Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 04, 1843, Image 4

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    AtirmibWato dt CO„ Araurfneturers IJ Intl
Ayer; 18, Wood Strut, Pitts burg ,
i< 'ifways"oh bend an extenalve assortment of Satir
elmsei and Vain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
mitation Borders, of the latest style and handsomi
psdlilnis,Tor pawing balls, parlors and chambers.
They manafacture and have on hand at all tlmes-;
PrAsktp,g, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon
net and Pullers' Boards—all of which they offer Annie
on the most accommodating terms; and to which they
'lnvite the attention of merchants and ()them
--. • .
A LSO--Btank Books °fail kinds and the bestquality,
Adelina! Rooks, ete. always on hand and (or sale as above
N. B. Rasta ed Tanaers'Bcrapar taken in exchange.
Lib ELROYAL—The underslgnedbegsleave to inform .
.111.0 the public, t hat he has removett from Ills old stand,
to the cornwr of Penn and St. Glatt sts,, oppositethe E:•
ehange note!, where he has fitted up a large Pro° FORTE
Wass !toots, and now offers for sale the most splendid
assortment of PIANOS ever offered in tit iytiar het.
His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, heautindry finished and mo•
deed and construeted thronghor of tile very beat turf
which, for deralriliff, anttquality of tone, as Wet I
Si touch, Tie warrants to be suparior to any ever seen
. .
As be has enlarged hie manufactory, and made arrange.
inest4 tn saintly .the.lrtereaslog demand for this 'nitro-
Must, he respectfully rimers those Intending to par
tite's! to call andcsamteebttlps±ortment before pureha.
sing elsewhere. ea 'he ficitettemined to yell LOWER,. kir
estats,thsn any other estahltabisent east or west of the
11tOuntalna. F. BLUME,
t'Orner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
sap 10 llppottte the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
rinagoViscriber has just received front Philadelphia:tn.!
jj Newjork, with a general and extensive assort
ment or pKucis, Cll ICMICALII, PERFUMERY, and
every article in his line of business, which lie is deter.
'tined to veil on the most reasonable terms for cash.—
He believes he can offer stronger inducements than any
simHa establishment In this city to country Physicians
and -Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with
Drugs and Medicines. His articles have been selected
*Rh the utmost care, and are warranted (tithe best qual
ity and unicorns strength. Orders will be flßed with cc
curaey and elegance. Familks can be supplied with Pine
and Fancy soaps of every conceivable variety, and of
the most euviisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Cosmetics of evvry description.
The undersigned returns his thanks for the liberal sup:!
pert heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant
diapositina to please and accommodate—a care In pro
curing and selling only what Is excellent and genuine—a
close supervision of the sales and transaction of the ertab
lishment—precaution and accuracy in compoundl med.
tines—and by industry and perseverance, to merl n
rear! of poblic patronage
may 23
La , your teeth so unusually whlte7
Qtroth Joih's duicinia to him Vother night,
To make yours look so, with a grin, replied Josh,
I ve brought yoga bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wasb,
't'.B the best now in use, se the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all others away.
Rat to provellthe best, to make the teeth shine. •
Look again, my dear sal, at the lustre praline.
Then try this great tooth wash,
The Tcaberry tooth wash,
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine.
Having tried Dr..rThorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,'
and become acquainted with the ingredients of its compo•
sitinn,l cheerfully say, 1 consider it one of the safest, as
It is one of the most pleasant Tooth Was! es now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist
-1 take pleasure in stating, having made use of•'Thorn's
Tea Berry Toq,th Wash," tl - r.t it is one of the best dew
trifices in use. Being in a liquid form, it comb:nes neat
mesa with convenience. While it dentists the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds
a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. Ti BeCTTS. 51. D.
The undersigned have. used ..Tho•n's Compound Tea
Berry Teeth Wash,"and have found it to be an extreme•
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary infin.
ems over the Teeth and Gum.; preserving those indis
pensable members from premature decay, preventing the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying, the Breath. Hay.
log thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re.
eommendin it to the public, befitting it to be the best ar
ticle 6f the kind now In use.
Prepared and sold by WILLI M THORN. A potheca •
ry and Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and
at all the principa Druggists', and Tull le's Al udlcal A:en
y, Fourth street, sep
10 PE MA us.—Theie Is a lat ge class of Females in
thlseitrwhofrom their continued silting, to which
their ocempatkins oblige I liem,are affected whit costiveness
whichglves rise to palphat ion at the heart on the least ex•
ertion, sense of beaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow•
somellotesa sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stalrs i ;latnprefickle; these are symptoms which yield al
once to a few dosesof the Brandreth Pills The occa.
atonal use of tills medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
thellrandreth Pulls just before dinner, are °Pen found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In
this bay; Cher aid and assist d igest ion, restore the bowels
to a proper conditiolt.enllven the spirits, impart clear.
ness to theetimniexion,purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Bold at Dr. B - audreth's Office. In the Diamond
Pittsburgh—Pate 25 cent. 3 per box. with full directions.
MARK—The only place In Pitishurgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained,is the Doctor's own Of.
flee, Diamond. Sep, 10
Tetter Sr. Itch Ointment.
FO • t the tnreof every variety of T ETTER , the ITCH,
and all diseaqes of the Skin, ha 4 proved itself more
efficacious than any other preparation for the same pur•
pose In use.
fliawards of five hundred certificates might be procurcd
end published of its efficacy from School Teachers. Pro
prietors Of rattoties. ioarents, Guardians, Child Nurses,
Captainsof vessels and others, were it not for the deli
cacy in having their names published in connection with
such disagreeable affeskions.
By the use of Dr Leidy's Tetter Ointment in corjunc.
Lion whichis estract (*Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he
willguaranteeßo Cure any disease common to th e skin,
thoweiper had, or of however long standing, or refund the
Money.. There Are however (my few Instances hut can
he curedbtelie (!ilitttrrefet ten
Prigs 25esata a ass.
Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel.
dv's Health Emporlorn.l9l N. second rt.
and by B. A. F4II.ArESTOCK 4 Co. corner of Wood
and Sixth streets, Agents for Mashers. July 12.
riviEsubicriber would reepect fatly inform the tit Irene
JL P web, Aliegiseas and Ilteir viefrities, that he
nag cimmeneed manufacturing the article of Lard 0!
ctidVanales. He intends mkt but one quality, which
will equal the best made in the Union and not surpassea
by the beet winter strained sperm oil either for machinery
or 'turning, without Its offensive properties, and one
ber wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that
it Is not necessary to purchase any new (angled lamps that
are dally palmed upon them as being requisite io burn the
lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant lizht
ea. - obtain itby calling at the old stand,3d street. ['earl!,
opposite the Post °Mee:
The attention of Wholesale dialers, Churches and ma!
chitties respect Rally watched.
N. 11.-1111 the barrels "rill bear the mannfleturif
Jan:: 1343 tf,
For no Sc•ansportation n.f ifercha.dize and Produc
HEVINE: respectlully inform the public i hat they
• have completed their arrangenicillefur the above
The public has long wished for Individual competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone
It can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to Its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; i lie
Siatenf Pennsylvania having, placed Trucks on her Rail
tt on ds. Individuals owning Portable Roats are en:tided
to bid for the Carrying Trade and successful.," to ruin.
Pete with compan'es.
This line Iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Suction
Portable BoMc, ow lied by the Captains who command
them and writ known at emerprlsing„ industrious and
experienced Roatmen.
The superiority and advantages of tit° Portable Boat
over every other mode or T'ansportation, are too well
known to shippers getterallyoo require romment; suf•
lice it to say, that the detentioa,/sss.scparatian and dam
ace to Goods. Invariably attending. three Transhipments
between Pittsbitrell and Phindelphia pretty the Porta',le
Boat most effectually removed.
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of being well oeutilated and cool In Sommer; which pre
yams Flour from soaring, and Bacon and Tobacco front
11, Devine, standing as hr does, between the owners
of goods and the Boatmen who carry them, and eglally
Interested In protecting; the interests of both, will make
no promises to the pubic he will not faithfully perform.
Ile is now prepared to receive and forward Prodtwe
to Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, and Roston In the
shortest time, and pledge's liimsel to enter into no corn.
hination with other Lines,but always stand ready to carry
out the principlesof his Line, and contract for freight on
the very lowest terms.
tty• To give undouhled.security to owners and shippers
of goads an open policy of insurance has been effected.
by which all merchandisl shipped by this Line will be
without an/additional expense to the owner.
H, Devine will receive all produce consigned to hint
at Pittsburgh. pay freight and•chnrges to Steam Boats
and forward the same svphout delay to Philadelphia,
Baltimore. New York, and Roston without nay charge
for advancing or commission.
THOS. BORBII/11; Agent,
272 Market street, Philadelphia.
MOORE 4 C ASE Agents,
75 Bowley's Wharf. Baltimore.
110 WEN 11111PERD, Agents.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Madison hid,
Thos NIcADIIII, S• Agent
March 10 .1::42. Y 7 Old Slip New Yo
Ready Made Coffin Warehouse,
Fourth St , 2 doors from the U. S. Bask.
l lR El i r .t Cl s m 'PUL L i 1: . i informs s
readym t !t e e pu e
c i, fri lie .
:louse to the timidity!, recently ,cetiple.d by Mr.
R. G. Burford, directly opposite his old st end,
where he is always prepared to att.Er.d promptly
to any orders in his line, and I.y strict att, ni ion
to all the details of the business of an Undertaker,
nu hopes tu merit public confidence, He will be prepared
It ALI. fIORIS to provide Hearses, Biers, ( Isces and
every requisite on the most liberal teems. Calls from the
country will he promptly attended to.
Ills residence is in the same building will his ws rl
house, where tho , ,e who need his services or.) find him
atany time. arszszircre:
eau n•attis
sep 10
FR M FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale
his farm, lying in Rn.s Township 91 miles from the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which
60 arc cleared and wide- fence, I mlsto 20 :me* of
meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple. i few Peach and
Cherry trees—t he lin prnveinenls arc a ntrge frame home
containing 10 rounla wellfurnistied, calculated for a Ta
vent 0.. private Dwelling., a frame Barn 28 by 60,atone
haseinoit, and stabling. sheds utd other out houses su it
able for a tenement;-2 good Gardens surrounded with
currant hushes, and a well of excellent water. with n
pump In at the front door. In relation to the Pitishurgh
and A Ile.zheny market, there Is no place now offered for
sae with more i nducement to those wishing to mire lin.e
near Pittsburgh, the terms will lie made moderate. for
further particularsapply to lite prom imor at his Clothing .
Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin A lley.
N. R. If not sold before the Ist of Oclohpr nest. it
will he divided into 10'and 20aere lots tosult put: ha
Seril. sep 10
Regular 'Morning Packet for Beaver.
6i ra nt
r rant runnim; and well knowr ,
SIIARP 1 - lEmnrict., Master, will depart daily from Pitt:_
burgh al 9 o'clock, A. „ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. ftl
For freiLtlit or pass.,,ze. apply on hoard, or to
No 60 Water Rtrcet.
N. P.—The real, tar CD ital part lo Cleveland Ohln
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the
Ohio Canal,conneetMg with steamer Cleveland al Bea
ver.will be in operation immediately on onetime of acv.
mar '6
PILES cured by the t se of Dr. tiarlich's Compound
SiremObening rind German Aperient Pills
Dr. liarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency flout you for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an aermaintance tvi h a Icily of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. rot eight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated,
that he very seldom preset thed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your rill!, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, 4c. JAMES R. KIRBY
October 3, 1840. Charnberslooz, Pa.
In — Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10
PILES!! PI-IiSr11:1':
Oz "Why will ye live cu this iyir,l
dying rate?" _LA
444 4 4
0 1., imd mem., A,•;eilry 86 Fourth et.•
the only agent in Pitsburgh.
Feb 2-2.
NO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be.
1 come popular, in consequence of its success and el.
ficacy, than it is counterfeited or Imitated.
Tn prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured
moulded bullies for iil celebrated Teller and Itch Oint
ment, with the words .Dr Leidy's Triter and Itch Olni.
mem, blown in the glass, besides containing his written
signature en a yellow label outside.
Dr Leidy's Teller and Itch Ointment. has proved more
efFicacioue titan any tither preparation for Totter, Itch,
Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of
tncsktn cenerally„
It has been employed in schools, factori s.tt nd on board
vessels carrying passengers, where children. as welt as
grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their
Contagious oat or, with the most unexampled FUCCPS - ;
certificates and recommendations have been ber,,tori ne
published from them, and numerous others might be cm.
rained lor publication, but for t he object ions most persons
have, to having their Dames published in connection with
such disagreeable and loathsome affections
In no single instance has it ever been known to f.til.
It hag been used upon infants and by persons of all
ages. It Is perfectly safe, contains ns mercury in its
composit ion,and may be used ander all eircumstneecs.
Price Twenty-five centsa bottle. Prepared and sold
at pr Leidy's limit II Emporium, (sign of the Golden Ea
gle and Serpents,l and by B. A. FABNESTOCK ¢ CO.
otter of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg.
Jel 12
No. 45 Water Ft.,. Pittsburgh
Contagions Diseases, and Change of
tejeglrater lutist be adapted to the nature of the fish
o• there will be no propogation of the species. The
sail must be adapted to seed, or there will I.e no in
crease. The climate ;mist have those limiters in It which
will unite and keep alive roideatical or contagion. put
sans, or they will heroine extinguish' d, as a lamp that
is ansuriphed with oil. fto It Is likewise with the lin
man frame, It cannot he materially affected enlitenr
calor yontagiatia maladies, unless there lar those Mallets
fiaating in Lie circulation which offer the appropriate
soil. By I urifying our bodies with the [Stunt:MYTH
Puce, which t aye affinity with ilto.re impurities upon '
which contagion feeds, we may . livays feel secure,
whatever disease may raze around us. True, we mat
have it, hit it wilt soon be over, our sickness will tr
the affair of a day or two, while those who have
too wise to use till' , simple and eXcel'ent remedy, iii her
die, or have weeks perhaps months ttf sirkitess.
Sudden changes from very hot to chilly weather ate
unfavorable to health; and it is a fact universally admit.
tett, that heat and moisture are powerful agents in pro
ducing disease, and that constant DRY and constant WET
weather are both favor thle to its cetteial ion; it does not
signify wits' we call it; it may he ague, it tiay he Nihaus
fever; it may he yellow fever. It may be dysentary; it
may he rheumatism: It may 'tronehitis; it may het liol•
ir; it may be constipation of the bowels; It may he Infla.
ntatitin of the bowels; it nine be 'oda/nation Of the stom
ach; it arty he a nerw,u• affection; still it is dt-e ir,c, mA
a disease curable by the Brandreth Pills. iterative thry
remove all Impurities from the body, all that can iti nay
manner Iced the further progri es of the malady,
ter how railed; thus these pills are not only the most
proper medicine. lrat generally the only medicine that
need or nitzlit to he used. At the present time it IS every
titan's duly who wishes tot-eclae his health to use thrill;
d is l he r:uty of every one who knows anything of their
health restoring powers,to make it known in his imme
diate circle, Per there are some alarming signs, which
tell of 1:le approach of direaut. The sudden changes of
temperament art more to hr. feared and guarded against
(hart any contagious m I arty,
The !Firm:rang t has left many in such a slate of weak
flees that there is in them a great susceptibility to lie.af
fected by these changes of the atmosphere and ea ntaginus
malarl'e , ; but by the timely use of Brandreth'. rtik, even
rine , this susceptibility c•in bete a great measure tenant ,
ed, and power given tile , ystean in resist these morhitic
poisons. and the sudden changes in the weather with
which it may be hrouzlit in contact during the next fifty
days. Nature has formed the bowels oft he evzenatioil of
all unhealthy humors, and Iftnan would but ?!re comma,
.enre,lie would take care they performed this office faith.
fully, If the bowels are out of order; if too slow or too
fast, a few doses of fla t!IDRKTII NUJ' will bring them
to order, Ask the man who was dying from ronstt r a.
led bowels what cured him; he tells you, Ilia mireth's
Pills. Ask him who had dyseripary for yr: month, ; , and
every. remedy had failed; he will also tell you the Bran-
dreth Pills cured him In a week. So with other di,seaces.
Twelve Brandreth Pilta rul , bed lows in I a pint-of
lasses, cured a little boy of an u'rer of the fare, which
was rapidly spreading to hl• cps, and which a doz
en duet ors had tried to care, but could not: the
poor parents wou'd have given half they were worth
to have bad it cured, but *very thing they tried did no
good, until they gave it a le 'v000111 . .11 Or molavves every
day, In half a pint of *Well t ht.) , had rubbed down
twelve Brander' h Pills: before clue whole of the mola•sev
111:1A taken ihe nlrer was cured, And yrt some foolith
People call Bra mire' li's Pillia quack medicine. It would
lie well if there were a few inure such quack meilieinev.
Will all your ',emended , nesapltlila Componntli cure
like the flrandrctli Pills? Cnn they vend tuul.ll per.un.
CURRD, as fly. Braiitlreth can? Can they point out to
you people who had Iw•en helpless for years f one En
ilrwy and St. Danre who have been cored by
their remedied If they cannot. Pr. eramitellt tan
Can they point cut TO it a person who for twenty
Seori had never had a Fino.l without having iised med
icine. or mechanical earl.; and whom Ile Brandreili Pila
cured in a wont!), and ;ave him ar licalthy evacuation,
an lie had when lie was a child. If they cannot, Di.
Brandrelli ran.
The II RA NDR P. ru PILLS not only do core, a licurea
hle di, , ease., but it cin 1.. demonstrated, that by Ihril
timely use, they must infalitily cure. In a very 9loort
time, D r Biniutreili will hring oeforf the puhlic a con—
centration of Itle Ytrlttes attic Bram:relit 011 s. both In
the form or Pills, and In a form, and That tie nill
explain the r, :1 , )11 of the row, that most tteressarity
the 1 estilt of rising Ihr RR a, !N1 Oft ETI A N II EM ED
wt ether lhr y he internal or 'Vernal. I have Jost re
ceived the rase or r, ntelltral gentleomit who testdes at
Sherheonk, Canada, ,rho for twenty ra rs was sorely
alTheted with dtt.ra-e. nhv h can, nul 111 I 1011'11e , :11111
crabs alt Over his hrdy. 'lO s gentleman en lar fe,rgot
the p - rjudirez which too often Clll'l l l,l Ills profession, as
to apply personally In Dr. Orpoilre , h, and Ins cour e
Proved a happy on •; s ix months 1.0 was entirely
cured of hi. miserahle and tormenting .'l..ea:e br hltc
use of the Brandrt
The use of Ihr lirarArrlll Pill• ran In no rasp do
Iternusr Ihey are wade of I lio.n her b. aid roots r e.
rience lies lotto proved alwnys lowinon'zr wt.lt the hu•
malt body hod y. The niiiis*.on of ',Ursine wit It thew
clews oL•lrkness. Is alien the c.u-c o! a long attar k, oiler
enOinctonly by ce,sal ion cf Iil'•.
Flow important i is that tn . *. C•AlrFe 41 , 011 Id I* pure Ira;
it will not only be the snreFt means of re. , toriii:, hut
it will in n rreat irraqtre prevent rerurrei re ni
toner Dirt Tonal wi I ,nrely weaken rlie ma.
lignil nt the rt , Inch. and in Tune robti:t tuatt
tvith all valuable Mediritil , the Brandrett.
have hero ghats efully cottater elt elt. Ii I I have .neceetl.
ed in linvlnt eirrn;ed TUE Efl LABELS, (and'whirlt
are appended to rarit box) of so•h intrinelc workmanship
as to Idd defiance loan foliate hni•atore • Now. howcv_
er, a new evil presenrs My advertisement , are
taker, verhoilm, used by all the medicine mon_
rers of the day. who merely take my name our and
ins rt the name of they medicine in the glare of Bran
dreth's Pills net upled in the advertisement thus stolen
from me, Time will prove how these speculative gen
tleinen thenisrlves.
TIT FRIEND; may rest satisfied that I shall, so long
ax my life and energies are permiit. d me by an OVER
RULING PROVIDENCE, attend personally to the
preparation of the, Rrandrrth billF, and lb t those
properilec which have thus fa r reminte them so popm-
lar, will still he continued unlmpared.
Ftrandreth POls are sold by one neent in every
place of importance throughout the world; each agent
having a retllfteale of agency from Dr. Rrand•eth,
Ing fac-similes of !Ilials on the Branddrelli Pill boxes en:
graved thereon.
BR ANDREI 11'8 PILLS are sold at 25-Ots. per box,
with Nit diroctiottitat tilePtwo-trAc nrrtrz,2 , ll Broad-
way, 274 Flowery, 1891 [Judson sti eel.
•I'lre following nut duly appointed agents for the rale
of the liraudieth Pills in
Stewaristown—Chessman 4- Spaulding.
Clinton —Jos Carmrll.
Cranberry Tp —lt. TI. Mcßr e.
Butler—Lane, Ca innbeli 4• Co.
Prosprct—G.A. Kirkpatrick.
Purtersville—Pwr r 1110,9er.
Portersville John °hirer.
Mt. Pleasant-11.4.J, Lippencott.
Laughlinslown—J. 4- C. Moot e.
West Niwton— M. P. Smith.
Young:town —McA lie 4 Co:
nov 18—w3I •
s rausiENTS!— r. ilfeCurthy, Cutler and Surgical
Instrument allaker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
rhysicians, Denthtts and Druggists ran have their in•
strunientsmadeby the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and SCI! , ,,OTE , always on hand,
also Flatters shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. A Ilartleles warranted of I i hest quality. and
obbinc done as usual. sep 10
Case of Liver• Complaint of 25 years itanding.
This may certify that for twenty five years I was af •
flirted with pain in my side, which was fiequently en
severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have
been under the care and treatment of various physlcian
without any permanent benefit. Dearing of the many
cures effected by the Depatic Elixir prepared by Dr.
Starkweather, I was induced to :ice it a trhd, and ain
happy to say that it itasentirely removed. I have felt
no symptoms of it for more than a year post.
Nortlibrithe it neflti 30. 1841 ABIOS VS' II IT E.
Thege tt ulut to be had at I'UTTLE'S Medical Agency,
Denning's Vire roof Iron Chests.
J. DENNING—On Frida y, tbe3Oth of last nionth,about
9 o'clock at night-the Planlng,Grooving and sash Man-
ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4 Co, with a large
quantity of dressed and andressed lumber, was all conga.
med by fire.
The Iron. Safe which I hough; of you some ti me back
wa■ in the most exposed situation doling the fire;and
was entirely red hot —I am pleased to Inform you it was
opened at the close of the fire,and all the hooks, papers,
te.,ixored;—this is the best recommendation I can give of
the utility of your sales
int 24—t
Flan Spin, January 21, 1843.
Doctor Benjamin BramirseA —Honored Sir: Owing to
you a debt 01 gratitittle that money cannot pay, l not
Induced to waken Ninth: acknowledgemlaul of the benefit
my wl:e ila% derived front your littraltiable pills. About
three yeatsibis winter site was taken with a pain in her
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, an ri sent
for the doctor During hisatiendance the pain and swell
ing increased to an alarming degree, and In three weeks
from tin first commencing it became a running sore—
She could get no rest nt night the pain was so great
Our first Doctor attended her for 'six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the rain growing wur,te,
and the sore larger all the while. He said if It was ht al
ed up it would be her death, tint he appeared to be at a
loss how to proceed, and I it y' pour wife still continued
to stiffer the most terrible tort ureq. We therefore , 0112 hl
other aid In a liolanica: doctor, who said when he first
-aw it that he could soon core the sore, and give her
ease at once, To our surprise he g:.tre her no relief,
and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt after having t ried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians it; vain, in
a lout ate despair. My poor wife's eunstiltilion rapidly
lading in the prime of her years from her continued
suffering, Under l lie-t^ clrcum,taoces we con , hoted Ibal
we would try your VoiyersolVeget this Pillsaleierinined
to fairly lei , their coral iveeireet,'„ To my wife's greal
tOmfort the first few afforded great relief of the
Pain. Within one week, to the aslohisliment of our.
SelVez:zitid every one who knew attic ease. I he swelling
and the iiillaminai ion began to cease so that she felt quite
easy, and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after sia
weeks' Ilse she was able to an through the !inure and
again alveoli to the management of he." family which
she had not done for nearly 14 innoil lin. In a little over
Iwo iitontlls from iliellont she flr , i commenced the use
of your illy:du:1bl- Pills, her ankle was quite souml,aild
her heaiih better I ban it had been in grille a untidier of
years before. I send von ibis statement after 'wo years
lest or the core. considering it only an an ju•lire I •
you and the nuldir a. large,
We ate, with niorlt gra itude,
Very reqprelf,llly,
'1'111i)Trl}• 4- ELIZA A. LITTLE.
P 5. Tin , Botanical Doctor' pronounced i lir sore can
ceroti.. and sad 110 20nd cou , ll h. , done. unh•ss IPe
whole of the 114.811 w•a, rot car. and ihe hone scraped.—
' Thank a kind Prove - knee. till , made us resort lo yotir
4.1115. whirl, saved tit; from nil limiter misers, and for
Iry hieli or hope t he Ihan krii 1. T. E. 1,.
in-Sold at '2:i cents per hos, PI It h direrlion•.
Ot•errve ihe new labels., each having' upon it Iwo 4 40, 4 .
natures of Dr. Brandrel h. H' each or the genuine
ha•slx •i_mnttee—three Br ej mit; Brandreili and three
11 Brandrelli upon it.
The Only place in Pitlsltur2ll where the real Bran
drrih Nil. ran 1 e ir the Doctor's own orrice.
in Die Di:lmm,', behind time Market house. Mark,
the :cumin(' Bra tidrel h Pills ran never he obtained in any
drll,^ • sl,.re.
Thefnllowin,arclbennll afent.appninled by Dr. I
Rrandreili, for the sale of his Vegeiable Univcr , al rill.
In Alle2lieny conro :
The office Pittsburgh which was established for the
purposeof constituting. agents in the west, having accam
plashed that ohjecl, is now closed, and Mr. G. 11. LEE
in the Diam md, !Market elreel, appointed my agent fur
the sale of Pills and Liniments All Dr. Brandetli. , agents
will tnerfore.understand,that Dr, R. will send a travelling
agent through lime country once a year to collect moneys
for sales made and re-supply agents, The said traveller
%Oil be provided with a power 01 attorney, duly proved
before the Clerk oh the city nod county of New York,
together with all necessary vouchers and papers.
M t. J, J. Yoe, is my travelling agent now in Pennityl.
vanin, R. 1111 NDETII, M. PI
N. B, Remenihrr Mr. C• 11, Lee, In rear untie Mar
kei Is now my only agent in Pitlsbur;li.
New York,June 14111, 1843,
X)- An individual only tvislies to know the right way
to pursue it; and there are 1101 W, were it senet.v made
known how Lars mishit lie prolonged and lls.l'rn re
covered. w: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence is
required I hat the right way i; discovered. This is 'wliat
those suffering front sicknestgrWant to lie satiQfied about.
For who is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health Ilia
body Is capable oil If ho is there that would not live
when his ex pt rieure can so much benefit liiprell and
family? It is a melancholy fact that a very large pro.
portion ni the most useft I members or society die he.
tweet] the ages of ihirly and forty. How many widows
and helpless orphans have been the consequence of man.
kind not itaving In their owii power the means of restor.
ing health when lost.
Now all these dangers and difficulties ran be prevented
and the tong and certain siekness, and by assisting Na.
lure. In 1 heoutsel, with a good dose of ftrancireill's Pills.
Tins is a fact, wt II understood to be so by thousands of
our citizens This medicine. If taken so a.; to purge
freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There is
no form or kind of sieknessthat it does not exert a cur
ative influence upon. 'rink, by their power in resisting
putrefaction, they cure measles. small pox, worms and
all contageonsfevers. There Is not a medicine In the
world so able to purify the IP:TS, of blood and restore it
In healthy condition, as the Prandreilt Pills.
The Itrandroili Pills are purely ve2rtahle, and so in
nocent that he Infant of a nioi th old may sap them if
medicine is required, not only with Cafrly but wit]) a cer.
(Moly ofrereiving all the benefit medicine is capable of
imparting. Females may use them in all the critical
periods of their lives. The Brandri th will insure
their her.illi,aud produce regularity in a'l the functions
of life.
The sante may l•e said of Brandy-et/Os External Rem
edy, asan outward application in all external pains, or
swellings, or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When
used where the skin is very tender or broken. it'shoold
he mixed with one or two pints of water.
sure Testof Genuine Brandreth
the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency,
whose engraved date rituq be within the year, which
every authorised agent must powers; if the three labels
on he box agree with the ihrce labels on therxrtiticate,
the Pills are true-11 not, they are false.
Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York:
Noe lb.
Adams' Patoat ''Eatighphy" Mills.
HRFE now been before
the public 3 years du•
.riair which time several
I hodsanils have been sold
and in daily uce, We are
confident of being sustained
in saying they are the best
Coffee Mills in the Untied
Stales, any way yon•fix ;I.'
Several modifications are
mulch, suit the f.i 'icy of
wives and the purses
Sold hy the gross or dozen
at the t • ;tau factory.—
Malleable Caging made To
These genuine articles, of ail sues. and inot4 improved
varieties,constataly on Muhl and for sate at very teduced
prices by the marttfactu ref.. L R. LIVINGSTON,
mar 2. —4l . Front between Roan and Grant
VE removed O.; raper 'Store from Market
Street 10 No.(X tVood oreet, one door from Ihe
orner of 4th, where they k.-ep on hands their usual as
sort titel,t of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlor!, en
ro.,,chamOors. itc. and also PRINTING, IVRITING
alt of which they offer for sale on accommodating terms,
feb 14. 1843.—ch f
id - TO IN VA
Kr flow important IL Is that you commence without
loss of time with BRAN/KU:TH . B PILI S. 1 . 11 , 1 rtilitly hut
surely remove all impurities from the blood, and no case
of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele•
Itiated Pills do not relieve as much ac medicine cam do.
Colds and coughs are more henentied by the Brandreth
Pills than by lozenges anti collates. Very well, per
haps.as pall:nit/es, but worth nothing as eradicators or
dtsen,es from the human system. The BIZANDIUCTII FILLS
cute, they do not merely relive, they cure disease , ,
whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will
certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills.
Mr. John C , n , u—All..gbenv.
Rfthert Duncan— Birtninsha tn.
C. P. n!eht—Elizabetittown.
John Johnston—Noblestown.
Chr , sman Sono!ding -Stewartstown
Aprtell ¢ Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
o.4lr:ix Powor—Fairvir w.
Davul R Coon- Plum township.
ftanlel Nef,te, —Raft Liherty.
Edward Thomp , on--\Pitkiosl.orgit
Win. 9.llunter Allen's Mill
ARE now known to thousands as a most extraortlina
ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon
troverttblefaet of tbeir curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those
snarling only ask ninon their friends If they have nut
knoain of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they
do not beat them more warmly raised (and derervedty
too) than any. Other, then let Mein net huy them. In
these few remarks, all fancy or imatinat lon is excluded,
and nothing tall! be said of their merits at any time
but what can he fairly proved by respectable Temters of
our community.
Read the foliowlng certificate given by a reppertable
cilizeu of Mlnglteny city, and aitctird by our , on hrjudg
es of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny Co.
A LLItGIII.IrT Ch T, January 9, 1343•
Dear Sir—l have for a number of year, past hero af
flicted with a srvere and almost constant Headache, a
rising front derangement of stomach anti bowels and nl.
(bought I have taken nearly every kind of Medici - te re
coutturvoled rut Its cure, have never derived any mate
sins benefit until I used some of your truly valuable A n.
It Dyspeptic rills. I have not taken quite Iwo heirs and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that drat resung
romplaitit. I have no hesitation in recommeadin; your
Pills as the best medicine I have ever used.
I am aequa,nted with Mr, Turne - , t have no hesita
[ion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr.
T. restitsciln; Dr. Brodie's P.lls, as entitled to the most
perfect and entire confidence. KIDD DAVIS.
For dale, {Vimlesale and Retail at the Srodonlan Pill
Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; ani by all authorised a
gents throughout the Union
AI!Cy city Jan 9 1845
Evans's Camomile Pills.
CIERTIfICUTIM.—Leiter from the non. Abnem M'efel
lan,Solllvau County, Env Ten nessee. Menibet of Constrese
WAIIHTIgOTON, Jot, 3d. 1332.
Sir—Since I have heen in this city I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and swig
faction, and believe it to he a most valuable remedy. One
of my :onsil meats, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Terineeee, wrote to me to send him some. which I did,
and lie has nipinyed it very succez=fully in his practice,
aud mys it is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson. your agent at
this place,e thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. If so,l would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he Is willing to
act for you. You can send the medicine by water tot he
care of Robert King ie Sons. Knoxville county. Tennes.
e, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazewell. East
Tennessee. I have no doubt hut If you had agents in
several counly , s In East Tennessee, a great deal of medi•
eine would be sold. lam going to take sonic of it home
for my own use, and that of my friends, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like an agent
al Montville. Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get
sonic of the merrhanis to act for you as I live near there.
Yours respectfully.
ABRAHAM fd'CLELLAN,of Tennessee.
For sale M'holesale and Retail, by
K E SHIA. ERS, Agent,
No. 20. Wood sireet.below Second.
infailihte remedy has preserved hundred ,
when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon
as the Syrup k rubbed on the puns, the child Will recc v.
er. This preparation is so innocent, 50 efficacious, and so
fliraSool, that nu child wi'l refuse to let its sums be rub
bed with It. When I fants are at the a•ze of four months
I lin' i here is to appearance of teeth. one bottle of Ih•
Syrup should he tked to open the pores. Parents should
ever lie without the syrup in the nursery where there
are yolloff children. for if a child wakes in the night with
;min in the gt , ins. the Syrup immediately _lvry case, be
open;:ig the pores, and heating the 2tims; thereby prevent
Inc convu dons, Fevers, 4'c. For Sale lA'holesale and
retail by R. E. SEGLERS„Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. Wo , ,ti street. below Second.
IV ER COM PLAINT cured by the use of Dr. liar-
ILA itch'', compound Ft remit befall,: and Aperient Pitts.
Mr. Wm. Richard., of Pittsburtfla, Pa., entitely cored of
the altnvedistressinf disca , e fits symptoms were pain
and weivh , to the left side: los. of sppetitc, vomitine, acid
eructations. a distension 01 the stomach. sick held-ache.
furred toilette. countenance changed ion citron rolor,diffa.
cony of urea: 'One. disturbed rest, attended as lilt a couch.
Great debility, with other symptoms intlicalinz _real de
rangemena of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard•
land the advice of several phyclelana, but received no
relief. until usinz Dr. Ilarlich's 'Medicine, which
trd 'in effeeilm_ a pe-fret cure.
Prinrival (Wk.'s. 19 North El2lllll Street. Philadelphia
For A;11 , in Pal +hair:oll,y Sanintl Frew, corner of Llher
os and Wood streets. imp 10
These Pills are , omposerl of heirs, which exert
specific. action upon the heart, give Impulse or
4trength to the arterial system; the blond in quickened
Ind equalized in its circulation Through all the vessels,
whether of the skin. the parts situated Internal ly,or lie
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from t he blood. i here is a consequent iocrease of
every .ec , et inn, and a quickened act ion of the absorbents
and exhalent, or dischargin,z vessels. Any morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected, all obstruc•
thus are rraisred. the MOM In p urified. and the hOdy
Imes a t !it tk.fals:ate. Pori ale Wholesale and Re
u.l `l3 , R C t3F LLERS, Agent,
3Ep 10 5.4 I Wood ;I. below 3ecood
mar 23. 1043
CONS7'.IXTLY on hand a superior article of Lard
Oil, warranted to burn at any temperature, and
equal to the hest winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its offensive qua'lttes, and one third cheaper, man.
ulaci urea by the subscriber at the old stand, Third st.,
nearly opposite the Post Office• M. C. EDEY.
jan4 .1843
f rill E subscriber having oiseiled a shop No tift, Fecood
street,hetween Market and Wond st reets,Plitstargh.
i n tonne( tic n with the Factory in Birmingham, respect.
fully Ins firms his friends and the public, that he will he
happy tc be favored with their orders for any articles in
his line,
Door Locks and Fasteners, o various d.scriptions, or.
hand and made to order.
Tohneco, Mitt and Timber Screws.
Lire Screws, for Iron YVorks,and Screws for Presses,
wade at arty lie required,
Carpenter. and Builders are requested to call Wort
contraetinz for jobs, and examine his articles and prices
I oeks repaired and Jobbing generully u one in .he best
tuanner,and on the lowest terms.
may 2—Euri JAS. PATTERSON, Jr•
DLEtw R.
s sARAF•RILL ♦ ncooD rud.s, are appli
cable in nII casoi, whether for Purgation or Part,
cation. They 1/01gCSS all the boasted virtues of other
pills, and are additionally ef f icacious, containing, Sarsap
wills in their composition, which is not contained in any
other pills Inexistence. They area's*" different from oth
er pills in composition, being pure) , regetaile, and can
be employed at all limes, without any danger, and re
gulling, no restraint f,om occupation or usual. con rse of
Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood
Pills would cure all diseases, yet it k not saving too much
oft hem, from the innumerable cures performed by them
In every vat sett, and form of disease (certificates of many
of which have been published from persons of all denom•
lantions, physicians, clergymen, arid others) that they
seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persons
using them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest
assured they will be found more efficacious than any lath
er pills In existence.
From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blond
'tie deemed necessary to remind the puhlie where they
may at all times procure the xenulne, as it is attempted
io Impose other pills called Blood Pills' upon the nubile
on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's, co-Be particular and
ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that
the name of Dr . N. B. Leidy contained on two sides
of eaCh box,(the boxes beim; of paper, and oblong,squarc
shape, aurrounded by a yellowand black label.
PRICE-25 cents, Box,
Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr
Leides Health Eamadam, 191 North Second street, be
low Vine. Philadelphia, and by B. 4. FAILKEETOCX
4., CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pitts
burgh July 12-Iy.
Headache! Headache!
Yours, Respectfully,
PH[Psubscriber has Just received his annual supply
t Laodret Gorden Seeds, consisting in part girth
following, hinds—elf of the last year., crop * wariauled
Bel rug
Mater Melon,
To IP a foes,
&c. &c. &C
To;:ellier with.. variety of Poi Sweet herbs at d Elnov, r
rr Orders for Seeds, Shrub., Toes, itc from Catd . en.
ers and others will be received and pram:4 , 4ly et:brach d
No. 184 Liberty. brad of Woods'
Fekniary 15,1840.
Dr. Swat ax—Dear rlirt- Permit mew talke• the liberty
of writing to you at t time to expert., my apprr.hatioef
and to reconim - eud lathe Attention of Leads of familfts
and others your Invaluable medicine-14 j Compound
Syrni, of Prunus Virginia/la, or WileCherry.ltark.
my travels of late I Lave seen in a Veal , many instances
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving dill.
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Conettinei
Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic aftacer, itre
Qtr. I should not have written this letter, hosteler, sM
prez.en. although I have felt It my duly to add isky fedi
mony t,, it for some time, had it not been for a tate la.
stance where the medicine above alluded to was tart nil
mental in restoring to perfect health an ..only child,"
whose ease was almost hopeires, in a family of my ae ,
quaintance. "I thank fleavrn." said the doating moth
i•r, "my child Is saved from the Jaws of death! 0 how
feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! tit
jan 13--14
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound syrup of
it lid Cherry Is the most valuable medicine in thts or any
other country. lam certain I •.ave witnessed more than
one hundred cases where it has teen attended with cow.
plate serest. 1 ant using it myself in an obstinate at.
tart: of Brrrschitia, in which It proved effectual In a ~e3A
reedingly sirort time, considering the severity of the rank
I ran rerontend It in the fullest confidence of its royerine
virtues; I would advise that no family should he witfii
it; it Is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten limes Its price. Thr t•ubllc err as
sured there is no quackery ahnut It. R. JAcasoa, D. P.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presh)terian Church,
N. Y.
Sold by WM. THORN. who'csale g retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. No. 53. Nlarket •treet. APT , 10
ABOON TO Tlig HUMAN RACE!—••Distort;
'that Intl destroy Life. and you arc a treat mks
“Dissever what will prolong Life, clad /As trarld tails
call you Imposter • "
There are faculties, bodily. and intellectual, soithiso ra
with which certain herbs have affinity, and over whieh
they have power."
Dr. C. ftrandreth's External Remedy, er Liniment
which, by Its extraordinary powers, abstroets Pain o,
Sorene-s; thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews. White Swedings ,
ft !monadic Pains, or Eltdiness, Stiffness of the .1011111 ,
Tumors. Vonalural flurditeis, Still — Neck Sore Threat'
Croup, Contractions of the muscle", Scrofulous ea
toreements. Tender reel, and every description of 13
Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Flame, tsar
cured or greatly relieved by his never-to bs •rficienl
extolled remedy.
ClERTlrioaTt.—Thr fullowln: triter front Major Gen.
era' Sandford. as to the qualities of the External Bente
dy, speaks volume•:
Nail* Yoe', Feb. 9, .1842,
Dear Sir—VITI yin ohliee Me with another kettle of
your excellent Liniment? •Ir iv cerialitly the hest of Ilia
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my POW)
knee, about which I was no. itticasy.and I have found it
productive of Immediate relief in several cases of extet
nal injury in my family. A few evenings sines. my
youngest child was seized whit a vinlent attack of Croup.
which was entirely removed In twisty titian:es, by ruk.
Nog her chest and throat freely with the External Rem
edy. I think you nu:ht to manufacture this - Liniment
for :eneral one, Instead of confining the use of It, an you
have heretofore dine, to your particular acquaintances.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD
DR. R. Bassunr - rn.241 Broadway, N. Y.
fr.-For sale at 241 Broadway, flew York, and at hit
office In the Dimond, Pittshnr g h . PCICE—fiO cent,
„er holt le with slireeitung. aeplo
:lass of individnats is very numernus. They arc I. a
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers werli
men In feather attires, stone cutlers, bakers, white teat
MaritliradOrerE, are all mtsr.s. or if. Ellbjeri to digester ie
cording to the strength 'of their constitution. The an y
method to prevent disease, Is the oceagirrul step of
medicine which abstracts from the eireolatiTh. altdalete.
rlooshumore,ande.tpetelhem by the bowels. Tonics
In any form are Injnrioug, as they only ::.at off the eel.
lay to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth'g Tlltf
will insure health, because they lake all Impure mailer
ottt ()f tile. blood; an d the body Is not weakened but
stren2thened by their operation; for these valuable Pitts
do not force, but they assict nature, and are not oppcsrd
but harmonize with her.
Sold at Dr. Brandreth'► Office, in the Diamond,
Pairhurgn. Price 25 cents per hos, with full dlrto ions.
MARK—The only place In Phishoreh wit, re the
GENUINE Pillstan be obtained,is the Doctor', own Pf
lice In the Diamond. rep 10
Caveat entered 9th June,lB42--Pa tent granted to
Brnjrmin B, a m, F.,2oth January, 1843.
The extracts of which Brandreth 5 PA are torn.
posed are obtained by this to w patented process.
without boiling or any application of hew. Thn a
live principle of the herbs is thus secured the same
as it is in the
The Public shou'd be cautious of medicines ree—
cnramendel in advertistnents stolen from me, in
which 11)8 CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBERS steals my lane.
gnage, merely altermi, the name. Time will show
these wholesale deceivers in their true light.
BiIANDRETH'S PILLS are the People's
Medicine, proved by thpueands who daily reccom
mend them to the afflicted. The BR ANDRETII
PILLS are growjor every day more popular, their
ei. toes are extenriill their oFelulness. The Fick of
both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them.
No cage of disease but they can be used with adver t .
tage. Blotchesca haul lumps of the skin they speed.
ily cure, so with eryeipelas, so with salt rheum, se
with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with
coseiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips
and canker in the month. Let the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find thee require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions.
Observe the new labels each having upon h two
signatures of Dr. Brand reth. So each box of th•
genuine heal,' signator es—three Benjamin firmi
ng)) and three B. Brandreili upon it.
The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REA
Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor..
own Office, Diamond back of the Market House
Mark, the GEertaisc BrandrethPills can never be ob
tarred in any DRUG STORE. g
The following are the ONLY AGENTS pp o i bt
ed hy Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegeta
ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh I,:
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny.
Robert Duncan—Birmingham.
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
H. Rowland—McKeesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill
Jchn Johnivm—Noblestown.
Cheintman & Spaulding—Stewartstown.
Asdell & Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
George POwer—Fairview.
David IL Coon—Plum Township.
Daniel Neigley--East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilkinsburgb
Writ. 0 . fluntar—Altotea
Paten ip,
Kale, P"Pl.wr,
Pumpkiu, Bro:ctoi,
Radrah, 'Omni'',
Rhubarb, Cal base,
Salsafy, Ca,rot,
Cauliflower, Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Culled Com, Onion,
Cucumber, Panley,-,
Mustard, (white and brt %el)
Egg Plant,