy Co.
Mall , .t 1,11.• Lacings made 10 ' A I.I.I,IGIIENY Chi, Jatioar:t 9, 12 1.1
TlieFe arlir!, , , of :;'1 S IZe S. and nao~t impnrord
varicile,..cri,siaotly oil hand and for sa', V. Ty iciluicd
prirep. by the mar, ttfactlitcr. 1, R. LIVINGSTON;
nit, 2. —if Frotil at.] Crain
H01,1); - )1111) IlitO\VNE
'IA V E . 7 , 10te from Ma hel
Ji . I D N„.G.f . si'nod .Irrrl,ol,d^or front the
(011...1 4,5• 4111, w her, (iw, I . 'l 011 11.1.1 d, I heir
sort t Of 1V \I.I, PA I' Ei:s. g par li.ts,en
and P.11'1:12:4, HON N (t()A It DS. 4•c
of wirrh lhev 0 trer for gale on acconmmdaling ter n„
114.3. —di
iCrTO IN V A.Ans. t
ier flow impor:aat It i , I hal yda Coil.lllvilre Withei
1 , 1;.: time with Ita.NaßETlea s 11 ,— , ft 11•51 y Lol
rent , Pe all tml,untle. front the tthdal, and no ra , e
sielcnr, , . ran atfcri the hun.:vl rramr, 1l• it 11:^se
hr at, .1 Pis > do fl4ii reher a a, i:!ar'd dwdh - lae cal.; 410,
and coadli4 are a , orr hoaurt. , ,al the ttr.ll,ore.;:
PON 117:In t:v lozcazes and Call(iirS. %%1.11. ia•r.
1 . , 11 ,, a , p.tli.tliveLive 1. , 11 worth I,(Wilrl4 714 , r,L.FICaIoN
{rain the Lu,uan c),tv•iti. Tlir• 1:14 A Dap:111! I , Li
11411 inervly fell, 1:C, I hey cure tilita,•,,
ioooto or rt..Toi, tore , ti it or ro her %vow, o CH
co!I Lin!). C., co re,l I.v the iLe of se all •oirtirir.-.ll*Ok.
s , J 111.1 t,y 21,12.4.3
IJ,:or 1-4" j :azof ilra,,lrc , —H01, , ,r,•,1 S',r; 0 . ,. ln, , o
you a dol , t 01 .....raiitn(le Innuey , I un.
In ,- ,,,k ,, of the I , eni , lll
niy r• der, ved !rm. ar.ni 1,1111• A hOUI
1 (tn. , . vp3, , ,11,1; it;, a pain in nor
beed,ue very ;our Li 0. - rained and
11,5 ' I
-oIL %,•CL It•LC L, 1 .11,.. il
a id -o ,
10, 11, doctor IDurinit nli ni,e11 , 1,1 ler t p:un th a =well
in.: our d In in nlarinil.7. (if"; roe, and lit Ihi
1 . .0(14 c, , tni,:encine it be , n,tie sore._
'!tr• _f , l oo re-4 31 11.;:hl the 1,1 n , 33 , sn :real.—
fir 4 Do, for ;Mende:: cr I n c ,x •:nr
rt- - vlni no urr,,,tvZ
a s7l'.: :111 thr , 3111 N.. .aid fr n tv^ , b. at
ed ~".tti.ll.• I:e.r Leif lie :I a red (0 I, a
103,, t,ttly I' proceed. amt tuy 01 . 1! ronlluord
Io , ICal . r I ht . It:ttO te , rittl , • luritile:. It e t!teteforLt
Id hi a thy:Atilt - A (toe' er, v. kild %Olen I:c flit
CU re il . e Nild give. h.",
.F. • hr a yr 11i.i MI 1 , 1 . 11 r(
kiitrWl...l.!•••ll hat 1,111,1;0 1 id-. 611.
T/ifit. lii; .tt•er tr•il
t he el
. I 00 II !On Fall:11k
I ..Ci't . 2 II le,haul lif . r cow intied
Inf. 1111,1101 r: sve ioa:
to . .1•1 . 1 , "" 01,ir .r rl.. .1 . ” Zre,.l
aS , f , ' , .l zt rcher "1 ihr
~••f! ..C^ck, to tar Ito ,j,,,,e”1 of 0.,,r
Hip .11
Vie 11,:mazrtnv,i1 OC 110'
•4 . • ' . 11: 1., r 1 . 1 - 11 . 111.1f1% I 1 a 1:1.!,
11%h nr •111, Ch. • li,•l r it:l r 4 , ("I I r It
Cri ~ rr-~ ~.~. ~.i
r r.
e•iLe`; ta 1 rtt!
a:, '
l'Pt,trAr Nc.ts . l r: II I'ott,t:l)
. r.
11 I! Nll.
j 4,1,"
- n
ft .11,e.% St.; h
I.lvid 11 1*.,0-
r.1, - ordi , s'qtrgit
f;t. n ‘llll.
..Volich: I'C) DR. BR 9.V1.)1.1.:7'ir , '.i
The "1: 14 11, i• ii 11 sv,o+ r•a$:0,11-1,c,t tor ;lir
R'iinlr vca
liar. II 1/,:t . :1. 4
I lort, V, 81..! C'f
n t i E. 1..
Tunr 23, 1
ria nßoDie:
Dtar .'Tr— hor, far a nun`•; r •,1 year, past bere
t 3., ,v Et 11 3 Ft'Vcri . 3111).,1 lIC. dav;lC,
( - ,iiii.l:”ll l d, rangement and l'oxvi-IN and al.
1'00n2 , 1 I have .a evory kind of Nlediri - e re
rottlitirsuled for i:s cure, Irnve never rte, tent any mate
vial need sonde of your truly valuable A n.
is 1}?-1,eiit ie 111!i. .1
II:onr not taken (plop Iv/01.'3:1'M Sklal
COII,IIIIr 11.y51.1l fIPI ler-Hy rilevf,4l (min It,al rlf.t,cs4l,
cntnplalnt. I hove nu fl CO•aaiell our
P,11.4 a , 111.1 6c-A inedicine I Lace rver
im ,t-r i ttloi!ed with rtir, Tc.r.utt - , I It:4v, an lief tit)
Linn 1:1 rerldyl ,, a Olt I co the stotettututttt or Slr,
I'. re , r,r , in2 Itr Itto.tie'to 111.39 entWed fn (111 , tri
penfert rind entirr Iirt:II DAVIS.
l'or VC lwlesati. rimd at the y ndurtan pot
Estaltli , nnient Ptarl n n l'a , dui t‘y all ttil,orked
gents ihroo2lrcet the U woe
Alle'y city Jan 9
A RRA N'FCD GENUEsiE.—Dr. Wilii(1111
EV2 ,, S . S Camoitl”
Crrtrlytt,cra:s.-1,,, ...IWO the AII • 11'm
1a0,011,1,-;,,, County , Tot,ne2:st,.‘l , lo , ero(Corzrev.
tVeAntNuToN, July 3,1. 1.t31.
I hare 1,• , r,, in 11,,s rnr I Lave 11.,11Foroe of
I•ittivtit am! B,,ti•
Lc, (-)
:1 wy '0 fur 4.....rd0•01, oTi C71,10,4,71' ET:0110V,
.tee. Writhe to vv. TO •eind Woo wh;rtt I did,
1,1 hr hes O:W4.i - ea it very 511reeto•orillly if,
.1 *:v,ir your af. , TITT at
; utara," !. et: v6iitd pc.ehaidy In
If r',). I would rre, , , , ,,; ; ,•1..t Dr..% Carttpo, as
Toffooef ioef-Cro (3 eflaiale ior lie sal, of your rett!ti,eti•d
St,ouid vrat be '0
to ' I : l l . r an et,,l 11, , IV, 0T!0,,, , 1,5 water to I 1*
l• 01 lOi''rit Kir."t. .015. 1:110 , ‘ vo re row , ' v. Tee ofT 4
;q laud 10 Crahn., l ToolTeY.orli, C7I,T
I 4io.ita Lot If too led
-rye r.! roooti,-= it, 1'..04 'l'ennrt?r•r,a :Ir , .at Oat or !Den'.
rifle U•otild fooToj. I our oio:f to Of It 11001 e
rot n y 00,1 use, and That of toy frieefTST. and sAnnld
I:kr In 1 -4 , ;:, fermi you whether von vroold iikt , en agent
at froln'ytTle.l , ,elivao Count v. 12a. , 'l' ,. nt , e , s.-e; I (.711171,1
,•1 Inerti4enl? IO arl for fill as I ilve ar noire.
re , T , '''CullY,
. 3 .PR FT ANI Pi! 'CI. r T.T. ni Ten rli•FTe.e
Per , 3ie 'tt holn,ale ~t 1
r. 11. - P7.kz^rt,
20. w • p „i e.ost . Setiklid
I~ri Iv r.t , INI Ne: r
rPrucitv r.rpgprvi , cl
wit, I. u•rave,:r. 60111 .IS Snail
1. the ru y,,d nn lit. 181 , . I lie I hisrl wi!lrcr( e.
.'r. Tr!. !:/yaralirm i.vninlu , r••;o. aLcl eu
no Child Vo refu , r. to lel lie _lung 1k rub
1V111•1, thf' n^a or c..”( 11 , 0(iiiP 4
, 1:0 . 11J.,V 11( 1.•r111. nip bnttic of hr
u , arlloopf, the parrs. 1 , 715 F.:
I'Ver i,PlVlll , lll,ltlo..Vrilio In the 'Misery where'h:•,:
lre trill..! I !.il , lren. for If a rhod I,fzio :veil
V.t. , , 11. e ,ZvruT, I}•
t%err•hv flreVe..l•
I Fo• I;o1r-qdr• ;1.14
R. C
No. 20. ‘lO i. ary rl. i r'uw
11 - r v rnl! N. i Dr. I!'
4 .- - i-n1 i'i'i
..rew. T.
( 1 r, r).1,-,I 10, a ran_ It
I.i,v 1,11 r.•reiv,il
a N. -ft, i r1:11
~I 13 •;.•,.
; , 71 1 11 1 I ~L(ICIM‘
41 1 . .0 -rerollon: Iv 'tr.
, re - v
r. 2“
, ti j o-,I hilrA%
Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory.
1 (7,V!• 7 1'.1.‘" I'l.l r I , r art RIP l Lard
V..' 00. lir" at ally Lym e ) , r..t a re„, and
1:...'1 , 7•1 ,trained nu Oil, t%
cola' 11,1,1 chraiwr.
the 0!,1
:,..trey 01)911%11e fast AI. C. EDI:Y.
Jl , l .184.;
1311? Nfi 1 I A Ni
Loch: AND scßEtv
VII: r havilu opew..l a cll.,
I I vt . tttlt Markt I and frond
iu Con nu lif Il roil i Ile V 1,1 l!iriult , ;l , :mi • rart:pt•ci.
I , I r , itt.do ar•rl Ole itiai Lr m. ill h(
7- , !e., II U11.11•IS for any arllrleP In
VariOnß d strintionq• of
:111,1 0:Ikr.
'1'..! , ,•r0 Timtwr Srrrtvs
Iron lS • urk>,ar:.! Screw+ for Prresrs
11.•11IP, 3,1 arr. rewir-Ircl to eill I , elr.re
;;,•1 • entemeli, ar,d Ir irc,
ork, rep,,,ed 0.1 jet Wins senertllly e.otte, In lie !mil
on the lowest tern,.
tl;ll l \"!':=Aß , Ar•rtiLt, 1114101)
iii .1;1 whf 11 Cr Cor Furzofify,, o, Pury!
Thry I;•C rifer
p,‘.ls, and are ur.icm.:ol
io •ir MO. n•iurh 1. , I:1.1 c.u1a41:1,1
p1:1, T ;Of: k• - • d i !ref f`ii I if Mal Olin
Pr pllls In 11111f111,1 pm la( in , / pu,cly rewctoble,:l , l n
I, employed :it r,
q ,, ir107 1.6 re.F - Arnint r,t, np ( 01
I,;dy tlrvpr prp:t•ttdr d t•,4 Rona
Pl;' s ‘sot!.! cure VI II IC 001 =al ,112 ! "I
(II 111,11. ro, I he in mink' .1 , h•111 , 1': rwrf rtWvd 'IV 11,.111
V,II :Mil It - trill nt .
ivf• heel% f r m i , I ~,t,',!1.11
1,11, inc. I
In he 310!0-I II I LVI- . 1 , ..1 111 Illrlf air
11 , ..litt_! ItWill %%1 1 .4 , erter iff•-: d
acsirred lire,: will fou
It_ (lone 1•: - . 1. - oritt11.9 111.111 ar.vr IL
er r•Nifet,re
Fnm th• ti reputl:'.on 91 Dr LelllC--
'II deruned tlf•re , ..art. ‘Nr
11,11. 31 :111 lime= r'.o 11 ;
m 1.11110. 1, MPier pill. called • Blood Pull,' tinnn the p
reputattno 0( fir I.ei.k 'a. IT - Be I .rtirli ar and i
a- k fnr Dr !mid v'et Rimui P'l+ 11 al
11:1111p of lir N. B. ',lay fa c.,et 100 side , !
of carlt bnx.(The i.N , •1111411;; of paper, and wrmg.,quar ,
>ham% •111 ron ,, led by a yellow :I'ld black fat( I.
PRICE-25 rerosa Box,
Prepaeed nulv, and stAd Wholesale and B. tall. at Dr
I,•iity'g Heal, h Emoorinm, 191 North Second .ire4.l, he
low Vi n e, pidiadelphen, and by R. A. FAHSE.FTOCK
C Cs. e.)r ner of Wood qt %?.PhIS for Ping
4.,) 12— iv.
Jan 13---1 y
Pa.. cored ill
t nroa 6. l,;(lr
71 , f
i •ZirPol.
, : t lrrusv. cerni, t•f
e ,c6,
\,) 0 : 0 , 1 1!_ . .D ~_.--- e .
It- -I,S-)-'—-ti):a
pH!: s”lifieri! er luFt rreevrd lls 3 nr•al 1 1 :44010(
I,a nth eti,'. Gnntrn Sreals. cov.ist lug In part of am
follow lug, ui Ille iosll.l.lT't crcp 4 warranted
EF,g Plant, l'arPais,
llntllve, Peas,
Ka:v, PrpFmr,
ntznpLin, iircy,scr+l,
1:.r.1 sb, Baler oto,
I:tortarb, Ca. bagr,N,,
t3al,:aly, ('arts t,
Catoiti.wer, e ..iatsc..h,
('ercry, Okra,
Culled C,esa, Oni,n,
Click:miser. PRI }if i',
'Mustard, (white and brt.wk.,)
H , :tur;iurn,
&c. &c. C.
'I rojoi her u lib var!et yof rot 4- Fwret hcrlAu ar rl doloar
Kr -Orders for Reeds, Shrub?, Tr e.t, kr. from Garden.
els ot bets wilt Ie recrived a orl promptly attcadr d
Litx.rty. hem' °Mord ft .
Cincinnati. Fcbrvary Li, LAU
Dr. Fle LYNt —Delr • Permit the to take the liberty
of tcrttin t l. to you at 11041 no• to riprr ss y
and to r.conitio.ini to Oa attention of Leads of Camille*
and ottatrs your invalu“hic mud:eine—the Cutapoontii
Split, of Pruett , Vir;:inioart. or tVild Cherry park. ka
my travels. of .to 1 I att. , s..en In a many inlotreea
the wonderful etTectscit your ruedirtne in reliesine
drop of vet y oi.tittata cornplaio.a, such its Cougitint,
lY'heezin..l'h4 , :;l.ur; 4 147114, A .li:tnat le a1t5:..1 1 4.
q.C. I should not Fave a ritiett Ittit r. I.. , vtecct, at
' ahitou , L I i ay. te•l it my IT7lty to add my
mon.: i: for SWIs time, had it not ..een for u late fit.
-.la no , whit elle int - diele,t atove altuded to et as inEt rm.
uteural In roelorl , g to perfect I.eanli an
tvito=e rata. Itopotioas, it. a family of my at
thark Ileavcn," eald the'do:llne moth
, r,ttitty child iesavrd ( - trt, tit...11T% sof death! 0
ar, ravager L.ut icy child is FaCe! is
Fat'. '"
Re% ow! !I 11 iliw:lif Mr. S . W.!! 1 r.e * ii Comecunii Syrup tf
1‘ P.l Cheriy ii.eii , ctne in this of nn
ni her CIA 111! rt . . I not certain I tnve witnessed more theo
one hundred eases 1% heir 11 Itna ;pen 011(.1)&11 Willy COM.
sue , es , . I nni usior a tri:. self in nn olistirate
tarts ol Bronchitis, in which it lit overt Ptlertual in a *a•
reed , o2ly snort time. eons.derine the severity of time core.
I r.:rt re: oniend ni!!,•=t ciinf:l , r. re of its surieriOc
virtue would :111Vi111" 11..11 nn be Without
‘l is very wea...nnt nod ;,prayer h 4 tirticial--wOrtb
and often 11Q i.tice. 1.1 , enlvlic are as
Tracker% nia , :it it. n 1.1.1 P.
i.t: l:cs:t . !(,rian Church.
5. V
M Trr.P.N. o I 4. re!ntl , only :neat
for Pr' Ft p 10
)( iN () 'J HC IirMAN t I .!—• , / , itterer
h,l will , es'r..v Lif al ri !on are a flrtsr . srsts
• /„. , ic,rer pr4brz, Life, and Lie tr ar id was
r,ll you bupc,tor.'•
Tlafre ft , uffie. C.Pd hin rs
sch:ch errt,irt hcri, aaj yrcr
:icy kart pow:r."
fir. It. rx, roni Prirfdy. ct Ll , lll`tr.i•
by i... extraortii, rot% o!.Trziets Pain of
,rcur-s; thus Sprain?. Sir.i !We Swellingi,
(then:v.:ok. Palos, or $1 (11e3£, Sli.rt;e:R of the
Tomors. rnnaloral Star Neck Sore Throat,
Croor. Conirartions of 11• C 17,N5C1.A% Scroftit.ms e ,
Tel,f!r d...rribiloo of In•
.)treetln: the Exterior of the Hunan Fllll7le,
;:rtally rPlicvtd by hifa nere; lo Ac srlEtitat
.••• remedy.
vI:TITIf f, wla:l,tter f Atrijor Cer,
Ittair ren.e
Hear Fir—vvt . !i=e nee v% Pit profiler fro4ritt of
Vt•ltr X.C11 , 1•1 I.l.ttittett , ! It i+ rprlplet II•elleSt or the
I ttlt 11..1 Vt. I - Vt , jl,l ,11(4 , 4 pot if, Sy my. spa*
I W9^ .n ot•rapv.aptl ! have (Pond ft
•1 rpm! NIS". c q. exidr.
::I.•rt rt A PVegtill:S rnif
(.. I w'• it a vi, If 01 al lark ocCroof,
•r^tii, vett trc caf u firhy rtlh.
• rt , v:y the External ilent•
• ~ 1 1' 1..1: yno e.njl , l to ronn, ,rlore tlll. Llnim , nt
n..;; Use of it, as fait
itay,!ln•reinforl• d.nie. to yuut rar noviaininncrs,
Velt).: , l,llV. C. it ' . S NIWOR
- 11 CPA 41 , 11E717. 241 Pri - nalvay. %. V.
r -- . - 2-ii way. . Ntw Tcrk, and 21 . 1111
flier r;.:CE-50
r 'llO Ttit ozr: LVIrr,FC 11(11_,TATI I ONS TEND TO
:!1 ,, inaivid.,Vc very IIIi•UPPMS. are those
who work in o uol.eal by al tro , otie , e. Printers van k •
In f. ;;her gtor, F.. baker?, tepl
1113 ait ractrarrs, ore a!1 rnort or 'eS- sithje. t tO disrase
CO , i lie -; rev of their coostiin , ion The sn'y
ttro loot to ro nt a=e. is the ocrasiorelii! t-ri of
wed, r. :1,11 sOstrae.s from r:rea , al hp al! deiele •
rinos nurnor , . slot rope:, them by the huw,l4. TORICI
In all firm :re "II i hey only tlie
I. to wake it more fa , ll. The use of ll•and.rtib'xt
o!it .1 , C311` I lily tritre all Ii yore r
: o,‘!:0 bro', is not t,veakeneil brit
oov dor t r i.o.re va•uat. , ,e rinj
assi-t nature,: rid ale not oppet•ed
rl:cr r.
GfEre, In Or Dinmon.l
Pr ,5 Is l•rr he S, malt full dlc•ciinr.
NI r. 1; . --Tilt. only p'n , e In Ph e ft where the
1. L•criN rau 1.0 °Mai acr!,‘3 the Lotto's own (-1
I;ll,‘NnitEri ti's
)11:T11111) tt,. I'REPAIJNG
enr , eiltf led 9111.11),,, I c 2 42.-Patent grant d In
he h,on , ih
xtrve• , %.0.4.1, i . lls are COtti
pn..d ,it oh;,ino hr th,c f W pareldt d
„il l „„, t o,llllr . 1 , 1 NI y of
tiVe p• het ht. is 11112., st LI/ the saw ',
as ,t 'O4 .11 the
Thr (1 110 e.11 , :i01 , 5 •l gm di r i ne ,„.. rrc _
e , .010.... de I in 3...1, R•olen in me, iA -
tech tt.e Covre...mpTi (ILE nonnt.n, sn , al, my
Ine, ist!erin, the nAmo. shot's ,
wiv.lesa'f! i‘ the r IrPt. light,
:111:1)(CIN.E >PLE.
111,1. S - .re the Penidy
i 0, y.rov..d I , c t n tv!,o (11611,"
mer.,l Ott-. to ti,r:11 . :1:01:d. 'll.e PR _VS DRETti
p LLS are g, g I ''%ll WWI' 'TI/I.lr, their .
g n=et•dnes9 hr „r
hew lit th. tn.
N. ( - m e rat d ho, r.:11Ilh a e van.
•;ten. loops nithe thin ti ey tl,red
tort. ro 1. 1 1,0 z ery , ipr.);”, 50 IA H I •311 i fir "It
%%nit ro0:10. ;0.0 /Ad.'s, 50 u,
C., neer, ,o ui hpaie'Aud
at lc " krr in C 0 ,1.01 . 11. Let the afflieled use this
nod th-y a ill find tire rf-ti.:lle uo othrt.
o , rectio.4.
So d a , 2'i
Cidl ha% frg .100,1 it two
s1_n,111:11'S of Dr. B. alitireth. So each b”a 0f li'ff
e harsisgertmi e4--thret. Bonj•in.in
throe U. Ti'rit re'h e l rw
'roe vi here RE
:s t:ANDoCti r,s
e. t.,ck aO, ket /4, 8 ,
Mri: the t•• isv BeatetrethPills tu.vei Le
I :111v L'fl Sl,6lii;
%. I), . 1 / 1 C: sz-ce of I.is e;rie.
we I'm , r-:.i I' in A ' •gi Vny
(i l', 11,, 1, al ( .itice. 11. am. ;.4.1; , tccb ur
I r
F Ur r 1. 3 :1' , 7 ,1, -11.tou
Tr , m—Pi , •; l , . m Iliil
Ch. :`;;;:11:1 '11.2-Stt W.:11310W')
4,.%; C. • “ 1, r11-:C..••!0")
H.,bert S turn Forel-I'a' ent
Genrge Pnwer—Frorviow.
Davin R. Towns .ip.
Daniel N•gley—East Lib Arty.
Edward Thomlisnn 7 —Wilkin gIT:
'Wm. 0. Ilunt;lr—Alton'e
Nrv; Yons, Fo. 9 . 1942,