TAME ar tiWA R .t Co„ .ffauftioinnrs of Wilt Paper, No. 18, Wood Strict, P . itteburga, Pa.— Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Satir °kited and Wain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and sil,litaion Borders, of the latest style and handsome tratteris, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have on baud at all i lutes- Pr' sting. Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Ten Paper, (ton eat" and Falters' Boat ds—stil of which they offer fur sale en the man accommodating terms; and to which they invite the attention of merckalits and oiliere. ALSO—Blank Rooks ofail kinds and the best quality. 3e:tool Mans, etc. always on hand and for sale as above t4f. 11 flags' nd Tanners'Sereps' taken In exchange. tE•daV s. 'he undersigned beg icave to inform the public.. I lini he hae removed from ills old nand, to the core • r of Penn and St.. Clair els., oppositetlie Ea change lintel, where he has filled up a large. PIANO FOWL 6 WARW. Roo*. and now olfers for sale the most splendid now:o inent of PIAPIO3 ever offered in Ihij ninr krt. His Pianos C0113i3l of diTerent patterus, of superior Rose Wood and Matmanny,henntifully, finished and rno riPled and eonsitueted thronehout of the very hest ma• terials,vi hichaor ditra!Plity, and quality atone, as well as touch, tie warrants to be superior to any ever seen %ace. At he hal enured his manufactory, a nd made arrange. trienti to slimily the itiereaiiinz demand for thia instru• Merit, he respect filly remie.os those intending to oar. Chase to call and • xit mine his as:ortment before onrcha. ain4 cliatrliere, as ha is determined to sell LOWER, for visit, titan any other establishment east or west of tile inoantains. F. BLUM C., Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, seallo rkiturixiie the Exchange Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa till II L.l .m'. , cryter rec•uved from P hitadetunia and New York, wMt a ecnrral and extensive assort. Meat of DRUOS. eIIEMICALS, PERFU.WERI, and every artiek in hi; line of I.lt.iness, width !leis deter. Mined to veil on the most reasonable t"ra» for cash,— He believes he can .tffer stroncer Itiduretneuts than any slntila • establishment in this city to country Physician, and Merchants, who wish to supply thettr.elees with Prtf“ and Medicines. II is aritcles have been selected with the utmo:t rare, and are warranted of the 1)(.31 goal. tip and an for tistrens . th. Orders wax he filled with nr• curacy and etemoc , .. Fault s can lie supplied Fine aml. Fancy Soat,a of every conceivable variety, and of the most exTtUtele perl'antr.; !New hoc with Perfumery and Cosmetics of eve r v deerrip•ton. 'The it ndertil.ted returns his thanks for the Ithera I 511 p: port heretofore Mended to him, and hopes by a ronstant disposition to please and accommodate—a rare In pro curial and seltiott only what excellent aid cenulne—a close .ttpervision of the sales and transaction of the Isiah Ilsliment—precatit ion and accuracy In rompoantli med.. cines—and by viti4:ry and perseverance. to men in in] tease of public patruna4e may 25. WILLIAM THORN La b l whit mdays your teeth so unusually white? finoth Josh's dulcinia to hitn Cother night, To makeyours took so, with a grin, replied Josh, ve brought you t bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 'l'.a the best now in use, so illegentiefUlkS say, And since they It:tve tried !hie, cast ail others away . . Dot to proveii t!ie hest, to make the teeth shine, Look again, sly derir Sal, at the m, tte praline. Then try It I= _rent tooth sva , ..i.h, The Teaberry tooth waft, And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine Having tried Dr...Thers'a Tea Berry Tooth Wish,' and become acquainted with the in2rellients of it 3 compo oltion, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as IL 13 o.ll2a.the most pleasant Tito, it N.tsl. es now in use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1/342 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. take pleasure In stating, having made use of-Thorn's 'res . perry Tooth Wash," thzt it is one of the best deu• trifieci in use. Being in a liquid form, it coniWnes neat• nuns with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yells a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M. D. The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Derry Tooth ‘Vaili,"avitl have (blind it to bean extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary info. eine over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those Indis pensable members front premature decay. preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the ItreaNi. Hay. lug thorou7.!ily tested Its virtues, we take pleasure In re. eommendrig it to the public, kneeing it to be the best ar• tide of the kind oaw in usc. kORZRTSOX, JAMES P JACK, ROWT H PEEBLES, CHAS L: SCULLY, C DARRAGH, J .111 MuCRREAD EL ItI,NOWALT, L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by WI f. LI .1 MI THOR N. Apothem cv and Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and at all the principa Druggists',and Tuttle's Medical il,gen it. Fourth street. sep 0 FENIA LES.—Theteis a large class of Females i this City who from their coal lotted iltting, to iv Welt their occupations obliges hem,are a llected with costiveness which:lves rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, Intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling in ihe bow• *tele, somellnies a sense of suffocation, especially after 'infests when any exertion is used, as going quickly up -gtairti; temprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few dosesof the Brandreth Pills The occa atonal use of (1115 medicine 11,111111 save a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, arc of en found highly beneficial; many not them very advantageously In this way; they aid and asslQt digestion, restore the hovvels to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, Impart clear. nese to theromplexion,puriiy the blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Bald at Dr. 11 - audreth's Office. In the Diamond Plihtburgh_.Price 25 cent; per Los, with full direct ions, MARK—The only plate In l'ittAliurgli, where the GENUINE Pills can he obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. dee, Diamond. Sep. 10 Dr. Leidy's Tetter Sc. Itch Ointment. OR the cure °revery v.-v tety of TETTErt, the ITCH, F and all tlkea.es of the Skin, has timed Itself more ettleaciountilan ally other preparation for the slime pur• pose In use. Upwards of five hundred certificntes iii ht Ise proi tired and pni,lislied of its efficacy trout Srlinol . l'eacher , , Pro. pricier; of Facioi les. Parents, Guardians, Chill Nurses, Captains of vessels and others, were it not for the deli cacy in havinu, thE.ir names published in connection with such Al.:agreeable affections, o ffy the use of Dr Leiiiv'!: Teller Ointment in cot June. lion with his extract of sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he wilt Unarantce to core any disease coninkon to the skin, however had, or of however long standing„ or resind the money. There are however ye, y foss , Instances but can be cured by the Ointment alone, Prins 25 cents a Bez. Prepared only and sold wholet.ale and retail at Dr Lel. dy's Health Emporium, 191 N . - Second t,t. Philadelphia, mid by B. R. FRANF.STOCK 4- co. corner of Wood and Sixth street!, Agents for Pittshu rg • juiy 12. PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU- FACTORY. THEieurrther would reepect fully inform theritlzens Of Pit'. utrgh, Allegheny and their vim that he has ecmmenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01 and Candies. He intends making but one quality, which virtu equal the heat made It& the Union and not surpassed by the best winter strained sperm oil either for ntactilner!, orhurning. without its olTvitrive properties, and one third cheaper. THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO BURN IN ANY •TENPERATURE. The subscri ber wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that It is riot necessary to purchase any new tangled ramps that are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to burn the bard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light can obtain it by calling at the old stand,3d street, nearly opposite the Post Office Th4attention of Wholesale dealers, Churches and ma. eishaleta respectfully witched. S,—All the barrels wt!l bear the manufacturer. Jan 2, 1343, tf. Al'C-I.AID LESS, JAS S FT. U. C EDDY r AMPRIZE• UNITED STATES, PORTABLE BOAT LINE. Far the Transportation of Merchandire and Preane Between PITTSBURGH AND PHI LA DEL MIA AND 4 PITTSBURGH AND BALTIMORE. NEW YORK AND BOSTON. MINE respectfully inform the public that they • have completed their atrangementsfor the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND tspEreNDENT PRINCIPLES. The public tan long wished for Individual competition In Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the Stale of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail [toads. Individuais owning Portable floats are enabled to hid for the Carrying Trade and :accession) , to con• pete with rotnpanies. This linr, iscoinonsed of Twenty new, Four Section Pop. ;rhle Boats, owned by the Captains who command then' and well known as enterprising, tedustrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advintazes of the Portable Boat over every other moar of Tran.portallon, ere too wen known to shippers a e TIP ra Ity. to require cnoitoetii; f fiCe it tos.ty, that the detention, los a.separation and dam age to Goods, invartably allentlint! three 7'raushipments between Pitt S l lllr2 l l and riihriclpiiia are by the turtle-41e Boat molt effeetnallv remored. The l'o - rtabin Boat pls,:esse; the ;treat advaniage ton. of being well ventilated and cool In Summer; which pry crams Flouv from souring, and Bacon and l'obacco from ewe:ding. 11. Devine., standing as he doeß, between the owners of goods a nil the floatmen who carry them, and egaally interested in protecting the intervsis of both, will make no promises to the pub: ic he will not faithfully perform. ❑e is 11001 prepared to receive and forward Proilnee to Philadelphia. ilettimore, New Vor k, and Boston in the shorir.t time, and pled4i's Itini,el to enter into no com. hinal ion with other Line4,l,nt always stand ready to carry nut the principlesof ilia Line, and contract for freight on the very totwcst terms. itirT o give ondonhted-serority to owners and shippers of goads an open policy or 111,11-ante has heen effeeted. by which all merchaildize shipped by 014 Line will be In=rated without any additional f.goetise to the owner. H. Devine will receive all produce consietted to hlm at Pittsburgh, pay frei.zlit and chants to t 4 train Boat: and forward the same without delay to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge for advancing or commission. It DEVINE A:cot, N 0.4,5 'Miter st., EtORBID:;E Arent, 1272 Market street, Philadelphia MOORE hC ASE Auenta, 75 Bowlev's Wharf, Baltimore BOWEN 4 , lIIBBERD, A'e,ent. Cincinnati, In CULVER WOODBURN, "%flew. Madison toil. Thos. 'Mc.% I) 1M , Ca. A,, rl 27 Old slip New Yo March 10 .1::42 Ready made Coffin Warehouse, 141tteth. St , 2,teors from the U. S. Ranh. WM. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, R E I h L ' L r . e . ' ll i L e i l l ' n re r 7ti n y ' n i ] e d e P n e e n I % l :a t h e re house to the buildlnt: recently , ocetipied by Mr. R. G. It,:riord, directly opposite his old st where he is always urepared to aWncl promptly to any orders in his line, and by Firirt aft: noon to all the details of the tirt , iness of an Undertaker, he hopes to merit public confidence; He will he preparen at ♦L!.ftoCRF to provide Hearses, Birrs, C io.es and every requisite on the MO3l liberal terms. Calls from the country will he promptly attended to. His residence is in the same building with his Wart. house, where those who need his services may find him stony time. RITTEEPCIf , : W.W. IRWIN. SKY. .7011?.1 ELar R. D. D. REV. ItoDICHT BRETZ, D. D /C/Dat PATTON. miry, SAMUEL /CTICZ RIDDLI W. H. hi'CLCRE, SAActi•RRIII, imp 10 R FOR S A I.E.—The underslgued offers for 6:11e farm, lying in ROY Township 41 tniles trom the City of Pittstiorgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which 60 arc cleared nod under fence, Its to 15 to 20 acres of meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of A poles t few Pearl; and Cherry trees—the improvements are a i.trge fra me home cunt:the! ug 10 rooms wellfurni hed,calrulated for a Ta vern o, private Dwelling. a frame Barn 23 by 60,stone baseinoit, and maligns!, sheds ntd other out hollFes Snit • able for a tertemenit-2 :Irma Gardens surrounded with corral!' bushes, and a well of excellent water, with a pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pitishurgli and A Ile.,:heny market, there is no place nosy offered for sale with moreindutement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will he made moderate, for further ortrticuinrsappiv to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCIIEI,I N. N. If not sold before the Ist of Ortnlu•r 11.-x t. it wilt be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to sull pur - fra !UV. Sep I Regular Morning Packet for Beaver. cast runiiii.g and well knowr. Siramer CLEVELAND. SHARP Ugh:J . llm.. Master, will depart d.IIIV from burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M,, and Reaverat 1 o'clock P. 51, For freight or pass.oge, apply on hoard, or to BIRNIINGHANI & CO. No 60 Water street. N. B.—The rezu lar canal pact.et to (level° no Ohlo Greenville and Meadville. Pa ; and M assillon on the Ohio Canal,ennnect;ny, with strainer Cleveland at flea• ver.will be in °petition immediately on openins of r.::v• igation, mar t( -ir PILES cured by the t se of Dr. flarlirh's Compound Etrenzthening and German A perient Pilrs Dr. Ilarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the Agency from yttu for the sale of your medicine. I formed an aminaintanrewi.b a lady of this place. who was severely afflicted with the Piles. rot eight or len years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician ronsidsred her case so complicated, that he very seldom preset ihed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using sour Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4-e. JAMES R. K I RRY October 3, IR4O. Chamttershmj, Pa. 11 —,7 0tlice and General Depot, No 10.Nortit Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets Pittsburgh. sep 10 ttrtlitr-'Vraelgr . • " I Vity will ye lice at this p.m dying rale?' 444 4 4 R: E. HUMPHREY' S VEGET' BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, 4 , c. o be had al TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, 86 Fourth st, the only agent in Pitisburgh. Feb -22. AS USUAL. ATO sooner does one or Dr. Leidy' preparations be come popular, in conSefillelleC of Its swain and ef ficitcy, llmo it is counterfeited or imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr Lrnly has now procured moulded bottles for his celebrated Teller and lien Oct.i meat, with the words , Dr Lctily's Toler end Itch nivnl;hlown in the glass, besides containing Ills written signatui e on a yellow lobel outside. Dr Leidy's 'Vetter and Itch Ointment, has proved more rffienci ou s titan any other preparation for Teller, I (Hi, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of toe skin generally, It has bees employed in schools, factori ts, and on I'oard veels carrying passengers, where children. as well as grown persons, contract diseases of tie skin from their contagious nat fie, with the most unexampled surcesz; certificates and recommendations have been heretofore published from them, and nnm,•rous others might he ob. t ained 10f publication, but for I he objections most perfuns have, to having, their names publi s hed In connection w ilt such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instance has it ever been known to fall. It has been used upon infants and by persons of all ages. It Is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in Its composition, and may be used under all circumstances. Price Twenty-five cents a bottle- Prepared and sold at Dr Leidy's Health Emporium, (sign of the Golden Ea• gle and Serpents,land by B. A. FALINEitTOCE it CO. oner of Wood arid Ellgth streets, Agents for Pittsburg,. ju'y 12 RLV.JOAILVII XEIiR REV. JANIS M. DAVI? REF. Y. P. SWIFT. Contagious Diseases, and Change of Temperament. Ole-Water mast be adapted to- the nature of the fists ur these will he. no propogatlon of the species. The Soil tonal he adapted lo the seed, or there will be no In crease. Tim climate must have those matters in It which will unite and keep alive epidemical or contagion., poi sons, or Hwy will become eninguislicd, as a lamp lam is sinsimplsed with oil. So It Is likewise with the hu man frame, II raitnot lie materially affected by epideml. calor conta.;iaus in [ladies, unless there be those matters floating in I,re circulation which offer the appropriate soil. By I urifyins our bodies with the BRANDtIXT Pit.i,s, which awe affinity with those impurities upon which contagion feeds, we may .sways Teel secure, whatever disease may rage around us. True, we may have It, tint it will soon be over, our sickness will tie the utralr of a day or two, while those who have been too wise to use this simple and excellent remedy, tither die, or have weeks perhaps months of sickness. Sudden changes from very hot to chilly weather ate unfavorable, to health; and IL is a fact universally admit ted, that heat and e»oistitre are powerful agents In pro during disease, and that constant DRY and constant WET weather are both favorable to its generation; it does not signify mist we call it; it may be ague, it nay be hippos lever; it may lie yellow fevers it may be dysentery; It litav he rheumatism; it may he bronchitis; it may Ise chol ic; it may he constipation of I he bowels; it may he infla. illation of the how.' Is, it may lie inhumation of the sham. ach: it miy be a new its aSrect ion; siftl it is di=ease, and a disease coralsle by the Drandreth Piits, because they remove all liumirit les from the body, all that can In ally manner teed the furl her progress of the malady, no m.o_ ter how called; thus these pills are not only the most ornper medicine. but generally the only medicine that need or ought to he used. At the present time it is every Ina a 's duly who wishes 10 secure his heal!li to Use them; it is t he duty ()revery one who knows anything of their health restoring powers,t o make it known in Ins imme diate circle, For there are some alartnintt signn, Whielt tell of Ire approach of disease. The sudden changes of semperament sire more to be feared and guarded against Cm., an, CO ildsious in it hly. The I Nrixtsz t has left many in such a state of weak ness that !herd is in them a erect su.ceplibllity lo lie al reeled 11 ilr•go (11:Inv's of the at nin:etTere and caniagiotts bui by 'homy ass oflirandret les Pills, even n "ttt this sitscepl lie is a great measure ternov ed, and power givea the system to resist these morbilic poisons, and the sudden changes in the weather with which it may he hrosis lit In contact during the next fifty days. N attire has formed the bowels of the evacuation of all unliellihv 111111111 r., and if man would Mit !see commos =en e. lie would take care they performed this office fal' [i rony, If the bowel: are aril of order; if too slow or too suet, a few doses of Heroines rn PILL! will Orlin% them to nrdrr, Ask the wan whO was dying from constira. led !towels what Mired him; lie tells you, Etrandreth's rills. Ask him who had dysentary for six months, and every remedy had fared; lie will ako tell you the ltran sire'h Pills curedhilninn week. So with other diseases. Twelve Braisdrs-th Pills ruhbrd fowls in a pint of um. las , es, cured a little boy of an 'Weer of [lie fare, wide!' was rapid'y spreading to Id+ ryes, and which a doz en il,) , :;cir4 had tried to en-e, 1,111 eisuhl not: the poor parents vented have 2• veal half thee were worth In have had it cured, but every thing they tried did no good, until they gave It 1 te I or molasses every day, half a pint of st We l; they hail rublird down serve Drawl , is h,fore the whole of the molasses was isssom the ulcer was cli , ell. Arid some foolish prop'.' call PI i:s a quark medirine. It would I , e well if i here were a few more such quack medicine!. Will ail vane ofeteuhl. , arsausrilla Compounds cure like the lirandrelli Pills? Can they send you is itersons ct• Rico, as Dr. Itr.tvittreth fan? Can they point out 10 you itenole Who had heen helplr=e for years f out EP 'levy sr d Ft. Vim.' Dance who have been cured by Iha it reitiedie-? If they easinni, Or. Itrandretti rats -- l'a ft Hier point out In tall a person who for tweet) scar. hail never hash a slo , tl Without list, Ina used Mel— trine, or n s erhanien r ears.; and WllOl. the Praildr( to Dills cured ill n month, and gave him as 'mantis evacuations as no had when be was a child. If they cannot, 1). Bra tlilrel Is run. Tile BRANDI: EMI rI Lt.s not only do cure, ail curea eliseense.c, but it era lin (tenoned raieil, that Icy fierier strode' toe. Dicey mast inialitely Cure. 1111 a Very short time, Dr Ittandreth will hiller: before the public a con— ceentrat too of Ih•• virtues oleic Brandreth rius, both ire the form or rill:. and in a !Mid form, and that hr rs 11l explain the r, a , on of tin• cenrei that most oereseearily lee the i result of 11 , if12 the PR 'et DRETI.I N It EM 1 7 . D. ES. wtertlwr the y be inlern•tt ur c xecronl. I have Ju>t re rieivied the rase Cl I. tneetiral reeidleodan to-idea at She I hriok, raifila, who for I vecenly years was sorely afflicted re ill! disease, which (a ine out to lilolcbes and scales all over his lovely. hes erntleom bso far forgot the ft . l judice; which too ()lien curse his pia , SSiol l , as (0 apply personally In Dr. lir, nelrei le, and hes court• proved a happy one; within six tweed li. bn Was cicieree, tilted of rahhe and totinenting t•tsease 112, the use of the Brand , tit Ptl's. The UN.' 01 . I Ile Brar.droili rill.: ran in 110 nnFr do ioja ry. heenuse they art , made of 1 ho=e herb: and ro, is xI e• net , ce Its. fon° proved atwHys harowtrze wt:h U e hu man body. Tile oinl,s on of ourone with thorn C:.ito, ofAirkno-s, is oilen the vtu-t7 ul a lopg attack,ofter endirtztoidy by ces , at ton of Id . • How important i ie that this course oliosild t e pursed; it will not 001) he the SUreAt 11,1111111 ofrenloriutt, bin It it will In a great measure prevent the rerur re. ce of roes , iluilonal maladies—it w1:1 surely weaken the ma. I nett of t I: , and in 11010 seruce robust health.. A • writ tr all v.. or.rrrte 'trier/repo. , the Mato/to I i Ti' have been aiau riulir courrter 'erred, h t I have rucceerl% erl or 11.11'1112 I.Xl`, 'Ol,l 'I'IIh E 1 LADEI.S, (and which .‘ re :roof 116110 of se • h Inlrinsie workronneloo a- I o Ir:r1 Ileflaere 10311 feline nni' Mors. Now, bowel:- e.. 3 errs r% it pr. -reefs it,e.ll My advert kereent , are ink., v, rha I in, a'ld 13-4,1 by all the tner/lcitte mon. of the day. WllO merely take my name ten nod rt the 'mole of I heir medicine in the Ware of Bran Pills occupied in the atiVeiliseinent (hut Ololc❑ from the. Time will prove how these speculative gen tleinen Fu.tain tbrmcr Iven. MY rllttarni may rest satisfied that to on a , my iiro and erter2ies are permitted lie by an OV ER - RULI NI: PROVIDENCE, attend personally to the preparation of the Brandreth Pills, and tit; t thoAe properties which have thus far remlerel them no popu tar, will still be cool toned uointilared. . _ The BramDein rills are mold by one anent in every place of intunriance throughout the world; each 821'111 haying a cettificale of agency from Dr. Biand'elli, hay. ing facsimiles of label!! on the Branddrelli rill boxes en graved thereon. BR ANDREI N'S PILLS are sold al 25 els. per bnx, with full diFfTIiODS At IhePRINiIeALOFFiiC,24I Broad way, 274 Flowery. 1891 Hodson et reet. The lohowihd ale duly appointed agent; for the rale of the Elrandteth Pine In PITTNBURCII—G. 11. LEK. Stewart,lown —Cite:4 , llmo k Spaulding. Clinton —Jo; Carmel!. Cranberry 'l'p.—R. 11. McKee. Butler—Lane. Campbell k Co. . Prospect—G.:\. Kirkpatrick. Put - tem/Me—Peter Musser, Purlersyille John 011ieer. Mi. Pleasant—ll. ' J. Lippencalt. k C. Moore. We'd N. Winn—M. P. Smith. Youti2.-town—McAtte 4 co: ens . t:G it: INS TRUM ENTS! SURGICA IN -17 S PRUNI ENTS!— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Vurgi , al Instrument .111aker, Third Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Pitt,burfh (SIGN U(' THE GOLDEN :411EAR8.) Dentists and Itru:4l , ts can have their in• rutnents wade bv the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always nn hand also Ilalterg Shears. a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B. Allartlelef warranted of the best quatity.and obidng Bane u , nal. sup 10 SPARK El'H ER'S HEPATIG ELIXIR Case of Liver Complaint of 25 years fitandtng This may certify that far twenty five years I was af • flitted with pain In my side, which was frequently en severe as to entirely Incapacitate me front labor. I have been natter the care c 1 treatment of various !flit siman wit limit any permatient 'learnt. Ilearing of the many cures effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Start:weather, I was induced to give it a trial, and ant happy in say that It has entirely removed. I have felt no eymptoms of it for ages than a year poet. Noel httrirtte,l,ineBll3o. 1841 A NI OS WHITE. The genuine to be had at 11JT1'LE'S Medical Agency, Fourth street. Denning's rite ~ 'roof Iron Chests. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. J. Daman—On Friday, the3olll of last niontlt,about 9 o'clock at night.the Fianing.Grcioving and Sash Man ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth k Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all tonsil. toed by fire. The Iron safe which f bought of you some time back was in the must exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot —I am pleased to Inform you it was opened at the close of the 6re, and all the books, papers, frc.saved;—this is the best recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. B. BRANDRETH, M. D The same may he said of BrandretA's Frternal Rem edy, as an outward application in all external pains, or swellings, or sores, it great!) , as.‘ists toe cure. When used where the skin is very tender or broken, it should he mixed with one or two pints of water. A sure near Genuine BrandretA Pills,—Exumine the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must he within the year, which every authorised agent must possess; if the three labels on the box agree with the ihrte labels on the certificate, the Pills are true—if not, they are false, Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York: TWIST A S SCOTT_ ' Adam. Patent "Zanghphy" Mills. HAPE now been before the public 3 rears du• ring which time several thousands have been sold and in daily use, We are confident of being suoained in saying they are the beat Coffee Mills in the United States, any way you .fizit.' Several modifications are madelo suit the fancy of wives and the purses -if husbands Sold by the gross or dozen at the manufactory,— Malleable Castings made to order. FAIRBANKS'PATENT PLATFORM SCALES These genuine articles, of all sizes. and ittml improved varieties,constantly on hand and for sale at very reduced prices by the manufacturer, L R. LIVINGSTON, mar 2. —if Front between Ross and Grant sta. ItE.IIOV4L. HOLDSHIP it BROWNE I_IA VE removed the! raper Store from Market A street to No. Ott Wood street, one door from the corner of iltn, where they kt-ep on hands their 113(1:11 as gm - intent or WALL PAPERS, fnr papering pariors,en tries, rhamiterg. c, and also PRINTING, WRITING and W PPI NG PAPERS, BONNET 'WARDS', 4•c aii of whirl' they offer for sale on accommodating terms, felt la, 1343.—dt f ti:/ - TO IN VA.,IaS. it:7-Ilow important it is that you commence without ISSS 011 km. WWI 13n ♦lt oneru's Pitta. They 0 ildly but surely remove all linpllrities from the hi nod, and no case of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele- Mated Pills do not relieve :In mach tie medicine can do. Colds and coughs are more benefited by the Brandreili Pills than by lozenges and cannies. Very well, per- It:Jos.:ls paliatives. but worth nothing, ne eradicators u r diseases front the human system. The BR•NDRRru PILLS cuse..they do not merely relit ve, they cure disease:.., whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will Certainly be cured by the use of these all 811111(1mi( Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. Einu Stan, iiirillarY 21,1843 Doctor Benjamin Braadreth—limmrml Sir:Owllig to you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I ant Induced to make a public acknowledge/Moil of the benefit my wi:'s Itas derived front your invalitable pills. About three years this winter site was taken with a pain in tier ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and swollen, so touch no that we became alarmed, an 1.1 sent for the doctor Duel lie higatiendance the pain and swell tog increased to an alarming degree,and In three weeks r , oin its first commencing it became a running sore— She could gel ho rest at iii;;ltt the pat n was so great.— Our first Doctor attended tier for six months, and she received no bettell' whatever, the. pain growing worse. arid the sore larger all the while. He sad if it was heal ed tip it would be her death, but he appeared to he at a losA how t. proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. lA'e therefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first saw it that he could soon cure the ,ore, and give her case at once, To our surprise he g: ye her no relief, and acknowledged that it baffled all skill. Thus we felt after having tried during one vvitole year the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, In alt.mlute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidß tailing in the prime of her years front her continued suirerine . Under cireun,tances we concluded that we would try your Universal Vo,vttaltle l'ills.deterinined to fairly les , their rural tve effects. To my wife's veal comfort the first few do.e. afforded .zr, at relief of the pain. Wilitin tine week, In the astonishment of our seise,. a tol every one who knew of the case. the swelling and the iiii.mitorti ion began in rem, so that she fell quite easy. aid woohl sleep crunfortahly, and, sir, oiler sin weeks' use she was able In 7,0 thrOU,:li the house. and nesin attend to the management of her family which she had not dine for nearly 19 month'''. In a Rule over two months front the time she first commenced the use of your invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite sound, and her hrntth better titan it had bren ia quite a number et v,arc art ore. I send you this stslement after ' vi test of tie cure, considering It only an act of justice tr you and the nubile a , large, Wt. arr, with much gra itude. Vet y re=prci TIMOTHY 4- ELI 7. A A. LITTLE P. F. The Rivaiiirit ftn-to- prorioniiceil !hest:re fall rfirma.. ! finally said no 2n...1 cool.' he 11.111 P, whole of the flesh wa , cut off, and t tic bone scraped.— Tlintik a kind Providence, 110 , made u, re-iort to your pills, which sated it , froll! nil and for which we hopes be thankful. k E. 1.. ter Sold at 25 eentri per hoc. with directions. Ohser ve the nets labetc, each Navin;; upon it two vi - natures of Dr, Brandretli. 1 4 . each 1 , 0 \of the genuine has FIN signal tires—three Be iijamin Brandretti and three It Brandreth upon it. Tine only place In Pittsburgh where the re,ll Bran dreth rill, ran i•e obtained, ic the Doctor's 011,11 %)41C1.. 1.1 tile Diam,nnd , behind the Markt' I house. Mark, the 4eimine 11randrctli Pills can never he obtained in any drub 51.1 Te. _ The followily: are lite only a: , ogarinothied by Dr. FT Rrandreili, for theealeaf his I'egeinhle Uttiver , al Pills in A ile.theny county: PRINCIPAL AGENT. G H LEE, Pittsburgh. Mr. John (1 , 0,—A y. Hobert Donenn—lttrmin9l.ara. C. F. D'ehl—Elizaheilii Own. H. Rowland—M'Keesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleas:lnt John Johnsion.—NohleNtown, ChP , CIIIIII S 117111111,11.1 -Plewnristown. A Mel! ,Sr Connell—Clinton. Robert: 4 lmill Porter—Tatenioni. GcorZ' Pinver—Fairett w. Dav! , l ft Conti- Plots township. Daniel Nez!ek —Enti Liberty, E•llVard Thompson--N ' II 11. o.llunter—Allen's MIII. mar 23, 1843 NOTICE 7'o DR. BRA.YDI.ETIPS .I(7ENTS. The office rittslittrall which was estahliAliett for the purpose of constiintiug agents in the west, having, accarn Wished 11.al object, is now closed, and Mr. C. H. I.CE in the Diatn and, Ntarket street, appointed my agent for the sale of and Liniments Ali Dr. Brancletlis agems will tnerfore.underwand,t hat DOI. will send a travelling agent through lite coUntry once a year incolloct moneys for sales made and re-supply agrees. The said traveler will he provided with a power of al torney, , duly proved before the Clerk 01 the city and county of Sew York, together will' all nec , ssary vouchers and papers, Mt. J, J. Yoe, Is ny now in Ponnsyl B. BRA NDETII, M. Di N. 8, Reinentlier Mr. • 11, L,'e, i n rear of the Mar ket is now iny only a'2Clll hi Pittsburgh. New Yosls,June 14111, 11:43, rim TRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH An Individual oily wishes to know the right way to pursue ii; and there are roue, welt it seneux made known 110 W Lift iniyut Lr prolonged and II •ITII re• Covered. o would not adopt Ihe plan. Evidence is required that the rezlit way is discovered. This is what those suffering from sick ins, want to he isitistied al mu. For who is so foolish as rot to enjoy all the health his body is cellulite 017 If ho is there that would not live when hi; rzot rienre ran so much benefit Itial‘.elf and family? It is a nielaneholy fart that a very tare(' pro portion of the most tt sett I members of society die be tween the ages of thirty and forty. flow many widows and helpless oridnins have been the consequence of man. kind not having In their own power the mean, or restor iir health when lost. Now au these dancers and difficulties can be prevented and the long and ccrlalit sirkness, nod by assisting Na nue.in the outset, with a good dose of Itrandreth's Pills. This is a fart, writ millet stood to be sin by thousands of nor citizens This medicine, if taken so as to purge freely. wili surely cure any curable disease. There is no form or kind of sirko,, , , that it does not exert a cur ative influence upon. 'I lius.by their power In resisting putrefaction, they cure measles. small pox, worms and all rout ageolts fevers. There is not a niedicine In the world Au aide to purify the mass of Mood and restore it in healthy condition, as the ftrandreth The ftrandrolli Fills are purely ve..!etatile, and 1.0 in nocent that the infant of a mot th old may use them if medicine is rrquired, not only with garety but with a cer. (allay of receivinl all the benefit meilietnit capable of imparlintt. Females may use them in all tile critical periods of their lives. The Brandrith Pills will insure their he Ilh, and produce regularity in a'l the functions of life. Headache ! Headache ! Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS, A ES now known tothousands asa most eztraorditta A ry remedy for this riff3ietlon as well as the incon trovertiblefset of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask among their friends if they have Dot known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they do not hear them more warmly pralixd (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them net buy them. 1u these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at any time but what can be Inlay proved by respectable insulters of our community. Read the following certificate riven by a respectable citizen of .llloglieny citv,and atulsted by one of theiudg CS of the Court of Common Pleas of. Allegheny ro. ALTA:MIENS( CITY, January 9, I ,5 , 1.3- Dn. Pconte, Dear Sir—l have for a number of years past becn af— flicted with a severe and almost constant Headacite.3— rising front derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine, re commended for its cure, have never derived any mate rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable A n . ti Dy.peptie Pills. 1 have not taken quite two holes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distressing complaint. I have no hesitalidii in recommending your Pills as the best medicine I have t ver used. Yours, Respectfully, J. B. TURNER, f am arqua.nted with Mr, Turtle-, I have no hesita ton in certifying that I consider the statements or Slr, T. respscoing Dr. Brodie's P.lts, as entitled to tile most pert - erg and entire confidence. HUCH DAVIS For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Brodonlan Pill F.statilisninent Pittsburgh Pa ; aid by all authorised a gents throughout t he Union. Alle'y city Jan 9 1x45 jan 13—.1 y. WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evaos's Camomile CERTIIICA.TeS.-I.e , ler from the floe. A 1WCIrl• lan,Sullivaii County, East Ter.necF.ec,ltlemberof Convess W.L. , IIiNGTON, July 3,1. 1828. Sir—Since I have been in this city 1 have used some of vuor Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and sails faction, and believe it to ben coact valuable remedy. One of my :onstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell crupy, Teurreesee. wrote to me to send him some. which 1 did. and he has niployed it very successfully in his practice, and says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, yonr agent al tleis place,e thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper per , on to officials :or the sale of yJur celebrated medicine. Shonld you commission hint he Is witting: to act for you. Yon can send the medicine by water to the rare of Robert Kin% 4. Sons. Knoxville county. Tennes. see, or by land to Graham 4 tlonsion, Tazewell, Cast Tennessee. 1 have no doubt but If you had agents In several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medi cine would he sold. lam going to take entire of it home for my own use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether yon would like all agent at Rluntville. Sullivan County, Cast Tennessee; I cart get some of the merchants to act for you as 1 live near there. Yours respectfully, ARR ADAM itI•CI,F.LI.V.I, of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R C SOLI ERS..Agent, cep 10 No.-211, Wood slreet.below Second. in k ß. WILLIAM EVA NS'S SOOTHING SY RITP.— 1...1 This Infatlttle remedy has preserved hutuireds when thought past recovery, hens convulsion.. An coon ac the Syrup k rubbed on the onk, the rltitil will rent v. er. This preparation is so Innerent, so 4'n:tar-Uwe. and so pleasant, that ro child will refuge to let its emus lie rub hod with It. %Vitro infantAare at the age of four months Ito' there is ro appearance of teeth. One Lott le of the Syrup should he wird to open the pores. Parents shotit i i ev. r 6e without the syrup In I lie nursery where there are flune rhildren.for if a child wakes in the night with naitt in the 41tin A. the Setup illllll..liialeiy tIVCA cane, by opeuHlT he porez+, and healing the _urns; thereby prevent- trio rouvu mins, Fevers, Far . Sate hole.ale and Retail by R. E. SCLI.F.P.S, No. 30. IVo,(1 si reel, lir luw Secolij y IVER COMPL..AINTcurrd by the 11 ,.e of Dr. Bar. 1.1 ilcil'a compound SI renv Lenin: and Aperient rills. Wtn. Richard., of Pa.• entirely cured of the above diAresiin.l diNeai.e symptoms were pain and weii!ht in the left side, less of appetite, vomitiniz, acid eructations. a distension of the stomach..iiick heart-ache, furred tonttue. counienance changed Ina citron color. dA• rutty of lireathinz. disturbed rest, attended n tilt n cough, seat debility. with other symptom. indica! intr !real de. ranzemeni of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard had the advice of several phy , ielawc, hut tereiv”d on relief. nil tiqn.i. Dr. Ilarlicio's Medicine. which tertoina. ted in elTrictinz a pe•feel CM' P. Prinripal Offke, 19 .Numb Street. Phihdaluhirt. For vale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Mabee y and Wood streets. sep 10 BA RON VON DUTCH C.1.E1. El F. 11.11 PILL These Pills are ectutitn4ed of het Is, %Ow, exert a specific ac.inn upon the heart, dive impulse or si reneth to lhe arterial st stem; the blood is quickened :1.,11 equalized in its circulation Ihroudh all the vessel=, whether nf the the pails si nated Internally, or the Prinentitie,; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn front the lilood Mitt e k a consequent idcreas, of every secretion, and a quickened 'shoe of the ahmrben'• and en paten', r.r i.:lfeliart:intz vessels. Any mordid ac: itm which may Itzve taken place is corrected, all Wviratt.- :lOUS are re:ate - red. t blond tan unfied. and the body eeTtines at nt tkfr.!itate. Fos i ale Wlinle,n le end R e tal'hy F 1 SF LLEFS„Anent, ) Wood st. below ~•cr.ond Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory. Ofv'ST.I.VTL 1' on hand a superior articlairf Lard Oil, wit! ranted to hum at any tenyer.:ture, and equal to the bust winter strained Sperm Oit , without its ”trenzive go:1 , 01es. and one third cheaper. man_ ulactured by !lie qtbscriber at the old nu ed Thi st., n• , arly oppo,ite the Cost Otfice• 3 1 . C. EDEY. Jan. 4 .1843 BIRMINGHAM LOCK AND SCREW FACTOR'S:. E snitseriher having opened a shop No 6'4, Perntid so reel het ween Mar Let tindWOotl st reelStP I: isiturZlit n colt nehit n with tue l'ittlery in Eirmitittltain, rt fully ittf tritt.s his It ientls and the pultrie, that he o itt t happy to he favorrd with their orders for any article: , in his tine, Door Locks and ra-deners,o various d.scriptirms. or. liana and made to ordrr. Tobacco Mill and Serews. Screws, for Iron Work.s,and Screws for I'reescs • made as may be required, Corneae, and Builders are requested to call 1..-fore coniraciin2 fur joba, and examini , leis aHides nod to ices Cocks repaire.lanii joi,hing acne rully untie in be first matiner.au.loti the lowest terms. may 2-6..ai JAS. PATTr.IZSON. Jr' IMPORTANT FACTS I) R. LEIDY'S SlasneAalLt.t, BLOOD Pius, are apali• cable in all ca,,,q, whether fur Purgation. or Purifi cation. They po=-r , n all the boasted viri ors of other pills, and are. additionally efficacious, conlaittitir. Sar.ap arilla iu ti it composit ion. which Is not conialeed in any other pills inexistence. They arealso different from 0111 er pills in composition. being purely vegetable, and can he employed at ail times, without any dai...ter, and re quiring no restraint foot oc,upation or ii.sual course of Not with.tandinT, Dr. Leidy once,. pretended Mil Wood Pills would cure all ditease.s, t el it is not satin_ Inn timrh of t hem, from the innomeral le cureit performed by I Item In every vat isit v and form of disease (rertifientes of toasty or whirl, kiss been publkbed from persona of all ietintn• Itiatiomt, Ills aterns. Clergymen, and other.) that [het' seem to he almost universal in their effect; and peistsies usinz them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest assured they will he found more efficacious than any oil, er pills in existence. From the known reputation of Dr Lelily's flood riitQ, lir , deemed necesnry to remind the pudic where they may at all times procure the sennine, as it is attempted io impose other pills called •Illood Pills' upon ttie pnblie on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. fri-Be partirtear and ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla flood Pills. and see that the name of Dr N. B. Leidy Is cant . Died on two sides of each hox.(the boxes halos ofpaper, and oloong,square shape, surrounded by a yellow and black lat.cl. PRICE-2.5 cents a Box. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retails at Dr Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second street, he low Vine. Philadelphia, and by B. A. FA HiVE.F TO C CO. corner of Wood and ?lzth st re• ta. Agents for Pitts .... • ISSN—kt Eat tk ,N-,1,-Ti,csv. -IS re .0 )- ,/ /5/ ~. , , ~. -, 1111 E. sub9cril.er leas just received Ws anneal supity L Landreth's Garden Seeds, eonruslioe in part of tie following kluds—all of the tart yearacrop 4- warranted :engine Egg Plant, Bearag s Beets, Leans, Leek, W twee, Mater Melon, Nusk, Etidit e, Kale, Pumpkin, Radish, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Solitary, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spinach, Celery, Okra, • Curled Cress, Onion, Cucumber, Parsley, Mustard, (white and brown) asturtrum, Squash, Tomatoes, Turnip, Coro , &c. &c. To:ether Wllll.l varlet y arm 4- Sweet herbe.sr.d ElowEr seeds, C4r Orders for Seeds, Slirub.?; Tr , es, 4c from Garden. era and others wilt he received and promptly attended P. L• SNOW DEN, No. 11:4 Liberty. head of Wood at. Cincinnati, Fcbraary 15. 1840 Dr. SWAYNE—Dear > irt- Perini! Inc to take the liberty of writing to you at I Ws time to express my a ppratation, and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiana. or Wild Cherry Bark. to my travels of late I Ilan, Sett' in a great many instance, the wonderftil effects of your medicine in relieving chil dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing., Wheezing, Choaking of Phiezm, Asthmatic attacks, 4e, .ke. I should not have written this letter. 'towers; at pre , •en. although I have felt It my duty to add my tesVn ninny It for some time, had it not been for a late In. stance where the medicine above alluded to was instru mental in restoring to perfect health an "only child," whose ease t%ns almost hopeless, inn family of any as. quaintance. ol thank heaven." saint the Boating moth. er, omy child is saved from the Jaws of death' 0 how IF feared the reletilles , s ravager But my child is safe! id safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Cherry is the most valuable medicine in thta or any other country. lam certain I have witnessed more than one hundred cases where it has been attended with com plete sue, rev. I am using ft myself in an obstinate at. tack of Liscrreckilis, in which It proved effectual in a •x. ceedincly sitort time. considering the severity of the ease. I ran reromend it in the fullest confidence of Its superior vlrittrs; I would advise that no family should be without it; it Is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and viten ten timee it , pi ice. The public are as sored there is no quackery about It. R. Jarasos.D. Formerly Pastor of the First Presb)terlan Chorea., N. Y. Sold by WM. THORN. who'esate .• retail, only agent (Or Pittslmrc!s. No. 53. Nla•ket •tree!. pep 10 A nooN 'l'o I'll H I.'lll A N 1 ACI:!-- , .Discover - achat traldeetrt,y Life, and you are a great SUM thsccrer arlll prolong Life, and tire /sold sit. call you fraraetar.” • There are faeuttiea hada:, and intellectual, within us . wish which certain herbs have affinity, and over whiaA they hare rawer." Dr. U. Biandrelh's External Remedy, or Linlmenl• by Its extraordinary power... nistrtiele Palo of Sort ne-to this Sprains. Ft ' •ff Sinews. Swellings, Rheumatic Pains, or Slane" i'llrihess or tile Joitlix, 'rumors, I'nnarural Ilardoess, Stiff' Neck yore Throat, Croup, CollirathilllS of the muscles, Scrottibms en. larcemeqs. Tender reel, and every description or lo• j., r y alreettne the Exterior of the Unman Fiume, tale d or areatly relieve, by his never•to be abffetest remedn. CERTIFI , . —The followlmt letter from Itlnior Cr.P rear Sandford, as to the qualitlasofthe External Reme• dy, speaks volumes. Dear Sir—Wilyou °Mize ore with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It a...certainly the hest of the kind I have ever peen. It has cured courtly my son's knee, ahout which 1 W 1 sn tineacy.and I have found it productive of immediate relief in cevcral ears of extet - nal injury in my fami!y. A few eVeldr.g,i 9111C1.. my von nee