Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 25, 1843, Image 1

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PRICE' IP 11--
OL. 11. NO. S 7
Y. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets.
Tatiage.-.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance.
aJpiess. - two CEsts--for sale at the counter of
t be Mae, and by Ne‘v3 Buys.
Who Weekly Mercury and Ma.nufactnrer
s published at the same ottiee, on a double medium
Asset, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
le eopiet, SIX CENTS.
030 insertioo, $0 50 One month, $5 00
Two du., 075 I Two do., 600
Three do., 200 Threedo., . 700
One week, 1 50 Four do., 800
Two "do., 3 00 Six. do., 10 00
Three do., 4 00 Oae year, 15 00
One Square. Two Squares.
%ix monthi, $l2 03 Six months, $23 00
ir:set year, 25 00 One year, 35 00
far Larger advertisements in ,
110rCARDS of four 1
Public Of f ices, &c.
City -Post (Vice, Third Irltween Market and Wood
streots—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster.
Vona Nouse, Water, ith dpr from IVO4,lst.,Pe
terson'sbuildings—William B. Mowry, Collector.
City Tre ry, Woml, bartvcen. First and Second
streets--Ja-nag A.:11111nm, "freasurer.
Coway Ttearitry, Third street, next door to the
rhirl Pr2..byteriaa Chlrelt—S. R. Johnston, Treasu
Mayor's Office, Fourth, b.2tween Market and aloud
4treet3—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
Mcrehata's E:rchange, Fourth near Market it.
Pittsburg, b2o.r.leu Mtrliet nut Wuol streets un
Thira sad Fourth streets.
Ail'e reit ants' and o re rs' and Partners' De.
to ut Bank, (funnerly Satin; Fund,) Fourth, between
tf.oa and Markzt streets.
Exchange, Fifth st. near Wood.
.3tononyairela Huse, NVater street, near the
.13.eekringe Hotel, corter of Penn mud St. Clair.
..iterchan:s' Hotel. corner of Third and Wood.
Aoteriagn flotri,carnerofThirdandSmithtield.
United States, corner of Pean at. and Otani
Spreal Eagle, Liberty street, uear seventh.
Miller's Mansion Haase, Liberty St., oppo , itu
Broad'iarst's .Mansion ffanse, Pun St., opposite
Important to Owners of Sam Mills.
NVOL'it'S uarivalled Self Setters, for saw mills,
k. 7 which hive been so fully tested in ditcerentfarts
of the United States, as well as in the cities of Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a
nimibar of mills in this nei;hborliood, viz.: at Mr. Wick- '
ersh UZI'S mills, on Penn street; at Bowman & Chum
is mills, near the upper Allegheny bridge, and
at 'Nfurrison's mills, on lare's Island, nd others.—
The above named machin l e can be obtaine a d at IV. W.
W,illays's shop, un Liberty street, near Smithfield,
where it is fitting up, and where the machine will be
kept c,outtqutly ou Apply to 13. F. Snyder, or
W. IV. Wallace. may .5
Evans' Chamomile Pills. •
AURXHAM .1. CLEMER, residing at 66, Mott
;tract, Netv York, was allieted with Dyspepsia
in its 1113$t aggravated form. The symptoms were vi
olent. head: cho, great lebility, f wee, c ostiveae‘s,cough,
kmartbsru, pain in the eh rst and stomach always after
taiag, appethe, sensation of sinking at the
istruntich, furred tenffoe, nausea, with frequent vomit
lags; dizziness towards night and restlessness. These
ni..l continued upwards of a twelvemonth, when, en
cansalting.Dr. Wm. Evans, 100 Chatham :trent, and
submitting to his ever stiee.•ssful and agreeable mode
of treatment, the patient was e ompletely restored to
health in the short space of one month, and grateful for
the incalculable benefit d gladly came forward
and volunteered the above statement For sale, whole
sale and retail, by ft. E. SELLERS, Agent,
se. 10—y No. 20, Wood street, below Second.
p e as's floarhound Candy.
TUTTLE has received this day from New York,
a fresh supply of the above celebrated cure fur
C oughs, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup
ply-custortiers,at wholesale or retail, at his Medical
Ateney, IEG I , mirth st. nov 12
B Ater Bargains than ever, at the Threeßig
11 LIE subscriber would respectfully inform his cu;:
tontars and the public ge uerdly , that not wi istad
ing the unprecedented sales at the Three Doors,
tiring the present season; he has still on hand the lar
feat and most varied assortment of elegant CLO
THING that can be bought west of the mountains.—
rho public m ty rest assured that all articles offered at
.lil store are m aufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur
:based in tha Eastern markets this spring and made in
o garments by Pitttsburgh workmen.
Ia consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in
it city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty,
last off garments of former seasons, from the eastern
the public s hould be cautious to ascertain the char
szter of the establishments in which they are invited to
purchase, before they part with their money. The arti
cles offered at several of the concerns in this city, are
the mean offals of t' ew York and l'hilteldphia slop
shops. and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts
burgh public. Purchasers'd lae on their guard a
gainst these impositions, and they may rely on the fact
thatno establishment that advertises eastern made Clo.
thing, can give as good an article or as aclvant
bargains as can be had at the "Three Big D"
The public will please remember that all the subscri
bar's garments are made i n this cit y, bycompwetent wok
men, and not gathered up like the goods no offered by
the "birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of
.eastorn slop shops. It will always he his endeavor to
maintain the reputation that the "Three Big f
have obtained for furniing a superior style o CLO
THING in every respec sh t, and at prices below those of
any other establishment.
fie would again return his thanks to his friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest pri SKF ce,to call
at No. 151, Lts gar r ST. JOHN NVCLOY.
M"Observe Metal Plate in the pavement. op 26.
Look at This.
V HE attention of those who have been somewh.'
_L sceptical in reference to the numerous certif.
caws published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compouna
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being
unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
rected to the following certificate, the writer of which
has been a citizen of this borough for several years,
lit and
i t known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibiy.
To the Agent, Mr. J. Ktunr.
I have used Or. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severely
s glinted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I
been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness,
and agrees well with my diet,--and maintains a regular
and goal appetite. I can sincetely recommend it to all f
stlit3rs similarly afflicred. .1. MIN NICK, Borough gh.
March 0, 1810. Chamber r ou
For sale hy WILLIAM THORN,
No. 53 Marketstreet
ter 23)
ines St DOLLARS a ,'BU[
Cheap for Cash.-
R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grunt street,
nearly opposite the new Court House, nextrooms
10 to J.
D. Mahon, EsqEsq.,first fluor. sep
Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law,
North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh. ser 10-1
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court Ilouse,
sep 10 Pittsburgh.
Francis R. Shnnk, Attorney at Law,
Fourth street, above Wood,
sep 10-ly Pittsburgh, Pa
Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law
Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,
sop 111—y Pittsburgh, Pa
Win. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on the North Aide of the Diamond, between Mar
ket and Union streets, up stairs sep
A. L Durboraw, Attorney at Law,
Tendei - s his professional services to tho public. . Office
sop 10 on fith st., above Wood, 'Pittsburgh.
Eyst.er & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
ilice removed From the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,'
shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood its.,
• ep 10 Pittsburgh
- _
N. Bnekmaster, Attorney at Law,
iscs removed his office Bearrs' Law B ldings, - 4th
St., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10
George W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
Office in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh
ep 27—y
lteado Washington, Attorney at Law,
Office inßukew•ell'sbuihling,Grnnt street, Pittsburgh
nov 5, 1842
John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law,
Oice corner of Smithfield and Firth st reets, Pittsburgh.
ET"Collections made. All business entrusted to his
cure will be promptly attended to.
feb 16—y
Wm. E. Austin Attorney at Law,
Pittsburgh Pa. °Mee in Fourth street, opposite Burke's
17"WILLIAst E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his atten
tion to my unfinished business, and I recommunl him
to the patronage of my friends.
Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law,
Office on Fifth ittreet, between \Voud andP itth Smithfield,
RUBERT PORTr:R. ..... -.JOHN B. .Pf.ttlglNS•
sorter & Perkins, Attorneys at Law,
Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets,
cep 10 Pittsburgh.
Judson & Planegin, Attorneys at Law,
Smithfield, near 7th street. Collect ions made on mod
crate terms. Pensions for widows of old soldiers under
the late act of Congress obtained, Papers anti draw
ings for the patent office prepared. mar 17—y
Fleury S. Stagraw,Attoraay at Law,
Hits removed his care to his residence, oa Fourth
two doors above Smithfield. seri
J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law,
OfficecornerSmithheid and Third streets, Pittsburg
my 25—y
L. Harper, Attorney and CoaassUar at Law,
Will attend promptly to the collection or security of
claims, and all professional business entrusted to his care
in the counties of Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont, Guern
sey, TUscarnwus, Holmes, Coshocton, Carroll, Stark
and Wayne. RaTER TO
Metralf Li. Loomis,
Fleming, ~.
John Harper,
D. T. Morgan,
my '27, 18 13—tf
U. morrow, Alderman,
Office north side nf Fift street, between Weod and
Smithfield, h
Pittstnirgh. seplo—tf
Magistrate's Blanks,
For proceedings in attachment under the late law
sale at this office. jy 25_
Dr. S. IL flobnes,
Office in Second street, next door t olvany Co.'a
Glass Warehon.e. sep 10—y
Dr. A. W. Patterson,
Office on Smithfield street, third door from the corner of
sixth street. stp 10
Ward & Mutt, Dentists,
Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair,
ap 6,1843
Doctor Daniel Waded,
°trim. on Filth street, between Wool and Smithfield
streets, Pittsburgh. der 10-y
N o .Street, E
Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns.
mar 17—y
WitliaMS &Dilworth,
Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Me
chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured A
tides, No. 29. Wood street. sep 10—y r-
11 1 7tolesale and Retail Dealers in
English, French and Domestic Dry Goods ;
No. QI, Market street, rittsburgh.
set) 10—y
J. G. & A. GORDON,
Commission. and Forwarding Merchants,
Water street, Pittsburgh. sep 10-y
Commission and Forwarding
No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
_r-TEitsts.—Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per
1001 s. Commission on purchases and sa
mar 2 les, 2i per
cent 2.—y
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edward Hug-hes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
W a rehouse,. 25, Wood st., Pittt4burg,h.
*ep 10-y
Wholesale Grocers,Commission and Pro
duce Merchants,
And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures.
mar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pittsburt •
Bookbinders and Paper Milers,
Continue business at the stand late of M'Candless
Johnson. Every der.erilition of work in their line no.
ly and promptly executed may 8-y
Coleman Co.,
General Agents, Arseardiag and COM"MiStiOS
Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectf 22 u11y 60-
I kit CiolPirtrnetltS, n —tf
L. &J. D. WICK,
Whoktsale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st.,
may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa.
Birmingham &Co.,
March 22
John EL Brant, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Com
mission Merchant,
Harrisburgh, Pa.
WILL dispose of all goods sent for Commission.
Sales at the lowest commission rates.
P a a w—rJ—. &
W W Wn e & D co ay W &G llseot
n ri & sh H, D e . r r L , e e .E h . E & ld C e o r .
Harrisburgh—Miclelßurke,H.Antes,J M. Holdman
july I-6m.
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37, Market street. sep 10
Thos. 11. Young & Co.
Furniture Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex
change alley. Persons wishing to purchase furniture,
will find it to their advantage to give us a call, being ful
ly satisfied that we can please as to quality and price.
se 'lO —_----------_
Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers,
No. 0 3, Market sueet, between 2d and 3d streeu,
Se p 10.1
Exchange Hotel,
Corner of Penn and Saint Clair streets, by
Pilkington's tiarivaLled tea,
AN U F AcTU RED andiold wholettale and reta
1111X111 one door below Smithfield.
act 2 1-1 y
James Patterson, sr.,
Birmingham, mar Pitt:burgh. Pa., manufacturer of
lucks, hinges and bolts; tobacco, fuller, mill and timber
crevrtst,houtten screws for rolling mills, tir..c. sep 10—v _
Jolus INCloskey, Tailor and Clothier,
berty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley
South side. sep 10
Webb Closey's Boot and Shoe Iffsanftztery,
Ne. 83, 41h al., next door to the V. S. Baia.
Ladies prnnelba, kid and satin shoes made in the neatest
manner, and by the neatest French patterns. bep 10
WiMasa Dab Arty,
148 Liberty street, between Market
nail Si \tli. np 10-Gm.
Saha Cartwright,
CCTLER sod Surgical 'lnstrument Manufartnrer.
corner of 6th and Liberty streets. Pittsburg, Pa.
B.—Alw•ays en hand an extensive assortment 0
Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's
Hatter's, Bair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears
Saddler's Tools, Trustee, ;S:e. je 24.
Oak and Poplar Lumber for - n
A FEW thnuaand feet of aeasoaprd Oak and Poplar
Lwnber, fur aisle by wholesale. Empire of Jaaiet
C. Cummins, Esq. neardso Fountain Inn. jy 21
Celebrate* Puna* Pills.
THESE Pills as strongly recommended to the
notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in
removing dugs romplainu peculiar to theirset, from
want ofexemise,orgeneraldehilitynf the system. They
obviate co.itiveuess, and counteract all Hysterical and
Nervous affections- These Pills have gained the sanc
tion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in
the United States, and many Mothers. For sale
Whoksale and Retail,by R. E. SE LLERS, Agent,
sen 10 No. 20, Wood Street, below Second
Notice to Dr. Braadreth's Agents.
p HE office in Pittsburgh, which was established fur
.1 this purpose of constituting agents in the west,
having accomplished that oojett, is now closed, and
Mr. G. 11. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, a p.
pointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini
ments. All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, thercfore,un
derstand that Dr. B. will send a travelling agent
through the country once a year to collect monies for
sales made and re supply agents. The said traveller
will be provided with power of auorney, duly proved
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all the necessary vouchers and papers.
Mr J.J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Pennsyl
N . B.—Remember, Mr. G. 11. LEE, in the rear of the
Market is now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
june 14
Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a
hard 1/welling on the cap of my knee, whioh
produced much pain, and used various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brnndreth's
linament, or external remedy.
Witness my hand, JAMES T AY E 0 R.
Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jon.
Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or linament; sold
at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bottle feb 8.
Dr. Dechter's Pulmonary Preservative.
F OR coughs, colds, iniluenzas, ra ta
the breashs, whoot,piang
coug,lt, spitting of blood, pain in ll
diseases of the breast and lungs, and arrest of approach
ing consumption. NVarranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAHNES PitTOCK & CO.,
jy 12 Agents for tsburgh.
William C. Wall,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
No. 87. Fourth street, Pitteburgh,
ANN' ASS brushes ,varnish, &c., for artists, always
Con hand. Looking Glasses, Ste., promptly fla
med to order. Repairing done atthe shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing
every description.
Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to
their advantage to call. sep 10-y
Manufacturer of Tipp_ Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware
No. 17, Fiftl street,beimeen Trood and Market,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares,
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, Hares,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
skillets,t eakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &.e. Met.-
' chants and others are invited to call and examine for
hemselves , a he is determined to sell cheap forcash or
approved - mar7—tr
rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil
cling. J. Osborne would solicit omit - from those who
desire Portraits .Spcimens can be seenstgta r ooms
G. rteinlV‘rta
Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission lifer
No. 140, Liberty et., a few doors above St. Clair,
MP'Where families and others can at all times be
famished with good Goods at moderate prices. n9O
Short Reel Yarn.
No. 5 Ist 15 cts per lb
6 at 15
'7 at 15
8 at 15
9 at 15
10 at 15
11 at 15
12 at 15
13 at 16
14 at 17
15 at 18
16 at 19
17 at 20
18 at 21
19 at 2'2
20 at 23
(Orders promptl:
Painter's,Logan &Kent,
f 27
Circulating and Iltdarenca Library.
OF religious, histOrical, political and miscellaneous
works, will be open every day, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M. until 9P. M., in the Ex
change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex
change alley, where punctual attendance will be given
sep 10
David Clark, Ag'
ONBLE BOOT MAKER, has removed
to No. 34 Market street, between Second and
Third streets, where he would be happy to see his
old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa-
PITTSUU RGII MANUFACTORY. tronise him. He uses r.othing but first rate stock, and
Spring' and Axles for Carriages, employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his con-
At Easfern Prices. slant personal attention to liti-dri••ss, he trusts that he
T will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage
HE Subset ibers manufacture and keep constant- _
ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war-1 sep 10
mated,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass platod 1
Dash Frames, Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump
Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps,
Three fold Steps, Malleable lron, Door Handles and \
Hinges, &c., &c. JONES & COLEMAN.
sep 10 St. Clair at., near the Allegheny Bridge
Cheaper and Later than can be had at any otitcr
place rest of the inonateins.
Call for Bargains
So.lsl,l,iberty St., seer the Jackson Foundry.
ril HE subscriber would respectfully inform his
friend: and the public, that his fall stock of
Goods comprises a larger and more varied assortment
than has ever been opened at any house in this city,and
from the favorable terms at which his purchases were
made, be is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it can
be had in any other establishment in this city. He
would request the public to call and vaamine his splen-
did assortment of all the articles of dress, and
the excellence of the material. the style of workman
ship and the very low price at which all his articles are
sold, he feels confident that every one will find it o
their advantage to purchase at the "Thre•Big Doors."
As none but the best cutters and workmen are em
ployed, orders to flake clothing will be attended to in a
manner not surpassed by any other establishment in
the cite.
He would again return his thanks to his friends and
the public...for the unprermlentesl patronage bestowed
upon his establishment. and twlieving that they have
found it to their t ulvantaxe to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing 0f every description at the lowest pt ice. to call
at ,No. 151, Liberty et. JOHN M'CLOSKF.Y.
Observe metal plate in the pavement.
. _ ..
nion Cotton Factory
Long Reel Yarn.
500 at lIA cents per dozen
600 at 74 do
700 at 6i do
800 at 54 do
900 at 5 do
1000 at 5 do
Candlewick at 15 cents pc r lb.
Com. Batting, 8 do
Family do., 121 an
Carpet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine, 20 do
Stocking Yarn and Cover
let Yarn always on hand.
Cotton Warps made to or-
, ler.
y attended to, if left at J & C.
nedy's,or therost Office:address
Iron Sates.
-1 RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have
and keep alvray. on hand an assortment of Fire
Pita Safes. The price, in consequence of the ma
terials and labor being much lower, i 4 reduced about
thirty percent. They are kept for sale at my *bop, in
Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on
the corner of 6th street--as alio with Atwood, Jones
&Co., and Dalsell & Fleming. In regard to the qual
ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur
chased and will purchase my safes to at
the util
ity of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safe.;
justice and truth warrant me in informing the public
that all my safes wnich have been in buildings burnt
down for several yews since I commenced have pre
served all the papers, boek4, &c., which they contai
ed. I have a card containing a number of certificates
o f thesame, which are in circulation and in my hands
and the agentes. circulation DENNING.
N. B. A few pair of steel Springs for sale. made by
Jones & Coleman, and will be sold low. Also, a screw
press, with power to punchholes in half inch iron.
se p 2.0-tf
improved Magnesia Safes,
CONSTABLF. & BURKE, Arr. Bora.- ,
Fifth Street,between Wood and Smithfield, (Late of the fi rm of - Young 4. 31"Curcly)
HAS commenced the ousiness in all its branches at
Pittsburgh, Pa. NO 22 , Wood street, between First and Second
T HE subscribers present their respects to their un- s ty., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as
merous friends for their former liberal patron- 1 surtment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by
age, and would take this method of assuring them and strict attention to business; to merit a continuance of
the public generally that all future favors will be duly t h e patronage of the public.
appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of 1 Est attention willbepaid to fiirnishinz. COFFINS,
which sufficient testimony will be given to any inquirer. S s . A. Furniture Car for hire. July 11
The principles of their locks and safes are nut sue- -_______
passed in the Union. 1 JOHN I‘IrFABLAND,
The price also is considerably lessened, and will be B i llpholsterer and Cabinet Maker,
found as low, if not below any other responsible house Third between Wood and Market,
in the Union.
Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he
We would take this opportunity of thanking the va- R .
Is prepared toexecute all orders for sofas, sideboards,
rious Editors of this city and elsewhere, who have;
bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and
spoken so highly of us and our safes. 1
spring matt . ra.sses . , curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol-
The public are respectfully invited to examine our
stenng work, which he will warrant equal to any made
articles befote purchasing elsewhere, feeling assured
in the city, and on reasonable terms. sap 10
the s uperiority of our manufacture will be apparent to ---
all candidspectators. Matthew Jones, Barber and flair Dresser,
N. CONSTABLE &E. BURKE• Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the 'Mayor's of-
N. B. Safes can be obtained of any size or shape, I fice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or
or of any principle of lock or construction, of the sub- 1 transient customers. lie solicits a share of publi c pa•
scriber*, wr of S. Church, Second street, Pittsburgh, 1 tronage.
Pa. n2O-tf
Beware of a Settled Cowrie .
TAR. M' L ANES Sudorific Lung Syrup,being a safe
and effectual remedy for Cougs, Catarrhal Fever,
Influenza, Pleurasy, the first of forming stages of Con
sumption Asthma, Whooping Cough, &c. Some do
zen of cerltificates of its valuable effects can be pro
duced, one of which is now offered.
This is to certify, that I had a very severe Cough all
last winter; and was very much reduced. After trying
medical aidto no purpose, I was advised to procure a
bottle of Dr. IlPLane's Lung Syrup; it gave me reief
immediately, and in two weeks 1 was able to go o l ut,
and fully believe it to be one of the most valuable med
icines now before the public, for Cough and breopt com
IMPA fresh supply of this valuable Cough
KIDD, medicine
just received at the Drug store of .
oct 7 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth sts
C. A. 11114MFULTY,
Canal Basin, corner Watne and Liberty streets, Pitts
burgh. Agent ignited States Portable Boat Line.
serf 4 —3m.
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
I THE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this CII'V
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi
ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal
for• the goodness of his work and knowledge of his
business. I'. KEE. RIGA.N.
may 11
_—_-- .
William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker,
ILiberty st. opposite the head of Smithfield.
The subscriber hating bought out the®
stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has
commenced business at the old st4nd of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in
his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.
He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe
findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He
solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft.
sop 10—y WM. ADAIR.
Cotner of Wood and Water sts,
VVT Li EiiE as choice an ass omens ready made
clouting. cloths, cas=t me res. _sat netts.
flannel shirts, drawers. cotton, Angola and lamb' s wool
hose and half hose, silk and gingham CriV3tS,
ocelot, and in short, a little of everything adapted to
the use of gentlemen, all of which purchasers a-ill find
made up, and also made to order iii the latest and most
improved style, and at prices which, he flatters himself,
will successfully compete with any establishment west
of the mountains.
Having made arranrements in the eastern cities, he
will be constantly receiving accessions to his already
well selected and seasonable storks. Give him a call,
then, if you wish to furnish yourself with choice articles.
lEV"Gaod and yet Cheap, for Cash!
Remember the place--corncrof Wood and
o26—Gm %Valet
Peach Trees.
ilib k THE subacriberhaa juat received from the Nur
=sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia.
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the public.
No Liberty i.t..head of Wood.
Pit/skit - O.
YSTERS and other refreshmenta,will be served up
V./ in vaxl order. Namely: Oysters raw,Fried,stewed ,
and on chafing dishes. Also, IN rstzsar.u.nt thestand,
or roasted, as soon as the aoaann is suificieutly advan
ced for their safe transportation.
THE PROPRIETOR is determined that this estakliqh.
mem (which is the old oyster
lit depotf
his) shalhmaintain l
its repotathin for the good quay o ALE, L
QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel
ers nr ritiv.nnsi Mt require. Oct 18-6 m.
At the old stnnd of Young 4- .V 'Curdy, Yo. 13, Se
cond street. between Wood and Ma , ket,
RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late
firm. and the public gerwrally, that he is prepa
red to fill all orders for Cabinet Work, of any hind,
with all possible despatch, and warranted to be equal
to any in the city.
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS,
, when required. IG—y
File Manufactory.
MILE subscriber having commenced the manufac:
tune of Cast Steel Files, from American materials
exclusively, merchants or other persons wanting can be
supplied by him with a better article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intending to use only the best
quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs.
Suoe c BE.RoE R . 3, which is now brought to a perfection
equal to the best English article, manufactured for the
same purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he
will be able, in quality of articles and prices, to realize
the beet hopes of the friendEOß
s of Americ an I nil ustry.
Corner of O'Hara & Liberty sts.
jy 15-y
do P. Young:, 'Cabinet Maker,
flat and Cap Manufactory. fOk
No. 93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diamond Alley
THE subt4criber willlicry constantly on hand every
variety ache most fashionable FIATS and CAPS,
wholesale and retail. at r edoccdnrice: , .
Persons wishing o purchase will find it to their into
test to give him a call.
II Pittsburgh, mtg. 29,1843.
G _
wrsrase, AND POLISHING —Sad Irons
around and polished. anvils and other kind , . of
;Tinding done at the Cast Steel File Manufacwry,
18 roc
ner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. nog
Dr. Iltrfaane's American Worm Specific.
THIS is to certify that 1 teaspoonful of Dr
Lane's American Worm Specific, in 5 bon; s
from the time of giving it, expelled 40 worm', and
another teaspoonful about 30 more, from a child by
Wmßaker'e, of Cheat eck . WILLIAM Scorr.
For sale at the drag store of JON. KIDD;
No 60, corner 4th and Wood street', Pittaburgh.
Cil)e Oath) Alorning Post.
From the Washington Globe.
A vet v remarkable suppleness has come over Mr.
Clay in his old age All his veteran opinions, which
Cileri:sted him like old armor, are sited as a snake's
stiffened skin and scales of the last year, and our hard.
ened Federal dtag,en of a quarter of a century shows
himself of a sudden in bright-eyed, lubricating youths
his complexion and nature apparently changed by the
fresh varnish in which he has dressed himself. Atten
tion bus been drawn heretofore to the changed aspect
which this outside conversion has given to Mr. Clay
towards his favorite American system. But there is
another point, almost involving his personal identity,
in which it would seem M r. Clay supposes the throw.
ing off his old slough will have the effect of making
another man of him.
Mr. Clnv. from his first appearance on the public
stage, has had the ambition of figuring in orders In
early Limes, in Ky., the order of freemasonry was, in
its mysterious magnificence, a great attraction to men
seeking distinction. Mr. Clay then made himself one
of its grand dignataries. He was the orator that sound-
ed the gory of the renowned society which .consecrated
Solomon's temple. He was a most conspicuous figure
in all its public demonstration?, while it was calcula
ted to advance his ambitious a spirations or his Vllnity.
In all the parades which astonished the backwoods-
man's w ordering eye, when visiting Lexington, the
first great city of the West. Mr. Clay's tall and gaze
soliciting l esson was most conspicuous. On him, as
grand orator, were - shown the ribands and badges of
the order, and these, with a gorgeous apron covered 1
twit pictured implements he never used, and dotted
with the all-seeing eye like a peacock's tail, made
lion as magnificent in full costume as a prince of Asia,
where the order had its birth. Mr. Clay wore the
honors of a ROYAL ARCH MASON—which, one of the
fraternity tells us, is six degrees. This superior eleva-
Lien could only be attained by great proficiency in the
craft; and yet Mr. Clay, in a late letter, pretends be is
:ucit a bungler, such a novice, that he could not now
enter a common lodge ! - 1
We have two letters of Mr. Clay to the anti-Masons,
at two different eras, which will show how different
' Mr. Clay thought and felt in regard to the order to
which he belonged, at two epochs, in which his per
,..ottal interests scented to him to have changed his
relations to it. In his first letter, in 1831, he scorned
to tell the anti. Masons what he thought of masonry :
" A compliance on my part with your demand would
',nu:Tint to an admission that individual sentiment
on the svkiert of masonry formed a proper con
sideration in regulating the exercise of the elective
franchise in respect to the offices of the Federal
Government. I can make no such admission."
Then, ,ontempt for antimasonry was Mr. Clay's cue.
Thin is but little disguised throughout the whole letter,
which holds a haughty tone, scarcely decorous to the
class of citizens to whum it was addressed.
But, in the Harrisburgh convention. the anti-masons
made t hemselves felt against his nomination; and now
he wants their votes. He baa, therefore, written an
other letter, conceived in a very different spirit. He
begins by apulogisin,g for ever basing lseen a MUM.
"I became a mason in early I, fe, from youthful cur
iosity and a social disposition." Poor young lad !
He was seduced by the veterans of the lodge,by play
ine on his "youthful curiosity and social disposition."
Poor vonnlz u Linton ! he suffered in a great variety of
waN .5 fr.rn this singular temperament. But how long
slid he remain in this mysterious connection, which he
says he "never had an% taste for ?" According to hie
owl, account, he served a much longer time in his ap
prenticeship than the law requires of a man to serve in
the militia, to ()main a discharge with all the boners of
a citizen soldier. Forty-five years relieves a man from
militia sec ice. Mr. Clay says, nineteen years ago ha
retired fol) the dillies of the lodge. "Retirement
from the lodge," our readers will remark, is not an
abandonment of the society. Mr. Clay, then, was
nearly fifty years of age before his "youthful curiosity
and social disposition" were satisfied. Now what
pardon can he expect Open his plea of nonage, and be
inz r.- n is be the masons under a fit of juvenile in
discretion, when we find our lad of fifty blazing in all
the riliands and tinsel, the signs and emblems of ma
sears'. until he mounts to the highest ordet of a royal.
arch mason ? But it seems his alacrity in forgetting,
is to make up fur his perseverance in learning, those
mysteries fur which he had no taste. '•.:Vor do 1 be
liere (says he) that I could upon my ownAmowledge.
or recollection of its riles and ceremonies, obtainasl.
mission, at this time, in any lodge of any kind what
ever I" Nov here is a mason of very considerable in
tellect, who, after at least thirty years' devotion to
masonry anti passing through all its degrees to the
highest. that fancies that he could not now,‘an hisovrts
knowledge," o 1 tain admission into one of its primary
schools. How obtuse, how vets oblivious. Mr. Clay
becomes, whet, for the sake of the antimasonic vote to
lift him to the Presidency, he is disposed to (imp his
life of the last fifty years gone hy, and assume that prim
eval innocency and simplicity w hi c h characterized him
berme the m asons took advantage of his "youthful cu
riosity and social disposition," and dipped him in the
pool of that mysterious and secret association which
lie would forget that he ever knew.
But we give the twolettels, that all interested may
coatrastthe candidate of 1831 with the candidate of
1343—his young boyhood of masonry up to the age of
30, with his old boyhood of anti-masonry at near 70.
ASHLAND, OC t . 8,1831.
Gentlemen: I hope you will excuse the delay in
acknowledh•ing the receipt of your letter of the 2d ult.,
which ha::: arisen from mV absence from home, and
from various en garments.
Wa.iviitg the considerations that I have no knowledge
of the existence of an antimasonic meeting in Hatis:,,t
ner, Indiana, other than that which is derived
your letter. nor from your appointment as a conamiTto6:.":4
to correspond with me, other than your statement"; .71's
nor the satisfaction of a personal rcquaintance with
you. I will i.rocerd at once to reply to your letter. Its
professed object in to ascertain my sentiments on the
nubject of masonry; and the r eason assigned by you for
this inquiry is thus stated by yourselves; "Al we are
again shortly to be called upon to choose a man to
preside mer the councils of our nation; an it will then
be our ditty and our privilege to raise our bumble but
independent voice in favor of our suffrage, and as you
now stand a candidate for a liieh and important station,
as your fliends and your fellow citizens; we wou ld VI. -
licit from you a frank and candid statement of your
sentiments ;in this subject."
I do not know a solitary provision in the Constitution
of the United States which conveys the slightest au
thinity to the General Government to interfere, one
way or another, will either masonry or antimascry.
If, thelvfore, a President of the United Staten, of any
other functionary of that G-v,:rnment, were to employ
his official power to sustain, or to abolish, et to ad
vance the interests of masonry or antimasonry,it would
be an act of usurpation or tyranny.
You have not called upon me for my opinion upon
any great practical measure falling within my scope of
Federal powers; but passing by every question Of vi tal
interest within the sphere of its operations, you de
mand my sentiments upon a subject with which I hum
bly conceive, it has nothing to do: and you place this
demand on the ground of the influence which my seri
tiritent: might exert upon the exerciscoran undoubted
and important privilege which you possess as Citizens
of the United Staten.
A compliance nn my part with your demand, vriatild
amount to an implied admission that individual sen
timent, on the sokisct of masonry formed a proper-
I consideration in regnlating the exercise of the elec
.' tine franchise inre‘pect to office , tr. the Federal Gov
ernment. 1 can make no such admission. I cannot'
believe that whether Tam hostile or friendly to me
ionry or antima.sonry is at all material in the forms'
tion of any judgment, on the part of fellow citizens,