Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 20, 1843, Image 1

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ESDAN DECEMBER 20 i 543. icraNitie
Cie Otosnit,g,
No, 8A
4. ' - EDITED BY
N. - W. eerier of Wood and fifth Streets.
Tiales-Fivo (1.4ar% a year, payable in a dvante.
ii4s44ocriaa Tyra CA STS— or sale at the counter of.
the Office, and by Nava 13.3 p.
'te Weekly Vierinrt aid Dianafactu rer
s: puidi3loni as the same office, on a double med'aun
- sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
.- gle sopieta,.SrX..CE
..a74l44oertion, $0 50 o.le month, $5
TC-_da.; 0 75 T , :vo do.,
\ 6
Throe 43., 00 Throedo. ,
: 'One , itesek, • 150 Four do.,
Two ._ 300 Six. do.,
thi•Ao., 4 00- Oac year,
- -'
Ole Square. Two Squares. .
ti a iroth.+, $l4 03 Six months, s'23 00
7lnte C3X, 25 00 -One year, 35 00
t•SP.Largur advertisementsin Fro portion.
-. ir4P_E_s..R.T.,:::6 of four lines
Public ices,
City 1 7 .25 t 05:c. thirl b 2v:teen :Nlarket iind W oink
M• Riddle, P.K.tanaater. Pe.
sit es )l4;.:, %ter, lt".1 door fr.r.o Woad st.,
ter'sma` a huildigs—'W 'William B. Mow Collec tor .
Tr: r NV3 a L b3tWe'3l.l Firat and S•.acond
streets--Jaanet A. B3straat, Treasurer.
o.i.vsty 'Bee y' ry. Third street, next door to the
Luirl Pr.o;cferian Charzh—S. R. Johaatora, Treasu•
,fiftsyorls Offi ee ,F b :twee* )4.urket aad Wood
tyreati--aftleatander Hay, Mayor.
Me rehani:s Exchange, Fourth near Market at.
• - BANKS. .
Piits3urgt, between Market and Wood streets eu
Third.ald.Fourth streeta.
rchAsats' a n Manaafacture.re and Farmer' D
tosit Bank, (forrnerlySaving Fund,) Fourth, betwe
Prood. nadiMarltat atrects.
Zsellange, Fiftlost. near Wood.
.MenongisVeis House, Water street, near the
f*Actrige ti ctet, eerier °ann and St. Clair.
Mereltanti Keel, cocaer of Third and Wood.
tt7idu* flokel,torn.3rof r
1-1.444 ors fe. 1, corner .1)f Penn cr._ and. .Castal
21114_, Lit street, near . s eventh.
fairs snsian Irons; Liberty St., o pposite
Broalift-r! Miazi.an House, Penn St., opposite
*invariant to Ovraers of 'Sew flitlls.
SNYvk), f....ktc'S 11 irbolvalled Selff Setters,. for
_saw• mills,
ti; tIA; 13. iii St - 1 te3:133 oW:llllll.Steiantettelnettt eSreffrgttSrt9.
but nadAileglieny, ca.n ise seen in ems' at a 1 &Flanegin, Attorneys at Law,
ntt-n,:rof rdas inthis ani;hberhood, Tit: 'at Mr.". Wick. Smithfield,near th street. Gmlections at
cm I n..hi
Pr.:ha n' s mills, na Penn street; at Bowman & Chain- \ crate terms. Pensions for widows uf ~ia Allaiet, wie.
uz.r.es mitts, near tae upper A.llegheny bridge, and t helate act of Con;ress obtained. l'ap,rs and draw
la ZgritlMl. 3 EMUS, pa hare's Island, and other_.-- \ in3s for the patent office prapareal• mar 1T
The a's.eve urnal manbine can- be obtained at W • W.
:Walla:3s .s'iap, on Liberty -street, near Smithael3, hoary S. PilaTraw, Att2rnel at Law,
whore it is fittiag u 2, and where the mac AVM be Has ram ‘vc , :. - 1 his
,i ntil t . o his residen,:,l, U.I r w arti, .t.,
%cant e. mstaitiv orlhaal.;. Poply to B. F. Snyder, or 1 two ‘_..:l22!_a_ aocr.'__.._.._:f iheirl. 5... p 10
W zW.- Walla:4.- may 5 I
.- . .van s' Ohantorcalekrills.
X tilA3fl J. CLEMER, residing- at 66, Mott
..t-"1. street, New York, was at with Dyspepsia
in 44 111.3Alggraxatoa faces. Thlityrnpturns were vi
nteuthe33,-..r,he c great 1 slaty, fever, costive sscongh,
laeatabOispain ia the chest ana stomach always after
eatiogOrripir a s.peti-e, sensation of sinking at the
stmnitif!t;- Carrel Wag+ e, nausea, with frequent vomit
agoisiozittess to yards night and resiless.nesi. The*
rod' vaalismail u9ward of is- twelvemonth, when, en
coasulting Dr- Wm. Ev a s, 100 Chatham Arent, and
submitting to his ever successful en 3 agreeable moae
of treatment, Or patient was completely restored to
health in the short space of one mouth, and grateful for
the incalculable benefit derivel, gladly came forward
a nd voluateftred tho above statement. Forpla; who,
and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10-y 'No. 20, Woad street below Second.
~_Peass'it sputeuta -copal.
IrIITTLE has Teeeived Ibis clayliom New York,
1 afresh supply of the above celebrated cure for
C oughs, Coldsand Consumptions; and is ready to sups
ply customers at wholessle or retail, at his Medical
tigesey, ii 6 Fourth st- , nor 12
13 Ater Bargains thanver, at tile Threenig
fr HE seibscriber would respectfully inform his cgs
teams turd the-public generally, that notwithstad
ingthe unprecedented sales ot the Three Big Doors,
during tho present season . , he /twain° hand the le ,
gest and mast varied assortment of elegant CLO,
'llll'SG:l3lst can be bought west of the mourita--.
The patilic Tray rest assured that all articles offered at
his store are maufactured front FRESH GOODS, per.
chased the Eastern markets this spring and made in
to garritents hyritttsburgh workmen.
' In coo seinence of the multiplication of slop shops in
oar eh-plated with pawnbrokers clothee and the musty,
oast of garmaata of former tea-sons, from. the eastern ci
ties, the public slinuld be cautious to ascerudn the char
actor of the ostablislunents in wiaichthey are invitedlo
purchasoilyofore they part with their moaey. The aIW-
thesoffered at seeral of the concerns in this city, are
e flora cads of New York and Philad2lphia slop
shops. and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pit
Purchasers :ho 'd be o/ their guard a
at these imposilioas, and they may rely en the fact
thing,-n establishment fnatadvertiees caste rn made Clo
th can give as good an article or as a dvontageens
bergs@ a as can be had at the "Three Big Doors."
Thoptlblinoill please remember that all the sub seri
ber's garments aro uusoieinthis city,by competent work
teen, arid 1120 t gatii4rea. up like the goods now otfered by
the "birds of pasiis7,e" from the shreds and patches ot
*astern slop -shops. It will always be his endeavor to
‘ll4lllintein the reputation that the "Three Big Doers"
have &Italian& for furnishing a superior style of CLO
THINGin everj respect, and at prices below those of
any other establishment.
lio,wriuldsgain return his thanks to his befd and
the public fur dm unpiecedented patronagestowed
upon his establishment, ow/ believing that they have
found it to thelia„ivantage to-dealstith him, he would
repeat his invitatitm to all thosewho wish to purchase
Clothing of every descriptionat the lowest. price.to call
- -at No. 151, Lust wri Sr. . JOHN 'WC LOSKEY.
rV'Observe :11 , stal Plage in the pavement. a? 26.
. . ,
,--,.. • .
ii: 7 " ,-4.,,, . • .- r - - ,
-. .
--,.*:::::- ' - -.7.--„,.. 1.,, , ,..: .. ~ • '• - ' .:•. 4 - ''''' -., .
~, ~
. • . - . ,
. . . .
. •, 1 ,
. - .
~ . ,
. ~Wr I
-- _4l, e
.... ...
, ... • . ..., .....T FIVE DOLLARS PER AI.
..... _
..„ r.wfitTll STREETS, PITTSBURGH,__.......- PEN - N'A, A
EL. Woods, At-tornoy and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Baltevtell's Offices, on Grunt street,
nearly opposite the new Court. House, nextroOmsto J
D. :vl.l.lfon, Bay., tit floor. ser 10
iliagh Toned; Att.3rric# at law,
North East c.zrner of SatiCafi,yla and Fourth streets,
sop 10—y
7 00
S 00
10 00
15 00
Look at This.
111121 attention of those who have been sornewh.
sceptical in reference to the numerous certif..
cedes Published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compouna
Syrup of Wild Chercy,,on acconnt of the persons being
unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
rected to the following cer.iticate. the writer of which
his been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
'Lisknown as a gantlet:Wan of integrity and re sponsibility .
iv To the Ag,ent, ?dr. J • KIRBY
I haVeaea Th-.Swayne'a Compound Syrup o{ Wild
Cherry fork Cough, with which I have tee n severely
adlicted fora ' totrtiotg monthsvamil. have no hesitation
in sdftng that it is the most It comp medicine that I
l•-avc. built
to procure. It composes all uneasinss ,
and ilrees weal with My diet,--and razintains a rep' ar
and p.. 'Thu /ate. litonsinceiely recommend it to ail
?then:, similagY Ornarea. _J. Mos ma, Borough of
:Aura' 9, 1919, , , ChounberlaYergh.
for solelly,WiliLlAM ' MORN.
' No. 53 Niszkotwro .. '
Attorneys an," Counsellors at Law,
Office in the IT:amoral, back of the old Court nOtt/ie
sep Pittsburgli.
Francis It, Shnnk, Attorney at !AWN,
ouith strc a, at)( - Pre 1. 4 100 d,
Pittanogli, Pa.
sep 10—iy
Thlams Hamilton, Attorney at Slaw
Fifth, between Woad a Lia §mithr-Aabusurg,
Pittsh, Pa
O'Llara Robinson, Attorney atisearr,
Officeon the Norill of tlo ITraroona, between Mar- I
kot and Union .itrecti, up stairs sop 10
A. I. Darboraw, Attorney at Law,
Ter.aer3 his professio.ialservices to tile public. Office
s.le 10 on sth st., above NV ood,Pittlborgh.
Oyster &1311ChallaXl, /AU:truer at
Office rento,:red from the Diamond td " Xttorney's ROW r"
shaly siA4 of ith,between starli6tind Wood its.,
_cp. I
N. Buckrittoiney ak. Law,
1 I us rcaubv cd his office to 13cares' Law Buildiftt,"., h
sr. above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. swp 10
Grcorge Lam:, Attertie9 at Law,
o:Tice in Fourth street, view Smithfield, Pituburgh
----___ttorney at Law,
Uaaae Washington, A
Office in Bakowell'aboiltling, Grant Ek trea , ritt4burgh.
nor 5, 1842
_---------____----___ —.— -...-._
lo -
hn 3. Tflitchell. Attorney at Law,
Office corner of Srnitllfiekl and rifth,tri-Pts, Pitt.'ourgh.
Collections made. Alibusiness entrusted to his
care will be promptly attended to.
_ _ .
feb 16—v
Wm. la.. Austin Attoruery at Law,
ll'ittsburgh P Office in F mirth street,opposite Burke's
E E will give his ntten
my unfinished business, ;sod 1 recominaml him
Lion to
I tattle patronage of my friends.
g . -
Daniel PM Curry, Attnney at Law,
Cate on Firth street, benvuen Wood mid Smithfield,
EJ------------- _. V2lt,burgh.
Itoavat r 0 r. T .: a ...... .......,
011% B. F E RIii.t.E..
Porter & P arlsins , Attorneys at Lam,
Offrce an am corner of. Fourth and Smithfield streets
scp 10
.1. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law,
Oifice cornerld and Th;ra er` r .!•?.t - ,
nay r 2 5 -
L,llarper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Will attend pwittptly to the clileetirm or se rurity of
claims, and all rrofe ssion al haiine s s entreated to Iris care
in the countiez of Harrison, Jellerion, B,Amar.t, tiocro
sey, Tusearawas, 'Holmes, Casho•zton , Catr.)ll, Stark
and Wayne. REVERT°
:if eicalf 4. Loomis.)
Da?-.: el/ . Fleming, . i , itt,b , irgb ,
John Harper,
P. T. Morgan, J
my 27,18.13't1
U. Morrow, illitsrmast,
Office north side of Fifth vtreet, between Wood and
Smithfield, Pittsl3lo-tf
Magistrate's Blanks;
proceedingt in attachment under thd ltltc Ivy, for
ale at this office.
Dr. S. D.
Office in Socond street, next door to Mulynnv St Co.'s
Glass Warehouse. s'ep 10—y
Dr. A. W. Patterion,
Office on Smithfield street, third door fro:n the corne 1
sep r of
sixth .trees.
Doctor Daniel McNeal,
Wood and Smithfield
Office on Fifth street, between
-U, Pittsburgh. declo-y
Ns. 43, Wood, Street,
• I,ntsforthe sale of the Eagle Cotwn Factory Varna
ran - 17—y
WILLIAIt H. W ...... JOlO S. Dlo'lo%lll
Williams &.Dilworth,
Wholesale droiers, Produce and Commission it c
chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Ilanufactured A
ides, NO. '29, Wood street. scp 10—y r..
-Vista& iltint, Dentists,
Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair,
11,7zalesale and Retail Dealers in
Elnylish, French and Domestic Dry Goods,
'No. Ili, Market street, Pittsburgh.
scp 10-')
J. G. & A. GORDON,
Caresaission and Forwarding Merchants,
Water street, I'ittebrireh. Fep 10—y
M A.1.1}-SERV AISTS.--110, COOL • 11
The cook. Abr. bow shall ere atiecruitely .ermit_tri
hire thee dean itnptntant rsierof the Weed
-.. 1
vestal of that fiaroe,whitAt gives:Cife ana stry".
p • 1
carniterous men. Who 0011 clatelsOrkly to iign 4l
tree on thy nm,,.ies , armea es thou -get sluts mugs trigir. -
.. .!
latilet What a ttmett-cee'rot it there_ia ttm cast" .. . • -. ..-:
chop-pog-itnifer. "Ramat el "lisos Pr
c laiineg , or I make roincirumbat a ytAkr fingetar,
Lusty is thine arm, anti- ratri.ant dry sisse roikti;
th ) ferm, arka copecims* thus moving. ..,,,
bosom, as though to prose -* _
rail painter, Fourth st., 3d story BurWs Boil yet
er r , : rotheuttonuiscttiso.heTselfl.xmliassamfat:writ:::::2
ding. i. Osborne would soliat a call-from those 'oho
desire Portraits .Spcitneus can be small:gra r 001335. CbeiliCttrifik atrniiy.7.4l4). Itt Itter tram , fro* lila;
__.._._._._______._.-.--------- llicit°
may 5. ' l)r'. Tilriakilf. • Alitatirkrailiidraiut bgellatitottgialbersherespeodeSlTlrsiestallergli7ttni ti*' . *
, ffirllS is to' aeitify that 1 trufPuulifol of pr. ' , 4° - . ' '' t • A n t el ,. -2..--a .....a6osa 4.. -• gmigirs,, itg, -
41. manh ' ut ,' - 414441A1 '"'
(sveczstat .... 13.0,1, it. 464 ...l. lames American Worm Specific, in 6 bares ~....„......w...tnm'ff*, easp•---loweiroolt_ far, .
viral the time of giving i. lied 4 ° vrPlvgL.,wi. .117r77 : illy ssist,list *Wall* e5.a...74i2
N 1C1101.13 D. Cottsta",. ..... Lyra R. Gotross N. wkolejaie sad Remit Groat . aia commis sies m er , C. A.ltitnati'TY, I op sdier panocemist above %Mare: frill a ernitakY use owe sis . it tbrimso.ool.
Coleman*. 00., chant,
General Agents, Prlroarefing Via Co" -, ~C, e C2lO. FORD atrillid dtirIIVI„MISSION hitßotikrzwlNT ravorosest
sts:= nec k ,
~7141.214./sfic......wwg,co. ogi ,
iiiiii, ..,,,,,: --- .
.. t:
~ 0
.5 . ,
wit. omatvotr Ind Itib elt Y stre".lf - viplsC. . 4thestili f ..fgorgerieleb renollsin - - - -- ': .-' Os eft.
Merassts, 1i0.140, Liltel'llil row ac"."3•--' t * • ' C*ll.lB , stism , roibibbaki, -;,,,,,
. ~
iftwe-fstai «Ai Gdwo csi st- Rutiows il-.640-...i...-, -:. ' --- :t , ---- - . ---_2 4 - ? . - - --, ~.... -, , ....,.....03,
.6:0"":„.4.0.05tre','-`",. . ft " . ' TbeYT"Pectr - WithisaiGotals scrocati!gos. ''44.r---7.-•,„4: _
~,;_.,, ~ - , ~,..,..„
• .-..i.4.;_,.'....'-' ' sue.
: :VI; ' : ...?ir'' ',..,, - 41404" a• .-igscr.s '•-4;.5.,..'- •. ,'. ... Awl _-- 4 . .. ._ • -,-
• , ..
13111.111NGH.01 &
samiesion and Firrarardittg 'Merchnts,
0. 60, Water street,Pittsburgh, Fa.
11rTrit'is.—Iteceiving and shipping, 5 cents per
100 lbs. Commission on plirchnses and sales, 2.1 per
mar °2-1
nrownsville 311Diata Iron Works,
Edward Hughes, Manufacturer off
g ancl Nails
Warehouse,No. 25, Wood sc., l'istiirla.
sep 10—y
Pro ,
Wholesale. CiroCeli, Clasani!ision sad
.4 vi dealers in Pitisburgh Ma
.nar 17 No. dg'
• Bookbinders a $ Psioer 'Rulers, •
Continue business at the o;sna late of NVCandless it,
Johnson. Every aescriztion of wadi thuii hoe 4,
ly and tirornTitlyeiter • may
L. & J. D. NICK, Short R
WholBSidu Grocers 8a Dealers in Trainee, No. 5 at 1 6
at 1,
116 Woud. Stieet, 4 &Airs above Fifth st.,
may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa.
7 at 1!
8 at 1:
9 at 1:
10 at L
11 at..l.
12 at 11
13 at 11
14 at 11
15 at 11
16 at 11
17 at 21
18 at e.
19 at 21
Birmingham Oa.,
tarclt 22
.Soba 11. Brant, WholeoaloG-rocer,
Deafer in Grain, General Pprivarding and Cow
mi Sri On Merchant,
Harrislnirgli, V.
WILL diern.rie oralltotxls sent fur Commission.
Sales at the loweit emrimissiou rates.
REFEntscr.s :
Pki/a .—J . VW . Eiher,Day &GeiriF.ll.l). Leech& C e.
13a/time re—W .W . inn6....co.Willsun& Iders r l .E. Eider.
Ha rrisbur rh—M ich'lßurlce,llAnte,lll.Holdinan
3 nly I—tim•
Booksellers. Prbitbit la. Paver Walters ,
No. 37, Mari.e.so-tet._ cep 10
ItOICAS 13 . You N(i ............ Fl NCIS L. YOITS
n. piing & Co.
'Furniture Ware Itoonas. corner of Hand street and Ex.
chant*. alley: rer6oll3 wishing to purchase furniture
will find it to Olen. alvantage to Eive.,tla a call, being ful
ly satistieadstawt can please as to q`uality and price.
sep 10
R. C. TOW NSF.% & CO.,
nticturers ,
Wire Workers and Wire Vian
\e. °3. Market eet, bet ween 1 and stree ts
sep 10—y
Exchange Heel,
Corner of Pr/11, and Saint Ciat r Firths, by
rilkingtoa's UnrivalledSlac.king,
Air CF A c:TAN:to.m.i:old hivles ale and retail,
11. stvrtt avaitT, ont• Jour below Smithfield.
oct°l- -1 c
James Patterson, jr,
rtuirtgliarm nvar l'ittsliiirli, Pa-, matodacdurer of
locks. 111 If ~:e. Ana 1,61. t.: tOItaCCO, fuller, mill awl timber
4 r rew le, hous— _) ern Ve3 for rolling mills, ZIL4-. aep 11)-y
- ----
John llrCloskey, Tailor and
Liberty;troet, tit.tweeri Si. th street cold Virgin alley,
Finnth side. sep 10
---_,-- -.---- --- - - --_
t bull Shoe Manufacory,
Webb Olesef s 800
No. ii 3, 4 1 h OA ItC.Zi doOr lil fie U. S. Dank.
Ladies prwiella,ltia and satin shoe a made in die neater
tanner, and by tbie neou•s__
. r nelt pattrna----- sep 10
_ --
W --- -
illiam Doherty,
Ali XT A.'l) C Nr . :NIAN U V P.CTU Ettli. Ma
143 Liberty vtrcet, betwo,:n Market lirullall
a.ol Sixth. an IG—Can.
John Cartwright,
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer.
corner of titb and Liberty streets, Pitsurg PS.
.s: . B.—Altvava en handl= extensive assortment of
Snrgical and Dental in.trurnents, flanker's, Tailors,
tiatler's, I l air Dressers and Tanner's Vatent Shenrs.
Sulller'i Tools. Trusses, &C. je '24.
Oak awl POplar Lumbar for Sale.
k EW tlioufivia feet of *cusoned Oul: and Poplar
IX. 'Ai-Tibor. for saki)! ivitolo:uile. }l nq uiry of James
C. Clitioins. Esq. nrarttvi Fountain lull. . 21.
— ----
Ito r. 1 a 3 d' .: C alebratl 1 Petzinle Pills.
I Pills are str.”,a.ly termomended to ilie
I. notiec of ladies 415 a ~ae..., and elli-i,ot reinea , , in
rein° \ log
those cororlainti. peculiar to theirs,t, front
se;int Oi . o Nl' re IF.e .0 r zeileral detility of The . :*y i , tvm . They
obviate nostiv,:l,-, and .-.olluo met all 11:545erical and
N ~. r. . on s affoctioi.S. These l'ills have g at:ica tho stair-
L te....l appi o bation of the most vininemln.y4lCiLlTl!. in
the United Stazes, and 'many Niother, For Sale
Wholesale and Ttetail,hy It. F. SELL•LitS, A gett,
sep 10 No. 'lO, Wood Street, below Soc and
Notide to Dr. a randseth's Agents.
rrli 1. office in l'ittsburgh, whichwas established for
1 the perpose of &instituting a gents in the west,
having liccomplishect that °N eil, is now closed, and
Nl.r. Ci• H. LEE., in the Diamod, Market street, az.
pointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini
ments. All Dr. Brandreths a gents will, therefore•im
derste.nd. that Dr. B. will Sella a travelling agent
throughtlitscAuntry once a year tozollect monies for
sales made and re supply agents. The said traveller
will be provided with power of uttotney, duly proved
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all the necessary vouchers and papers-
Mr J. J. Yoe is my cravelin 4 - a gent. now in Pennsyl
vania. E. BRANDKETVI,M• D.
N .8.--Itentember, Mr. G. II . Li.E, in the rear of tho
Market i 3 now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
June 11
lirvine' been afflicted for nearly two years, with a
—l. hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which
produced rrotA pain, and used various applicatiems
recommended by the faculty 'ell in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Drandreth's
liniment, or external . remede
Witness my hand, • JAMES TAYLOR.
Ohio cp.. Allegheny co. Pa. Jnn. 10,1310.
Dr. 13 randreth'w external remedy or linamcnr, sold
at the store of GEORGE ii. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per hottlo.___ feb 3.
.1011 N D. WWI
Pr. Pectstor's P rese.vative.
"L" OR coughs, colds, influenzas. catarrhs, Nvhooping
cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breastandlun gs, andurrestof approach
ingddlisiutiption. Warranted free from Mercury and
other minerals. B. A. & CO.,
Agents for Pitts—___ -burgh_
Vir Miami C. W ail,
Plat* and Faney. Portrait and Picture Frame
Manufacture r,
1 , 10. 87 , Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
ri XiiV ASSbrushes,varnish, &c., fur artists, always
‘,-.1 on hand. Looking. Glasse 3, SLC, , promptly fits.
med to order.. Repo ring done at the shortestno
jo tice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and bbing
every description,
Per sons fitting starribats or houses will fina it to
their advantage to cull. sep 11:Pay
rganufactuter of Tin, Copper and thee;
Iron Ware
N 0. 17 , Fifthstreet,bettoren ;Vold and Market,
Keeps consmntly on hand a gocxla.saattxnent of wares,
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hs&
tho follcraring articles: shovels, pokers, tongs , gridivans,
skillets,teakeks, ots, ovens, coffee m ills, &c. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
hernselves ,as he is detennined to sell cheapfcrcash or
approved paper.
Cheap fhr Caab.—tinion. CottOlt Factory.
- n•el Yarn. Law r , R.cel Yara.
5 eta per lb. 500 at 8i do
5 do 600 at 74 do
s do 700 at 671 do
5 do 800 at 5h do
5 do 900 at 5
do 1900 at 5 do
5 do
5 Lk Candlewick at 1 5 cents per lb.
6 do Com• flatting, H do
7 do Fnmd).dB
F l o CarpecChain ,2o
0 do Cotton Twine, 20 dCovcr
83 do Stocking Yarn and
1 a. le. Yarn always manual.
do Cotton 'Carpe made to or
at 23 da 3er.
M'Orderspreartniy attended to, if left .0.4,, s
Eaiittar's,Lognu &Kennedy's dithelitastOVe:riddres
f 27 .1 K. MOORHEAD Sr. CO. C.
l'ITTS11 1 ;RGI I
Circulating an& BOWL'DCO *ibrary.
F religions.lii4torical, political and t niseellaneonq
k.../ w orks, will he open every any. Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. 11., until D P. MI, in the Ex
change building, coiner of St. Clair s treet anti Ei
change alley, where punctual attendance .in be given
;3 . GEM
Spriags awl Az
for Carriages,
AtEageot Prices.
rifillEsubsetibers manufacture and keep constant
ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs I.ar
rtintaa,) Juniata drop Axles, Silver and 'Brass plated
Dash Frames, Braia an d plated flub Banda, Stamp
:feint!. , patvat Leathr, Silver and Brass Lamps,
Three fuld Steps, Malleable Irak Door klandle4 and
Hinge.. &r., .R C.
ar JUNO; .5.z. COLEMAN .
..n 10 St. Clair st., pe OA ''' I / —3ridgfr
NEW 01.0111WEING
Cheaper and better thn . n can be kad at any
place ,rest of A r e ascnn.lams.
Call for Bargains
5 0 . 151, Liberty St., At ar the .Ineksos Foitstdry
rrE:subscriber would rvipectfoll7 inform lii%
friel)J3 nna the public, that bit fall stock of
Gooas comprises a larger-4nd mom Va ri ed totortment
than has ever been opuned at any hea,,e in thi.city•and
from the fricrraile ierill,t ba, which bit pOrChtije% tere
made, be is ,mnblea to sell clothin,; c heaper than it can
be had 113 any other e-tublishment in this"city. lie
would reqnest the pv:blle tq tall nod eantnine his splen
id assortment of all the acticl6 of dress, and from
the es.celleace of the t
the style of worlonsit
ship and the very 'km uric a l. which at hie articles are
sold, he feels confident that every one will iind it td '
their advantage to perchaw at the "Thr•e Big Doors."
its none hut the best cotters awl wotkrttett are etn
ply ed , ordc t 6 to make clothing Will be attended to in a
manner not surpassed by any other establishment in
the city •
Ile wonld again return his thanks to his friends and
the pabliclor OS
an rummage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they love
to their advantage 1 o deal with biro, he would'
r e e dit r pat his invitation to all those 'rho wish to purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest r o kg, tonsil
at No. 151, Liberty 61. 3011 S NI'CLOSRE.Y.
"---"Observe metal plate ill the pavement.
. -------.
0 iu,...----.._______
Iron Sass.
T ItESVECTFUL LI inform the public that 1 have
1. and keep alway. on hand an o_vsortment of Fire
I'o.':3 -lief. The price, in consequence of the ma
teri.di and lal.or being much lower, i 3 reditceil about
thirty pt's cent. Tkiev are kept for sale at my sht.p, in
Sixth stte,t, above Smithfield, next to the church on
the corner of tith street—asealso with Atwoca, Jones
&CO., anti Dattell & Fleming. In term] to the qual;
ity of ,
my safes I leave those persons who hare pur
chased and will purch.e my safes to attest the util
ity of them. 1 desire. no newspaper putTi on my safes;
j u stice arse{ truth warrant me in informing the public
that all my safes which have heen in buildings burnt
down for several years since I commenced have pre
erve:ill the Opera, hooks. &c., which they contain
ea. I have a
containing a number of certificates
ofdh same., which at - a in circulation arid in my hands
an the "votes. JOHN DENNING.
B. -li few nairof steel Springs for sale, Made by
Ines &Coleman, an still be F•el (I low . Also. a screw
With power to punch holes in half inch iron•
Improved Magnesia !laths, 1 j r 15-7_____
CONSTABLE & BURKE, . •s. Iloratio P. Young, 'Cabinet. Maker,
Fifth Street,between iVooc? and. mithfirtd, ..ii( Late of the firm of Young 4- Af' Curdy)
Pittsburgh, Pa. AS commenced the Dasincsl in all its branches at
N 022, Wood sttvet, between Firit and Second
THE. subscriber.,
,resent their respects to their nu- sm . , wherelte will keep constantly on hand a gooa as
merous friends for their former liberal patron- sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes. by
, Strict atte.ntion to business, to merit a continuance of
age, and would take this method ofassuring theirt and
the public generally that all Curare favors trill taa tittly ... v ,
~..e patronage of the palic.
appreciated. Their articles have been fully tested, of 1 Ei.erY attention crillbe paid to furni:,hinc. COFFINS,
which sufficit testimony will be gives to any inquirer. , &e. A attention Car for hive. Sul} 11
The principles of their locks and safes am not, stir \ ------------- ..
passed in Shen nion. JOHN 'NIcFARI, ‘NP,
The price also is considerably lessettell, and will be , &Upholsterer and Gablnet Maker,
counties low, if not below any tither Msponsible house Tiard sr., bet:reen Woos and Market,
in the Union. th e y a .,
.." espectfolly informs his friends and the public that he
We na.ould take this opportunity of thankir.g
\as prepatcd to execute all o rders for s ofas, sideboards ,
!ions Editors of this city and elsewhere , who bee
bitreans, chairs, tables, ,bedsteads, nand's, ha.* and
spoken stt highly ores' nod our safes. ;spring mattruses, curtis, carpets; allsorts of aphol
ei,,,,hern, feeling nyorea 'ls.terin work, which he will warrant cal
to any made
The public are specifollv invited to examine. our
articles heroic purchasing sep 10
the superiority of oar manufacture will be apparent to l on the city, and orrettaeueblf__.!____s.....----------t ne • _
all candid spectator. Matthew Jones . anal:fait Dresser,
N • CONST ABLE 6r. -E. BURKE. , Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of-
N. B. Safes can he ohtained of silly size orr shape, 1 , fice, where he willbelaappy to altz:Pon permanent or
°rot' any
of of lock Secondsric.tion, of the sub- , transient easterners. He solicits a share of public pa
scribers, er of S. Church, street, 'Pittsburgh, sep 10.
Pa. 1120—d
llovrare of a Seta Gough:
R. !sr 1.10 ES Stsdurific Lung Svrup,being a safe
.11.1 and effectual rertiedv for Cougs;Catiorhal Fever,
Influenza, Pleurasy, the first of forrmng i.tages of Con
sumption, Asthma, Witcxrping Courh, Sbc• Some ao
zen.of certificates of ts valuable -effects can be pro.
attend, one of which e now offered.
This is to certify, that I bade very :e. ere Cough all
last winte and was very much reduced. After trying
medical aid to no purpose, I was a dvised to procure a
bottle of Dr. WLane's Long Syrup; it gave me relief
immediately, and two weeks I was able to go oat.
and fully believe it to be one of the mcrst valuable med.
icines noti before the public, for CoO ursa):freast coin
MA freshaupplv of this 'minable Coogb medicine
pus received at the 'Drug store of J. lO.DIT,
act? ~ No. 60, corner of 'Wood and meets
1111•11. ------_______----
To the Owelmes of IPittstnirlli ,
jTHE subscriber most respectfullymiAa
informs the gentlemen of this city and
vicinity, that he has commenee&theßOOT and
SHOE. making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's ofEtee• saving been foreman in some of the
must fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American calf titins, he hopeSb:y his attention to busi
ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patrimised him he returns
his sincere thanks, and can `With confidence appeal
for the goodness of Lis work and knowledge of his
basinets.. P • KERRIGAN.
_ -------
may 11.
VAllisoll Adnir, Bloat and Shoe Maker,
Libelly st. o pposite the head , of Slxithfreld.
jilThe. subscriber hawing bought out theed.il
stot*.k of the late ThLiry...ts Rita rty, ttceaseil,has
commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R.,
and isprepdred to eNec , ite all 4Jostriptlons of wor t s in
his line, to the best raanncr, and on the shortto. notice •
He keep., coasuintly on hand a l a rg - e as••ortnaent of shoe
finding), of all aC3Cript7oll.4, and of the 1,42. i quabty. Ht.
s olicits the patronage of the public and of the croft.
sep 10—y NV:NI. ADAIR.
_ __---_--
David Clark, Aiet,
. 'M has r onoveil
to No. Market street, between Second and
Third streets, where he would be happy to see his
old customers, and all others who feel di: Tatra to pa
troniae him. He uses floating but first rate stock, raid
employs thebest of workmen; :And 43 be giTe3 his con
stant personal attention t, business, be trusts that be
will derier.li and Tetch-c nfair shase of patrcoN;e.
Co7lltl. of Woad and 11ater aft,
WUEREWye (-h
olm, an Mit ortmt-rtt of ready made
clothing, cloths, casirnerto, ,atinetts, %esti ngs,
flannel Shirts. drawers, cotton, ~It n go: a and linotb'sha wool
hhostsuna ball hose, silk and gingham crava, rs,
meek., and in short, a little of e7erytbins r.dapted to
the use of gentlemen, all of which parchwers wilt ir.d
made up, and also made to order in tbelatest and rrro:i
improved stvle, and a pric es whi rh,he flatters hi re..g.lf,
will sucCeriftilly
‘lith any establishment west
of the iiirtuntaiirs.
Having made arrangements in the eastern cis %es, he
will be const.iaaly reef:trine acteAiions to his already
well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call,
, 4 .
.ifyonwistaatErtiih yourself vviih cb..ire articles.
Goad anksrce Cheap, for eash!dUl
ernember ibe place--corner of seed and Water
streets. 046--6na
Peach Trees.
Ai p
THE subscriber has just rtceiv ea frona tile ;Cur
=sery of Landreth and Fulton, 'leis Philadelhia.
a lot of the choicest varet: , of poach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the pnblie.
Liberty 3t. bead of Wood.
wrsTtirrifitsE—:--611/1141 CV,
No. 9, .1111. T-ET SIICEL7,
Pittt+lntrah .
nksiSTERS and other refreslansents,will be served op
Vin rood fi r . Narntdr. Oysters raw,fried.ste.,.ced,
and on chafing diihes. Also, IS TIIZSIIELL Fit ft..e.,tand,
or masted, ns soon as the snn.r.on i 3 sufficie,t'..l; ad,t.n-
Ced for their FlLfetr3roportation.
. TFI K Pnoent STUB i. 3 determined that this estrtidish
nsent (which i 3 the old oTster de
its re putation for the good quapot) shalt mai
lity of Isis ALE,
QUORS, CIGAIIS, and such refiesitmer.ts as trnsel
oet 18-6m ers or citizens may require.
rtrazaTintrartri BOOMS.
A1.r...X.A.14 PIA )I.O:RDY . 1 '
At the old 'tam! of Your!! ,i• -If Curdy, Ne. 43, Se
\tend street, bettccea Wood and Mer , l,et ,
RES:}9tlwl.l7 t he L r l u ',.'-o.f °rmors,ZlTCritherNi-rit'lv.ofisthrne Late
red to fill all o rders for Cabinet Work of any kind,
%%461 all possible despatch, mud warranted to be equal
to any in the city.
Every attention will beraid.to furnislaing COFFINS
Src , when required. je 16—I
File rgiusufact“7.
THEsubscriber haring commenced the manufac.
taro of Cast Steel Fileq, from American materials
exclusively, merchants or other persons wanting cau be
supplietlby him with a bet ter article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intending to use only the best
quality of File Steel, manufactured by the INlessrs•
Sao ES BERGER'S,WhiCB is now brought to a perfection.
equal to the best English article, manufactured for the
same porpo.e , the subscriber has full confidence that hze
will be able, in q uality of articles and prices, to reli
the best hopes of tho friends of American Industry.
Corner of 0' HaraS ert ° stg.
Jcitgat and Cap Alanufatory, 0116
No. 93 iVood street, 3 cl,ors belor DiarnentelAlley
THE subscriber vllteep c cmstantiv on hand eyrry
variety (lithe mcrst fashionable Han, and C AI'S ;
wholesale and retail, at re ducedprices.
'Persons wishing to pn-ha:se will fiad it to their ipl.6-
rest to give him a call. 'S. MOOttE.
I Pittsbuorgb, aug. 2.9,1343.
("MINDING AND "POLISI-Irsr:G —Sad bans'
ground arid relished, anvils and other sokulci of
riniffing done et the Carts. Steel Fikrlirlossufarot or y ,
per or Liberty and O'Hara streets. tte!
LINES-iv ;tits. agataae.
Twaii a lovely done:dui 'auk %hoboes*
As they floated ia light away,
By flee opening ana the bAding tletwers
Tbat laugh ta 04, issemo./. day,. .
thus had each moment a ks own rich hae.
,And its graceful cop nd bell, .
In whose roomed ‘ase might sleep the deer_
Like a pearl in an ocean
Ana is not life ir_n its real eight
Nked of
tin?* 00 esolti,
By the closing of one hopesidelighi
Mid anotlaar's gentle birth?
Oh, let us live. so that, flower by Bowe'
Shutting in turd, may leave
A linzerer still for demise( itoar,
A charts for the sisclea.orse!
-_ •
Front the New York deemed-If Cesswee:
_ .. _, the!
The "powers that be"--lhe Gov eranaent far tall k
being, Whig or Tory—have alwaYs.rar immense sit
mount of influence which they can bring tobearatea rea.
any candidate fox the city of Landau: and, oa the press
eat o ecat•ion, they most ,unscrepulonsly,wat to work,
tiro - n:O3 the instrumentality of dseir atuanctgelaltrt di t
Sir Frederick 1-V.tock, and Melted erasy eremeat at
their CtliTtrEancl to the aid of Mr. Baring: .and what
they intended to have been the utter overthrow of Mr.
Paulsen, sod dye complete rout of the anti-combre
lettene., . .. . x presses' ig Si
It VMS (as the nines very_properly
wrestle wain the Government—a distinct stand-up fight
between the cabinet and the entietil of th:i leagoet.sbr
former ~,appc:rted.by all thernotaispoliats, oftrietYgrael
sty,c, whi st the n latter relied entirely ripen OA
hone, trutb, and invicibility ()idle creme cabin
they prmsalgatedin favor of free trade_ l'et,litypily.fog
the ne , x order of tbingstfor that era which japes ' , Drell!
,d',y onening upon a.—the Goveent has
e ta
en_ and its candidate, placed h oarry iensble place WO
the poll. /thus not been an ordinary defeat, bet !goat
extraordinary, for it Ims been predated in aetittrect of
all the united exertions cf the cabinet, the
Sea Destindki
CrAnpanl., the West India trade the Small ome'
the custom., the c s else , ihe c orp ore iL. 'A a - rue . Letta.e. I
exchange, tbe shipping ilitelest3 ,:earral _
some '3OO. or 40 'revel voters. (frame:AO who Wats
that they never gave an cesparchased Tote in thin - Ives;
and are 1 eseh.ed that they aver. wiii. . • . - ... •
It was poll -;t :Id, fravradalr ciriMbintatieli.
phalanx of politkal prejudices--this trentets&ms ar,
gregote wealth, and interststs and haflertsr, .fsat t
anti-CO M low leagac threw the wlt u ir vreight of its!
tr•-ental 'octal, and the complete Crganiantion of its
troths. • • .. . .
A bolder step cannot well be minimised; a hatta
result could no. well lot predicted, even b 7 the :seri
sangrrive in prescatilpeat3- 'Paere were teeny friecoht;.
hovre 'ler, of the league, who, though they admired- doe
courage which /Unclad this v aelaag"it apen fiioncipalyit
land -,---- ere delightesl to see the Tr:meter grapple!! with
`to his eon den, were ion Juise us trefaketiicts as. to tha.'
consequenetr—fearfal that the deftat of ItheW contra .,
111 date. ee stet an occasioa,vironld be a relates cal nits
! and retard the cause of trade far yew. Against these
timid friends the league had al se to contend; but aortic,
t temerltyArters-y, tact,talent, and g .eiritai„latetrh sto O r
\ ea over every obstacle. _ r
It was not one of tbslvzst intevestiagportivans.... t,
contest —the day of tart inixti.oll,tila mode in whih-dos.
candidates and their ft ienas were received Li the - To.
ters_ The aneient.Gaildholl of London watt .th.e -.
far this display and its grened rca,tf rang and re- 4 ".. 4
the alternate grooms et eheers,wiriat greeted the tree
era Iparties and their parris-ans. Indeeki. tit times,.
and par.inalarlyw hen lar _Bering attempted to addiess
the electoe.,. so hoarse, dtseordiaat and fearful beam:ea
th ling, that fancy et-aid aimost itcliece that abe t .
ce ebrated veteran and veneraNa civic eisats. stiltt -
we se elevated at the west end of the beirdig,dsed taken
a part in the election, and were g rowt"sitz trth their
denunciations. Altogether it Wa3 a eariovapeeee-, and
tone that could riot but strike a fereigner with Surprise; .
because he w oolti find it utterly imppoasinic to reign
any good r easers why such c farce E.-Itoola be get ma
elf. There was no bating envoi the s pec;.!.. - ces, it' y,
were only three•er four cards thorn therm, and mast 64,
them had to eddies diencaelves to the repor,ers.--•
The horrible nvises which greeted Mr, Bar.sig vender
ed it ant of the question for the getalemeasof rise press.
to catch his remarks even at the distance of a few LAG,
pedeponshaa platkirro, an dlaidOzt . g few
so they jut
books and themselves, almost excludes -Ibiza
their natter
from the view of the meeting. • -'''
ding, arta 0 1 - -k -
While this dumb show was proce 4l.
strange unearthly yells and 'routings ,asep=tentiatg in in
tensi, y, and
in f l ight:Cul Lapert, ray eye Tinos 3,
red alert? the basting in search of a character, uua,
it at.last alightea, on the: compact little form of the
celebrated. Mr Staint3t4 Warren, thabartister, and die,,,
tingaished author ef"Ten Thousand, a Xeefe .
~..", _ posti_,,, ..,A.
area evidently a yarn friend to Mr Betio:Aß@ srtlarlt :‘.. : -,
'himself helm spa sans into dm-straggle, end ielo-,61. '-,
queintly fsS a kind of fugleareen, by giving, sitellaUe •
signals, or indications when the admirers 011ie favalcy• •-•
•• z..
itemay either give a special cheer, or a
v isa[ Mr - - -e'' ~,,.
sea. On on e of these occasions, be waved his hot toi• .;--.
, •
ooe Irma, rota Iris spectacles in the other,- displayia; Me
,• ~••
~ ..-..n„
handsome, dark, raven tair,mulipg,thlorght Aptly, a. ;
roond his finely formed bead, and akkting Ai pa* . kv. --1
tellectoal cnnetenance, deeply his
wit:lmmo ead e . • •
, nborate study. And then, too, his black, lastrouseies., _ •
as he c aught some passages in the candidates speeds '.
which pleased him, lit up that face with each down,
riaht hr•arty eapreSSioa, that I have never sego it war- -a. .1
passed or equalled. 'll
The specchifrine at an end, the question was pot, ---- .1
and the free-tin:do coedit:late was declared to have the
how of hands in et 3 fa. r. There could he no doubt
of the fact; and, as the first victory was thee gained, that
word went forth %bathe league would win. lite cr.-
rtinns on both sides, were great, and -unparalleled at- •
any pr
election for the city. The excitement itu- a_
r i rig the a n y 0 ; riling immense: and, as the boar . % • -,-..-."
for its closing eipbed, waist increased to le degrefk Ce,
intensity which Mould be trimossfble to th
I t will also be fo'ly to attempt le depict the Mote, at.
' folloc;red the striking of 4 o'cloch; the vociteresst•saakt ~•_,
rations d th 2
victors, sir the sullen looks, and dogged
A "
appearances, end balk* hopes ofthe defeated. .
This dal a:L... r esult beakers ,
•• made known,
and the concinerer and the lave snacks per.
feet harmony: The same - - ..)wwwser. did
not exiend itself to the elect 'Witt Sowed to think
that they could ant make use , ' matt isf their triampb„
a nd there fore Mr ; ng ass egeliga with coersimese 4:
and ribaldry.
. . •