DAILY POST. 'DURSO/CV MORNING. DECEMBER Zs, 1f,43. PITTSBURIH BOARD OF TRADE. Goxiittit ex FOR DRCEIWIER. itAam Etiehbann —F. Lorenz—Robert Bell rr 3. W. BURBRIDCIS, .sq., regnmits tl4 to• say Idiot he positively deolinre beine a candidate for Corn hr.= Counelitnn in th 3 South Wa-d. DattoeasTic CONVZNTION. — The Delegates ap pointed at the Ward Meetings on Saturday evening last, tonominate a Democratic candidate for Mayor, assembled in Convention yesterday at the Washington Hotel. After organizing they adjourned until Satur day next. in older to afford the Fifth Ward an oppor tunity of electing Delegates. o's•tvxl in th'. ' Daily Mor fling Post" My name announced as a candidate for the Common Council. I now wish to inform my friends, if 1 bad been present when the nominations were made I should have them declined and avoided any further trouble. I now very respectfully decline, with many thanks to my friends for their kind intention:. Dec. LI, 1843 JOHN .AN D ERSON. FOR THR rOST. TO THE PEOPLE OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. My attention was this morning, the 26th of Dec., called to a certain handbill, by a member of the Bar, beetled "city and county meeting" dated 23d Dec., 'calling upon the people to meet at the Washington Ho tel, for the purpnse of taking some action relative to the 1C333 of the Rev. George Marshall, who Stands indicted in oar Court 6n the seduction dr..c. of Eleanor Jane McFadden. I hove been informed that many persons think that I am the author of the hand bill, and further that I am a Catholic, and that it is a Catholic move ment. Now in the first place:l am not the author of the hand bill, nor hod I any thing to do is the mutter, neither did I know anytlitig of the business, until my attention was called to it as above stated. Who ever its author may he it is not calcuhted to benefit the cause of Mk.; McFadden. I wrote one article for the Aurora, which was published on the 13th of the pres ent month, and have wrote tin other on the subject. That article wan intended for that Ecclesiastical coto2cil sew prejudged the case, and I may notice that again in a proper time and manner. Ido not think any friend to good order, or the correct adminis tration of the laws. can take exception to that article. In the second place, I am not a Catholic, and whether it is, or is not a Cntholic movement I nm not inform 4. The conran is not cornmandable. nntl will dn injury w'nere good it intended. PVl'Vrli should wait, nod save their opinions natii the case of Mr Marshall has been legally disposed of. There is not a doubt but what that Ecclesiastical council violated the la W 4; hut if they have done so, it is no si;to sinful lavtri in sbno!d. lam not concerned about Mr Ma,tshal,'s caw, hat I am perfectly coateat, that he sl,ould take his course. I would not wish, however, to be the means of creating prejudice for or against him. Yotirs , T. HOWARD. A PR.?.DTCTIUX .—The Nladisonian slip, in reply to the New Yark Commercial Advertiser, who s3tB down Texian annlvaticm a; a humbug that "iiirn'iug, or net, Texas wit! be annexed to the United Suttee, and so will Oregon."' MARNIED.—On Tuesday evening, the 26th insi., by the Sh3drach, Mr. Lsos AnD H. EATON. to Miss MARY Ass, youngest diughtec 3f Pe ter S. Belford, Esq. nt this city. Long life and unclouded days to those u ho remem ber the Printer. The happy couple above nam?d,ho‘e done so in the most substanti tl mln ner. DEMO2RATIC NOTICE The Detnocrats of the sth Ward are requested to meet in the Public School Home, corner of Walnut and Pike ets., on Friday evening next, at seven o'clock P. fir the pur o ... s:!eciing five delegates to rcpre cent the ward in convention, for taking op a suitable person forMAYOR of the city. MANY DEMOCRATS. port of Pittsburg!). Reported by S' , .e.!ile na , l Mitchell, General Steam Boat Agen's. Rater al rect. 11 FEET WATER IN THE CHANNEL IA-u-“vi:n Cor!thurn, Moxahala, Porkinsnr, Mon City. Fulton, Furac•h. West Point, Gra...e, do. Arcade, Gone(, do. DEPARTED. OPlls, Bowman, Brownsville Belmont, Pop, Wheeling "Muakingnm Valley, Bowmen, Z-111446.4-, Arcade, Bennet, Cincinnati, t - iats marked thus [."] are provided with Eva SsEity Guard, to prevent the Explosion of steam PROD - LMITATION . .0? conformity with the provision.; of an act of the T rieral tomhly orate Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, provii',l; for the Incorporation of the City of Pittsbuczli, and of the supplement to said act, 1. .4 1 3`..EX ANDER HAY, Mayor of the said city. do is -11,13 thi t 71i P. o i 0 tin, d that on the See otai Tors lay of January, A. D., 1344, beinz, the ninth day of that month, "the freemen of each NYard of said city, crilifi , ..3 to vote for the members of the House of Ropreie itatives of this Commonwealth," will meet to rther at the. usual Illsce of holding elections in their respective Ward:. and elect by ballot, One nerson in each and every Ward qualified to serve Hi members of the H ouse of Representatives of this Commonwealth, to be a member of the Select Council, and five per sons q ac nforesui 1, in each and every Ward, to be m 'tabors of the Common Council. And that on the same day, the citizens of said Wards; will at the pi tcni alir el, elect by bthot, a citizen of the said City, qo tlified to be a member of the House of Representative of this Cumm.mwealth, to be NI-dy er of said City. Given under my hand and the seal of said city of Pit.ti'mrgh, this 27th day of Dec-mber A. D. 1843. d2B•te. ALEXANDER HAY, Mayor. (All city dailieA copy ) GILLASPIE AND KENNEDY will continue the manufacture ai.d sale of LOOKING GLASSES, in its varioii.. branches. They will also keep iii aroenitr su;.plyof Looking Glass Plates, of their own imprtatior. They respectfully solicit the continuance of the pat ronage so liberally extended to the late firm. '4ll‘ JOHN .1. GILLASPTE, Dec. f28.1843.—d3t. THOMAS KENNEDY. Beware of a Settled Cough ;UST RECEIVED, 3 Gross Dr. McLANE'S tJ LUNG SYRUP, ,vuich. if taken in due time, will przynnt a Cough from settling on the Lungs. Ample testimony of its value can be produced. For sale at the Drug Store of JON. MD, Dec. 28. Corner 4th and Wood sts. PITTSBURGH NAVIGATION AND rutL. iN SURANCE COMPANY. AN election for nine Directors of this Company, to serve for the ensuing year, will be hsld at their office, No 35, Market street, Pittshurgh, cn Monday, the Ist day of January, 1844. between the houriof 11 o'clock, A M, and 2 o'clock, P M. dlB-td JAIIES S. CRAFT, Secretary. WINTER DRY GOODS. TIERNAN & JONES. 99, WOOD STREET, J A RE now receiving an unusually large stock cf Winter Goods, purchased within the last month, r for cash, embracing nearly every article desirable for the season which they will sell at a very slight ad ♦ance, for cask, par money only. Call and see. dls_,Litwlen CITY Of PITTSFICIIGH, Notice FOR SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boslers IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam En—ine f to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadfardisasters , You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure- Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They du not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior, and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid these dis asters. All boats marked thus [*] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part Of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF L lONS, AGNES, L EX ING TON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINS 71lEL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIS AN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MAJESTIC, BRIDGE WATER, MUS KING UM VAL' Y, C ADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, CICERO, C ANTON, CUTTER, CECELIA, CASPIAN, CLIPPER. COLUMBUS. CLEVELAND, COLUMBIANA, CORSAIR. D UQ UESNE, DUKE of ORLEANS, ECLIPSE, EMMA, ED I 1 1 /N HIC KMAN, EL DORADO, EVELINE, EXPRESS MAIL, FORMOSA, FORT PITT, G .4 LENA, G L BROOK, GALLANT, IDA, INDIAN QUEEN. ILLINOIS, J. H. BILLS, JE IVESS, JAMES ROSS. WINTER CAMPAIGN: Brilliant Care er and Unprecede nte d Success OF THE THREE BI DOORS! TLIE proprietor cf this wdl known ni,ri highly fa vored e, , tablishirwiit tali...is great pleivairii in in formin,; his friends and the public at large that he has new prepared at 1118 SPLENDID SALES ROOM. No. 151. LIBER TY ST., THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF [VD; TER CLOT H LNG E'er ofiered for stile in this city HIC STOCK OP CLOTTIS,C ASSIMERES. PILOT AND BEAVER CLOTHS, CACH MERE. SNTIN AND OTHER VI:STINGS, CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of xvhich can be manufarturcd into clothing to cr.' d er , an d ma d e i n a s good styl”. and a; tastily and lash ionably deAgned :is at any other establirdmicnt IN THE UNITED STATES. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT Ills PRICES ARE . LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CIT y, And fano place west of tho maintains can purchasers find such a variety of goods from which to select as at the _ _ _ THREE BIG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &r, &e. The motto of the "Three Big Door," is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," And in following out this system he feels con fidentthathi,r.ustomcrsm:dhiut elf ARE MUTUALLY BENEt LIED. AVOULD INVITE THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GE TLEM AN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC AND WORKINGMAN To cell and examine for themgolves et VEICE THEME BIG DOORS, No. 151. Liberty airtet, AND THEY MUST RE SATISFIED. 6`'CiBSERT'. METAL ELATE IN THE PAVE.4IENT. na JOHN 111'CLOSKEY. JUST RECEIVED and for sale by WM. THORN,' No. 53, Market street, 500 lbs. pure palm soap in the bar, 600 " " " " in casks, 100 " variegated soap, 50 " white Castile, (only lot in market) 100 " almond soap, in lb. casks, 50 doz. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose spermacetti soap, for chapped hands and for softening the skin. The subscriber has on hand a larger assortment of the above articles than any other establishment in this city, and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs, :VO . THORN, No. 5:3. larket street. EAS.—Reeeired• on c on -a nmen I , 12Chests Young Hyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4' " 5 " Gunpowder. S. G. & A GORDON, sep 13. 12 Water street. FOR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Sieam Engines. ONE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot stroke, will be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 7 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long. 30 inches in diameter. These engines are made of the best ma tennis and in the most substantial manner, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at the warrhoo•e of the subscriber at any time. H. DEVINE, U. StatesLins. 'MESSENGER, MONTGOMERY. NORTH BEND, NEPTC.VE, NA R A G.LVSETT, NIAGARA, OSPREY, ORPHAN Boy, 01110 MAIL, 01110, • ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH PENELOPE, PANAMA. Q "TES of the SOUTH, Ro MENA, RARITAN, SARAH ANN, SA R A TOG A. SA VA \'NA. ST. CHARLES, ST. 1.0175, TALLE YR A ND. TOBACCO PLANT, VIC TR ESS. VALLEY FORGE, VIOLA. IVES T TVLVD, WING AND WING, John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and 564 att., Pittsburgh, T S realy to receive merchondize of every description 1 on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. ~ Regular sales on MoN DAYS and THURSDAY s, of Dry Good, and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,new and second hand furniture, &c., at 4 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearly gas light. (tug 12—y TURNING LATHE AT AUCTION. AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms corner of Wood and sth sts ,ou Monday next, January first 18- 44, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon will be sold to high est bidder, 1 large Turning Lathe entirely complete and in good running order. d 27 J D DAVIS, Auctioneer. BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bak.for sale by A. BEELEN. os—tf 9 bi DS. N. 0. SUGAR. just received, and for e_l sale by J. G. & A. GORDON. 027. BEAR SKINS, dressed and undressed, just reeely ed and for sale by A. BEELE.N. os—tf BTIFFALO ROBES, —Received by Cicero, a fresh and full supply of all sizes of Robes. A pply to nS-tf A. BEELEN. 5 n BOXES FIRE CRACKERS, jt. n , rereivod and 1, for sale by C. YEAGER, —3t 108 111:i l et et. nr-Ar Liberty. FRESH C,H EMIC k LS, &e,—ltt.,l Hydras, Srrychnia, Veratra, OKide i. m utn, •he Drug Store of JON. KIDD. nl7 BEAR SKINS, well dressed and full hoired, a suitable article for travellers' trunks, Szr., fur Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale JUST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick. which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low for caeh, by BIRMINGHAM S.: CO. mac 27 No. 60 Water Landreth's Garden Seeds A full ;ripply of Laniketh's Garden SP , (I, always on band and for sale, at his agency, the Druz storo of E. L. SNOWDEN, 134, Liberty st., head of Wood RemovaL p C :IWFIF:LDhL, removed his marble E.,tal, • [I , III7IINA to Wlleld opposite Fahnestnek% Drug Slop., where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stonec.. M 0:m nlo TIT= etc. ap 19-Iyr - 11 - ARC; I,INS ! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS !!! _l.l All .lort• dciotbiliL! . au Iwear viz appal el. Ileitae call at N. 151, Liberty street,and see for yo , ir.elvei. ! , eir, 7. J. McCLUSKEY. r".„ h Sli A RES Allegheny Bridge Sark, at pri t„.l yule sale, by .101 IN D. 11 k VIS, sop 1 I Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. ZOAI BUTTER.—A lot of that celebrated choice family butter, put up in full bound keg , : Apply to A. BEELLN. nStf BALES CUBA LEAF TOBACCO, this day ieceived, and for sale by J. G.& A. GORDON, 5. 12 Water street. UST RECEIVED, 30 Ws best:o.4mnd Camwood, el at the drug store of JON. KIDD, n ag corner 4thand Wood •:treetg. BuyEALO TONCWES.—Receiv.‘d by Lillie Ben 10 boxy- Buffalo Tongues, in fine order. dire-ct from tho mountaire. A. BELLEN. 113-tf lIAILNIAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, ll'uod .strert T[ .IVE st ,, n• and am rem% ine 4'25 ba.?. , 1 4 .i0 Cotfve, Firt strong and grren, pl;c4 1 11 and G Tea:, 25 box,. It u : ell & ltobto.,:on's s'.‘ Tobacco, 10 " Burton's s's " 10 " B's " 5 " Robinsoit's 10's a 10 " 12's n 5 '• superier pound lump 100 " frr-h M11 , 12,a Buneh Raisins, " N.. 1 and 2 Mu.tard, 50 " No 1 chocolate, " ground pepper, 5 cocoa, 5 " rice flour, '2OOO lb. loaf .ugnr. 10 keg, ground ginger, 5 '• •• ull-pipe, 20i10 lb. azk Tanned sole leather. 1000!.aid , low linen, 51,i1e- hops; Al of which the‘,: offer, kith a general assortment of :71,c-el-ie.. 'lvy sC,,tl4, and Pittsburgh manufactured onlila•rid terio, d 25 LADIES SALE THERE will ben : , ale of u-efal and ftncy artirlco, ,)y.:terA, and :oiler refwshmentA, held in the School room of Dr. Herron's church, on 6th street, com mencing on Christmas morning, nt 10 o'clock. Th e proceeds of sale to gu fur use of 4th Eresby. Church. dec 21. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in this city, under the firm of Lloyd & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent; A G Reinhart having purchased the entire interest of S. Lloyd, I r. in the concern. All persons indebted to the late firm will make pay ment to A G Rehlhart, who will continue the Grocery Business at the old stand, and alto alone is authorizedr to collect thedebts due ttti concern and receipt fur same. And i.: at pre:em prepared to offer the hest asSo'tment Those also having claims against the late firm will of clothing in the city, which consists in part of please present thorn to A G Reinhart for settlement. , SUPE W R DOUBLE AVE BEAVER CLOTH Pittsburgh, Nov. 1, 1843. (signed) S. LLOYD, jr., , FROCK AND OVERCOATS, A G REIN II ART. PLAIN DO., In retiring from the above firm of Lloyd & co— -I Super Blue Black, Invisible Green, and fancy colored would cheerfully recommend to •my former friends and FROCK AND DRESS COATS; customers, my late partner aud successor. Mr A G : Every description of SACK COATS, front 4 to 6,8, Reinhart, who continues the Grocery Business at the' and 10 doilar-i . old stand, 140, Liberty street. (signed) • FASHIONABLE CLOAKS n 2.9 5. LLOY 0, jr. On hand n-id mat , to order at from 15 to 18 and $22, HEAR /TE %PERM NCED PHYSICIAN. Super do. at 25 to 30 doiln rs; DR. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS. Every de,icriptimi of PANTALOON t ASSIMERE,. THIS is to certify, that having been associated CLOTH, S ATT I N ETT, &c; with Dr MeLme in the . practice of medicine Ylaiii and F igured for nearly 21 year,i. I hove hail many opportunities o SILK VELVET AND SATIN VESTS, witnessing, the good effects (if his Liver Pills, and I be .S 4 l•rtllli'llt 1,1, , „ , ,i, on hand to make And a .uporiot- U lieve they have cured and relieved a much larger pro to order. Fair prices are paid fur ITlkii,g work. and portion of the diseases of the Liver, than I have knows : the best if worl. men employed. No other ii,tablish cured and relieved by any other course of treatment. meat in the cav can offu s o good an assortment of Outra MiumAs. clothing cs can be found at For sale at the druz, stare of lON. KIDD, , No 60, corner 4th and Wood -treets, Pittstihrgh. ! No. 49; (116 No extravagant price is asked hat everythi , g put at : the smallest a.l v ;ince on tile orienod co : t . All ( fl e d,- i N the matter of the op. -, In the Court of Common ing sold at this esiabil-hment is made by Pitt.iburgb 1 phcation of the “Grant 1 Pleas of Alleghony Com, . mechanics, a:,.1 warranted snperiur to the dock of are st. regular Bupti'st Church • ty, in the Commonwealth eastern adventurer, who say they Sell below cost and CongregMirm," of the fof Pennsylvania, No— of da s_, im I city of Pitt-burgh, fur a Dlicember Term, A. D- Charter of In , orparation. J 18431 ,----,-, And now to wit. December 23,1. 1343. by A N Ehrtion fur nine Directors of this Inititutiop, LS. t h-ir Attorney. Thomas Howard, Esq., r - 1 t o serve the ensuine: year, %, ill he he:d at the o ffi ce 5 Charter presented to the Court, and it e oft le C,m i nuly, south ea-t corner of Market and Third ...„....... Court direct that notice be inserted in t h e str e •t.., Pittsbarzh, nut in fir-t Mooday (Ist day) of Mornino- ' Post, printed in snid county, for three weeks. Jarman' 1844, between the hours of P .. ,1,,, 1c _ a. m setting forth that application has been made to said an d 1 o'clock. p. M. J. FINNEY, Jr. Court to grant such Charter of Incorporation, and if , dec. 21,1343. Secretary. no sufficient reason It shown to the contrary, said I Coort. at the next term thereafter. will decree that the 1 Co-Partnership Notice. G. REIN:HA , RT. havi. g associated with hirr said Church and Cottzregation, so associated, become i A . SIDNEY STRONG, will contii ue the Whole a body politic: according to the act of Assembly in : sale and Retail Grocery and Commission &siness such cases made and provided. From the Record, under the firm of Reinhart & Strong, at the old stand. GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Frothy No. 140 Liberty street. . A. G. REINHART, tier, 27-3td,E.;.* • : Fittsb . gb. Dec 7,1848. SIDNEY STRONG 843.altiMi STAN DA RT, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding and namminsion Ifforchants, CLEVELAND, WILD. AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshing,ton, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Lille of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap I 1843-Iy. ;7 - .. • : oo ~,,,, . THE canal packet ERIE. J. M. Shaw,master. will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named Vona. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' room ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sit urdaysl connecting with the Stage Dines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply On board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Ptttsbdrgh, r-7474: 1 4, privr- nti7iese . . 18 43. FARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGES AND RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chamhersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia. connectingwith the Main train of cars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $ 9 . Baltimore O. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2.d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL. GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 2:3, 1343-Iy. Proprietors. A. BEELEN Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. • 1 74 151 ;M." 4 iet. NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WASHINOTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YOU,K. TTITS line is in foil operation and leaves Pittsburgh duly at fi o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here isith the rail road. Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and cotrff,rrtable route, it being n separate and distinct Pittsburch and Cum berland line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore eijoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice with the privilege of going through direct ur taking one nights res: at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela !louse. L. W. STOCKTON, 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. Hornlar Packets, for Cincinnati ver.floo• The Swift:are, Rubinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at tPu'cice:lt, g_ The Cjater,Colli:as,Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Morag•imerv, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urdm• at 10 o'clock a. m. "f he Express. Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO., may 20 Agents. United States Wagon and Rail Road Line C. 4,1,1 , 4 0 'r - ... e-•%. - - ;. ••A i i . 4 4 i . l _ .- a t 1441* , - Y." — - rp HE ,:nlywrilier.t hive ma,le arran;ements to for: A_ ward a..,14 ilnrlo2 the winter to and from Pitts bure-,h, l'inlatieioloa and New York.. C A Mc %NULTY, Cana: BA-in, Lihert,..treet. 'Pittsburgh. THI/M AS 130 i( BI DGE. Avnt, 27g. Mtrliet street, Philadelphia. L KRAMER, El-choler Broker. No. 46, Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Sliver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. REFERENCES Win. 801 l & Co., John Davis, Lorenze, J. Painter C Co., Joseph Woodwell, Jaino:; May, Alex. Bronson &Co.. John II Brrn kCo. James M . Cancliess.Cincinnati, 0., J. It. I\F Danahl. )Sr. T.oni., Mo, W. H. Bopp. Pro•Ct Ban' Inc. ; FRESH ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS! CLOT' IS. CASSII Eli ES. &c. P. DELANY, Tailor, No 19, 01 abort A HS this d ,c , ..i, red a fre.li of Ver C1 ,, 111 4 .Ci1 , -ImeLTS,SuperiLir Pilot Cloth: , , fancy heavy lf weed Cloth and Cassimere and other goods suirablo to the sot on. It is with pleasure he in form: his friendi and the public, that from the very liberal patronnze he ha. received during the fall, he ho; been induced in udditir.n to his large stock of fall COOds to FRESH SUPPLIES CHOICE AND FASH IONABLE GOODS. Beaver and Warren Packet J. S. DICKEY, Betb7,er The Great Central Bente Philadelphia St i'l:1;} INC Fmrl;[.!: PENN ISURANCE COMPANY Valuable Seal listate In the Neishimpriuxml of the City for Sale. A Vim, within four miler of the City of Allegheny containing 114 Acres, well famished Dwelling Houle with 10 Rooms in it tnrge Bank Bata lately erected, Cabin House and Barn, 2, Orchards. &c. St, , Also. A 3 story Brick House on 7th st ,on a lot 37 feet by 100. Also. A neat Cottage hone and lot in the Reserve track opposite Pittsburgh, 90 feet front by 280 deep with shrubbery fruit trees &c. &c., will be sold very low. Also A House and Lot in the 7th Ward above the New Basin with a beautiful prospect of both cities, riv ers and &c. Would be exchanged for a farm within 20 miles of the City. Also, A Lot of Ground in East Liverpool Ohio, corner of Market and Water streets. .60 feet front by 130 deep, on which is erected a pottery in s..:ccesfull opperation. Also. Four Lots of Ground in the sth Ward well improved. Also. A Lot ovn sth et. 30 feet front by 130 feet deep. Also. A Farm of 144 Acres adjoining the Town of East Liverpool Ohio. Also. One undivided 4th part of thrre seperate ht.; containing altogether 24 Acres adjoining the above. Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL Dec 20, 1843. Real Estate Agents. A CHEAP AND GOOD FARM &C, FOR SALE. FOR SALE, a good, well improved farni of Elf acres, lying on the Northern Turnpike, 14i miles from Pittsburgh, and it has been occupied as a tavern stand. There is 60 acres improved and under good cultivation. A good two and a halt story stone house, 28i by 24i feet, a good frame barn; good springs of water and good family orchard on it. This proper ty will be sold low for a part down and the ballance in three annual payments. If not sold in two months, it will be rented for a yearend sold as soon as possible For terms &c., please apply at Hams' Agency and Entelligence office, No 9 sth street. dec.l9. E SECIITORS' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AGREEABLY to the provisions contained in the will of the late Thomas Cassilly. deceased, the subscribers offer for sale the following valuable real es tate, in the city of Pittsberzb, aiz:—Oue lot of ground fro: (trig on Water street, near Market street. and ad joing Hanna anrlG )rclud'A syarehorrse,beingthirty-five feet front on Water 3' rn,-;, and LIXIPTICIIITe buck one hun dred told sit; v f'et to Front street, on which there is e• reeled a sac iota; brick dwelling on Water ra. now oc cupied as a public house by Mr. John Varner, and vv. rlareestory bricl dwellings with back buildings oo Front stri•ef. Also, cue Tot fronting or, Liberty street between Cecil's alley and St. Cla7rstreet, being thl'rty feet in front and one hundred anti ten feet back to ten foot alley, on whist is erected two three story dwellings, with convenient back buildings, now occu pied by Mr. Michael Kane as a Cabinet-Ware room, and by Mr. Samuel Lindsey. as a Grocery establish ment. This property will - Isti sold on fair and accom modating terms. Enquire of Mr. P. Mulvany, at his glass ware house corner of Market and Waterstreets, or to either of the subscribers. • HENRY M'CULLOUGH. JAMES CASSILY, JAMES BLAKELY, JAMES C. CUMMINS,. Executots. dcc 8-1 m d a wtf [Advocate copy wtfl 19 LOTS, suitable for building most eligibly uated, and within two 4 4 .rtes' walk of the steam ferry boat landing, ) id at prices to suit the times. The terms of payme... will be made easy, either for cash or such barter as can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Pvterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. June 1. JAS. PATTERSON,jr. TWO STO a ß G Y t b oc ri ck house, for n situatei dwelling the come of i.'"rf.t . !' anal:pion streets. Possession given immedi lately. Enquire of "IL JAMES MAY. TO LEASE. SEVERAL Ferns in Beaver and Butler countiat on very moderate rents, which may be paid ii Lots to be let, rent free, on improvement leases. FOR SALE. Farr:li and tinnier:red land, , . Apply to the Hon JOHN BRF.DIN, Butler, or EDWARD HOOPS, New Brighton, dl2-1m Beaver county REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING &.&c. THE undersigned, having associated themselves for the transaction of all relative to Real EAates, , : will henceforth attend to the purchase and sale as well as renting of city and country property, collect ing rents, &c. &C. The senior member of the firm having had much ex perience, and being extensitely known as an agent of Real Estate, they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. For the accommodation ofthepiffi lic, there will la. two offices, where business will be te.. ceived; at the Real Estate Agency of James Blakely. Penn st.. sth Ward, nod at the Law office of John J. Mitchell, S. W. side of Smithfield, (near sth.) at either of which. persons wishing to have instruments of wri ting. legally and neatly executed, titles investigated. er desirous to purchase or dispose of Real Estate, will apply. J. J. Mitchell will continue to attend to the duties of his profession, as heretofore. JAMES BLAKELY, JOHN J. MITCHELL, dee 4—d&w6m. Pittsburgh, Pa C hristrdas and New Year's Presents. THE subserihet: respectfully inform's his friends and the public genei ally, that he hasjUsiteturn• ed from the Ea-r, where he has been purchasing a stock of FANCY GOODS. suitable for Christmas and New Year's Presents,which he is not. receiving, and for va riety and quantity exceeds any stock in the city. Call and examine for vonrselves at Z. KINSErS FANCY STORE. d 19-d 2 w. No a& Market street. CHEAP PLACE FOE CASTE. . SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. _ No. 108, Menke/ Str - P - et, near Liberty. CHRISTMAS LND NEW/YEAR'S PRESENTS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public Z,netally, thnt:he has on hand, and will receive in a few (lays, a large and splendid a , -ortment of toys and fancy articles,. suitable for the holidays. which will be sold wholesale and retail, at reduced prices . . Pers - uns .*ho wisii to buy cheap will please call at the sign of tie gilt comb, No. 108. Mar ket greet, and they will not be disappointed. der 16 C. YEAGER. NONGAFIELA NAVIGATION COMPANY. THE annotal meeting of the Stockholder , of fnr , Morionl,-ahela Navization Company will be hcid t thoir otTice. in the city of Pitt.lw9.h, on .Monat:v, , thc 1.0 of Jamihry, 1841, nt two o'clock P for the• election a utaers for the en:oing. year. %VI LLIA l BAKEIVRT.L. Soctetat v. BY o" the Dire,t , ,r; pn.,ed this day. IT WAS ORDERED, That the Strekho:deri of the Firemen's Ingtrance Company. by requirrd to pay to the Secretary, on she 14t day of .1941;1:Iry next. 1844. n further ar.d last instalment of Efteen dollars on each Thare of the capital stock of the Company held by them respectively. By order, 5.A..").11., 0.11:1:3 LY , Soeretary. rittsburgh,Dee,r 6th, 1843. di 1-0 TO_OWNERSOF TOWN LOTS In East Liverpool,•Okis. THE undersigned will attend to the payment of - 1 Taxes, and to the redemption of. Lots sold ear axes in the army. place. Persons desirous that 1 .hnuld attend to tae above for them, w:11 forward me the numbers of their .4ets, and sufficient funds en pay the state, crrunty and corporation tax., annually in ,advance. JOHN S. BLAKELY, tt2l East Destro! Building Lots in Birnth4tham. TO LET. Notice to Stockholders Notie o OCITLIOLCTZD 17iLLY DT A. EILARMIR, 111{CMINGE imoram, COitSED. 01 WOOD AND TIMID STS SPECIE ST AIN DAB.D Merchants and Mannfacturere Scrip Ezckange Bostic Scrip Current-, Erie Bank Scrip EXC LUNGE—AT SII3H I *. Os Pkilaele/phia Nese York Boston Baltimore SPECIE Gold Silver .. PENNSYLVANIA. -PITTSBURGH Bank of Pittsburgh ' par Merchants and Manufacturers' bank ...par Exchange Do. Hollidaysburgh ~..... ...... ...par PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North America Do Northern Liberties par Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Farmers' and Mechanics' bank par Kensington bank •YMf Manufacturers and Mechanics' par Mechanics Moyamensing Philadelphia bank Schnyllall " Southwark ..... ".... Western Bank of Penn Township Girard bank U. S. bank and branches CCVNTRY BASK 2 Bank of Germantown . " Chester county " Delaware county " Montgomery county " Northumberland - Farmers' bunk of Bucks county , Easton bank Doylestown bank - Franklin bank of Washington Bank of Chambersburgh .. " Middletown .. " Gettysburgh " Susquehanniscounty Berks. county bank Columbia Bankand Bridge Company.. - Carlisle bank Erie bank ...... Farmers and Drovers' bank " Dank of Lancaster ". Bank of Reading Rarrisburg bank Honesdale Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon " ...... Miners' bank of Pottsville.... Monongahela bank of Brownsville New Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 ?To rthampton bank ....no sale Towanda bank 85 Wyoming.katik 2/ West Branch bank - York bank 24 OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Claireri Clinton bank of Columbus .- • - - Columbiana bank of New Lisbon Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) " ( Warren, cashier)._ ...... C in cinn cti banks ... Chillicothe bank.... -- Commercial bank of Lake Erie.... Dayton bank........ .... Franklin- bank of Columbus . Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville..] Farmers', bank of Canton 40 Geattea Graniille .. . Hamilton Lancaster Marietta Massillon . Afeelianies' and Traders'. Cincinnati.... Mount Pleasant .•-• rrvolk Putnam. ........ . .. Sandusky Sei,b. . Urbana. Wooster Z.zrzsazille INDIANA. State bank and branches State Scrip KENTUCKY All banks ILLINOIS State bank Bank of Illinois, Shatcneeto:im 50 VIRGINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia 1 Bank of Virginia .1 Exchange bank of Virginia Farmers' bank of Virginia.. .1 North-Western bank of V irginia.. ..........1 iffirelz ants' and Mcchanirs' bank of Virginia.. .. 1 1 MARYLAND. • Baltimore City banks.. . _ .. par All other solvent banks.. .. - NORTH CAROLINA. Al! solvent bank 5.......... SOUTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks GEORGIA Ali solrenL banks AL LLAMA gobile banks...... - Country banks-- ............. LOUISIANA. New Orleans banks (g00d).... TENNESSEE HOOK AND JOB PRINT I N G OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD et FIFTH STS The proprietors of the MoRNING PosT and Mr.u.- CURT AND MANUFACTURER resrectfally itrerm their' friends and :he patrons of those papers. that they hare a large and wfdi chre•; as>or :RCM of 011 VDU rte'rliftrAPD-11E 9 :4 . 1211a:a 12.i."2".ilLtaaer INeces-ary to a Job Plintirz Office. and that they are preraretl to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. I Bills a Lading,lara, Pa )...I:ets, Biil Need•, I Cards, • B laik Checks, Hat Tips tttnbB of 351aulis, Stagc, Steamboat and Canal Boat with all ,ropriage c!,11, Printed or. the shortest notic e and most reasor.ablo terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our frit rats ar.ii' thepuhlic in general in this branch of our business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. To Pinter. WE have received, and will hereafter keep car scantly on head, a foil gurp:y of Priwii.g Ink in lar , e ,ir,d smail kegs, which we will he aKe to sea cheater than it has heretofore been told in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by •Ita cas t{ (I.v Az.z. ciers) will be promptly attended to. PHILLIPS & net 10-tf Office of the Post slid blionfac!ii } prem .. ..par par .-par ... ...... par par, par . par pat ......pair Pa ti .. ~: ~~ 72 .... .15 15 511 • 2'; ..25