, DAILY POST._i 1171MIDAT MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1893. - PITISI3ORGII BOARD OF TRADE. 00MIOTTU. }OR DECKKBTR. William Eichbaum---F. Lorenz—Robert Bell NOT SUS C.—We are gind to learn that we were iii teiten yesterday in announcing the steamer Cleve lepsdosaunk. She got on the rocks at Deadman's and injured herself somewhat, but we sie pleased to say did not sink. Sipe was considerably "listed," and her hands were et the pumps. which "no doubt indu ced she Lehigh to believe that she had sunk. ,EASVIT DAl.C.—This interesting tale, by T S Arthur, ins been received and is for sale at Cook's Periodica l Deposiwiy, 4th street. TiSi CAPITALIST, OR FORTUNIS FROLIc.--Thia:tale is also received at the same place. It is spoken dal dthe most.amusingpublications of the day. and is so doubt worth reading. We emended the anniversary celebration of the Ph i lologkal institute in Philo Hall on Friday evening, where the customary address was delivered by JOHN A. WILLS, Esq. The substance of his discourse was to prove the existence of Feudalism in the institutions of the South. The Hall was crowded early with the beauryand intelligence of the city; and the profound attention with which they listened to the eloquent and at times thrilling address, denoted the deep interest they took. in the subject. This gentlemen ever elo quent, seemed on t his occasion to surpass himself; his voice is clear and musical, but we think not of suffi cient compass; his delivery anti gesticulation were ex • particularly the bitter qnality be seems to have paid considerable atten floe: We should be pleased to sea this able producti en is plot, us it is purely an American subject and oat; winch would be well stud ed by every republican. . 3IERITAS. At a mertimv ' of the Citizens of Allegheny, held in Temperance Ark, on Friday evening last, for the pur pose of raising means to relieve the Poor, Hon. THOS. BARNETT was called to the Chair, and Daniel Cur ry appointed Secretary. The number in attendance being small, it was, on motion, Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to procure a place for holding an adjourned meeting en Tuesday evening next, and that notice be given of the same from the several pulpits in this city, and published in the daily papers of Pittsburgh. Resolved, That the officers of this meeting consti tute said committee. Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to draft a plan of operation, and report at next meeting. Committee—Messrs. Thomas Hannan, James Cole, Dr. Hannan, Nathan Carlisle and J. J. Carpenter. Adjourned. THOS. BARNETT, Chairman. M CORRY, SeeY. NOTICE In compliance with the first resolution, the citizens of Allegheny are requested t, meet in the Methodist Protestant Church, East Commons, on Tuesdy Eve ning, 12th inst., at 6i o'clock. THoXAS BARNETT. DANIEL M. CCRRT. Co nmittee. Dec 11,1843 We understand that there is going to be a meeting in the sth ward this evening, at the public school house, Corner of Walnut and Pike streets, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of raising funds for the relief of the poor of said ward. d PROTRACTED MEETING, IVESLEYAN METHODISTS. Tho W CSLEYA :II NI CT HODIST3 harin obtained the use of the Temexa ANC It HALL, corner of Smithfield st. and Diamond Alley. as a place cf worship, will open it for Divine Service, ol next Sabbath, the 10th inst. Preaching nt 101 A. M. and 61 I'. M. The to !2ting will be ea itin led every evening, through the w'_[t, except M )71 Ity and Friday evenings. Evening Prese.iag at 61 P. M. Dec. 9, 1843. Postponement of the Buchanan MASS MEETING!! At a meeting the Buchanan Committee of corres pondence held on the 28th instant, it was Resolved, That the M 11.4.4 Meeting of the friends of Buchanan, fixed fir the 30th of November, instant, be postponed until the Bth of January next, and thnt we devote the same day to the commemoration of the vic tory of New l irleacts, and forwarding the nomination to the ?residency of the distinguished friend of the il lustrious vtcron. CHARLES SHALER, n 29 Chairman. port of Pittsburgl). --- Reported by Shade and Mitchell, General Steam Boat Agents. Water street 4 /YET WATER IN THE CHAS:ILL ARRIVED *Daily Beaver Packets. Allegheny, Dean, St. Louis, Herald, Dawson, do Mosehall, Parkinson, Monongahela City. DEPARTED. *Daily Beaver Packets Oella, Bowman. Brownsville, Lehigh, Price. Cincinnati. Car'All boats marked thus ( 1 1 ace provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of steam Boilers. - Western University Lectures. The fourth Lecture of the course will be delivered this evening. Subject: "Religion,Mmuters and Customs of eke Greeks,' Mr W J Baltewell. N. B. Tickets for the whole course, admitting a Gentleman and Lady, $1 50; Single Lectures 25 cents; to be had at the book store of C H Say & Co., the Methodist book store; atthe Periodical publication of fices of J W Cook and J H Foster, and of the Janitor at the door. The Hall willbe open at 6i o'clock, and the Lec tures will commence at 7. o'clock precisely. dl2-1t swore 5 BALES new Hops, i n n store and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS &Co. 43 Wood st. Peathet s. 25 SACKS Feathers just rec'd and for sale isy HAILMAN, JENNINGS 4- Co. 43 Wood st. Lippincott Mills. THE subscriber having purchased and thoroughly repaired these MILLS, is now manufacturing, andkill keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all the different kinds of Nails, Spikes and Brades, etc.— made from the bestquality of Juniata Blooms, and as loon as the necessary additions can be made to the machinery, he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 94 First street, emir Wood, or at the Mils in the Fifth Ward. will be promptly attended to, JAMES ANDERSON. sap 29--3wi ARTISTS' BRUSHES AND PAINTS JUST RECEIVED. COBALT BLUE, No. 1, Ultimarine, Ivory Black, Carmine, Indian Red, French Fitches, Sabel Hair, &c.,just received and for sale at the Dreg Store of JON. KIDD, deo 11. No. 60, Corner of 4th and Wood sts. Tobacco.. 10 KEGS Ky. Uwe°. in store and for idle kw to dose nonsignment, by HAILMAN, JENNINGS &C o . 43 Wood et. Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Eno ne, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a correspondingdegree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid those dis asters- All boats marked thus [ l ] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF LYONS, AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL, BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGE WATER, MUSKINGUM VAL' Y, CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUNGO PARK, CICERO, MESSENGER, CANTON, . lIPONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE, CASPIAN, NARAGANS.ETT, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBUS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY. COLUMBIANA, OHIO MAIL, CORSAIR. OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH, EL DORADO, ROWENA, EVELINE, RARITAN, EXPRESS MAIL. 13.ARAH ANN, FORMOSA, SARA H AN SAVANNA. GALENA, ST. CHARLES, GEN'L BROOK, ST. LOUIS, GALLANT, TALLEYRAND, IDA, TOBACCO PLANT, INDIAN QUEEN. VIC TRESS, s ILLINOIS, VALLEY FORGE, J. H. BILLS, VIOLA, JEWESS, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING, TOR THE POST BrillisutCareerandllapreceilentedSuccess T"proprietor cf this well known and highly fa vored establishment takes great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large that he has now prepared at his SPLENDID SALES ROOM, No. 151. LIBERTY ST., . - THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF WINTER CLOTHING Ever offered for sale in this city. HIS STOCK OF. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, PILOT AND BEAVER CLOTHS, CACHMERE, SATIN AND OTHER VESTINGS, CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which can be manufactured into clothing to cr der, and made in as good style, and as tasrily and fash ionably designed as at any other establit4hment IN THE UNITED STATES. IT rs WELL KNOWN THAT HIS. PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And at no place west of the mountains can purchasers find such a variety of goods from which to select as at the • THREE BIG DOORS. In addition to his unrivalled stock of clothing, be has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS. &c, &c. The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," And in following out this system he feels con fidentthathiA customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. HE WOULD ISYITL THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GE C TLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC AND WORKINGMAN To call and examine for themselves nt TIIE THREE BIGDOOIII3, No. 151. Liberty street, AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. tr3P OBSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT... 4 EI JOHN M'CLOSKEY. JGST RECEIVED and for sale by WM. THORN, No. 53, Market street, 500 lbs. pure palm soap in the bar, 600 " " " " in casks, 100 " variegated soap, 50 " white Castile, (only lot in market) 100 " almond soap, in j lb. casks, 50 doz. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose spermacetti soap, for chapped bands and for softening the skin. The subscriber has on hand a larger assortment of the above articles than any other establishment in this city, and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs, &c. WD . THORN, oct 7 No. 53. Market street. T EAS.—Received on consignment, 12 Chests Young Hyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4 " Imperial, 5 " Gunpowder. by J. G. & A, GORDON, sep 13. 12 Water street Q EALED proposals will be received at the office of the Monongahela Navigation Company, nearly opposite the Post Office, until 3 o'clock P M of Satur day, the 23d December next, fbr building Locks and Dams Nos 3 and 4, and for repairing Dams Nos 1 and 2; also, for building four Brick Lock Houses. Pay ments will be made monthly in specie funds. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the of fice one week previous to the IC lolling. J MOORHEAD, MORGAN ROBERTSON. FOB SAPIITY, WINTER CAMPAIGN: EME3 THREE BIG DOORS! Piotico to Contractors. n!4-Ire '2luction Salts. Saba D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, TS ready to receive merchandixe of every description .1 on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him With their patronage. Regular sales on Mown/a . ' and THURSDA s, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghroanufactured articles,new and second hand furniture, Ste., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12—y TOBACCO AT AUCTION T DAVIS' Commercial auction rooms corner' of IX Wood and Fifth sts. on Thursday next, Dec. 19th at 2 o'clock, P. M. will be sold without reserve 20 boxes of Tobacco 12 to the lb. 19 keggs do 6to the J. D. DAVIS, Auctr. TOYS AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT ADC- TION. AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth streets, on Thursday next, De cember 14th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Will be sold a large lot of French an.l German Toys. Also, fancy articles suitable for Christmas and New Years' presents. J. D. DAVIS, Auct'r. dec 8 GAS STOCK AT AUCTION ON Thursday morning, 14th inst., at 10 o'clock, will be sold by order of Assignee, at the Com mercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, 90 shares Pittsburgh Gas Stock, for cash, par funds. J D DAVIS, Auctioneer. d 6 BUFFKLO TONGUES.—Received by Little Ben 10 boxes Buffalo Tongues, in fine order, direct from the mountains. A. BEELEN. n 341 BIIFFALO ROB ES.--Received by Cicero, a fresh and full supply of all sizes or Robes. Apply to nB-tf A. BEELEN. BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bale, for sale by A. BEELE?i. e5--tf 25 HHDS. N. 0. SUGAR, just received, miler sale by J. G. & A. GORDON. 027. JUST RECEIVED and for sale on consignment, 7 hhds bacon, 7 hhds sugar, Can be seen atthe store ofJacob Painter& Co aug 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. ZOAR BUTTER.—A lot of that celebrated choice family butter, put up in full bound kepi. Apply A. BEELEN. 11 .1 RESH CHEMICALS, du,—Rod Precip. Pill, Hydrag, Strychnia, Veratra, Oxide Bilimuth, at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD. nI7 1( BALES CUBA LEAF TOBACCO, this day I.lceoeisssd, and for sale by J. G.S. A. GORDON, 15. 12 Water itreet. ST LOUIS CRACKERS.—John Davis'eSt Louis water and batter crackers alts•rtvs on hand and for gale by 1129 JUST REC F:IV ED, 30 bbls best rround Camwood, at the drug store of 30N. KIDD, n2B corner 4th ona Wood streets. TcLANE'S LUNG SYRUP, if 'taken 4n time, .111_ prevent a cough from settling on thelungs. DVltiy% nre(Lngeeous. Those afflicted with a slizht cold had better apply in time. A fresh supply jug. r 'uived at the Dreg Store of JON. KIDD. nl7 Cornor 4th dod Wood stmets. BEAR SKINS, well dressed and fill: haired. a suitable article for travellers' trunks. &r., fur BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS !!! All sorts of clothing ladsearitig apparel. Please call at No. 151, Liberty street,and see fnr yourselves sep 7. J. McCLOSKEY. C RA NBERRIES—just received and for sale by A G REINHART, n3O 140, Liberty street 8, SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stock, at pri tt ) rate sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, sep 11 Corner of Wnod and Fifth streets. BEAR SKINS, drested and undressed, just reeeiv ed and for sale by A. BEELEN. 05-tf JO/IN LE FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock EstabliAmeato NO 61, DIAMOND ALLEY EITWIL EN WOOD AVIIIILaItit !TRES'. s IWOULD most respectfully-announce to the citizen. of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, °revery va ricty, form and description, and would solicit merchants and others to call and examine for themselves, as I axe determined to sell on the most accommodating term_ for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m. Farms Wanted. Elul, improved farms wanted, (within 20 miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis- Aed to sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield street, near 4th, soon. ol6—tf Wm. PEAcocm, M. BLlss. PEACOCK & BLISS, GREAT WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Cutting Establishment, SMITHFIELD STREET,' NEXT DOOR TO THE TEMPERANCE HALL. WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed glass of all descriptions, ran be purchased at very rea sonable prices, together with a great ‘qtricty of splendid cut glass, window lights for steamboats, private houses and churches. Also, window glass, a superior arti ole, wholesale and retail. Persons wanting any of the above articles, will do well to call and examine for themselves, before purcha sing elsewhere. Er'N. B. Watch and Time piece Glasses always on hand. 025-3 m. Dissolution of Partnership. THEpartnership heretofore existing under the style by mutual consent. H. Devine is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for the concern up to this date Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843 H. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the public, that be still continues in the Transporting business, and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. H. DEVINE. M. . J FIBROS FOSTIR FGOLF 6v, FOSTER, Western Seal Estate Agency, Third st., next door to the Port Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Agency for the purchase and sale of Real Es tate, Stocks, negotiating of Loans, aLd Collections. They will also attend to the selling of p*mertal Far owners at a distance. Letters, post paid, will meet with immediate men. den. Terms moderate. The bested' Teflienollegiven on applieetion et the offiee. MIM STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., r orlinir di ng an d Commission March*MS, CLEVELAND, OHLD• AGENTS for th e Merchants' Transportatiou Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshingtun, Line. Hooter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFZR TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. Y R. Hunter & Co. Albaay. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Claeslend. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. 4,12= THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. • Shaw,master. will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. , - ^ • .:;.••••:., • _ ...• . 1843. FARE REDUCED.—U. S. Matt. Ltsz or Stains met) Rut ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Cluunbersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia. connecting with the Main train °fears to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 9.d dbor below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH & Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. Via National Road and Da/lime/re and Ohio Rail 210:1-c " ' ' NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WASITINOTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA IND NEW YORK. HIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh T daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cuinturland, connecting here with the tail mad Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Elam coaches furnished at the shortest notice with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights re.: at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela I louse. L. W. STOCKTON, Cub President of N. R. Stage Co. A G REINHART, 140, Liberty street A. DEF:LEN J K. HENDERSON H. DEVINE. C. A. M'ANDLTY r. - 114 Beaver and Warren Packet. The Great Central Route Road Company. II . IWir Pacircta, for Cincinnati. .ai. ' , The Swiftsore, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thurklay at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter,Collias,Maater, leaves every Thursday et 10 o'clock a. m. The Montgomery, Bennett, Maiter,leaveit every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO:, Agents. United !Raise Wagon and Rail Road Lino. T HE anri,tlib.s4.o:),l3b:rasirbianr.ethmeawileinsterrintnogaerm,defrirotsmto for Pitt sburgh, Philadelphia and w York. C A McANULTY, Canal 111 in, Liberty street. Pittsburgh. THOMAS BOHBIDGE., Agent, d4-3m 2.7 e Market street, Philestehrlns A — -- LLEN KIirIMER, Exchange Broker, Na. 46, Corner of Woo,! and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and &;!vent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Lenard cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. REFERENCES Win. Bell & Co., John D. Dais, F. Lorene, J. Painter & Co., Jooeph Woodmen, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John H BrovensfeCu. James M'Cancßess. )Cincinnati, 0., J. R. M'Dernild• ) St. T.oni 4. Mo. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pses't Bank Ky. )Losisville. Executors' Notice ALL persons indebted to the estote of Thomas Cos silly, late of the city ni I'itt4horz,b, Jeeeaseil. are regnested to mike payment iienetli 0...f1y w either of the undersig,lied, and all persons bming claims against the same. will present them properly nuthenti atted to either of the land .rsianed for settlement HENRY M'CULLOUGU, Peebles Township, JAMES CASSILLY, Pittsburgh, JAMES BL AKELY, Pittsburgh, JAMES C CUMMINS. Pitt Township, u2s—claw 1 m Executors Dissolution of Partnership. THE Partnership heretofore e isting undo r the firm of DICKEY and ALEX AliDGIt, is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, Sept. 1, 1843. WM. G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends and the public, thathl , still continues in the Transpor tation Business,at his Warehouse, CORNER DELMER TT ♦ND W•TNE STREETS, Canal Basin, under the name of the "Independent Portable Boat Line," where he will receive and forward freight to the East at the lowest terms sept. 4—tf. FASHIONABLE NAT AND CAP DIANUFACTORY, ANo. 13, Fifth street, between Market and Wood, and corner of Sixth and Grant sts I& H. WALKER feel grateful to the • public for the liberal patronage bestow ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are now manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very su perior article in Beaver, Russia, Neutria, and every other description . of Hats. Also, a variety of cloth, sealett and fur caps; all of which will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture is done by machinery, but by the best workmen by hand, they can recommend with confidence their Hats. as be ing superior and more ddrable than those generally of feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the Ens en Markets. I. & H. WALKER. 023-3 m. Freeman's lire trick for Sale. JUST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick, which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low for cash, by BIR.IIING HAM & CO: may 27 No. 60 Water at. Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug s tore of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184, Libcrty st., head of Wood CAWFIELD has removed his marble Fetal, lishment to Wood it opposite Falinestook's Dew Store, where he will keep toestethy as balsa Tore Stoles, Mosersente est. ler 19--l7t - 'dyable load far Sale stalls:Tabu Very Cheap,* Cash! ATRACT ddysisting of one hundredand forty-six acres of timber lima, shrived iimneeliately on the Ohio river, in the State of Itedianti, between Ci nein mai and Louisville, a suitable location tb establish a very profitable WOOD YARD—a great majority of the timber being beech and poplar. It is a well known fact that cordwood of this kind is always bought in pre ference to any other by steam boats. There is no point on the Ohio river where good wood will bring a better price. In addition to this, there is no part of the west ern rivers navigated by so many steamers--and hence the great demand for good cordwood. It is obvious that this land is more valuable on account of the tim ber, as the clearing of less than one half will more than pay the original cost of the land. The poplar logs can be very advantageously rafted to Louisville, where they have always brought a good price, and are much used for building purposes. The soil is remarkably rich—and when cleared of its valuable timber, will suit in every respect for all kinds of farming purposes. The produce of the farm. by water, is within a half of a day's reach of two of the finest markets in the western country, namely, Cincinnati and Louisville. Any person wishing to make a safe and productive investment, would do well to purchase the above de scribed property. For further particulars, please apply soon to the Western Real Estate Agency of EGOLF & FOSTER. 1171 . bere are several other adjoining tracts of equal size, that may be boughtektenp for cash. d 2 AFARM of 100 acres, 12 miles from Pittsburgh, on the Franklin Road, adjoining lauds of William Cochran, Esq., will be sold on favorable terms. Fur further particulars apply to P. McGA RR, n2O-lm. • 149 Liberty streets. AGREEABLY to the provisions contained in the will of the late Thomas Cassilly, deceased, the subscribers offer for sale the following N'aluable real es tate, in the city of Pittsburgh, vitt—One lot of ground &wrung on Water street, near Market street. and ad joing Hanna and Gordon's warehouse, being thirty-fire feet front on Water street, and extending hack one hun dred and sixty feet to Front street, on which there is e rected a spacious brick dwelling on Water at. now oc• copied as a public house by Mr. John Varner, and two three story brick dwellings with buck buildings on Front street. Also, one lot fronting on Liberty street between Cecil's alley and St. Clair street, being thirty feet in front and ene hundred and ten feet back to ten foot alley, on witich. circler! VAO three story dwellings, with convenient back buildings, now omit= I pied by Mr. Michael Kann as a Cabinet-Ware room, I and by Mr. Samuel Lindsey, - as a Grocety establish meat. This property will be sold on fair and accom modating terms. Enquire of Mr. P. Mulvany, at his glass ware house corner of Market and Water streets, or to either of the subscribers. HENRY M'CULLOUGH. JAMES CASSILY, JAMES BLAKELY, JAMES C. CUMMINS, Executors. des tt-lrn d a wtf [Advoeste copy wt Pittsburgh, Pa Philadelphia etsova A FARM FOR SALE EXECUTORS' BALI" OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE rot sac AN excellent new Lard Manufactory, with the best perfect machinery, and enough to make three barrels of Lnrd Oil a day, will be sold at prime cost, to a person wishing to engage in a very profitable husi ness,-and who has a cash capital of 800 or $lOOO. To such an excellent bargain will be given and the pur chaser instructed in the business before all the money will be required, as the owners sell out for want of capital to carry on a very profitable business that can yield a large profitevery 90 days. For further particulars please inquire at Harris's Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 9, sth street. d 3 FOR SALF ALOT of ground on Prospect Hill, (cornering, on the Turnpike and two sts.) 29 feet front by 1233 feet deep, on which is erected a double frame honse, tStc.; this property is well located and would be ex changed fur a farm within 20 miles of the city. Apply to P.AXILLT & MITCHLLL, Real Estate agents. aec El. Building Loin in Birmingham. 10 LOTS, suitable for building most eligibly sit uated, and within two.ties' walk of the steam ferry boat /angling, Ld at prices to suit the times. The terms of pay me... will be made easy, either for cash or such barter as can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Pmerson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR SALE—A lot of Ground on sth street. (be F tween Wood & Smithfield tee )30 feet front by 120 feet deep. on which is erected 5 tenements and stores; ren t s f o r '4ll per annum. This property offers inducements to Capi;:qhsts, it is in a buAiness pall. of the City and on the leadit;g• street to the New Court House, Sm., it will be disposed of a bargain. FOR SALE—Two acres of Groom!. fronting - on the Sandy & Beaver Canal, and najoirring the thriving town of Hanover, Columhiann County, Ohio. This property would be exchanged for property in Pittsburgh, or for Pittsburgh manufactured articles. FOR SALE—Six acres of Ground (on which is erected a Rope Walk, &e.) adjoining the Town of East Liverpool, Ohio. Apply to BLA KELT & MITCHELL, Smithfield Street near sth, and Penn au. as (sth Ward.) nor Rent A 0001) Brickyard, in Birmingham. With II small dwelling bongs attached. Wanted, a good far mer who understands the raising and 11111tofitable man agement of a sheep Farm; to such a one, and can fur nish capital enough to bay 150 sbeep,3 an excellent chance will be given by a gentleman who has a good Farm. and will give a good chance, and bny as many sheep for the farm ns will be useful for his tract. En quire at Harris's Agency & Intelligence dec 7 office No. 9 sth at. Por Salo or Lease. THE storehouse and dwelling lately occu pied by Alex'r McKibben, in the borough .1 Birmingham, together with a frame dwelling on the same lot, in the rear of the storehouse. The property is located on tho comer of Carson and Centre streets. It has 56 feet front on Carson street, and runs back along Centre street about 91 feet. It is considered a first ratebus:ness stand—perhaps the best in the bo rough. If not sold in a short time, it will then be for lease for ca e, two or three years. For particulars, tte, apply to the subscriber near the premises. dll-3tdawtf JOHN M'KEE, Arent. TO LET nil TWO STORY brick house, suitable for n It dwelling and Grocery, situate on the cornet of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given immedi ately. Enquire of oil Hew York Dyer. OSEE HIMES. would respectfully inform his friends and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black; and warrants them not to smut, and to Inok equal to new goods. He dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the e otnrs bf gentlemen's clothing, so as to - resemble ne* goods. Mr. H. flatters himself ;oat be can please the public, as he has dnne an extensive business in tie* York for twenty years. All work done on Moderate terms, at his establishment in . .ith at., betvieets Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre, CEATIVICATE r'RP" This is to certify that OSEg FIIMES has done work forts, which has fully answered our expee tatinal, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy. Wm. Barnes W. B. Beira .1. B. Shurdeff, Wm. Porter, David Hall. H. H. Smith, B. F. Mann. Henry loins David Nies. A. Sbockey,jr. Joseph Fume, jit., You* Yon, deem) *ewe. • -- - -- 00111BSCTiV b ALLY BY A.Agit, itionaluts sitOltae, COILS Olt WOOD AID TaiRD 573 ---- spgca. STANDARD. Mere/units and Man ufa ct ure re Scrip .. Brckagsgt Bank Scrip Currency ...... . . Eric Bank Scrip EXC LIANGE—AT SIGHT Oa Pkitadelphia New York.. Boston• • Baltimore—. • .. SPRCIE Goa ............ PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSB UIIGH Bank of PiUsburgh Merchants and Manufacturers' bank Exchange • •• Do. Hollidaysbargh PHILADELPHIA Aral of North America...... Do Northern Liberties Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.. ... Farmers' and Mechanics' bank Kensington hank. Manufa cturers and Mechanics' ..... Mechanics' .... Moyamensing Philadelphia bank Schuylkill .... ." ...... Southwark " Western Bank of Penn Township Girard bank U. S. bank and branches ...... ...- COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Oermantourn.. " Chester county " Delaware county " Montgomery county... " Northumberland Farmers' bi.nk of Bucks county...... Easton bank Doylestown bank. Franklin bank of Washington.. Bank of Chambersburgh-- , " Middletown ..... " Gettysburgh .. " Lewistown Susquehanna county Berksetrusty bank Coistsubia Bankand Bridge Company.... Carlisle bank Erie bank FdtMers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading. Harrisburg bank Honesdale "... Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon " Miners'bank of Pottarille.....- ...... Monongahela bank of IlrowneriUe New Hope and Delaware Bridge company Northampton bank Towanda bank Wyoming bank West Braneh bank. York bank OHIO. Belmont bank of Si. Clinton bank of C01umbt5........ • . Columbiana bank of -Yen• Lisbon.... Circleville (Lawrence, cashier).... " ( iVarren, cashier) Cincinnrtibanks ................ Chillicothe bank .. Commercial bank of Lake Erie... Dayton bank.... Franklin bank of Columbus • , Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville.. .3 Farmers' bank of Cantos: 40 Geanga Granviu. ...-9a Hamilton 25 Lancaster l 5 Marietta ..... ...I Massillon . Mechanics' and Traders', Cincinnati Mount Pleasant ...... Norwalk Putnam ........ Sandusky Scioto Urbana .. • • - - • • • - - Wooster Xenia • - • • • ..... Zane:m.lle INDIANA. State bank and branches State Scrip - - • KENTUCKY Ali bunks State bank Bank of Illinois, Shanmectorn 60 Bank of the Valley of Virginia Bank of Virginia Ezchang; bank of Virginia Farmers' bank of Virginia................... 1 North-Western bank of Virginia .. ..1 Merchants' and Mechanics bank of Virginia .... I Branches 11IARYLAND. Ltaitimore City banks.. .... .. par All other solvent banks.— . ... AU soloed hanks-. .• . !SOUTH CAROLINA Ail solvent banks . GEORGIA. Alisoloand banks ALAtAINIA Mobile banks...... ......... ..^4 LOUISIANA. New Orleans banks ( g00d)... .. . TENNESSEE. PRINTING OFFICE, The proprietors of the MORNING POST LIDCI 3frat- CIJIL7 AND ildattnracruntit respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they hare a large and well chosen assortment of 01111 - 4111C102131t Flirr111(311P•31" 61105 ams 3 02332 Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute JAMES MAY. LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bills of Lading, t Circulars, Pll-7 'Meta, Bill Heads, I Cards. Handoills, Blank Checks. Hat Tire. 2111 Moto of 131auts. Stage, Steamboat mid Canal Boat Bilis, with ap proriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our Eric ncle and the public in geneml in this brnneh of onr husinoss. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITY. WE harc received, and will hereafter keep con stantly an hand, a fell supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sat cheaper than it has heretofore been sold in this city. °rawa from the country accompanied by'w nese (is W. caste) will be promptls attended tn. PHILLIPS & SMITH. a p t .amr- - . Mee of the Post sod Mannt-.ctqls* par Par . . par par ....par par . . par Par . par' - ------ - - -Par .. Par ILLINOIS NORTH CAROLINA HOOK AND JOB Ir. W. CON.:VEN OF WOOD & rurn 9T To Printers. 4 4/ ... 2 1 ..v.k. .. _..~ frrw par - • _..pa', Par . . pa r par par par ....75 14 2i ...... , 2i 24 14 14 2i. no sale .85 ...15 ....2t ... ....no sale ..... .1 .... 15 .20