.roneerning me fitue f•r rtny office find:b.r ['lc Govern ment of Un- Chntect buitt e. 'l lit eivratett oilive to twhielri you Rl:n4e shnuld, in ray opinion, be filled -by me who is capable, unswayed by sectarian feangs or pelsionF, of ildminicering ita high duties impartially xowar+23 the wind peuple of •the United Statearhow ,VO.T diviiet: into religiou=, social, benevolent, tor lit. vriry Entertaining these views, I have coostamly refused ao miliernyself a party to the unhappyruntest raging, from me, in other parts of the Union, inTivertt :rn:k ~ ris and antimasons. 11'-itiist these viuwe remain Ara: .rceeteii,l. must adherelo that determination. If, you gentlemen, will point to the provision in Abe Federal Constitution which eon he legl'imatelv :made tooperate upon the subject in question, I would nerbeitiette.promptly to-comply with your request. In the mean time,.in declining it, I hope you witl consid er me as not wanting in proper respect to you, of 40thoseAvhamyou represent, but as acting from a CUll niction of the impropriety of blending an alien ingredi -rot wi.h a question already sufficiently complex, and also from a sense of personal independence. I am with great reapect, your obedient servant• H. CLAY. Messrs. James Watson, Noble 13utler, James H. Thompsun. Letter to Mr. (.'lay r CASTER, Nos-ember 14, 1913 DEAR Stit: A large majority of the Antimasunic party of Pennsylvania admire your political character, and appreciate your puhlicservices. They think with you on those great lending measures of nationul policy which you have lons ably and successfully advocated. I have been requested by several respectable gen tlemen (members of the antimusonic party) respectful ty to ask you in what relation you stand to the insti tution of freemasonry. IBM, sir, with great respect. Your obedient serva..t, Hon. TIENRY CLAY Ifr. Clay's Anszter. ASHLAND, 23th Nov., 1843 DEAR Silt: I haYe dole received your letter, re viewing: me, at the instance of several respectable gen tlemen of the antimtssunic party in Pennsylvania, to state what are my existing relations to freemasonry. I entertain great repugnance to appearing before the public at ell, on any subject, and especially upon one according to my bumble apprehension, is not necessarily connected with the administration of the General Government; but the respectful terms in which you have been pleased to address me. and the conscien tious motives by which I presume you to be actuated, -entitle.yon to a frank and full answer to the enquiry -contained in your letter; and I now have the pleasure .of accordingly transmitting such an answer. d••became a Mason in early life, ft out youthful curiosi ty and a social disposition. But 1 never had any taste for, or was much skilled in, the mysteries of the order. All the professed objects of the institution, us develop ed to me. (and I knew no other,) were charitable and '.benevolent I never did contract, and neve' would hav'e contracted, any obligations whatever, incompatible with my duty to my country or to society. I have al ways regarded the constitution and laws of the land as supreme; and my obligations and duties to my coon if x we ma judge from recent disclosures, is Of rmiso not to be behind the east in crime rugiFtescalo, or slOr in ippreeiatitsgtha;:financill — abOi thisphied on so many oecasioesbythe more refined inhabititnts of the east. the Chicin4ti Enquirer has the fighkering ties of la foriery rihich has been pE;tipetrated in that city: "It is now not only whispered confidently and cau tiously in the ear bysome, but by others bravely' spnk • en, loud and plain, that one Ofthemosterdensive Perk Dealers in' this city, and a dashing leader of fashion and pleasure, has suddenly sloped to parts unknown, after having obtained a large sum (*money by forgery and frauds; from vations individuals - and - firms: We know nothing . posilise as to the wpcipzu,.bra-tholeast estimate is s3o,ooii: ETbo immercint say 4 $l9O, 0601 It is said his manner of effecting this bold stroke in finance was by ferging bills of lading, representing that he had shipped such an amount of produce to the in lower or eite'rn Markets, which he would exhibit to moneyed men, and on which he would obtain Cash ad vances. What disclosures had born made rendered it certain that he is gone, and with him the capital of our best houses. More will he known in a short time. FIREA IS BALTIMORE 1313.—Th0 Republican says:—"The number of tires which Lave ocrured in our city during the year ending on the 6:h last., have been as follows: The number of alarms 302; of these there has been 154 fires; Eike alarms 82. The for mer were produced by tkifollowing causes: Incenclia risrn 43; negligence 3; accident 50; and unknown 58. AN A nmv OF ll , F73.—The New Cagle, Indiana. Courier says that at least 10,090 hogs a few days since passed through that placo on their way to the Cincin nati market. NUT Tti n.itit•ed ontbairsday the death of a man at Cincinnati, whose name was said to he Ewnso, and who had a mother and sister living in Allegheny city. It now appears be was not the man he was taken for. The Commercial Any's, that the man has been recognized as Stephen Henderson, who has a family in Batavia. in Ohio. DEsmeTtn.i.—The Baltimore Sun, as a social sign of the times, i wheat ive of the great prevalence of des titution, notes the officially mcordwi fact, that .during the nights of Saturday and Sunday last. forly persons, male and female, black and wliite,souglit and ohtuincd sleeping accmnaloiatioos at the three city watch hous es. Is thefeatne of so.tiety constructed on wrong prin ciples? or is the machine only temporarily out of gear? THEFT AND FORC;EIIT.—A large number of the printed sheets of the circula:ing notes of the Union Bank, New York, of the denomination of 1,5, 10 and $2O, are missing, arid supposed to be stolen itt the transition hither Flom the Cornptroller'sullh,e, Albany. The notes are coultraigned on the face - by' the Comp troller, but are not rimed by the officers of the bank. The public are cautioned against receiving such notes as any in circulation must be forgeries, the bank never h tying issued notes of those denominations so counter signed, nor will hut front new plates, unless the notes are recovered, of which due notice will be given. 'A petition is in cireidntion in New York,asking the Legislature to grnst the pris Urge of deciding. by a vote of the peorlr, whether the sale of ardent spirits shall be permitted or forbidden within the limits (leach ward. [_'Thomas IVi6on D e rr, IIOW in prison in Rhodes Island, has been appointed a deleg . ate to the Democrat ic National C-nvention, to be held next spring in Bal• COUXTEUFEITS.—Three fellows Lave been arrested in Cincinnati, fur pas,dm; counterfeit notes on the State Bauk of Indiana. "r he bills were of the denomination of tive dollars, have recently been issued, arid arc said to be well executed E:7 Thn I inui. river froze over nt Ottnwa. on the night of the 4th. Oa the next dad• persun3 on fikit c russeil on the ice. fh Curnhodand riser is falling: but there is still sufficient water on the shoals for the largss,4 class bats. E xen ; orri x.—E a . t e rn checks ara selling at I per cent premium. A lah ima money has improved and is bought up freel nt 8 per cent dis. Faux Viin A C r.vz —The hark Ann Louhut.:2odaya from Vertl Clll7, urri , cd la.it night. Frinciwo Men dez, barer d•.spatcheK frurn Waddy 'Thump aort, our Mini,ter at M,.:tico, came passenger in the A. L. Santa Anna had been elected Pret.ident by a large majority. via" It Vera Cruz when the Ann Lou left. prepar . ttg the I,rt, and gn•uing in readinesc for thezinival '4.4' the British fleet, which was expected eNery day from liavana.—N. V. Express. CONGEE SS. WAslitivi sus, Dec. 22, 1343 Tbia body was in legislative session but a f:u nun • Mi. Jaritgla presented two reso:uti , ms from t h e I. , •zi,l3.ture aTennessee, in favor ofalhdishing th,• 40th rule of rim Navy, and of ce-instating Gen. flti!les in big. former rank. IkL•;ico. Mr. CI ittetichtn. from dm committee on military of r,rirteil tyiihoin amendment the bill to remune rate \las:.n•ha;etts kir the im_irvice,i of her trilitia. be. Senate wont into exerntire ces s ion fur a few minute, and then Al iurned to Toe..day. HoUSP. OF REPRE3E.MTATIVES Alter the journal had been read, 1 r Adams remand moved to amend it. lie said it did not contain u fair account of the transartiont of yetterdoy. relative to his memorial. Ile al.d the Speaker argued the matter for some time, and finally the motion of Mr Adams prevail ed. Mr Adams then culled up the resolutions presented by him from the Legislature of Massachusetts, as fol lows: "Resolved, Thnt the following amendment to the Con+tittitionmd the United States be and hereby is re commended to thecoremideration of Congress, to be act ed on according to the fifth article. The third clause of time second section of the first article shall read in the words following: Representatives and direct tuxes shall he apportioned among the several States which are or may beinc mind within this Union according to their re spective numbers of free persons, including Indians not taxed. The actual ennmerutinn shall be mode a ithi n two years from the dateof the adoption of thi+ amendment in the manner provided by the Constitution, and with in every subsequent term of ten years in such manner as the Congress shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, bbt each Staie shall have at - least one Rep resentative. " Resolved, That his excellency the Governor be requested to transmit n copy of the foregoing resolve, and the proposed amendment, to each of the Senators and members of the House of Representatives 'of this Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States. "Resolved, That his excellency the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of the said resolve and amendment to the Executive uf the United States and of the several States. - - The resolutions drew out corsideralde debate and were finally referred to a select committee of nine. 'Mr. Adams then presented the petition of Mrs. Anne Royal, of this city, asking for a pension due to her late husbond as a Revolutionary officer, may be taken from the files of the House and referred to the committee on Revolntionary claims. It was agreod to (When the name of the petitioner was aitno!.l!3l:eit, there was a gen eral laugh. as the members expected that something ex traordinary was coming. The remainder of the day was devoted to the recep tion of petitions from the several states. NASHVILT.E, Der. 16 ARRIVAL •F THE 4 • STEAM 4 1 „At H I , . LIIBERNIA_. SIXTEEN DAYS LATER PROM EUROPE The steamer Capt. 3(14;11:lag, arrived at her wharf, at East lioaton, Wedneaday morning at 7 o'clock, bringing sixteen days later intelligence from Earope. She eiperieneed Very rough weather, arid storms off the coast. She made her paisaee, however, nobly in sixteen days. It will ba seen that Gen. - Del' Green has arrived in the Hibernia. The fire stettmiliTh Britannia",Ciipt. Hewitt, which sailed from Boston un the 16th ult. and from Halifax on the 19th, arrived out at an early hour un Thursday, having made the run froth Halifax in tan days. -At all sea.?at t s of the year, and in all emergencies these nol, le vc.i.,eltt maintain their high 'character for speed and regularity. . Trade has beets delhbut . holinegs bad revived a lite e just on the departure of the steamer. The stock of cotton in Liverpool at the present time is heavy; 450,- 000 bales American against 230,006 in the corres ponding period of4ast, year, ‘vhiei leaves ars-excess of the present over the 'former year, of - no less than 220,- 000 hales. If the rumor which pre%ails, that govern ment intends to allow a drawback on the staple, he correct, such a measure will open a wide field for ex port. It was currently reported in London, on Thursday, that the difference between Great Britain and Mexico, arrising out of the alleged insult to the English flag by Santa Anna, had been satisfactorily arranged between Lord Aberdeen and the representative of Mexico at the Court of St James. /it ET. A D.—The state trials hare been adjourned on. til thejsth January, and P'conuell has retired fur - a while to . fii;•inifitinutin lioine" at Derrynarie. lie is to take Limerick en his way to the "far west," where a dinner is, to be giten on Monday next to Mr IV S o'- B rien, one of 2.11.,i mett:theed-foe the county, a recent con vert to reptial," at - Ara the agilator presides. Reports are in ctecidation that the trials a ill be Uinta dmied; and amongst the parties who have har.arded that opinion. not once but frequently, is Shiel—no bad authority, an far as noinion goes, on the subject. Sir Robert Peel it is said, seeing the protracted time over which the trials will extend, sevisral months, probably, and the uncertainty, from the natured die eiroamatan• nes,re:pectinz a conviction, has determined to apply to parliament 'fur summary powers to put down the agi tation. That inl•aaures of melioration are in progress i s un deniable. The commission which will commence its sittings in Dublin immediately, to inquire into, and sift the workings of the landlord and tenant question, is, in its appointment, a proof that the government means to do something in the way of redressing all practical grins times. It is clear, too, from the feelers which have been put out, that if the Roman i2nth ilic hierar chy in Ireland hal felt disposed to put their hands into the public purse, the government would not have grudg ed them stipends. But they have refused, and great glory is due to them and O'Connell therefor. Every thing shows that Re peal has taken strong hold of the nation's feelings, and however the prosecutions, if continued, may terminate, whether in a conviction or an acquittal, the Nlitl,ter must satisfy the people of Ireland. • In the Court, on the State progocutiont,no now point has turned up. The "O'Connell compensation," vulgarly called "rent." was collected in the chinches and chapels 011 Strvlay. the 19th ult. The produce, so Car as known, is immense, about three times the average; in the Dub lin district it am•.unted to more than ..£5,000. A •eizum of tire arms has been made in Dublin, which has caused scitti,t stir. They were sent from Liverpool to he forwarded by a vessel to the coast of A Criel. It was lwii,ved thny hal been sent for an illegal par pose. until an explunatiim took puce. when the party who W:l6 taken into cuitody on the charge, wa.: des mis,ed. This shows bow sensitive the government ii about the veriedt ttifleJ in Ireland at the present mo ment. O'Connell male an luldre.s to the people of Ireland on the 234 ult. The Onllysl - anrair Herald eivs:—"The government are in pos , e4sion,if some frightful information r sriect ing 111.13nd—there can Le no doubt of it. The Attor ney General mentioned last week in Court, that when the proper time arrives, he will Inc before the jimy, On the trinl of the conspirators, in aqatentent of an fright ful and extensive a conspiracy against the peace of the courary and the constitution by law establi,hed, at ev erdi..graeed any country. We understand the infirm a thin has been communicated by a few of the leading repealers, who bec.arne alarmed at the height to which the conspiracy hid arrived. Preparations are milking by the military stationed in thin town fax fortifying the harritc!is; port holes are mule in the walls. brtgA of sand have boon provided.and n nem',er of barrels have been lined with water, to be kept in the yard for the use of the military in case of a siege. It is said that large quantities of pikes and other weapons are in process of manufacturing thro% out the country—that fire arms are in great abundance —and that a rising may be expected licfiire the winter closes. TO THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND Fri. Low CorNrifyMEN: Attend to me—attend to me eartmstly, and with that NI feet reliance on my ad vice, which you have SO often exhibited. You have never had or ca.ion to regret taking m) advice. Before I proeeed on the present occasion. 1 feel it my duty—a nin:it pleasing duty—to return yon thanks for the com plete tranquility that prevails. It deli;hts me, nail it delights all your friends. to See the perfect tranquility and sohini+sinn to the law tint pervades the connt ry.— Your enemies rise anxi ins that you should the r.are; that you should be guilty of outrage, and I,:iu loace, arid crime. Thank Heaven, you have disappointed them. Thank n,,t,,en, you are determined that nothing shall rut ‘iihe you to any species of riot, or tumult or violence ! Ii 1 thank you from the bottom of my heart for that determination ! There are. lam-aver, two tonics on which I feel it my duty to address you, and to whmcb I anxiously entreat your earnest attention. The first of these relates to Riband ism. 1 tell you emphatically that Ribandism is the most foolish, as well as the must vicious, combination that ever Wlla formed. There is ray lung so hateful and detestable i u Gelandas Riband ism. It is as silly as it is wicked. It tends to cocour courage drinking in low and unlicensed public houses; and in fact it is set on foot, and kept up, principally for the benefit of persons who do not deserve to he publi cans, who, in general, do actually sell liquor without license. I am sure that the respectable publicans all (with me) discourage it. I know they do in Dublin, and in many other plaass; and I believe in all. No matter whether it he connected a ith li.ptor or not, it is vicious, cruel , n foolish, rr drift less and absurd confederacy. Is never did any g 0 1.41 and never can do any. It causes assaults, and riots, and. ruffianly beatings. without being, productive of any one advantage. I 'hate it from my inmost soul. No man who is known to he a Ribandmen shall ever be admitted to bea Rspcaler I If the Repeal Wardens du not suppress Ribandistn in their neighborhoods, their names shall be struck out off the Repeal Association altogether. hear with the deepest regret, that in the county of Ca van another set, of Ribandmen calling themselves "Bil ly Smiths," or some such foolish name, have made their appearance. They arc WOW, if possible,. than the former Rilindm7n. No man that is known to have any thing to do with the "Billy Smiths" shall ev er he admitted as a Repealer. I ccajure—l entreat—l wishl could command every honest man who knows of the existence of the "Bill) Smiths" and Ribandmen, to denounce them at once to the magistrates. At. all events. they will soon he be trayed by their own companions and instigators; and when they come to be imprisoned and tined, or trans ported, they will then bitterly regret not having taken my affectionate and anxious advice. I most respect fully solicit the Catholic Clergy to announce these my sentiments in every locality in which there may possi bly exist Ribandmen or `Billy Smiths.' I, in like man ner, solicit them to add to my advice the weight of their venerated counsel and authority.' There is an ot h er topic upon which I wish to address the people, and to over to them my earnest advice. It relates to the practice now beginning to grow up, of lighting bonfires an one frivolous pretence or another. It is a foolish and dangerous custom; it can do no good an a may do n great deal ibf harm, even accidentally.— Let there nots any repetit ion of that nisiatebeti4. end , riIESEE,ABILIVALL OP wurraini 00011 W. This isitny a . ce—yrilr lett senseless pr ~ tee. SUPERFINE DOUBLE MILLED me say its rti, command I , _ln U r panic - rty it . :7,-,,' t e ouch Iti.Se aeided: 1 affl ikA I some OP *1 or . .C LOT IIS.cA s zs 1 m El; Es &c: angemeatbertstonsider itas Asuliiiwthat is a aficisive . - s reason irby it 'should never be repeated. No honest P. DELANY, Tailor, ftepealci- woukl instil t any mart. -Every Lonest - Re-' iVo 49, Liberty street, 21door above Virgin alley, peeler woiald conciliate all men of all parties. Lot H AS this day received u fresh assortmmt of &e -there he nothing more heard of these bonfires in Ulst,r, yer Cloths. Cossimeres, superior Pilot Clads, or in any part of Ireland. fancy heavy Tweed Cloth and C'essircatetliiiii'dthe r I cannot conclude without again offining to You my goods sill:able to the season. Rig vr:thy!lettiure he ir.- most cordial thanks for tile universal peace and quiet c , ~ , the 1 ~. , ore d in forms tilt f 1 Iti.(11 arlu 114 e 'F.:DIX, ' tun{ Lfurt tor , very Part of Ireland liberal patronage he has received cii.,,crilr fall, he that prevails'. Let every martin ever!... has been induced in addititz G.) his large stak o f f a n be tram ail and /pier, and conduct himself peaceal 1y and loyally. Let him totally avoid any riot, tumult goody to order or violence. Whatever may be the event of th e pen ''ltESH SUPPLIES OF CHOICE -AND 'F'ASH ding trials, let every man stay at home in quiet, and be not tempted by anybody to any species 4JI breach of the' lONABLE GOODS. peace: This is any advice. NU Ribandiim. Nu 'Li', -- ~ ‘ , "/ .1 r 4 at present prepared to offer the beet as O".MPtt iv Smiths! ' No benefit: , ! Peace, quiet, tranquility, and of clothing in the city, winch consists in part of within Ir' months 'the Repeal of the Union will be at SUPER DOUBLE NAVE BEAVER CLOTH band. FROCKAND OVERCOATS, • I 'I am your,over faithful servt. PLAIN DO., •DASIE.I. Ci . 1..a.NNC.1.1... japer Blue B:aelf, LIVI•ill)le Green, aryl fancy colored FROCK AND DRESS COATS; Every description of SACK COATS, from 4 ire 6,,8, end 10 dollars; FASHION.‘BLE CLOAKS On hand and Trade to o r d er at from 15 to 18 an d $2 , 2, Super do. al 25 to 30 dollars; Every description of PANTALOON CASSLMERE ; CLOTH, SATTINETT, &C.; \ Plain and Figured Dublin, Nov. '2".1 SPAlN.—There has. been a ' Ministerial in Spain. After the ceremony witieh gave a Parliamen tary COTOOIItiOLI to the Queen's majority, S. Lopez. and his cabinet...tontewhat ostentatiously tendered their res ignation, on the ground that their appointment had hitherto been only pros isional. They were requested by . the Queen to tetnin their places; but it was under stood that S. Lopez. would ullimutely re tir,t. The resignation, probilbly, the fi tishing, stroke to the fate of the Lopez Miiii-orv, already dismayed at the . dithculties which it would 'have to encounter in the Cortes; and, on the eveninr , ' of the 15th, the Queen commissiotted S. Olozazo to form a cabinet. It was suppused that General ;Serrano would continue in of fice. Newt from AtTgliani,:trin has heon received, - which lead us to believe that Dot. Mmliommed ie Not destin ed to retain very lung the reins of authority at Cau'aul. Ile has become exceedingly unpopular—many of his subjects are in often rebellion. IV. 4 ,l,rs.—The Commi,-ioners appointed to enquire into the state of South Wales sit with e,losed dcirs,and the reporter fur The Times states that they are not likely to arrive at the true cause of the di , vonter:t a mong the people, as they move from place to place, without giving sufficient notice to those really aggriev ed of theiriatentions. The same Writer says, 'The country, I am tehhis stElin a very unsatisfactory state, and the people are all kept quiet by the presence of the Theirmilitary. secret meetings are now prevented, so that they cannot arranze toconffilit Wattages.` 111E:WY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. [Reported for the Baltimore Sun.] WASUINGTOS. Dec. 21, 13-13 Mr. 'Buchanan presented a petition from underwri ters nod other citizens of 'Philadelphia, relative to the ruinous condition of the piers at port Penn. After the dbrpo:nl of sornn other bus'nes4, Mr. Atch ison called up his bill to facilitate and encourage tire settlement of the Oregon Territory. It w•as agreed, on his motion, that the bill be referred to a select com mittee tots appointed by the chair. The remainder of the session w•as consumed by a debate on o bill to settle the title of Pea Patch Island. It proposes to submit the affrir to the arbitration of the lion. Hence Binney. The bill was finally tempo rarily laid upon the table. MOUSE OF RICPRE7ENTATITES As soon 83 the journal Wait read, Mr. Thompon, of Mi+si.sippi.ru•e and said, 'Mr. Speaker, I have a oine Mr. Kinz—Yes, Mr. Spoaker, and so hare I SOVCIIII other member; held up their hands full oc." paper.; alio, and intimated that if one ahnuld be allow - e,l lo infringe on the rile, they would have equal rizht4. So the Speaker rave a rap with the hammer of fate, and told them they were all out of order, So then eat M. D'37l Zave notice or a bin to reduce the pay and roilc3re ,A.tnemberr,. The mie.:inn re!ntirr to the petitions presented by )Ir. 11d.intr. , ye4.erday, then came up. Mr. Saw,ders called him to order for irrelevancy. Mr. Adam, contended that he wa+ not irrelevant. After converation of rather an exciting char acter, iho Speaker decided that Mr. Adams was not in order in the course of argument he was was pursu- Mr. Adams said somothinx about the construction of the skulls of certain mernh , rs who called him to or der for irrelevancy. Ho observed also, that there np pearol to be a strong affinity between the skull of the Speaker and the skull of the gentlemen referred to. The Speaker said it W:l4 with very great reluctance that hr felt hound to interfere; but he could not penmie tnember4 of the House to have such reflections cast upon them; neither would he permit such reflections to he (-Ist mvia t h e Chair. He therefore cal!' d upon AdarnA to take his seat. Mr. A.1119O; redoo d to do so; and the House was in n xmte or _nn , excitement. Mr. C. J. 'Dursoll here rose and moved that the 1i,,u40 go intc committee of the whole. Mr White contended that ruche motion was at va rimme with the usual courtesy extended to members reitoired to take their seats. rejoined, and spoke very warrilv rvla ti•r•othefirstofthe petitions calling, upon the House to ark rust b•dze the suprr macs. of .lesur‘ Chri4. :he founder of our holy religion.. It bordered ay neat Si., it e.)uld upon profani:y wad was insulting to the tiotise. It pro, ed ti, hr frun. ndolph,lVashin;ti in county. After a long it.trocluction, it pray' the fol lowing a rn..nd m..nt to the constitution: Ist. Thatit th..y be go arreuided ttg to contain a ronfeegion of sin mint Almighty God. the Jude of the whole earth, fur omitting to mentiun his name or acknowledge him in said constitritiorn also for omit ting to provide for the abolition of qlaverv. 2nd. That the divinity of the Sa‘iourJe - ing Christ may he acknowledged, &c 3d. That the name of God may be acknowledged in all the law: of the land. .Ith.lTlizit the constitution shall be amended so as to seriire to ever!• individual in the United States. the self evident truth of the declaration of independence, (to wit: the riJit to life, liberty and the persuit of }rip piaess ) . The m.unnrial conclude-4 with a quatdtion horn the 0:d Te, , tanient, rafting. upon the ruler, of the land td •Ithis the Son kit he he angre, and,yo perish by tbe way when his vrath is kinctied but a little.' The next question was on the motion of Mr. NVise, to pay the question of reception on the table. The re sult was—yeas 90, nays 60. So here was the end of the matter. A CIIFAP PLACE.—The Hagerstown, Md., Nuns gives is Market Price Current for the benefi t of its rea ders; and really living must be rather cheap in that place—" Chickens, fine, fat and plump, are aping in this place at from nine to ten cents a piece-- On Sat urday we saw some indifferent ones sold et 6 Celit.N.— For several weeks past butter. firm, sweet and clear of streaks, has ranged from 10 to 12 . cents. New and well ground earn meal; sells at one cent a pound; and buckwheat flour, white, clean and clear of dirt, ma d • be had for two. Lard, as white and pure as the 'driv en snow," (so poets say) is only worth Silt cents der pound, whilst flour brings only 0,25 per barrel. Be sides this, we have sugar so cheap that it wont bear telling, nod good coffee can be had at 8 cents per pound. ' The American Institute, New York, is discus sing the subject of building iron ships for the Jcet n.— There are iron vessels now" running in the English wa ters sixty years old, and there is no telling how long they may last when well put together. nhair of a peculiar construction has been in vented in New York, which it is snid will give a dys peptic or debilitated persan, all the exercise of riding on horseback, without the severity of that mode of lo- 1 comotion 50 BOXES FIRE CRACKERS, just received and for sale by C. YEAGER, d25-3t 108 Market at. near Liberty. SILE VELVET AND SATIN VESTS, Ana a t.,,erior as.ortmeot o f goods on hand to make to or.kr. Fair prices am.paid for making work,'lthd the best of worn. men employed. No other e*tablith meat in the city can offor so goal an assortment clothing .7s can be found at No. 49; etvrarat:rint prize is asked but everything put at the sinaliPst advance on the original cost. All cloth i,,g sold at this establishment is tnade by Pittsburgh mechanics. and warranted superior to the stunk, early eastern ativeilturer, who any they sell below cost. d 25-1 m MAMMOTH PLUMB CASE RMe.KI:OI:LL annnunces to tile citizens in/en .et Ld, and 1 -di cust ,, rtatrzin particu:ar, t h at he has :n.tr:ufacturA Ids zir.rtlal 100 lbs. Cake, ',Lid, 1, is row prt-ptirt-t1 to serve up. Gents, *eat your girl=; hu,bar.cis your wires; brothers your sisters -for be nssurrd will not regret it, after you haw, tasted it. Call at McKinnell's, 124, Wood st. (125-1 t. LIAIILDIAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street. HA VE in store and are receiving 4'25 hng: Rio Coffee, part strong and green, 50 Y 11 and G P Teas, 25 I.a..xes Husaell & Robinson's .s's Tobacco, 0 s's " 10 " Tnomp,;on's 5 '' 10 5 " Eupericr pound lump 100 " fresh Ma;aga Bunch Ruista, 20 " No I and 2 Mo.t.ard, 50 " No 1 chocolate, 25 " ground . I.cpper, 5 " cocoa, 5 " rice fitair, `2OJO lbs loaf t.uzar. 10 kegs ground ginger, 5 " " ul:spiee 2000 lb:: OIL 'l'athed soh.. I , .Ett.iicr, 1000 vardi tn,v I•,nen, bales of which thvy otfor, with a general 11.611ortrrkirt aye stuff:, and Pittsburgh manufactured fool 3. on liberol tortm=. as• InEescitr Orrtet., Barri.lburgh, IDee'r 18, 1893. IT has been a.c...,rinined that the Berke County Bank ha: put intr, circA,ll:ir a larger amount of nntes issued by that 13an% under the eat of 4th May, 1341, than eutharized by Therefore, notice is liere,y given ro all officers anil persons receisinz money for tit" State, not to receive the notes above mentioned, Cor duet m rhe State, that they are no , . received at the State Trenk4Urv. d23-3t Ji2/13 MANN, State Treasurer. EXECUTORS' NOTICE LL pPr.oils indebted to the estate jf George All -111. ler, late of Versiiles township, Allegheny comity, deceased, will please make payment to the undersigu ed, end all per, , on , havin; e:aims or atmands against the estate of the said d will make known thi sameto the:n without delay.JOHN MILLER. WM. MICHAEL, Executors. d23—(1," LADIES SALE. r HERE u iil ben sale of uu.ful and fancy articles, oy,.ters, and other refreshments, held in the School room of Dr. Herron's church, on 6th street, cern— menchoz on Christmas morning. nt 10 o'clock. The proceed.; of sale to go for us, of dth l'rcsby. Church. dec 21. PENN INSURANCE COMPANY LVN Diction for nine Directors of this Institution, to nerve tic enioiing ycar, w ill be held at the riff,cii of r v, south cost corner of iNiu ket and Third rj!l.l - mr_ , ll. on t'ne tir