DAILY POST. 3i . OriDAY IKORNING. DECEMBER 25, 1843 PrITSBURGH BOARD Ul•' TRADE. COMMIVIZE POK DECZMDER. Wi Gam Eichbattm—F. Lorenz—Robert Bell trOn motion of C S ETSTER, Egg., Mr A KIRK Lkofts and Mr CLARxxcL SHALER were admitted to practice as Attorneys in the District Court and Cron of Common Pleas of this county. Kir 'This b, a g Christ ?MIA, no paper will be issued 'tatdorrrn:w gar Several editorial articles, and a numbor of COM. flituications, are crowded out by the foreign news. 07The toy shops and Confectionary establishments give 'decided indication that Christmas has come.— Beatdful pound cakes, Angar men and woman, and ..gretesque figures of all kinds crowd and adorn their windows How the eyes and mouths of the urchins open= beholding them, and how their small "dabs of money" Mil melt uvcay to-day in getting a portion of the tempting "goodies." OH! WHAT A Cart.:!—McKinnell has prepared a❑ enormous Plumb cake for Christmas, and will be hap py tohave his fi iends call and try it to -any. ALMOST GoNE.—A young man wa sent from AIL - litray city on Saturday last, with a letter to the Pius burgh Post Office. in which was a large remiLtance.— When near this city. his hat, in which the letter was "jell off, and letter and remittance went into the River. No doer was ever swifter in its flight than was he to the end of the bridge; down the bank he went, plunged into the River, and fortunately rescued the price just when it war about to si-A. To the Editors of the Post Stm--Perrnit me, through the medium of your paper, to call the attention to the property authorities to the dangerous situation of Diamond Alley, between Smith field and Grant streets. A young lady, as lam informed. walked off of the precipice trap at that place, and broke her leg in two places. • A young gentleman, who was a stranger in our city, on his return from visiting a friend on Cos 4th street road, a few evenings since, also walked off of the earn' precipice and miraculous •ly escaped essential injury A fence should at once he built across the Alley, at the edge of the precipi, , e, -which is about twenty feet, nearly perpendicular. - Port of Pittsburgh. 'Reported by Sitesle an.l Mitettell, General Straai Boat Agents. !rater street- 14 Fr.r.T wATEtt IN TUE CHANNI:L A RR f D Michigan, Beira. Beaver. Bel main., Pne, Wheeling Odle. Bowman, Brcwosville Mail, Loran. Cincinnati Zanesville, Hutchison. Loui.it i:ie DEPARTED. 'Michigan, Boies, Bearer, *Cutter, Collins, Cincinnati, Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville Mox abnla, Parkinson, Mon city brqtt+ rn.tred thoi ["] are provided with .F:vaai' Sir !ty artr,l, t prevent the Expkysion of steam Boilers. WM. PEACOCK. PEACOCK & BLISS, GREAT WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Cutting Establishment, SMITHFILI D STRE E 7', NETT DOOR TO THE TEM P.ERASCF: HALT . WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pro,..ed glass of alldescriptions, can be purchased at very Iva so:11We prices, togethor with n rr:nAt variety of splendid cut tr,lisa, window for ste 1-• AM-0,4(4, pi ivitte houses and churches. Also, window glass, a superior tirti .:l.l, wholesale and Persons wanting a:iy of the ntinve artiele.. will do well to call an.lo,Cl , .line for thr.lll4/Ares, before porcha slim elsewhere. tV°.N. B. Watch and Time piece tdwav. oa hand. • ,25-3 m. Notice. BY resolution the Direet,rs passed this day. IT WAS Omni:nen, That the Stockholders of the Firemen's Insurance Company. he required to par to the Secretary, on the I.lt day of January next. 1844. a further and last instalment of fifteen dollars on each share of the capital stock of the Company held by them respectively. By order, SAM'L GORMLY, Seqetary. Pittsburgh, Deer 6th, 184:3. dll—tl PICKLED LOBSTERS.— A fuw jars.ju.it received and fur sale by REIN HART & STRONG, d 23 - 140 Liberty st. Bops. BALES new llong, in store and for side by II AMMAN, JENNINGS & Co. 43 Wood !,t II EAR SKlNS,tireiaed acid tindrs: , oed, just. rocei • ed and fur sale by A. BEE LEN. 455—,r • Feathet s. 25 SACKS Feathers just reed and for sak H AIL NIAN,,I ENNINGS .1. Co. 43 Wood sr. BUFFALO ROBES.. —Received by Cirero, a fresh and supply of nil sizes of Rohea. Apply to FOR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Steam Engines. ONE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot stroke, will be sold with or without builers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 7 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet lung. 30 inches in diameter. These engines are made of the best inn tennis and in the mnst substantial manner, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They can he seen at the warehouse of the subscriber at any time. H. DF.VINE, U. States Line. WINTER DRY GOODS. TIERNAN & JONES, 99, WOOD STREET, ARE now receiving an unusually lame stock of Winter Goods, purchased within the last month, for cash, embracing nearly every article desirable for the season which they will sell at a very slight ad vanee.forcairkpar money only. Call and see. dls—datwlm nsuut AN'EXPERIENCED PHYSICIAN. DR. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS. THIS is to certify, that having been associated with Dr McLane in the practice of medicine for nearly years. I have had many opportunities o. witnessing the good effects of his Liver Pills, and I be lieve they have cured and relieved a much larger pro portion of the diseases of the Liver, than I have knows cured arid relieved by any other course of treatment. OLivr.n Monoks. For sale at the drug store of JON. KIDD, No 60, corner 4th and Wood streets, PittsMirgli. dl6 PITTSBURGH NAVIGATION AND FIRE IN- SURANCF: COMPANY. AN electionfor nino Directors of this Company, to serve for the ensuing year, will be hsld at their office, No 35. Market street, l'ittahurgh, cm Monday. the lat day of January, 1844. between the hours of 11 o'clock, A M., and 2 o'clock, P M. alB-td JAMES S. CRAFT. Secretary. Jet Battens. RECEIVED this day, 100 doz. Jet Buttons, used for dresses, Bonnets, dm. Also, a few dozen Jet Inaispensibles, for gentlemen's coats, at Z. KINSEY'S FANCYSTORE. d 19— a w. No 96 Market street. Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guisrds fur preventing Explosion of Ste?A v So tiers Iwould be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your liVeS may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a correspondingaegree of liberality, Ina by your prefeienco show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrilico of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats: their accommodations in other respects are equal, nod in many cases snperinr; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every arty, why will von run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid th‘sse dis asters. All boats marked thus ["] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are ,supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF L lONS, AGNES, LEXLVO TON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR. ASHLAND, MINSTREL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT. MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MAR q UE TTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGE WATER, 3I USK G AL . , CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, M UN GO PARK, A CLTIZEN CICERO. CANTON, CUTTER. NORTH RENO CECELIA. NEPTUNE. CASPIAN, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, C0L1731 BUS. OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY. COL U_ IBL4NA. 01110 HAIL, CORSAIR'.OIIIO, ' DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, P A NA MA , ED WIS .r.ucKmAx. QUEE Nof the SUCTI I EL DORADO, R 0 WE NA , EVELINE, RARITAN, EXPRESS MAIL, SARAH ANN, FORMOSA. SARATOGA. PORT PITT, SA VA NSA. GALENA. ST. CHARLES GEYL BROOK. ST. LOll5, G LLA T TALLEY RAND, IDA, TOBACCO PLANT INDIAN QUEEN. VIC TRESS, ILLINOIS, J. 11. BILLS, M. BLlss JE IVESS, I 1 EST IV IND. JAMES ROSS, 117. VG AND WING WINTER CAMPAIGN: DriUlantCaraerrtniUnpreccdentedSuccess Or THF. THREE BI'; DOORS! THE proprietor of this well known and highly fa vored establi.4iment take:, groat p:o a ,ore in in forming hie friends and the public at large tout he li,i3 now prepared at his SPLENDID sus ROOM. No. 151. LIBYIITY ST., THE 211057' MAGNIFICENT STOCK or cLonis,cAssrmErtEs. PILOT AND BT:IVER CLOTHS, CACIIMEIZE, SATIN AND OTHER VESTINGs, CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which can he minufacturrri into clothing to or der, and made in as good ityle, and as tastily and fa h ionubly' designed as at. any other estahliAnnent IN THE UNITED STATES. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER' THAN, ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And at no place we of ths mountains can purcha yrs find such a variety of goods from which to select as at the In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, he has a magnificent nsgortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS. &c, &e. Thn motto of the "Three Big poor," "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," And in following ont this Ay'ltem he feels con fident that his customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. A. BEELEN HE WOULD INVLTK THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL ,GE‘TLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, RAI:MEI?, :V ECHANIC AND IVORK LVGMA N To :.all and examine for thernselveA at THE THREE BIG DOORS, Nn. 151. Liberty street, AND THEY MUST I U;; SATISFIED. OF OBSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT. Ai na JOHN M'CLOSKEY. UST RECEIVED and for sale by WM. THORN, J Nu. 53, Market street, 500 lbs. pure palm soap in the bar, 600" " 100 " variegated snap 50 " white Castile, (only lot in market) 100 " almond soap, in lb. casks, 50 doz. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose spermaceti soap, for chapped hands and for satening the skin. The subscriber has on hand a larger assortment of the abovo articles than any other establishment in this rim, and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs, &c. WY. THORN, No. 53, Market street. Tr EAS.—Receired on consignment, 12 Chests Young Hyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4. " 5a " Gunpowder. by J. G. & Ac GORDON. 12 Water street SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Monongahela Navigarion Co npany, nearly opposite the Post Office. until 3 o'clock P M sr Satur day, the 23d December next, for building Locks and Dams Nos 3 and 4, and fur repairing Damn Nos 1 and 2; also, for building four Brick Lock Houses. Pay ments will be made monthly in specie funds. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the of fice one week previoustothe letting. K MOORHEAD. MORGANROBERTSON. FOR SAF'IITY, MESSEIVGER, MON3'GO.MER NARAG.INSETT, VALLEY FORGE, VIOLA. [TINTER CLOTHING Ever ofrcrva rrlr =ale in this cite UN S.TOCK Or THREE BIG DOORS in ca,k Notice to Contractors. `ninon -Sale: Saul D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COM.MISSION.M.ERCIFT, Cornet-of Wood and Wes::: Pittsburgh ; IS ready to receive mercliandixeof every description on consignment, for pain or private laic, and from long experience in the above busiou* flatters himself that he will be able togive entire sutisfactiun to all who may favor him with their parionatie. Regular sales on MoN DAIS and Too/is - Dv v.:, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, arlo o'clock, A. M. Of Groc , bries, Pittsburghtnaauf.actured articles.new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearly gas light. !tug 12—v DRY GOODS .AND FURNITURE AT AUCTION. THIS day, Wednesday 27th December, at 10 o'- clock in the forenoon, will be sold . at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth sttects, an evtensiveent of Diy,Gontig, among which arc Broad Cloths, Cnasimeres, Cassinett.s. Braver Cloths, Merrinoes, Alpacoes, Flannels, Mains, Cali coes, Comforts. °Vet' COEMS,-Mith many other artirl' a in the Dry Goode line &c. AT 2 O'c Lam P. M., Furniture, viz:—lngrain Carpeting, Beddirtg, Bu reaus, Chairs.. Bedsteads, 1 pair lahugtiny Diting Tables with claw feet, Looking Glasses, Kivhen Fn.- niture, &rt. '2 Saddles, 5 half Chests Y. H. Tra. 2 " " G. Powder do. I " Superfine du. 2 BaLTS GrOtlndrillt , 3, Glass Jars arid`l'umblers. J. D. DAVIS, d 25 Auctioneer. BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bal,, fur sale by A. RULES. es—tf 9 LIFIDS. N. 0. SUGAR. just received, und for J.G. GORDON. 027. M. . livnox Fo3Tri EGOI,F & FOSTER, Western Real Estate Agency, Third at., next door to the Po,t. ()trio-, Pirtaburidi, Pa reAgency for the pureinute and twit. of Heal Es tate, Stilekit, negotiating of LOllll5, and Collectimitt. They will atm attend to the oohing of pig metal for owners at a digtnnee. Letter*, post paid, will meet with immediate atten tion. Terms moderate. The best of teferenceast:ven On application at the office. d 2 Lippincott Mills. rp Ilk having illtrehn4cd and thoreozhly JL rerviieoil those Nlti.t.s, i. n ow mato , factorio;, and kill keep c ,, nstantly on hand, it full supply ,if na the different kinds of Nails, Spikes nod Btmles, etc.— made from the hest (pullity of Juniata Itlotos, and ns 5,,/s ns the neee. N ary additions can be made to the tnichinery. lie will matoillo - ture every deset gallon of 13 nr nod Sheet 11 , in, usually made i i thi6 too rlset. Order.; loft with S. Cuthlsort. nt Ni.. 94 First street. near Wo. , d, yr at the Mils in the Fifth Ward, will he rrompri. dits-odvd. tO, JAILS ANDERSON. sei. 29-341 J UST RECEIVED and for 141.1 C on con,i,-innent 7 !Md.: bacum, Can he Ar en at thr rtore of.lnenh Paint, r& e n pug ‘29 J. N. MOURIILI D JOHN LE FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61. DIAMOND ALLEY nETWEEN %%091) AND M.IRAIT STALL • re , pectfully announce to 1./let-412;cm. I of l'itt,hor 4 l, and the country cenerally, that I ha v,• cu:nrrtr=ced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va rit.t v. form Itfgli iitteWril , (l , lll, and would ,tnlicit mr.rritattt. att.( hPrA to call and exami to. fir thorn ni lam dotermittt•tt tit 4,-11 on the m o st arcommodatit,g term,. for 00, , h, rtril horo, by strict attention to tc morn rt , il3q , . nug. 19—Gut. Co-Partnership Notice. A G. rtEiN HART. havin g n,.airted with him • st I) NEY STRONG, will rontii •ie flit` W sill,. and Retail Griirery and under the firm of h i ihart L. Ctrnnc, nt thr old ionnd, tin. 140 I.oiii•rty A. G. P' 7, 1313. SIDNEY STRONG. Ncw York Dyer lll\ll:S.wouldrespectfullyinformf.irfriends tl and the public in ireneral, that he dyes Ladies' I .I.bits and Man tr.ls of every description, bla.tk; and warrmits ti tern not to smut, nf.d to look oguai to nt•w goods. IL•d.l,faacrcoloreofalldoscriptionsof s ilk and e a riiet yarn. Also, cleartgandrestores the colors of gentlemen's elothinE% o n as to resemble new goods. Mr. 11. flatter., him ;elf tint he can pleas.: the public, as he has done an e.s:tensivg business in how j irk for twenty years. All work done on moderate maw:, at hi s estabil.sliment in sth st., between Wool and Smithfield near the Theatre. CERTIFICATE This ism certify that OSTE HIM ES has deue 'irk for us, h has fully wiswered our ex pee tathins, and we eintsider him a competent dy,r. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy. Wm. 11“rri , i, 1. B. Sh,llll,lT. 11:1‘ id Hall. B. F. Mann. I):a•.id Joseph Fn•nch, jr (;corge liarnea. Q SHARES Allegheny Bridge nt pii Oej rate bale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, Itep 11 Corner of Wnod and Fifth treets. Daguerreotype Miniature Portraits, At the corner nf Market and sth eta. TLIE subscriber would most respectfully ii ,rm the Ladies and Gentlemen of PittAlouro and that they have opened rooms at the above men tioned place, over the store of Messrs Lloyd & Cu, and are now prepared to take Miniatures by this beau tiful art, in a style) heretofore unsurpassed. By the combination of a quick and powerful apparatus, and nn entirely new mode of operating, they are enabled to produce pictures of n surprising accuracy and beauty, combining entire durability of impression. clear and distinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, tho' not least. the color of the face and dress. The coldr ing of Photographic Pictures, forms a new era in the art, as it enables us to combine with accu - acy of nature the advantages of art. The undersigned au nut wish, nor is it their intention to deceive the) public by proud sea, which they cannot fulfil, for they depend solely on the character of their pictures for patronage. Citizens and strangers, one and all, ore invited to call and ria. amine specimens. N B.—Complete sets of theimprored patent ap paratus furnished on the most reasonable terms.— Plates, Cases, Frames, Chemicals, and everg thing connected with the lisincss. at the lonyst rabh pri ces. J M EMERSON & CO. (12.-6 m Tobacco. 10 KEGS Ky. Tolsucco, in store and for bale low to cloewe.on,ignment, by HAILMAN,JENNINGS &C:n. 43 st. ZOA R BUTTER.—A lot of that celebrated choice filthily butter, put up in full bound lietrs Apply to A. BEELEN. BA LES CUBA LEAF TursAcco, thk day V received, and for sale by UST RECEIVED, 30 bbls best ground Camwood, J ut the drug store of JON. KIDD, n2B corner 4th and Wood At aeets. BU f FALO TONGUES.—Received by Little Ben "ft boxes Buffalo TOngues, in fie order, direct from the mol.vn9.irs. A. BtELEN. 295 LBS. WHITE GUM ARABIC, 150 Lbs. Gum Guiaic, 1300 " Sal Soda, In store and for sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD: dec 11. Corner 4th and Wood ow W. B. Boles Wm. Porter, H. H. Smith, Henry Jac-ens A. Shorkeyjr Joseph Vern, J. G.S. A. GORDON, 12 NVater..treet _ -- .1---- 43 . _ • . 8 STAN DART, ING RAHA & CO.:\ Fornrarding and commission lilorsilts, CLEVELAND, OULU_ AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Okra pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Vie Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER, TO Wilkie & Ensworth, Nu. 9, Counties Slip, N. V. R. Hunter & Cu. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Cu., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Duw, Hun. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey. Bearer. Birmingha'?n & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-4. Beaver and Warren Packet. • THE canal packet ERIE. J. M. - Shaw,muster. will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Moudays, Wtslnesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For Frei ,ht or passage apply on hoard, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsbnqh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. s": - r r tlt•l 4 fikaZ :77.-i*ove at ~ ..°1•274 4tairt 1843. A RE REDLTED.—o. S. MAIL Ltst E or STAGE 3 AND RA IL ROAD CA to, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg. Harrisburg- and Lancaster, to Philadelphia.cormectiue with the Main train of carA to N. Y. Only 150 utiles staring and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clork A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. mr: ,, mELL, GRAHAM, WAUGTI &Co., flib'23, 1813-Iy. Proprietors. The Groat Central Ronto Via Na:ional Road and fl' ilintore and Old° Rail Road Co o pang. Nr.w LINE OF U. S. 1111. f., COACHES FOR WAiIIINf.TUN CITY, B.tLTIMORk: AND NEW YORK. rjl Ills line is in Coq upurAtion arl,l'.eaves Pitt.s:Jurgh J_ leiy at t 1 o'clozk A. M., via Washington Pa. and nati..mal road to Cumberland, connecting here uitli the ra;l rout Co'i to all the above places: Tray tiers will find this a FOR.NIV and comfortable route, it iw]rig a soparate and livtinct Eittsburrii and Cum berland tine, farilitie4 will be afforded which hate out teen hf . retnfore enjoYed. Extra coaehes furnished at the shorte=t reit jet , v.-WI the privilege of going through dier'-et or taking nor hilthr , rest at tle'ir option. For ticl.cti, tt., , ply at wit. Mike at. the 7.`d'ortongaltela W. STOCKTON. fo') of N. R. Stage Co. Regular Packets, for Cincinnati I .~,F I 4 T The Sn'ii'r,urr, itubiason, :llastcr, leave", v.cry Tifor.attv at 10 o'clock, a. tn. The CUttor, ,. .)lli:Ls,Nlaster, leaveb every Thuriday at 10 , i'clock a. m. The naitt;tanery. Iknnect, :llaster, leaves every Sat unlay at 111 o'clortc n. m. he Exproii. Nla.ter, leaves every Sun day at 10 ~'ranch a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM S.: CO., A pen fg • United States Wagon and Rail Bead Line. rp 11E sobscribers haye rack arvanv;nents to for the itAvr to and from J'iui Viniadviplita unli Now Y.,r4. C A NirANCLTY, Canal Ltherty after[. Pittotburgh THUM 1S BORIIIDGE, .Agrnt, '272. Mir4et. Str , :st, Philndelphin ALLEN KI{.IIER, Exci:ange Broker, No. 46, Corner of IVoo an‘l Third st.reets, Pittsburg and Solvent frank notes, bouEht and ,c):(4. 51gut eir•i:.ke on the Eastern cities, for sale. Draft... notes Lula 1,1;14. cr.i!er I ed. lioll S..- Co., Joha Davis, F. Loronro, 3. v a i ut ,,,. Pn Josepli Jarnes May, Alex. Co. -) oh!: 11 Brown &Cu. i Philadelphia. .tomes M'Candloss. ), Cincinnati, 0., J. It. } 1...mi15, %10. IV. IL Popo. Es q., Dank Ky. Etocnt3:s' Natice A LT, prr-rlnt ! , :rd tli tb" Filly. • Ow cit. •c, are reTWAJ .. I I ii••.it i • 1 citly•r• of the , L, i . r' , lilll3 againit thr itt,:socnt rh m pr. pt•l I• .1 Cate(' to Tither Or I[lo lttr Feu nu „t H RV ) , :(nl, Vt`e . bit J A NI SSIL LY, JAMES BL KELY, PittAbitreh, J.\ i•iS C CUMMINS. Pitt Town.hip, n`2s—atov I m Erceuttora FAstiroNABLE FIAT AND CAP MANUFACTORY, .. E jw, No. 13. Ft flit street, between Market and corner of &Tilt and Grant sts I& 11. WALKER feel grateful to the . public for the' li herd patronage bestow ed upon them, and he c leave to state that they are now manufacturilez and have constantly on hand a very su perior ;wide in Beaver, Russia, Ncutria, and every other de,:cripthm of Mtn. Also, a v uric ty of cloth, sealett and fur cap 3; all of which will he sohd nt the ve ry lowest prices. An no part of their manufactute is done by machinery, but by the best workmen by hand, they can recommend with confidence thnir Its be ing-superior and more durable than thone generally of feted to the public. Merchants and storeeepers can be supplied upon equally us low terms as in the Eas ern Market.. 1. &.H. WALKER. 0.3-31 n. Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale. JUST received, 5000 Freeman's heat Fire Brick. which will hemarter he kept conarantly on hand and sold low for cash, by DIMING HAM & CO. may 37 No. 60 Waters'. Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full slimily of Landreih's Garden Seeds always on hand and for Aale, at his agency, the Drug, store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 134. T.ibrrty a., head or Wood Removal. PCAWFIELD has removed his marble Emu", • lishment to Wood at. opposite Fahnestoclt's Drug Store, where ltc will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Motrnownt , rte. ap 19-Iyr DlssoLunoN OF PARTNERSHIP. Fr FIE tirm of Arthur..Preetou has been di:rprds -1.. ed 'Once the fist of o:iroher, by martial consent. John Arthur+ will settle nll claims against the concern, and colleet all dehtswhich' have been contracted pre vious to this date. The Engine bueinces will be con ducted for the future under hie own name. December 1. 1843 EARGAINS ! BARGAINS!_! BARGAINS ! ! AU Niro of clothing and wearing apparel. Please calf at Na. 151, Liberty atreet i arki see for yoursehve sap 7. 3- 54eC LOSKEY. l'tittAnEtrtitA JOHN ARTHURS, P RIA N PRESTON dl 1-1 m• anb eo get. Bank 'Notts anb tExcl)angt Viltie s.tats n the Neighborhood ef the City for Sale, Lill A Furm within four mike of the City of Allegheny containing 114 Acres. well furnishosl Dwelling House .situ[ 10. 1-tooms in it large Bunk Bata lately erected. Cabin House and Barn, 2 Orchanis. &c. &., Also. A 3 story Brick House on 7th st.; on a lot 37 feat by lOU. Also. A neat Cottage house and lain the ROSO{Ve track opposite Pittsburgh, 90 feet front by 230 deep with shrubbery fruit trees &c. &c., @iil be sold very low'. Also A House and Lot in the Ith Word alone the New Basin with a beautiful respect of both citiea, riv ers and &c. Would be exchanged fur a fanoa [thin 20 miles of the City. Alau, A Lot of Ground in East Liverpool Ohio, corner of Market and Water streets. 60 feet front by 130 deep, on which is erected a pottery in succesfull opperardon. Also. Four Lots of Ground in the sth Ward well improved. Also. A Lot on sth at. 30 feet frunt b 7 130 feet deep. Also. A Farm of 114 Acres adjoining tha Town of East Liverpool Ohio. Also. One undivided 4th part of three seper ate lots containing altogether 24 ACM: , adjuiving the above. Apply to BLAKELY Sr. MITCH EL Dec 20, 1343. Real Estate Agents. A CHEAP AND GOOD FARM &r, FOR SALE. FOR SALE, a good, well improved farm of ell acres, lying oo the Nor - dint-:a Turnpil,e, miles from Pittsburgh, and it has bred occupied 84 a tavern stona. Them is 60 acres improved and under good cultivation. A good two and a halt story stone huusn, 284 by 24A feet, a good frame barn; good springs of water and good family Richard on it. 'Mi.: proper ty will be sold low for a part do.vn n cZ thn baliance iu :hree annual payments. If nut sold in two month, it will be rented for a year and sold as soon as possihte Fur terms &c., plea,:e apply at Ham.' :1:; , ,;:cy and Intelligence office, No 9 sth street. 'lee. 19. Valuable Property For Salc. HAT splendid Farm House by tiu• name of the I. Social farm, situated in Derry township, Westmoreland county, two miles north west of Blairs ville on the Westera Dt‘ision of the l'enwzylvattia 1 he 1.1.111.!Ontlt:r14 two hundrod and sixty acre., un der go. df a 0 handl- .d OF it c'ectied, the reSt eon- rt• Th••re• acres of whi• la c•.r.!,.• eolal , zed 1:,0 rn tpliieJ, acres 1011100 1 / 4 1 a it:l / " Ipirt. e \l. 11005? of brick, two ... o wl,: high. is it u a Wirl7, of :2J Lv 17 running bark, being 44 Ceti in fr. at by 34 tent deep. with good ventilated cellar.. a large hall running thru' the centre, faddinr, doors and fire plateei ill each room; also, a spri:.g and wash house 30 by 15. and smoke and bals.e house 14 by 14, all of brick and b u ilt in the best manner; there isaiso a large brick building 34 by 24 f,et, with a never failing spring sf . water passing thro' it, vith ono of the finest Lams in the western country. being 75 fectlour; by 41 wide. exclusive of that over shot and hods, having a fine opting of water in the side, atfordiog at all timrss. a full stipply for every pur pose, with granaries and every fixture nenossery to ren der it complete The title is indisputable. All let ters. past paid will be attended tat. Address and in quire of Elf..rolf& Foster, Real Estate Agents, nextdoor to the Po.toflire, Pitr=burgh, Pa. dlB-3t A FARM FOR SALE A FARM of 100 acres, 12 miles from Pitt, , l)ur,7s. on tho. Franklin Road, adjoinhig lauds of William Cochran, Esq., will be sold on fa% orable terms. F•)r further particulars apply to P. McGA RR, 1,20-Im. 140 Liberty streets. 21rECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. AGREEABLY to the provisions contained to the will of the late Thomas Cassiiiv. deceased, the subscribera offer for sale tle•fo:lo, vah2able real es tate, in the city of Pittsburgh, viz:—thie lot of ground fro: tine on Water street. noes M3l ket street. and ad joint,. Hanna and Gordon's wlirt•liie, being thirty-five feet front on Water street, and extending buck tine bun dr, d and sixty feet to Front street, on which there is e rected a spacious brick dwelling na IV.tter now oc• Emilio] as a public house by Mr..l.dui Varner. anA two three scary brick dwellings with buck buil:Logs on Front street. Also, one lot fronting on Liberty street between Cecil's alley and St. Clair street, being thirty feet in front and one hundred and ten feet back to a ten font alley, on whin' is ereoted two three story dwellings. with convenient back bnildings. now occu pied by Mr. Michael Knee as a Caitinet-Ware room, and by Mr. Samuel Liadsev, as a Grocety meta. This property wit sold on fair and nccom mod atiog term!. Eaquire of Mr. P. Mnlvany, at his Foss ware house corner of Market a:.d Wtsterstrcets, or to either of the subscribe's. nEsav WCULLOUGII. JAMES CASSILY, JA M ES B LAKELY, JAMES C. CUMMINS, . Executors. dec m d wif (Adscicate caryertfl Building Lots in Birmingham "9 LOTS, suitable for most eligibly sit -9 ttted, and within two ites' walk of the steal), ferry boat landing., will )..!, .(1 at prices to suit the that's. The terms of pilynir.. will bs made easy, either for cash or such bartcra, an he made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Fittsliurr:h. june 1. .TAS. PATTERSON% jr. TO LET ik TWO STORY brick home, ruittible fur n dwelling. and Gro , ery, situate on the cornet of Vilth and Union streets. Possession given immedi ntely. Enquire 01 el I TO LEASE. EVERAL Farms in Beaver micl Butler countier on very moderate rents, which may be paid ii w bent. Lots to be let, relit free, on imorovement leases FOR SALE. Farms and uncleared landA. Apply to the Hon JOHN BREDIN, Butler, or EDWARD HOOPS, New Brighton, Beaver county dl2-1m REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING, &c. &c. TUEundersignod, having associated themselves fi,r the transaction of all husinees relative to Real Eetate, will hencvf,rth attend to the purchase and sale as well m rentinvd city and country propert , rents, S.r. &o. Thu senior member of the firm having had much ex perience, and betty ' , . extensively known man agent of Real Estate, they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Fur the accommodation of the pub lic, there will be two offices, where bUSille: , 3 will he e ceivcd; at the Real Estate Agency of James Blakely. Penn st., sth Ward, and at the Law gill.-c of John J. Mitchell, S. W. side of Smithfield, (nea r sth.) at either of which. persons wishing to have :instruments of xri tin 7„ legally' and neatly executed, titles investigated. or desirous to purchase or dispose of Real Estate, will apply. J. J. Mitchell will continue to attend to the duties of his profession, ns heretofore. JAMES BLAKELY, JOIN J. MITCHELL, dee I—rl&w6m Mr. Paul Emilo Thevoan HA. the honor to inform the pnhlic that durin;r, his rnjoarn in Pitt.:burgh he will give LESSONS IN THF. SPANISH, rrtENci4 AND LATIN LANGUAGES From his havin.T. made the Spanish lariglinE , e the sole object of his sway daring a. residence or two y esi , in Havana, there is reason to s‘ippose th.it I:e has nc -quired a gond knowledge or their 11,nguag . c. tl.e easiest and most harmonious of ail inodern langoage„s, Of hig competency to teach French there can be no doubt, from the fact of hi:: having been a clerk in a Notary in Parie, %where he by .4 ,Andied laK. V hut Mc Thewenu here crates he earl prove by the Ortlonnance „r the King of France and by letters from the Minister of the Navy: Mr Theveau can be seen every day from t 2 to 1 P 14, at Mr Fickeitom'e hens... Marker strPet, behind the old court Iv nee. 1524 CORKE.O TED DAILY BY A. KRAMER, EXCIUNGE stween, SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants and ..11a nvfaamrtrs' l'Sc .. Exchange Bank Scrip Currency Erie Bank Scrip EXCHA—NGE—AT Pkiladelpliia Nem York Boston SPECIE. PENNSYLVANIA.-PITTSBURGH Bank of Pi,!tsburr:h . ..luir Merchants and }Manufacturers' bank ...par Exchange .• Do. Hollicia:43burgl , pat , PHILADELPHIA. Bank rf North America pas Do Northern Libertier par Do Penn sylva nia ._......... par Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Par Farmers' and Mcchanics' bank par Kensington hank , par - Manufacturers an:l Mechanic; par Mechanics ...... ----par Mcrya %7! cnsing par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill ..par Southwark ..... "........ par Western " Bank of Penn Township Girard bank 16 U. S. bank and branche5.......... COUNTRY BANKS Bank of Germantorr par Chester county ....... ....... par '• Dc;aware county, .. " illontgomery county_ . _ ....par " Northumberland par Farmers' bank cf Bucks ........ _par Easton bank par Po:lies! Ottl bard- par Frank/in bank of Was;ansrton Bank of CliambersburgA 2 Middletown _-_._._.._. 2# Gettysburgh 2i " Leicistotca 24 " Buserneketnna county . . Br rks county bank Columbia Bankand Bridge Company IA Carlisle bank ^ . 4 Erie bank .. 24- Farmers and Drovers bank ' 21. " Bank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank 2* nneziaL " . 2 Lancaster " If T,saca titer co. " L , banon " 24 .11in era' bank of 2 310-zongahela bank of Brou-nsrille Vew Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 Northampton bank -no sale Tr ?sands; bank ..._B5 Tl:ir ming bank free BraneA bank I'f.7.k bank . • 24 OHIO. Bthnont bank of St.: 1 Clinton bank of Collin:bus—. 1 Columbiana hank of New Lisbon.... Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) 1 " (Warren, cashier).... no sale C in ti Chillicothe bank Commercial bank of Lake Erie Dayton bank .. 1 lonl: of Columbus •.__...___l Farm: rs and Mechanics' bank of Slettbensills..l Farmers' bank of Canton - 40 Geancer .1 GranCille ........Y2 Hamilton ..... l& Lancaster 15 rie!ta .1f assilic i . Mechanics' and Traders'. Cineititati .Ifouni Pleasant ______:________________ t Norwalk Putnam Seintn. 20" r'ranr , 40' Woor'er ...... Xenia - • - • Zanekt.:iPt INDIANA 5:1, 7 f.-•l, 7n k and br•ane?:es S.'ate Scrip 1l! 1~r..i Slate bank- ..... —SO Bank of Illinois, Shaloneetostne VIRGINIA. Dank of the Valley of Pirrinia Bank of Virginia. Exchang bank of Virginia Farmers' bank rf Vir ~ r{nia__ ______ _ _________,__ North.-14'estery bank of .... Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia..._l Branches . . . -- .Raltimore Crty betttbr . All otiter solvent banks .. NORTH CAROLINA. JAMFS MAY Al? solvent banks— SOUTH CAROLINA All solvcntbanks.. .. dllsolren/ banks Mobile Lank,: . . Country banks LOUISIANA Vctr Orleans banl:s ( zoon' ).. All banks PRINTING OFFICE, S. W. COINER OF WOOD S PIFTH STS. The proprietors of the l‘lottsisn POST and Mut- CURT AND M.ILTFACTI:ItER respectfully inform their friend. and the patron:3 Of Chose papers. that they have a large and well chosen assortment of :MAUD AEC rilL' - 11(1 1 m TE 4 -1.7.1 D . .Zecessare to a Job Printing- Office. and that they are Prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING/ or EVERY DESCRIPTION. „f Lading. Circulars Bin Car 6. Cll , •cks, Hat Tip afi Mobs of Ninths. Staze, Se.ea-riboat and Canal font Bills, viNd i a propriate cu/s, • Printeci on the shortest notice; nod mo=t reasmuthlw terms. We respec a..Ak the patrnrnze of uuririeridß are' the pub!ic in general in of our business: Je..) 31, 1343'. PHILLIPS Sz, SMITH. Whave received, and nill hercarur keip staney -.1111p;: , of in largenod.oral kegs, cihirh we wi:l Le able u, sti/i cheaper than it ha: heretofore been Fold in this Orders From the country a , companied by • I .n calk?: (13 ALL. CA91.9) will be promptly attended to PHILLIPS.rt SWIM: - cet ie ti e>fEee the Pet , t ar.ei I.‘imuface.,4es. CORNER VI WIX)D •SD TII/lID STS . ... .1 ,20 KENTUCKY ILLINOIS MARY LA_ND GEORGIA ALALANIA_ TENNE.SSE}; BOOS AND JOB To Pintos i Prrm