vm+lllM` v- DAILYS T . DECEMBER RC. BOARD OF TRADE. pl'tTSßti 11 • nourrritv: TO LXCLzM—RRb er Wiliam Eiebbiznn—F. ---------- No vt attid c ell et , . ntVtitiOa of the pul)lic tothe Isavertisement of Iklessr:,. 3LA6 ELY ana NIITCHCLL. ItealE4tate Aputs. These gentlemen ars every way qualified for the boaineo they propose to transact, and those who e mploy thorn, may rest u:...4un_41 that their in terv;kts will be properly attended FOR SAFETY, Ta ' nudiers shouid ds select Boats ting provided ion withof Ltaxt, CA i e...--F. J. Gitesn, e lit.o of the Pi..Midel- Evas Safety Guar f p Bo ating Explos phis Mercury, has preferred a chaage ut libel against steam Bo v e ,: it Mr. S. Irtillemi'ehim the ralitu r of a GVIIn3n I .l P er • T T would be well for the traveling community to called the "Demo-rat," publi,hea in Philalelphia.— 1 bear is mind that their security deptiuls entirely The article which is alled,ted to be libelous, Was a uptm their own encouragement of boats that have or cnntommiention published in the paper stating that an may tu . be A a nd t titthiactx.epscenrs: lii.CiapiTall,il:,iirlocmtli!,:inagbos%iiieettppar ,h selec • 'Cugtura [louse officer had made improp er " e or i tio.is i. contri:yitin;: iowards a ceneral introduction of money easrusted to bit care, to be wed fur a e. train ' an invstution admitted by all in.tn who understand the -sose. principles of th:r Stearn Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those tircattfuf disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of e xplosions, that have already taken place, their almost daily o ccurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a su cient agarning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard B Jat, and in every ease to give it the preference. They have v.-ent to an additional expense that your lives ml.. be see arc. Ought you nut tht:refore to meet them with a currespondiug degree of libaratity, and by your t.rafetence show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu tnan life. They .13 nut charge more than other hunts; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior, and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completetyin your own power to avoidthe.e dii. asters. All boats marked thus U ] In the List a .krrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Boats provided with the Safety ON Guard. ALPS, LADY OF LYS. AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH,- LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL. BOSTON'. MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MICHIGAN. BRUNETTE. M.4RQUETTE. BRIDGEAW.47'F.I2, MAJESTIC, BR WA TER. Musrusa um VAL•y, CADDO. MISSOUR I MAIL, CHARLESTON, M CNC° PARK, CICERO. - MESSENGER. CANTON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND. LIA, NEPTUNE, CECE CAS P 1.4 N, , NARAGANSETT. NIAGAR. 4, CLIPPER , COLUMBU. OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN' BOY, COLUMBIANA, 01110 MAIL, CORSAIR.OHIO. DUQLTESNE, . ORLEANS , DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EM :lf .1, P. 4 N.4. 1 /.4 , EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEE 'f.qth.e SOUTH, EL DORADO, RO it' E.N A. F.: V E 1. I N E . R AR !TAN, ENPIZEss MAIL. s., Rill ANN, FORMOSA. S A SARA T OG .4. FORT Pl7'7', VASS A . GALENA. ST. CHARLES , GES'L /311001 C, ST. LOr LS. GAL TALLEY R AN'D, IDA. LANT, TOBACCO PLANT, INDIAN QUEEN. VIC TR ESS, ruLvors, VALLEY FOR aE. I. li . . B fl. LS , V lOLA. II:IVES", ii" ES T IV IN . D. JAMES ROSS, WING AND WING mar-22 To THY. EDITORS 07 THE rotil. Mtra—l VMS 11Voth St lewd at eeelag a no *ice of the disease of Ira. Ellen Dowsnap, itt the 'Spirit of the Age," of the `_'9th uit.. which i; inc w o a rrect. y It should have beoa Mrs. E.11 , .m Boiloy Sh , s m wife, we were married on the 9.4 th day of February. 1830, by Atderman Von Bunh• r.t. who can testify to the fact. ANT lIONY 1301LEY. Loss OT A BRlO—Moogl' SA—UFFEIUNG.— The New Bedford Mareery of Sat E urday S gives the fol sowing ancaraut of the loss tithe brig 130 AG-ice , i gota, ap ApLrit. . l N. Fuller, of that port, on the coast of Cn last, which has already boon briefly mentioned. Capt.; Faller arrived . at New Bedford on the 23d inst., via Salem , itis the Brig Rolla, from Zenzibar, and has fur Matted us with the fullsysing particulars of his voyage, comprising a series of misfortunes and hardships set t o m partalleled in a single voyage. The Bogota sailed from this port on the 7th of June, 1342, en a whaling voyage to the Atlantic and Indian Ikeans, manned by 21 persons including officers and crew. On her passage out, touched at the ester Islauls in September, when the Ist mate, Mr. IVFred'h n S. Hammond, was left on account of ill-health. In November, touched at St. Catharines where the 2d mate was left also in cansequence of ill-health; the va a- -.canniest thus caused being supplied by promotions sateng the crow, and enlisting- additional seamen. liubraquently at the same place the crewd ofter f the shi Bop - gota . maainind and were put on shore, an a pint another crew the brig proceeded to the Indian Oarala arriving at Johanna Island, in April, 1343. recruited, and sailed again on the Gth. pursuit of . 42 2 sail whales. On the 13th, in lat. 11 23, lon6, at sunrise, with light winds from S. E , shortened to single reef t opsail, foresail and spanker, until 4 A. M., when the brig struck on a coral reef in a dept of 9 feet water, which had recede , [ to 3 feet at 6 A. M., and the foretop mast was then ciAt away to prevent her from bilging. At 7 A. M., the crew took to the latats, and after an hour and a half sail landed ien Coral Island. They returned to the brig a thigh tide, w a o nd ea att w 4 ater in iroCceeded in getting her afloat with t f the hold. anl stool in a S. Ea . cms , : until 5 o'clocls, M. of the following day, when they changed theit citirse and stoad in fur Coral Island. The boats' crews, consistiag of 12 men under command of the let and 2.1 offierrs were sent ashore to obtain certain articles of clothing, &c., which hail been conveyed there from the brig aeon thtir plsl,utd. revious visit to the Refire th: b t I roata,c 1 the Ishu u however the weather became sterillytaal Capt. Feller made siga eats for them to return to t whiclorl!r was die sel:yeti. The wiiatli ir tbe brig be. id a leaky C Let. cruised utf the Ifaid during '24 hrers, an I not p„tre .irlutt any thing \ o the larrata pr tatealed tow trcl Zanzibar, where . they arrived on the Ist of M tv. On the. 4th, the two b asts also arrived or Z frith eight Acumen. four ll of th.tir utimharh tying upon Coral Island, of the African fever. The survi;.trs t o .1.: •reay triuiso,,,,il w i t h t h e etot disease an (1,%! of . m 3 i iall , •r died. the he I, three of who re- I rn Ueda; three re: te•e-ail. maimed on bo tr.l also .1i el Z inzibur of the hi snr,icu, , I.atTO Cttnlrn ...it of 21 Vroon..7o7niiiiiii:ig the in - fwers and Crew. lai'Llt wu there were A iviri.7au. e. F iiriravea. M Lis.. L S. \Var.-lc:ell, •.tiarth Riser; Jolia P. New..ll, Nantucket. "f he re maining ten st ere Portugaiese. Juiy the Bragota WWI condetrA and solii at Zilnzibrir, tnizetliiir wit the ant Sta. Th.• na m Loa. t-_olathe we shipped on board the Rolle, and has arrived at Salem. The c omittioal aaxiety isJ sidle -jig experienceal by Copt. Futter under this r•l-nplication of disasters of the in must painful and bar; acing nature, may b,e better imagined than described. Hie persevering exertions is behalf of the owners and underwiters, no loss enti tle him to the highest praise and should not s tiffer . wi to page witho at a suitable testimonial of emit-oh:1 . lion. A PROTRACTED NIEETING I+ flow in progress in tint Engl . ell Lutheran Church, :Avvanth stroet. fhe raitor will be a e g,i4ted. by Hey. 'Mr. LIAIMI VV NO4TCY, and ses:rral other ininiiterial brethivon. Treadling evory evening at Gl.ock. o'clock: i n:.f.tinv f,,r inquiq ey.•ry nftersonn at 3 o'cl Port of 1 by S , eb:c fv:3 U:ueral Stea.tz Shat Ag.nts. Water sfrerl. rivr FLA.:: .417. INCLIFS :CATER in; THi. ...is:Ft -.-_. ARRIVED. 'Daily Deaver Faelset3, "l.Nuttlt Bend, Dutwan, Cincianati, *ifjolumliaaa, Smith, d . 7 W int :Ind Win;, Ca-aph7.ll. do. 'lru , tt .. IrvM, do. Belmont. Nu, Wheeling. Oelbt, Bowman. Brownsriae, - 7 Bri irewater. Clark, Wheeling. •- i DEPARTED. • - Mr. Paul Emile Theveau 7 Daily B u3verPtteketa 7 Nips, Told, Cincinnati. Ho Aestheulionm-tit,7:tilfntihwe ,pvtillblVehat during his 11.mr.,11:11a, Parkiion, Mornmg :Lela city. . - A:pine. Coelho:tr. Brownsvide, l LESSONS IN TUE SPANISH. FRENCH AND li , :f . tst,. Elbert, Wheeling LATIN LANGUAGES. Ilgicgs, Crief, Devemoy, Wheeling, 1 Frmn his having made the Spanish language tiw Belmont, riw, do. ;, ' sale object of his stmly during a residence of two years ,e I ' - f c k'l b '' . . 4 ' a i' - ''' .. I 6t. " [5 , 1 T.' n' id ",. / w . " in 1+,,, ,,, awn, is roam.) to 3upiose ti, it he has ac . r..v i ~.. ~f iv 1.1 Lir", to ptev :at the r.Aptoston of steam , : ...' , ' ',;.' ' ' ' e t i,r , o a ~,,u, L , ,stam Ad, I i .` . .te of their language, the ensie-i Doiiefb. i anfl Mo.ft. harmonimis of A rnorlern languages. - --- - - :---------'-' --= ' Of his co mpetency to teach French them can he no oubt, rom the fact o his having lama a der!: i d Notary f ili Paid+, ,vberi f lie has studied law. What Mr There:inhere states he cat prove by the Ordonnaa ce \ of the. King of France and b : letters front the Minister of the Navy. court house. ------------.7—_--. 1.29-1 m IN the matter -f a new 1 owrichip wit of part: of at .N .N t l i r ' F r - i l l e e k v e c i n s u e E r ic ' "be house, s ;1 ever)' ark ti d t a rt ) ! . v r t i l " b7l l ; : 2 : :, t 1 () t 1 1 ) e l' o ) I I A Main, .leffersoo, Upper and Lover St. Clair Townships. And now to wit, Dauber 9th, 1843; approved, and die ourt dirct that notice given by the Clerk, h. publiCcation in e the Dilly Poet b and Ammra, that the same wid be confirmed at the December Term, 1343, unless exceptions are tiled before that time. By the Court. THOMAS FA RLEY, Clerk. - - , Hops. "" WA LES new Hors. in store and for stile by 2. ) , HAILMA:'`i, JENNINGS 8.-...C0. ,let 4. 43 Wood st A GOOl FARM FOR SALE AT A REDUCE* FARM. with all the necessary impri, told under goad cultivation, will he so!a 1 bargain if apPed for 3333, situated on the w ..Las uf L.; run,, RO3l tOVILIShip, Co atainin FOSTER'Sg 270 acres. tiftv of which is Mend ,w. Apply at EGOLF & , Real Estate Agency. 3d s.t. tiec 4. Dissolution of Partnership. Fri HE partnership heretofore existing under the .t. style of Devine & De in is this day dissolved by to consent, 11. Devine is o collect all sums (LT te the concern, and pay all cloitus cuotra.cted fur the concern up to this date. 11. Dzvine respectfully informs his friends and the tdiblic, that to still ‘ otitinues in the Transporting busines‘, and that he hasremo4ved t W he office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 5 ater street, next aryor below Lewis Ilutchiuson, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, on eve low INE.est 1. DEV i t iittbut,g l ). Pittsburgh, Sept. 1.1843. BUFFALO TONG V LI S.-Receis . ed hy Little Be n 10 bsotesl3MT.llo Teague:, in fine order. direct 1 R. I'tELANE'S LIVER PILLS. -This is to cer Cron Ile. moutairs• A. BEE :N i LI tift; that a niece of mine was very ill with the Lit:- tifl if I er c omulnint. She purchased n box of McLane's Liv- I . ' -----_—_ __--- t , er Pill.. took them as per airreliorts, flit much relies , B uil.' Al.O Ii0111:.S.• -Itecciseti by Cieeni, a fresh .. Tie. SWiftrlllre, Robinson, Master, lenses es en' I ea, tetod :t sectina box . and is nenriv cured. 1 tellesre it " 5 j I ''.l '"i'l sl :' "f 6 " 'ill' " 1 It''''"• A"T' ly t" rhors.l.iv at 10 o'clock, a. in. i was the I.lvor I'ills that rt:.les ril her. 1 woula cheer 1,84 A . i I ' EFLLEN • l The (_' r 'l . •N 1 1 -•- ‘ T 1 avat " 'is -comine•ta \VI Ines I i.... , -r Pill to those persons utICT, -.OA 1:5,. lst , r, cask. .3 l% i 7), tun. a., t u, tt r• . . . .. . - _ . 11 1:1.611.1L1) ROBES by sitvgle rah; o ri ;l l :!l l .... i f t. or ‘ s ; ttle ! i I °.1.111i.c../°cNikt,iat:,:n*,srtt, xlio-c Liver is tEstra.red. , Jt+4SPTI PoID, Bennett. •Itaster, lens ci:".‘ cry Sat- i 12 miles from Pittsburgh. r • 1 ura ty at 10 ticlocit. a. ni. For !talent the Drub 'Store of JON. KIUD, '' - - - . The 1.:-...lice..s. Par..i .s.m, Mr.,ter, leases elt-17: Sur.- ; Oet 31. Cort.cr of 4th and SVomi ;t3. Pitts. ) ''''_.„ 1111 DS. N. 0. 51.:(i AIL itlit r.-celi-.1, a•el rot ..1.1... - at 19 o'c'..t . l , a. tr. , ---- ---- - --'--- --- ----- ---- :.. / 11 , 1 , by J. G. & A (i.lit.DstN. JOHN I.3lll7llNtillAM & CO., l Peach Trees. -Iv n 1 A g'"ts - , ,(„, Tllll3tikv.criberhas "m it received from theNur . .__ T l'sT ii. i'',t ' r.IV El) and lot sale on etre ignint rt. - * • '---- I • - secs - of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia. i 1.1.11 N ER.SMEII. Exc 4 eurre Br,ler, -Ve• 7 111, I. l•a-on, liat ' a lot ofthe chUiee>t variety of peach trees, to whiell he Tha Staata Float Cutt,er 7 1,111- su;ar, :1_ C,•rner rf {rood alfl 7'hirJsircris, rit!sburg I wou ld ca ll t h e atlc:; tion o f the piildie. Y. L. SNOWnEN. ‘ATII I ~,,,..vitL”bure!, tot : i s, yrs Can I,c .....-rn at th • sow.: Ji..l-i.,l,ii,N. if.)(l-5,,1,ii•i0iti...1.‘',.,.,C,\.,• (.0. .(ii,....! ...,:f",i1.:1t15.:•..,,,,,i11.,5.:e:.(....a.c.,...,41 ..,5".t....,.i.:iit..2.:.:t...,,.57, ii,t;‘,..,,,,..,.,,,1,t.1.4.,.11;„:11(.,t. / rna2; 8. . Li . No lacrtv it. 'uead of Woo. 4.12.....ty..,•....45 I . V d.,tys instead "f Frold :is, u s ; am: 29 Dt . .e.t.., recs. And i•Ill.. cult.- :rd. ---__. - ~a1........,*---„„„,...ta heretofore. 'filli...ilteizsliuts has betm 1 -. .- -----:- - . i e)111-1 11 xtiS (iltilr.N RlO coi - 1 , ..i:. tor .a., Itl rERIIN( )1. i '''' AI,T.-nA bblf, N” 1 Salt for - sale. Inquire of ut id • t., a. old : tr. , •ill; . - , solnal:.'• se. , s r 1,/ 1.,..\ , I.v IS k (70., i I nl- II AILIIAN, JENNINGS & CO., Vor Cr..t ...1 . . r Irt ..m...., •Irr,sl, MI lit.ava ur try I 11.\101AN,Jr.NNING,-. A (.0. John D. Davis, 43, SV arta street. B1111.11N(illANI .5 . .: CO , t.`t ..., 60 IVicrer st. net 10. 43. 11,.,..1 0r,•,. r . 1,,,... , -. Pillslsurgh, Pa. / -----------___--___------------- 1_)1: TlEit.- . ... , 1 , ;(.4 , . _ __. . __ _ ___—_ - .1. Painter & Cm, ----a-- --------------- •ZtlA it Bt: r ri.lt.-% titof• .1 it eeltoordted e beice , Notice. J,q- 1, 11 \Vs: . dwell, I 1) 5 Barrels Western Reserve. rr ~,,:,.,...„,...,,,, ~,. (2,,..C.,1. ap,„,,,,„,, to es•tin- , , r . 1 fa oily 00. to, . pot up 1.. tco 00tr... -ct. , . 1 ppls .lames Altus-, ' Dairc Butteriust received and for sale by ior tit • elle a .cmint A, WWI COOITIV•111, til,•11 St'i to A. Ill:ELI:N. 1 kle%. Bronson & Co. ?, ~ I 11AILM.N, JENNINGS &Cc.. -tine at the 1 ism's Mlle , . on Ntitiday e•.•-ititiz, De- nft-If - _.. ( P i o.adelphia. , 43 Wood ft. -_ _ __ _ John 1111rown k. Co. cerriberstit. at 0 o'clock, at which time Collt.ctots 1 /, Itrll ,f.int .. mlc, , t..s. s4 ._ ~_ ,,..t , ~, ,,ty. „.,,, . 1 Jame. MlCandless. ', Cincinnati, 0., 1 and othrrslia.ing accounts with the city will please I -4 . i 1 ...it ,7, .„,..,1,‘,,,,. v:"r.„..:.'1. :,ii,l, Bkti.) s ,, l ti l . i J. It. Nl' Donald. `,., St. Loins, M o . attend. .10I1N Sllll'loN, Ch'n. I , T , 1 .11 lot- tau.: •at•ire of JO ~ K IDD. ;W. 11. Pope, Esq., Pres • t Bards K. ` l l.(riisville. /11-2 iv ((lazetti. cope.) til7 \ _ _....-------------. - I Executors' Notice. . I ' 1 ..)C RAI.F.s CLii.‘ LI: SF TOBACCO, this dry iLL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Cas Aar X) rvceiveci, ana for ,al, bv ' ra11y, .16. late of the city of Potsburzh, deceased I • J. G. &A. GORDON, ! are reque•it , l to make payment imtnediately to either\ nl5. 12 Water .trect • ,of the torler-i,:ned, mud, all rrs , la havicr; claims I - 14 1 11 ESII DRCGS.-.1715t t ccr --- ised, (,)r - ii --- 7.ine, Tar -- 1 ts ,elinst the same. svill present them prop-rly antheati- 1 1 If tars A. id, Culomel, Omar Bismuth. ilikit,fle ~ rated IN either tif thi• tvol -r.,i !r ete,l C o - ~e tt lerreSt II I.: 1 :11Y . NI I CY: LLOUG II , Peebles Toss nslii p, i k Potnsh. Ex l t Ii arks, at the wholesale and l•ctait Drug .1 A \IE . ; I. .4 SSI ELY, Patslittrzli. I Store of .101:. KIDD, I til7 Corner nth •na Wm..' street; i I ' TAMES TIE ‘ KV:LI. ' I'lltl ' ll ' 1:1 " . _ ___:_- . .1 A 111:S (: (TIMMINS. Pt!. T ~, t -10. , . --li i LEIS putt. Balsam Copais.ti-t re, eised at I a •25-,1,.. , 1 m .... :-....r5. 1 I ."_, V I the drug store of JOS. KIDD, I ___._ corner 4th anti Wood streets. I --- -- - --- \ W - M. 1`;';Of F........ ........ J. IlErius Fos-rim LGOLF & I'II:4TER. Western Real Estate Agency, l'ittsbureh. l'a. 11 Third st.., next door to the'o 0.,•, V m F Ae.: . .• for th li and Co • ptir• ise and s ile tit . Reol Ls tate, Stozh.s. negotiating ol Loan•t, tit. They will a 1..) a•tend to the AVII1O; of I/17 metal for o wners at a distance. Letters, post paid, will meet with i rnmetliate atten i tion. Terms moderate. The hest of teferefiCes Teen on application at the office. \ . -- _— -------_ Dissolution of Copartnership. TIIE copartnership. heretofore existing between. the subscribers, in this city, under tbe firm (4 Lloyd &Co.. is this day I lk-it/bled by minim' consent: , A U Reinhart having purchased the entire interest ot S. Lloyd, jr• in the concern. All persons indebted to the tato firm will malse pay ment to A U Reinhart, wit , will contirow the Grocer. . • Business at the old stand, and who alone is authorized to collect the debts due the concern , and rec,ipt for same. Those al,n) having claim•; azaitist the late firm nib , please present them to A U Reinhart for •autlement. I'ittshereh, Nov. 7, 1343. (signed) \ S. LLOYD, jr., A G ItElNli +ill.T• In retiring from the above firm of Lloyd S.:, Co., I i w -.mid cheerfiilly recommend to m sti y ec for e a ,,sor.Mwr (rionds and I customers, my lute partner and r A G I Reinhart, who continues the Grocery 13tisil , `,S11 ut the old ftand, 140, Liberty street. • (=ivied) n).9 S. LLO — Y D. ir• . _—-- ALLEGHENY COUNIY, si: e.,-... 1, Thomas Farley. Clork of the Court of L/ Q.:tarter § of essions of said county. tfertif • '''' i the foregoing to be a correct copy the or. ....,..., der of Court. NV itness my hand aod the seal of said Court, a Pittsburgh, this 29th day of November, A D 1.043. n3O Tl - 10M_AS FAl!i•",°er't H. DEVINE. C. A. M'ANULTI Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug stoOW re of F. L. SNDEN, 184, Liberty St., head of Wood —______ -..........., ---------;----- ------ 1843 -- -I ._,' tauctlon O --- t ates. , _ • ST AN DART, INGRAHAM & CO., ; r onus:dimg and nonunission Merchants, John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION IitERCIVT, ! CLE r F.LAN 1), MI IP). Corner of Wood and 51A sts., Pittsburgh, T s ready to receive m,..rchandizeof every description AGENIs far the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie 1. one onsignment, for public or private sale, and I C a nal; Wnshington, Line, Ilunter, Palmer & Co.'s from long e xperience in the above business, flutters (Line of Steam hosts and vessels on the lakes. Clove \ himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaa Ohio Canal. ion land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie 'to all who may favor him with their patronage. tors of the Merchants, Line, ER TO Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAY 5, of Dry i REF Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. I Wilkie & Enr.worth, No. 9, Coentics Slip, N. Y. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,new I R. Hunter & Co. Albany • and secondhand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. / Otis Chaff, Boston. . • Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug 12—Y i M. Hunte T. r, Palmer S.:, Co., Bffalo, Williams & Dow.•) lion. John M. Allen, \ Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings. S J. S. Dickey, 13eaver. Birmingham & Co.. Pittsburgh. ap 1 18•13-1.y z _______---.---------- -- - - - BROADCLOTHS, CASSINETS. CASSIMERES, CALICOES AND MUSLINS AT AUCTION. AT Davis's C o. Auction Rouru:4, corner Wood and all streem un Monday next, De cember 4th, at 10 o'clock A M, will be sold, a large invoice of D v! , Gouda of carious deactiptioni, amung. wlliAt are— Superfine and fine broadcloths, Do do cassimeres and cnsiincts, Franck and English merino 4 an I dlpacat, Twilled and plain flannel, Ca:lent , . and 17 uslins, tiekhg 4, Colored cumin ies, mouselin de laines, l'a,ry liclks, plaid and cashmere shnsel4, Flag silk hdlsfs. St euhen4 ille jeans, &C. At 2 o'clock I' M, furnitnre. J D DAVIS IIniOTICCT (Et A .------ - Assignee's Sale of Dry Goo •s. AATI lA. be solA by order nl AssignOei, on \Vednes- V V day, the Gth inst. at 104iclock, A M., at No 92, Market street, the entire stock of Armel and Mont?, remaining on hand, con4,,ting du general assortment of Dry Goads, among. which are 101) pieces bleached muslin', Cloths. caesimeres., cassinets. Merino', various colors and qualities, - Kentucky jeans, Red white and yellow Flannels, Mon wlin delnines and alpaca", Dreis silks and satins, Colored camltrics and paper muslin', ChintzeA, calicoes and ginghams, Shawls and handkerchief', a great variety, Li hen and painted lawns. Hosiery. gloves and suspenders , I Scarfs, stock 4, cravats, ' Black, lace and green v eil.t, Buttons, spool cotton. &C. &C , All of which' will be .4.01 d with. Ut reserve. Sale to be continued on Fl ides and Saturday', Bth and 9th inst. and 'nail all i.401d.. Term , ‘, cash, currency. JOHN D. DAVIS, al Auctioneer BE A It SElNS.draoaed and u ndreio.cd. pit rect e.l alai fur sale by A. BEELEN .rElAS•—ltt.ceiv9(l op e on:lgnment, 1 . 2 Cbesteiouag, Uyson Tea, 4 " 'Polack Ica, 4A " 1 Inirrii id, 5a " Gtripowder. by , J. G. & A , GORDON, 12 Water street UCKW HEAT~ Fl.yl" R.—Fre:As L) Ek,ur a liana nn.l for Eilt . Lc G 1t El N 11.1 ItT, 140, Liorty i r LOUIS CRACKEILS.—John DadsiSt Lou'i 1 JAmr:s 111 ciKEY respoclfull) ial.roo: It,. it ion,ls k... 3 lt b y and butter crackers ü brays on bond and 1 for cal° by ..1.. 6 11F.INIINIIT. awl the public, thath: %till continues in the 'franqrar n`29 190. Libcrtv street. \ tation Pot.ines,,nt his Warohnuie, CORNER Of LITIIT.II - I TY ..ST3 WATSF, STREETS , Canal 11ain, under the tome of tho ••Indepeni,at Portable Boat Line," where hr will receive and forward freight to the East at the 10We!kt terms sep 4—tf. ___------- - -- -- - ---- -- JUST RECEIVED, 30 bids best cround CuriJON. KIDDo.. ood, t./ ut the drug store of , n2B corner 4th and Wood streets. _____---------- licLA NE'S LUNG SYRUP, if token in time. ..L.71. will prevent a couch from nettling On tltulang , .. Dolay+ are danc.erottA. Those afflicted with a sligh , cold had better apply in time. A fre.ll pply juArcceived at the Dot,: Stare D of JON. KID, nI7 Corner 4th and Wood streets. E d r esu•ti and full haired, n snitable article for travt'llers' trunks, fir., for A. I3ELLL'\. 1,13• If .NRGAINS ! k1ICIA1N5!! BARGAINS All ',nry, of clothing - and wearing . approcl. cAll at No. 151, Libert) :trect. rind -a‘c for cour4rl Y e , i m•ri 7. .1. IVIcCLOSKE. CRANBERRIES-311st recriv.al----- ara for ta lchy A G 140, Lib-rty otrect. --- S SII ARES Allegheny Brge S DAVlS,dteck. a p' va:c s.;Lie, by JOHN 11. t Atli 11 Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Farms " an 7 • . SEVERAL, improvea fu-ns %%. nte El , ( within 20 mill, market). rer=o ith 115 fi i"Tit call at iny office, in Smeld 4treet. in-ar 4; ii, soon 016-tf Money Wanted. 'WANTEI) to borrow, on good secutity, either in V endorsed notes or mortgages, on good Beal Estate in town or country, worth from three to foee times the a mmmt. and from one, two. three tn live venrs—sloo, $250. $)00. $7OO. $l,OOO, $1,300,52. - 000, $3.000. $4.000. $3.000, &c. Per sans h will find a avi ull ng money to lend in large or =moll sums, f merest. and a gond security for it, nn a pplication at Ilacri3' Agency and intelligence Offtee, N 0.9 Fifth nov. SR (GAtette cop).) J. N. HENDERSON UemovaL PCAWFIELD has removed his marble Estub • lishment to Wood st. opposite Fohnestock's D. - ug Store, where he will keep ccrnstandy9-Iyr on liana Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. lir 1 and Warren Packet THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. tirsodsist•-- Shaw .rnast mr. ,v ill run us reg,nlar tri weekly packet t • :ween the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, \Vett:l.:sdays, and Fridays' morn toe, leave.; Warren na 'F1125(132..5, Thursdays and Sat urlty4; e atinettili,tr Nvith the Stuze Lines to Cleveland direct, For frei;ht or passage apply on board, or to B. B MINGiIAM & CU., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. Deaver 4 . 27 x - SDI I s 43. 'ARE REDUCED. --C• S. MAIL i.tv e OF STacas AND RAIL ROAD CA RA, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambershurg., Ilurriziburg and LallCailer, to Philadelphia, ronnetitinc: with the Main train dears to N. Y. &c. Only 150 iniks sta;int; and one night out. Also, the direct liar to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'cliyilt Nt.. Office 2d door 1), , 1ew the Nierchani.' lintel Wood st MENDF.I,L. WACOII & Co., , feb23, 184:1-1y. LEASE FOR..._ F r HE unexpired term a a Lease on part of lot No. The Great Central Route, JL 20, situated in the Diamond, Allegheny city, Via N.ltional Mai awl B litimore and Ohio Rail south fide (laving a frame house 22 by 26 on m lot Roa I o,n.rany. !22 by 00, having ten years to run; will be sold a bar "; ..;-,c+ 5....,,, , c .,..„ 1 . I gain. Appls at Eoot.F & FOSTEIt real e-tatc agents ~A. 11f,,,..,V:•'..! akr...,,,, -..: .... VZ-01,.:: ` ne xt tloorto tile Post office. ':lie-±&'" "' t ' . • ‘ TI 1; ' e ' 11 -------- ...--... ~..."-• NEW LINE OF V. S. M \IL COACHES FOR ; 113aiaillg. Lots in,ltirmingham . W ~, int: , nTus CIT % , DLL TIMOR?, PHIL ADELPHIAI 1 3 LOTS. suitable for Inilili • t msst el: cibls, .it- A , I) NEW YOILIC• 1 I I:4 blf' I. 11l '. Ili 10 , .r . ltlll . l :1:111 le-1s es Pittsbut gll - • tinted, and within MO - • t-,' ••, 1.. k of the steam fer ry ba at iandiAsr, will , . , dat ;tiff-% to suit dady at 6 0L1.•.-It N.. M.. I'm Wa-Iti,tgton a . , the 611'04. Ille t‘..in. cf ptint.. . c ;11 be matie cosy, and national roa I to C t i.b.rhstal• c ion 'eting here i either for wash Of SIILI, I/ 111 •t - A-4.-31b ,, m cl.• is ai.nble. with the rail tuna Co's ta, .I,llm a lttise plae,o.; T ra y_ I Apply to the subs , : th att in 13 .. ai t.:11,11, 0: Mt .P. item will find this a ..pe .tl.• an 1 % onitortable route, it being a separate and distutrt Pitt -burgh and Cum- Jane I. Poterson, No. 1, Fern s:trot. ......1,,,,0,.. d AS. I'AT ILIISJS, jr. berland line, facilities will be atfordesl which hare not I ------"--- - - -- ----------- ----- been heretofore r with. Extrt coaches furni-heci nt ' TO =T. the shortest notice with the pry. ilege of goinT, through r l 4l A TWO STORY brick house, suitable for n direct or taking, one Malts re.; nt their op,ion, 13..dwellinz and Grocery, situate on the cornet For tickets, apply at our ofti..e tit the Monongahela of Fifth and Union street.s. Pose-ssion given immedi !louse. L. W. s.rocKros, ately. Enquire of Cep 3=l: F. President of N. R. Stage Co. i ~Tl. _ Ragular Packets, for Cincinnati. Wm.rr.kcocx. M. BList... PEACOCK & BLISS, GREAT ‘VESTERN, PLAIN AND FANCY Glass Cutting Establishmet, SMITIII7II.:LD STREET. N6v..1 Dom. TO Tlik: T s.mrso.o; es HALL. iHERE all I,inds of cut, plain and pressed glass ---_ D . ... 5 1 11 ttiln of I?3:taz. - : hip. rof all descriptions, via be pnrehmcul at very rea Duchalicut runt , . p.,:t- r•'.ll 'l-; -..,:- ,r r• t ..11.7 , i. .1 c .11 , firm sortable pri,,es, togntlicr with a great variety of splendid I JL of Duo,: ~. a.l \t- . v. :;::.. i . 11, . I .1i,21,11 cut ttla„.4, winlia - ljzlits for stevulsouts.ptivate bouses ved by to 1u ll -.,..,, .t. .1 %)111 .. ; I tl; .I:'..‘*, and churches. Also, window glass, a sat; erior arti- ' i m.o. 1, 1'313. \V M. (1. 11.1.. N 1 \ 1/1:11.• i .1.., wholesale acid retail. I Persons %ranting any of the above ankles, vvill do 1 I well to call and easy tine for themselves, before purtiva- 1 sine ol.:ewliere. ;:_,7•7.;, B. Watch nil Time piece Glasse: , always i 07..15-3m. 1 F A SIIION NBLE lIAT AND CAP INIANUTACTOIL Y, ql :V , . 13, Fifth street, bet , rerte Market and . - - 1V,0 , :, an.i cnrner of Sia th an , / Grant sts if-& IL WALKER feel grateful to the I. poliiie for that liberal patronage bestow ed upon them, a... 1 beg leave to state that they are now m lied-loom-la:4 and have con s tantly nn hand n very su perior article in BraVVr. R115,1:1, Nentrin, and every other cleserir di,,:, of Rats. Also, a variety of cloth, wa lett and fur caps; all of will be so:d nt the ve ry lewo‘t prici's• As nn part of their manufnettne is d.inc. by machinery, b a t h}• the bent workmen by hand, t h e y ea rl re,trrumend w ita c onfidence their flts. as bet star; superior and more d j urable than th.e:e ~ e na e rally of- Cot ed to the public. Merchants and storekeepers can \ be siriplied upon equally us low l. & 1 term' , as in the Eas ern Marlzet y 1. i n LKER. 023-2 m. ---------------- Daguerreotype miniature Portraits, At the corner of Market and s!li rrHE subscriber would most respectfully inform the Ladies and Cir.mtlemen of l'itt ..htl4..n and %i -riTdiy, that dioy have opened r.4n-n.4 at O h w above men [dried p1a,..% over the store of Messrs Lloyd & Co. t A are rinse pt., pared to tal:c Mittiotto es by this t-wau tiful act. in a style heretofore unsurpassed. By the combncit ion of a rial.•!:. and powerfnl :t;partt.lts, and an nat irely new 'node 01 op •ratinz. they are enabled to pr.-lure pictures or n s‘lrprkhr: 1 v racy and beauty. combining entire durability of impression, clear and distinct expression, perfect delinention, and last, thoi. not len.t. the color of the face and dress. The color hi; o f pl i o t n 4 ra:)lli:-. Pictures, form: a new era in 01' art. a. it enables us to combine with nectu .ey of nature the a dvantattes of art. The und.rsirned d c o not wish nor is it their intention to deceive the public by proud ,4lll, which there cannot fulfil, flit . they depend solely on t'43 cliarncler of thoir pictures for natrinare. and =trangerp, one and all, are invited to call Cad ex amine specimens. N B.—Complete sets of tkeimproved patent ap paratus .furnished on the mast reasonable terms.— Plates. Cases, Frames, Chemicals, and ever* thing connected with the busine EM lowest ciwik .1 ?4 EMERSON n CO. d^-6m jot anit atib coo ,et. ` Valuable Laud tor Sale at snare:Liu. Very Cheap fa? Cash i t TRACT consisting of one hunAred and forty-six LA- acres of timber land, situated irnmediately_on the Ohio river, in the State of Indiana,betwoen CI ucin nati and Louisville, a suitable location to establish a very profitable WOOD YARD—a great majority of the timber being beech and poplar. It well known fact that cordwood of this kind is alwaysbought in pre fzrence to any other by steam boats. There istter na point on the Ohio river where good wood will bring a be price. In addition to this. there is no part of the west ern rivers navigated hymany steamers—nnd bviou hence the great d..m tad for good cordwood. It is o that this land is more valuable on account of the tim ber, as the clearing of less than onehalfwill more than pay the original cost of the land. The poplar logs can be very advantageously rafted o uisville, where they have, always brought:a good to m L ice, and are much used fur building purposes. The soil is remaably rich—and when cleared of its valuable timber, will rk suit in every respect for ail kinds of farming purposes. Tie produce of the farm, by water, is within tt half of a day's reach of two of the finest markets in the wester', country, nanedy. Cincinnati and Any person wishing to make a safe and protluni , .e investment, would Jo well to purchase the above de scribed property. For further particulars. please apply soon to the Western Real Estate Agency o EGf OLF & FOSTER. There are several other adjoining tracts of e d2 qual site, that may be boughteheap fur cash. A GRE AT 'BA RGM S. 18 ACRES of good land, within two milea of Man cheater, will bp sold for ca4b; a great bargain. Apply at Egolf &Eoster'A Real Estate (dee, nem door to the Pont Office, Third st. nov 30 A FARM FOR SALE A FARM of 100 ncreA, 12 miles from Pittsburgh, i on the Franklin Road, adjoining lands of William Cochran, Esq., will be sold on favorable tern 4. Frn further purticular:‘ apply ti P. McGA 020-Im. 149 Liberty streeti. Newito:k Dyer. O5El' III)1F.S. wouldrespeetfully inform hi,,Lulies' I.iencls and the public in general, that he dyes dresses, Habit sand 1\ tan Eels of every description, black: and warrants thorn uot to smut, and to look e quttl to n ew goods. He dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of .ilk and carpet 7:arn. Also, cleans andrestores the colors of gentlemen's clothing, s.t ns to resemble new goods. Mr. H. flatters himself that be can please the public, \as he has done an extensive business in New York for twenty years• All work done on moderate terms, at his establishment in sth st., between NY croti arid Smithfield near the Theatre' CERTIFICATE. .IL7F This is t' certify that OSEE H IMES has. done work for d's, whieli ila3 fully answered our expec tations, and we consider hint a ou r dyer. S. Hemphill, - Andrew Pucci!. . Wm. Barnes, ,W. B Buie* 3. B. Shurtleff, . fpm..P. ' David Hall. llll.Sinith. B. F. • I lcury 3avene Mann. David I3oics, A. Shockev.jr Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes Lippincbtt THEsubscriber baying purchased and that-m . oly r epaired th is now manufacturing , and Lech coostantfy nn han 1, a full supply of all the dillerent kinds of Nails, Fpik•s and Blades. etc..— mado from the I)es:tonality of Juniata Blooms, and n; soon as the nece,sary tudliti, n4'ca las t ade to the machiner. ho will Mionfart• r e very scription of Bar and Sheet Imo, morilly made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert. at No. 94 near Wood, or at the Mils the 'Fifth Ward. will he rromptly attended to, 3 XMES ANDERSON. se 29-3 m DITWIL RN WOOD AND MAIIIiET STRE.7k- TWOULD MOM. res pee trullyannounce to the muzcm L of l'ittshurgh and the country cenrmllv, that I hay, -ommentell the mannfacture of STOCKS , ()revery va , iety, form and description, and would solicit merchant; Ind oth•rf to call and examine for themselves, as I an determined to sell on the most accomrxxxlaing term, for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, tc merit a share of pnblic patrons ge. aug rr.. JAMES MAY JOUN LF. FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DIAMOND ALLEY Bank Notioanb cciariurst. ti.tLY I A. =LADIES., SSCIIALNGS coßzitit OF ‘vc et Asr , • ITIII SPECIE STiLNDAVY. gerchAtdcMan )(fact re Sc . ... . Exck.ange Bala Scrip ....... . . . . Currency ...... . ...... ..... ..... .. Eric Pa7.lc Scrip ...:4G. .. ..... .: . EXCIIAE --„ A S SIGUT. Os Pki/aie/pkia ....... New , Y0rk....• B os ton.. . .... Baltimore. slit:Cit. ------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA. --PITTSBERGH Bank of Pittsbu7gh ------------------ Merchants and Manufacturers' bank ge ----- Exchan ................ . D. If allidaysburgh ............ PHILADELPHIA. Bank of S,rik Amertca . • . • Do Northern Liberties. Do Pennsylvania ....-.--• Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania. Farmers' and Mechanics' bank..•. Is:ensington bank.......... . ......... Manufacturers and Mechanics ........ Mechanics ....................... Moya m C7l Si 7 ...... ........ • . Philadelphia bank ............. . Schuylkill ..... ................ Southwark ..... ".. . • . ....... Western ....... " ............ • Bank of P'nn Township ...... • Girard bank U. S. bank and branches ........•' COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown.. • " Chester county . Delaware county.z...,. Mmtgamery county: . Northumberland . . ... . Farmers' bunk of Bucks county_.. Easton bank .............. . Doylestown. bank ....... . • ...• . Franklin bank of I Vaskin gtcrn Bank of Chambersburgh. ..... . , t Middletown ........ . • . Gettysburg]. ............ Lewistown ... . ..... • .. Susquehanna county... . • Berks county bank ................... Columbia Bank and Bridge Company... Carlisle bank. .................. • Eric bank ....................... Farmers and Drovers' bank ...... " Bank of Lancaster. ..... " Bank of Reading...._.. Harrisburg bank ......... Honesdale " . .......... Lancaster " ...... • " Lancaster cc....... Lebanon " ...... .. ... , ..... . Miners' bank of Pottsrillf ..... ........ 2 .if ononr. a h ela "bank of Brotrnsrille. ...... 1 New Hope and Delaware Bridge company.. .3 Northampton bank ..... .............. ....no sale Towanda bank..._.. . - ............ .... 85 -' Wyoming bank ...... West Erdick tetnk— Yorl: ban!. 01110 Belmontl'ank dr St. Clair:trine Clintonbank of Columbus-- ..... Col2linbf.ina bank of New Lisbon . • • Circlet-111e (I.frierrucc. rashier) ..... ( 11'a rron, cashier) ....... Cin rinn . tibanks ..... - . - —.. ..... .. C hilli cog e bank.. ................. Commercial bank of Lake Erie.— ....... Dayton tank .... .... .... ._ _ . ". _ _ .. . . • I Faamrn' aan k ffc I Co nlo'lins ...... • ...... ...... . bank of Steubenville ..1 Farmers' bank of Canton ................... 40 Geauga... ................................... t C;cr:nrille ............................. 7-2. Hamilton .................. ... ... .F-' . .5 " _ ........... `25 Loncag!er ...................... rieltr ...... ...... .... n...... ............. rhaniex' and Traders'. Cinc i7l.llati ...... 3 Ke Afennt Pleasant ........................... 1 !Car-walk ............................... Ptrfrg . altdiecky ,Crinto. rrLana. 2 rne~^ill... INDIAN A Star' , lank and branches...- State Scrip 4I bank 5.......... ILLINOIS State bank ................. Pan?: of Illinois., Shawnee:town.. Rani: of at Valley of Virginia... Rank of Virginia ............. Exch go hank of Vi rrinia ..... Farmers' hank of Virginia —... • ..... ••.. . • . Nora- Western. bank of Vir_rinia.. .. • Mcrehants' and Mechanics' hawk of Virginia .. ..1 I Branches Baltimore City books— ... • • • All other solvent barks.— • • • NORTH C AEOLIS A Ansolvcni banks SOrTII CAROLINA Al! solunt banks Aliso:Trim! banks— •• .. . AL &ISAMA Mobile banks.. .. Country banks... LOUISI ANA. New OrZcans banks ( goori).. TENNEssrr. All h 1 mks BOOK AND 3.138 PRINT! N G OFFICE, K. W. CORFT.H or WOOD FIFTH 511. The proprietors of the :Mows uce. Prisr and MiIt \CUTIT IND MANI;TACTURER respectfully infortn their friends and the patrons of those papers. that thLy have I a large and well chosen assortrno-t of elf 411310113 011CrIlinIEN'311E 4, Necessary to a Job Printing, Office. and that tl.ty aro prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTIMG. OE EVERY DESCEIETION. • B r oici.„l:is,i.,lo., I Bliiilillsvoie.fmLacliug, C c i a r r e d u . la la, Handbills, 1 Blar.h Checks. Hat Tips, at( ittrtS of Vittlit.S. S.'arc, Steamboat 717 r Canal Doe Bill!. aid a, propriate oils, Printed on the shone! t notice sad gloat rea=ralab: Mina. We respectfully ask the patronage of our frit nt.N the public in general its brnnrh of our linsine.s. July 31, 1843. PHN,LIPtiSMITH. To Printers. WE have rccel , ed. and %%ill herrafi , r keel) con rtnntlF on band, a full snrply irk ir.large rind small iihich we will enper than it has he t i-if - 4'km. been roil in this eir_ Orders frnm the nountr; ru-nompanied by •ke tug (If •LL c 43 U) borrotoptiv attepard PHILLIPS & SNIITH. act 10—tf Office of the Feet ezdl%letnuraY.ralet. ...a; . :: . ii.., i P r e ft -Pal • • - P af ...pa? P° --- -Pa'' ...... ......par .......par Pa r par -.par .....par ..,.paf ....par 1G 86 .. ...... ..... par ..... pa? • • • • Pair - • Pe"' • • • -Pa' .Paf ...... ......2i ...... ...... ...... ....... ..... ....... 1. . ....... 2t .......1 ....... 1 no sale ....... ..... .4..0 KENTUCKY M kRY L.\ ND GEORGIA