41 tItr*'' 114..:: "II OW A R.O if (P,, Jiansfaclitriro of frail 1 , ~Xp. 18, Wood Street, PittSbitrzli, Pe.- -.• • mars on band an extetrihre arsortosent. of Sat It ittti7•xl and plaid rdirget IV Glll o lG)3...lfele.gt . !and I Borders, of the latest, style_ and handsome ft-kr-papering halliyikatloss and chnitabers._. manufacture and have -on hand at all lima— ding, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Pancr,Bon. z net an 2 1 Falters' Boards—at, of:which theyoffer for We on the mast Accommodating terms; and to which they —invite the attentien of merchants and oilier'. ALSO—Blank Bonita ofaii klnd3 and the boatquality, Stlool Rook!, ete. always on band and for sale as above N. II Raps( nd Tneners'Seraris' taken In exchange. 42) Ellova —Tne undersigned hegsteave w Inform the public, that he has removed from his old stand, t to the corm.r of Penn and St. Clair sts., oppiasite the El change fLitel,w here hehas fitted tip a large l'imso PORTZ WART Roos, and now Offers for sale the most splendid iassortisieut of PIANOS ever offered in this market. hi, pianos consist of dhferent patterns, of superior Rdse Wood and Malto4any, beautifully tinisind and ruo. dried ads ennstrneted throughout of the very hest inn .tariats, :)Ich, for durahility,and quality atone, as well : 0::‘, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen korl. Ai he has enlarged his manufactory, end made arrange. mc ei ti to supply the increasing demand for this instru ni.....t, be respectfully requests those intending to put. cup.. to call and.:xitnine his asiortinent before purcha. altigmblewleire. at. he is determined to sell LOWZR, for Caliilllao any other estabitshment east ur west of the F. BLUME, Carnerof Penn and St. Clair streets, sap 10 OpioUtti the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Til inAuP'olith tiler has Just received from Philadelpu taunt 2: - tyx,„,.Vork, with a eeneral an .l extensive assort ., ment DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFM:WEE I', and _fiery at Lid in his line of business,mbich hen deter. 'Wiled tole!! on the most reasonable t-rins 'or cash.— 'lra it-bet:ea he can surer stronger inducements than any eGuiia•establishment in this city to country Physicians "Ittid Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with 'Drugs and Medicines. His articles have been 'elected with the utmost care, and arc warranted of the best qual ity and uniform strength. Orders will be filled with ac cara,ty and elegance. Naafi. a can he supplied with Fine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable varimy, and of most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetics of every description. 'rue undersigned returns his thanks for the liberal sup: . "po,t beret ifore extended to him, and hopes by a constant . disposition to please and accommodate—a care in pro curing and selling only what is excellent and genuine—a clone supervision of the sales andiransaction of the estah lisliment—precant ion and accuracy in rompoundi med. eines—and by industry and perseverance. to meri n ine ream of public pal ronage La I what makes your teeth !to unusually white? booth Josh's dulcinia to him Cother night, To make yours look so, with a grin, replied Toth, I vebrought youa bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, ' Ps the best now in use, so thegentlefolks say, And since they have tried thin cast all others away But to proveit the beat; to make tile teeth shine. Look again, my dear eat, at the lustre of mine. Then try this great tooth wash, The Tcaberry tooth wash, And see If this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. Having tried Dr."Thorit's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' andbecome acquainted with the Ingredients of its compo ration, I cheerfully soy, I consider It one of the safest, as It is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wasl.es now In use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's "Pea Berry Tooth Wash," trzt it is one of the best den trilices in use. Being In a liquid form, it combines neat• ness with convenience. While It cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yet& a fragranee peculiarly desira'ile. J. P. T I Blt P.TTS. M. D. The undersigned have used "Tho-n's Compound Tea Herry Tooth Wash,"and have found It to he an extreme. ly plat dentifrice, exercising a 1110 A salutary influ. engem r the Teeth and Guinq; preserving those Mdis itecsable members from premature decay. previewing the aecuilwiatiun of Tartar, and purif) nag the Breath. Bay. lag thoroughly tested Its virtues, we. take pleasure In re. corotnendb; It to the public., believing it to be the best ar ticle of the kind now in use. R OB i:RTSalff, JANES P JACK, ROB'T El PEEBLES, CHAS B .eCtILLY, C DARRAGH, J if JkIUORHEAD II 4 R IMO WALT, Prepared and sold ley WILLIAM THORN. A potheco . -(1 Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and qt principa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical it gen F.,orth street. sep P 110 1 7 :111 A 4.S.—Thei!visa large class of Femmes in ibis Citr who from their continuedsittlng, to which their occupations oblige thern e areaffected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the leas, ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head; intolerance of light and sound .an inability of tiliNtre attention to any mental operations; rumbling iffliei - els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, espatSally after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield a, &ice to a few dosesof the Bra ndreth Pills The occa. iional ore of- this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years ars of offering, Doe, or two, or even t lire.- or Jteßrandreth Pillsiust before dinner, arc ofen found highly beneficial; unsay use theovvery advantageously in this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, Impart clear. nem; to thecon3plexioa, purify the blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. B•audreth's Office. in the Diamond Pittsburgh—Price 25 cent.; per box. with full directions. MARK—Theoniy place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pllla can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of Ace, Diamond. Sep. 10 - Dr. Leidy's Tetter & Itch Ointment. Jolt the curcoferety variety of TETTER , the ITCH, and all rilsea , es of the Skin, proved itself more sifficaeioustlian any other preparation for lie 84111 C pur. pose In use. ilpwards °Clive hundred certificates alight beprortirrd and . published of its elleacy from School Teachers, Pro. prielors of Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses, Captains of vessels and others, were it not for the deli rimy inthaving,their names published in connection with oiucli disagreeable affections, By the use of Dr Leidy's 'Fetter Ointment in corju nc elan with his extract of Sarsitpnritta or Blood Pills, he willguarantee to cure any disease 43ommun to the skin, howeiger bid, or of however long standing, or refund the money, 'Mitre are-bowever se' y few instances hut can bemired by the'Ointotent alone. Pries -3. i centre Bog. Prepared only andsold wholesale and retail at Dr L.•i dies Health EaupottSal,l9l N. Second at. Philadelphia. and try B. d. AMNES7'OCK Ar Co. corner of Wood and Rath streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12. PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU FACTORY. fliflEsubscriber would reepeel fu Ily. In forte . he oh izena 1. of PittsSargh, Allegheny and their vicirities, that he Gas c.nomenced manufacturing the article of Lard 0! and (findles. He intends making bat one quality, whirl, wiH etinni the hest Made in the Union and not surpassed by the best winter strained sperm oil either for meadow . ) or kessint, withal'''. Na offensive properties, and one third cbesper. TRIO Jcsovr, IS WARRANTED TO BURN IN ANT TEMPERATURE. The her wishes to Impress distinctly as the public spied that it Is not necessary to parches. any new (angled lamps that aredaily palmed spas them as being requisite to burn the lard 01l In. Persons whiltiey, a pure and brilliant light can obtain 'thy ulna at the old slana,3d street, nearly apposite the Post Mae U. C EDBY. Tbetatteatioa of Whoiemle dcalena.Callenhea and Ina: chisisla 'sweet fully soheiied, . • N. 'll6—All Os . lbarrels will Lear the tutietifacturir Jan 2; 1343 aft WILLIAM THORN WMM'CANDLESS JAS S CRAFT. L S JOHNS - _ • . - • . . . _ - MIIVIDtr EtW/bERPRIZE. • UNITED STATES" PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For like Transportation of Aftrchandizc and Prodlic Between PITTSBURG II AND PHI LimEL 'MA AND FITTSBUROII AND BALTIMORE'. NE W YORK AND BOSTON. LIIIEVINE respectfully inform I he public that they • have completed their nrrangementsfw the above Line on INDIVIDUAT. AND INDETENDBST rniscinEs. The public has twig wished for I ricilvidimi coitirn•l it ion In Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can he freed Irmo tinneceadary expensea and reduced Injuries:est rates; that wish will now be realized; the Slate of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks oil her hail (loads. holly idlua,s uuvnhCß Portable Roats are enabled to bid Car the Carrying Trade and nieces:4llv to cow• pete with companies. Tills lino is compotted of Twenty new, r'our Section Pw'able Bolig, owned by the C:tptaini who command 'ltem and well t. u own at en. erprisitig, Industrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages Of 'lie Portable Boar over every other mode 4T , a nspw tation.. are too well known ter ahippers generally. to require comment; suf• flee it to say, t hat the detention, lotte,erparalio* c.d dam aft to Goods,itivarialtly attending three 'rectos 4ipmente between Pittsburgh and Pltiatlelphia are by the Portable Boat roost elfeetitally removed. The Portable Boat ptsseQses the veal odvantav ton, of !wing well ventilated and cool la Summer; which pre. vatils Flom?' from souring, and Baron and "Fobaceu from sweating. Devine, stamilez as 1w doe., he. ween the owners of goods:i lid the Iloatinen who carry thrill, and en:tally intrrrst;•A in Karelia:, the Interests of both, will eels he no pralines to rite imbue he will not faithfully perform. Ile is now prepared to receive and forward Prodive to Philadelphia, Baltimore. New York, and ftostnii in th e shortest time, and pledtm's lavel to enter into no cow. lanai ion with Other Lines,bot always toned ready loran y out the itriociplesof his Line, and contract for freight On the very lowest terms. 0;:r Pa give undoulded-security to owners and shippers of 2,,0d.$ an open polkey Or I n , nrance han heen rtfeeted. by which all nielcliatidivi shipped by thir Line will he In , n.ed wit hone an, , additional do pence .0 t he owner. I. Devine will receive all produce consigned to him at rillshitr2li, pay freight and cha rgca in Straw Boats and fora ard Ilie same without delay to Philadelphia, B . llliniore, New York, and Poston t Mut arty charge fur advancing or commission. 11 DEVINE Agent, N 0.45 Water rt., Pittsinir.gh. TOOS. BOR BID :12; Agent, 272 Market street, Philadelphia. MOORE 4. C ASE Agents, 75 Rowley's Wharf, Baltimore. BOWEN 4- 11111BERD, Agents. Cincinnati, Ohio CULVER WOODB URN, Agent. Madison lint Thos Mc ADAM, 4 , Agrni March 10 .1::42. 27 Old Slip New Yo Ready Made Coffin Warehouse, Funfthst. 2 dears raw the S. Bank. IV3I. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, rE 4 PECTFULI.Y informs the put•uc that I_e has rein 'tied 'sis ready made coffin ware- Anuse to the Millding recently "erupt( d by Mr. R. G. fkrford, directly opposite Ms old stint!, where he Is always arepared to att.: - .tl promptly to any orders his line, and strict °Hon to all the detaiLa of the ho.tine. , . of an Undertake•, P. hopes to merit public confidence. He will he prepttrer. at, ALL 1100 RA to provide Hearses, filers. ( i : t z es and ery requtsite on the most !Mem! ie. ms. Calls from thr uuntry will he promptly attended to. Hie residence is In the same buildloc with his war• noose, where those who need its 3ervicrF m. t f.nd liiu unity time. W Rev. JOIIM DI.• , 'H.D D. /PDOIL FUDDLE, NAV. PONART DRUCK, D. D. /COOK PATTON, WILT LAMA, I W. B. M'CLI - Ft 1, BAL' lILRRIB, sep 10 VAR NI FOR LE.—The undersigned oilers fur r: le .11_ Ilk farm, lying in Rors Township 41 tulles iron' be City of Pittsburgh, mill:1'Mo" 114 acres oll.tod of i% lin it Fip are cleared arid untie- fence, I in 15 to 20 aerr' of meadow, 2 ;rod Orchards of A poles a •few Peach and Cherry trees—the improvements area ..tue Irator house eotitaining 10 rooms welt lurid:tiled, calculated for a Ta vent b, private Dwelling, a frame Barn 2ti by tiO,stone Itasetmmt, and sr abli tir., sheds r nd other out houses nun able for a tenemenl!-2,g00d Gardens surrounded with martin , hu=lces and a well of excellent water, with a pump In at the front door. In relation Witte Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place now ()Werra for sale with nioreindtiCentent to I len , e wishing In purr ha se near Pittsburgh, the terms will be . nialle moderate, for fit rt her. partirefersapply to the prop, itior al his Ctloiblig Store, Liberty street, corner of Vlreln Alley. LA tVRENCE MITCHELL. N. R. If not sold before the Ist of Oetoher next. it will be dlvldedinto 10 and 20acre lots tasuii puteha sets. imp 10 Regular Morning Packet for Beaver. Fyne fast running and wdt k. d:mr L Siramer CLEVELAND, SHARP HabtefilLl., MIISIer, will depart daily from riti._ burgh at 9 o'clock, A. lA., and Beaver at I o'clock P. llt l'or freight cr passage, apply on hoard, or to BIRMINGIIAM & CO. No GO Water street. N. B.—The rev/Im' canal pad et to Clevelora Ohio Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Nl:if-salon of the Ohio Canal,connecllag with slimmer Cleveland at Bea ver.viill be in operation iminrdlairly ou openiaT of 'my. igati mar !G -11 icot Lr.s cured by the of Dr. Ilarlirh's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills Dr. liarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received ihr Agency ftom v.m for the sale of your medicine, I formed an acqsaimanre wi Ii a lady of ;hi , place, who wasseverely afflicted with the Piles. Fm chit or ten years this Indy was subject in frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case no complicated. that be very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Tbroueb my persuasion. she commenced unfits your Pills, anti was perfectly cared. Yours, kc. JAMES 11.K1 Ft BY October flc 1840. Cliamberslm Pn. 111"01Ttee and General Deem, No. 19. North Eighth Street. Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. seri 10 PILES!! RILTAItf: i."*".. "Why will ye lire at !iris• ill g,l dying rate?" 444 4 4 R: E. HUMP III?E P S VE• CET✓? BI,E OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, o lie Itad al Tur:rt.c's Alydinl Ageocy 86 Fourth st, the onlv a2ent io Pilishurgh. I'o, 22. AS USUAL. N 0 : , 0011er does 01113 of Dr. Leidy' preparations be. co. pountar, In consequence of its success and el . - ficaty, Ikon it is counterfeited or imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr LClily has now procured moulded lion les for itis.irelettrated Triter and lick Dint. men), with die words •Dr Leidy 's Teller rod Itch Oini. Went; blown in time glas , , besides covialning his written signatore en a yellow lahel outside. Dr Leidy's Teller and (Irk Ointment. Ilan proved more rfficacioue than any oilier preparation for Totter, Itch. Dry ana Watery Pininles or Pustules, and diseases of tire skin itenerally. It has been employed In schools, fatctnrt !s, and on board vmsek carryinz passengers, where children. as welt as grown itersons, contract diseases of the skin front their contagious hat or, with the most nnexampled surcesz; certificates and recommendations have been heronfore published from them, and numerous whets might be ob. I aired for publication, but for the object ions roost persons have, to having their names published In connection with such disagreeable and loathsome alfecti oar. In no single Instance has it ever been known to fall. It has been used upon infants and by persons of all ages. It is perfectly safe, contains un mercury in its contposltion.and may be used under all circumstances. `Pike Twenty 7 five cents& bottle. Prepared and sold at Or Leidy'sllenllL Emporiutn..(sign of the Golden Es ate . and Serpentv,l and by B. A. FA Et , ,TOCE et CO. o tt er of Wood and &sib streets, Agents for Pittsburg. )11',112 REV. JAMES Si. DAVIS REV. R ►. SWIFT. 414 '2 44 GiOupgt • ,Tgn.i.teximettu - • fcryaLez must be adaple 'to the creole of Lite Asir 'or There will itie;fetreeteee ,,, ltlie suit toast be adaptedtollte seed, or, there will he no in crOsee. • The climate must have t hose metiers te.it which will unite and keep alive epidiMileat ur contaglou_7put sans, or they will Income (.x11.016.114 d, as a.burp that is itirsilnidied wills oil. Su it is likewise with the fru ' tone frame, it caenot be materially atreeted try epidem eakir - contaglaus m 'ladies, untess there be those -mallets floating in tut. circulation -which olfer•Ille Appropriate soil. By j urifying Our bodies with the lia vsnawra Ptu.s, whieli rave affinity with those iinporitles upon which contagion feeds, we may . lways feel Mute, whatever disease may raze around us. True, we may have it, bit it will soon he over. , our sickness will lir the affair of a day or two, while ilimse wh o h a ve h s , too w t,ie to use this simple and excel'ent remedy, tither die, or have weeks perhaps months ef sickuese. Sodden changes from very hot to chilly weather arc unfavorable to health; cud it is a fart universally admit ted, that heat and moisture are powerful agents In pro. duringilkease, and that constant Day cud foIIDDIIH WET weather are limb favor.thietto its genet:lllos; it does not signify WHAT we call it; it uiay he agile, Wilily Ire bilious fever; It may be yellow fever, it may be dysentery; It v he rheumatism; it may he 'irotrettitis; if n.ayLuchol• is; it osav he cons, tontine off he trowels; it may he intia mation alike bowels; it array he hiflainai ion of the stom ach; it may lip n fiery tit affection; still it is die use, and a dim - else curable by the Brandreth Pills, because they remove an minorities from the body, all that can to any manner teed I tie further progress of the malady, no mat. ter how rafted; thus these pills are not only the most proper medicine. hut eenerally the only medicine that need or ought to be used. AI t tie p mient time Bis every man's duty who wishes to secure his !lentil, io use them; it is I he dilly of every one who knows anything of their health restorlnz pnwe is, I o make It known in his home (hate c r :le. For there are some alarinitig signs, is Well tell of t:te approach of ilisrate. Tile sudden cliangeS of temperament are more to he feared .rod guarded against than any co itagionsm I oly. The lari.caszt has lift many in such a stale of weak nnsc hal ?tient is in them a great Ateceptiltility to Ire af fected by these changes of at ~,,, sphere arid rantagious ina'ad'e.; hut by the timely use of Brandreill's NHS, now this suiceptitiltity e in he Is a meat measure !co-toy ed, and power givea the system to resist hump morbilic poisons, and the sudden ehati;cs in the weather with which it may be brought in contact duri•ig the next filly days. Nature has formed the bowels of lite evacuatirm of all unhealthy Iminms. and if man would hut , se [ointmet sen.e. he would take care they performed this office b. full ly, I (*lie bowels are nut of order; if too slow or too fast, a few doses of 112AND2C111 PILLS will briny them to order. Ask the man who was ilving from room a. led botvels what cured him; he tells you, Braedreth•s Pills. Ask him who had dysentery for six months:, and every remedy he,i Billed; he will also tell you the Bran. dret It Pill. rams him Ist a week. 'So with other diseases. Twetve firandrc th Pills ruhbed :own in a pint of 1110. lasses, cured a Wile boy of on Weer of the fare, WIID II Was rapidly spreading to lil• u-v.., and which a doz en doethrs had tried to cure, lint could not; the poor parents %you'd have ziven they were worth to have irid it cured. but every tith; they tried did no good, tint it they gave It ale Is moinAses every day. in half a mot of uteri) tm y hal robbed dow n , twerve Brandrrth Pills; before the whole of lire molatwcs was taken the nicer was cured. Ant vet sonic footish peop'erall BllDdrelll . 4 ' , Won quark tnediei ire. It would be well if there were a few 1110.1 e sitr.h quark medicines. Will ail your pretended 'area woilla roillpoUnd,i cure like the ilratidrclit Pill.? Con they send you I. persons CI'RED, as Dr, Braiiilreth rani I:an they point out to you people who bail been helpless fur t r; r ilepsy and St. Viols' Dance who have been cured by their retnedilw? If they cannot. Dr. Brandieth -- ('an thee jtoint out to y.ot n person who for twenty trues never had a ' , loot without hiving trine. or mechantral r cans; :11111 whom the Brandretii e ills cured Ina month, and eave him an heal , hy evaemitiorr a. lie had When be was a child. If they cannot, Di. Bra udrelh ran. The 1111.1NDIIE ;11 ri LLB on! °oil' do c•rr, allrurea Itio tikeasea, but it eh - a he demonstrated. that by IliP.l IhileiV )0,1 , 1 infaltl,'y cure In a very short lotto. fir tontantlrellt will lot I.efor• the public 5 ron_ rnotration or lii of the flratotreth Attila in the Polo of and in a 11,11,1 form, and that Itr ‘i ill rtpfalrn Ihr I , atoll) ~flip ..1111.5 lb:011,11,1 11YeP. , 74(liy hr the 1,1111 of he lilt N N C 6N1:11 N, w) ether they he ilorroal or evereal. I have reirrd the cure of :, ntetin at retitle ,e-lAes aI Sherbrook, Catulln, who lot twenty years war sorely :,dented dl-r:o.e. ‘‘li.rh come out I.letchev arid •teatts all over hit It/of S. '1 h's gentletetan on far IcrEnt the ft tithliet, tvilldt ion often rursct his prUrrftlidOn, to app!v pervooallv le flr. Ors ntireth. flud Ilia four e proved a happy ott - ; witlllll PIZ Irl , 111111,1 , ! ,s. r..lirelY COM/ Or 10f UWllllll'4 t • otcane bt use of the Rraetltt 111 I'd R. The 11,c ut tin 8r:v.41,11i PIII± r nil in Ito rape do it In ry. hetails , !lien arc tOadr of t6n.r herb. Tintier. Ittl!.1 - 11110 provvil arna•ca 141.11 111 hir mau l"niY bade. The 01111,+ on rd pinuine ‘vitli thew caloft orarkues if , mien the c.ll rot a Int g altar k.uftr• I.lleilltntay by cp.:a:llton t.r iir . How important i is that this tout re should tin oat :cd; it will not only he the tmrest means of restorkt, but it II will in a :treat tt.easil•tt preVenl hr reettrrel Cc of COUP , ilul lona' nta l aditts—ii WI I purely weaken lite ma liFonr of It., wiaf h , and to Our return rOlttlA A. teal, all v.thia'ile medictto , lIIr Ticantireill Pi lit have beet shall chilly moo ateiteilmi, b t I have •-itereet'. ell in having exei TH h Et. tAIIFILEI, (acid who are appt titled ho path Ina) of inirltisie wet kniallllllll ho Ind defiance to all (wore Now. howev_ el, a new evil presettle 03,1 f My sidvetti-einetit: are nil ti , ed by all the tnettleive note. errs of the (Inv. who inertly take my name out and inn rt the name of them , medicine in the p'a'r of than dreth's Pills occupied in Hie adveitisement thu. siolen from ote. Time vi prove how lin se speculative gen tleliten PU inin IbefMtlyett. My FRIENDI mat• rrst satisfied that I shall. so 11.4 my life and enrrizir, are peratitt. II ntc by an OV ER FROVIDENC E. attend personally to the preparation or the', Rrandratit Pills. nod tit t those properties which have thus far rendrre I them so popu lar, will still he root totted unimpared. The Brandreill ['lila are a dd by one agent In every place of imporiance ihronglioui the world; each W... 1411 having a reitificale of agenry from Dr. Brand eilt, hay. leg far-similes of labe!s on the Uranddrelli rat boxes en: graved iherron. RR ANDitt El ICS PILLS are sold at 25 els. pet box, with full directions at the PRINCIPAL, nryttir, 241 Broad way, 274 Bowery, 169 j fludson street. 'rite lot owing ate duly appointed agents for tile ra't of the lietmirelh Pitisin Pirrtotttion—fl. H. LEIF% Stewartstown—Clies•ttort gpatilding. Clinton —Jos Connell Cranberry 'Pp.—R. %WO-, But ler—liane, Carnithell k t'o. Protret—G. A. Kirkpatrick. Purlerseille—Peter Moser. Portersville John °Myer. Mt. lie:Is:10 —II. 4 J T.ippencott Lnughlinstown—J. k C. Monte. West hit wion—M. P. Smith. Voung , town—fdeA tie 4 Co. nov 18—w3I• iaIIItGICAL i. l'IILL)1 UN I'S! SURGICAL IN - 1.7 UMENTSI I'. Alfc,Chrih y, Crttera d .tiurriral ['tete-omen!. _Maker, Third street, neuriy opposite the Post Office. Piithburgh (SIGN Tur: GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians. Deni los and Dru;ml.ls eau have their in • sirurnenis made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent S'llears and Scissors always on hand. also flatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. A Hart Wes warranted of the hest quality. and obhine done as ugual. seP 10 si 7 ARKkI E'THER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR. Gas, of Liver Complaint of 25 years itanding This may certify that for twenty five years 1 tvasaf flirted with pain in my side, which was frequently !ii severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the care arid treatment of various physician. without any permanent benefit. Dearing of the many cures effected by the Ilepatie Elixir prepared by Dr. Slarkwenilter. I was induced to give it a trial, and um happy to say that it has entirely ermovrd. have Jolt no symptoms of it for more than a year past. ItineM .30, 1841 A MOS WHITE. Thegenninn to lie had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency Fourth street. Denning's Fire eroof Iron Cheiis. Pirrssußan, Ocr. 22, 1842. J. Dcissino—On Friday, he 301 h of last niont , about 9 o'cluck at nisio.the rtaning.Oroovlnt! and Sash Man• ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth ¢ Co. with a large qua Wily or dressed and radressred !outlier, wasn't comm. med by fire. The Iron Safe which 1 boulhl of you some time back was in the must exposed situation doling tile fire, and wad entirely red hot —I ant pleased to inform you it was opened at the close of the fire.and all the books, papers, —thls le the beat recommendation I can ;live of the niftily of your safes. ott 24-1 THOMAS SCOTT R. BRANDI:6TH, M. n . Adams' ?WUSit "ICalittballiSr'' alms* , y_y...grignowtmten belbre JUL he public 3 years du• rip; _which thaw ISOVerill bousaai:s have been sold and in daily lase, - We are confident erbeinf, stistaiarit insayin: they are the best Cotree Mills intim Cat oil States, any way you •fiz Several mcittlficaiions are roadeio salt the fancy of wives and the purses ofl husband-4 BONI by the gross or dozen at the Malleable Castings made to order. ['Al R RA NICS'PATEW PLATFORM SCALES ;leonine officley, of arl grimes, and moo Improved vorierree,conerantly on linnti air! for vale et very reduced prieerl by tire marAfaciti eel% h R. vi moerrorq. roar 2. --rr ['rout between Ron and Unita sta. RE 1110VA1.. HOLDSHIP it. BROWNE H AVE removed the: raper Store from Market ,treet to N 0.62 Wood ;treat, one door• front tile corner of 4tto, where they k.-ep on hands Melt usual as sort ment. of %VALI. PAPERS. for papering pariorcen tries,chambem kc. and also PRINTING, WRITING aidtVR.IPIING PAPERS, BONNET 80ARD: 4 ,4.c all of which they offer for sale on accommodating terms, fen H. 1343.—dt f 1;" - TO INVA,ADS. li ier flow important It la that you commence without loss °clime with Ba•nortartis Pict.s. The) n.ildly but ourely remove all impurities from the blood, and no case of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele bitted Pills do not relieve :is much ac medicine can do. Colts and coughs are more benentled by the Itrandreth Pills than by lozenges and canuics. Very well. fier liap-r.as paltatives, but worth nothing as eradicators or diseases from the human system. The Mum:mans PILL! core, they do not merely relit •e, they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE Fine 6isa,January 21,1343 Doetor Be.jumin Braddreth —Honored Sir: Owing to you a drl.l of gratitude that motley cannot pay, 1 am induced to 'mike a pubic neknowledgemhist of the benefit my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About three years this winter ,he was taken w Rh a pain In tier ankle, which root became very h initiated and swollen, so much so that we bec.iture alarmed, as d wilt for tile doctor During his at.endancr the pain and mg Increased to an alarming degree, aud in three weeks fain Its first commencing it became a running sore She could get 110 rest at night the pain was so great.— Our tir.d Doctor attended her for all months, and the received no benefit whatever, the rain growing worse. and the sure larger all the w (tile. He said If it was heal ed till it would be lire death, but lie appeared 10 be at a lust. how t proceed, and my h',eafrife still continued to slider the most terrible torture.. We therefore guilt hi usher aid In a Bolnniral doctor, who said when he first zaw it that he could 50011 (AIM the sore, and give her ease at unce. To our surprise he g ye ber, no relief, and ricktiowledgert that ir katlnd all hi. skill. Thus we fell af• el* having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, In despair. Sly poor wife's constitution rapidly Lining ilte prone of her ye.ir. from her coniinned su Grim/. Under lie,e gre Catieltlibett I liar we would try your Ultillert.all'ogt•t title Pllls,delerrnineil to fairly test their curative effects. To Illy wife's great comfort the first few do-es afforded great relief of the pain. %V loin one week, to the astonishment of our selves and every one who t, new alir case. the sarellin7, and the inflammation began In cense SO 111a1 :he fell quite easy, and 'llOlllll Sleep rninfotaldv, end, air. miller 101 . ruks' 11. e nlie WOO aide to 30 1 WOW:Ii the 11•11 ,1 1' and agatn attend to Übe nal nagemetii of he: family which she had not done for nearly 14 months. Ina little noel wyn 011.11 1 11$ 1,11.0 the 1 111 r vile 14,1 commenced the is-• Of von 1 IlVa 111.1b1“ Pitts. her ankle W. , 11 quite sittittd,ltyttl her beattli better than It bait 1.,. 1 I (plile a nun.b. 1 01 years ~ efore. f semi von the- statement rifler •MO v. hr. test of e.) , t41. - 1“1 , 1 g it only tilt art of jti-lb , I • you 3011 the pUblit at large. We are, 11'1111 1111104 gra ;tilde, Vert re.pect fully, TIMOTIFY F ELIZA A. 1.1111. V P. S. iv. Rota...at Dortor pronounced the nnre ettn rrrnu4. ud finally can! tto 2ond coo tl L. tlnue It 'Mors II t whole nt . the first, n.a. rut ra, And t lir bone :era pert.— Thor k a kind Provtrtrnr.e, flit. made us rr4ort In your pill*, which caved 114 frol nll Indio r utitterv, and f• which we hopes he thankful. T. 4. E. 1.. 'Sold at 25 rent. per box, ulth dlreeliott4. 01. F. rye ihr• 141. W fatwi,e., , i , 1, ; 10 "7.. OP.! , it IWO xi_. 11:11lari S "rm. itrandwh. c•rei,el. h.)% or he zo•tirliric ha. ork •=i7nntiirre—Threr lirujandn firandivh and tlitee H ISrandrelii 111101111. 'l'he only place in l'ill!r6itr.2li where the reil (trail ilretti Pelle can ir the prwh i c r . own Air, io the Uigmoo,l , heionrl the Market liouse. Mark, 100;ennine Brandrnih rilin can 'lever ue obtainerl in any dry!? sii•re, The followiii2 are be only aV , i l43 Pllnini. l by Of Itraniir,lll, for lie Fia:e aflii4 Vegetable I'oiver•al Plii in ,‘llellieny crniniy: rRINCIPII. AIIYNT. G H I.F.E, Mr. Joint v. 11..beri Duncan—Ritinio,haut. C. F. it ehl—Ellzaheilitown. 11 Rowlard—M'Keeoport. • rre