Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 29, 1843, Image 2

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    •Ittll2 eJ: ...1 hr ; ..ti fuuui
Wilk:WS 1 his , e stood there a thousoril times in the
rrlitn mo3nlight, and f iiinied dint 1 heard in ectrc
it whipeii.,l n:nolig the branohe.. the vvice
• , c 1 - r h o twov-.! -:iimbrrer•
D •yorea ciri! spirit bath never aban
aniimi in my weary ptigiin (ieatiy and in. , th•
i Piety thou nom to watch ever me sleeping,
t . :leer M"' 11/1d z‘t the [link of hum :cite—to m in& thy
he ivenly .ympathies with my joy., arid narrows and
t., make thy mild reproving:4 know ti tzad tit in the ditr.:
krr momenta of exiftence; in the tern ' est of pannion,
in tho'hitteime:4s of crime. F:cea new. in rho awful
calm trhheb proceed: , the last clump i n my he.
Mg, th?'eed shelnw whieh now ctrechen from the
crane to the prezenra of the livia?. I far; that thou art
near me—
n purr , and sainted flnc.
IV.lz:tlii:-'thv loved atl,l oft.arth."
ruts GovEms:oil
Silbjret in !lie i:cci-ion, f
(11)e Oath) 13cvit.
Cif [1.1.11,. IQ
'PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY. Di.V1:.:11P.1:11 29, 1;143
rit)S::;;T GI. >5, Co:" ''Ty TI: :. a...i
cared in oaper ai ‘Vs• bi:t. th it Mr (i!acc
• h. t a, bli., and we ',tier: sincerely rejoiced at
!wines the dtaterfl.m:: but it appe trre we
were mi.:token. 'Ti= trim, th.- C2ommi:Aio•teri hare
n:aproved of the County Brad, but the .Tutlge4 of the
Court rtf C-nra en lira: have refucadtrt app r wn• :if the
State B tad. \\illy became the d.rton of
wor:tim-, torn 171.1i:rat -r;silte•te miry are to the Bond i
are mit. Item.ote. to Ct.! Co art titre:l2h the fmahi taaide
- inncl.; of i 3 th"si.m, and the outer m tjera m hie:4 of
AVlr3 1:1 nv airy thin: a to it Cie ch tr wtor
tad E I i'_ 13 M.•tlian.it id
the other oday p•r; a• . l 141 111:11' , are on th •
Boad,ao Iv In .1 ri"it th •ir rthiiit... to r -^t the
ment.g. of th , law. Vc_r wire i tlto t-t -1 hy Lite of the
J.ail.•lNlr ci as:. ye:ter 1 I::
brad waa., that or the ••:11/:." r101'.4 11" C re
on era.ityl,na 1. A Fait it;—D:.l till. C.lnot ap.
1 r .1 1. Pl' pre.eat'lr.'a
with oniv tic' rvpro, rtrxv,-, tom and .la;. 1
Tirimp•••n. on it, wi•en 'mew Plat they wore 1 1
the oniv •... I • 'tj. Bn 1' r). I riqt. thi, I
C.mit aprrmr of the Bond of R. M. Ri•bre.
II rPiVIT ti: : ' nam-: John
Bi;ler 1 \\'m B J.l isrv. aid t'rtt to wi eat vii- I
ci ;It its; t .1::‘ rt
tit . ..! Li -n !I 1 1,..) ): , Ct
putli i3tort•. , t, thy ;I , t s t r• r'; • li!r•r B lok: to
11..3c rrri I ill :111 - 1 i r 3 . 1 . 1 i• i • • • t •.I.•••: •!;.1-
15..m . ..F. b:10 IVO:: t.:12:1, tai; strict•
wire tho G. ; 4 1.1111.11
Lion, hot we • Cr.,
[lnd p, rin gs,
t:l2 afier \ye illy. , 1:i ::1);43:1::Cy
our c Its. v
of hi: )2: 111.11 the I.i, •,.. If tic.
bond of r j2 , l2ti, we d (F`ril
(r.:1"11, th t1;1(.-ept of
It wr,,,lake no rn .I , i I
dant ofth; w;L:i B ;:a.
VETN —The C; riot te 0:1 recite: orc
Mr V.“ Burt ;!e as the
,13." ar? at a aid..
11 :11 .I . l' I
ngainAt 'jr Val Wiron. \\'h c-1;
j,l4tify a 1 m 4' ire
olyonenti mac ca:i him U. ••,.;! . .0
tgician."“ • 10...•,..) loco," or a•n: otter t?itii in t 1 rii
but no IY•z to Ir.:v..
pity ;,nd nut tn, say that he fqt. c:;.I
against an:, cCi-t• c": 111
2.1 . \vii:l id:ll2 il r.O, b tie
Gazette (...r.:,1•-• i.l 1.. i•.f
Van Buren, w ) ma
ry 0.1:1 ca.) p ‘1.:! r.v v .ry wi,n 4 - a .1 ri it
wou'i Auppor! a ••fiL m t;1"
if the char 4-e had hron mad • by the Ainer;c-in, %ye
could horn,' it with -41:11" it i, natural
that th,c e lit..r of thlt paper .h .o:d he di,pka , ed with
any %tl'6l orig;riate a greasy id,a in hi;
mind, for th..n I
:•)•,-p,•q• tit it II • t•I the a , .-
cusatito not with tire s o.e
Buten. but plialy to op t azain,r his own
unctuou3 nature. Brit triftrtunat , ly we have no such
coll.:flintier.; the, charge ig rude by a "jean, lank
sins," w'ao ha 4 ;:ot fit enooJi i.. his corporatioa to
grease sh aid di-p Nit .rt for
the :h . .? hi. dry I . us or 1,.• d-rened
by a tir,rd .1-•‘ .. s..vorn eter nal it% t
er...y Fenn h t 'lir! V, •il.l
- ft: 1,, 4 . I ;11' ' party. by
Nir Var. Boren the ••1 . ,11. /,‘:1:/ Li i• v iwit l.'s If he
eloe+ nut relent f CI 01 , 1 - Cploll• F.: may I r fret-al to
nll th..l cor,lalent.
~ri~•in I i.l t6o c try
AN L ' sc::¢ra•: \\';r.. I;Jrz Au::
euri.ittr:!y. A ?It:. N. -k. LoWERY, was rttlic:e4 fir
forj:iz n iwt .03 n.cmr.i .I.)-
f T. 1.• D ci • Al",:h t.t din
rtilt iin nov had ondor
tft- t • :y: t • 1:1 it
prlrimrt , d 1,2; .6:1, tictt it in •t ita
t, :I ‘7.11:1. : ,i.13%: 1.:11.`83 f.ir
Cr Eiir .t; 'I .
'CI Ch. pttl 1/flit • pr ,t.
Vitkni the to.a;TronyG ict nd.t.lL It.ui 72r re d
cnmadi•tanc , , ;tm ).r• w12)(....1 were lrtrr - + or tit'
,t•.i in 1 ! ' ,:e I c
'wading with tir. bi:!, 013 bi;i 1Ls:•:f, ofra tiro
CoUnri] 1:r ih" pr ro, , an d gi l i.•d bait tho
I,cal iloadmo4ati-tipd edv. he teas oath; lv
ind.ta:ira—that t h e I ir! charzvd a Fzrrc wa: a gen
uine 1-,or. a tci ttt d tat imr.it of the cn,irge—
sh.E.;;11 , 1•0c” .41 n., iartn , r, awl
Lot tit clurt
Cla.s xith zhiA a I n.—ion on their part, a thlt
el; 1 , 11 t• I:ta b.tlr •e:: tilt. comity
RA Int pr.) , cell .0 Tilo d. fond 'X . :, c.)11 1 Cons
14. 1:13 c.1 , ,1; A . th) jnry, ‘v:i inim •diateiy
{Aim] ik n.g. guilty r.ll ,
praflPeutqr T . ) p c r /• j .
rt 17.4-)r..) )) t pacti3n3 with a
tr: L I Tv S.i:!l 1 31C.:1.1ry d> Hlii aiii)ears Ea be
I .):CS . SCLI NV/ di
Ftwat St. ,L )als R wn has
cccn lett rs turn rrernont Fort Hall to the
2Uthof S. , ,ltern.t.er,(foar clays later than those pal:-
lishecl.) They r,Tute the absoi•d ropt.)ll that Yuri
flan ha4l beenz.met,.l-red to ht:n.
Muni- Cflinx.—The Pi:ilitael;iiia Spirit of the
Tim of th, :23.h, Jay , : it %vas reported in !hi. cit . %
yesterday, Coat a certain Lieutenant in th,.! U. S. Navy
had clopei with the wile of another Lieutenant tu,w
darentou duty. We are not at liberty to give names,
n yet. A duel will uncrstionably be the result of this
w :11r,
cal a',iv
.• 11• • I '
Ki!perr...l L.' Ain. Jolla I• 'or
Henry S+.vart./..lL'i.i Litt. •••
l'ro4idetit4, l)
by the l'rori . r. :n ,Ito nu.; por•o er.•
niipoi.itt.,l :1 (2 . ..intnlittee to drift ro4(diitio.l4.
; sir; 01 . - !:14(` Of HI" I)
aj,r .13(.1:, II Ni
Int C . ; tr(Litn, IVild.rn If ord, \licirn•l Rini
Henry Sr., NI ty.,- II eiry, Fr ',lt ic'i
Poare,i, .1,1:111 omit, -lit-lc. I lerlry
Ji"11 1' , 1.1111.1, .Ir. :t0 ,. 1 1).0.1.1 h., w
pm-tr.,' tl• f rllotchun which after I)cing re td ,voro
IVllc(cax, The clectivut of Governor in 1 84 I, is
I'entt,ylv.vii I trill be Ofit - .111 1:1 , 1 imp•lrtate , to the 1 , 1-
tero4t of thi• Great eirnalon,Ve :Ith, for orl it .1•••
peal' sylietivr the nolilo Stone" Orrll remain in
prc.i.ent enfoel(led :tad crippled con,illlllll.
alLuit hr thi• extraYannt t dcral nii , rii!(-• .fo...pb
liit.ter. by her to the giticl,irwr. of th" 4
riirty, h , r e I‘.
tlvit will a I•niril,torlier urne.,t
lion , .tiv, pro ar .11 Crl ‘..111
i... tier ar 11.1rri.il•n:11 in text
nominato 3 ito for nor. Arid belies . 1,14
it to It • t tr duty, :ma prisalet:e of Ire -rn •n.
to I•N;ire..“: In , f 1 . 1 .01!. 11,1 fr't •,•ti n
toe of ca./4,1 rea. (111,1 a, "(•
‘11411.1.4tii 11 d ban, 1.1, , ,• n
1i comwt.ll,lll ,51:11 .(.. ther,f4irP. tyr
n.• (I .nvicr.ttic and the all:-
Co , lntry 11:1Vi• a+,l'lllYt•kl hi: ( , V l ,lru:. to es:-
pr , :s unr ~3,116111 ow ci , ”11.1 i:o
for the Guber,;:itorial chair of the "1c,.0‘....t/Yrw Si i,(s."
IVt• a. toi nou.ly (lilt :t
ltdont-i, oriu(-I:,:cs and mit/1,, ciniiwtit
iy (1.1 LiCs him fLi.
0 h :n
is Mr S!itrik. ivivo tiir2
ilt • !n o
priori Ho- a:1,1 wh...Cner
V. : 1 4 1 11'r hie 11 , 11,;10 ttr hiy in'icnte lit 6.
lee,;!'01 d. Th tt it nri,tciit!i• 7011 , rent in Dem,
cr-tcy tr,re,v.ir I It I . l6,rniog in •rit,:in.ftli it io
Mr S . :11:,1; it Co , unit or our choice. we h - ,lieve tre
nr' t • xp ray - ink the trill it a large tnaj,,ritt or cur ' , AN
t v.
Rrs , ll:rert, T! ,rr 100% 1.:).,-r) him 34 3 (I'':ll. , rrlt 1,1
the S , -11 ...I." in w`,1,..:e han , le the rein;
th.• vr.i•n-nt int I 1,0 fi.tne.4tir and üblv
and .1 OPIII ).•:n is pro.id • Over the
‘ ,l groat c.in,turpo..o.l 1 111.
jtlry om 11,e evilion,3l
charaetet Fr.inei , ft s!),ia!:
a.;16.;1 th.ll 1 . 1111•1 in 1.•
ate. tit th.. a.; ia , ae; . .t of th!
I,r 11 Ivo a riaia
aunirnl ropublirml, ioritn nl - .1 , 1'610,1 %yid' the
ar..l Wll,l-4!
(pi a,(l hrin
Tli v le•arti:y w;tli cur dem
-4,t Pitt.bargh i.t Civic
IlWehint,s aplca 4,1 graLitudc, 611 I
,i•• ~,d whim ' 1 1 , too', i. 4 th, t.iak, 4,1 tie
•rl!i.' 'r.o3t, iu the f arnil st of 1'67,3. ,%11,n
in thn Lice of sword., an l m44,1„,t-, ttrd
n:.d .11 thy panoply of roiltic•ii tv.4l
cr. Ind f.irward in f Ivor of ty a. d the
4),;t.• :n :1I: t.i tia their d,fence licit a.sai,cd
in their m ist ‘iine p r
me•mtmcnd to our aemleratic
citizens of We-lmoroiand. favorable to the
no:nit:a:ion of J r Shuck, that they attend the prima
mectinz4 on flit 6 hof January, and thus full• rep
resent their strenztli iu the election of delegates favor
,ole to him.
mution Res.)lved, that the officers sign the pru-
ccedings, and that they by published in °se democrat
ic rriporß of this county, anti in all others throughout
1. tiU LiAYS
SlitrN'X MR ETING.—We tl:i- iridog the
proceedings or a great tneotin if iiivieracy of
Westmoreland, held at Plc.z...ant U..ity a few days
since. It will he seen that the reeoliitio is are strong.
ly in favor of ritArt'is R. Saran, and that the people
of the "Star of the West" regard him ;1.4 the mast pop
ular man in the State for the offi.:e of Governor. The
democrats of grind old Westmoreland are always right,
and their ulequh•ocal exprossionF, in ftvor of Mr
SHUNK, shows that their sterling replib:icanism is not
dogeneratinz. If Shank i. oar candidate in 34 , 1,the
de:nocrats of Westmoreland will lic "iiard to hu:d."
SHENR IN MERCER COUNTY —The following ex
tract of n ietter eantaiis mrut gratiiying informati , in.
Meteor coniitv inidered the
orany West, but, ai xvill ire g:ion, she ha+
itriexpeweilly dociared for SRUNE, nt n very large
ntegliAg, and nder a full di,iewi?Oon. Verily, the peii
ple'rzre "thandering," it is ail for "old
Extract of a letter [lava
the paper rand.
'The Weekly American, September, 30: otTared,
camainioc the ar,iales c,satained in 01_,
The Prt , ecutio.i here their :estimonv
Mr. Dann.; GH lep2ned Ori the part of the 1/efandant ,
is a si , eneit of inne:i in , leratioa zind Rood taste; \vlicro
iu h ? contend that th a party in thi, case, had al
-.1).:c 27, 1343. RIO ni t the civil p twee of the court f m rv
-..lnr;e anal: respoctal,l,! m .;.ttag, of I Ell) dealt,- and dill he slanthl taesatisfrad and not sec
' Aresao' c.anta;‘, - , conceited at the Court HOLM', h t.„,, :1 viachali..e sprit apa nant fcr the sa:ne
on he 26th par...Elam to previ , m-
Lipir‘; th tt the att ie . :. was ja , thied by m cay
,iptli`ii,tl •
and Robert Stilrtkvant, Vic Proslde,th.; Mr. Davi:F. etrnsta , .e.oi which the D. fence at ,n1;,1 be able to pr,
tail two others, Serretarie,3. .lieu to th.a course of tit' trial i I tosttrn brfore tie
"On 'mai , n, . a c rnin'tt-e of low nvern a ?P c " : " l c`i I" !dory. Ile then expl tiled the uti•nee as defined l‘v
draft thsohvions eof the seti , e of the tri.•,a- -
log and I): e t.ri I o act. After a ,Iloll trbaenrt, toe Co art; and .z..lVrt a nuather of author:ties to that
r,?:tirpe,l v ith of the stro.,c. or-ct•
kind f ,vor of Mt. Bt.:cues ma :1 rn ANC Is it. //. sv - 9rn —I am acr..l Ilinteri
I Mr. M , rris; fir I hob him to leave '
t,, the 4th of March e ivention are
ml Kerr,Seom ori (Beaver concori in.. 2,) aid T. \\'i;. bee_n.active the 'heel"" "f C. 1. Trocilla.
so.) ld McGill. Rep., 11.‘e
all hmlnrible an.l t,rir excbrtion , to proeote the. nomin
ation of thlt incorruptible d •:nocrat, you:. follow tiwns
rn t 9. VCANCI3 It. SIIINK.
'The lern•ve; at; of thi.l county gn in for Mr. Shun!:
ronziy, nod lia , o given a clear :Lid oaequi%ocal
fill thC C
-rt., colll.vitqz . ar.. the r, , olution, r..fvried to in tliv
Tlrit l'ean , vlvanin :1 .O R I
hl•• .•' zti• Ili: to pr...,nt at thi: time to tip- I) outri - ,tos..
tk , Caioa, the rand'udtte to be supported at the coin
.ntial ion.
'Hutt tho:e hex.olo2 the mot.. impo , itio.
Race it in our poker to pre , ci:t, in .1 AMF:S IlL
cv,tcas.;tst ttesmon of:Limit red anti untionhteti alii'-
i - tea. of travetl and tried attachment to the cordial!
wtrinesof I)emucrocy. of unwavering fidelity to th ,
of the pans.. and more thin nuy other. id,uit:l
- with the sti,•co.:.: llf down . ..rat ic
That hic ,, a t t compitiin that cur ti , ottl
ct. t'ir• Itrttm. ,'tEn , t Bice nrrcr vet t t 1
1 , 1 ti: a a ntitotn-atit-Jittvin her. uud tt i ti, WO I ,
ani.omire our ti-t....:miumion to so9pport i,e ,
op, of the 'kit of 11 writ t:tt 1,-mitt!). the ri:irp, in,:,
t.1:1( , ? the ponnin'tion anti wt.rt'ilt. .ti
17OCII:1.11 1:1‘1 , 1111' firin;y 1•,•..T,,,1
1 . 1.1P.v to tir7o othr r:a;11 , :it titi4 limo.
t 1 ,111112 thr:_ttttillolll , ll to he Itrf` , l , l , ':l I 0 Olt .
4 7 h or .Nla;•1-11 Convrla io.n. belleve the nomir”.llo,l i,t
imAN ci s R. Suryw. a..' , 1 0 r., man. •c
nio.t to proiiiic ely i't Cio par
tvi icy nen •-t Tirol tried in inioN a
r,OVe•rj r 1; rn•r z u•hn:e Linnd :v.:l r't
n::41 f1 , 11T1":: I p ,hri;!,ll a
t , :'llro him 1 ot t!:"'';.I 111i1110:: to ,
tit , t .attett , s. of thr patty i tr‘-iatt
Timt n -Tr , r ! , IrtN I.tr,•••rcrratity. 1 . 1
u.st rot , niaation of }'rant -is li. Shank. do r,otn
tLil cltas i;tl itlfi tiro I). 11:iitt' and 4 , t`, ih
i , arty alt ittat..liaat as w. , 11 at tit t nt,r. , l -hin !
fiorttrtmr's t.t:t.tt-H.on as td. t o 1,. .
P l 3 3t. I. 3t 1111
ro , t - r I•t110
ato.i jet i 1 ,c 1
tie,; 0,1,1 1•• 1 r; M••(;i!1 ht • ir •• 1 t'l•••1 ii it t 1 , 1 •.. 11 • .2 L.
,1.1,=:3!,, 1 ,- 01 .,• -•• • nt comits 1:1 tht• c'n
17Wil nr ll•irri-!r3';:11 urr 111,2 . 1:11 plr'A •.
1 , 1•:,• • •1 sm ••!: •VOli /3313
' 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 .3 1 ••••••,1/31Ci1.,.
1,:•••1‘ , ; , •.; I, • i mt, 1 t "';t , ! , • u;I '1 I •:', •r.
10 , 0 1 in tl,•it IZ, ,
a!! t,t :15 , •••• iL•;1. a . ; 7 t
W.7.3r31313L1ATD caumry
n rn •:i.iz ,Ft)- rl '771, •ru'i , .* ".'"?
C .. 1117/.11-01 .r4 - 1 4 't , I•Tort , 11,1 I . I 1 ,0. , nit ire! 41 ,o
lire ~1 Frlstri , R I '
!.... r , • I r.4q -11, from
c0 , 1%.11 , -,1:41 '; , t1 , 1•.• of Il r T
,‘Hz, • II! c: wll,l l it
the Suite ) frie“thy to the nomination of k'rttecii R
(S'ipird by of.cers.)
Cvmmonw•eultb, In the Court of Qr S
N 0.32, ut . Oct. T. 1843
Jas. W. Biddle. Adel. Libel.
MeSSI'S. MOORHEAD, Ow D...p. Attor.ley G.meral
and Loomis, t;tr the Pro.caulion,
And ittles.rs. Ihsca, aad DA rx.tcrt, fur the Defen
The paper of the 29th September, 1813, off: and and
read, curtaining the libelous nutter.
Alm her paper offered of the 30th; objected to by
defendant's Counsel. The objection overruled, and
Sperr, AWO rn—l iivo in Indi.inn township : I
know Mr. I..i . ris; I Ahrlil d jilpi)l/ WII4 aCtiVi..
(10111 Z a-h it he couul fur CJI. Tr. -Wilk). I StIJUILL thiult
he was active.
Valentine Feb!, carel.
Dawson ll'advron'h, strar;t—l appnntrri 1 ..
atboot tha
g my p u.' fr.nn tilt! C m..ty Commission
)I.lrril TUN! 111.• to go once or twice a
throo:tl th , .j.tiL I wa, .15ont Cm day. Evt.ry
ty a td ni;ht it iv ti my d.ny t'a!rc. t'n:•
were gtmera:ly mtd by alter h ow.t.
I ‘V.1.1 C.) \V:1110 C le l: rlO7
there Ill.' 1:1:11t 0-e17.`,1; liv t. th.•re the) d hr.
Gore, !row nil \ Ir. F,••!t•I'111:1V1-itt'd hill the
It;11 I 1 , , 7.%fr t,d I re'. ti e 1)"11 , ;:e Of :1
Or At r t:,•IJ it iv 0" .1 C L• 1
J11":1”1 - tie. 41 e 1,-i,re
t:, j i . art k;.l
I 1,1 . 0 . .1 II C I), a I "(WI rd ac. I , %(Mt•
11 ,:t.•
,•r0 1 lip. )1
ati.1 . 1 . ,%.11'.1 4 . \re;it ,h(ni; A hoti,
fur \l.rrri;
\st , ':t :OA ac.
rm•m and It ci p.k. I coud not sem' 1,1 n:
t;rt. :41.1t,•,1 t. tvai tit I v.•
tv, it 1,11.03. it tv.t: tit tti it't.t.t: 10 •',; it 1.v34 dtt
:1;111. Wll,ll I ; 0,11: t'
. I
4. r
,1 \
I 171 1/' .I:tg
Inc't t.im tbtor and . A - 15 t.,1!(1 '..y ~v,mt it
and r.t i:itt it v.. f h ht• PA' W
0!)- of tho r.v•l• h tv.• cut s• , ll..,tint •
I. I- tl" I- n I t . l • 111,0.
I . ..1:14 th , •r,• tho
I , v •a.• I •r.c iv tit ,s
a d 9 t:'. t c
s%e- It lip ;.:1-11 (11 IL•Iv I 1,1;,I
111:en I M
t I' ',IA. 41%1111 I:1111
hi•n I , t h i;,z
(:,.,c, r,.: ,:,,,,,..:
-it t 1 , 1 iii t
M tV. , r ri I C rnas,itra I 1 Ir and
50.:71' a= I^ I 11.• Ii OW , t 111 , , ::v vv . :, it
X:l , . I 101 d 'l'l= that T , c .r+
I h•fi; I :n•r.
kl! I Old him wht•ti I 11:14
and h.• t.,111 N"!:.n h^ %vent ern. Th, nox
Aim' a ra.,r. a :zrappling inla. j ,aw
1,1.)il the Nt lilcillW 3:1 , 1 , q 1 die niin• n , n. Thr jail
tv I% a g .IC0:1,1160:1: it wai vrrc ea' ) h, a
Tho room that Cowan w?s in.wa:
arly other room in the jail, and thit4 al , . the r, nr
th, It.t•l the load hOlt in it. J.,hi Cowal vi4ited ihe
oftener than any other at' the
we-e not to a Imit any per.iol loth, priin.
r,e r a irhnnt some one %%.n.% pr., , nt. 1 the
n mf the i. , :t-timent writing from Mr. M
I en ;t any whether it wag the same day or It!, it %%•,“
very Q'tortir :Ift^r: Mr. Mom , ' health SV n
II n"1, wra 1111prilV1117. it W
itis my impressitr.l it 'v boforobq
(7 , 1, sm- , rn —I am ?Icy, i i i as t i w i t h A.
:11 1 - 4nilillted i I 1313- 31, h
thi.:l a c rhino iirt!“ , r. I !“-1 ,, w hat lit CA , of rir
71,11'Iri`, tht'ai I 0,, r-i C,1,-111.,I1:1CII,
CnInr!;11 than f , ,.• irryin7, In 1233 I
I erinilZh nl` In
rn•~Ft lii !I. Tai 1311 w 1 -ht-(1 In m $123
wil:1•11 %% hr-In I,i; nor, Ira trim ni l it,
W111 , •11 svan Icing racer lair: nil. It wi. th•pc,itral fjr
r I wit, not rit-no.taNi. lit rolirit.py o r M
I thin': it lV•1•.. C •rt it and to'd nr , lie %vac in
n ir 'II; I rant _iv, h;.‘ 1nn. , ..,-t,,•, I
•Ir.t hi 4 Wa , to cist , nie to in
stand that he wit: pity all hi. firm
c -of his en , Ilion: had 7,l•••ti him, ael that I 1111
tr.-lied hint 'Oki , t t:•ntieinam that lie oil a so, , i 1 cm-%
of tire whom eu. I r ull
I a t :e that IQ. their (lido:, hit tylin Itad :and hint
m i zht Erii , t their mimes ilia
thoir7id co , 'h iin 't not to I, disn• .7 1,101. < t I
(.I,,,luibd ;it once to 11 'ld 1101 t, 1V:1 , 1
n'u„ Ili, la.( ,v 7,4 I ‘l cpt to hi; :Imp an I v.%
inv de 1 i , 1, nrn r ,her • 11'1 , 1 111111,
d..•ht ru.',l ie th , •. I ,',roal I Cai .1: tl,i. xras
the mi;h;;;• of Ai .tch Or the l+t or ;t o rn, this
Iva+ th,• firn- Slid % , :t, i❑ critical cir.u•a
not a vcry 'irrrPra or
T don:, SOO or $lOlO , t.rt di, I
.‘,1(1 3 or 4 at $lO a pair. v.hit•it all I n•alised, I
ha e one Jr ;WO of them oii hufd
Cr, ss. wa' Sixth qtr.-et, dawn stnir.4.
Isupp,-ol I maid the or,li
.IlTli y sbeil Prior , me debt
wn, pia infra. sold \lr.\ Ion!. whir+
in his business. I thinli the rune
%vac ez:•,:vr in '37 than it had been.
Thomas Simmons, sworn—l borrowed a thousand
dollars of Mr. Morris, it was in '3l or '3l, I cannot say
which; NIL-. Morris was jailor; I &mt know how long
he had been jailor, it was after the escspe of Cowan.
I gave a joint note with Samuel Roseburg+) for the
.I money. the lint Il Ile IR:I'll tl .\ll. Alm lis dij nut ilk.., nin not aes-pi owed with Mr. ilcieris. It was a general
he told me he witu.d rather have a John note. Ihe i'nfhei.ool , that it iv is ois 'lie to the neglect of the . itiluri
said iVer. Lee. sworn—t asses abuut7 miles from the
note was dein!, for inn r ear, which was I , fied at ma-
I hiss e heard it stated that money let him oat.
Cushy. I cannot recollect whether any thing we , / ,
cit!,, I miser henid any other opimui, in that neighbor
.) Morris about ciecrecy or not, I cannot recollect I : hood than that be hail liceu let OJT, dot money had let
heard people t, k al, nit Cowa ds escape, ,Nlorrt' nano. , him out
wit.[ 1 he Court to sk a recess for an hour 3
illentlO Ad to ( uouection with it, cant remember
1/OiS what is Ito said.
Chas 13 iraelt, sworn— I have residediti Pittsbergb
Sent 1 R'Yse3urgi, sworn—.l was a joint drawer in ' since '37; I have beard this accused in generally in
a note, with Sim toils to .110. rm. I c Int remember the • the street; never heard the charge m the to Mr. Mortis'
year, it was after th,t escape of Cowan; I thought the 1 , lace '
I amount W , Rely l'allersln, sw 7 rn—l hairs h - ..ari a n, uh''c
.1•4 $lO 3U payable one year slier date, I en- I talk at.,l c•n n i i 1:a a ..er•lit /1. Iksevhi n in 1830
d tried the first note In Sim nal3, winch was destroyed ,4,ve uses to talk of betting. I Inane seen him, bet. I
t ,
' and afterw 'rd. executed a joint note --1 k new M r 0 lay 3.0" hiss have stoney. that was abnitt the that o f
, I Live '111) ado iiiimace %%ha 111 r. Min ria. I kits/iv him before
:11orris by sight nut mach aclu tinted with laim.
I b y , -12.1ith it lh 14 not Lill astray iiconeintetr, „ ith him.
been mai-, shop, I did not that'. he wse &nag, a very ' • Juh a Itrtilcrix, sworn—l have LP,• en acgmlirued with
large business, is hen he l'3lTit.' to get the joint note h • Mi. Bi I li. stun . ten ~ lie e lin • from Arinstrn az coon , v
; I think it i 3 ih.• it five year., 1 Toatore he cattle
toll tuts .\ll.il ta-i- , hi I ss'sp , s led to tli- first note.
b S navel Rose.s ,r. it ree.7l.ei chore .4.13 tttie nfrry
.7 1 t 1 1 ,., B .11n, ray, .1 Ti'vz —I dill 01.,5, 'Vile! in the h ,
,i .. i,, , ~, ~h,,,.
M • Minn-. si 13 ail ,r I paid •:•--'
E , ,,,,,., , g e, Beak, ,M, .il .!•lori is owns .50.,:taies sit - tl d , r .i 1 11 T e,,: him ~,it.Ch„t i ;;
• lilt ~..e. to .-. . sr, i, is 41 ..1 .
-torl, sit the lia ik, name-ors by the bash that he lair- She ve. ‘r is th • n on , of the stn t rear] ni. Si lliv.. I.
um 1, wise sso bill fa' thy c ea 3, paid to tio squire stir 'r
p.r chased at the o• i t mil , M., the p o ial leer t K., i ;, , ,'5O
‘ ii si,, I l i. I nor ii iv (11 , c i..;',. to the' - n ag'salts he, I door
..,11 ire. n ...., It. , ~.! VIA pr. in it ii a, to it thri ,tais , t •
.0 sic wam...-: the L. i , table's leas is dry i•,clitied or
1 v.a., is 1;'.3(1.
1 ~• .
I Cross r r—Too r , toc*, Wl4 ply 1 1- ,••• i 1 iss , s , I'monte [T, eD , fe-niant closed th i t testi-n°.12... The Prose
' 44;5 p o -I,i ~ tut. 2,1 I i-t 0 112'il ll I (II" 11 ,N,V.3.1 cu IdiMY I. ro'stitt: az te• t m ;iv.]
s 5 5 ‘ 54%, r, 5 , I h bu0t...,. S., pei shay , rill th • 5 . i.0,..'s , , " -
JO7ll I' {V . , CrlC 7 tlll, ..\% ern. .1 on .3 C oval was my
I n a-. / ial ii rn, I Si year fr i n tho i i!,..
I , , h•i la 11, i 1 Nil, I I old -tram: of .0.1 Mr Cowan']
1 ileatted re'il s eJrn-1,-10.% 1 man i f the olio
c t ite; h , di.d on tholi?. : NI treh, he wail/1111r I'l'l the
ot 11 it a n (Idler, lid was her,. in '36, Mr 1-1-lier cam t
I , on , As/ ams co. lie was out Of
, ig. .. , he came fr o m G , t _ 14th. It „'.is nece3••• , : that the paper.; should be ta
ii,sine,,,,,,; li, hen out I , o'n ...i: iteS,, a 1.-n• a ~,Anltri• the o , sa:,e It\ ig
t,.,buigti to m) hot,- o i Lis nay, to
,ippoi tied James Cills Ill'a Attidney i / Lc.: I it.CPINVd
, 5. trn•t li. re o i a ee It'll 114 111 Z It , to ~', t 311 iced, hi. or-
Id s , d, Si no t , li, the bit •1.,, I .1.1 is so,v wit .1-0 i i • u:: p tiles sins its" 'll3
"1 iris ".11”.' sr
the d ' Y al1(.11 '
Mr \I
1 oover k les of I,ly arc ing , m .1,1 Lt, 'i ig het ri made
s% IS ail .•.1 I ol sr in t, is 1,/, I
W eat I iill :. i id
staked if -,-, ~ i„ „.,4 , , 1 ,,,, ~,,a ~,,,ai rut-, 0 , ~ e with M s 1 ' r '''; I never i s" e ” " r " v m sneY of estate
arse., I
~, i
is 1 ,
~ ~ i is ,
a ,
si i s s . , s
ass, . '5 .1, n •Conan> todm: p /lit i M ).1.
r ,trio, teceept fot• iris
1 hi. m , :e.y ,v is not gii ;I, is : h. 1.1 ,•3111 in ,is NI u.,i.5., ' "1 11E "" a• i h j "‘ silt ''' rN s r", h r
"Lig l i'L"" p " 113-
.t. ii. , „ 1' .1:1‘ i i inni , l .0, as rare v . ., alt . ~ , , ,i , ,•,, 2,- asi,, 5 i 'lfs
11/ Ida, I. .L4'se, I .N 1 orris a•li sr w as til • •II" lt. 1 ,
I,, Ut ~.,. he .
:, l'l a . : 1 , h , ( 2,, , i) ~.I „ " N • vi e : l l ' ' t h , ,, , ;,l ' ' ! , i 5 , e ,,, 1 ,1 s l , l „ l , l , ° s ' ' ' l l ,- ` , 3 e 1 : 1 1 , 1 .
, 11 ,, 1 ,,,.. 1 t h l . e l 'n sW n : i , I ;,: f it ' i n i . 1 1 ... of . .1 1 .,•n C "3 " C!: 1 5 tP14 .7. 11 ' ;:-..i" " :1 1 ; ..•
r 1 :171 . E ; 11 ; ‘ ,IV I
Is ,111.. 11.1 i , l TI - 1.1 11102 lis 1. lisAttor iey io fart Ihe
mg up a Is i'mtis t nrptis to gm the hey tea s the tools
hint (id ~1 •re.lail es. ,) thi,;,l was -et c!, , irt'i2r , M r , c` - '' d es , i'x''el t.l int-3. ii wall hillier.: the 0 , 1.1TP was
sal.; 1.1 ..•`•. but our ver . % I•, tierdi . I.SI Ctm in . a'l cridoi -
\lorr,i ,•.1 1 . sip with hi ii to inn si,ii, ,
1 1 , 01:.,,ti1i ,. :,,t,t,,
[,,,,:tir ,, ,,;.:,tti,f,,,,.
,n,,, , ,
tn :
:I . :::
5. , ,t,
s,ii. T a , •
L y
1 /I
~.•,, :
) 1 1 .: Is .!:
i 1a ,, A m 1 T, 11: ,. .. , ,,..,
d i
.: 1i5,•,),1. : 1 9 1 1 ,7 7 , e , i , . 1 t , era5e , 1 n . .... ,:1i
s l
. ~s \ l ,
~,,, •,, , Fis.l , .
.L: „
I, .
~ 1
ii , 1 beers .1 s s pr 5 I-, II I i•,-,••• • I. I •al I • Le I Is ill d 11: •r••
ii thli I COMP 1. , ' son, • ;h i% ire ii l , , h , us
. .. ,1
m. ','•. tII 111 11.1 -24 •.1 I'3 Idt , '..1... , lii, ,1 it a I ova a --,_ -
the O.., I. El:: . I Innilir „i 'h fsi- , t• •ititl a I 11. , T. •„.
FELLo‘v A Card.
,„ ~, , he I: It »I iii i , I»Is• III" Is IV 1,% ia hk•to . 1./r-Il
u'at ,4•ttl •it l 5 as II . I 111 - • n ,or i-f t'e • 1 imi's i 'so had it .--, limn CI fiZENta, AN nmr r tiIIONS IS P tn.
I '+ 111 Itlil , s.4.•'Ts 'll Miloi,tillt.m,,
p t s,• r I' .1 I e.slre lII' Uri f.,1...i. h a pis t 5( ..i.e. for I TICS' 4:,:•-•-it I f 15..r1 thee controlled the 1..10.•
is is h , s,•n M el.- oil ii'4l 11/ $3l aelthl , th • rho it t.I tsdi - -1,, , i, ea stic.m in ~ . ,•5 far th ”, t ,11, ts h i ,„ i i . ~, m 5.15 ~I I:1,? L.l .'nee ,mil tordss•en ea cry contingent y
1/1./1111. ,I I • ..7.• I" dim ti, •I/ ['awe. r„ , et him ~. .ii it ,d
,‘l.. , ~, i 110 Lrii I'' In , C.' 11: r% . I fres{ seritiy al-it- a,I dol., .i i t:;;' .4. i ell I'M ••f m 3 piens to contribute w
that e . ... 1.0 o s I b 5.,1 pii I 1., It , 2',-r. slii • mi le u ; $I)
~, „ ,•5 , „ . I s , tin i I , ~, , , s , L. , du , z. 3,) is .
i.T., , , • , I .1 elle, Nilsen he Ica, in p 1., r li ,d -IvLips•riiii,. E i ,,
.4.." l L. nyass r -, d
„ 7 , 4 ,.., ri .. 1 to a e ple ri o ie if the ni _
a iie :. '
~,,I, $, .'. l ' I s,e , it en ti • is',i , SY.I.TI M`
T tel I) . Is HI 'TI S I"'• 'S l lrsn 1 5-'r' s's I ' , II • ill '' ' c', 110:1 n'; to ue t.t rl•-•syht , n i to isy °relit lir, 101 l of fare ft n =
'I I, Ii i I $11,4 WI h• , 1 n•.. i , the It di tc . „ as 1 o 'IC- s ,‘ ' - '''' a' :
s' '' s ' ' • ."" I" . • • 1. 4 - C. ll' •• %SI 111.'1.10( 1 5i 1• l; rr• me , ...id ~... shish ti a ;,-,..u.,,, ITI•Ir:TET ratio:l3, I
, „ ~ 1:•I ~,,
..p,,, ,d, ss . ~,,,. ~„i , it. .., p.,„ iii, so _I ~on Is edoe.i_ -0 Li t,'llt. 'Jr ittt it cdi, ynient at art
1,/ 1.1, 11
I ,1 -p duo, to Nli NI shot h. t ,1 m it' 1
, ,r, d: . or ~ ,mi • to, it.• I t: ,0 h• w rt.,' ipis is i ', Pll- 41111" P .111 " "111
' ll '
1" • 1151-2--1"- ' t "f
' II-
' '' ll l ' I. '" ‘ I.
, ,
..„...,, , . 1
, I
~., , „,
,1...„,, .
, I, 1
,f r , ,
I. , 0.. 11 -,1,• 5 . , -, c
, 1 lid-, I oou l , lalile c',l,- , e in the --Li l -I • - e 1 tease Ti , e- ,1 , ..1-1 1 , 1 :.; •r 1 and delayed tin.
, , „, , , , , , , , A i , h ,, , k _. LT ,
~, , f , ,
~ , . ,1,•5 , 11'111 ,I t'' • pr. ! . ~l arts i'M a s•eln' 1. 0, nd, ~ Iles . ••••• 5,5 . 11:11 di 1 . 2 .t•••1 • • a 1 , tbt , Lre of TraidipOr.
~. , , ,
y. i
. t t
,••,-,, .
, • ,.. ..-- t
~.. ~,,-, : •,,,.
.: , , t „ I , . 1 ,,,, „,„, , i . d rd ,•, n a ITI , , m ,_ te t ... I. ti , ..• •,, it e I, , ,I Patron. 5• is re. , 1 1 1VC7i.cc93
i ,it...;,;,...h
in , ,
i:t ,
it , , s t
ti i t, , , „
is , si4s,ol d i ,' t ... id y ra, t; I ..., 11,01 li • e.lll • 'l , l . ,t. i ”' ' ' ' '''' '' l s '''' - 1 wi i p r 'T " rest " l ., sl , n ',""ht 3
, I, I s . Is L • ~ s .,
~ . 4 , ~.,• s . h • ,,,. 1 ~,, . ~,, Twn ~‘ 1. .: /n•• , /,' ,• 1 • i , • ti , • e i iipal ine to ... e d 3 111 • , si , ,f ~ . lirl-1 C.-. t I ell. pri's•4-51 ; I ;Isis. ri 11 fittt• tromp:ea
I ,
is. ,
~ii,„ ,
is I , r
,I, i 1 ~, ,
~, I . \ •,..,... 7 , 1 „ i.. e
~ ~ i , ~,h .. ...T . , ~, ~z , Im , ~ 0 , t 1....,,, ~ .. 1, I t 1,0 lid li its ts./olit it 71 CO .ti al.
li , • si• /WA . art , 1....;',/ into Li • r ii i• t , to .1,11••• nil,- ~,, a .i• ,it ilo .1.-O p it; , .12 . I isa f. !Owin g lux lei .1
. iitt,•l.v it,i- _
155,,., ~ t , •p tit:- Inn c a. , it ,viol in 0 ..1 Inc I , - " r ''' '' ' s I I ,i to ''Y tsr tl s•ne In t ot . Else, nari"l"--
-i-• •r-F 1 I iii a, is holh .1 rust a, •11111 , 'Ir lila .1' r; /10 hi- ° .. T• 'I I:. (..1 xis , 855-k U ,c', .•. , .1-1 t '3ll'l Jr.W.r i Fr• sh
,I ,-, t., _o nus t', , room 1 . 1,1 i 1 " 1 " into tla ri, sin Ft 15 .. . r ..,, l'i,:e. ati.l Y, ,loos Finch snit (r) Ti ursrlsy
.- l c ~ dl l r d h , r:, lc,-,.. oh, tii it h ~,, , , I 0.,,,it
....., n hener - ,, , , i0 ~i tl o ~, I'i','. Terrapins. ai d
2 •i.; ,• • , , ••,, •linit • , 1 ,- -e it its braes ,t hea 5,. . 5 1• , 1 . t 'la , 5, , ry lit , -1. ;`i.. ~ ON at, 14 Thu rthiise w.ll
5 i ,'.i sit h ll' iris seen ~. w , d„,,
~ T.
TT,:a sac t,., , ,• .., r ,l u p 1 ,, i t ul% darks m : orti ,, . Ard families
", - „ ,•s . I -1 , 1 Mr 1 - ,, it,: ,111 , t h e f... 0 j., .of sr il •ti I , , i'• r: tr ,5 .s % i ' 5. •iii, , 1.15.,1 as 11.Ttg lis 11.6
(s .• • is" ""s• • ri s's , • X '411: 1 -.La t. , , , Sli .1, ; '''''''u tin 'III Ins-4, I:'. in Ira
,-, t ,mnit 0.1•1•'• .ITiP:llntior fir
n •a: us o is•i : 1•• 1 1••- nu:! t adri 2 - , •!1 'n „r ,11.7 .1. n . ., l ' ''''' ''''''''''.l" , ~i es :‘ ,5 (.1 , '0 - (14 ,, ..' , G , OW' /IT TX
i lil I s. l•:1 I•• i • Ire iot :. hIT 1 i.'IT .scat ; ,c • ; seal s: • ;- his', " I Is "' I. ' ' - `s i " i - a' h s "c €. ' er'''''' 9 e1 4 . N u 6.
, nit i• -.11111: col n-lt. ...‘f n' ,, .., i. r 71 Ft.! t .u ' ., t. (...-.1. ‘... L.l. the citAasttr
r--.... 17.1" r is.. 0 a 2,,,,,i, 0. sits j ) n o r- L I hp a l,' - .i' .t 1 11 Vtl -, 2 IN 1; ii i•. 1.1.,0 in the •••cw, ly
I pi ,r s. , a:- 1.1. r i f,,...., I, .55 , i pli,tll man nm l dale- ' ''l -c. ar tun dr , , 1• Shit...' -11 , , , riur prPtni , orl Ale.
I'., ~ in - r . ; 1 ,. .„,.„ , ,is r•• 1; „ ~, .
.1„b:, c,„ s„ was i:' It •0 . the t,p this tiers. Fantill, A ~1,14. 1 .5.1.'d 12. Tale
Mr. M
. 1,1 y
ilr C;•I lie r,l it hi, Ctio 1-11.13, C.0./WV
J Z?? g .'1.."1 3 3 .1 hr 0t:t..3 . Of .L31:1:01
ti 1,,i,2 tr . .; tv I:ired I'? 13;1. !r,
,1 - 1-; '.,‘• t, • t:lo 1 r :1 - 1 • 2h. thli W./4
)11). r)) a
„..,„. .Di a „, ,
”,• (.- .I:wd. I :i• tx:
n,'l( NV.I4 m,.1 • f ~•.•rl,. Ii1"1. 1,1.1 111 • 111 •V
• 2'';!l 11 pri +IA .1t M • e'lrV t / ••
w••:1 , • , ii'o. 331 n ‘‘',-It
• . .f. lir 1/..r.'1. UP - . 0 !I' • 111 • yid,
I,ol' r., i .1 • •
• I 11 . .1 11l a/1 1; I
I 1: :r 11, :t I 1 t ,t e 2!1 rt i , !it. I Jr. a i.l ai, w
:II • ;:,• IL I I 1...1 Ili • 111 •It• ‘‘...• • IN
, 11 , • ~, t, . 6.1 t.,,.
..-C 1 , ,r• a.,1 , I•ro ml I,e•t-
t:i • ra:,:n 111--..: irlf•
;! 111.• I , .. 1!!': ht • F;;;;;1 , ;, 1 "I' .
• ! 'VI ha .1 :rad. that :n•
• J . tr'l, .t" , 1 . 1' 'AO fll SS,•;1! la I
• •• '• 1 1 IN h ,;) LI • hi- ••• •.1 )1. oat .ti
a - II), a.! i 01 , tr.l --- ;
• v •tl 1n .1 . I •!-) ' •T 1 ‘,..•1• • N.l
c.l'o ' 1 , 1 !: •' t• it ;i • 1111 b• • I I I:1 .
r ; l'') - f;l' •;HT - 7f aH! (
lq •!at !tic .!
rlit n,l l at ma. a‘,. I. :1 4 1 th.t,,
,••• ..0 ,I;TAt i)ar. W4lO
Th• I
I .1 C.l
Jt i t
; tr. 3
4 1: I To In- ~ I, •••
••• st' :‘l.l . I) I = ,llt •1,
It -Ivo. Os It Cut: II • nittht t',, , a.,
} ill It I If! I I, .1 , I ,' il t • ,•A•
,:•.: 0,1110 r 1 .11. 1 .• 2et 111'11 P,r n •d. C., It
IV I I •-v-tirtit t.: :1' it 'I C I .
t.ll'll. it Ti .1 ty. 13 tf tro al, It t ; ; ,1 •;
•t:t• tztt lb • th-4t It t .„..1
icfs) ) Tlr• .ii I
tortv p., r,..t Ti?
rebt.oil to ~riNt• :1 - IV 'HI 4: .11r M tr r i. di 1
•litt trll m • -rtithi-tt: Ito \V I.l.tvit i tii i . T;;-tint t i ;,..
I :ix trth th • n -:-tin. t ,n •th L.•
„fr by 3,1 i t
.Marl.: h., 1 1 ,
with hia - rtad ,(Yvon ht.a .4,1. v
1.1 ;I two • ni 1.14 f. 1r lb • itf .it iv b iz it
i i I t.- th , p - 1:2-t: • ttf
t•-itt fi r IT.I II l• f2r • 1.: •. 1.:1 * I 1 •I' :• OA • V •(.,. .1 it
t:r - t r, - .ti t I .., : - /P' ,• ;•i‘ I I'.lC it. Tr.,llP::
11111 C llin :I ••••i" \lll',l-.1 I
.01/ prl . ..X 1 r.l I. Iri
I th, 111 h,'l'll • 1 . .1 t I III!11! '1;1 1 . :111 1 •. it
th. hat. It td fie.h cot. r tlv
th it a ,N !I I 1111 C' , 1111 . 11. - 11
•,,, .If iv::: in thin lirt tot oh tic it
tl: it 1 It th tali: Co IV •r‘111:: I trill, C :1.
it,' cloy itt-Itre the t•ttr-in •, it If
-; iv . (..3.1.1 lily 4111 e mesh;
Cr • • P•HVI.,•:: 01- Io t, h •tall!
p." , t 11' s ' lt Ii th ir 11 it . Lit ..11.1-
SPA t.:
Jo l tt , R. r; I'l+ I nfri ^ es , -1-.c
3, 11 , : 1, 11 11 I 311. I I.:1i 1 it I. Cr, tile, I
t x t it it -r • ,) niz'it oit.h , bat did tint lwar
it 101 I tr.it nt I,rIPIPSVPiIp..
07 , 11 . 1 1 1- Gl l / fzi 1100
111 . 1•.• PI it to it • , F . C, of
h hirt.l thi. 'II It t.•I sir 11:0 ::i 1 - 11. It iv it: thtt
tr- - -Ittr :1 r n 1n• ['III II •:V I; 07. t rt:l fl lint
Ip.p•n otif\ lirPtll that
:hi.: min. Cowan. o
• —The r
mn )1- nt th
tin:" ‘v., , 1 4 1 it h' 7 tP N - IP'? try I' , l •al.; .‘r trri.
t Itt• I liiis at flit• iirrirt; atito?rt 'vat: math: by r•
s rrr'r su-7 rn —I \‘'
• 11 .• ,•-e •. It w r. g
th t')..j,:!.»..
im . i ,I,•. j .
1 t',•`,.1 2 . in.t r0., a1 .
J.l ti
:Mi.]: Mit Cri
•••1 t! , CI••••••• • • it c • , 1 Vit t» •r, • t
t!Jr•ic , t .t.t; 1,14. w r.
, n; P!`fs , •'! C:),!!! !:! . t. I
r in •acu.!~.tnt r.
llt •I, •,,r). • ,rl/• •irir. o l;•,l . ir.
I n•v-r • I biro brit i
•rin • 0 t 1 • •/: 1,1 '1 I'l I /1 . .1 1 11.7 %V l•
1, 1, /111 i hww-rt d t., h rn , t;
in I a /1 I I 111 th , j•til 10
~, 1 r h ,tv h r 1 ,4
nn lf`V, I (). I rt•er,lle c "no r. ;
i•, jail i i V/1/11' timr:hr then iwt w, w w (•%. i6i< \v:ts
ei:ht noir A Jen%
Cram=s Ez r=c 1:11 ,
t 1•111 • xv:ta li • kV . .1r •
L ir h.• i-1 th• t irlr r it rt< i t t
2- Im v r th, d .r: th %5.:14
ITIMI in jai]. c.mlti m i':• IT; titinz
se:). I. by tol it. 11:4 and 11 il•tc•o•,1 th' p•i'll•tc%;
P,uc an tea. pia in f••r r•.!)!Ii re!. Coo ;,!;, the., %,
I hip 101. • t!1 h n
e-c-to-,1. 1 •i;;1 non know ' , fit Ili! th • rt •xt nt tr,•i•;:.t.
Pain ;r7; rr•c•ti •d ••1
at th • tirn , f [h.! eittart , .. I hr. • h • tr I tit • circn-n't
&env, connecting Mr. NlArri,. with th • eS-
.17 MPS H 'l4 7" y. FM' 'r lived to L3WPr St. Cllll%
it wa , i Ow general to nor that Cowan had b!en let out
by the jailer.
Tilm Ni.ron, sworn—T lived in rp ir . r St o a k. I
lu d 5" , 71 111 • 11-4
..t rM4 tim 1). - . 0 a oiry, ‘vai..
Aril .1 . 11:1(vi na< the "1,1 h,
kV t: n r. 11: rit in ,it to; Inn./ Mll.
ri!j.V.11 , 1 , : O dMi. i ' mvalt
t , )1,, e.T at hi , fl-zrk rt.n4wverin.T
wn !..),,v h. , Wit: to esrayr.
Id ,w 4
i:i rr, •i• ;Inv kind r.•-
tr I .ir 11l I , t`V Iti Mr.
i . 1 IV f fr .711 the ht•Zir1:1111 ,
.1r ti r , . p..,•:ent rim I ‘font 111'
•, I 11 ir o v. !it ein• iri. on :\i-ond tc td - zht: it 'Nu: ,
,'„.• •', wits
.:i t Mr. Mo. a:,,lrem•Lined with
t;it• N h 1:•11-.
I s t C:pt k itortr, a lont,r ‘isit than
• ,-,1..r1 , 1v rmt Joh., C••'—la is clea:l, Ib u 1 tr.rt
;:: r I'll 4 ti I rvs%er
v TTL , 1). F.•tlc.r - -11!) m. 'l3 Ti
t'Ll ti) 1 , M.ll ri kti 1!I NV. I.V. I 1:
t•to wctn l'lC whr•ri I ..1-
;6.• •ice !hat I t" . •:t , - tor
- !o • 1.. , ! rwm i ti! for
•:, • l'.1• 11•1.. i. rrt ,1,71 a hi: fi t t he r and
I • > •;t 2h • n V.' °•. I . 'll i.i M 'rl i.) rvq.
I ,;• li,al Twr, I r•int vv;tr.th
hl.4l" .11. (.1..111 1 • , ( . 1, , Ct.1. Mr M »r. ! : ha 1 !pi
la the liateiver. C,ris•itn W. I .l• 31.
r fit C i•t :t.ljour.te 1t l rtit.et at 3 c to-mln.cm.
v, - )r: Tul.: rn•IT.
Til^ II j , .i - .7:1•••1, Or) f 1 , , l: r , ' ', 1 , ,' .f A 11 ~, 11U , 14 A ,
p CI 1 s• IL . Inc,.•• lc ::I,lli al , in`j ill , 1,1110 fi lan IL' . .i.ot ..t .
••.; 1,1;1 ites for th:it rii-iilizr:i4heff hn,,o. , ..,,, , 20qt r:,,, It ' tle C ' "il r'f C' 77 "':" P.
l'' 'Pri""" ni . I' ''. 11, :: n Tr." ol intr. "I lIW \V d`hi''''.'.' Hu-' /Y.
i...,, 4,-) Sit .I,i iv es orri liv. at C...n . ci.ri . ..k. fur the r7r1,1.1f, .In iloi no,t ,, r of Cap vol.. Nn .13J..1 , ;n• - • T,•rm. 11311
ono; ry il.:.‘i , ..?;:irri-ot or A,,,,,,,,, of l'hineu.s 111:iy
r ~1 ,"ti:)_ , n,i , ,re., r:t'elilall ;loom}, :i nrc th. i:Acii••...t.; ,
Th 1:1114 P. brktIVII. Account
Th.s-ii , .tcf.p. tiled.
or IT - '. n . .:1 k •:',i'j.' :.11 , .. 'ln.l the iiic,-..‘s, of tile r, :irii- '
A \U new. h. v.it. 1 - .) , :c. •m'Aii '2l. 1543. On tn.,-
- ~ f rico ,N.i......;.••11 C.o.uerdi•••!.
; I i ti,n of O. :11••toa.r E-ri. th•• Court ord...r time
fi Jr; I .
ro.c. J 11 ‘Vit-con
:.Z. , ' , orr l' ,, Pt 'r .Ins') - Irwil, I, th • r...,, 1, ..„,,,, gi,r , nofice ,cI" tile rx:.l:iiiinn nitl ti:-
.1 •11•1 filemii,:,- CA - 14 B:krnett :, j•.;..: ft. ...aid .cr , - ,, c , .,!, i:c to.) 4)1 tiro--- low:. , ,,110)-rs
,-;,,;) S , c g i e Jo'll W it L ; o'lh ' C:+ty , it . i't.t.b.:rzn. I , r the peli•ii ••i . three tveekt
1 i•.i; 11.r.v ~-1 - 1 J cm, W; - ...:tritter • folCO3 ,, Clat-!y, ;I'kl ti .It .;:i I lk•Oickl It Vt Id iil• a:ktVl'd by
Tr; 1-111.• M -C 111 'l,lOll-1.4 phi:li p , It i. (_:,,,..t. 0., thr tY,irz .1r,.., day rf January nrst.
.1 ~,,) 13;, - rni ~ ,! );m \l'm Minor, , (1341) :; ,!•-•,,, ;iris. !cc Aru,:ri wily.47.t 7 Iticz m.tt .41iital
inotll- ali . c,... I. Fi.):n r4c.t R.•;, 1 .1.
1...-..; in E-t, , [c .1. - -.1 , , Fl,PtrPr 1
E 14ti 111..1: ty . 3 4- in Ar..l •rvin 1
___ . ‘l'.• 23-3'. * (i El). 11. 111D1)1...E. I'ro.
J;;I:i L cye'y Ti) 1:111, CY N:.11 I ATP AY COl%.
1)1..,r1 Lc )c!) 1:1:•,,ry S :11 igi acv i/" -- 1 A111: n The Ff., Mi..... 4 of ; iir.....oi , ...rril:rir. livinz on
1 .
1 B Guthrie ~,,:•; 5.11-'•or 1
S:iiiirrol Hi I. Pi•c!•:•., , ..10v.n..1,ip. of mit 4 mist
. frnm o•wo., on 11;•• M•irooLi:liillti r••••d, r•lii ot the mid
d.c.,,lll;••pre.cmt month, a 4;i1:.;11 Lrii.d!•• Cow, white
, I);crk ;Ind o liitr• b;•l'.‘, t n (u^ it. .r . ,;:. nod i , • mil:, r bow
rsuuttf - in
ITE:ronr,:n roa THC POST DV I? •AC
. , ~
Fr Slay lay .11)raidp... Decc,lier 29. .I.ti 13. 1 , i: , ittt.a. She L. 5,,pr ~5 : .11., ht 6 tt i • 7 ~- , ..ars ,::,I. The
Ottr rivitri tare , t's :17: ,d 01 Itr 4.11 hi 'hitt. th:t •tett- t OWV,I . 1 , fiCi.irrri ttt, tttne ttt .i pit,tt proltelty. pay
- 11. 1 t ., , 1 1 t.O it tl t', I; 1.)•,. 0 1 r.0 c . 3 :I',llTy. 1.1,,..i ' ' - ' - il
. . 11. r a \‘‘l . , 01 -h' m 1 , be ill .r.,..,1 uf
'' e
rt - t"t'r lire tot',;tty. - .RJ:Fi.l'll. LITTLE.-
n -tz it .41:1 1t t ~. e.ty, IA 1)I; t Idl at.i.irt.nt• It: .f . (129-:31.•
'..; . , 1. , ir , ex - iliont o-1 , 1 pri...:: low. l , Dis33lat,ioa,,
i \
Fr. IL'A: Sl!'` , .r• / o Nil Ili I,i ar O h r. river, $3,501. r r i, E ~..„„„,.,,,,.., ~,.„.,,,.„,. ~,i,ii , „. ,,...„„ ~,,,
i:...,.,;, t }),,,. 131 er , 0=t0r..:4 $3,75 is 3 b' . I . i•iitti.itii:b, ... ii. il.i•i th.• ft, rn i.: ll:Wi'. AS Ist:ll:Cif
G; t Is: \V 1)It 6 i. ny, 4..). CJ.-., :53. 01t.3 1.31 . & C"- . t .. . 1. 4 .- el" <ii - '')• ,- ti tr..c.),1 ri.ll-4 tit. The
al . .irs ~.f tla• film ,;.i IL) c:•••••. ,I hs (ill .)..• ), S.: Kea.
.12 ) ,•,.. a lal..11).1.
Iv. , iv. III( )S. P.I. - It( HI, Jr.
Ai I ES: PU:3 3111. Scorching 3; a 31. Pearls 41 I
JOHN .1 GI Li, 1.1 . ..1'.1r,
:1,. a II). I a'<' 23 . .I HOS. IiF.NNEL.)Y.
C r Y‘ R.; III: al. An::: Ito 1.3 n pa;
:777'Tho h notN 5 N
in: 1,- , t 1:1•• T. G 0., r • mt ..
G C ,')• St n rni 7,7 1. .1o , .:1 .1 c. ctirdinr,e
t ra., :-.”,ya.7113,:..1 N (J. I:, CI , - hit I, r th"Tri t., th, favor t", t it-. n. fern
.y_ mg ,
ti ', ,I, (3', a 7 ;•• nib. L' ,l l I way worth) iv :be I a7:0:1,1 :.; 11• GII I e-t‘...(t(ct on -F—
• .
-10 ,7 wri 0 621 , 1 , 30 th. 14.,1•A5...k.: ha s her.,rn; , the '3'e fir 1110 S. 1511“.11, Jr.'•
dec. 23, 184.3.
in ,r • 23 i3')..•
1'.1 , ,(-1,10is:I3 1-ror. 7 Notice.
C 4i , •. 1,1 4 . /I 11,. r . " 4 \r IF j'.Nr) NENNI:FT
11.4( :pew, 350 n-o 1)3 Al,oot 150 h••-, l c " " , :r o. d -'l!e of 1.0 1 tKIN( (il.-\A<l .S.
$,3 poi 100 .Le_ $l.l - I, S: jr *" b v • - ' 3 !:;" 1 "' 0 2
n v :/13J Plates., rf thcir
C ,$1 each. „
:1: D I 4311) The,
p I. G. 73
, $1 i ,,, c ra o„,,_ ram] ,I tc, II:- Fot.
~• I v.. 1.
ri •+. a: •nrc • is , l 11 (1 •m ild 1 . j?,•? i.L $2.50 : , 2r
n , , 11,1 X.
S %la: Cl t\a'l, tV; a ,:?" I T 71, 1 ,
12111 7). F tvc-t•e I. 37 t .31 •a b
: Pi, II Ir.. i 27 n tOl.-
-1!t•-3 at $1; a tun.
S . i LT: .-'; t 0...110) h) at th • ii•er •?• I. aid 227
hi- , !-. at I'l 121 a.... 1 fr .irn st.ires at $1,25151.374 Far
90() BBLS
~,,,,.„‘i I.lt. Ft. - . 10
( V . , ,i, IN H 'E .
‘ G i,‘ 49 1, 11 .,,. . in
RAG: Cotrary 171'.X^ri Li d , rnand at 24 a:a poll, Air by RI:INI-IAIIT ,St't S - 1 Iti.:\ (4,
and 3 ..ez ta r•tt ;1., in trude. I (1".1.9.
7 - 7.. 3.t .3 ' l c a lb
T EAT Y-EiGirrit CO.l sic. sat
[Reported frr Me Bq.ii.mcre 8%171.1
IV .4.3 H iNGTO3, Dic. 2d, 1343
Certain retiohni , m, of the Sint° of 11lincis were al
proved. They a9it nit - apprupriltion r.f cPitnin land
to aid in the completionet the Illicit elan'.
The resolution heretof. calling for infornit
lion relative to claims ofour citizens on ;Mexico, wg
taken u and adopted.
The bill t; refund to Massachusetts, money ad tattee
by her in the late war, was laid on the table.
A memorial was prs..ent,•;l from the eammon eon!
ell ofSavannah, asking ni.l for the iaapruyement of ih
na ig• it ion of the Savannah fiiver.
After some di:Latn on a pi i%atilt Lill, tht. &tato Kc
into an executive sessiut .
Mr Will, ins asked leave to offer a resolution cal:in
upon the committee on naval utFaits to consider the.rx
pediency of reporting a hill mahil.g apprnpriatiou fe
the con.traction of armed iron stcamers rat•the Old
liver, under the superiotendance of the Navy -Depart
manta said steamers to be employed for hart.L.r defer:o
at d as revenue cone's.
O ketion Mr \V moved to suspend tht
rs;:ei but withUnt cucer=.
A lone - 5214 !rlir debate then arose ns to what wa:
the next Inisinest. n • resolution offerrd la
week. by :111 King., of N Y, was taken ur, It ask,
that ill- , post oltice committee may be instructed to in
quirs bit. the expediency of abolishing the frankint
pri: i:c• ; _.•, of rAucing the rates of postage to the f,
ni, c lio. a Ito stfc't an amount ~nly 34 will enable the
Po=t 1 ..3ce Department to support itself. After de.
bay, resolution was n j• - •cted.
The r.il! oo the States• for pc: it ions was then resumed
A gr,,,t ~umb r, a:king a r..Atictinn of postage, wk
1I;•ropri Italy referred.
Mt•A t pr...tented n pctiti o ote.iing the obolition
of the ~tvet bttween the t-t..tes: Elko, that or.y
State t.tteroi • , rivery may nut Le admittcd kto tin!
H.. two.. d th.a. the latter portion be referred
to th- c.trtotaittee aufun izit atrairs.
Sr:e•elter that it.astrotch as the pretion
cominz a inn', the Fin
ion ratit!. n rt cf it cozi!ti lie received. as a part
cot: d zoo: loc r. d itlontt the wlt:•:c.
F • .0.) I'll. 31: A 1 t 114(.),,; It i a:lpeai, but. :he Aocii
i ':/ by:t laige majority.
Fresh B attar.
Tarr ~r prim! R • mccivod
I. a•id Coi !.v RLIN I ',UT SIRUNG.
( - 1 0: a Its•rt he,,', , 1ti,e14. Sala k Lace
p I • -.' ll Meoting of the
~f cits'. L:•',l ut 111(1
No 9. 1 / a ket, and 71 Fr, nt stree':
Tnal Ow thi+ meet
‘l4ll to t 1...! I.'ocl - 1)1i-1:4 , r Pr irtietoruf the •Wes:-
ero Exci.a Aln , fur. hor—
Tn i• tbzit ib;i4immt be -eaed the,
•• sr-, till,at.l flay . !hi.;
ri , tv •'hunz •m the zz,
e ,).r my
f i • ,11=3,'“ •e•roi , r ono take of a Lrvc
ti K., -k r 1 , .i, I I clej.
THE 0... Le l :ler3
Te- 1 :11T1) 1 1 1 171 i IVi l .ll 011` uiil 11:1 1 ;1.>•1•11,'11, the
I.: , :ttlt•••ti XV Ct.-rG of I:ppot St. Clair
th.mi t r;ve d . in
tl •!)r•mi to Ii) • E:t3t,• ot . s %%1:1 mn.k9
rrt•:LdtP p iym..nr. :Intl nil Irtvi •zl.l
u.I ire thvir accounts Froperly au
th,tnt;catetifte• paynrmt.
JOSE:1'11 1301t1tINGTON.
JOHN .'. GILL SPI-1-..;
c 2,1 in.ll
New F. nag.
I 50 f•S
, ~ ;
2)11 • ,:l! er " (h) f i t‘ ;
on b:,', Dried l't•av?i ., ;jt.l.• r. er i‘ - ,,1 aril f , ,r 41` t , : y
141) Ll l, Prtv 0...
s j 'r coun-