-- - - PUBLISHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER AN.NUNI, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE VOL. 75. EDITED BY' THOMAS PHILLIPS, N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Tats.—rive dollars a year, payable in advance. Sinle copies Two Czxrs—flor sale at the counter of the Ciffwe, and by ri The Weakly Mercury and Manufacturer a pal/Halted at the game office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in udralic,:. COpiCi, SIX CENTS. _ TERMS OF ADVERTISING. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50 One mouth, . $5 00 Two du., 0 75 I Two do., 6 00 Three do., 2 00 Threedo., 7 00 One weak,. 1 50 I Four do., 2 00 Two do., 3 00 Six do., 10 00 Three do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS.' UHANGEA SLY AT PLEASURE. One Square. Two Squares. Six months, $l2 00 Six months, $23 00 One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 Or Larger advertisements in proportion. lap CARDS of foar lines Six DOLLARS a year. Public Offices, &c. City Post O,Pe, Third Intween Mtrhot and Wuod 'treed—R. .R. 'Wile, Postmaster. 0:Won Haute, 4 4 7a.r. r , 4th dear Crum Woad st.,Pe tsrson's buildings—William B. Mowry, Collector. City Treasury, Vi r ootbotwooa First and Second streets—James A. Bartram, Trca4uror. Coaity Treasary, Third street, next duor to the Cx4rch—S. R. Juhaatua, Tr,:asu rer. Mayor's Office, Fourth,lpnwee n Market and Wood ;treats—Alexander flay, Mayor. Merehant's Exchange, Fourth near Market st. Pitts3aiegk, bntw..im Market an.l IVcßid streets un Third and Fourth streets. Merchants'andManufacturers' an Farmers' De pp sit Bank, (form :rly Saving Fun-10 Fourth, between \Veo3 sal Mark?.t streets. Exceicinge, Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS. Afunongaida House, Water street, /war the B ridge. EeelvtnTe Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair. Art.rclawte Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. A Issriesnllotel,corn2rorf hirdand Smithfield. [failed States, corner of Penn st. and Canal. Spread Eagle, Lib'rty street, near Mrnsion. Ibuse, Lib2rty St., opposite Wayne. f rozliars!'s Mansion House, Penti St., opposite Canal. Impartant to Owners of Saw rams. NYDER.'s unrivalled Self Setters, fur saw mills, which have been so fully tested indifferent parts of the United States, as well as in the cities of Phis burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a nombar of mills in this neighborhood, viz: at Mr. Wick ecsham's mills, on Penn street; at Bowman & Chum :as mills, near tly: upper AlLigliony bridge, and at Marrisan's rat+, 0.1 Island, and ethers.— The alie.ve m tehine can be obtain,•,l at \V. IV. WAlla-...e's slap, 0:1 Liberty str. , et, near SI:1:01 4 1dd, where it is finis sr), aid w!lare thu ni i-bine will be k4it. oa I ' lllls. Apply to B. F. Snyder, or W. W. Wallace E vans' Chamomile Pills 411.31LAAV.1 J. CLI:MER, reg limr, at Gfi, .Mutt stren, New Vorr., was Milzeted with Dy..popsia i its to te..NI form. Tr: , sy.n.,-:t mus were vi- Mentb 1 r:b g. .e. 1:1 h:artbrri, pair i t the. chest aid ufways after c i a hired seo4a..i m of siakinr. at the sto nt a, forre.l toagg , -, nausea, with frequent vomit ivilizzires4 trwarls night awl restle isnes4. Thane o t.l c uowl.rds of a twelvemonth ; when, on es :salting Dr. WOl. E% ars, 100 Chatham greet, and nitLia4 his ever gr.7,:r...45ful uad t.re,•able mode of treator2ot, the pa' Mut was c on,,letely restored t o h-4.1.th in the short siircs of ooe lorrth, arrlg.rateful for tit iocslculable berrelit d glaTy came: forward :tad volt: Iteerad the above statement. For sale, whole, 213.1 a and retail, by It. I:. SELLERS, Agent, sfp 10-y No. '2O, Wood gra-et, below Second. P0233'41 3,arhonnl Candy. rp .S.I7L'L . has received this day front New York, .1 afresh su,iply of the abuse celebrated cure for C oa.fias, Colds and Consumptio.is; and is ready to sup p'y cu ;waters nt wh-iicsale or retail, at his Medical Agency, 26 Fourth st. nor 12 ttxr Bargains than ever, at the Thre eßig Doors. sutts_itiher would r.i:p2c;ftt:li; iirorm his cu.; tent !rs au 1 the pu!dir xonei o:at notwithstad Lila napi:ic :dented sales at the Three Big Doors d triag the present season; he has still on hand the lar gest and most varied assonant:it of elegant CLO THlNGiiiitean be bought west of the mountains.— The public may rest assured that all articles offer:ti at his store are maufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur chased calla Eastern markets this spring and made in to garments by Pitttsburgh workmen. In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty, east off gar.nants of former seasons, from the eastern ci ties, the public should be cautions to ascertain the char alter of the establishments in which they are invited to purchase, before they part with their money. The arti cles offered at several of the concerns in this city, are thb mere offals of New York and Philadelphia slop shopii, and sent out here to be palmed MI on the Pitt;- burgh public. Purchasers shot 'Abe on their guard a gainst these impositions, anti they may rely on the fact that na establishment that advertises eastern made Clo thing, can give as good an article or as Ivantageous I .pargalis as can be had at the "Three Big Doors." The public will please remember that all the subscri ber's gartnents are ma loin this city, by competent.work men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by Om "birds ofpassage" from the shreds and patches of eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors" have obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO THING in every respect, aad at prices below those of any other establishment. He would again return his thanks to his friends and the public for the unprecodented patronage bestowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase Clothing-of every description at the lowest price,to call at No. 151, litocarr Sr. JOHN '3I'CLOSKE Y. M'Obs,rve Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26 Look at This. THE attention of thoso who have been somewh.. , sceptical in reference to the numerous certih caws published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compouna Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di nscted to the following certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and i &known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr. J. KIRBY. i have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry fora Cough, with which I have been severely afflicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and ri,, ,,, rees well with my diet,—and maintains a regular nd good appetite. I can since-rely recommend it to all others similarly afflicred. J. MINN Ica, Borough of March 9, 1810. Chambersburgh. For sale by WILLIAM THORN, No. 53 'Marketstreet. (bp 23) Pitb . ..b .. urti) . 111erninit 1116,t. BANKS B. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street, nearly opposite the new Court House, next rooms to J. D. Esq.. first floor. sep 10 Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law, North F:nit corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets, Pittburgh.— sep 10—y M'CANDLESS & M'CLCRE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, :e i i tea• D;amorel, back of the old Court House, stsp 10 l'ittsbergh. Francis IL Shnnk, Attorney at Law, Fourth street, above Wood, sep 10—ly Pittiburgh, Pa Thomas Hamilton, Att , rn-v at Law Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., sep 10—y Pittsburgh, Pa. 'm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law, Office on the North side of the Diamond, between Mar ket and Union streets, up stairs sap 10 A. L Dusboraw, Attorney at Law, Tenders his professional services to the public. Office sep 10 on sth st., above Wood. Pitt shurgh. Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,' shady side of 4 th, between Market and Wood sts., sap 10 Pittsburgh N. auckmaster, Attorney at Law, Has removed hisoffice u, Bearer' Iri Beilding,:, •lt! st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sepl 0 George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, o.rice in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittiburgli Sep 27—y Reade Washington, Attorney at Law, Office Bakewell's building, Grant street, Pi ttsburg,ll nov 3, 184 John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Office corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets, Pittsburg:lh Le - Collections made. All business entrusted to his care \yin be promptly attended to. feb 16—v Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opplsite Burkr'i f7e"Wii.T.tAst E. AUSTIN', Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I reconm .nd him to the patronage of mp friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law, o:fico on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield npt Pittsbi Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on tim corner of Fourth mid Smithfield streets, inp 10 Pit t4hurzli. --- Judson & Flanogin, Attornoys at Law, Smithfield, tw.tar th street. C.... 1, mad, cm 111.1. crate tenni. l'ensions fornid•nv; old .mllier: unit, the late tact of Conr,ress ohtaiwd. l'aperi and dr ,w -for thr patent office proptin - sd. mar 17—v ll3ary S. Magraw,Attornoy at Law, 11a4 non office to hi, r na Fourth it t a'tavo _ _ J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law. 0.14'0 ( . Irner Smithflrld and Third .tn• , • • <. PI! t , I , L/1%:11 11IV 25—v L. Harper, Attorney and Conn.sellor at Law, c A D z, rIARRISON CiJUNTY, OH t) Will attend promptly to the collection or 4t-enrity of c',“im , :mel all profeisionallmsin”,,, earrm,trd to hi; ca 11' in tltccnuutics of IhrriAon, .1r41,m,:0n, Belmont, G ot•ro- Tmtrarawa=, Ilufmes, Co4mmon, Carroll, stark and Wuynm lt.Ermt To Metcalf Drtl:ell ; S r • F e ie:nin 7, John .H, pr, i t _ . I).T. Morgan, my 27,18 13—tf R. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth st mei, between ICund and Smithfield, Pittsburch. seplo—tf Magistrate's Blanks, For proiwiline, in attachment under the late law, for sale at this office. jv 25 Dr. S. U. Holmes, (Mice in Seennd strict, next door to :11111V:111V Warrhon. :4'o I 0-v Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office on Smithfield street, third door From the corner of sixth street Ward & Hunt, Dentists, Liberty street, a few door., below St. Cl a i r , 31)6,1813 Doctor Daniel McMeal, Officit on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburg-h. der 10—y lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTTON YARN WAREHOUSE, No. 43, Wood ,"s7rrtt, Agonb; for the sale of the E3gle Cotton Factory Yarns mar 17—v WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS JOHN S. DILWORTH Williams & Dilworth, Wholettle Grum-A, Produce and Commis,ion M chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Mleufactured A tiele4, Nn. 29. Wood street. gcr " — Y r NEW GOODS.—PREsTox & mAcK Ey, IT and Retail Dealers in English, French and Domestic Dry Goods, No. f.;1 0 Market street,rittAelrgh. 4 k p 1 0 -., .1. G. & A. GORDON, Comiaission and Forwarding Merchants, Water street, Pittsburgh. se 10-v _ _ _ BIRMINGHAM & Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 60, Water fitreet, Pittsburgh, Pu• I: 7 FTEams.—Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per 100 lbs. Commission on purchases and sales, per cent mar 22—v Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hu ghee, Manufacturer of Iron and Nail"; Warehouse, No. '25, Wood st., Pittsburgh sep 10—y HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Merchants, And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. mar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pittsburt JOHNSON & DUVAL, Bookbinders and Paper filers, Continue business at the stand late Of At'Candless Johnson. Every description of work in their line next• ly andpromptly executed. may B—y NICHOLAS D. COLEMAN LLOYD R. COLEMAN. Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merekants, Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so licit consignments. n 22—ti cSI3URGH, SATURDAY, LEMUEL WICK L. & J. D. WICK, Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, Short Rot/ Yarn. 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st., • No. 5 at 15 ctsperlb may 15 Pittsburgh, l'a. 6at 15 do 7 at 15 do 8 at 15 do 9 at 15 do 10 at 15 do 11 at 15 do 12 at 15 Jo 13 u.t. 16 do 14 at 17 do 15 at 18 do 16 at 19 do 17 at 20 do 18 ut 21 du • 19 ut 22 do 20 at 23 do Orders promptly Painter's,Logan&Ken;l f 27 J. Birmingham & Co., AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND, AND CLEVELAND LINE. 41 March 22. John B. Brant, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and CUM mission Me rcha nt, liarrisburch, Pa. 11.1. dispose °fall goods sent for Commission Sales at the lowest clinmission rates. REFERENCES: Phila .—J. &W. Esher, Day &Get rich, D. Leech &Cr, Baliimore—W .Witin &co. Willaonk. lierr.J. E. Elder Harrisburgh—Alich'lßurlie,ll.Antes,J M. Holdup:tn. jilt JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers No. 37, Market ctreet. sep 10 THOMAS B. YOUNG FItANCIS L. YouNG Thos. B. Young & Co. Furmiture Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex change atley. Persons wishing, to purchase furniture, will find it to their advantage to git e us a call, being ful ly satisfied that we can please as to quality and price. sep l 0 R. C. TOWNSF:ND & CO., Wiro Workers and Wire Manufacturers, No. 23, .Market it L eer, between 2(laad 31 streeti, t;,. 1 , i1)--y Exchange Hetcl, Corner of Penn and Saint Clair streets, by f.ep 10 McKIBBIN & SMITI Pilkington's Unrivalled Blacking, 1 : 1 - AN I.7FACTURED and :old wholesale and r.•tuil 11 SIXTH STREET, ono door below Smithfield. oct James Patterson, jr., Birmingham, near PittAiurgh, Pa., mannt'a rimer u luck., hinge,: and bmlt.; tohareo, fuller, mill and timber C W : hnti , en =err-w+ for rolling mills, &e. cep 10—v John DTCloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Libertygtreet, between Sixth street and Virgin alley, South side. sep 10 _ . . Webb Closey's Boot and Shoo Manufactory, No. 83,.1/it st., next door to the C. S. Bank. Ludiei prunella. kid and > tin .h«•e nt,,de in the ileateAt ni:unier, and he the iit•zite-t French putterni. !tep 10 William behorty, 411 A T AND CAP MANUFACTURER. 148 Li!..•rty rtl , t•r, iwitVel.ll Mark,•t Oa/ and IG-frim. John Cartwright, CUTLER and Sur : zical 111-troment Manuracturer, corner nititli and I.ihert. Pitt.hurg, Pa. N. 13.--Always on hand all extelod‘l• a ,,, rtm.•nt ur Surgical and Dental it:oritne:.t., Hatter's, Hair Dre-ser'.. alai Tanner'm Saddler's Teods, Je 21. Oak and Poplar Lumber for Salo. VLE%W tho:l, , ruul loot of ~ , ,,,onott 1111 c an d urnb,r, for s.advb : , C. Cummins, • •.21. Dr.tioo 4 Celebrate" Female Pills. T 1 1 11E, 4 1: Pill- an- or riCy no - oirnzvo”ll.cl t r thi 1 nwico of a , Lt;' :tI i:1 runlo% tho,t• comphlit,t: r,• n r) wa n t of t—.Prriso,or:enrra!4l,•l,-ili , ,‘ of the \ That obciau CO , !iV,rIP ,, . a"I ai l . I: , rir-.l.tnd sanc tion:l7:d appn•bation ." , r riloSi ,1111 1 1, 111111y+1 , 7•111. in thf . 1:111tetl and Moth,r4. For g...11e and Rrtriii.i.y H. E.SEI.I.I:I(S-1:: , •nt. 511, 10 N.. 20, \\'”.,:i Notice to Dr. Droadreth's Agent: rrl 11l uffice in ritt.omrol, .1 the purpo4e of con.titutinz 37..1111 io tile tvi.nt, ha, acconipli , lied that oojert, is _Mr. G. 11. 1.I:1.;, th, Diamond, .Nlarket stmet,:ip pointed toy anent for the .ale oCmy fill. and tnentA. All I tr. I:rnadreth'i -izont,, will, th,rtfort.,iin derstrind th•tt Dr. 11. will 'wind a trarellinz agent throughtbe coointry once in year to collect monie. f., r sales made and re supply a7.ent , . The lid traveller will be provident with power of attorney, duly proud before the Clerk of the city and county or New York, tozether with 111 the liece ,, ary voncherA find prtperg. r J ..T. my travelinz iiiront now in l',lmsyl vania. 1111ANDRETII, NI. D. ~ . . N. 11.—Retnember, )Ir. (4. H. I,F:E, in the rear the Market now me only agent in l'itt.:l•tirgh. junr. 14 Jlaving been afflicted for nearly two year,,, with a 11 hard it elling, on the cap of my knee, whioh produced much pain, and used various applications recommended In• the fitculty—Ml in vain, was cured completely by the the of one bottle of Dr. Br adreth's ligament, or e:.,ternal n•rned v. lyillleSS lily il:111d, Ohio tp., .111..g - licny co. Pa. Jan. 10.1840 Dr. 13randroth's external remedy or linament; sold at the store of GEORGE 11. LEE, Pittsburgh, price 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. Dr. Beater's Pulmonary Preservative. Fort colds, iniluenzag, catarrh,, whoopin 2 . rough, ,Ipittint; of blood, pain in the brea:4,t, all diseases of the bremt and hui,y , iindarrez4t olapproach ingco:comtption. Warranted free from mercury and other miner:ll4. B. A. FAIINESTOCH S. CO., jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh. William C. Wall, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Mannfarturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CANV ASS brusbes,varnish, &c., for artiste, always on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly flip med to order. Repairing done at the shortest nut ire. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing II every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houses will lind it t( their advantage to call. sop 10-y SAMUEL MORROW, Mannfiictnrer of Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Ware No. 17 Pifth Street, between Wood and Markel, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share ofpnblic patronage. A Iso, on hand, the followingarticles: shovels, pokers,tongs, gridirons, skillets,tettkettles,pots, ovens, cotfee mills, iSz.c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for hemselves, ns he is determined to sell cheap forcash nr approved paper. mar 7—tf PORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d sterjr Burk's Buil ding:. J. Osborne would solicit a callfrom those who desire Portraits .Spcimens can be reenslgls r ooms may 5. A. G. Ileinhut, (SUCCESSOR TO LLOYD & CO.) Wholesalr and Retail Grocer and CommiltBl:o7thfer- No. 140, Liberty st., a few doors above St. Clair, LrWr'Where families and others can at all times be fainished with good Goods at moderate prices. n3O Jou:i D. \Vic x. I Cheap for Cash.--1 PRICE Facts. JAMES TAYLOR DECEMBER 9, 1843. PITTSBURGH Circulating and Reference Library. CIF religious, historical, political and miscellaneous works, will be open oYery day, Sabbath except ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in the Ex change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex change alley, where punctual attendance will be eiven by J. GEMMIL. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages, At Eastern Prices. THE subscribers mamifacture and keep constant ly on ham! Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. JONES & COLEMAN. sup 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. r. E N CLOTIIIN Cheaper and better than can be had at any other place west ,f the mottnterins. Call for Bargains AT TILE THREE BIG DOORS, a. 151, LiLc Hy ntartiv Jacksou Folio:dry. THE suin=criber wou:d respectfully inform his friends and the public, that his fall stock of Goods compri ses a larger and more varied assortment than has ever been opened at any house in this city,and from the favorable terms at which his purchases were made, he i.enabled to sell clothin g ch ca p er t h an i t can he had in any other establishment in this city. He would request the public to call and examine his spiel). did assortment of all the articles of dress, and from the excellence of the material, the style of workman ship ;ja i l Ow Very low price at which all his articles are sold, he feels confident that every one will find it to their advantage tin purchase at the — Thar Big Door,'' As none but the beat ( - utters and workmen are ein plnved, orders to maliechnlning will be attended to in a manner not ,In-passed by a-r% ertlrr•r establishment the city. Ift. w.vdtl at..iti rotiiril his thank.: to the l.uhlir for Co • iiitproccileriti-il patrontiv. olio!' i•-talili;lirnorit, that th.i v h as , found it to thoir a l iititaLii• t.. di.al u itli hits, Itc N rispeat to ail thus who wish to purclwe Chithin, ff of ( ~,i - v .1•.,, e 1 iv! I pt ire, to (.411 at No. 151. I,iiii•rty t. .1011 N M'CUISK rePcni s e r s,• plat, pavrtileflt. 01341 Iron Saks itt:t,l.l:(..l'ur 1.1.1 inf.,:at I , ,,t,tic that I have ab.l {seep alc, • it a.: 1 /1 biro I 5 , 16‘.. pricc. io l urnee of the I71:1- ' and much lower, i. reduce,' about thirty percent. Ther are kept F ut ,al e a t my .bolt, iu 11 , Nt to the chur c h un the corol•l tf title till J mu . s Co., WI Fleminz• In r , t.rard to the (pal ity of my +ale: I leave f1y..., p..r...in4 who have pur chte.c.l and will purehase in -life., to atte,t the util ity of them. 1 .10,i re t,.) , iew , s ciper un my i - cife.; mi.! truth Ncurrurit me iu informing. the publi c that all my safes whichhll.e cum biiildinvi burnt down fur .eyrie Neat: ,ince I commenced pant pre. sec,. 3all the piper:, hock., Scc., which they contain ...l. I have a earl contniniag a number of certificate.; of the 4:1111C, which tire in circulation and in my hands ir.Al die ny,ente.. JOID; DENNiNG. N. B. few p ~t -i•1 Springs for soda, made by !ow, & Coleman, um! wilt be sold low. Also, a screw prf`44, with power to put!h bole; in half inch iron. sep `2o—tf Improved Magnesia Safes. MANI:Y.IC 11:111:1) BY INSTABLE S.; BURKE, Fefth Street. behrern and Smithfield 11 1 1E ' , lli:el-Peers pre..eme their respects to their 11U -11111."111 friends for thoir former liberal patron age, and would take this method ofmssuring them and the pvhlir L',ellt rnlh that all future favors will be duly appree•iitted. 'fin•ir articles have been fully tested, of which sufficient testimony will be riven to nny inquirer. The principle, of their locks and ,afes are nut sw imssed in the Union. The price also is i onsiderubly lessened, and will be found aglow, it not lwlow any other responsible house in the Union. We would take this oppnrtanity of thanki:.g the va rious Editors of this city and ("NOW here, who have spul,e•n so highly of us and our safes. The public are respectfully invited to examine our articles berme purchasing elsewhere, feeling - assured the superiority of our manufactum will be apparent to all candid spectators. N. CONSTABLE & E. BURKE _ - N. B. Saf•s ran he olitiiinvil of any size or shape, or of any principle of lock or construction, of the sub scribers, wof S. Church, Socund street, Pittsburgh, Pa. n2o—tf Beware of a Settled Cough! TAR. M' LAN ES Sudorific Lung Syrup, being a safe and eflectiod remedy for Cougs, Catarrhal Fever, Influenza, Plettrasy, the first of forming stages of Con sumption, Asthma, Whooping Cough, &c. Some do zen of certificates of its valuable effects can be pro duced. one of which is now offered, This is to certify, that 1 had a very severe Cough all last winter, and was very much reduced. After trying medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to procure a bottle of Dr. 211 Tune's Luog Syrup; it gave me relief immediately, and in two weeks 1 was able to go out, and fully believe it to he one of the most valuable med icines now befine the public, for Cough and breast COM plaints. ELIZABETH MORRIS. [TPA fresh supply ofthis valuable Cough medicine just received at the Drug store of J. KIDD, oct 7 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth sts O. A. NIcANULTY, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Canal Basin,corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh. Agent United States PortableßoatLine. Sept 4-3 m. nion Cotton Factory mama Long Reel Yarn. 500 at 1i cents per dozen 600 at 74 do 700 at 6A do 800 at 54 do 900 at 5 do 1000 at 5 do Candlewick at 15 cents per lb. Corn. Batting, 8 do ,Family do., 14 do Carpet Chain, 20 do Cotton Twine, 20 do Stocking Yarn and Cover let Yarn always on hand. Cotton Warps made to or ler. attcrdt•d to, if left at J C. C. c',ly's,ot. the Post Office:add ress K. _MOORHEAD & CO. Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker, Lale the irm v . Young 31' Curd •c u q Q'i t n x7 „m. o i t n .n ß F l! lr it :t I •L n d in S '- ' 1 , 1 ;7): ( 1 1 strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as sortznent. of well rm.& FURNIT[RE, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the , patronage oft be public. EYery attention willbepaid to furnishin,,e COFFINS, &c. A Furniture: Car for hire. July 11 -- JOHN McFAR LAND, I %Upholitcrer ant Cabinet Maker ,E Third sr., between Wood and Markel, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, buceaus, chairs, tabb•s, bodsteads, stands, hair and spring mattrasses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made ill the city, and on reasonable termA. sep 10 Matthew Jones. Harbor and Hair Dresser, Has rcrnoved to Fourth street, opposite the :layer's of fice, where lie will he happy to wait upon permanent or transient customer, lie solicits a share of public pa.. sep 10. The subscriber having returned from the East with the latest style of Flats, has now on hand and will con stantly keep a large assortment of his owa Manufac ture, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap ness, cannot be surpassed, and would respectfully in vite hi, friends and the public to examine his stock of Hats and Caps, at the Manufactory, N 0.73. Wood st. Sep 9-3 m WILLIAM DOUGLAS. __— NEW FASHIONABLE Hat and Cap Manufactory. fla No. 93 IVood street, 3 doors below Diamond Alley PHI; subscriber will keep constantly on hand every 1. variety of the most fashionable H ATS and C APS, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Persons wishingto purchase will find itto theirinte rest to gi him a call. S. MOORE. Pittsburgh, aug. 29,1843. G RINDING AND POLISHING Sad Irons ground and polished. anvils and clay kinds of grinding done at the Cast Steel File Manufactory, cur tier of Liberty and O'Hara streets. aug 18 To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. THE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city anci vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and j having furnished himself with the best French and American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business. I'. KERRIGAN. may 11. William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty Bt. opposite the head of Sraithfield. IThe subscriber having bought out the® stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. sep 10—y WTI. ADAIR. David Clark, Agot, jFASHIONB LE BOOT MAKER, has removed to No. 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his con stant personal attention to business, he trusts that he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. sep 10 Peach Treer. eh THE subscriber has just received from the Nur •cry of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choit•est variety of peach trees, to which he would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN. Lawny St. head of %%rot.). WEST ;RN EXCHANGE COFFEE No. 9, M.l RX P.T STIT ET, Pittshur::h. 11 Si .ither n • freshments,vitill he served up `in;• - 00 , 1 ord,r. Namel): Oyster. raw,fried,stewed, and on dia.:in....U.lle, A1,0.1N T SHE I. nt the,tand, or ni a. ion 1: Ow S:ltliCk`iit,y advan ced for (hell n'On-i/irlat 1101. FI f: PIO 0 1 . If r. r , .it is determined that this esta!ilish meat (which i< the ovster depot) shall maintain r,Tinmiou for ow ;:,,o,f quality of his ALE, LI QI7ORS, .1(; ' US. unit Fuel' refrushments as travel riti7l•ll , ni iv require. net 13-6 m. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Arr:NtNDE R M'crimr, odd a'a r" luung. 4..1TC ns-del, _Va. 43, Se- Alrert, tetwern 11 - and and Mot kct, ESP Et: TIT L 1.1" inform, the friend: of the late 1,, firm, and the pahlie zenerally, that he ht red to fill all onb'rs for Cabinet it irk, of any hind, with all po:ible d , .Tatch, and warranted to be equal to any itt the city. liven' attentii;li will be furniAlitif COFFINS , whim' nittiruti. File Manufactory. r sabsrcilter having 0, 1111Tle!Wed the 111:,- - tun , of Cast Steel File:, from American materials exelusively, ince•lNints ot tabor persons wanting ran be :upplied Ls hint with a better article than the forvi gn , and of lawer prices. Intending to use only the best quality of File Steel. manufactured by the :Messrs. Stior Whieh is now brought to a perf•ction equal to the best English article, manufactured fertile MUM, pUrpo,e, the subscriber has full confidence that he will he tile, in quality of articles and prices, to realize the best hopes of the friends of American Industry. GEOrliriE ROTHERY, Corner of WI lard & Liberty sts. .I‘ FALL FASHION HATS AND CAPS. Pll ICE, TWO Daguerreotype Miniature Portraits, Attire corner of Markel and 511 c sts. T H E subscriber would most respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsben 6 n and that they have opened rooms at the above men tioned place, over the store of Messrs Lloyd & Cu, and are new prepared to take Miniatures by this beau tiful nrt, in a style heretofore unsurpassed. By the combination of a quick and powerful apparatus, and an entirely new mode of operating, they are enabled to produce pictures of a surprising accuracy arid beauty, combining entire durability of impression, clear and distinct expression, perfect delineation, and last, tho' not least, the color of the face and dress. The color ing of Photographic Pictures, forms n new era in the art, as it enables us to combine with accu ncy of nature the advantages of art. The undersigned do not wish, nor is it their intention to deceive the public by promi scs, which they cannot fulfil, for they depend solely on the character ef their pictures for patronage. Citizens and strangers, one and all, are invited to call and ex amine specimens. B.7—Complete sets of the•improccd potent ap paratus furnished an the most reasonable terms.— Plates. Cases, Frames, Chemicals. and everg thing connected fcith the business, at the lowest cash pri z ,Nt EMERSON & CC). ces. d2—Cm Dissolution of Copartnership. • T HE copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in this city, under the firm of Lloyd & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent; A G Reinhart having purchased the entire interest of S. Lloyd, jr. in the concern. All persons indebted to the lute finn will make pay ment to A G Reinhart, who will continue the Grocery Business at the old stand, and who alone is anthorized to collect thedebts due the concern and receipt for same. Those also having claims against_ the late firm will please present them to A G Reinhart for settlement. Pittshurgh, Nov. 7, 1843. (signed) S. LLOYD, jr., A G REINHART. In retiring from the above 8. m of Lloyd & Co., I would cheerfully recommend to toy former friends and customers, my lute partner and successm.• Mr A G Reinhart, who continues the Grocery Business at the old stand, 140, Liberty street. (signed) n 29 S. LLOYD, jr. Hops. 5 BALES new Hops. in store and for sale by HAIL:IIAN, JENNINGS &Co. ri , .e 4. 43 Wood st. Tobacco. 1 0 KEGS Ky. Tu',.acco, in store and fur stile low to close r.onsig-nrnent , by HAILMAN,ANNINGS &Co. 43 Wood St Dir.PaulEznile Theveau HAs the honor to iufurm the public that during his. sojourn in Pittthburgh ha will give LESSONS IN TIIE SPANISH, FRENCH AND LATIN LANGUAGES From his having made the Spanish lantuagn the sole of of his study during a residence of two years in Havana, there is reason to suppose that he has ac uired a tux.4.l knowledge of their language, the easiest n and most harmonious of all modern languages. Of his competency to teach French there can he no doubt, from the fact of his having been a clerk in a Notary in Paris, where he has studied law. What Mr Theveau here states he can prove by the Urdu/mance of the King of France anti by letters from the Minister of the Nam Mr "f ta!%eau can be seen every day from I'2 to 1 P M, at Mr Fichei.ioo's house ? Market street, behind the old court house. 1.29-1 m FOR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Steam Engines. ISE is :20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 11l let stroke, n ill be sold with or without boilers. The other engine is 12 horse power, 74 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 22 feet long. 30 incite* in diameten. These engines are made of the best ma terinds and inn the most substantial manner, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They (-an be seen at the ‘rarehouse of the subscriber at any time nB—tf 11. DEVINE. C. States Line. ,TENNINGS & CO., 43, WOOD STREET, p-AVE in store and are recei. 1 125 bags Rio Coffee, part strong and green, 50 ' 11 and G P Teas, 25 boxes Russel & Rubinsn's S's Tobacco, 10 " Bolton's S's " 10 " Thompsiin's " 5 " Robinson's " 10 " 12's " 5 "snperi rpuur d lump .1 100 " frt Malaga Bunch Ruisins, 2000 Luaf Sugar, ` l O tmxm , Nu] and 2 mustard, 50 " Nu 4 chumtlate, " ground pepper, 10 kez3 " ginger, 5 " •• umpire, 5 lioNe: cocoa, 5 Rice flour, 2000 lbs Oak Tanned Sole Leather, 1000 yards t.w linen, 5 bale= hops, .111 of which they infer, with a general assortment of groceries, dye .tuts and Pittsburgh manufactur, g0,.d., cm liberal term,.. a 17 M. Etiot.e. J. }} EKuB FOSTER. EGOL & FOSTER, Western Real Estate Agency, Phitd st., next door to the Post O;fice, Pittsburgh, Pa. t„styAgeney for the purchase and sak of Real Es ate, Stuck'., negotiating of Loans, and Collections. They will also attend to the selliug of pig metal for )wners at a distance. Letters, post paid, will meet with immediate aucti on. Terms moderate. The be, , t of teferenees given a application at the office. d 2 r 1111 E Committee of Councils appointed to exam, 1 in' the city aocounts, will commence their sea :ion at the Mayor's Ottlice, on Monday evening, De cember:Ala. at Gi o'clock, at which time Collectors and others ha: frig arcAtunta with the city will plena° attend. JOHN SHIPTON,Ch'n. 41-2 w (Gazette copy.) REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING, &c. &c. T HE undersiped, having associated themselves fur the transaction of ull business relative to Real Estate, will henceforth attend to the purchase and sal: as well as renting of city and country property, collect ing rents, &c. &c. The senior member of the firm having had much e perience, and being extensively known as an agent of Real Estate, they hope to receive a liberal Shan, .1 . public patronage. Fur the accommodation oft-e 1 .. lic, there will be two offices, where business ceived; at the Real Estate Agency of James Bla' Penn st., sth Ward, and at the Law office of Jo. Mitchell, S. W. side of Smithfield, (near 56.) ar of which, persons wishing to have instruments ling, legally and neatly executed, titles desirous to purchase or dispose of Real apply. J. J. Mitchell will continue to atter.,! duties of his prossion, as heretofore. JAMES BLAKELY. JOHN J. M1TC111.1...... dec 4-daw6m DEAR SKlNS,dre:Aed and undressed. eel and for sale by A. Pi.! 05—tf EN TS.