-_-- VNO* t,,,wte, gi, r 004,-,06•,40,,,,,, , t o- , di' -,. i - i i ~,, ar: );e.l 4 - r '' t ... Nide, - Xi: lir; ',raid Street, Pitaigrik, a..: - ,s. . 4'l, • - 1 " - Ihtige always on hand an extensive anortateit - Of Salk - Glaadd and ri!ain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and lii 11 11 [3 aww50••5nti....:..,.., ' ..: ~ . Alkallielbr eh rankr• . , ot JAW Inlest .111.07 had: handsome_____ . r . _ patters., fne papering balls, a e arlorz and chambers. . They tnanuracture and hive on hand at all limes- IN:DiVIDU It T - ENXIIRPRIZE - Printiqz. tV Ming, Letter, Wrapping and Ten Pa per,Bo n U N I TED STATES net and Fullers' Boards—all of which am) , offer for rale on the most accommodating terms; and to which they PORTABLE 110:11,T LINE. 'lnvite the attention of merchants and others. For the Tranepartution of Mere/wadi:o and Prudie ; ALSO—thank Books ()rail kinds and the bestigitality, Between . .dcitool Monks, etc. always on hand and for sale as above PITTSBURGH AND PHILA DEL 2 /ild AND N. II Ragst nd Tanners' Scraps' taken In exchange. I FirrseußomAND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. HII EVIN C respect iully inform Ike public I hai !hey • have conißieted their arrangenieninfor the shove ir MOVA L.—The podersigned begs leave to inform tlf , r'srtibilc,t bat be bas removed from his old stand, to the co , n-r of Penn and 13t. Clair oppovitethe Ei chan;e , w bre he has !Stied up a tare PtAno Poityz Wane 11.(Kom, and now otters for sale the most splendid nanny.' nic:.l of Ni.mus ever olTerenl in I Ilk market Hie pianos consist of different patierlia, of superior Rose Wood and aliotfany, beautifully finished and mo dele.l And ennstimeted throughout of the very heat ma• terfaia, which.for durability. and quality of tone, as well at wan, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen .. , here•. • • A 5 he has rri!:trzeti his manufactory, and made ;mange. ote. i t•t,to supply the increasing demand for this instrn• . . . . . merit, he re..iectrillly roquesis those Wending to Poe. elms., to call and, gnmlne his as , ortme.id before uurclia. -.site?, elsewhere. as he is determined to sell LOWER, Inc -.Aettitli,thanan , other establishment cast or' west of the • saountains. F. BLUME, .. . Earner of Penn and St. Clair streets, . ato 10 t)on “lie the Exchange lintel, Pittsburgh. Pa. hasjust received from Phitadi4phla and - New York, with a general and extensive assort. • sawn or DRUGS, CHEMICiIhS, PERFUMERY, and every article. in Ills !inept' littUitess, which he is deter. „mined to sell (Alm most reasonable terms for cash.- 410 believes he can offer stronger inducements than any establishment in this city to country Physicians and "Met - chants, who wish to - supply themselves with ... Dings and Medicines. - ilis articles have been selected -` With the utmost care, and are warranted only! hest coal 'it y and iiniforin strength. Orders will be filled with ac eitrary and elegance. Fauitli a can Resupplied with Fine and Fnacy Soaps .of every conceivable variety, and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery an.l t:osmetici of every descrip'lon.' 'The undersigned returns 111,4 tha n!:s for the liberal sup: ' part-heretofore encoded to film, and hopes by a constant dtsposition'to please and accommodate—a rare In pro curing and selliog only whit is excellent and genuine—a close supervision ofthe sales and transaction of the ...stab itsliment—preCanfion and accuracy n row poundi med. ,sines—and by Industry and perseverance, to uteri n in: tease . of public riationage ina V . 25. WILLIAM THORN. atioth Josh's dulcinis to him t'uther night, To make yours look so, with a grin, replied Tosh, I ve biought youa bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, "T.s the best now in nit, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, cast nil others away fiat to provelt the best, to make the teeth ■pine, ' Look again, my dear sat, at the Ill Are scmine, Then try this great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And sec if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine Dr.. , Titorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' and becoute.acquatnted.willt the Ingredients of its compo anion, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wasl:es now In use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID AUNT, Dentist. I take pleasure in stating, batting made use of . .. Thorn's 'Pea Berry Tooth Wash,' that iris one of the best den triflers In use. Being in a liquid form, it combine? neat ness with convenience. White it cleanses ,the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, lit perfume yelds a fragrance peculiarly- desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M.D. ' The undersigned have used ..Tho-n's Compound Tea Berry ,Tooth Wash,"and have fonnd It to bean extreme. I, pleasant dentifrice; exercising a Mast salutary influ. ease over the Teeth and Gum.; preserving those Indis pensable members front premature decay. preventing the accumulation of Tartar. and purify ing the Breath. Day. fag thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re. commending it to the public, belieeing it to be the beet ar ticle of the kind now in use. .41 ROBIERTSON, J2IMES P JACK. ROWT H PEEBLES, CHAS B SCULLY, C DARRAGH, J M MOORHEAD. JAS S CRAFT. 9L JUNO WALT, L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN. A potheca• ry and Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and ikt all the prlnelpa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical Agen • y, 4 Foutth 'street. sep 0 FEN' A L t ES.—Tliel cm a lam gm' cia.s ot retiue,. an thisCityWho from their continued sitting, to which thek occupitiorisobliget betn,are affected with costiveness skiiich gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex• ertion, sense of.hea witless extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling,in the bow• als, sometimes°. sense of stitrocation, especially after Meals' when any riextiou Is used, as going quickly up' stairs; tempre tickle; these are symptoms which yield al once to a few dosesof the itrandreth Pills The ocra. zonal use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even thrre of the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, arc of en found flighty beneficial; many use them very advantageously ill this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels tb a proper condition,enliven- the sptrik, Impart clear. Dm to the complexionourify thelilood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. ' 'gold at Dr. B-audreth's Oftire. in the Diariiond Pittsburth—Price 25 cent.) per box, with full directions. id A lIK,The only place In Pittsburgh, velere the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. tee; Diamond. Sep, 10 -- - Dr. Leidy's Teller Si; Itch Ointment. FOR the cure of every iartely of 'VETTER , t he ITCH, and all diseases of the Skin, has proved itself more 'efficacious than any other preparation for the &line pur 'Tose In Ose. . . ~ . .. . , . .T.Tpwarda of fivelinnared 01'1111e:31es might be procured .and pulifisfied of its efficacy drum School Teachers. Pro. prielors of Factories. P.trent=, Guardians, Child Nurses, Captains of vessels and other., %vete it not for the deli cacy in liavil_ t hei? 'names - published in connection v. till iucb disagreeable aretitons. By the use of Dr Leidy's Teller Ointment in eot June. lion with his extract of zzarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he willuarantce to cure any disease common to the skin, *ow cr haiL Graf howevestour, standing. or refund the -mon 2 'There are however vet y few InStences but can Iligteureti by Mel:Ham:tent aim.. prise 2.5 eespr it Bee. . • Prenared only4t2d sold wholesale and retail at lit Lei jig's Health Ediporlutn, 191 N. second st. Philadeinhia, 44.0.113,1g:...e.tairirESTOCK.:0;- Co. corner of Wood ' ENstifsiOleti,Asents.tbr Pittsburg. !July 12. :PITTSI3itfiGH. LARD OIL MANU - . ' FACTORY. Pr flEsetteiwibertveuld reepectfully inform the citizens JL. Allegheny and their vicicitics, that he has cmmeneed manufacturing the article of Lard 01 and Canates. He intend= making but one quality, which .• Witt equal the best made in the Union and .not surpassed by the best winter strained sperm oil either for machinery or horning, without Its offensive properties, and one third cheaper. THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED To BOER' IN ANT TEMPERATURE. The subsea. her wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that it is not necessary tepareltate any new tangled lamps that are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to burn the lard oil in. Persons•vvishing a pore and brilliant light carrobtaie it by calling at the old Etand,3d street, nearly opoesite the Post Ocoee. U. C EDBY. The attention of Wholesale dealers, Churches andi mai chintsts respecifullysaticued. N. IL—Alt theterreht ail! bear the manufactu G rer Jen 2; 1943 4 I Line on . INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES. The public has long wished for Individual competition . in Transportation nn the Public. Works, by which alone it can he freed from nuneceetary expenAes and reduced to Its lowest rate!; that wish will now he realized; the j State of Pennsylvania having placed frocks on her Finn l Roads, Indivldua,s owning Portable Boatv are enabled [ to bid fbr the : earrylog trade and ottcceitsfully to coin• pets with enittpatree. This line iscomposed of Twenty new, l'uur Section ! Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command them and well known as ewer pr'tsing, industrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of Ilia Portable Boat over every other mode of Van:wort:llton, lire too well known to shippers generally, to requlre, comment; SO r- I ; lice it to say. that the detention, lois.separation and dart ago ti; Goods.invarmilly attending three Traashiatatats between Pit isintigh Rua Phisdelphia ere by the Portable _ . Boat most etTertually remitted The Portable Boat p tssesses the great advantage too, of being well reatilated and cool in Sullener; witch pre. Cants Flour from soaring, and Bacon and Tobaccufrom sweating. II • Devine, standing as he doe+, between the owners of tZtlatiA a oci the Boat nieu who carry them, and eqaally lot Crested ill protecting the interests of both, will make no prumkes lothe ',utile he will not fit itlichlty perform. He is now prepared In receive and lanyard Produce to Philadelphia. Battidtore, New Ydrk,vind Boston in the shortest time, anti pledee's bionvief to enter Into uo.corn. bleat ion with other Lines,hut always stand read) incur!, out the principlesof his Line, and contract for freight on (hearty lOwest terms. Ce:rro give andoutoed security to owners and shippers of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected, by which all mereltandizi shipped by thia Line will be I it , need without any additional gsprinse i o the owner. H. Deiittie will receive all produce Consigned to him at Pittsburgh, pay freight and chards to meant Boats and forward the satne tottliopt delay to Philade , plita, Baltimore, New York, and Boston wltliont any charge for ndvancing or cominkelon Whf irCAND L ESS H DEV,INE A:cot, No. 43 Water Ft., Pittehnreh. T1110:3, kOR Fll .1; A:eiit, 272 Market st r eet, Philadelphia. MOORE 4, 7 ASE Atentr. 73 Elowley's Wharf, Baltimore. BOWEN 4- 11111 SERB, A:enta, Ciiirinoati, Ohio CULVER WOODBURS. Ageol. !Madonna Ind, Thos Mc 1D %NI, /1. fe . A :rid !llarch 10 .Ire-12. 27 Old slip New Yo Ready Wade Coffin Warehouse, Furth St . 3 doers/row the (1 S. Hank. WM. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, R E 4P Ee' l had re `FULLY informs the motile that I e nt.)lCtl his ready made coffin ware. 'house to the holldloz recently ,cruplud by Mr. R. C. rterford, directly opposite his old cued, where he is always aretored to attsad promptly in Noy orders In his line, and ky strict att. nt .an to all the details of the business of an Undertake , . 'le hopes lament public confidence. Ile Will he prepare° tt •t.t.oorrts to provide tlearAert. Bier,. ( ia.re and t.ery rrontsfte on the moil Illmr rat ic,nis. Calls front the .ount y will lie promptly attended to. the residence is in the saute buiidme. with HP wart house, where Illo.se who need his servlcemo um .t find his at any time. R [MI [NCR W. W. IRWIN. 111DOL RIDDLE, 31,130 k PATTON W. O.3I'CLCRIE, nannis imp 10 VARN volt SA L£..—The undersigned offer. for sate JIL his farm, lying In RO,s Township 41 mites I rout Ihe City of Pittsburgh, root altting 114 nerve ofla nil of whirl, 60 ale cleared and under fenre, I mlsto :0 acre of meadow, 2:cod Orchards of Annie , i few Pearl; and Cherry tree.—the Improvements are a ..tree frame boy -1 , containing 10 rooms wef1ft1I11,141140, 1011646141011 7*„ n Ta vernAgOrl . .. *o4o44.letisike Aim ts-11 0n e aid •Blitaint; pods 04 other out, !Atari so i t Oka:foe - a ianimeat:-.23o4.eartiMut sueniiitded wit I, ci.icaut iiislaus.aad a .well-stf-Jasuefiest wa‘eiNfith h pYm tu:it Ibe "trost,door. fit 'Marion W the Plush. r 2 aft t Allit:hemy market, there is no place now of erPtl for ;;Ve with morelndurement to tho:e winMng to port Ita.r near Pit tsltureli, l Ire terms will he rude moderate, foe further partirutarsapply to t tie ornp, ietnr at ht. (7tothlie, Shore, Liberty st reel, corner of Virzin A iler . LAWRENCEMITI'IIEI.I.. Ii N. R. If not sold before the lot of October Jest. will be divided into 10 and '2O acre lots to Ault pur.-101 nor,. ger, Regular Blorninit Packet for Beaver. rffillE at running and well katowr T Strainer s:=VAPA- : C LEVE LAND, .111 RP nr.xrnit.t.. Master, will depart daily from Pitt— burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Benver at I o'clock P. M For freight or paisage, apply on board. or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No GO ‘Vaier struet. N. B.—The re2u lar canal pa(Ltl to Clevelano Ohio Greenville and Meadville. Pa ; and Ma•silton Ohio canal, eonnect:na with Wainer Cleveland at Ben Yer,will he in operation lininediatrly on openios of or. v• igation, war '6 -It PILLS cured by the tee of Dr.'llarlich's Compound Si rengt hening and German A perictit Mite Dr. Hartlch—Denr Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency from yiin for the sale . of your medicine, I formed an aronaintancewi•h a lady of thi• place. who %vas severely afflicted with the Piles. Poi eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent p a inful a ttnek,i, and her physician conaidered her case so complicated. that he very seldomprescrilted medicine for her. Through mypersuasina.sp e c . nmmenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cuteil, Yours, tc. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 18.10.Chatnt,eriding, Pa. • 11:70fiice and General Depot, No 19. North Eighth t!rr.ef, , And by Snutort Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood street e Pittsburgh. srp 10 ~..riX- Z :ES t!: -.- .-ii:.tti,t. : :44; 0;r- "Il'hy will ye lire 0 this pwir dying rale?' 44 4 4 R: E. HUMP lIR EP S G ETA' BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES FISSURES, ohe had at rTIA's Medical Agency 81.3 Fourth et. the only agent in Pittsburgh. Fel, 22. AS USUAL. N O sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be . 1.11 Mlle popular, in consequence of its success and ef ficacy, titan it is counterfeited or imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured moulded ',utiles for iris celebrated Teter and . Itch Dint. ment, with the words •Dr Leidy's 'fetter end Itch Olni. mem,' blown in the glass, besides cbstaining Iris written -rignature en a yellow label outside. Dr Leidy's Teller and Del; Ointment, has proved more r Mcaciuus than any other preparation for Teller, !tell, Dry and Wain!? Pimples or Pustules, and discuses of the skin rleperally, I t has been employed lit srhools,factori ts, and on board 'muck carrying passengers, where children. as well as 1 grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their Contagious flat ire, with the most unexampled suceesq certificates and recommendations have been heretofore published from them, and numerous (ohms might be ob. tinned tor publlcation,but for the oiled ions most persons have, to Navin_ their names published in connect ion with 'Such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instance has it ever been known to fall. It has been used upon Infants and by persons of nil eget. It .is perfectly sa*, contains no mercury in Its i consposltion,and may be used all circumstances. , Price Twenty-deo cents!' bottle. Plcpared and sold atPr Leidy's Dearth Emporiuns.(aign niche Golden Ea gie.and f3crpents,) and by E. A. FARIVES IC 4. TOC CO. onef 'bf Wood and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. • joii , 12.,.. , - - A REV. JODM ELL•ro.o. D. *AV. DoELET Witco, D. o REV. WILL/.XI, I REV. JOSEPD VEER, R110.3•111C11 1:132E1=01 poptagfeis.. Piptsibie,sl ie ti nr4Vnter must be 'adapted Id the nature of the fi,lr on there - en I I floe -aid-peewee' ton , of Ike species. The soil must he ndaired to this seed, or iltere will le no i., cream. The elitnale must have those mailers in it which will suite and keep olive epidemical or conlagiou.' pot ion', or they Will 'heroine eslinenishrd, as a lump that is unsetriplied with oil. :nu It is likewise with the lin sago frame. lk cannot he materially affeeted h} epidenr deism contaglOUs maladies, unless there by those mallets limiting in Inc circulation whicri offer the appropriate soil. ily I urifying our bodies with tlie Bit otofteTti PILL', which t tine :tinnily with those Impurities upon Which rontaglon - feeds, tve may .Iways feel secure, whatever disease may rare around its. l'rne, we may have it, lift it will coon he over. our sirkneis will he I lie affair of a day or two, while thii.e who have hero too wise to use thi , simple and excellent remedy, t it her die, or have weeks perhaps tot:milts ‘.l oicknew,r. :-Mdilen cluing,es from very hot to chilly weather Hie nulnyttrahle to health; and it is a fact universally admit. lei!, that heat nod moisture are powerful agent s In pro. 11101012 ili-10;l,;e. and that congta lit nay and constant wt:T weather are hot li favor Ode to its uyitcral ion; It dom not s'.liiify WIRAT weeall it; it unity he nzue, it clay lie bilious fever; it pia y he yellow lever. it may he dyi , erilary; it mac he rheiimati-m; it may he Mondani.; it any he chol - it may he constipation of I lie towels; It may i.e Info. ovation of the bowls, il may be inflateation of the stout. rich; it may lie a tern it affeci Inn; still it in di-0 is', aid a disease curalile by the flrandreth Pills, lteratise the) remove ill tnipitrities'froiti the body, all that can in ally no niter !red the further progr.s. , of the malady, no mat. ter how called; thus these pills am not only the most oroper me,ticine. hut reneralty the only medicine that nee.l or cluzla to lie used. At the p "sent time it is every man's dilly who wishes to secore his health to use them; it Is lite duty of ever v.one who knows anything of their health restoring poweis,lo make it known in his imme• diale circle, For there are some alarming siltoig, vOlieli tell of tae approach of disen.e. The sudden r Images of temperament nee:note to he feared and guarded against i than any rOatagious m July. The INFLUir.SZ k lids Icft inany.insych a state of weak ness that 'there Is in them a :real susceptibility to he al. iZr.fed by these changes of the atmosphere and rantditions roa'al e hill by the timely use of Rrandreln's Pill., oven now this sitsceroill!ity ran heir a peat Measure I molly eil, and power eiveu 111(1 system to restSl limn. motbilie poisons, and the sudden clioniee in the weattn•r with which it niny he brought in contact during the next fifty days. Nature has formed the bowel. , or i he evacual ton of all unhealthy Immo' s. allit if inan would Ina !:se common sen-e, lie would take care they Performed this office I'M It. fully, If the bowel- , are out of order; if too slow or too fast, a few dos..a or Its LNDRICI7I P1t.1.5 Will 1/6112 than In order. Ask the man who was dying from roost tr ri. irgl bowels what cured him; he tells von, litatnirelli's Pills. Ask him who had tlyien.ary frets month., and every 'mortify had failed; lie will a'so tell yon the Bra., dret it Pillscuredlitin In a week. 'ea 011111 other diseaes. Twrive n ma d r , 11 l p,in. ,ni.l.,•d town in I, it pint of an,. lasses, Cured a lull toy of au nicer or !he rare, A . M. li .vas rapid'y spreading to ll+ ors, and which a doz en doctors had tried to cute, lint could not; it,e poor pa rests wand have eiven hisir they were ty,,rth to have had It cured, lUot every thine they tried did no rood, Until they f. 171 It a te is,miiiiii,l of iliolas,its ever) day, in half a pm) of w belt they had told. d down t welve Brandt ,- 1h P 111:: before ilie *.llOlll of the mote ,s/s was taken the Ore,* wa.. curi-d. AnJ )et some foo:isli pcop'e tall Brandreili'v r il:s a quo 14 medirioe. It wo u ld IT well if tilde w. re a few more •urlill.laCk medicines. Will all your pretro led 'arsapttilla Con/potted: I'lll/ like Illift Brandt . . ti Pill,! Can limy smut ) nu is perKons cuttro, as Dr. firl.irein r.t, 7 I'so they point 0111 10 you people who had !een for ram 1:o. and SI. Vi 711. .• ponce who have been cared by their reniedieii? If they cahoot. Dr. 13randieiti ran ran they point out to von a person whit for twill }earn hind nee., Fiat witlinnl havfnir nerd mn,i- Irine..ir mechanical tr to and V. 11,11, the Brandr" ll t cured in a niontli, and rave iin a% le althe I vzrn..ii in, • as it had when he WWI child. if they Caiii.ol. Orandre;ii rat. Thr Dr:ANN:I:1'11 rt .not Dolt 40 err, rtllru red .to di-rase. 1 .111 IL es,l I.r delioostr.ilid, the timely u.-o llur timid 111 rai I 10 V corr. In a orri. , t,llll ltior Di.todreth will arm l rldri the oittilir coli— c, (ration of 1 . 110 virtue: ailr ftraritlrrth lath hi Or form of :,,r1 1 , 1 form, and 11. if hr nth expoiin'thr r rif the 111, 4 I limit WWI nerr••arilr 6q the ',mil tilt ‘N ETI,Vii RCVEU rg, rarther lhr y Iw internal nr rxlrr rn l .l h:1 j•I .1 I - trivral the r. , iit" r. mutual mrutle nit ,11., e-Ider .mi Shrrtirook, Can mild, who for IwiAiiy t earn war •orrty afflicted with dirt:lee. rvlr.rh r...nie nut hi I li.tehe• and ten L. all over his liody. 1 les ten. it Mem •.1 fire quaker WI 'lt teen et;:ete lee nilp!riOn..nnall) , to Dr. Itroadrirlt, end Ii n o n proved a happy one:melt hist Mx waralha km Wry ' t eller., of hi. rut•ernhle sod trirtenitillts elota,e er••_ , of the flratid” th I'll The use 01 111 e Pa,' lit , Ili Pl!1.1,11 in 03 e,.0.10 )....- ry.I.(CIIII2IC Iltny are made of It e•r heel . - vett ren.l% , s, e• reere 1::n 00 IC wilt 11l lent man homy lend v the nn r, f 1 , u!:111 it them eases ref sick ertee . r, I•olien tier c• nee ot a!eergaltarA ultra enAln_tnnly by rn•nell env of ill . 110V1' 11111$0flAn1 i 1. 1 14 411111 4 pnlin‘ sbnul,l he illy • 14.1: it Will not only Le sitrest tors o• 01 fe•10.11.:. but it 1%01 to a reat teea•ri•e iorreent Ihr err tit tee Cr 01 ronstitni ma'ailirs— it al l rtire:e u r..Lt n .1..• 01 11. e lit lime tuner r.. 111.1 lean 11 A• with all valuer air medicines the 11re:el:rite l't have been .ban riutic rgalnler eilenl. l . I I terse -Oreete•t. eel lee li:retell est-Aced Till. EC I. ‘lll-:1.4.z, w lmh Are ruled I•t each Ln , II 1 , 1 .0101 intrinsic is otkatate•teip as In html defiance Loath future imvalot rt. Now, Menet'. 11 (ICW CS it presents itai If Sly adyrti torment- are taken verbatim, aril ~.Cr! by all the medicine man_ gen of the do , . who inerek take my name nut and Ins rt the name of het' medicine In the plate of limn dreilri, upird in lire nelverti,ement thus streets from nee. Time wilt prove how these etpecirlal lye Urn I lotion ..111.13.11 Sly Falcon, mot. r , .1 11i1.I I than. t e l Li,: 11 mt . 'ife and enct:in• are !1...111111.d Inn I.y tin 11V1:1:- 111 . 1,1 NC riIOVIDENCE., per.inaik le, the preparation of the Itraneltrillytlis, and tie. I ee, ',rope rtie• which have item , fir rend , re; tiepin so pry - u tar, will retell twenllll.lll o .litniniplirrit. It. Mt ANDIIETD, SI. It. The Pr:teethe:All Pill' ore •trl by nor neeni 1.1 I r,ry Ware of importance 1111011j110111 ihr world; trcell er:rlo having a eel elic.tie of agency from Dr. Ilt and rtle, lug of I the:" on the flranddrelh Pitl hoses en: graved thereon. BRA N E I IFS PILLS ore •old at 25 c's. per lens. with full direction. PI Ilia PRI+ , test ()sett s 241 Itrond way, 174 flowery. IBP/ 111111400 firer!. The fol'owlyi: ale duly appointed a:ent, for the rale of the Ryan-limn ('ills in PirTsiltitt.iii--0. It. 1.1111. Stewaristown—Che•-triall4',4 113 u! ri7. Clinton —in• Craniterry •-K. 11. kleKt r. Butler —Lane. Campuell 4 . Co. Prot t pt ct —G. r'ke. IY. irkpai e ick. Perrier•ville—reter Musser. Portersetile John °Weer. Ml. 11, k 1, loppenreett. L ang !. 1114100,0-1 4 C. Ste•ole. West N. winn— NI P. Smith. Ytitiir: - town — alcA lie 4 Co. new 13—W31. eInIGICAI. IN SFRUIIEIN'II,! T. .11cCarth y , Cutter and Surgical instrument ',Maker, Third street. nehrty opposite the Post Office, l'itte bur! h (SIGN 01' THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) rhyslcians. ne•uri=rs and Druggists ran have their in• st rurnents made hy the nuhcriher of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent rilwnis anti Srissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a .mperior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. R. Allartleles warranted of theliest quality. and olthlng done as usual. sep 10 DR. S I'ARKW ETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR Cast of Liter Complaint of 25 years standing. This may certify that for twrnty five years 1 wits af • flirted wilt pain in toy side, tviticli was frequently CO severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the eve and treatment of various P111'1 , 168 n• without any 'imminent bellyful. Dearing of the many cures effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr. Start:weather. I was Induced to give It a trial, and happy to any that it has entocly removed. I h.aes felt no symptoms of it for more than a sear pooh. Northhrldte, ittneB6 30, 1841 A MOS WHITE, The genuine to ho had al TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, Fourthetrcet. Denning's Dire ;-roof Iron Chests. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. J. Desrusri—On Friday , . he 30th oflast montli.about 9 o'clock at niaht.the Ptaning.Grooviriz and Sash titan• ufaciory, owned by Cay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all consu. rued by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was In the most unwed situation din ing the fire, and was entirely red hot —I am pleaked to inform you it was opened at the close of the fire, and all the books, papers, ke.saved;—this ti the hest recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. oct 24—t THOMAS SCOTT Adainve-RatOst SIEWse WtYE now been before he pntnic 3 years dtt• ring which time several thousands have been sold and In daily nee, We are confident ef being sustained In saying they are he hest Coffee Mills intim Unbed States, any way yoa . ...fic ti.' Eeveral modifications arc madeto suit the ftney of wives and Ibe purses. if husbands Sold !Iv the gross or (tarn at the manufactory.--- Malleable Castings nnyle to order. FMRBANKS'PATENTPLATFORMSCAL IS These ;genuine articles, of all awe, and most improved varietie4,constantly on hand anti for sole ni very tednrea orlees by the. manufacturer, L R. LIVINGI 4 TON. mar 2. —t( Front isetwecn Ro4s and Grant std. REMOVAL. HOLOSHLI' iL BROWNE IFIA V E removed thr: raper Store from Market E. street to Nn. 64 Wood et reel , o ne door from the corner of 411, Where they It, ep on hands their II 1.1111 las "Ailment of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors. en tries, chonitters. tc. and also PRINTING, IVBITING and ,W R 'TING PAPERS, BONNET BOARD:, 4c nil of w hid, they offer for pale on accommOdatin; terms, frit 14, I f 11 - I'o IN V AAADS. .-1 floty important it that yott commence without los. , of lime with ItnA.Notta-th's They n Ildly but surely remove all iMpllfiliCS from the blood, and no race of sackne , 4 can aft, ct the human frame, that Ittee cele• mated Pills do nut relieve :is Muth uc medicine rue do. Coils nod coughs are gore benentled by the ltrandreth Pills than by lozenees . nod ca [nice. Very well, per• have , . as penal Ives. but wort It toliim: as eradicator- tlt . do:ease4 from the human =y Stein. The ffitatrottict I 11.1.. s core, they do not merely relit ve, they cure rliAran , , whether chronic or recent, infOtliflllg or 01 herwiir, it ill certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pin:. CURE OF .4 CANCEROUS SORE. SING Sixo, January 21.11343 Doctor Lle,jamio Heandectik-Lllottored Sir:Owing to von a dell ol grntittide that motley Cannot pay, I am Induced to make a !mini.. nowtridgenittitt of the benefit my wl'e 039 , der I, ed Irum ycour Invaltoilde pill.. it hoot three years ibis winter she was taken with a pain in ;ter ankle, which .00n beraild• very much inflamed and swollen, so notch so that we become alarmed, an d :sent for the doetur Dunne his atiendanee t lie pain and ...well ing increased lo On a la rni in; degree, and in three weeks from it; first commencing II became n running RGIe.- 51te ronld ill no rest at night the pain wac so great.— Out lirio Doctor attended her for ;II month., and the received no Ircefir whatever, the rain :rowing iirse. Ind the sole la ri.ii•r all the w pile. fie said if it wit- in ,i 1 eit tip ii would he her death, lint Ile a Pflear'J to Ines how t proceed. and my poor wife still r niiiiiiuril In sutler lire most teirliiiii tortures. IVe the.erne. Muni h; oilier aid In a Itinanieal doctor, who said when he first saw it that he could anon cure Die