FOR PRESIDENT, AS. BUCHANAN: Subject to the decision of TXY DZMOCEATIC AZIO A L CoNvEyTION. - 'OR GOVERNOR, FRS. R. SHUNK. •Sebject to the decision of • tillt DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVEN:TION. ,filorning past. ITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1843 DEMOCRATIC NOTICE. A meeting of the Democratic voters of the several ,wards of the City, will be held on Saturday evening, 23d inst. ' for the purpose of taking up candidates for the City Councils and other officers, and to consider the propriety of calling a city Convention, to be held at the Washington Hotel, to nominate. a Democratic candidate for Mayor. The primary meetings will be held at the following places: Ist Ward—Henry Cassidy, Diamond. 2d do. Hugh Duffy's, Scotch Hill. 3d do. Jos. Dobairs Canal Basin. 9th do. Washington Hotel, St. Clair &Peon its. sth do. Alex. Stewart, Penn st. By order of the Chairman. Pittsburgh, Der. 13, 181: j der WHIG At FOR IS' 44. —We havo received from tho office of the N. Y. Tribune a copy era Whig Almanac f0r:1844. The calendar part is very neat And accurate, and tie statistics comEtises a great deal of very useful information. Bat ii al lit ian t this kind of matter, the publisliers have undertaken to give the public sorne:political iufcrination, the most impor tant:part of which, like most all Whig statements, is untrue. Foe instance, in a long article an a National Bank, they undertake to give a history of th rise, progress and downfall of the old Bank of North America It is onerally -known that its re-charter was defeated in Congress by the democrats, and one of the most cred itable acts of Mr. CLet's life, was his powerful oppo. sitiun to this institution. In referring to this matter in Iris Whig Almarac, Mr. Greeley says: . "Sothe Bank was killed in 1811; and, not attempt ing to prolong as existence by a STATE CHARTER, it ound up its affairs, paid every body dollar for dollar, and returned its capital to the stockholders." Now, this stat cn:mt is dirctly opposed to thefacts of the case. After a renewal of its charter had been by Congress, it did "attemr to prolong its ex istence by a STaTz Un•ttrun." It male application to the. Legislature of Pennsylattaia fur a State Char. l'er, and on referring to a report °fate legislative pro ceedings, we find that it attempted the same system of bribes that were resorted to in 1336. They oTered .$175.000 to make an "artificial road from the borough .of Harrhbargli to the borough of Pittsburgh;" $lOO, 000 for a similar parpose in Northumberland county; 650,000 fora bridge over the Susquehanna, at. Col umbia, cknd !30,002 for a bridge over the seine river at Harrisbargh, and several smaller sums amounting 1a all to $500,000. In addition to this they pledged the Bank to loan the state a further sum of $500,000 at an interest of five percent But notwithstanding this liberal offer to bribe the Legislature, the bill was lost by the decided veto of 69 to 2:2. Among those who must earnest in their opposition to the-bank, we tied Mr. Fa.ttr.Er, of Berks. The federal journals tit' the day derieunoedthe democrats in furious termsfor opposing the bill, and calls on the people to mark chat every man who voted against it was a democrat, ft is thus seen that the old Bank of the U. S. did at_ tempt to prolong its existence by is State Ctiarter— the whig Almanac to the contrary notwithstanding—_ and that it was only the sterling patriotism of the dens ocratie members that saved the state from the curse of a na!iona/ tnonster ifrt 1812. SECTION BOATS--Tho following paragraph from Cie Philadelphi a Enquirer, shows the utility of t f se section beat and truck system more plainly than nay argument that could be used on the sill:jeer: "Arrival Extraordinry.—Five four-section boats, •lirect from Pittsburgh, baying on board 1.190 barrels flour, besides wool, feathers, aad other produce, -con signed to Craig, Bellas & Co., Broad street, were un ioaded at their warehouse can Wednesday. The bene fit derived to the State from this method of transpor .istion is very considerable, and proves the advantages -if individual enterprize and the Truck System. The receiving of prodnne from the Far West at so late a period of the season is certainly an unusual occur rence." This system of Individual Enterprise has not receiv ed that encouragement from the people that a measure. sof such great utility to the interests of the State should. It has had to struggle against a powerful opposition on the public works, which was possessed of unbounded means, ae a feeling of indifference on the part of those who should foster a project so eminently handl cial to the people and the State. Bnt notwithstanding these discouraging circumstances, it has struggled on, and its advantages are too apparent to be overlooked ortnisrepresented any longer. Wo hope that at the approaching session of the legislature this rnattermay be taken lute eonsideration, and that our representa tives will make the necessary appropriatton to extend the usefulness of the system. All that is wanting is -an increase of Trucks on the Allegheny Portage Rail Road to accommodate the increase of section boats. If dais improvement is made and the same careful sys tem followed that was adopted dui ing the past season, the citizens will begin to realize some of the advanta ges they expected to derive from our public improve ments BUTLER COVNTT.—The democrats of Butler met on Tuesday evening, and appointed their delegates to the 4th of March Convention By the following ex tract from a letter, it will by seen that the expression of.their lereference for Mr. Silusx, was of the must decidaillind, and the appointment of such men as 'Gan. PURN - I . A.RcE, and Hon. WM. BEATTY, shows, that the, leading democrats a the county feel a warm in. terist in his success. BUTLER, Tueachy Evening, Dec. 12 DEAR SIR I hasten to inform you, that all is right in Butler County. We held a meeting this evening—the regular county meeting --at which Gen JOHIf A. Puartssct: and Hon. WILLIAM BEATTY were chosen to represent this County in the 4th of Much Convention. The meeting was unanimous and the delegates are instruc ted fur FRANCIS R. SHUNE, not for one vote but far first and last, and as loam ' as there is any hope far ais nomination. So Stands the Democracy of Butler County. The meeting adjourned with three thunder ing cheers for old Shunk. Yours, &c. TXXPICTUNCE RETOICISATION 1N IRELAND-•-MON WiNT.—The teraparaacerreforulatia n in Ireland con tinues to progress, gathering newToree every day. A stealthy citizen of Cork, William O'Connor, Esq., has stitigaished himself by appropriating a sum of money for the erection of a monument on Mount Patrick, Cork, to commemnmte the great reformation. The' corner stone was laid last month with the usual ceve monypt full account of which, with an engraving of the souse, welted La the London Illustrated news of she Illth November. THOMAS PHILLIPS, EDITOR .. ZNOLISH AND AMERICAN STATISTICs.—Under ADDRESS. i From the Blairsville Record. To THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS OF Peseeset- SHUNK MEETING. this head the Buiten Post publishes a table, from which VANIA:--. it appears that there etre in Eeglatol aed Wales 7,- A meeting of the citizencrf Blairsville and vicinity The undersigned, appointed a Committee of Cor -733.686 make, and 3,124.175 femle, and in the respondenc e fo r Allegheny county, by a Democratic to take into consideration the subject of sustaining Shenk, hfoirdthe numina:ion of candidate White peptilatiun of the United States them are 7.249,- meeting held in Pittsburgh on the Ist inst , respectfully submit the following consideration s to the serious at- tirraGnrolv.seil-?;) f,,ititiiii,., Lari,i..vizsir evening,eat the . lu s ni t s h e i. o 3 f l3 Satta;i n e e l 434 mples, and 6,960,161 females. The most strike t a e ia n t t a ion of their democratic brethren throughout the . ing facts shown by this table are the excess of females nicethis; we, organiz e d by achoice of the following in England and Wales, and of the males in the Usi- , The elections which are to take place in 1844 will °ln a . t i l u i; l,... ~..i ii.u, R, President; ted States; and that while in the United States tennis- be of very great importance in the influence which S. AP/tel.:Ler: 1 they will have upon the great principles of Democracy, erably more than half of the populution are under 20 T. SHANNON, F.Sq. ) I which we cherish as the only true and safe principles years of age, in England the reverse is the case. The and theprevalenceofwhich , think, tof government, Vice Presidents. DAVID WATSOX, excess of males in this country may be accounted for i depends upon the success and predominance of the HEART Jade, by the large number of male emigrants who arrive here, I democratic party. ' In regard both to the state and to Joust W. Baoses, the Union, the contest will be of the highest moment; and the excess of females in England by the emigre- John Matthias, ) and the deep interest of the questions involved in our John Peters, lion of the males, and the large number of the same sex 1 present political proceedings, should admonish us as "Secretaries. D. H. Barr,'Esq. e nployed in the army and navy, and the foreign corn- citizens and patriots to see that every man performs C. Ill' Caffrey, memo of the nation. The other fact is more easily ex his own work, and performs it well, with a single eye _ Oa motion the following gentlemen were appointed plained. In England the difficulty of supporting a fare- toenthteaf ttlairitemparianeci'hpilewshirarfh government; ern meet; th d e tt ad i van i c a e ; to draft and report resolutions expressive of the sense sly prevents one-fifth of the population over 20 years I out regat dto the wishes of 'v in a t r e e re e s te g l ge political ac" tustr is- of the meeting, on the sebject fur which it was called. James C. Clarke, Thomas Boyle, Etee. John P. Ford, of age from marrying; in this country the means of liv- rants. ing are so easily obtained that nearly all the populati on Greatly does it concern the people to select, us their _T_ !m a m a T EL , s I tda l‘ m r s jia J i John H M e u t r i phy lici W ie m. G M A ntilr an , James e marry. In England about 4000 of every 10,000 child- .. ~g t u r .b en nT r;it r h i e u l candidate, t h e L a re m .., a n n hiiet s l t i n d sn g in rectitude, 11! ii In the absence ut Y' the committee, ryg James Clarke, I ten born die under the age of five years; in this coon- arid k ' nowledg p e, at well iy known l toi the pespie•mnoncdraaptip•rntruved• Esq. being called upon rose end in a lucid and forcible I anumer, gave a full and intesesting account of the life I .rENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. try (principally from the superior comforts of the la- by them, and enjoying not oaly the eiitii.e confidence, and character of Francis R. Shank, Esq. tracing which Monday, Dec. 11, 1843. boring classes) the mortality among children is much but the warm and hearty affection of his fellow citi career from his youth lip te the present time, in The President of the Senate announced the standing precept the I zees.. We mut t notcalculate that the democratic party less. A consideration of theee facts will he clearly showed that It was by his merits alone that Committees forthe session. le invincible, and that therefore it is immaterial to our reader from forming the opinion that the average du- , access what man we select as a candidate firr Gov- lie has risen to the proud and enviable position he now The Senate then went into an election of officer s ,— occupied, enjoyin g as lie does in an eminent degree, Mr Aehbury Dickens, was unanimously re-elected ration of life is longer in England than in the United I ernor. Some recent instances prove the necessity of States. In England and Wales the nernber of pereons cainion in our movements; and present indications. are the respect and corifidelice of his d f th ello e f w i c i itirens. The Secretary of the Senate over 100 years ()rage is 2.19—0ne in 63,252; in the U- n t u i t e s e t t s i c e l n i Li n e r t t u nn ju e st , i7 at rashness ur carelessness in the Committee blea ese returned l utions w and ric e ss it • ( e ' re ' rend a ndutTlnygsuPprupaomr- ?lit r r Di3yeeiriewwaitas re-ilteacrtetwdaSsitrirgelant atArmetaa oiled Steles, (white and colored) 2'7G9—one in 6,169. 3 We are not to expect that this political campaign ted by appropriate remarks from Daniel H. Barr, Esq. tant door keeper, first time a w s a ' s r a tie. elected Mr Robert Thomas Boyle, Esq. Thomas Shannon, Esq. and E Horner, of N J having 23, and Mr Beale 23; the E" .-- will his hopelessly or feelds conducted by our opponents. Christopher M'Caffrey, nfter which the resolutions next time Mr Beale had 24 and Mr Horner 23. If coming events do indeed cast their shadow s before and preamble, were unanimously adopted. The meet- Rev Mr Tustin (Presbyterian) was elected Chap them, we may expect nulees a storm of political strife ing then adjourned. the utniust harmony and good feel- l a i n . then Was witnessed in 1840. Both prudence arid u in characterized the whole proceedings. The Senate adjourned. sense of public justice require that we should, if we 1110reas, the election fur Governor in Pennsylvani a HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. would be certain of success, place in nominuti nt, as can. in 1834, will be one of vast importance to the interests didate for Governor, a man distinguiehed for purity of The following committee on elections was read from of ou r beloved Commonwealths inasmuch as it rill do conduct,honesty ofprinciple,acknowledged intelligence, dieJoernal, the same having been appointed by Mr In termine whether the great " Keystone State" shall unwavering democracy and undoubted poptilarite . Beardsley Speaker pro tern. continue in her present crippled and dishonored cup. be contest which is before us, such advantage; cannot Mr Payne, ofAlabanrt, Chairman; Mr Elmer, of N. dition by being again suleject to a dishonest and ex be lightly esteemed, hut must be considered as of Me Jersey; Mr Vinton, of Ohio; Mr A A Chapman, of travagant federal adminietratien, such us the prodigal manse weight, and should decide our choice. Virginia: Mr Newton, of Virginia; Mr Hamblin, of Such a man we believe is FRANCIS R. SHUNK. mien of Joseph Rimer; or whether her guidance will Maine; Mr Ellis, of N York; Mr Douglass of Illinois; be entrusted to democratic councils that will achnbrie- We confidently present him to our democratic birth and Mr Garret Davis, of Kentucky. The political st ! s• her government with prudence-, economy and integ run as a man ernineetly worthy of their choice, and proportion is six democrats and three whies. The And, whereas, a Demecratic Convention is to who line in the highest degree the heartfelt COll4 " 1 3% sk fidence of the people. His birth arid residence in the I meet at Harrisburg'', next March, to select a caudidate o . pea m er in these cases is guided by the relative majors. the H ouse. east, his present residence in the west, while they have tar Governor, and the time is now near at -hand when Mr Vinton. on account of ill-health, asked to be , end the democratic citizens throughout the stute, will be facilitated his personal intercourse with vast multitudes was excused from serving on the committee , and . Mr convening in their primary meetings to choose dale- his fellow citizens, have also contributed to mike the Schenck, of Ohio, substituted in his stead. ates to that Convention : And, whereas, it is A i him well acquainted with the interests and fete- g' song debate arose on a proposition introduced by hies of all parts of the rommonwealth. He is f am i liar rieht and duty of freemen to express their opinions Mr Hamlin, of Me. to expunge from the Journal the fullynnd frankly respecting dm qualiticeticris of o with the resources of the north and south, us wel l as of ft ugly. Protest" subninted by the minority of the House on candidates for offices and in accordance with right and the eaet and west and centre of the republic; and no o ne L the first day oldie session. The discussion wu partic usage, the names of several distinguished democrzoic can eecel him in this useful knowledge. ipated in by many members, sad on the vote being citizens leave been presented to the public by their We do not name him as a sectional candidate; but taken the House decided to strike out the Protest, and we do sat that his preeetit local peeition, 1„,„„d „ A i, fris•ntle, as worthy of the korsor of filling the G•tberuato- leave Mr Barnard's resolution without It—yeas 92, mays rial Chair: Therefore, WO, the Democratic citizens , 82 . his so u nd practical and diecriminating talent+. hie un affected kindhearuelnese,at i d hie trairenteacquaintanc e of Blairsville, and the surroundi ng Country, have with i FOR THE POST. with all that concer ns the well bt•ie ss and improvemen t great unaeimity assembled this evening toexpreas our i of the sla t e, confer ads antages upon him which tile eentiments respectin e. e the present cendicion o f t h e st ate , I LIBERTY AGAINST LICENTIOUSNESS. riot equalled by those of any other candidate whose and our favorite candidate for her next Chief Execu- ! The reprehensible effirte of interested persons, ad name has been presented to the !wordy. else Magi - trace--Wherefor e : vocatea and venders of whiskey and other intoxicating Mr. Shenk has had none of the ativantegee of pectin- Resolvd, hate npprove of the proposed Coen- . drinks, to recover their lost ground by an attack upon iary fortune to alla la m eithe r i n the outset of Ids career tv Meeig, to be hsld at Indiana, on the 26th hist. for the Commo n Pleas, and hy Fretition to the legislature, or in any part hi s prog r eee. eV t i d e b ut a youth, he the purpose of chooeing, a th•lt-gate to represent-Indiana is exceielingly reproachful to the city. was compelled to earn his live%theott by mimeo] labor county, in the State Coavemion that is to meet at Har- From a recent statement of a Jiidge in Arkansas, as a farreer'e boy. By great industry, combieed with a rieburgli on the fourth of March n ext, nod we ea rnestly it ie in that State hazardous to the life of any Judge, commendable thirea for ktrowledee, he grideally Stir- Imp(' that tberr" nee,. be a general attendance of the who from a coaviction of duty, enfOrcesi the dews mount e d all dee, difficultiee ineitien t to hie potation. deanwriley at the County Meeting's,/ RS au to PRISM.** truly ageinst offenders,. We rejoice to know that a kindred Ho , ed,lrated liim:elf, and as l ie adtaneed in life he the sentiments of the party in this county about Ince feeling with Arkans as has neve r existed in Primmer:l - the school, and itr that r - seleity ellen. he dieharet d and msasures. riiii, the Keyston e of the Democratic Arch. In -Alle n dirty, that eledusati ne yew li in lenoe ledge and virtue. Resolved, Thet among the m Inv worthy an.{ honor glieny county. the efforts of a few interested an d selfish DairlierrilotYPO Miniature Portraits, us I,ieh is infer ior in value to no other. able men who have b-sser preipeeed us candidate: fur pentons to enlist the Democratic patty yinto a ceueade ...41the corner of Market and sth aft, li, 1:14, when our country was invaded, Mr. Shenk, ihe next Governor iti" Pentisylt aril, our first choice for aessinst she Jud g e s of th e Cou r t who have dune their T HE subscriber would most respectfully inform the the n in his 26th veer, afte r busie r ., by Lei honeety arid that tilfiee is Francis R. Shenk, of Pittsburgh; fur tiny in the m eter or Taver n License s have ro Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsbur - an and vi isdits rN.,, neqiiiierl m any of r i e ,ifo r ia uf line.anin ee I whitie talents, princip:its und merit. we enters:tin the set:Celts. That so flagrant an intention ' to deerade . a cinitv, that they have opened rooms at the above Men led b y te e spi t e ef h e a g ed tethe r , a rein.' :eel n -01. ' iriehesst regard; and in whorl] we reeagnize the [wooer Ceuet und to vitiate pu bl ic morels should be att;mpted ! tinned place, over the store of Messr s Lloyd & C u , 'bee us the Itevollabill, Shouldered his tilusisei mod I .10 41 /fi ,, fint , 4. on the Filet* of natural equality tind common privileg es , t and are new prepared to take Miriaturesbi . this be .._. marched to B . die:erre as a pievate In the ranks of n Resqeg I, That we ea rural mcommend our favor- need re:easier n s eutprise. theee great principles,.' ne . ,' tiful art, in a style heretofore ue'surpassed, it t a b l e; tom ,ant wiltelt be !eel .iseisitel iti raiser:se HI,. corn - He reedelitte fer Govereor, Francis 12. Shunk, to the Ver tu be fereorten, are so iedelibl y engrave n en the ' combination of a quick and pcwerful apparatus, nrwl an ROEBLE AMOVG THE QUAKERS. The broadbrims pariy wished lien to nuke the commend; but he nobly . pr,';'ltions Yousub'rituili °leer Democratic Brethren, pubic mind that nothia g ca n b e done, good o r bad, I . ynewmo deof , entire! operating they a e e .abled to of Philadelphi a have got in:o a quarn-I very unusual resisted the temptation s of o!rice. arid 41 /Ili: - .. • N., i I thr!melieut the State. witheat their suactioa sludl in some way ' o r e th er b e ' roduce pictures of •. - ' re I i tsz t r y is , i , n fe e, in a l c cruersascie„nand clearbe a enduty, am ong th e i r ord er . Th e Time s state s that o n Sund a y am not acquabeel with the prertical dune. Ind 1 , 1 , - Bcca".e • l ie in . nd aY3 has been a Democrat pr , ). - iirly.l. Nacs!,,,tdd w e wond er th at [ht sacredn ame : combining entire du a ra s tie s of us mili tmry (ace. but I t% ILL sY AN DIN ef the soundeet soda a l e- oortliodise discipline ef the of W3shiseten and his paterru t l counsels a m invoked ;distinct expression, perfecidelieeat p io n , ar4 last, the week thecelebrated Lucretia Nlott made a speech it! 1'1 1 1 3 %11 , A N i KS I AND L (Y I D My ins i e y I I 1 is ti f }: h). : lir... i Jr.,(l,,,,ii.i'm,i,il.. to the having u d d eviated fera l his iii the name bed cause. For all history informs us, I nut least, the color of the face and dress. The color the meeting-house, corner of Fourth and Artir etreets, . and . by the most . ; ing of .Photographic Pictures. forms a new era in the in which she dealt largely in abolition doctrine:. Af- But fins always been 'n' t diettin'rettliiaselVl fisr es lS ' l ' s " rt , :odeet and Ni vsr pe i t ' atittl i tl. the bla e ld n i ; sl;i t tien t : awl s to op t li: e str , . e • IL,' sthearitoT"Etlll.l.teirlitlitTiOrnriit.:'L s t a h c e m „ d or p s fe - d tet ' ", stens against humam- art, as it enable& us to combine with occur errs. of nature ter sheconcluded, a New Hampshi re man n ame d F os _ urip iatee di e ,„ e el „,,.1„ ! „, it. Hi . niu , n , f u „,..„ , rio „, , C.der n !b, m to mak e him Geer in his duty, or to beit ty arid virtue are - ofte n covored. Tlt is a lamentabl e , the advantages dart. The undersigned do net wish, i tar rose to speak, but w as ea.. risiet ,.,l , ari d h„, 11 , the been }want in the noise ef pieitical etrile. In V. iiiiti'l. b1.1,1.1•II tam, OVZIIIOI.. fact that by such :dew the sacn-d names of Dernocra- , nors it their intentio n to deceive the public by proms Bee/It/It, He is eni !wheeli e a self-made man, who -v Lib.rt d V • t ,an ()alit ,are are prostituted; robbed of sea,whits they cannot fulfil, for they depend solely on meeting adjourned. Yesterday, at the same place, of te,r,:titoitetin Ise.thaeill:::Plal.hde, I , l ,. . , i i s i f : Au ut : t ht Li ... , ‘l.) his duty, 4 ' f" : has r a i se d himsel f to P oe emir . I I ' hi ' I L it ' . position i quietly meson of ', l.a ,, i,inz i . 1 f r i i mso,- . lnf , i;,), o n e p olitical : ~,,,,,,,i h,..,,ri, and itni, : t .l tia, re i : id ne i : tr e i i a cr i a e r iii ...ii,-,,iar. inh,i,tabewirheparazorankdaatlewlivt.heeteid over to the embracer of. andthe character of their pictures for pe trsnage. Citizens. ter Mr White. had spoken, luster got up to have an y .. y,ruadi.roood it, waai r d t te ru ni e k • r t u t e, w o a r rt , h e i - eaa , fa i r ! arrdasetra.vangaeirms,eon7 and all, arc invited to call ned ex explanation of the matter of the previous Sunday. He would rather foreake office, than sacrifice rf ilifi- ! the People. being iron, and educated on a farts' and the_ plc to retai n it. The blandishme n t s ,it powe r 11/111 iht• : annieeferenere. awl coming from amengst them, be i A any ptirpo se 01 go o d gueern mene , I /V 8. -- Complete sets of the'impregeed patent a Some confueion prevailed—so me wanted him expelled, mtriatioas of offi ce c o u ld Inn t nnipt ja m t ,, e urget !einfeted . with their ft7clinge arel their principle s an d 'e . i...; are the uncompromising advocated of al/ use paratue furnished on the 'most reasonable terser..? and some desired him to sit detve, while the ruts: seid his I:ldt:rem:k nee , or lay asid e the purity of his pr incl.. he exhibits i n all his words and 'tethers that he is cad equitable apportion:sten:of privileges of the tit- ' Plates, Cases, Frames Ch.emi ea l s a d gh• es 'go on." Some man, whose name wo , coull hot get, ph,. ' prmel of hi. °nein and has neverliwgent en •• the ruck ' iron in everything which he holds of the law. But' counceted with It business. at the !street rash "1- sh psi got into a sort of personal squabble with Foster, and He was tyre mieters. ,, ,bii 4 in and kind in Snell a fr""1 "'het , " he "ne lensn•" .of other liberties than those we desire to see and knew Ices. J :11 EMERSON & CO. wee expelled afterwards. After some time !spent in d'!'grr?"'" L.' ''`ce"'" """ch""!"; "'hid' "v"" Purt"" ' Becaage, ILI expel-kn ee • ill neeler him familiar trashier.. God, arid nature, on whom our laws repose, ! d2-6rn c r enflicts se r ried not tercet. Bur zit the same tittle his , .e i ith iill ii 1 1 -Tete-le i ', ; i f - thie g ri esCfnOli-fit, hayin g served anti by %%hese sanctions they are administered, teach canfusion, the meeting broke up. Fester was then wcrc sou Dissolution of Copartnership. plurp..,,,,Filnwr7dring integrity, and mauls , ''. , r .. '.. ..s . ' to t .„.. e. ,an . 0 - .. and 01 Cle . rk . ef the subordination to the well being of society against all i HE arrested, taken befere the Mayor, and bound over to i7ne 7 mh , ependern a character, to , L ei-Irturt ae . erne:ley to the Canal Commissioners, our eeltielienese—t n good morals--to wise h a b its —to ,?P copartnership heretofore existing bet appear at 8 o'clock this meshing-. This was dun e s o as yield to temporar.S eseitefiltnits,o r personal Iwatt:l:don, !as Secretary of the Cenenoneealth and as Sig:cm-in- temperance, and by consiequence, they teach us re _ ! .11_ the subscribers, in this city, under the 6 o f to allow Foster to fulfil an appointment, which, it is or to quail lasfort• the impti-er e fare of poser. I Pendant of i_linnition Scheele. In all or which 1 ,,,,,t,, ',‘ r .,•ct. fur conentuted authorities. A n d it i s scarc e l v ! .1.1.,„„ivd &Co., is this day dissolved , by mutual sent t A s Clark to th e of fierrealliaii, e ,, at. Ha, de diseineiiiele d loinself as a man of superior iniad- ; necessery to say that no man or body of men ca n well A u Reinhart having purchased th e entire interest of said, was to preach to the negmes somewhere down . , risbur-li, his eves lel'. nre ri ell known. I n 18;10 i n j of praetieal good sense, ;Led (hurts-JO mailing busi. pretend respect for that Democracy in which .Ameri- ' S. Lloyd, jr. in the concern. town, on the subject of Christianity in general, and eb" , what i e ., called the ens Bu:-liot War," no man dis- ; Inas Imbue ran liberty coneists, and hold language Cr do acts tun- I All persons i n to the late firm will make pay olition in particular. played more sound and steady jade recut and utttlirieb- ! Beceeect Ili. habit. of untiring industry will trsry to clinic. sentinseets. i ment to A G Reinhart, wh o will continue the Grccery ____. _ ____________________ ; in g pairionem. HO+ cool, quirt, nnti determined Jr. : leave teithing ineittended to. or Overlooked that i• with. ; When f. tree enliete itself to despise and ten,' Business at the old stand , and who alone is suttee C a n A Row.—A bit of a row occurred at the National !to collect mUntior, and his first and 1 hottest determina t e s)) that be ini Lis coterie. No one with r hint still be allowed to teem coons .4 juetice or to derid e the unquestionable thedebts due the concern and ret-e ' ipt for same. Theatre, Philadelphia, on Saturday night last. Du. should no , b e use d as an i nstrum „ t or wrimg, f„,,„.4,. , sleep at his pose while peculator e rob the treeeure. ; lozal effeets of cettrts,.in concurrence with -' : ' 'melte fee,. ; Thotre also having claims against the late Urns will ring the progress of the disturbance one of the priori - act the most essential aid to the cause of the people, ; Nor ill b ' w... -an Cers and sill'etailt r 4 nectars ably 4:smote- jog, to promote or pnitect the very best intends of the i please present them to A G Reinhart far settlement. :l and .secured the . orgeniratie n of the init. constitiitr s t , nrince from bins in their dielionest scheme s and pm ts . ; conominity, i t has clearly mistak en i t . object. Dent- I Pittsburgh, Nov. 7, 1843. (signed) pal actors came forward to the foot-lights, and said, eeeslature. For the noble state' which be then took tiscs• I , l , a rri A ,. llo to sti b r i, h , i ,,, wo nr k . to do under these Heavens le S. LLOYD, jr., '•lt cannot be expected that the drama will thrive, or in the front rank ofdetnocriscv in that fearful scree, Because, {Vial a clear arid intuitive perception of It e* 1 1 '. :7‘.- d nut to curse mankind ! That I A G REINHAftT. th at h e (th e speaker) could proceed, while every w e owe him a debt of gratitude, which can only be re- defy, be I. eh1i ,,,,, 11y endowed with Oremorel emir- it e . a t ii thus be enlisted, a Vb.will ant believe. That it i In retiring, front the above firm of Lloyd & Co., I black guar d and loaf er wh o could rais e a quarter, or a paid by the most elfetetud assurance of our highest con- age ti Perform it. ivgardie-s of all rests artily maxims !ca n engage in such an enterpri se , a n d s till cl a i m th e . would cheerfully recommend to my formei• friends and a she; aeighted pulley. His morel courasse is hidieptit- henored name if Democracy, is impossible; unless c ustomer', my late partner and successor. Mr A 0 tory, can get behind respectable persons and black- fide ,""- A 'king excellence in the character of Mr Shrink ! able, it shrine conepicuouelv in cembinatim i with s • k. - h sha ll a dai d r f t , i i t i. :i i. s h s , a a p n a ci sslut c liph a t and light for darkness— j eßldensithaanrtd, 140,vv ho L c c i centimes e t iIIu e s the Grocery Business at the guard the actors over the shoulders of the audience." : , et 4114 % 41 1. 1:V0Ciarl to Moral and patriotic duty, in . preferenc e' i fleece in the memorable •Buekshot War ' when be l b e - le ' 2 and order . be banished trut h from the Znipmi otivrseaalnldlepence and ; n 29 rt.'. street* (sigLed) • This speech only added fuel to the flame, and eloafers of all considera t ion,, of a eelfieh and duty, „,,,„, came the soul and centre of the • Hopkin ' s liiiter, S. LLOI D, jr. and blackguards” recommenced their noise more furi- Notwithetandin g the many opportunities he has had ! n leader arnen g the patriots then collected at linrris-; X. Y. Z. 1 _ _ of becmning rich, he is, to this day, dependent on his . burgh, to resist an d suppress treason. 11 is noble bear- I ous than ever, until at lust the presence of the police -- m• -..-.-'' ... _..mer'7•••............ . personal exertions fur the support of hiesell „ne h am . tug and manly firtimese at that dark hour of our histo- I PITTSBURGH MARKETS. prevented any further great disorder. ! sly. Though prudent and upright, and faithful in all ;re contributed greatly to vusiain the spirits (rich e timid ) a REPoRTED FOR rat Post DT ISAAC H•RRIS. his einployments and relations of life, Ire is not men- ;and noose ing, and to defeat the machinution s of From the N. Y. Sun. , h. band of Traitor., Friday Morning, December 15, 1843. bared among the wealthy of the cart DARING MAIL ROBBEItY—THE SUPPOSED 'i Thie character am, Str un k i s an nli mi d ant assurance I Because, He helones to that class of 'natures' no- i Our Rivers have now about 8 feet, and la st Evenin ROBBER ARRESTED. dint his election would give ire a Chief Magietrate of Why' who drend a stale more than a wound,' as gas ' the weathe r had become much milder. Business is g economy and ability, having a familiar acquaintance ; evident by his el - mimin g fro m bins indienantly honor- ;,. . We have received from J L Graham, Esq, Postman fal ing off, and not so much doing. Excellent stack with the beeineee and interests ofthe state, and a stead- ! aisle olfleee worth mom than two thousand ;tellers a • ' ter of this city, the following particalare of a darin g fast and immoveable fideli ty , b ot h to pr„.),„., the pe a, ' yen r rath er thoi rake them from the halide of it Die.. in Market and prices low. mail robbery committed inefludson, NY, ou t Tray • lie credit, and to take ca re th at t h e peop l e s, money b e tat er , whe r a contemptible act or meanness was made ; FLOUR is readily taken as it mores at $3,50 a $3,- night, the 7th inst, the extent of which has no yet been not squandered, or unjustly or needlessly taken from . a slue qui non of their acceptance. His thrimjilg tip 6 , 2 , ascertained. It appears that the robber broke into and a few choice brands a shade higher. then) by tuxes and . ether impositions. of two Menai, offices when he was comparatively I ~..' the O ffi ce in Hind) on and carried off the mail bags : TRAIN: Wheat. 65, Rya 40, Oats 20, Corn 374; and His known, tinhorn anti-Bankism; his long expert- : poor and withdrawin g (*rem an adminiet rat i on 1;13 Ae on ; ` made up in Albany for this city on the 6th arid 7th I sues, his unequivecal dernorray, born and bred in him, ns he had proof of its devi ohm fro m tile path of l i o n - in the ear a few days ago 400 bushels sold, for 200 a t inst., which were brought down to Hudso n to be for- . uprightness in every department ape- oi..and rectitude, has endeared him to the honeet 3 14, and about 100 bushels in the ear at the river for warded by steamboat, in consequence of the river be- ' i h . is i " n i waverin g social life, hula noeullied reputation the emits- citizens of this great Commons% ealth. Me, obstructed by ice. After overhaulin g the letters ' ' IL "' '''' ! 23 cents, per bushel ble benevolence of his heart, his entire freedom from Be:: . autre, -Ve appreciate his patriotism, of which ! s e , _ . . and packages, breaking open almost all, the robber ' Sii...S. Pots zii. a 4, Scorchings 34 a 4, Pearls 44 a probably to , pride, his plain republican and titipretendine, manners there is ample evidence. in the fact, that in the war of '''' threw the bags and scraps into the river, arid simplicity, hie prompt and untefected desire to h ia 1312, he ehouldered hie muttleet and merched to the Sc Pcr lb• prevent detection. We are gratified to learn by the . ; friend till to whom h . cat -e'e n ,' t h s it lor sympathy &lents, of th e then threatened 'Monumental City.'— ! Corms YARNS: 16 al7 cents a lb.. Nos sto 10, annexed letter from Postmaster Graham. that the sup- ;friend oft man and a brother these excelle n t qualitie s of From which place the proud Lien of Gre a t Brit t e n , posed robber is in custody. par money Lone Reel 5,6, and * 7,84 c. per dozen, mind and heart write,' in him, induce its with joy and was COMpelled to retire in diserace. POST OFFICE, New York, Dec. 10, 1813. less 5 per cent for rash. confidence, and in obedience to the enthusiastic i I trim- n • - • 'I. _ ecar, se , He is very eerier:ol v known over the whole M. Bence—Sir: I send a copy of a letter from ' lions or th e democracy whom we represent, to 'submit, stete, mid is well known to all her public men. Arid ' G eoceetessCeffee, Rio, 74 a 9. St. Domi ngo , the Postmaster at Hudson—th e mail rubber is named to the denim-ra ce of the state oar este eme d fell ow e i t i_ tylierse e:r Inc ;.best known he is beloved anti respeeted 7 a 71. Havana, Green 74 a 9 per lb. Sugar N. 0- Heugh—has been employed by the contractors fur • I i ten I , :ra . riri s 1? &link, a s th e people's cendidate for for his iritegity, file franknese, his sociability, his ar - by the lihd 61 a 7 and by the of 61 a 74 c a lb.— several years, he rifled the letters and flung the bag hi nomination, by the Democrati c State Convention. ; !Trite; mid his easiness of access to poor and riot ) , j o " to the river. lie is in custody at Hudson, arid the I Tea, Yeuteg, Hyson 90 a 73. Imperial 624 aBO alb. FOR SALE CHEAP, S JONES, t ern ts e behold the recipient of a genetlal heart felt proof is said to be conclusive, The Postmaster of Al- I • JNO ANDERSON. I popularity, arid that coufi.lence in the man which is Molasses, sales by one house of 20 bbls, at 31 a 32 cts. TIMM New and First Bate Steam EnSiUttn., briny sends me a list of contents of the letters from I ONE is 20 horse , power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 WM COL ENIAN, ' requisite in a candidate fur race at all times, but a gal:on. It is now more plenty and sells at 30c31c. Banks at Albany to Banks in this city in the mail of ' -- WILSON McCANDLESS, which may be tridiepeneably necessary to our success II foot shoke, will be sold with or without boilers. 7th inst., which it would be we ll to publish. a ga on . S W BLACK, in 1844. The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder , Yours, &c, I Peovistoes: Butter in kegs 5a6; in rolls, in bbls 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long 30 ' inches' T DONNELLY, And, Because, The breath of calumny has never doers Lontuert GRAHAM, P. M. 7aBc a pound. Lard scarce, 6c. a lb. Cheese 4 a in diametet. These engines are made of the hes ..est ma JON. LARGE. let ' y whispered 11. suspicion of vice or immorality of any • JAMES CUNNINGHAM kind being laid to hie charge. Bur while sternly and 44 alb. Tallow • rough 4, rendered 6c a lb. Beef terials and in the most substantial manner, and will W I II H VAN .A.MRINGE, stubbornly honest, upright and moral himself, he is cattle 21 to $3. Hogs 24 to $3 per 100 lbs Sheep the sold on accommodating terms. They can be seen at I DR MILLER, known . possess a large ellen. of liberality, and the warehouse of the subscriber at any time. C McKIBBIN, Ernes and t d o c o n, $1 a $1 0 5 and Calves, $2 a $4 each. nB-if H. DEVINE, U. St t &Line. M KANE, JR JOHN BIRMINGHAM, H S MAGRAW, GEORGE R RI DDLE, COLES TOIVNSEND. I mild, of human kindness" fur his fellow men of all de- ; Nimes. Resolved. That in our °pillion " Old Shank "is the Faults Dried Apples 45:150. Dried Peaches $1- _ °tics. a e 124 asl 25. Green Apples 874 c. asl 25 per bbl. B Y resolution of the Directors passed this day, IT most acceptable candidate fur Governo r that has yet Cramberries e2as2 25 per bush. Raisins, bunch $2- - been named. With him we think the Dem ocracy of I Pennsylvani a will carry the election of 1844 by an old ns a $2 50 a box. WAS ORDERED, That the Stockholders of the r iremen's Insurance Company, be required to pay . to the Secrete ,on the I st• ry, day • of January next. 1845; Dec. 14, 1843. i faShioned Jackson majority. SKID: Cloverseed. 100 bushels sold from store at foolish and last instalme nt of fifteen dollars on each THE MONSTER .INDICTMEM T AGAINST O'CONNELL I Resolved, That whenever and where federalists obtained pofitic ;never, the . $4 50 cash this week. Timothy Si 121! aSi 25. share of the capital stock of the[January C al praye r they misuse and Flaxseed 90 a 91c. cash per bush. them respectively. By order, Compan y held by A.ND OTHER3.--ThiS voluminous document contains eleven counts of sixty closely -printed pages, of about n al i i i i i t i szb a e h t , r n u. n s t i I w he t tr a se h l i s m ti n ie n e r t e i ck w l te es t s eh a e n , d ‘ elt i senera l m i s u s e ad- hien: Pig Metal, small sales at $23 a $26 and Pittsburgh -DeerS6AthMiLs4G3ORMLY, Secretary, cheices27 a Ton, and some ask $2B. Blooms, Salea -- ' twenty inches by thirteen wide. It appears that they state ror three }ear: , ; 1 er the name of Jose''lpahraßeitntehre of good a $33, $55, and $55 a Ton. have the New York Sun in it, one of the Dublin editors i They created $ 4 0,000,000 of paper bank capital; having been indicted for publishing the Repeal speech I which begot speculation, followed by contraction; by ' LEAD: Sales of pig 3,4a34c. a lb. oj Robert Tyler from that paper. i bank suspension; by state emberrassinent; and by gen- I SALT: Soles from stores $1 374 a bbl /The f toast wa3 omitted in publishing the proceeding; of the Democratic supper, at the Wash ington By James Anderson, jr. Andrew Burke, Esq: I. pure, unswerving Demut.-rucy, tni3t.l lied integrity, com bined with talents of a superiot order, nod the general esteem of the people are recommendations to public Cor, then may we hope to see him the triumphant candidate for Congress at the next ensuing election. Miss:ego of Governor flier of Indiana represents the condition of the finances, the :most important subject for consideration, as in a bad condition. The expenses last year were $90,U97; the estimate for this rear, $100,000; the revenue collected this year, $240,000, .nearly all of which will be paid in Treasury notes"—therefore, the necessary expen diture for the coming year will be nuprorided for, un less a temporary loan, which he recommends, shall be negotiated. Hourges a rdlisal to re-issue these Treasury notes, which a ya. compose a goad parthaa of their circula tion. The suspended debt due the State is in the same con Brion of last year—it is immense—worth less—hopeless. The public or State debt is about $15,033,030; on this the interest was out paid. excep ti on the portion of it which was borrowed for State Bank capitad and the. Governor frankly and emphati cally admits that they cannot nose pay it—but urge,' the Legislature to candidly acknowled 4 e the binding obligation, and the determination of the people to ex ert themselves fur its liquidation. In the act of 1313, which proposed to dist iose of th , public warks of the State to individuals or compa rdt s, and receive in payment the Ronda of the. State, met with no favor amontz the creditors; and whe n i t is considered that the bonds were then depreciated about two-thirds their first value, and the act of the Legisla ture provided that they should be received at par. a ve ry fair estimate may be formed of th .1 credit of the I State among her Band holders POST OFFICE, HUDSON, Dec. 8, 1343. .101 ft Lorimer Graham, Esq, P M—Sir. The mail from Albany, containing. the mails of the 6th and 7th insts. for N Y was brought by land to this city lust evening, and put in the mail carrier's ofFice. This morning, it was found in the river, opposite the steam boat dock in this city, cut open, and many of the let ters robbed &their contents. We are drying the let ters—the papers are in a bad condition. I have writ ten to the Postmaster at Albany to send some one from his orsce to arrange the letters and make out post bills, as.theie is but one post bill inthe mail. Your obedient servant, Wm fluzsox, Ass't P M. The amount of remittances sent Tram the 13 take at Albany to New York is $60,000. The payment of all drafts will be stopped and no loss sustained on them. eral individual bankruptcy and distress! In tbeir brief career they expended about $18,000,000, andcommit ted the State for an increase of her debt from the man ageable sum of $24,000,000 to the unmana , teable sum of $43.000,000! Hence the necessity of the ;Democ ruey of the State exerting themselves to prevent the reins ofGovernment from ever falling into the hands of the Federalists, who now call themselves Whigs or An timasons. Relayed, That Pennsylvania is unquestionably democratic in her principles, and in a large majority of her citizens; and es long as her Democracy preserved their ascendency, so long was her faith and credit pre served inviolate; but the accession of the federalists to power in 1835 crippled her resources and ruined her credit. That deplorable event, which was caused by an insane division in the Democraic party—and the principal actors and instruments in producing it, can never be forgotten by the men of the present genera- , tion., That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the officers, and that the editors of the -13IniNville Record," the "Westmoreland Republi can," the ••Greensburg Argos," the "Democratic Un ion," the "Pittsburgh Morning Poet," and all other pa pers friendly to the election of F R Shur& be requested to publish them. [Signed by the officers.] REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING, &c. &c. T HE undersigned, having associated themselves for the transaction of all business relative to Real Estate, will hence forth attend to the purchase and WS as well as renting of city and country property, cakes,. ing rents, &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had much OZ pe ri ence, and being extensively known as no Real Estate, they hope to receive a Il of eral shale of public patronage. For the accommodation of the pub lic, there will b. two offices, where business n 444840. ceived; at the Real Estate Agency of James Bklsely, Penn st., sth Ward, and at the Law office of John J. Mitchell, S. W: side of Smithfield, (near st.h.)at either of which, persons wishing to have instruments of Nri ting, legally and neatly executed, titles investigated, or desirous to purchase or dispose of Rcal Estate, will apply. J. J. Mitchell will continue to attend to the duties of his profession, as heretofore. JAMES BLAKELY, JOHN J. MITCHELL, dec 4—dtvv6tn 295 LBS. WHITE GUM ARABIC, MO Lbs. Gum Guiaic, 1300 " Sal Soda. In store and for sale at the Drug &ore of DISSOLUTION OF I'ARTNERSI3IP_ T HE firm of Amhara & Preston has been amply ed since the first of October, by mutual consent. John Arthur. will settle all claims against the concern, and collect all debts which have been coutracted pro- vious to this date. The Engine business will be con ducted for the future under his own name. JOHN A RTFIURS, CYPRIA2s; PRESTON December 1, 1842. dll-Im. Piew J OHN DAVIS, (formerly pf this city).—A leash supply of his manufacture of Crackers, various kinds, received this day from Saint Louis, end for sale by the barrel,or pound, at SEETIN'S, in the Diamond. dl3-1w am:avail; n G ---- i s ------ ----- &co, 43, WOOD STRT, LTA 'YE in srore and are receiv EinEg -1.1. 425 bags Rio Coffee, part strung and geese, 50 pkgs Y H and G P Teas, 25 boxes Russel & Robinso L ' s s' s Tobacc o , 10 " Burton's s's 10 " Thompson's It's 5 " Robinson's 16's " 10 " 12's ~, 5 " superiorpouad lump It log " fresh Malaga Bunch Raisins. 2000 lbs Loaf Sugar, 20 boxes No 1 and 2 mustard, 50 " No 4 chocolate, 25 " ground pepper, 10 kegs " ginger, - 5 " " allspic-e, • .. 5 boxes cocoa, • 5 " Rice flour, 2000 lbs Oak Tanned Sole Leather, 1000 yards tsw linen, - . 5 bales hope, All of which they offer, with a general assortment o groceries, dye -stuffs and Pittsburgh manufactured goods, on liberal terms. nl7- Mimic for Dancing. PERSONS wanting to employ music for Cotillion or Sleighing parties, will find a good Violin. Pdyer, by calling, on J IV \Vat. Kb: kt, corner of Fifth street and Baxter's alley,opposite the Exchange Bank. dB-1w A G. REINHART Co-Partnership Notice. , having associated with him SIDNEY STRONG, will contirue the Whohi sale and Retail Groecry and Commission Busineis under the firm of Reinhart Sz Strong, at the old stand,. No. 140 Liberty street. A. G. RF.INHART, Pittsb'gh. Dec 7,1843. SIDNEY STRONG. i Mr. Paul Emile Theveau i LT As the honor to inform the pubic that durin his IIA sojourn in Pittsburgh be will givo g LESSONS IN THE SPANISH, FRENCH AND LATIN LANGUAGES. i From his having made the Spanish language the sole object of his study during a residence of two years in Havana, there is reason to suppose that he has*lle quired a good knowledge of their language, tho anti most harmoniou s of all modern languages. easiest Of his competency to teach French there can be no doubt, from the fact of his having been ts clerk in a ' Notary in Paris, where he has studied law. WhatMr Theveau here states he can prove by the Ordonnanc e of the King of France and by letters from the 'Minister of the Navy. Mr Theveau can be seen every day from 12 to te l PN, at Mr Fickeisen's house, Market street. behind the old court house. 1129-1 m WINTER SPERM -OIL. -- 350 GALLONS JUST RECEIVED at the dee 11. Drug Stoic of J. KIDD, Comer 4th and Wood stir. jOI d K voo IDD. rn Coer 4thnnN. d Ka.