_ . HOWARD 4. e.;u„ Manufacturers of 044 1 Paper, Na. 18, Wood Street, PittsbargA, Pa.— Sapresslways on hand en evensive assortment of Salle Slat .11 and plain rArea HANOINGS, Velvet nod mitation Border., of the Ii style and handsome patterms, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They twanufactitre and have on hand at all times— *Printing. Writing,-Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon act ant Pullers' Bo ittls—all of which they offer fur sale rt. the 112ast aceommodattng terms; and to wick they vi.e the atteut ton Or merchants and others. \ LSO—Blank Rooks Grail kinds and the beat qualify, et! tol Rdok.d, etc. tilvv.tya on hand and for sale as above 44, K Razst nd Tar.:ters' Scraps' takes' In exchange RE )10 V L.— rite undersigned begslcave to iliform the public, that lie itas removed from his old stand, To the corn r of Penn and St. Clair sts., oppositethe Cf. Clianv Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Put° Forvit WARE Root, and now offers for sale the most splendid aisOrl went of NAMUR ever offered in this market. Hta pintos consist of dl:ferent patterns, of superior Rome Wood andliozatty, beautifully finished and mo• dpie,i and ro,:tineted throushout of the very bent ma lariats, which, for durability, and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen 41,!re. As lie has r Warzed his ma nu factory, and made arrange. ‘reent4 to supply the lin:re:ll'in: demand for this instru• nicnt, lie reAdeet fatly rognems those. Intending to pur. 'chase to call and. xamine his ag , ortment before piirclia. -sin% elsewhere, as lie is determined to sell LOWKR, for 'cash ,than any other establishment east or west of the ' mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of• Penn and St. Clair el reets, -se l .lo O s iriiolie the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa. rlf,l l lllZtu.i - isCrillcr hasp's*, received front Philailelpiiiaani 1 New York, with a ttrneral and extensive as wield or DRUGS. c H h•,:m fCAL S, PERFUMERY, and .every article in his line of business, which he is deter. - Waned tn sell on the inna reasonable tcruts ror cash.— He-believes he can Jfier stronger inducements than any esiahltshinent in this city to country Physicians and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with 'Dritli and Medicines. Ills articles have peen selected with the ntarne4 care, and are warranted orate bestgaal iiy and nn for it eirength. Orders tvOl be filled with ac • curacy and ele.taliCe. s can be supplied with Fine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable vari.tly, and of 'the most exTilsite perfilines; likewise with Perfumery Cosmo its of cvr ry descrip•ion. l'he tinder-ivied returns his t hanks for Iho I ibera I siiio port heretofore extended io him, and hopes by a constant dispsKitinu to please and accouunodate—a care in pro -coring and sehll tenuty what is excellent and genuine—a close supervisinn of the sales and transacllon of the estah it:fitment—precaution and accuracy in compoundi med. C1P43 , -.2•14 by indus:ry and perseverance, to mer. Din] •rdallei of pnblic pat ronatle Stay. q,, WILLIAM THORN. La 1 what wakes your teeth so unusually white? Quoth ,10311 . ti duicinia to hint l'other night, To makeyoure look so, with a grin, replied lost', veArought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 'Tss the hest now in use., so the gentlefolks say, Acid since they have tried this, cast all others sway .But to ravelt the best, to make the tees II shine, %Look again, my dear rat, at the lustre of mine. Then try It Is great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And see if this Tooth Wash of TilOfICS is not fine Having tried Dr.•tThorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' and become acquainted with the ingredients of its compo sition, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as Ws sae of the most pleasant Tooth Washes now in use. • 'Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. II tate pleasure In stating, havinv, made use ort Thorn's Tea Berry. Tooth Wash," itzt it is one of the best deu• Wilms In use. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a fragrance peculiarly desirable. .1. P. TIBBETTS. Id. D. The Undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found It to bean extreme. ty pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary lan. enee over the Teeth and Gumv , , preserving those Indis- Orsosahhs members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. nay. tag thorpugtily tested its virtues, we take pieasnre In re. sommendhe it to the public, belleeing It to be the best ar- Alde of the kind new in use. 411 ROBORTSON, JAMES P JACK, story' HPEEBLES. CHAS B SCULLY, C EARRROH, WM AFCANDLESS. M MOORHEAD, JAS S CRAFT. - L' RJMO WALT, L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by WILLIAM mon N. Apotheca r;ii and Chemist, Na. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and &tall the princina Dracgists', and Tuttle's Medical Agen y, Fourth street. sep lEB.—T here is a large class of Females in C_lLtblvCßy who from their cootiouvititting, to which their occuataions oblige' Item,areaffected with costiveness whiels gives rise to palpitation at the heart un the least ex ertion:sense of heaviness extendietover the whole head, Satuterahee of light and sound ,an inability of fixing the intestinal to any mental operations; rumbling In the bow els, somellmesa sense of suffocation, especially after vacate when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; iempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at Once to a few dosesof the Brandretli Pills The occa. - Monet nee of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of-suffersng. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth rill& just before dinner, are of en found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condislon.entiven the spirits, Impart clear. naval° thecomplexion,purlfy the blood. and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Bold at Dr. 13-audreth's Office. in the Diamond Pilttsbursh—r rice 25 centa per box, with full directions. al A RK—The only place in Piushurgh, where the gNUI NP. Pills can be obtalned,ls the Doctor's own Of. ace, Diamond. Sep. 10 Dr. Leidy's Tetter 8c Itch Ointment. OR the cure °revery variety of TETTER, the ITCH, F and all diseases of the Skin, has proved itself more efficacious than any other prep - intl.:hi for the stale pur• pose In use. Upwards of live hundred certificates might he prorated and published of its efficacy from School Teachers, Pro. prietors of Factories. Parent., Guardians, Child Nurses, Captains of vessels and other., were it not for the deli cacy in having their names published in connection with such disocrecabic affections. By the use of Dr Leidy's Teller Ointment hi corjunc. tlon with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he will guarantee to cure any disease common to the skin, however had, or of however long standing, or refund the money. There are however very feiv instances tan can be oared the• Ointment alone. Print 25 GeTit. a Box. Prepared only and sold wholesale and relnil at Dr Lel dv's Health Emporium, 191 N. Second at. Phibidelnhia. sad by ft. A. FMINE.STOCK 4. Ca. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Asenis for Pittsburg. July 12. PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU- - Frill E subieriher would rerpectfully inform the citizerts crrit . mrgh. Allegheny and their %Asir it ies, that he . has ecutinenced mantrftwaring the article of Lard 01 and Candies. He intends making hut one quality, which will equal the hest made in the Union and not surpassed by the best winter st rained sperm oil either for machinery or burning, without its offensive properties, and one third cheaper, TEE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO !MAN IX ANY TEAIPERATURE. The subscri. bee wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that it Is not necessary to purchase any new tangled lamps that In daily palmed trptin them as being requisite t burn the lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant ih can obtain It by calling at the old stand,Sd street, nears, opposite the Post Office U. C EUEY. Tee seessibra of Wbalatale &elan, Cba reties and nog chisbisf asessediya °belied. 14 11...-.,i tb eintrils wt II bear Ow matisfactuvet Pint 1343 ifs FACTOY NDIVIDU EVTIMPRIZE" UNITED STATESk PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For the Transportation of Merchandize and Prodac Bertrees PITTSBURGH AND PHILADEL 'MA AND FITTSBURGH AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK. AND BOSTON. EViNE respectfully inform the public that they H• have completed their arrangcatentsfor the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES The public has long wished for Individual competition in Tratt.portation on the Public Works, by which alone it can be freed from tinnerei3ary expense.; and reduced to itstewest rates; that wish will now be realized; the Slate of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail Roads. Individuaei ownliig, Portable Boats are enabled to hid for tile Carrying Trade and ,incccasfutly to com pete with companies. This line iscotnposed of Twenty new, Four Section Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command them and well known as enierprising, industrious and experienced Boatmen. • The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other !node ofTcansportation, are too well known to shippers generally,to require comment; aof lice it to say, that the detention, loos,separation hod data ago to Goods, Invariably attending tarn Transhipments between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable Boat most effectually removed. The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too, of being well veitti/ated and cool In Simmer; which pre. vants Flour from soaring, mad Bacon and Tobacco from sweating. 11, Devine, standing as he does, between the owners of goods and the Boatmen who carry them, and eqaally interested In protecting the interests of both, will make no promises to the public he will not faithfully perform. He is now prepared to receive and forward Produce to Philadelphia, Baltimore. New York,and Boston in the shortest time, and pledge's to enter into no cont. Moat ion will' other Line.v,hut always stand ready i o carry out the orinciplesof his Line, and contract for freight on the very lowest terms. vr To give nndonhled•security to owners and shippers of goods an open pulley of Insurance has been rffeeted. by which all merchandise shipped by this Line will be In , ttied without and additional espense to the owner. 11, Devine will receive all produce consigned to him at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam Boats and forward the same without delay to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge for advancinr, or commission H DEVINE Agent, No. 45 Water st., Pittsburgh. THO4.IBORBI 0:3 Agent, 1272 Market street, Philadelphia. MOORE k : ASE Agents, 75 Isowley's Wharf, Baltimore. BOW EN k lIIBRERD, Agents. Cincinnati, Ohio CULVER WOODBURN, Agent. Madison Ind. Thos. Mc AD AM, & re Agent March 10 -I:A2. 27 Old Slip New Yo Ready Wade Coffin eke Warehouse, S.Ban Fourth St 'ors frost u. k. WM. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, uctodffit e n t hat h e t R E lt P a E s e re l m77 j e A d t'Y in liisr r e o a r d m y ns m ti a le de P ware house to the building recently Jccupled by Mr. R. G. rierford, directly opposite his old stand, where he is always prepared to attireld promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict attention to all the details of the business of an Undertaker, he hopes to merit public confidence, He will be prepare° at •bt,uocas to provide Hearses. Biers, C isees and ever} requisite on the most liberal lei ms. Calls from the country will be promptly attended to. His residence is in the same building with his wart house, where those who need his services may find him atany time. rocrinExcre W.W.IIII.WIN. JUDOS LIDDLIt, !ODOR PATTON, W. 11.11'CM:rill, 'Air HARRIS, SOP 10 AR NI FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sate F his farm, lying In ROFI Township di miles from the City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which 60 are cleared and under fence, t mlsto 20 acres of meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Apples frw Peach and Cherry trees—the Improvements arc a .Jrge frame house cont offline 10 roums well furnished, calculated for a Ta vern a. private Dwelling. a frame Barn 25 by 60.slone haeenumt, and stabling, sheds I. rid other out houses suit able for a tenement!-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes, and a well of excellent water, with a porno in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for sale with more Inducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will he made moderate, for further particularsapply to the proprietor at hi:Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCHELL. it N. B. If not gold before tile Ist of October next. will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tosult put .Ita se TN . scp 10 Regular 'Morning Packet for Beaver. rrilllE Past running and well knowr 1. Strainer _ CLEVELAND, SHARP Hatararta.. &Mater, will depart daily from Pitt.. Multi at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M. For freight or pass..ge. apply on hoard, or to BIRMINGIIAM & CO. No 60 Water street. N. B.—The rev, lar canal naael to Clevelano Ohio Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal, connect:it; with steamer Cleveland at Ben. ver„will be in operation immediately on interline of nnv• igation, mar !G -if pottxs cured by the t se of Dr. Harltch's Compound Strengthening and Otrman Aperient Pills Dr.Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the Agency (tom you for the sale of your medicine, 1 formed an acqnaintance wOi a lady of this place. who was severely afflicted with the Piles. Foi eight or ten years this lady was subject to fcequent 'Wilful attacks, and tier physician considered her case so complicated, that be very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, shecommeneed using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4-c. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 1840. Chambersting, Pa. rrOffiee and General Depot, No. 19,Norin Eighth Street,Phliadelphia. And by Samna! Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 PILES!! PILESI r! Kr "Why will ye live at this puur dying rater 444 4 4 1 1?: E. HUMPHREY 'S VEGET.II BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, 4.e. o he had at Turrric'n Medical Agency, R 6 Fourth st. the only agent in Pittsburgh. Feb 22. AS USUAL. NO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be. cotue popular, In consequence of its success and ef ficacy, than it is toUnlerfeitcd or imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured moulded bottles for his celebrated Tetter and Itch Oint. went, with the words .Dr Lenly's Teller rod licit Oint. ment,' blown in the glass, besides coltaining his written signature on a yellow label outside. Dr Leidy's Teller and Itch Ointment, has proved more efficacious than any other preparation for Teller, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of toe skin generally, It has been employedin schools, factorl ts, and on board vessels carrying passengers, where children. as Well as grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their contagious nab tie, with the most unexampled succeir; certificates and recommendations have been heretofore published from them, and numerous others might be ob tained for publication, but for the objections most persons have, to having their name's published in connection with such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instance has it ever been known to Nit. It has been used upon infants and by persons ef all ages. It is perfectly safe, contains De mercury in Its composition, and may be tined under all circumstances. i k ('rice Twenty-five oentsa bottle. Prepared and sold at Dr Leidy's Health Emporium. (sign of the Golden Ea. gie tad Serpents,‘ and by B. A. FA H N &STOCK . tt CO. over of Wood and Snub streets, Agents for Pittsburg. Jte,Y 12 Contagioa t s Di se aleeep and chasga of Temperamewt. )Water must be adapted to the nature of the fish or there will be no propogation of the epecies. The soil must be adapted to the seed, or there will be no In crease. The climate must have those matters In It which will unite and keep alive epidemical or contagion; pot sans, or they will become extinguished, as a lamp that is unsunplied with oil. So It is likewise with the hu man frame, it cannot be materially affected ti epidemt. calor contagious maladies, unless there be those matters floating in Um circulation which offer the appropriate 'toil. By I urlfying our bodies with the Betteetturn Place, which t eve affinity with those Impurities upon which contagion feeds, we may .Iwayi feel secure, whatever disease may rage around us. True, we may have it, hat it will soon be over, our sickness will he the affair of a day or two, while those who have been too wive to use this simple and excellent remedy, Other die, or have weeks perhaps months of sickness. Sudden changes from very hot to chilly weather are Unfavorable to health; and it is a fact universally admit ted, that heat and moisture are powerful agents In pro ducing disease, and that constant pee and constant WLT weather arc both favorable to its generation; it does not signify wear we call Ii; It may be ague, it flay be bilious fever; it may be yellow (even it may be dysentery; it may be rhenniatiqn: it may he bronchltie; it may he chol ie; it may ite constipation of the bowels; it may be Intla [nal ion of the bowels; It may he Inflamatlon of the Mom. ach; it may he a uery affection; still it is disease, and a disease curable by the Brandreth Pills, iterative the) remove all Impurities from the body, all that can In any manner teed the further progress of the malady, no mat. ter how called; thus these pills are not only the most proper medicine, but eenerally the only medicine that need or ought to be used. At the present lime it is every man's duly who wishes to secure his health to i.e them; it is the duly of every one who knows anything of their health restoring poweis,to make It known in his Home-' diate circle, For there are some alarming signs, which tell of the approach of disease. The sudden changes of temperament are more to he feared and guarded against than any coetigioas nyt I tdy. The lerixtrezt has left many in such a state of weak ness that there is in them a great sueceptibillty to lie af fected by these ehanees of the atmosphere and cantagions malatte , '; but try the timely use of Brandreth's Pulls, even now this vtiseept ibility can beta a real measure temov• ed, and power given the system in resist three morbitie poisons, and the sudden changes in the weather with which it may he brows, lit in contact during the next fifty days. Nature has formed the bowels of the evacuation of all Unhealthy hu tem s, and if man would hut UM CORIUM sett -e, he would take care they performed this office faith- fully, If the bowels are out of order; if too slow or too fast, a few doses of BRISIDRETH PILLS will bring them , to order. Ask the man who was dying from eonstira it'd bowels what cured him; lie tells you. tHandreth's Pills. Ask him who had dysentery for six months, and every reinedy had failed; lie will also tell you the Bran dret It Pills cured him In a week. so with other diseases. Twelve Brandr,-th Pills robbed sown in a pint of mo lasses, cured a little boy of an ulcer of the fare, which was rapidly spreading to lila ryes, and which a doz en doctors had (HA to cure, lint could not; the poor parents would have given hair they were worth to have had it cured, but every thing they trbed did no good, until they gave it a tetenoonful of molasses every day. in half a pint of which they had rubbed down twelve Brandreth Pills: before the whole of the molasses Was taken the nicer wile cured. And vet some foolish people cell Brandreth's Pillsa quark medicine. It would be well if there were a few more such quack medicines. Will all your pretended sarsaparilla Compounds cure like the Brandreth Polo Can they send you I. persons Cußcia, as Dr, Rr A ndreth can? Can they point out to you people who had been helpless fur years f om Ep ilepsy and St. Vitae Dance wit° have been cured by their remedies? If they cannot Dr. Bratidreth can Can they point out to you a person who for twenty years had never had a rtnni without basing need med icine. or mechanical t eons; and whom the Brandrelli Pills enrol in a month, and cave him as healthy evacuations as lie had when he was a child. If They cannel, Dr. Brandrelli can. The BRA NOR F; rit PILLS not only do cure, all eurea ble diseases, but it can be demonstrated. that by their timely use, they must 1144101 1 y cure. In a very short time, Dr Bramireth wilt bting heron the public a con centration of the •Irtnerr of the Brandreth PH% both in the form of Pills, and in a fluid form, and that he will explain the reason of the cures that must necesealilY be the tesult of nvine the BR eNDRETIAN REMEDI ES, whether they be internal or external. I have just re ceived the case of a medical gentleman who tesides at Sherbrook, Canada, who for twenty years was sorely afflicted with disease. which came out In blotches and scabs all over his leafy. This gentleman so far forgot the p-ejudicest which too often curse his profetwion, as to apply personally . to Dr. Brendreth, and his emu e proved a happy one; within six months lie was entirely cured of his mierratile and tormenting flee-ale by the use of the Brandreth Pits. The use of the Brai,dreth Pills ran In no rare do inju ry, because they are made of l lease herbs and 'rents exec rience lies fully proved alwsys harmonize wish the hu man hotly body. The omise.on of pursing with Orin cases nfelettee , s, leo:ten the csu,e ol a long attack,ufter endinelonly by ern:salmi , of lift. , How important iis that this course Should he pursied; It will not only be the surest means of restoring, hot II It will in a great measure prevent the rem urresce of cons; national tnatadlee—li will surely weaken the Ma lignity of the nit:irks and in lime wore robust health, A. with all vain:tate medicines the hramirella P1::s have been shalt efully counterletted, ll II have Sneered. ed in having electric,' THIt EE I,A BELE, (and which are appended to ear h bas I of sort' intrinsic workmanship as to bid derienee loan future imPatore. Now, howev et, a new evil presents astir My atlyettisements are taken verbatim, and used by all the medicine mon. ti.re of the dav• who merely take my name out and its- rt the name of their medicine In the Plate of Bran dreili'e Pills occupied in the advertisement thus stolen from me, Time w1:1 prove how these speculative gen Heinen sustain themselves. MT FRIZMIII may rest satielied that i ehehi, so long as my life and energies are permitted me by an OVER nuLiNc: PROVIDENCE, attend personally to the preparation of the Brandreth Pills, and tie t those properties which have thus far rendered OM so popu lar, will still be continued uit ß. imaa red. BRANDRETH, M. D. The Brandreth PIN are sold by one agent In every place of Importance throughout the world; each agent having a ceitificate of agency from Dr. Mend cab, hay ing fat-similes of labels on the Branddrellt Pill boxes en craved thereon. BR A NDUEI H'S PILLS are sold at 25 etc. per box. with full directions at he Plum:test Dernx,2•ll Broad way, 274 Bowery. 1691 Hudson street. The foliowine, ate dilly appointed agents for the rale of the Brandielh ['ills In PITTSBURGH—G. H. LEE. Stewarivtown—Chessman spats:lin:. Clinton —Jos Cannel'. Cranberry Tp.—R. McKee. Butler—Lane,Caniphell Co. Prospect—G. A. Kirkpatrick. Purtersville—Peter Masser. Portersville John 011iver. Mt, Pleasant—lL 4- J. Lippeneott. Laughtinelown—J. k C. Moore. West N‘ wton—M. P. Smith. Youngstown—MeAtte 4 Co: nov 10—w31 • REV. JOHN BLACI.D. D. REV. ROBERT RECCE, D. D. REV. BARTEL WILLIJ.RS, I REV. JOSEPH [ERR. REV. DAVIS, REV. Z. P. swtrr. QURGICA t. INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAI. IN - 1.7 STRUM ENTS!— 7'. McCarthy, Cut/er Gad Surgical instrument Maker, Third attest, nearly opposite the Poet Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OP THE COLDEN SMEARS.) Thyslcians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in• strunpentstnadeby the subscriber of a superior quality anti at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand, also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of thebest quality.end obbing done as usual. sep 10 DR. STARK W ETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR. Case of Liver Complaint of 25 years stendtrag. This may certify that for twenty five yeaars 1 wasaf flirted with pain In my side, which was frequently to severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the care and treatment of various physician= without any permanent benefit. Hearing of the many cures elfeeled by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr. Start:weather , I was induced to give it a trial, and am happy to say that it has entirely removed. I Ames Jett no oymptoois of it for wort tics a car past. Northbridge, JuneB6 30, 1841 AMOS WHITE. The genuine to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, Fourth sl reel. De _ nning's PireTTSB UR eroof Iron C 22 hests. , , 1842. J . Drarritivo—On Friday, t he3ol h of last tnonth,a bout 9 o'clock at night,the Planing.Crooving and Sash Man. ulactory, owned by Cay,,Dilworth ar Co, with a large quantity of dressed and andressed lumber, was all comm. med by fire. The Iron Safe which t bought of you some time back warm the most exposed situation daring the fire,and was entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform you it was opened at the close of the fire,and all the books, papers, tc.saved;—this is the best recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. oct 24—t THOMAS SCOTT. Adams' Patent l'iLingliphy" Wills. i TIAVE now bete before 11 the public 3 years du• ring which time several thousands have been sold and in daily use, We are confident of being sustained in saying they are the best j Coffee Mills in the (lolled States, any way y ou ' fix it.' Several modifications are medal° suit the fancy of j wivrs and the purses of husbands Sold by the gross or dozen at the manufactory,-- Malleable Castings made to order. FAIRBANK3'PATENT PLATFORM SCALES These genuine articles, of all sizes. and most Improved varieties,constantly on hand and for sale at very minced prices by the manufacturer, L. R. LIVINGSTON, mar 2. —tr Front between Ross and Grant sta. REMOVAI4. HOLDSHIP Sr BROWNE HAVE removed Mel taper Store from Market street to No. 8' Wood s treet, one door from the corner of 411,, where they keep on hands Mel/Usual as sortment of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors,en tries,chambers. 41-c. and also PRINTING, WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, ke all of which they offer for sale on accommodating terms, feb 14, 1843.—dt 0:1 - TO IN VA.,IAS. .Cll Irrilow important It Is that you commence without loss oftime with BR•NDRETH'S Pmt.'s Tile) n.lltily but surely remove all impurities from We blood,and no case of sickness can affect the human frame, that these eele• Mated Pills do not relieve as much as medicine cam do. Colds and coughs are more benefited by the Brandreth Pills than by lozenges and eaeeles. Very well, per• haps.as paliat Ives, but worth nothing as eradicators or diseases from the human system. The BR•I4DRETII Puts cure, they do not merely relit ye, they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient rills. CURE OR A CANCEROUS SORE Foga Sim January 21,1843 Doctor Bexjantia Efrasdreth—Honored Sir: Owing to you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I ern induced to make a public acknowledge:Mint of the benefit I my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain In tier nulls, which soon became very much inflamed and swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent for the doctor. During his atiendance the pain and swell lug increased to an alarming degree,and in three weeks from Its first commencing it became a running sore.— She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.— Our first Doctor attended her fur six months, and she received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. He said if it was heat ed op it would be her death, but he appeared to he at a 100 how V) proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first saw It that he could soon care the sore, and give her ease at once, To our surprise he g: ve her no relief, and acknowledged that it baffled all ni..! skill. Thus we felt after having tried daring one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidty lading in the prime of her years from her continued suffering. Under llte•ie eireuoroatiees we concluded that we would try your Universal Vegettlde rifis,deterintited to fairly test their curativeelTects. To my wife's great comfort the first few does afforded great relief or the pain. Wit lila one week, to the astonishment of our. selves aud every our who knew of the case, I be melting and the Inflammation began to cease SO I hat she felt quite easy. and would steep comfortably, and, sir, after six weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and again attend to the management of her family. which she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over two months from the time she first commenced the use of your invaluable PIMP, her ankle was quite sound,and her health better than It had linen in quite a cumber of years before. I send you this statement after wo years test of the cure. considering It only an act or lo,dice to you and the public at large. We are, with much gra Rude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY k ELIZA A. LITTLE. P. 9. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can C.CfOll.l, and finally said no good could be done. unless the whole of the flesh wan eut oir. and the bone scraped.— Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your pills, winch saved us from all briber misery, and for which we hope t . be thankful. I'. er E. L. fry-Sold at 25cents per brix, with direction.. Observe the new labels,each having upon it two sic• natures of Dr. Brandreth. 80 each mix or the genuine has at signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three B. Brandreth upon it. The only place In riltPharEll where the real Rran depth Pills ran be obtained, is the Doctor's own office. in the Diamond, behind the Market house. Mark, the genuine Brandreth riii.can never be obtained in any drug store. The following are the only al.ents apnointed by Dr. R. Brandreth. for the sale at his Vegetable Universal rifle. In Allegheny county: PRIRCIP•I. AGINT.G II I.EF., Pittsburgh Mr. John Glass—Allegheny , Robert Duncan—Rirtnint ham. C. F. D'.ehi—Elizahetlitown• H. Rowland—brKeenport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant MR. John Johnsion—Noblestown. Chessman t Ppaulding —Stewartstown Ardell ,fk Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum. George Power—Fairvn w. David R Coon— Plum township. Daniel Nettle% —East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkinsimtgli Wm. o.llunter—Alien's Mill NOTICE TO DR. BRANDAETIPS AGE The office Pittsburgh which was established for the purpose of constituting agents in the west, having accam Oohed that object. is now closed, and Hr. D. H. LEE in the Diam ind, Market street, appointed my azent for the sale of Pilea and Liniments All Dr. Brandeths as,ents will ttierforemnderstand,that Dr.B. will send a travelling agent thron!h the country once a year to collect moneys for sales made and re-supply agents, The said traveller will,* provided with a power of attorney, duly proved before the Clerk nt the city and county of New York, twitter with all necessary vouchers and papers, Mr. j, J. Yoe, is my travelling agent now In Pennsyl. vaulp, B. BRANDETIC M. Di N, 11, Remember Mr. G • 11, Lee, In rear Lathe War. ket Is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. New York,Jiine I.4th, 1843, THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. tly- An Individual only wittiest() know the right way to pursue it; and there are none, were It made known how Luz might be proinnged and Ils*.lvit re covered, o would not adopt the plan. Evidence Is required that the right way Is discovered. This is what those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about. for who Is so foolish as not to enjoy all lite health his body is capaide of 7 II lio is there that would not live when his experience can so much benefit himself and family? It Is a ntelanihoty fact that a very large pro. portion of the most lisect I members of SOOCIV die be. tween the ages of thirty and forty. How many widows and helpless orphans have been the consequence of man. kind not having in their own power the means of restor ing health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na ture.ln the outset, with a good dose of Branitret It's Pills. Tins it a fact, will understood to be so by thousands of our citizens This medicine. if taken en as to purge freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There Is no form or kind of sirknrslthal It does not exert a cur ative influence upon. Thus,by their power in resisting putrefaction, they cure measles. small pox, worms and all contageousfevers. There Is not a medicine In the world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it to healthy condition, as the Brandrelh Pills. The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and so in imeeulthat the infant of a mot th old may use Them if medicine is required, not only with safely but with a car. tainty of receiving all the benefit medicine Is capable of Imparting. Females may use them In all the critical periods or their lives. The Brandrali Pills wilt insure their itm.ith, and produce regularity in a't the functions of life. The same may he said of Braitdretk's Extertai Rew edy. as an outward application in all external pales, or swellings, or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When used where the skin is very tender or broken. It should be mixed with one or two pints of water, 811711 Testiof Otlitille Braltdregh the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must be within the year, which every authorised agent must posse's; If the three labels on the.box agree with the three labels on the certificate, the Pills are true—if not, they are false. Principal office, t4t Broadway, New York: Jame lb. Ileadaehe I Headache De. BRODIE'S AKTI .DYSPEPTIC PILLS. AEA now known to thousands ma most eet rahrdi ry 'remedy for (Ms affliction u well as the f neon trovertiblefact of their toxin DYSPErSIA. Will those suffering only ask.ahiong their friends if they lave nit known of the positive effects of said Pills. nod if tiwy do not hear them more warmly praised (and deeervedly too) than any other, then let them net bny them. In these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing will he said of their merits at any time but what can he fairly proved by respectable tnernters of our community. Read the following certiftcate given by a respert aide citizen of Allnelteny city, and attested by one of thvludg es of the Court of Cownion Picas or 11eath-11y ro. ALLIECIALNY CITY, January 9, 13-13. . DR. BRODIE. Dear Sir-11 have fur a number of year past been af flicted with a severe and almost constant ile.iriache, a rising from derangement of stomach arid tiotvetkand al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Mediri'e re commended for its cure, have never derived any mate rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable A n. ti Dyrnepl is rill!. I have not taken quite iwo boles and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distres4ing complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your Pills as the best inedmine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, J. B. TURN ER. am acqua.nleil with Mr, TUrlle', f have no hesit a tips In certifying that I conssidcr the statements of 5 , 1 r, T. respe cting Dr. Brodie's; Pills, as entitled to the most perfect and entire confidence. DUCH DAVIT. For sale. Wholesale and Retail at the Brndrodan PIP Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; anl by alt authorised a gents throughout the Union Alte'y city Jan 9 104:3 WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. remtinerrse.—Letterfrom the Hon. A b'li'm M'Clet• lan,Sultivast County, East Tennessee, Member of Congress. WASHINGTON. J uly 3d. 1838. Sir—Since I have been in this city 1 bSee used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and saris faction, and believe it to be a mast valuable remedy. One of my :onsti !orals, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Tennersee, wrote to me to send him some. which I did. and he has mployed it very succes.fully in his practice, Acd says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this plare, o thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden. as a proper per-on to officiate for the sale of yam' celebrated medicine. Shottid you commission hint he Is willing to act for you. You can send the medicine by water tot he rare of Robert King k Sons. Knoxville county - . Tennes. ere, or by land to Graham 4- Houston. Tazewell. East TenneQsee. I have no doubt but if you had agents in several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of [nal eine would be sold. lam going to take some of it home for my own use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether yon would like an agent at Montville. Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycurs respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN,of Tennessee. For sale W holesale and Retail, by R E SEM ER S. Agent, No. 20. Wood street,below second. wir.L,Asi EvANs , ,, SOOTII INC SYRUP,— This infallible remedy has preserved hundred' when thought past recovery, from ennvtil , ions. As soon as - the Sy nip is robbed on ille OM., the child will rec.( v. cr. This preparation is !et innnrent, efficacious. and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums he rub bed with 11. When infantoare at the age of four month. , I tin' there is co appearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup should be used to open the pores. Parents should I ever be within,' the syrup In the nursery where there are young chltdren,for if a child wakes In the night wit b pain in the gums. the Syrup immediately Oyes case, by opening the pores, and heating the gums“ hereby prevent ins rouvu stone. Fevers, "cc. Far Sale Wholesale and hy R. E.SELLERS. Agent, sep 10 N 0.20. Wood street, helot , :,ec.ons!. LIVED, COMPLAINT cured by the nue of Dr. Bar tlett's compound Si renethenlne and Aperient Mr. Wm. Richard., of Pittbhnrell, Pa., entirely cured of the ahovedistressine diuea