k:::OAILY . .POST. ____! MUM! MORNING. DECEMBER 1. 1343 Fute..—A ciletructire fire occurred yesterday morn ' seg . , about 4 o'clock, in Pipetown. It originate,' Ina 1 Tavern known as the Kensington Inn, mad although 'she Engines hastened to the ground with their usual aiserity„ such was the difficulty in procuring water, mad the acenbuortible chaructsr of the houses, that the dkunetepread rapidly, and are they could be arrested destroyed four (mime huiklines. The pioperty was sot insured and beloard to Aessrs. .1 oh n Wallace and John Watt. The loss sustained by thew gentlemen, is said to be $lOOO. TOR POOL—We are pleased to see that our citi aens. with accuitornod' liberality and humanity, are malting arrangements for the comfort and support of the pow. during the present winter. There are bun. Areas in our city who will, no doubt, stout in need of the aid of the humane and philanthropic, and it peratislay devolves upon us," to give them the help and succor in our power. The propmitiost adopted at the meeting of Tuesday evening, to purchase a farm for the use and maintenance ()Nile poor, is n measure . which recommends itself to our economy as well as our 'humanity. It has been demonstrated that they ems be supported at less expense than by the present system. Many of those who are compelled to enter the Poor House are aged or feeble persons, cud it is a inestion for serious consideration. whether such a place, even under the best organization, be conducive to the ha:Jib of its dram ties. Were the Overseers and Councils w purchase a farm for their use, the lives of many of them would be extended; the labor would be nothing when divided among the number, and their samforts and happiness incalculably inc:eased. DCKOCIUTTC SU P PER.—We hi another col. !am the proceedings of a meeting held on IVednesdity ovening,at which it was resolved to have a Democratic. ..Suppet on Thursday evening, 7th inst, Mr. Arm etroog, of the Washington Hotel, has been engaged to prepare the supper, and we cnn assure all who are dis posed to be his guests on the occasion that he will pre pare for them a first rule entertainment. Muzak aleethlg. • {'an't furg,et the Shank Meeting at the Washington tFotils ettJe evening. • PUBLIC MEETING. THE Pm,* Hot SE ANI) THE POOR The citizens of Pitt - Awe/ assembled at the Meth°. di.t church, cornor of 7th . iind Smithfield street., oa Tuesday evening, pursuant to public notice, and organ- Losti by appointing hie Honor, the Mayor, Choirman, and M. Robertson, Secnittary. l'hefiAlowinr. preamble and resolutions were sub mitted by Mr. Thoma 3 Bokewell, anti unanimoudy ad •pted by the meeting: SVh -teas, the City Poor Holum aid th lot on it stands are too limited in extent to :ulmit the numer -111,14 p.srsons who, by age, misfortune or di.ease are com pelled to rely upon the assistance afforded by the Poor 'Lora fur tht•ir relief • Aid wbereas, it is btlieced dit t o, the poor • f thiscity sun be supported with less t.spenioupona well selected farm. while their health, comfort and impint:mutt would be promoted by a change ftion the present Poor liunse tits suitable farm near the city, and conducted ►y prudent anti jutliciott4 management: And whereas; by an act of Assembly, approved 9th Mitch.. 1843; the overseer.; of the Poor an• authorized t t !Belittle Pour 'louse and Lot o v b longing to the city, an 4 p.n.:11140 a out t't:e Farm in Allez'ituty roue• ty, b::sp,troyriate,l for the re,ideoce and ittpport of the puler of this city, on I.•r the motion of the City Councils: Therefore, R-tsolved„ That 1.113 srlr•t and c 'lll in councils of this city lie respectfully ?odic: ted to adopt such to •asures M daisy may deem ez:tedient to cant' into eller& the said act of A +semhlv. itessdred. That aconcnittee of 5 he app tined to e , sliseet infornattion relative to the management and di- Y....a110t+ of a farm for th- support of the poor of the 'its'. a Id lay tha sa:rat b.fore th.: councils for their con sideration. The following gmtlemen compose that Committee: Clowles Stealer, Hun. Harmar Itlntty. " Th. . " Win Porter, Joshua Hanna. Esq. The meeting then proceeded to the appointment of Committees from the following wards of the city for the that purpose of soliciting contrilustions nod distrib sting.supp:ies to the suiforing poor of our city during the ICCICIIIeIIt. 5e1134/13, which resulted in the selection of the fitlinetisig gentlemen: rirst Ward—Thomas IllsFuthien, Dr. C. L. Arm ando/J..1094Th Long, John 11. ALA:widen, limber. E. Sellere. Seemed Ward—W m. G -urge Wt min, J. Cultart. M. Biirelan.l, S. thin Ward—Jmmei Nlmanoth, (libriel AtlumF, John MeEwea, Ithn W. Blair. Hears. Ftistra {Surd—M. Allen, M. It. b..re Mn, AWL Glrilon, M. Whitmore. The above namoil %Van!, Committees will meet at the au w.l of Trado Readid; ZPORIStra Friday evenin; a tut it TJ'tilutk. Punt:Yell atteralliwe is particularly Youvresteri. ALEX. IIAY, Chairman M. it 'min )N, Secretary. Lett CHI (: N.—The giant Girl will positively leave ea Sunday morning; those with wish to visit hoe will renumber that SatordAy will be her last day in Pitts burgh. Hundreds visit her daily; ladies had better van in chit afternoon's, as the room is very much crowd ed in the evening's. NOTICI OP" Persons in Pittsburgh, anti vicinity, who feel a) interestin th3"AmEtticAs are inform al that a meeting will be 11..4(1 ut tin U States Hotel, (flewnissun's) on Mandl sy evening next, ut 7 o'clock. Copia; of the "Articles of Association" will be riven. Ls. D. Taoarsßenott, Agt fur Pitts'gh. A PROTRACTED MEETING Is nnw in progresa in the Eagl ■h Lutheran (;hutch, Seventh street. fhe Pastor will be asi.isted by Rev. Mr. Laitataitowsitv, and several other ministerial brethren. Preaching every evening nt 61 o'clock: sumetints for inquiry every afternoon at 3 o'clock. it.%11...- 1 w. Port of pittsburgl). Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam Boat Agent,. Water street. •Irt PUT NINE INCHES WATER IN THE cif Ammia. ARRIVED. 'Daily Beaver Packets, Della, Bowman, Brownsville, Moxattala, Parkinson, :Monongahela cit.), Little Ben, Mason, Cincinnati, Lancaster, Klinefeltor, Utica, Klinefeher, Saint Louis, Mclntire, Scales, Zanesville. DEPARTED. • Daily Beaver Packets Alpine. Cockburn, Brownsville, Belmont, Poe, Wheeling, Lehigh, Price, Cincinnati, Little Ben, Mason, Cincinnati, Moxaliala, Parkinson, Monongahela city. r ep. Al l boats marked thus [•] arc provided with Eva is Safety Goan!, to prevent the Explosion of steam Boilers. The Steam Bost Clutter LL leave Pituburgb on Mira days instead of Fridays, as heretofore. nit alteration has been misdate avoid running en Sundays. For freight rot 'wove apply on board or to lIIRMIN(in M & CO.. its 60 Water it. FOB SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers TT would be well for the traveling CI numunity to bear in mind tlutt their security depends entirely 'upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appal-a n/A. And that every individual makiag such selec tions is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disaster". You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions drat have already taken place, their, almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of livesthat have already been lost, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry fur n Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have wart to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a correspondingdegreeof liberality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not clmrge more thurrother boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving l'huburgh every day, why will you run auy risk, when it is so et impletely its your own power to avoid these did asters. All boats marked thus [' ] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of tillA pallier, are supplied with the Safety Guard. List of Beats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF A GNES, LEXLVG TON, AMAR.I N7'll, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASIIL.LND, MINSTREL. BOS7'ON. MARIE 7'7'4, BRILLIAN7', .MICHIUAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MAJESTIC, BRIDGE WATER. MUSKINGUM VAL' Y. CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUNGO PARK, CICERO, . MESSENGER, CANTON, MON 7'IIOJI ER Y. CUTTER,.. NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE, CASPIAN, NAR AG ANSE TT, CLIPPER, N IA GA RA, COLITAIBUS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, cOLUMBIA.NR, 01110 MAIL, CORSAIR. OHIO, DugUESNE. ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EM.V.I, • PANAMA, ED 11"/ N HICKMAN, QUEEN 11' the SOUTH,' EL DORADO, ' ROWENA, E VEL /NE, EA R EXPRESS MAIL. SARAH ANN, FORMOSA. SARATOGA. FORT PITT, • SA VAN .1. GALENA, ST. CHA RLES, GEN'L BROOK, S7'. LOUIS. GALLANT, 7 . ALLE Y RAND. IDA, TOBACCO PLANT, INDIAN Q UEEN. VIC 7'RESS, ILLINOIS, VALLEY FORGE, J. IL BILLS, JEWESS, WEST ir r.v n, .1.1.1! ES ROSS, WING AND WING, mar 2!.! WINTER CANIPAIGN BrilliantOaroor anitra2recolonted Success OF THE 'CIIREE B 1 DOORS! rplIE proprietor veell known and highly N- J_ eared establishment takes great pleasure in in forming his friends :ilia the public at large that Ica has now prepared nt 1114 SPLENDID SALES ROOM, No. 151. LittEnrY Sr.. THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF WINTER CLOTHING Ever offered for sale in this city. HIS STOCK 01, CLOTIS.CASSBIERES. ru.cir AND BEAVER CLOTHS, CACHMEHE, SATIN AND OTHER vEsTINGS, CANNOT BE EQUALLED. All of which can be manufactured into clothing to or der, and made in as good style, and as tastily and fash ionably deigned at ut any other establishment Is THE UNITED STATES. IT I'S WELL KNOWN THAT HIS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY 07'11- ER HOUSE IN THE CITY, And nt no place west of ail matintaias can purcha ir ro find such a variety of goods from which to select no at the THREE BIG DOORS In addition to his unrivalled stoet of clothing, he has a magnificent assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS. &e, &c. The motto of the "Three Big Doors" is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," And in following out this system be feels con fidentthat his customers aml himself ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. nt; troci.n INVITK THE MAN OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GE ‘TLEMAN, THE MEI?- CHANT, FARMER, MECHANIC AND WORKINGII..4 N To ;an and examine fir them:wives at THE THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151. Liberly stred, AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. 'OBSERVE ME TA L PLATE IN THE PAVEMENT. _.cal na JOHN I'CLOSK EY. Situation Wanted, AS Teacher of French, Spanish, Greek, and the La tin Langthi2e. The undersigned wishes to acquire a perfect knowl edge of the Englis't, so that the recompense looked for will be very moderate, if he could get lesson. , in En glish from those .whom he mayinst met. Ile w its late ly a Professor of the above languages in the Colleges of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. For a character for cotnpetenry and morality, he can exhilit letters of the most respectahle gentleman in New Orleans and Cincinnati. re Reference in this city can he made to Rev. 11. J. J. Dean, of St. Paul's Church, and Captain James May. PAUL EMILE nl9. Washington House, Water st. BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE, LOOK IN AT SOH OYER'S, Corner of Wood and Water es, WHERE as choice an assortment of ready made clothing, cloths, cassimeres, sat i netts, vest i tigs, flannel shirts, drawers, cotton, Angola and lamb's wool hose and half hose, silk and gingham cravats, hdkfs, stocks, and in short, a little of everything adapted to the use of gentlemen, all of which purchasers will find made up, and also made to order in the latest and most improve4lstyle, and at prices which, he flatters himself, will successfully compete with any establishment west of the mountains. Having made arrangements in the eastern cities, he will be constantly receiving accessions to his ahead) well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call, then. if you wish to furnish yourself with choice articles. MrGood and yet Ottap, for 0n5h!,41,15111 ember the place•—eerner of Worid Water meets. tefklas 1 'Auction Salts. John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood wed 51/t sir., Pittsburgh, IS ready to receive merchandise of every description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mos DA Y I Mal THOGUIMA TS, Of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articleA,new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at early gas light. nag 12—y LARGE SALE OF' BOOKS AND STATIONARY AT AUCTION CATA LOGUE of Valuable ..Nli.4lcllaucous and The °logic-al Works, including 840 volumes of popu lar Novels, Romances and Tales; many of which arc scarce and valuable; to he mild without reserve on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, Dec. 2. Sale to commence at 6 o'clock, at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth %t. n2O JOHN D. DAVIS, Auc'r. Assignee's Salo of Dry Goods. W ILL be sold by order of Assiguves, on Wednes: day, the 6th jam. at 10 o'clock, A M., at No 92, Market street, the entire itock of Armel and Aluntz, remaining on hand, consisting Ma general assortment of Dry Goods, among which are 100 pieces bleached muslins, Cloths. cassimeres, cassinets, Merinos, various colors and qualities, Kentucky jeans, Red, white and yellow Flannels, Mousdin delainci and alpaca.., Dress silks and satins. Colored cambric: and paper muslins, Chintzes, ealicoe4 and gingham., Sh.rwls and handkerchief:, a great variety, Li,/ell and paintml lawns. lio.iery. glove, mid -u , peralers, Seurfs, stocks, cravats, Black, lace and green veil:, Button!, spool Coltma, All Of it hid, will be sold witluoit reserve. Sale to be continued on Friday and Saturday, eth end 9th iust., and until all 14 sold. Terms, cash, currency. JOHN D. DAVIS, dl Auctioneer. (Gazette copy.) BEAR SKINS, drei.ed and undressed, just receive ed and for sale by A. BEELEN. os—tf EAS.—Received on consignment, I'2 Chests Young Ilcsnu Tea, 4 Black Tea, 4 " Imp rial • 6 •• Gunpowder. by J. G. & A,GORDON. 11 Water street BerFALo tom; I:F:S.—Reeeived by Little Ben 10 boxe4 Buffalo 12,ntguea, in fine order, direct from the rnountaieo. A. BEELEN. nB-tf BuFF.tl.O ROBES, -llveri , eil by Cicero. a fresh And full supply of all sizes of Rohe.. Apply to nB.tf BECLEN. ~) UFFALO li4Jlll.:s by liner , rube or bat:, for salt Iby A. BEELEN. p5-tf. ~.,„1 " !lUDS. N. U. SeG 111.. just received, and fot ate sale by J. G. & A GUROUN. 027. JUST RECEIVED and for salc on Cuipcipment, bacon, 7 Idols sugar, Can be seen at the store "(Jacob Painter& Co tote '2.9 • J. K. MOORHEAD & CO BAGS GREEN Itto COFFEE, for 1 lu“ , Lv HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co. 41, Wo , kl street o.t ftUUI brtodtlrttcelebratedchoice fu.'uily butter, put op iu full bould keg . Apply to A. BEE I.IA. FltEs clip:micA Ls, Prorip. Pill I ly.iratr, Strveloi t, Vents, Oxide Iti.tnuth nt the Druz Store of JON. KIDD. n Dzocutor■' Notice. A LLpersons indebted to the estatenf Thomas f_7ns silly, late of the, city of Pittsburgh, deceitseil, are re/nested to m eke pnyinent immediately to either of the uitiler.i;:ied, and all persons having elnims against the same. will present them properly authenti cated to either of the inid..rsivied for settlement fIENItY LL(CULI , Peebles Township, JAMES C SSI LLY, Pi . ttslirgh, .1 AM ES 111. 1K ELY, Pit tsborgh, JAMES (: AIM! NS. Pitt Township. n'2s—d i w I to EXCrlllora. Groceries. THE sti.scribcrs respectfully inform their fricn is and the public that they lin‘e commenced the \V I 101.ESA 1. fiItOCF:RI" ANDPRODUCE BUSINESS N. 20, IVood :greet, two doors front the'rorner of Front street, muter the firm of W. J. I lOWA & Co., where they !prepared to supply nit those who may favor them with their fullers, with groceries and Pittsburgh manufactured nrticles,on terms which can not fail togivc satisfaction, WM. J. I 10W A RD, ROBERT RODGERS. n 1 --(lkwitn FOR SALE CHI:AP, Two New and First Rate Steam Engines. ONE is 20 horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot attriki7, wtli he mild with or without boilers. The other engine is 1•? horse power, 74 inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about 2 feet long. 311 inches in ilininetei. These engines are made of the heat ma terints and in the most ,üb,dantial manner, and will he said on arcommodatintr, terms. They can be seen at the warehouse of the subscriber at any lime nE—tf 11. DEVISE, States Line. AMERICAN HAM DRESSING SALOON, FIFTH ST., NEAR MARKET. partner4iip heretofore existing between F. A. Fretiwy and G. G. Frethey having hen dissolv ed by mutual consent un the Ist instant, the business will be conducted in future by F. A. Frethey, who is fully authorized to settle all the partnership concerns. lie respectfullv asks for the continuation of the pa. teenage of friends nod the public generally. n7—lm 131-1 MIS pure Balsam Cepaiva, just received at V the drug eture of JON. KIDD, L'23 Corner 4th and Wood street:. Allegheny County, ss: T N the matter of the udmini,tration account I. s JL of Hugh Tuner, surviving Admiuistra • 5 for of ‘i . illiunt Anderson, dec'd. And now to wit, Nov. 4th, 1843: On mo tion of Mr Hamilton, the Court appoint David S Roseburg and 11 Morrow, Eqrs, to tindit, set tle and adjust the said administration account. By the Court, THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. The anditors will meet for the purposes of their ap pointment, at the Recorder's Office, new court house, on the 13th day of December next, at 2 o'clock M, when and where all petsuns interested in the settle ment of the above account may attend' DAVID GILLELAND, SAMUEL ROSEBURG, n24-luw3t ROBERT MORROW. Auditors. 911 BALES CUBA LEAF TOBACCO, this day "ft/kJ received, and for salo by VRESII DRUGS.—Just received, Quinine, Tar -I: twin Acid, Calomel, Oxide Bismuth, Hydriode Potash. Ex't Barks, at the wholesale and retail Drug Stine of JON. KIDD, nl7 Corner 4th and Weod streets. J. G. & A. GORDON, 12 Water itreet STANDART, INGRAHAAI. & CO., lierunuillkbig and cummliosien 1111erahasis, CLEVELAND, OHIO. AGENTS for tho Merchants' Transportation Coat , puny composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wzishington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. ItEFER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Cuenties Slip, N. Y. R. linnter & Cu. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer Sr. Co., Wilful°, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Clint:land. Charles M. J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Cu., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. Beaver and Warren Packet , Tin.: canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,master. will run as rt•gular t ti weekly packet b,•tween the above named ports. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Weditv_sdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; emmecting with the Singe Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on I,oura, or to DIRMINGII AM & CO., l'iusburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. Zi:Z.41473' 4343. 1843. 1 - 4 1 ARE REDUCED.—I. S. MAIL LINE or STAGES AND RA 11. ROAD C t ui. from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chamber.4burg, llarriihurg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia. emmertitm with the Main train of curs to N. Y. &e. Duly 150 miles stating and one night out. ALw, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. 11.thimore 9. Leave. daily at 8 o'cl..cl( 1. M. (Ake 2.1 .1..,nr below the Alerrhants . lintel Wood it. MENDELL. IVACGII &Co., feL 93, 1813-Iy. Proprietors. The Great Central Route Via Nalional Rood and Balliotorc amid Ohio Rail Road C'oixpany. NEW LINE OF V. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WAMINGTON CITY, BALTIMORRE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK TWS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at t; o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national roa 1 to Cumberland, connecting here with t h e nail road Ct.'s to all the ;dna.° places: Tray elers will find dd., a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be atfinded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra couches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one night: re.: at their option. For tickets, arid ) at out Mike at the Monongahela House. L. W. sTocicrox, feb President of N. R. Stage Co. Regular Packets, fbr Cincinnati. r „ a :Z:4, 7 . 4 1 r r4t The Swiltsure, Hobiuson, later, !ewes net) Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. to. The Cutter,Collius,Nlaxter, Ica% ex rxrry nun.