PA.ILY POST. MONDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18, 1843. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. oonerrnce TOR DICIIMINR. William Eichtsatma—F. Lorenz—Robert Ben. DEMOCRATIC NOTICE. A .meeting sho t th7n-)eratic votert of the several teards of the City, rill be hell on Satyrlav evening, 23a intt., for the porpote of takin , * un mtndidatn for the City Cottncitt and other officcre, mad t) conAder the proariety of calling a city Convention. to be held t tito Wasltilvltun tl.)t11, to nominal:a a Democratic cetteliclee for Mayrm. The pricr-eri mr.cting,s will be hold at the following places: let Ward-4lenry Caciirlv Diamond. do. 11E16 DivlV•t: 'Sciorih 3a do. ..lo.t. Dobaii'a Canal Bain. +th do. Washinzton Hotel, St. Clair &Penn eta. sth elo. Alex. Ste wert , Penn at. Bv nrlcr of the Chairman. Pittabtirghr Dec 13.1 i 143. Cesar aoott.—The price of Csbin passage from Ciocinnatr to New Orlcant—itlistnnoe of 1550 miles, 111 but $l2. • Sotrirrtrtc.—lt has been satisfactorily asentained by act nal experiment, that by raising lard with butter ; sand with saulage, water with milk, and stones or brick-bats withcotton, they will go much further? Coemt ORE tc MICTIMAN.—A correspondent of the Rochester Demo rat, writing from Detroit Nov. 2.3 th, says: The mining fever has been growing In our State, ever since the state Geologist mode his report of the existence of copper and lead oro on the burdcrs of Lake Superior This spring set,eral companies from the Wisconsin mining district. took up their march for Northern 'Michigan. in search of the metals. Owing to•the rainy season, when many of them reached the district in search of, a portion of the etnig,rants got di 4. I courage& and returned, with horrid accounts of the country! others, more persevering. still remained—and rich rmvards haTe crowned their enterprise. Ore and pure copper in :noises, have been found. Ten square leagues have been claimed on Isle Royal. A Copper Harbor several tons of rich ore have been blown out of the rock's,ancl shipped to a-troit. On the Oatena gon River, where no ore was supposed to exist, rich dirgint have been discovered. On Eagle River tine --eta copper veins arc found of from 20 to 60 per cent purity. Ail that is now wanted is a ship canal around the rapids of Sault St. Marie of half a mile in length, with three locks of 8 feet each, for vessels to enter L t'se. S ipariar from the lower Lakes: and then a gen eral mit,ing business will be commenced at various planes on the Lakes. EZIOXS.TION Or CSM. PORTER'S REMAIN!. -'The, U S brig Truxton having arrived at Constantinople_ the exlmmation of the remains of the late Cornmo i dare Porter, (whose valiant services to his country wil ever lien incur memory,) teak place on the 14th of October, in the presence of all the f representa tives of the courts of Europe at the Sublime Porte. the olloars of the steamers and shilrs of war in port, and the Americans resident in Constantinople. Thr -cap led sword of the deceased, over which the Amer ican-flex WAS thrown, being placed on the coffin, the procession moved slowly to the beach. The Inter nuncio of Anitr!s„ the Ministers of Spain and Ssrdi nia, and the Belgian, Swedl3h and Neap ditan Charges d'Affaires, held the pall. The Truxtun and steamer -ca-ried their flags half mast high, the former filing minute guns, and on her return to Zoplirwe she fired seventeen guns as a salute, which were returned by 11 M steamer D!vasta.tiun, and without cumin; to nn an •cher, she proemial:lms her homeward voyage. It is not a little sitgular that the deceased Comm3dore ser ved as a midshipman on beard the brig which is now conducting his remains to his native coun-ry. cutting into dept withat:t intending to pay, is im• • proven:v.:at on stealing.— Exchonge paptr. It may b-. a refinement nn the more primiiivz rr,,,tii od of bccomiag posseawa of oilier people'S property an etivosinalte sophistication of the mere court] .7,e0t1: , "picking and stealing," but it is to be doubted wheth er such m.staphysical conveyance is an inir,,vemont on the strait-forward system of "Atand and de;iver." When you are knocked down and hare your p:lezot? emptied outright, you understand it exactly. The t thing !.3 clear and satisfactory, as far ns it goes. and you cxn hare yaut'reven;e, if the secretor be nut tc,o fleet on foot, but when the footpad leaves the road to •accomudate u7settleAl and no: to he settled bainoces on one's books, why the matter becomzs involvotl, intri cate reri disagreeable. It is evsentkilv the same, but tbs otthallish.nents are pet plciting.—Penisy"vanian. EIISSSIVZ COUNT.EII.7CITINO A ?E'AiLAIC3. -... The Phila Spirit of the Times contains the following no tice of tae coa%terfeiting apparatus the rc.:overy of ' 5 ,:.4 which we briefly noticed yester da):— At a house in the District of SprinE Garden, inside the plastering, was found, ru tp , encle i be rolv.s. ritterh4d I t 3 the rafters, two boxes, 'thou , . titre:: long by f nisi inches wile and contro, containing for :y (ail tran:fer j .Toilers, of escell•ntt engin...big, ii:cd to produce im• Tressio ..3 apcn per-plan. These r ,Ilers ea:.taill 1 ertgrAVi,,is which trill CO:11:0rrtf;;. any Link note in. ' ;it tiol3.l—mooy of which from their appearance, are never been ere 1. Tigre V•Tei, also. itlahe. ht/X. 3, a large number of,,cepper-p'.ate; rcady for wcr: - .ing, ni an am :tint of notes alteady printed. Altogether, this is the greatest discovery ever made n this lioe of money tusking . The information re,:eiv . by the Recorder was . of most precise notto , , lee the matters could never have been discovered— • ': idden as they were between the wall and ceiling, a ii tlace where to one would ever thou* of searching.— he Recorder wns assisted in this matter by officer IA uTarroind the whole anir Wass() well conducted that lot a whisper of it was know until midi , public by the livigistrate. We have reason to believe that a train of iiircemittrices has Iwo cllecoveml that will expose bind brio; to light the principals io this grand scheme of cot iter:ei!i ig. That some master hand have con tfived tirsa en c:aving., and some Wealthy company dirtied the Matter into effect. is v !ry cert iin.—An rip rattle casti.ig some ten or fifteen thouta , d dell ars, n eat ho cot rip by ;he small fry of tho chin, and wo et that the Recorder will succeed io ferreting out I n the utmost, what has beck so well begun. port 'of Pittsburgl). by 3. 1 4c.51e and Mitckell, General Steam Boat Agents. IVater strcet 11 IrXET WATER IN TICK CHANNI:L Michigan, BARRIVED. .R, Beaver. • • Beloson-, Pa.', Wheeling -.- Fulton, Fortmth, Cincinnati . I New York, 6 . reonlie, Nushvillo •Alps, TA, Lonl3.ville Oella, Bowman, Brownsville DEPART ED. `Michigan, Boies Beaver, 1 Mniahaltt, Parkinson, Monon;alicla City, West Point, Gra,e, Ship 'card, ' Belmont, Poe, Wheeling tr e . : . All beats marked thu.; (,) are provided. with Is' Slf2ty Gaar. - 1, ti prevr , nt the Explo3ion of steam ‘ : filers. 11111 AP PLACE TOE CASH SIGN OF THE GILT COMB. No. 103, Market Street, Near Liberty MST:IIAS 9ND NEW-YEAR'S PRESENTS. ac subscriber respectfully informs his fiends and the public generally, that ho has on hand, will r•`ceice in a few days, a large and at plenclid essrtrttn2nt of toys and fancy articles, suitable fur the litei,lays. which will be sold wludetutle and retail, at miltice:d prices. Persons who wish to buy cheap will please call at the sign alum gilt comb, No. 108, Mar 'set street, and they will not be disappointed. • due 16 C. YEAGER. FOrt SAFETY, TrarrL'er. , : a 7 rould select Bunts provided with Eran's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers • IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security &Tends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at dr:. expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec— tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam EnLine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a I Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense ' that your lives may be secure- Ought you not therefore to meet them with a correspondingdegree of liberality, and by your prefe.tence show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man lift. They d) not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one le`aving Pittsburgh every day, why will ynu run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid th ,, e di s- asters. All boats marked thus r 3 in the List of Arrivals and Departures, iu another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with. tile Safety Guard. ' ALPS, LADY OF LYONS, AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH, LA N C ET . ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL, BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, MUSKINGUM VAL' Y, CADVO. MISSOURI M.4IL, CHARLESTON, MUNGO PARK, CICERO. MESSENGER, CANTON, MONTGOMERY. CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE, CASPIAN, NARAGANSETT, CLIPPER, . NIAGARA, . COLUMBUS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, - OHIO MAIL, CORSAIR. OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS. DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA. PANAMA, ED TVIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH, EL DORADO, ROWENA, E ['EL INE, RARITAN, EXPRESS MAIL. SARAH ANN, FORMOSA, SARATOG.4. FORT PITT, SAVANNA. GALENA, ST. CHARLES, GEN'L BROOK, ST. LOUIS, GALLANT, TALLE YR AND, IDA, TOBACCO PLANT. INDIAN Q UEEN. VICTRESS, ILLINOIS, VALLEY FORGE, I. H. BILLS, VIOLA, JE TVESS. WEST WIND. JAMES ROSS, TYING AND WING, mar 22 wuvrEn CAUP.I.IGI Brilliant CartarandUnpreced zutedSuccoss Tii HI DOORS! fl prop -le:or iS this %yell and highly fi voreil estabikinaorA tii.kct3 gr.2at pleasure in in and. the public at large that he has now prepared ro hii SPLENDID SALES ROOM. No. 151. Liar.rurY ST., THE MOST MxiGNIFICENT STOCK OF WINTER CLOTHING Ever offered for Nale in this city. 1114 S.TOCX OF CLOTHS,CASSIMERES, PILOT AND BEAVER CLOTHS, CACHMERE, SATIN AND OTHER VESTINGS, CANNOT BE EQUALLED. AU of which can be rntinufncturcni into clothing to (4- der, and made in as good style, and ai ta-ttily and lade ionably designed as ut any other establi.dinient .IN TFP.: UNITED STATE ., t. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER rtrit.v ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And at no place west of tl” moa;ltaias can purchaser= find such a variety of goods from to select as nt the THREE BIG DOORS In alltion to his unrivalled Stock of chathing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS, GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, &e, Cr. The motto of the "Three Bi Dolt:" i; "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROPITS," A n d i n f o llowing o ot this system he f2els con lideutthat hi: ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. W')tLD INVITE THE MAN OF FASHION. THE PROFES SIONAL GE V TLEMA N, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC 4,2vD IVOR KLYG MA N To :371 aad examine for themselves nt THE THREE BIG DOORS, NO. 151. Liberty street, AND THEY MEST ItE SATISFIED. t".:7OBSE,RVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMEN7'. JOHN M'CLCKiKEY. JUST RECEIVED and fur sale by WM. THORN, No. 53, Market street, 50011 , +. per palm soap in the bar, 600 " " " " in casks, 100 " variegated snap, 50 •I white Castile, (only lot in market) 100 " almond soap, in lb. casks, • 50 d - a. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose spermacotti