DAILY POST. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1843 PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. comarrar. FOR DICEMBER. William Eichbaum—F. Lorenz—Robert Re ; - THE Messeor.—We received this document yes t erday morning a little after 5 o'clock, and had it issued about 7, in advatce of all our neighbors. We would bartritad it out sooner, but some of our hands, who didnot suppose it would arrive, were absent from the office. ' "SrsaaanClCEllo."—NVe are pleased to learn that our young friends Messrs. W. H. & G. S. ALLEN, have puechaseil half of the steamer Cicero, from Capt. James May. The Messrs. A's. are industrious, wor thy young men,a.nd richly merit patronage and encour agement. We wish them and Capt. Mny every suc cess, and an entire exemption from the perils of the deep. CATHOLIC CASINET.-WO have received from the agent, Rev. J. T. DEANE, a copy of the November number of this valuable magazine, which is devoted "exclusively to the exposition, illustration and vindica tion of Catholic principles." if we are to judge of its general character by the present number, we should certainly place it first among the religious periodicals of the day. Its typographical execution reflects much credit on thepubliiher, Mr. Wm. J. Mullen, St. Louis. SUPTERter ARDISTRONG ' S. —TheelltertalLlMentpre pared on Thursday evening by Mr. Armstrong, fot his friends was excellent and gave great satisfaction to all his gth - sta. Use fare was bountiful and served up in thebest style, and we were much gratified to see such a large company present to do honor to the host's hos pltality. After the cloth was removed, numerous toasts were drunk, songs sung, and speeches made, which caused the festival to pass off very pleasant ly: We had not time to prepare the official proceed ings for this morning's paper, but they shall appear on Monday. APPOINTRIENT By the Surveyor General—E. 11. HILASTIN GS, Of this city, to be Deputy Surveyor in and fur the dis trict composed of the county of Allegheny. UIkIVZItSiLIST PREACHINO.—Rev Mr Perry will preach in the Universalist Church, corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets, to-morrow morning of past 10 o'clock, and in the evening at . punt 6 o'clock. PROTRACTED MEETING, WESLEYAN METHODISTS. The WESLEYAN METHODISTS having obtained the use of the TE3IPERANCE HALL, corner of Smithlield st. and Diamond Alley. as a place cf worship, will open it for Divine Service, on next Sabbath, the 10th inst. Preaching at 101 A. M. and 61 P. M. The maeting will be continued every evening, through the week, except Monday and Frid.ty Evenhg Preacl.ingat 61 P. M. Dee. 9, 1343. GENERAL JACKSON The old Phalanx of Jackson Democrary are re pie tod to attend a meeting at the horse of thigh Daf fy, at the corner Second and Grant streets, on Sltur day evening, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of makin g arrangemeats to colebroto the Bth of dano:ry in the good old way—All Anti-Bank Dent ,crati arJ invited one one—conic all. Notice. Th 7 Shan't Cortrnittee of Correait , e,d2nee, appoint el Na thi.• Dcm.laratic ill !C•ti . ig on Friday evening lost, will meet third ty at 11 o'clock at th • office of H. H. Vati Amringe, in the Diamond. S. JONES, Chairman, Dec. Saturday 9. -- _ Co-Partnership Notice. A REINHART, having associated with him • SIDNEY STRONG, win contii ne the Whale sale and Retail Grocery and Commi ision Business, wider the firm of Reinhart S.:Strong, at the old stand. No. 140 Liberty street. A. G. REINHART, rittsligh. Dec 7,1343. SIDNEY STRONG. For Rent AGOOD Brickyard, in Birmingham. with a small dwelling house attached. Wanted, a good far mer who understands the raking and profitable •man agement of a sheep Farm; to such a one, and can fur nish capital enough to trly 150 sheep, an excellent chime will be given by a gentleman who has a good Furnhh.nd will give a good chance, and boy as ms.ny sheep for the farm as will be useful for his tract. En quire ut Harris's agency & Intelligence dec office No. 9 sth st. Parma Wanted. Q.EVERNL improved farms wanted, (within 20 la miles of the Pitt, burgh market). Persons &s -wig:dip sell will please call at my office, in Smithfield street, near 4th, soon olB—tf Allegheny County, sa: T N the matter of the ad m i ni , t ration account i T z •IL Hogh Toner, SUrViVitlY, Administra -5 for of K illiam Anderson, dec'd. And now to wit, Nov. 4th. 1343: On mo tioi of Mr Hamilton, the Court appoint David Gille- S Roseburg and R Morrow, EArrs, to audit, set tleland adjust the said administratioa account. By the Court, THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. The.auditors will meet for the purposes of their ap pointment, at the Recorder's Office, new court house, on - the 18th day of December next, at 2 o'clock 1' M, when and where all pelsons interested in the settle ment of the above account may nttend. DAVID GILLELAND, SAMUEL ROSEBURG, ROBERT MORROW, Auditors. n24—law3t Ix the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny coun ty, No 118, June Term, 1843. !James McFerson vs Petition for Divorce. Mary Jane M'Fersou. A ND now to wit, December the 3d, 1343; a subpre -1-1 na and alias subpoena having been issued to the respondent in the case, and proof having been made that the said parties could not be found in said Lounty; notice is hereby given to the said respondent that she will be required to appear in sail court on the 4th Monday of December next, to answer to the complaints set forth in said petition, otherwise such proceedings will behad as aro directed by the act of Assembly, iu such case made and provided. dec s—law4t E TROVILLO, Sheriff. Tiernan, Campbell &Co In the District Court of Al va, leghenvcounty, vend. ex. John Dougherty's Admin. No. 134, Nov. T. 1340. A. ND now to wit, November 23, 1843, on ' '••• /L. S. - motion of Mr M'Clurethe Court ap- porn J D Creigh, Esq, Auditor, to distribute the proceeds of sale in this case. From the Record, A SUTTON, Proth'y. The Auditor above named will attend for the pur pose of his appointment at his office on Smithfield at., wait 3d street, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 28th day of December next. at 2 o'clock P M, at which time all persons interested are notified to attend. n3i—law3t J D CREIGH, Auditor. • Bad, Leavit lg Co. In the District Court of Alle . gheny county, vend. ex. No. John Reel 83, November Term. 1341. il^.ft A ND now to wit, November 28, 1843,0 n ( L. S. motion of Mr M'Clure, the Court ap point)D Creigh, Esti, Auditor, to distribute the proceeds of sale in this case. From the Record. A SUTTON, Proth'y. Th e Auditor above named will attend for the par .. pose of his appointment at his office, on Smithfield street, near 3d street, in the city of Pittsburgh, on • Wednesday, the 27th day of December next, at 3 • Clock, PM, at which time a.nd place all persons inter ., vested, are notified to attend. V n3O-Ittw3t J D CRELGH, Auditor. Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety G eards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers IT would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And that every individual making such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam En;ine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreaded disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in eve!) , case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may* secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely in your own power to avoid these dis asters. All boats marked thus [*] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF LYONS, AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, 111 US K ISG UM VAL' Y, CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUNGO PARK, CICERO, MESSENGER, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE, CASPIAN, NARAGANSETT, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBUS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, OHIO MAIL, CORSAIR. OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH, EL DORADO, R 0 IV EN A , EVELINE, RARITAN, EXPIIESS.M.4I7., SARAH ANN, FORMOSA, S AR A 7'o G A. FORT PITT, SAVANNA. GALENA, ST. CHARLES, GE:` , ‘"L BROOK, ST. LOUIS. GALLANT, TALL E Y R AND, IDA, TOBACCO PLANT, LVD lAN Q UEEN. VIC TR ESS, ILLINOIS, VALLEY FORGE, J. H. 1111.1.8, VIOLA, JE IVESS, WEST WIND, JAMES ROSS. WING AND IVIXG, J. K. HENDERSON FOE SAFETY, VIVINTEIt CAMPAIGN! Brilliant CareorandtraprecelenteaSuccess ECM= THREE BIG; DOORS! FP II E proprietor t,f this well known and highly N is vorcd establishment takes great pleasure in in forming his friends and the public at large that he has now prepared at his SPLENDID SALES Room, No. 151, LIBERTY ST., _ _ THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF IVINTER CLOTHING Ever offered for sale in this city HIS STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, PILOT AND BEAVER CLOTHS, CACHMERE, SATIN AND OTHER VESTINGS, CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which can be manufactured into clothing to or der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and fash ionably designed as at any other establishment IN THE UNITED STATES. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And lane place west of the mountains can purchasers find, such a variety of goods from which to select as at the THREE BIG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stock of clething, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Sx, The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," And in following out this system he feels con fidentthat his customers and himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. HE NVOULD INVITE THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GE TLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC AND WORKINGMAN To call and examine for themselves at THE THREE DIG noons, No. 151. Liberty strtel, AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. aPoiSERVE METAL PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT._:O : I n 8 JOH N M'CLOSKEY. JUST RECEIVED and for sale by WM. THORN, e.l No. 53, Market street, 500 lbs. pure palm .soap in the bar, 600 " " " " in casks, 100 " variegatedsoap, 50 •' white Castile, (only lot in market) 100 " almond soap, in lb. casks, 50 doz. shaving soap, 10 " Glenn's rose spermacetti soap, for chapped hands and for softening the skin. The subscriber has on hand a larger assortment of the above articles than any other establishment in this city, and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs, &c. WJ . THORN, No. 53, Market street. ► pF,AS.—Received on consignment, 12 Chests Young Hyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4 " 5 " Gunpowder. by J. G. & A, GORDON, sep 13. 12 Water street Notice to Contractori. EALED proposals will be received at the office of S the Monongahela Navigation Company, nearly opposite the Post Office, until 3 o'clock P M of Satur day, th' 23d December next, for building Locks and Dams Nos 3 and 4, and for repairing Dams Nos 1 and 2; also, for building four Brick Lock Houses. Pay ments will be made monthly in specie funds. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the of fice one week precious K to the letting. J MOORHEAD, MORGAN ROBERTSON. n24-1m Jolla D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCWT, Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, IS ready to receive merchanrlize of every description on conzignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug 12—y TOYS AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT AUC- TION. AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, cornet of Wood and sth streets, on Thursday next, De cember 14th, ut 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Will be sold a large lot of French an .l German Toys. Also, fancy articles suitable for Christmas and New Years' presents. J. D. DAVIS, Auct'r. dec 8 Books at Auction T Commercial Auction Rooms. Corner of Wood and sth streets, on Saturday evening next, December 6th, at early Gas light, will be sold a valua ble collection of BookF, together with a lot of stationa ry, and fancy articles. J. D. DAVIS, dec 8 Auctioneer. ADJOURNED SALE Of a Retail Dry Goode Store, by order of Assign ecs. WILL be continued this day, Friday, December Bth at 10 o'clock A. M . agreeable to adjsurn mem, the sale of the stock of Dry Goods remaining 071 hand of Armel & Muntz, at the Store, Market Street between sth and the Diamond; the stock comprises in part: Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimcres, Figured and plain Satins and Silks, Silk Velvets, Mei blues and Alpaccas, Shawls and fancy Hdkfs. Chintzes, painted lawns. Calicoes, Nluslins, Gloves, laces, edgings, sewing silks, bur tons, Tailors trim mings, &c. D. LLOYD, Assignee. Term, Cash Current funds. J. D. DAVIS, dec 8 Auctioneer. GAS STOCK AT AUCTION ON Thursday morning,l4th inst., at 10 o'clock, will be sold by order of Assignee, at the Com mercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, 40 shares Pittsburgh Gas Stock, for cash, par Assignee's Sale of Dry Goods. T, ILL be sold by order of Assignees, on Wednes- V V day, the 6th inst. at 10 o'clock, A M., at No 92, Market street, the entire stock of Armel and Monti, remaining on hand, consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, among which are 100 pieces bleached Cloths. cassimeres, cassinets, Merinos, various colors and qualities, Kentucky jeans, Red, white and yellow Flannel., Mouselin detainee and alpacas, Dress silks and satins, Colored camhrics and paper muslins, Chintzes, calicoes and gingham., Shawls and handkerchiefs, a great variety, Linen and painted lawns. Hosiery, gloves and suspenders, Scarfs, stocks, cravats, Black, lace and green veils, Buttons, spool cotton, &c. All of which will be sold with...ut reserve. Sale to be continurd on Friday and Saturday,.Bth and 9th inst., and until all is sold. Terms, cash, currency. JOHN B. DAVIS, d 1 Auctioneer. (Gazette copy.) 17 Vl' A I.( ) x 17 ES.—Reeeived by Little Ile n t...) 10 b.11,(`- , 11 , 1frid1/ TUltpeN, in fine ,mler, direct from !Vic :noun' air's , . A. BEE LEN. ns-t I - D UEFA Lo ROB ES.- —Receis ed I, Cicero, a fresh _ILJ and full supply of all sizes of RoheA. Apply to A. BEELEN. 11 CFFAI.0 ROBES by ,ingle robe or Irak, for sale lac A. BEELEN. es—t CII !IDS. N. O. SVC; received, and ft)! A:de by J. & A GORDON. JUST RECEIVED and for sale on con,i;nment, 7 hints baron, 7 hlidq soar, Can be seen atthe store oflutob Painter& Co, ling .29 _ J. K. MOORHEAD &. Co. 20i, BAGS GREEN RIO COFFEE, fur sale kfi low, by IP.IL.MAN, JENNINGS & CO. 43, Wood street ZOAR BurrElt.-A lot of that celebrated choice family butter, put up in full bound kegs. Apply o A. I3EELEN. FREsif cliEmicALs, l'recip. Pill, Elydrg, Strychnia, Veratra, Oxide Bismuth, at the Drug Storo of JON. KIDD. nl7 . a n BALES CUBA LEAF TOBACCO, this day 'U received, and lire sale by J. G.& A. GORDON, nl5. 12 Water ctreet. FRESH DRUGS.—dust received, Quinine, Tar taric Acid. Calomel, Oxide Bismuth, Hydriode Potash. Ex't Barks, at the wholesale and retail Drug JON. KIDD, Corner 4th and Wood streets Store of nl7 130 LBS pure Balsam Copaivajust received at the drug store of JON. KIDD, n2B corner 4th and Wood streets. BUCKWHEAT Flouron hand and for gale by n 29 A G REINHART, 140, Liberty st. ST LOUIS CRACKERS —John Davis'eSt Louis water and butter crackers always on hand and for solo by ri29 JUST RECEIVED, 30 bblsbestground Camwood, at the drug store of JON. KIDD, n2B corner 4th and Wood streets. -A,rcLA NE's LUNG SYRUP, if taken in time, 1 will prevent a cough from settling on tho lungs. Delays are dangerous. Those afflicted with a slight cold had better apply in time. A fresh supply Just received at the Drag Store of JON. KIDD, nl7 Corner 9th and Wood streets. BEAR SKINS, well dressed and full haired, a suitable article for travellers' trunks. &e., for ARGAINS ! BARGAINS! ! BARGAINS !!!- 11 All sorts of clothing and wearing apparel. Please call at No. 151, Liberty strect,and sec for yourselves scp 7. J. McCLOSKEY. C RA NB ERRI ES—just received and for sale by A G REINHART, n3O 140, Liberty street 8, SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stock, at pri ti vase sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, sep 11 Corner of Weed and Fifth streets. Money Wanted. WANTED to borrow, on good security, either in endorsed notes or mortgages, on good Real Estate in town or country, worth from three to five times the amount. and 'from one, two, three to five years—sloo, $250. $5OO, $7OO, $l,OOO. $1 ,500, $2,- 000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, &c. Persons having money to lend in large or small sums, will find a full nterest, and a good security for it, on application at Harris' Agency and Intelligence Offiee, No. 3 Fifth t. nor. 28 J D DAVIS, Auctioneer A G REINHART, 140, Liberty street A. BEELEN • • ""'. 17771' STAN DART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding and commission Merchants, CLEvE.LAND, OHIO. AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFICR TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coentios Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. Deaver and Warren Packet THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,master. will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. *ryivAi•-• PPral:P -- 41 r-r 1 Si 4 3 . ARE RE DUC E D.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAOE3 AND RA IL ROAD CARS, from Pittsliurgh, via Bed ford, Chamhersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting - with the Main train ofcars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door beltsw the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. The Great Central Monte Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. i.•=7.. !TY t . tl,"" . - Z. 61 -. 1L J."12 4 - 1.3' 4 NEW LINE OF U. S. 31 AIL COACHES FOR WA3HINGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA •ND NEW YORK. THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cunibtaland, connecting hero with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice with the privilege of going through direct or taking one rtig.lit= rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela !louse. L. W. STOCKTON, feb 3--dtf. President of N. 11. Stage Co. Regular Packets, for Cincinnati. m ailL The Swiftsure, Rubinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock. a. m. . . The Cutter,Collia4,Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Montglinv•rv, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock n. rn. The Expresq, Parkinson. Nlaster, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock u. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO., Agent.. United Statcs Wagon and Rail Road Line. c-sob 420A tt., . THE subscribers have made armnoments to for ward goods din int , the winter to and from Pitts burgh, Philadelphia and Now York. C A McANULTY, Canal Basin, Liberty' Atrect, Pittsburgh. THOMAS BOBBIDGE, Agent, d4-3m 272, Market street, Philadelphia. ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, Nn. 46, Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheuks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Draft 5, notes and bills, collected. REFERENCES Win. Bell & Co. , ' John D. Dada, F. Lorenzo, J. Painter &Co.; Joseph Woodwell,. James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Brown tc.Co. James M'Candles3. Cincinnati, 0., J. R. M'poicdd. St. L•nd, M o , W. H. rope. Esq., l'us't Bank Ky. . E saca tors' Notica 111. LL rtvr,omt i:itt..ittvti to tit- estmeolThomas Cas silly, tat , of Ow city in' are requested to nit payment to either of the imilersigAeti, aiii all p..rsaa:: claims against the sane. wi;l prseitt them lit,p,rly cated to either of the Ittalor,a.zned for z wttlenitait HENRY NPC:U LLOUGII, Peebles Township, JAMES CASSILLY, Pittsburgh, JAMES BLAKELY, Pittsburgh, JAMES C CUMMINS. Pitt Township, n2s—tlst w I m Executors. Dissolution of Partnership THE Partnership heretofore existingunder the firm of DICKEY and ALE7CASDER, is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, Rept. 1, 1843. W.M.G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends and the public, thath: still continues in the Transpor tation Business, at. his ‘Varehouse, CORN ER OF LIBER TY AND WAYsS ATREETS, Canal Basin, under the name of the "Independent Portable Boat Line," where he will receive and forward freight to the East at the lowest terms sept. 4—tf. FASHIONABLE HAT AND CAP NANUPACTOUT, No. 13, Fifth street, between Market and Wood, and corner of Sixth and Grant sts I& H. WALKER feel grateful to the' • public for the liberal patronage bestow ed upon them, and beg leave to state that they are now manufacturing and have constantly on hand a very su perior article in Beaver, Russia, Neutria, and every other description of flats. Also, a variety of cloth, sealett and fur caps; all of which will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. As no part of their manufacture is done by machinery, but by the best workmen by hand. they can recommend with confidence their Hats. as be ing superior and more durable than those generally of feted to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the Eas ern Markets. I. & H. WALKER. 023-3 m. Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale. JUST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick. which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM. & CO. may 27 No. 60 Waterer. Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184, Liberty st., head of Wood CAWFIELD has removed his marble Estab P iishment to Wood at. opposite Fatinestock's D reg Store, where be will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19-Iyr Pittsburgh, Pa Philadelphia Removal. far Sale and Ltt. Valuable Land for Sale at a Bargain. Very Cheap for Ca4k.! ATRACT consisting of one hundred and forty-six acres of timber land, situated isnmediately on the Ohio river, in the State of Indiana, between Cincin nati and Louisville, a suitable location to establish a very profitable WOOD Y A RD—a great majority of the timber being beech and poplar. It is a well known fact that cordwood of this kind is always bought in pre ference to any other by steam boats. There is no poiut on the Ohio river where good wood will bring a better price. In addition to this, there is no part of the west ern rivers navigated by so many steamers—and hence the great demand for good cordwood. It is obvious that this land is more valuable on account of the tim ber, as the clearing of less than onehalf will more than pay the original cost of the land. The poplar logs Call bu very advantageously rafted to Louisville, where they have always brought a good price, and are much used for building purposes. The soil is remarkably rich—and when cleared of its valuable timber, will snit in every respect for all kinds of farming purposes. The produce of the farm, by water, is within a half of a day's reach of two of the fittest markets in the western country, namkly, Cincinnati and Louisville. Any person wishing to make a safe and productive investment, would do well to purchase the above de scribed property. For further particulars, please apply soon to the Western Real Estate Agency of - MOM' & FOSTER. In' There are several other adjoining tracts of equal sir.e, that may be bought cheap for cash. d 2 A FARM FOR SALE. A FARM of 100 acres, 12 miles from Pittsburgh, A on the Franklin Road, adjoining lands of William Cochran, Esq., will be sold on favorable terms. For further particulars apply to I'. McGA RR, n2O-Im. 149 Liberty streets FOR SALE CHEAP re, LOTS, remaining unsold, of sub-division of out lots NOS. 263 and 268 in the Reserve tract, oppo- Ake Pittsburgh, front on Sheffield st. 24 feet, running back 90 feet. These Lots will be sold a great bargain; there being only fifty dollars nn each requited in hand; the balance two, four, and six years wit'i interest. Apply at Eons & FO3TERtS, Real Estate agency, Third st. next door to the Post Office. 3d st. Building Lots in Birmingham 13 LOTS, suitable for buntline; moateliziblv sit u:fled, and within two . :les' walk of the steam ferry boat lauding, will p! • p Id at prices to suit the times. The WIITI4 of pa!, ine. . will be made easy, either for rash or such barterns can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Fen- street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR SALE—A lot of Ground on sth street, (he F tween Wood & Smithfield streets,) 30 feet front by no feet deep, on which is erected 5 tenements and stores; rents for $4ll per annum. This property offers inducements to Capitalists, it is in a business part of the City and on the leading street to the New Court House, &c., it will be disposed of a bargain. FOR SALE—Two acres of Ground, fronting on the Sandy & Beaver Canal, and adjoining the thriving town of Hanover, Columbiana County, Ohio. This property would be exchanged for property in Pittsburgh, or for Pittsburgh manufactured articles. FOR SALE—Six acres of Ground (on which is 'erected a Rope Walk, &c.) adjoining the Town of East Liverpool, Ohio. Apply to BL A KELY & MITCHELL, Smithfield Street near sth, and Penn st.. d 5 (sth Ward.) TO LET MATWO STORY brick hou , e, suitable for a . dwelling and Grocers, situate on the carnet of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given immedi atelv. Enquire of 1. JAMES MAY. New York Dyer COLE HIM ES. would respectfully infin-mhis friends and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black; and warrants them not to smut, and to look equal to new goods. lie dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleansand restores the colors of ge iitlemen'S clothing, so as to resemble new gomis. Mr. H. flatters himself that he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in New York for twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his establishment in sth it, between Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre. CERTIFICATE 'This is to certify that ()SEE HIM ES has done work for us, which ha. fully answered our expec lotions, and wo consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy. Wm. BarneA, W. B. Boice J. B. Shurtleff, Wm. Porter, David Hall. H..H.Smitll, B. F. Mann David Boies, A. Shockey, jr. Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap 20 ___ Lippincott BILUis. THE subscriberhaving purchased and thoroughly repaired these MILLS, is now manufacturing, andkill keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all the &Grett kinds of Nails, Spikes and Brades, etc.— made fro:n the bestquality of Juniata Blooms, and as soon as the necessary additions can be made to the machinery. he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 94 First street, near Wood, or at the Mils in the Fifth Ward. will be promptly attended to, JAMES AN DERSON. imp 29-3mn .10I1N LE FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DIAMOND ALLEY BETWEEN WOOD AND MARKET STREE• WOULD most respectfully announce to the citizen. I of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that 1 have commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va riety, form and description, and woul d solicit merchants and others to call and examine fur themselves, as I am determined to sell on the most accommodating term, for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m. WM. PEACOCK, M. 131.155. PEACOCK & BLISS, GREAT WESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Cutting Establishment, SMITHFIELD STREET, rtXT DOOR TO THE TEMPERANCE H ALL. WHERE all kinds of cut, plain and pressed glass of all descriptions, can be purchased at very rea sonable prices, together with a great variety of splendid cut glass, window lights for steamboat.s,ptivate houses and churches. Also, window glass, a superior arti :le, wholesale and retail. Persons wanting any of the above articles, will do well to call and examine for themselves, before purcha sing elsewhere. 13. \Vatch and Time piece Glasses always on hand. 023-3 m. Peathet s. AcSACKS Feathers just rec'd and for sale • HAILMAN,JENNINGS 4. Co. flee 4. 43 Wood st. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing under the style of Devine & .11'Anulty, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. Devine is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted fur the concern up to this date Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843. H. Devine respectfully- informs his friends and the public, that he still continues in the Transporting business, and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the •rry lowest terms. H. DEVINE. coastscrED Vaal it A. =Alloys, Eimer:an .samili. Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip Exchange Bank Scrip Currency Erie Bank Scrip Oxi Philadelphia New York.. Boston Baltimore G01d....... Silrer Bank of Pittsburgh elf Merchants and Manufacturers' bank Exchange . ...." ...... •--- pa' Do I HollitleiVelnirgh - PHILADELPHIA, Bank of North America . Do Northern Liberties par Do Pennsylvania .... . •- - -Pa? Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank ....pew Kensington hank. Par Manufacturers an d Mechanics' par Mechanics' • • . -par Moyamensing par Philadelphia bank t'a? Schuylkill ..par Southwark " Pa? IVe stern .-•-Par Bank of Penn Township par Girard bank 18 U. S. bank and branches .$d COUNTRY BANKS. Henry Javens H. DEVTNE. C. A. M'ANVLTY CORNER OF WOOD ♦ND FNMA AM SPECIE STANDARD EXCHAIIGIi-AT SIGHT. SPECIE. PENNSYLVANIA.-PITTSBURGH! Bank of Germantown ...-•••• Pot Chester county ...... ... • par " Delaware county Par " Montgomery county.... • ... ...... par " Northumberland .... Par Farmers' bank of Bucks county .... .... . . pat Easton bank Pat Doylestown bank . - Par Franklin bank of Washington 1 Bank of Chambersburgh 2 " Middletown 2 2/ " Gettysburgh " Lewistown......... .. .. .... .2 " Susquehanna county ...._. . . . . _ Berks county bank Columbia Bank and Bridge Cessupany 1/ Carlisle bank 2 Erie bank .. Farmers and Drovers' bank 2 " Bank of Lancaster lt Bank of Reading 1 Harrisburg bank 2 , Honcsdala ".... Lancaster " -11 , .2 Lancaster co. "... Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pottsville Monongahela bank of Broicnsrille Neu Hope and Delawarc Brjelge company 3 Northampton bank ....no salt Towanda bank Wyoming bank.... West Branch bank York bank OHIO. Belmont bank of Si. Clairsoille.... 1 Clinton bank of Columbus 1 Columbiana bank of New Lisbon Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) 1 ( Warren, cashier) no sale Cincinnrtibanks ..... .......... ....1 Chillicothe bank 1 Commercial bank of Lake Erie 15 Dayton bank Franklin bank of Columbus.... 1 Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville:.l Farmers' bank of Canton. 40 (icauga 1 Gransille 72 Hamilton ......... 25 Lancaster 25 Marietta _Massillon . Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati Mount Pleasant Norwalk.. Putnam... Sandusky. Scioto. ... Urbana... Wooster.. Xenia ... Zanesville INDIANA State bank and branches.. State Scrip KENTUCKY All banks ILLINOIS Stale bank Bonk of Illinois, Shawneetown 61 VIRGINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia 1 Bank of Virginia 1 Kr-acing: bank of Virginia Farmers' bank of Virginia...... .... . ....... 1 North-lVestern bank of Virginia.... . ..1 Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia I Branches.. .... ...... 1 MARYLAND. Baltimore City banks.. All other solvent 14 NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks.. .. 2 SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA Alisotrent banks. ALILAMA Mobile banks.. Coonfry banks LOUISIANA. Nem Orleans banks ( good).. .............. TENNESSEE .. •• .. .3 All banks. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD k., FIFTH STS The proprietors of the MORNING POST cad Mltt• CURT AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of 010 - 4113111•133 r3IIIOW - 311P"..711M. CaM23 UMMilLtaakel Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 111... r; I Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pa.-. 1 6 .0. lets, Bill Heads, Cards, Ilandoills, Blank Checks, Hat Tip.. 5111 Mobs of 351 auks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boit Bills, via. ayr propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terrns. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public in general in this branch of our business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS Sc SMITH. To Printers. WE have received, and will heroafter keep con stantly on hand, a full supply of Printing la, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to rf cheaper than it has heretofore been sold in this cit.. Orders from the country accompanied by he c. (ter ALL casts) will be promptly ended o. PHILLIPS & SMITH. set 10-6 OlEce of the Post sad .......pde ........s: ... i Par ..........21 ... ........120