A 41.7. . I...labbS HOW MID er CO„ iluiatkracturirs of froli No. 18, Wood Strut, Pitts/tar/A. :Pa.— lain always on nand an extensive assortment of Sall, Alacul sad *sin PAP HANGINGS, Velvet and / mitation Borden., of . the lalest style and handsome fu r paved iug parlors anti chambers. They manufacture and have on hand at all titnei 7`rtutin:, ‘Vriting, Letter, Vt' rapping and Tea Pa per,Bon at..l Pullets' Boards—all of whica they offer for sale itorthe ino:4 accommodating terra;; and to which they write the attention of merchants and others. ..30-111ank Book 3 Grail kinds and the nestquality , ,4chool Hooks, etc. always on hand and for trate as above 1. B. Ra., , At lid 'rattlers' Scraps' taken in exchange. E VOW xL. —The undersigned begsleave to inform Et the public , Ital. he has removed from big old stan es d, 9 0 the corn 4. of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the ettange hotel, where he hes fitted up aiarge PIANO FORCE (Vase ROOE. and now ofTers for sale the most splendid n.nrertt meat of P 4 ENOS ever offered in this market. His PiAGIOS consist of different patterns, of superior lose Wood and Alahogany,bettntifittly finished and mo delet and coast! tiCted throughout of the very beet ma ts:Mai, w hich, for darabittty, ami finality of tone, as well isinoch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he lute enlarged his manufactory, and made arrabge. Imes to supply the locreasing demand for this fowl]. :Went, he resoeetfally requests those intending to pur. to call and , xamine fits asmrtment before porch:L. rittßir eJsewitere. as he it determined to sell LOWER. for ,41111.,ti1311 an V other estahlish moot east or west of he ateruntatrusr F. west of t Eoroet of Penn and St. Clair streets, 13010 Oitno=itt the Exchange ilotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of 'ft . aremortailon, are too well known to 611Ippers generally. to require continent; sof ' lice it to isay, toad the detention, bss,separtariort arid dam age to Gonda, invariably attending threc T r anshipmvits Tau fudisecitber has joss reetdved froin Philadelphia and between Pith: much and Phiadelphla are by the rontOde New Vark, with a enteral and extensive assort- Boat Inuit effectually removed. men% el D RUGS, CHgMICJILS, PERFUMERY, and Tire l'ortatde Rom it ,ssesses the great advantage trio, every attcis n his ne of business, hich he is det of lutig well reilated and cool in Summer; which pre. tnl4sed to i sell i on the li most reasonable w terms for cash. e — r. cants n Flour feats ac snaring, land Bacon and Tobacco froni tie_befieves he can Jffer stronger inducements than any ; ,weating. deoilixt establishment In this chi to country Physicians H., Devine, standing as he doe:, betwer n the owners .I'o Merchants. who w1:11 to . supply themselves with of goodsand the Boatmen who carry them, and eqaally Drugs and Mutliciiies, fits articles have been selected interested in protecting the inters,ts of both, will make .e ye the nttnoat care, nod are warranted ofthe best goal- no promises to the pular, he will not faithfully perform. try'end nntfor en strength. Orders will be filled with ac- Ile in now prepared to receive arid forward Produce enracy and ele:tance.^leFatulli s can be supplied whit Fine 1 to Philadelphia, taltimore, New York, and Poston in the and Fitocy soaps of every conceivable varit,ty, and of I:borie,' time, and pledge's himself to eater into no coin. the motet exqiisitir - perfumes', likewise with Perfumery ! hinal ion with other Lines but always stand ready to cart and .flosteetics of every fie3cittrion. ) out the principlesof his Line, and conttact for freight on The undersitzned returns his thanks for the liberal 511112' th e very lowest terms. poft heretofore extended to liiin,and hopes try a constant oe-To give undotthied-security to owners and shippers di,tydeltion to please and accommodate—a care In pro i of goods an open policy of insurance has been effected, oaring stud.seitiog, only wait is excellentand genuine—a ; by which all mei citandike shipped by this Line will be close supervision of the sales and transaction of the estab I rin' cd without an? adilitional expense to the owner. lillturent--precantion and accuracy in compbungi med. If. Dev , ne will receive all produr e consigned to him tines--and.by.t,k,teT,zry.eud perseverance, to meri nin3 at Pittsburgh, lay freight and cliarets to straw foals rease of public patronage . and forward lime u ' me without delay to ritilaJu'phla, Baltimore, New York, nod toston without any cliargr ~ advancing or conunist-ion. La I what makes.your teeth so unusually white? Quoth Joylea dulcioia to hint t'other night, To make yours look so, with a grin, replied lost], I ve brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 9'A the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And - since they have triad this, cast all others away. Itot to provelt the best, to make the teeth shine, Look zgain, my dear sal, at the lustre amine. Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, Arut see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not fine. Having tried Dr.. .Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' nd became acquainted with the Ingredients of its compo sition, I cheerfully say, I consider it one cattle safest, as It is P one of the mos t pleasant Tooth Washes now in Lim ittsburgh Se p. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. I Make pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is one of the hest den• trificestn use. Being in a liquid form, it comblnes neat• nese with-convenience. While It cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a fragrance peculiarly desirable. .1. P. Tt 813ETTS. M.D. Thc undersigned have. used ' , Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, exerclsio; a most salutary influ ence over the Teetlt and Gums; preserving those indis pensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. inglhokinghly tested its virtues, wn take pleasure In re. commending it to the public, belieeling it to be the best ar ticle Of the kind now in use. JV goiEtzwrso.N . , . S P JACK, ROET HI.R.RBLES , . CHAS B SCULLY, C DARRAGH. W.lll .11Y C AND 1, S, J 1.1 AIOO,RHEAD, JAS S CRAFT. EL RING WALT, L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by WILLI AM TIIOIIN. Apotheca ry and Chemist, No. 53 Market street' Pittsburgh; and at nil the principa Druggists',and Tuttle's Medical Agen y, Fourth street. sep 17( 0 PEMALES.--Theiels a large class of, Females in this City who (rain their conti nucti sitting, to which thelioceopittlonsobligel hem,a re affected with costiveness vrhich gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex ertiOn. sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sou nd,an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling Intim bow• els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meats when any exertion Is used, as going Quickly up stairs; temprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at office LO a few dosesaf the Brandreth Pills The (teen. atonal use of this medicine tvonld save& deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or twb, or even three of thel3randretli Ping just before dinner, arc of en found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In this way; they aid and as.olst digestion, restore the bowels to n proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear. suet° thecomplexion, purify the blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. B•audreth's Office. fn the. Diamond Pittsburgh—Price 25cellt t per box, with full directions. ARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can he obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. lige.. Diamond. Sep 10 De. Leidy's Tetter & Itch ointment. VOlt the eine °revery variety of 'FETTER, the ITCH, A - and all dsea.es of the Skin, hag proved itself more efficacious than any other preparation for the 3111IC pur pose In use. Upwards of rive hundred certificate.s might be procured and published of its eiTlCary from School Teachers. Pro. prictors of Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses, Captains of vessels and others, were it not for the deli cacy in having their nnmes published in connection with such disagreeable affection.. By the use of Dr Leidv's 'Fetter Ointment In corjunc• .lion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he will guarantee to cute any disease common to the akin, howeiyer bad, or of however long standing, or refund the money. There are however ver y few Instances but can be eared by the Ointment atom . . Pr-ice - 4.5 rents a Box. Prepared only andsoki wholesale and retail at Dr Lei. dv's Heolth Emporium, 191 N. Second st. Philadelphia, co. corner of Wood and by B. A. FAILVESTOCK and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12. ;PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU- FACTORY. 4rflEsubicriber woald respectfully Inform the citizens of Pit'it marsh, Allegheny and their vicicities, that he cdenmenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01 and Candles. He intends making but one quality, which ll equal the best made In the Union and not surpassed - by the best winter strained sperm oil either for machinery er burning. without its offensive properties, and one third-cheaper. Tag ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO Raw( IN ANY TEMPERATURE. The subscri• ber wishes to Impress distinctly on the public mind that It Is not necessary to purchase any new tangled lamps that ire daily palmed upon them as being ruisite to burn the lard oil in. Persons wishing a pore and brilliant light Ain obtain it by calitng at the old stand ,3d street, nearly "'poi:is the Post Office: M.C EDEY. e attention ittf Wholesale deahns, Chinches and mat chalists respocifugysoliclue 4 . N.; 1011 bur tl4mansfactsWe Joust 1343 th • ~~~ NDLVIDUAL EN'l'marnizz• usn , ED STATES, PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For the Transportation'of Mcrchandiza and Produc Between PITTSBUR Gil AND Pliff.ADF.l, 'MA AND FITTSBC 7 I2O II AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. tieviNt: respectfully inform the public that they II• have completed tbelr ai rangementsfor the above Ltne on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPUNDEDT PRINCIPLE-• The public Iran lung wished for I ndivldusl competition in Transportatlcrn on the (Volk Works, by w hich alone it can' be Creed trout unnecessary expenses and reduced to itsletvesi rates; that wish will now be realized; the Skate of retiusyisaniA having placed Trucks on her 110 1 Roads, individuais owning Portable hosts are enabled to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to corn• nele will' ,tottinanies. I'iiis lice iscomposed.c. To:aril) . new, Pour Portaldr Bouts, owned by the C. pkains who ao.nniand than' and wail tinowa as en' er prisllll, ludas; dons and WILLIAM THORN 11 DEVISE Azrat, N 0.4.5 %Valet . rt, riti,twro,. TUGS, BORBIDIE Agent, 1272 Market street, Phildlphia. MOORE C AS.E. Agents, 75 Rowley's What 1, Baltimore. BOWEN 4- 1111111£11D, Agetilt, Cinciatoti, 010 a CULVER WOODlierts, AL.,ent, Mailoon Ina. Thos. Me 111 IM, C n A ;:ent 41Kre4 10 -1:142. ' '27 Old S1;11 New Rady Made Coffin Warehouse, F'unrth St, 21 orgJ row the U. S. Ban k . TItOVILLO, UNDEILTA KEII, 11"''E':ITULLY informs he puhlir that I e has remrred his reedy 111.1,1 e coffin ware ••" louse to the liuttding recently ,erni.) , dLy Mr. C. Berford, directly opposite his old sit sod, where het.,i alwayA prepared to:ittpr.d promptly to any orders in Ills line, and liy strict attmtion to all the detail.; of the business of an Undertaker, ',e ho, estu merit 00bn...confidence. lie will be prepared tt .ttr. Boyne to provide ilearseii, Biers, t. leers rind isiery requtsite on the mom lirwral teims. Calls from the :Ott tory will lie iiromptly , altendrd tn. His residence is in the same building with his wart. house, where those who need hie seta - fees mat, lind hue at any time. W. W.llto IN. JUDO)). RIDDL.I, REV. .101( BL.cx. D. D. ROPERT lIRVi E. D. E. /POOR PETToN, RES. SAIEvel. WILLI&MS . W. n.it'cLutte, REV. JOEEPIT KERR. sakr HARRIS, REV• JattS M. DAVIS, Evp 10 REV, E. P. SVVITT. _ _ FOR SALE.—The undersigned otrei I'ol' sale Fhis farm, lying in Ross Township miles limn the City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acrlollaud o of w re- hic of h GO ate cleared arid unde7 fence, I.c 020 A meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apples > few Peach and Cherry trees—the Improvements are a ,arge frame IJOU.P containing 10 rooms wellfurtilsheil, calculated for a Ta vent o'. private Or elling,a frame Barn 25 by 60,stone hveronnt, and stabling, sheds nd other out houses suit• able for a tenritient!-2 good Gardens surrounded with , currant bu,lies. and a well of excellent water, with pump in. at the front door. In relation La I lie Pill shurgli and AlM:betty market, there Is no place now offered for sate with more inducement to tho , e, wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for further particularsapply to Itteproprietor at Ids Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virain Alley. LAWRENCE MITCTIF.I.I.. N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October nest. It will he divided into 10 and 20 acre rots to sult Set , 10 Regular Morning Packet for Beaver. $ V IIE fast running and well knowr JL Steamer 2243.5:1/ . C LEV .F: L A N D, SHARP llsartnek, Master, will deport daily from Pitt:- blurb at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No 60 Water street. N. B.—The rmtnlar canal NI( let t lev o Celand, Ohlo Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and M On the Ohio Canal, connert;ng with steamer Cleveland at flea ver,wlll be in operation Immediately on opeti mart 16 - r of nlCe.v. poLcs cured by the I se of Dr. Ilarlieli's Compound Strengthening and GU' MU fl Aperient Ms Dr.llarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency from you for the sale of your vied'' , ine,: I formed an aceesaintance wilt a lady of this place. who was severely afflicted wills the. Piles. For eight or len years thin lady was subject to frequent painful attackS, and her physician considered her case SO complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for tier. Throne!' my percussion , she commenced using vonr Fills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4-C. JAMES R. KIR BY October 3. 1810. Chambersimg,Fa, [r Mice and General Depot. No 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And hyrflamliel Frew, corner o Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. ssp 10 Kr "Why will ye is 1 19r,r dying rale?" _rA 444 4 4 E. lIUMPHREPS TrEGEM _TILE OINTMENT, FOR PILES FISSURES, o be had at Turn's Medical Agency 86 Fourth st rite only agent In Pittsburgh. Feb 22. AS USUAL. AT, 0 sootier does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations tw ill come popular, in consequence of its success and ef ficacy, than it is counterfeited or Imitated. To prevent imposition. Dr Leidy has DOW procured moulded bottles for hie celebrated Teller and Itch Oint. ment, with lite words Dr Lerdy's Tenter rnd Itch Olni. writ; blown In tile glass, besides covnairting his written signature er a yellow label outside. Dr Leid)'s. Teller and Itch Ointment, has proved more rfitearious than any other preparation for Tetter, Itch, Dry and Watery Ninnies or Pustules, and diseases of isle skin generally, tl lms been ernpluyed in schools, factorhs,and on board vessels carrying passengers, where children. as well as grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their contagious not ire, whir the most unexampled SUCCCEI; certificates and recommendations have been Itt,retofore published from them, and numerous others might be ob. tallied Inc publicatlon,bul for the objections most ection ir persons have, to having their names published In conn wh such disagreeable and loathsome affections n no single instance has it ever been known to r of all It has been used upon infants and by persons ages•l is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its com . position ,and maybe used under all circurnstances. Price Twenty.iive centsa bottle. Prepared and sold at Ds Leddy'eflealib Emporium, (sign of the Golden Ea gle and Egr pents, l and bg B. A. FAIIN Fb&POCII. offer of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. ju'y Contagions Diseases, and Change of , Temperament. 0:7-%Vater must be adapted to the nature of the fish or there will he no propagation of the 'species. the.. soil must be adap t ed to the seed, or there will be Ito ln create. The climate must have those matters in it which will unite and keep alive epidemical or cOntag ato lOth. that song, or or they will become Campo-lied, as a!p e hit la onto Molted with oil. So it is likewise with th. Irian frame, It cannot be materially affected by epidem , - caloi contaglaus m iladies, unless there ha thri.w m liters floating in toe elrctilation which offer the appropriate Soil. By I untying our bodies with the Ilttstinßcvn PILLS, which rave affinity with those impurities sectir upon which contagion feeds, rte way .Iwaye feel e, whatever disease may rage riroond us. True, we may have it, hit it will spoil be over, our sickness will lat the affair of a day or two, while those who have been too wise to use this simple and excellent remedy. tither die, or have weeks perhaps months of sickness. Suableg charges front very hot to chilly weather are Unfavorable to health, curt it in a Doer unitrersally adpre ted, that heat and moisture are pful agents in during di-ease, and that constant oat' and constan t yv n ka weather re both favorable to its general ton, It eo ot ore signify witsV we cal,' it; it may be ague, It nay he bilious fever; it may he yellow lever , it may he dy settlary; It may be rheum:lll-in: it may be tirouchitis; it may lie chol ie, It may he constipation of the bowels; it may he lob. mation of the howtls, it may he Infinmation of Ilie stow. ach, it m ay be a nary. us affection; still it i , ritseise. awl t disease rumble by the Brandreth Pills, because the) remove all Impurities trout the body, all that can to oily anner tied the further progrcs of the malady, no 'nat mter how called; thus lliese pills are not only the most proper medicine, but generally the only medicine that need or ought to lie used. A t the pre , ent time it is every man's duty who Wishes lo,ecure his health to ace Diem; _ it Is I lie ditty or every one who knows anything of their TO IN VA.,IDS. LI health restoring vowel s,t o make it known in Ins imme diate circle. For there ore same alarming signs, which V.r flow import aut It Is that yen commeoce w 0 hou tons ol lime with nß•laDttaTit'S VIM,. They n Hilly but tell of the approach of disease. The sodden t hatigen of sorely remove all impurities from the blood, aod ilia case teniperamenl are more to he feared and guarded agatost Of sickness can affect thy lot ma it frame, oat these cele- Wail any contagious rnal lily. butted Pills do MO relit Ye as much nr medicine can do . The IsvLosar % has li ft many in such a state of weal. Colds and coughs are more Iwnentled by the Brandreih nests that Deere in in theft a raw susceptibility to lie af. Pills than by lozenges nod tamales. Very well, per forted by three rh inges of the atmosphere and cantagious liatis.as pall it Ives. but worth nothing an eradicator, or 'naiad c-, but by the timely use of Brandreth's Pas t even di eases from the human system The BRAN Der:Till it. Is now this ,itscep alto a can be it a gteal measure 'ems cute, they do not merely relit ve, they core disea - e - , ed, and power give ' the ,vi.triiii In teei.d these loorbinc whether chronic or rccent,litterttnit- or othero I , ' , will 115150" q 11"11 111. 'l°lln I.lll'll'les in 11w weather "lilt certainly be cured by ilVe „se „f there il sufficient Pill,. which it may he !treat," lit itt co ,tact dint ig the next fifty days N tture has tanned The now et- of the evacnatton of CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. • all tanlicalthy Minim-, snit Ifni aii would hot ,i,e roam Stno Ciro, Jaituat y 21,1343 sense, Ire would take care they performed this office faith. ',actor Ern just, t Bra vlreth -Honored Sir:On log to fa st. if I , owr ;- a re o tlt or ord er ; if too slow o r too yam u debt of gratitude that mutter' Cannot pay, lam fast. a few doses of Bassett Call Pit is will bring them ludo aid to make a i ult if aek no wli daLinhilt of the litinefil to order, 'l,k the man who vi as th in; from ro by as i e has dem erl from yap* Inv alliable Mils. ',bout tel bowels what cured him; he 1' 11, v on, Br:lndict IC, three 3,i ars I los w tater -lie v. an taken with a path Its tier Pills. Ask him who had dyseniary for six months, and atikle, o hith to became Very mitch lona Med and every remedy had (tiled, he will also telt you the Bran. .., open, „„tett ttitt, we ht,e.,„te t o„ t „, d t „ t t .. ett i dr , ilt Pills cured lalitt la a week So wit h other disea s es. for the doctor. Dosing tits at i ndance the pain and swell Twelve Brand r tit Pills rubbed low it in t a mot or mo- nig increascd to an alarotitig degree, attd in dace vs t el, las-es, cured a little boy of an ober of the fare, as Ito b t'out its best cutomenctil,r, tt became a running sore - was rapidly sa d afloat! to hi , or. is, and which a (107- -he a ould get no rest at night the pain was so great - en do-iors had tried to cure, but et obi not' the (tor Ili , ' Dot tor attended II r tor sta month-, and -he pour parents wou'd have g,.% en half they were worth tees. t•r,l nn 1 e,•(tit st hate%er, the rain grUni, .1 n ors" In have hod if cortd, lof every thing they tried slid lin and the sore larger all the w bile. lit said a it la a lit al 400 d, unlit they pant.it a to tsimotifol of attains "o, curry - ,dOp It WOlll , l he her death, hot lie appeared to lie a , a 11 IR, in half a pint or a tech i try Lag rolibril down loss how ta prom el, and soy hi tor wife still a °nomad t we've Brandy th VWa be fore 'le whole of the tool awes I to ~t f ie r t h e most tel rib:, i .tr i tt tt „ va etttereto,.. „tilt, wan taken the ulcer " r. "" -'1• '‘" I yet sour' r''oiih ' I mitt. r aid in a ltot mac II 115., or, sr! :0 said on he. hue rt lump', call Breadreilt., PI ism I, it , 1 . medicine f 1 ,swot.{ ~ it that lie could Bonnt tire the „e, ~hd ;zit, first be welt nrli.er , w rt a feat iti , e -itrli quark minitrim i. el , . a' once. To our suroeise lie g. se lice iiii retie!. IVitl ail your or. lend' it 'tar-ii pato' t cativo . it - cure rand ai 1, ortss•ledged Ili al it baiff d all his slat I. like the Mandrel', row, Can they 'tend you IS per -one Tim- we felt after baying tried divine one wliotr 5..11 Brantit.•th ra., 7 l'aif they point ou t to the experience of two (el , brated rill‘sict los In v Ito, in c , Ran, no far. Solt people wen lead I . ' " //, /".' ' fir /•"" / tilt ' El'' •11,-olute dm pair. Ms ' , oar %site's con , to a lon rap ,11% Orli-% ard Si %. cos' Dance ulio Ease been ct.t, d ha• la ~,,,, t in the prime et 11,..r years from her con le tad i their remeilie ,l If rip r t ani.ot Dr. Elrandi , •th eau- Can the! , point out to You a Peri°n who for ',wel't' we would try trout . Cnivet , it Ve ;' t ale l'ills drie • rnit, d 1 Nears bad nes or had a , tied u nitwit having no 0 mid- to fairly I r . , their rura'l% , t tt , et- To my %%di, ^r, .1 utile or nint hanical ateati " Itrm/ tl ' e 1/r3'"lr In hi '' , comfort the first few &i.e. a ff orded great relit( id to. Inai tired in a month, and gave:„. hint as It, althy evar la Aloes now Wilton one week, to tee astroitsbnict,t of our be had when he was a c‘i d. If they cannot, Di. ' „la,. ttto t ~,,ery our w ho ', n ew ta ro t ,- ca., ti t „ ~,,,,it,„, Maodreth can. and ;he iollanamation beg in to erase so that the felt non, l'oe RR Astir, nrll PILLS not only do' Ore..lllc urea t arl and wool .l 'deep comfortably, and, sir, utter 51% ble dt-easei. but It rto lie demonstrattil, Ilia , 1.% deli we , t,, t . use she was a lo e to Co the,„.4l, t h e h ott , t „ t i notch, ii..e, they rotiot ,111 Oil , s [ere In a very short J,,,,,0,, ~,,,,i ho t h e mattizettteitt ci f tier family it ~,,,, time, Dr Craning' li will ,ring I.eforr the public a con- she had tun done lot nearly 14 month:, In a lit sit• ma el 1 tration of 0' s Wile. •,(tier flr andrillt I 'Ils• I o'l' to ta ot ttttt alas from the lime -Lae nrst commenced the It-, I e fiout of I In, and in .111111 101111, .11 d that 1.. will n_r tone lova/mild.. Pill, hi t ankle is ao 01111 ~ t/11.1, /1111 et 111.11 71 011 ~Cann , ri' r r"“ . II' : ‘ ; ""` *l or""e'-/city ''' s I ve inri int anon inettt l , than la Ilia il it hada i e rm n ien n to 0 t i e , i 5% 0 l %. ~ a ni 11/. n';ul/ o f " r tiW I \ \ I ' LL." " ft" r ' ll r''''. a.sliefor • and ko' .11 , w hettier thee he I' tern,' or , a',•rnal I I, it , plot le- t' retard the rase of 0 it, 11, al ,'e title ' al. I% l n , le`lded at %' ' on',llli'd"(t.he cure , t rili c t IC " a ' ' ' d i i ' rg r. etas it node an n it r j" s" i Sfierl.rooli, i atta la, syl•o roe 17. t ,1) ‘ . acs ~.(111 70 - el y r toe .ilnitte, l ~.1111 dl.eiff., ts li 111 rut in blotches and scabs oft over hit body. 1 los gent lemaa co far forgot We Ire, tenth match gra dude. VetN re-pi cifoi i i , a TINIOTIIff J, ELIZ 4 1 111 7'l l' Die p-elodlee which too Often cot se Ifs prof. mon. a . tt _ _ ~ Th, ~, , , . , ~. ~,,,,,,,,,,,, . t,,..,,,,,,, , ~, to apply personal', to Dr. Brondro.th, and It s course , . ' ,nu : . i t: a 1, ;: ,,,,, ~,,,. 1,;,,,2%,", e,,,,fd I e ~a , 1 , ,, , 1 . ~,,,, .... , I , 11""*P'l a happy on', ‘‘ °"": 6," minion "," '' ","(,ell% „M„ , of ire flesh „a I - cut nlT, l llid the l ' imie ,- r tp^d - Cliff . (11 Ili: misers!.!, lllll. .1/s111,111,11; i .sca , e .% it l't ink a kind Provider's., to' nude at , rr ~ r 1 to sour 11.,e oh the Drand,ll,l"ll r, The ascot 1 , lir i• ,Irrib Pill. ran In Ito ea, ,to ~,J,,_ inn, is hirli s lard it-. fro tot i it - I her nose' v toil f•'r rt. because 111,) are made nt those herb and ti. I. ~t r. kslllrllr,Wedti3r,,atleitc,helt:llll‘l.:nu. v„ nil di, „..I,„n. fleece ass roi3O pt 0rt..l shies/ Ohs' / ci f ', • ibetow n ' al i " ei , raelt havto ,, nrtnn ~ I t man hods , Lod, The tnont.. , or of %twelve si ils then/ r, itore,of Dr. Mand•ritli S.. each no \or th, P ., 1111, 1, eases of sickoe- is often the csu-col a li I g alit , it otte r too ,t a I.l,lrourca-iliri i ilriilllliin Branelte ,l l and three nr'l"2'"" byre'''"e" of hi'll 11,arithell, lino„ It e How• inipoitatil i er that this citi...e shoolti lie hurt tril, .. ie no, Starr n rt0,,,,„1. where 11 0 re i r,..,0 " will not Only be 11'e ""e*t trans ° , lre e re ."‘'ri"'' 1"1 0 " f ,I,:1 1 11 ''ills''ills c,n be 01)1 iin,ll, 1. the rtnrlorN own o't'ter. It Will i•' a zr , , ,t nt ea...we ',event n rlirte , ft 1., lip. Illanl4lllll, 1. , ilild the Market house. Mark, rOnst OW Oval ,I,,t' ntit o- It a% 1 I -Lulls at orikt I, oil, to • t . ta:, .11 . 1 , 1 , t r 1 r. 11 lirandreto Pills can neve' he obtained in Inv ll:nit i of the Whirl , ni it in note. sertlre rol'ort liraf i t A•' %,, In, ill v• ,to ide media Ines the Itrindretli pi • den, n ihe follow ing ire 1111. nn! , a: VI initni , ,t ,, l 1 , % lir. II have been •11111111111, COIIIIIII4 11ed,b 1 I 11.1Ne.11C,,, . 1, in, ell ~, Navin_ , x , ~ ~i, i iii, F.F. 1.,,,nci.5, .and ~,,,n, , h t kiii,r,lll:, far:::eoto,i.', of lats Veetable Universal fills, to ea, i os• c t t ire info rich t 1 t. , ea, 11 1,,,s ill -tirli 11111'111W workmanship ao lit bid vlefiant eto all (Wort um Mors. Now boo' a . Paiseirst Anssa Glt LEE, Pittsburgh ei , d new rvil pre. nil oOf M v advertisement, are Mr. John Gia,-Alleghent, to %ethanol, sell ort Iby all the wed tri ne moo. Rohm' Dolman -Portion:lwo gees of lie dal- ntio nierelt take rot it aine out and C, I`. I) slit-Elizabethtown ins rt the name of their medicine in the place of Bran li.R ow lar il-M‘Keespor t dreth's Pills occupied lit Ile [advertisement that , sin , ' n Pressly Irwin-Pheasant 1101 from me. note %sill proNe how thcse speculative gin John J uhnston-N oldest own. tie oleo sustain thee's( lye.. Chessman t Spinlillog -Si. file retest:ls Map rest satisfied that I shall, .(1 long A sdell ar Connell-Clinton. as my life and erermi, are permit'/ d itie by an (I`. ER. Robert Smith Porter--Tarenthm RULING ITN'IDENCE. attend per 'comity to Ito Gi • carer PuWer -Fairs. It w preparatiott of the firandrtith Pills, tind tn. t 111,,, David R Coon- Plum township. properties a holt have thus far rendered them so paps Daniel Ne.let -East Libert a , tar, will still be continued (1,111110.1 red• Edward Thomirion.-54 111.111,1orgh B. BRANDRE'IIi, M. D. Wm. 0 Dower-All' it's 11111. The Bratidreth PON ore sold by one agent In every place of Importance throughout the w orti a l, nd r earth, 11 nhay ot, ill hav ing a ceitificate of emote% from Dr.lli ing fac-slmlles of labels on Do Branddrelli Pill boxes el gr acrd there on. BR INIII4EI IFS PILLS are cord at 25 cis per bon, with full directions al lite PRINi tent. Oral, a. 241 Broad way, 274 Bowery. 1891 Dodson street, The followhig ale duly appointed agent. for the rale of the Brandieth Pitta in Prersto rtoit-G. 11 1. ER. ,tervartstown -CI - es-man ty Spaulding. (Triton -Jo , C triorlt Cranberry To -R.ll Mel:,•r Buller-lane, Campbell .' Co Prospect-G. A. Kirk pal Purtersville-trier Mcoser. . Portersvtlle John ottiver. Mt. I'lcasant -11 4' J. Lippe:trot' Latigh'itt-ams n-J 4' C. M uot e . West Ni wtost-111 P. Smith. Youtigidow ii-SlcAtte 4 Co nov 13 -- wl t • --i:llrliGti vt. IN ., ' RUMEN trd SURGICAL IN 'STRUM ENTS , - 7'..11r earth y, Citric ,- and .itargical Instrument Maker, Third street, scarly oppostte the Post Office. Pittsburgh (sins cit . Tin: 1101,0 EN .BEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in • strutnents made by the subscriber of a superior quality atial at Eastern pile,. Tailors' Patent ' , mars and v•tcrisors always on hand, also Flatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B A Hartle'. s warranted of the best quality , and ^ done as usual. st p 10 lire al li &Ming d STARKWETHER'S HEPA Case of Liver Complaint of 25 years standing.. This may reitlfy that for twenty five years 1 w m-inf• flieted with pain in my side, which was fiennently sn seVere as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the cat e and treatment of various physician.; without any permanent benefit. pear*: of the many cures effected by the Ilepatic Elixir prepared by Dr. Staritweatlier.l was induced to give it a trial, and am happy to say that It has ent irely removed. I have felt no symptoms of it for more than a year past. Norllfbrid:e,JtineB6 30. 1341 AMOS WHITE. The aenuitit to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency Fourthstrcet. Denning's rice eroof Iron Chests. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. Dcaxisa—OnWay, the 30th of last month, about 9 o'clock at nisht,the Planing.Groovinl. and Sash Man• ufaetory, owned by Gay, Dilworth t Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all consu. med by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was in the must exposed situation dating the fire, and was entirely red hot —I am pleased to Inform you it was opened atthe close of the fire,and all the books, papers, ,te.saved;—thisis the best recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes oct 24—t. Adams' Patent "Eanghphy" Prnills. HAVE now been before the public 3 years du• ring which time several thousands have been sold and In daily use, We are confident of being sustained in saying, they are the best Cotice Mills in the United States, any way yen it.' Several modifications are madeto suit the fancy of wives and the purses of husbands Sold by the grogs - or dozen at the manufactory.-- M allealdc Castings made to order. FAIRBANKS'PATENT Pti ATFze SCA provedl,ES These genuine articles, of ail s anti OR m-Nt ost im varieties,constnntly on hand and for sale at very reduced jukes by the tnarnfacitirer, I. K. LIVINGTO ,' mar '2. —ll Front between Ro-s and Grant StA. REMOVAL. 1-IOLDSHII' BROWNE ii - AVE removed the; taper Stoic front !dirket 11 street to N 0.64 Wood f ,trret, o ne door from the corner of 4th, where they k.•ep on hands their usual en as sortinent of WALL PAPERS, fur papering patio% e, tries,chambers, 4c. and aloo PRINTING, WRI ITNG and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET 130ARDS, 4-c of which they offer for cute on accommodating terma (eh 14,1343.—dif Dli. 81Z.1.\-DhETIPS :1:11X1s. 'rite office Vittstittp:li tin It W 3.3 lor the purpose of constituting agent , in tile west, has iu: 3CC3111 pllsited that object, Is now cloned, and Mr. C. 11. 1.11; inlhr Dianyind,Nlarket stref.t, appointed niy a:ent for the =ale of Pill: and Liniments All Dr. Erandulli, agents will tuctfore.understatid,that DOI. will renda travelling agent through the country ottee a year lo collect moneys fin' sales made and re-supply avet tr. The said traveller will he provided wilt a tower of ti,lof duty orv , l before the Clerk ill the city and conitty of New Vort,, to ether with all itec,,iisary voucher , arid pape Mr. J, J. YOC, my trav6ltitgitgent now In Pennsyl. vaniP, B. BR A NDE.TII, SI. N. B, Remember Mr. c• IJ.e, in tear of Itir Mar ket Is now my only agent in I'lnsbw fit. New York,June 1.1111,1k4.3, THE craw, WAY TO lIECOVER 111.:ALTII W- An individual only wishes to knots the right way to pursue it; and there are corn, were it sccet v made known how lays might be prolonged a n d iitsiiii re• covered, w: u would not adopt the plan. Evalec.e i= required that the right way Is discovered. This is u hat those suffering, front sic l;111. want to be satisfied about. F b o d y whoc a i p abO l fo o? Il Intoo t is t th e re enjoy h a a l t l t w e o u h ld e a n l o th t li l ve s when his expt rieticc can so much benefit hilt-elf and yl It Is a melancholy fart that n very later pro portion of the 111,15 ti , sell I toe miters of society die lie ween the ageF a thirty and forty. How many 1V itlown and helpless orphans have been the consequence of inn it. kind not having in their awn po weethe means of restor ing health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties call he preventrii and the long and certain sickness, nod by assisting I.:a lum...in the outset, with a flood dose of lirandreth's This is a fact, wt II undeistood to be so by titotr•anifs I'iil of our citizens Tills medicine, If taken so as to purge freely. wilt surely cure any curable .disease. here Is no form or kind of sleknemithat It does not exert a cur ative Influence upon. Thus, by their power in resisting putrefaction, they cure measles. small pox, worms and all contarousfeyers. There is not a medicine in the world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it to healthy condition, as the Braodreili POW. The Rrandreth Pills arc purely ve , rtable, anti so in nocent thattlie Infant of a worth old may use them if medicine is required, not only with safety but Wii li a cer tainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is capable of imparting. Females tnay use them in all the crdical periods of their lives. The Brandrith bills will insure their health, and produce regularity in a' I the functions of life. The same may be said of Brasdeah's Fzternal Rem edy, aeon outward application in all external pains, or swellings,or sores, it greatly assists the core. When used where the skin is very tender or broken, it should be mixed with one or two pints of water. 49 sere Teeter Genuine Drandreh Pills,—Exurninc the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency, ' whose engraved date must, be within the year, which every authorised agent must possess; if the three labels on the box agree with the 'lace labels on the rut iticate, the Pills are true—lf not, they arc false. Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York: June lbs THOMAS SCOTT Headache Headache Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS, A RE now known tothousands ass ososteitraordina A ry remedy for this affliction as well as the inc those On troyertlytefact of their caring DYSrEr.il A. Will stttrerldi_pily ask among their frien dsd if theyaud ha it' ve tbey riot known Of the positive effects o rills. do not hear them mono warmly praised (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them net buy them. In Iliel=c few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at anyemter time but what can lie fairly prOved by respectable ms of our corninunity , Read the following certificate given by a respertablt citizen of Ilogiteny city, and attested by ore of thr)ud; es of the Court cf Common Picas of Allegheny co. ALLEOHYNY CITY, January 9, 1843. DR. flitoote. Dear Sir—l have for a number of years past been af flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a ng ft - inn derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Idediche re comende for it cure, Atom never erived any mate. rlal m heneflt d until Is used eof your t ruly valuable An. tl Dyspeptic Pills. I hove not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distres,lng complaint. I have no hesitation to recommending your Pills at the best medicine I have ever used. Yours, Itespec tfutly, B.TUttEP.. I ant acquaotted svitli Mr, TUT.Ie - , I have no liesita lion In certifying that I consider the statitinepts of Mr. T. respsctlng Dr. Brodie's P Ils, as entitled to I,DAVI 1, ire oat perfect and entire confidence. HUGH For sale, Wholesale and Retail al the Brodonian Pill Establisument Pittsburgh Pa ; and by all authorised a gents throughout the Union Alle'y city Jan 9 1843 NATARRns Camomile P ANTED GENUINE.-- Eva's ills, ViLP.9'lFlCATE9.—Leller.frOill the Hon. Ab'lri'm M'Clel• lon,Sullivan County ,Ezist Tennessee,Metuberof Conaress • WASHINGTON', July 3d. 18311. Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of i your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and s.itin faction, and believe it to he a mast valuable remedy. One I of my :citistituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell [(Willy, 1 TelliiPCF,Ce, wrote to inc i o send hint some. which I did, and he has niplayed it very sitccesifolly in his practice. aril says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent al this place," thinks you would probalily like an agent In Tennessee. I f so, 1 would recommend Dr. A Carden, as 1 a proper person to officiate tor the sale of your celebrated 1 medicine. Should you commission him he Is willing to act for ) en. You can send the medicine by water to the rare of I : 0 1,1 King k Sons. ,Knoxville count y.Tennes. 'see, or by land to Crabam if Houston, Tazewell, East renneirsre. I have no doubt but if you had agents in several counties In East Tennessee, a great deal of medi cine would be sold. lam going to take sonic of it home for my own use, and that of my friendslike . andan should like to hear from you whether you would agent at Bluniville, Sullivan County. F.ast Tennessee:l can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Tcurs respectfully , ABRAHAM ItreT,ELI , AN, of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by It E SELL ERS.Agent, No. 20. Wood street,lielow Second. —,_ ________ Vlik 11. WI 1.1.1 M EV A NS'S has SY RUP,— ifi l'his inuiii,, remedy has nrcserved hundreds 50, , ,, 1 houzlo ~ast recovery. Gorr colivittsiom;. As soon) a ,. the S . , nip i - I - util!ett Oil Or Om?, I Ite t Old wishedec.( v. Cr. Ti'i crrf•prirtriOn iS so innocent, so efficaci SO nir n,a,,l.lliat no child will refuse to let Its Bums he rub , hed wi , h 11. When infantsare at the n:ze of four mow as, 1 ho' t lie , e I , co appearance of teeth. one 1.011 le of the ..,“ rupthOtlld hr 11 , ed to open the pores. Farr to , siii.old , ev. r he without the syrup In the nursery n li-rell.rre are y.o.ina r iilldren,fur if a child wakes in risel;lo with pain in the 20W S. the Syrup immediately 2ives CaFr, by Ten; . n. , the pores, and healing the ...turnv; thereby prevent. inn t'orivu 310n5, Fevers, ke• For Sale Wholesale and Retail hy. R. E. SELLERSY Aeent, It s p 10 N 0.20. Wood street, below Second. ICF,R COMPLAINT Cured by the use of Dc. Dar -1.1 Or compound St rencilicoin? and Aperient I" Os. Mr. Wm. Rirl,ard.,t he of Pittshurch, Pa,. entltely cured of 1 0,0ve rii‘ea•e Ilis svmptote.s were pain 3:111 wetzlit in the left !tide. less of :type lie, vomiting., acid eruct:l:lols , a di.tensiott of the stomach. sick Ite.td.arhe, furred tongue, countenance changed top citron color,diffi. y of breat hint!. disturbed rest, ttended whit a rough, c real deltilit!,,with other symptoms indicatinz treat de. ranzement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard= had the advice of several physicians, hut 'received no relief. um it it.on: Dr. ll arlich's Medicine, which Ice mt na• it'd in ctrectioc a pe•ferl core. • Principal thin-P.19 North Eight F•treet. Philadelphia. For sale in Pitisiorch l y Samm.l Freso, corner of Litter lv and Wood ,treels,. sep 10 B' Er)N VON iIITTCHELEI HERB These Pills are composed of limbs, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse or itrt.n.:.+ll to thr arte , lat system; the blood is quickened and equalized in its circulation troufb all the vessels, wirer licr of the ckin, the parts situated internally, or the catremitirs; and as all the secretions of the body are re dra, from the illood, t here 15 a consequent iacreasr , K e r y and a ptickened ,c lout of the absorbent* and exhalen!, or Ose barging rm.sels. Any morliid action which may linve taken place is corrected. all obstrut.• '.1311A are crate lee., the blood iipurified. and the body rn lines! a t aft! 6.41.6. For clef Whole.s.ale arid Re tat ay S TAXES, Arent, seri 10 ) Wood st. below Second Pittsburgh Lard Oil Bilautifactorv. Stew altstolx Ti Rim . 2.3. l`A,l rIONS7'..•!.VTLY on hand a superior article ci Lard V.." Oil, war ranted to burn at any tempemture, and v.tual to rite hest winter strained Sperm Oil, without 'll4 )Ireii4ive qualities, and one third cheaper. man. ttlact tired by the subscriber at the old stand, Third it., nearly opposite tire Post Office• rd. C. EDEY. Jan 4 BIRMINGHAM LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. riptiE subscriber having opened a !bop No GS, Second strent,l , el ween Market and Wood streets,Plitsliurgli. in mini ticn with itie Factory in Birmingham, resimrt.. fully luf mus his friends and the public., the he will ht appytc be favored with their orders for any ai tick', in his line, Door Locks and l'asteners,n ' various d seriptions, or. band and inatie to order. Tultarro, M ill and Tintlter Screws. rw::, for iron Works, and Screws for Presses, made :IF oily be required, Carpenters and Builders are requested to call lalerr contraclin, for jobs, and examine his art 'cies and to lees. Locks repaired and jobbing generully done In .lie best toanntr.rind On tire lowest tertn A s. S. PATTERSON, Jr• may 2-6 u, J IMPORTANT FACTS ykr,. isAny•ss,IISAPARILL• BLOOD PILLII, are appli• jJ calde In all east,i, whether for Purgation or Puriji cation. They possess all the boasted virtues of other piny, and are additionally efficacion.i, conialning Sarcap arllla iu Ih sir conipo , ition, which is not contained in any other pills inexistence. 'Pliey are also different from oth er pills in composition, being purely vegetable, and can be employed at all times, without any danger, and re quiring no restraint nom occupation or usual course. of living. Not withritanding Dr, Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, yet it is not saying too much of them, from the innumerable cures performed by them In every yatiety and form of disease (certificates of many of which have been published from persons of all denom 'nations, physicians. clergymen, arid others) that they seem to be alino:i universal in their cried; and perssins usins, them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest assured they will he found more efficacious titan any nth I er pills in existence. From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blond Pills, tin deemed necessary to remind the public where they may at all times procure the xenuine, as it is attempted lo impose other pills called -Blood Pills' upon the public on the reputatlOn of Dr. Leidy's. ryße particular and ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that the name of Dr N. B. Leidy Is cont ,ined on two sid of each liox,(the boxes tieing of paper, and oblong,square es sham', surrounded by a yellow and black label. PRICE-25 cents a Box, Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr Leidy's Health grnporiam. 191 North Second street, he law Vine. Phlludelphia, and by B. 4. FAHNESTOCK 4- CO.corner of Wood and Stith streets, Agents fu r Pitts burgh July 197-Iy. . '...- cA Ws , Nt. Ck---fr------ - \„ rißk l o. l ` ,ll C;i', 7 - -.aft- _ / / '/ I{HEsnl oiler Inv just received bb anntiatropply Lar,dreth's Oardeu Seeds, corral/dug in part of lb followicrg klods—allot the last yeirra crop 4 . warraaltd santilne Bearagi Leek, Wttuee, Mater Melon, Nusk, asturtiurn, Squash, Totratoea, Turnip, &c. &r. &c. . .. To;:ether with avarier y errot 4- pvcre, herb* at. 4 dourer ' seeds, - .. itSr Ordcisroi Seerl.y.Strrobf, Tr. ea, 4- t from- Caerier• , et:: a ..r.I others. mill be rerr ived and preraptiy altcr.deC ' - E. L.. eitCOW DEN, NO. 124 1.11,..rty.11 - ead of Woodat.. ___.... February Is, 1840• , Dr. Swrasts—Dear, Permit me to take the libe rty of writing to you at Ibis time to express my app r 0 - and to recontmentbeo-thsestt.tent4ott of-heads of families and others your invallutble medicine—the Coruponute Syrup of Prunus Virginiana, or Witd Cherry Bark. Tll . - my travels of late I have seen in a great many instant:4V the wonderful effects of your medicine In relteving sill dren of very obstinate Complaints, such as Congbingy VVheetine, Choaking of Asthmatic attacks, kc. I should not have written ti.is letter, Lowevet ,at presen• althoctltti I have fv't it my duty to add my testi. molly to It fur sometime. bad it not been for 1 tale In . stance whet - stile medicine above alluded to was main.' mentalltli restoring to perfect health an -only child," - whose case was almost hopeless, is a family of my ac quaintance. 4.1 thank Heaven," said the dealing (Matti. I , my child is saved from the Jaws of death! 0 how I feared the retetitless ravner But my child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayse's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is lice host valnah!c medicine In tills nr any other country. I ant certain 1 `-aye witnessed wore thaw one hundred eases where it bas been attendsd with COM. Wei e snc , ess. 1 1:11 using it Myself in an obstinate at. tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual In t fX , ceediugly soon time, considering the severity (tithe case. I can recomend it in the fullest confidence uf its superior virtues; I would advise that no family should be without it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth. double and often ten timrs its pike. Tie public art 4 . 1 .ured there Iso quackery alteut it. h Isesson, former s ly Pastor of the firet rerhy tci lan C h urch., inn 13—.1y Dr. William N. Y. Sold by WM. THORN, wholcsale retell, only scent (or PilLihurgb. o. 53, Vn.ket .trees. Eep 4 BOON TO TIIE 111:HAN RACE!—,•Discover what will destroy Life, and you ape a great Sian. •Dlecacer what will prulong Life, end the _world wit. call you Impostor." There are faculties ,bodil!, and intellectual, witrn as wit h which certain. herbs have affinity, aa..! ever whisk they hare power." Dr. B. Btantlrell,'s External Remedy, or Liniment. winch, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain o Soo enms; thus S'prains, Stsff Sinews, White wellings heantatie Pains, or Stiffness. Stillness of s S he Joints Tumors, linnas ural Hardness. Stiff Neck Sore Threat Croup, Contractions a the muscles, Scrofulous en largements. Tender Feet, and every desrrintion of in jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, Hill currd or greatly relieved by his vever•ta be evffirient istaled remedy. exurtrt,..ert.—Thr rollowinz inter front Major Hem eral Sandford. as to the qualities of the 'Eater nal Reme dy, speaks volumes: NEW TORII, Feb. 9, 1842. Pear Sir—VT ill you oblige me With 11114ther Pottle 01 yuur excellent Liniment? it is certainly ti it t,,,,, oftjte do kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son , knee, ahout which I wog so uneasy . and I have found it productive of immediate relief in several cases or estes nal injury in my family. A fcw evro.inge Pine.. Ty youngest child was seized with a violent aack of Crean. which watt entirely removed in twenty min tt ntes, by to bin; her elteet and throat freely with the External •Bein erty. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for Vlrleral line, instead of confining the use ail, as yogi lmve heretofore done, to your partlculA acquaintances. Yours truly, C. SANDFORD Da. B. BRAPIERLT.R.24I Broadway. N. Y. tr:rFor sale at '241 Broadway, New York, anti at kis office in the DI tinond, Pettsbnrgh. rft ICC x-- cents _ per bottle with directione. —— _• r 0 ep 10' ~__ TO THOSE.. iriLillOsE, OCCUPATION'S TEND TO pßoDucg, csit4lkCil It AVATE D1.?P.A.,1tr,-.-1161a slass of individualists very numerous. They/are ikon who work in an unhealthy atmos.phere. ['rioters w&r I men in feather storms, stone cutters, bakers, white Inc manufacturers. are all more oe le-es iselbjert to disease ne, cording to the strength or their eolottlttation. The en'y method to prevent disease. Is the occasional oak of medicine which ahstroci7s front the airealatlo• all delete rious humors, anti expel' , them by the bowel , . 'Folio In any form are injurious, as they only ;at cif the evl lay to make It more Trial. The use of Biandretn's Pllll I will insure health, leccauie they take ail impure otateet I out of the blood; and the body Is not wenkened We strenot netted by their operation, I'4 these valuable Pills l do not forceAut they assist nature, and are not opposed hut harmonies a. ith her. Sold at Dr. Prandreth't CifTki, in the Diamend, PIO-burgh. Price . 25 cents per box, witli full w he r e the 011.1, MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh r GENUINE Pittle can he obtalned,i 4 the Doctors own PI lice in the llkantottd FI r 10 ~~~~~.~ Egg Plant, Parsnip,.. aclive, , . Peas, Kale, Pepper; Pumpkin, Broscolt. Radish, 130recore, Rhubarb, ~ Cat trage, Salsafy, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spinach, Celery, . Okra, Curled C.c.s% Onirn. Cucumber, Parsley,- Mustard, (white and brown) BRANDRETII'S PILLS , SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE ANDRET HIAN VEGETABLE EX— TRACTS• Caveat entered 9sh June, 1842---Patent gramed.to Benjamin Ili andrilh,2oth January, 1543. The extracts of which Brandretli s Pills are coin- - posed are obtained by this TinW patented prostear; without boiling or 1111 applicetion of heat. The ac tive principle of thi‘ herbs is titussecurecl the earns as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE. The Public should be cautions of medicines lee— commended in a dvertisments stolen from me,' In . which the CONTEMpTIBLF. ROSSEllgteids my Lan— guage, merely aitenm, the name. Time will show these wholesale deceivers iu their true light, THE MEDICLNE, OF TUR PEOPLE. °tr. BR ANDRF,TIPS PILLS are the People'i Medicine, proved by thousands who daily reecom mend them to the a fflicted. The BR ANDRETH PILLS are growing every day more popul,ir, their virtues are extending their usefulness, Ti„ ,ick of • both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them. No case of disease but they can be used with advan tage. Blotches r.r hard lumps of the skin they speed ily cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt rheum , so with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with cos.iveness., so wi•hi cancer, so with hot parched lips and canker in the Mantis. Let the afflicted use this ' medicine, and they will find they require no other. Sold at 274 cents per box, with directions. Observe the new labels each having upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each b.,x o f t h e genuine has six signatui es—three Benjamin _Bre i ka. reth and three B. Brandreth upon it. . The oNLV PLACE in 'Pittsburgh where the Rea Bradreth Pi!:s CA7k: BE °STAINED, is rite Doctors' own n Office, Diamond back tof the Market Hears Mark. the GENUINE Br andrethPills can reser be ob taked in any DRUG STOEE. d The following are the ONLY AG E.N TS Eltryoin4 e d by Dr . B prandreth, for the isle of his ;Vegetj ble Untversal Pills in Allegheny Coinity. G II Lee—Pvincipal Office, Diamond; Fitthhargh' Mr. John Glass—Allegheny. Rohe. tDuncan—Birmingham. C. F. Die.lll—Elizabethtown. 11. Rowland—McKeesport. - .• Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. Jchn Johnson—Noblestown. Chessman & Spaulding—Stewasselowii. Asdell & Connell--Clintota Robert Smith Porter—Tarenrom. George Power—Fairview. - - David R. Conn—Plum Towrittiii. Daniel DlT, E gley—East Liberty. - • Edward hempeon—Wilkinshitegfr , IV m. O. fluater—Altota'a Mina.