DAILY POST. rtIUICSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30. 1843 PITTSBURGEL BOARD OF TRADE. MOIMITVRE IQR NOVEMBER. Jaws• Ttiompoon--.Josish King—William Barker A PI OTR ACTED MEETING b now in proper!' in th.: Engl sli Lutheran Church, Seventh street. fhe Pastor will be assisted by Rev. Mr. LEttm.t.sowps.s, ,everal other ministerial brethroa. Preaching evary, evening at 6A o'clock: meeting., for inquiry every afternoon at 3 o'clock. Lisa Otte NC The giaut Girl ‘‘i'lpositividy leave , &madly :rex:ling; those who wish to visit her will .tenssmhar that Saturday will be her last day in Pitts lbeiegti.._ !Hundreds vi.it hor daily; ladies had bettor call in the afternociti t s, as the room is very much crowd ed in , ise evening's. TIMMY BALDWIN IYSTITUTL: -Till. is the namv, of • flourishing Literary Association of this city. It has been in existence four years, durir.g which time the members have made such progress in debate, and lite rary atomises generally, as to place it among the most respectable and Patented associations in our city, ft is to celebrate its fourth anniversary this evening at Philo Flan, end tbn‘e having a spare hour, will pass it pleasantly, and perhaps profitably, by encouraging by their presence the young men who have united them wires for sa laudable a purpose. SIZSSRI. PHILLIPS & SMITE! Cesst.--It was with surprise that I observed in your paper or this morning a postponement of the Buchan 'xi Ma 44 Meeting—the more so that it should purport W be i 4 accordance with the views of committee of :correspondence, and have been done by resolution of cornu t itteo, I b L ve beau informed by more than rase of the committos that there had been no such 'pottin g , ancbdsist the honorable chairman whose name is Istvicbdrr to such noti-.;e, vrauld wilfully permit hip ..powarteto be so used can scarcely be accredited. Per lba?s you can enlighten ECOMMUNICATF.D.I The "..f Hicks of Associalion," as agreed upon by the Fuuriutists of Oldo have been published in the Clintaa nepoiitury. From the lenity% ing it will be seen that they ate :dirt: to test their strength in the west in good earnest: '/Application for memliership, or for stock. (if by mail,.p3st-paid or free,) !Inv be m tie to either of the tillowinzp3rsoni, to each of whom a letter of ins:trot-- ileitis his begin addressed. containing the conditions arid will be regair.ed of resident mem bert,orwham, for the present, but a limited number can be ieceived: E. F. Grant, Canton, 0. Rev. J. P. Stuart, Le Roy P. 0., Mvditin en. 0. L. H. Cutler, Cleveland, 0. Rev. Chas. enikinA, Avon, Locain co. 0. L. E. Bowen, Oberlin, do 0. Gm. Helmick; Zanesville, 0. B. F. IS'illiams, Cincinnati. Jamas D. Thornburgh, Pittsburgh. 11: B. McCabe. Indiana, Ind co. l'u. Albert Brisbane, New York. Horace Greeley, \u'CR'E ai" Persons is Pitt.slitirali, and , iei:dty, %vim feel at interest , in the "A mriticAN PHAissx." are inform ed thatn meeting will he 1.1 , 1 d it the U Statei flotel. (Tiorapsoo%) on Mond .v evening- r::.xt, at 7 o'clock. Copies of the "A rt'eles of Ai:ociation" will be r.it'en. Ja.s. U Tooit or !tam, .I.i;t for Pitts' h. L.V'Eehi Aatiwti./1 Fly,. to 1),.• ticarly a h•indred rows old. They are s: , ..?ippery thilt D. ath hai to grabs good many 613103 before he roe tl/0:11. Fouin B Hton M tit it -Ito; tint !1:, trisl of Wm. AVy:111.1, lit , Pr, .-rzt has resulte(l vcrdi. of Thu jury w din but a relv h. is eurrentl2.. r.y.ttcvd ci a 55 - sin t it to 7 year; iu the Stde l't MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR • Yesteraty toornisg v vatletnaa Rai ling in Menyille street, between Prieur and Raman ,treetL, discovered thatt-thexr.mnri few f...et from the street, had recently basso remayed. Prompted by curiosity, Its procured a spati2 and after displacing some of the earth, he discovered the leg of a female. lie imm-diately no tified Captain Youenes. of tir, First Municipalit y who, accompanied by the coroner, praceeded to the place where the body was disc )verod. and caused it to be disinterred. ft proved to ly• a white It na le, abort twenty-five or thirty years ',rage ; very Stout built, zippu randy belonging to the lower c!as, of ,:oc , iety and of Irish iilsecsia. The ba.ly was cloth is a dark calico drsas and wrapped u? iu flannel,and aLi beta so as to maw it to kw dap sited is th..e was about four feet long and three feet ih , ep. The hod) teal re maved to the guard-house of the First Monicipality, where the Caroaer It^ld as holiest of j.try town it.— Urn examinatiiia, it appeared that several blows had been received upon the head, one of them of force euTt.7.i..nt to cut the scalp right through. The eyes were also blackened.° The body is rityporeal to have lain in the gr mad about four days. Notwithstanding these marks df violence upon the b and the mystm loos manner in which it was buried; the jury wete forced to return a verdict that the ducesed came to her death in a natural manner, as the wound was not of a //attire to have proved fatal.—N. Orleans Bee. The earns paper of 11th inst.says:—The :ink is yet a Mystery. The woman it appoares was the wife of Lee, .who was convicted some years ago, in this city of a trims against her of such a horrid character, that the people of Baton Ro=t took him out of the hands of the sheriff and Potterdzed him before he was I allowed to enter the penitentiary. It is said that. Lee I was seen in her win tang the day lx!forc her bo,ly was found. Port of Pitt9bur9l). Reported by bleble . and Mitchell, tie)teral Steam Boat Agents. Ti'aler sirrel. 6vs¢r WATKRIN THE ARRIVED. • D.sily Beaver l'aekets, Lehigh, Price, Chichi/mil, Mayflower, Foster Cincinnati, Belmont, Poe, Wheeling, Alpine, Cockurn, Brownsville. DEI'ARTE.I). "Daily Beaver Packets !Majestic, Bennet, S.Mit *Neptune, Decamp, New Uric:lm , , Oolla, Bowman, Brownsville: Belfast, Ebbert, AVheeliaz. 'All busts marked thus [*] arc prol Med with Eclsus' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of steam Boßer6. Par Arkansas River THE fast running steamer EVE LINE, BROWS IRWIN, Mae ter, will depart on Thursdnv the 30th. Jai ! instant for Little Rock, Van 'Jaren, Fort Gibson and Fort Smith, Arkansas, and ull intermediate Landings. Forfreight or passage applyon board or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., No 60, Water street. N. B. Capt Irwin having commanded steamers on the above River and is well known to the business men on the Arkansas, mad can be strongly recommend ed to the traveling community and shippers as a good, safe, business man. n 23 The Stesua goat Cutter lATlLLlearePittsburgh on Mare V V days instead of Fridays, as heretofore. This alteration has been mute to avoid running on Sundays. For freight oe passage apply on board or to BIRMINGHAM & CO . 60 Water at. A M E3lli - F. OP COMM tris::: FOIZ SAFETY, Travellers should select Boats provided with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing Explosion of Steam Butlers TT would be well for the traveling community to 1 bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. And' that every individual making such selec tioas is contributing towards a general introduction of an invention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to he a sure prevent:l.- tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost (Lily OCCUITeIIee, and the thousands of lives that have already been lust, a suffi cient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with correspondingdegree of liberality', and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu man life. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving ' Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so cmmpletely in your own power to avoid th ,,, e di aster:. All boats marked thus[']in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part uf this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guard. Lisa of Boalo provided with Vie Safety Guard. ALPS, LADY OF 1. lONS, AGNES, LEXINGTON, AMARANTH, LANCET, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL. BOSTON. MARIETTA, BRILLIANT ; MICHIGAN, BRUNETTE, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER, - MAJESTIC, BRIDGEWATER, MUSKISG UM VAL' CADDO, MISSOURI MAIL, CHARLESTON, MUNGO PARK, c rc E RC). mEssEN G ER MON.TG OM ERI, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELII, NEPTUNE, CASPLIN, NAIL-1G ANSET T, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBUS, OSPREY, CLE VELAND. ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, 01110 MAIL, CORSAIR- OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EM M A, PANAMA. EDWIN Q UEEN (f the EL DORADO, R OWENA, E VELINE, RARITAN. E "PR ESS MA IL. SARAH ANN, FORMOSA, SAR.I FORT PITT, SAVANN GALENA. ST. CII , IPLES, GENT. BROOK', ST. LOUIS, GALLANT, TOBACCO p N T. INDIAN QUEEN. VIC TR Ii,LINO V.t LL!. I" FORGE, 1. 11. BILLS, VIOL 1, JE IrESS, WEST IT - LVD, .JAMES ROSS, WING .:A7) WING, mar 2-2, 'WI ',TER CAMPAIGN! Brilliant CarcoranlUanraccl2atelSn:.ccss TllitEE 131 1)001t4' E Et %or .a vet ta!“.; freatp!em l ,r frien.l, at larpt ne N v preit.:Td at his SPLENDID SALES ItOuM No.ISI.I.IuRTY Sr., THE MOS7' 31AGNIFIGEN7' SToC OP WINTER CLO7'III - AU list offered for Salc in this city. HIS M . l OCR CF CLOTHS,GASSIMERES, PILOT IND \ VER • CLuTlis, CACILMERE. S \TIN AND OTHER VI:STINGS, CANNOT. BE EQUALLED. MI of can be manufacttaid into clotlung to 61 (kr, aad made in n 4 good style, and In ra.,Tilv a❑d fan iunably deid'Arked 114 at any other e4tabli.:lonent IN THE UNITED STATES. IT IS WELL KNOWN THA7' LIM PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTH ER HOUSE IN 7'HE CITY, And runs place 'west of thi mountains can purchasers find such a variety of goods from which to "elect a/ al the THREE BIG DOORS Iu addition to hi, unrivalled stoc . : of clothing, lu has a magnificent tßsortment of HANDKERCHIEFS, SC IRES. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &e, fir. The mq!to of the "Three Big Door," QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." And in following out this sr.tein Ir leok con fident that hi. , ro:tomers and hirn,r4 ARE MUTUALLY BENEFITED. HE WOULD INVITE THE MA N OF FASHION, THE PROFES SIONAL GE TLEMAN, THE MER CHANT, FARMER. MECHANIC AND [VOR KING:VA N Tu cull and examine for tlwm.n.lves nt THE THREE DIG DOORS, No. 151. Libcri AND THEY MUST BE SATISFIED. OBS ER VE METAL PLATE IN THE PA VEM EN T. Aj JOHN M•CLOSKEY. Situation Wanted, S 'Coacher of French, SpaniA, Greek, and the La tin Ltingaiti,ge. 'lheund.msigned wishes to acquire a perfect knowl edge of the Englis'i, soling the rermnpense looked for will be very moderate, if he could yet lessons in En glish from those whom he mayinsi met. He was live ly a Professor of the above lanztrig - es in the Colleges of Baton Rouge and St. Charles. Fur acharacter for competency and morality, he can CAllitit letters of the mast respectable gentleman in New Orleans and Cincinnati. Fettererence in this city can be Juide to Iter. 11. J. J. D...an, of St. Paul's Church, mai Captain James May. PAUL EMILE 'I . lIEVEAU, ol 9. Washington House, Water et. BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE, LOOK IN AT SCU OYER' S COrtlt7' of Wood and Watt. r six, N/ATHE RE as choice an assortment of reudy made clothing, cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, vestings, flannel shirts, drawers, cotton, Angola and lamb's wool hose and half hose. silk and gingham cravats, hdkfs, stocks, and in short, a little of everything, adapted to the use of gentlemen, all of which purchasers will fii.d made up, and also .made to order in the latest and most improved stele, and at prices which, he flatters himself, will successfully compete with any establishment west of the mountains. Having made arrangements in the eastern cities, he will be constantly receiving accessions to his already well selected and seasonable stocks. Give him a call, then, i f you wish to furnish yourself with choice articles. lap' Good and yet Cheap, for Cash! 44111 Remember the plitee--eerner of Wood - tind Water streets. 026-6 m auction .salcs. John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCIPT, Comer of Wand and 51/t Pittulatrgli, Is ready to receive mercha - ntlize of every description on c.ntsignment, for' public or private sale, and from long experience in the above businvss, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular gales on MONDA Y 8 and THUR.SDA. I'S, of Dry Clouds and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug 12—y PRIVATE LIBRARY OF BOOKS AT AUCTION, AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth streets, this eveniug,Thursday, Nov 30, at 6 o'clock, will lie sold the private Library of a gentleman leaving the city, among which are some valuable , A.urks on various subjects. n3O JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES A T Davis' Commercial Auction ROUITIR, corner of Wood and sth streetA, thistly, Thursday; Novem ber 30. at 10 o'clock, A M., will be sold a large lot of Broad Cloths and other Dry Goods in pieces and r,rml4 nauts.cotnprising blue, black, olive, brown, and steel mixed Broad Cloth•. Cassinetts and CassimereA, Cali— coes, Mnslins, Airaccas, Merinoes, Illankaes, Fancy Fllf and Shaw &e. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Furniture. 1430 JOHN D. DAVIS, Auc'r. LARGE SALE OF BOOKS AND STATIONARI AT AUCTION C . A T A LOGUE of Valuable. Nliscrllaneoui and The ological Works, includin 890 volumes of popu lar Novels, Romances and Tales; many of which arc scarce and valuable; to lm sold without reserve on SATLjt DAY EVENING NEXT, Dee.. 2. Sale to commence at 6 o'clock, at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth st. n 29. JOHN D. DAVIS, Auc.r. BEAR SKINS, drc:sed and undresse.d, just reed,: ed and for sale by A. BEE LEN. ns—if LAS.—lteceived oil conAivinient, 1 - 2C:bests Young liy,un Ten, 4 " Mick Tea, 4 " 5i " Gtipowder, by J. G. & A , GOII DON, fief, 13. 1.2 Water street. 13 UFI' A U LO TNG I 'I:S. —Received by tittle Be n 10 buKei Buffn!o Tongues, in flue order, direct from the niuuntairs. A. 1.11:1:LEN. n3-tf 17FEA 1.0 HOI:ES.• —11. , -eire,l by Cicero. fret an.l of all sites of Robe:. Apply to nB-tf A. ISEELEN. L`I'PALO flOßLjby.iu,lerubenrbal: , i.)rsalc ITV A. 1312 EL EN. II II DS. N. O. SIIG llt. jil , l ful 'sale Ly J. tJ..I A G., )I{I)UN. TUST RECEIVL ~ D and for sale nu cro.i-,;nlncla e 7 Mid: b.,-,,n, 7 lihd+ 1 , 173 r, Cun h. gi.cn at the t 're •If.rar , ,l, Pui:0.(1 . .C, - .. Co J. K. )1001011; I,D Cu. .9hri BAG"; IiUt!:EN aft.) COFFEE. for sale V 1.1 HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO. Vt. ..tr.•ct ——— Art r I ,r: I, ,r cr,„:, b.::: •, I.u; / _ . I,IL . ) • 111'r: r , •••is, 1 1,1 •3 11.\11_,MlN,Ji:N.N1N(;S IVood !. if trar• prt•ve"l thvilra, *1 :t...1t• :1111.ctril aah a sir_:l. Aavi ;' , •;...+i It ~ 17 1' .1 hvii B 4 ;!il:\ d a.: i• Ll . l, 'le' 1.1/ I) 110 \ IZ.G11N:•;!' Bkft; kINS !:. ) fd . ••• , 1,1. an.l 1. 1,11. SUWI.3.ItI Sce for Vole,a 4 h - t. J. Mc(I.()NKF.Y. %I' TOBACCO, y cit • A toe( Ived, 3id Aa.t• I.V It 1•:!•;11 rretdsed, Q•ani.te, Tar t Oxidt, I.;i:tnuth. livdrinde Bark,. at the ‘vitu:c.,..ak and r , t til a; .10N. NUM, 1117 Curanr 4th and 11'rod stirete, -250 b'4l Ncr I t I,tr s-z!e. Impure of IIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 11'oo,1 street. FRESH CIIEM IC A IS, &c,—Rel p. Pill, II vdraz, Srrcrfr . cil, Vera tra , 0 \ :it r 11« Drug Store of JON. KIDD. nl7 Executors' Notice LL pet-soils inilebtorl to the estate of Thinnas Cus silly, live iiity Pitt.horizli, aro rnipici.terl to make payin-to inoniNfiinnly to viiluir of Ow iludliNigirid, and ull persons log claims against thn will fir . ..scot them properly autliviiii ciited to rith-r lit •r:igneil for settlement I I EN It Y NI*CELIA JUGIL Peebles Township, JA NI ES CAS:4II,I'A, Pat4hurrh, JAMES BL.IKELY, 1'414).117,h, JAMES C CUMMINS. Pitt Townithip, n25-citw t m El'er (M.S. Groccrie■ THE su'iscrilleni respectfull; inform their Rica is and the public that they have commenced the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS At No. 9.0, Wood street, two doors from the corner of Front stret, underthe firm of V. .T. IF)winn SZ, where they will bo prepared to surlily all those w I t o nay favor them with their orders, with groceries and Pitt4lairgh mantifietured articlesoin terms hid! can not fail to give sati:faction, WM. .1. 110 W A RD, ROBERT RODGERS. 711 --d&wlm. FOR SALE CHEAP, Two New and First Rate Steam Engines. (INE horse power, 10 inch cylinder, and 4 foot 4tr01.,e, «ill hr sold with or ithont boilers. The fuller ongint. is 1:1 horse power, inch cylinder, 3 foot stroke, one boiler about '22 feet long. 30 inehm., in dininmet. These engines nre made of the best ma terialg and in the most ,ul,tantial Ina 1111er, and kill be sold on accommodm Mg terms. They can be seen at the warehouse of the SUbscrib , r nt any time nC—tf H. DEVINE, U. Stnte L;nr. AMERICAN HAIR DRESSING SALOON, FIFTH ST., NEAR MARKET. THE partnership heretofore existing between F. A. Fret hey and 0. 0. Frethey having been dissolv ed by mutual consent on the tat instant, the business will bs conducted in future by F. A. Frethey, who is fully authorized to settle all the partnership enncerns. lie respectfully asks far the continuation of the pa trronage of friends and the peblie generally. n7-1m 13LBS pure Balsam Copaiva, just received at v the drug store of JON. KIDD, n.?.8 corner 4th and Wood street•. A. :t;:1:1.1.:\ A. DELLLN J. G. & A. GORDON. 1.2 Water .trpe EM!!!!!!=1 ”rl. 184 3. STANDART, INGRATIAM &CO., Forwarding and noromisaion Merchants, CLEVELASD, OHLO. AGENTS fur the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coentios Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chef]; Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Maul°, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. Jelin M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1943-Iy. Heaver an Warren Packet T,- • . THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw.master. will run as regular tri weekly inchet between the abLe.-e named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays., and Fridays' morn ing, leaves IVarren en Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; e.miwcting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, Fur freight or passage apply on board, or to BI RMINGH A M & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY', Beaver. • 2 ; 117 3 9 E - 5 • 1 8 43. 1 - 1 A RE REDUCED.-I'. S. Mitt. LINE or STAGES A.ND iLA IL ROA DCA al. from Pittshiirgh, via Bed ford, Chamhersburg, flarrislmrg and Lancumer, to Philadelphia. connecting with the Main train °fears to N. Y. &c. Only 150 inihot undone night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore. Leaves tinily at 8 o'clorlit A M. Office `2ll door below the M , •rchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, %VA UGH & Co., fel, 23, 1841-Iy. Proprietors. The Great Central Monte Via National Road and Riltimore and Ohio Rail Road Cooipany. kia"ll?‘' t avettr, -.‘llT --,-1:404-° NEW LINE OF U. S. M kIL COACHES FOR WA 3HINGTON CITY. BII..TV , IORE, PHILADELPNIA A`,l) NEW Y,IRK rrIIIS line i. in full op: T ition and leaves Pittslatr4h daily at 6 all k .1. )1., via \Va_shington l'a. and natio.ul road 1., Cten'A.T:LiPd, connecting here with the rail mid Cos to all the tilm‘o plac , •s: Tr-av viers will find t hi; a .ixssly and comfortable route, it being. n separato and distinct Pittsburrh and Cum. berland line. facilities will be itlitrded which have net been heretofore enjoyed. 1:\ Ira coach,.. fnroi.hf‘d at the +liorte.o noti , e with the pri‘il eze of c•oinz through direct or taking One night , r(•.'. at their option. For tickets, apply ut our ill :it the Monongaliyla 1.. NV. STOCK ON, fc'. f. Pn,i,i,nt of N. It. Star, Co. Reg - nlar Packets, for Cincinnati lifirMA • The. Swirt.tin., Nla,ter, leaves every Thtir.il , ty-n! 10 ( , ',•1 , 4•1:,' a. I'l. The Cuttr: , ( 1 ,, :1164:A1:131.7, 1,1% es e,ery Thur,(lay et 10 o'clock a. tn. M 11.•:111e;t, Master, ;eaves r‘ er) Sat urday ut 111 .n. lea% vs every Si/ 1.0 0 . 1'10C:, r )11N 1“011\611A1 S. ('()„ AL,nfq - United States Portable scat Line Depot (1 N 4:n rr•pvrtfldly irforms Lis • 11 rtt.ti •.11.:1 1 /Iv ill--,i11.1t.:.17•1111.1;1`- rtrttl4 to t•,.11-,- Ihr - ',.. I'. the ••,,. Port. 1.1.• • t!: .',7,r.; • ‘V.trellou-o, kit I% A 1 A N: , 1.1111- 1.1 V - ill; t.l Cabal i:i 1.,. itr,l ~z,.1 l'r‘“inlud I I Y.,16 UttNl.oll. THUM \ ' 1 ; BON 111 .I , zent, N.l )111. S I 11 Ilq . l..lz , ntg. 7,5 4—arn. A 1.1. EN 11.1:1 Exci,rn. t .re Br,', r. of IVoo /1.1,,i 77: y'ree'S. SiIVOr And Bank uotr 100,12:11r awl sn'ti. SI;10 Ow I :avcrn chic., for ,ale. Drafts. no!c• an.l ,oncrtr,l. Win. 11,...1 S.: I .‘ , 11.11). .1. l'ai•;ller .14..,41 1,‘,11. Ja m .4 MN. •0. ) „. . , I .1(,1111 It NrCri.ul'wss. .1. It. Nt'D44.111,1. ) St. T. ”11-. W. 11. Pope. Pre4't Bank 11:y. ) Removal T - 3 C kWFIELDIri4 ro.'n ltia marble 1.74n1, j_ ii,1 1:11 ,•,, t in Wl,llll At. opplitr Falme,rock% I /ruff, Storo. wberr Ito will Isrst.t , constrtraly ot, band Tomb •\ mmetitk etc. tip 19-Iyr Dissolution of Partnership MI l I.: partnot - 41111, 11 , T ex.i:ting under the .fair of 1). , S.: ditydi4Aolved hr mutual con4e.d. li. Devitt. , i; ht collect. all sums due to th, wr,rll, ;rid p.ty all claims contracted for the concern up to this date. Pingburgh, Sept. 1. 1843 11. I) reyectfally informs his friends and the that ho still i ontinues in the 'Fran:porting bthdness,and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Bout Line, to No. 45 Water street, next clo m -I,low Lewis 11titellin.oin, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. 11. DEVINE. Dissolution of Partnership THE Partner:hip lirretoforp istii i the firm of Dick E ALEN AS nr: rt. thi, d a y di s , o l ved by mutual coNsent. JAMES DICKEY, Sept. 1, 1343. IV M. G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY resprc{fully informs hi. friends and the imblie, that!): cointhwei in the Tran:por tation at hi+ Warehouse, eoftNER nF LIBFR TY AN n WAYNE ATREETS. Canal Basin, under the name of the hrlependeul Portnble Boat Line," where he• will receive and forward freight to the Ea=t at the lowest terms sept.4-If. FASHIONABLE HAT AND CAP MANUFACTORY, xiNo. 13, Fifa street, between Market and IVood, and corner of Si.z th and Grant as T & 11. WALKER feel grateful to the 1_ • public for theliberal patronage bestow ed upon thorn, and beg leave to:tate that theyare now manufacturing and have constantly on hand a x-ery su perior article in Beaver, Rm.:AM, Neutrin, and every other description of Hat.. Also, a variety of cloth, sealmt and fur cap:; all of which will he cold at the ve ry lowest price•. As no part of their manufactine i: done by machinery, but by the boat workmen by hand, they ran recommend with confidence their Hats. as be in ; •uperior and more durable than those g enerally of feted to the public. Merchants and store keepers can be supplied upon equally as low terms as in the Ea• ern Markets, 1. & H. WALKER. 023-3 m. ir UST Terrived, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick. Nvhirh will hereafter he kept constantly on band and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. mik THE subscriber has just received from the Nur sexy of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia. lot of the choice= t variety of ' , cacti trees, to which he would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN. Liberty et. head of Wood. NEW GROCERY STORE, A l; REINHART, ANTOLESALE aml Re:ail CifloCEß AND COH- H MissioN Liberty street. , ;thove St. Ciair, can at an Limns be miippled :01 G. , ods at fair- prices. A full supply of Landr:.lll . , Garden Sceds always on and for sak, at hi; age :.cc, stow.. of NA 7: I 1 E all kinds of cut, plain nod pressed glass V of d eserip t inns, ran Le purrhased at very rea sonahlr prix +, togptlier with a great variety ofsplendid eat WI:1(1.W 11411t3 fiir steamboats, pr ivate houses and rloirrip•s. 11sn, eindowglass, a superior arti- Ap, n }..losale ant retail. 1 ' er:10:1A W:111d11:: any of tilt" above articles, will do Weil to call ant czar tine for tbennielves, before purchia, sine rip -where. 7'N. B. W m.ch and Time pirca Glasses always on hand. 025-3 m. riSEE lllMES.wouldresprctfialy inform his friends and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies' dresses, Ilubitiand litutels of every description, black; and warrant', them not tosmist, and to look equal to new good.. HO dye.s fancy colors of all deseriptions of silk and carpet yarn. Also, elorms arad restores the colors of gentlemen'. clothing, so as to resemble new goods. Mr. H. flatters him.elf that he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in New York for twenty vearA. All work done on moderate t 411713, at his eitnblishment in sth st., between Wool and Smithfield near the Theatre. L'This is to certify that OSEE HIMES has done work for us, which has fully answered oar expec Lotions, and wo consider him a competeat dyer. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boies J. li. SioirtletT, Wm. Porter, David flail. H. H. Smith, B. F. Mann. Henry Javens David Boies, A. Shockey, jr. Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes li. DEVINE. C.:l. NVINULTY THE snbseriber having, tint-chased and thorringhly repaired these Mit.t.s, is now manufacturing, and kill keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all the different kinds of Nails, Spikes and Brides, etc..— made fru:n the hest quality of Juniata Blooms. and tic Soon as the neces4ary additions can he made to the machinery, he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron, usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 94 First street. near Wood, or at the Mils in the Fifth Ward. will be promptly ;mended to, JAMES ANDERSON. sop 29-3 in lITTNTE.E.N WOOD AND MARKET STREE: , T wouLD tnost reapectfully announce to the citizen , 1 of Pittsburgh and t he country generally, that I harp commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of erery vii rirty. form and description,aLd would solicitmerchants and others to call and examine for themselves, tvt am determined to sell on the most aecommoaating term. for rash, and hope, by strict attention to business, te merit a shrire of public patronage. nog. 19—(lm. QEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within N) miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons diE posed to sell will ?team call atury office, in Smithfield' street, near 4th. soon. J K. 4ENDERSON. for Salt club ero fat, &FARM FOR SALE. AFARM of - WO acres, 12 miles from on the Franklin Road, adjnininr, lands of William Cochran, F.sci., will be sold on favorable terms. 1 . 9 r further particulars apply to I'. Meo AR R I nr2o-Im. 149 Liberty streets LEASE FOR SA LE TIIE unexpired term an. Lease ou part of lot No. 20. situated in the Diamond, Allegheny city. south side. Having a frame house 22 by 26 ea ts, lot 22 by 90, having ten years to run; will be sold. a bar gain. Apply at EGOLF & FosTEn real estate agents next door to the feat office. Farms, &c, far Sale, Exchange awl Beat FOR SALE, about a dozen good small and middle sized and large farms, at from 10 to $3O an acre. For sale or exchange, several 'houses and lots in Pitts burgh, Allegheny, Birmingham, Lawrenceville, &c. (Cr Senora] farms wanted to rent by good tenants.— Per,ons having farms to rent or exchange may advance their interests by calling at Harris's Agency and In telligence office, No 9, sth street. LANDS FOR SALE I,5,F;ARMSeaver 0 o n f ti i , mp t roN s - e u d it la p n b d rc i h n zt ßuti . e i: and high state of cultivation. 2 Farms in Armstrong count:. near Fneport; 100 acres cleared; 150 bearingfruittree4, 3 dwellings, hams &c. For particulars, enquire at my office, Smithfield near 4th street oct3o--dtf Building Lotss4Birmingham. 13 LOTS, suitable for huildintr most eligibly sit uated, and within two rotes' walk of the steam ferry boat landin , z, wilh t Itt prices to suit the times. The terms of payme:.. will he made easy, either for cash or such barteras can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. I'. Peterson, Nu. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. TO LET. TWO STORY brick house, suitablu for a . dwelling a nd Grocery, situate on die camel of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given immedi atelv. Enquire of 011. JAMES MAY. TAR. NVLANE'S LIVER PILLS.—This is to cer tifY that a niece of mine was airy ill with the Liv er complaint, She purchased a box of NleLine's Liv er Pills, took them as per directions, felt much reliev ed, used a second ins, and is nearly cured. 1 believe it was the Liver Pill- that relieved her. I would cheer 'idly recommend VT.anes Liver Pill to those persons Alike Liver is diseased. Jos i7rH BOYD, 1.2 miles from l'ittdnorgh For 5 aleat the Druc zitoro of .lON. KIDD. Corner of 4th and Wood us. l'itte. Freeman's Fire Brick. for Sale. Peach Trees. Landreth's Garden Seeds. F. L. SNOWDEN, 131, Libcrty at., head ut Wood IVNt. PY‘CcH M. BLISS. PEACOCK & BLISS, GriE 1T ‘Vi FERN, PI, IIN .IND Glass Cutting, Establishment, S.III7'HPIELD STREET, NEXT noon To THE Trnrr.nANcE HALL. New York Dyer CERTIFICATE Lippincott Mills. JOHN LE FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DIA.VOND ALLEY Fara s Wanted. J. K. HENDERSON Farmers and Drovers bank 24 " Bank of Lancaster , " Bank-of Reading 14 Harrisburg bank 24 Honesdale " Lancaster Lancaster co. ".... Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pottsville.... .. .11',.nongakela bank of Bremen srilk _Vete Hope and Delaware Bridge etaripany.... 6 .vo rthamplon bank ....no sale Miranda bank T fliotn ing bask West Branch bank 20 York bank 24 No. GO Water a OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairsciae , 1 Clinton bank of Columbirs .. ....... .1 Columbiana bank of Veer Lisbon . .....1 Circierille (Lawrence, cashier),....... 1 ( Warren, cashier) no sale Cinrinn.brinkt Cyrillic: the bank Commercial bank of Lake Erie.... - IS Dayton bank 1 Frani:fin bank of Columbus .... ...... 7 Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steultenroille ..1 Farms-Ts' bank of Canton. 90 Gra 71 g Gran rine '25 Lancaster 25 Marietta ...... Massillon . . Meehanies' and Traders'. Cincinnali Mount Pleas:Pat rtra 7k . Put Irani andusky. . Scioto anta roosicr_. Xenia ... Zanesrille Stile hank and branches_ State Scrip All banks State bank Bank of Illinois, Shan-nerfoum VIRGINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia. Bank of Virginia Exch.7nge bank of Virginia... Farmers' hank of Virginia- . North- IVe4lern bank of Virginia.... Ilerchaitte and Mechanics' bank of Virginia. Baltimore City .411 other Soiree bank 5..........:. NORTH CAROL/NA All solvent SOUTH CAROLINA All solvent banks Aliso:rent bank,. Mobile banks.. Country banks LOUISIANA New Orthrns Lanka. ( g00n)... AU banks. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, N. 'V. CORNER OF WOOD & F/FTD STI. Tim proprietors of the Molts Posy and Atrit- CCRY ♦vD Mstrutrsclt attn. respertfaily inform their friends and the patrons of those papers. that they have a large end well chosen assortment of wirllollolllll araD all cam:l3 Neoessary to a Job Printing Office. and that they aro LETTER PRESS PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Book.s. Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets. I Bill Heads. I Cards, Handbills, Blank Cheeks. Hat Tips. XII Mobs of 33Iauks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bilk trith cp propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most rcasonablo terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our fri e win and the public in general in this branch of our business. July 31, 18434 PHILLIPS & 8911TH. 7 E hare received, and will hereafter keep con stantly nn band, a 6111 cupply r.f Printing Irk. in large and smnH kern, which we wilt be able to Fei , cktoper than it has heretofore been told in this eity. Orders from tho country tantxmpassied by .he cub (tst eAaks) will be promptly sqenslea '• dit - ••• • ' 1 Plinaltirs &muff, la-tf (Are cf re•tind Mstrafactus es. Tank Notts an? Crr4aulle CORAUCCTEM DRILY gy ICRAMEIR, EXO'LLSIEGII rigOrant, con:iwt 07 WOOD AND TS= STS SPECIE STANDARD; 3ferciza7tis J_dA "anuicudicrers . )§ crip Exchange Bank Scrip Currency Eric Bank Scrip EXCIIANGE--.AT SIGHT OA Philadelphia New York.. Boston SPECIE PEN NS L VAN LI. —P/TTS.I3I.IIIOH Bunk of Pittsburgh Merchants and Manufacturers' bank Exchange Do. Holiidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA. Batik of North America Do Northern Liberties - - Do Pennsylvania -...._.....par Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank par' Kensington bank . par fifanufacturers and Mechanics' per Mechanics par. Moyamensing par Philadelphia bank Par Schuylkill ..par' Southwark ..... ".... . . • par Western pat Bank of Penn Township • .)-•• Girard bank. U. S. bank and branches COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown .. . ..... —par " Chester county * •• Delaware county par " Montgomery county _ . par Northv mberland par Farmers' bank of Bucks c0unty....... . pa, Easton bank par Doykstotcn bank Pay Frank/in bank of Washington ....+ 1 Bank of Chambersburyh.... • Middletoern . ............ —24 Gettysburgh ". Lewistown 24 " Suscuehanna county Berkscounty bask .... ........ Columbia Beak and Bridge Company Carlisle Lank Erie bank INDIANA KENTUCKY ILLINOIS MARYLAND GEORGIA ALA ,AMA TEcNESSEE prrpared to crxecnte To Prix' item "" tilL:4•111.11 ..A.t4 24 ....1 --* 4 pribs Pal s par Pal" 24 . ... . ..1 .t .1 1 1 •--.. .. .par .......t ---......21 --• • • •- • ...... 20 .... -- -- --_^S . - - ...... 24 ............a