FOR I'hESIDENT, JAS. BUCHANAN: Subject to the decision of llf t PLMOCIIATIC NATIONAL CON VENTIOIIt FOR GOVERNOR, FRS. R. SHUNK: Subject to the decision of THE DEXOCRATIC STATE cdrir.sittor ID a i itionfill-post. PRILUDS t Sierfiti,EDINIDES AND PEOPRIZTODS 4j,TTSBURGH,,MONIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1343. Tliii Sacra lli t xtviN a.—The meeting of the friends of FRO/tots R Sansa, held at the Washington Ho tel; on Friday evening, was one of the old fashioned gatherings of the democracy, in which the heart and et , cl of th. , audien'en were warmly committed in favor of the objest that called them together. Many of the "old, consistent demacratsfrom the c.rantry, who have, since the days of Jefferson, pursued the plain, clear, honest course of democracy, and who were foremost among the hosts who rai H r dto the support of Jackson, were present and joined onthaiia , :tically in the pro ceedings. The meeting was ably addres , ed by Messrs ZVI'S. VAN AMItte:OF.,I3LAr sa. II AmiLTOS, Kr.r.a., and MAGRAW, and th:fir rem - trk3 in favor of the nomination o FR.A5.7.15 R SBLINg ware warmly re " Tended to by the vast assemblage. Thii ie the second indicatioo that ha: given in Allegheny county on the Gubernatotial qurstim within a short time, and from L'ae 'thunder of the pflopie" on both a - ....e.asions, we thick no parson can doubt now bat 5i1.11 . 113 13 TIE: MAX. At th. it f.,..tivals and pnb lic tb2 people of Alle;irmy have p:oclai.ned 'heir preference forFaAscts R Sri UNK, and we be lieve the resolution pledging the co Lary for one gandntajority, if he ihoald be clad' late, will bo made good next October. •Inaccard ince with tin Ca: , haw , tired dannerats of tha county. we this d his name at the head of our a id win ex?rt w'nat ever in c loanco we may have to s;co .- .! him an lElora bleao 71 in id on. Public opinion ece . ..y.cher.• indicates him to bo th^ ch of thn peopla, and at exponents ofthe sentiments of the d.milcracy we deem it our do yto lend our aid in pronlainilog the a 'nest and well ascertained preference of the party. We can assure our readers, tlvit h li.`Pit received Irm - a other portions of the State, there is not the slight est doubt of Mr SU l; K's nominnthm if the real voice or the Envie is permitted to be heard, and we are cer taMl:::,t irthe welfare of the parry is properly consid fred he will he the democratic can,lid.kte in 1314. • REGi:LATiKG TH le CURRENCY. — Our exchange pa-' pets says: that the whigs arc getting to be as shy of these words al they are of burl r: but we must ne vertheless otteasionally disturls tileii• nerVeS, by remind ing teem of their old sayings. Every body knows that through all the bank war, the cry was, that the ex changes fiever could be regained witheut a national money despot; but the dem cer ,:s on the other hand contended that the free !twit of trade, like the free laws of Republic, were better for the exchanges and every thing else, than any money king. This was the great q testion that divided money monarchists o i the one side, the unbought dem )ereey oa tha other. Th question is now settled; the exchanges never were s r staple. and so unif trmly good, daring the reign of the United States Bank, as they have been since.— We clip the following as the present specie rates, from the Jout nal of Corn Tierce.' It will be scan, that on the principtl pointa of the Somb, New Orleans and INIo bile, instead of there being a discount a formerly, there is now a prerniu:n of at least one per cent in on r fa vor. Tait is, a northern manufacturer or trader, who has soil :is toads in those markets, and has $lOOO lying there n: the avails, can not only receive the spe cie for it in New York with rat disc.:et:lt, but will get $lOlO for the a.rn sun:. This never happened while the United States Bank win in existence. On all uth-- er points, it will also be seen the rates are altogether !invert:n:la they used to Le uni?.f the United States Batik. We ask the attention of business men, wheth er whigs or democrats, to these figures. It has tam ed out in this, as on every other great question that has ewer divided the public mind, the democrats in the end came out right; and the federalists, instead of owning it; run off to something e'.se—:u be proved wrong there also, when tested by experience. EXCHANGES INCLUDING CERTIFICATES AND Cor.cics Boston Ito/ disiMacon 1 to—dis Philadelphia par to 1 dis Columbus 1/ to 1 4,1 i: Baltimore par to dis t Sio. alai) /to dis Washington. D C 4 disMobfle 1 to 1 j prom Richmond' Ito 1 dis N Orlean Ito I. prom Raleigh 14 to 2 di. St Louis chs 1/ to 14 ai, wihnir T um 14 to 2 dis Lottisvilln Ito 14 dis Charleston par to 4 dis Cincinnati 1.4 to dis Augusta it° / die Nashville 2 to 24 dis New Haven Register. EXTRAORDINARY FEAT.—The Limerick Reporter siys that a man named famed for many sur prising acts Of - pedestrianism, undertOok to walk forty miles in nine hours. The place marked out was from the head of the Military walk to near Rallinacurra pike, half a mile. What makes this feat loon, extra ordinary is, that twenty of the forty miles were per formed backward. He began at twenty minutes post Irina, and concluded at about balf-past tire, thus accom ,Flishing his task in abouteight hours and tea minutes, 'being fifty less than tho ti ne speciiied. At the con clusion he was loudly cheered, A collection was made during the day, and it is understood the officers .of the garrison subscribed a liberal sum. 3,l'Mullen is an Irishman. Thousands of persons congregated cluring-the day to witness this singular feat of pedes.- Irianism. WESIZRN W.treas.—We are pleased to learn from .our Cincinnati papers, that the citizens of the west are early moving in relation to the improvement of the western Rivers. A meeting has been held in Cin cinnati, at which it was resolved to memorialize Con gress on the subject. Thirteen states of this Union are directly interested in the navigation of these waters, and if theysend forth their united appeal, it cannot he disregarded. Speaking of this mov:Nr.ent a Cincin nati paper sayst-- "We hope our sister cities on the Lake and Ins.g the Western !livers, everywhere, will make a similar movement and that the leading press ()fine West, es - pcpially that portion of it at the seats of government of the various States, will urge our Legislatures to net promptly on the subject. It is time that we should preseat a bold front, and take a decided stand, as regards these great interests. 'We brow tke pocer if we are weittd. Let that uni on be manifested this winter, and we shall have more attention paid to oar home affairs both by out own re 9,reeppituptres, and the representatives of the Union." CouvrauszTs.—A large aramberr of altered notes, purporting to be genuine t**l4 dollar notes -of -ilae Doylessown Bank, have head pat in circulation in Phil adelphia. They boas bsalet ahemd from the tyro dol. larbills of the Ternblirriiii Bank. New York. Two nun bare *Kt committed to prison for passing them. Shank meeting. A general meeting of the Domocrary of Allegheny county. friendly to tbe-notnitration aid election it Fru n• cio It Slunk ua Goverlibr of Penus , ylva:iii ill IS4I. will be held lathe Washington Hotel. it the city of Pitta, burgh, On Friday, the lit day of liecemb , :r next, at G o'clock I' M. The friends "of" Old Shank" throughout the county are requested to attend. S H Woodward Wilson McCandless Joh - it Andersim T Blackmore a"` C McKibben mns Cu.ninghatn John Birmingham NVm Kerr James Ormstrm Wm C Meredith Join Irvin W H Lowrie S Magraw B. A Bausman Jonatlfan Large Augustus Hartje , .1 C McCully Fred E Kremer E Trovillo Geo Bauer Geo H Riddle John C Smith Henry Walsh John M Daais R H Patterson J Parr S W Black Ch Wettengel David Beeler James McDevitt W H Smith A Beelen Hugh Turner Robt MeKewer John W Blair Martin lintiman J 1) W White Jacob Frey J C Cummins L Keinhard Wm NUJ unkin A Brenermun O II Browne L Alnhausen J WAteer Ludcig Alborn Thomas Quart Ch Ilartje Henry Cool Conrad G:irbart Thin 13 Davit' H Saimaa Robs E Phillips F Holzman James P Barr R Boemheld John Maclii 3 William Ryan James Wilson, Thomas IV ikon George 'McCandless ThomasMcGlaughlin James Das-ino Bernard MeKenna Patrick DOirey John Kerney John Young, Andrew Scutt James Kerney, Andrew Mcllwain James McLaughlin James Allison Alexander Glass Patrick Donnelly -Richard Dosett Neil Donnelly Samuel Bigham Thomas Farley An-lid .McCollum - George Irvine Emanuel Reis Samuel Reed, sr Fret E Kremer James Leang Arthur Ternau Capt Sum! Nlorgan Geort.e Scott John Blnck Chillies Mi:Kerma Joseph M Long David Ray IV ni L Hunter Amos Holland S C Felker Jelin Conner, jr S Austin IN' iniarn Ramsey , James Boyd Josiah Ramsey John Chess thorripson Benton G L Drane David Ramsey John Montgomery James H Robb James Blakely John Haworth, John Wlihe I.4uac S Roler Lawrence 3,liteliel John Davidson William Jackson' Coles Townsend James McAdams Andrew Barclay . Thomas A Hinton 1V iiiia:n Hulett, jr Hugh McCann S Scott John Fnrran A W (Newt. David Sloan D II Scott James Owens W G M'Cartney Joseph H inton Wm I illerich R L Agnew A Hoch John S Kenedy Henry Jackson John Grny John Woods John Downey Joseph Jackson John 14.flien John 3 Mitchel Michael McCullough John Chnenan Wm J Davin James Cochran Wm Wood Isaac MorFord Z G Brown Daniel French J Aitken William Dar J D Lchmer Samuel Richards James Dillon James Hughes H Kennedy David Glass James McShane James Hamilton Dawson Downey AJam Ti Human Fred linter Jacob Seeker E Ecker Dr Reieliheim H Gererig W Wolf F Gerwig D Herwig F G Shenk Jacob Zimmerly Jacob France Michael Thomas John Wiseniva G Draetz 11 Lerdeino L Sterne John Warner Lewis Shaler E Forster Ch F Diehl A S Schasfuit Erasmus Grigg J W 'Lender Caspar Gang H Von Sendo M Robitzcr Ch T Mon Jacob Mulheim J R Schroder Joseph Groe:ill 3 Dahl A Kraws George Manver Fred Shilling 0 D enhard 0 Stein Jacob Kohler A Klein Jacob Rauch John Hus Ph Miller, Sr Anton Walter Wrn Krum ...hoar John Groesh Henry Stolid J W Brodsccht F Adams George Shafrert H Eig,enmuch A Buchner T C Schmidt P Pull N Leonard A Bemin J M Wolf John Wee: G Scbneemnn Jacob Ackerman C Kern N Ackerman J Guckert J R Hinman Jacob Frey J W Krentzcamp C L Ritter John Ebcrhart C Arnold Jacob Miller Alex Hartley Jacob Romel John von Ohlin Ph MenbarJ J Beaselstein Jacob Schwarm P Musser N Schenkol J Helbing H Holzmanit C Zentner Cbna P Giesertheiver S Jones C Ochs L Bo) ha 11 Hirsch l' Bock 1 Gott Seif H Zoller ' N Guber H Metz H Metz John Weber F Thomas Melchoir Gerst M Kane, jr Adam Kraus • S Lindsay F Freivogel John Levalla Edw Fenderiei Andrew Mullen Ch Kuhn , Francis Marron Jacob Hoeh Otto Hoffman Dr M Forster J T Backon Ernest Heidelberg, John .• Anderee Joseph Ilersorin Wm B McCi.;:logiscr M Dorslinger Henri: Detomler Dan F Milipen Fred.Sttaub S C Robinson Hammer if: Daujer Conrad :Mossier Fend Stark M K 'dem M Schwan Andw Scherer John Mussler Joseph Kraft James C Richey Anthony Pfrangia Wm Brown C Hein i Joseph McFarland H Wissman Wm M'Cormick John Deihl Samuel Varner John Giesle Samuel Black Jacob Gerber A Liggitt John Beck Hugh Cow-an John Wagner \Vnt M Michael Mar iti Seitz :11 Snce C J Backofen Samuel Thornburg Valentine Hoch Alexander Phillip: Peter Hurls Jamas Adam Weber Joseph Lawson Adam Hoch .lu:seph B Law n Jacob Seibert Samuel Duff Gaorg,e Schroeder James M'Kuight Morgenstoin Gottfried Ritt Leonard Fryer J Brooks Joseph Logan Matt Lngrin Geo Robinson John Logan Wm Ewing I Rob' Logan Solomon Hays Bartley Butler S W Ewing Thos Neel James McCregor Saml Thornburgh Isaac A Ewing Charles Maus Matt Herbison jr James Miller Pinker Lorain James Butler Mich Mitchell Thos McLane Wm Logan `Stephen Wood John !McMichael John Fryer John Cowan Henry Cowan Amos Mitchell Wm McKindley Saml McFarland Wre Scott Nelson Ewing John B Lna'e Thos Anderson Wm J Ankrim Chit Moor Owen McCandless • Francis Fitzgerald Victor Gingorgillar John Walker Samuel M'Curuiey James Walker Ross McMagen Jacob Thornburg Jeremiah Halbert M Weigand Peter McCar J N Hraule James Merivan' P Bardonaer Omen McKenna G Gerd Ant..a Benitz ' SiegfOraleing Francis Henge P Lohfoik Leopold Said George iVeyman John Nage P M PheitTer Fr Rocher J Schulz John R Bleietein J Tricia Fr Sherman G Wickly W Keller Carl Rombach G Leppe Jo Alleman Nic Zinsmeister H Klehcr, se.n OEM F Hoax John Shuster Jus Dnbtril CI) L Ritter Fred Mei4enzahl F Blinker Ph .1 Meyer L Yeager T Trantiran Gen F Honrioi I'h Ackerman H Gellman Wm liovvier H (ohs John Beck G Woe Hater Adorn Edenhom F Lauth C H'Beormon C Shirk Dr Wm Werneburg A Miller IVm Hillerich T Ruppert R Degenhard Jas Zimmerman A Schmertz John Long Charles Hoffman H Zoller John L Kuhn Gnu Urban A Stewart Jacob Becker Sylvester Seymour John Grille James Hamil Joseph Shetlein Wm Aiken Ch Barkhauser Wm Hamilton Ph Sell Hugh Toner Dan Herwig Thns J Pearson , Fred Bock Joseph Bradley Frs Ginhart Hugh Gallagher John Vedder , D M Evans Jacob K .ebler B Montgomery Valentine Burg W W Bachop John Fleck R W Moon Joseph Krafts Henry Moon Joseph May Daniel Mohler John N Straub Alex Stewart H Feldbusob Jos VY Graham M Visler I' Wiggins John Keller James I' eely William Cook John Kerr G A Kurtz SS Shields John Lorimer James Longmoor A Husellongh James Orr Hugh K••or A Douglass Thou M'Call And Lerch S M'Kaia Thos Edgar A Talnct !I us , h Sweeny J l' Smith Jacob Lf/Wman James O'Bden George Lowman J w Riddle W m Coleman Thos Ward Tilos Dunlap 'J O'Lestiy John Miles V Snivan Eber To wn sari 1 Ch ,rles Cole:nem James Ray F Yost It Corbit J Goehrin7 D Brown M Conning ' ham Peter Bata S Young Edward Dunu Francis Dunn .lames Dunn J F Quigg James Watson 113 Duolap F Lyon Jog MX!anon James Lanbie Joh) MrClzren \Vm Davidson P Calhoun Jos ft Riddle It Cu howl M Beitzhoover J Calhoun, W C Anderson James Ray P Reynicr D D Shepley A Alexander F .1 S,:hirl. E M Beacb ,„.._. L Per ‘Vin Smith . Cbr S-iin A Burns J,,hu Leurzalip J M'Shnne J Wern-r M D nigherty C Hose:ler P I/ iTy Dian i i ; II IA P NFK , inna Fr Sug M M'Carty \V wi.,,n2r, .1.1M...i Nlorithy U Willifah Oven Cassidy Nicolas °cis Just Renal A Side; LialthiAar G-rmy Henry IVimer William I loedlit John Kuhn James D Thornburg Minh Smiili Wm Hoevler .1 Miller David Ellis 'A W,,lf Jacob Gass 3 Dobai! John Gass Conrad linkman Jacob Turner Bedias Aiken George Lake Wm J Anderson H Hauptmann .1 G Me% ir A Karcher J He rii,„; Andw Hank F A Scletchleitor H Guzman Wm Portsa G Hoffman 5 littler : Martin . Jacob J Scharer P S e ip Win Wassinouth ! N M Shaw Wm Baker A ndereas Shuer florid Jones (le' -or r! e Sapp: , Frank White John Greesel Win NI illseca John Wilson Thomas Donnelly James Larkin James McKertha i Andw Larkin II H 'Van A mringe 1 Caleb Saddens W., FJordam Joseph Ritchardson Jacob Buughtean Th Mnlseer M P Fitzpatrick Alexander Mg:Kimono P Broidentbal A Bardomer Martin Sing Geo Moder Th Thompson C Alleys John A Merselis Wm Goslin John McClelland Geo Barth Philip Bloom J L Moody John Thompson I Henry Moises% Jos Kernan C Jones P Mc Hale William Gifford Jacob Myers Ri , hard Straw John Price Edw Fl zpntriek Thus Moreland it M Dawson Hugh Gurney P Delany William Thomas Henry Kano John Lutz 1 • John Wynn Moses Thompson i John 3.lcCuskey .10,. , cph Crawl 1 Francis Smith Gustavus Soght, John Coyle, Jr. John Fux 1 P B M'Aleece Matthew Reilly l Philip NVlCenna M Siloam Richard Swords David Conner John M'Guiro James Lindsey Henry Kline Robert Bayeres E D Gazznm Mortin Byrns Jnmes M'Afee J O'Lenry John Donnhy Andrew Christee P..M'Guirk J. Cnlly Jai Kane H. Ctigsidy R,lhert J Dickey John Dolan Wm Jones F. Tinon George Funston M Confirm) Samuel M'Clurkan J Simpson John Graham B Murry JaTTICA G Arbuthnot Edward M'Cluskey Thos Gibson Daniel M'Kinney Samuel Arbuthnot Patrick Kirk Fred Pe %N'ree Hugh Kann Robert Nl'Donald Thomas Kirk John M'Kown John Fitzgerald Daniel Fogel Luke Nolan John Fogel Marks I.nslio Wm Cochran lic t. hael Brady Johnston Hughes Francis Donahy James M'Clintock B. M'Kennu, Jr G W Cochran E. Borne Cochran Evans C Yeager A ndrew Emmitt C Bente' Nimrnd J Mariner F Haman Samuel Emmitt Paul Hugus G Anger J P Bachman G P Mellon George Lloyd William H Edwards J G Mama E McGinley I M'Benett G G Frethy John Mason John Kerr Jas Burns James Yates Jas Murphy Soul reys Jas Brown Henry Grant Jas Smith William Ellis John Taylor F Carr Wm M'Elory John Curran John Mimic C Melchuir Sun Nowlan Thomas Shaw John Donn John Murphy Xavier Picard Patrick Cui;il William Emmitt J hl'eann P Rsenah Henry Marshall Wm M'Dor aid Samuel Handrail J M'Dimals Charles Austen Robert : Biosley John M'Clintock Thua Newell Thos Austin Wiliam Lcinninn Thoi G Arbuthnot Wt,iirimGate4 John M Philips Jeremiah Frau , George Whitesell Samuel L Hamilton Jets Whitesell • James Hamilton John Hare John Hamilton Nicholas Dunn D R Derry Ricirird Knowle J Mercer Joseph Bradley Joseph M'Fadden D. Fickeson George Hamilton Wm B Thompson Homy Whitfield James Boyd Wm. Gallaher J Curtiss J McK, 121 T Campbell Wm Boyd Wm L Hirper Capt Andrew• Craig John McFarland J Hannan A ahnr Toner Thus Graham Abraham Slough James McGurgill AVrri S Bradley John Sinnott H B Alward IVrn W Campbell Jitmes Coon Sarni Gektun It Dunlap' John Givenough John Gall S T Spnrgo John Mackie Scudder Hart P Cunningham Sumncl McKinley Rnbert Mourn John C Duvitt K Vunee S Jones V It Roberts John Birminghum James Adams Thos D Rhoads Doye. Adams Jas Mullen B NPGinn Andrew Mullen Henry Cassidy M 0 Birno John Smith Joseph Nlers David Sinnott Vim Kntter Patrick O'llardon D B Shebley M Btuwdy J K Riddle R Dunn John St old T Tinan Lewis Weyinati D flay John P Bully Jesepb Carrel Wm Grurn James Sweeny John Lawton Sandford Clemear James Garvin William Smith Thou Doyle r"Marrion Thom Armstrong Jnmes M'Afee John Armstrong George Stewart B S Noyes Daniel W Ross J C Noyes Pefrr M Ross J . A Brooks Samuel Tusler Dmi-I Berg. David Debaven Daniel McK .e Robert Stewart William Barns C4:-orgo Kertz Bernhard Louth Henry Cutting James Burr Michael Leaby Gen Drake John IVaish P Ritter Robert Duffy Reece Ern-it John Neluon Isaac Wa!;ace Jac Weigh G •orze Dunlap Alexander Popo Jahn Conrmiun Henry Morrison William Beek James Stewert J N 13ausman Thomas Henry Bernhard Lauth jr John Fittsimmons W Duffy George Wilson James Taylor Joseph Swift limns Gr:IIIRITI John Murray Harvey Barret John Lamb George W Hart James Kvsna John Savage Michael Smith 11 N Stone Nl'!,l Walker T B Graham W B. Phillipi J C ShlloT lit)gh Ditrvaan Brawn Irvin Phi , lias A Hatt. Mows Keller Thomas El!iot Robert Pahner Edward M Cluskey Junes Ewing, jr Tholt.i., Kerr J Szniur Pitt ark Trainar James Gallagher John li.e,rott Patrick Philips Titania. .McDonough John Carmirk .I.lm ..s Evans G Nelan Il..nry Catiin: Joh , ' M !klrChastaty Nonli Ii irielts Michnel Hanlon Co!eb Bait!' Wi:li i m I) tltell II Da'zell Jatmss Fitetiev diet Al :Fersan rurprlnt t t tha a:r .cc call, a v..r 141tg.• and rezl I.ltho 1).• n of .Inegilofiv cuun tk teat 11 . :ti .1t the \1'.14111111:71,.I. • M r . JWIN I,IRLAVN,, of Pine town-hip, wag r erl In til:• chair, and .1 AMY.S Ct.:4N INg.V.IA M. JUS ATil tN jolt): 11:11.4:N:.FIAM, JotIN AN (110SY Bk:r.t.xx JAMES Me..ll.Er: a, DAVID MILLI:It, MICHAEL SN JACOB VO7.GTLT.T and CA Mtlir LI., Were app , in tVI Vice Prciadents, and Thorna Blaekmore, Thomas Phillips, 31 Kane. Jr., Thoinqs Donnelly. and Thomas Hamilion, were. :up poimed Secretaries. On nmtion of El. S. Msons.w, a Comnittee , or twen. ly was appointed to draft Resolutions for the action of this meeting. The chair appointed the following g gen- Cemem--11. S. Macraw. It A. Barinian, John W. Blair, Coles Townsend, James Hamill, dolor Irwin. Samuel Snowden, It. li. Petterson, Thos. Fariey, Fri Quinette. J. L. Artnitrore.f, E. Ileidlebergli. Peterson, L. Ilenrici, Samuel Jones, Ilugh Sweeny, Co'. %rm. Meredith, G. W. Lavng, 11. Dornmicr, Wm. Lehmer. The committee, through their chair man. made the fo)lowing report, which, after b-i7t; rend, was unanimously agreed mot— Reso!red, That t h e petiple of Allegheny county do hereby most cordially present to the state convention robe held on the 4th of March next. Francis R. Shtudt as theit choice &A candidate for Governor. and, if ho receive the nomination, do pledge themselves to give him a most cheerful, hearty and enthusiastic support: Because•, we believe that there is no man in the state, who has been named as a candidate for the office, who is so well qualified to perform it s duties— Because, we believe that there is no man in the state of purer virtue, more honorable principles. more unblemished reputation, and more amiable character, whether we consider his public or his privnto life— Because, %% c have confidence in the sterling purity of his democrtioiiii principles, well tried and proved in the fiercest fires of political strife— Because, we have confidence that his democracy does not depend on the temporary ascendancy of pis litiral parties, 01 the temporary popularity of new avid changing opinions. nor arise from accidental attach ment to a particular party; but flows from the kilid.,.t fee inns of humanity, nourished a7.d cultivated in him from his earliest infancy— Because, we have colificience that his democracy is too firm nod too lofty to he undermined or overtopped by the insidious- encroachments or ttrrogant assump tions of federal heresies, or aristocratic monopolies— Because, we believe that his election would he a free will offering" of an enthusiastic people to Itizh but humble and unpretending worth, imattended by any of the ostentatious trappings of wealth and pow er— Decruse, we owe him, as a people, a debt of grati tude for the heroic stand which he took in the from rank of the democratic host in the fearful strife of 113 . 38; when he nobly dared, in the face of swords, and mus kets, rind cannons. and all the panoply of political and military power, to stand forward in favor of liberty and the constitution, and to assist in their defence when assailed in their most vital parts— Because, we believe that a large majority of the people, who attend to politics only so far us is neces sary for the public good, prefer Francis R. Shunk to any other into that can be named, and point to him as one of themselves, and one to whose honesty, irmness, intelligence and care they can cheerfully and cuutident ly commit the public interest, Because, we b-heve the west has claims upon the rest of the state which should not be resisted when we ask to have, at least for once, a western democratic governor, and when we cbbose as our candidate one born and bred in an esetern county, but who, in his short residence among us, has been cordially received "as one brought up with us"—has secured. by his in telligence and virtue, our utmost confilence, and by his kindness of heart has attached us to him by bonds of affection which tenant easily be severed. &value, we believe hie name isdear to the demo- Samuel Manilall, Jr Janie Thompson Cain 17m Ward !E!ME=2111111IIIS cmcy of Pennsylvania, and that ho has never done any thing that has rendered him obnoxious to any portion of the party— Becazue, in the approaching highly important .con test of 1849. v e expect to struggle against the force of the most popular man of the opposition fur President and the must popular man for Governor, and we must +-cot risk our success on a doubtful candidate, or one 1 who can receive but n lukewarm support from any pottier of the party—we must select our strongest man, and with Francis R. Shank. as the people's can , didato, we are sure we can bent all the hosts of the i opposition, no matter bow fortified, arrayed or combi. fled.-- Because, we believe with Francis R. Shank as our candidate, we can recall to our ranks the old demo crats who have of late years acted with the opposition —crush the power of federalism in Allegheny county —re-establish the ascendancy of COMM principles. and secure a permanent democratic majority. R/solvcd, That we ! l ive to Francis It. - Shard: the Pledge of all our might in his support, Ind to our fi Heads in the state the sure promise of a thousand majority in old Allegheny. In the course of the evening WILSON M'CANDLESS, Esq., was loudly called for. A gaotleman present sta ted that Mr. M'C. was very notch intlispo3e 1, and read the following letter from him apologizing, for his ab sence which was triumphantly applauded. Dcconber lit, 1813. To THE SHONE 'MEETING: Fellow Democrats:—A severe cold incvents me from being present at the Shu:ik rmeting this evening. called to promote the nomination of that estimable nod incorruptible Democrat, Francis B. Shunk, to the gubernatorial chair t.A . Penns*anat. I wish I could be with Isju--)Tm do not know what a deliAht it would be to me. But. I cannot spfz.k above a whisper, and I hope there will be no whisper ing there, thr "when the people thunder 'Old Shut,k's' the man." Your fellow citizen, WILSON IWCANDLESS. • al motion, the following gentiernm wore oppuiuted to write on address in the German language: B. Louth, A. Hartz, F. Yost, WM. Hoeveler, Con rad Mussier, L Reinhard, Joseph Herman. F. G Schenk. Dr. Forster. C. Beuirman, Carl Melchier, L. Muller, E. Heidelberg On motion of Mr. IseAc Cause, the following re salution was adopted. Rewired, that the pro.-eedings and Resolutions of this meeting be pnhlished in all the Democratic pa pers is Allegheny Cstinty, and the Democratic papers at Harrisburg. and all the Democratic papers in the State, friendly to FRANCIS R. SHI;NK. The meeting was addressed by Dr. Gazzam and Mr. Van Amringe; the latter of whom spoke at great length, and very much to the inn-pose. He traced the history, personal and political, of Francis IL Shunk. from his earls life, and gave. many happy illustrations of hk personal integrity, his political consistency, and his unsullied patriotism. Samuel W. Black, Esq., was then loudly called upon, and he came forward and nrldressed the meeting in his moml spirited and happy manner. His remarks were received withfrevent burstsof applause. G. W. Layng. Esq., was then called on, and ad dressed the meeting at considerable length and with much feeling. Samtiel Jones oSer,:d the Resolved, That t committee of seventeen he ap pointed, as Ito shall art as n Shunk Committee of Cor respondence, lot the purpose of furthering the sit ws of 11,4 tneeting. Ind producing a 'concert of action• ptmoag sell democratic fellow-citi.tens in miler noun the state; and that th , said corm/dune prepare nn :s hires to the People of rennsylvatin. Ittefallowing gentlemen were 11 r%pe: Jonci. J. 4151 Anderson, Wm. Cukunan. Wilson McCandless. S. W. 13 -wk, T. 1):, loch)'. 11. IL Van Amrinev. Jon. Large, Jas. Cu:min:olnm, D. Miller, C. McKibben. M. Km-, Jr., J BM miu4liam, 11. S. :',lagnaw, G. Riddles After giving thr.• , - cheers for '•OLD St-tutot.." which le the I iII ne shake, the nwe i g adjourned. it: pos t . THE PEOPLE'S SONG. Toast by :1:71L.F. C , 11!11:1g:11!11.Thr next G r.—NVltat, tas ta.k. sa.neln; ly else is untn•rd. but ,viten the p, ()plc tbnaslar, ula P,ltsb urgh Cciebr Wien. Twit?, "Yankee Doodle" When politiciaas talk about, Who next the State shall rule, sirs? They're sure to e.iak nod blink and name One of their crafty' school, sirs; But w 1 1 ,39 the people—as is right, The question closely scan, sirs, In thunder tones you hear them shout, "Old Stu: K'S the very man, sirs... Wr haven forty million del t, Extravapnco incurCd, And mange e'en our plighted faith, The payment is defei eir3; The People think—to save th 9 State— Econorny't: the p!an, %ad Any, to carry oat attic vi yn-4, "Old SHUNICS the very man, ,ir.,!" The taxcalevind, ere will pay, Tulare us from disgrace, sirs, But then we want one or oursolves. To fill the highest place, sirs; Let politicians name !Lir choice, We know their very plan, sirs, To check the plundering now abroad, "Old SHUN les the very man, sire The farmers who attend the plough, And toil by day and night, sirs, By tricks of politicians find Their purses getting light, sirs Mechanics, too, arc asking who, Extravagance will barn, sirs, And the echo answers from the hills, •"Oid Stiesx's the very man, sirs!" Let rule and ruin, banhers scheme, With rags to cheat us all, sirs, We'll hare a clause to make them pay, When honest m ni shall call, sirs:— We think we Knair who'll lend his aid, To consummate this plan, sirs, The "Smulie Tuwn" boys indeed, hare said, '•Old SHUSKS the very man, sirs!" THUNDER. ANOTHER PROBABLE DEMAND UPON THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. Under date of the 16th Nov. the Key West cones poadent of the New York Courier say=:—"At the November term of the Superior Court fur the Southern District of Florida, eight negroes were indicted for minder and rubbery. They are the same who fled from St. Augastine come time past with a sail boat. They wont to Winans., Cape Florida, where they re mained some time, during which they entered the house of one Geeren. and in the presence of two chil dren, the one 10 and the other 6 years old, wok what ever they found and wanted and then went away. Mr. Geeren, on his return, learning what had transpired, took his gun and pursued, and soon after, the children heard the reports of guns. Mr. Geeren was afterwards found dead, having been shot. But the nezroes have arrived safely at Nassau. It it the intent& of the au thmitiei here to have them demanded of the British Government as fugitvica from justice. The above de tailed facts, I believe are the substance of what was disclosedhefure the GrandJurv." CLOSED.—The Fr►nklin Bank of Cincinnati has closed its doors Reason, won't do business under the recent Banking Lam. " DROWS ED.—A Iran named Cummins fell overboard from the steamer Evelio., just below Wheeling. on Thursday night, and was drowned. NOTIC E gl7 -. Persons in Pittsburgh, and vicinity, who fl•c( aa iatereat in the "Aistateas PHALANX," arc infurti.- ed that a meeting will be held at the U States Hotel, (Thompson's) on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock. Copies of the "Articles of Association" will be given. hs. D. TEIOI.IIIIITROII. AV for Pittigh. :f; 33):#1. B' sirt Iv of sur,dry writs of Venditionit ..-i Facies, iscrect out °E do Court of Curtstern pieus °FA. egher.v County, and to mejareeted,v4ll.lse expriart ;o sa!e at the Coureflocse,ha .heihyrit nn Monday the 25th day of Deem:rarer, A.. D. 184.3, at 10 cicloJk A. M., the folowing pritrerty, A.. the right, titie, interest and claim et ...,.enry Campbell. of, in and td, all that certain piece nfgowLsi . situated on Hillsborough Alley, in the city of Fitittiegf; and bounded and dinsciibed as follows: Beginning mi the alloy aforesaid, at the distance of one hundred a: d iv., feet five inches (1031 t. 5 inches) Northwardlv l - t Fih street. thcrce running along said alley I' .. :ortlt wnittlly twenty feet, (20 feet) thence Westwardly in a parallel lie with Fifth st...eot twenty-font- feet six Fn ches (2.1 fey t 6 inches)l , o Robe L Campbell's:line,thente by the same Sou:haerlly inn pardlell line with sail alley twenty feet, (20 feet) and thence Lastwardly its aparallel yvi h Fifth street, twenty-four feat six inches (24 fet 6 inches) to the place of beginning. Being the stibl lot of ground conveyed to the said Henry Campbell. by 13enjatnim Weaver. High Sherif of AL. le henv Comity, by a DNA l.earing date Attigwit 3d 1811, and oerdvd in the Hero:inlet's Office of said County, 11.ecord Beal: O. 3rd, page 136. Seised and ta'..en i,...xecuti.m at the property of the said Ma ry Cain.l, •U, at the st:it ni Wail:Mg:on Johnson & vt A t e rioi.t. tile, interest and cairn of Washiltg ton R:.-hnris 4.f, la and to, A c• rain 14 t of ground sit u. ited the Ttt, Gl' HI 11 i it. Jttlin I.'itr; described as fellows, to wit: Csrgiat jag on Cat.tre strot-1, at the distance of Eighty f.tot from Wnshi I.7 r ton str..'et, and rnnning thence along Centre stret t towards lot No. 43. in said plan tweet , / feet, and running thrice at rizlit angles with Centre st ret't shr.ty-:hree and a half feat back. and thence par +Vied with Center streat, t.J..v.trds Washington snort twenty feat, and thence ty a line paralel with Wash! ington streat, sixty-three and a half feet to the place of beginning. O.l which is cr.:cud a two story frame tonement and kitchen. Seized and taken in Execu tion as the prontirtv of the said,gton Richards, at the suit of Thomas Ha rnikon. A LSO: All eie right, it.tariist and claim of John Fairly, jr., of, in and to a c.irtnia tract or piece of land; situ ar~ in towaship, Allegheny cou.ity,sdjairinglandt. of Alexander N.ieley, Burns and others, containing one hundrt-d acres with the allowance &r., be the same more. or less, whirl: said tract ur piece of land John Fairley. sr. by deed bearing date :IL! Phil day of Jan rv, D. 13:G, and record:ll in the office for ngdeeds Ste., in and Err said County, in book G. 2nd page 430, g ra: Ited and convc•yed to the said John Fairlev, jr. tru:t fur the s tid John Fairley, jr. dn ring his naturil life, as by the said record will mane folly appear. Se's and taken in Execution as the f,roperty of John Fairle2.. jr., at the suit of S. Kings ton, EFq All the right, title. interest and claim of John W. and Jacob Sprinkle, contractors, and Benjamin M. 1 isterlie, owner or r.puted owner, of, in and to a c.-1.;.,in two story brick Baildiog, situate in Allegheny city and erected on part of Lit No 40, containing in front on the west side of Federal street ftunteen feet, and mending back cert.:: feet, (being the some building which is now occupied by the said Benjamin M Ester and the lot or piece of around and curtiia;ye al - putte: nnt to said buileing. Seized and taken i;; exe cution as the prepei ty of John \V. Barr and Jacob .".inrialle, contractors, nod Benjamin M. I:- owe ar reputed owner. at tho RI/it efiJi,lia Dickson. All ttn - right, title interest and claim of John W. B:trr And Jacob Sprinkle, en: t.-netors, and 13, njamin ti. E.:r er tie, r.yr: T or reputed owner, of, in and to a eerr.,i n Iwo st o r y brick building, situate in Allegheny city, and erected on part of Lot No. 40. containing in ft.:HA on the went ,ide of FedcrirLgtrret, fourteen fret extending back fatty-five feet, with a kitchen of 0:20 .tnry high, and twelve feet in lenatth attreird to the rear of snid hailding.. Said huilding is now ettpi-ml let John St rgeant, rind their t or piece of groin d and aptitirteitant to said building. Salted and :fett.:".l,li! xeention tic tLepropcny of John tV. Barr .Inenh Sprinkle contractors, and 1 .3.-rj twin M. FAI• lei iie, W.l ner or t eputed owner, at the au:t of John 1);c1son. ALSO. .VI the right. tit!o, interest and ehtim of Dac:d Ft)'dart in ni.d to Lot No 20. in Mrs Fetterman's pla-t, re ranled ia vn! 62. pm.Te 530; said lut twine - on the south oa-t corner i f Wy!ie. ilnd Firth stmcts, and bounded by 'aid streets and •by Lo:s Non 2.1 and 25 in the same ',lan, and of a triangnlnr slinpr. For further panic's 'ars sor Plan asr:coy ded. Seized and taken in execu l",.n as the'proprr of David Foliart at the fruit of Ra- I crt 31artin. ALSO. ail the. right, biter rt and claim of.l °lin Irwin, if, to the foam log piee or parcel of property, to w't: nli that lot ei zround, abotr. 20 feet by 40, with :1 Iron, Luc-e !hereon erected. about, 16 feet square, froa i t±nn llit!y alley. b.-tut ern Pros rect. street and Coal bro., in the city bounded by property of Celern In an the oneside. arid property of Porter Arlailra nit the other; the interest of said Irwin therein, beine. the unexpirt d term of a IL'a5C made by Harrnar Donny and wife, dated Ist October, 1832, tu James Harper, and afterwards by divers Sltles nod transfer* rested in the said John Irwin, subject to a ',light ground rent. Seized and taken in execution ai the rroperty of John Irwin, at the suit of Samuel W right. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Robert Thomp son, of, in and to the following described tract or piece of land, containing 200 acres, more or less, e , ittinto is West Deer township, A Ileg,lictly county, and boundel by lands of the heirs of Edward Bartholorocw on the south and west, or Jahn Riley anti George Stewart on the North. on which is erectel a &militia; house. Sei zed and taken in execution as the property of %Ann Thompson, at the suit of Benjamin F Brewster. Ancl to tht sold liv ELIJAH TROVILLO, Sheriti's Office, Dec. 2, 18-13. Sheriff. REAL ESTATE AGENCY, CONVEYANCING, &o. &e. THE undersi! 4 n^d, laying usseciated themselves for the transaction of all business relative to Real l3state, will hencensrfi attend to the and stile as well as red fug of city and country r r .perty, eolleet ing rents iitc. &c. Tins senior member of the firm baying had much ex perience, and being extensivv'y known a= an agent of Real Estate, th-y hope to receive a lihr r.. 1 =fin re of pub lie patronage. For the accommodation atile public, there will be two offices, where business will be receiv ed; at the Real Estate Agency o James Blakely. Penn st., sth Ward, and at the Law office of John J. Mitch ell, S. W. side of SmitiAeld St.. (near s:h) t either of which. persons wishing to have instruments of wri ting, legally aad neatly executed, titles investigated, or desirous to purchase or dispose of Real Estate wi I apply. J. J. Mitchell will continue to attend to the duties of his p,rofession, as heretefore, JAMES BLAKELY. JOHN J. :SIITCHELI die 4—d&w6m United States Wagon and Rail Road Line. ef''M • HE subscribers have made arrangement,: to for ward goixii during the winter to and from Pius burgh, Philadelphia and New York. C Me.ANCLTY, Canal Bit:in, Liberty street. Pittsbur g h. THOMAS BORBIDGE, :kzera, d4-3m 2f2.. Market street, Philvdelphier.. Fe-Mho , s. 25 SACKS Feather 3 joit rec'd and for sale by HAILMAN,JENNINGS $. Co. 43 Wood at. Tobacco. -10 KEGS Ky. Toiracco, in store and for sale low to close nonsignment, by HALLMAN, JENNINGS do Co. 13 Wcod at f 46