Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 29, 1843, Image 1

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VOL. 11. NO. 90.
.V. IV. corner of WaJd and Fift7L'Sercet:
:As.---nve dollars a yaar, payable in advance.
.1.33 . 1;.•c /pies Two Cisrs—flr sale at the counter of
lid 0:54e, and by News Boys. '
The Weekip Merittry and Manufacturer
d pablislied at the same otriac, on a double medium
;beat, at TWO D 9 LTA it.S a year, in advance. Sin
gle copies, SIX CENTS.
tkre imortioa, $O . 50 O❑e month, $5 00
Two do., 0 75 Two do., 600
Thready, 2 00 Th:nedo., 00
Ow oreetr,--„t, , 15) Four do.. 00
Two Zs., 300 Six do.. 09
riaree do.. : 407 One Year,
Ole SATIV2r.I. - Tic S 114 2 res.
Six moltlas, $l2 03 [' Sci rn.latiii, $23 00
1'..1. j , ? ..y ear, '.. , ...i 001 One year, 33 00
;',..1 . .-tr,,,,:ir ii.ivertisertiroti in proportion.
i ."CAft DS of four lines SiC Dol.t.;tts n vo.tr.
Public Offices, &c. ----
Cify P.n.! oi ~f tr : ;et a , ll AN'ad
streets—R. M. Rine, PostTna.n. , n..
C tfg n >1..1.7, \V - Ll—ltl ,1» )::1 \V ,1'
ter Ami' sbuildiags—W iriam B. Ito‘. r, , C, , nectr , r.
C i.!l 7 :101, I.V I 41. 't a. 1,1
atre3t4— . 4.3.-n-i. 13,irt Trl4ll-r.
t-,. I' air I , lopr to the
Ca....r.f.1-3. R. Joh :;:o Trzliu
.I.(ty,r's b-tween and \V o]
Iv3z:3—.l;e:lller Hay, Mlvor.
Li.f.?.'si :7.ft Fourth r-ar ark -t.
PiAfsskrzi, b a:L.I \lOO.l
Third n..t l 1."
Af'..n:i..Zl#3 . 2111 f -el t e )
n 1; Feurkh be wee:
r)Ji 1 - 11
E.rc:Ange. 7,-ar
3 1)1 , / ,2 / 1 3:.1 e
B rid 4 - ,e.
ccA If , *2!. corm?r 11P , -Inana C: -[ r.
.in 1. cor,e.r of Fair.] , t-id
A isTri:.:77,
if.l:'c I s!7:r eJr.ier of I'ean •;t. - Vy.l C0.2•1'.
Sp, e2.I"L" iffl!. IZr) • - ty -tron.T e r Af...." , "1111.
1 1 , 11!: , !t L 7: LiS y St., ,rr )site
Penn 3t.,: - .:lposite
712p3rtant t 07.7ne:, of Sa '47
I'd •:_t. 6 S
w Li: ‘;-....3-1 3. [u. iy ti•;111 is .11.ft , ;:n;
ni is chi .
. .
c. 1.1 ar
nn-nb2r 14 n 6.6 cilia: :NI .
ershs o ...rr_Nt; at 13
rr , tir tt, n, .1110:11-ny a: 1 1
):ClY):l'4 Mir'.}, 01 I;m-.(1. and 0;1,:1-.
Th_ , svo nl n:1 'lll7hi is c.rt be ol,LN'nod \V. \V.
AY,lll3.:,s's 3h), , n^l , S
vril - -ra it is .1;•.i:17 It), a J Co- N. b'
%.)7t, t it.y u:1 ha% 14. to B. F. say.l.l, or
VV. W. Wa11a:7.2
Evans' Charaomile Piii
.f. CLEL , I::a. rczi fur, - ar
itrtr Nix v:l3
i:3 rn I . t 11 4y - .ln 'tn.: ,
It 'I
h pa, i ..Ll3st
t% I I d alt of th.•
ht a t:.:, (we, r..)..1.7 ua xvitli fref f iv•ru vomlt
t e r,., t):rsrl nizle.
tii cautirt . .l3l u trd; 41 a tw,Averr, 3 , ! i i .
Dr. IV,n. Evq.l4. 190 Ch-tili.rn
41 . 1 flitti IT to Ili aad a !,rr,
of trritrn at, tit! t• :1 r. ; n.
h ralth the ;!tort of eta m ,ath. a 11.-r ,t-i..;
the inC
IL rOILI itSar: I • . ' a^ 1:J we s'.././!,.
ale R. E. tiELLi:rt.S..l. - Tent,
x. 710-7 N). 1, ...L . ' _• 11? S'sc
-.l3's 1.3 3:trh in I Candy.
r 1 :,as .Iktrin
frtsh supply of the ,••• 4 -
C !, , npr , on:: int! ti roa to
, r; .1* at his
Ten •y,
LI ttz.r 13arirain3 t1.1.1.kn ever. at the ThreeUit
Dears. ,
rrl:lE •3:,0c;5 1 i1y info r m hi. co ,-
azt I tit. , nahlir: zanartliy. that. natwith.tad
thst u.l?ra.:.2dcat ;d sale. at ti..n 'lhr Bi 'or:,
tn.! pra.ant .aasan; ha ha; :gill hand the r
're3t all riviit caries a.iortmant C LO
tII IS th tt can b thouTht wea of tha
myy ra;t assured that all arti-I^-4 ()tram(' at
ail Atom are maucactarcd from FRESH GOODS, pur.
"bawd in tha Eastern marlicti this spring aad made iti
>igarments by Pittt ;burgh workmen.
Incanseq't-tnceoftha multip:icatioa of .lop shop. in
.3.-ar city. filled with pawn h..alcer , clot:ts and the ma,tv,
alrgar.n of Fr.n2r 6'21 /11.-, from tlpt eaitera Cl
;:ita, the public shauld caq thin. to ascertain the char
s.cter of tha establiihm?at., in which they ar, invited to
laarchaw.bt.iare that part:with their m
'tlea falrared at sr'Neral of tliy , c,nic,:rn. is this city, are
the zn,r.7 Yor': and Pnik-iolphia slop
-ihlps• and scat o+tt p.,1:11,2.10rt oa tip. l'nr.,-
b1ar..r.)10.61ie.. be o:t their tril
frain.st th-ie th-y nAy on t 11.• Gut
v.hlt na estahliallin hit that a IverticJ slerc mad(' Chi
'thin;,, can trice L! t Itta a, ,isle 0.• 1.4 a ii - antriii-eaus
t)arv.ins as can b t Ltd at the "Three Biz {hours.'
wi:l nnirn. that all the sithscri
trcea nit.; iro ina work
rain, a LI flat c:v.hercd n > like the util , red by
&Al "birds fro::: tile shreds and patches of
tai' arn iloit sit rps. It wilt al was's be hi endeavor to
zaiint tin t:10 . otputation th.Lt
'iriv.:i ,iataia , L 1 for I ., irnisliing a •=uiriri..ir ityle of ClA
lip'• .. Li ING i_l cc r; resp -.. - it. an.l s.i. Arica, Ei.ilois those of
nv othPre,-ablisirnont.
lie w.ial I fia-ain roitirn hi= titliiiz. to his fricni .7 4 and
the puYie patroan b-srowed
,unor t hii amlbeli2ving . that thoy iirtve
*LO:m.I it to their a lvaatzvlc tii deal with him, ho would
'.':epeat his iiivititioLi to ail !hose who p ," ( 4 1 ,,
Cintiiiills'" of every il.iscriptimi at tit:- lid price.m call
at No. 151, LlnEarY Sr. JoIIN
Pin tr in tliu p a y, Nn - tit . ai•
Look at This.
T EIE attentiol of those wilt have been soniz , wh.'
_Ttie,Ll in r:•::rc:ce th Iwn Taus certit,
rAtes SW:ly:l ,' , (. 07 11p011110
..';syrup of.Z'iidC!l'rry, 0.1 ;1"...:12.,a ul bk-ing
ia this S-c:i , J.l tfq- = r.,5 , ,,t-ct fully di
recce,' to tae fn!!,.‘ currifie the writkr of whi s th
been a citizen for sec.2ral years., and
Icauwa as g-nt:u:n GI of iatilgriV and: •s:>oasiiddty.
T.l at, Mr..l. Kraut".
1 1 - 11 Ft: ii c. S L'orzipound Syrup of
(h-r - .: - y for a i have been severely
strll.,:.:e I 'lir fuir month,‘, and I have nn hesitation
in ruin tnu it IS most eifeeLive tnat I
4'71 , )..', t: _: . It canyo...e..i. u./easiness,
,:e;dirt,—anci ~i•italas r...zular
, I , i p tt i t o, 1 ea,isi t.11:11.:nd it/ till
J. NI iNsic lc, Borough or
\.: ''. 1 Calmbershurg, h.
%iv I 'VI Lt. IA NI. THORN,
n 3 ' NA, .trvet
; j. )
Lo tit ; -
. A
• • - - • • . • . .
Big Donn-"
Coleman & Co:,
Genera: AFentz, Forwarding an l Cominiasion
. Merchaer,
Levee Street,Vicksburg. Mi.... The' rP.Tertfully so
lieit , onsignment. n 22—ff
it Woods, Attoinoy and Gotinseller at Law,
Odiee removed to Bakewell's °thee:, on Grunt street,
nearly opposite the nev: Court House, 'next reams to .1.
D. :Chou, Esq., tint floor. sep 10
Hugh Toner, 'Attorney at Law ;
North East eernur of Smithfield and Fourth streets
Pittsburgh. gyp 10-y
attorneys ani CoUnsellors at Law,
Office in the D:arno;:d. hack of the old Court Ilau3e,
sep 10 Pitt:burzh.
Frincis R. Shnak, Attorney at Law,
l'oarth gtr .t. above Wood,
sr_T 10-1 v Pitt;bur::l), P
Thomas Fliamilton, Attorney at Law
Fiti h, between IFuul ay.!
sep 10- 2 ; Pitt l'a.
Wm. 01Zara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Oilice on Lir , Not th Ow I : -
ket :tl,l .troL•ts, s,:t 1
A. I. Darboraw, Attorney at Law,
Fr , indr.i, pror...,lsionnl..r. to UtTice
Eystcr & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
~ It- r wri the 1)i-rt1 1 no•Ari..•7l, Row,'
she ,1,17 ot 4 Cll. betwef.:lM i 1 , 0• , ..
sep 10 P:tr-lpir4ll
N. Buckmaster, Attorney at Law,
irz_: re trr- , • 11-1;:: liw B
Goorgo W. Lay ng, Attorney at Law,
°Mu , in Fourth S !I' 1::1Sh1.721
Sep :27-y
Heade Washington, Attorney at Law,
0. - Ece
nov T.
John J. lilitch.:2ll. Attorney at Law,
'tl7•Ti. E. .Anit:n Attorney a, Lnw.,
'.. 3. :1/ -II •,•••••:,,
tirrLit r:
~•sp I 1—
Daniel M. Carry. at - 01111.y at Law,
-e 0•1 !•••,..,., IN i .•: 1
tr) S
Porter & Parkins. Iltt3rrrlys at Law,
,: H
~ 1 C. 1.•
sTndson & Flanegin, Attorneys at Law,
IP• t. to C ~• 1 , ,“ l 0:t
I'~ :,:f:r„;
thc.intt- :3,•t
P.1:,• , r.a i
neary S. MaTraw, Att7rntly at Law,
Hai n•:n ~.• I
T , V.) •
Ea. Creigh. Attorney at Law,
• 1 ,
L. Harper. Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
C•PI : 1. sffi.t,
.7 7 T , •1'. 1
:11 I ;,t , ../ . iion
1.• , ,
an d \
J.l„, 1/.7rp,'r, 4
"L';', 131:3-:f
R. Morrow, Alderman,
;'?icy• h
rtlar2istratc's Blanks.
1 - ,,r pro - , •etli!;:z. .Itt I.ttl..ltt .t 'r t..rt 1:1.11. :Ivy. (~r
Dr. S. R.
0:11re lic•Xt d i r., .\!,'..:1.11% X: CO
4.: /
Dr. A. W. Patterson.
Otii,e 1:1 hi;e!,l <t roe% I !C:i d , ,,;• thn cr , roor
q•• ! , 10
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
r -trot., a low St. Cluir
IT 6,1813
Doctor Daniel IlelclVlcal,
Office Fifth street, bctwoea and
street -4 Pit?-intir.:), c 10—v
11.111,MAN, JENNINO: co
11, Wood St reel,
A.zent. ftw /IP Sale of !II: [O n r a , tcr y y arn ,
Williams & Dilworth,
Wholesale Gr.n-er , , Produce aarl
chants, and I..),•aleri, in l'itt,hurzli :\lanlifactiirerl A
tide;, No. :23. Wo ul ,tr.nn. : ,, n 111—y r
17',,Tes,Z , aria Retail Dealers cn
English, French ai d Domestic Dry Goods,
1, Market btreot, rittd,crgh.
set) 10—y
.1. G. & A. GGIWON
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
WlttPr l'itts,!mr;llnl^—v
13111,)11V ;11A 1 c: (0.,
t ,
Comn‘fssicn and Forwarding Merchants,
No. 60, Water streer,l'itt,bra.:;ll
ri 7- 77 7 -'l:Enn:i.-I?..•ceiviiip, ;Id , inprintr, 5 cent, - p5, , ,,r
Cuaitni ,, i.ni nit riirrlia,e, rup.l 2 pit
rent rnar".'—v
Lrownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Hughes, Mal , 7r facin rer of Iron and Nails
,N . Womi .... Pit: ,! , Lp-gli.
.F. , 2p 10—y
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro
dine birerchanft,
And e e 7 - S ZIL ManufactureS •
.nar 17 N. 43, 11',, , ,c1sttret .
Bookbinders and Paper Rulers,
Continue bn-i%e.,s, at the stand lale. of M'Candless
iehus.m. Every descriptio.i of work in :Lc ir line no, 1.
Iv and promptly executed. may B—y
prr Ps BURG . -j - 1 . ,
~,- i -RIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1 Szl3
\V 11,1*!:1; ;":0: 1%1)
.1 , 11. B. Pt
; , 1'! l'o•n Vl.••l)iiGiL
No. 1;, Filth stic et,/ tet:cec Wood and _lf ar? et ,
Keeps con4tantly on hand a gond assortment of A'..are‹.
and split-its a share of public patronage. Also, on
the I, llowingarticles:
si,illets,tealiettle.. pots, oven... cone,. Mi
chants and others arc invited to call and tixamine for
liernselves,uS he determmt dto bell cheap(croash
approved paper. rcar7—tf
No. 140, Liberty st., a few doors above St. Clair,
Where families and others can at all times ba
f.arni4leci with cond et rrio , lerate prices. n3O
LLai . Wicx
L. & .1. I). W lc:NI, ,
WhOlesale Grocers & Dealers ir. rrod — oce,
W • S/- , , i Re' /. r l7 ' , --
:•• -
118 ood &met, 4 doors above Fifth st., at 15 oty per lb.
mny 15 l'ittshurgh, l'u. Bat 15 do
7 at 15 do
Birminghzim'ilr:Co., I Bat 15 do
AGENTS FOR ~7 .TF.A.MI:Ii.CLEVEL INT , , 9at 15 do
Ma___rch n 2. 11 at 15 do
i 12 at 15 do
John 11. Brant, WholcsaleGroccr, I 13 at 1G do
Dearer in Grain, Gcnrral Fr , rwarjing and Curet 14 at 17 du
mission Mercitant, j 15 at 13 do
1 lorri:b.:rel:, PP- , 11; at 19 do
ATILL di.poscorall goods sent
.Cor 17 at 20 dol a1(•.3 at the I,,west C.i1117711i3U13 rates. 18 at 21 do
19 at 22 do
& \V. 1',1140-. Day ,V Gor ri-di.l). Leech '.20 at. 23 do
/1 , 0, \ a. Will. ‘1..1.
1 :I:y
I C 27
.1011 N:-; loN s FoCklt ON,
riooksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
N... .17, M .rip
Thos. B. Young & Co,
• War, ii.tp , ,: a....•.)ra0r,,f -tire 111 , 3
I! ; thtir ad: A.,.1:17 4 ; to L'i,k;
.er) 10
- - -
H. C. l,)11 (.1,
Wire: Workers and Wire Manufacturers,
M .v: , l 3.1 ,t,eet
Exchange Hotel,
rgc r i'van
Pillzing - ton'stlnrivalled Blacking,
ANITA, FI !:1:1) I
James Patterson, jr,
, ?:; r
z 1 t. , .; •(, f': I'4l
Sohn ItTClosicey. Tailor and Clothier,
Webb Closey's B oat ani Short Manufactory
liiam P oht•.rty.
- )01 \ 1\1)(
John Cartwrirht,
( 1 L . 1 1.7 - :.t r,i. .-• M
I t
taw tet: t
._, , ,
1' t 11-1
1 ttt I
Oak ani Poplar Lumbcr for
; L. -. • L ,;• ..t 1.;;, ; d I. i
. ~'.,,,.,. ~a.L~~
'.7.il3Sratr. 1 rcmalc
r11:11 •• I , '1 t I
, 0 1 1 , l'• I'l
,- t .111 .mot. 11 ,
• -• Pl. ""i'r
a I !Tr 110 111 ' PI :
),'• l . ; :I.llil 111,11/V Nj I,
\ It j:
N. `on- r, S.• 0.:
Notice to tr. Dnn!-cth's Agents.
F 1
11111 1,1 1'ir.01111.:!1.,1.1..11%...1,
11):i.ii.•41 r
11. i^ :1! t,
!s;.i id. tit
1)r. a. v. t:1
':t 1'
ti• • .;I Ap,i, tr.l,••l:r
ney, .I,lly d
;ly New V"f{s.
Ail rho n$ et
.1. J. \ $ $ i. tuc (nit ttLiviit rot , in
' B BiZ A Nr)1;); 1 . 11,:11. I).
N. -- Itr•mr.thhur. Mr. (i. I f 1.1.1:.111th, rearof lic
MArl.ct now rrl . only a.2ent iu l'itt,burTli.
heen aflli •tc(l t'or noarly tyro year., With a
hanl on the cap of zny knee, .
pro,lu , e,l mu, It p; n, ,aui varion, application.
rocon,!:,,ndol h ii faculty—all in .011,
,omph WI, by the nor hOfflLof I tr. Bruncireth'q
;in:in - lout, or oxtortir.,llol.,ylly.
itno“ Inv }void, \ ES T 1 . LOR.
tp., J;ln. 10. 1810.
1)r. llnutdroth's rt.:llw.l reuwdy or lolitnwnt; .01.1
,t ,, rt. CEUlt(ii: ti. 1,1:1:, rillstrtirLh.
rtml , rot' 1),,tt1.‘. 1.. h 8.
Dr. Bechtcr's Pulmor;ary Preservative.
Fuft e.,1414. Catarri,, whoUpiii!!,
qplitirvz of hi 'oil, rain In iiII•
of the In -t :MA
11'arrrun•'rl t i er• from mr'{E itrc a.n.i
minural, B.:1. (1:),
.6. 1:2 3 .geri:, or l'irt.4).,rnli.
William C. Wall,
Plain and Pane/ Poi !rail and Picture Pramt
Mein 0/filet re o',
No. 37, Fourth Pi tt -burd - t, Pa.
C.IN VASS brailwq,varnj..lt, ,Cor alway,
on hand. Loakine &c., promptly it a
mer to ord , r. R.t.pa irin_ dow at di,. .liorte,tilotlev.
l'arrit - tilarattontionp,titl to roBild.it - and jobbing of
rcrrcLlo , crilniou.
littint; ,tarnitortt , or lirtu , ott will find it to
tLeit ativantaLc to call. scit 111-y
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware
rail p,inter,•Fourth 3d story Burk's Buil
I up:. J. 0-borne .Wl.llia iiol:C.lt a calrfr9in those whii
lesire Portraits .S. l , ,imcris secr.iltiC r ooin
may 5.
A. G. Reinhlrt,
I 57 . ,,,:e5a:, anti 14!ebil G rocer atui Commission r
211 D. kVic.K. Cheap for Cash
a ;L.!,,,jn~
t.. , i...1.r Phi
..1 lb-I
a x tr
111 OW IA! R
/. al:
( : II() \\
DR. U LAN E•i•i• Sed , prific Leng Syrup, a SAE'
aid parer reel,l\ Feve r .
Influenz:i. Pb urrc, rhr f f , w!n":,t , , tarti— of Co n .
:emptien, 4 listbrna, IN:Looi,i;;e; Some
of oirtifieratis • ..!:table effects can he pro
' 'Nerd, one of ,;\ hich is new ol'ercti.
Thi- i- In cc *Aril I h., -even , CougLnll
134,r icintrr: w; Aft , r tryinj
medical aid td no rerre-,r. I wns nrit i.ed to erucur. a
bottle of r c MlLarie's L'inz Syr.irn :t enve me rrh..f
immr in LI , C , \cro I v-as , a''- to , :70 Ul,l,
and fulls ht , iio,-(•• it to hp .rne
.I , e mau l_
idlleC now heibro f;l7
t•. - 7 - c;•'". A fri•-- , h .up;-•lvorthl, Coei. , l l ri t ,e
ju=t rPeeived nt tho nr, 2: 4 t o r vr,C .f. TUN),
net 7 Nl.. 60, rcrr,r of Wood and Fourth ,ts
Canal Basin,corner Wayne and Liberty tureets, Pius:
burgh. Agent United Sentrg Pnrtahle Boat Linn.
Bert 4-3 m.
1 irCitt,ii
Circulating and llefercucc Library
OF ruh.aoti. , .hworical re:•tiral .111(1 M;GZelitne()/3
, VOrk a;11 I , 0 1.271 , 'S er‘ .tay. Sabbath ..x.cPta
fr ,, :n 7 . 9 Y .
(,'Hue street
, # - • 7
I'lf'i>;;lltri I I 7,1 kNi F.l fun'.
prfngs and Axles for Carriages,
.1' rqs!, l'rt
Lrt‘'i. rur i d Ite•' p
) \ r
4%d . 'I , P•/1 UFA, SI.II/111
1. 1, .1(• • •• I.'}rll. r.
1t,., I. r 40.1 \I \N.
i•10s. r. f
• r
Call for flarFalns
Al I Mt 1 , 111
A" , I',l
V fit:
I frir,
I ,
F, r '
) •
Iron Saks.
111.- IT( 111'1.1.1 th k: 1
' , NU; -ri• I. ~t
:PA aci:.l -j: t( Op • c.
. ;tt t - t• 't •nr :t the
I! • t'.• • t • ,• •• • 11; • Ot..'
1 ~ o.•' s • ," at.lia
,l I ' , c.f . • •'.i "t I rt•l titit'
'I I', • .. • . • is riIC .1 tt(l tt WV it -Ltd
I r`. t t.l
improved Magnesia Safes . :
'll 111
friO, 7, S it fie
111 , 11 to their nu-
Inet,“l , for :!:,•11' 111:11R11-1-
. 11(7:`. :11111 ll4:11! , 1 1 ni , ,f , t..., t 0, •hem nod
the reiblir s•ern tall% Tim! Enure 111 h.r. will he ?liil
appreciated. Their article , hnco [ w en fully tes.ted. i f
10'6 , 01111i inquirer.
I'll , ' pi ' , wird'' , rif their thtl - , .trei am nut :•11.--
pilf.ieti ;II the
ire ii.fi and gill he
Zirr, 1 . 04p,11)..:11.1ie house
in the Union.
We wind t,i.e ilti. opp.rt , mnity , if tlukids , r.g the %ii
cines rity and eke \ e
~ i t.llscn rf and mit
are respectfully invited to examine our
articles I, •Ime purrhaein clew mere. feelina assured
the -tire! im-lry ol wir inat,.lfar:i.ie will tie efficient to
:ill candid -poet.iter4.
coNsTABr.F C F.. fiURKE.
N. 13. S rf,w ran he ~Iltained of' any size or
onfang pl 111411' Id . conztruction, of the eel,-
,tf S Chttrch, S.eund street, Pitt4liu-t:1),
Pe. 11.10—tf
Beware of a Sctticd Cough!
nion Cotton Factory
Lo._ Reel Yarn.
56:1 at 81 cents per dozen
600 at 7/ do
700 at 61 do
800 at 51 do
011,1 at 5 du
1000 a: r du
'ut:dlowicb at 15 cent,s per lb.
't2tott. Nittirg, P. do
Fanni:,- do., 121 do
Carp, t Cl,-ttn. 20 do
t , rl 29 do
S!orthing Yarn and Cover
It•t Yarn always unhand.
Cotton Vt arps tirade to or
tod,n,l, .1 t., if loft -ALS: C.
l' , ..4t ( "l:l ,, :toirlress
u• .!
el. 7,117 C ! :t
7 / .•: ./li.rl. It:: it
~.,. .
!iv 1,;••t•
/1. :e?
1:..e i i r : n:..
i~iil~ \; Ll.~i~l:i
I 1,1:: •i; p,
i. Jon,,
r•,ari ~,
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh,
jTHE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city arii.
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOUT and
SI ItiE making business in Fourth street, , ilTocite the
Mayor's office. Haring beef!' foreman in so:no of the
in.,,t fashionable boat cir•ps in the Eastern cities; and
lie-, ii.g furniffied himself with the best French and
A mericzn calf skins, he hopes h} his attention to busi
neis to merit a share- of public pacrona,se. To those
:entl , men who have kincfly patrcnisei hini he returns
his -sincere thanks. and can with confidence appeal
for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his
business_ P. KERRIGAN.
may 11.
William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker,
Liberty st. oppcszte-the head of .S7nit.' , J:elti.
The subscriber havinz bought out the o aßii t
.... tock- of the laic Thomn, Rafferty, deceased,has
cnir - n-t - .enced hu , ines? at the old stand of Mr. R.,
su - ,(1 pr.lirired to execute nil descriptions of work in
J 1
t:!: line. f % the bet mnoner, and on the shortest notice.
Ire '...e€ - .--. 4 constantly on hand a. large assortment of shoo
tin,inozi of all descrip:ions, and of the hest quality. He
solicit , thPvatriziare of tho public and of the craft.
~ to—y WM. ADAIR.
David Clark, Ag't.,
to No. 7.4 Ylark et street, between Second and
Thir I streets. where he would he hams to see his
old custemerA, and all ethers who feel dhiporseci to pin.-
troni ;,• j2rn. Hcti,..,.; notf ink tut frst rate stock, and
emp! ,, vr , the hest of wcirkmi_n; and a: he rives his con
,taiit ner-enal atte:t:on t , . li . i-iiicss. he ii-u3ts that he
will , 1 , -...rk.. and r...c. ivc r Eiji mare ~ ., r patronage.
Br; 11r_ itT ,
't cc i s co:c.n ~,..
, zo . a ro" • L;,-.
zr.d. gir.zh.Ari cra:aN,
e.;ery u.iaptei
;,;; of which fihrcha-cr. trill F. r.d
in ie. , . To ii/ ht'v,t ILci
I la, tnz trmie arrin7ol , ;,t : Ir. the en‘tern t
.t• .! totie airetbly
,t.t.:i . . ertt-ti &LEI. ...In; 3 C,"111,
111 , .1. Irnl hy.,l nett tsitn cb. , 102 articles.
("; • 2 . . C .
r the nfr
t nee!
Peach Trees
on% T I IT. •L',.e., -. 11,01 ha, zecei‘ed prom :Le Nur
and r,t• - •:h • - ar
ri ,, ,ha , ;.••.a.: f :rees, to which he
head of WOO , l
Cori El: 1 1 ,- 4.:61:,
9, MA Ic!i LT SiTtF:Vr•
S Ens In r ., •!", ,, hir.enr.,%., 1 ti r
/Inl o1.1,•r. NJIII. ;N Oy-ter- , • ,, ,fried...tew ed.
••,, :1:—. IN h at the , hied.
a • ts the •• , :liicte,,E;) adv.:a
, • ,{
,;,• 1' th,} , ,, t 11;,,R Is 1,-z, , •uined that
•••••,1 i• th• •,•r (1 , 1 - o! .1,11.11 maintain
for tt , t!i!v t , f hts ALE. LI
CIG.\ refteolttlltt:.t+ rt. travel
ir) EST rA. - f I - r.i.l' faf ,, rms tho frie:Aß of the.late
flat prepa
r«:,l to till f. , !• Ir,et .
of any kind,
.I‘i and Wal I . ..inted to be erica:
.4, mini. in th , ei!::.
vtontzen will I.e paid to furnishin.2 . coi - riNs,
Pile Thlarrafactor'y.
rin giliirtriber havlnir 11-1;'11.!1;:0-
I (MP 4 Cast Steel Mice , trim Amer-wail materials
(sly. TIlt`I'VII:111t3 or rather r.rsolis iA • tutting eiim he
• iod ti) him ,N It!: a bettor •arch - le than the foreign,
;IL; laGinoit'9l4I aG i noit' 914 the best
• ut manutketimed Nfe.virs.
sttnL Which la nor: ho,us.ht to a perfection
• to the manufaatitred Cur the
some pusposii% the siibsoi iber has full ennfh ' ionzi: ti•iLt he
yr . l! bc able, in quality of artarl•••: , and price s . to roalize
the best hoprit thc iend s ot . American Industry.
CJricr ot & Liberty 3.r.5
1% .15-N
Iloratio P. Young, Cabinet Maker,
(Latethe of Ye
A N S ' . ) 77 "
str... whoro he " li(T eo:Fonntly on iial.rl a good as
..,.,•trn..nt of won roado FURNITURE, and horos, I,v
strwt.;tltcotion to Ittt-int.r. to merit continuance of
thr , N , P,ll IrC nr the . 711:;jc.
cry :tt t,•nt nn wilibvpnlii to fnmi,hing COFFINS,
A Fuimil ure Cur for hire. July 11
JOH:\ AT..r s or..tyn,
qUgholsterer and Cabinet Malror,E
'Pi rtl P , ecn Wocd and Markct,
W•spcctli;il 2 , informs his friends and the.pul. lie that he
to x,.cat..; r_ll' orders ft.!. sot's, i.ideboastas,
hi.iisteal,, stiin Is, hair r.nd
spring mat tra , ses, curtain , , carpets; ail 118 of
stet ins- Work, which ltc will warrant equal to any made
in the city, and on reas.onable toms.. sc . ', 10
Matthew Jones. Barber and Bait Dresser,
I la- rout wed. to I. mirth street, i 11 ... 0 . : t0 tnc :‘,l. l yo r ' s
Oro. whore he will be liapp to wait upon rierniatient or
tran,icnt customer , . He it (o:lnit., a share of poi lie t.a
-...cr, 10.
414.NL1v ri.:,:inoNABIJ:
Hat and Cap Manufactory.
A . r. . 93 I 1 - , , ,,i s•ree, 3 deers bc,',. in Dian: , -?..47'ey
1 TIE , n l ,nriher will kf• ,- -ii c,in:r -Intl v nn 'nand n., rry
Vat'i,! \ ‘ , l ti o• Irl 1, , ~..14ii ,r,-1!;:e HATA and CA PS,
s.-}l , 'l..m:t ren;in .i; i1..1i r., - cliinecipni-pF
1 , c , ‘r=wi , iiingtn par ,- ici, , c -
I? , ! tril:ive hirn a cal!
Pittsbm-A, u...).••• 29, 1::43
• _ _
•i pn‘77, •
. ..
"•1 CaF.: = t.^ol 1 ;:u
Dr. IttrLane'3 Azaerican Worm Specific:
THIS that tiNizp, - ,: r.r t . Di'
Lanr'F 711.riran 1. , 3
from the time of giving. it. expr r t i 40 .worm:. n d
anntlThr teasponnfal nb.nn 30 runrP. from a rbi:d by
Wm Baker'6, of Cheat Neck. \VIT . 'LIAM SCOTT..
Fnr sale at tbn drug store of JON. KIDD.
do 60, Corner Chanel Icond fttrrts. Pi!tsbnr,7ll
, trwir I
rna in
tter no cbar.g.:, n r
runr the hrni
heea per.r..tud'—tni L I Neu! not :r.:lrunr. i Yea
'di; more that, mtmh.rttai'-: frstir..; tinz!l
111[ in. At rittlqfPll . t 1.4
I am, I Ve
t kftc!t ;tr.: arrld L;3,04 Ca• 11:00 LIClw f.c the ,L,ltter;
er. A ',mile of more than eat ih'y ter:dente-sr: p • .41 .
over her feettUll`ll. acrd fiteeti there. 'like Fitt trtl:t.r
the f rit's harrineiA. Rot Neat (1(.4,4. And thee 1 / 4 -,41
r h w l he r ele.)t , ritle!-. she hurl her:te:f
- :fie Mailn illorning Post.
We dip the fullorring Tines trom the York
mericen r which were addressed, to the "good ship
QUEEN OF THE WEST, by a Laciy Passenger, and
were comm inicated to a meeting of the passengers,
on the arrival of the ship oil Sandy Hook, December,
9th 1843. We aregratiSed with the 'opportunity of
publishing them.
At !env!) our,desenerl cotr3e we've run,
•The land appears bt %kw.
To thee, good ship, that bore us en,
Ourg•uteful tribute's due.
Thou noble bark, es e'er unfurled
Her cancusa to the breem,
Between the East, and Western World
Tu plough the stormy seas;
How proudly did we see thee ride
Amid the surge's wrath,
Triumphanto'cr the raging tide,
Rejoicing in thy path.
And as the crested white foam flew
Around thy spiry mast,
And loud and fierce the tempest grew,
Still en sve fearless palaed.
Proud and -flajeatic in its might,
Thy noble Egirre blest. • %
Whilst ronild thee raged the storm, and nigh .
Her darkest sable spread.
ut tlior. did't brave the tempest.
And mocked the howling bast,
Ti:! morning broke', end radian: smi.ed,
Above tl:e watery waste
No fear hed.•.ce amid that hour
Of tempest drear and dark.
'S ^ knew that One all-ruling power
ue'er desert uur bark.
how lovely to our siglct
IVlien tidy !warns died away,
An e ening:s lan)," kith rnelluved liglit - -
Sio.cuiLl the whiter.ing 5 pray.
co Arr:hri Avd, thyro. around,
To . .)re9l, ti.c ep reraie.
IV hiiit 'rnid !Eat vast,
Lty gracefJi 1(.1m arose.
storm arid tempest pas:‘ed away.
A r.,.! !,bet: Cn^ biitnv. s mar;
Eq-vnd. %%Ai brig.ht and chearing ray
Then. Cor by Arce;in cnlm, in storm,
thy deck we leave,
The trihute our •.‘ wzt)m.
gr:ic: - $ 07 THE W.L.ST, recci‘e !
Tnny ' st thou spread thy sac:ay sail
t}:e resale.'; cid?,
F , :ttr;es,t alike 'raid :;torrn and plc,
A:, c l rvigr: the Ocean's prid4l
-try —rays te en as m emor.3 .!•-•-taub' alack bl9srd ds
a :h.eant of f it.avpit to Li - ie nitre in TWA—•hit-tnter anti
a‘ - t . us. , :r of the nui.t.:.!,-C:e,crtrui . tle presence: 111/..
:•;1 ':';1 viei,itude, and ,callit)g us back
to the p..st— hack to the titm se , ...tchra: images elf It t: n,vt- tiw (Jeep fountains or eiriy
tir-tidnz n-pira , toes of after years! While
the in •t it dar a irh an thu future g!ztd
ti--tu dJr nu .tati-how to notietp tvitt, hiroke :pen
e.t: p.m Cr. Cavil] the thart of vanished
me gaze tt.tee more on their Biluli',T,lit and
lam an o'al man ; the friends of my youth are gone
fro-..a me. Some have perished on the great deep, oth
er, oa the afar hi' in the bind of 4t, ogees
rhd nt- , ny--rety molly. have Leto gethe:ed quietly to
ot! eh saki of oar ei:!age. ltiev hare
,ft i r e ~ 'one—teen the lota Vi, or of a fhliert for
t_'—:he hoary repre , ophaiye of departed generations
The chain+ which once hound tile to e%i, , tente herb
woken—And-ill inn arise, l'ride; &remelt that
'n;o most thf. able th:r.st of rrind. :tut
:here ti'as som‘.. mild 1 r tihaughti—.34)Me brighter pas
,..:tzes in the ,beam otirnyntin,7, yet living at the foot'.
tti '•i pure w.f.! comma`
limo.; iil.l,ej by a thou.sarici tender associations to the
There ties nor—zi rrruiove of exalted intellect—a
oiqz w.; );t1 r)t upward., like the in nge of
(i , t, to.i. . I :tlys—lit.v were 30 big
11,,(1 ‘., unlike to earth. )'et was she tot proud or her
hizh Fitt. With Ate bri2Lto.t capncitles df lie
b,.died spirit.tLrice.l3 s nn , Nhine more thgn. wornire?
ineeki,ess in her demeanor. It was the condeseensith,
unit foi - givenr , s and the tears te e .
cori-cimis coit , r.ding to the er irig arid paitjary
ate II:.
She is os not a being to I,.ve with an cnrthly r.:Tec
tion. Tier person had' no hat mons with her mind. It
hore no tes, rnh:anre to tho..e heentiru: faro, w hi t +
1 g'i,le her n..; Ow 0)1..4 of to in the shadowy wor'fi
or d reo in:. It wag not W:0. the b..igitt realities of be
iog—t he wealth of L. 3 tny which i• som:liratos .cOhren
trated iu the m.a.ch1e, , ..: fortreef wo - n , ;:n. ' d; te...s dr
: tortnit.)--.l!rillge preu.liilr ilet' , lntllty. re:teVed ot,ty by
the intelieLtoal glory 01 a dark, soiti-!ike eye.
Vet, string(' is it rimy seem, I loved her. deeply,
pa.44ion.l.e!y a; the young heart ran lava when it p(niri
itseif on t ;the an ..b1 it ion to i's idol. There we re gen.
tl - and It;r1- 1).o:le, arontol nirs--41,nitilie,t cf,mi!ei. an d
idushe:. 5 ,, :tt01.ei air:d 111.-Ifitle f1 , r.....41., tint their beau : .
Iv Made yu !astir.:' Fri11e. , ....,:i on 103 i.:it. Ming
tea: ; , ,1 'For Neet.,ul lace—ye wrong, aft( r something
~i.obi e :trt holy—something. ahoy, the o , rdinary stan
d Ito; of hem in desire. set ap:h.t. and sanctified as it
were, le:the ;ft% stnt it:s of dee ilir.;?. .
m in , was o: i a :'., .0 to Ei4 revealed in the t 3 lren,Teri
circle or eniery ;mod fashion, it ants avowed underneath
I the be. (ii.•g ilea% en; when the perfect sites ' %wry! niml9
i.. 71 7 in : 7 upon us. It trti.3 ITit•Cled; but not in 'at Orli. ill . .
prit le. nor any car. 1 , ?- l 'ihat I,i2h thonghte:.? gi:i. Sihe
would . ll..k rot- ft iend=hip—try s) . inpathy ; but she
besouz.ht r . ..e—tiye, with rears in-Fier eyegisite.besnught
its to speak no more et' Lire;--I t beyed her. I fled
1 fr•or_ !;..t. , re , eurr , .. I. rnir.g!o .I . once mare in the busy
it.i.: of io . in o tt. ltd nrrtl , iti..... entered into my soul.—
' Wealth ram,- iii,,,:n r— ..nexpectudi: and the voice a
praise hecame a kmiliar sound. I returned at oac4
'vi t t, ? oirr:pro,:...l-urmaidu t cd on my brow, end soudir.
izttri:in 'I ,, ' J.. : r.."' . Imy dreams.
She seas d %int. C.,,n,unip,ion--1,:.;e ghastly c
-t on
oityn ion ha i i a', en away i-...1-!..,d on nxistenre. The
dc.f.,rmr.43l:ll7l,:fil!;ng tenetne:.f. v. as ) ielding to 11 0
i.ript:l,tt,'ont the ~.(.u:.
pin!: 1 - -en: over herin
to mine, ae}iv thnso
re;r3" rfit-• ttf.
~f v , •ftl.;---thko loLg c^ - ( 'iori or o
hll,l-47; •• r Hell ry? . a •Zn'ri. If I bent` -wer:
catch the. fliterinz her sv.ert c: rte—••
d in:-.g il:rr."1:C.:••• le. I that .114)7.
Ir • .: )1.
• • • •- -